Received on 07 December, 2015; received in revised form, 26 January, 2016; accepted, 07 February, 2016; published 01 May, 2016
on bioactive compounds found in the Fabaceae mining from the online sources such as Google
family which leads to cancer treatment. Further, the scholar (http://scholar.google.co.in/) and pubmed
present study will explain the putative (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed). The said
mechanism(s) of action of largely studied journal was selected to capture the greatest quantity
phytoresources from in vitro and in vivo studies, of high-quality data in a cost, and time-effective
and the current status of their clinical applications manner. From each publication, details of the
in view of their realistic adoption as single compounds tested, the assays performed and any
chemotherapeutic agents or as chemosensitizers, in target information for these assays were abstracted.
association with canonical and novel anticancer
In Fabaceae family, there are 12 plant species were
MATERIALS AND METHODS: identified as lead for cancer drugs. They are such as
Data-mining of bioactive phytochemicals: Acacia nilotica, Arachis hypogaea, Cajanus cajan,
In the present study, the bioactive phytochemicals Crotalaria juncea, Glycine max, Mimosa pudica,
which are having potential of cancer treatment and Pisum sativum, Psoralea esculenta, Tamarindus
cancer prevention were manually mining from indica, Trifolium pratense, Trigonella foenum
publically available phytochemical databases (Dr. graecum and Vigna subterranea. These plant
Duke’s phytochemistry and ethnobotanical species possessed 106 bioactive compounds related
database (www.ars-grin.gov/duke). to anticancer, antitumor anticarcinogenic and
cancer preventive agents. Among these
Collection and mining of literatures of bioactive phytochemical compounds, 23 phytochemical
compounds as therapeutic agents: compounds were found to be possess anticancer
The literatures related to anticancer, antitumor activity, 49 phytochemical compounds possess
cancer preventive activities of phytoresources were antitumor activity, 15 phytochemical compounds
collected from publically available online sources. possess Anticarcinogenic activity and 79
The full texts of peer-reviewed scientific phytochemical compounds possess cancer
publications in a variety of journal were manually preventive activity (Table 1).
S. No Anticancer activity Antitumor activity Anticarcinogenic Cancer preventive activity
1 Alpha carotene Alpha-amyrin (+) Catechin (+) Catechin
2 Alpha-terpineol Alpha-tocopherol Ascorbic acid 4-hydroxycinnamic acid
3 Alpha-tocopherol Beta-carotene Biochannin a 5-hydroxytryptamine
4 Beta-carotene Betulin Caffeic acid Alanine
5 Caffeic acid Caffeic acid Chlorogenic acid Alpha linoleic acid
6 Chlorophyll Canavanine Cis-aconitic acid Alpha-tocopherol
7 Daidzein Carpaine Ellagic acid Arachidonic acid
8 Elemene Chlorogenic acid Ferulic acid Ascorbic acid
9 Gallic acid Chlorogenic acid Fiber Beta sitosterol
10 Gamma tocopherol Citric acid Luteolin Beta-carotene
11 Gossypol Coumarine Mucilage Biochannin a
12 Inositol- Cysteine Oleic acid Caffeic acid
13 Isoquercitrin Delta-tocopherol Phloroglucinol Chlorogenic acid
14 Kaempferol Dioscin Quercetin Chlorophyll
15 Lectin Ellagic acid Riboflavin Chrysoeriol
16 Lignin Ergosterol Cinnamaldehyde
17 Limonene Erucic-acid Coumarine
18 Naringenin Eugenol Cysteine
19 Phytic acid Ferulic acid Daidzein
20 Rutin Fiber Daidzin
21 Tannin Fumaric acid Delphinidin
22 Vanillic acid Gallic acid Ellagic acid
seed of this plant. Among them, 89.47% (17) of breast cancer cell line 11. ITME (2011) reported
compounds were reported that they possess cancer that isolated 6 -glycosylflavone from Mimosa
preventive activity. Four (21.05%) of them were pudica possesses antitumor and antiproliferation
reported as antitumor agents (Table 2 and Fig. 1). activity on MCF-7 breast cancer cell line 12. The
Apart from, Beta carotene is a single compound pure compound L-Mimosine and hydroalcoholic
that possesses 3 activities such as anticancer, extract of Mimosa pudica has antiproliferation
antitumor and cancer preventive activities. Root of activity on Lymphoma Daudi cells 13. The
Cajanus cajan plant arrested the cell cycle in the methanolic extract of M. pudica aerial part had
G2/m phase and induced apoptosis via a relative cytotoxic activity 14.
oxygen species (ROS) mediated mitochondria-
dependent pathway 8.
7. Pisum sativum L:
4. Crotalaria juncea L: Pisum sativum is commonly called as Pea. It is an
Crotalaria juncea is commonly called as Sun herbaceous plant. Root, fruit and seed of P. sativum
hemp. It is an herb. It has 5 cancer treatment has 44 phytochemical compounds with cancer
compounds (Table 3). It includes 3 antitumour and treatment properties (Table 3). Among them, 39
2 cancer preventive chemical compounds (Table 2 compounds, 17 compounds, 5 compounds, and 2
and Fig.1). Leaf extracts of C. juncea exhibited compounds were reported as cancer preventive,
anticancer activity on human cervical cancer cell antitumour, anticancer and anticarcinogenic agents
line. It might be due to the presence of the (Table 2 and Fig. 1). Methanolic extract of P.
bioactive compounds 9. sativum showed anticancer activity against CaSki
cells with IC50 value of 14.8 15. Asperagenase
5. Glycine max L: enzyme isolated from P. sativum has a cytotoxic
Glycine max is commonly called Soyabean. It is a effect against L20B Tumor cell line 16.
bushy herbaceous plant. Among the 12 plant
species under study, G. max plant possesses 63 8. Psoralea esculenta L:
cancer treatment compounds (Table 3). Psoralea esculenta is commonly called Indian
Interestingly, 49 compounds were reported as turnip. It is an herbaceous perennial plant. It has 8
cancer preventive agents. Similarly, 33, 16 and 4 phytochemical compounds with cancer treatment
compounds were used as antitumour, anticancer properties (Table 3). Beta carotene possesses
and anticarcinogenic drugs respectively. Some anticancer activity and other 7 compounds of this
bioactive compounds found in this plant exhibited plant possess cancer preventive activity. Although,
two or more activities (Table 2 and Fig.1). For this plant bears bioactive phytochemicals with
example, Caffeic acid possesses 4 activities viz., anticancer, antitumor anticarcinogenic and cancer
anticancer, antitumor anticarcinogenic and cancer preventive activities compounds, there was no
preventive activities. Bioactive compound scientific reports available regarding its cancer
aglycones isolated from ethylacetate extract of treatment property.
fermented G. max have antiproliferation activity
against osteoblast cell line 10. 9. Tamarindus indica L:
Tamarindus indica is commonly called Tamarind.
6. Mimosa pudica L: It is a leguminous tree. It contains 27
Mimosa pudica is a pantropical weed which is phytochemical compounds in different parts like
commonly called as sensitive plant. It is a creeping leaf, fruit, flower, and seed (Table 3). Among
annual or perennial herb. It contains eight them, 4 (14.81%) phytochemical compounds
phytochemical compounds with cancer treatment possess anticancer activity, 7 (25.93%)
property. All these compounds possess cancer phytochemical compounds possess antitumor
preventive activities. Among them, 3 were activity, and 24 (88.89%) phytochemical
antitumour and 2 were anticancer agents (Table 2 compounds possess cancer preventive activity
& 3 and Fig.1). Flavanoids isolated from M. pudica (Table 2 and Fig. 1). Limonene and tannin have
has the high cytotoxic effect against MCF-7 human anticancer, antitumor and cancer preventive
activities, geraniol possesses antitumor and cancer herb. It has 26 phytochemical compounds with
preventive activities. PST001 isolated from the T. cancer treatment properties and they were found in
indica could suppress DLA and EAC cell growth different parts like leaf, seed, flower, inflorescence,
and reduce the cell survival by reducing apoptosis shoot, and stem (Table 3). Twenty five compounds
of tumor cells 17. Polyphenolic compounds (2- of this plant possess cancer preventive activity and
hydroxy-dihydroxyaceophenone, (-) epicatechin, 10 possess antitumor activities (Table 2 and Fig.
tannin, anthocyanidine and oligomeric 1). Alpha tocopherol and beta carotene of this plant
proanthocyanidins) isolated from T. indica seeds have anticancer, antitumor and cancer preventive
have cancer related signal pathway blockage effect activities. Chlorogenic acid possess antitumor
. anticarcinogenic and cancer preventive activities.
Biochannin-a isolated from T. pratense inhibited
10. Trifolium pratense L: carcinogen activity in hamster embryo cell culture
Trifolium pratense is commonly called Red Clover .
or Cow Grass. It is a perennial sometimes biennial
ACA: Anticancer Activity; ATA: Antitumor Activity; ACAR A: Anticarcinogenic Activity; CPA: Cancer Preventive Activity
11. Trigonella foenum-graecum L: They are cultivated by the farmers and some them
Trigonella foenum-graecum is commonly called naturally grow. All of them are available in the
Fenugreek. It is an annual herb. It contains 29 Indian vegetative environment. Well documented
bioactive compounds with cancer treatment the presence of anticancer activities of these plants
properties (Table 3). Six compounds of this plant was supported by various experimental models,
possess anticancer activity, 13 possess antitumor namely cell cultures and animal models of induced
activity and 23 phytochemical compounds of it carcinogenicity. These molecules are largely cited
possess cancer preventive activities. Lignin in the current literatures and their activities are
possesses 3 activities such as antitumor often associated with the term chemoprevention.
anticarcinogenic and cancer preventive activities. The results of the present study may provide a
Fenugreek (T. foenum graecum) extracts exhibited foundation for designing new drug to ascertain the
cytotoxic effect on many type of cancers 20. full chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic
efficacy of phytochemicals.
12. Vigna subterranea L.:
Vigna subterranea commonly called Ground Bean. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The authors thank the
It is an annual, creeping lugume with glabrous, Management, the Principal and Head of the
trifoliate leaves. It has 5 phytochemical compounds Department of Zoology, Nehru Memorial College,
with anticancer activities (Table 3). V. Puthanampatti, Tiruchirappalli district, Tamilnadu,
subterranean showed preventive effect on lung India for providing necessary facilities to do this
cancer and liver cancer induced by morphine and research work successfully. The third author thank
sodium nitrite 21. Several animal studies of to the University Grants Commission, New Delhi,
chemical induced carcinogenesis demonstrated that for awarding Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship
phytochemicals are able to inhibit cancer (RGNF-JRF) for financial support.
development (pre-initiation) and also able to cure
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