The Future of Energy: Australia's Energy Choice
The Future of Energy: Australia's Energy Choice
The Future of Energy: Australia's Energy Choice
In collaboration with
The Future of Energy | 2
Table of contents
04 Why this paper?
05 Our findings
08 Time is short
10 Australian context
– a policymaker’s view
13 Global context
20 Analysis
Without a structural, long-term plan or vision, • put an end to direct government interventions
future infrastructure investments are directly in energy markets
impacted. We have seen a ‘boom’ in renewable • obtain regulatory approvals and start work
energy construction over the last four years (i.e. on extending transmission networks
7,400 MW new capacity added and a further
• put in place changes in market settings
6,100 MW committed or highly probably,7 but over
to incentivise dispatchable generation
the same period only 700 MW of dispatchable
capacity8 and 190 MW of transmission
interconnection capacity9 have been added. • determine an environmental policy that
Many of these investments were underpinned by creates the right ambition for Australia
subsidies of one form or another.
3 Australian Government, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science - Resources and Energy Quarterly, June 2019
4 ACCC, Retail Electricity Pricing Inquiry—Final Report June 2018
5 Energy Security Board, The Health of the National Electricity Market, 2018
6 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2019 (Stated Policies Scenario)
7 Clean Energy Regulator - website, as of 31 October 2019
8 AGL Barker Inlet GT, SA Government GT capacity, plus battery capacity in SA and VIC
9 Heywood interconnector upgrade
13 Our forecasts have largely relied on data from AEMO Electricity Statement of Opportunities 2018, August 2018 and AEMO Draft
Integrated System Plan 2020 Assumptions, January 2019 to June 2019
14 Clean Energy Council - Clean Energy Australia report 2019
100% net
Net zero emissions
SA renewables by
by 2050
Still, given Australia’s total domestic emissions are only expected to decrease 11% by 2030,16 there’s
a role for the electricity sector (which represents 34% of Australia’s carbon emissions) to explore further
options to reduce emissions and simultaneously reduce the cost of electricity generation.
We have the highest uptake per capita of small-scale solar PV anywhere in the world.17 A similarly
fast-paced uptake is now starting to occur with battery storage installations. These trends will
continue, with forecasts suggesting Australia will have the highest proportion of distributed energy
resources globally.18
Several factors amplify the challenges of integrating these developments into Australia’s energy
systems highlighted below:
Several major The large variability Emerging energy Australia’s east coast
fossil-fuel-burning in our weather market design has one of the world’s
generators and demand challenges longest transmission
will retire over the systems, comprising
next decade some very long ‘stringy’
sections with very low
customer densities
As a result of these challenges, our market is often cited by global players as being ideal for innovative
technologies to first come to market at scale.
Business as usual Fall in global carbon Average G20 NDC 2°C 1.5°C
decarbonisation rate intensity in 2018 decarbonisation rate decarbonisation rate* decarbonisation rate*
1.6% a year 1.6% 3% a year 7.5% a year 11.3% a year
Carbon intensity (tCO2/$mGDP)
2000 2000 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100
Retirements Additions
European Union
United States
Middle East
Solar PV World
-30 0 30 60 90 120 150 2017 Data
Source: PwC analysis based on IEA, World Energy Outlook 2019 (Stated Policies Scenario)
Region Policy Authority date Renewables Nuclear Gas Coal
Note: NEA = National Energy Administration in China; CEA = Central Electricity Authority in India; admin. = administration;
PLN = Perusahaan Listrik Negara, the state electricity company in Indonesia.
Some nations have found a way to embrace an energy and climate future (e.g. the United Kingdom, France,
Germany and New Zealand), creating long-term confidence for investors, and enabling energy companies
and other market players to focus on how to get on with the job rather than second guess what the job
might be.
The models only take into account emissions from stationary energy generation and are not intended to
model emissions from other sources (e.g. transport and LNG production).
01 02 03 04
Reference Renewables Coal Accelerated
case case case renewables
Based on analysis In line with the Aligned with the Deviates from the
of various AEMO reference case on reference case reference case by
forecasts and most assumptions, and its thermal accelerating the
supporting data including the plant retirements thermal plant closure
and assumes major retirement rate of – assumes that schedule, particularly
thermal power thermal generation – for all coal-fired for plants currently
plant closures in replaces most retiring generation closed scheduled to close
line with company thermal capacity 50% of its capacity in the 2040’s and
announcements with renewables will be replaced by 2050’s – sees 60%
- sees 47% of High-Efficiency Low- of thermal capacity
Australia’s thermal Emissions (HELE) closed by 2040 and
generation capacity coal technology replaces it mostly
retiring by 2040 with renewables
replaced by a mix
of new gas and
renewable generation
on a least cost basis
In the absence of a long-term energy policy, the ‘reference case’ is an estimate of Australia’s current
pathway based on existing energy infrastructure plans, investment requirements and current policy settings
(both Federal and State/Territory). However, it assumes that any plant retirements are replaced in a timely
way with the lowest cost generation technology, or combination of technologies.
This scenario sees Australia in 2040 having 65% renewable generation, and emissions from the power
sector being 57% lower than they were in 2005. Our power system would be reliable and energy costs
will have declined compared to current levels. It is a case that some would argue as being ‘good enough’
for our future. But Australia can prosper much more by following the renewables case or the accelerated
renewables case. As seen in our modelling, there is economic opportunity from an increased investment
in renewables over the next two decades.
23 AEMO, Electricity Statement of Opportunities 2018, August 2018 - we have used this forecast to identify economically optimal
energy choices in a rapidly changing and growing energy market.
24 Generation costs and learning rates have been taken from AEMO Draft ISP 2020 Assumptions.
The charts below highlight the changes in generation mix and resulting emissions that occur under the
different scenarios. The results show that Australia is likely to see between 61% and 90% of its electricity
sourced from renewable generation by 2040, depending on which path it decides to pursue.
Reference, Accelerated Reference case Coal case
Renewables, Coal case renewables case
Renewables case Accelerated renewables case
40% 40%
20% 20%
0% 0%
Table 1 summarises the financial costs and economic impact for each modelled scenario.
All costs are the discounted total spent over the 2019-2040 period for each scenario. Capital cost
represents the annualised cost of capital for investments in generation, storage and networks, and applies
a weighted average cost of capital of 7% for all technologies to ensure consistency between scenarios.
This assumption arguably favours coal over other technologies as independent research indicates that
new coal fired generation faces higher project risk and market risk.27
renewable generation by 2040 and sees The renewables scenario shows that States
emissions reductions of 68% from power with sizeable coal generation industries, that
generation compared to 2005 levels. require a higher degree of transition away from
coal, will see an increase in the construction and
renewable power generation sectors that offsets
the decline in employment in other sectors. As a
The accelerated renewables case, while more
05 costly, replaces a higher amount of thermal
generation before 2040, which in the other
result, depending on the timing of the transition
and the subsequent investments, employment in
New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria will
cases still needs to be replaced between
increase from the transition.
2040-2050. It also should be considered
within the broader context of its positive
effect on GDP, consumption and emissions. Predictably, the investment in new generation
stimulates construction activity and also expands
activity in downstream supplying sectors
Economically, there is a clear and obvious like cement manufacturing, civil engineering
The ‘social cost of carbon’ (SCC) is a opportunity cost reflects the difference between
commonly estimated measure of the the cost of emissions to society (the ‘social cost
economic benefits of greenhouse gas of carbon’) and the cost per tonne of CO2 abated
(GHG) emission reductions (e.g., Tol 2005, (a function of the change in emissions and the
2008; Nordhaus 2008; Hope 2006, 2008; change in the energy system’s total costs, relative
Anthoff et al. 2009a,b). The SCC represents to the reference case).
the present value of the marginal social
damages of increased GHG emissions in At a practical level, the consideration of this
a particular year—including the impacts of opportunity cost can be thought of as affecting
global warming on agricultural productivity the amount of taxpayer funding required to
and human health, loss of property and meet Australia’s commitments to reduce CO2
infrastructure to sea level rise and extreme emissions (e.g. through the Emissions Reductions
weather events, diminished biodiversity and Fund); if more emissions can be reduced through
ecosystem services, etc.—and therefore it the transition of the energy system towards
also represents the marginal social benefits of renewables then fewer emissions need to be
emissions reductions. Properly defined, the reduced elsewhere in the economy to meet
SCC is the correct “shadow price” to place current commitments (and vice versa where there
on GHG emissions in a benefit-cost or social is an increase in emissions from the energy sector,
welfare analysis of climate change policies.28 more needs to be done by other sectors).
When including the social cost of carbon in the comparison of the cases, the economic impact of the
accelerated renewables case improves while the coal case will negatively impact GDP and consumption
(i.e. when compared to the results in Table 1).
28 “The Social Cost of Carbon Made Simple Made Simple”, Stephen Newbold, Charles Griffiths, Chris Moore, Ann Wolverton, and
Elizabeth Kopits, 2010
29 We observe this has been a topic of debate during our work, with polarised views on the cost of capital required to fund new coal
generation and even whether or not financing, insurances, etc could be sourced for new coal generation assets
1. Ensure that the current energy policy and 3. Developing transition plans for those
market reform work being undertaken by our industries, States and regions undergoing
various regulatory bodies and governments radical change - given our analysis points
comes together in a single coherent and to major regional shifts in employment and
comprehensive plan quickly and have the economic prosperity as the transition under
necessary legislation and regulation agreed all scenarios (including the reference case)
within the next 1-2 years. Governments of all unfold. Building coherent and action oriented
persuasions must not continue with political industry and regional economic transition
brinkmanship on the matter of energy policy. plans are fundamental to how Australia’s
energy communities continue to flourish as
2. A definitive body of work be undertaken our energy markets transition.
within the next 1-2 years to develop a view of
the critical role of the energy networks (both 4. Ongoing innovation is key to solving
transmission and distribution) sector and its Australia’s energy puzzle and creating
investment needs over the next 10+ years as world leading expertise. Much of what we
it continues its transformation to becoming will reshape over the next 20 years will
the physical energy platform we need for our occur across the globe which provides
energy future. an opportunity to develop world-leading
Australian expertise on how to build new
energy systems and the underpinning
technologies, both physical and digital.
If you believe you have ideas or thoughts that will positively impact this dialogue and
future planning, we would love to hear from you.
PwC and Jacobs have not obtained any funding or in-kind support in the development of this report.
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