Curriculum Guide (GRADE 8 - April 2013)
Curriculum Guide (GRADE 8 - April 2013)
Curriculum Guide (GRADE 8 - April 2013)
PROGRAM STANDARD: The learner demonstrates communicative competence (and multiliteracies) through his/ her understanding of
literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD: The learner demonstrates communicative competence (and multiliteracies) through his/ her understanding of Afro-
Asian Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Afro-Asian Culture and those of other countries.
helps him/her to validate listened to. Employ projective listening strategies with longer
information, opinion, or stories
assumption to participate well
in specific communicative Listen to determine conflicting information aired over
context . the radio and television
and economic issues affecting a community
demonstrates joins actively in a opinions, feelings, and attitudes explicitly and implicitly
understanding of the various panel discussion in an informative talk
means on how figurative on a current issue or
and academic language can concern. Formulate responses to questions noting the types of
be used in various questions raised (yes-no, wh-questions, alternative,
communication settings. modals, embedded)
Make inquiries
Quarter 4 Quarter 4 Quarter 4
Arrive at a consensus on community issues by assessing
The learner demonstrates The learner statements made
understanding of speech competently delivers
functions and forms as an informative React to information obtained from talks
indicators of meaning. speech using multi-
media resources to Interview persons to get their opinions about social
highlight important issues affecting the community
Agree/Disagree with statements, observations and
responses made when issues affecting the community
Vocabulary Quarter 1 Quarter 1 Quarter 1
Enhancement The learner The learner Develop strategies for coping with unknown words
demonstrates creatively produces an and ambiguous sentence structures and discourse
(Subsumed in all understanding of the e-portfolio of
domains) strategies for coping with vocabulary illustrating o Differentiate between shades of meaning by
the unknown words and the use of varied arranging words in a cline
ambiguous sentence strategies.
structures and discourse to o Guess the meaning of idiomatic expressions by
arrive at meaning. noting keywords in expressions, context clues,
collocations, clusters, etc.
the unknown words and figurative language o Identify the derivation of words
ambiguous sentence reflected in documents
structures and discourse to with the same themes. o Define words from context and through word analysis
arrive at meaning. (prefix, roots, suffixes)
the unknown words and
ambiguous sentence o Define words from context and through word analysis
structures and discourse to (prefix, roots, suffixes)
arrive at meaning.
o Use collocations of difficult words as aids in unlocking
linear and non-linear texts.
Transcode information from linear to non-linear
texts and vice-versa
Determine the validity and adequacy of proof
statements to support assertions
Literature Quarter 1 Quarter 1 Discover literature as a means of understanding
The learner The learner creatively the human being and the forces he/she to contend with
demonstrates and proficiently
understanding of the performs in a choral Discover through literature the symbiotic relationship
different genres through the reading of a chosen between man and his environment and the need of the
types contributed by Afro- Afro-Asian poem. former to protect the latter
Asian countries to express
appreciation for Afro-Asian Demonstrate a heightened sensitivity to the needs of
heritage. others for a better understanding of man
Express appreciation for sensory images in literary
Show understanding of the text by paraphrasing
understanding of the monitors his/her
different text types and progress as a viewer Narrate events logically
genres of programs viewed (in terms of interest,
to effectively derive preference, and Validate mental images of the information conveyed by a
information and find reflections on individual program viewed
meaning in them viewing behaviors).
Respond to questions raised in a program viewed
The learner The learner puts up a Recognize the principles of lay outing in viewing a
demonstrates model television material
understanding of how production
viewing conventions affect incorporating viewing Explore how colors appeal to viewer’s emotions
the way viewers grasp, conventions.
interpret, and evaluate the Identify basic camera angles
meaning of a program
viewed. Ascertain how balance created by symmetry affects
visual response to a program viewed
perceptions, points of view, national issue as Make a write-up of ideas presented in concept
and beliefs in local, national reference. maps
and global communities.
Use three-step words, phrasal and sentence
outlines to organize ideas
to express one’s ideas, needs, feelings and
Write summaries of books read
ideas, needs, feelings and writes a description of Formulates:
attitudes a process. o correct complex and compound-complex sentences
o correct conditional statements
The learner demonstrates o appropriate parenthetical expressions
understanding of how
language is instrumental in o meaningful expanded sentence (following balance,
communicating thoughts, and parallelism, and modification)
Quarter 2 Quarter 2 Quarter 2
The learner The learner composes Uses:
demonstrates a meaningful and o varied adjective complementation
understanding of how grammatically correct o appropriate idioms, collocations, and fixed expression
grammatically correct composition. o coordinators
sentences ensure an o subordinators
effective discourse. The learner writes a
progress/ interim other appropriate devices for emphasis
The learner report of a program or formulates:
demonstrates advocacy o correct complex and compound-complex sentences
understanding of how the
o correct conditional statements
knowledge of grammar
o appropriate parenthetical expression
enables one to
successfully deliver
information. meaningful expanded sentence (following balance, parallelism,
and modification)
o correct conditional statements
o appropriate parenthetical expressions
Quarter 4
Set new goals for
learning on the basis
of self- assessment
Study Strategies Quarter 1 Quarter 1 Quarter 1
(Subsumed in The learner The learner Gather data using library and electronic resources
Reading, demonstrates understanding creatively writes an consisting of general references: atlas, periodical index,
Literature, and of how to gather data using interesting Cultural periodicals and internet sources/ other websites to locate
Writing) library and electronic Report. information
resources to locate Use periodical index to locate information in periodicals
information that bring about Gather data using the general references: encyclopedia,
diversity and/or harmony dictionary
among Afro – Asians through Get and assess current information from newspaper and
the study of their traditions other print and non-print media
and beliefs.
Quarter 2 Quarter 2 Quarter 2
The learner The learner Acknowledge citations by preparing the bibliography of
demonstrates understanding produces research the various sources used
of how proper citations of appendices following Observe correct format in bibliographical entries
references and materials used the correct citation Use writing conventions to indicate acknowledgement of
establish the credibility of a entries and format sources
report or a research paper.
Quarter 3 Quarter 3 Quarter 3
The learner The learner Derive information from various text types and sources
demonstrates understanding produces a clip report using the card catalog, vertical file, index, microfiche (microfilm)
of how information gathering on the various sources CD ROM, internet etc.
skills and data collection of data collected Use locational skills to gather and synthesize information
strategies ensure quality from general and first-hand sources of information
research Get vital information from various websites
Extract accurately the required information from sources
read and viewed to reject irrelevant details
Quarter 4 Quarter 4 Quarter 4
The learner The learner Use multi step word and phrasal outlines to organize
demonstrates understanding produces a research ideas
of how the employment of paper based on Engage in systematic conduct of a research by going
study strategies coupled with school/ community through series of processes
research skills lead to a well- problem. Organize logically information gathered
written paper Apply the correct treatment of data and the soundness of
research conclusion.