Sound System Gain Structure
Sound System Gain Structure
Sound System Gain Structure
a. Preparation page 8
b. Adjustment Via Oscillator and Oscilloscope page 8
c. Active Crossover and Compressor/Limiter Adjustment page 8
d. Power Amplifier Adjustment page 8
e. Low Crossover Network Drive Level Option page 14
f. Higher Average-to-Peak Ratio/Lower Dynamic Range Option page 14
from the nominal signal level to the onset of clipping,
Good gain structure is a necessity, especially if the which is the maximum signal amplitude limited by the
system employs today's DSP devices in a live sound output voltage of the device. The Signal-to-Noise
reinforcement signal path. These devices don't clip Ratio plus headroom equals the dynamic range of the
nicely, and avoiding that clipping while maintaining a device or system. Proper gain structure is the process
low noise floor requires an accurately balanced gain of maximizing a system’s dynamic range.
Figure 1. illustrates a device with a dynamic range
The term Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N) is the difference “window” of 105 dB. This dynamic range is arbitrarily
in dB from a nominal signal level, usually +4 dBu or 0 calibrated to an electrical signal range of hearing and an
dB VU, to the measured thermal noise floor of the acoustical signal range of hearing.
device or system. Headroom is the difference in dB
Figure 1.
Figure 2. is a sound reinforcement signal chain of signal range is calibrated so that the amplifier, with its
devices’ dynamic range windows. Note the electrical input attenuator set full up, clips at a speaker output
reference level of 0 dBu and that the input and output level of 120 dB SPL at some reference listening
of both the mixing console and the DSP signal position. This particular gain structure is a very
processor are set for “unity gain,” meaning the input popular one. The electronics are set to “unity” and the
level and the output level are equal. The acoustical amplifier is set full up.
Figure 2.
Figure 3. illustrates that the resulting dynamic range for 65 dB.
this popular gain structure is a mediocre-at-best
Figure 3.
It is the intent of this paper to explain how to properly As confusing as the array of reference levels may seem
set a sound system’s gain structure so that it’s dynamic in audio, one must have a basic knowledge of some of
range is no worse than that of the noisiest device in the their relationships to properly understand gain
signal chain. It will also be explained that, with some structure. The decibel or dB is derived from the “Bel”
compromise to the noise floor, a system can sound as to honor Alexander Graham Bell. The Bel was the
loud as a system many times its size, if that is the intent amount a signal dropped in level over a one-mile
of the system technician. However, to cover this topic distance of telephone wire. This level-loss was too
properly, we must start with the basics. large an amount to be useful as a single unit, so it was
divided into tenths for practical application. The
II. REFERENCE LEVELS smaller unit was called the deci-Bel (tenth-Bel) or dB
and has many values today, depending on the
a. The Decibel reference used. The dB without a suffix only
represents a ratio and must have a reference level, as this reference used from time to time, but the author
indicated by the suffix to establish what value 0 dB is. prefers not to use it in his own calculations. It is
For the purposes of this paper, we will only concern enough just to know what it means if encountered in a
ourselves with those references that are involved in specification.
electrical audio signals, not acoustic ones.
The amount of voltage dropped across a 600-ohm
b. Electrical dB References load while dissipating 1 mW is approximately 0.775 V.
The dBm is the original electrical dB power reference This reference originally was the dBv and was often
and 0 dBm is a power level of 1 milliwatt (mW). It is confused with the dBV, so now it is called the dBu
usually described as being dissipated across a 600- (for unterminated), and 0 dBu = 0.775 V. To convert
ohm load, however the load is of no real importance. from dBV to dBu, just add 2.2 dB to the dBV value
600 ohms simply happened to be the standard circuit and that is the equivalent dBu value.
resistance of a telephone line when the dBm was first
used. The last reference we must familiarize ourselves with is
not an actual standard reference, but we spend more
Most contemporary signal processors and amplifiers time looking at this level indication than any of the
used in professional audio today have bridging inputs others. It is the VU meter “reference” dB VU
which are high impedance circuits that allow several (Volume Units) and basically 0 dB VU = +4 dBm if
units to be driven in parallel by one signal source. the circuit is loaded with 600 ohms. If the circuit is not
They also have op-amp outputs having very low output loaded with 600 ohms, as is often the case in today’s
impedances that are designed to drive any load from audio systems, then 0 dB VU = +4 dBu.
600 ohms to an open circuit (infinite impedance)
without affecting the output voltage level. Since they Chart 1. lists the dB references, their characteristics,
are no longer based on load-sensitive power circuits and relationships.
like earlier audio electronics, the dBm is not as useful in
current system calibration as a voltage-referenced dB.
The dB has also been referenced to voltages, and the
first used was 0 dBV = 1.0 volt (V). You may see
Chart 1.
Since modern sound system signal chains are voltage b. RMS Level
sources, the author will use the dBu as the standard RMS (Root-Means-Square) level is a mathematical
reference of measured voltages to set system gain method for determining how much power is being
structure and will relate it to the dB VU as viewed on dissipated by a complex waveform in an AC circuit.
the typical VU meter. RMS gives the closest approximation of that power if a
DC circuit was dissipating it. For this paper, it means
0.707 times the peak value of the sine wave as seen on
III. PEAK, RMS, and VU METER LEVELS an oscilloscope.
Chart 2.
One word of caution: Do not trust a peak indicator to
be the true clipping point of a mixing console.
Manufacturers often set these indicators as much as 10
dB below actual clipping to “idiot proof” the mixer’s
signal quality. Don’t get caught being the idiot!
IV. SETTING SIGNAL CHAIN GAIN through the transducer. Once a circuit has clipped,
STRUCTURE harmonics of the tone will be easily discernible,
revealing that clipping has occurred.
The method in section IV requires an oscilloscope, or This method has proven to be quite accurate, however,
inexpensive piezo-electric transducer being fed a sine- there are two limitations. First, it cannot be used on
wave signal below its passband, to determine the power amplifiers, as the signal is far too strong.
clipping point. Fortunately, the clipping indicators on most all power
amplifiers can be trusted to indicate, within a dB or
a. Preparation two, the true onset of clipping. Second, it cannot be
Start with the input and output gains on all electronics used on signal chains after the high-pass portion of
in the signal path all the way down. Be sure that the active crossovers where 300 to 400 Hz is not passed.
signal path’s equalizer, if it has one, has all its faders set Provided the crossover device has no built-in
to 0 dB. Equalization should be done after gain equalization, the other bandpass sections can usually
structure is optimized. If the system under test has a be set the same as the 300 to 400 Hz bandpass
dedicated speaker “processor/controller,” care needs section for gain structure purposes.
to be taken to ensure that any internal equalization is
accounted for by using the frequencies of maximum c. Active Crossover and Compressor/Limiter
boost for crossover section test signals. Additionally, if Adjustment
the processor/controller has compression/limiting, it When adjusting the gain of a crossover network using
must not be operating during this procedure. an oscilloscope, a frequency in the center of each
bandpass section should be used. Once the input gain
b. Adjustment Via Oscillator and Oscilloscope or is set for the first bandpass section, it should not need
Piezo-electric Transducer adjustment for the rest of the outputs (note the above
Using an oscillator, send a 1 kHz sine wave signal out concerns when processor/controllers are used). If
of the mixing console at a level just below clipping. compressor/limiters are in the signal path between the
The most foolproof way to confirm this condition is to crossover outputs and the amplifiers’ inputs, set them
look at its output with an oscilloscope. Clipping for no compression/limiting during this test. Concerning
indicators and maximum level specifications cannot be compressor/limiters, after setting gain structure, they
trusted! As you turn up the level, the sine wave will may be appropriately adjusted according to the system
"flat-top" once the maximum signal voltage of the technician’s intent (see section IV. f.).
circuit has been exceeded. This is the onset of clipping
since the top and bottom of the waveform has been d. Power Amplifier Adjustment
"clipped" off. Increase the input and then the output After each output on the crossover has been set, start
gain in turn on each device downstream in the signal turning up the input on the lowest frequency amplifier
path until the oscilloscope indicates the level in and out with its output connected only to the oscilloscope until
of each device is just below clipping. Be sure that the it is just below clipping. The output level of an
clipping threshold of the input attenuator, if the device amplifier is too strong for the piezo method. In this
under test has one, is found before adjusting its output case, use the clipping indicators of each amplifier
attenuator. channel instead. Unlike mixers, amplifier-clipping
If an oscilloscope is not in one’s current budget, an indicators are usually accurate to within a few dB. If
inexpensive piezo-electric transducer, as manufactured the amplifiers have input sensitivity switches (attenuator
by Motorola and used in low-cost speakers will do. In pads), set them for the highest voltage
this case, one must use a 300 to 400 Hz tone, which is rating/least amount of input gain/sensitivity. Since
below the transducer’s passband, for the sine-wave today's amplifiers are constant-voltage outputs (if the
signal. Before clipping, the tone will not be heard load is = or > the minimum load of 2 - 8 ohms), the
high impedance load of the oscilloscope will produce
an amplifier output voltage sufficiently close (within a
few dB) to the voltage when the speakers are
connected. The remainder of the amplifier channels
should be set the same way.
Once the speakers are connected, these amplifier Since most mixing consoles produce from 6.153 to
channels will most likely be attenuated further to match 15.454 V RMS (+18 to +26 dBu) before clipping, a
the level of the lowest frequency section on the RTA's sound system with its amps full up can send the
display during equalization via a test microphone. If a amplifiers into 24 dB of clipping. Poof go the drivers
particular bandpass section cannot be appropriately and up go the sales of compressor/limiters!
matched to the other sections without exceeding the Many sound companies tolerate clipping in their sound
clipping threshold just set, the other sections must be systems for two reasons: 1) the human ear does not
further attenuated to match it. This will be the weak readily detect clipping distortion of high frequency
link in the system and every system has one. If overall peaks due to their short time duration, and 2) we
maximum level is insufficient under these become accustomed to drivers sounding more harsh at
circumstances, see section IV. f., or consider adding high levels, attributing that harshness to driver distortion
transducers and/or increasing power amplification to rather than amplifier clipping. The amplifiers’ input
this bandpass section. attenuators must be turned down to just below clipping
to avoid this condition. This way, when the console's
Please keep in mind that most all amplifiers need only a output meters read an average level of 0 dB VU (+4
0.775 to 1.545 V RMS signal (0 to +6 dBu) with the dBu), there is at least 20 dB of headroom for peaks in
input attenuator wide open to produce full output the console and all other devices downstream,
power. Understand that turning down an amplifier’s including the amplifiers. This is the most economical
attenuators does not reduce its potential power output. driver protection (free), and it provides the greatest
It simply decreases the input sensitivity, requiring more dynamic range for the system.
input voltage to get full output power.
Remember Figure 3. and its marginal 65 dB of dynamic range for the sound system? Following the instructions of this
section, the next figures step through proper gain structure setting for the example sound system
Figure 4.
Figure 4. starts with the gain structure of Figure 3. having unity gain for the line-level electronics and the
amplifier’s input attenuator full up.
Figure 5.
Figure 5. adjusts the mixer’s input for some arbitrary signal source so that it’s input level is just below
Figure 6.
Figure 6. adjusts the input of the DSP down 8dB so the +24 dBu output of the mixing console doesn’t clip its +18
dBu input capacity. A word of caution here: Most active balanced inputs have the input attenuator located after the
active-balancing circuit. If the active-balancing circuit chip cannot handle the input signal without clipping, and many
cannot handle a +26 dBu signal, then the input can clip regardless of the attenuator setting. In this case, there are only
two choices: 1) run the mixer a little lower in level, or 2) build an input pad for the DSP.
Figure 7.
Figure 7. adjusts the amplifier’s input attenuator down by 12 dBu to reduce its sensitivity to match the +18 dBu
output level of the DSP. It will now take a +18 dBu signal to drive the amplifier to full output instead of the +6 dBu
signal that would do so when the input attenuator was full up. Notice that the arbitrary speaker level of 120 dB SPL
can still be attained, but now the system cannot clip with a full level signal into the mixing console.
Figure 8.
Figure 8. shows the improved dynamic range to be had by properly adjusting the gain structure of the system. The
marginal 65 dB of dynamic range for Figure 3. has now been improved by 20 dB, to 85 dB. Note that it is the same
as the dynamic range of the weakest link in the signal chain. In this case, it’s the mixer. Be aware that some noise
floor addition due to the series circuit nature of the signal chain will make the system dynamic range slightly less than
that of the weakest link, but it will be a minimal difference due to the way random noise levels add.
The system still produces the 120 dB SPL maximum peak level, but now is very difficult to clip and has a noise floor
20 dB lower than before with the gain structure properly adjusted.
e. Low Crossover Drive Level Option Ratio) of the amplifier's input specification is, it has just
One compromise to adjusting each and every been compromised by that many dB’s. The system
amplifier’s input attenuator individually is to turn down technician in charge must decide if this compromise is
the output of the devices driving the amplifiers instead. acceptable. Often, it is the practical choice.
This enables touring sound companies to have all
amplifiers set the same (full up) without the worry of f. Higher Average-to-Peak Ratio/Lower Dynamic
incorrect adjustment to any one amplifier. The trade- Range Option
off to this compromise is that the potential interference For some applications, like live-band sound
from hum, noise, and RFI in the lines feeding the reinforcement, when one adjusts the gain structure as
power amplifiers has been increased by the number of instructed above, the maximum level possible before
dB’s the devices' outputs have been attenuated. the system clips is inadequate. It can be very
Whatever the CMRR (Common Mode Rejection
expensive to have a system that provides a true 20 dB
of peak-to-average headroom. A comprising method
that is used often by large touring sound companies
answers this dilemma. It is to turn the system Another general rule to keep in mind is that when large
amplifiers input attenuators up for greater sensitivity numbers of sources are mixed together, the overall
and use limiters just before the amplifiers’ inputs to level increases. On some mixing consoles, one can mix
prevent amplifier clipping. several signals with their input gains properly set and
their individual levels at zero and still clip the mix bus.
For example, if the amplifiers’ inputs are turned up an Get to know the characteristics of the make and model
additional 10 dB, when the console meters average 0 being used.
dB, limiters now must be set to reduce the peaks by
10 dB to avoid amplifier clipping and subsequent b. Initial Adjustments
driver damage. This produces a higher average-to- Be sure all controls are “zeroed out” with all levels at -
peak output level ratio thus resulting in a 10-dB higher ∞ (off), all equalization controls at 0 dB (no boost or
perceived loudness without clipping. This is the cut, unity gain) and all high-pass and low-pass filters
equivalent of having a speaker system 10 times as off.
The input “trim” or “gain” control is the first level to set
Though the noise floor is now 10 dB higher than on the mixer, and it may be a fixed amount without a
optimum, and the dynamic range has also been knob to control on less expensive rack-mount type
reduced by 10 dB, the economic gains of having a mixers. For mixing consoles, it should be set just
system 1/10th the size on tour is well worth the sonic below clipping so the “clip” or “overload” LED does
sacrifice. This is especially true if the dynamic range of not illuminate on the loudest passage that source will be
the source music by the touring heavy metal group is producing. For example, if the source is a mic’ed
only 5 or 10 dB to start with. Just be sure to reset this electric guitar, have the musician play their loudest
system's gain structure to optimum before doing the passage and adjust the trim/gain down until it’s
local philharmonic! associated LED stays off. Often an attenuator pad,
usually -20 dB, must be used to prevent input
overload. Do this for each source in the system. For
V. SETTING MIXER GAIN STRUCTURE mic- level inputs, this stage of amplification, the mic
pre-amp stage, has more gain than any other in a
a. General Considerations sound system, including the power amplifier. Proper
The system’s mixer, or mixing console in larger adjustment of this gain stage is the most important in
systems, also needs gain structure consideration, and the entire signal chain. If the mic pre-amp is clipping,
this should be done after setting the downstream nothing done downstream can remove the distortion
electronics’ gain structure. The settings for this will induced here. Likewise, if the signal level is too low
change from day to day, depending on the signal here, the result is the greatest amount of noise-floor
sources, types of music, or the moods of the musicians hiss that can be produced in the system.
that day for a live music system. As a result, in all but
the simplest venues, one must adjust the mixing Next, if the mixer has sub-grouping capability that one
console’s gain structure for each use. can use to separate vocals, instruments, drum kits,
choirs, etc., set the levels for these groups initially at 0
The general rule of thumb for mixer gain structure is to dB. As a mix is created, these levels will change to get
present as much level at the beginning of the signal a better balance between source sections. Always try
chain as possible without clipping and keep it that way to bring levels down to get the best balance rather than
to the outputs. This maintains the highest signal-to- up so that mix-bus clipping can be avoided. Once
noise ratio and greatest dynamic range for the mixed again, be familiar with the board being used to know its
signal at the end of the signal path. characteristics.
Last, with a test source like a CD, put its input level
control fader, not its gain trim control, to zero and run
the applicable output levels up to zero. If this is too d. Easily Recalled Method
loud, this means two things: 1) Congratulations! The For this method, all the individual input faders are set at
system has adequate headroom and output level, and 0 dB and the input gain trims of all but the loudest
2) There is enough level to turn the system up later, if sources are reduced to a level well below the clipping
needed. If the level is not enough, consider the gain point to provide a balanced mix. Once these initial
structure technique in section IV. f. levels have been set, DO NOT continue adjusting the
input gain trims to rebalance the mix. Only adjust them
Following in Sections c. and d. are the two ways most if an input is clipping.
professionals in the industry choose to set levels for
mixing consoles. Each has an advantage and a This method compromises the best noise floor for most
disadvantage. of the sources and is problematic for levels of pre-
fader monitor and effects-sends for each input.
c. Technically Optimum Method However it provides a balanced mix with all the
Once the input gains have been trimmed and the channel faders at 0 dB, making it an easy benchmark
appropriate sub-group levels set to zero, set the master to return to.
output levels to a comfortable listening level at or
below zero. Now individual input channel faders are Choose the method that suits the situation. If mixing in
run up with the source intended to be the loudest, like a relatively quite environment, the technically optimum
a lead vocal mic, at zero and the others brought up method may be preferred. If dramatic level changes
somewhat lower for a balanced mix. occur throughout the event, or if it is repeated
regularly, the easily recalled method may be the best
This provides the best signal-to-noise ratio and for the situation.
dynamic range for the system and is, in the author’s
terms “technically optimum.” The disadvantage to this
method is that the individual channel fader settings for a VI. REFERENCE PUBLICATIONS
balanced mix can be difficult to recall for a repeating
performance, or if one loses control of the mix and 1. The Sound Reinforcement Handbook, Second
wants to return to a starting point. Edition, written for Yamaha by Gary Davis &
Ralph Jones, Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation,