Tones and Semitones PDF
Tones and Semitones PDF
Tones and Semitones PDF
The piano keyboard is a great visual to understand tones & semitones. It is made up of white keys and black keys. The
white keys are the notes, with the black keys the “half-way islands” in between.
Every black key has two names, as it depends on if you are sharpening the note below, or flattening the note above it.
So the halfway island between C & D can be called C# or Db. This is called ENHARMONICS (notes with two names).
As you can see, there isn’t a black key between E & F, or B & C. This means that E-F is a SEMITONE, as is B-C. (This also
means that E, F, B & C have enharmonic names too. E could also be Fb, F could also be E#, B could also be Cb & B could
also be B#)
Every major scale consists of the same pattern of tones & semitones. Because the black keys on the piano are placed
in an irregular pattern, this means that every major scale has a different combination of sharps or flats.
The Circle Of 5ths is an easy way to see which scales/keys contains which sharps & flats.