Module2 Personal Selling
Module2 Personal Selling
Module2 Personal Selling
• AIDA and Right set of circumstances theory are seller oriented theories
• Buying formula theory is buyer oriented theory
• Behavioural equation theory emphasizes buyer decision process but
also takes into account salesperson’s influence process
1)AIDAS theory
• Uses strategies in each stage
• A- Securing attention (introduction)
• I-Gaining interest (features,advantages)
• D-Kindling desire (benefit to consumer)
• A-Inducing action (special offer etc)
• S- Building satisfaction ( ontime delivery, service)
• by J.A. Howard
• Explains Buying behaviour in terms of purchase decision process viewed as
phases of learning process
• 4 elements of learning are drives ( innate vs learned ) ,cues (triggering vs non
triggering ,product vs informational)response , reinforcement
• B=P x D x K x V
• Where B = response of buyer
P= predisposition or force of habit
D= Motivation/drive to buy
K= Incentive potential/value of product or its potential to satisfy
V=Intensity of all cues
• Salesman links motives, provides cues, enhances incentive potential
Buying decision process/stages
1. Problem/need recognition –physiological or psychological need.
Internal or external stimulus
2. Information search- passive vs active. Low vs high involvement
3. Evaluation of alternatives –Rational vs emotional factors .
4. Purchase decision— perceived risk .Also affected by attitude of others
5. Post-purchase behavior – also should be monitored. Satisfaction, new
uses, usage problem. Can get qualified references .
Five – stage model for household Eight – stage model for business
customers buyers
1. Problem / need recognition 1. Problem / need recognition
2. Characteristics and quantity
3. Specification development
2. Information search / collection 4. Supplier search and qualification
5. Obtain and analyse supplier
3. Evaluate alternatives 6. Evaluation and selection of
4. Purchase decision 7. Selection of purchase order routine
5. Post – purchase behaviour 8. Performance feedback and post-
purchase evaluation
Buying Situations Faced By
Imparted to salesmen through training programs -to increase their self-confidence, meet
customers’ expectations, increase sales and overcome competition
Steps in Sales Process
uIt is act of identifying potential customers.
uImportant daily activity if company wants to grow and also compensate for attrition
uSuspect or sales lead is anyone who could probably /possibly use our product
u Prospects are those who actually need, have decision making power and have financial ability
to buy .
uCompanies use various lead generation methods
Lead generation methods
1)Existing customers needing new products ,
2)Former prospects now interested ,
3)Referrals from existing customers or endless chain method ( two thirds of leads ) ,
4)Referrals from internal company sources(eg website ,trade shows, teleprospecting,
direct mail, company ads ) ,
5)Referrals from external sources ( suppliers, bankers ,trade association , intermediaries,
commercial dotcom vendors ) ,
6)Networking by salespersons ,
7)Industrial directories ( yellow pages ,by govt and pvt publishers ) ,
8)Indian Standard industrial classification( SIC) – is called NIC .used in B2B
9)Cold canvassing or cold turkey method ,
10)World wide web
Prospecting and qualifying(contd)
uQualifying prospects means additionally screening ( ie not selecting some
eg credit worthiness ,good/bad customer ) or labelling/categorizing by
company for different treatment ( as per bigness of requirement ) .
uProspects are also labelled/categorized as:
uHot(Big requirements and financially sound, very keen to buy immediately,
,highly positively predisposed to our company ),handed to salesmen
uWarm (fence sitters/noncommittal) ,telemarketers for followup
uCool (indifferent ,pending list) ,future followup
uNowadays, companies/marketers take responsibility of prospecting and
qualifying and free the salesmen to concentrate on selling
Sales funnel /Pipeline
Sales leads
Qualified prospects
Hot prospects
• 2A)Information gathering about the prospect-
• Increases self confidence
• Indepth information on prospects and their business, industry in which
prospect is operating ,purchase practices, buying centre, issues faced by
the prospect ,
• Sources of information: the Internet, trade magazines industrial
directories, government publications, intermediaries, annual reports,
existing customers and suppliers etc.
• 2B)Precall planning
• 1)Setting call objectives –ultimate objective is sales but it happens
after 4-5 calls. Hence meet key decision makers ,understand needs,
buying criteria , presentation
• 2)Tentative planning of sales strategy: when ,whom to meet, how
(method/technique), ,tentative planning on which products , features
and benefits to present
• Sales strategy may be changed based on customer type and selling
situation . This type of modification is called adaptive selling
•Takes a few minutes of a call, but it can make or break a
•1)Make an appointment to meet the prospect
• 2)Make favourable first impression-appearance,
attitude and opening line
• 3)Select an approach technique:
1. Introductory approach – Long intro about company
2. Praise/small talk ( breaks ice if subtle and sincere )
3. Customer benefit/buying motive –direct
4. Product – Touch /feel for new /unique products
5. Question- regarding problems faced, benefits sought
4)Discovering and Understanding Buyer’s
• Understand through a logical order
• Have you experienced any problems on quality and delivery from the existing supplies?
• What impact the quality and delivery problems will have on your costs and customer satisfaction?
5)Presentation and Demonstration
The components:
A)Understanding sales presentation methods/approaches of
selling -need to match with sales situations (product type and
buyer expectations)
B)Developing an effective presentation
C)Using demonstration as a tool for selling
5A)Sales presentation methods (Approaches
of selling)
• 1) Stimulus response method /canned approach –
• Memorised sales talk or a prepared sales presentation.
• Same presentation for all prospective buyers.
• Salesperson does most of the talking without knowing prospect’s needs,
• Ok for nontechnical products /non sophisticated buyers/door to door /telephone selling
• 2) Formula/formulated method/mental states selling-
• It is also assumes all prospects are similar
• And can be led through mental states /steps .
• Uses a standard formula – AIDAS (attention, interest, desire, action).
• Used if time is short and prospects are similar.
• Ok when straight rebuy/customer familiar with product, salesmen aware of buyer needs,
simple product. .
5A)Sales presentation methods(approaches
of selling) (contd)
• 3) Need satisfaction method –
• its an interactive form of presentation which begins with asking 4 types of Qs and then does FAB
• used when creative selling /High involvement /new products eg B2B or consumer durables ,
when needs have to be understood first.
• Effective method, as it focuses on customers
5A)Sales presentation methods(approaches
of selling) (contd)
• 4) Consultative selling /problem solution method
• Most challenging and creative form of selling .
• Not only meet the needs but also help customers achieve their strategic goals eg business
performance , quality framework
• involves partnering /collaborative approach to provide their expertise in solving customer
• Salesperson seeks cross functional expertise . eg design ,production /operations
• Used in major accounts / long term contracts eg software / consulting firms
5)Team selling method
• Strategic and group presentation
• Used for B2B key accounts, complex selling situations ,long term contracts
• KAM coordinates sales team activities and interactions with buying centre
5B)Developing an effective presentation -
Success factors in selling
• Selling is both science and art
• Communication skills- managing own (salesperson ) signals and
reading buyers signals
• Nonverbal –eye contact ,posture , gestures, facial expression, overall
grooming ,physical space, handshake
• Verbal-professional tone , pace ,pitch , avoid vague words and
jargon, Positive phrases
• Listening skills -eye contact, avoid interruptions ,distractions,
• Burning desire ,empathy, positive attitude, confidence ,discipline
5b) Developing an effective presentation
(contd) - Dos and Donts
1. Show enthusiasm towards the sales job and customer business
2. Plan - objectives of the sales call and presentation
3. Remove obstacles to communication eg outside noise/distractions and respect cultural
4. Listen and talk less . Two way communication necessary
5. Uncover buyer needs through questions
6. Empathise with buyers feelings ,ideas and situations
7. Build relationship based on mutual trust
8. Managing verbal and nonverbal communication
9. Use technology –multimedia
10. Adapt – to situation/person
11. Features, Advantages , benefits (FAB)
12. Avoid information overload. KISS ( Keep it simple stupid )
13. Also kiss the frogs ( don’t overload options )
14. Use Prospect’s language –no jargon
15. Convince through third party proof
5c) Demonstration
• Benefits are
a) Creates involvement and increases purchase interest
b) Helps to find specific benefits of interest to the prospect
a) Buyers’ objections are cleared
c) The prospect can experience the benefit
d) Reduces post purchase dissonance
• Important to rehearse the demo with colleagues who act as buyers ,ask questions and raise
• Demo has two parts . In first part, explain FAB and how product works . In second part do
actual demonstration/working of product .
• Demonstration can be at home , other customer’s premise , exhibition /trade fairs , technical
seminar , seller’s factory
6) Overcoming Objections /resistance
For example,
1. Check if order details are correct
2. Follow through delivery schedule
3. Follow up visit when the product is delivered - helps reduce
4. Account penetration- meet all members of buying organization
eg users , influencers ,buyers etc
5. Build long-term relationship
6. Arrange warranty service
Negotiation skills
uVery important in B2B selling.
uSalesperson need various skills to be effective in negotiation- intelligence, clarity,
integrity, listening ,knowledge , patience ,communication
uNegotiation may be a long drawn process
u Negotiation on various aspects - prices ,delivery period, payment terms
uWhen to negotiate?-important order, long term customer, When the final price is to
be decided/negotiable, last stage of sale ,buyer has laid condition, when agreement
between the buyer and the seller is needed on several factors ,when the product is
Negotiation skills (contd)
uHow to prepare for negotiation?-
1. Planning ( knowledge of customer, competitors, own policies)
2. Understand purpose of negotiation ( getting higher share of business ,increased prices
, getting payments against disputed bills ,new business )
3. Build relationships before and during the process to ease tension of negotiation
process and collecting info (create trust, be polite and humble ,focus on identifying
and agreeing to problems, share info and ideas to solve problems ,avoid defensive,
legalistic or contractual positions and be ready to make concessions ) .
4. Styles of negotiation-use the right approach
(a) I win, you lose, (b) Both of us win (or win-win style), (c) You win, I lose, and (d) Both of
us lose
Recognize signs when buyer uses win- lose ( gets aggressive, ridiculous offer ,tough
demands , does not reciprocate concession made by seller, ignores time deadline. The
seller should counter this by taking equally strong position, explain why and seek reason
from buyer and stress consequence of failure to resolve issue).
Tips on negotiation- manage your and read buyers verbal n nonverbal language, avoid
sarcasm , blame ,emotional decision , revealing your weakness , instead and be assertive
not aggressive ,stay focused , eye contact and positive attitude
Key Learnings
• For understanding psychology in selling, study consumer or
buyer behaviour, buying process and situations
• Salespeople are given knowledge of sales and relevant
marketing policies in order to increase their self-confidence
and sales, and meet customers’ expectations
• Typical steps in the sales process include prospecting and
qualifying, preapproach, approach, presentation and
demonstration, overcoming objections, trial close / closing
the sale, follow-up and service
• Salespeople should know when to negotiate, how to prepare
for negotiation and which style of negotiation to use