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Student Name and ID Number:


Pearson BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate and Level 5 Higher

National Diploma in Hospitality Management

Unit 8:

Unit-8 Managing Conference and Events

Assignment Title:

Weeding Set Up


Table of Contents

Task: 01...........................................................................................................................................3

LO1: Investigating different categories and dimensions of events within the event sector with
features and current trends influencing the event sector:................................................................3

What is event management?........................................................................................................3

Diversity and features of the event management:........................................................................3

Features and current trends with examples influencing UK events sectors:................................6

Features and current trends influencing events sector:................................................................6

Task: 02...........................................................................................................................................7

LO2: Evaluating considerations for conference and event room set up in professional standards: 7

Additional services for increasing the value of the event:...........................................................8

LO3: Exploring management skills to deal with the stakeholders in events environment:...........10

Different job roles and management responsibilities:................................................................10

Event manager job responsibilities:...........................................................................................10

Management skills and personal attributes to meet stakeholder’s expectation and specific

LO4: Demonstrating measurement for ensuring a secured and safe events environments for staffs
and guests:.....................................................................................................................................12




In this 21st century, events and conferences are essential for any business and non-business
organizations and thus event business has become more attractive business. The event industry
has grown rapidly over the last few years with a huge diversification and giving advantages for
employability and boosting careers for employees. In this paper, different categories and
dimensions of events will be analyzed with examples from London which will be based on the
features and current trends of events. Apart from this, room set up for a weeding event,
additional services required by clients will also be demonstrated critically. Managerial skills of
an event management, security and safety issues of guest for a better working environment for
staffs and employees will also be described based on examples of a specific event management

Task: 01

LO1: Investigating different categories and dimensions of events

within the event sector with features and current trends influencing
the event sector:
What is event management?
Event management is basically an application for project management to development of large
scale events along with the identification of brand, target audience, planning logistics and
coordinating technical aspects before launching the event [ CITATION Ros09 \l 1033 ]. Event
management is the important industry in London and according to the data of statistics, UK has
already spent £39.1 billion in 2016-2017 on event occasions and it is the 16 th largest employer in
the UK in terms of event management industry [ CITATION Bos12 \l 1033 ].

Diversity and features of the event management:

There are a lot of event venues in London. For example, The Postal Museum, City of London,
Barge East, Mac and Wild City, Town Hall Hotel, Japan Hotel etc. Based on the demand and
features of the event management and event categories, diversification of event management is
London depends on various event planning industry. Types of events based on diversity and
features are given below-

a. Conference:

Conference is very popular business events. Conference includes academic, medical, business
conferences in event management.

b. Seminars:

Designed for educational events like training program of managers and employees. Seminars
includes lectures, trainings session, speaking etc.

c. Meetings:

For large companies and organizations, meetings are essential and integral part which is perfect
to discuss about financial and operational plan, marketing activities along with basic functional
department’s discussion.

d. Trade shows:

Exhibitions where companies can present their latest products and services. Trade show needs
professional presentation which is important for companies.

e. Press conference:

Events for launching new [products with marketing campaign of companies. Public and
stakeholders will be notified about the financial position of the company in a press conference.

f. Opening ceremonies:

Annual meetings of a company and other events that lasts for two or four days which includes
traditional speech, start conventions etc.

g. Shareholder’s meetings events:

This is yearly and obligatory events for shareholders of a company. To discuss about the
company and electing the board of directors, this type of meetings are important.

h. Weeding:

Very much common in now a days for bride, grooms and their families. Professional event
management team and event managers will do a plan for this type of event management.

Apart from these, there are three main categories of events are found. They are described below-

Private Corporate Charity/Fundraising

Private sectors isn’t as Corporate events are not as Charity events are included
diverse as weeding is only be diverse because events are with-
aimed to celebrate privately basically designed for 1. Sports events
[ CITATION Nay11 \l 1033 ]. business agenda [ CITATION 2. Charitable auctions
Private events are basically Bri14 \l 1033 ]. Corporate and programs
designed for those individuals companies are promoting Charity industry is a diverse
who wants a private venue their products and services industry because of the
with their own guests only. through- support and contribution from
So, private events are used 1. Business dinner the society. Sponsors of
for individuals and they can 2. Conference charitable trust are funding
take the venue for- 3. Networking events for non-profit. Charitable
1. Wedding and programs events are basically designed
2. Reception (Weeding) 4. Corporate seminars with the interest of the public
3. Birthday parties 5. Product launches exposure and marketing
4. Festivals and 6. Meetings activities by other companies.
gathering For building professional
relationships, organizations
will use corporate events.
Corporate events are also
used for increasing the brand
image and stakeholder’s
relationship in a great extent.

Features and current trends with examples influencing UK events sectors:

Event management in UK is an essential and vital industry for the country’s total GDP and
economic growth. Types of events that are currently popular in UK listed below-

1. Parties, awards, VIP events Leicester to Times Square.

2. Launching new products Celebrity perfume to washing powder.
3. Sports events Olympics to local charity football.
4. Meetings, conference and IBM, TED Talks
5. Weddings Own weddings to royal weddings
6. Charity events Sports relief to Marathon Moonwalk

Features and current trends influencing events sector:

Features and trends are gradually changing among the people and thus business organizations are
also reshaping their event management industry in a competitive way. Trend is actually a change
which is dependent on various external factor of a society [ CITATION Her09 \l 1033 ]. Area of
events including foods, drinks, venues, gossiping, networking etc. dependent on trends and
features. Some trends and features are given below which influencing events sector-

a. Venues are basically focused rather than the space.

b. Events and other programs now a days become more experiential.
c. Social wellbeing, mental wellbeing will be focused more.
d. Team development will be more focused in event management.
e. Security and safety issues need to be tighter more.
f. Meetings, seminars etc. are taking place in outdoor.
g. Food serving style needs more innovation.
h. Event communication will be more focused in digitalization.
i. Technological advancement to engage with social media audiences for new events and
j. More engaging refreshment by event planners.
k. Effective event branding and creative design.

Task: 02

LO2: Evaluating considerations for conference and event room set

up in professional standards:
Dorsett City London is a 4 star hotel situated in London. The hotel is significantly involved with
various hospitality services for their clients and guests. As a wedding plan coordinator of Dorsett
City London, I have to set a wedding plan based on a specific brief by the client. To meet
professional standards in a wedding plan or in an event, it is important to meet the client’s
criteria and expectation. Client satisfaction is essential elements for any service related
organization including hospitality industry [ CITATION Zei08 \l 1033 ]. According to the client, a
room layout is designed and given below-

Figure: Room layout for the wedding party according to client

The client has given some specific brief which are-

1. 75 guests

2. Color theme (White and Purple)

3. Package will be determined based on “Per person”
4. Rec carpet welcome for guests
5. Two drinks
6. Both hot and cold canapes for guests
7. Three course meal, coffee and mints, house wine and iced water
8. Reception room
9. Toasting bubbly with decorated white linen chairs and colored sash

According to the client’s demand and specific expectation, the projected room layout for the
wedding party is given. There will be 8 tables on both bride’s and groom’s side. Each table
contains 10 persons. There will be a red carpet to welcome guests and the red carpet will be
decorated for dancing (Dance Floor). There will be an arrangement for welcome drinks in bar.
There will a gift table for guests to put their gifts. Foods and meals will be served directly from
the kitchen. The bridal table will be decorated with flowers and candles to make the program
more attractive in the eye of guests. There will be a place card room which will be regarded as
the reception room according to the client’s specification.

Additional services for increasing the value of the event:

Customer value is the important element for any service related organizations [ CITATION Kot09 \l
1033 ]. To increase the value, additional services in the wedding party will also be added. There
will be a band or DJ for entertaining the guests. There will be a parking garage for guests to park
their vehicles. Apart from this, the management of the Dorsett City London will also provide
some additional privileges and services to clients. They are stated below-

a. Welcome bags:

All guests will receive a welcome bag from the event coordinator which indicates a warm
welcome. This is actually an opportunity for both the bride and groom to welcome guests in a
style and tradition with the appreciation. This party will remain normal and guests will be happy
enough to receive such a warm welcome gift form the Dorsett Hotel management in this
wedding event.

b. Consultation about wedding:


As a wedding plan coordinator, client will be provided a good and moderate plans, consultancy
regarding the wedding plan for free. Professional guidance will investigate the requirements of
the client and client will be provided service according to that. Once client outcome and tell us
what he/she looking for, event coordinator will provide 4-6 venues that meet the expectations of

c. Celebration with joy:

Pre-wedding celebration will be included based on an agreement and contract between clients
and the Dorsett Hotel management. The hotel will provide a pre-arrangement of the wedding
party. This facility will only be provided with engagement parties, wedding parties and birthday
parties. These includes dinner, cultural programs like DJ, dance etc.

As a wedding plan coordinator, Dorsett Hotel will provide these additional services for their
clients and guests. Apart from this, rehearsal of dinner, photoshoot styling with professional
photographers will also be provided. The additional services for any event of Dorsett Hotel
London are given below-

1. 2 hour consultation with clients about their specific requirements and preferences of the
2. Access to event information with mail, telephone and social media (Facebook).
3. Customization in wedding plan and other events according to the preferences of clients.
4. Need assessment of clients will be provided for accumulating the budget. Dorsett Hotel
London will also set budget of any events of clients.
5. Innovative and newly design’s idea of decor, theme and style with attractive color etc.
advise and guidance will also be provided according to the expectations of clients.
6. Referrals from different vendors will add a significant value of the hotel’s brand image
which will accumulate client satisfaction.
7. Checklist for every events will also be provided.

Planning a wedding for an event coordinator is challenging and tough. To accumulate with the
current trend and change, it is important to meet client’s specific expectation of an event to
satisfy them. The design of the room layout is dependent on the client’s specific requirements.
Additional services are also provided which already explained in the room layout design.

LO3: Exploring management skills to deal with the stakeholders in

events environment:
Hospitality industry includes a lot of events, programs etc. Event management is also combined
with managerial skills, safety and security of both the employees and guests. Dorsett London is a
4 star hotel and currently is a top rated hotel in London according to the evaluation of clients.
The hotel is offering different segmented event programs to their target clients and also provides
customized services with additional benefit. The hotel is basically designed for business and
leisure travelers. But the event management of this hotel is also provided wedding party
facilities. For planning a successful wedding event, it is important to accumulate managerial
skills of staffs and employees with a proper safety measurement. Management roles and
responsibilities, management skills etc. are important for a successful event management by
Dorsett Hotel London.

Different job roles and management responsibilities:

Job roles and managerial skills for an event management are a crucial part for meeting client’s
specific specification of an event. For organizing an event, there are a lot of employees work
together with various job roles. For an event, specific job roles are Sales Manager, Hotel
Catering Sales Manager, Cleaners, Hosts, Catering Operations Managers, Bartender, Banquet
Service Operations, Chefs etc. Sales Manager will accumulate overall costing for the event
according to client’s specification. Hotel Catering Sales Manager will provide all information
regarding hotel’s services to clients based on the event. Operations Manager will provide all
sales channel simulation for day-to-day operation for the event. Bartender will serve drinks from
the bar among the guests. So, these are some job roles for an event management for Dorsett
Hotel London.

Event manager job responsibilities:

An event manager should have some specific responsibilities according to the event and client’s
specific requirements. To accumulate with the management skills, some specific job
responsibilities are given below-

1. Searching, brainstorming and implementation of events according to the event plan,

budget and event concept.

2. Making budget and invoice of clients.

3. Negotiation and liaison among vendors.
4. Logistical implementation and support for smooth operations.
5. Updating senior management for better performance review among staffs and employees.
6. Handling clients with effective communication and branding.
7. Maintaining client feedback and surveys.
8. Handling reports and evaluating sales data.

Management skills and personal attributes to meet stakeholder’s expectation and

specific needs:
Event management needs hardworking and passionate personnel. So, management skills and
personal attributes are important to meet stakeholder’s criteria and specific requirement in this
regard. The skills are-

1. Communication skill:

Communication is a key [ CITATION Her14 \l 1033 ]. Event planners and event coordinator interacts
and communicate with a lot of people daily includes brand executives, CEO, marketing
executives from different organizations, business clients etc. Strong personnel will ensure a
better two-way communication for enhancing the managerial skills of event management.

2. Problem solving skill:

Clients and stakeholders requirements are versatile. To cope up with all requirements and
challenges, event coordinators should think on their feet. Event coordinators should stay calm
and quite on various problems when it arise.

3. Negotiation skill:

Negotiation skill is important and essential managerial skills for an event coordination. In
Dorsett Hotel, the hotel management should negotiate with client and stakeholders about various
services according to the requirements. For example, convincing clients and stakeholders about
venues, contracting with sponsors in a lower cost and effective promotional campaigns etc.
needed to be done by continuous negotiation procedures for an effective event management.

4. Budgeting:

To set budget with stakeholder’s expectation and client’s preference are the significant
managerial skills for an event planner. To analyze multiple event proposals, invoices and
expenses are important to give clients a better event choices among the best.

5. Creativity:

An event planner or an event coordinator should be more proactive. To enhance knowledge

about negotiating with clients, budgeting and other works event coordinator should be more
creative. Hi/she will think creatively to offer a better choice to clients and also to meet
stakeholder’s requirements.

These skills are important which has a positive impact on creating a successful event by meeting
stakeholder’s expectation and requirements. Management skills will demonstrate the positive and
negative feedback of clients and stakeholders. For example, event coordinator should
communicate about event program according to client’s preferences and choices. Without giving
any privileges to clients, it will be difficult task for management to satisfy the stakeholders and
investors of the specific event organization. Dorsett Hotel London should critically evaluate the
skills of an event planner to justify the client requirements of a wedding plan with stakeholder’s

LO4: Demonstrating measurement for ensuring a secured and safe

events environments for staffs and guests:
Security and safety issues are entitled with the specific events and programs. For setting up a
wedding plan successfully, it is important to take necessary steps and measurements for ensuring
a secured and safe events environment for staffs and guests. For safe and secure environments,
some necessary steps are given below-

1. Dorsett Hotel London should use the indoor venue for the wedding party. Additional
equipment will be added if necessary.
2. For 75 guests according to client’s expectation, Dorsett Hotel London should use some
third party vendors for accumulating event resources.
3. Dorsett Hotel should use a specific numbers of rooms for facilitate the guests and crowd.

4. Dorsett Hotel should implement effective and efficient security planning inside the room
and outside premises of the hotel.
5. For any injuries to guests due to internal and external factors, Dorsett Hotel should give
additional services for the damage
6. Dorsett Hotel should implement checking attendance of guests both inside and outside of
the room.
7. To control crowd, bride and groom along with their guests will be taken in different
hallway at first to keep up a balance in the wedding event environment.
8. In case of outdoor venues (If client tells to do so), temporary fencing and barricades will
be set up for the safety measurement among guests.

As a wedding event planning in a 4 star Hotel near London named Dorsett Hotel London, event
coordinator and the management should consider some factors as recommendations. They are
stated below-

1. Food delay is a common problem in a wedding event. To ensure a better environment,

food serve, food menu and cooking should be well organized and should be served after
bride and groom’s photoshoot and introduction session among guests.
2. Background music should be on the wedding party and it will be more pleasant to guests
to socialize with each other.
3. Venues should be fully operational with sir condition facilities.
4. Elderly guests should be away from the DJ and music and to do so, they should be
provided a special seating arrangement.
5. Adequate lighting will attract the mood of guests. So, Dorsett Hotel management should
consider about the lighting of the wedding party.
6. Fun planned ideas after midnight will attract young guests for making the wedding party
more joyous. Outdoor campfire, drink, musical night, karaoke singing etc. will make the
wedding party more colorful.

In fine, event management is under the hospitality industry in UK. For wedding set up, an event
coordinator must need adequate knowledge about wedding, client’s expectations, stakeholder’s
requirements etc. To manage a successful wedding event according to client’s specification and
expectation, hotels should offer additional services and privileges to clients for their branding.
Room layout design, managerial skills according to job roles and responsibilities etc. should me
more flexible which will increase the positivity of the wedding event and also increase the brand
value of the hotel.

Boss & Mitchel. (2012, May 30). What is Event Mangement? Retrieved April 2, 2019, from
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Brighton & Trenton. (2014). Corporate Event Management and Theory (7 ed., Vol. 5). (Jamie,
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Hershal & Mathur. (2009). Business Trends and Ethical Behavior (12 ed., Vol. 1). London, UK:

Herther & Taylor. (2014). Communication Skills for Managers (6 ed., Vol. 6). Wales: McGrew.
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Kotler. (2009). Principles of Marketing (16 ed., Vol. 11). London: Pearson.

Naylor. (2011). Event Management and Hospitality (12 ed., Vol. 4). Wales, Uk: Hudson.

Rose & Hershal. (2009). Event Management Guide Book (11 ed., Vol. 4). London, UK : Pearson.

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