04 ARIMA Models
04 ARIMA Models
04 ARIMA Models
? Identification ?
The time series is strictly (or strongly) stationary if its properties do not
depend on modifications of the time origin
I.e., the joint distribution of : X t1 , X t2 , X t3 ,! X tm
coincides with the joint distribution of X t1 + k , X t2 + k , X t3 + k ,! X tm + k "k
We refer to weak stationarity of order f if all the moments of the series up to order
f only depend on the time difference between the time series data
e t ~ NID(0,s e )
General mode for stochastic model (linear)
X t = x + f1 X t -1 + e t e t ~ NID(0, s 2 )
Model AR(1)
(Markov process)
For a stationary process: E( X t ) = µ
E ( X t ) = x + f1E ( X t -1 ) + 0 Þ (1 - f1 ) µ = x
X t = (1 - f1 ) µ + f1 X t -1 + e t
~ ~
X t - µ = f1 ( X t -1 - µ ) + e t X t º X t - µ = f1 ( X t -1 ) + e t
Quality Engineering 5
X t = x + f1X t -1 + f2 X t -2 + ... + f p X t - p + e t
Analogously, for a stationary process: E( X t ) = µ
p ~ p ~
(1 - å fi ) µ = x Þ X t º X t - µ = å fi X t -i + e t
i =1 i =1
Backshift operator B : X t -2 = BX t -1 = B( BX t ) = B 2 X t
~ i ~ ~
X t = å fi B X t + e t Þ A( B) X t = e t
i =1
where A( B ) = 1 - å fi B i
Quality Engineering 6 i =1
E.g.: AR (1) : (1 - f1 B) X t = e t
1 ì f1 < 1 stationary
A( B) = 1 - f1 B = 0 Þ B = í
f1 î f1 ³ 1 non stationary
The Jury’s test is used to test the stability of AR(p) processes
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Some intuitive remarks
~ ~ ~ 2~
X t = f1 ( X t -1 ) + e t = f1 (f1 ( X t - 2 ) + e t -1 ) + e t = f1 X t - 2 + f1e t -1 + e t =
( ~
) 3~
= f1 f1 ( X t -3 ) + e t - 2 + f1e t -1 + e t = f1 X t -3 + f12e t - 2 + f1e t -1 + e t =
= ... = å f1ie t -i
i =0
f1 < 1 Þ
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Moments of an AR(p) process
rk = = f1r k -1 + f2 r k -2 + ... + f p r k - p k = 1,2,...,
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The same finite difference equation of the original AR(p) process applies
also to the autocovariance and autocorrelation functions
Variance: ( ~
s 2X = g 0 = f1g -1 + f 2g -2 + ... + f pg - p + E e t X t = ) (Autocovariance:
symmetric function)
= f1g 1 + f 2g 2 + ... + f pg p + s e2
SACF : rˆ k = rk
(f1 = 0.8)
SACF : rˆ k = rk
(f1 = -0.8)
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Note: It’s a general result, true for every stationary AR(p) process
~ ~ ~ ~
Xt X t -1 X t -2 X t -3
f1 f1 f1
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Regression Analysis: Y(t) versus Y(t)_2
The regression equation is: Y(t) = 1.52 + 0.565 Y(t)_2
Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 1.5199 0.3070 4.95 0.000
Y(t)_2 0.56527 0.08198 6.90 0.000
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Regression Analysis: Y(t) versus Y(t)_1, Y(t)_2
The regression equation is
Y(t) = 0.858 + 0.848 Y(t)_1 - 0.096 Y(t)_2
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Non stationary AR(1) process: random walk with drift
X t = x + X t -1 + e t
x ¹ 0 :" drift "
X t = x + X t -1 + e t = x + x + X t -2 + e t -1 + e t =
t -1 i
= 3x + X t -3 + e t -2 + e t -1 + e t = ... = tx + å B e t
i =0
E ( X t ) = µt = tx
V ( X t ) = ts e2
It’s possible to demonstrate that, being X0=0: k ,t = ts e and ρk = 1 "k
MA ( q ) : X t = µ - q1e t -1 - q 2e t - 2 - ... - q q e t - q + e t
X t = X t - µ = -q1e t -1 - q 2e t -2 - ... - q q e t -q + e t
( )
With the backshift operator: X t = 1 - q1B - q 2 B 2 - ... - q q B q e t º C ( B)e t
Note: the invertibility concept for MA(q) processes is analogous to the stationarity
concept for AR(p) processes
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Moments of a MA(q) process
E( X t ) = E(µ -q1e t -1 -q 2e t -2 - ... -q qe t -q + e t ) = µ
Variance: g 0 = s 2X = V ( X t ) = V ( µ - q1e t -1 - q 2e t -2 - ... - q qe t -q + e t ) =
= (1 + q12 + q 22 + ... + q q2 )s e2
Quality Engineering 21
ì (-q k + q1q k +1 + q 2q k + 2 + ... + q q -kq q )
gk ï k = 1,2,...,q
rk = = í 1 + q12 + q 22 + ... + q q2
g0 ï
î0 k >q
By means of the SACF one can identify a MA process and its order q,
depending on the number of lags such that rk¹0
Special cases:
ì - q1
ï k =1
MA(1): X t = µ - q1e t -1 + e t E( X t ) = µ g 0 = (1 + q12 )s e2 r k = í1 + q 2
ï0 k >1
ì - q1 + q1q 2
ï k =1
2 2
MA(2): X t = µ -q1e t -1 -q 2e t -2 + e t ï 1 + q1 + q 2
ï -q 2
rk = í k=2
E( X t ) = µ g 0 = (1 + q12 + q 22 )s e2 2
ï1 + q1 + q 2
ï0 k>2
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Initial example: it was a MA(1) process
Example: 500
observations from a
productive process
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ARMA(p,q) models
A model that includes both the AR(p) and the MA(q) terms:
Apart from the first q lags, the ACF “resembles” the ACF of an AR(p)
~ d ~
A( B) X t = A p ' ( B)(1 - B) X t = C q ( B )e t
• Ap’(B) is the degree p polynomial (AR term) with all roots falling outside the unit
• d is the degree of the I term (integrated) within the ARIMA model
• Cq(B) is the degree q polynomial of MA term
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In order to deal with ARIMA (p,d,q) processes, one has to transform the
process into a stationary one by applying the difference operator (nabla)
ÑX t º X t - X t -1 = (1 - B ) X t
Example 2: ARIMA(0,1,1)=IMA(1,1)
A process that often occurs in industial applications is IMA(1,1)
Quality Engineering
(1 - B27) X t = -q1e t -1 + e t
Development of an ARIMA(p,d,q) model
Iterative procedure:
Identification Finding the values of p,d,q
Coefficients estimate
no (fˆ1,..., fˆ p ,qˆ1,...,qˆq )
Diagnostic check on residuals
yes STOP
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Identification of other parameters (p,q)
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After the identification step (p,d,q) – coefficients estimation
We noticed that regression (least squares method) can be used for
AR(p) models too:
When n is large enough, the two methods converge to the same
yes d:=d+1
Apply Ñd
SACF-SPACF: choose
ARIMA model to test
Find a
model for
residuals* Coefficients estimation
and residuals computation
no yes
Residuals are IID (NID)? STOP
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* One can try to identify and fit an ARMA(pe,qe) model on residuals
Aˆ pe ( B)et = Cˆ qe ( B)at
If the model is correct (at= IID), such a model can be combined with the
original ARIMA(p,d,q) model, as follows:
d ~ Cˆ qe ( B )
A( B )Ñ X t = Cˆ ( B )et
ˆ et = at
A ( B)
ˆ ( B)
ˆ d ~ ˆ qe
A( B )Ñ X t = C ( B ) at
A pe ( B )
d ~
A( B ) A pe ( B )Ñ X t = Cˆ ( B )Cˆ qe ( B )at
ˆ ˆ
Viscosity of a chemical product 25
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Autocorrelation Function for viscosity
5 15 25
Lag Corr T LBQ Lag Corr T LBQ Lag Corr T LBQ Lag Corr T LBQ
1 0.49 4.94 25.13 8 -0.01 -0.08 51.19 15 -0.12 -0.87 57.41 22 -0.04 -0.30 68.37
2 -0.05 -0.41 25.39 9 -0.09 -0.66 52.16 16 -0.11 -0.78 58.95 23 -0.17 -1.12 72.13
3 -0.26 -2.16 32.73 10 -0.11 -0.75 53.44 17 -0.09 -0.62 59.96 24 -0.19 -1.22 76.74
4 -0.28 -2.22 41.25 11 -0.07 -0.53 54.08 18 0.00 0.03 59.96 25 -0.06 -0.41 77.27
5 -0.07 -0.54 41.82 12 0.03 0.22 54.19 19 0.16 1.08 63.06
6 0.22 1.63 46.99 13 0.01 0.09 54.21 20 0.18 1.24 67.29
7 0.20 1.42 51.18 14 -0.11 -0.74 55.54 21 0.08 0.53 68.12
• Stationarity seems ok
• SACF seems to exhibit an exponential decay
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Partial Autocorrelation Function for viscosity
Partial Autocorrelation
5 15 25
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Autocorrelation Function for RESI1
Autocorrelation 0.8
5 15 25
Lag Corr T LBQ Lag Corr T LBQ Lag Corr T LBQ Lag Corr T LBQ
1 -0.02 -0.25 0.06 8 -0.12 -1.09 9.89 15 -0.05 -0.45 15.67 22 0.00 0.04 18.58
2 -0.02 -0.22 0.11 9 -0.01 -0.11 9.90 16 -0.05 -0.44 15.97 23 -0.06 -0.49 19.00
3 0.11 1.08 1.33 10 0.01 0.10 9.92 17 -0.03 -0.26 16.07 24 -0.13 -1.09 21.13
4 -0.09 -0.91 2.25 11 -0.14 -1.25 12.03 18 -0.04 -0.35 16.27 25 -0.08 -0.71 22.08
5 -0.13 -1.29 4.12 12 0.04 0.34 12.20 19 0.11 0.96 17.76
6 0.17 1.68 7.43 13 0.03 0.24 12.28 20 0.08 0.69 18.56
7 0.09 0.86 8.36 14 -0.16 -1.46 15.36 21 -0.01 -0.09 18.58 Normal Probability Plot
-5 0 5
Quality Engineering 39 Average: -0.0396777
StDev: 3.24524
Anderson-Darling Normality Test
A-Squared: 0.966
N: 100 P-Value: 0.014
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weekly demand
moulding (drug production sector)
Index 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
It looks like a non-
-1.0 stationary process
5 15 25
Lag Corr T LBQ Lag Corr T LBQ Lag Corr T LBQ Lag Corr T LBQ
1 0.96 9.61 95.13 8 0.48 1.58 466.81 15 0.08 0.23 520.48 22 -0.13 -0.38 524.39
2 0.90 5.32 179.07 9 0.41 1.32 486.06 16 0.05 0.14 520.75 23 -0.16 -0.47 527.61
3 0.83 3.93 251.61 10 0.34 1.08 499.54 17 0.02 0.05 520.78 24 -0.17 -0.53 531.68
4 0.76 3.14 312.62 11 0.28 0.87 508.60 18 -0.01 -0.02 520.79 25 -0.18 -0.54 535.97
5 0.69 2.61 363.79 12 0.23 0.70 514.59 19 -0.03 -0.08 520.87
6 0.63 2.23 406.78 13 0.17 0.53 518.10 20 -0.05 -0.17 521.26
7 0.56 1.89 440.93 14 0.12 0.36 519.78 21 -0.09 -0.28 522.34
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Let’s apply the Ñ operator: 500
diff dem
Index 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
After differencing:
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Thus, model IMA(1,1):
~ d ~
A( B ) X t = A p ' ( B )(1 - B ) X t = Cq ( B )e t
ARIMA Model: weekly demand
Final Estimates of Parameters
Type Coef SE Coef T P
MA 1 -0.7331 0.0688 -10.66 0.000
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