Effect of Organic Manure On Growth and Yield of Strawberry: January 2014

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Effect of organic manure on growth and yield of strawberry

Article · January 2014


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5 authors, including:

Md. Faruk Hossain Md.Tariqul Islam

Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Bangladesh Agricultural University


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Wudpecker Journal of Agricultural Research ISSN 2315-7259
Vol. 3(1), pp. 035 - 038, January 2014 2014 Wudpecker Journals

Effect of organic manure on growth and yield of

Uddin M R, M F Hossain2, S M Zaman3, M Islam4 and N Ara5
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore, Bangladesh.
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Ishwardi, Bangladesh.

*Corresponding author Email: [email protected].

Accepted 04 December 2013

An experiment was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, BARI, Jessore, Bangladesh
during rabi season of 2012-13 to find out the effect of source of organic manure on strawberry
production. Seven treatments viz. T1 = cocodust @ 10 t/ha + N120 P50 K100 S14 Zn1.5 and B2 kg/ha, T2 =
cocodust @ 15 t/ha + N120 P50 K100 S 14 Zn1.5 and B2 kg/ha, T3 = cocodust @ 20 t/ha + N120 P 50 K100 S14 Zn1.5
and B 2 kg/ha, T4 = cowdung @ 10 t/ha + N120 P50 K100 S14 Zn1.5 and B2 kg/ha, T5 = cowdung @ 15 t/ha + N120
P50 K100 S14 Zn1.5 and B2 kg/ha, T6 = cowdung @ 20 t/ha + N120 P50 K100 S14 Zn1.5 and B2 kg/ha and T7 =
Control + N120 P 50 K100 S14 Zn1.5 and B2 kg/ha were used in the experiment. Yield of strawberry was
significantly influenced by the treatments. . Maximum number of fruits per plant (26.33) was obtained
from T2 treatment which was statistically similar to T 3 treatment (25.67). Similarly the highest average
fruit weight (12.30 g) was measured from T 2 treatment which was statistically similar to T 5 treatment
(12.06 g). The highest marketable yield (19.00 t/ha) was recorded from the treatment T 2 and the lowest
marketable yield (13.37 t/ha) was recorded from control.

Key words: Strawberry, cocodust, cowdung, growth, yield.


Strawberry is an exotic fruit in Bangladesh. It is a and posed an environmental hazard and disposal
nutritious quick growing fruit. Strawberry is widely grown problem. Upon decomposition, cocodust is transformed
fruit crop in the world adapted in geographically diverse into a stable product called humus which is agro-
area. Our land and cropping pattern are suitable for its ecologically important. Humus provides active agent,
adaptation. In Bangladesh strawberry produced fruits hormones, antibiotic; increases cations exchange
during November to April when most of the fruits are not capability, reacts with oxides of iron and aluminum to
available. In this point of view, strawberry may help to form a stable aggregate. Thus, it reduces toxic metal
increase the availability of fruits in the lean period of concentration.
Bangladesh. Organic manure has a significant influence Humus also serves as buffer system of pH value in the
on its production. Cocodust is a byproduct from coir soil and increase nutrient uptake efficiency. Thampan
industries. It is extracted from coconut husks and widely (1987) stated that cocodust in soil release plant nutrients
used as an excellent base for growing tomatoes, roses slowly which is beneficial to annual crops like quick
etc. (Savithri and Khan, 1994). It is absolutely organic growing fruits. On the other hand, once upon a time every
material having higher water absorbent property and farmers of Bangladesh had minimum a pair of bullock and
maintains humidity for a long time due to its cellulose farmers were used cowdung as organic manure. After
structure (Magat, 1994). mechanization, there is hardly found cattle in our country.
Cocodust can be used as the soil amendment under Moreover, the villagers use this cowdung after dried as
varied soil conditions for improving the physical, chemical fuel purpose. As a result, use of organic manure
and biological properties of soil (Singaram, 1994). It is a becomes very low. Thus, use of cocodust may be an
good source of mulch for increasing the water holding alternative source of strawberry cultivation. Therefore, the
capacity and reducing the weed population (Solaimalai et present study has been undertaken to test the efficacy of
al., 2001). Earlier cocodust was considered as a waste cocodust as organic manure compared to cow dung.
Uddin et al. 036

MATERIALS AND METHODS removed time to time. The experimental plots were
covered with nylon net to protect the fruit from birds. In
The experiment was conducted at Regional Agricultural the early stage of transplantation soft rot disease was
Research Station, Jessore, Bangladesh during rabi occurred and it was controlled by spraying Rovral @ 2 g
season of 2012-2013. BARI Strawberry-1 was used as per liter water 2 times at 7 days interval. In the fruiting
the test crop. Well decomposed cowdung and coir pith stage, fruit rot disease was occurred and it was control by
were used as the organic manures in combination with spraying Rovral @ 2 g per liter water 3 times at 7 days
recommended dose of chemical fertilizers (N120 P50 K100 interval.
S14 Zn 1.5 and B2 kg/ha). The nutrient status of soil of the Flood irrigation was applied after fertilizer application
experimental plot was determined at the Soil Science Lab and during drought period. Ten plants were selected
of Soil Science Division, Bangladesh Agricultural randomly for data collection. Harvesting was done when the
Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur (Table 1). fruits were fully ripened. The collected data were analyzed
Decomposed cocodust was collected from Coco Fibre statistically and the means were separated by LSD.
Industry Ltd, Chachra, Jessore, Bangladesh. The nutrient
status of cocodust of the experimental plot was also
determined at the Soil Science Lab of Soil Science RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute,
Joydebpur, Gazipur (Table 2). The experiment was laid The yield and yield contributing characters were
out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with significantly influenced by the treatments except plant
three replications. Unit plot size was 3.0 m x 1.0 m height, and fruit size (Table 4). However, the tallest plant
keeping 30 cm drain between two plots. (16.60 cm) was produced from T 2 treatment and the
The treatments were as follows: shortest plant (10.73 cm) was produced from control. On
the other hand, the highest number of leaves per plant
T 1 = cocodust @ 10 t/ha + N 120 P50 K100 S14 Zn 1.5 and B2 (21.46) was recorded from T2 treatments, which was
kg/ha statistically similar to T1 treatment (20.03) and the lowest
T 2 = cocodust @ 15 t/ha + N120 P50 K100 S14 Zn 1.5 and B2 number of leaves (16.90) was recorded from T4
kg/ha treatments. Number of fruits per plant was also
T 3 = cocodust @ 20 t/ha + N120 P50 K100 S14 Zn 1.5 and B2 significantly influenced by the treatments. The maximum
kg/ha number (26.33) of fruits per plant was obtained from T2
T 4 = cowdung @ 10 t/ha + N120 P50 K100 S14 Zn 1.5 and B2 treatments, which was statistically similar to T5 treatments
kg/ha (25.33) and the minimum number (19.67) of fruits per
T 5 = cowdung @ 15 t/ha + N120 P50 K100 S14 Zn 1.5 and B2 plant was obtained from control. Fruit size that is length of
kg/ha fruit and breadth of fruit was not significantly influenced
T 6 = cowdung @ 20 t/ha + N120 P50 K100 S14 Zn 1.5 and B2 by the treatments.
kg/ha However, comparatively the longest fruit (3.90 cm) was
T 7 = Control + N120 P50 K100 S14 Zn 1.5 and B2 kg/ha recorded from T2 treatments and the shortest fruit (3.39
cm) was recorded from control. Almost similar trend was
The source of N, P, K, S, Zn and B were urea, TSP, found incase of breadth of fruit. There was a marked
MOP, gypsum, zinc sulphate and boric acid, respectively. influence of the treatments on yield of strawberry. The
Organic manures (cocodust and cowdung) were applied highest marketable yield (19.00 t/ha) was obtained from
one plough before final land preparation. Total amount of T 2 treatments that is cocodust @ 15 t/ha plus
TSP, gypsum, zinc sulphate and boric acid were applied recommended dose of chemical fertilizers, which was
in the plot during final land preparation. Urea and MOP statistically similar to T5 treatments (18.13 t/ha) and the
were applied in three equal installments at 20, 40 and 60 lowest marketable yield (13.37 t/ha) was obtained from
days after planting. The strawberry seedlings were control that is only recommended dose of chemical
collected from Head Quarter, Bangladesh Agricultural fertilizers. This result is agreement with the findings of
Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Hossain et al. (2011) who reported that coir pith is
The seedlings were transplanted in the field on 09 suitable source of organic manure for growth and yield of
December 2012 in the evening maintaining 50 cm x 30 summer tomato. Cocodust is considered highly nutritious
cm plant spacing. Healthy seedlings of uniform size were for plant growth as it is the part of fruits.
selected for the transplantations. After transplantation, Nutrient status of decompose cocodust is higher than
the experimental plot was irrigated by watering cane and decomposed cowdung and it contains some micro
second irrigation (flood irrigation) was done 3 days after nutrients (Table 2 and Table 3) which play significant role
transplantation. Three weeding was also done for weed for growth and yield of crops. It can hold water in soil for a
control. Five days after irrigation, the experimental plots long times and release essential nutrients for plant growth
were mulched by loosing the top soil of the plot to protect slowly, causing importance for year round crops like
the land from cracking. Runners of strawberry were banana and papaya (Thampan, 1987).
037 Wudpecker J. Agric. Res.

Table 1. Chemical properties of the initial soil of the experimental field at Jessore.

Ca Mg K P S B Cu Fe Mn Zn
Location pH OM ----------------------- Total -------------------------------------------------
------Meq/100 g---- N (%) ---------------------µg g ---------------------
Jessore 7.2 1.4 10.0 2.5 0.21 0.17 11 10 0.22 0.5 40 5.0 1.5
Critical level - - 2.0 0.8 0.20 - 14 14 0.20 1.0 10 5.0 2.0
Source: Soil Science Lab, BARI

Table 2. Nutrient status (%) of decomposed cocodust.

Treatment Appearance N P K S B Zn Ca Mg Fe
Cocodust Blackish 0.42 0.50 0.07 0.20 0.04 0.04 0.50 0.14 0.08

Table 3. Nutrient status (%) of decomposed cowdung.

Manure Appearance N P K S
Cowdung Black 0.5-1.5 0.4-0.8 0.5-1.5 0.13
Source: AIS (2008)

Table 4. Yield and yield contributing characters of strawberry

No. of Average Fruit

Plant height No. of Length of Breadth of
Treatment leaves/ fruit weight yield
(cm) fruits/ plant fruit (cm) fruit (cm)
plant (g) (t/ha)
T1 16.50 20.03 22.33 11.40 3.75 3.08 15.80
T2 16.60 21.46 26.33 12.30 3.90 3.35 19.00
T3 16.03 19.36 24.67 10.96 3.85 3.27 17.26
T4 16.13 16.90 20.33 11.33 3.58 2.99 13.99
T5 15.88 18.80 25.33 12.06 3.73 3.33 18.13
T6 16.26 19.96 22.67 10.86 3.65 3.24 15.89
T7 15.96 19.40 19.67 11.00 3.39 2.81 13.37
CV (%) 10.73 7.89 6.78 4.57 7.04 6.28 5.28
LSD (.05) NS 2.68 2.75 0.93 NS NS 1.78
NS= Not significant at 5% level of probability.

Conclusion 33.
Hossain MF, Uddin MR, Ara N, Ahmed MT and Dey S
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