The Catcher in The Rye: Study Guide
The Catcher in The Rye: Study Guide
The Catcher in The Rye: Study Guide
in the
Study Guide
The Catcher in the Rye: Study Guide
1. Characters
a. Holden
i. Hypocrite/Indecisive
1. Girls
2. Movies
3. People
ii. Seventeen/eighteen years old→ acts like a kid
iii. Personality
1. Bitterly sarcastic/Sardonic
2. Lonely
3. Careless
4. Sentimental
iv. Likes/Dislikes
1. Hates his school (Pencey)
2. Likes having a “good-bye
v. Family
1. Lonely Childhood
vi. Success/Wealth=phoniness
1. Pressure Self
2. Doesn’t want to be successful (?)
3. Know how to be successful (?)
4. Lazy
5. Not trying to hard
vii. Insecure
1. Gray hair
viii. Skin Deep=Phoniness
ix. Protective of Jane, doesn’t like the idea of Jane and Stradlater
x. Unreliable narrator
xi. Doesn’t apply himself
b. Parents
i. Touchy
ii. Not genuine
iii. Can’t relate to his parents
iv. Successful
v. Father: Wealthy, Corporation lawyer, invests money in bad shows
1. Similar to Holden, both invest themselves in bad things
vi. Mother: Nervous since Allie died
c. D.B.
i. “Prostitute”
ii. Jealous
iii. Successful
iv. Wrote stories=Progressed into Movies
The Catcher in the Rye: Study Guide
d. Ackley
i. Doesn’t go to game
ii. Annoying
iii. Zits, bad teeth, slob
iv. Goes to Pencey
e. Stradlater
i. Popular
ii. Jock type
iii. Secret Slob
iv. Holden’s roommate
f. Jane Gallagher
i. Holden’s old neighbor
ii. They used to play checkers with each other
iii. Stradlater’s date
iv. Holden wants to keep Jane in a “play world”
1. Once she has sex with Stradlater she’s ruined
g. Allie
i. Holden’s little brother
ii. Died when Holden was thirteen
iii. Compared to D.B.
1. D.B.: Adult; Allie: Kid
h. Sally Hayes
i. Not to bright
ii. Holden’s ex-girlfriend
iii. Invited Holden to decorate the Christmas tree
iv. Meets Holden for a date at the matinée
i. Phoebe
i. Holden’s younger sister
ii. Holden really likes her
iii. Doesn’t like sick people, Alice was feeling Grippe
j. Carl Luce
i. Used to go to Whooton with Holden
ii. Holden meets him at a bar in New York
iii. Talks about gay men
iv. Holden compliments him
v. Knows a lot about sex→ adult
1. When Holden meets him he doesn’t want to talk about it
k. Mr. Antolini
i. Young
1. Drinks & Plays tennis
ii. Trustworthy
iii. Drinks a lot (good thing)
The Catcher in the Rye: Study Guide
iv. Witty
l. Mr. Spencer
i. Older
1. Sick
ii. Holden initially likes him but gets annoyed
2. Tone
a. Saying what is on his mind
b. Choppy sentences
c. Looks for flaws or weaknesses
d. More like a conversation
3. Setting
a. Near Hollywood, In California
b. Holden is at a mental institution
4. Plot
a.Chapter 1 &2:
i. Leaving Pencey
ii. He runs over to Mr. Spencer’s house
1. His history teacher
2. They talk about his history report
a. He writes about the ancient Egyptians (Mummies)
i. Similarly Holden is like the mummies since he’s trying to
preserve himself and that’s why he’s not adapting well
to his different schools.
3. He says good-bye to his teacher
a. Sentimental
b. He doesn’t like sick people and he doesn’t like old people
b. Chapter 3-5:
i. Holden is in his room and Ackley comes in
1. Holden is in control of the conversation
ii. Stradlater comes in from the game
1. Stradlater has a date with Jane Gallagher
a. Holden doesn’t like the idea
iii. Stradlater goes to shave and Holden hangs out with him
1. Stradlater is in charge of the conversation
iv. After Stradlater leaves Holden gets nervous about the idea of Jane and
1. Holden doesn’t like the thought of sex
2. Holden’s worried that Jane will be seduced by Stradlater
v. Holden does Stradlater’s English assignment
c. Chapter 9-11:
i. Holden gets to New York
1. Wants to call someone
The Catcher in the Rye: Study Guide
The Catcher in the Rye: Study Guide
v. Different relationship
1. Honest/Sincere
2. Less guarded
vi. Step father
1. Jane’s relationship with him is off
e. Goes to a nightclub in Greenwich Village
i. DB used to go there
d. Chapter 12-14:
i. Holden gets into another cab and talks about the ducks
1. Ducks
a. Free
2. Fish
a. Trapped
b. Adults/Kids
ii. Holden asks the cab driver to get a cocktail with him
iii. Gets to the nightclub
1. Meets Lillian Simmons
a. D.B.’s ex-girlfriend
iv. Walks back to the hotel
1. Puts on his red hat
2. Talks about being yellow/coward
a. Holden and fighting
i. Stradlater: Ex-Roommate
1. Fights for Jane’s honor
ii. Maurice: The Pimp
1. Fights for his own honor
v. Gets back to the hotel and gets a prostitute
1. Eventually backs out of having sex with Sunny
a. Sunny is different than the other girls
i. Doesn’t say stop
ii. Cold to Holden at the beginning
b. Holden tries to connect with Sunny
c. Changes his name: Jim Steele
vi. After Sunny leaves Holden tries to pray
1. Holden doesn’t like the disciples
a. Disciples always ruin things for Jesus
i. Judas- betrayed Jesus
ii. Thomas- doesn’t believe in the resurrection
iii. Peter- denies Jesus three times
b. Holden compares himself to Jesus
i. People always ruin everything
vii. The Pimp shows up at Holden’s door to get him to pay
The Catcher in the Rye: Study Guide
The Catcher in the Rye: Study Guide
The Catcher in the Rye: Study Guide
The Catcher in the Rye: Study Guide
a. Imitates movies
b. Jittery and indecisive
c. Can’t stay in one place
d. His job as a catcher in the rye
e. He’s been feeling sick
f. Sense of time
g. Talks to Allie as if he is right there
5. Catcher in the Rye notes
a. We never meet Jane
i. Adulthood, sex, girls make Holden anxious
ii. Jane is part of his childhood and now that he is reconnecting he doesn’t want to
go back
b. Purpose of finding out Holden is in a mental hospital
i. Holden is inconsistent so we wouldn’t know where he would end up
ii. The story would have a different tone
6. Conflicts
a. Parents have to find out he’s been expelled
b. Meet Jane again? Phoebe? D.B.?
c. Chose an identity
d. His internal conflict
7. Theme/Motif/Symbol
a. Theme-Abstract, big idea
i. Growing Up (Coming of age)
ii. Identity
iii. Connection to Society
b. Motif-Reoccurring idea
i. Phoniness
ii. Inconsistency/Hypocrisy
1. Holden is an unreliable narrator
iii. Identity/ Finding your identity
1. Holden keeps creating
2. Holden preserving himself and other people
iv. Falling
1. Talking to his teacher
2. The carousel
3. The sidewalk
a. Holden with Allie
b. The little kid singing “Catcher in the Rye”
c. Symbol-object
i. Hat-Personality & Childhood
ii. Ducks-Change
1. Possibly Foreshadowing
The Catcher in the Rye: Study Guide