9-13 What Was The Problem at Celcom That Was Described This Case? What People, Organization, and Technology Factors Contributed To This Problem?
9-13 What Was The Problem at Celcom That Was Described This Case? What People, Organization, and Technology Factors Contributed To This Problem?
9-13 What Was The Problem at Celcom That Was Described This Case? What People, Organization, and Technology Factors Contributed To This Problem?
9-13 What was the problem at Celcom that was described this case? What people,
organization, and technology factors contributed to this problem?
There are some of the problems that can be identified by Celcom company in this
case. In the early days, business online was not available in Celcom which means the
customers must go to the physical Celcom store to obtain the services such as switch the
business plans and pay for the monthly statement. Therefore, the customers are feel quite
inconvenient in this part especially for the sophisticated young urban users who are prefer to
do business online because they though that it is difficult to take time out to go to the physical
Celcom store deals with the business and it is wasteful of time. However, older customers
prefer go to the Celcom dealers and retail outlets for obtaining the in-person service. As a
result, Celcom is losses many customers. This is because they are unable to compete with the
companies that provide a variety of networks and devices services such as Skype, Google and
Netflix which can disrupt the traditional telecommunications billing models. For example,
Google is providing communication tools such as Gmail, Google Docs, Google Forms and
Google Inbox and map-related products such as Google Maps that provide directions and
local business search. This kind of networks and devices service can influence the traditional
telecommunications company differently because it is difficult to compete with the big
company that are offering a variety of networks and devices services.
The other problem is in order to be number one in data services in the market, they
would have to build enterprise systems that would be able to collaborate with the new
players. Enterprise systems is the overall combination of computer hardware and software
that a business uses to organize and operate its business. It allows companies to handle more
than one business process and operation to facilitate its business and management reporting
needs, such as sales, deliveries and accounts receivable by sharing information across
business and employee hierarchies. Enterprise resource planning, supply chain management
systems, customer relationship systems are the examples of enterprise systems. Due to reason
that Celcom is unable to build the enterprise systems and caused the company to loss a lot of
benefits such as if Celcom implement enterprise systems it can increase company-wide
access to business knowledge, improve employee productivity and minimize the duplication
of company data. It may also allow the company to reduce the cost of information
technology and minimize the manual input of data. Moreover, Celcom also failed to get the
particular benefits that offer by the enterprise systems such as the support of teamwork, an
improved response to the marketplace, increase work quality and greater employee
collaboration and efficiency.
Furthermore, the company inevitable relocates its transmission sites caused the
network disruption in several areas. Because the network was forced to interrupt Celcom was
received complaints from many users. This situation leads to customer inconvenience and
many users have lost confidence with Celcom company in this case.
In order to solve the problems that describes at above, people component is used by
Celcom which is relates to solving issues such as training, management behavior, and job
attitudes. Celcom’s senior management said that the company had to provide training to
enhance employee’s ability to handle things and to build better networks and market more
aggressively, but the real key to success lay in improving the customer experience.
The organization component which can relates to the specialty of functions that
individuals perform business procedures, business culture, and the organizations hierarchy.
that contributed to this problem is changes the new chief executive officer (CEO) to hold
office, changes to corporate culture, and new technology and business processes for
managing customer experience. Maybe the previous management style is not suitable for the
business operation of the company. Therefore, change the direction of the company maybe it
will bring a lot of benefits to the company.
For the technology component that relates to the company's computer system, data
management, telecommunicating, internet, and intranet. The company need to build the better
network and systems in order to gain more customers. Through the better systems the
company might dynamically load different views for a bill payment based on factors such as
language, transaction status or channel. Moreover, if the company is able to provide high
speed of network the company has a chance to recover the lost guests because most of the
customers like high speed networks so they will be attracted by the high speed networks that
provided by Celcom company.
9-14 What was Celcom’s business strategy and what was the role of customer
relationship management in that strategy?
Celcom’s business strategy is to keep and link individuals together and assist Celcom
company in marketing their services and projects while keeping them close to customers at
the same time. Moreover, Celcom is making a declaration that they are setting a customer-
focused and market-orientated goals. Actually, Celcom has been developed and will continue
to grow cumulatively over the next five years. In order to accomplish these goals, Celcom has
actually established a standard for development in 3 various classifications where by utilizing
a market penetration prices to ensure the service will be brought to the customers at
affordable and with effective costs. Secondly, by obtaining a much better understanding of
the requirement and fulfillment of the present customers, it will enhance the service to
motivate reordering. The service is enables the company to use its current innovation and
understanding foundation and research study as well as it will also be carried out on
comparable projects with a view to establishing services for professional marketing projects.
Furthermore, Celcom’s 10 million prepaid customers are now supported by the company’s
new platform. It has the capabilities to enhance customer relationship management that will
bring the customer information together in a single view, it also enabling faster and more
accurate customer service across Celcom’s channels including online, call centers, “Blue
Cube” network of retail stores and other authorized dealers.
Customer relationship management (CRM) systems were designed to improve
business relationships and address the requirement to raise a sales department’s productivity
and make the management of a company’s customers an effective way to increase sales. It
also one of the way to manage the relationships and interactions with customers and potential
customers. This is because this system is able to help the company always connecting to
customers, streamline processes and profitability. The role of the Customer relationship
management (CRM) systems is enables the company to deepen relationships with customers,
services users, colleagues, partners and suppliers for improving customers’ satisfaction and
maximize the profits of company. At the heart of CRM functions which can build good
relationships and tracking leads and customers is critical to customer acquisition and
retention. With the help of CRM functions, the company is able to learn more about their
customers’ needs and purchasing behavior and combine this gathered information with
market information to improve the quality of the company’s marketing plans and sales
forecasts. For example, the company can know about what kind of package that customers
prefer to, so they can design and launch a plan that meets the customers’ requirements.
Furthermore, the company can record all the customers’ contact information such as
email, telephone, website social media profile through the CRM system. It also automatically
extracts other information such as the latest news about company activity and is able to
collect and store details of the customers such as the customer’s personal preferences for
communication. The CRM system collects and organizes this information to provide the
company with a complete record of individuals, so that the company can better understand
the relationship with customers over time.
9-15 Describe Celcom’s solution to its problem. What people, organization, and
technology issues did the solution have to address?
Celcom use IT in their business. Offering their customers more than 10 solutions,
Celcom Power Tools™ significantly increases the efficiency of their customers business with
a few simple clicks. The improved business solutions and voice plan meets the vigorous
demands of today's workforce. The integrated services stresses on being mobile to stay ahead
of competition, to get to the prospect first, to gain tactical advantage as well as to initiate
smooth service delivery. In order to increase their sales and productivity, Celcom understand
the need of their customers. Identifying the need to be in touch constantly, it is about letting
their client’s workforce take the office wherever they go. The main solutions offered to
Celcom’s customers are Email Connectivity, Workforce Mobility, and Data Accessibility.
Each of this main cluster comprises of a suite of powerful solutions for various types of
industries and vigorous demands.