Eating Disorders Among A Community-Based Sample of Chilean Female Adolescents
Eating Disorders Among A Community-Based Sample of Chilean Female Adolescents
Eating Disorders Among A Community-Based Sample of Chilean Female Adolescents
The purpose of this study was to explore the prevalence and correlates of eating disorders among a community-based
sample of female Chilean adolescents. Data were collected through structured interviews with 420 female adolescents
residing in Santiago, Chile. Approximately 4% of the sample reported ever being diagnosed with an eating disorder.
Multivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that those with higher symptoms of anxiety and who had tried cigarettes
were significantly more likely to have been diagnosed with an eating disorder. Findings indicate that Chilean female
adolescents are at risk for eating disorders and that eating disorders, albeit maladaptive, may be a means to cope with
negative affect, specifically anxiety.
Over the past several decades, research has indicated are similar to those found in the general population
that eating disorders do not discriminate against (1.5% and 3.5%, respectively; Hudson, Hiripi, Pope,
age, race, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status & Kessler, 2007).
(SES; e.g., Cachelin, Rebeck, Veisel, & Striegel-Moore, Knowledge of eating disorders among Latinas
2001; Carlat, Camargo, & Herzog, 1995; Crago, Shis- appears to be on the rise; however, much of this work
slak, & Estes, 1996; Mangweth-Matzek et al., 2006). Of has focused only on Mexican and Mexican American
particular concern is the mounting evidence that females. As important as this work is, Latinas/os are
Latinas, a group once believed to be ‘‘protected’’ from not a monolithic group and findings from one sub-
such problems due to cultural ideals of larger curvier group may not be readily generalized to other sub-
female physiques (e.g., Warren, Gleaves, Cepeda- groups (Alegria, Canino, Stinson, & Grant, 2006).
Benito, Fernandez, & Rodriguez-Ruiz, 2005), are at Recent research has begun examining eating dis-
increasing risk of developing eating disorders (e.g., orders in various Latina/o subgroups and evidence
Becker, Franko, Speck, & Herzog, 2003; Franko & suggests that Latinas residing outside of North
George, 2008). America are also at risk, particularly in newly in-
Latina adolescents residing in the United States dustrialized areas where eating disorders tend to be
have been reported to experience eating disorder more prevalent due to greater influence of Western
symptoms at rates similar to (e.g., Granillo, Jones- cultural norms (American Psychiatric Association
Rodriguez, & Carvajal, 2005), and in some cases [APA], 2000). In fact, a recent epidemiological study
higher than (e.g., Robinson, Chang, Haydel, & Kil- examining the prevalence of psychological disorders
len, 2001), their White counterparts. A national epi- in a nationally representative sample of Chileans
demiological study of U.S. Latina/o adults reported found a 1.8% 6-month prevalence of eating disorders
a 1.9% and 2.3% lifetime prevalence of bulimia among Chilean females 15 years of age and older
nervosa (BN) and binge eating disorder (BED), (Vicente et al., 2004). However, another study of
respectively (Alegria et al., 2007). Although rates of Chilean adolescents found that 2.4 – 12.6% met cri-
anorexia nervosa (AN) among Latinas/os appear teria for eating disorder not otherwise specified
nonexistent, the lifetime prevalence of BN and BED (EDNOS; Behar, 2008), a category for eating disorder
symptoms that do not meet full criteria for a specific
eating disorder but present with significant clinical
Sincere appreciation goes to the families in Chile who partici-
pated in the study, without whom this project could not have been
possible. We are also grateful to the research team members in-
With continued globalization of Western cultural
volved in study design, data collection, and data entry. This study norms combined with Chile’s increasingly industri-
was funded by NIDA (R01 DAD21181) and also received support alized economy, it is likely that eating disorders
from the Vivian A. and James L. Curtis School of Social Work will continue to be a problem among Chilean female
Research and Training Center.
Requests for reprints should be sent to M. Teresa Granillo, r 2011 The Authors
School of Social Work, University of Michigan, 1080 S. University, Journal of Research on Adolescence r 2011 Society for Research on Adolescence
Ann Arbor, MI 48109. E-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.1111/j.1532-7795.2010.00733.x
adolescent unless greater efforts are made at from female participants from the first assessment.
prevention and early intervention. In order to effec- Four hundred and fifty-eight females participated in
tively create and implement such programs there the study, but due to missing data on the variables
needs to be a better understanding of the risk and included, only 420 were included in the analyses.
protective factors associated with eating disorders Mean age was 14 years (SD 5 1.3). Participants were
and related symptoms among Chilean female ado- of mid- to low SES. No differences in the partici-
lescents. Evidence suggests that family factors such pants’ age and family’s SES were observed between
as interaction and structure, and individual fac- the 420 and 458 individuals.
tors including psychiatric symptoms and exposure
to media are associated with eating disorders and
related symptoms among female Chilean adoles-
cents (Behar, 2008; Cordella, 2006; Doerr-Zegers, Youth completed a 2-hour interviewer-administered
Petrasic, & Morales, 1988; Mellor et al., 2008; questionnaire with standardized measures that were
Morales, Hernandez, & Dorr-Zegers, 1994). How- pilot tested and validated with the population under
ever, in addition to being limited in number, this investigation (Delva & Castillo, 2010). Interviews
literature largely focuses on clinical samples, which included assessments of interpersonal relations (e.g.,
typically only include those with higher SES who family), youths’ thoughts and behaviors in various
have the means to access treatment. Thus, these domains (e.g., physical appearance), health/mental
findings might not generalize to the large percentage health status (e.g., mood, eating disorders, substance
of Chilean female adolescents who present with use), and other topics not germane to the current
symptoms but do not receive a diagnosis or treat- study. Interviews were conducted in Spanish by
ment. Furthermore, to the authors’ knowledge, no trained Chilean psychologists. Youth assent and pa-
studies have examined the effects of family and in- rental consent were obtained before the interviews.
dividual factors simultaneously to determine which The study received approval from the institutional
are most influential and possibly most important to review boards of the corresponding universities.
address in prevention and intervention of eating
disorders among this population.
The purpose of the present study was to examine
eating disorders among a nonclinical community-
based sample of female Chilean adolescents from Eating disorders. Participants’ response to the
mid- to low SES and to establish which factors are question ‘‘Has a doctor ever told you that you had
most strongly related to eating disorders among this an eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia?’’ from the
population by testing a model that includes indi- health subscale of the Child Health and Illness Profile
vidual (i.e., physical appearance esteem, symptoms (Starfield et al., 1993) was used to identify eating
of anxiety and depression, youth substance use) as disorder diagnoses. Response categories included:
well as familial variables (i.e., family involvement). ‘‘No, never,’’ ‘‘Yes, but NO PROBLEMS with it in the
last 12 months,’’ and ‘‘Yes, and HAD PROBLEMS
with it in last 12 months.’’ We were only interested
METHOD in whether participants had ever been diagnosed
with an eating disorder; thus the two responses ‘‘Yes,
but NO PROBLEMS with it in the last 12 months,’’
Participants for this study included adolescents and and ‘‘Yes, and HAD PROBLEMS with it in the last 12
their families who had previously participated in a months,’’ were collapsed into a dichotomous variable,
study of developmental and behavioral effects of ever (1) and never (0) been diagnosed with an eating
iron supplementation (Lozoff et al., 2003). The youth disorder.
and their families were contacted by project staff and
invited to participate in a two-part assessment of Anxiety and depression. The Child Behavioral
health, mental health, and substance use among Check List-Youth Self Report (Achenbach &
community-dwelling adolescents and their families Rescorla, 2001) was utilized to assess for symptoms
in Santiago, Chile. This is a collaborative study be- of anxiety and depression. The original measure had
tween the University of Chile Institute of Nutrition 10 subscales, 2 of which measure symptoms of
and Food Technology and the University of Michi- anxiety and depression. All the items of the YSR
gan with funding from the National Institute on begin with the following: ‘‘Below is a list of items
Drug Abuse. The present study only focuses on data that describe kids. For each item that describes you
now or within the past 6 months, please tell me if the were ‘‘talk with you or listen to your opinions or
item is ‘very true or often true,’ ‘somewhat or ideas,’’ ‘‘eat meals with you,’’ and ‘‘did you and your
sometimes true’ or is ‘not true.’’’ Response options family get along.’’ Response options included 1 5 no
ranged from 0 5 not true to 2 5 very true or often true. days, 2 5 1 – 3 days, 3 5 4 – 6 days, 4 5 7 – 14 days, or
Higher scores represent more symptoms. 5 5 15 – 28 days. Higher scores indicated more family
One subscale assessed withdrawn and depressed involvement (Cronbach’s a 5 .74).
symptoms and the other assessed anxious and de-
pressed symptoms. Given that both scales included Demographics. Assessments of age and family
items of anxiety and depression it would be hard to SES were included as demographic information.
determine the independent effects of either psycho- Youth age was based on self-report, and family SES
logical symptoms. Although anxiety and depression was based on parent reports. SES was assessed with
are highly correlated, they are distinct constructs 13 items from the Graffar instrument (Graffar, 1956),
(Brady & Kendall, 1992) and may have different an SES scale designed with questions that are
effects on eating disorders. Using factor analysis sensitive to circumstances in developing countries.
we identified two distinct scales, one for anxiety Example items include ‘‘total number of adults in the
and one for depression. The anxiety subscale same house,’’ ‘‘type of job by head of household,’’
included 10 items (e.g., ‘‘I am too shy or timid,’’ ‘‘I ‘‘father’s education,’’ and ‘‘type of sewage accommo-
am afraid of certain animals, situations, or places dations.’’ The measure was completed by the parent
(other than school),’’ ‘‘I am too fearful or anxious’’) who brought the youth to the interview. Higher
with good internal reliability (Cronbach’s a 5 .71). scores indicate higher SES.
The depression subscale included 7 items (e.g., ‘‘I
am unhappy, sad, or depressed,’’ ‘‘I feel worthless or
inferior,’’ ‘‘I cry a lot’’) and also had good internal
reliability (Cronbach’s a 5 .77). We used bivariate and multivariate logistic regres-
sion analysis to examine associations between inde-
Physical appearance esteem. The 6-item subscale pendent variables and the dependent variable, ever
of the Self Perception Profile for Adolescents (Harter, being diagnosed with an eating disorder. We also
1988) was used to assess adolescents’ perception of calculated predicted probabilities using the SPOST
their physical appearance. All items began with the suite of utilities developed by Long and Freese
phrase ‘‘How do you feel about’’ followed by items (2005). Analyses were conducted with STATA 10.0
such as ‘‘how you look’’ and ‘‘the way your body is.’’ (Stata Corp, 2009).
Responses ranged from 1 5 very unhappy to 4 5 very
happy. Responses were summed and higher scores
represented more positive attitudes about physical
appearance (Cronbach’s a 5 .87). Among our sample of female Chilean adolescents,
3.8% reported ever being diagnosed with an eating
Substance use. Following national school-based disorder, 34.8% reported ever smoking cigarettes,
surveys of drug use conducted in Chile and the and 40.2% reported ever using alcohol. As shown in
United States, youth were provided with a list of Table 1, on average these adolescents were ‘‘some-
substances and asked if they had ever used any of what happy’’ with their physical appearance, were
them. Response options were either yes (1) or no (0). low in symptoms of anxiety and depression, and had
Responses in the affirmative were followed by moderate levels of family involvement.
further questioning. For the purposes of this study, Bivariate analyses indicated that being diagnosed
we were only interested in ever use of cigarettes and/ with an eating disorder was significantly positively
or alcohol. associated with symptoms of anxiety (odds ratio
[OR] 5 1.21, 95% CI 5 1.05 – 1.39), symptoms of de-
Family involvement. The 5-item family involve- pression (OR 5 1.25, 95% CI 5 1.07 – 1.46), and ciga-
ment subscale from the Child Health and Illness rette use (OR 5 3.28, 95% CI 5 1.17 – 9.23). We also
Profile (Starfield et al., 1993) was used to assess found that physical appearance esteem (OR 5 0.84,
family functioning and the degree to which fam- 95% CI 5 0.76 – 0.95) and family involvement
ilies engaged in activities together. All items began (OR 5 0.89, 95% CI 5 0.81 – 0.99) were inversely re-
with the phrase ‘‘Thinking about your family, about lated to being diagnosed with an eating disorder. Age,
how many days in the past 4 weeks did your parents SES, and alcohol use were not associated with being
or other adults in your family . . .’’ Example items diagnosed with an eating disorder.
Means, Standard Deviations, and Percentages of All Independent
and Dependent Variables (N 5 420) Latina adolescents, both in and outside the United
States, are increasingly at risk for eating disorders
Variable Mean SD % (e.g., Granillo et al., 2005; Unikel & Bojorquez, 2007).
Recent evidence suggests that eating disorders are
Ever have an eating disorder 0.04 0.2 3.8
prevalent among Chilean females (Vicente et al.,
2004). However, research on eating disorders is
Age 14.3 1.4
SES 33.0 6.7 limited both in number and by the fact that the focus
Independent variables is largely on clinical populations. There is evidence
Physical appearance 18.2 4.1 that many Chilean females present with eating dis-
Depression 2.8 2.7 order symptoms but do not meet criteria for a clinical
Anxiety 7.4 3.6 diagnosis. Thus, focusing only on clinical popula-
Family involvement 18.3 4.4 tions may limit our understanding of what influ-
Cigarette use (Ref 5 0) 0.3 0.5 34.8 ences eating disorders in the larger Chilean female
Alcohol use (Ref 5 0) 0.4 0.5 40.2 adolescent population. Furthermore, clinical popu-
lations typically consist of those with higher SES
Note. SES 5 socioeconomic status.
backgrounds who have the means to access treat-
ment, and the factors that influence eating disorders
Multivariate logistic regression analyses, shown
may differ between those with higher versus lower
in Table 2, revealed that when all factors were con-
SES. The purpose of this study was to examine the
sidered simultaneously (age, SES, physical appear-
prevalence and associations of eating disorders
ance esteem, symptoms of depression and anxiety,
among a nonclinical sample of Chilean female ado-
cigarette and alcohol use), only having symptoms of
lescents from mid- to low SES in Santiago, Chile.
anxiety (OR 5 1.21, 95% CI 5 1.00 – 1.46) and using
Given that eating disorders are most commonly
cigarettes (OR 5 3.55, 95% CI 5 1.01 – 12.53) were
found among adolescents in industrialized nations
associated with being diagnosed with an eating
(e.g., Miller & Pumariega, 2001), Chilean adolescents
residing in Santiago, Chile, a country with a strong
For a more intuitive measure of effect size we
market-driven economy well on its way to becoming
calculated the predicted probability of being diag-
industrialized, may be at particular risk.
nosed with an eating disorder for symptoms of
We found that among Chilean female adolescents
anxiety (Figure 1) as well as for cigarette smoking
from the community, 3.8% reported ever being diag-
(Figure 2).
nosed with an eating disorder. This finding is consis-
tent with the literature that eating disorders do exist in
TABLE 2 Chile and supports our hypothesis that Chilean female
Bivariate and Multivariate Logistic Regression Analyses: adolescents are a particularly at-risk group. Further-
Correlates of Being Diagnosed With an Eating Disorder Among more, our results also support that eating disorders
Chilean Female Adolescents (N 5 420) affect not only those with more affluent backgrounds
Bivariate Full Model
(Crago et al., 1996; Gard & Freeman, 1996). Our sam-
ple of Chilean female adolescents came from mid- to
Variable OR 95% CI OR 95% CI low SES families and SES was not related to having
been diagnosed with an eating disorder.
We found that although having lower physical
Age 1.05 0.73 – 1.52 0.90 0.57 – 1.44
SES 0.97 0.89 – 1.05 0.94 0.86 – 1.02
appearance esteem, lower family involvement,
Independent variables higher symptoms of depression and anxiety, and
Physical appearance 0.84 0.74 – 0.94 0.89 0.78 – 1.02 ever smoking cigarettes were all related to being
Depression 1.27 1.09 – 1.48 1.01 0.82 – 1.25 diagnosed with an eating disorder among this pop-
Anxiety 1.23 1.06 – 1.41 1.21 1.00 – 1.46 ulation, when all factors were considered simulta-
Family involvement 0.88 0.79 – 0.99 0.92 0.82 – 1.05 neously (including age and SES as demographic
Cigarette use (Ref 5 0) 3.93 1.25 – 12.30 3.55 1.01 – 12.53 controls), only having higher symptoms of anxiety
Alcohol use (Ref 5 0) 1.51 0.52 – 4.45 0.68 0.19 – 2.40 and cigarette use remained related to being diag-
nosed with an eating disorder. These findings
Note. CI 5 confidence interval; OR 5 odds ratio; SES 5 socio-
economic status. All analyses adjusted for demographic controls, are consistent with U.S. literature that suggests that
age, and SES. self-esteem is not the primary predictor of eating
0 5 10 15 20
Anxiety Score
FIGURE 1 Probability of being diagnosed with an eating disorder based on reported symptoms of anxiety among Chilean female
disorders (Shea & Pritchard, 2007), that family factors full model where both symptoms of depression and
are only part of the complex story of eating disorders anxiety are considered simultaneously, only anxiety
among adolescents (Le Grange, Lock, Loeb, & Nic- was related to being diagnosed with an eating disor-
holls, 2010), and that substance use is common der. Cigarette use also remained significantly posi-
among those with eating disorders (Braun, Sunday, & tively associated with being diagnosed with an eating
Halmi, 2009). Findings also support U.S. and Chilean disorder. Smoking cigarettes is often used as a means
studies that have found that eating disorders rarely to relieve stress, particularly among adolescent fe-
present without psychiatric comorbidity (Striegel- males (e.g., Byrne & Mazanov, 1999). Together these
Moore et al., 2008). However, this is the first study to results highlight not only that anxiety is a particularly
suggest that anxiety may be one of the most critical important factor to consider in eating disorders among
risk factors for eating disorders among Chilean fe- Chilean female adolescents, but that in order to de-
male adolescents. termine which factors are most influential in eating
In the United States, depression and anxiety are disorders and thus should be targeted in prevention
the most common psychiatric comorbidities with and intervention programs, it is important to examine
eating disorders (Braun et al., 2009). However, in our multiple predictors simultaneously.
Probability of Eating Disorder
No Smoking Smoking
FIGURE 2 Probability of being diagnosed with an eating disorder based on reported ever use of cigarettes among Chilean female
Although our study has several strengths, the weight concerns; they are coping mechanisms, albeit
findings should be viewed in the context to the maladaptive.
following limitations. First as this study was mainly Taken together, these findings not only add to the
about general health behaviors and substance current literature on eating disorders among Latinas,
use, eating disorder diagnosis was not determined but they may also have important implications for
using validated scales. Rather, participants reported those who are involved with Chilean female ado-
ever being diagnosed, by a doctor, with AN or BN lescents. Gaining a better understanding of eating
(based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-IV; disorders and associated factors within this popula-
APA, 2000). Second, given the format of the ques- tion may help teachers, social workers, psycholo-
tion assessing for eating disorder diagnosis we gists, physicians, nurses, religious figures, and even
also cannot determine exactly which eating dis- family members effectively identify, prevent, and/or
order participants were diagnosed with. However, intervene with these distressing and sometimes
this study was not designed to be an ‘‘eating deadly disorders.
disorder study,’’ yet we found lifetime prevalence
of eating disorders reported was remarkably con-
sistent with that of eating disorder studies. To get a REFERENCES
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