Tones and Semitones PDF

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Tones & Semi Tones

# Sharp Makes note 1 semitone higher

b Flat Makes note 1 semitone lower

Natural Cancels out # & b that have gone before it

Tones & semitones represent the distance between two notes.

TONE Full step Piano: 2 keys apart/Guitar: 2 frets apart

SEMITONE Half step Piano: 1 key apart/Guitar: 1 fret apart

The piano keyboard is a great visual to understand tones & semitones. It is made up of white keys and black keys. The
white keys are the notes, with the black keys the “half-way islands” in between.

So C-D is a TONE, and C-C# is a SEMITONE.

Every black key has two names, as it depends on if you are sharpening the note below, or flattening the note above it.
So the halfway island between C & D can be called C# or Db. This is called ENHARMONICS (notes with two names).

As you can see, there isn’t a black key between E & F, or B & C. This means that E-F is a SEMITONE, as is B-C. (This also
means that E, F, B & C have enharmonic names too. E could also be Fb, F could also be E#, B could also be Cb & B could
also be B#)

Every major scale consists of the same pattern of tones & semitones. Because the black keys on the piano are placed
in an irregular pattern, this means that every major scale has a different combination of sharps or flats.


Work out any major scale using this pattern & the piano keyboard.

The Circle Of 5ths is an easy way to see which scales/keys contains which sharps & flats.

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