Akshara-Newsletter Akshara
Akshara-Newsletter Akshara
Akshara-Newsletter Akshara
Dear Readers
- Viswanadham Bulusu
Rapping has always been the most accessible music spoke the
way to express any sort of oppression and language of
grievances because it uses the most digestible people. As fun as
form of art to put forward its point- Music. We as the rap sounds, it
a country have historically been lovers of music, c o n t a i n e d
but until the middle of this decade, the only kind s c a t h i n g
of rap music which we were consuming was the commentary
one which was all about fun, girls and alcohol. against police
These songs were completely irrelevant to the brutality and socio-economic oppression.
political environment surrounding the nation
and the socio - economic condition of the The year when Kanhaiya Kumar and his 'Azaadi'
downtrodden. They were all about the multiple speech took over the nation, a small time, rising
ways in which one could possibly get high and musician named Dub Sharma had created a
song around the whole controversy. And it
instantly struck a cord with the rebellious youth
of our nation, the one who believes
Communism is cool but reservation is not, being
completely delusional about the fact that
reservation is the most integral part of
Communism. Another music group called 'The
Casteless Collective', which had 4 rappers and
15 other musicians had also taken over Tamil
impress the 'bandi'. Nadu, especially the voiceless(not literally), who
was exposed to this piece of art, through which
But none of these criticisms can take away the they believed they could express their disdain
kind of impact these songs has had on the music towards the establishment. Their tamil language
landscape of our nation, afterall the 'Honey rap 'Anti-India', a raging piece of rap about the
Singhs' and 'Baadshahs' of our county had overtly nationalism of the current regime,
created a revolution which is impossible to bordering on jingoism, became a cult favourite
ignore. The music they created not only with the music lovers of the county, not
became incredibly popular but also took them withstanding the language barriers. Another
to individual stardom, one which was reserved
only for the elite Bollywood superstars. But then a
wave of change came. The landscape
evolved. 2015 was the precise year when the
'Gully Rap' of Mumbai took over city and had
also created ripples around the country. The rap
'Mere Gully Mein' quickly became the new
Mumbai anthem. Artistes like Divine and Naezy,
the guys who came up with the
aforementioned song, were local heroes. Their
factor which could be attributed to this group's undoubtedly great to listen, this song is like an
success could be the strong conflict between empty vessel with nothing much to express
the Tamil Nadu government and the central other than the fun aspects of the city.
government. PA Ranjith, the famous filmmaker
who directed 2 films starring Rajnikanth and Rapping is here to stay. Its popularity is on the
whose films are fundamentally politically constant rise with many of our youth actively
charged, leads this group. trying to engage in this art themselves, including
me. Afterall, rap is cool and and it's the new cool
And then came the wave of 'Gully Boy' , a movie to be politically aware and......being a
starring legit superstars like Ranveer Singh and communist, but a kind of communist who
Alia Bhatt, introduced this kind of rap to the understands what communism is.
general public, from the elite to the
economically backward, everybody was - Arpit Srivastava
crooning 'Apna Time Aayega'. It became a BA - 3rd year
rage unlike anything Indian music had ever
witnessed. The movie was not just about music
but also depicted the class struggle in a subtle
and thought provoking manner. Musicians like
Divine and Dub Sharma, the former who is
currently the undisputed rap king of our country, Rap music is poetry accompanied by
while the latter is much more experimental with groovy beats and attractive tones from the
his tunes and lyrics. His song 'Jingostan' from the bass guitar and keyboards/synthesizers.
aforementioned movie was an absolutely great Often referred to as "hip-hop", Rap music
number with wicked lyrics. These two originated during the 1970s in New York
collaborated on the song 'Azaadi' , the City among Black and Hispanic
recreated version of Dub Sharma's 2016 song,
with an added rap portion by Divine also
became a raging hit due its anti-establishment
Rap's a delivery style that includes rhyme,
rhythm, and spoken language, usually
delivered over a beat. It's a part of the
wider hip-hop culture, which includes the
spoken word (the MC), the beats (the DJ),
break-dancing, and graffiti art.
College Events
Guest Lecture on “Research Methodology In the session, the faculty members were taught
Research and Development cell of Aurora's the importance of google applications like
Degree and PG College organized a Guest google classroom, google drive and so on. With
Lecture on “Research Methodology” by Prof
M.L Sai Kumar, former Dean of IPE on 2nd July
2019 at Seminar hall. The lecture was designed
to understand the basic elements of research.
The speaker spoke at length about the
importance of research and how it helps to
shape the world that we live in today. He
explained the basics of research and moved on
to delineating the various steps to be taken for
conducting a research. the help of these applications the user can go
online. These integrations save teachers' and
students' time, and make it seamless to share
information between Classroom and their
favorite apps. It engages students with
interactive teaching tools, improves reading
and writing skills.
Ashish Singh (MSCS 2A),Harshitha (MSCS 2B) and software market. He also informed of the New
Shivani (MSCS 2B) has given power point technology which is their working technology.
presentations on contributions and
achievements of PC Mahalnobis in the field of
statistics. Harshitha (MSCS 2B) gave a seminar
on the theme of Statistics Day “Sustainable
- Ms. P Chandrakala
Coordinator - Social Activities Cell
Aurora’s Degree & PG College
Akshara - The Newsletter
Book Review
In the next few parts of the novel, Philip, Jack 1. Akash J Antony of B.Com Gen 3A won
and Alfred become the main characters of the several prizes -
story. Alfred is described as a hardworking boy - 1st prize in the Debate Competition
but in the later parts is revealed to be the conducted by St. Pious PG College for
antagonist of the novel. Jack who is described
- 1st prize in Essay Writing Competition
as a weird person becomes the protagonist in
conducted by Ministry of Information and
the next parts. The later part of the novel is a Broadcasting, Govt. Of India
whirlwind of politics and religious conflicts. But in - 1st prize in Crisis Maestro Competition
the end, everything gets resolved. conducted by Nalsar University, Hyd
- 3rd prize in Poster Presentation
The Pillars of the Earth is a combination of Competition conducted by Avanthi Group
historical politics and religion with a shade of of Institutions
- 3rd prize in Debate Competition
mystery. The novel shows how powerful religious
conducted by RBVRR Women's College
people were, especially who lived in the
- Got the Academic Excellence Award
monasteries. The novel also shows the tyranny
from Catholic Laity Association, Hyd
faced by middle and lower class people in the
2. Abhishek & Samarth of B Com Hons 2B won
hands of higher class people. According to the
the 1st prize in Quiz Competition at
book Leading a normal life back in the twelfth Bhavanotsav held on 2nd & 3rd August.
century wasn't so easy.
3. Aksharth P Aravind Teja of B Com Hons 2B
won the 2nd prize in Quiz Competition at
Each chapter in this novel is nail-biting and Bhavanotsav held on 2nd & 3rd August
unique in its own aspect. The reader has no idea 4. Ashish Singh (MSCs 2A), Nitin (MSCS 2A),
about what and when the events actually Harshita (MSCs 2A), Deepika (MSCs 2B)
happen. The book looks really thick and one - 3rd prize in Corporate Roadies
might think how they'll be able to finish a book of Competition at the event Pratibimbh 2.0
800 plus pages in a single reading, but it is conducted by Badruka College, Hyd.
absolutely intriguing and keeps you hooked. - 3rd prize in High Five Competition at the
From the beginning to the end it is not only event Pratibimbh 2.0 conducted by
fascinating and interesting but also creates an Badruka College, Hyderabad
aura of utter thrill and curiosity. 'The pillars of the 5. Anwar Afzal, Kevin Gala of BBA 3B won 2nd
Earth' is worth a read. prize in IPL Bidding at BHAVANS FEST
6. Kalyan of B.COM Computers 3D won
3rd prize in Essay Writing Competition
conducted by LIC.
- Mohana Sai Hamsini
Alumni 7. Vara Prasad from BtBiC 2A is selected to
play Cricket at international level.
B.Com General (2016-19)
8. Netaji of MPCs 2A won 3rd prize in Group
Dance at YUVATAL Event.
9. Yashwanth Singh from MECS 3B won a prize
at the workshop conducted by St.Ann's
Degree College.
Movie Review
Aladdin is the only one who did not have any to snatch what is rightfully yours if you aren't
ulterior motive behind finding the lamp. Aladdin ready to grab it for yourself. One is bound by his
was unaware of the power of what he could own fear.
achieve from the lamp.
The Sultan: You will lose someone you can't live
Aladdin becomes the first and only friend of without, and your heart will be badly broken,
genie and this releases him from his emotional and the bad news is that you never completely
clutches. This sets him free of depression and get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also
social awkwardness. the good news. They live forever in your broken
heart that doesn't seal back up. One needs to
Jafar: This character is fuelled with greed and grow over loss of loved ones or it consumes you
revenge. He was prisoned and wants to attain from inside. The Sultan is lost by the loss of his wife
ultimate power to exact his revenge. His life and starts neglecting his kingdom. This paves
revolves around always being second and this way for his enemies to capture his throne both
pushed him to become number one. Jafar is a internal and external. He is consumed by the loss
narcissistic sociopath who destroys anyone who of his wife and loses sight of his responsibilities. He
is in his way to become the most powerful. This imprisons his own daughter in fear of losing her.
trait is what led to his doom. Aladdin uses this to
trap Jafar by showing that with power comes Conclusion
equally weighing disadvantages. The contrast It is not the obstacles which bring you down it's
between good and bad can be seen by the your fear which results in failure. Always be
contrast of Aladdin and Jafar. In the end what afraid of only one thing in life - failure.
you sow is what you reap. He has been
traumatised in prison which broke his mental
B Abhishek Chakravarthy
stability and has made him blind towards
B Com Hon - 2A
societal norms. Being called second by the
society his whole life he is vexed and wants to
prove to the whole world he deserves better.
The effect our surroundings have on our life is
shown here. The Arabian Nights aren't just
from Arabia.
Jasmine: This is one of the most important
Dating back as far as the 10th century A.D.,
character according to me. I'm a strong
these tales have origins in North African, Arabic,
supporter of women empowerment and
Turkish, Persian, Indian, and East Asian cultures.
breaking gender specific roles. Jasmine, even
In 947 Arab historian Al-Masudi, for example,
though being a princess is a prisoner in her own describes a large collection of a thousand tales
castle. This is a metaphor for being trapped by from all over the ancient world that he calls the
the chauvinist laws of Agrabah. She being the Persian Hazar afsana (A Thousand Stories). The
only heir wants to rule her kingdom in her own stories circulated for centuries, with new folk tales
way. She is compassionate and understands and renditions being added to the mix over the
what the people of her country need. She wants years.
to experience and interact with everyone in her In 1712, French scholar Antoine Galland
kingdom and solve their problems. This makes translated an Arabic version of the tales into
her a great ruler but she needs to stop being French. Galland added several new stories told to
afraid and speak up her mind. She needs to him by a Syrian named anna Diyab from
gain courage and break the shackles of silence Aleppo; “Aladdin and the Magical Lamp” was
and take what she deserves. People in life tend one of them.
TV Series Review
'Suits' is an American Legal Drama television
Series created and written by Aaron Korsh. It is
about a talented college dropout Mike Ross
who manages to get into a top law firm in New
York City despite never attending Law School
and works as a Junior Associate for Harvey
Specter. The Law firm in which Mike joined as a
Junior Associate hires only Harvard Law
Graduates. Harvey Specter who worked as a
senior partner in the Law firm was impressed with
Mike's knowledge in the field of law and was
stunned by his photographic memory and
The character of Harvey Specter is that he is a
Razor sharp mind so Harvey hires him despite
confident person who doesn't give up and is the
Mike not being from Harvard Law School and
best in whatever he does. He is also a witty
both Mike and Harvey keep this as a secret in
person. His confidence backed with hard work
the Law firm.
made him a successful and a top-notch lawyer.
The character of Mike Ross is that he is a quick
The show depicts the way in which the
thinker, who can understand and personalize a
character Mike Ross enacted by Patrick J
concept easily. He isn't startled when he has to
Adams solves a variety of cases along with the
work on a legal case for long hours, more so, he
character Harvey Specter enacted by Gabriel
is a dedicated individual who can be entrusted
Macht, thinking out of the box and at the same
with any kind of job. He has a photographic
time hiding the fact from many people of Mike
memory. Both Mike and Harvey are pro at
not attending a Law school. The show also
finding creative solutions to a wide range of
features characters like Louis Litt(Rick Hoffman),
Rachel Zane(Meghan Markle), Donna Paulsen
(Sarah Rafferty) and Jessica Pearson(Gina
Suits is a must watch drama series which is a mix
of fun, infotainment; and we also learn a lot from
the characters, some of them being the value of
The show focuses on Harvey and Mike solving
friendship and brotherhood, being loyal to
different cases along with the help of other
each other, confidence, hard work, dedication,
characters. The actors serve justice to the roles
and thinking out of the box which is displayed by
played by them with great acting skills. One of
Harvey, Mike and the other characters as well.
the qualities which we can learn from the show
is a sense of friendship and fraternity which is
depicted by the characters. The people
working in the law firm, shown in the drama
B.Com GEN -3A
series, work like a family, always supporting
each other and are loyal to each other.
Alumni Desk
Swetha Khirsagar
- International Star
B. Com (Honours)
2015 - 2018
Q.1 Considering Roller Hockey is an Q.5 What would be the favorite moment of
Unconventional game, how were you your still short but eventful career?
introduced to it?
So we have this senior team from
I came across this sport when I went to Chandigarh state and it has the best
Victory Playground for a summer camp players in this country. So, it was my third
session where I wanted to join Roller year in the game and I just joined the
Skating. There I came across a few boys junior team where I was in the main five,
playing Hockey on tiles and it fascinated before which I was on the bench. So I
me as they were playing such a thrilling scored a goal in the crucial semi-final
game. That was the very moment I match, which turned out to be the
decided to pursue it. deciding point in the match. That is when
few senior players came and
Q.2 Would you like to pursue a career in Roller
appreciated me for my performance
which I still cherish as the best moment of
As much as I would love to pursue a my career.
career in it, it is not possible in India as not
Q.6 What do you do when you are not playing
many people have an idea about the
or training?
game. But I would love to give it back to
the game as a coach sometime later in I love reading novels and I also enjoy
my life. Meanwhile, I would like to pursue writing. Apart from these, I'm also into
some other exciting careers. painting which keeps me rejuvenated.
Q.3 How does it feel like to be representing Q.7 The one person who has had the biggest
India and what goes through your mind influence on your life and career-
when you get onto the field?
That one person would always be my
It was like a dream come true for me, but I mother because she never forced me to
was also scared at the same time to enter take the beaten path. For instance, when
the field because if you make even a I was in Class 7th and flunking my maths,
single mistake, there are hundreds of she said as I quote her “Fail hori, hoja.
people who point out their fingers. But I'm Baad mein dekhenge”
thankful to my teammates who have
Q.8 What are your further aspirations?
been a constant source of support to me.
Honestly, I would love to continue to play
Q.4 Does representing India intimidate you
the game, but also would like to balance
and what keeps you grounded even after
it out with my other aspirations. I would be
achieving so much?
doing my MBA and I'm keen on learning
Representing India never intimidated me, some foreign languages to get an edge
but before representing, it felt like an over the others in my professional life.
impossible task. But, now when I represent
my nation, I have learnt to appreciate this
because not everyone gets a chance to
do this and the only thing that keeps me
grounded is my mother who has always
told me to be grateful for what you have.
- Abheek Dendukuri
B.Com - Honours - 2A
वो जागते है इस लए आज चन
ै से हम सोते है ,
सफ बे टयाँ पराई नह ं होती कछ
ु बेटे भी पराये
होते है ।
- अमरनाथ
B॰ Com Comp 1C