LTR STS To CCC - C-Scheme CWR Pumps
LTR STS To CCC - C-Scheme CWR Pumps
LTR STS To CCC - C-Scheme CWR Pumps
Tel. : (0141) – 2708469, 2708233 Consultants, Engineers, Designers, Planners & Surveyors
Fax : (0141) -2704834
Dear Sir,
Vide your above letter, you have sought clarification on the safety of the
structural design and the type of pump to be installed under this contract. Our
opinion, in the matter, is as below;
A. Structural Safety Of Structure
Impact of HFL in the nearby Drain:
o The nearby drain has masonry wall on both sides & it has with stood
the worst floods of year 1981. The soil at foundation depth of 3.5 M
below NGL is hard and original. It is therefore confirmed that the
design is quite safe for any flood flow/HFL in the nearby masonry
drain. It is further confirmed that there is no scouring effect on the soil
of the area on where the structure is proposed.
Safety of structure for load of pumps:
o It is confirmed that the structure has been designed considering
3.0MT load of vertical turbine pumps coming on the pump floor
beams. Similarly, the overhead crane has also been designed for this
Site visit by Designer :
o Our team has, since, visited the site and confirmed about the safety of
the structure from the point of view of the soil strength and strength
of the masonry wall of the nearby drain with regards to flood flow.
Clause 7; page 96
S. No Standard Title
1. IS : 1710 Specification for pumps- Vertical turbine mixed and
axial flow, for clear cold water.
2. IS: 9137 Code for acceptance tests for Centrifugal, Mixed flow
and Axial pumps Class-C.
3. IS: 5120 Technical requirement for roto-dynamic special
purpose pumps.
4. IS: 5199 Standards of the Hydraulic Institute of USA.
5. IS: 5120 Performance test of pumps
6. IS: 11732 Mechanical Balancing.
Features of construction:-
The impeller shall be semi-open/closed type. The impeller shall be fastened securely
to the impeller shaft with keys and lock nuts. They shall be adjustable vertically by
means of a nut. Impeller shall be dynamically balanced to grade G 6.3 of IS: 11723.
The casting of bowls shall be free of blow holes, sand holes and other detrimental
defects, the bowls shall be capable of with standing a hydrostatic pressure equal to
one and a half times the maximum discharge pressure or shut off head.
The bowls may be equipped with replaceable wear ring, Water passages shall be
smooth and the bowl may contain bushes to serve as bearing for the impeller shaft.
Impeller Shaft
Single integral shaft, wherever possible or shaft in pieces with suitable screwed
coupling shall be designed to withstand the torque loads throughout the whole range of
operation conditions, for the selected particular impeller diameter as well as all the impeller
diameters covered between minimum and maximum impeller diameters when coupled to the
motor shaft through flexible coupling.
The shaft shall be guided by bearing provided in each bowl or above and below the impeller
shaft assembly. The butting faces of the shaft shall be machined square to the axis and the
shaft ends shall be chamfered on the edges. Shaft shall have a surface finish of 0.75 microns
Line Shafts
The design of the shaft shall also take into consideration having speed of the shaft in such a
way that the critical speed shall have adequate margin with respect to the operating speed by
at lease 30% on either side.
The shaft shall be furnished with interchangeable sections having a length of 1.5 m, 2.5 or
3.0 m. The butting faces of the shaft shall be machined square to the shaft axis and the shaft
ends shall be chamfered on the edges. To ensure correct alignment of the shaft they shall be
straight within 0.125 mm for 3 m length total dial indicator reading. Shaft shall have a
surface finish of 0.75 microns maximum.
Shaft Sleeves
Replaceable shaft sleeves shall be provided to protect the shaft where is passes through
stuffing boxes. The end of the shaft sleeve assembly shall extend through the packing gland.
Shaft sleeves shall be securely locked or keyed to the shaft to prevent loosening. Shaft and
shaft sleeve assembly shall ensure concentric rotation.
Transmission Bearings
Transmission bearings shall be designed to be lubricated by water.
Thrust Bearings
Anti-friction thrust bearing of adequate capacity to carry the weight of all rotating parts,
plus the hydraulic down thrust shall be provided in the discharge head. The thrust bearing
shall be either grease or oil lubricated, Anti-friction bearing shall be of standard type and
shall be selected to give 20,000 hours continuous operation at rated operating conditions.
The rise in bearing oil/grease temperature with continuous running of the pump shall be
within the allowable limits which shall not exceed 20º C for grease and 30 º C for oil
lubricated bearings above ambient temperature.
Flanges shall be machined flat, with flange faces vertical and at right angles to the pump
mounting surface. Cast iron flange drilling and thickness shall conform to IS 1538. (Part IV
and VI) for ID upto 1500 mm and to IS 6392 for ID greater than 1500 mm.
Column pipe:-
A flexible pin bush type coupling shall be provided, duly bored and keyed to the pump and
motor shafts. For line shaft threaded barrel coupling shall be used. The coupling and the
pump shafts have to be designed that the breaking load of the coupling system is slightly
below that of the shaft.
All specified accessories and any other standard accessories required for correct and safe
operation of the pump shall be furnished with the pumps. All incidental piping (including
valves) required for sealing, and lubrication shall be furnished by the Bidder.
Eye bolts (as many per pump as required for safety) shall be provided for ease of lifting and
General Requirement & Specification for VT Pumps
S. No Particular Provisions of Contract
agreement/already approved documents.
1. Duty Condition As per scope
2. Head Range of Pump Operation As per scope
3. Make As per list of Approved Make
4. Make of Motor As per list of Approved Make
5. Type of pump Vertical Turbine
6. Drive Direct
7. Prime mover Electric Motor Vertical solid shaft
8. Bow/Bell mouth 2% Ni Cast iron
9. Impeller S.S (CF 8M)
10. Impeller Shaft AISI 316
11. Line/Head Shaft Carbon steel 40 C8 of IS 1570
12. Shaft Sleeve S.S. (AISI 410)
13. Shaft enclosing tube MS
14. Transmission bearings Nitrile rubber in bronze housing.
15. Fasteners in contact with water SS 304
16. Gland Packing Graphite Asbestos
17. Strainer S..S
18. Other fasteners MS cadmium plater
19. Lubricant of pump Water
20. Flanges As per IS 1538.
21. Combined efficiency Not less than 75%
22. Noise level & vibration level Noise level shall be limited to 85 db at a
distance of 2 m. Velocity of vibrations in
shaft shall be within 4.5 mm/s.
23. Power factor Minimum 0.90
The above provisions relate to different type of pumps at different places. The provision
given at Clause 1.3; page 92, mentions submersible pump and at clause 7, it mentions
submersible pump and totally enclosed fan cooled motor . It means that the pump should be
submerged and motor should be non-submerged which refers to VT pumps, indirectly. At
Clause 6.4.9, under specifications for pumping station(Civil and mechanical), it clearly lays
down specifications for vertical turbine pumps. Reading above provisions, interpretation tilts
more in favour of vertical turbine pump.
3. Technical Suitability
a. In the present case, VT pump is more suitable from the point of view of ease of
maintenance and better operational efficiency. Further, the cut to be provided in the
floor of pump house is much smaller in case of VT pumps as compared to
submersible centrifugal pump.
b. Maintenance cost of VT pumps is lower as compared to that for submersible pump.
c. In Rajasthan also VT pumps have been successfully used for clear water pumping at
number of places. In some states like MP, VT pumps are used by default for clear
water pumping,
In light of above discussions, it is also felt that vertical turbine pump shall be
conforming to the TD scope and specifications apart from being technically more
suitable and therefore recommended for installation in the instant case.