Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental Analysis
1 Fundamentally:
As a consumer
As an analyst : analyse companies numbers
2 Technically:
Analyze charts
3 Diversification
PE and EPS
You get to know how much price you are ready to pay per Re. 1/- earning for a share.
You get to know which company is better valued
1) Face Value is the price of the share which comes into existence with the company and is incorporated on the certificates.
FV does not change during its lifetime except during share splits
Face Value = Capital raised by promoters / No. of outstanding shares.
2) Book Value per share is the total equity with the company.
BV per share = (Assets - Liabilities) / No. of outstanding shares
BV per share = (ESC + Reserves) /No. of outstanding shares
* COMPARE MARKET PRICE AND BV on moneycontrol app to understand the fundamentals of the company and premium v
Pro tips:
For long term, invest in asset light model companies
The value of depreciation of asset is less
Changes is inventory is less frequent
Asset light businesses have higher P/BV ratio
Eg: Software, Marketing, Digital marketing
TCS, HUL, Info Edge
orporated on the certificates.
It does not mean that a company with higher P/E is not good.