UPDATED Card Shop Guide - Link Evolution Pro
UPDATED Card Shop Guide - Link Evolution Pro
UPDATED Card Shop Guide - Link Evolution Pro
Name Location
"A" Cell Breeding Device Tetsu Trudge
"A" Cell Incubator Tetsu Trudge
"A" Cell Recombination Device Tetsu Trudge
"A" Cell Scatter Burst Tetsu Trudge
1st Movement Solo Zuzu Boyle
3-Hump Lacooda Jesse Anderson
30,000-year White Turtle Grandpa Muto
4-Starred Ladybug of Doom Bakura
7 Syrus Truesdale
7 Colored Fish Shark
7 Completed Joey Wheeler
8-Claws Scorpion Jesse Anderson
A Cat of Ill Omen Grandpa Muto
A Deal with Dark Ruler Bakura
A Feather of the Phoenix Mai Valentine
A Feint Plan Cathy Katherine
A Hero Emerges Jaden Yuki
A Hero Lives Jaden Yuki
A Legendary Ocean Mai Valentine
A Major Upset Alexis Rhodes
A Man with Wdjat Yugi
A Rival Appears! Alexis Rhodes
A Wild Monster Appears! Cathy Katherine
A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon Seto Kaiba
A-Assault Core Seto Kaiba
A-Team: Trap Disposal Unit Jesse Anderson
A-to-Z-Dragon Buster Cannon Seto Kaiba
A.I. Love Fusion Ai
A.I. Shadow Ai
A.I.'s Ritual Ai
A.I.dle Rebon Ai
A/D Changer Yusei Fudo
Abaki Syrus Truesdale
Abare Ushioni Chazz Princeton
ABC-Dragon Buster Seto Kaiba
Abominable Chamber of the Unchained Ai
Abominable Unchained Soul Ai
Abomination's Prison Ai
Absolute Crusader Quinton
Absolute End Jesse Anderson
Absolute King Back Jack Zuzu Boyle
Absorb Fusion Zuzu Boyle
Absorbing Jar Cathy Katherine
Absorbing Kid from the Sky Jesse Anderson
Absorouter Dragon Varis
Name Location
Abyss Actor – Comic Relief Declan Akaba
Abyss Actor – Curtain Raiser Declan Akaba
Abyss Actor – Evil Heel Declan Akaba
Abyss Actor – Extras Declan Akaba
Abyss Actor – Funky Comedian Declan Akaba
Abyss Actor – Hyper Director Soulburner
Abyss Actor – Leading Lady Declan Akaba
Abyss Actor – Mellow Madonna Declan Akaba
Abyss Actor – Sassy Rookie Declan Akaba
Abyss Actor – Superstar Declan Akaba
Abyss Actor – Trendy Understudy Declan Akaba
Abyss Actor – Twinkle Little Star Soulburner
Abyss Actor – Wild Hope Declan Akaba
Abyss Actors Back Stage Declan Akaba
Abyss Actors' Curtain Call Declan Akaba
Abyss Dweller Shark
Abyss Flower Akiza Izinski
Abyss Playhouse – Fantastic Theater Declan Akaba
Abyss Prop – Wild Wagon Declan Akaba
Abyss Script – Abysstainment Declan Akaba
Abyss Script – Fantasy Magic Declan Akaba
Abyss Script – Fire Dragon's Lair Declan Akaba
Abyss Script – Opening Ceremony Declan Akaba
Abyss Script – Rise of the Abyss King Declan Akaba
Abyss Script – Romantic Terror Declan Akaba
Abyss Soldier Mai Valentine
Abyss Stungray Zuzu Boyle
Abyss Warrior Shark
Abyss-scale of Cetus Shark
Abyss-scale of the Kraken Shark
Abyss-scale of the Mizuchi Shark
Abyss-scorn Shark
Abyss-sphere Shark
Abyss-squall Shark
Abyss-strom Mai Valentine
Abyssal Designator Jesse Anderson
Abyssal Kingshark Shark
Accel Synchron Yusei Fudo
Accellight Kite Tenjo
Accumulated Fortune Tetsu Trudge
Achacha Archer Yuma Tsukumo
Achacha Chanbara Yuma Tsukumo
Achichi @Ignister Ai
Acid Crawler Bakura
Acid Rain Syrus Truesdale
Acid Trap Hole Shay
Acidic Downpour Grandpa Muto
Name Location
Acorno Yuma Tsukumo
Acrobat Monkey Leo/Luna
Acrobatic Magician Yuya Sakaki
Action Magic – Double Banking Soulburner
Action Magic – Full Turn Soulburner
Adhesion Trap Hole Shay
Adhesive Explosive Tetsu Trudge
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon Quinton
Advance Draw Yusei Fudo
Advance Force Akiza Izinski
Advance Zone Shark
Advanced Dark Jesse Anderson
Advanced Heraldry Art Kite Tenjo
Advanced Ritual Art Joey Wheeler
Aegaion the Sea Castrum Zuzu Boyle
Aegis of Gaia Grandpa Muto
Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord Mai Valentine
Aerial Recharge Quinton
Aether, the Empowering Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Aether, the Evil Empowering Dragon Yuya Sakaki
After the Storm Shark
After The Struggle Bastion
Against the Wind Crow
Agave Dragon Seto Kaiba
Agido Seto Kaiba
Ahrima, the Wicked Warden Bastion
Air Armor Ninja Shay
Air Cracking Storm Playmaker
Air Eater Alexis Rhodes
Airknight Parshath Bakura
Airorca Shark
Aitsu Chazz Princeton
Akakieisu Grandpa Muto
Akashic Magician Playmaker
Akihiron Quinton
Akz, the Pumer Bastion
Al-Lumi'raj Gong Strong
Alchemic Magician Yuma Tsukumo
Alchemist of Black Spells Yugi
Alchemy Cycle Jesse Anderson
Alector, Sovereign of Birds Crow
Aleister the Invoker Zuzu Boyle
Aleister the Invoker of Madness Zuzu Boyle
Alexandrite Dragon Yusei Fudo
Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Shay
Alien Ammonite Tetsu Trudge
Alien Brain Tetsu Trudge
Name Location
Alien Dog Tetsu Trudge
Alien Grey Tetsu Trudge
Alien Hunter Tetsu Trudge
Alien Hypno Tetsu Trudge
Alien Infiltrator Tetsu Trudge
Alien Kid Tetsu Trudge
Alien Mars Tetsu Trudge
Alien Mother Tetsu Trudge
Alien Overlord Tetsu Trudge
Alien Psychic Tetsu Trudge
Alien Shocktrooper Tetsu Trudge
Alien Shocktrooper M-Frame Varis
Alien Skull Tetsu Trudge
Alien Telepath Tetsu Trudge
Alien Warrior Tetsu Trudge
Alinsection Grandpa Muto
All-Eyes Phantom Dragon Soulburner
All-Out Attacks Jesse Anderson
Alligator's Sword Joey Wheeler
Alligator's Sword Dragon Joey Wheeler
Allure of Darkness Jesse Anderson
Allure Queen LV3 Chazz Princeton
Allure Queen LV5 Chazz Princeton
Allure Queen LV7 Chazz Princeton
Alluring Mirror Split Blue Angel
Ally Mind Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Catastor Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Clausolas Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Core Destroyer Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Cosmic Gateway Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Cycle Reader Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Decisive Armor Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Field Marshal Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Garadholg Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Light Gazer Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Nullfier Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Omni-Weapon Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Quarantine Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Reverse Break Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Rudra Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Searcher Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Thousand Arms Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Thunder Armor Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher Jack Atlas
Ally of Justice Unlimiter Jack Atlas
Name Location
Ally Salvo Jack Atlas
Aloof Lupine Varis
Alpacaribou, Mystical Beast of the Forest Yuma Tsukumo
Alpha The Electromagnet Warrior Yugi
Alpha The Magnet Warrior Yugi
Alsei, the Sylvan High Protector Shay
Altar for Tribute Syrus Truesdale
Altergeist Camouflage Playmaker
Altergeist Dragvirion Varis
Altergeist Emulatelf Playmaker
Altergeist Fifinellag Varis
Altergeist Haunted Rock Varis
Altergeist Hexstia Playmaker
Altergeist Kidolga Playmaker
Altergeist Kunquery Playmaker
Altergeist Manifestation Playmaker
Altergeist Marionetter Playmaker
Altergeist Meluseek Playmaker
Altergeist Multifaker Playmaker
Altergeist Pixiel Playmaker
Altergeist Primebanshee Playmaker
Altergeist Protocol Playmaker
Altergeist Silquitous Playmaker
Altitude Knight Jesse Anderson
Alviss of the Nordic Alfar Soulburner
Amano-Iwato Chazz Princeton
Amarylease Yuma Tsukumo
Amaterasu Chazz Princeton
Amazing Pendulum Yuya Sakaki
Amazon of the Seas Alexis Rhodes
Amazoness Archer Mai Valentine
Amazoness Archers Mai Valentine
Amazoness Baby Tiger Mai Valentine
Amazoness Blowpiper Mai Valentine
Amazoness Call Mai Valentine
Amazoness Chain Master Mai Valentine
Amazoness Empress Mai Valentine
Amazoness Fighter Mai Valentine
Amazoness Fighting Spirit Mai Valentine
Amazoness Heirloom Mai Valentine
Amazoness Onslaught Mai Valentine
Amazoness Paladin Mai Valentine
Amazoness Pet Liger Mai Valentine
Amazoness Princess Mai Valentine
Amazoness Queen Mai Valentine
Amazoness Sage Mai Valentine
Amazoness Scouts Mai Valentine
Name Location
Amazoness Shamanism Mai Valentine
Amazoness Spellcaster Mai Valentine
Amazoness Spy Mai Valentine
Amazoness Swords Woman Mai Valentine
Amazoness Tiger Mai Valentine
Amazoness Trainee Mai Valentine
Amazoness Village Mai Valentine
Amazoness Willpower Mai Valentine
Ambitious Gofer Jack Atlas
Ambulance Rescueroid Syrus Truesdale
Ambulanceroid Syrus Truesdale
Ambush Fangs Jesse Anderson
Ameba Chazz Princeton
Amores of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
Amorphactor Pain, the Imagination Dracoverlord Declan Akaba
Amorphage Envy Declan Akaba
Amorphage Gluttony Declan Akaba
Amorphage Goliath Declan Akaba
Amorphage Greed Declan Akaba
Amorphage Infection Declan Akaba
Amorphage Lechery Declan Akaba
Amorphage Lysis Declan Akaba
Amorphage Pride Declan Akaba
Amorphage Sloth Declan Akaba
Amorphage Wrath Declan Akaba
Amorphous Persona Declan Akaba
Amphibian Beast Mai Valentine
Amphibious Bugroth Alexis Rhodes
Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 Mai Valentine
Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale Varis
Amplifier Joey Wheeler
Amulet Dragon Yugi
Amulet of Ambition Alexis Rhodes
An Owl of Luck Seto Kaiba
An Unfortunate Report Syrus Truesdale
Anarchist Monk Ranshin Cathy Katherine
Ancient Brain Alexis Rhodes
Ancient City – Rainbow Ruins Jesse Anderson
Ancient Crimson Ape Leo/Luna
Ancient Dragon Leo/Luna
Ancient Elf Alexis Rhodes
Ancient Fairy Dragon Leo/Luna
Ancient Flamvell Deity Jack Atlas
Ancient Forest Leo/Luna
Ancient Gear Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Ballista Blue Angel
Ancient Gear Beast Zuzu Boyle
Name Location
Ancient Gear Box Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Cannon Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Castle Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Catapult Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Drill Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Engineer Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Explosive Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Factory Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Fist Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Fortress Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Frame Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Fusion Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Gadget Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Golem Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Golem – Ultimate Pound Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Howitzer Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Hunting Hound Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Hydra Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Knight Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Megaton Golem Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Reborn Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Soldier Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Tank Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Workshop Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Gear Wyvern Zuzu Boyle
Ancient Jar Grandpa Muto
Ancient Lamp Seto Kaiba
Ancient Leaf Crow
Ancient Lizard Warrior Crow
Ancient One of the Deep Forest Grandpa Muto
Ancient Pixie Dragon Leo/Luna
Ancient Rules Seto Kaiba
Ancient Sacred Wyvern Leo/Luna
Ancient Sorcerer Grandpa Muto
Ancient Telescope Mai Valentine
Ancient Tool Joey Wheeler
Ancient Tree of Enlightenment Leo/Luna
Ancient Warriors Saga – Defense of Changban Ai
Ancient Warriors Saga – Sun-Liu Alliance Ai
Ancient Warriors Saga – Three Visits Ai
Ancient Warriors – Eccentric Lu Jing Ai
Ancient Warriors – Graceful Zhou Gong Ai
Ancient Warriors – Loyal Guan Yun Ai
Ancient Warriors – Masterful Sun Mou Ai
Name Location
Ancient Warriors – Valiant Zhang De Ai
Ancient Warriors – Virtuous Liu Xuan Ai
And the Band Played On Yuya Sakaki
Andro Sphinx Yugi
Anesthrokket Dragon Playmaker
Angel O7 Syrus Truesdale
Angel of Zera Akiza Izinski
Angel Trumpeter Gong Strong
Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch Declan Akaba
Angraecum Umbrella Soulburner
Ansatsu Mai Valentine
Ante Chazz Princeton
Anteatereatingant Mai Valentine
Anthrosaurus Joey Wheeler
Anti Raigeki Grandpa Muto
Anti-Aircraft Flower Chazz Princeton
Anti-Fusion Device Alexis Rhodes
Anti-Magic Arrows Seto Kaiba
Anti-Magic Prism Kite Tenjo
Anti-Spell Yugi
Anti-Spell Fragrance Grandpa Muto
Antialian Playmaker
Ape Fighter Leo/Luna
Ape Magician Leo/Luna
Apocatequil Yusei Fudo
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess Ai
Apoqliphort Skybase Declan Akaba
Apoqliphort Towers Declan Akaba
Apparition Soulburner
Apple Magician Girl Yugi
Apple of Enlightenment Blue Angel
Appointer of the Red Lotus Jack Atlas
Apprentice Illusion Magician Yugi
Apprentice Magician Yugi
Apprentice Piper Seto Kaiba
Appropriate Mai Valentine
Aqua Armor Ninja Shay
Aqua Chorus Bakura
Aqua Dragon Alexis Rhodes
Aqua Jet Shark
Aqua Madoor Seto Kaiba
Aqua Snake Shark
Aqua Spirit Bastion
Aqua Story – Urashima Zuzu Boyle
Aquaactress Arowana Zuzu Boyle
Aquaactress Guppy Zuzu Boyle
Aquaactress Tetra Zuzu Boyle
Name Location
Aquamirror Cycle Shark
Aquamirror Illusion Shark
Aquamirror Meditation Shark
Aquarian Alessa Alexis Rhodes
Aquarium Lighting Zuzu Boyle
Aquarium Set Zuzu Boyle
Aquarium Stage Zuzu Boyle
Aratama Chazz Princeton
Arcana Call Chazz Princeton
Arcana Extra Joker Yugi
Arcana Force 0 – The Fool Chazz Princeton
Arcana Force EX – The Dark Ruler Chazz Princeton
Arcana Force EX – The Light Ruler Chazz Princeton
Arcana Force I – The Magician Chazz Princeton
Arcana Force III – The Empress Chazz Princeton
Arcana Force IV – The Emperor Chazz Princeton
Arcana Force VI – The Lovers Chazz Princeton
Arcana Force VII – The Chariot Chazz Princeton
Arcana Force XIV – Temperance Chazz Princeton
Arcana Force XVIII – The Moon Chazz Princeton
Arcana Force XXI – The World Chazz Princeton
Arcana Knight Joker Yugi
Arcane Apprentice Yusei Fudo
Arcane Archer of the Forest Akiza Izinski
Arcane Barrier Yugi
Arcanite Magician Yusei Fudo
Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode Yusei Fudo
Archfiend Black Skull Dragon Joey Wheeler
Archfiend Cavalry Alexis Rhodes
Archfiend Commander Alexis Rhodes
Archfiend Eccentrick Gong Strong
Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror Alexis Rhodes
Archfiend Empress Alexis Rhodes
Archfiend General Alexis Rhodes
Archfiend Giant Alexis Rhodes
Archfiend Heiress Alexis Rhodes
Archfiend Interceptor Alexis Rhodes
Archfiend Marmot of Nefariousness Bakura
Archfiend Mirror Grandpa Muto
Archfiend of Gilfer Yugi
Archfiend Palabyrinth Alexis Rhodes
Archfiend Soldier Alexis Rhodes
Archfiend Zombie-Skull Tetsu Trudge
Archfiend's Ascent Blue Angel
Archfiend's Awakening Blue Angel
Archfiend's Call Blue Angel
Archfiend's Manifestation Blue Angel
Name Location
Archfiend's Oath Alexis Rhodes
Archfiend's Roar Alexis Rhodes
Archlord Kristya Chazz Princeton
Archlord Zerato Bakura
Arcjet Lightcraft Ai
Aria the Melodious Diva Zuzu Boyle
Ariel, Priestess of the Nekroz Alexis Rhodes
Arisen Gaia the Fierce Knight Yugi
Arkbrave Dragon Kite Tenjo
Arlownay Grandpa Muto
Arma Knight Joey Wheeler
Armades, Keeper of Boundaries Leo/Luna
Armageddon Designator Bakura
Armageddon Knight Jesse Anderson
Armaill Alexis Rhodes
Armed Changer Chazz Princeton
Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon Chazz Princeton
Armed Dragon LV10 Chazz Princeton
Armed Dragon LV3 Chazz Princeton
Armed Dragon LV5 Chazz Princeton
Armed Dragon LV7 Chazz Princeton
Armed Ninja Shay
Armed Protector Dragon Kite Tenjo
Armed Samurai – Ben Kei Mai Valentine
Armed Sea Hunter Shark
Armillyre, the Starleader Dragon Ai
Armityle the Chaos Phantom Jaden Yuki
Armor Blast Kite Tenjo
Armor Break Jesse Anderson
Armor Breaker Chazz Princeton
Armor Exe Yugi
Armor Ninjitsu Art of Alchemy Shay
Armor Ninjitsu Art of Freezing Shay
Armor Ninjitsu Art of Rust Mist Shay
Armored Axon Kicker Akiza Izinski
Armored Bee Mai Valentine
Armored Cybern Syrus Truesdale
Armored Glass Quinton
Armored Kappa Cathy Katherine
Armored Lizard Joey Wheeler
Armored Rat Kite Tenjo
Armored Starfish Mai Valentine
Armored Zombie Bakura
Armoroid Syrus Truesdale
Armory Arm Yusei Fudo
Armory Call Blue Angel
Arnis, the Empowered Warrior Yuya Sakaki
Name Location
Aroma Garden Akiza Izinski
Aroma Gardening Varis
Aroma Jar Akiza Izinski
Aromage Bergamot Akiza Izinski
Aromage Cananga Akiza Izinski
Aromage Jasmine Akiza Izinski
Aromage Laurel Varis
Aromage Marjoram Varis
Aromage Rosemary Akiza Izinski
Aromaseraphy Angelica Akiza Izinski
Aromaseraphy Jasmine Varis
Aromaseraphy Rosemary Akiza Izinski
Aromaseraphy Sweet Marjoram Varis
Array of Revealing Light Yugi
Arrivalrivals Jesse Anderson
Arsenal Bug Mai Valentine
Arsenal Robber Syrus Truesdale
Arsenal Summoner Chazz Princeton
Artifact Achilleshield Quinton
Artifact Aegis Quinton
Artifact Beagalltach Quinton
Artifact Caduceus Quinton
Artifact Chakram Quinton
Artifact Dagda Varis
Artifact Durendal Quinton
Artifact Failnaught Quinton
Artifact Ignition Quinton
Artifact Labrys Quinton
Artifact Lancea Quinton
Artifact Mjollnir Quinton
Artifact Moralltach Quinton
Artifact Sanctum Quinton
Artifact Scythe Quinton
Artifact Vajra Quinton
Artifacts Unleashed Quinton
Artorigus, King of the Noble Knights Quinton
Ascator, Dawnwalker Varis
Ascending Soul Joey Wheeler
Ascension Sky Dragon Yusei Fudo
Asceticism of the Six Samurai Tetsu Trudge
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring Leo/Luna
Asleep at the Switch Jesse Anderson
Assault Armor Jaden Yuki
Assault Beast Yusei Fudo
Assault Blackwing – Chidori the Rain Sprinkling Crow
Assault Blackwing – Kunai the Drizzle Crow
Assault Blackwing – Onimaru the Divine Thunder Crow
Name Location
Assault Blackwing – Raikiri the Rain Shower Crow
Assault Blackwing – Sayo the Rain Hider Crow
Assault Blackwing – Sohaya the Rain Storm Crow
Assault Counter Yusei Fudo
Assault Dog Tetsu Trudge
Assault Mercenary Yusei Fudo
Assault Mode Activate Yusei Fudo
Assault Mode Zero Varis
Assault on GHQ Jesse Anderson
Assault Overload Yusei Fudo
Assault Reboot Varis
Assault Revival Yusei Fudo
Assault Sentinel Varis
Assault Slash Yusei Fudo
Assault Spirits Jack Atlas
Assault Teleport Yusei Fudo
Assault Wyvern Seto Kaiba
Astra Ghouls Ai
Astral Barrier Alexis Rhodes
Astrograph Sorcerer Yuya Sakaki
Asura Priest Chazz Princeton
Aswan Apparition Jesse Anderson
Asymmetaphys Yuya Sakaki
At One With the Sword Gong Strong
Athena Cathy Katherine
Atlantean Attack Squad Shark
Atlantean Dragoons Shark
Atlantean Heavy Infantry Shark
Atlantean Marksman Shark
Atlantean Pikeman Shark
Atomic Firefly Jaden Yuki
Atomic Scrap Dragon Gong Strong
Attack and Receive Akiza Izinski
Attack Gainer Jack Atlas
Attack of the Cornered Rat Alexis Rhodes
Attack Pheromones Akiza Izinski
Attack Reflector Unit Syrus Truesdale
Attack the Moon! Yugi
Attention! Quinton
Attraffic Control Yuma Tsukumo
Augmented Heraldry Kite Tenjo
Auram the World Chalice Blademaster Playmaker
Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid Akiza Izinski
Aurora Paragon Quinton
Aurora Wing Shark
Aussa the Earth Charmer Jesse Anderson
Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable Blue Angel
Name Location
Automatic Laser Jesse Anderson
Autonomous Action Unit Leo/Luna
Autorokket Dragon Playmaker
Avalanching Aussa Bastion
Avalon Quinton
Avatar of the Pot Grandpa Muto
Avendread Savior Varis
Avenging Knight Parshath Tetsu Trudge
Avida, Rebuilder of Worlds Varis
Awakening of Nephthys Yuya Sakaki
Awakening of the Possessed Blue Angel
Axe Dragonute Jack Atlas
Axe of Despair Bakura
Axe of Fools Leo/Luna
Axe Raider Joey Wheeler
Aye-Iron Cathy Katherine
Ayers Rock Sunrise Bastion
Aztekipede, the Worm Warrior Mai Valentine
Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon Seto Kaiba
B-Buster Drake Seto Kaiba
B. Dragon Jungle King Joey Wheeler
B. Skull Dragon Joey Wheeler
B.E.F. Zelos Bastion
B.E.S. Big Core Syrus Truesdale
B.E.S. Big Core MK-2 Bastion
B.E.S. Big Core MK-3 Bastion
B.E.S. Blaster Cannon Core Blue Angel
B.E.S. Covered Core Bastion
B.E.S. Crystal Core Bastion
B.E.S. Tetran Bastion
Baba Barber Ai
Baby Dragon Yuma Tsukumo
Baby Raccoon Ponpoko Cathy Katherine
Baby Raccoon Tantan Cathy Katherine
Baby Tiragon Joey Wheeler
Babycerasaurus Bastion
Bachibachibachi Yuma Tsukumo
Back to Square One Jesse Anderson
Back to the Front Yuma Tsukumo
Back-Up Rider Zuzu Boyle
Backfire Yusei Fudo
Background Dragon Playmaker
Backlinker Playmaker
Backs to the Wall Tetsu Trudge
Backup Operator Playmaker
Backup Secretary Playmaker
Backup Soldier Yusei Fudo
Name Location
Backup Squad Grandpa Muto
Backup Supervisor Ai
Backup Warrior Yusei Fudo
Bacon Saver Yuma Tsukumo
Bad Aim Zuzu Boyle
Bad Luck Blast Yuya Sakaki
Bad Reaction to Simochi Mai Valentine
Bahamut Shark Shark
Bait Doll Bastion
Balance of Judgment Gong Strong
Balancer Lord Playmaker
Ballista of Rampart Smashing Jesse Anderson
Ballista Squad Crow
Balloon Lizard Bastion
Bamboo Scrap Akiza Izinski
Banisher of the Light Bakura
Banisher of the Radiance Bakura
Banishment of the Darklords Syrus Truesdale
Banner of Courage Alexis Rhodes
Baobaboon Quinton
Barbar, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Shay
Barbaroid, the Ultimate Battle Machine Syrus Truesdale
Bark of Dark Ruler Bakura
Barkion's Bark Crow
Baron of the Fiend Sword Bakura
Barox Seto Kaiba
Barrage Blast Soulburner
Barrel Behind the Door Akiza Izinski
Barrel Dragon Joey Wheeler
Barrel Lily Crow
Barrel Rock Grandpa Muto
Barrier Resonator Jack Atlas
Barrier Statue of the Abyss Jesse Anderson
Barrier Statue of the Drought Jesse Anderson
Barrier Statue of the Heavens Jesse Anderson
Barrier Statue of the Inferno Jesse Anderson
Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds Jesse Anderson
Barrier Statue of the Torrent Jesse Anderson
Barrier Wave Yusei Fudo
Bashing Shield Gong Strong
Basic Insect Mai Valentine
Basilius, Familiar of the Evil Eye Ai
Bat Grandpa Muto
Battery Charger Jack Atlas
Batteryman 9-Volt Jack Atlas
Batteryman AA Jack Atlas
Batteryman AAA Jack Atlas
Name Location
Batteryman C Jack Atlas
Batteryman Charger Jack Atlas
Batteryman D Jack Atlas
Batteryman Fuel Cell Jack Atlas
Batteryman Industrial Strength Jack Atlas
Batteryman Micro-Cell Jack Atlas
Batteryman Solar Jack Atlas
Battle Break Yuma Tsukumo
Battle Fader Yusei Fudo
Battle Footballer Seto Kaiba
Battle Fusion Zuzu Boyle
Battle Instinct Jaden Yuki
Battle Mania Yusei Fudo
Battle of the Elements Jack Atlas
Battle Ox Seto Kaiba
Battle Shogun of the Six Samurai Varis
Battle Steer Joey Wheeler
Battle Survivor Varis
Battle Teleportation Akiza Izinski
Battle Tuned Leo/Luna
Battle Waltz Yusei Fudo
Battle Warrior Joey Wheeler
Battle-Scarred Alexis Rhodes
Battlecruiser Dianthus Kite Tenjo
Battleguard Howling Joey Wheeler
Battleguard King Joey Wheeler
Battleguard Rage Joey Wheeler
Battlestorm Crow
Battlewasp – Arbalest the Rapidfire Soulburner
Battlewasp – Azusa the Ghost Bow Soulburner
Battlewasp – Ballista the Armageddon Soulburner
Battlewasp – Dart the Hunter Soulburner
Battlewasp – Halberd the Charge Soulburner
Battlewasp – Hama the Conquering Bow Soulburner
Battlewasp – Nest Soulburner
Battlewasp – Pin the Bullseye Soulburner
Battlewasp – Sting the Poison Soulburner
Battlewasp – Twinbow the Attacker Soulburner
Battlin' Boxer Big Bandage Shark
Battlin' Boxer Cheat Commissioner Shark
Battlin' Boxer Counterpunch Shark
Battlin' Boxer Glassjaw Shark
Battlin' Boxer Headgeared Shark
Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke Shark
Battlin' Boxer Rabbit Puncher Shark
Battlin' Boxer Rib Gardna Shark
Battlin' Boxer Shadow Shark
Name Location
Battlin' Boxer Sparrer Shark
Battlin' Boxer Switchitter Shark
Battlin' Boxer Veil Shark
Battlin' Boxing Spirits Shark
Baxia, Brightness of the Yang Zing Jack Atlas
Bayonater, the Baneful Barrel Varis
Bazoo The Soul-Eater Leo/Luna
Beacon of White Seto Kaiba
Beaked Snake Grandpa Muto
Bean Soldier Syrus Truesdale
Bearblocker Shay
Beast Fangs Mai Valentine
Beast King Barbaros Bastion
Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür Syrus Truesdale
Beast Magic Attack Yugi
Beast of Talwar Seto Kaiba
Beast of the Pharaoh Leo/Luna
Beast Rage Jack Atlas
Beast Rising Jack Atlas
Beast Soul Swap Bastion
Beast Striker Bastion
Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Beast-Warrior Puma Cathy Katherine
Beastking of the Swamps Bastion
Beastly Mirror Ritual Joey Wheeler
Beat Cop from the Underworld Blue Angel
Beat, Bladesman Fur Hire Gong Strong
Beatraptor Blue Angel
Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal Shay
Beautiful Beast Trainer Grandpa Muto
Beautiful Headhuntress Alexis Rhodes
Beautunaful Princess Shark
Beaver Warrior Yugi
Beckoned by the World Chalice Playmaker
Beckoning Light Bakura
Bee List Soldier Leo/Luna
Beelze Frog Bastion
Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons Akiza Izinski
Beelzeus of the Diabolic Dragons Akiza Izinski
Beetron Chazz Princeton
Beginning Knight Yugi
Beginning of Heaven and Earth Yugi
Begone, Knave! Jesse Anderson
Behegon Alexis Rhodes
Behemoth the King of All Animals Bastion
Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World Bastion
Belial – Marquis of Darkness Jaden Yuki
Name Location
Bellcat Fighter Blue Angel
Bending Destiny Jack Atlas
Berfomet Yugi
Berlineth the Firestorm Vassal Declan Akaba
Berry Magician Girl Yugi
Berserk Dragon Bakura
Berserk Gorilla Leo/Luna
Berserk Scales Kite Tenjo
Berserker Crush Jaden Yuki
Berserker of the Tenyi Blue Angel
Berserker Soul Yuya Sakaki
Berserking Crow
Berserkion the Electromagna Warrior Yugi
Beta The Electromagnet Warrior Yugi
Beta the Magnet Warrior Yugi
Bi'an, Earth of the Yang Zing Jack Atlas
Bickuribox Bakura
Bicorn Re'em Jack Atlas
Bicular Yusei Fudo
Big Bang Shot Grandpa Muto
Big Belly Knight Yuma Tsukumo
Big Burn Grandpa Muto
Big Evolution Pill Cathy Katherine
Big Eye Grandpa Muto
Big Insect Mai Valentine
Big Jaws Shark
Big Koala Bastion
Big One Warrior Yusei Fudo
Big Piece Golem Jack Atlas
Big Shield Gardna Yugi
Big Wave Small Wave Shark
Big Whale Shark
BIG Win!? Chazz Princeton
Big-Tusked Mammoth Bastion
Binary Sorceress Playmaker
Binding Chain Grandpa Muto
Bingo Machine, Go!!! Seto Kaiba
Bio Plant Akiza Izinski
Bio-Mage Grandpa Muto
Biofalcon Syrus Truesdale
Bird of Paradise Lost Gong Strong
Bird of Roses Akiza Izinski
Birdface Mai Valentine
Birthright Grandpa Muto
Bite Bug Yuma Tsukumo
Bite Shoes Grandpa Muto
Bitelon Grandpa Muto
Name Location
Bitron Playmaker
Bitrooper Playmaker
Bixi, Water of the Yang Zing Jack Atlas
Black and White Wave Quinton
Black Brachios Bastion
Black Brutdrago Alexis Rhodes
Black Cat-astrophe Gong Strong
Black Dragon Collapserpent Yugi
Black Dragon Ninja Shay
Black Dragon's Chick Joey Wheeler
Black Fang Magician Yuya Sakaki
Black Feather Beacon Crow
Black Garden Akiza Izinski
Black Horn of Heaven Yugi
Black Illusion Yugi
Black Illusion Ritual Bakura
Black Luster Ritual Yugi
Black Luster Soldier Yugi
Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning Yugi
Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Evening Twilight Yugi
Black Luster Soldier – Sacred Soldier Yugi
Black Luster Soldier – Soldier of Chaos Blue Angel
Black Luster Soldier – Super Soldier Yugi
Black Magic Ritual Yugi
Black Metal Dragon Joey Wheeler
Black Pendant Bakura
Black Potan Yuya Sakaki
Black Ptera Bastion
Black Ray Lancer Shark
Black Return Crow
Black Rose Dragon Akiza Izinski
Black Rose Moonlight Dragon Akiza Izinski
Black Salvo Crow
Black Sonic Crow
Black Stego Bastion
Black Thunder Crow
Black Tyranno Bastion
Black Veloci Jesse Anderson
Black Whirlwind Crow
Black Wing Revenge Crow
Black-Winged Dragon Crow
Black-Winged Strafe Crow
Blackback Crow
Blackbird Close Crow
Blackboost Crow
Blackfeather Darkrage Dragon Crow
Blackland Fire Dragon Alexis Rhodes
Name Location
Blackwing Armed Wing Crow
Blackwing Armor Master Crow
Blackwing Full Armor Master Crow
Blackwing Tamer – Obsidian Hawk Joe Crow
Blackwing – Abrolhos the Megaquake Crow
Blackwing – Aurora the Northern Lights Crow
Blackwing – Auster the South Wind Crow
Blackwing – Backlash Crow
Blackwing – Blizzard the Far North Crow
Blackwing – Bombardment Crow
Blackwing – Boobytrap Crow
Blackwing – Bora the Spear Crow
Blackwing – Boreas the Sharp Crow
Blackwing – Breeze the Zephyr Crow
Blackwing – Brisote the Tailwind Crow
Blackwing – Calima the Haze Crow
Blackwing – Damascus the Polar Night Crow
Blackwing – Decay the Ill Wind Crow
Blackwing – Elphin the Raven Crow
Blackwing – Etesian of Two Swords Crow
Blackwing – Fane the Steel Chain Crow
Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind Crow
Blackwing – Ghibli the Searing Wind Crow
Blackwing – Gladius the Midnight Sun Crow
Blackwing – Gofu the Vague Shadow Crow
Blackwing – Gram the Shining Star Crow
Blackwing – Gust the Backblast Crow
Blackwing – Harmattan the Dust Crow
Blackwing – Hillen the Tengu-wind Crow
Blackwing – Hurricane the Tornado Crow
Blackwing – Jetstream the Blue Sky Crow
Blackwing – Jin the Rain Shadow Crow
Blackwing – Kalut the Moon Shadow Crow
Blackwing – Kochi the Daybreak Crow
Blackwing – Kogarashi the Wanderer Crow
Blackwing – Kris the Crack of Dawn Crow
Blackwing – Mistral the Silver Shield Crow
Blackwing – Nothung the Starlight Crow
Blackwing – Oroshi the Squall Crow
Blackwing – Pinaki the Waxing Moon Crow
Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame Crow
Blackwing – Silverwind the Ascendant Crow
Blackwing – Simoon the Poison Wind Crow
Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn Crow
Blackwing – Steam the Cloak Crow
Blackwing – Tornado the Reverse Wind Crow
Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor Crow
Name Location
Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite Crow
Blade Armor Ninja Shay
Blade Bounzer Kite Tenjo
Blade Garoodia the Cubic Beast Seto Kaiba
Blade Knight Joey Wheeler
Blade Rabbit Bastion
Blade Skater Alexis Rhodes
Bladefly Grandpa Muto
Blast Asmodian Tetsu Trudge
Blast Held by a Tribute Bastion
Blast Juggler Alexis Rhodes
Blast Magician Yugi
Blast Sphere Joey Wheeler
Blast with Chain Alexis Rhodes
Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos Shark
Blasting fuse Tetsu Trudge
Blasting the Ruins Quinton
Blaze Accelerator Syrus Truesdale
Blaze Accelerator Reload Syrus Truesdale
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird Alexis Rhodes
Blazewing Butterfly Alexis Rhodes
Blazing Hiita Bastion
Blazing Inpachi Bastion
Blazing Mirror Force Gong Strong
Blessed Winds Varis
Blessings for Gusto Akiza Izinski
Blessings of the Nile Jesse Anderson
Blind Destruction Bastion
Blind Obliteration Bastion
Blind Spot Strike Yusei Fudo
Blindly Loyal Goblin Bakura
Blizzard Dragon Chazz Princeton
Blizzard Falcon Shark
Blizzard Princess Alexis Rhodes
Blizzard Thunderbird Shark
Blizzard Warrior Shark
Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Block Attack Seto Kaiba
Block Dragon Bastion
Block Golem Bastion
Block Spider Yuya Sakaki
Blocker Tetsu Trudge
Blockman Jesse Anderson
Blockout Curtain Blue Angel
Blood Mefist Crow
Blood Sucker Bastion
Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir Zuzu Boyle
Name Location
Bloom Harmonist the Melodious Composer Blue Angel
Bloom Prima the Melodious Choir Zuzu Boyle
Blooming of the Darkest Rose Varis
Blossom Bombardment Akiza Izinski
Blowback Dragon Bastion
Blue Dragon Ninja Shay
Blue Dragon Summoner Yuya Sakaki
Blue Duston Cathy Katherine
Blue Flame Swordsman Joey Wheeler
Blue Medicine Mai Valentine
Blue Mountain Butterspy Kite Tenjo
Blue Rose Dragon Akiza Izinski
Blue Thunder T-45 Jack Atlas
Blue-Blooded Oni Quinton
Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie Seto Kaiba
Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon Blue Angel
Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon Seto Kaiba
Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon Seto Kaiba
Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon Seto Kaiba
Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Seto Kaiba
Blue-Eyes Solid Dragon Seto Kaiba
Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon Seto Kaiba
Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Bakura
Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon Seto Kaiba
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Seto Kaiba
Blue-Eyes White Dragon Seto Kaiba
Blue-Winged Crown Alexis Rhodes
Blustering Winds Yuma Tsukumo
BM-4 Blast Spider Joey Wheeler
Boar Soldier Mai Valentine
Bokoichi the Freightening Car Syrus Truesdale
Bolt Escargot Grandpa Muto
Bolt Penguin Shark
Bombardment Beetle Mai Valentine
Bond Between Teacher and Student Blue Angel
Bonding – D2O Bastion
Bonding – DHO Bastion
Bonding – H2O Bastion
Bone Crusher Bakura
Bone Mouse Grandpa Muto
Bone Temple Block Jack Atlas
Boneheimer Grandpa Muto
Bonfire Colossus Shark
Bonze Alone Soulburner
Boo Koo Grandpa Muto
Booby Trap E Gong Strong
Boogie Trap Syrus Truesdale
Name Location
Book of Eclipse Yuya Sakaki
Book of Life Bastion
Book of Moon Yuya Sakaki
Book of Secret Arts Mai Valentine
Book of Taiyou Yuya Sakaki
Boompoline!! Blue Angel
Boon of the Meklord Emperor Yusei Fudo
Boost Warrior Yusei Fudo
Booster Dragon Varis
Boot Sector Launch Playmaker
Boot Staggered Playmaker
Boot-Up Soldier – Dread Dynamo Yugi
Born from Draconis Syrus Truesdale
Borrel Cooling Playmaker
Borrel Regenerator Playmaker
Borrel Supplier Varis
Borrelguard Dragon Playmaker
Borreload Dragon Playmaker
Borreload eXcharge Dragon Varis
Borreload Furious Dragon Varis
Borreload Savage Dragon Varis
Borrelsword Dragon Playmaker
Boss Rush Bastion
Botanical Girl Akiza Izinski
Botanical Lion Akiza Izinski
Bottom Dweller Alexis Rhodes
Bottomless Shifting Sand Chazz Princeton
Bottomless Trap Hole Shay
Boulder Tortoise Mai Valentine
Bound Wand Yuma Tsukumo
Bountiful Artemis Bakura
Bounzer Guard Kite Tenjo
Bowganian Bakura
Bownty Blue Angel
Box of Friends Cathy Katherine
BOXer Zuzu Boyle
Boycotton Mai Valentine
Bracchio-raidus Mai Valentine
Brain Control Grandpa Muto
Brain Crusher Tetsu Trudge
Brain Golem Tetsu Trudge
Brain Hazard Akiza Izinski
Brain Jacker Joey Wheeler
Brain Research Lab Akiza Izinski
Brainwashing Beam Tetsu Trudge
Branch! Alexis Rhodes
Brave Scizzar Grandpa Muto
Name Location
Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Bravo, Fighter Fur Hire Gong Strong
Break Away Yuya Sakaki
Break Off Trap Hole Shay
Break! Draw! Leo/Luna
Breaker the Dark Magical Warrior Yuya Sakaki
Breaker the Magical Warrior Yugi
Breaking of the World Joey Wheeler
Breakthrough Skill Grandpa Muto
Breakthrough! Tetsu Trudge
Breath of Light Syrus Truesdale
Bri Synchron Akiza Izinski
Bright Future Akiza Izinski
Bright Star Dragon Yusei Fudo
Brilliant Fusion Zuzu Boyle
Brilliant Spark Zuzu Boyle
Brinegir Blue Angel
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Brohunder Quinton
Broken Bamboo Sword Quinton
Broken Blocker Tetsu Trudge
Broken Line Quinton
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Bear Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Boar Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Buffalo Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Cardinal Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Caribou Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Coyote Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Dragon Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Eagle Varis
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Gorilla Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Hawk Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Horse Prince Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Kirin Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Leopard Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Lion Emperor Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Raven Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Rhino Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Rooster Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Snake Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Spirit Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Swallow Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Tiger King Cathy Katherine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Wolf Cathy Katherine
Broww, Huntsman of Dark World Bastion
Brron, Mad King of Dark World Bastion
Brushfire Knight Jesse Anderson
Name Location
Brutal Potion Syrus Truesdale
Bubble Barrier Yuya Sakaki
Bubble Blaster Jaden Yuki
Bubble Bringer Shark
Bubble Crash Bastion
Bubble Illusion Jaden Yuki
Bubble Shuffle Jaden Yuki
Bubonic Vermin Jack Atlas
Bug Emergency Shay
Bug Matrix Shay
Bug Signal Shay
Bujin Arasuda Cathy Katherine
Bujin Hiruko Cathy Katherine
Bujin Hirume Cathy Katherine
Bujin Mikazuchi Cathy Katherine
Bujin Regalia – The Jewel Cathy Katherine
Bujin Regalia – The Mirror Cathy Katherine
Bujin Regalia – The Sword Cathy Katherine
Bujin Yamato Cathy Katherine
Bujincarnation Cathy Katherine
Bujincident Cathy Katherine
Bujinfidel Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Boar Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Centipede Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Crane Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Crow Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Fox Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Hare Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Ibis Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Ophidian Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Pavo Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Peacock Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Quilin Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Raven Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Sinyou Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Swallow Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Turtle Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Warg Cathy Katherine
Bujingi Wolf Cathy Katherine
Bujinki Ahashima Varis
Bujinki Amaterasu Cathy Katherine
Bujintei Kagutsuchi Cathy Katherine
Bujintei Susanowo Cathy Katherine
Bujintei Tsukuyomi Cathy Katherine
Bujintervention Cathy Katherine
Bujinunity Cathy Katherine
Bull Blader Yuma Tsukumo
Name Location
Bunilla Crow
Burden of the Mighty Mai Valentine
Burgeoning Whirlflame Crow
Burglar Grandpa Muto
Burial from a Different Dimension Chazz Princeton
Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks Shark
Burning Algae Chazz Princeton
Burning Bamboo Sword Quinton
Burning Beast Chazz Princeton
Burning Land Yugi
Burning Skull Head Gong Strong
Burning Spear Grandpa Muto
Burnout Shay
Burst Breath Seto Kaiba
Burst Rebirth Yuma Tsukumo
Burst Return Jaden Yuki
Burst Stream of Destruction Seto Kaiba
Bururu @Ignister Ai
Buster Blader Yugi
Buster Blader, the Destruction Swordmaster Yugi
Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman Yugi
Buster Blaster Yusei Fudo
Buster Dragon Yugi
Buster Gundil the Cubic Behemoth Seto Kaiba
Buster Rancher Syrus Truesdale
Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman Yugi
Buten Yuya Sakaki
Butterfly Dagger – Elma Mai Valentine
Butterflyoke Kite Tenjo
Butterspy Protection Kite Tenjo
By Order of the Emperor Leo/Luna
Bye Bye Damage Varis
Byroad Sacrifice Syrus Truesdale
Byser Shock Bastion
C-Crush Wyvern Seto Kaiba
Caam, Serenity of Gusto Akiza Izinski
Cactus Bouncer Akiza Izinski
Cactus Fighter Akiza Izinski
Cagna, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Shay
Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight Shark
Caius the Mega Monarch Declan Akaba
Caius the Shadow Monarch Declan Akaba
Calcab, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Shay
Caligo Claw Crow Quinton
Call of Darkness Grandpa Muto
Call of the Archfiend Alexis Rhodes
Call of the Atlanteans Shark
Name Location
Call of the Earthbound Yusei Fudo
Call of the Grave Grandpa Muto
Call of the Haunted Bakura
Call of the Mummy Bakura
Call of the Reaper Yusei Fudo
Called by the Grave Declan Akaba
Calming Magic Jack Atlas
Cameraclops Yuma Tsukumo
Candle of Fate Grandpa Muto
Caninetaur Bastion
Cannon Soldier Alexis Rhodes
Cannon Soldier MK-2 Alexis Rhodes
Cannonball Spear Shellfish Mai Valentine
Canon the Melodious Diva Zuzu Boyle
Canyon Bastion
Capacitor Stalker Playmaker
Caravan of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Carboneddon Bastion
Card Advance Bastion
Card Blocker Syrus Truesdale
Card Breaker Yusei Fudo
Card Destruction Yugi
Card Ejector Grandpa Muto
Card Guard Jack Atlas
Card of Demise Gong Strong
Card of Fate Varis
Card of Sacrifice Yusei Fudo
Card of Safe Return Seto Kaiba
Card of Sanctity Chazz Princeton
Card of the Soul Akiza Izinski
Card Rotator Yusei Fudo
Card Shuffle Quinton
Card Trader Jesse Anderson
Card Trooper Syrus Truesdale
Cardcar D Yuma Tsukumo
Cards for Black Feathers Crow
Cards from the Sky Cathy Katherine
Cards of Consonance Yusei Fudo
Cards of the Red Stone Joey Wheeler
Carrierroid Syrus Truesdale
Cash Back Crow
Castel, The Skyblaster Musketeer Shay
Castle Gate Chazz Princeton
Castle Link Playmaker
Castle of Dark Illusions Bakura
Castle of Dragon Souls Seto Kaiba
Castle Walls Grandpa Muto
Name Location
Cat Shark Shark
Cat's Ear Tribe Cathy Katherine
Cataclysmic Crusted Calcifida Varis
Cataclysmic Cryonic Coldo Soulburner
Cataclysmic Scorching Sunburner Soulburner
Catalyst Field Alexis Rhodes
Catapult Turtle Yugi
Catapult Warrior Yusei Fudo
Catapult Zone Bastion
Catche Eve L2 Varis
Catnipped Kitty Cathy Katherine
Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate Jack Atlas
Catoblepas, Familiar of the Evil Eye Ai
Cattle Call Zuzu Boyle
Cauldron of the Old Man Blue Angel
Cave Dragon Bastion
Ceasefire Akiza Izinski
Celestia Leo/Luna
Celestia, Lightsworn Angel Akiza Izinski
Celestial Double Star Shaman Akiza Izinski
Celestial Knightlord Parshath Blue Angel
Celestial Observatory Cathy Katherine
Celestial Sword – Eatos Mai Valentine
Celestial Transformation Cathy Katherine
Celestial Wolf Lord, Blue Sirius Yusei Fudo
Cell Explosion virus Tetsu Trudge
Celtic Guard of Noble Arms Yugi
Celtic Guardian Yugi
Cemetary Bomb Jesse Anderson
Centerfrog Bastion
Centrifugal Field Chazz Princeton
Ceremonial Bell Quinton
Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys Yuya Sakaki
Ceruli, Guru of Dark World Bastion
Cestus of Dagla Seto Kaiba
Chachaka Archer Yuma Tsukumo
Chain Burst Tetsu Trudge
Chain Destruction Mai Valentine
Chain Detonation Tetsu Trudge
Chain Disappearance Chazz Princeton
Chain Dispel Yuya Sakaki
Chain Dog Tetsu Trudge
Chain Energy Bakura
Chain Healing Tetsu Trudge
Chain Hole Blue Angel
Chain Ignition Yuya Sakaki
Chain Material Chazz Princeton
Name Location
Chain Resonator Jack Atlas
Chain Strike Tetsu Trudge
Chain Summon Shay
Chain Summoning Jesse Anderson
Chain Thrasher Jaden Yuki
Chain Whirlwind Jack Atlas
Chainsaw Insect Mai Valentine
Chakra Joey Wheeler
Chamberlain of the Six Samurai Tetsu Trudge
Champion's Vigilance Seto Kaiba
Change of Heart Bakura
Change of Hero – Reflector Ray Jaden Yuki
Change Slime Leo/Luna
Changer Synchron Yusei Fudo
Changing Destiny Jack Atlas
Chaofeng, Phantom of the Yang Zing Jack Atlas
Chaos Ancient Gear Giant Zuzu Boyle
Chaos Betrayer Blue Angel
Chaos Burst Jaden Yuki
Chaos Command Magician Yugi
Chaos Dragon Levianeer Yugi
Chaos Emperor Dragon – Envoy of the End Yugi
Chaos End Chazz Princeton
Chaos Form Seto Kaiba
Chaos Goddess Crow
Chaos Greed Chazz Princeton
Chaos Hunter Jesse Anderson
Chaos Infinity Yusei Fudo
Chaos King Archfiend Crow
Chaos Necromancer Chazz Princeton
Chaos Scepter Blast Yugi
Chaos Seed Yuya Sakaki
Chaos Sorcerer Yugi
Chaos Trap Hole Shay
Chaos Zone Yugi
Chaos-End Master Jack Atlas
Chaosrider Gustaph Yusei Fudo
Charcoal Inpachi Bastion
Charge of the Light brigade Akiza Izinski
Charged-Up Heraldry Varis
Charging Gaia the Fierce Knight Yugi
Charioteer of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
Charm of Shabti Grandpa Muto
Charming Resort Staff Tetsu Trudge
Charubin the Fire Knight Alexis Rhodes
Checkmate Alexis Rhodes
Checksum Dragon Blue Angel
Name Location
Cheepcheepcheep Crow
Chemicritter Carbo Crab Shay
Chemicritter Hydron Hawk Shay
Chemicritter Oxy Ox Shay
Cherry Inmato Cathy Katherine
Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss Varis
Chevalier de Fleur Akiza Izinski
Chewbone Cathy Katherine
Chicken Game Zuzu Boyle
Child's Play Blue Angel
Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast Yugi
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Chimeratech Overdragon Syrus Truesdale
Chimeratech Rampage Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Chiron The Mage Chazz Princeton
Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves Akiza Izinski
Chivalry Kite Tenjo
Chiwen, Light of the Yang Zing Jack Atlas
Chobham Armor Dragon Varis
Chocolate Magician Girl Yugi
Chopman the Desperate Outlaw Yusei Fudo
Chorus of Sanctuary Mai Valentine
Chosen by the World Chalice Playmaker
Chosen of Zefra Declan Akaba
Chosen One Yugi
Chow Chow Chan Yuma Tsukumo
Chow Len the Prophet Cathy Katherine
Chronicler of Nephthys Yuya Sakaki
Chronograph Sorcerer Yuya Sakaki
Chronomaly Aztec Mask Golem Quinton
Chronomaly Cabrera Trebuchet Quinton
Chronomaly City Babylon Quinton
Chronomaly Colossal Head Quinton
Chronomaly Crystal Bones Quinton
Chronomaly Crystal Chrononaut Quinton
Chronomaly Crystal Skull Quinton
Chronomaly Golden Jet Quinton
Chronomaly Gordian Knot Quinton
Chronomaly Mayan Machine Quinton
Chronomaly Moai Quinton
Chronomaly Moai Carrier Quinton
Chronomaly Mud Golem Quinton
Chronomaly Nebra Disk Quinton
Chronomaly Pyramid Eye Tablet Quinton
Chronomaly Sol Monolith Quinton
Chronomaly Technology Quinton
Name Location
Chronomaly Tula Guardian Quinton
Chronomaly Tuspa Rocket Soulburner
Chronomaly Winged Sphinx Quinton
Chrysalis Chicky Jaden Yuki
Chrysalis Dolphin Jaden Yuki
Chrysalis Larva Jaden Yuki
Chrysalis Mole Jaden Yuki
Chrysalis Pantail Jaden Yuki
Chrysalis Pinny Jaden Yuki
Chthonian Alliance Chazz Princeton
Chthonian Blast Chazz Princeton
Chthonian Emperor Dragon Chazz Princeton
Chthonian Polymer Chazz Princeton
Chthonian Soldier Chazz Princeton
Chu-Ske the Mouse Fighter Mai Valentine
Cipher Bit Kite Tenjo
Cipher Etranger Kite Tenjo
Cipher Mirror Knight Kite Tenjo
Cipher Soldier Seto Kaiba
Cipher Spectrum Kite Tenjo
Cipher Twin Raptor Kite Tenjo
Cipher Wing Kite Tenjo
Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Shay
Circle of the Fire Kings Cathy Katherine
Citadel Whale Mai Valentine
Clara & Rushka, the Ventriloduo Playmaker
Clashing Souls Kite Tenjo
Claw Reacher Joey Wheeler
Clay Charge Jaden Yuki
Clear Effector Yusei Fudo
Clear Kuriboh Yugi
Clear Vice Dragon Chazz Princeton
Clear Wing Fast Dragon Soulburner
Clear Wing Synchro Dragon Gong Strong
Clear World Chazz Princeton
Cliant Playmaker
Cloak and Dagger Syrus Truesdale
Clock Lizard Ai
Clock Resonator Jack Atlas
Clock Spartoi Playmaker
Clock Tower Prison Jaden Yuki
Clock Wyvern Playmaker
Cloning Seto Kaiba
Closed Forest Leo/Luna
CloudCastle Tetsu Trudge
Cloudian Aerosal Soulburner
Cloudian Squall Syrus Truesdale
Name Location
Cloudian – Acid Cloud Syrus Truesdale
Cloudian – Altus Syrus Truesdale
Cloudian – Cirrostratus Syrus Truesdale
Cloudian – Eye of the Typhoon Syrus Truesdale
Cloudian – Ghost Fog Syrus Truesdale
Cloudian – Nimbusman Syrus Truesdale
Cloudian – Poison Cloud Syrus Truesdale
Cloudian – Sheep Cloud Syrus Truesdale
Cloudian – Smoke Ball Syrus Truesdale
Cloudian – Storm Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Cloudian – Turbulence Syrus Truesdale
Clown Zombie Bakura
Cluster Congester Playmaker
Coach Captain Bearman Cathy Katherine
Coach Goblin Bakura
Coach King Giantrainer Cathy Katherine
Coach Soldier Wolfbark Cathy Katherine
Cobra Jar Jesse Anderson
Cobraman Sakuzy Seto Kaiba
Cockadoodledoo Crow
Cockroach Knight Mai Valentine
Cocoon of Evolution Mai Valentine
Cocoon of Ultra Evolution Mai Valentine
Cocoon Party Jaden Yuki
Cocoon Rebirth Jaden Yuki
Cocoon Veil Jaden Yuki
Codarus Mai Valentine
Code A Ancient Ruins Tetsu Trudge
Code Generator Ai
Code Radiator Ai
Code Talker Ai
Code Talker Inverted Ai
Coffin Seller Mai Valentine
Cold Enchanter Yuya Sakaki
Cold Feet Shark
Cold Wave Grandpa Muto
Collected Power Joey Wheeler
Colossal Fighter Yusei Fudo
Colossal Fighter/Assault Mode Yusei Fudo
Colosseum – Cage of the Gladiator Beasts Zuzu Boyle
Column Switch Shay
Combination Attack Chazz Princeton
Combo Fighter Tetsu Trudge
Combo Master Tetsu Trudge
Comic Hand Bakura
Comics Hero King Arthur Quinton
Command Knight Grandpa Muto
Name Location
Command Performance Yuya Sakaki
Commander Covington Leo/Luna
Commander Gottoms, Swordmaster Gong Strong
Commander of Swords Yuma Tsukumo
Commencement Dance Joey Wheeler
Common Charity Alexis Rhodes
Common Soul Jaden Yuki
Compulsory Escape Device Quinton
Compulsory Evacuation Device Quinton
Comrade Swordsman of Landstar Joey Wheeler
Concentrating Current Leo/Luna
Condemned Darklord Blue Angel
Condemned Maiden Cathy Katherine
Condemned Witch Alexis Rhodes
Condolence Puppet Soulburner
Confiscation Mai Valentine
Confronting the "C" Yuya Sakaki
Confusion Chaff Yusei Fudo
Conscription Jaden Yuki
Consecrated Light Cathy Katherine
Consolation Prize Ai
Constellar Acubens Shay
Constellar Aldebaran Shay
Constellar Algiedi Shay
Constellar Alrescha Shay
Constellar Antares Shay
Constellar Belt Shay
Constellar Hyades Shay
Constellar Kaus Shay
Constellar Leonis Shay
Constellar Meteor Shay
Constellar Omega Shay
Constellar Pleiades Shay
Constellar Pollux Shay
Constellar Praesepe Shay
Constellar Ptolemy M7 Shay
Constellar Rasalhague Shay
Constellar Sheratan Shay
Constellar Siat Shay
Constellar Sombre Shay
Constellar Star Chart Shay
Constellar Star Cradle Shay
Constellar Tempest Shay
Constellar Twinkle Shay
Constellar Virgo Shay
Constellar Zubeneschamali Shay
Construction Train Signal Red Cathy Katherine
Name Location
Contact Jaden Yuki
Contact "C" Shark
Contact Gate Soulburner
Contact Out Jaden Yuki
Contact with Gusto Akiza Izinski
Contact with the Aquamirror Shark
Continuous Destruction Punch Chazz Princeton
Contract Laundering Declan Akaba
Contract with Don Thousand Kite Tenjo
Contract with Exodia Grandpa Muto
Contract with the Abyss Joey Wheeler
Contract with the Dark Master Joey Wheeler
Contrast HERO Chaos Jaden Yuki
Converging Wishes Yusei Fudo
Convert Contact Jaden Yuki
Convulsion of Nature Bastion
Copy Knight Yuma Tsukumo
Copy Plant Akiza Izinski
Copycat Joey Wheeler
Coral Dragon Gong Strong
Core Blast Jesse Anderson
Core Blaster Jesse Anderson
Core Compression Jesse Anderson
Core Overclock Jesse Anderson
Core Reinforcement Jesse Anderson
Core Transport Unit Jesse Anderson
Corridor of Agony Quinton
Corroding Shark Mai Valentine
Corrosive Scales Mai Valentine
Corrupted Keys Kite Tenjo
Corruption Cell "A" Tetsu Trudge
Cosmic Blazar Dragon Yusei Fudo
Cosmic Compass Yusei Fudo
Cosmic Cyclone Quinton
Cosmic Flare Yusei Fudo
Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar Tetsu Trudge
Cosmic Horror Gangi'el Tetsu Trudge
Cosmo Brain Alexis Rhodes
Cosmo Queen Chazz Princeton
Cost Down Seto Kaiba
Counselor Lily Jack Atlas
Counter Cleaner Tetsu Trudge
Counter Counter Syrus Truesdale
Counter Gate Seto Kaiba
Counterforce Quinton
Court of Justice Cathy Katherine
Covering Fire Quinton
Name Location
Crab Turtle Joey Wheeler
Crackdown Blue Angel
Cracking Shark
Cracking Dragon Playmaker
Crane Crane Yuma Tsukumo
Cranium Fish Shark
Crashbug Road Yuma Tsukumo
Crashbug X Yuma Tsukumo
Crashbug Y Yuma Tsukumo
Crashbug Z Yuma Tsukumo
Crass Clown Bakura
Crawling Dragon Mai Valentine
Crawling Dragon #2 Mai Valentine
Crazy Fish Shark
Crealtar, the Impcantation Originator Varis
Creation Resonator Jack Atlas
Creature Seizure Alexis Rhodes
Creature Swap Bakura
Creeping Darkness Chazz Princeton
Creeping Doom Manta Alexis Rhodes
Creepy Coney Alexis Rhodes
Crevice Into The Different Dimension Kite Tenjo
Crimson Blader Tetsu Trudge
Crimson Fire Jack Atlas
Crimson Knight Vampire Bram Bastion
Crimson Ninja Shay
Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord Seto Kaiba
Crimson Nova Trinity the Dark Cubic Lord Seto Kaiba
Crimson Sentry Jack Atlas
Crimson Sunbird Alexis Rhodes
Criosphinx Yugi
Crop Circles Tetsu Trudge
Cross Attack Yuma Tsukumo
Cross Breed Yusei Fudo
Cross Counter Bastion
Cross Debug Ai
Cross Porter Jaden Yuki
Cross-Dimensional Duel Zuzu Boyle
Cross-Sheep Ai
Cross-Sword Beetle Leo/Luna
Crossrose Dragon Varis
Crow Goblin Crow
Crowley, the first Propheseer Varis
Crowned by the World Chalice Playmaker
Crusader of Endymion Yugi
Crusadia Arboria Playmaker
Crusadia Draco Playmaker
Name Location
Crusadia Equimax Playmaker
Crusadia Krawler Playmaker
Crusadia Leonis Playmaker
Crusadia Magius Playmaker
Crusadia Maximus Playmaker
Crusadia Power Playmaker
Crusadia Reclusia Playmaker
Crusadia Regulex Playmaker
Crusadia Revival Playmaker
Crusadia Spatha Playmaker
Crusadia Testament Varis
Crusadia Vanguard Playmaker
Crush Card Virus Seto Kaiba
Crusher Run Ai
Cry Havoc! Grandpa Muto
Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Crystal Abundance Jesse Anderson
Crystal Beacon Jesse Anderson
Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth Jesse Anderson
Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat Jesse Anderson
Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle Jesse Anderson
Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise Jesse Anderson
Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle Jesse Anderson
Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus Jesse Anderson
Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger Jesse Anderson
Crystal Blessing Jesse Anderson
Crystal Bond Jesse Anderson
Crystal Conclave Jesse Anderson
Crystal Counter Jesse Anderson
Crystal Keeper Jesse Anderson
Crystal Master Jesse Anderson
Crystal Pair Jesse Anderson
Crystal Promise Jesse Anderson
Crystal Raigeki Jesse Anderson
Crystal Release Jesse Anderson
Crystal Rose Zuzu Boyle
Crystal Seer Syrus Truesdale
Crystal Tree Jesse Anderson
Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon Gong Strong
Crystolic Potential Gong Strong
Crystron Ametrix Gong Strong
Crystron Citree Gong Strong
Crystron Entry Gong Strong
Crystron Halqifibrax Varis
Crystron Impact Gong Strong
Crystron Phoenix Gong Strong
Crystron Prasiortle Gong Strong
Name Location
Crystron Quan Gong Strong
Crystron Quandax Gong Strong
Crystron Quariongandrax Gong Strong
Crystron Rion Gong Strong
Crystron Rosenix Gong Strong
Crystron Smiger Gong Strong
Crystron Sulfefnir Gong Strong
Crystron Thystvern Gong Strong
Cuben Joey Wheeler
Cubic Ascension Ai
Cubic Causality Ai
Cubic Dharma Ai
Cubic Karma Seto Kaiba
Cubic Mandala Seto Kaiba
Cubic Rebirth Seto Kaiba
Cubic Wave Seto Kaiba
Cunning of the Six Samurai Tetsu Trudge
Cup of Ace Chazz Princeton
Cupid Dunk Varis
Cupid Serve Varis
Cupid Volley Akiza Izinski
Cure Mermaid Akiza Izinski
Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion Akiza Izinski
Curse Necrofear Blue Angel
Curse of Aging Chazz Princeton
Curse of Anubis Jesse Anderson
Curse of Darkness Akiza Izinski
Curse of Dragon Yugi
Curse of Dragonfire Zuzu Boyle
Curse of Fiend Joey Wheeler
Curse of Royal Yugi
Curse of the Circle Yugi
Curse of the Masked Beast Joey Wheeler
Curse of the Shadow Prison Jesse Anderson
Cursed Armaments Leo/Luna
Cursed Bamboo Sword Quinton
Cursed Bill Shark
Cursed Fig Leo/Luna
Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell Chazz Princeton
Curtain of the Dark Ones Bakura
CXyz Barian Hope Shark
CXyz Battleship Cherry Blossom Kite Tenjo
CXyz Coach Lord Ultimatrainer Cathy Katherine
CXyz Comics Hero Legend Arthur Quinton
CXyz Dark Fairy Cheer Girl Cathy Katherine
CXyz Mechquipped Djinn Angeneral Quinton
CXyz Simon the Great Moral Leader Quinton
Name Location
CXyz Skypalace Babylon Kite Tenjo
Cyber Angel Benten Alexis Rhodes
Cyber Angel Dakini Alexis Rhodes
Cyber Angel Idaten Alexis Rhodes
Cyber Angel Izana Soulburner
Cyber Angel Natasha Alexis Rhodes
Cyber Angel Vrash Alexis Rhodes
Cyber Archfiend Bakura
Cyber Barrier Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Blader Alexis Rhodes
Cyber Commander Mai Valentine
Cyber Dinosaur Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Dragon Core Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Dragon Drei Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Dragon Herz Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Dragon Infinity Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Dragon Nachster Soulburner
Cyber Dragon Nova Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Dragon Sieger Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Dragon Vier Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Dragon Zwei Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Egg Angel Soulburner
Cyber Eltanin Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Emergency Syrus Truesdale
Cyber End Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Esper Alexis Rhodes
Cyber Eternity Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Falcon Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Gymnast Alexis Rhodes
Cyber Harpie Lady Mai Valentine
Cyber Jar Joey Wheeler
Cyber Kirin Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Larva Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Laser Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Network Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Ogre Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Ogre 2 Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Ouroboros Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Petit Angel Alexis Rhodes
Cyber Pharos Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Phoenix Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Prima Alexis Rhodes
Cyber Raider Joey Wheeler
Cyber Repair Plant Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Revsystem Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Saurus Alexis Rhodes
Name Location
Cyber Shadow Gardna Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Shark Shark
Cyber Shield Mai Valentine
Cyber Soldier Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Soldier of Darkworld Bakura
Cyber Summon Blaster Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Tutu Alexis Rhodes
Cyber Tutubon Alexis Rhodes
Cyber Twin Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Cyber Valley Syrus Truesdale
Cyber-Stein Bastion
Cyber-Tech Alligator Alexis Rhodes
Cyberdark Cannon Syrus Truesdale
Cyberdark Claw Syrus Truesdale
Cyberdark Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Cyberdark Edge Syrus Truesdale
Cyberdark Horn Syrus Truesdale
Cyberdark Impact! Syrus Truesdale
Cyberdark Inferno Syrus Truesdale
Cyberdark Keel Syrus Truesdale
Cyberdarkness Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Cyberload Fusion Syrus Truesdale
Cybernetic Cyclopean Syrus Truesdale
Cybernetic Fusion Support Syrus Truesdale
Cybernetic Hidden Technology Syrus Truesdale
Cybernetic Magician Syrus Truesdale
Cybernetic Overflow Syrus Truesdale
Cybernetic Revolution Syrus Truesdale
Cybernetic Zone Syrus Truesdale
Cybersal Cyclone Playmaker
Cyberse Accelerator Ai
Cyberse Beacon Playmaker
Cyberse Clock Dragon Playmaker
Cyberse Converter Ai
Cyberse Enchanter Ai
Cyberse Gadget Playmaker
Cyberse Integrator Ai
Cyberse Magician Playmaker
Cyberse Quantum Dragon Ai
Cyberse Reminder Ai
Cyberse Synchron Varis
Cyberse White Hat Playmaker
Cyberse Wicckid Ai
Cyberse Witch Playmaker
Cyberse Wizard Playmaker
Cyborg Doctor Quinton
Cycle of the World Joey Wheeler
Name Location
Cyclon Laser Syrus Truesdale
Cyclone Blade Jaden Yuki
Cyclone Boomerang Jaden Yuki
Cycroid Syrus Truesdale
Cynet Backdoor Playmaker
Cynet Codec Ai
Cynet Conflict Ai
Cynet Fusion Playmaker
Cynet Mining Ai
Cynet Optimization Ai
Cynet Recovery Playmaker
Cynet Refresh Playmaker
Cynet Regression Playmaker
Cynet Ritual Playmaker
Cynet Storm Playmaker
Cynet Universe Playmaker
Cú Chulainn the Awakened Joey Wheeler
D Cubed Jaden Yuki
D – Chain Jaden Yuki
D – Counter Jaden Yuki
D – Formation Jaden Yuki
D – Fortune Jaden Yuki
D – Shield Jaden Yuki
D – Spirit Jaden Yuki
D – Tactics Soulburner
D – Time Jaden Yuki
D-Boyz Yuma Tsukumo
D-Fusion Jaden Yuki
D. Human Crow
D. Tribe Seto Kaiba
D.3.S. Frog Bastion
D.D. Assailant Chazz Princeton
D.D. Borderline Chazz Princeton
D.D. Crazy Beast Chazz Princeton
D.D. Crow Chazz Princeton
D.D. Designator Chazz Princeton
D.D. Destroyer Chazz Princeton
D.D. Dynamite Chazz Princeton
D.D. Esper Star Sparrow Cathy Katherine
D.D. Guide Chazz Princeton
D.D. Jet Iron Cathy Katherine
D.D. Patrol Plane Blue Angel
D.D. Scout Plane Chazz Princeton
D.D. Seeker Chazz Princeton
D.D. Sprite Yusei Fudo
D.D. Survivor Chazz Princeton
D.D. Telepon Akiza Izinski
Name Location
D.D. Trainer Chazz Princeton
D.D. Trap Hole Shay
D.D. Unicorn Knight Chazz Princeton
D.D. Warrior Chazz Princeton
D.D. Warrior Lady Chazz Princeton
D.D.M. – Different Dimension Master Chazz Princeton
D.D.R. – Different Dimension Reincarnation Chazz Princeton
D/D Berfomet Declan Akaba
D/D Cerberus Declan Akaba
D/D Ghost Declan Akaba
D/D Lamia Declan Akaba
D/D Lilith Declan Akaba
D/D Necro Slime Declan Akaba
D/D Nighthowl Declan Akaba
D/D Orthros Declan Akaba
D/D Pandora Declan Akaba
D/D Proud Chevalier Declan Akaba
D/D Proud Ogre Declan Akaba
D/D Recruits Declan Akaba
D/D Reroll Declan Akaba
D/D Savant Copernicus Declan Akaba
D/D Savant Galilei Declan Akaba
D/D Savant Kepler Declan Akaba
D/D Savant Newton Declan Akaba
D/D Savant Nikola Declan Akaba
D/D Savant Thomas Declan Akaba
D/D Swirl Slime Declan Akaba
D/D Vice Typhon Declan Akaba
D/D/D Abyss King Gilgamesh Soulburner
D/D/D Chaos King Apocalypse Declan Akaba
D/D/D Contract Change Declan Akaba
D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried Declan Akaba
D/D/D Destiny King Zero Laplace Soulburner
D/D/D Doom King Armageddon Declan Akaba
D/D/D Dragon King Pendragon Declan Akaba
D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf Declan Akaba
D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga Declan Akaba
D/D/D Flame High King Genghis Declan Akaba
D/D/D Flame King Genghis Declan Akaba
D/D/D Gust High King Alexander Declan Akaba
D/D/D Gust King Alexander Declan Akaba
D/D/D Human Resources Declan Akaba
D/D/D Marksman King Tell Declan Akaba
D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok Declan Akaba
D/D/D Oracle King d'Arc Declan Akaba
D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas Declan Akaba
D/D/D Stone King Darius Declan Akaba
Name Location
D/D/D Super Doom King Bright Armageddon Declan Akaba
D/D/D Super Doom King Dark Armageddon Declan Akaba
D/D/D Super Doom King Purple Armageddon Declan Akaba
D/D/D Supersight King Zero Maxwell Soulburner
D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser Declan Akaba
D/D/D Wave High King Caesar Declan Akaba
D/D/D Wave King Caesar Declan Akaba
D/D/D Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok Declan Akaba
D2 Shield Syrus Truesdale
Dai Dance Jesse Anderson
Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Daigusto Eguls Akiza Izinski
Daigusto Emeral Akiza Izinski
Daigusto Falcos Akiza Izinski
Daigusto Gulldos Akiza Izinski
Daigusto Phoenix Akiza Izinski
Daigusto Sphreez Akiza Izinski
Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi Jack Atlas
Damage = Reptile Jesse Anderson
Damage Condenser Syrus Truesdale
Damage Diet Yuma Tsukumo
Damage Eater Yusei Fudo
Damage Gate Quinton
Damage Mage Yuma Tsukumo
Damage Polarizer Syrus Truesdale
Damage Translation Crow
Damage Vaccine Ω MAX Shark
Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Dance Princess of the Nekroz Alexis Rhodes
Dances with Beasts Blue Angel
Dancing Elf Grandpa Muto
Dancing Fairy Grandpa Muto
Dandylion Jaden Yuki
Danger! Bigfoot! Ai
Danger! Chupacabra! Ai
Danger! Dogman! Ai
Danger! Excitement! Mystery! Ai
Danger! Feets of Strength! Ai
Danger! Mothman! Ai
Danger! Nessie! Ai
Danger! Ogopogo! Ai
Danger! Response Team Ai
Danger! Thunderbird! Ai
Danger! Zone Ai
Danger!? Jackalope? Ai
Danger!? Tsuchinoko? Ai
Dangerous Frightfur Nightmary Soulburner
Name Location
Dangerous Machine Type-6 Syrus Truesdale
Danipon Mai Valentine
Dante, Pilgrim of the Burning Abyss Shay
Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss Shay
Dark Advance Zuzu Boyle
Dark Angel Playmaker
Dark Anthelion Dragon Soulburner
Dark Armed Dragon Bakura
Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation Blue Angel
Dark Artist Grandpa Muto
Dark Assailant Grandpa Muto
Dark Balter The Terrible Bastion
Dark Bat Syrus Truesdale
Dark Blade Seto Kaiba
Dark Blade the Captain of the Evil World Seto Kaiba
Dark Blade the Dragon Knight Seto Kaiba
Dark Bribe Jaden Yuki
Dark Bug Jack Atlas
Dark Burning Attack Yugi
Dark Burning Magic Yugi
Dark Calling Jaden Yuki
Dark Cat with White Tail Cathy Katherine
Dark Catapulter Jaden Yuki
Dark Cavalry Blue Angel
Dark Chimera Grandpa Muto
Dark City Jaden Yuki
Dark Coffin Quinton
Dark Contract with Errors Declan Akaba
Dark Contract with the Entities Declan Akaba
Dark Contract with the Eternal Darkness Declan Akaba
Dark Contract with the Gate Declan Akaba
Dark Contract with the Swamp King Declan Akaba
Dark Contract with the Witch Declan Akaba
Dark Contract with the Yamimakai Declan Akaba
Dark Core Chazz Princeton
Dark Crusader Jesse Anderson
Dark Cure Syrus Truesdale
Dark Deal Bastion
Dark Desertapir Cathy Katherine
Dark Designator Bakura
Dark Diviner Tetsu Trudge
Dark Doriado Gong Strong
Dark Dragon Ritual Joey Wheeler
Dark Driceratops Bastion
Dark Dust Spirit Chazz Princeton
Dark Effigy Jesse Anderson
Dark Elf Grandpa Muto
Name Location
Dark End Dragon Jack Atlas
Dark Energy Mai Valentine
Dark Eradicator Warlock Yugi
Dark Eruption Jesse Anderson
Dark Factory of Mass Production Alexis Rhodes
Dark Factory of More Production Blue Angel
Dark Flare Knight Yugi
Dark Flattop Crow
Dark Fusion Jaden Yuki
Dark Garnex the Cubic Beast Seto Kaiba
Dark General Freed Joey Wheeler
Dark Gray Grandpa Muto
Dark Grepher Jesse Anderson
Dark Highlander Jack Atlas
Dark Hole Grandpa Muto
Dark Horizon Yugi
Dark Horus Jesse Anderson
Dark Hunter Leo/Luna
Dark Illusion Jesse Anderson
Dark Jeroid Bakura
Dark King of the Abyss Bakura
Dark Lucius LV4 Chazz Princeton
Dark Lucius LV6 Chazz Princeton
Dark Lucius LV8 Chazz Princeton
Dark Magic Attack Yugi
Dark Magic Curtain Yugi
Dark Magic Expanded Yugi
Dark Magic Inheritance Yugi
Dark Magic Twin Burst Blue Angel
Dark Magic Veil Yugi
Dark Magical Circle Yugi
Dark Magician Yugi
Dark Magician Girl Yugi
Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight Yugi
Dark Magician Knight Yugi
Dark Magician of Chaos Yugi
Dark Magician the Dragon Knight Yugi
Dark Mambele Cathy Katherine
Dark Master – Zorc Joey Wheeler
Dark Mimic LV1 Chazz Princeton
Dark Mimic LV3 Chazz Princeton
Dark Mirror Force Syrus Truesdale
Dark Necrofear Bakura
Dark Nephthys Yuya Sakaki
Dark Paladin Yugi
Dark Plant Chazz Princeton
Dark Prisoner Bakura
Name Location
Dark Rabbit Joey Wheeler
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon Shay
Dark Red Enchanter Yugi
Dark Renewal Yugi
Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon Shay
Dark Resonator Jack Atlas
Dark Room of Nightmare Akiza Izinski
Dark Rose Fairy Varis
Dark Ruler Ha Des Bakura
Dark Ruler No More Ai
Dark Sacrifice Blue Angel
Dark Sage Yugi
Dark Sanctuary Bakura
Dark Scheme Bastion
Dark Scorpion Burglars Alexis Rhodes
Dark Scorpion Combination Alexis Rhodes
Dark Scorpion – Chick the Yellow Alexis Rhodes
Dark Scorpion – Cliff the Trap Remover Alexis Rhodes
Dark Scorpion – Gorg the Strong Alexis Rhodes
Dark Scorpion – Meanae the Thorn Alexis Rhodes
Dark Shade Grandpa Muto
Dark Simorgh Chazz Princeton
Dark Smog Bakura
Dark Snake Syndrome Chazz Princeton
Dark Spider Yusei Fudo
Dark Spirit Art – Greed Jesse Anderson
Dark Spirit of Banishment Blue Angel
Dark Spirit of Malice Blue Angel
Dark Spirit of the Silent Bakura
Dark Spirit's Mastery Blue Angel
Dark Strike Fighter Crow
Dark Summoning Beast Jaden Yuki
Dark Templar @Ignister Ai
Dark Tinker Tetsu Trudge
Dark Titan of Terror Bakura
Dark Valkyria Yugi
Dark Verger Akiza Izinski
Dark Voltanis Tetsu Trudge
Dark Witch Yuma Tsukumo
Dark World Brainwashing Bastion
Dark World Dealings Bastion
Dark World Grimoire Bastion
Dark World Lightning Bastion
Dark Zebra Seto Kaiba
Dark-Eyes Illusionist Bakura
Dark-Piercing Light Crow
Darkbishop Archfiend Alexis Rhodes
Name Location
Darkblaze Dragon Kite Tenjo
Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair Bastion
Darkfall Cathy Katherine
Darkfire Dragon Chazz Princeton
Darkfire Soldier #1 Quinton
Darkfire Soldier #2 Quinton
Darkflare Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Darklight Shay
Darklon Yuma Tsukumo
Darklord Amdusc Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Asmodeus Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Contact Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Descent Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Desire Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Edeh Arae Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Enchantment Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Ixchel Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Marie Alexis Rhodes
Darklord Morningstar Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Nasten Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Nurse Reficule Joey Wheeler
Darklord Rebellion Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Superbia Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Tezcatlipoca Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Ukoback Syrus Truesdale
Darklord Zerato Syrus Truesdale
Darkness Approaches Bakura
Darkness Destroyer Bakura
Darkness Metal, the Dragon of Dark Steel Blue Angel
Darkness Neosphere Chazz Princeton
Darknight Parshath Tetsu Trudge
Darksea Float Crow
Darksea Rescue Crow
Darkstorm Dragon Alexis Rhodes
Darktellarknight Batlamyus Shay
Darkworld Shackles Bastion
Darkworld Thorns Alexis Rhodes
Daruma Dropper Soulburner
Dash Warrior Yusei Fudo
Datacorn Playmaker
Dawn Knight Yuya Sakaki
Dawn of the Herald Seto Kaiba
Dawnbreak Gardna Alexis Rhodes
Day-Breaker the Shining Magical Warrior Blue Angel
Daybreaker Kite Tenjo
De-Fusion Alexis Rhodes
De-Spell Seto Kaiba
Name Location
De-Synchro Leo/Luna
Deal of Phantom Bastion
Dealer's Choice Quinton
Debris Dragon Yusei Fudo
Debunk Kite Tenjo
Decayed Commander Chazz Princeton
Deck Devastation Virus Seto Kaiba
Deck Lockdown Tetsu Trudge
Decode Destruction Ai
Decode Talker Playmaker
Decode Talker Extended Ai
Decoy Dragon Seto Kaiba
Decoyroid Syrus Truesdale
Dedication Through Light and Darkness Yugi
Deep Dark Trap Hole Shay
Deep Diver Chazz Princeton
Deep Sea Diva Shark
Deep Sweeper Shark
Deep-Eyes White Dragon Seto Kaiba
Deep-Space Cruiser IX Quinton
Deepsea Macrotrema Mai Valentine
Deepsea Shark Alexis Rhodes
Deepsea Warrior Mai Valentine
Defcon Bird Ai
Defect Compiler Playmaker
Defender of Nephthys Yuya Sakaki
Defender of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Defender of the Labyrinth Blue Angel
Defender, the Magical Knight Yugi
Defenders Intersect Crow
Defense Draw Yusei Fudo
Defense Zone Tetsu Trudge
Defensive Tactics Zuzu Boyle
Defrag Dragon Playmaker
Degen-Force Cathy Katherine
Degenerate Circuit Tetsu Trudge
Degrade Buster Playmaker
Dekoichi The Battlechanted Locomotive Syrus Truesdale
Delg the Dark Monarch Declan Akaba
Delinquent Duo Joey Wheeler
Delta Attacker Alexis Rhodes
Delta Crow – Anti Reverse Crow
Delta Flyer Jack Atlas
Delta The Magnet Warrior Yugi
Delta Tri Syrus Truesdale
Demise of the Land Tetsu Trudge
Demise, Agent of Armageddon Joey Wheeler
Name Location
Demise, King of Armageddon Joey Wheeler
Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon Joey Wheeler
Demotion Bastion
Denglong, First of the Yang Zing Jack Atlas
Denko Sekka Yuya Sakaki
Depth Amulet Crow
Depth Shark Shark
Des Counterblow Jesse Anderson
Des Croaking Bastion
Des Dendle Bastion
Des Feral Imp Seto Kaiba
Des Frog Bastion
Des Kangaroo Bastion
Des Koala Bastion
Des Lacooda Seto Kaiba
Des Mosquito Syrus Truesdale
Des Volstgalph Bakura
Des Wombat Bastion
Descending Lost Star Yusei Fudo
Desert Protector Leo/Luna
Desert Sunlight Jesse Anderson
Desert Twister Syrus Truesdale
Desertapir Jesse Anderson
Designer Frightfur Zuzu Boyle
Deskbot 001 Gong Strong
Deskbot 002 Gong Strong
Deskbot 003 Gong Strong
Deskbot 004 Gong Strong
Deskbot 005 Gong Strong
Deskbot 006 Gong Strong
Deskbot 007 Gong Strong
Deskbot 008 Gong Strong
Deskbot 009 Gong Strong
Deskbot Base Gong Strong
Deskbot Jet Gong Strong
Desmanian Devil Cathy Katherine
Despair From The Dark Chazz Princeton
Desperado Barrel Dragon Joey Wheeler
Desperate Tag Yusei Fudo
Desrook Archfiend Alexis Rhodes
Destiny Board Bakura
Destiny Draw Jaden Yuki
Destiny End Dragoon Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Blade Master Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Captain Tenacious Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Celestial Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Dangerous Jaden Yuki
Name Location
Destiny HERO – Dark Angel Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Dasher Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Decider Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Defender Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Departed Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Diamond Dude Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Disk Commander Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Dogma Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Dominance Soulburner
Destiny HERO – Doom Lord Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Double Dude Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Drawhand Soulburner
Destiny HERO – Dread Servant Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Dreadmaster Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Dreamer Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Drilldark Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Dunker Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Dusktopia Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Dynatag Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Dystopia Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Fear Monger Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Malicious Jaden Yuki
Destiny HERO – Plasma Jaden Yuki
Destiny Mirage Jaden Yuki
Destiny Signal Jaden Yuki
Destroyer Golem Mai Valentine
Destroyersaurus Bastion
Destruct Potion Yusei Fudo
Destruction Cyclone Jesse Anderson
Destruction Dragon Seto Kaiba
Destruction Jammer Tetsu Trudge
Destruction of Destiny Jaden Yuki
Destruction Punch Bastion
Destruction Ring Grandpa Muto
Destruction Sword Flash Yugi
Destruction Sword Memories Yugi
Destruction Swordsman Fusion Yugi
Destructive Draw Syrus Truesdale
Destructotron Akiza Izinski
Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson Yusei Fudo
Detonate Yugi
Detonate Deleter Ai
Detonator Circle "A" Tetsu Trudge
Deus X-Krawler Varis
Devotee of Nephthys Yuya Sakaki
Dewdark of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Name Location
Dhampir Vampire Sheridan Bastion
Dharc the Dark Charmer Jesse Anderson
Dharma Cannon Crow
Dharma-Eye Magician Yuya Sakaki
Diabolos, King of the Abyss Bakura
Diabound Kernel Bakura
Diamond Core of Koa'ki Meiru Jesse Anderson
Diamond Dire Wolf Cathy Katherine
Diamond Dust Shark
Diamond Duston Cathy Katherine
Diamond-Dust Cyclone Syrus Truesdale
Dian Keto the Cure Master Mai Valentine
Diana the Light Spirit Quinton
Dice Armadillo Grandpa Muto
Dice It Blue Angel
Dice Jar Joey Wheeler
Dice Re-Roll Joey Wheeler
Dice Roll Battle Gong Strong
Dice Try! Joey Wheeler
Dice-nied Shark
Dicelops Gong Strong
Dicephoon Cathy Katherine
Diceversity Gong Strong
Different Dimension Capsule Jaden Yuki
Different Dimension Deepsea Trench Shark
Different Dimension Dragon Seto Kaiba
Different Dimension Encounter Chazz Princeton
Different Dimension Gate Joey Wheeler
Different Dimension Ground Chazz Princeton
Diffusion Wave-Motion Yugi
Dig Beak Grandpa Muto
Dig of Destiny Gong Strong
Digital Bug Centibit Shay
Digital Bug Cocoondenser Shay
Digital Bug Corebage Shay
Digital Bug LEDybug Shay
Digital Bug Rhinosebus Shay
Digital Bug Scaradiator Shay
Digital Bug Websolder Shay
Digitron Playmaker
Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry Zuzu Boyle
Dillingerous Dragon Varis
Dimension Distortion Chazz Princeton
Dimension Explosion Syrus Truesdale
Dimension Fortress Weapon Leo/Luna
Dimension Fusion Seto Kaiba
Dimension Gate Yuma Tsukumo
Name Location
Dimension Guardian Yugi
Dimension Jar Shark
Dimension Mirage Yugi
Dimension Reflector Yugi
Dimension Shifter Ai
Dimension Slice Quinton
Dimension Sphinx Yugi
Dimension Wall Akiza Izinski
Dimension Wanderer Kite Tenjo
Dimensional Alchemist Leo/Luna
Dimensional Barrier Syrus Truesdale
Dimensional Fissure Bakura
Dimensional Inversion Tetsu Trudge
Dimensional Prison Chazz Princeton
Dimensionhole Yugi
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star Varis
Dino-Sewing Bastion
Dinomic Powerload Declan Akaba
Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter Declan Akaba
Dinomist Ankylos Declan Akaba
Dinomist Brachion Declan Akaba
Dinomist Ceratops Declan Akaba
Dinomist Charge Declan Akaba
Dinomist Eruption Declan Akaba
Dinomist Plesios Declan Akaba
Dinomist Pteran Declan Akaba
Dinomist Rex Declan Akaba
Dinomist Rush Declan Akaba
Dinomist Spinos Declan Akaba
Dinomist Stegosaur Declan Akaba
Dinomists Howling Declan Akaba
Dinoster Power, the Mighty Dracoslayer Declan Akaba
Dinowrestler Capaptera Bastion
Dinowrestler Capoeiraptor Bastion
Dinowrestler Chimera T Wrextle Soulburner
Dinowrestler Coelasilat Soulburner
Dinowrestler Eskrimamenchi Soulburner
Dinowrestler Giga Spinosavate Soulburner
Dinowrestler King T Wrextle Bastion
Dinowrestler Martial Ampelo Soulburner
Dinowrestler Martial Anga Soulburner
Dinowrestler Martial Ankylo Soulburner
Dinowrestler Pankratops Bastion
Dinowrestler Rambrachio Soulburner
Dinowrestler Systegosaur Bastion
Dinowrestler Terra Parkourio Soulburner
Dinowrestler Valeonyx Soulburner
Name Location
Diplexer Chimera Playmaker
Dirge of the Lost Dragon Blue Angel
Disappear Bastion
Disarm Syrus Truesdale
Disarmament Chazz Princeton
Disc Fighter Chazz Princeton
Disciple of Nephthys Yuya Sakaki
Disciple of the Forbidden Spell Jaden Yuki
Disciples of the True Dracophoenix Declan Akaba
Discord Yusei Fudo
Disenchanter Yugi
Disk Magician Chazz Princeton
Diskblade Rider Tetsu Trudge
Disposable Learner Device Blue Angel
Dissolverock Yugi
Disturbance Strategy Syrus Truesdale
Divine Dragon Apocralyph Kite Tenjo
Divine Dragon Aquabizarre Kite Tenjo
Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand Kite Tenjo
Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand Kite Tenjo
Divine Dragon Ragnarok Kite Tenjo
Divine Dragon – Excelion Kite Tenjo
Divine Grace – Northwemko Joey Wheeler
Divine Knight Ishzark Joey Wheeler
Divine Punishment Bakura
Divine Relic Mjollnir Crow
Divine Serpent Geh Jaden Yuki
Divine Sword – Phoenix Blade Grandpa Muto
Divine Wind of Mist Valley Crow
Divine Wrath Grandpa Muto
Dizzying Winds of Yosen Village Zuzu Boyle
Djinn Cursenchanter of Rituals Joey Wheeler
Djinn Demolisher of Rituals Joey Wheeler
Djinn Disserere of Rituals Joey Wheeler
Djinn Presider of Rituals Joey Wheeler
Djinn Prognosticator of Rituals Joey Wheeler
Djinn Releaser of Rituals Joey Wheeler
Djinn The Watcher of the Wind Mai Valentine
DMZ Dragon Soulburner
DNA Checkup Leo/Luna
DNA Surgery Grandpa Muto
DNA Transplant Grandpa Muto
Do a Barrel Roll Quinton
Doble Passe Alexis Rhodes
Doctor Cranium Akiza Izinski
Dodger Dragon Kite Tenjo
Dododo Bot Yuma Tsukumo
Name Location
Dododo Buster Yuma Tsukumo
Dododo Driver Yuma Tsukumo
Dododo Swordsman Yuma Tsukumo
Dododo Warrior Yuma Tsukumo
Dododo Witch Yuma Tsukumo
Dodododraw Yuma Tsukumo
Dodododwarf Gogogoglove Soulburner
Doggy Diver Yuma Tsukumo
Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju Declan Akaba
Dogu Yuya Sakaki
Doitsu Chazz Princeton
Doki Doki Bastion
Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper Grandpa Muto
Dokurorider Joey Wheeler
Dokuroyaiba Grandpa Muto
Doma The Angel of Silence Bakura
Domain of the True Monarchs Declan Akaba
Domino Effect Yusei Fudo
Don Thousand's Throne Kite Tenjo
Don Turtle Chazz Princeton
Don Zaloog Alexis Rhodes
Donpa, Marksman Fur Hire Gong Strong
Donyoribo @Ignister Ai
Doom Donuts Kite Tenjo
Doom Dozer Mai Valentine
Doom Shaman Alexis Rhodes
Doom Virus Dragon Seto Kaiba
Doomcaliber Knight Bakura
Doomdog Octhros Zuzu Boyle
Doomkaiser Dragon Tetsu Trudge
Doomkaiser Dragon/Assault Mode Tetsu Trudge
Doomking Balerdroch Bakura
Doomsday Horror Jesse Anderson
Doomstar Magician Yuya Sakaki
Doppelganger Akiza Izinski
Doppelwarrior Yusei Fudo
Dora of Fate Jesse Anderson
Doriado Seto Kaiba
Doriado's Blessing Joey Wheeler
Doron Yuma Tsukumo
Dorover Quinton
Doshin @Ignister Ai
Dotedotengu Yuma Tsukumo
Dotscaper Playmaker
Double Attack Quinton
Double Cipher Kite Tenjo
Double Coston Bakura
Name Location
Double Cyclone Yusei Fudo
Double Defender Yuma Tsukumo
Double Dragon Descent Yuya Sakaki
Double Evolution Pill Bastion
Double Fin Shark Shark
Double Headed Anger Knuckle Varis
Double Hero Attack Soulburner
Double Iris Magician Yuya Sakaki
Double Magical Arm Bind Gong Strong
Double or Nothing! Yuma Tsukumo
Double Payback Jesse Anderson
Double Resonator Jack Atlas
Double Shark Shark
Double Snare Yugi
Double Spell Bastion
Double Summon Yusei Fudo
Double Tag Team Syrus Truesdale
Double Tool C&D Leo/Luna
Double Trap Hole Shay
Double-Edged Sword Blue Angel
Double-Edged Sword Technique Tetsu Trudge
Doublebyte Dragon Ai
Dovelgus, Generaider Boss of Iron Ai
Downbeat Leo/Luna
Downerd Magician Yuma Tsukumo
Doyon @Ignister Ai
Dr. Frankenderp Zuzu Boyle
Draco Berserker of the Tenyi Blue Angel
Draco Face-Off Seto Kaiba
Draco Masters of the Tenyi Blue Angel
Dracocension Leo/Luna
Draconnection Kite Tenjo
Draconnet Playmaker
Dragard Alexis Rhodes
Dragged Down into the Grave Bastion
Draghig, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Shay
Dragocytos Corrupted Nethersoul Dragon Gong Strong
Dragodies, the Empowered Warrior Yuya Sakaki
Dragon Buster Destruction Sword Yugi
Dragon Capture Jar Seto Kaiba
Dragon Core Hexer Gong Strong
Dragon Dowser Yuya Sakaki
Dragon Horn Hunter Yuya Sakaki
Dragon Ice Shark
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste Yusei Fudo
Dragon Knight of Creation Kite Tenjo
Dragon Laser Syrus Truesdale
Name Location
Dragon Manipulator Kite Tenjo
Dragon Master Knight Yugi
Dragon Mastery Leo/Luna
Dragon Piper Seto Kaiba
Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings Akiza Izinski
Dragon Ravine Leo/Luna
Dragon Revival Rhapsody Seto Kaiba
Dragon Seeker Seto Kaiba
Dragon Shield Seto Kaiba
Dragon Shrine Seto Kaiba
Dragon Spirit of White Seto Kaiba
Dragon Statue Seto Kaiba
Dragon Treasure Mai Valentine
Dragon Zombie Alexis Rhodes
Dragon's Bind Jack Atlas
Dragon's Fighting Spirit Seto Kaiba
Dragon's Gunfire Seto Kaiba
Dragon's Mirror Seto Kaiba
Dragon's Rage Seto Kaiba
Dragon's Rebirth Seto Kaiba
Dragoncaller Magician Yuya Sakaki
Dragoncarnation Seto Kaiba
Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon Alexis Rhodes
Dragoness the Wicked Knight Alexis Rhodes
Dragong Gong Strong
Dragonic Attack Joey Wheeler
Dragonic Diagram Declan Akaba
Dragonic Guard Jack Atlas
Dragonic Knight Tetsu Trudge
Dragonic Tactics Seto Kaiba
Dragonmaid Changeover Ai
Dragonmaid Downtime Ai
Dragonmaid Ernus Ai
Dragonmaid Hospitality Ai
Dragonmaid Lorpar Ai
Dragonmaid Nudyarl Ai
Dragonmaid Send-Off Ai
Dragonmaid Tinkhec Ai
Dragonmaid Welcome Ai
Dragonoid Generator Playmaker
Dragonox, the Empowered Warrior Yuya Sakaki
Dragonpit Magician Yuya Sakaki
Dragonpulse Magician Yuya Sakaki
Dragoons of Draconia Declan Akaba
Dragoroar Gong Strong
Dragunity Aklys Leo/Luna
Dragunity Angusticlavii Leo/Luna
Name Location
Dragunity Arma Leyvaten Leo/Luna
Dragunity Arma Mystletainn Leo/Luna
Dragunity Brandistock Leo/Luna
Dragunity Corsesca Leo/Luna
Dragunity Couse Leo/Luna
Dragunity Darkspear Leo/Luna
Dragunity Divine Lance Leo/Luna
Dragunity Dux Leo/Luna
Dragunity Javelin Leo/Luna
Dragunity Knight – Ascalon Leo/Luna
Dragunity Knight – Barcha Leo/Luna
Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg Leo/Luna
Dragunity Knight – Gae Dearg Leo/Luna
Dragunity Knight – Luin Leo/Luna
Dragunity Knight – Romulus Varis
Dragunity Knight – Trident Leo/Luna
Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana Leo/Luna
Dragunity Legion Leo/Luna
Dragunity Legionnaire Leo/Luna
Dragunity Militum Leo/Luna
Dragunity Partisan Leo/Luna
Dragunity Phalanx Leo/Luna
Dragunity Pilum Leo/Luna
Dragunity Primus Pilus Leo/Luna
Dragunity Senatus Leo/Luna
Dragunity Tribus Leo/Luna
Draining Shield Jaden Yuki
Dramatic Rescue Mai Valentine
Drastic Drop Off Jesse Anderson
Draw Discharge Blue Angel
Draw Muscle Yuya Sakaki
Draw of Fate Blue Angel
Dread Dragon Jack Atlas
Dreadscythe Harvester Quinton
Dream Clown Bakura
Dreamland Zuzu Boyle
Dreamsprite Leo/Luna
Dreiath III, the True Dracocavalry General Declan Akaba
Dried Winds Akiza Izinski
Drill Barnacle Shark
Drill Bug Mai Valentine
Drill Synchron Yusei Fudo
Drill Warrior Yusei Fudo
Drillago Bastion
Drillroid Syrus Truesdale
Driven Daredevil Tetsu Trudge
Driving Snow Bakura
Name Location
Droll & Lock Bird Cathy Katherine
Droll Bird Mai Valentine
Drooling Lizard Cathy Katherine
Drop Off Bastion
Drowning Mirror Force Gong Strong
Dual Assembwurm Playmaker
Duck Dummy Alexis Rhodes
Duck Fighter Quinton
DUCKER Mobile Cannon Syrus Truesdale
Duelist Alliance Yuya Sakaki
Duelittle Chimera Grandpa Muto
Dueltaining Yuya Sakaki
Duke Shade, the Sinister Shadow Lord Bastion
Dummy Golem Jesse Anderson
Dunames Dark Witch Yugi
Dungeon Worm Grandpa Muto
Duoterion Bastion
Dupe Frog Bastion
Dust Barrier Alexis Rhodes
Dust Knight Jesse Anderson
Dust Storm of Gusto Akiza Izinski
Dust Tornado Grandpa Muto
Dustflame Blast Crow
Duston Roller Cathy Katherine
Duza the Meteor Cubic Vessel Seto Kaiba
Dverg of the Nordic Alfar Crow
Dwarf Star Dragon Planeter Gong Strong
Dweller in the Depths Grandpa Muto
Dwimmered Glimmer Blue Angel
Dwimmered Path Blue Angel
Dyna, Hero Fur Hire Gong Strong
Dynatherium Yuya Sakaki
Dystopia the Despondent Syrus Truesdale
DZW – Chimera Clad Yuma Tsukumo
E – Emergency Call Jaden Yuki
Eagle Eye Alexis Rhodes
Eagle Shark Shark
Earth Armor Ninja Shay
Earth Chant Joey Wheeler
Earth Effigy Jesse Anderson
Earth Golem @Ignister Ai
Earthbound Geoglyph Varis
Earthbound Greater Linewalker Varis
Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu Yusei Fudo
Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu Yusei Fudo
Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua Yusei Fudo
Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua Yusei Fudo
Name Location
Earthbound Immortal Cusillu Yusei Fudo
Earthbound Immortal Uru Yusei Fudo
Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca Yusei Fudo
Earthbound Linewalker Yusei Fudo
Earthbound Revival Yusei Fudo
Earthbound Spirit Bakura
Earthbound Wave Yusei Fudo
Earthbound Whirlwind Yusei Fudo
Earthquake Bastion
Earthquake Giant Yusei Fudo
Earthshaker Joey Wheeler
Earthshattering Event Gong Strong
Eater of Millions Kite Tenjo
Eatgaboon Grandpa Muto
Ebon Arrow Leo/Luna
Ebon High Magician Yugi
Ebon Illusion Magician Yugi
Ebon Magician Curran Mai Valentine
Eccentric Boy Yusei Fudo
Echo Oscillation Yuya Sakaki
Eclipse Wyvern Yuya Sakaki
Eco, Mystical Spirit of the Forest Yuma Tsukumo
Ectoplasmer Mai Valentine
Edea the Heavenly Squire Declan Akaba
Edge Hammer Jaden Yuki
Edge Imp Chain Zuzu Boyle
Edge Imp Cotton Eater Zuzu Boyle
Edge Imp Frightfuloid Zuzu Boyle
Edge Imp Sabres Zuzu Boyle
Edge Imp Saw Zuzu Boyle
Edge Imp Tomahawk Zuzu Boyle
Edge of the Ring Blue Angel
Effect Veiler Yusei Fudo
Ego Boost Yuma Tsukumo
Egotistical Ape Leo/Luna
Ehren, Lightsworn Monk Akiza Izinski
Ehther the Heavenly Monarch Declan Akaba
Eidos the Underworld Squire Declan Akaba
Eisbahn Shark
Ekibyo Drakmord Bastion
El Shaddoll Anoyatyllis Jesse Anderson
El Shaddoll Apkallone Ai
El Shaddoll Construct Jesse Anderson
El Shaddoll Fusion Jesse Anderson
El Shaddoll Grysta Jesse Anderson
El Shaddoll Shekhinaga Jesse Anderson
El Shaddoll Wendigo Jesse Anderson
Name Location
El Shaddoll Winda Jesse Anderson
Elborz, the Sacred Lands of Simorgh Blue Angel
Eldeen Grandpa Muto
Elder Entity N'tss Declan Akaba
Elder Entity Norden Declan Akaba
Elder of the Six Samurai Tetsu Trudge
Electric Lizard Bakura
Electric Snake Akiza Izinski
Electric Virus Yuya Sakaki
Electro-Whip Mai Valentine
Electromagnetic bagworm Tetsu Trudge
Electromagnetic Shield Jack Atlas
Electromagnetic Turtle Yugi
Elegant Egotist Mai Valentine
Elegy the Melodious Diva Zuzu Boyle
Element Doom Bastion
Element Dragon Bastion
Element Magician Bastion
Element Saurus Bastion
Element Soldier Bastion
Element Valkyrie Bastion
Elemental Absorber Jaden Yuki
Elemental Burst Bastion
Elemental Grace Doriado Joey Wheeler
Elemental HERO Absolute Zero Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Air Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Aqua Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Avian Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Bladedge Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Blazeman Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Brave Neos Soulburner
Elemental HERO Bubbleman Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Burstinatrix Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Captain Gold Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Chaos Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Clayman Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Core Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Cosmo Neos Soulburner
Elemental HERO Dark Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Darkbright Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Divine Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Electrum Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Escuridao Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Flame Wingman Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Flare Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Flash Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Gaia Jaden Yuki
Name Location
Elemental HERO Glow Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Grand Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Grandmerge Soulburner
Elemental HERO Great Tornado Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Heat Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Honest Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Ice Edge Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Inferno Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Knospe Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Lady Heat Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier Soulburner
Elemental HERO Magma Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Marine Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Mariner Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Mudballman Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Nebula Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Necroid Shaman Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Necroshade Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Neo Bubbleman Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Neos Alius Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Neos Knight Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Nova Master Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Ocean Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Phoenix Enforcer Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Plasma Vice Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Poison Rose Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Prisma Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Rampart Blaster Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Shadow Mist Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Shining Phoenix Enforcer Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Solid Soldier Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Sparkman Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Steam Healer Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Storm Neos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Stratos Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Sunrise Soulburner
Elemental HERO Tempest Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Terra Firma Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO The Shining Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Thunder Giant Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Voltic Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Wild Wingman Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Wildedge Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO WIldheart Jaden Yuki
Elemental HERO Woodsman Jaden Yuki
Name Location
Elemental Mistress Doriado Joey Wheeler
Elemental Recharge Jaden Yuki
Elemental Training Bastion
Elementsaber Aina Bastion
Elementsaber Lapauila Bastion
Elementsaber Lapauila Mana Bastion
Elementsaber Makani Bastion
Elementsaber Malo Bastion
Elementsaber Molehu Bastion
Elementsaber Nalu Bastion
Elephant Statue of Blessing Bastion
Elephant Statue of Disaster Bastion
Elephun Crow
Elf's Light Grandpa Muto
Eliminating the League Syrus Truesdale
Elphase Ai
Emblem of Dragon Destroyer Yugi
Emblem of the Awakening Joey Wheeler
Embodiment of Apophis Seto Kaiba
Embryonic Beast Alexis Rhodes
Emergency Assistance Leo/Luna
Emergency Provisions Jaden Yuki
Emergency Teleport Akiza Izinski
Emergeroid Call Syrus Truesdale
Emerging Emergency Rescute Rescue Cathy Katherine
Emes The Infinity Alexis Rhodes
Emissary from Pandemonium Bakura
Emissary of the Afterlife Alexis Rhodes
Emissary of the Oasis Alexis Rhodes
Emperor Maju Garzett Blue Angel
Emperor of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
Emperor of the Land and Sea Leo/Luna
Emperor Sem Leo/Luna
Empowerment Yuya Sakaki
Empress Judge Alexis Rhodes
Empress Mantis Bakura
Empress of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
Empty Machine Akiza Izinski
Enchanted Javelin Mai Valentine
Enchanting Fitting Room Chazz Princeton
Enchanting Mermaid Alexis Rhodes
Encode Talker Playmaker
End of the World Joey Wheeler
Endless Decay Jaden Yuki
Endymion's Lab Blue Angel
Endymion, the Master Magician Yugi
Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic Blue Angel
Name Location
Enemy Controller Grandpa Muto
Energy Bravery Alexis Rhodes
Energy Drain Chazz Princeton
Energy-Absorbing Monolith Syrus Truesdale
Enervating Mist Jesse Anderson
Engraver of the Mark Yuya Sakaki
Enishi, Shien's Chancellor Tetsu Trudge
Enlightenment Yugi
Enlightenment Paladin Yuya Sakaki
Enma's Judgment Varis
Enraged Battle Ox Alexis Rhodes
Enraged Muka Muka Bakura
Envoy of Chaos Yugi
Equip Shot Yusei Fudo
Eradicating Aerosol Syrus Truesdale
Eradicator Epidemic Virus Seto Kaiba
Erebus the Underworld Monarch Declan Akaba
Eria the Water Charmer Jesse Anderson
Escalation of the Monarchs Declan Akaba
Escape from the Dark Dimension Jesse Anderson
Escape of the Unchained Ai
Escher the Frost Vassal Declan Akaba
ESP Amplifier Akiza Izinski
Esper Girl Akiza Izinski
Eternal Dread Jaden Yuki
Eternal Drought Syrus Truesdale
Eternal Galaxy Kite Tenjo
Eternal Rest Syrus Truesdale
Eternal Soul Yugi
Etoile Cyber Alexis Rhodes
Euler's Circuit Playmaker
Eva Bakura
Evening Twilight Knight Yugi
Evenly Matched Seto Kaiba
Everliving Underworld Cannon Bakura
Evigishki Gustkraken Shark
Evigishki Levianima Shark
Evigishki Merrowgeist Shark
Evigishki Mind Augus Shark
Evigishki Soul Ogre Shark
Evigishki Tetrogre Shark
Evil Blast Jaden Yuki
Evil Dragon Ananta Jesse Anderson
Evil Eye Awakening Ai
Evil Eye Confrontation Ai
Evil Eye Defeat Ai
Evil Eye Domain – Pareidolia Ai
Name Location
Evil Eye Mesmerism Ai
Evil Eye of Gorgoneio Ai
Evil Eye of Selene Ai
Evil Eye Repose Ai
Evil Eye Retribution Ai
Evil HERO Adjusted Gold Soulburner
Evil HERO Dark Gaia Jaden Yuki
Evil HERO Infernal Gainer Jaden Yuki
Evil HERO Infernal Prodigy Jaden Yuki
Evil HERO Infernal Sniper Jaden Yuki
Evil HERO Inferno Wing Jaden Yuki
Evil HERO Lightning Golem Jaden Yuki
Evil HERO Malicious Bane Soulburner
Evil HERO Malicious Edge Jaden Yuki
Evil HERO Malicious Fiend Jaden Yuki
Evil HERO Sinister Necrom Soulburner
Evil HERO Wild Cyclone Jaden Yuki
Evil Mind Soulburner
Evil Thorn Akiza Izinski
Evilswarm Azzathoth Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm Bahamut Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm Castor Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm Coppelia Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm Exciton Knight Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm Golem Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm Heliotrope Quinton
Evilswarm Hraesvelg Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm Kerykeion Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm Ketos Quinton
Evilswarm Mandragora Quinton
Evilswarm Nightmare Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm O'lantern Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm Obliviwisp Quinton
Evilswarm Ophion Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm Ouroboros Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm Salamandra Quinton
Evilswarm Thanatos Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm Thunderbird Kite Tenjo
Evilswarm Zahak Kite Tenjo
Evo-Branch Cathy Katherine
Evo-Diversity Cathy Katherine
Evo-Force Cathy Katherine
Evo-Instant Cathy Katherine
Evo-Karma Cathy Katherine
Evo-Miracle Cathy Katherine
Evo-Price Cathy Katherine
Evo-Singularity Cathy Katherine
Name Location
Evocator Chevalier Alexis Rhodes
Evolsaur Cerato Cathy Katherine
Evolsaur Darwino Cathy Katherine
Evolsaur Diplo Cathy Katherine
Evolsaur Elias Cathy Katherine
Evolsaur Pelta Cathy Katherine
Evolsaur Terias Cathy Katherine
Evolsaur Vulcano Cathy Katherine
Evoltile Casinerio Cathy Katherine
Evoltile Elginero Cathy Katherine
Evoltile Gephyro Cathy Katherine
Evoltile Lagosucho Cathy Katherine
Evoltile Megachirella Varis
Evoltile Najasho Cathy Katherine
Evoltile Odonto Cathy Katherine
Evoltile Pleuro Cathy Katherine
Evoltile Westlo Cathy Katherine
Evolution Burst Syrus Truesdale
Evolutionary Bridge Cathy Katherine
Evolzar Dolkka Cathy Katherine
Evolzar Laggia Cathy Katherine
Evolzar Solda Cathy Katherine
Exa, Enforcer of the Nekroz Alexis Rhodes
Exarion Universe Seto Kaiba
Exchange Bakura
Exchange of Night and Day Yuya Sakaki
Exchange of the Spirit Seto Kaiba
Excode Talker Playmaker
Execute Protocols Varis
Exhausting Spell Yugi
Exile of the Wicked Bakura
Exiled Force Yusei Fudo
Exodia Necross Grandpa Muto
Exodia the Forbidden One Grandpa Muto
Exodia, the Legendary Defender Blue Angel
Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord Grandpa Muto
Exploder Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Exploder Dragonwing Yusei Fudo
Exploderokket Dragon Varis
Explosive Magician Yusei Fudo
Explosive Urchin Kite Tenjo
Explossum Yuma Tsukumo
Express Train Trolley Olley Cathy Katherine
Expressroid Syrus Truesdale
Exterio's Fang Crow
Extinction on Schedule Zuzu Boyle
Extra Buck Yugi
Name Location
Extra Gate Quinton
Extra Net Crow
Extra Veiler Jack Atlas
Extra-Foolish Burial Yuma Tsukumo
Extraceratops Blue Angel
Exxod, Master of the Guard Yugi
Eye of the Void Zuzu Boyle
Eyearmor Crow
F.A. Auto Navigator Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Circuit Grand Prix Tetsu Trudge
F.A. City Grand Prix Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Dark Dragster Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Dawn Dragster Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Dead Heat Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Downforce Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Hang on Mach Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Motorhome Transport Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Off-Road Grand Prix Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Overheat Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Pit Stop Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Shining Star GT Varis
F.A. Sonic Meister Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Test Run Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Turbo Charger Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Whip Crosser Tetsu Trudge
F.A. Winners Tetsu Trudge
Fabled Ashenveil Crow
Fabled Dianaira Crow
Fabled Dyf Crow
Fabled Gallabas Crow
Fabled Grimro Crow
Fabled Krus Crow
Fabled Kushano Crow
Fabled Leviathan Crow
Fabled Lurrie Crow
Fabled Miztoji Crow
Fabled Oltro Crow
Fabled Ragin Crow
Fabled Raven Crow
Fabled Soulkius Crow
Fabled Topi Crow
Fabled Urustos Crow
Fabled Valkyrus Crow
Face-Off Yuya Sakaki
Factory of 100 Machines Leo/Luna
Fairy Archer Leo/Luna
Fairy Box Chazz Princeton
Name Location
Fairy Cheer Girl Cathy Katherine
Fairy Dragon Alexis Rhodes
Fairy Guardian Bakura
Fairy King Albverdich Yuya Sakaki
Fairy King Truesdale Leo/Luna
Fairy Knight Ingunar Yuya Sakaki
Fairy Meteor Crush Seto Kaiba
Fairy of the Fountain Alexis Rhodes
Fairy of the Spring Joey Wheeler
Fairy Tail – Luna Jesse Anderson
Fairy Tail – Rella Jesse Anderson
Fairy Tail – Sleeper Jesse Anderson
Fairy Tail – Snow Jesse Anderson
Fairy Wind Leo/Luna
Fairy's Gift Bakura
Fairy's Hand Mirror Mai Valentine
Fairywitch Alexis Rhodes
Faith Bird Alexis Rhodes
Fake Explosion Crow
Fake Feather Crow
Fake Hero Jaden Yuki
Fake Trap Tetsu Trudge
Falchionβ Syrus Truesdale
Fallen Angel of Roses Akiza Izinski
Fallen Paradise Jaden Yuki
Falling Current Shark
Falling Down Alexis Rhodes
Familiar Knight Jesse Anderson
Familiar-Possessed – Aussa Jesse Anderson
Familiar-Possessed – Dharc Jesse Anderson
Familiar-Possessed – Eria Jesse Anderson
Familiar-Possessed – Hiita Jesse Anderson
Familiar-Possessed – Lyna Jesse Anderson
Familiar-Possessed – Wynn Jesse Anderson
Fandora, the Flying Furtress Gong Strong
Fantastic Striborg Tetsu Trudge
Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay Varis
Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Shay
Fatal Abacus Bastion
Fateful Hour Blue Angel
Faustian Bargain Alexis Rhodes
Favorite Hero Soulburner
Fear From the Dark Bakura
Feast of the Wild LV5 Joey Wheeler
Feather Shot Jaden Yuki
Feather Wind Jaden Yuki
Featherizer Alexis Rhodes
Name Location
Feedback Warrior Kite Tenjo
Felgrand Dragon Kite Tenjo
Felis, Lightsworn Archer Akiza Izinski
Fencing Fire Ferret Cathy Katherine
Fenghuang Chazz Princeton
Fengsheng Mirror Chazz Princeton
Fenrir Bastion
Fenrir the Nordic Wolf Crow
Feral Imp Yugi
Ferocious Flame Swordsman Blue Angel
Ferret Flames Gong Strong
Fiber Jar Joey Wheeler
Field Barrier Bakura
Field-Commander Rahz Joey Wheeler
Fiend Comedian Chazz Princeton
Fiend Griefing Jack Atlas
Fiend Kraken Mai Valentine
Fiend Reflection #1 Bakura
Fiend Reflection #2 Grandpa Muto
Fiend Scorpion Bakura
Fiend Skull Dragon Bastion
Fiend Sword Bakura
Fiend's Hand Shark
Fiend's Hand Mirror Bakura
Fiend's Mirror Joey Wheeler
Fiend's Sanctuary Yugi
Fiendish Chain Jack Atlas
Fiendish Engine Ω Syrus Truesdale
Fiendish Portrait Blue Angel
Fiendish Rhino Warrior Jack Atlas
Fiery Fervor Yuma Tsukumo
Fifth Hope Jaden Yuki
Fighting Dirty Blue Angel
Fighting Spirit Yusei Fudo
Filo, Messenger Fur Hire Varis
Final Attack Orders Seto Kaiba
Final Countdown Bakura
Final Destiny Bakura
Final Flame Bakura
Final Fusion Alexis Rhodes
Final Geas Yugi
Final Gesture Shark
Final Inzektion Kite Tenjo
Final Light Blue Angel
Final Psychic Ogre Akiza Izinski
Final Ritual of the Ancients Joey Wheeler
Fine Jesse Anderson
Name Location
Finite Cards Grandpa Muto
Fire Ant Ascator Yusei Fudo
Fire Cracker Kite Tenjo
Fire Darts Jaden Yuki
Fire Eye Grandpa Muto
Fire Fighting Daruma Doll Grandpa Muto
Fire Formation – Gyokkou Cathy Katherine
Fire Formation – Kaiyo Cathy Katherine
Fire Formation – Tenken Cathy Katherine
Fire Formation – Tenki Cathy Katherine
Fire Formation – Tensen Cathy Katherine
Fire Formation – Tensu Cathy Katherine
Fire Formation – Yoko Cathy Katherine
Fire Hand Shark
Fire King Avatar Arvata Cathy Katherine
Fire King Avatar Barong Cathy Katherine
Fire King Avatar Garunix Cathy Katherine
Fire King Avatar Kirin Cathy Katherine
Fire King Avatar Yaksha Cathy Katherine
Fire King High Avatar Garunix Cathy Katherine
Fire King Island Cathy Katherine
Fire Kraken Mai Valentine
Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss Shay
Fire Opal Head Soulburner
Fire Phoenix @Ignister Ai
Fire Princess Yugi
Fire Prison Playmaker
Fire Reaper Grandpa Muto
Fire Sorcerer Yugi
Fire Trooper Syrus Truesdale
Firebird Crow
Firebrand Hymnist Blue Angel
Firegrass Chazz Princeton
Fires of Doomsday Bakura
Firestorm Prominence Jesse Anderson
Firewall Syrus Truesdale
Firewall Dragon Playmaker
Firewall Dragon Darkfluid Ai
Firewall eXceed Dragon Ai
Firewall Guardian Ai
Firewing Pegasus Crow
Fireyarou Alexis Rhodes
First of the Dragons Alexis Rhodes
First Step Towards Infestation Kite Tenjo
First-Aid Squad Gong Strong
Fish and Kicks Shark
Fish and Swaps Shark
Name Location
Fish Depth Charge Shark
Fish Rain Shark
Fishborg Archer Shark
Fishborg Blaster Shark
Fishborg Doctor Shark
Fishborg Launcher Shark
Fishborg Planter Shark
Fissure Grandpa Muto
Fist of the Unrivaled Tenyi Blue Angel
Five Brothers Explosion Cathy Katherine
Five-Headed Dragon Bastion
Five-Headed Link Dragon Ai
Flame Administrator Playmaker
Flame Armor Ninja Shay
Flame Bufferlo Playmaker
Flame Cerebrus Joey Wheeler
Flame Champion Bakura
Flame Dancer Grandpa Muto
Flame Ghost Yugi
Flame Manipulator Joey Wheeler
Flame Ogre Syrus Truesdale
Flame Ruler Jesse Anderson
Flame Spirit Ignis Leo/Luna
Flame Swordsman Joey Wheeler
Flame Tiger Cathy Katherine
Flame Viper Mai Valentine
Flamvell Archer Jack Atlas
Flamvell Baby Jack Atlas
Flamvell Commando Jack Atlas
Flamvell Counter Jack Atlas
Flamvell Dragnov Jack Atlas
Flamvell Fiend Jack Atlas
Flamvell Firedog Jack Atlas
Flamvell Grunika Jack Atlas
Flamvell Guard Jack Atlas
Flamvell Magician Jack Atlas
Flamvell Poun Jack Atlas
Flamvell Uruquizas Jack Atlas
Flare Resonator Jack Atlas
Flash Assailant Mai Valentine
Flash Charge Dragon Playmaker
Flash Fusion Alexis Rhodes
Flash Knight Yuya Sakaki
Flash of the Forbidden Spell Tetsu Trudge
Flashbang Syrus Truesdale
Flawless Perfection of the Tenyi Blue Angel
Flelf Yuma Tsukumo
Name Location
Fleur Synchron Akiza Izinski
Flick Clown Playmaker
Flint Alexis Rhodes
Flint Lock Jack Atlas
Flint Missile Alexis Rhodes
Flip Flop Frog Bastion
Floodgate Trap Hole Shay
Flower Cardian Boardefly Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Cherry Blossom with Curtain Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Clover with Boar Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Lightflare Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Lightshower Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Maple with Deer Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Moonflowerviewing Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Paulownia Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Paulownia with Phoenix Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Peony with Butterfly Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Pine Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Pine with Crane Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Willow Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Willow with Calligrapher Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Zebra Grass Gong Strong
Flower Cardian Zebra Grass with Moon Gong Strong
Flower Gathering Gong Strong
Flower Stacking Gong Strong
Flower Wolf Alexis Rhodes
Flowerbot Shay
Fluffal Angel Soulburner
Fluffal Bear Zuzu Boyle
Fluffal Cat Zuzu Boyle
Fluffal Crane Zuzu Boyle
Fluffal Dog Zuzu Boyle
Fluffal Leo Zuzu Boyle
Fluffal Mouse Zuzu Boyle
Fluffal Octopus Zuzu Boyle
Fluffal Owl Zuzu Boyle
Fluffal Penguin Zuzu Boyle
Fluffal Rabbit Zuzu Boyle
Fluffal Sheep Zuzu Boyle
Fluffal Wings Zuzu Boyle
Flyfang Shark
Flying "C" Shark
Flying Elephant Quinton
Flying Fish Mai Valentine
Flying Fortress SKY FIRE Crow
Flying Kamakiri #1 Grandpa Muto
Flying Kamakiri #2 Mai Valentine
Name Location
Flying Pegasus Railroad Stampede Soulburner
Flying Penguin Shark
Flying Saucer Muusik'i Tetsu Trudge
Fog Control Syrus Truesdale
Fog King Syrus Truesdale
Folgo, Justice Fur Hire Gong Strong
Follow Wind Mai Valentine
Follow Wing Gong Strong
Fool of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
Foolish Burial Yuma Tsukumo
Foolish Burial Goods Yuma Tsukumo
Foolish Return Quinton
Foolish Revival Kite Tenjo
Forbidden Apocrypha Gong Strong
Forbidden Arts of the Gishki Shark
Forbidden Chalice Alexis Rhodes
Forbidden Dark Contract with the Swamp King Declan Akaba
Forbidden Dress Alexis Rhodes
Forbidden Lance Alexis Rhodes
Forbidden Scripture Alexis Rhodes
Forbidden Trapezohedron Declan Akaba
Force Resonator Jack Atlas
Forced Back Tetsu Trudge
Forced Ceasefire Cathy Katherine
Forced Requisition Mai Valentine
Forest Mai Valentine
Forge of the True Dracos Declan Akaba
Forgotten Temple of the Deep Mai Valentine
Form Change Jaden Yuki
Formation Union Chazz Princeton
Formud Skipper Ai
Formula Synchron Yusei Fudo
Fortissimo Zuzu Boyle
Fortissimo the Mobile Fortress Yusei Fudo
Fortress Warrior Yusei Fudo
Fortress Whale Joey Wheeler
Fortress Whale's Oath Joey Wheeler
Fortune Chariot Blue Angel
Fortune Fairy Ann Varis
Fortune Fairy Chee Varis
Fortune Fairy En Varis
Fortune Fairy Hikari Varis
Fortune Fairy Hu Varis
Fortune Fairy Swee Varis
Fortune Lady Calling Varis
Fortune Lady Dark Jack Atlas
Fortune Lady Earth Jack Atlas
Name Location
Fortune Lady Every Varis
Fortune Lady Fire Jack Atlas
Fortune Lady Light Jack Atlas
Fortune Lady Past Varis
Fortune Lady Rewind Varis
Fortune Lady Water Jack Atlas
Fortune Lady Wind Jack Atlas
Fortune Vision Varis
Fortune's Future Jack Atlas
Fossil Dig Bastion
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo Mai Valentine
Fossil Excavation Bastion
Fossil Tusker Bastion
Foucault's Cannon Yuya Sakaki
Fox Fire Chazz Princeton
Fragment Fusion Zuzu Boyle
Fragrance Storm Akiza Izinski
Fraud Freeze Gong Strong
Freed the Brave Wanderer Joey Wheeler
Freed the Matchless General Joey Wheeler
Freezing Beast Chazz Princeton
Frenzied Panda Quinton
Frequency Magician Yusei Fudo
Freya, Spirit of Victory Cathy Katherine
Frightfur Bear Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur Chimera Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur Daredevil Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur Factory Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur Fusion Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur Kraken Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur Leo Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur March Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur Meister Soulburner
Frightfur Patchwork Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur Reborn Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur Sabre-Tooth Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur Sanctuary Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur Sheep Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur Tiger Zuzu Boyle
Frightfur Wolf Zuzu Boyle
Friller Rabca Shark
Frodi, Generaider Boss of Swords Ai
Froggy Forcefield Bastion
Frontier Wiseman Bastion
Frontline Base Chazz Princeton
Frontline Observer Yuya Sakaki
Frost and Flame Dragon Jesse Anderson
Name Location
Frost Blast of the Monarchs Declan Akaba
Frostosaurus Cathy Katherine
Frozen Fitzgerald Tetsu Trudge
Frozen Rose Varis
Frozen Soul Syrus Truesdale
Fruits of Kozaky's Studies Crow
Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan Bastion
Fuhma Shuriken Shay
Fulfillment of the Contract Joey Wheeler
Full Armored Black Ray Lancer Shark
Full Armored Crystalzero Lancer Shark
Full Force Virus Seto Kaiba
Full House Quinton
Full Salvo Jack Atlas
Full-Force Strike Yuma Tsukumo
Fullmetalfoes Alkahest Zuzu Boyle
Fullmetalfoes Fusion Zuzu Boyle
Fungi of the Musk Alexis Rhodes
Fury of Fire Soulburner
Fuse Line Quinton
Fushi No Tori Chazz Princeton
Fushioh Richie Bakura
Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast Quinton
Fusion Conscription Zuzu Boyle
Fusion Destiny Soulburner
Fusion Devourer Alexis Rhodes
Fusion Fright Waltz Zuzu Boyle
Fusion Gate Alexis Rhodes
Fusion Guard Alexis Rhodes
Fusion of Fire Soulburner
Fusion Parasite Gong Strong
Fusion Recovery Alexis Rhodes
Fusion Recycling Plant Alexis Rhodes
Fusion Reserve Zuzu Boyle
Fusion Sage Alexis Rhodes
Fusion Substitute Zuzu Boyle
Fusion Sword Murasame Blade Joey Wheeler
Fusion Tag Zuzu Boyle
Fusion Weapon Alexis Rhodes
Fusionist Chazz Princeton
Future Drive Soulburner
Future Fusion Alexis Rhodes
Future Glow Akiza Izinski
Future Samurai Alexis Rhodes
Future Visions Jack Atlas
G.B. Hunter Jack Atlas
Gaap the Divine Soldier Leo/Luna
Name Location
Gabrion, the Timelord Akiza Izinski
Gachi Gachi Gantetsu Yuma Tsukumo
Gadarla, the Mystery Dust Kaiju Declan Akaba
Gadget Arms Leo/Luna
Gadget Driver Leo/Luna
Gadget Hauler Leo/Luna
Gadget Soldier Seto Kaiba
Gagaga Academy Emergency Network Yuma Tsukumo
Gagaga Caesar Yuma Tsukumo
Gagaga Child Yuma Tsukumo
Gagaga Clerk Yuma Tsukumo
Gagaga Cowboy Yuma Tsukumo
Gagaga Gardna Yuma Tsukumo
Gagaga Girl Yuma Tsukumo
Gagaga Head Soulburner
Gagaga Magician Yuma Tsukumo
Gagaga Mancer Yuma Tsukumo
Gagaga Samurai Yuma Tsukumo
Gagaga Sister Yuma Tsukumo
Gagagaback Yuma Tsukumo
Gagagabolt Yuma Tsukumo
Gagagadraw Yuma Tsukumo
Gagagaga Magician Soulburner
Gagagaguard Yuma Tsukumo
Gagagarevenge Yuma Tsukumo
Gagagarush Yuma Tsukumo
Gagagashield Yuma Tsukumo
Gagagatag Yuma Tsukumo
Gagagawind Yuma Tsukumo
Gagagigo Quinton
Gagagigo the Risen Yuma Tsukumo
Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger Kite Tenjo
Gaia Drake, the Universal Force Jack Atlas
Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth Akiza Izinski
Gaia Plate the Earth Giant Bastion
Gaia Power Grandpa Muto
Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow Yugi
Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective Crow
Gaia the Dragon Champion Yugi
Gaia the Fierce Knight Yugi
Gaia, the Mid-Knight Sun Yugi
Gaia, the Polar Knight Yugi
Galactic Charity Kite Tenjo
Galactic Spiral Dragon Soulburner
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton Playmaker
Galaxy Brave Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Cleric Kite Tenjo
Name Location
Galaxy Cyclone Zuzu Boyle
Galaxy Dragon Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Expedition Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Knight Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Mirror Sage Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Queen's Light Quinton
Galaxy Satellite Dragon Soulburner
Galaxy Serpent Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Soldier Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Stealth Dragon Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Storm Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Trance Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Tyranno Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Wave Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Wizard Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Worm Kite Tenjo
Galaxy Zero Kite Tenjo
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon Kite Tenjo
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon Kite Tenjo
Galaxy-Eyes Cloudragon Kite Tenjo
Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon Kite Tenjo
Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon Kite Tenjo
Galaxy-Eyes Solflare Dragon Kite Tenjo
Gale Dogra Joey Wheeler
Gale Lizard Mai Valentine
Gallant Granite Soulburner
Gallis the Star Beast Leo/Luna
Gamble Joey Wheeler
Gambler of Legend Chazz Princeton
Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju Declan Akaba
Gamma The Electromagnet Warrior Yugi
Gamma The Magnet Warrior Yugi
Gamushara Yuma Tsukumo
Ganbara Knight Yuma Tsukumo
Ganbara Lancer Yuma Tsukumo
Gandora the Dragon of Destruction Yugi
Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition Yugi
Ganigumo Grandpa Muto
Garbage Collector Playmaker
Garbage Lord Kite Tenjo
Garbage Ogre Kite Tenjo
Garden Rose Maiden Varis
Garlandolf, King of Destruction Joey Wheeler
Garma Sword Joey Wheeler
Garma Sword Oath Joey Wheeler
Garmr of the Nordic Beasts Crow
Garnecia Elefantis Joey Wheeler
Name Location
Garoozis Joey Wheeler
Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior Akiza Izinski
Garuda the Wind Spirit Bastion
Garum the Storm Vassal Declan Akaba
Garvas Yuma Tsukumo
Gash the Dust Lord Jack Atlas
Gashadokuro, the Skeletal Mayakashi Jack Atlas
Gate blocker Tetsu Trudge
Gate Deeg Grandpa Muto
Gate Guardian Joey Wheeler
Gatekeeper Joey Wheeler
Gateway Dragon Playmaker
Gateway of the Six Tetsu Trudge
Gateway to Chaos Yugi
Gateway to Dark World Bastion
Gather Your Mind Akiza Izinski
Gatling Dragon Bastion
Gauntlet Launcher Yuma Tsukumo
Gauntlet Warrior Yusei Fudo
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts Yugi
Gazer Shark Shark
Gear Gigant X Shay
Gear Golem the Moving Fortress Joey Wheeler
Gearfried the Iron Knight Joey Wheeler
Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight Joey Wheeler
Gearfried the Swordmaster Joey Wheeler
Geargia Change Shay
Geargiaccelerator Shay
Geargiagear Shay
Geargiagear Gigant XG Shay
Geargianchor Shay
Geargiano Shay
Geargiano Mk-II Shay
Geargiano Mk-III Shay
Geargiarmor Shay
Geargiarsenal Shay
Geargiattacker Shay
Geargiauger Shay
Gearspring Spirit Cathy Katherine
Geartown Zuzu Boyle
Geira Guile the Cubic King Seto Kaiba
Gellenduo Bakura
Gem Flash Energy Jesse Anderson
Gem-Armadillo Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Elephant Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Enhancement Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Alexandrite Zuzu Boyle
Name Location
Gem-Knight Amber Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Amethyst Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Aquamarine Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Citrine Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Crystal Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Emerald Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Fusion Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Garnet Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Iolite Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Lapis Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Lazuli Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Master Diamond Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Obsidian Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Pearl Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Phantom Quartz Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Prismaura Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Ruby Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Sapphire Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Sardonyx Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Seraphinite Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Topaz Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Tourmaline Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Knight Zirconia Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Merchant Zuzu Boyle
Gem-Turtle Zuzu Boyle
Gemini Booster Alexis Rhodes
Gemini Counter Alexis Rhodes
Gemini Elf Alexis Rhodes
Gemini Imps Chazz Princeton
Gemini Lancer Alexis Rhodes
Gemini Scorpion Alexis Rhodes
Gemini Soldier Alexis Rhodes
Gemini Spark Alexis Rhodes
Gemini Summoner Alexis Rhodes
Gemini Trap Hole Alexis Rhodes
Gendo the Ascetic Monk Yuya Sakaki
Gene-Warped Warwolf Cathy Katherine
Generaider Boss Bite Ai
Generaider Boss Fight Ai
Generaider Boss Loot Ai
Generaider Boss Quest Ai
Generaider Boss Room Ai
Generaider Boss Stage Ai
General Gantala of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
General Grunard of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Name Location
General Raiho of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Generation Force Yuma Tsukumo
Generation Next Soulburner
Generation Shift Syrus Truesdale
Genesis Dragon Seto Kaiba
Genetic Woman Akiza Izinski
Genex Ally Axel Leo/Luna
Genex Ally Bellflame Leo/Luna
Genex Ally Birdman Leo/Luna
Genex Ally Changer Leo/Luna
Genex Ally Chemistrer Leo/Luna
Genex Ally Crusher Leo/Luna
Genex Ally Duradark Leo/Luna
Genex Ally Powercell Leo/Luna
Genex Ally Reliever Leo/Luna
Genex Ally Remote Leo/Luna
Genex Ally Solid Leo/Luna
Genex Ally Triarm Leo/Luna
Genex Ally Triforce Leo/Luna
Genex Ally Volcannon Leo/Luna
Genex Army Leo/Luna
Genex Blastfan Leo/Luna
Genex Controller Leo/Luna
Genex Doctor Leo/Luna
Genex Furnace Leo/Luna
Genex Gaia Leo/Luna
Genex Neutron Leo/Luna
Genex Power Planner Leo/Luna
Genex Recycled Leo/Luna
Genex Searcher Leo/Luna
Genex Solar Leo/Luna
Genex Spare Leo/Luna
Genex Turbine Leo/Luna
Genex Undine Leo/Luna
Genex Worker Leo/Luna
Genin Crow
Genomix Fighter Leo/Luna
Gentlemander Yuma Tsukumo
Geo Genex Leo/Luna
Geomancer of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Geomathmech Final Sigma Ai
Geomathmech Magma Ai
Gergonne's End Playmaker
Germ Infection Grandpa Muto
Gernia Bakura
Get Out! Blue Angel
Getsu Fuhma Bakura
Name Location
Ghost Beef Declan Akaba
Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion Leo/Luna
Ghost Bird of Bewitchment Crow
Ghost Charon, the Underworld Boatman Alexis Rhodes
Ghost Fairy Elfobia Akiza Izinski
Ghost Gardna Yusei Fudo
Ghost Knight of Jackal Jesse Anderson
Ghost Meets Girl – A Mayakashi's Manuscript Varis
Ghost Meets Girl – A Shiranui's Story Varis
Ghost of a Grudge Yuya Sakaki
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit Leo/Luna
Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries Leo/Luna
Ghost Ship Quinton
Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood Blue Angel
Ghostrick Alucard Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Angel of Mischief Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Break Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Doll Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Dullahan Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Fairy Varis
Ghostrick Ghoul Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Jackfrost Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Jiangshi Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Lantern Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Mansion Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Mary Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Mummy Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Museum Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Nekomusume Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Night Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Parade Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Renovation Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Scare Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Skeleton Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Socuteboss Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Specter Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Stein Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Vanish Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Warwolf Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Witch Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Yeti Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick Yuki-onna Cathy Katherine
Ghostrick-Go-Round Cathy Katherine
Ghosts from the Past Yuya Sakaki
Ghoul with an Appetite Bakura
Giant Axe Mummy Seto Kaiba
Giant Ballpark Mai Valentine
Name Location
Giant Flea Mai Valentine
Giant Germ Quinton
Giant Kozaky Crow
Giant Mech-Soldier Grandpa Muto
Giant Orc Chazz Princeton
Giant Pairfish Gong Strong
Giant Rat Grandpa Muto
Giant Red Seasnake Mai Valentine
Giant Rex Mai Valentine
Giant Scorpion of the Tundra Grandpa Muto
Giant Soldier of Steel Shark
Giant Soldier of Stone Yugi
Giant Trap Hole Shay
Giant Trunade Mai Valentine
Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames Grandpa Muto
Gift Card Joey Wheeler
Gift Exchange Crow
Gift of the Martyr Jesse Anderson
Gift of the Mystical Elf Alexis Rhodes
Giga Gagagigo Quinton
Giga-Tech Wolf Alexis Rhodes
Gigantes Bastion
Gigantic Cephalotus Akiza Izinski
Giganticastle Tetsu Trudge
Giganto Joey Wheeler
Gigaplant Akiza Izinski
Gigarays Gandora the Dragon of Destruction Blue Angel
Gigastone Omega Bastion
Gigobyte Quinton
Gil Garth Yugi
Gilasaurus Mai Valentine
Gilford the Legend Joey Wheeler
Gilford the Lightning Joey Wheeler
Gillagillancer Yuma Tsukumo
Giltia the D. Knight Alexis Rhodes
Gimmick Puppet Bisque Doll Soulburner
Gimmick Puppet Chimera Doll Soulburner
Gimmick Puppet Des Troy Quinton
Gimmick Puppet Dreary Doll Quinton
Gimmick Puppet Egg Head Quinton
Gimmick Puppet Gear Changer Quinton
Gimmick Puppet Gigantes Doll Soulburner
Gimmick Puppet Humpty Dumpty Quinton
Gimmick Puppet Magnet Doll Quinton
Gimmick Puppet Nightmare Quinton
Gimmick Puppet Scissor Arms Quinton
Gimmick Puppet Shadow Feeler Quinton
Name Location
Gimmick Puppet Terror Baby Soulburner
Gimmick Puppet Twilight Joker Quinton
Gingerbread House Blue Angel
Girochin Kuwagata Mai Valentine
Gishki Abyss Shark
Gishki Aquamirror Shark
Gishki Ariel Shark
Gishki Avance Shark
Gishki Beast Shark
Gishki Chain Shark
Gishki Diviner Shark
Gishki Emilia Shark
Gishki Marker Shark
Gishki Mollusk Shark
Gishki Natalia Shark
Gishki Noellia Shark
Gishki Photomirror Shark
Gishki Psychelone Shark
Gishki Reliever Shark
Gishki Shadow Shark
Gishki Vanity Shark
Gishki Vision Shark
Gishki Zielgigas Shark
Give and Take Yusei Fudo
Gizmek Kaku, the Supreme Shining Sky Stag Varis
Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher Blue Angel
Gizmek Yata, the Gleaming Vanguard Soulburner
Gladiator Beast Alexander Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Andabata Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Andal Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Attorix Soulburner
Gladiator Beast Augustus Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Bestiari Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Charge Soulburner
Gladiator Beast Darius Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Dimacari Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Domitianus Soulburner
Gladiator Beast Dragases Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Equeste Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Essedarii Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Gyzarus Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Heraklinos Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Hoplomus Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Lanista Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Laquari Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Murmillo Zuzu Boyle
Name Location
Gladiator Beast Nerokius Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Noxious Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Octavius Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Retiari Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Sagittarii Soulburner
Gladiator Beast Samnite Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Secutor Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Spartacus Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Tamer Editor Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Torax Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast Tygerius Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast United Soulburner
Gladiator Beast Vespasius Soulburner
Gladiator Beast War Chariot Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast's Battle Archfiend Shield Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast's Battle Gladius Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast's Battle Manica Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Beast's Comeback Soulburner
Gladiator Beast's Respite Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Lash Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Naumachia Soulburner
Gladiator Proving Ground Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator Rejection Soulburner
Gladiator Taming Zuzu Boyle
Gladiator's Return Zuzu Boyle
Glass Slippers Seto Kaiba
Gleipnir, the Fetters of Fenrir Crow
Glife the Phantom Bird Seto Kaiba
Glorious Illusion Akiza Izinski
Glorious Numbers Yuma Tsukumo
Glory of the Noble Knights Quinton
Glow-Up Bloom Bakura
Glow-Up Bulb Akiza Izinski
Glowing Crossbow Crow
Gnomaterial Blue Angel
Goblin Attack Force Bakura
Goblin Black Ops Bakura
Goblin Calligrapher Crow
Goblin Circus Bakura
Goblin Decoy Squad Bakura
Goblin Elite Attack Force Bakura
Goblin Fan Declan Akaba
Goblin King Bakura
Goblin Marauding Squad Bakura
Goblin of Greed Bakura
Goblin Out of the Frying Pan Bakura
Name Location
Goblin Pothole Squad Bakura
Goblin Recon Squad Bakura
Goblin Thief Yusei Fudo
Goblin Zombie Bakura
Goblin's Secret Remedy Bakura
Goblindbergh Yuma Tsukumo
Goddess Bow Joey Wheeler
Goddess of Sweet Revenge Yuya Sakaki
Goddess of Whim Chazz Princeton
Goddess Skuld's Oracle Blue Angel
Goddess Urd's Verdict Blue Angel
Goddess Verdande's Guidance Blue Angel
Goddess with the Third Eye Alexis Rhodes
Goe Goe the Gallant Ninja Shay
Goggle Golem Alexis Rhodes
Gogiga Gagagigo Quinton
Gogogo Aristera & Dexia Yuma Tsukumo
Gogogo Ghost Yuma Tsukumo
Gogogo Giant Yuma Tsukumo
Gogogo Gigas Yuma Tsukumo
Gogogo Golem Yuma Tsukumo
Gogogo Golem – Golden Form Yuma Tsukumo
Gogogo Goram Yuma Tsukumo
Gogogo Talisman Yuma Tsukumo
Goka, the Pyre of Malice Syrus Truesdale
Gokibore Mai Valentine
Gokipole Mai Valentine
Gokipon Mai Valentine
Gold Gadget Yugi
Gold Moon Coin Blue Angel
Gold Sarcophagus Yugi
Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World Bastion
Golden Bamboo Sword Quinton
Golden Castle of Stromberg Seto Kaiba
Golden Dragon Summoner Yuya Sakaki
Golden Flying Fish Mai Valentine
Golden Gearbox Tetsu Trudge
Golden Homunculus Bakura
Golden Ladybug Mai Valentine
Golem Dragon Seto Kaiba
Golem Sentry Leo/Luna
Golgoil Grandpa Muto
Gonogo Tetsu Trudge
Good & Evil in the Burning Abyss Shay
Good Goblin Housekeeping Bakura
Googly-Eyes Drum dragon Kite Tenjo
Gora Turtle Bastion
Name Location
Gora Turtle of Illusion Syrus Truesdale
Gorgon Egg Syrus Truesdale
Gorgon's Eye Bakura
Gorgon, Empress of the Evil Eyed Ai
Gorgonic Cerberus Shark
Gorgonic Gargoyle Shark
Gorgonic Ghoul Shark
Gorgonic Golem Shark
Gorgonic Guardian Shark
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness Mai Valentine
Gotterdammerung Crow
Gottoms' Emergency Call Gong Strong
Gottoms' Second Call Gong Strong
Gouki Bearhug Playmaker
Gouki Cage Match Soulburner
Gouki Destroy Ogre Soulburner
Gouki Face Turn Playmaker
Gouki Headbatt Playmaker
Gouki Heel Ogre Playmaker
Gouki Jet Ogre Soulburner
Gouki Moonsault Playmaker
Gouki Octostretch Playmaker
Gouki Re-Match Playmaker
Gouki Ringtrainer Playmaker
Gouki Riscorpio Playmaker
Gouki Suprex Playmaker
Gouki Tagpartner Playmaker
Gouki the Blade Ogre Soulburner
Gouki The Giant Ogre Playmaker
Gouki The Great Ogre Playmaker
Gouki The Master Ogre Playmaker
Gouki The Solid Ogre Soulburner
Gouki Thunder Ogre Playmaker
Gouki Twistcobra Playmaker
Goyo Chaser Tetsu Trudge
Goyo Defender Tetsu Trudge
Goyo Emperor Tetsu Trudge
Goyo Guardian Tetsu Trudge
Goyo King Tetsu Trudge
Goyo Predator Tetsu Trudge
Gozen Match Bastion
Gozuki Bakura
Graceful Charity Grandpa Muto
Graceful Dice Joey Wheeler
Graceful Revival Quinton
Graceful Tear Akiza Izinski
Gradius Syrus Truesdale
Name Location
Gradius' Option Syrus Truesdale
Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Shay
Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon Akiza Izinski
Granadora Chazz Princeton
Grand Convergence Bastion
Grand Horn of Heaven Zuzu Boyle
Grand Tiki Elder Joey Wheeler
Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Tetsu Trudge
Grandram Yuma Tsukumo
Grandsoil The Elemental Lord Bastion
Granmarg the Mega Monarch Declan Akaba
Granmarg the Rock Monarch Declan Akaba
Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World Bastion
Grapple Blocker Akiza Izinski
Grappler Seto Kaiba
Grappler Angler Tetsu Trudge
Grass Phantom Jaden Yuki
Grasschopper Alexis Rhodes
Grave Lure Jesse Anderson
Grave of the Super Ancient Organism Jack Atlas
Grave Ohja Jesse Anderson
Grave Protector Jesse Anderson
Grave Squirmer Syrus Truesdale
Gravedigger Ghoul Mai Valentine
Gravekeeper's Ambusher Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Assailant Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Cannonholder Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Chief Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Commandant Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Curse Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Descendant Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Guard Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Headman Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Heretic Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Nobleman Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Oracle Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Priestess Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Recruiter Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Servant Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Shaman Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Spiritualist Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Spy Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Stele Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Vassal Grandpa Muto
Gravekeeper's Visionary Grandpa Muto
Name Location
Gravekeeper's Watcher Grandpa Muto
Gravelstorm Quinton
Graverobber Joey Wheeler
Graverobber's Retribution Joey Wheeler
Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation Bakura
Graveyard of Wandering Souls Ai
Gravi-Crush Dragon Seto Kaiba
Gravitic Orb Kite Tenjo
Gravity Axe – Grarl Mai Valentine
Gravity Behemoth Syrus Truesdale
Gravity Bind Akiza Izinski
Gravity Blaster Quinton
Gravity Collapse Crow
Gravity Controller Ai
Gravity Lash Bastion
Gravity Warrior Yusei Fudo
Gray Wing Seto Kaiba
Graydle Alligator Gong Strong
Graydle Cobra Gong Strong
Graydle Combat Gong Strong
Graydle Dragon Gong Strong
Graydle Eagle Gong Strong
Graydle Impact Gong Strong
Graydle Parasite Gong Strong
Graydle Slime Gong Strong
Graydle Slime Jr. Gong Strong
Graydle Split Gong Strong
Great Angus Seto Kaiba
Great Bill Grandpa Muto
Great Dezard Bakura
Great Long Nose Chazz Princeton
Great Maju Garzett Bakura
Great Mammoth of Goldfine Alexis Rhodes
Great Moth Mai Valentine
Great Phantom Thief Yusei Fudo
Great Poseidon Beetle Mai Valentine
Great Shogun Shien Tetsu Trudge
Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz Alexis Rhodes
Great Spirit Syrus Truesdale
Great White Mai Valentine
Greatfly Grandpa Muto
Greed Jesse Anderson
Greed Grado Yuya Sakaki
Greed Quasar Seto Kaiba
Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon Zuzu Boyle
Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest Leo/Luna
Green Duston Cathy Katherine
Name Location
Green Gadget Yugi
Green Phantom King Leo/Luna
Green Turtle Summoner Yuya Sakaki
Greenkappa Mai Valentine
Gren Maju Da Eiza Bakura
Gren, Tactician of Dark World Bastion
Grenosaurus Cathy Katherine
Grid Rod Ai
Grid Sweeper Blue Angel
Griffore Yugi
Griggle Chazz Princeton
Grinder Golem Syrus Truesdale
Grinning Grave Virus Seto Kaiba
Grisaille Prison Yuya Sakaki
Ground Attacker Bugroth Joey Wheeler
Ground Collapse Chazz Princeton
Ground Spider Yusei Fudo
Gruesome Goo Alexis Rhodes
Gryphon Wing Mai Valentine
Gryphon's Feather Duster Joey Wheeler
Guard Dog Tetsu Trudge
Guard Go! Yuma Tsukumo
Guard Mines Crow
Guard Penalty Jaden Yuki
Guard Penguin Shark
Guarded Treasure Yuya Sakaki
Guardian Angel Joan Bakura
Guardian Baou Mai Valentine
Guardian Ceal Mai Valentine
Guardian Dreadscythe Mai Valentine
Guardian Eatos Mai Valentine
Guardian Elma Mai Valentine
Guardian Grarl Mai Valentine
Guardian Kay'est Mai Valentine
Guardian of Felgrand Kite Tenjo
Guardian of Order Leo/Luna
Guardian of the Labyrinth Alexis Rhodes
Guardian of the Throne Room Syrus Truesdale
Guardian Sphinx Yugi
Guardian Statue Jesse Anderson
Guardian Tryce Mai Valentine
Guardragon Agarpain Varis
Guardragon Andrake Varis
Guardragon Cataclysm Varis
Guardragon Corewakening Varis
Guardragon Elpy Varis
Guardragon Garmides Varis
Name Location
Guardragon Justicia Varis
Guardragon Pisty Varis
Guardragon Promineses Varis
Guardragon Reincarnation Varis
Guardragon Shield Varis
Guerilla Kite Gong Strong
Guiding Ariadne Bakura
Guiding Light Seto Kaiba
Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts Crow
Gullveig of the Nordic Ascendant Crow
Gundari Chazz Princeton
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Gust Bakura
Gust Fan Grandpa Muto
Gusto Codor Akiza Izinski
Gusto Egul Akiza Izinski
Gusto Falco Akiza Izinski
Gusto Griffin Akiza Izinski
Gusto Gulldo Akiza Izinski
Gusto Squirro Akiza Izinski
Gusto Thunbolt Akiza Izinski
Guts of Steel Gong Strong
Gwenhwyfar, Queen of Noble Arms Quinton
Gyaku-Gire Panda Quinton
Gyakutenno Megami Seto Kaiba
Gyroid Syrus Truesdale
H – Heated Heart Jaden Yuki
Hack Worm Playmaker
Hade-Hane Grandpa Muto
Hailon, the Timelord Akiza Izinski
Hajun, the Winged Mayakashi Jack Atlas
Half Counter Akiza Izinski
Half or Nothing Leo/Luna
Half Shut Yusei Fudo
Half Unbreak Yuma Tsukumo
Halfway to Forever Yuma Tsukumo
Hallohallo Yuya Sakaki
Hallowed Life Barrier Alexis Rhodes
Hamburger Recipe Joey Wheeler
Hammer Bounzer Kite Tenjo
Hammer Shark Shark
Hammer Shot Jesse Anderson
Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder Jaden Yuki
Hand Destruction Syrus Truesdale
Hand of Nephthys Yuya Sakaki
Hand of the Six Samurai Tetsu Trudge
Hand-Holding Genie Mai Valentine
Name Location
Handcuffs Dragon Tetsu Trudge
Handigallop Blue Angel
Hane-Hane Grandpa Muto
Hanewata Cathy Katherine
Haniwa Crow
Hannibal Necromancer Yugi
Happy Lover Crow
Hard Armor Grandpa Muto
Hard-sellin' Goblin Bakura
Hard-sellin' Zombie Bakura
Hardened Armed Dragon Yusei Fudo
Harmonic Oscillation Gong Strong
Harmonic Waves Kite Tenjo
Harmonizing Magician Yuya Sakaki
Harpie Channeler Mai Valentine
Harpie Conductor Blue Angel
Harpie Dancer Mai Valentine
Harpie Girl Mai Valentine
Harpie Harpist Mai Valentine
Harpie Lady Mai Valentine
Harpie Lady 1 Mai Valentine
Harpie Lady 2 Mai Valentine
Harpie Lady 3 Mai Valentine
Harpie Lady Elegance Blue Angel
Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation Mai Valentine
Harpie Lady Sisters Mai Valentine
Harpie Oracle Blue Angel
Harpie Perfumer Blue Angel
Harpie Queen Mai Valentine
Harpie's Feather Duster Mai Valentine
Harpie's Feather Rest Blue Angel
Harpie's Feather Storm Mai Valentine
Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon Mai Valentine
Harpie's Pet Dragon Mai Valentine
Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon Mai Valentine
Harpies' Hunting Ground Mai Valentine
Harvest Angel of Wisdom Bakura
Hate Buster Jaden Yuki
Haunted Shrine Bakura
Hayabusa Knight Quinton
Hayate the Earth Star Zuzu Boyle
Hazy Flame Basiltrice Cathy Katherine
Hazy Flame Cerbereus Cathy Katherine
Hazy Flame Griffin Cathy Katherine
Hazy Flame Hydra Cathy Katherine
Hazy Flame Hyppogrif Cathy Katherine
Hazy Flame Mantikor Cathy Katherine
Name Location
Hazy Flame Peryton Cathy Katherine
Hazy Flame Sphynx Cathy Katherine
Hazy Glory Cathy Katherine
Hazy Pillar Cathy Katherine
Head Judging Blue Angel
Headless Knight Bakura
Healing Wave Generator Yusei Fudo
Heart of Clear Water Grandpa Muto
Heart of the Underdog Yugi
Heartfelt Appeal Yuma Tsukumo
Heartless Drop Off Mai Valentine
Heat Wave Cathy Katherine
Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf Cathy Katherine
Heavy Freight Train Derricrane Cathy Katherine
Heavy Knight of the Flame Zuzu Boyle
Heavy Mech Support Armor Seto Kaiba
Heavy Mech Support Platform Chazz Princeton
Heavy Metal Raiders Joey Wheeler
Heavy Slump Jesse Anderson
Heavy Storm Yugi
Heavy Storm Duster Playmaker
Heavymetalfoes Electrumite Zuzu Boyle
Hebo, Lord of the River Chazz Princeton
Hecatrice Bakura
Hedge Guard Akiza Izinski
Hela, Generaider Boss of Doom Ai
Helios Duo Megistus Bastion
Helios Trice Megistus Bastion
Helios – The Primordial Sun Bastion
Heliosphere Dragon Kite Tenjo
Helmer, Helmsman Fur Hire Gong Strong
Helping Robo for Combat Syrus Truesdale
Helpoemer Bakura
Herald of Creation Seto Kaiba
Herald of Green Light Seto Kaiba
Herald of Mirage Lights Blue Angel
Herald of Orange Light Seto Kaiba
Herald of Perfection Seto Kaiba
Herald of Pure Light Seto Kaiba
Herald of Purple Light Seto Kaiba
Herald of the Abyss Seto Kaiba
Herald of the Arc Light Seto Kaiba
Herald of Ultimateness Seto Kaiba
Heraldic Beast Aberconway Kite Tenjo
Heraldic Beast Amphisbaena Kite Tenjo
Heraldic Beast Basilisk Kite Tenjo
Heraldic Beast Berners Falcon Kite Tenjo
Name Location
Heraldic Beast Eale Kite Tenjo
Heraldic Beast Leo Kite Tenjo
Heraldic Beast Twin-Headed Eagle Kite Tenjo
Heraldic Beast Unicorn Kite Tenjo
Heraldry Change Kite Tenjo
Heraldry Reborn Kite Tenjo
Heraldry Record Kite Tenjo
Herculean Power Alexis Rhodes
Hercules Beetle Mai Valentine
Heritage of the Chalice Varis
Hermit of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
Hero Barrier Jaden Yuki
Hero Blast Jaden Yuki
Hero Counterattack Jaden Yuki
Hero Flash!! Jaden Yuki
Hero Heart Jaden Yuki
Hero Kid Jaden Yuki
Hero Mask Jaden Yuki
Hero Medal Jaden Yuki
Hero of the East Grandpa Muto
Hero Ring Jaden Yuki
Hero Signal Jaden Yuki
Hero Spirit Jaden Yuki
HERO's Bond Jaden Yuki
Hero's Rule 2 Jaden Yuki
Heroic Advance Quinton
Heroic Challenger – Ambush Soldier Quinton
Heroic Challenger – Assault Halberd Quinton
Heroic Challenger – Clasp Sword Quinton
Heroic Challenger – Double Lance Quinton
Heroic Challenger – Extra Sword Quinton
Heroic Challenger – Night Watchman Quinton
Heroic Challenger – Spartan Quinton
Heroic Challenger – Swordshield Quinton
Heroic Challenger – Thousand Blades Quinton
Heroic Challenger – War Hammer Quinton
Heroic Champion – Excalibur Quinton
Heroic Champion – Gandiva Quinton
Heroic Champion – Kusanagi Quinton
Heroic Chance Quinton
Heroic Gift Quinton
Heroic Retribution Sword Quinton
Hexatellarknight Shay
Hexe Trude Seto Kaiba
Hey, Trunade! Mai Valentine
Hi-Five the Sky Yuma Tsukumo
Hi-Speed Re-Level Gong Strong
Name Location
Hi-Speedroid Chanbara Gong Strong
Hi-Speedroid Hagoita Gong Strong
Hi-Speedroid Kendama Gong Strong
Hi-Speedroid Kitedrake Soulburner
Hi-Speedroid Puzzle Gong Strong
Hi-Speedroid Rubber Band Shooter Soulburner
Hibernation Dragon Playmaker
Hibikime Alexis Rhodes
Hidden Armory Leo/Luna
Hidden Soldiers Crow
Hidden Spellbook Yuma Tsukumo
Hidden Temples of Necrovalley Grandpa Muto
Hidden Village of Ninjitsu Arts Blue Angel
Hieracosphinx Yugi
Hieratic Dragon King of Atum Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Dragon of Asar Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Dragon of Eset Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Dragon of Nuit Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Dragon of Su Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Dragon of Sutekh Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Seal From the Ashes Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Seal of Banishment Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Seal of Convocation Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Seal of Reflection Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Seal of Supremacy Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres Varis
Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord Kite Tenjo
Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis Kite Tenjo
Hieroglyph Lithograph Joey Wheeler
Hierophant of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
High Priestess of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
High Tide Gyojin Bakura
High Tide on Fire Island Shark
Hiita the Fire Charmer Jesse Anderson
Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze Blue Angel
Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi Chazz Princeton
Hinotama Bakura
Hinotama Soul Alexis Rhodes
Hip Hoshiningen Grandpa Muto
Hippo Carnival Yuya Sakaki
Hiro's Shadow Scout Seto Kaiba
Hitodenchak Grandpa Muto
Hitotsu-Me Giant Seto Kaiba
Name Location
Hiyari @Ignister Ai
Holding Arms Bakura
Holding Legs Bakura
Holograh Akiza Izinski
Homunculus the Alchemic Being Jesse Anderson
Honest Bakura
Honeybot Playmaker
Hop Ear Squadron Varis
Hope for Escape Yusei Fudo
Horn Imp Yugi
Horn of Heaven Yugi
Horn of Light Grandpa Muto
Horn of the Phantom Beast Chazz Princeton
Horn of the Unicorn Yugi
Horseytail Akiza Izinski
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4 Chazz Princeton
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 Chazz Princeton
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 Chazz Princeton
Horus' Servant Chazz Princeton
Hoshiningen Grandpa Muto
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Jack Atlas
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss Jack Atlas
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane Jack Atlas
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity Jack Atlas
Hourglass of Courage Grandpa Muto
Hourglass of Life Grandpa Muto
House Dragonmaid Ai
House Duston Cathy Katherine
House of Adhesive Tape Grandpa Muto
Howl of the Wild Yusei Fudo
Howling Insect Mai Valentine
HTS Psyhemuth Akiza Izinski
Huge Revolution Alexis Rhodes
Human-Wave Tactics Alexis Rhodes
Humanoid Slime Alexis Rhodes
Humanoid Worm Drake Alexis Rhodes
Humhumming the Key Djinn Yuma Tsukumo
Humid Winds Akiza Izinski
Humpty Grumpty Bakura
Hundred Eyes Dragon Yusei Fudo
Hundred-Footed Horror Quinton
Hungry Burger Joey Wheeler
Hunter Dragon Chazz Princeton
Hunter of Black Feathers Crow
Hunter Owl Crow
Hunter Spider Mai Valentine
Hunting Instinct Bastion
Name Location
Hurricail Mai Valentine
Hushed Psychic Cleric Akiza Izinski
Hydra Viper Shark
Hydro Genex Leo/Luna
Hydro Pressure Cannon Shark
Hydrogeddon Bastion
Hydrotortoise, the Empowered Warrior Yuya Sakaki
Hyena Bastion
Hymn of Light Joey Wheeler
Hyo Seto Kaiba
Hyosube Alexis Rhodes
Hyozanryu Seto Kaiba
Hyper Hammerhead Bastion
Hyper Psychic Blaster Akiza Izinski
Hyper Psychic Blaster/Assault Mode Akiza Izinski
Hyper Psychic Riser Soulburner
Hyper Synchron Akiza Izinski
Hyper-Ancient Shark Megalodon Shark
Hypernova Burst Blue Angel
Hypnocorn Jack Atlas
Hypnosister Yuya Sakaki
Hysteric Fairy Grandpa Muto
Hysteric Party Mai Valentine
Hysteric Sign Mai Valentine
I:P Masquerena Ai
Ib the World Chalice Justiciar Varis
Ib The World Chalice Priestess Playmaker
Ibicella Lutea Varis
Icarus Attack Mai Valentine
Ice Beast Zerofyne Shark
Ice Hand Shark
Ice Master Yuya Sakaki
Ice Princess Zereort Shark
Ice Queen Alexis Rhodes
Ice Water Grandpa Muto
Icy Crevasse Shark
Idaten the Conqueror Star Zuzu Boyle
Ido the Supreme Magical Force Leo/Luna
Igknight Burst Declan Akaba
Igknight Cavalier Declan Akaba
Igknight Champion Declan Akaba
Igknight Crusader Declan Akaba
Igknight Gallant Declan Akaba
Igknight Lancer Declan Akaba
Igknight Margrave Declan Akaba
Igknight Paladin Declan Akaba
Igknight Reload Declan Akaba
Name Location
Igknight Squire Declan Akaba
Igknight Templar Declan Akaba
Igknight Veteran Declan Akaba
Igknights Unite Declan Akaba
Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior Declan Akaba
Ignister A.I.Land Ai
Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer Declan Akaba
Ignition Beast Volcannon Alexis Rhodes
Ignition Phoenix Declan Akaba
Ignoble Knight of Black Laundsallyn Quinton
Ignoble Knight of High Laundsallyn Quinton
Il Blud Alexis Rhodes
Ill Witch Grandpa Muto
Illusion Balloons Yuya Sakaki
Illusion Magic Yugi
Illusionist Faceless Mage Seto Kaiba
Illusionist Faceless Magician Bakura
Illusory Snatcher Cathy Katherine
Imairuka Shark
Imduk the World Chalice Dragon Playmaker
Immortal Ruler Bakura
Impcantation Bookstone Joey Wheeler
Impcantation Candoll Joey Wheeler
Impcantation Chalislime Varis
Impcantation Inception Varis
Impcantation Penciplume Joey Wheeler
Impcantation Talismandra Joey Wheeler
Impcantation Thanatosis Varis
Impenetrable Attack Yuma Tsukumo
Impenetrable Formation Cathy Katherine
Imperial Custom Crow
Imperial Iron Wall Bastion
Imperial Order Bakura
Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley Grandpa Muto
Imperion Magnum the Superconductive Battlebot Yugi
Imprisoned Queen Archfiend Alexis Rhodes
Inaba White Rabbit Chazz Princeton
Inari Fire Yuma Tsukumo
Incandescent Ordeal Joey Wheeler
Incarnated Machine Angel Soulburner
Indiora Doom Volt the Cubic Emperor Seto Kaiba
Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei Chazz Princeton
Indomitable Gladiator Beast Zuzu Boyle
Induced Explosion Seto Kaiba
Infected Mail Shark
Infernal Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Infernal Flame Emperor Syrus Truesdale
Name Location
Infernal Flame Vixen Syrus Truesdale
Infernal Incinerator Chazz Princeton
Infernalqueen Archfiend Alexis Rhodes
Infernity Archer Jack Atlas
Infernity Archfiend Jack Atlas
Infernity Avenger Jack Atlas
Infernity Barrier Jack Atlas
Infernity Beast Jack Atlas
Infernity Beetle Jack Atlas
Infernity Break Jack Atlas
Infernity Destroyer Jack Atlas
Infernity Doom Dragon Jack Atlas
Infernity Dwarf Jack Atlas
Infernity Force Jack Atlas
Infernity General Jack Atlas
Infernity Guardian Jack Atlas
Infernity Inferno Jack Atlas
Infernity Knight Jack Atlas
Infernity Launcher Jack Atlas
Infernity Mirage Jack Atlas
Infernity Necromancer Jack Atlas
Infernity Patriarch Jack Atlas
Infernity Randomizer Jack Atlas
Infernity Reflector Jack Atlas
Inferno Bastion
Inferno Fire Blast Joey Wheeler
Inferno Hammer Syrus Truesdale
Inferno Reckless Summon Chazz Princeton
Inferno Tempest Chazz Princeton
Infernoid Antra Zuzu Boyle
Infernoid Attondel Zuzu Boyle
Infernoid Decatron Zuzu Boyle
Infernoid Devyaty Zuzu Boyle
Infernoid Harmadik Zuzu Boyle
Infernoid Onuncu Zuzu Boyle
Infernoid Patrulea Zuzu Boyle
Infernoid Piaty Zuzu Boyle
Infernoid Pirmais Zuzu Boyle
Infernoid Seitsemas Zuzu Boyle
Infernoid Sjette Zuzu Boyle
Infernoid Tierra Zuzu Boyle
Infestation Infection Kite Tenjo
Infestation Pandemic Kite Tenjo
Infestation Ripples Kite Tenjo
Infestation Terminus Kite Tenjo
Infestation Tool Kite Tenjo
Infestation Wave Kite Tenjo
Name Location
Infinite Cards Seto Kaiba
Infinite Dismissal Seto Kaiba
Infinite Impermanence Bastion
Infinite Light Akiza Izinski
Infinite Machine Akiza Izinski
Infinitrack Anchor Drill Ai
Infinitrack Brutal Dozer Ai
Infinitrack Crab Crane Ai
Infinitrack Drag Shovel Ai
Infinitrack Earth Slicer Ai
Infinitrack Fortress Megaclops Ai
Infinitrack Goliath Ai
Infinitrack Harvester Ai
Infinitrack Mountain Smasher Ai
Infinitrack River Stormer Ai
Infinitrack Trencher Ai
Infinitrack Tunneller Ai
Infinity Dark Alexis Rhodes
Influence Dragon Jack Atlas
Informer Spider Yusei Fudo
Inherited Fortune Jack Atlas
Injection Fairy Lily Grandpa Muto
Inmato Cathy Katherine
Inpachi Bastion
Insect Armor with Laser Cannon Mai Valentine
Insect Barrier Mai Valentine
Insect Imitation Mai Valentine
Insect Knight Leo/Luna
Insect Neglect Mai Valentine
Insect Princess Mai Valentine
Insect Queen Mai Valentine
Insect Soldiers of the Sky Mai Valentine
Inspection Joey Wheeler
Inspector Boarder Playmaker
Inspiration Yuya Sakaki
Instant Fusion Alexis Rhodes
Instant Neo Space Jaden Yuki
Intercept Leo/Luna
Intercept Wave Yuya Sakaki
Interceptomato Yuma Tsukumo
Interdimensional Matter Transporter Seto Kaiba
Interdimensional Warp Tetsu Trudge
Interplanetary Invader "A" Tetsu Trudge
Interplanetarypurplythorny Beast Kite Tenjo
Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon Kite Tenjo
Interrupt Resistor Playmaker
Interrupted Kaiju Slumber Declan Akaba
Name Location
Into the Void Jack Atlas
Intrigue Shield Yuya Sakaki
Introduction to Gallantry Syrus Truesdale
Invader from Another Dimension Alexis Rhodes
Invader of Darkness Grandpa Muto
Invader of the Throne Mai Valentine
Invasion of Flames Alexis Rhodes
Inverse Universe Jack Atlas
Invigoration Grandpa Muto
Invincibility Barrier Joey Wheeler
Invitation to a Dark Sleep Seto Kaiba
Invocation Zuzu Boyle
Invoked Caliga Zuzu Boyle
Invoked Cocytus Zuzu Boyle
Invoked Elysium Zuzu Boyle
Invoked Magellanica Zuzu Boyle
Invoked Mechaba Zuzu Boyle
Invoked Purgatrio Zuzu Boyle
Invoked Raidjin Zuzu Boyle
Inzektor Ant Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Axe – Zektahawk Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Centipede Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Crossbow – Zektarrow Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Dragonfly Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Earwig Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Exa-Beetle Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Exa-Stag Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Firefly Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Gauntlet Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Giga-Cricket Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Giga-Mantis Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Giga-Weevil Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Hopper Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Hornet Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Ladybug Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Orb Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Picofalena Kite Tenjo
Inzektor Sword – Zektkaliber Kite Tenjo
Ipiria Blue Angel
Iris, the Earth Mother Tetsu Trudge
Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu Joey Wheeler
Iron Cage Seto Kaiba
Iron Call Leo/Luna
Iron Chain Blaster Tetsu Trudge
Iron Chain Coil Tetsu Trudge
Iron Chain Dragon Tetsu Trudge
Iron Chain Repairman Tetsu Trudge
Name Location
Iron Chain Snake Tetsu Trudge
Iron Core Armor Jesse Anderson
Iron Core Immediate Disposal Jesse Anderson
Iron Core Luster Jesse Anderson
Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru Jesse Anderson
Iron Core Specimen Lab Jesse Anderson
Iron Dragon Tiamaton Yuma Tsukumo
Iron Draw Leo/Luna
Iron Hans Seto Kaiba
Iron Knight Seto Kaiba
Ironhammer the Giant Cathy Katherine
Island Turtle Mai Valentine
Isolde, Belle of the Underworld Quinton
Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights Quinton
Ivy Shackles Akiza Izinski
Izanagi Chazz Princeton
Izanami Chazz Princeton
Jack Wyvern Playmaker
Jack's Knight Yugi
Jack-o-Bolan Varis
Jackpot 7 Chazz Princeton
Jade Insect Whistle Mai Valentine
Jade Knight Jack Atlas
Jain, Lightsworn Paladin Akiza Izinski
Jain, Twilightsworn General Akiza Izinski
Jam Breeding Machine Bakura
Jam Defender Bakura
Jar of Avarice Zuzu Boyle
Jar of Greed Bakura
Jar Robber Grandpa Muto
Jar Turtle Bakura
Javelin Beetle Joey Wheeler
Javelin Beetle Pact Joey Wheeler
Jawsman Shark
Jelly Cannon Blue Angel
Jellyfish Mai Valentine
Jenis, Lightsworn Mender Akiza Izinski
Jerry Beans Man Joey Wheeler
Jester Confit Crow
Jester Lord Crow
Jet Synchron Yusei Fudo
Jet Warrior Yusei Fudo
Jetroid Syrus Truesdale
Jewels of the Valiant Shark
Jiaotu, Darkness of the Yang Zing Jack Atlas
Jigabyte Quinton
Jigen Bakudan Bakura
Name Location
Jinzo Joey Wheeler
Jinzo #7 Joey Wheeler
Jinzo – Jector Joey Wheeler
Jinzo – Lord Joey Wheeler
Jinzo – Returner Joey Wheeler
Jirai Gumo Chazz Princeton
Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju Declan Akaba
Job-Change Mirror Grandpa Muto
Jolt Counter Shark
Jormungandr, Generaider Boss of Eternity Ai
Jormungardr the Nordic Serpent Crow
Jowgen the Spiritualist Bakura
Jowls of Dark Demise Seto Kaiba
Judge Man Seto Kaiba
Judgment Dragon Akiza Izinski
Judgment of Anubis Seto Kaiba
Judgment of the Desert Jesse Anderson
Judgment of the Pharaoh Yugi
Judgment of Thunder Jack Atlas
Judgment, the Dragon of Heaven Varis
Jumbo Drill Syrus Truesdale
Junk Anchor Yusei Fudo
Junk Archer Yusei Fudo
Junk Barrage Yusei Fudo
Junk Berserker Yusei Fudo
Junk Blader Yusei Fudo
Junk Box Leo/Luna
Junk Breaker Yusei Fudo
Junk Changer Yusei Fudo
Junk Collector Yusei Fudo
Junk Connector Yusei Fudo
Junk Converter Varis
Junk Defender Yusei Fudo
Junk Destroyer Yusei Fudo
Junk Forward Yusei Fudo
Junk Gardna Yusei Fudo
Junk Giant Yusei Fudo
Junk Puppet Quinton
Junk Servant Yusei Fudo
Junk Speeder Yusei Fudo
Junk Synchron Yusei Fudo
Junk Warrior Yusei Fudo
Junkuriboh Yusei Fudo
Juragedo Gong Strong
Jurassic Impact Bastion
Jurassic World Bastion
Jurrac Aeolo Leo/Luna
Name Location
Jurrac Brachis Leo/Luna
Jurrac Dino Leo/Luna
Jurrac Gallim Leo/Luna
Jurrac Giganoto Leo/Luna
Jurrac Guaiba Leo/Luna
Jurrac Herra Leo/Luna
Jurrac Iguanon Leo/Luna
Jurrac Impact Leo/Luna
Jurrac Meteor Leo/Luna
Jurrac Monoloph Leo/Luna
Jurrac Protops Leo/Luna
Jurrac Ptera Leo/Luna
Jurrac Spinos Leo/Luna
Jurrac Stauriko Leo/Luna
Jurrac Titano Leo/Luna
Jurrac Tyrannus Leo/Luna
Jurrac Velo Leo/Luna
Jurrac Velphito Leo/Luna
Just Desserts Leo/Luna
Justi-Break Grandpa Muto
Justice Bringer Yusei Fudo
Justice of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
Jutte Fighter Tetsu Trudge
KA-2 Des Scissors Chazz Princeton
Kabazauls Bastion
Kabuki Dragon Gong Strong
Kachi Kochi Dragon Kite Tenjo
Kagemucha Knight Yuma Tsukumo
Kagemusha of the Blue Flame Alexis Rhodes
Kagemusha of the Six Samurai Tetsu Trudge
Kageningen Crow
Kagetokage Yuma Tsukumo
Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World Bastion
Kai-Den Kendo Spirit Chazz Princeton
Kaibaman Seto Kaiba
Kaiju Capture Mission Declan Akaba
Kaiki the Unity Star Zuzu Boyle
Kairyu-Shin Mai Valentine
Kaiser Colosseum Bastion
Kaiser Dragon Alexis Rhodes
Kaiser Glider Seto Kaiba
Kaiser Sea Horse Seto Kaiba
Kaiser Sea Snake Leo/Luna
Kaiser Vorse Raider Seto Kaiba
Kalantosa, Mystical Beast of the Forest Yuma Tsukumo
Kamakiriman Mai Valentine
Kaminari Attack Alexis Rhodes
Name Location
Kaminote Blow Mai Valentine
Kamion, the Timelord Akiza Izinski
Kamionwizard Alexis Rhodes
Kamui, Hope of Gusto Akiza Izinski
Kanan the Swordmistress Mai Valentine
Kangaroo Champ Bastion
Kanikabuto Shark
Kappa Avenger Shark
Karakuri Anatomy Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 "Shinkuro" Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Bonze mdl 9763 "Kunamzan" Varis
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6318 "Muzanichiha" Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Cash Cache Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Cash Inn Varis
Karakuri Cash Shed Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Gama mdl 4624 "Shirokunishi" Varis
Karakuri Gama Oil Varis
Karakuri Gold Dust Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Klock Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 "Ninishi" Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 "Inashichi" Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Muso mdl 818 "Haipa" Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Ninja mdl 339 "Sazank" Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Ninja mdl 7749 "Nanashick" Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 "Kuick" Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei" Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Showdown Castle Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu" Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Spider Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido" Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi" Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Super Shogun mdl 00N "Bureibu" Varis
Karakuri Trick House Tetsu Trudge
Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan" Tetsu Trudge
Karate Man Yusei Fudo
Karbonala Warrior Joey Wheeler
Karma Cut Syrus Truesdale
Karma of the Destruction Swordsman Yugi
Kasha Leo/Luna
Kattapillar Chazz Princeton
Kayenn, the Master Magma Blacksmith Crow
Kazejin Joey Wheeler
Keeper of Dragon Magic Seto Kaiba
Keeper of the Shrine Joey Wheeler
Kelbek Seto Kaiba
Keldo Seto Kaiba
Key Mace Crow
Name Location
Key Mace #2 Crow
Key Man the Key Warrior Kite Tenjo
Key Mouse Jack Atlas
Kickfire Crow
Kid Guard Jaden Yuki
Kidmodo Dragon Kite Tenjo
Kikinagashi Fucho Soulburner
Killer Needle Mai Valentine
King Dragun Seto Kaiba
King Fog Syrus Truesdale
King of the Beasts Bastion
King of the Feral Imps Cathy Katherine
King of the Skull Servants Yugi
King of the Swamp Bastion
King of Yamimakai Bakura
King Pyron Alexis Rhodes
King Scarlet Jack Atlas
King Tiger Wanghu Seto Kaiba
King's Consonance Jack Atlas
King's Knight Yugi
King's Synchro Jack Atlas
Kingyo Sukui Soulburner
Kinka-byo Chazz Princeton
Kiryu Seto Kaiba
Kiseitai Joey Wheeler
Kishido Spirit Chazz Princeton
Kitchen Dragonmaid Ai
Kiwi Magician Girl Yugi
Knight Day Grepher Jesse Anderson
Knight of the Red Lotus Alexis Rhodes
Knight's Title Yugi
Knightmare Cerberus Playmaker
Knightmare Corruptor Iblee Playmaker
Knightmare Goblin Playmaker
Knightmare Gryphon Playmaker
Knightmare Incarnation Idlee Varis
Knightmare Mermaid Playmaker
Knightmare Phoenix Playmaker
Knightmare Unicorn Playmaker
Koa'ki Meiru Beetle Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Crusader Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Doom Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Drago Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Ghoulungulate Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose Jesse Anderson
Name Location
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Hydro Barrier Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Ice Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Initialize! Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Maximus Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Overload Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Prototype Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Rooklord Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Sea Panther Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Shield Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Speeder Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Tornado Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Urnight Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Valafar Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru Wall Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Meiru War Arms Jesse Anderson
Koa'ki Ring Jesse Anderson
Koalo-Koala Bastion
Koitsu Chazz Princeton
Kojikocy Joey Wheeler
Korogashi Grandpa Muto
Kotodama Mai Valentine
Koumori Dragon Yugi
Kozaky Crow
Kozaky's Self-Destruct Button Crow
Kozmo Dark Destroyer Declan Akaba
Kozmo Dark Eclipser Declan Akaba
Kozmo Dark Planet Declan Akaba
Kozmo Delta Shuttle Declan Akaba
Kozmo DOG Fighter Declan Akaba
Kozmo Farmgirl Declan Akaba
Kozmo Forerunner Declan Akaba
Kozmo Goodwitch Declan Akaba
Kozmo Landwalker Declan Akaba
Kozmo Lightsword Declan Akaba
Kozmo Scaredy Lion Declan Akaba
Kozmo Sliprider Declan Akaba
Kozmo Soartroopers Declan Akaba
Kozmo Strawman Declan Akaba
Kozmo Tincan Declan Akaba
Kozmojo Declan Akaba
Kozmoll Dark Lady Declan Akaba
Kozmoll Wickedwitch Declan Akaba
Kozmotown Declan Akaba
Kozmourning Declan Akaba
Name Location
Krawler Axon Playmaker
Krawler Dendrite Playmaker
Krawler Glial Playmaker
Krawler Ranvier Playmaker
Krawler Receptor Playmaker
Krawler Spine Playmaker
Krebons Akiza Izinski
Krokodilus Seto Kaiba
Krystal Avatar Seto Kaiba
Krystal Dragon Seto Kaiba
Kryuel Chazz Princeton
Kujakujaku Cathy Katherine
Kuji-Kiri Curse Ai
Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju Declan Akaba
Kumootoko Jaden Yuki
Kunai with Chain Joey Wheeler
Kunoichi Shay
Kurama Crow
Kuraz the Light Monarch Declan Akaba
Kuribandit Yugi
Kuriboh Yugi
Kuribohrn Yugi
Kuribon Leo/Luna
Kuriphoton Kite Tenjo
Kurivolt Yuma Tsukumo
Kuro-Obi Karate Spirit Chazz Princeton
Kuwagata α Mai Valentine
Kwagar Hercules Mai Valentine
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer Yugi
Kyoutou Waterfront Declan Akaba
La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Seto Kaiba
Labradorite Dragon Jack Atlas
Labyrinth of Nightmare Jesse Anderson
Labyrinth Tank Alexis Rhodes
Labyrinth Wall Joey Wheeler
Lady Assailant of Flames Mai Valentine
Lady Debug Playmaker
Lady Ninja Yae Shay
Lady of D. Seto Kaiba
Lady of Faith Alexis Rhodes
Lady of the Lake Quinton
Lady Panther Seto Kaiba
Lair of Darkness Bastion
Lair Wire Yusei Fudo
LaLa Li-oon Grandpa Muto
LaMoon Mai Valentine
Lancephorhynchus Yuya Sakaki
Name Location
Lancer Archfiend Alexis Rhodes
Lancer Dragonute Kite Tenjo
Lancer Lindwurm Chazz Princeton
Landoise's Luminous Moss Crow
Landrobe the Rock Vassal Declan Akaba
LANphorhynchus Playmaker
Lappis Dragon Varis
Larvae Moth Mai Valentine
Larvas Grandpa Muto
Laser Cannon Armor Mai Valentine
Laser Qlip Declan Akaba
Last Chapter of the Noble Knights Quinton
Last Counter Shark
Last Day of Witch Bakura
Last Hope of Nephthys Yuya Sakaki
Last Minute Cancel Yuya Sakaki
Last Resort Jaden Yuki
Last Turn Seto Kaiba
Last Will Alexis Rhodes
Latency Ai
Latinum, Exarch of Dark World Bastion
Laughing Flower Shark
Launcher Commander Playmaker
Launcher Spider Joey Wheeler
Laundry Dragonmaid Ai
Lava Battleguard Joey Wheeler
Lava Dragon Jack Atlas
Lava Golem Bakura
Laval Blaster Crow
Laval Burner Crow
Laval Cannon Crow
Laval Coatl Crow
Laval Dual Slasher Crow
Laval Forest Sprite Crow
Laval Judgment Lord Crow
Laval Lakeside Lady Crow
Laval Lancelord Crow
Laval Magma Cannoneer Crow
Laval Miller Crow
Laval Phlogis Crow
Laval Stennon Crow
Laval the Greater Crow
Laval Volcano Handmaiden Crow
Laval Warrior Crow
Lavalval Chain Crow
Lavalval Dragon Crow
Lavalval Dragun Crow
Name Location
Lavalval Ignis Crow
Layard the Liberator Bakura
Lazion, the Timelord Akiza Izinski
Lector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord Declan Akaba
Ledger of Legerdemain Yusei Fudo
Lee the World Chalice Fairy Playmaker
Leeching the Light Akiza Izinski
Left Arm of the Forbidden One Grandpa Muto
Left Arm Offering Gong Strong
Left Leg of the Forbidden One Grandpa Muto
Lefty Driver Varis
Legacy Hunter Alexis Rhodes
Legacy of a HERO Jaden Yuki
Legacy of the Duelist Seto Kaiba
Legacy of Yata-Garasu Chazz Princeton
Legend of Heart Yugi
Legendary Atlantean Tridon Shark
Legendary Black Belt Mai Valentine
Legendary Ebon Steed Tetsu Trudge
Legendary Fiend Seto Kaiba
Legendary Flame Lord Joey Wheeler
Legendary Jujitsu Master Grandpa Muto
Legendary Knight Critias Yugi
Legendary Knight Hermos Yugi
Legendary Knight Timaeus Yugi
Legendary Maju Garzett Bakura
Legendary Secret of the Six Samurai Varis
Legendary Six Samurai – Enishi Tetsu Trudge
Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki Tetsu Trudge
Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan Tetsu Trudge
Legendary Six Samurai – Mizuho Tetsu Trudge
Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En Tetsu Trudge
Legendary Six Samurai – Shinai Tetsu Trudge
Legendary Sword Mai Valentine
Legendary Wind-Up Key Quinton
Leghul Bakura
Legion the Fiend Jester Gong Strong
Lekunga Shark
Lemon Magician Girl Yugi
Lemuria, the Forgotten City Mai Valentine
Leng Ling Syrus Truesdale
Leo Wizard Grandpa Muto
Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree Crow
Leodrake's Mane Crow
Leogun Grandpa Muto
Leotaur Yuma Tsukumo
Leotron Playmaker
Name Location
Lesser Dragon Alexis Rhodes
Lesser Fiend Bastion
Level Conversion Lab Quinton
Level Down!? Chazz Princeton
Level Eater Yusei Fudo
Level Lifter Yuma Tsukumo
Level Limit – Area A Grandpa Muto
Level Limit – Area B Grandpa Muto
Level Modulation Chazz Princeton
Level Retuner Jack Atlas
Level Tuning Tetsu Trudge
Level Up! Chazz Princeton
Level Warrior Yusei Fudo
Levia-Dragon – Daedalus Mai Valentine
Leviair the Sea Dragon Shark
Lib the World Key Blademaster Varis
Liberty at Last! Akiza Izinski
Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Shay
Lich Lord, King of the Underworld Bakura
Life Absorbing Machine Bakura
Life Equalizer Alexis Rhodes
Life Stream Dragon Leo/Luna
Lifeforce Harmonizer Leo/Luna
Light and Darkness Dragon Chazz Princeton
Light Barrier Chazz Princeton
Light Dragon @Ignister Ai
Light Effigy Jesse Anderson
Light End Dragon Jack Atlas
Light Laser Joey Wheeler
Light of Destruction Kite Tenjo
Light of Intervention Quinton
Light of Judgment Bakura
Light of Redemption Akiza Izinski
Light Spiral Akiza Izinski
Light Wing Shield Yuma Tsukumo
Light-Imprisoning Mirror Jesse Anderson
Lighten the Load Jesse Anderson
Lightforce Sword Leo/Luna
Lightning Blade Joey Wheeler
Lightning Chidori Kite Tenjo
Lightning Conger Grandpa Muto
Lightning Punisher Tetsu Trudge
Lightning Rod Lord Jesse Anderson
Lightning Storm Blue Angel
Lightning Tricorn Jack Atlas
Lightning Vortex Chazz Princeton
Lightning Warrior Yusei Fudo
Name Location
Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts Shark
Lightpulsar Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Lightray Daedalus Jesse Anderson
Lightray Diabolos Jesse Anderson
Lightray Gearfried Jesse Anderson
Lightray Grepher Jesse Anderson
Lightray Madoor Jesse Anderson
Lightray Sorcerer Jesse Anderson
Lightserpent Kite Tenjo
Lightsworn Barrier Akiza Izinski
Lightsworn Judgment Akiza Izinski
Lightsworn Sabre Akiza Izinski
Lightsworn Sanctuary Akiza Izinski
Lightwave Tuning Akiza Izinski
Lilith, Lady of Lament Bastion
Lillybot Kite Tenjo
Limit Code Playmaker
Limit Impulse Jack Atlas
Limit Overdrive Yusei Fudo
Limit Reverse Jaden Yuki
Limiter Overload Yusei Fudo
Limiter Removal Syrus Truesdale
Lindbloom Yuya Sakaki
Lineage of Destruction Jack Atlas
Linear Accelerator Cannon Tetsu Trudge
Linguriboh Ai
Link Back Varis
Link Bound Playmaker
Link Bumper Playmaker
Link Devotee Playmaker
Link Disciple Playmaker
Link Hole Playmaker
Link Infra-Flier Playmaker
Link Party Varis
Link Restart Playmaker
Link Spider Playmaker
Link Streamer Playmaker
Link Turret Playmaker
Linkbelt Wall Dragon Playmaker
Linkerbell Ai
Linkmail Archfiend Blue Angel
Linkslayer Playmaker
Linkuriboh Playmaker
Lion Alligator Jesse Anderson
Lionhearted Locomotive Cathy Katherine
Liquid Beast Grandpa Muto
Lisark Grandpa Muto
Name Location
Litmus Doom Ritual Bastion
Litmus Doom Swordsman Bastion
Little Chimera Grandpa Muto
Little D Mai Valentine
Little Fairy Cathy Katherine
Little Trooper Cathy Katherine
Little-Winguard Joey Wheeler
Living Fossil Bastion
Living Vase Grandpa Muto
Lizard Soldier Grandpa Muto
Ljosalf of the Nordic Alfar Crow
Localized Tornado Kite Tenjo
Lock Cat Cathy Katherine
Lockout Gardna Playmaker
Locomotion R-Genex Leo/Luna
Loge's Flame Blue Angel
Loki, Lord of the Aesir Crow
Lone Wolf Grandpa Muto
Lonefire Blossom Akiza Izinski
Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator Playmaker
Loop of Destruction Seto Kaiba
Lord British Space Fighter Syrus Truesdale
Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight Yugi
Lord of D. Seto Kaiba
Lord of the Lamp Alexis Rhodes
Lord of the Red Joey Wheeler
Lord of Zemia Grandpa Muto
Lord Poison Akiza Izinski
Lose 1 Turn Zuzu Boyle
Loss Time Blue Angel
Lost Blue Breaker Shark
Lost Guardian Bastion
Lost Wind Gong Strong
Lost World Bastion
Loud Cloud the Storm Serpent Soulburner
Lucent, Netherlord of Dark World Bastion
Lucius the Shadow Vassal Declan Akaba
Lucky Chance Chazz Princeton
Lucky Cloud Syrus Truesdale
Lucky Iron Axe Syrus Truesdale
Lucky Loan Varis
Lucky Pied Piper Alexis Rhodes
Lucky Punch Joey Wheeler
Lucky Trinket Syrus Truesdale
Lullaby of Obedience Seto Kaiba
Lumenize Kite Tenjo
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner Akiza Izinski
Name Location
Lumina, Twilightsworn Shaman Akiza Izinski
Luminous Dragon Ritual Kite Tenjo
Luminous Soldier Seto Kaiba
Luminous Spark Grandpa Muto
Luna Light Perfume Zuzu Boyle
Luna the Dark Spirit Blue Angel
Lunalight Black Sheep Zuzu Boyle
Lunalight Blue Cat Zuzu Boyle
Lunalight Cat Dancer Zuzu Boyle
Lunalight Crimson Fox Zuzu Boyle
Lunalight Emerald Bird Soulburner
Lunalight Fusion Soulburner
Lunalight Kaleido Chick Zuzu Boyle
Lunalight Leo Dancer Zuzu Boyle
Lunalight Panther Dancer Zuzu Boyle
Lunalight Purple Butterfly Zuzu Boyle
Lunalight Reincarnation Dance Zuzu Boyle
Lunalight Sabre Dancer Soulburner
Lunalight Serenade Dance Soulburner
Lunalight Tiger Zuzu Boyle
Lunalight White Rabbit Zuzu Boyle
Lunalight Wolf Zuzu Boyle
Lunalight Yellow Narten Soulburner
Lunar Queen Elzaim Grandpa Muto
Luster Dragon Yugi
Luster Dragon #2 Seto Kaiba
Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer Declan Akaba
Lycanthrope Joey Wheeler
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress Akiza Izinski
Lyla, Twilightsworn Enchantress Akiza Izinski
Lyna the Light Charmer Jesse Anderson
Lyrilusc – Assembled Nightingale Shay
Lyrilusc – Cobalt Sparrow Shay
Lyrilusc – Independent Nightingale Shay
Lyrilusc – Recital Starling Shay
Lyrilusc – Sapphire Swallow Shay
Lyrilusc – Turquoise Warbler Shay
M-Warrior #1 Joey Wheeler
M-Warrior #2 Joey Wheeler
M-X-Saber Invoker Gong Strong
Ma'at Chazz Princeton
Mabarrel Yuma Tsukumo
Machina Armored Unit Leo/Luna
Machina Cannon Leo/Luna
Machina Defender Leo/Luna
Machina Force Leo/Luna
Machina Fortress Leo/Luna
Name Location
Machina Gearframe Leo/Luna
Machina Megaform Leo/Luna
Machina Peacekeeper Leo/Luna
Machina Sniper Leo/Luna
Machina Soldier Leo/Luna
Machine Angel Absolute Ritual Alexis Rhodes
Machine Angel Ritual Alexis Rhodes
Machine Assembly Line Syrus Truesdale
Machine Attacker Grandpa Muto
Machine Conversion Factory Joey Wheeler
Machine Duplication Syrus Truesdale
Machine King Joey Wheeler
Machine King Prototype Joey Wheeler
Machine King – 3000 B.C. Joey Wheeler
Machine Lord Ür Leo/Luna
Macro Cosmos Bastion
Mad Archfiend Alexis Rhodes
Mad Dog of Darkness Chazz Princeton
Mad Lobster Bastion
Mad Reloader Chazz Princeton
Mad Sword Beast Seto Kaiba
Madjinn Gunn Alexis Rhodes
Madolche Anjelly Cathy Katherine
Madolche Baaple Cathy Katherine
Madolche Butlerusk Cathy Katherine
Madolche Chateau Cathy Katherine
Madolche Chickolates Cathy Katherine
Madolche Chouxvalier Cathy Katherine
Madolche Cruffssant Cathy Katherine
Madolche Fresh Sistart Cathy Katherine
Madolche Hootcake Cathy Katherine
Madolche Lesson Cathy Katherine
Madolche Magileine Cathy Katherine
Madolche Marmalmaide Cathy Katherine
Madolche Messengelato Cathy Katherine
Madolche Mewfeuille Cathy Katherine
Madolche Nights Cathy Katherine
Madolche Petingcessoeur Varis
Madolche Puddingcess Cathy Katherine
Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode Cathy Katherine
Madolche Queen Tiaramisu Cathy Katherine
Madolche Tea Break Cathy Katherine
Madolche Teacher Glassouffle Varis
Madolche Ticket Cathy Katherine
Madolche Waltz Cathy Katherine
Madolchepalooza Cathy Katherine
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn Yuma Tsukumo
Name Location
Mage Power Yugi
Magic Cylinder Yugi
Magic Deflector Yuya Sakaki
Magic Drain Seto Kaiba
Magic Formula Yugi
Magic Gate of Miracles Blue Angel
Magic Hand Shark
Magic Hole Golem Jack Atlas
Magic Jammer Yugi
Magic Planter Akiza Izinski
Magic Reflector Yugi
Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Magical Abductor Gong Strong
Magical Android Akiza Izinski
Magical Arm Shield Joey Wheeler
Magical Blast Yugi
Magical Cavalry of Cxulub Gong Strong
Magical Citadel of Endymion Yugi
Magical Contract Door Yugi
Magical Dimension Yugi
Magical Exemplar Yugi
Magical Explosion Jaden Yuki
Magical Ghost Seto Kaiba
Magical Hats Yugi
Magical King Moonstar Jack Atlas
Magical Labyrinth Joey Wheeler
Magical Mallet Chazz Princeton
Magical Marionette Yugi
Magical Meltdown Zuzu Boyle
Magical Merchant Yusei Fudo
Magical Mid-Breaker Field Gong Strong
Magical Musket Mastermind Zakiel Shay
Magical Musket – Crooked Crown Varis
Magical Musket – Cross-Domination Shay
Magical Musket – Dancing Needle Shay
Magical Musket – Desperado Shay
Magical Musket – Fiendish Deal Shay
Magical Musket – Last Stand Shay
Magical Musket – Steady Hands Shay
Magical Musketeer Calamity Shay
Magical Musketeer Caspar Shay
Magical Musketeer Doc Shay
Magical Musketeer Kidbrave Shay
Magical Musketeer Max Varis
Magical Musketeer Starfire Shay
Magical Musketeer Wild Shay
Magical Plant Mandragola Yugi
Name Location
Magical Reflect Slime Alexis Rhodes
Magical Scientist Bastion
Magical Something Declan Akaba
Magical Spring Yuya Sakaki
Magical Star Illusion Yuya Sakaki
Magical Stone Excavation Jaden Yuki
Magical Thorn Akiza Izinski
Magical Undertaker Yuma Tsukumo
Magicalibra Varis
Magicalized Duston Mop Cathy Katherine
Magicalized Fusion Blue Angel
Magicat Tetsu Trudge
Magician Navigation Yuya Sakaki
Magician of Black Chaos Yugi
Magician of Black Chaos MAX Blue Angel
Magician of Chaos Blue Angel
Magician of Dark Illusion Yugi
Magician of Faith Yugi
Magician of Hope Soulburner
Magician's Circle Yugi
Magician's Left Hand Yuya Sakaki
Magician's Restage Yuya Sakaki
Magician's Right Hand Yuya Sakaki
Magician's Robe Yugi
Magician's Rod Yugi
Magician's Valkyria Yugi
Magicians Unite Yugi
Magicians' Combination Blue Angel
Magicians' Defense Yugi
Magicians' Souls Blue Angel
Magidog Yusei Fudo
Magister of Endymion Blue Angel
Magistry Alchemist Soulburner
Magma Dragon Gong Strong
Magna Drago Leo/Luna
Magna-Slash Dragon Seto Kaiba
Magnarokket Dragon Playmaker
Magnet Circle LV2 Alexis Rhodes
Magnet Conversion Yugi
Magnet Force Yugi
Magnet Reverse Yugi
Magnetic Field Yugi
Magnetic Mosquito Leo/Luna
Magnificent Machine Angel Soulburner
Magnum Shield Yuma Tsukumo
Maha Vailo Joey Wheeler
Maharaghi Chazz Princeton
Name Location
Mahjong Munia Maidens Gong Strong
Mahunder Quinton
Maiden of Macabre Yugi
Maiden of the Aqua Mai Valentine
Maiden of the Moonlight Grandpa Muto
Maiden with Eyes of Blue Seto Kaiba
Majespecter Cat – Nekomata Declan Akaba
Majespecter Crow – Yata Declan Akaba
Majespecter Cyclone Declan Akaba
Majespecter Fox – Kyubi Declan Akaba
Majespecter Gust Declan Akaba
Majespecter Raccoon – Bunbuku Declan Akaba
Majespecter Sonics Declan Akaba
Majespecter Storm Declan Akaba
Majespecter Supercell Declan Akaba
Majespecter Tempest Declan Akaba
Majespecter Toad – Ogama Declan Akaba
Majespecter Tornado Declan Akaba
Majespecter Unicorn – Kirin Declan Akaba
Majester Paladin, the Ascending Dracoslayer Declan Akaba
Majestic Dragon Yusei Fudo
Majestic Mech – Goryu Jesse Anderson
Majestic Mech – Ohka Jesse Anderson
Majestic Mech – Senku Jesse Anderson
Majestic Red Dragon Jack Atlas
Majestic Star Dragon Yusei Fudo
Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster Declan Akaba
Majesty with Eyes of Blue Seto Kaiba
Majesty's Fiend Joey Wheeler
Majesty's Pegasus Declan Akaba
Maji-Gire Panda Quinton
Majioshaleon Tetsu Trudge
Majiosheldon Tetsu Trudge
Major Riot Mai Valentine
Maju Garzett Bakura
Makiu, the Magical Mist Yugi
Makyura the Destructor Joey Wheeler
Malacoda, Netherlord of the Burning Abyss Shay
Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon Seto Kaiba
Malefic Claw Stream Yusei Fudo
Malefic Cyber End Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Malefic Divide Ai
Malefic Paradox Dragon Yusei Fudo
Malefic Paradox Gear Ai
Malefic Parallel Gear Yusei Fudo
Malefic Rainbow Dragon Jesse Anderson
Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon Joey Wheeler
Name Location
Malefic Selector Ai
Malefic Stardust Dragon Yusei Fudo
Malefic Territory Ai
Malefic Truth Dragon Yusei Fudo
Malefic Tune Ai
Malefic World Yusei Fudo
Malevolent Catastrophe Quinton
Malevolent Mech – Goku En Cathy Katherine
Malevolent Nuzzler Mai Valentine
Malfunction Crow
Malice Ascendant Jaden Yuki
Malice Dispersion Cathy Katherine
Malice Doll of Demise Chazz Princeton
Malicevorous Fork Quinton
Malicevorous Knife Quinton
Malicevorous Spoon Quinton
Mamemaki Yuya Sakaki
Mammoth Graveyard Yugi
Man Beast of Ares Tetsu Trudge
Man Eater Seto Kaiba
Man-Eater Bug Bakura
Man-Eating Black Shark Alexis Rhodes
Man-Eating Plant Akiza Izinski
Man-Eating Treasure Chest Bakura
Man-Thro' Tro' Alexis Rhodes
Mana Dragon Zirnitron Leo/Luna
Mandragon Gong Strong
Manga Ryu-Ran Bakura
Maniacal Servant Leo/Luna
Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands Joey Wheeler
Manticore of Darkness Bastion
Mara of the Nordic Alfar Crow
Marauding Captain Grandpa Muto
March of the Dark Brigade Akiza Izinski
March of the Monarchs Declan Akaba
March Towards Ragnarok Crow
Mardel, Generaider Boss of Light Ai
Mare Mare Jack Atlas
Mariamne, the True Dracophoenix Declan Akaba
Marincess Battle Ocean Blue Angel
Marincess Blue Slug Blue Angel
Marincess Blue Tang Blue Angel
Marincess Cascade Blue Angel
Marincess Coral Anemone Blue Angel
Marincess Crown Tail Blue Angel
Marincess Crystal Heart Blue Angel
Marincess Current Blue Angel
Name Location
Marincess Mandarin Blue Angel
Marincess Marbled Rock Blue Angel
Marincess Pascalus Blue Angel
Marincess Sea Angel Blue Angel
Marincess Sea Horse Blue Angel
Marincess Sea Star Blue Angel
Marincess Snow Blue Angel
Marincess Wave Blue Angel
Marincess Wonder Heart Blue Angel
Marine Beast Alexis Rhodes
Marionette Mite Bakura
Mariña, Princess of Sunflowers Akiza Izinski
Mark of the Rose Akiza Izinski
Marmiting Captain Grandpa Muto
Marshalling Field Quinton
Marshmacaron Yugi
Marshmallon Yugi
Marshmallon Glasses Yugi
Martial Metal Marcher Leo/Luna
Maryokutai Bastion
Masaki the Legendary Swordsman Joey Wheeler
Mask Change Jaden Yuki
Mask Change II Jaden Yuki
Mask Charge Jaden Yuki
Mask of Brutality Joey Wheeler
Mask of Darkness Joey Wheeler
Mask of Dispel Joey Wheeler
Mask of Restrict Joey Wheeler
Mask of the Accursed Joey Wheeler
Mask of Weakness Joey Wheeler
Masked Beast Des Gardius Joey Wheeler
Masked Chameleon Leo/Luna
Masked Chopper Syrus Truesdale
Masked Clown Mai Valentine
Masked Dragon Seto Kaiba
Masked HERO Acid Jaden Yuki
Masked HERO Anki Jaden Yuki
Masked HERO Blast Jaden Yuki
Masked HERO Dark Law Jaden Yuki
Masked HERO Dian Jaden Yuki
Masked HERO Divine Wind Jaden Yuki
Masked HERO Goka Jaden Yuki
Masked HERO Koga Jaden Yuki
Masked HERO Vapor Jaden Yuki
Masked Ninja Ebisu Shay
Masked Sorcerer Grandpa Muto
Mass Driver Akiza Izinski
Name Location
Mass Hypnosis Tetsu Trudge
Massivemorph Mai Valentine
Master & Expert Grandpa Muto
Master Craftsman Gamil Yuya Sakaki
Master Gig Akiza Izinski
Master Hyperion Bakura
Master Kyonshee Bastion
Master Monk Mai Valentine
Master of Oz Bastion
Master of the Flaming Dragonswords Shark
Master Peace, the True Dracoslayer Declan Akaba
Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King Declan Akaba
Master Pendulum, the Dracoslayer Declan Akaba
Master with Eyes of Blue Seto Kaiba
Masterking Archfiend Alexis Rhodes
Mataza the Zapper Yusei Fudo
Matching Outfits Varis
Mathematician Alexis Rhodes
Mathmech Addition Ai
Mathmech Billionblade Nayuta Ai
Mathmech Division Ai
Mathmech Equation Ai
Mathmech Induction Ai
Mathmech Multiplication Ai
Mathmech Nabla Ai
Mathmech Sigma Ai
Mathmech Subtraction Ai
Mathmech Superfactorial Ai
Matriarch of Nephthys Yuya Sakaki
Mausoleum of the Emperor Jaden Yuki
Mausoleum of White Seto Kaiba
Mavelus Seto Kaiba
Max Warrior Yusei Fudo
Maximum Six Syrus Truesdale
Maxx "C" Seto Kaiba
Mayakashi Metamorphosis Jack Atlas
Mayakashi Return Jack Atlas
Mayakashi Winter Varis
Mayhem Fur Hire Gong Strong
Mayosenju Daibak Declan Akaba
Mayosenju Hitot Soulburner
Mazera DeVille Bakura
Mech Bass Shark
Mech Mole Zombie Alexis Rhodes
Mecha Bunny Syrus Truesdale
Mecha Phantom Beast Aerosguin Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon Soulburner
Name Location
Mecha Phantom Beast Blackfalcon Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Blue Impala Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Coltwing Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Concoruda Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Hamstrat Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Harrliard Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Jaculuslan Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Kalgriffin Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Megaraptor Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Raiten Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Sabre Hawk Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Stealthray Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Turtletracer Quinton
Mecha Phantom Beast Warbluran Quinton
Mecha Sea Dragon Plesion Shark
Mecha-Dog Marron Chazz Princeton
Mechaleon Shark
Mechanical Hound Jaden Yuki
Mechanical Snail Grandpa Muto
Mechanicalchaser Joey Wheeler
Mechquipped Angineer Quinton
Meda Bat Grandpa Muto
Medallion of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Medium of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Medium Piece Golem Jack Atlas
Medusa Worm Jesse Anderson
Medusa, Watcher of the Evil Eye Ai
Mefist the Infernal General Chazz Princeton
Mega Thunderball Alexis Rhodes
Mega Ton Magical Cannon Yugi
Megalith Aratron Blue Angel
Megalith Bethor Blue Angel
Megalith Emergence Blue Angel
Megalith Hagith Blue Angel
Megalith Och Blue Angel
Megalith Ophiel Blue Angel
Megalith Phaleg Blue Angel
Megalith Portal Blue Angel
Megalith Promotion Blue Angel
Megalosmasher X Bastion
Megamorph Grandpa Muto
Megarock Dragon Bastion
Megaroid City Syrus Truesdale
Megasonic Eye Joey Wheeler
Name Location
Megazowler Mai Valentine
Megirus Light Grandpa Muto
Megistric Maginician Blue Angel
Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Syrus Truesdale
Mekanikal Arkfiend Chazz Princeton
Mekk-Knight Avram Playmaker
Mekk-Knight Blue Sky Playmaker
Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax Varis
Mekk-Knight Green Horizon Playmaker
Mekk-Knight Indigo Eclipse Playmaker
Mekk-Knight of the Morning Star Playmaker
Mekk-Knight Orange Sunset Playmaker
Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall Playmaker
Mekk-Knight Red Moon Playmaker
Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme Playmaker
Mekk-Knight Yellow Star Playmaker
Meklord Army of Granel Yusei Fudo
Meklord Army of Skiel Yusei Fudo
Meklord Army of Wisel Yusei Fudo
Meklord Astro Dragon Asterisk Yusei Fudo
Meklord Astro Mekanikle Yusei Fudo
Meklord Emperor Granel Yusei Fudo
Meklord Emperor Skiel Yusei Fudo
Meklord Emperor Wisel Yusei Fudo
Meklord Factory Yusei Fudo
Meklord Fortress Yusei Fudo
Mektimed Blast Yusei Fudo
Melchid the Four-Face Beast Joey Wheeler
Meliae of the Trees Yuya Sakaki
Melodious Illusion Zuzu Boyle
Melomelody the Brass Djinn Yuma Tsukumo
Meltiel, Sage of the Sky Bakura
Memories of Hope Soulburner
Memory Crush King Akiza Izinski
Memory Crusher Jaden Yuki
Memory Loss Yuma Tsukumo
Memory of an Adversary Grandpa Muto
Mental Seeker Akiza Izinski
Meotoko Chazz Princeton
Merciful Machine Angel Soulburner
Merlin Quinton
Mermaid Archer Shark
Mermaid Knight Mai Valentine
Mermaid Shark Shark
Mermail Abyssalacia Blue Angel
Mermail Abyssbalaen Shark
Mermail Abyssdine Shark
Name Location
Mermail Abyssgaios Shark
Mermail Abyssgunde Shark
Mermail Abysshilde Shark
Mermail Abyssleed Shark
Mermail Abysslinde Shark
Mermail Abysslung Shark
Mermail Abyssmander Shark
Mermail Abyssmegalo Shark
Mermail Abyssnerei Shark
Mermail Abyssnose Shark
Mermail Abyssocea Shark
Mermail Abysspike Shark
Mermail Abyssteus Shark
Mermail Abysstrite Shark
Mermail Abyssturge Shark
Mesmeric Control Seto Kaiba
Message in a Bottle Kite Tenjo
Messenger of Peace Leo/Luna
Metabo Globster Tetsu Trudge
Metabo-Shark Shark
Metaion, the Timelord Akiza Izinski
Metal Armored Bug Joey Wheeler
Metal Detector Bakura
Metal Dragon Alexis Rhodes
Metal Fish Shark
Metal Guardian Bakura
Metal Reflect Slime Bakura
Metal Shooter Syrus Truesdale
Metalfoes Adamante Zuzu Boyle
Metalfoes Combination Zuzu Boyle
Metalfoes Counter Zuzu Boyle
Metalfoes Crimsonite Zuzu Boyle
Metalfoes Fusion Zuzu Boyle
Metalfoes Goldriver Zuzu Boyle
Metalfoes Mithrilium Zuzu Boyle
Metalfoes Orichalc Zuzu Boyle
Metalfoes Silverd Zuzu Boyle
Metalfoes Steelen Zuzu Boyle
Metalfoes Volflame Zuzu Boyle
Metalhold the Moving Blockade Yugi
Metallizing Parasite – Lunatite Chazz Princeton
Metallizing Parasite – Soltite Chazz Princeton
Metalmorph Joey Wheeler
Metalrokket Dragon Playmaker
Metalsilver Armor Alexis Rhodes
Metaltron XII, the True Dracombatant Declan Akaba
Metalzoa Joey Wheeler
Name Location
Metamorformation Zuzu Boyle
Metamorphortress Yugi
Metamorphosed Insect Queen Mai Valentine
Metamorphosis Alexis Rhodes
Metaphys Armed Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Metaphys Ascension Yuya Sakaki
Metaphys Daedalus Yuya Sakaki
Metaphys Decoy Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Metaphys Dimension Yuya Sakaki
Metaphys Executor Yuya Sakaki
Metaphys Factor Yuya Sakaki
Metaphys Horus Yuya Sakaki
Metaphys Nephthys Yuya Sakaki
Metaphys Ragnarok Yuya Sakaki
Metaphys Tyrant Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Metaverse Yuya Sakaki
Meteor B. Dragon Joey Wheeler
Meteor Black Comet Dragon Joey Wheeler
Meteor Dragon Joey Wheeler
Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact Joey Wheeler
Meteor Flare Yusei Fudo
Meteor of Destruction Grandpa Muto
Meteorain Alexis Rhodes
Metrognome Declan Akaba
Mezuki Bakura
Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn Akiza Izinski
Michion, the Timelord Akiza Izinski
Michizure Grandpa Muto
Micro Coder Ai
Micro Ray Syrus Truesdale
Mid Shield Gardna Jesse Anderson
Midnight Fiend Jaden Yuki
Mighty Guard Grandpa Muto
Mighty Warrior Yusei Fudo
Mikazukinoyaiba Crow
Mild Turkey Declan Akaba
Milla the Temporal Magician Cathy Katherine
Millennium Golem Grandpa Muto
Millennium Scorpion Jesse Anderson
Millennium Shield Grandpa Muto
Millennium-eyes Illusionist Bakura
Millennium-Eyes Restrict Bakura
Milus Radiant Grandpa Muto
Mimicat Bakura
Mimiclay Yuya Sakaki
Mimikuril Blue Angel
Mimimic Yuma Tsukumo
Name Location
Mimir of the Nordic Ascendant Crow
Minar Mai Valentine
Mind Control Mai Valentine
Mind Crush Seto Kaiba
Mind Drain Quinton
Mind Haxorz Jesse Anderson
Mind Master Akiza Izinski
Mind on Air Alexis Rhodes
Mind Over Matter Akiza Izinski
Mind Pollutant Shark
Mind Protector Akiza Izinski
Mind Trust Jack Atlas
Mind Wipe Jesse Anderson
Mine Golem Grandpa Muto
Mine Mole Jack Atlas
Minefield Eruption Grandpa Muto
Minefieldriller Crow
Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden Akiza Izinski
Minerva, Scholar of the Sky Bakura
Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn Akiza Izinski
Mini-Guts Yuma Tsukumo
Miniaturize Bastion
Miniborrel Dragon Playmaker
Minoan Centaur Cathy Katherine
Minomushi Warrior Tetsu Trudge
Minor Goblin Official Bakura
Mira the Star-Bearer Yuma Tsukumo
Miracle Contact Jaden Yuki
Miracle Dig Shark
Miracle Fertilizer Akiza Izinski
Miracle Flipper Yuya Sakaki
Miracle Fusion Jaden Yuki
Miracle Jurassic Egg Bastion
Miracle Kids Jaden Yuki
Miracle Locus Yusei Fudo
Miracle Restoring Yugi
Miracle Stone Varis
Miracle Synchro Fusion Yusei Fudo
Miracle's Wake Yuya Sakaki
Miraculous Descent Cathy Katherine
Miraculous Rebirth Tetsu Trudge
Mirage Dragon Chazz Princeton
Mirage Knight Yugi
Mirage of Nightmare Seto Kaiba
Mirage Tube Jesse Anderson
Mirror Force Seto Kaiba
Mirror Force Dragon Seto Kaiba
Name Location
Mirror Force Launcher Seto Kaiba
Mirror Gate Jaden Yuki
Mirror Ladybug Yusei Fudo
Mirror Mail Yuma Tsukumo
Mirror of Oaths Akiza Izinski
Mirror of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Mirror of Yata Chazz Princeton
Mirror Resonator Jack Atlas
Mirror Wall Mai Valentine
Misairuzame Grandpa Muto
Miscellaneousaurus Bastion
Mischief of the Gnomes Zuzu Boyle
Mischief of the Time Goddess Blue Angel
Mischief of the Yokai Cathy Katherine
Misfortune Jaden Yuki
Mispolymerization Bastion
Missing Force Cathy Katherine
Missus Radiant Grandpa Muto
Mist Archfiend Alexis Rhodes
Mist Bird Clausolas Crow
Mist Body Jaden Yuki
Mist Condor Crow
Mist Valley Apex Avian Crow
Mist Valley Baby Roc Crow
Mist Valley Executor Crow
Mist Valley Falcon Crow
Mist Valley Shaman Crow
Mist Valley Soldier Crow
Mist Valley Thunder Lord Crow
Mist Valley Thunderbird Crow
Mist Valley Watcher Crow
Mist Valley Windmaster Crow
Mist Wurm Leo/Luna
Mistake Yuya Sakaki
Mistaken Accusation Zuzu Boyle
Mistaken Arrest Zuzu Boyle
Mistar Boy Grandpa Muto
Mithra the Thunder Vassal Declan Akaba
Mixeroid Syrus Truesdale
Moai Interceptor Cannons Syrus Truesdale
Mobius the Frost Monarch Declan Akaba
Mobius the Mega Monarch Declan Akaba
Mogmole Yuma Tsukumo
Moisture Creature Grandpa Muto
Moja Bastion
Mokey Mokey Bastion
Mokey Mokey King Bastion
Name Location
Mokey Mokey Smackdown Bastion
Molten Behemoth Bakura
Molten Conduction Field Crow
Molten Destruction Grandpa Muto
Molten Whirlwind Wall Crow
Molten Zombie Bakura
Molting Escape Akiza Izinski
Mon Larvas Mai Valentine
Monk Fighter Mai Valentine
Monk of the Tenyi Blue Angel
Mono Synchron Yusei Fudo
Monoceros Jack Atlas
Monster Egg Alexis Rhodes
Monster Eye Alexis Rhodes
Monster Gate Jesse Anderson
Monster Rebone Jesse Anderson
Monster Reborn Yugi
Monster Reborn Reborn Seto Kaiba
Monster Recovery Seto Kaiba
Monster Reincarnation Yugi
Monster Slots Yuma Tsukumo
Monster Tamer Grandpa Muto
Monstrous Bird Mai Valentine
Monsturtle Shark
Montage Dragon Leo/Luna
Moon Dance Ritual Quinton
Moon Dragon Quilla Yusei Fudo
Moon Envoy Akiza Izinski
Moon Mirror Shield Zuzu Boyle
Moonlit Papillon Kite Tenjo
Mooyan Curry Mai Valentine
Morale Boost Mai Valentine
Moray of Greed Shark
Mordschlag Varis
Morgan, the Enchantress of Avalon Varis
Morinphen Syrus Truesdale
Mormolith Bastion
Morphing Jar Bakura
Morphing Jar #2 Bakura
Morpho Butterspy Kite Tenjo
Morphtransition Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Accelerator Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Bind Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Boarden Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Boomboxen Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Cameran Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Celfon Leo/Luna
Name Location
Morphtronic Clocken Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Cord Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Datatron Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Engine Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Forcefield Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Lantron Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Magnen Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Magnen Bar Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Map Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Mix-Up Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Monitron Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Radion Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Remoten Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Repair Unit Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Rusty Engine Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Scopen Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Slingen Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Smartfon Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Staplen Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Vacuumen Leo/Luna
Morphtronic Videon Leo/Luna
Morphtronics, Scramble! Leo/Luna
Mosaic Manticore Grandpa Muto
Mother Grizzly Grandpa Muto
Mother Spider Yusei Fudo
Motivating Captain Quinton
Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord Bastion
Mound of the Bound Creator Bakura
Mount Sylvania Shay
Mountain Mai Valentine
Mountain Warrior Mai Valentine
Mozarta the Melodious Maestra Zuzu Boyle
Mr. Volcano Crow
Ms. Judge Seto Kaiba
Mucus Yolk Leo/Luna
Muddy Mudragon Varis
Mudora Seto Kaiba
Mudragon of the Swamp Zuzu Boyle
Muka Muka Bakura
Muko Bastion
Multiple Destruction Bakura
Multiple Piece Golem Jack Atlas
Multiplication of Ants Mai Valentine
Multiply Yugi
Murmur of the Forest Quinton
Musakani Magatama Tetsu Trudge
Muscle Medic Yuma Tsukumo
Name Location
Muse-A Grandpa Muto
Mushroom Man Grandpa Muto
Mushroom Man #2 Grandpa Muto
Musician King Alexis Rhodes
Mustering of the Dark Scorpions Alexis Rhodes
Musto, Oracle of Gusto Akiza Izinski
Mutant Mindmaster Syrus Truesdale
Mutually Affured Destruction Blue Angel
Muzurhythm the String Djinn Yuma Tsukumo
My Body As A Shield Joey Wheeler
Mysterious Guard Grandpa Muto
Mysterious Puppeteer Grandpa Muto
Mysterious Triangle Tetsu Trudge
Mystery Hand Shark
Mystery Shell Dragon Gong Strong
Mystic Box Yugi
Mystic Clown Seto Kaiba
Mystic Horseman Seto Kaiba
Mystic Lamp Alexis Rhodes
Mystic Macrocarpa Seed Crow
Mystic Mine Blue Angel
Mystic Piper Yusei Fudo
Mystic Plasma Zone Grandpa Muto
Mystic Probe Bakura
Mystic Swordsman LV2 Chazz Princeton
Mystic Swordsman LV4 Chazz Princeton
Mystic Swordsman LV6 Chazz Princeton
Mystic Tomato Grandpa Muto
Mystical Beast of Serket Seto Kaiba
Mystical Capture Chain Chazz Princeton
Mystical Cards of Light Akiza Izinski
Mystical Elf Yugi
Mystical Fairy Elfuria Cathy Katherine
Mystical Knight of Jackal Seto Kaiba
Mystical Moon Mai Valentine
Mystical Refpanel Quinton
Mystical Sand Alexis Rhodes
Mystical Sheep #1 Bastion
Mystical Sheep #2 Bastion
Mystical Shine Ball Bakura
Mystical Space Typhoon Yugi
Mystical Wind Typhoon Tetsu Trudge
Mystik Wok Jesse Anderson
Mystrick Hulder Yusei Fudo
Mythic Tree Dragon Kite Tenjo
Mythic Water Dragon Kite Tenjo
Mythical Beast Bashilisk Declan Akaba
Name Location
Mythical Beast Cerberus Yugi
Mythical Beast Garuda Declan Akaba
Mythical Beast Jackal Declan Akaba
Mythical Beast Jackal King Declan Akaba
Mythical Beast Master Cerberus Declan Akaba
Mythical Beast Medusa Declan Akaba
Mythical Bestiamorph Declan Akaba
Mythical Bestiary Declan Akaba
Mythical Institution Yugi
Naelshaddoll Ariel Ai
Nagel's Protection Playmaker
Naglfar, Generaider Boss of Fire Ai
Nanobreaker Jaden Yuki
Narrow Pass Chazz Princeton
Natural Disaster Syrus Truesdale
Natural Tune Leo/Luna
Nature's Reflection Akiza Izinski
Naturia Antjaw Crow
Naturia Bamboo Shoot Crow
Naturia Barkion Crow
Naturia Beans Crow
Naturia Beast Crow
Naturia Beetle Crow
Naturia Butterfly Crow
Naturia Cherries Crow
Naturia Cliff Crow
Naturia Cosmobeet Crow
Naturia Dragonfly Crow
Naturia Eggplant Crow
Naturia Exterio Crow
Naturia Forest Crow
Naturia Fruitfly Crow
Naturia Gaiastrio Crow
Naturia Guardian Crow
Naturia Horneedle Crow
Naturia Hydrangea Crow
Naturia Ladybug Crow
Naturia Landoise Crow
Naturia Leodrake Crow
Naturia Mantis Crow
Naturia Marron Crow
Naturia Mosquito Crow
Naturia Pineapple Crow
Naturia Pumpkin Crow
Naturia Ragweed Crow
Naturia Rock Crow
Naturia Rosewhip Crow
Name Location
Naturia Sacred Tree Crow
Naturia Spiderfang Crow
Naturia Stag Beetle Crow
Naturia Stinkbug Crow
Naturia Strawberry Crow
Naturia Sunflower Crow
Naturia Tulip Crow
Naturia Vein Crow
Naturia White Oak Crow
Nebula Dragon Soulburner
Neck Hunter Grandpa Muto
Necklace of Command Jesse Anderson
Necro Defender Yusei Fudo
Necro Fleur Akiza Izinski
Necro Fusion Jaden Yuki
Necro Gardna Jaden Yuki
Necro Linker Akiza Izinski
Necroface Bakura
Necroid Synchro Yusei Fudo
Necrolancer the Time-lord Akiza Izinski
Necrovalley Grandpa Muto
Necrovalley Temple Grandpa Muto
Necrovalley Throne Grandpa Muto
Necroworld Banshee Bakura
Needle Ball Mai Valentine
Needle Burrower Chazz Princeton
Needle Ceiling Grandpa Muto
Needle Soldier Crow
Needle Sunfish Shark
Needle Wall Chazz Princeton
Needle Worm Mai Valentine
Needlebug Nest Bakura
Nefarious Archfiend Eater of Nefariousness Bakura
Nega-Ton Corepanel Jesse Anderson
Negate Attack Grandpa Muto
Neko Mane King Bastion
Nekogal #1 Joey Wheeler
Nekogal #2 Joey Wheeler
Nekroz Cycle Alexis Rhodes
Nekroz Kaleidoscope Alexis Rhodes
Nekroz Mirror Alexis Rhodes
Nekroz of Brionac Alexis Rhodes
Nekroz of Catastor Alexis Rhodes
Nekroz of Clausolas Alexis Rhodes
Nekroz of Decisive Armor Alexis Rhodes
Nekroz of Gungnir Alexis Rhodes
Nekroz of Sophia Alexis Rhodes
Name Location
Nekroz of Trishula Alexis Rhodes
Nekroz of Unicore Alexis Rhodes
Nekroz of Valkyrus Alexis Rhodes
Nemuriko Mai Valentine
Neo Aqua Madoor Bakura
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Seto Kaiba
Neo Bug Quinton
Neo Flamvell Garuda Jack Atlas
Neo Flamvell Hedgehog Jack Atlas
Neo Flamvell Lady Soulburner
Neo Flamvell Origin Jack Atlas
Neo Flamvell Sabre Jack Atlas
Neo Flamvell Shaman Jack Atlas
Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon Kite Tenjo
Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon Kite Tenjo
Neo Kaiser Glider Blue Angel
Neo Space Jaden Yuki
Neo Space Connector Soulburner
Neo Space Pathfinder Jaden Yuki
Neo Super Quantal Mech King Blaster Magna Varis
Neo the Magic Swordsman Joey Wheeler
Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin Bakura
Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird Jaden Yuki
Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin Jaden Yuki
Neo-Spacian Dark Panther Jaden Yuki
Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab Jaden Yuki
Neo-Spacian Glow Moss Jaden Yuki
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole Jaden Yuki
Neo-Spacian Marine Dolphin Jaden Yuki
Neo-Spacian Twinkle Moss Jaden Yuki
Neos Force Jaden Yuki
Neos Fusion Soulburner
Neos Wiseman Jaden Yuki
Nephe Shaddoll Fusion Jesse Anderson
Nephthys, the Sacred Flame Yuya Sakaki
Nephthys, the Sacred Preserver Yuya Sakaki
Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince Shark
Nettles Leo/Luna
Network Trap Hole Shay
Neutron Blast Seto Kaiba
Newdoria Bakura
NEX Jaden Yuki
NEXT Soulburner
Next to be Lost Syrus Truesdale
Nibiru, the Primal Being Ai
Nidhogg, Generaider Boss of Ice Ai
Night Assailant Yusei Fudo
Name Location
Night Beam Yuma Tsukumo
Night Dragolich Leo/Luna
Night Express Knight Cathy Katherine
Night Lizard Jaden Yuki
Night Papilloperative Kite Tenjo
Night Wing Sorceress Yusei Fudo
Night's End Sorcerer Tetsu Trudge
Nightmare Archfiends Bakura
Nightmare Horse Bastion
Nightmare Penguin Shark
Nightmare Scorpion Grandpa Muto
Nightmare Wheel Bakura
Nightmare's Steelcage Seto Kaiba
Nikitama Chazz Princeton
Nimble Angler Shark
Nimble Beaver Shark
Nimble Manta Shark
Nimble Momonga Jack Atlas
Nimble Musasabi Jack Atlas
Nimble Sunfish Shark
Nin-Ken Dog Quinton
Nine Pillars of Yang Zing Jack Atlas
Nine-Tailed Fox Blue Angel
Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior Playmaker
Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo Shay
Ninja Grandmaster Saizo Blue Angel
Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke Shay
Ninjitsu Art Notebook Shay
Ninjitsu Art of Decoy Shay
Ninjitsu Art of Duplication Shay
Ninjitsu Art of Mirage-Transformation Blue Angel
Ninjitsu Art of Shadow Sealing Shay
Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation Shay
Ninjitsu Art of Transformation Shay
Nirvana High Paladin Yuma Tsukumo
Nitro Synchron Yusei Fudo
Nitro Unit Jesse Anderson
Nitro Warrior Yusei Fudo
Nitwit Outwit Yuma Tsukumo
Niwatori Alexis Rhodes
No Entry!! Tetsu Trudge
Noble Arms of Destiny Quinton
Noble Arms – Arfeudutyr Quinton
Noble Arms – Caliburn Quinton
Noble Arms – Clarent Varis
Noble Arms – Excaliburn Quinton
Noble Arms – Gallatin Quinton
Name Location
Noble Knight Artorigus Quinton
Noble Knight Bedwyr Quinton
Noble Knight Borz Quinton
Noble Knight Brothers Quinton
Noble Knight Custennin Varis
Noble Knight Drystan Quinton
Noble Knight Eachtar Quinton
Noble Knight Gawayn Quinton
Noble Knight Gwalchavad Quinton
Noble Knight Iyvanne Varis
Noble Knight Joan Quinton
Noble Knight Medraut Quinton
Noble Knight Pellinore Varis
Noble Knight Peredur Quinton
Noble Knights of the Round Table Quinton
Nobledragon Magician Yuya Sakaki
Nobleman of Crossout Bakura
Nobleman of Extermination Bakura
Nobleman-Eater Bug Bakura
Noisy Gnat Leo/Luna
Nomadic Force Cathy Katherine
Non Aggression Area Quinton
Non-fusion Area Alexis Rhodes
Non-Spellcasting Area Alexis Rhodes
Nopenguin Shark
Nordic Relic Brisingamen Crow
Nordic Relic Draupnir Crow
Nordic Relic Gungnir Crow
Nordic Relic Laevateinn Crow
Nordic Relic Megingjord Crow
Norito the Moral Leader Quinton
Nova Summoner Bakura
Novox's Prayer Joey Wheeler
Nubian Guard Cathy Katherine
Number 100: Numeron Dragon Yuma Tsukumo
Number 101: Silent Honor ARK Yuma Tsukumo
Number 102: Star Seraph Sentry Kite Tenjo
Number 103: Ragnazero Kite Tenjo
Number 104: Masquerade Kite Tenjo
Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus Shark
Number 106: Giant Hand Shark
Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon Kite Tenjo
Number 10: Illumiknight Yuma Tsukumo
Number 11: Big Eye Yuma Tsukumo
Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja Shay
Number 13: Embodiment of Crime Yuma Tsukumo
Number 14: Greedy Sarameya Shark
Name Location
Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder Quinton
Number 16: Shock Master Yuma Tsukumo
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon Shark
Number 18: Heraldry Patriarch Kite Tenjo
Number 19: Freezadon Yuma Tsukumo
Number 20: Giga-Brilliant Yuma Tsukumo
Number 21: Frozen Lady Justice Shark
Number 22: Zombiestein Shark
Number 23: Lancelot, Dark Knight of the Underworld Quinton
Number 24: Dragulas the Vampiric Dragon Shark
Number 25: Force Focus Yuma Tsukumo
Number 26: Spaceway Octobypass Soulburner
Number 27: Dreadnought Dreadnoid Cathy Katherine
Number 28: Titanic Moth Shark
Number 29: Mannequin Cat Soulburner
Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction Yuma Tsukumo
Number 31: Embodiment of Punishment Yuma Tsukumo
Number 32: Shark Drake Shark
Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech Quinton
Number 34: Terror-Byte Shark
Number 35: Ravenous Tarantula Shark
Number 36: Chronomaly Chateau Huyuk Quinton
Number 37: Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark Shark
Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy Kite Tenjo
Number 39: Utopia Yuma Tsukumo
Number 39: Utopia Beyond Yuma Tsukumo
Number 39: Utopia Double Soulburner
Number 39: Utopia Roots Yuma Tsukumo
Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings Quinton
Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir Yuma Tsukumo
Number 42: Galaxy Tomahawk Kite Tenjo
Number 43: Manipulator of Souls Quinton
Number 44: Sky Pegasus Yuma Tsukumo
Number 45: Crumble Logos the Prophet of Demolition Shark
Number 46: Dragluon Kite Tenjo
Number 47: Nightmare Shark Shark
Number 48: Shadow Lich Yuma Tsukumo
Number 49: Fortune Tune Yuma Tsukumo
Number 50: Blackship of Corn Yuma Tsukumo
Number 51: Finisher the Strong Arm Shark
Number 52: Diamond Crab King Kite Tenjo
Number 53: Heart-eartH Kite Tenjo
Number 54: Lion Heart Yuma Tsukumo
Number 55: Gogogo Goliath Yuma Tsukumo
Number 56: Gold Rat Yuma Tsukumo
Number 57: Tri-Head Dust Dragon Yuma Tsukumo
Number 58: Burner Visor Kite Tenjo
Name Location
Number 59: Crooked Cook Shark
Number 5: Doom Chimera Dragon Soulburner
Number 60: Dugares the Timeless Soulburner
Number 61: Volcasaurus Yuma Tsukumo
Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon Kite Tenjo
Number 63: Shamoji Soldier Yuma Tsukumo
Number 64: Ronin Raccoon Sandayu Cathy Katherine
Number 65: Djinn Buster Yuma Tsukumo
Number 66: Master Key Beetle Yuma Tsukumo
Number 67: Pair-a-Dice Smasher Yuma Tsukumo
Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison Yuma Tsukumo
Number 69: Heraldry Crest Kite Tenjo
Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis Quinton
Number 70: Malevolent Sin Shark
Number 71: Rebarian Shark Shark
Number 72: Shogi Rook Shark
Number 73: Abyss Splash Shark
Number 74: Master of Blades Yuma Tsukumo
Number 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow Shark
Number 76: Harmonizer Gradielle Soulburner
Number 77: The Seven Sins Shark
Number 78: Number Archive Shark
Number 79: Battlin' Boxer Nova Kaiser Shark
Number 7: Lucky Straight Cathy Katherine
Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk Kite Tenjo
Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora Cathy Katherine
Number 82: Heartlandraco Yuma Tsukumo
Number 83: Galaxy Queen Cathy Katherine
Number 84: Pain Gainer Shark
Number 85: Crazy Box Yuma Tsukumo
Number 86: Heroic Champion – Rhongomyniad Quinton
Number 87: Queen of the Night Yuma Tsukumo
Number 88: Gimmick Puppet of Leo Quinton
Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage Kite Tenjo
Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord Kite Tenjo
Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon Quinton
Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon Kite Tenjo
Number 93: Utopia Kaiser Soulburner
Number 94: Crystalzero Shark
Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon Kite Tenjo
Number 96: Dark Mist Quinton
Number 97: Draglubion Soulburner
Number 98: Antitopian Yuma Tsukumo
Number 99: Utopic Dragon Yuma Tsukumo
Number 9: Dyson Sphere Quinton
Number C101: Silent Honor DARK Yuma Tsukumo
Number C102: Archfiend Seraph Kite Tenjo
Name Location
Number C103: Ragnafinity Kite Tenjo
Number C104: Umbral Horror Masquerade Kite Tenjo
Number C105: Battlin' Boxer Comet Cestus Shark
Number C106: Giant Red Hand Shark
Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon Kite Tenjo
Number C15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Hunter Quinton
Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss Shark
Number C39: Utopia Ray Yuma Tsukumo
Number C39: Utopia Ray V Yuma Tsukumo
Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory Yuma Tsukumo
Number C40: Gimmick Puppet of Dark Strings Quinton
Number C43: High Manipulator of Chaos Quinton
Number C5: Chaos Chimera Dragon Yuma Tsukumo
Number C65: King Overfiend Yuma Tsukumo
Number C69: Heraldry Crest of Horror Kite Tenjo
Number C6: Chronomaly Chaos Atlandis Quinton
Number C73: Abyss Supra Splash Shark
Number C80: Requiem In Berserk Kite Tenjo
Number C88: Gimmick Puppet Disaster Leo Quinton
Number C92: Heart-eartH Chaos Dragon Kite Tenjo
Number C96: Dark Storm Quinton
Number C9: Chaos Dyson Sphere Quinton
Number F0: Utopic Future Yuma Tsukumo
Number F0: Utopic Future Slash Soulburner
Number S0: Utopic ZEXAL Yuma Tsukumo
Number S39: Utopia Prime Yuma Tsukumo
Number S39: Utopia the Lightning Yuma Tsukumo
Number Wall Yuma Tsukumo
Number XX: Utopic Dark Infinity Soulburner
Numbers Overlay Boost Yuma Tsukumo
Numbing Grub In The Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Numen erat Testudo Cathy Katherine
Numeral Hunter Kite Tenjo
Numinous Healer Joey Wheeler
Nurse Dragonmaid Ai
Nutrient Z Yusei Fudo
Nuvia the Wicked Seto Kaiba
O – Oversoul Jaden Yuki
Oafdragon Magician Yuya Sakaki
Oasis of Dragon Souls Leo/Luna
Oath of Companionship Yuya Sakaki
Obedience Schooled Crow
Obelisk the Tormentor Seto Kaiba
Obese Marmot of Nefariousness Grandpa Muto
Obliterate!!! Yugi
Obnoxious Celtic Guard Joey Wheeler
Oboro-Guruma, the Wheeled Mayakashi Jack Atlas
Name Location
Obsessive Uvualoop Varis
Obsidian Dragon Jesse Anderson
Ocean Dragon Lord – Neo-Daedalus Mai Valentine
Ocean's Keeper Shark
Octoberser Grandpa Muto
Ocubeam Alexis Rhodes
Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon Soulburner
Odd-Eyes Advent Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Fusion Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Phantasma Dragon Soulburner
Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Venom Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Odd-Eyes Wing Dragon Soulburner
Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon Soulburner
Odin's Eye Crow
Odin, Father of the Aesir Crow
Offering to the Immortals Yusei Fudo
Offering to the Snake Deity Jesse Anderson
Offerings to the Doomed Seto Kaiba
Ogre of the Black Shadow Yuma Tsukumo
Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow Jack Atlas
Oh F!sh! Shark
Oh Tokenbaum! Yuma Tsukumo
Oilman Seto Kaiba
Ojama Black Chazz Princeton
Ojama Blue Chazz Princeton
Ojama Country Chazz Princeton
Ojama Delta Hurricane!! Chazz Princeton
Ojama Duo Chazz Princeton
Ojama Emperor Blue Angel
Ojama Green Chazz Princeton
Ojama King Chazz Princeton
Ojama Knight Chazz Princeton
Ojama Pajama Chazz Princeton
Name Location
Ojama Red Chazz Princeton
Ojama Trio Chazz Princeton
Ojama Yellow Chazz Princeton
Ojamagic Chazz Princeton
Ojamassimilation Chazz Princeton
Ojamatch Chazz Princeton
Ojamuscle Chazz Princeton
Old Entity Cthugua Declan Akaba
Old Entity Hastorr Declan Akaba
Old Mind Ai
Old Vindictive Magician Yugi
Omega Goggles Leo/Luna
Omega Summon Zuzu Boyle
Ominous Fortunetelling Syrus Truesdale
Omni Dragon Brotaur Blue Angel
One Day of Peace Quinton
One for One Yusei Fudo
One Who Hunts Souls Grandpa Muto
One-Eyed Shield Dragon Alexis Rhodes
One-Eyed Skill Gainer Yuma Tsukumo
One-Shot Wand Yuma Tsukumo
One-Time Passcode Playmaker
Oni Tank T-34 Leo/Luna
Oni-gami Combo Yuya Sakaki
Onikuji Crow
Onomatopaira Yuma Tsukumo
Onomatopia Yuma Tsukumo
Onomatopickup Soulburner
Onslaught of the Fire Kings Cathy Katherine
Ooguchi Grandpa Muto
Ookazi Grandpa Muto
Oops! Gong Strong
Opera the Melodious Diva Zuzu Boyle
Oppressed People Alexis Rhodes
Opti-Camouflage Armor Grandpa Muto
Opticlops Shark
Option Hunter Syrus Truesdale
Oracle of the Herald Seto Kaiba
Oracle of the Sun Yusei Fudo
Oracle of Zefra Declan Akaba
Orb of Yasaka Chazz Princeton
Orbital 7 Kite Tenjo
Orbital Bombardment Tetsu Trudge
Orbital Hydralander Jesse Anderson
Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness Mai Valentine
Orcust Brass Bombard Playmaker
Orcust Crescendo Varis
Name Location
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton Playmaker
Orcust Harp Horror Playmaker
Orcust Knightmare Varis
Orcustrated Attack Playmaker
Orcustrated Babel Playmaker
Orcustrated Core Playmaker
Orcustrated Einsatz Playmaker
Orcustrated Release Varis
Orcustrated Return Playmaker
Orcustrion Playmaker
Ordeal of a Traveler Grandpa Muto
Order to Charge Alexis Rhodes
Order to Smash Alexis Rhodes
Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter Shay
Orgoth the Relentless Joey Wheeler
Orichalcos Shunoros Mai Valentine
Orient Dragon Leo/Luna
Orion the Battle King Grandpa Muto
Oscillo Hero Jaden Yuki
Oshaleon Tetsu Trudge
Ostinato Zuzu Boyle
Otherworld – The "A" Zone Tetsu Trudge
Otohime Chazz Princeton
Out of the Blue Quinton
Outer Entity Azathot Declan Akaba
Outer Entity Nyarla Declan Akaba
Outrigger Extension Ai
Outstanding Dog Marron Chazz Princeton
Over Capacity Chazz Princeton
Over Destiny Jaden Yuki
Over Limit Alexis Rhodes
Overburst Dragon Varis
Overdone Burial Akiza Izinski
Overdoom Line Akiza Izinski
Overdrive Cathy Katherine
Overdrive Teleporter Akiza Izinski
Overflow Dragon Blue Angel
Overlay Booster Kite Tenjo
Overlay Capture Kite Tenjo
Overlay Eater Yuma Tsukumo
Overlay Owl Yuma Tsukumo
Overlay Regen Kite Tenjo
Overlay Sentinel Kite Tenjo
Overload Fusion Syrus Truesdale
Overmind Archfiend Akiza Izinski
Overpowering Eye Bakura
Overtex Qoatlus Cathy Katherine
Name Location
Overwhelm Bakura
Overwind Quinton
Overworked Leo/Luna
Owner's Seal Jesse Anderson
Oxygeddon Bastion
Oyster Meister Leo/Luna
P.M. Captor Declan Akaba
Pacifis, the Phantasm City Leo/Luna
Packet Link Playmaker
Packet Swap Varis
Pahunder Quinton
Pain Painter Tetsu Trudge
Painful Choice Chazz Princeton
Painful Decision Chazz Princeton
Painful Escape Chazz Princeton
Painful Return Chazz Princeton
Pair Cycroid Syrus Truesdale
Palace of the Elemental Lords Bastion
Paladin of Dark Dragon Joey Wheeler
Paladin of Felgrand Kite Tenjo
Paladin of Photon Dragon Kite Tenjo
Paladin of Storm Dragon Playmaker
Paladin of the Cursed Dragon Jack Atlas
Paladin of White Dragon Seto Kaiba
Pale Beast Crow
Paleozoic Anomalocaris Shay
Paleozoic Canadia Shay
Paleozoic Dinomischus Shay
Paleozoic Eldonia Shay
Paleozoic Hallucigenia Shay
Paleozoic Leanchoilia Shay
Paleozoic Marrella Shay
Paleozoic Olenoides Shay
Paleozoic Opabinia Shay
Paleozoic Pikaia Shay
Palladium Oracle Mahad Declan Akaba
Palladium Oracle Mana Blue Angel
Pandaborg Akiza Izinski
Pandemic Dragon Seto Kaiba
Pandemonium Alexis Rhodes
Pandemonium Watchbear Bakura
Pandora's Jewelry Box Declan Akaba
Pantheism of the Monarchs Declan Akaba
Panther Shark Shark
Panther Warrior Joey Wheeler
Panzer Dragon Alexis Rhodes
Papa-Corn Yuma Tsukumo
Name Location
Paradox Fusion Jaden Yuki
Parallel Panzer Grandpa Muto
Parallel Port Armor Playmaker
Parallel Selection Akiza Izinski
Parallel Twister Bakura
Parallel World Fusion Jaden Yuki
Paralyzing Chain Tetsu Trudge
Paralyzing Potion Syrus Truesdale
Parasite Paracide Mai Valentine
Parasite Paranoid Mai Valentine
Parasitic Ticky Jaden Yuki
Parlor Dragonmaid Ai
Parrot Dragon Kite Tenjo
Parry Syrus Truesdale
Parry Knights Quinton
Parsec, the Interstellar Dragon Kite Tenjo
Parthian Shot Alexis Rhodes
Particle Fusion Zuzu Boyle
Past Image Akiza Izinski
Patchwork Fluffal Zuzu Boyle
Patrician of Darkness Seto Kaiba
Patroid Syrus Truesdale
Patrol Robo Tetsu Trudge
Peaceful Burial Blue Angel
Peacock Crow
Peeking Goblin Bakura
Pegasus Wing Blue Angel
Penalty Game! Jesse Anderson
Pendulum Area Gong Strong
Pendulum Back Yuya Sakaki
Pendulum Call Yuya Sakaki
Pendulum Dimension Soulburner
Pendulum Fusion Zuzu Boyle
Pendulum Hault Soulburner
Pendulum Hole Declan Akaba
Pendulum Impenetrable Declan Akaba
Pendulum Machine Joey Wheeler
Pendulum Paradox Declan Akaba
Pendulum Reborn Declan Akaba
Pendulum Rising Yuya Sakaki
Pendulum Shift Yuya Sakaki
Pendulum Storm Gong Strong
Pendulum Switch Yuya Sakaki
Pendulumucho Yuya Sakaki
Penguin Knight Shark
Penguin Soldier Shark
Pentestag Playmaker
Name Location
Penumbral Soldier Lady Jesse Anderson
People Running About Alexis Rhodes
Perditious Puppeteer Quinton
Perfect Machine King Joey Wheeler
Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth Mai Valentine
Perform Puppet Soulburner
Performage Damage Juggler Yuya Sakaki
Performage Flame Eater Yuya Sakaki
Performage Hat Tricker Yuya Sakaki
Performage Mirror Conductor Yuya Sakaki
Performage Plushfire Yuya Sakaki
Performage Stilts Launcher Yuya Sakaki
Performage Trapeze Magician Yuya Sakaki
Performage Trick Clown Yuya Sakaki
Performance Hurricane Yuya Sakaki
Performance of Sword Joey Wheeler
Performapal Ballad Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Barracuda Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Bit Bite Turtle Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Bot-Eyes Lizard Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Bowhopper Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Bubblebowwow Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Call Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Camelump Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Card Gardna Soulburner
Performapal Celestial Magician Soulburner
Performapal Changeraffe Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Cheermole Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Clay Breaker Soulburner
Performapal Coin Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Corn Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Dag Daggerman Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Dramatic Theater Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Drummerilla Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Elephammer Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Extra Slinger Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Fire Mufflerlion Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Fireflux Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Five-Rainbow Magician Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Flip Hippo Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Friendonkey Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Gatlinghoul Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Gold Fang Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Gongato Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Guitartle Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Gumgumouton Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Handsamuraiger Yuya Sakaki
Name Location
Performapal Handstandaccoon Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Helpprincess Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Hip Hippo Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Inflater Tapir Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Kaleidoscorp Yuya Sakaki
Performapal King Bear Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Kuribohble Soulburner
Performapal Laugh Maker Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Lebellman Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Life Swordsman Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Lizardraw Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Longphone Bull Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Momoncarpet Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Monkeyboard Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw Soulburner
Performapal Odd-Eyes Minitaurus Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Parrotrio Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Partnaga Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Pinch Helper Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Popperup Soulburner
Performapal Radish Horse Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Rain Goat Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Recasting Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Revival Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Revue Dancer Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Salutiger Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Seal Eel Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Secondonkey Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Sellshell Crab Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Show Down Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Silver Claw Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Skeeter Skimmer Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Skullcrobat Joker Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Sky Magician Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Sky Pupil Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Sleight Hand Magician Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Smile Sorcerer Soulburner
Performapal Spikeagle Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Splashmammoth Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Springoose Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Stamp Turtle Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Swincobra Yuya Sakaki
Name Location
Performapal Sword Fish Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Teeter Totter Hopper Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Thunderhino Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Trampolynx Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Trump Girl Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Trump Witch Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Trumpanda Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Turn Toad Yuya Sakaki
Performapal U Go Golem Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Uni Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Whim Witch Yuya Sakaki
Performapal Whip Snake Yuya Sakaki
Peropero Cerperus Zuzu Boyle
Personal Spoofing Playmaker
Pestilence Tetsu Trudge
Peten the Dark Clown Seto Kaiba
Petit Angel Chazz Princeton
Petit Dragon Chazz Princeton
Petit Moth Mai Valentine
Petiteranodon Bastion
Phalanx Pike Syrus Truesdale
Phantasm Emperor Trilojig Varis
Phantasm Spiral Assault Leo/Luna
Phantasm Spiral Battle Leo/Luna
Phantasm Spiral Crash Leo/Luna
Phantasm Spiral Dragon Leo/Luna
Phantasm Spiral Grip Leo/Luna
Phantasm Spiral Power Leo/Luna
Phantasm Spiral Wave Leo/Luna
Phantasmal Lord Ultimitl Bishbaalkin Yusei Fudo
Phantasmal Martyrs Jaden Yuki
Phantom Beast Cross-Wing Chazz Princeton
Phantom Beast Rock-Lizard Chazz Princeton
Phantom Beast Thunder-Pegasus Chazz Princeton
Phantom Beast Wild-Horn Chazz Princeton
Phantom Bounzer Kite Tenjo
Phantom Cricket Syrus Truesdale
Phantom Dewan Declan Akaba
Phantom Dragon Tetsu Trudge
Phantom Dragonray Bronto Alexis Rhodes
Phantom Fortress Enterblathnir Yuya Sakaki
Phantom Ghost Bakura
Phantom Gryphon Declan Akaba
Phantom Hand Jack Atlas
Phantom King Hydride Jack Atlas
Phantom Knights' Fog Blade Shay
Phantom Knights' Spear Shay
Name Location
Phantom Knights' Sword Shay
Phantom Knights' Wing Shay
Phantom Magician Jaden Yuki
Phantom of Chaos Jaden Yuki
Phantom Skyblaster Bakura
Pharaoh's Servant Yugi
Pharaoh's Treasure Yugi
Pharaonic Protector Yugi
Phoenix Beast Gairuda Cathy Katherine
Phoenix Gearfried Alexis Rhodes
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast Mai Valentine
Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis Akiza Izinski
Phoenixian Seed Akiza Izinski
Phonon Pulse Dragon Jack Atlas
Phosphorage the Elemental Lord Bastion
Photon Advancer Soulburner
Photon Alexandra Queen Kite Tenjo
Photon Booster Kite Tenjo
Photon Caesar Kite Tenjo
Photon Cerberus Kite Tenjo
Photon Change Kite Tenjo
Photon Chargeman Kite Tenjo
Photon Circle Kite Tenjo
Photon Crusher Kite Tenjo
Photon Current Kite Tenjo
Photon Generator Unit Syrus Truesdale
Photon Hand Kite Tenjo
Photon Lead Kite Tenjo
Photon Leo Kite Tenjo
Photon Lizard Kite Tenjo
Photon Orbital Kite Tenjo
Photon Papilloperative Kite Tenjo
Photon Pirate Kite Tenjo
Photon Sabre Tiger Kite Tenjo
Photon Sanctuary Kite Tenjo
Photon Satellite Kite Tenjo
Photon Slasher Kite Tenjo
Photon Stream of Destruction Kite Tenjo
Photon Strike Bounzer Kite Tenjo
Photon Thrasher Kite Tenjo
Photon Trident Kite Tenjo
Photon Vanisher Kite Tenjo
Photon Veil Kite Tenjo
Photon Wyvern Kite Tenjo
Physical Double Chazz Princeton
Pianissimo Zuzu Boyle
Piercing Moray Shark
Name Location
Pikari @Ignister Ai
Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment Mai Valentine
Pikeru's Second Sight Mai Valentine
Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Pilgrim Reaper Yuya Sakaki
Pilica, Descendant of Gusto Akiza Izinski
Pinch Hopper Mai Valentine
Pineapple Blast Cathy Katherine
Pinecono Yuma Tsukumo
Pinpoint Guard Yuma Tsukumo
Pinpoint Landing Soulburner
Piranha Army Shark
Pitch-Black Power Stone Yugi
Pitch-Black Warwolf Chazz Princeton
Pitch-Dark Dragon Seto Kaiba
Pixie Knight Joey Wheeler
Pixie Ring Leo/Luna
Plague Wolf Syrus Truesdale
Plaguespreader Zombie Tetsu Trudge
Planckton Yuma Tsukumo
Planet Pathfinder Quinton
Planet Pollutant Virus Tetsu Trudge
Plant Food Chain Akiza Izinski
Plasma Ball Kite Tenjo
Platinum Gadget Blue Angel
Playful Possum Jack Atlas
Poison Chain Leo/Luna
Poison Draw Frog Bastion
Poison Fangs Bastion
Poison Mummy Seto Kaiba
Poison of the Old Man Akiza Izinski
Poisonous Winds Quinton
Poki Draco Kite Tenjo
Pollinosis Akiza Izinski
Poly-Chemicritter Dioxogre Shay
Poly-Chemicritter Hydragon Shay
Polymerization Alexis Rhodes
Pop-Up Yuya Sakaki
Portable Battery Pack Jack Atlas
Poseidon Wave Shark
Poseidra, the Atlantean Dragon Shark
Possessed Dark Soul Bastion
Pot of Acquisitiveness Chazz Princeton
Pot of Avarice Leo/Luna
Pot of Benevolence Jack Atlas
Pot of Desires Yuma Tsukumo
Pot of Dichotomy Yuya Sakaki
Name Location
Pot of Duality Grandpa Muto
Pot of Extravagance Blue Angel
Pot of Generosity Cathy Katherine
Pot of Greed Bakura
Pot of Riches Yuya Sakaki
Pot of The Forbidden Declan Akaba
Pot the Trick Crow
Power Angel Valkyria Bakura
Power Bond Syrus Truesdale
Power Break Leo/Luna
Power Breaker Jack Atlas
Power Capsule Jack Atlas
Power Filter Leo/Luna
Power Frame Yusei Fudo
Power Giant Jack Atlas
Power Injector Akiza Izinski
Power Invader Jack Atlas
Power of Kaishin Mai Valentine
Power of the Guardians Declan Akaba
Power Pickaxe Leo/Luna
Power Supplier Jack Atlas
Power Tool Dragon Leo/Luna
Power Tool Mecha Dragon Leo/Luna
Power Wall Syrus Truesdale
Power-Up Adapter Leo/Luna
Powercode Talker Playmaker
Powered Inzektron Kite Tenjo
Powered Tuner Leo/Luna
Powerful Rebirth Jack Atlas
Powersink Stone Jesse Anderson
Pragtical Mai Valentine
Prank-Kids Battle Butler Chazz Princeton
Prank-Kids Bow-Wow-Bark Chazz Princeton
Prank-Kids Dodo-Doodle-Doo Chazz Princeton
Prank-Kids Dropsies Chazz Princeton
Prank-Kids Fansies Chazz Princeton
Prank-Kids Lampsies Chazz Princeton
Prank-Kids Pandemonium Chazz Princeton
Prank-Kids Place Chazz Princeton
Prank-Kids Plan Chazz Princeton
Prank-Kids Pranks Chazz Princeton
Prank-Kids Rip-Roarin-Roaster Chazz Princeton
Prank-Kids Rocket Ride Chazz Princeton
Prank-Kids Rocksies Varis
Prank-Kids Weather Washer Chazz Princeton
Pre-Preparation of Rites Declan Akaba
Precious Cards from Beyond Bakura
Name Location
Predaplanet Zuzu Boyle
Predaplanning Soulburner
Predaplant Banksiogre Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Chimerafflesia Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Chlamydosundew Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Cordyceps Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Dragostapelia Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Flytrap Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Heliamphorhynchus Soulburner
Predaplant Moray Nepenthes Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Pterapenthes Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Sarraceniant Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Spider Orchid Soulburner
Predaplant Spinodionaea Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Squid Drosera Zuzu Boyle
Predaplant Triphyoverutum Soulburner
Predaplant Verte Anaconda Soulburner
Predaplast Zuzu Boyle
Predaponics Zuzu Boyle
Predapractice Soulburner
Predaprime Fusion Soulburner
Predapruning Zuzu Boyle
Prediction Princess Arrowsylph Gong Strong
Prediction Princess Astromorrigan Gong Strong
Prediction Princess Coinorma Gong Strong
Prediction Princess Crystaldine Gong Strong
Prediction Princess Petalelf Gong Strong
Prediction Princess Tarotrei Gong Strong
Prediction Ritual Gong Strong
Premature Burial Akiza Izinski
Premature Return Chazz Princeton
Preparation of Rites Joey Wheeler
Prepare to Strike Back Yusei Fudo
Present Card Syrus Truesdale
Prevent Rat Leo/Luna
Prevention Star Yusei Fudo
Prickle Fairy Mai Valentine
Pride of the Weak Tetsu Trudge
Prideful Roar Jack Atlas
Priestess with Eyes of Blue Seto Kaiba
Primal Cry Joey Wheeler
Primal Seed Yugi
Primathmech Alembertian Ai
Primathmech Laplacian Ai
Name Location
Prime Material Dragon Seto Kaiba
Prime Material Falcon Crow
Primineral Kongreat Soulburner
Primitive Butterfly Kite Tenjo
Primordial Soup Cathy Katherine
Princess Cologne Cathy Katherine
Princess Curran Mai Valentine
Princess of Tsurugi Chazz Princeton
Princess Pikeru Mai Valentine
Prinzessin Seto Kaiba
Prior of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Prisman Grandpa Muto
Progleo Ai
Prohibit Snake Ai
Prohibition Joey Wheeler
Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman Yugi
Prometeor, the Burning Star Soulburner
Prometheus, King of the Shadows Bakura
Prominence Hand Shark
Prominence, Molten Swordsman Crow
Prompthorn Playmaker
Proof of Powerlessness Bakura
Prophecy Destroyer Yuma Tsukumo
Protective Soul Ailin Chazz Princeton
Protector of the Sanctuary Cathy Katherine
Protector of the Throne Leo/Luna
Protector Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman Blue Angel
Protector with Eyes of Blue Seto Kaiba
Proto-Cyber Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Protocol Gardna Ai
Proton Blast Joey Wheeler
Protron Playmaker
Proxy Dragon Playmaker
Pseudo Space Jaden Yuki
Psi-Beast Akiza Izinski
Psi-Blocker Akiza Izinski
Psi-Curse Akiza Izinski
Psi-Impulse Akiza Izinski
Psi-Reflector Varis
Psi-Station Akiza Izinski
PSY-Frame Accelerator Gong Strong
PSY-Frame Circuit Gong Strong
PSY-Frame Driver Gong Strong
PSY-Frame Multi-Threader Gong Strong
PSY-Frame Overload Gong Strong
PSY-Framegear Alpha Gong Strong
PSY-Framegear Beta Gong Strong
Name Location
PSY-Framegear Delta Gong Strong
PSY-Framegear Epsilon Gong Strong
PSY-Framegear Gamma Gong Strong
PSY-Framelord Lambda Varis
PSY-Framelord Omega Gong Strong
PSY-Framelord Zeta Gong Strong
Psychic Ace Akiza Izinski
Psychic Blade Gong Strong
Psychic Commander Akiza Izinski
Psychic Emperor Akiza Izinski
Psychic Feel Zone Akiza Izinski
Psychic Fervor Soulburner
Psychic Jumper Akiza Izinski
Psychic Kappa Mai Valentine
Psychic Lifetrancer Akiza Izinski
Psychic Nightmare Akiza Izinski
Psychic Overload Akiza Izinski
Psychic Path Akiza Izinski
Psychic Reactor Akiza Izinski
Psychic Rejuvenation Akiza Izinski
Psychic Shockwave Joey Wheeler
Psychic Snail Akiza Izinski
Psychic Soul Akiza Izinski
Psychic Sword Akiza Izinski
Psychic Tracker Soulburner
Psychic Trigger Akiza Izinski
Psychic Tuning Akiza Izinski
Psychic Wheeleder Soulburner
Psychokinesis Akiza Izinski
Pulao, Wind of the Yang Zing Jack Atlas
Pulling the Rug Syrus Truesdale
Pulse Mines Playmaker
Pumpkin Carriage Seto Kaiba
Pumpking the King of Ghosts Bakura
Pumprincess the Princess of Ghosts Bakura
Punch-in-the-Box Yuya Sakaki
Punished Eagle Alexis Rhodes
Punishment Dragon Akiza Izinski
Puny Penguin Shark
Puppet King Bakura
Puppet Master Bakura
Puppet Parade Soulburner
Puppet Plant Yuya Sakaki
Puppet Ritual Quinton
Puralis, the Purple Pyrotile Jack Atlas
Purge Ray Yuma Tsukumo
Purple Poison Magician Yuya Sakaki
Name Location
Pursuit Chaser Tetsu Trudge
Purushaddoll Aeon Jesse Anderson
Putrid Pudding Body Buddies Zuzu Boyle
Puzzle Reborn Yuma Tsukumo
Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter Varis
Pyramid Energy Yugi
Pyramid of Light Yugi
Pyramid of Wonders Syrus Truesdale
Pyramid Turtle Bakura
Pyro Clock of Destiny Chazz Princeton
Pyrorex the Elemental Lord Bastion
Pyrotech Mech – Shiryu Cathy Katherine
Pyroxene Fusion Zuzu Boyle
Qadshaddoll Keios Ai
Qlife's End Declan Akaba
Qlimate Change Declan Akaba
Qliphort Carrier Declan Akaba
Qliphort Cephalopod Declan Akaba
Qliphort Disk Declan Akaba
Qliphort Genius Declan Akaba
Qliphort Helix Declan Akaba
Qliphort Monolith Declan Akaba
Qliphort Scout Declan Akaba
Qliphort Shell Declan Akaba
Qliphort Stealth Declan Akaba
Qlipper Launch Declan Akaba
Quadborrel Dragon Varis
Quaking Mirror Force Gong Strong
Quantum Cat Yuya Sakaki
Quarantine Shay
Queen Angel of Roses Akiza Izinski
Queen Bird Mai Valentine
Queen Dragun Djinn Kite Tenjo
Queen of Autumn Leaves Akiza Izinski
Queen of Thorns Akiza Izinski
Queen's Bodyguard Chazz Princeton
Queen's Double Alexis Rhodes
Queen's Knight Yugi
Queen's Pawn Mai Valentine
Question Chazz Princeton
Quick Booster Shark
Quick Charger Jack Atlas
Quick Launch Playmaker
Quick-Span Knight Tetsu Trudge
Quickdraw Synchron Yusei Fudo
Quiet Life Yuya Sakaki
Quill Pen of Gulldos Akiza Izinski
Name Location
Quillbolt Hedgehog Yusei Fudo
Quintet Magician Blue Angel
R – Righteous Justice Jaden Yuki
R-Genex Accelerator Leo/Luna
R-Genex Crusher Leo/Luna
R-Genex Magma Leo/Luna
R-Genex Oracle Leo/Luna
R-Genex Overseer Leo/Luna
R-Genex Turbo Leo/Luna
R-Genex Ultimum Leo/Luna
Ra's Disciple Bakura
Rabid Horseman Seto Kaiba
Rabidragon Seto Kaiba
Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju Declan Akaba
Radiant Jeral Bakura
Radiant Mirror Force Syrus Truesdale
Radiant Spirit Jesse Anderson
Radius, the Half-Moon Dragon Kite Tenjo
Rafale, Champion Fur Hire Gong Strong
Rafflesia Seduction Akiza Izinski
Rage of Kairyu-Shin Mai Valentine
Rage of the Deep Sea Shark
Rage with Eyes of Blue Seto Kaiba
Raging Cloudian Syrus Truesdale
Raging Earth Jesse Anderson
Raging Eria Bastion
Raging Flame Sprite Grandpa Muto
Raging Mad Plants Akiza Izinski
Rai Rider Yuma Tsukumo
Rai-Jin Tetsu Trudge
Rai-Mei Tetsu Trudge
Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn Akiza Izinski
Raidraptor Replica Shay
Raidraptor – Arsenal Falcon Soulburner
Raidraptor – Avenge Vulture Shay
Raidraptor – Blade Burner Falcon Shay
Raidraptor – Blaze Falcon Shay
Raidraptor – Booster Strix Shay
Raidraptor – Call Shay
Raidraptor – Fiend Eagle Shay
Raidraptor – Final Fortress Falcon Shay
Raidraptor – Force Strix Shay
Raidraptor – Fuzzy Lanius Shay
Raidraptor – Last Strix Shay
Raidraptor – Mimicry Lanius Shay
Raidraptor – Napalm Dragonius Shay
Raidraptor – Necro Vulture Shay
Name Location
Raidraptor – Nest Quinton
Raidraptor – Pain Lanius Shay
Raidraptor – Readiness Quinton
Raidraptor – Return Shay
Raidraptor – Revolution Falcon Shay
Raidraptor – Revolution Falcon – Air Raid Soulburner
Raidraptor – Rise Falcon Quinton
Raidraptor – Rudder Strix Shay
Raidraptor – Satellite Cannon Falcon Shay
Raidraptor – Sharp Lanius Shay
Raidraptor – Singing Lanius Shay
Raidraptor – Skull Eagle Shay
Raidraptor – Stranger Falcon Shay
Raidraptor – Tribute Lanius Shay
Raidraptor – Ultimate Falcon Shay
Raidraptor – Vanishing Lanius Quinton
Raidraptor – Wild Vulture Shay
Raidraptor – Wise Strix Soulburner
Raigeki Grandpa Muto
Raigeki Bottle Quinton
Raigeki Break Grandpa Muto
Raimei Grandpa Muto
Rain Bozu Soulburner
Rain of Mercy Mai Valentine
Rain Storm Syrus Truesdale
Rainbow Bridge Jesse Anderson
Rainbow Dark Dragon Jesse Anderson
Rainbow Dragon Jesse Anderson
Rainbow Flower Grandpa Muto
Rainbow Gravity Jesse Anderson
Rainbow Kuriboh Yuma Tsukumo
Rainbow Life Jesse Anderson
Rainbow Marine Mermaid Crow
Rainbow Neos Jaden Yuki
Rainbow Overdragon Jesse Anderson
Rainbow Path Jesse Anderson
Rainbow Refraction Jesse Anderson
Rainbow Veil Jesse Anderson
Raise Body Heat Mai Valentine
Raiza the Mega Monarch Declan Akaba
Raiza the Storm Monarch Declan Akaba
Rallis the Star Bird Crow
RAM Clouder Playmaker
Rampaging Rhynos Tetsu Trudge
Rank-Down-Magic Numeron Fall Yuma Tsukumo
Rank-Up-Magic Admiration of the Thousands Yuma Tsukumo
Rank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos Force Quinton
Name Location
Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Kite Tenjo
Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force Kite Tenjo
Rank-Up-Magic Cipher Ascension Kite Tenjo
Rank-Up-Magic Doom Double Force Shay
Rank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force Yuma Tsukumo
Rank-Up-Magic Numeron Force Yuma Tsukumo
Rank-Up-Magic Quick Chaos Yuma Tsukumo
Rank-Up-Magic Raid Force Shay
Rank-Up-Magic Raptor's Force Shay
Rank-Up-Magic Revolution Force Shay
Rank-Up-Magic Skip Force Shay
Rank-Up-Magic Soul Shave Force Shay
Rank-Up-Magic – The Seventh One Shark
Ranryu Blue Angel
Raphion, the Timelord Akiza Izinski
Rapid Trigger Varis
Rapid Warrior Yusei Fudo
Rapid-Fire Magician Yugi
Raptor Wing Strike Crow
Raptor's Gust Shay
Raptor's Ultimate Mace Shay
Rare Fish Alexis Rhodes
Rare Metal Dragon Jesse Anderson
Rare Metalmorph Syrus Truesdale
Rare Value Jesse Anderson
Raregold Armor Alexis Rhodes
Raremetalfoes Bismugear Zuzu Boyle
Rasetsu Chazz Princeton
Rasterliger Ai
Raviel, Lord of Phantasms Jaden Yuki
Ray & Temperature Declan Akaba
Ray of Hope Syrus Truesdale
Razor Lizard Syrus Truesdale
Re-Cover Yuya Sakaki
Re-dyce-cle Gong Strong
Re-Fusion Jaden Yuki
Re-Qliate Declan Akaba
Re: EX Bastion
Reactan, Dragon Ruler of Pebbles Shark
Ready For Intercepting Bastion
Really Eternal Rest Syrus Truesdale
Realm of Danger! Ai
Realm of Light Akiza Izinski
Reanimation Wave Jack Atlas
Reaper of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
Reaper of the Cards Bakura
Reaper on the Nightmare Bastion
Name Location
Reaper Scythe – Dreadscythe Mai Valentine
Reasoning Chazz Princeton
Rebellion Cathy Katherine
Rebirth of Nephthys Yuya Sakaki
Rebirth of Parshath Bakura
Reboot Yusei Fudo
Reborn Tengu Yuya Sakaki
Reborn Zombie Chazz Princeton
Rebound Shark
Recall Kite Tenjo
Recardination Gong Strong
Reckless Greed Crow
Reckoned Power Jesse Anderson
Recoded Alive Playmaker
Recon, Scout Fur Hire Gong Strong
Recovery Sorcerer Playmaker
Recurring Nightmare Kite Tenjo
Recycle Chazz Princeton
Recycling Batteries Jack Atlas
Red Archery Girl Seto Kaiba
Red Blossoms from Underroot Soulburner
Red Carpet Jack Atlas
Red Cocoon Jack Atlas
Red Dragon Archfiend Jack Atlas
Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode Jack Atlas
Red Dragon Ninja Shay
Red Dragon Vase Jack Atlas
Red Duston Cathy Katherine
Red Gadget Yugi
Red Gardna Jack Atlas
Red Hared Hasty Horse Akiza Izinski
Red Medicine Mai Valentine
Red Mirror Jack Atlas
Red Nova Jack Atlas
Red Nova Dragon Jack Atlas
Red Ogre Bastion
Red Reboot Playmaker
Red Resonator Jack Atlas
Red Rising Dragon Varis
Red Rose Dragon Varis
Red Screen Jack Atlas
Red Sparrow Summoner Yuya Sakaki
Red Sprinter Jack Atlas
Red Supremacy Jack Atlas
Red Warg Jack Atlas
Red Wyvern Jack Atlas
Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon Blue Angel
Name Location
Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes B. Dragon Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Baby Dragon Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Burn Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Fang with Chain Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Fusion Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Insight Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Retro Dragon Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Slash Dragon Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Spirit Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Toon Dragon Bakura
Red-Eyes Transmigration Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Wyvern Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Joey Wheeler
Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon Joey Wheeler
Red-Headed Oni Quinton
Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders Shark
Reed Butterfly Crow
Reese the Ice Mistress Tetsu Trudge
Reeshaddoll Wendi Ai
Reeze, Whirlwind of Gusto Akiza Izinski
Reflect Bounder Joey Wheeler
Reflection of Endymion Blue Angel
Regenerating Mummy Jesse Anderson
Regenerating Rose Akiza Izinski
Regretful Rebirth Tetsu Trudge
Regulus Leo/Luna
Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World Bastion
Reinforce Truth Yusei Fudo
Reinforced Human Psychic Borg Akiza Izinski
Reinforced Space Kite Tenjo
Reinforcement of the Army Grandpa Muto
Reinforcements Mai Valentine
Reject Reborn Jack Atlas
Rekindling Jack Atlas
Relay Soul Yuya Sakaki
Release from Stone Bastion
Release Restraint Joey Wheeler
Release Restraint Wave Yusei Fudo
Release, Reverse, Burst Yuma Tsukumo
Relieve Monster Chazz Princeton
Name Location
Relinkuriboh Shay
Relinquished Bakura
Relinquished Anima Blue Angel
Relinquished Fusion Bakura
Relinquished Spider Yusei Fudo
Reload Jaden Yuki
Remote Rebirth Playmaker
Remote Revenge Leo/Luna
Remove Brainwashing Tetsu Trudge
Remove Trap Grandpa Muto
Renewal of the World Joey Wheeler
Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World Bastion
Reprodocus Grandpa Muto
Reptilianne Gardna Akiza Izinski
Reptilianne Gorgon Akiza Izinski
Reptilianne Hydra Akiza Izinski
Reptilianne Medusa Akiza Izinski
Reptilianne Naga Akiza Izinski
Reptilianne Poison Akiza Izinski
Reptilianne Rage Akiza Izinski
Reptilianne Scylla Akiza Izinski
Reptilianne Servant Akiza Izinski
Reptilianne Spawn Akiza Izinski
Reptilianne Vaskii Akiza Izinski
Reptilianne Viper Akiza Izinski
Reptilliane Echidna Soulburner
Reptilliane Lamia Soulburner
Rescue Cat Cathy Katherine
Rescue Ferret Grandpa Muto
Rescue Hamster Yuya Sakaki
Rescue Interlacer Ai
Rescue Rabbit Zuzu Boyle
Rescue Warrior Yusei Fudo
Rescueroid Syrus Truesdale
Resh Shaddoll Incarnation Ai
Reshef the Dark Being Joey Wheeler
Resonance Device Quinton
Resonance Insect Mai Valentine
Resonant Destruction Jack Atlas
Resonator Call Jack Atlas
Resonator Engine Jack Atlas
Respect Play Quinton
Restoration of the Monarchs Declan Akaba
Restoration Point Guard Playmaker
Restructer Revolution Grandpa Muto
Resurgam Xyz Soulburner
Resurrection of Chakra Joey Wheeler
Name Location
Retaliating "C" Zuzu Boyle
Retort Jesse Anderson
Return Syrus Truesdale
Return from the Different Dimension Chazz Princeton
Return of the Doomed Seto Kaiba
Return of the Dragon Lords Kite Tenjo
Return of the Monarchs Declan Akaba
Return of the Red-Eyes Joey Wheeler
Return of the Six Samurai Tetsu Trudge
Return of the Zombies Jack Atlas
Return Soul Syrus Truesdale
Return Zombie Chazz Princeton
Revendread Evolution Playmaker
Revendread Executor Playmaker
Revendread Origin Playmaker
Revendread Slayer Playmaker
Reversal of Fate Chazz Princeton
Reversal Quiz Yusei Fudo
Reverse Breaker Yuma Tsukumo
Reverse Buster Kite Tenjo
Reverse Glasses Yuma Tsukumo
Reverse of Neos Jaden Yuki
Reverse Reuse Gong Strong
Reverse Trap Yusei Fudo
Reversible Beetle Blue Angel
Revival Gift Jack Atlas
Revival Golem Bastion
Revival Jam Bakura
Revival of Dokurorider Joey Wheeler
Revival of the Immortals Yusei Fudo
Revival Rose Akiza Izinski
Revival Swarm Soulburner
Revived King Ha Des Tetsu Trudge
Revoke Fusion Alexis Rhodes
Revolving Switchyard Cathy Katherine
Rhaimundos of the Red Sword Alexis Rhodes
Rhinotaurus Jack Atlas
Ribbon of Rebirth Leo/Luna
Ride of the Valkyries Blue Angel
Rider of the Storm Winds Seto Kaiba
Right Arm of the Forbidden one Grandpa Muto
Right Leg of the Forbidden One Grandpa Muto
Righty Driver Varis
Rigorous Reaver Bastion
Ring of Defense Chazz Princeton
Ring of Destruction Seto Kaiba
Ring of Magnetism Jaden Yuki
Name Location
Rinyan, Lightsworn Rogue Akiza Izinski
Riryoku Seto Kaiba
Riryoku Field Bastion
Rise of the Salamangreat Playmaker
Rise of the Snake Deity Jesse Anderson
Rise to Full Height Zuzu Boyle
Risebell the Star Adjuster Leo/Luna
Risebell the Star Psycher Akiza Izinski
Risebell the Summoner Gong Strong
Rising Air Current Grandpa Muto
Rising Energy Jaden Yuki
Rising Fire Soulburner
Rising Sun Slash Yuma Tsukumo
Rite of Spirit Grandpa Muto
Ritual Beast Ambush Syrus Truesdale
Ritual Beast Return Syrus Truesdale
Ritual Beast Steeds Syrus Truesdale
Ritual Beast Tamer Elder Syrus Truesdale
Ritual Beast Tamer Lara Syrus Truesdale
Ritual Beast Tamer Wen Syrus Truesdale
Ritual Beast Tamer Zeframpilica Declan Akaba
Ritual Beast Tamer Zefrawendi Declan Akaba
Ritual Beast Ulti-Apelio Syrus Truesdale
Ritual Beast Ulti-Cannahawk Syrus Truesdale
Ritual Beast Ulti-Gaiapelio Syrus Truesdale
Ritual Beast Ulti-Kimunfalcos Syrus Truesdale
Ritual Beast Ulti-Pettlephin Syrus Truesdale
Ritual Beast's Bond Syrus Truesdale
Ritual Buster Joey Wheeler
Ritual Cage Joey Wheeler
Ritual Foregone Joey Wheeler
Ritual of Destruction Joey Wheeler
Ritual of Grace Joey Wheeler
Ritual Raven Joey Wheeler
Ritual Sanctuary Joey Wheeler
Ritual Sealing Joey Wheeler
Ritual Weapon Joey Wheeler
Rivalry of Warlords Grandpa Muto
Road Synchron Yusei Fudo
Road Warrior Yusei Fudo
Roar of the Earthbound Yusei Fudo
Roaring Earth Leo/Luna
Roaring Ocean Snake Alexis Rhodes
Robbin' Goblin Grandpa Muto
Robbin' Zombie Bakura
RoboLady Alexis Rhodes
Robot Buster Destruction Sword Yugi
Name Location
Robotic Knight Syrus Truesdale
Roboyarou Alexis Rhodes
Roc from the Valley of Haze Jesse Anderson
Rock Bombardment Bastion
Rock Ogre Grotto #1 Grandpa Muto
Rock Ogre Grotto #2 Grandpa Muto
Rock Spirit Grandpa Muto
Rocket Arrow Express Cathy Katherine
Rocket Hand Bakura
Rocket Hermos Cannon Joey Wheeler
Rocket Jumper Syrus Truesdale
Rocket Pilder Leo/Luna
Rocket Warrior Joey Wheeler
Rockstone Warrior Yusei Fudo
Rod of Silence – Kay'est Mai Valentine
Rod of the Mind's Eye Mai Valentine
Rodenut Yuma Tsukumo
Rogue Doll Bakura
Rogue of Endymion Blue Angel
Rokket Recharger Varis
Rokket Synchron Varis
Rokket Tracer Varis
Roll Out! Chazz Princeton
ROM Cloudia Playmaker
Ronintoadin Bastion
Root Water Shark
Rope of Life Bakura
Rosaria, the Stately Fallen Angel Akiza Izinski
Rose Archer Akiza Izinski
Rose Bell of Revelation Varis
Rose Bud Jaden Yuki
Rose Fairy Akiza Izinski
Rose Lover Akiza Izinski
Rose Paladin Akiza Izinski
Rose Spectre of Dunn Yugi
Rose Tentacles Akiza Izinski
Rose Witch Akiza Izinski
Rose, Warrior of Revenge Akiza Izinski
Roulette Barrel Joey Wheeler
Roulette Spider Joey Wheeler
Royal Command Joey Wheeler
Royal Decree Bakura
Royal Firestorm Guards Syrus Truesdale
Royal Guard Quinton
Royal Keeper Seto Kaiba
Royal Knight Tetsu Trudge
Royal Knight of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Name Location
Royal Magical Library Yugi
Royal Oppression Joey Wheeler
Royal Prison Cathy Katherine
Royal Surrender Jesse Anderson
Royal Swamp Eel Shark
Royal Tribute Grandpa Muto
Royal Writ of Taxation Tetsu Trudge
Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Shay
Rude Kaiser Seto Kaiba
Ruffian Railcar Cathy Katherine
Ruin, Angel of Oblivion Joey Wheeler
Ruin, Queen of Oblivion Joey Wheeler
Ruin, Supreme Queen of Oblivion Joey Wheeler
Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords Kite Tenjo
Runaway Karakuri Tetsu Trudge
Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Yuya Sakaki
Rush Recklessly Bastion
Rush Warrior Yusei Fudo
Ruthless Denial Syrus Truesdale
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter Akiza Izinski
Ryko, Twilightsworn Fighter Akiza Izinski
Ryu Kokki Chazz Princeton
Ryu Okami Gong Strong
Ryu Senshi Bastion
Ryu-Kishin Seto Kaiba
Ryu-Kishin Clown Seto Kaiba
Ryu-Kishin Powered Seto Kaiba
Ryu-Ran Seto Kaiba
Saambell the Summoner Cathy Katherine
Sabatiel – The Philosopher's Stone Jaden Yuki
Saber Beetle Mai Valentine
Saber Hole Gong Strong
Saber Reflection Gong Strong
Saber Shark Shark
Saber Slash Gong Strong
Saber Vault Gong Strong
Sabersaurus Bastion
Sacred Arch-Airknight Parshath Bakura
Sacred Crane Chazz Princeton
Sacred Noble Knight of King Artorigus Quinton
Sacred Noble Knight of King Custennin Varis
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys Yuya Sakaki
Sacred Serpent's Wake Yuya Sakaki
Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Sacred Sword of Seven Stars Seto Kaiba
Sadion, the Timelord Akiza Izinski
Safe Zone Kite Tenjo
Name Location
Saffira, Queen of Dragons Joey Wheeler
Sage of Silence Syrus Truesdale
Sage of Stillness Syrus Truesdale
Sage with Eyes of Blue Seto Kaiba
Sage's Stone Yugi
Saggi the Dark Clown Seto Kaiba
Sagitta, Maverick Fur Hire Gong Strong
Sakuretsu Armor Bastion
Salamandra Grandpa Muto
Salamangreat Almiraj Soulburner
Salamangreat Balelynx Soulburner
Salamangreat Beat Bison Soulburner
Salamangreat Burning Shell Soulburner
Salamangreat Circle Soulburner
Salamangreat Claw Soulburner
Salamangreat Coyote Soulburner
Salamangreat Emerald Eagle Playmaker
Salamangreat Falco Playmaker
Salamangreat Fennec Soulburner
Salamangreat Fowl Soulburner
Salamangreat Foxer Soulburner
Salamangreat Foxy Playmaker
Salamangreat Gazelle Soulburner
Salamangreat Gift Playmaker
Salamangreat Heatleo Playmaker
Salamangreat Jack Jaguar Playmaker
Salamangreat Meer Playmaker
Salamangreat Miragestallio Soulburner
Salamangreat Mole Soulburner
Salamangreat Parro Soulburner
Salamangreat Pyro Phoenix Soulburner
Salamangreat Raccoon Soulburner
Salamangreat Rage Soulburner
Salamangreat Recureance Soulburner
Salamangreat Roar Soulburner
Salamangreat Sanctuary Playmaker
Salamangreat Spinny Soulburner
Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf Soulburner
Salamangreat Transcendence Soulburner
Salamangreat Violet Chimera Soulburner
Salamangreat Wolvie Soulburner
Sales Pitch Blue Angel
Salvage Shark
Salvage Warrior Yusei Fudo
Salvagent Driver Playmaker
Samsara Joey Wheeler
Samsara Kaiser Leo/Luna
Name Location
Samsara Lotus Akiza Izinski
Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth Akiza Izinski
Samurai Cavalry of Reptier Gong Strong
Samurai Destroyer Gong Strong
Samurai of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Samurai Skull Bakura
Samurai Sword Baron Tetsu Trudge
Sand Gambler Yusei Fudo
Sand Moth Jaden Yuki
Sand Stone Grandpa Muto
Sandaion, the Timelord Akiza Izinski
Sanga of the Thunder Joey Wheeler
Sangan Bakura
Sanguine Swamp Tetsu Trudge
Santa Claws Cathy Katherine
Sanwitch Bakura
Saqlifice Declan Akaba
Sargasso Lighthouse Shark
Sargasso the D.D. Battlefield Shark
Saryuja Skull Dread Playmaker
Saryuja's Shackles Varis
Sasuke Samurai Chazz Princeton
Sasuke Samurai #2 Chazz Princeton
Sasuke Samurai #3 Chazz Princeton
Sasuke Samurai #4 Chazz Princeton
Satellarknight Alsahm Shay
Satellarknight Altair Shay
Satellarknight Betelgeuse Shay
Satellarknight Capella Shay
Satellarknight Deneb Shay
Satellarknight Procyon Shay
Satellarknight Rigel Shay
Satellarknight Sirius Shay
Satellarknight Skybridge Shay
Satellarknight Unukalhai Shay
Satellarknight Vega Shay
Satellarknight Zefrathuban Declan Akaba
Satellite Cannon Chazz Princeton
Satellite Synchron Varis
Satellite Warrior Varis
Sauravis, the Ancient and Ascended Joey Wheeler
Sauropod Brachion Bastion
Savage Colosseum Jaden Yuki
Scanner Leo/Luna
Scapeghost Chazz Princeton
Scapegoat Grandpa Muto
Scarlet Security Jack Atlas
Name Location
Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend Jack Atlas
Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Shay
Scarr, Scout of Dark World Bastion
Scarred Warrior Yusei Fudo
Scary Moth Mai Valentine
Schuberta the Melodious Maestra Zuzu Boyle
Schwarzschild Limit Dragon Kite Tenjo
Science Soldier Grandpa Muto
Score the Melodious Diva Zuzu Boyle
Scramble Egg Yusei Fudo
Scramble!! Scramble!! Quinton
Scrap Archfiend Gong Strong
Scrap Beast Gong Strong
Scrap Breaker Gong Strong
Scrap Chimera Gong Strong
Scrap Crash Gong Strong
Scrap Dragon Gong Strong
Scrap Factory Gong Strong
Scrap Fist Yusei Fudo
Scrap Goblin Gong Strong
Scrap Golem Gong Strong
Scrap Hunter Gong Strong
Scrap Kong Gong Strong
Scrap Lube Gong Strong
Scrap Mind Reader Gong Strong
Scrap Orthros Gong Strong
Scrap Rage Gong Strong
Scrap Recycler Gong Strong
Scrap Searcher Gong Strong
Scrap Shark Gong Strong
Scrap Sheen Gong Strong
Scrap Soldier Gong Strong
Scrap Twin Dragon Gong Strong
Scrap Worm Gong Strong
Scrap Wyvern Varis
Scrap-Iron Scarecrow Yusei Fudo
Scrap-Iron Signal Varis
Scrap-Iron Statue Yusei Fudo
Scrapstorm Gong Strong
Scrapyard Gong Strong
Scroll of Bewitchment Bastion
Scrounging Goblin Bakura
Scrubbed Raid Yusei Fudo
Scrum Force Grandpa Muto
Sea Archiver Playmaker
Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon Jack Atlas
Sea Dragoons of Draconia Declan Akaba
Name Location
Sea Kamen Alexis Rhodes
Sea King Dragon Shark
Sea Koala Bastion
Sea Lancer Shark
Sea Lord's Amulet Shark
Sea Monster of Theseus Zuzu Boyle
Sea Serpent Warrior of Darkness Chazz Princeton
Sea Stealth Attack Mai Valentine
Seal of the Ancients Akiza Izinski
Seal of Wickedness Jack Atlas
Seal, Strategist Fur Hire Gong Strong
Sealing Ceremony of Katon Jesse Anderson
Sealing Ceremony of Mokuton Jesse Anderson
Sealing Ceremony of Raiton Jesse Anderson
Sealing Ceremony of Suiton Jesse Anderson
Sealmaster Meisei Jesse Anderson
Search Striker Tetsu Trudge
Searchlightman Jaden Yuki
Searing Fire Wall Crow
Sebek's Blessing Seto Kaiba
Second Booster Yusei Fudo
Second Coin Toss Joey Wheeler
Second Expedition into Danger! Ai
Second Goblin Chazz Princeton
Secret Barrel Syrus Truesdale
Secret Blast Gong Strong
Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Secret Pass to the Treasures Grandpa Muto
Secret Sanctuary of the Spellcasters Yugi
Secret Sect Druid Dru Quinton
Secret Sect Druid Wid Quinton
Secret Six Samurai – Doji Tetsu Trudge
Secret Six Samurai – Fuma Tetsu Trudge
Secret Six Samurai – Genba Tetsu Trudge
Secret Six Samurai – Hatsume Tetsu Trudge
Secret Six Samurai – Kizaru Tetsu Trudge
Secret Six Samurai – Rihan Tetsu Trudge
Secret Skills of the Six Samurai Tetsu Trudge
Secret Village of the Spellcasters Yugi
Secrets of Dark Magic Blue Angel
Secrets of the Gallant Alexis Rhodes
Sectarian of Secrets Grandpa Muto
Secure Gardna Playmaker
Security Block Playmaker
Security Dragon Ai
Security Orb Tetsu Trudge
Seed Cannon Akiza Izinski
Name Location
Seed of Deception Akiza Izinski
Seed of Flame Akiza Izinski
Segmental Dragon Playmaker
Seismic Crasher Seto Kaiba
Seismic Shockwave Bastion
Seiyaryu Joey Wheeler
Sekka's Light Yuya Sakaki
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians Blue Angel
Self-Destruct Ant Quinton
Self-Destruct Button Yugi
Self-Mummification Kite Tenjo
Senet Switch Tetsu Trudge
Sengenjin Akiza Izinski
Senior Silver Ninja Shay
Senju of the Thousand Hands Joey Wheeler
Senri Eye Akiza Izinski
Sentence of Doom Blue Angel
Sentinel of the Seas Alexis Rhodes
Sentry Soldier of Stone Yugi
Sephylon, The Ultimate Timelord Akiza Izinski
Seraphim Papillion Varis
Serenade the Melodious Diva Zuzu Boyle
Serene Psychic Witch Akiza Izinski
Sergeant Electro Tetsu Trudge
Serial Spell Jesse Anderson
Serpent Marauder Chazz Princeton
Serpent Night Dragon Bakura
Serpent Suppression Akiza Izinski
Serpentine Princess Jesse Anderson
Servant of Catabolism Syrus Truesdale
Servant of Endymion Blue Angel
Serziel, Watcher of the Evil Eye Ai
Set Rotation Mai Valentine
Setuppercut Blue Angel
Seven Swords Warrior Tetsu Trudge
Seven Tools of the Bandit Bakura
Sextet Summon Ai
Shaddoll Beast Jesse Anderson
Shaddoll Construct Jesse Anderson
Shaddoll Core Jesse Anderson
Shaddoll Dragon Jesse Anderson
Shaddoll Falco Jesse Anderson
Shaddoll Fusion Jesse Anderson
Shaddoll Hedgehog Jesse Anderson
Shaddoll Hound Jesse Anderson
Shaddoll Squamata Jesse Anderson
Shaddoll Zefracore Declan Akaba
Name Location
Shaddoll Zefranaga Declan Akaba
Shadow Delver Alexis Rhodes
Shadow Ghoul Joey Wheeler
Shadow Impulse Yuya Sakaki
Shadow of Eyes Mai Valentine
Shadow of the Six Samurai – Shien Tetsu Trudge
Shadow Specter Crow
Shadow Spell Seto Kaiba
Shadow Tamer Bastion
Shadow Toon Bakura
Shadow Vampire Bastion
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror Jesse Anderson
Shadowknight Archfiend Alexis Rhodes
Shadowpriestess of Ohm Jesse Anderson
Shadowslayer Joey Wheeler
Shafu, the Wheeled Mayakashi Jack Atlas
Shaman of the Tenyi Blue Angel
Shapesister Yuya Sakaki
Shapesnatch Grandpa Muto
Shard of Greed Quinton
Share the Pain Crow
Shared Ride Yuya Sakaki
Shark Caesar Shark
Shark Cruiser Shark
Shark Fortress Shark
Shark Stickers Shark
Sharkraken Shark
Shattered Axe Jesse Anderson
Shelrokket Dragon Playmaker
Shiba-Warrior Taro Leo/Luna
Shield & Sword Joey Wheeler
Shield Crush Syrus Truesdale
Shield Handler Playmaker
Shield Spear Syrus Truesdale
Shield Warrior Yusei Fudo
Shield Wing Yusei Fudo
Shield Worm Mai Valentine
Shien's Advisor Tetsu Trudge
Shien's Castle of Mist Tetsu Trudge
Shien's Daredevil Tetsu Trudge
Shien's Dojo Tetsu Trudge
Shien's Footsoldier Tetsu Trudge
Shien's Scheme Tetsu Trudge
Shien's Smoke Signal Tetsu Trudge
Shien's Spy Tetsu Trudge
Shien's Squire Tetsu Trudge
Shift Yugi
Name Location
Shifting Shadows Cathy Katherine
Shinato's Ark Joey Wheeler
Shinato, King of a Higher Plane Joey Wheeler
Shine Knight Kite Tenjo
Shine Palace Grandpa Muto
Shining Abyss Mai Valentine
Shining Angel Grandpa Muto
Shining Draw Soulburner
Shining Elf Cathy Katherine
Shining Friendship Yugi
Shining Hope Road Yuma Tsukumo
Shining Silver Force Yusei Fudo
Shinobaron Peacock Chazz Princeton
Shinobaroness Peacock Chazz Princeton
Shinobi Necro Varis
Shinobird Crane Chazz Princeton
Shinobird Crow Chazz Princeton
Shinobird Pigeon Chazz Princeton
Shinobird Power Spot Chazz Princeton
Shinobird Salvation Chazz Princeton
Shinobird's Calling Chazz Princeton
Shiny Black "C" Jack Atlas
Shiny Black "C" Squadder Varis
Shiranui Samurai Gong Strong
Shiranui Samuraisaga Gong Strong
Shiranui Shogunsaga Gong Strong
Shiranui Skillsaga Supremacy Varis
Shiranui Smith Gong Strong
Shiranui Solitaire Gong Strong
Shiranui Spectralsword Gong Strong
Shiranui Spectralsword Shade Varis
Shiranui Spiritmaster Gong Strong
Shiranui Squire Varis
Shiranui Squiresaga Varis
Shiranui Style Samsara Gong Strong
Shiranui Style Solemnity Varis
Shiranui Style Success Varis
Shiranui Style Swallow's Slash Gong Strong
Shiranui Style Synthesis Gong Strong
Shiranui Sunsaga Gong Strong
Shiranui Swordmaster Varis
Shiranui Swordsaga Varis
Shire, Lightsworn Spirit Akiza Izinski
Shock Surprise Gong Strong
Shock Troops of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Shocktopus Shark
Shogi Knight Yuya Sakaki
Name Location
Shogi Lance Yuya Sakaki
Shooting Quasar Dragon Yusei Fudo
Shooting Riser Dragon Varis
Shooting Star Yusei Fudo
Shooting Star Bow – Ceal Mai Valentine
Shooting Star Dragon Yusei Fudo
Shootingcode Talker Ai
Shopina the Melodious Maestra Zuzu Boyle
Shore Knight Jesse Anderson
Short Circuit Jack Atlas
Shovel Crusher Grandpa Muto
Showdown of the Secret Sense Scroll Techniques Playmaker
Shreddder Syrus Truesdale
Shrine of Mist Valley Crow
Shrink Seto Kaiba
Shuffle Reborn Zuzu Boyle
Shura the Combat Star Zuzu Boyle
Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz Alexis Rhodes
Shutendoji Bakura
Side Effects? Akiza Izinski
Signal Warrior Varis
Silent Abyss Jesse Anderson
Silent Angler Shark
Silent Burning Yugi
Silent Doom Grandpa Muto
Silent Graveyard Leo/Luna
Silent Insect Mai Valentine
Silent Magician Yugi
Silent Magician LV4 Yugi
Silent Magician LV8 Yugi
Silent Paladin Yugi
Silent Psychic Wizard Akiza Izinski
Silent Strider Leo/Luna
Silent Sword Slash Yugi
Silent Swordsman Yugi
Silent Swordsman LV3 Yugi
Silent Swordsman LV5 Yugi
Silent Swordsman LV7 Yugi
Silent Wobby Shark
Sillva, Warlord of Dark World Bastion
Silpheed Bastion
Silver Bow and Arrow Mai Valentine
Silver Fang Yugi
Silver Gadget Yugi
Silver Sentinel Cathy Katherine
Silver Wing Yusei Fudo
Silver's Cry Seto Kaiba
Name Location
Silverrokket Dragon Varis
SIMM Tablir Playmaker
Simorgh of Darkness Blue Angel
Simorgh Onslaught Blue Angel
Simorgh Repulsion Blue Angel
Simorgh Sky Battle Blue Angel
Simorgh, Bird of Ancestry Chazz Princeton
Simorgh, Bird of Beginning Blue Angel
Simorgh, Bird of Bringing Blue Angel
Simorgh, Bird of Calamity Blue Angel
Simorgh, Bird of Divinity Chazz Princeton
Simorgh, Bird of Protection Blue Angel
Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty Blue Angel
Simorgh, Lord of the Storm Blue Angel
Simultaneous Loss Jaden Yuki
Single Purchase Kite Tenjo
Sinister Seeds Jaden Yuki
Sinister Serpent Mai Valentine
Sinister Shadow Games Jesse Anderson
Sinister Sprocket Jack Atlas
Sinister Yorishiro Bakura
Sirenorca Yuya Sakaki
Sishunder Quinton
Six Samurai United Tetsu Trudge
Six Scrolls of the Samurai Akiza Izinski
Six Strike – Thunder Blast Tetsu Trudge
Six Strike – Triple Impact Tetsu Trudge
Six Style – Dual Wield Tetsu Trudge
Sixth Sense Joey Wheeler
Skelengel Grandpa Muto
Skelesaurus Alexis Rhodes
Skelgon Alexis Rhodes
Skill Drain Grandpa Muto
Skill Prisoner Mai Valentine
Skill Successor Crow
Skilled Blue Magician Yugi
Skilled Dark Magician Yugi
Skilled Red Magician Jack Atlas
Skilled White Magician Yugi
Skreech Shark
Skull Archfiend of Lightning Alexis Rhodes
Skull Conductor Gong Strong
Skull Dice Joey Wheeler
Skull Dog Marron Yugi
Skull Flame Gong Strong
Skull Guardian Joey Wheeler
Skull Invitation Mai Valentine
Name Location
Skull Knight Alexis Rhodes
Skull Knight #2 Chazz Princeton
Skull Kraken Shark
Skull Lair Bakura
Skull Mariner Bakura
Skull Meister Cathy Katherine
Skull Red Bird Alexis Rhodes
Skull Servant Yugi
Skull Stalker Yugi
Skull-Mark Ladybug Mai Valentine
Skullbird Mai Valentine
Sky Cavalry Centaurea Yuma Tsukumo
Sky Dragon Kite Tenjo
Sky Dragoons of Draconia Declan Akaba
Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion Yugi
Sky Iris Yuya Sakaki
Sky Scourge Enrise Mai Valentine
Sky Scourge Invicil Mai Valentine
Sky Scourge Norleras Mai Valentine
Sky Scout Akiza Izinski
Sky Striker Ace – Hayate Shay
Sky Striker Ace – Kagari Shay
Sky Striker Ace – Kaina Varis
Sky Striker Ace – Raye Shay
Sky Striker Ace – Roze Varis
Sky Striker Ace – Shizuku Shay
Sky Striker Ace – Zeke Varis
Sky Striker Airspace – Area Zero Shay
Sky Striker Maneuver – Afterburners! Shay
Sky Striker Maneuver – Jamming Waves! Shay
Sky Striker Maneuver – Scissors Cross Varis
Sky Striker Maneuver – Vector Blast Shay
Sky Striker Mecha Modules – Multirole Shay
Sky Striker Mecha – Eagle Booster Shay
Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones Shay
Sky Striker Mecha – Shark Cannon Shay
Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor Shay
Sky Striker Mecharmory – Hercules Base Shay
Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! Shay
Skydive Scorcher Jaden Yuki
Skypalace Gangaridai Kite Tenjo
Skyscraper Jaden Yuki
Skyscraper 2 – Hero City Jaden Yuki
Skystarray Shark
Slacker Magician Yuma Tsukumo
Slash Draw Bastion
Slate Warrior Grandpa Muto
Name Location
Sleeping Lion Zuzu Boyle
Slifer the Sky Dragon Yugi
Slime Toad Bastion
Slip of Fortune Jack Atlas
Slip Summon Yusei Fudo
Slot Machine Mai Valentine
Slushy Shark
Small Piece Golem Jack Atlas
Smashing Ground Grandpa Muto
Smashing Horn Cathy Katherine
Smile Action Soulburner
Smile Potion Soulburner
Smile Universe Yuya Sakaki
Smile World Gong Strong
Smoke Grenade of the Thief Bastion
Snake Deity's Command Jesse Anderson
Snake Fang Jesse Anderson
Snake Rain Jesse Anderson
Snake Whistle Jesse Anderson
Snakeyashi Yugi
Snapdragon Quinton
Snatch Steal Bakura
Sniffer Dragon Playmaker
Snipe Hunter Joey Wheeler
Snow Dragon Shark
Snow Plow Hustle Rustle Cathy Katherine
Snowdust Dragon Shark
Snowdust Giant Shark
Snowman Creator Shark
Snowman Eater Yuya Sakaki
Snowman Effect Blue Angel
Snoww, Unlight of Dark World Bastion
Snyffus Akiza Izinski
Soaring Eagle Above the Searing Land Crow
Sogen Mai Valentine
Soitsu Chazz Princeton
Solar Flare Dragon Syrus Truesdale
Solar Ray Jesse Anderson
Solar Recharge Akiza Izinski
Solar Wind Jammer Quinton
Soldier Dragons Leo/Luna
Solemn Authority Crow
Solemn Judgment Alexis Rhodes
Solemn Scolding Alexis Rhodes
Solemn Strike Alexis Rhodes
Solemn Warning Alexis Rhodes
Solemn Wishes Jesse Anderson
Name Location
Solidarity Seto Kaiba
Solitaire Magician Jack Atlas
Solitary Sword of Poison Grandpa Muto
Solitude Leo/Luna
Solo the Melodious Songstress Zuzu Boyle
Solomon's Lawbook Joey Wheeler
Some Summer Summoner Grandpa Muto
Sonata the Melodious Diva Zuzu Boyle
Sonic Bird Joey Wheeler
Sonic Boom Quinton
Sonic Chick Yusei Fudo
Sonic Duck Bastion
Sonic Jammer Tetsu Trudge
Sonic Maid Alexis Rhodes
Sonic Shooter Crow
Sonic Stun Varis
Sonic Warrior Yusei Fudo
Sophia, Goddess of Rebirth Yuya Sakaki
Soprano the Melodious Songstress Zuzu Boyle
Sorcerer of Dark Magic Yugi
Sorcerer of the Doomed Grandpa Muto
Sorcerous Spell Wall Yuya Sakaki
Sorciere de Fleur Akiza Izinski
Soul Absorption Bakura
Soul Charge Akiza Izinski
Soul Demolition Bastion
Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword Quinton
Soul Drain Cathy Katherine
Soul Drain Dragon Kite Tenjo
Soul Exchange Seto Kaiba
Soul Hunter Alexis Rhodes
Soul Levy Ai
Soul of Fire Syrus Truesdale
Soul of Purity and Light Syrus Truesdale
Soul of Silvermountain Yuya Sakaki
Soul of the Pure Grandpa Muto
Soul Pendulum Soulburner
Soul Release Bakura
Soul Resurrection Alexis Rhodes
Soul Reversal Jesse Anderson
Soul Rope Yugi
Soul Servant Blue Angel
Soul Strike Shark
Soul Taker Mai Valentine
Soul Tiger Chazz Princeton
Soul Transition Seto Kaiba
Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower Bakura
Name Location
Souleater Grandpa Muto
Souleating Oviraptor Bastion
Souls of the Forgotten Bakura
Sound The Retreat! Quinton
Soundproofed Jack Atlas
Space Cyclone Shark
Space Dragster Tetsu Trudge
Space Gift Jaden Yuki
Space Insulator Playmaker
Space Mambo Syrus Truesdale
Space-Time Police Leo/Luna
Spacegate Leo/Luna
Spacetime Transcendence Bastion
Spark Blaster Jaden Yuki
Sparks Grandpa Muto
Spatial Collapse Chazz Princeton
Spawn Alligator Bastion
Spear Cretin Mai Valentine
Spear Dragon Seto Kaiba
Spear Shark Shark
Spearfish Soldier Shark
Special Hurricane Alexis Rhodes
Special Schedule Cathy Katherine
Speed Bird Quinton
Speed Recovery Gong Strong
Speed Warrior Yusei Fudo
Speedburst Dragon Varis
Speedlift Soulburner
Speedroid Den-Den Daiko Duke Gong Strong
Speedroid Dominobutterfly Gong Strong
Speedroid Double Yoyo Gong Strong
Speedroid Gum Prize Gong Strong
Speedroid Hexasaucer Soulburner
Speedroid Horse Stilts Gong Strong
Speedroid Maliciousmagnet Gong Strong
Speedroid Marble Machine Soulburner
Speedroid Menko Gong Strong
Speedroid Ohajikid Gong Strong
Speedroid Pachingo-Kart Gong Strong
Speedroid Passinglider Gong Strong
Speedroid Razorang Gong Strong
Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice Gong Strong
Speedroid Rubberband Plane Gong Strong
Speedroid Skull Marbles Gong Strong
Speedroid Taketomborg Gong Strong
Speedroid Terrortop Gong Strong
Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice Gong Strong
Name Location
Spell Absorption Seto Kaiba
Spell Calling Tetsu Trudge
Spell Canceller Bastion
Spell Chronicle Jaden Yuki
Spell Economics Syrus Truesdale
Spell Gear Zuzu Boyle
Spell of Pain Chazz Princeton
Spell Power Grasp Yugi
Spell Power Mastery Blue Angel
Spell Purification Jesse Anderson
Spell Reactor RE Crow
Spell Reclamation Bastion
Spell Recycler Yuma Tsukumo
Spell Reproduction Mai Valentine
Spell Shattering Arrow Yugi
Spell Shield Type-8 Alexis Rhodes
Spell Strider Syrus Truesdale
Spell Striker Syrus Truesdale
Spell Vanishing Syrus Truesdale
Spell Wall Shark
Spell-Stopping Statute Jesse Anderson
Spellbinding Circle Yugi
Spellbook Library of the Crescent Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook Library of the Heliosphere Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook Magician of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook of Eternity Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook of Fate Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook of Judgment Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook of Knowledge Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook of Life Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook of Miracles Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook of Power Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook of Secrets Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook of the Master Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook of Wisdom Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook Organization Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbook Star Hall Yuma Tsukumo
Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Spellstone Sorcerer Karood Jesse Anderson
Sphere Kuriboh Gong Strong
Sphere of Chaos Jack Atlas
Spherous Lady Mai Valentine
Sphinx Teleia Yugi
Spider Egg Yusei Fudo
Spider Web Yusei Fudo
Spiders' Lair Yusei Fudo
Spike Seadra Tetsu Trudge
Name Location
Spikebot Crow
Spiked Snail Grandpa Muto
Spikeshield with Chain Jesse Anderson
Spin Turn Ai
Spined Gillman Shark
Spiral Flame Strike Yuya Sakaki
Spiral Serpent Leo/Luna
Spiral Spear Strike Yugi
Spirit Barrier Bastion
Spirit Burner Leo/Luna
Spirit Caller Alexis Rhodes
Spirit Converter Kite Tenjo
Spirit Elimination Bakura
Spirit Force Yusei Fudo
Spirit Message "A" Bakura
Spirit Message "I" Bakura
Spirit Message "L" Bakura
Spirit Message "N" Bakura
Spirit of Flames Bastion
Spirit of the Books Bakura
Spirit of the Breeze Chazz Princeton
Spirit of the Fall Wind Declan Akaba
Spirit of the Harp Leo/Luna
Spirit of the Mountain Grandpa Muto
Spirit of the Pharaoh Yugi
Spirit of the Pot of Greed Grandpa Muto
Spirit of the Six Samurai Tetsu Trudge
Spirit of the Winds Zuzu Boyle
Spirit Reaper Bastion
Spirit Ryu Bastion
Spirit Sculptor Varis
Spirit's Invitation Chazz Princeton
Spiritual Beast Apelio Syrus Truesdale
Spiritual Beast Cannahawk Syrus Truesdale
Spiritual Beast Pettlephin Syrus Truesdale
Spiritual Beast Rampengu Syrus Truesdale
Spiritual Beast Tamer Winda Syrus Truesdale
Spiritual Earth Art – Kurogane Jesse Anderson
Spiritual Energy Settle Machine Chazz Princeton
Spiritual Entanglement Blue Angel
Spiritual Fire Art – Kurenai Jesse Anderson
Spiritual Forest Leo/Luna
Spiritual Light Art – Hijiri Cathy Katherine
Spiritual Swords of Revealing Light Yugi
Spiritual Water Art – Aoi Jesse Anderson
Spiritual Whisper Declan Akaba
Spiritual Wind Art – Miyabi Jesse Anderson
Name Location
Spiritualism Bastion
Splash Capture Shark
Splendid Rose Akiza Izinski
Splendid Venus Jaden Yuki
Spool Code Ai
Spore Akiza Izinski
Spring of Rebirth Seto Kaiba
Sprite's Blessing Chazz Princeton
Spy-C-Spy Yuya Sakaki
Spyder Spider Yusei Fudo
SPYGAL Misty Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL Double Helix Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL GEAR – Big Red Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL GEAR – Drone Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL GEAR – Fully Armed Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL GEAR – Last Resort Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL GEAR – Utility Wire Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL Master Plan Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL MISSION – Assault Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL MISSION – Recapture Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL MISSION – Rescue Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL Quik-Fix Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL Resort Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL Sleeper Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL Super Agent Tetsu Trudge
SPYRAL Tough Tetsu Trudge
Squeaknight Varis
Squib Draw Playmaker
Squirt Squid Blue Angel
St. Joan Alexis Rhodes
Stack Reviver Playmaker
Stamping Destruction Seto Kaiba
Stand In Blue Angel
Stand-Off Yuya Sakaki
Star Blast Crow
Star Boy Grandpa Muto
Star Changer Kite Tenjo
Star Drawing Kite Tenjo
Star Eater Yusei Fudo
Star Light, Star Bright Yuma Tsukumo
Star Pendulumgraph Yuya Sakaki
Star Seraph Sage Kite Tenjo
Star Seraph Scale Kite Tenjo
Star Seraph Scepter Kite Tenjo
Star Seraph Scout Kite Tenjo
Star Seraph Sovereignty Kite Tenjo
Star Seraph Sword Kite Tenjo
Name Location
Star Siphon Akiza Izinski
Star Staring Starling Varis
Stardust Assault Warrior Yusei Fudo
Stardust Charge Warrior Yusei Fudo
Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon Yusei Fudo
Stardust Dragon Yusei Fudo
Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode Yusei Fudo
Stardust Flash Yusei Fudo
Stardust Mirage Varis
Stardust Phantom Yusei Fudo
Stardust Re-Spark Yusei Fudo
Stardust Shimmer Yusei Fudo
Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon Yusei Fudo
Stardust Spark Dragon Yusei Fudo
Stardust Warrior Yusei Fudo
Stardust Wish Varis
Stardust Xiaolong Yusei Fudo
Starduston Cathy Katherine
Starfish Shark
Stargazer Magician Yuya Sakaki
Staring Contest Yuma Tsukumo
Starliege Lord Galaxion Kite Tenjo
Starliege Paladynamo Kite Tenjo
Starliege Photon Blast Dragon Kite Tenjo
Starliege Seyfert Soulburner
Starlight Junktion Yusei Fudo
Starlight Road Yusei Fudo
Starship Spy Plane Quinton
Starving Venom Fusion Dragon Zuzu Boyle
Starving Venomy Lethal Dose Dragon Soulburner
Statue of Anguish Pattern Zuzu Boyle
Statue of the Wicked Quinton
Staunch Defender Chazz Princeton
Stealth Bird Mai Valentine
Stealthroid Syrus Truesdale
Steam Gyroid Syrus Truesdale
Steam Synchron Yusei Fudo
Steamroid Syrus Truesdale
Steel Cavalry of Dinon Gong Strong
Steel Ogre Grotto #1 Alexis Rhodes
Steel Ogre Grotto #2 Alexis Rhodes
Steel Shell Grandpa Muto
Steelswarm Caller Kite Tenjo
Steelswarm Caucastag Kite Tenjo
Steelswarm Cell Kite Tenjo
Steelswarm Gatekeeper Kite Tenjo
Steelswarm Genome Kite Tenjo
Name Location
Steelswarm Girastag Kite Tenjo
Steelswarm Hercules Kite Tenjo
Steelswarm Longhorn Kite Tenjo
Steelswarm Mantis Kite Tenjo
Steelswarm Moth Kite Tenjo
Steelswarm Origin Kite Tenjo
Steelswarm Roach Kite Tenjo
Steelswarm Scout Kite Tenjo
Steelswarm Sentinel Kite Tenjo
Steelswarm Sting Kite Tenjo
Stegocyber Yuya Sakaki
Stellarknight Alpha Shay
Stellarknight Constellar Diamond Shay
Stellarknight Delteros Shay
Stellarknight Triverr Shay
Stellarknight Zefraxciton Declan Akaba
Stellarnova Alpha Shay
Stellarnova Wave Shay
Stim-Pack Yusei Fudo
Stinging Swordsman Yuma Tsukumo
Stoic Challenge Quinton
Stoic of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
Stone Armadiller Seto Kaiba
Stone Dragon Jaden Yuki
Stone Ghost Grandpa Muto
Stone Ogre Grotto Kite Tenjo
Stone Statue of the Aztecs Quinton
Stonehenge Methods Quinton
Stop Defense Seto Kaiba
Storm Shark
Storm Caller Akiza Izinski
Storm Cipher Playmaker
Storm Dragon's Return Blue Angel
Storm Shooter Tetsu Trudge
Storming Mirror Force Gong Strong
Storming Wynn Bastion
Straight Flush Tetsu Trudge
Strategist of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Stray Asmodian Syrus Truesdale
Stray Lambs Grandpa Muto
Stream, Dragon Ruler of Droplets Shark
Strength of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
Strike Ninja Shay
Strike of the Monarchs Declan Akaba
Strike Slash Bakura
Striker Dragon Varis
Striping Partner Playmaker
Name Location
Strong Wind Dragon Yusei Fudo
Stronghold Guardian Yusei Fudo
Stronghold the Moving Fortress Yugi
Stuffed Animal Yuma Tsukumo
Stumbling Yusei Fudo
Stygian Dirge Tetsu Trudge
Stygian Security Tetsu Trudge
Stygian Sergeants Tetsu Trudge
Stygian Street Patrol Tetsu Trudge
Suanni, Fire of the Yang Zing Jack Atlas
Submarine Frog Bastion
Submarineroid Syrus Truesdale
Submersible Carrier Aero Shark Shark
Substitoad Bastion
Subsurface Stage Divers Bakura
Subterror Behemoth Burrowing Cathy Katherine
Subterror Behemoth Dragossuary Cathy Katherine
Subterror Behemoth Fiendess Playmaker
Subterror Behemoth Phospheroglacier Cathy Katherine
Subterror Behemoth Speleogeist Cathy Katherine
Subterror Behemoth Stalagmo Cathy Katherine
Subterror Behemoth Stygokraken Cathy Katherine
Subterror Behemoth Ultramafus Cathy Katherine
Subterror Behemoth Umastryx Cathy Katherine
Subterror Behemoth Voltelluric Cathy Katherine
Subterror Cave Clash Cathy Katherine
Subterror Fiendess Cathy Katherine
Subterror Final Battle Cathy Katherine
Subterror Guru Varis
Subterror Nemesis Archer Cathy Katherine
Subterror Nemesis Defender Cathy Katherine
Subterror Nemesis Warrior Cathy Katherine
Subterror Succession Varis
Success Probability 0% Alexis Rhodes
Succubus Knight Grandpa Muto
Suijin Joey Wheeler
Summon Breaker Shark
Summon Cloud Syrus Truesdale
Summon Dice Joey Wheeler
Summon Gate Quinton
Summon Limit Yusei Fudo
Summon Over Blue Angel
Summon Reactor SK Crow
Summon Sorceress Mai Valentine
Summoned Skull Yugi
Summoner Monk Yuma Tsukumo
Summoner of Illusions Chazz Princeton
Name Location
Summoner's Art Yugi
Summoning Curse Kite Tenjo
Summoning Swarm Soulburner
Sun Dragon Inti Yusei Fudo
Sunlight Unicorn Leo/Luna
Sunny Pixie Leo/Luna
Supay Yusei Fudo
Supay, Duskwalker Varis
Super Anti-Kaiju War Machine Mecha-Dogoran Declan Akaba
Super Anti-Kaiju War Machine Mecha-Thunder-King Varis
Super Armored Robot Armed Black Iron "C" Blue Angel
Super Conductor Tyranno Bastion
Super Crashbug Yuma Tsukumo
Super Defense Robot Elephan Kite Tenjo
Super Defense Robot Lio Kite Tenjo
Super Defense Robot Monki Kite Tenjo
Super Double Summon Alexis Rhodes
Super Express Bullet Train Soulburner
Super Heavy Samurai Wagon Soulburner
Super Hippo Carnival Yuma Tsukumo
Super Junior Confrontation Jaden Yuki
Super Koi Koi Gong Strong
Super Polymerization Jaden Yuki
Super Quantal Alphan Spike Shay
Super Quantal Alphancall Appeal Varis
Super Quantal Fairy Alphan Shay
Super Quantal Mech Beast Aeroboros Shay
Super Quantal Mech Beast Grampulse Shay
Super Quantal Mech Beast Lusterrex Varis
Super Quantal Mech Beast Magnaliger Shay
Super Quantal Mech King Great Magnus Shay
Super Quantal Mech Ship Magnacarrier Shay
Super Quantal Mech Sword – Magnaslayer Shay
Super Quantal Union – Magnaformation Varis
Super Quantum Blue Layer Shay
Super Quantum Green Layer Shay
Super Quantum Red Layer Shay
Super Quantum White Layer Varis
Super Rejuvenation Seto Kaiba
Super Robolady Alexis Rhodes
Super Roboyarou Alexis Rhodes
Super Rush Headlong Gong Strong
Super Rush Recklessly Bastion
Super Solar Nutrient Akiza Izinski
Super Soldier Rebirth Yugi
Super Soldier Ritual Yugi
Super Soldier Shield Yugi
Name Location
Super Soldier Soul Yugi
Super Soldier Synthesis Yugi
Super Strident Blaze Syrus Truesdale
Super Team Buddy Force Unite! Chazz Princeton
Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill Syrus Truesdale
Super Vehicroid – Mobile Base Syrus Truesdale
Super Vehicroid – Stealth Union Syrus Truesdale
Super War-Lion Joey Wheeler
Super-Ancient Dinobeast Bastion
Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon Jack Atlas
Super-Nimble Mega Hamster Jack Atlas
Superalloy Beast Raptinus Alexis Rhodes
Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth Mai Valentine
Supercharge Syrus Truesdale
Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer Quinton
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max Cathy Katherine
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe Soulburner
Superheavy Samurai Battleball Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Big Waraji Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Blowtorch Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Drum Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Fist Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Flutist Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai General Coral Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai General Jade Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Helper Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Kabuto Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Magnet Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Ninja Sarutobi Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Prepped Defense Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Scales Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Soulbang Cannon Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Soulbeads Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Soulbreaker Armor Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Soulbuster Gauntlet Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Soulclaw Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Soulhorns Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Soulshield Wall Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Stealth Ninja Gong Strong
Name Location
Superheavy Samurai Steam Train King Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi Soulburner
Superheavy Samurai Swordsman Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Thief Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Transporter Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter Gong Strong
Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo Gong Strong
Supernatural Regeneration Akiza Izinski
Supersonic Skull Flame Gong Strong
Supervise Alexis Rhodes
Supply Alexis Rhodes
Supply Squad Gong Strong
Supporter in the Shadows Grandpa Muto
Suppression Collider Ai
Supremacy Berry Jack Atlas
Supreme Arcanite Magician Yusei Fudo
Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing Yuya Sakaki
Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion Yuya Sakaki
Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm Yuya Sakaki
Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes Yuya Sakaki
Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom Yuya Sakaki
Supreme King Gate Infinity Yuya Sakaki
Supreme King Gate Zero Yuya Sakaki
Supreme King Z-ARC Yuya Sakaki
Supreme King's Castle Soulburner
Supreme Rage Yuya Sakaki
Surface Shark
Survival Instinct Bastion
Survival of the Fittest Bastion
Survival's End Bastion
Susa Soldier Chazz Princeton
Suture Rebirth Zuzu Boyle
Svartalf of the Nordic Alfar Crow
Swallow Flip Jack Atlas
Swallow's Nest Crow
Swallowtail Butterspy Kite Tenjo
Swamp Battleguard Joey Wheeler
Swamp Mirrorer Yuya Sakaki
Swap Cleric Ai
Swap Frog Bastion
Swarm of Crows Crow
Swarm of Locusts Mai Valentine
Swarm of Scarabs Mai Valentine
Sweet Corn Akiza Izinski
Swift Birdman Joe Crow
Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight Yugi
Swift Samurai Storm! Tetsu Trudge
Name Location
Swift Scarecrow Yusei Fudo
Swiftstrike Armor Tetsu Trudge
Swing of Memories Alexis Rhodes
Switcheroroo Mai Valentine
Sword Arm of Dragon Mai Valentine
Sword Breaker Kite Tenjo
Sword Hunter Grandpa Muto
Sword Master Jack Atlas
Sword of Dark Destruction Akiza Izinski
Sword of Dark Rites Kite Tenjo
Sword of Deep-Seated Grandpa Muto
Sword of Dragon's Soul Joey Wheeler
Sword of Kusanagi Chazz Princeton
Sword of Sparkles Gong Strong
Sword of the Soul-Eater Alexis Rhodes
Sword Slasher Joey Wheeler
Swords at Dawn Quinton
Swords of Burning Light Yuma Tsukumo
Swords of Concealing Light Yugi
Swords of Revealing Light Yugi
Swordsman of Landstar Grandpa Muto
Swordsman of Revealing Light Kite Tenjo
Swordstalker Seto Kaiba
Sylvan Bladefender Shay
Sylvan Blessing Shay
Sylvan Charity Shay
Sylvan Cherubsprout Shay
Sylvan Flowerknight Shay
Sylvan Guardioak Shay
Sylvan Hermitree Shay
Sylvan Komushroomo Shay
Sylvan Lotuswain Shay
Sylvan Marshalleaf Shay
Sylvan Mikorange Shay
Sylvan Peaskeeper Shay
Sylvan Princessprite Shay
Sylvan Princessprout Shay
Sylvan Sagequoia Shay
Sylvan Snapdrassinagon Shay
Sylvan Waterslide Shay
Symbol of Friendship Gong Strong
Symbol of Heritage Jaden Yuki
Symbols of Duty Alexis Rhodes
Symph Amplifire Leo/Luna
Symphonic Warrior Basses Leo/Luna
Symphonic Warrior Drumss Leo/Luna
Symphonic Warrior Guitaar Leo/Luna
Name Location
Symphonic Warrior Miccs Leo/Luna
Symphonic Warrior Piaano Leo/Luna
Symphonic Warrior Synthess Leo/Luna
Synchar Grandpa Muto
Synchro Barrier Yusei Fudo
Synchro Blast Wave Yusei Fudo
Synchro Boost Crow
Synchro Call Jack Atlas
Synchro Change Yusei Fudo
Synchro Chase Varis
Synchro Control Yusei Fudo
Synchro Cracker Gong Strong
Synchro Deflector Leo/Luna
Synchro Ejection Akiza Izinski
Synchro Fusionist Yusei Fudo
Synchro Gift Yusei Fudo
Synchro Magnet Leo/Luna
Synchro Material Yusei Fudo
Synchro Soldier Tetsu Trudge
Synchro Strike Yusei Fudo
Synchro Transcend Varis
Synchron Carrier Yusei Fudo
Synchron Explorer Yusei Fudo
Synchronized Realm Yusei Fudo
Synkron Resonator Jack Atlas
Synthesis Spell Joey Wheeler
Synthetic Seraphim Alexis Rhodes
System Down Jaden Yuki
SZW – Fenrir Sword Yuma Tsukumo
T.A.D.P.O.L.E. Bastion
T.G. Blade Blaster Yusei Fudo
T.G. Booster Raptor Varis
T.G. Catapult Dragon Yusei Fudo
T.G. Cyber Magician Yusei Fudo
T.G. Drill Fish Varis
T.G. Gear Zombie Varis
T.G. Halberd Cannon Yusei Fudo
T.G. Halberd Cannon/Assault Mode Varis
T.G. Hyper Librarian Yusei Fudo
T.G. Jet Falcon Yusei Fudo
T.G. Metal Skeleton Varis
T.G. Power Gladiator Yusei Fudo
T.G. Recipro Dragonfly Yusei Fudo
T.G. Rush Rhino Yusei Fudo
T.G. Screw Serpent Varis
T.G. Star Guardian Varis
T.G. Striker Yusei Fudo
Name Location
T.G. Tank Grub Varis
T.G. Trident Launcher Varis
T.G. Warwolf Yusei Fudo
T.G. Wonder Magician Yusei Fudo
TA.I. Strike Ai
Tachyon Chaos Hole Kite Tenjo
Tachyon Spiral Galaxy Soulburner
Tachyon Transmigration Kite Tenjo
Tackle Crusader Yuya Sakaki
Tactical Espionage Expert Alexis Rhodes
Tactical Exchanger Varis
Tail Swipe Bastion
Tailor of the Fickle Mai Valentine
Tainted Wisdom Alexis Rhodes
Takriminos Shark
Takuhee Mai Valentine
Talaya, Princess of Cherry Blossoms Akiza Izinski
Talisman of Spell Sealing Jesse Anderson
Talisman of Trap Sealing Jesse Anderson
Talkback Lancer Ai
Tamtam the Melodious Diva Zuzu Boyle
Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts Crow
Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts Crow
Tannhauser Gate Quinton
Tao the Chanter Shark
Taotie, Shadow of the Yang Zing Jack Atlas
Tardy Orc Quinton
Tasuke Knight Yuma Tsukumo
Tatakawa Knight Yuma Tsukumo
Tatsunecro Jack Atlas
Tatsunoko Gong Strong
Tatsunootoshigo Grandpa Muto
Taunt Yusei Fudo
Telekinetic Charging Cell Akiza Izinski
Telekinetic Power Well Akiza Izinski
Telekinetic Shocker Akiza Izinski
Telepathic Power Akiza Izinski
Teleport Akiza Izinski
Tellarknight Genesis Shay
Tellarknight Ptolemaeus Shay
Temperance of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
Tempest Magician Yusei Fudo
Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms Shark
Temple of Skulls Mai Valentine
Temple of the Kings Seto Kaiba
Temple of the Mind's Eye Mai Valentine
Temple of the Six Tetsu Trudge
Name Location
Temple of the Sun Jack Atlas
Temtempo the Percussion Djinn Yuma Tsukumo
Tenacity of the Monarchs Declan Akaba
Tenderness Grandpa Muto
Tengu, the Winged Mayakashi Jack Atlas
Tenkabito Shien Tetsu Trudge
Tenma the Sky Star Zuzu Boyle
Tenmataitei Gong Strong
Tenshin Kite Tenjo
Tentacle Plant Akiza Izinski
Tenyi Spirit – Adhara Blue Angel
Tenyi Spirit – Ashuna Blue Angel
Tenyi Spirit – Mapura Blue Angel
Tenyi Spirit – Nahata Blue Angel
Tenyi Spirit – Sahasrara Blue Angel
Tenyi Spirit – Shthana Blue Angel
Tenyi Spirit – Vishuda Blue Angel
Terminal World Quinton
Terminal World NEXT Quinton
Terra Firma Gravity Jaden Yuki
Terra the Terrible Quinton
Terraforming Grandpa Muto
Terratiger, the Empowered Warrior Yuya Sakaki
Terrene Toothed Tsuchinoko Yuya Sakaki
Terrible Deal Syrus Truesdale
Terrifying Toddler of Torment Alexis Rhodes
Terrorking Archfiend Alexis Rhodes
Terrorking Salmon Mai Valentine
Test Ape Zuzu Boyle
Test Panther Soulburner
Test Tiger Zuzu Boyle
Testudo erat Numen Tetsu Trudge
Tethys, Goddess of Light Jaden Yuki
Teva Syrus Truesdale
Texchanger Playmaker
TG-SX1 Yusei Fudo
TG1-EM1 Yusei Fudo
TGX1-HL Yusei Fudo
TGX3-DX2 Yusei Fudo
TGX300 Yusei Fudo
That Grass Looks Greener Jesse Anderson
That Six Yuya Sakaki
That Wacky Alchemy! Yugi
That Wacky Magic! Cathy Katherine
That Which Feeds on Life Grandpa Muto
The 13th Grave Bakura
The A. Forces Grandpa Muto
Name Location
The Accumulator Grandpa Muto
The Agent of Creation – Venus Bakura
The Agent of Entropy – Uranus Bakura
The Agent of Force – Mars Bakura
The Agent of Judgment – Saturn Bakura
The Agent of Miracles – Jupiter Bakura
The Agent of Mystery – Earth Bakura
The Agent of Wisdom – Mercury Bakura
The All-Seeing White Tiger Alexis Rhodes
The Ascended of Thunder Mai Valentine
The Atmosphere Kite Tenjo
The Beginning of the End Jesse Anderson
The Bewitching Phantom Thief Jack Atlas
The Big Cattle Drive Bastion
The Big March of Animals Bastion
The Big Saturn Jaden Yuki
The Bistro Butcher Chazz Princeton
The Black Stone of Legend Joey Wheeler
The Blazing Mars Jaden Yuki
The Book of the Law Zuzu Boyle
The Calculator Yuma Tsukumo
The Calibrator Quinton
The Cheerful Coffin Bakura
The Claw of Hermos Joey Wheeler
The Creator Jaden Yuki
The Creator Incarnate Jaden Yuki
The Dark Creator Jaden Yuki
The Dark Door Chazz Princeton
The Dark Magicians Blue Angel
The Dark – Hex-Sealed Fusion Syrus Truesdale
The Deep Grave Mai Valentine
The Despair Uranus Jaden Yuki
The Door of Destiny Yuma Tsukumo
The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave Joey Wheeler
The Dragon Dwelling in the Deep Jack Atlas
The Dragon's Bead Seto Kaiba
The Drdek Grandpa Muto
The Earl of Demise Bakura
The Earth – Hex-Sealed Fusion Syrus Truesdale
The Emperor's Holiday Bastion
The End of Anubis Grandpa Muto
The Eye of Timaeus Yugi
The Eye of Truth Joey Wheeler
The Fabled Catsith Crow
The Fabled Cerburrel Crow
The Fabled Chawa Crow
The Fabled Ganashia Crow
Name Location
The Fabled Kokkator Crow
The Fabled Kudabbi Crow
The Fabled Nozoochee Crow
The Fabled Peggulsus Crow
The Fabled Rubyruda Crow
The Fabled Unicore Crow
The Fang of Critias Seto Kaiba
The Fiend Megacyber Joey Wheeler
The First Monarch Declan Akaba
The First Sarcophagus Yugi
The Flute of Summoning Dragon Seto Kaiba
The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh Jaden Yuki
The Forceful Checkpoint Joey Wheeler
The Forceful Sentry Joey Wheeler
The Forces of Darkness Bastion
The Forgiving Maiden Alexis Rhodes
The Fountain in the Sky Bakura
The Furious Sea King Grandpa Muto
The Gates of Dark World Bastion
The Gift of Greed Syrus Truesdale
The Golden Apples Crow
The Grand Jupiter Jaden Yuki
The Grand Spellbook Tower Yuma Tsukumo
The Grave of Enkindling Chazz Princeton
The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension Chazz Princeton
The Great Emperor Penguin Shark
The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams Bakura
The Hidden City Cathy Katherine
The Huge Revolution is Over Jesse Anderson
The Humble Sentry Syrus Truesdale
The Hunter with 7 Weapons Bastion
The Illusory Gentleman Bakura
The Immortal Bushi Tetsu Trudge
The Immortal of Thunder Akiza Izinski
The Inexperienced Spy Mai Valentine
The Judgement Hand Seto Kaiba
The Kaiju Files Declan Akaba
The Kick Man Yusei Fudo
The King of D. Seto Kaiba
The Lady in Wight Yugi
The Last Warrior From Another Planet Bastion
The Law of the Normal Alexis Rhodes
The League of Uniform Nomenclature Alexis Rhodes
The Legendary Exodia Incarnate Yugi
The Legendary Fisherman Mai Valentine
The Legendary Fisherman II Mai Valentine
The Legendary Fisherman III Mai Valentine
Name Location
The Light – Hex-Sealed Fusion Syrus Truesdale
The Little Swordsman of Aile Joey Wheeler
The Mask of Remnants Joey Wheeler
The Masked Beast Joey Wheeler
The Melody of Awakening Dragon Seto Kaiba
The Melting Red Shadow Grandpa Muto
The Monarchs Awaken Declan Akaba
The Monarchs Erupt Declan Akaba
The Monarchs Stormforth Declan Akaba
The Nordic Lights Crow
The Paths of Destiny Shay
The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak Shay
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword Shay
The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm Shay
The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin Shay
The Phantom Knights of Dark Gauntlets Shay
The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor Shay
The Phantom Knights of Lost Vambrace Shay
The Phantom Knights of Mist Claws Shay
The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves Shay
The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche Shay
The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine Shay
The Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil Shay
The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots Shay
The Phantom Knights of Tomb Shield Shay
The Phantom Knights of Wrong Magnetring Shay
The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch Shay
The Portrait's Secret Bakura
The Prime Monarch Declan Akaba
The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler Bakura
The Regulation of Tribe Mai Valentine
The Reliable Guardian Mai Valentine
The Resolute Meklord Army Yusei Fudo
The Return to the Normal Blue Angel
The Revenge of the Normal Alexis Rhodes
The Rock Spirit Bastion
The Sanctified Darklord Syrus Truesdale
The Sanctuary in the Sky Bakura
The Sanctum of Parshath Bakura
The Seal of Orichalcos Mai Valentine
The Second Sarcophagus Yugi
The Secret of the Bandit Yusei Fudo
The Selection Jaden Yuki
The Shadow Who Controls the Dark Grandpa Muto
The Shallow Grave Grandpa Muto
The Six Samurai – Irou Tetsu Trudge
The Six Samurai – Kamon Tetsu Trudge
Name Location
The Six Samurai – Nisashi Tetsu Trudge
The Six Samurai – Yaichi Tetsu Trudge
The Six Samurai – Yariza Tetsu Trudge
The Six Samurai – Zanji Tetsu Trudge
The Six Shinobi Tetsu Trudge
The Snake Hair Alexis Rhodes
The Spell Absorbing Life Chazz Princeton
The Statue of Easter Island Syrus Truesdale
The Stern Mystic Joey Wheeler
The Suppression Pluto Jaden Yuki
The Supremacy Sun Jaden Yuki
The Terminus of the Burning Abyss Shay
The Thing in the Crater Chazz Princeton
The Thing That Hides in the Mud Kite Tenjo
The Third Sarcophagus Yugi
The Transmigration Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
The Traveler and the Burning Abyss Shay
The Tricky Yugi
The Tripper Mercury Jaden Yuki
The Trojan Horse Jesse Anderson
The True Name Yugi
The Tyrant Neptune Jaden Yuki
The Ultimate Creature of Destruction Seto Kaiba
The Unfriendly Amazon Mai Valentine
The Unhappy Girl Chazz Princeton
The Unhappy Maiden Chazz Princeton
The Wandering Doomed Grandpa Muto
The Warrior Returning Alive Grandpa Muto
The Weather Auroral Canvas Shark
The Weather Cloudy Canvas Shark
The Weather Painter Aurora Shark
The Weather Painter Cloud Shark
The Weather Painter Rain Shark
The Weather Painter Rainbow Shark
The Weather Painter Snow Shark
The Weather Painter Sun Shark
The Weather Painter Thunder Shark
The Weather Rainbowed Canvas Varis
The Weather Rainy Canvas Shark
The Weather Snowy Canvas Shark
The Weather Sunny Canvas Shark
The Weather Thundery Canvas Shark
The White Stone of Ancients Seto Kaiba
The White Stone of Legend Seto Kaiba
The Wicked Avatar Bakura
The Wicked Dreadroot Bakura
The Wicked Eraser Bakura
Name Location
The Wicked Worm Beast Seto Kaiba
The Winged Dragon of Ra Bakura
The Winged Dragon of Ra – Immortal Phoenix Bakura
The Winged Dragon of Ra – Sphere Mode Bakura
The World Legacy Varis
The World Tree Akiza Izinski
Theban Nightmare Jesse Anderson
Theinen the Great Sphinx Yugi
There Can Be Only One Grandpa Muto
Thermal Genex Leo/Luna
Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch Declan Akaba
Thestalos the Mega Monarch Declan Akaba
Thor, Lord of the Aesir Crow
Thorn of Malice Akiza Izinski
Thought Ruler Archfiend Akiza Izinski
Thousand Dragon Joey Wheeler
Thousand Energy Alexis Rhodes
Thousand Knives Yugi
Thousand Needles Bakura
Thousand-Eyes Idol Bakura
Thousand-Eyes Jellyfish Shark
Thousand-Eyes Restrict Bakura
Threatening Roar Bastion
Three of a Kind Quinton
Three Strikes Barrier Playmaker
Three Thousand Needles Cathy Katherine
Three Trolling Trolls Playmaker
Three-Headed Geedo Chazz Princeton
Three-Legged Zombies Leo/Luna
Throwstone Unit Joey Wheeler
Thunder Crash Chazz Princeton
Thunder Dragon Seto Kaiba
Thunder Dragon Colossus Seto Kaiba
Thunder Dragon Discharge Seto Kaiba
Thunder Dragon Fusion Seto Kaiba
Thunder Dragon Thunderstormech Blue Angel
Thunder Dragon Titan Seto Kaiba
Thunder Dragondark Seto Kaiba
Thunder Dragonduo Seto Kaiba
Thunder Dragonhawk Seto Kaiba
Thunder Dragonmatrix Seto Kaiba
Thunder Dragonroar Seto Kaiba
Thunder Dragons' Hundred Thunders Seto Kaiba
Thunder End Dragon Seto Kaiba
Thunder Kid Quinton
Thunder King Rai-Oh Jaden Yuki
Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju Declan Akaba
Name Location
Thunder Nyan Nyan Syrus Truesdale
Thunder of Ruler Chazz Princeton
Thunder Sea Horse Quinton
Thunder Short Yuma Tsukumo
Thunder Unicorn Jack Atlas
Thunderclap Monk Blue Angel
Thunderclap Skywolf Grandpa Muto
Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls Shark
Tierra, Source of Destruction Declan Akaba
Ties of the Brethren Yugi
Tiger Axe Joey Wheeler
Tiger Dragon Jack Atlas
Tiki Curse Yuya Sakaki
Tiki Soul Yuya Sakaki
Timaeus the Knight of Destiny Yugi
Time Escaper Akiza Izinski
Time Machine Joey Wheeler
Time Magic Hammer Joey Wheeler
Time Maiden Akiza Izinski
Time Passage Jack Atlas
Time Pendulumgraph Yuya Sakaki
Time Seal Yugi
Time Thief Bezel Ship Ai
Time Thief Chronocorder Ai
Time Thief Flyback Ai
Time Thief Hack Ai
Time Thief Perpetua Ai
Time Thief Redoer Ai
Time Thief Regulator Ai
Time Thief Retrograde Ai
Time Thief Startup Ai
Time Thief Winder Ai
Time Wizard Joey Wheeler
Time-Space Trap Hole Shay
Timeater Joey Wheeler
Timebreaker Magician Yuya Sakaki
Timegazer Magician Yuya Sakaki
Timelord Progenitor Vorpgate Varis
Timestar Magician Yuya Sakaki
Timidity Seto Kaiba
Tin Archduke Cathy Katherine
Tin Goldfish Cathy Katherine
Tindangle Acute Cerberus Playmaker
Tindangle Angel Playmaker
Tindangle Base Gardna Playmaker
Tindangle Delaunay Playmaker
Tindangle Hound Playmaker
Name Location
Tindangle Intruder Playmaker
Tindangle Protector Playmaker
Tindangle Trinity Playmaker
Tiras, Keeper of Genesis Quinton
Tlakalel, His Malevolent Majesty Varis
Toad Master Grandpa Muto
Toadally Awesome Bastion
Togex Grandpa Muto
Token Collector Yuma Tsukumo
Token Feastevil Yuma Tsukumo
Token Stampede Yuma Tsukumo
Token Sundae Yuma Tsukumo
Token Thanksgiving Yuma Tsukumo
Tokkosho of Ghost Destroying Cathy Katherine
Toll Joey Wheeler
Toll Hike Chazz Princeton
Tomozaurus Zuzu Boyle
Tongue Twister Leo/Luna
Tongyo Alexis Rhodes
Toon Alligator Bakura
Toon Ancient Gear Golem Bakura
Toon Barrel Dragon Bakura
Toon Briefcase Bakura
Toon Buster Blader Bakura
Toon Cannon Soldier Bakura
Toon Cyber Dragon Bakura
Toon Dark Magician Bakura
Toon Dark Magician Girl Bakura
Toon Defense Bakura
Toon Gemini Elf Bakura
Toon Goblin Attack Force Bakura
Toon Kingdom Bakura
Toon Mask Bakura
Toon Masked Sorcerer Bakura
Toon Mermaid Bakura
Toon Rollback Bakura
Toon Summoned Skull Bakura
Toon Table of Contents Bakura
Toon World Bakura
Top Runner Jack Atlas
Topologic Bomber Dragon Playmaker
Topologic Gumblar Dragon Playmaker
Topologic Trisbaena Playmaker
Topologic Zeroboros Varis
Torapart Tetsu Trudge
Torike Yugi
Tornado Syrus Truesdale
Name Location
Tornado Bird Crow
Tornado Dragon Quinton
Tornado Wall Mai Valentine
Torpedo Fish Mai Valentine
Torque Tune Gear Gong Strong
Torrential Reborn Mai Valentine
Torrential Tribute Mai Valentine
Total Defense Shogun Seto Kaiba
Totem Bird Quinton
Totem Dragon Seto Kaiba
Totem Five Jack Atlas
Tour Bus From the Underworld Cathy Katherine
Tour Bus To Forbidden Realms Cathy Katherine
Tour Guide From the Underworld Cathy Katherine
Tour of Doom Chazz Princeton
Tower of Babel Yugi
Toy Knight Yuma Tsukumo
Toy Magician Yugi
Toy Vendor Zuzu Boyle
Trade-In Seto Kaiba
Tradetoad Bastion
Trading Places Akiza Izinski
Traffic Ghost Playmaker
Tragedy Yusei Fudo
Tragoedia Jaden Yuki
Train Connection Cathy Katherine
Training Fur Hire, Fur All Your Training Needs Gong Strong
Trakodon Mai Valentine
Trance Archfiend Alexis Rhodes
Trance the Magic Swordsman Joey Wheeler
Trancefamiliar Quinton
Transcendent Wings Jaden Yuki
Transcicada Ai
Transcode Talker Playmaker
Transforming Sphere Jack Atlas
Transmigration Break Bakura
Transmission Gear Shay
Transmodify Cathy Katherine
Trap Dustshoot Joey Wheeler
Trap Eater Leo/Luna
Trap Hole Shay
Trap Hole of Spikes Shay
Trap Jammer Syrus Truesdale
Trap Master Seto Kaiba
Trap of Board Eraser Quinton
Trap of Darkness Mai Valentine
Trap of the Imperial Tomb Bakura
Name Location
Trap Reactor Y FI Crow
Trap Reclamation Bastion
Trap Stun Jack Atlas
Trap Trick Shay
Traptrix Atrax Shay
Traptrix Dionaea Shay
Traptrix Mantis Shay
Traptrix Myrmeleo Shay
Traptrix Nepenthes Shay
Traptrix Rafflesia Shay
Traptrix Sera Blue Angel
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare Shay
Treacherous Trap Hole Shay
Treasure Map Chazz Princeton
Treasure Panda Quinton
Treaty on Uniform Nomenclature Chazz Princeton
Tree Otter Bastion
Treeborn Frog Bastion
Tremendous Fire Grandpa Muto
Trent Kite Tenjo
Tri-and-Guess Quinton
Tri-Blaze Accelerator Syrus Truesdale
Tri-Edge Levia Yuya Sakaki
Tri-Gate Wizard Playmaker
Tri-Horned Dragon Yusei Fudo
Tri-Wight Yugi
Trial and Tribulation Seto Kaiba
Trial of Nightmare Grandpa Muto
Trial of the Princesses Mai Valentine
Triamid Cruiser Gong Strong
Triamid Dancer Gong Strong
Triamid Fortress Gong Strong
Triamid Hunter Gong Strong
Triamid Kingolem Gong Strong
Triamid Master Gong Strong
Triamid Pulse Gong Strong
Triamid Sphinx Gong Strong
Triangle Ecstasy Spark Mai Valentine
Triangle Power Alexis Rhodes
Tribe-Infecting Virus Seto Kaiba
Tribe-Shocking Virus Seto Kaiba
Tribute Burial Bakura
Tribute Doll Chazz Princeton
Tribute to the Doomed Joey Wheeler
Trick Box Yuya Sakaki
Trickstar Band Sweet Guitar Blue Angel
Trickstar Bella Madonna Playmaker
Name Location
Trickstar Black Catbat Playmaker
Trickstar Bloom Playmaker
Trickstar Bouquet Playmaker
Trickstar Candina Playmaker
Trickstar Corobane Blue Angel
Trickstar Crimson Heart Blue Angel
Trickstar Delfiendium Playmaker
Trickstar Divaridis Blue Angel
Trickstar Foxglove Witch Blue Angel
Trickstar Fusion Blue Angel
Trickstar Holly Angel Playmaker
Trickstar Light Arena Playmaker
Trickstar Light Stage Playmaker
Trickstar Lilybell Playmaker
Trickstar Live Stage Blue Angel
Trickstar Lycoris Playmaker
Trickstar Magical Laurel Blue Angel
Trickstar Mandrake Playmaker
Trickstar Narkissus Playmaker
Trickstar Nightshade Playmaker
Trickstar Reincarnation Playmaker
Trickstar Rhodode Playmaker
Tricky Spell 4 Yugi
Tricular Yusei Fudo
Trident Dragion Jack Atlas
Trident Warrior Jack Atlas
Trifortressops Quinton
Triggered Summon Syrus Truesdale
Triggering Wurm Playmaker
Trigon Syrus Truesdale
Triple Burst Dragon Playmaker
Triple Star Trion Cathy Katherine
Tripod Fish Shark
Tripwire Beast Grandpa Muto
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment Varis
Tristan, Knight of the Underworld Quinton
Trojan Blast Tetsu Trudge
Trojan Gladiator Beast Zuzu Boyle
Troop Dragon Seto Kaiba
Troposphere Crow
Truckroid Syrus Truesdale
True Draco Apocalypse Declan Akaba
True Draco Heritage Declan Akaba
True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher Declan Akaba
True King Bahrastos, the Fathomer Declan Akaba
True King Lithosagym, the Disaster Declan Akaba
Name Location
True King of All Calamities Declan Akaba
True King's Return Declan Akaba
Trust Guardian Jack Atlas
Tsuchigumo, the Poisonous Mayakashi Jack Atlas
Tsukahagi, the Poisonous Mayakashi Jack Atlas
Tsukumo Slash Yuma Tsukumo
Tsukuyomi Chazz Princeton
Tualatin Tetsu Trudge
Tune Warrior Jack Atlas
Tuned Magician Alexis Rhodes
Tuner Capture Yusei Fudo
Tuner's Barrier Yusei Fudo
Tuner's High Gong Strong
Tuner's Scheme Crow
Tuning Yusei Fudo
Tuning Gum Gong Strong
Tuning Magician Yuya Sakaki
Tuningware Yusei Fudo
Turbo Booster Yusei Fudo
Turbo Cannon Yusei Fudo
Turbo Rocket Yusei Fudo
Turbo Synchron Yusei Fudo
Turbo Warrior Yusei Fudo
Turnabout Jesse Anderson
Turning of the World Joey Wheeler
Turret Warrior Yusei Fudo
Turtle Bird Mai Valentine
Turtle Oath Joey Wheeler
Turtle Raccoon Shark
Turtle Tiger Grandpa Muto
Turu-Purun Kite Tenjo
Tutan Mask Bakura
Twilight Cloth Akiza Izinski
Twilight Eraser Akiza Izinski
Twilight Ninja Getsuga, the Shogun Shay
Twilight Ninja Jogen Shay
Twilight Ninja Kagen Shay
Twilight Ninja Nichirin, the Chunin Shay
Twilight Ninja Shingetsu Shay
Twilight Rose Knight Akiza Izinski
Twilight Twin Dragons Akiza Izinski
Twin Long Rods #1 Bakura
Twin Long Rods #2 Bakura
Twin Photon Lizard Kite Tenjo
Twin Swords of Flashing Light – Tryce Mai Valentine
Twin Triangle Dragon Playmaker
Twin Twisters Zuzu Boyle
Name Location
Twin-Barrel Dragon Joey Wheeler
Twin-Headed Behemoth Mai Valentine
Twin-Headed Fire Dragon Mai Valentine
Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon Seto Kaiba
Twin-Headed Wolf Bakura
Twin-Shield Defender Leo/Luna
Twin-Sword Marauder Jack Atlas
Twinheaded Beast Jaden Yuki
Twister Leo/Luna
Two Thousand Needles Shark
Two-for-One Team Yusei Fudo
Two-Headed King Rex Mai Valentine
Two-Man Cell Battle Seto Kaiba
Two-Mouth Darkruler Kite Tenjo
Two-Pronged Attack Crow
Tyhone Seto Kaiba
Tyhone #2 Alexis Rhodes
Type Zero Magic Crusher Chazz Princeton
Typhoon Yuya Sakaki
Tyr of the Nordic Champions Crow
Tyranno Infinity Bastion
Tyrant Burst Dragon Seto Kaiba
Tyrant Dragon Seto Kaiba
Tyrant Dyno Fusion Soulburner
Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend Jack Atlas
Tyrant Wing Seto Kaiba
Tyrant's Tantrum Jesse Anderson
Tyrant's Temper Jesse Anderson
Tyrant's Throes Jesse Anderson
Tyrant's Tirade Jesse Anderson
Tyrant's Tummyache Jesse Anderson
Tytannial, Princess of Camellias Akiza Izinski
U.A. Blockbacker Tetsu Trudge
U.A. Dreadnought Dunker Tetsu Trudge
U.A. Goalkeeper Tetsu Trudge
U.A. Midfielder Tetsu Trudge
U.A. Mighty Slugger Tetsu Trudge
U.A. Penalty Box Tetsu Trudge
U.A. Perfect Ace Tetsu Trudge
U.A. Playmaker Tetsu Trudge
U.A. Powered Jersey Tetsu Trudge
U.A. Rival Rebounder Tetsu Trudge
U.A. Signing Deal Tetsu Trudge
U.A. Stadium Tetsu Trudge
U.A. Turnover Tactics Tetsu Trudge
UFO Turtle Grandpa Muto
UFOroid Syrus Truesdale
Name Location
UFOroid Fighter Syrus Truesdale
Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem Zuzu Boyle
Ultimate Axon Kicker Akiza Izinski
Ultimate Baseball Kid Jack Atlas
Ultimate Conductor Tyranno Bastion
Ultimate Crystal Magic Jesse Anderson
Ultimate Earthbound Immortal Varis
Ultimate Fire Formation – Seito Cathy Katherine
Ultimate Insect LV1 Chazz Princeton
Ultimate Insect LV3 Chazz Princeton
Ultimate Insect LV5 Chazz Princeton
Ultimate Insect LV7 Chazz Princeton
Ultimate Obedient Fiend Crow
Ultimate Offering Grandpa Muto
Ultimate Providence Zuzu Boyle
Ultimate Tyranno Bastion
Ultimaya Tzolkin Yusei Fudo
Ultra Evolution Pill Cathy Katherine
Ultra Polymerization Zuzu Boyle
Umbral Horror Ghost Kite Tenjo
Umbral Horror Ghoul Kite Tenjo
Umbral Horror Unform Kite Tenjo
Umbral Horror Will o' the Wisp Kite Tenjo
Umbral Soul Jesse Anderson
Umbramirage the Elemental Lord Bastion
Umi Mai Valentine
Umiiruka Grandpa Muto
Uminotaurus Shark
Unacceptable Result Varis
Unbreakable Spirit Yuya Sakaki
Unchained Abomination Ai
Unchained Soul of Anguish Ai
Unchained Soul of Disaster Ai
Unchained Soul of Rage Ai
Unchained Twins – Aruha Ai
Unchained Twins – Rakea Ai
Underclock Taker Playmaker
Underground Arachnid Yusei Fudo
Underworld Egg Clutch Shark
Underworld Fighter Balmung Gong Strong
Unending Nightmare Akiza Izinski
Unexpected Dai Jesse Anderson
Unformed Void Shark
Uni-Horned Familiar Jack Atlas
Uni-Song Tuning Varis
Uni-Zombie Tetsu Trudge
Unibird Jack Atlas
Name Location
Unicorn Beacon Jack Atlas
Unicycular Yusei Fudo
Unification Yusei Fudo
Unification of the Cubic Lords Seto Kaiba
Unified Front Crow
Uniflora, Mystical Beast of the Forest Yuma Tsukumo
Unifrog Bastion
Union Attack Cathy Katherine
Union Carrier Blue Angel
Union Hangar Seto Kaiba
Union Rider Chazz Princeton
Union Scramble Seto Kaiba
United Front Quinton
United Resistance Alexis Rhodes
United We Stand Yusei Fudo
Unity Grandpa Muto
Universal Adapter Shark
Unknown Synchron Yusei Fudo
Unknown Warrior of Fiend Grandpa Muto
Unleash Your Power! Alexis Rhodes
Unmasked Dragon Leo/Luna
Unpossessed Jesse Anderson
Unshaven Angler Jesse Anderson
Unstable Evolution Bastion
Until Noble Arms are Needed Once Again Varis
Unwavering Bond Gong Strong
Update Jammer Ai
Updraft Syrus Truesdale
Upstart Goblin Mai Valentine
Upstart Golden Ninja Shay
Uraby Mai Valentine
Urgent Ritual Art Declan Akaba
Urgent Schedule Soulburner
Urgent Synthesis Jesse Anderson
Urgent Tuning Yusei Fudo
Uria, Lord of Searing Flames Jaden Yuki
Ushi Oni Tetsu Trudge
Utgarda, Generaider Boss of Delusion Ai
Utopia Buster Yuma Tsukumo
Utopian Aura Yuma Tsukumo
Utopic Onomatopoeia Soulburner
V Salamander Yuma Tsukumo
V-LAN Hydra Blue Angel
V-Tiger Jet Seto Kaiba
Vain Betrayer Shark
Valerifawn, Mystical Beast of the Forest Crow
Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen Bakura
Name Location
Valkyrian Knight Quinton
Valkyrie Brunhilde Blue Angel
Valkyrie Chariot Blue Angel
Valkyrie Dritte Blue Angel
Valkyrie Erda Blue Angel
Valkyrie Erste Blue Angel
Valkyrie Funfte Blue Angel
Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant Crow
Valkyrie Sechste Blue Angel
Valkyrie Vierte Blue Angel
Valkyrie Zweite Blue Angel
Valkyrie's Embrace Blue Angel
Valkyrion the Magna Warrior Yugi
Vampire Awakening Bastion
Vampire Baby Bastion
Vampire Domination Bastion
Vampire Dragon Bastion
Vampire Duke Bastion
Vampire Familiar Bastion
Vampire Fraulein Bastion
Vampire Genesis Bastion
Vampire Grace Bastion
Vampire Grimson Bastion
Vampire Hunter Bastion
Vampire Kingdom Bastion
Vampire Lady Bastion
Vampire Lord Bastion
Vampire Red Baron Bastion
Vampire Retainer Bastion
Vampire Scarlet Scourge Bastion
Vampire Sorcerer Bastion
Vampire Sucker Bastion
Vampire Takeover Bastion
Vampire Vamp Bastion
Vampire's Curse Bastion
Vampire's Desire Bastion
Vampire's Domain Bastion
Vampiric Koala Bastion
Vampiric Orchis Bastion
Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord Yugi
Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant Crow
Vanguard of the Dragon Seto Kaiba
Vanity's Call Joey Wheeler
Vanity's Emptiness Joey Wheeler
Vanity's Fiend Joey Wheeler
Vanity's Ruler Joey Wheeler
Vanquishing Light Akiza Izinski
Name Location
Variable Form Kite Tenjo
Variety Comes Out Yusei Fudo
Vector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord Declan Akaba
Vector Scare Archfiend Playmaker
Vehicroid Connection Zone Syrus Truesdale
Veil of Darkness Bastion
Vendread Anima Playmaker
Vendread Battlelord Playmaker
Vendread Charge Playmaker
Vendread Chimera Playmaker
Vendread Core Playmaker
Vendread Daybreak Playmaker
Vendread Houndhorde Playmaker
Vendread Nightmare Playmaker
Vendread Nights Playmaker
Vendread Reorigin Playmaker
Vendread Reunion Playmaker
Vendread Revenants Playmaker
Vendread Revolution Playmaker
Vendread Striges Playmaker
Vengeful Bog Spirit Bakura
Vengeful Servant Akiza Izinski
Vengeful Shinobi Tetsu Trudge
Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes Jesse Anderson
Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes Jesse Anderson
Vennu, Bright Bird of Divinity Joey Wheeler
Venom Boa Jesse Anderson
Venom Burn Jesse Anderson
Venom Cobra Jesse Anderson
Venom Serpent Jesse Anderson
Venom Shot Jesse Anderson
Venom Snake Jesse Anderson
Venom Swamp Jesse Anderson
Ventdra, the Empowered Warrior Yuya Sakaki
Verdant Sanctuary Leo/Luna
Vermillion Dragon Mech Tetsu Trudge
Vermillion Sparrow Alexis Rhodes
Versago the Destroyer Chazz Princeton
Vertical Landing Quinton
Vessel for the Dragon Cycle Blue Angel
Vic Viper T301 Blue Angel
Vice Berserker Tetsu Trudge
Vice Dragon Jack Atlas
Vicious Claw Jaden Yuki
Victoria Leo/Luna
Victory Viper XX03 Syrus Truesdale
Vijam the Cubic Seed Seto Kaiba
Name Location
Vile Germs Mai Valentine
Vilepawn Archfiend Alexis Rhodes
Vindikite R-Genex Leo/Luna
Violent Rain Bakura
Violet Crystal Mai Valentine
Violet Witch Akiza Izinski
Viper's Rebirth Akiza Izinski
Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning Abyss Shay
Virus Cannon Seto Kaiba
Viser Des Bakura
Vishwar Randi Grandpa Muto
Vision Fusion Soulburner
Vision HERO Adoration Jaden Yuki
Vision HERO Faris Soulburner
Vision HERO Gravito Soulburner
Vision HERO Increase Soulburner
Vision HERO Minimum Ray Soulburner
Vision HERO Multiply Guy Soulburner
Vision HERO Poisoner Soulburner
Vision HERO Trinity Jaden Yuki
Vision HERO Vyon Jaden Yuki
Vision Hero Witch Raider Jaden Yuki
Vision Release Soulburner
Vivid Knight Quinton
Void Expansion Zuzu Boyle
Void Feast Zuzu Boyle
Void Imagination Zuzu Boyle
Void Launch Zuzu Boyle
Void Ogre Dragon Jack Atlas
Void Purification Zuzu Boyle
Void Seer Zuzu Boyle
Void Trap Hole Shay
Void Vanishment Zuzu Boyle
Vola-Chemicritter Methydraco Shay
Volcanic Blaster Syrus Truesdale
Volcanic Counter Syrus Truesdale
Volcanic Doomfire Syrus Truesdale
Volcanic Eruption Bastion
Volcanic Hammerer Syrus Truesdale
Volcanic Queen Syrus Truesdale
Volcanic Rat Syrus Truesdale
Volcanic Recharge Syrus Truesdale
Volcanic Rocket Syrus Truesdale
Volcanic Scattershot Syrus Truesdale
Volcanic Shell Syrus Truesdale
Volcanic Slicer Syrus Truesdale
Voltanis the Adjudicator Bakura
Name Location
Voltester Varis
Voltic Bicorn Jack Atlas
Voltic Kong Leo/Luna
Vorse Raider Seto Kaiba
Vortex the Whirlwind Crow
Vortex Trooper Chazz Princeton
Vorticular Drumgon Playmaker
Vulcan Dragni the Cubic King Seto Kaiba
Vulcan the Divine Crow
VW-Tiger Catapult Seto Kaiba
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon Seto Kaiba
Vylon Alpha Leo/Luna
Vylon Charger Leo/Luna
Vylon Component Leo/Luna
Vylon Cube Leo/Luna
Vylon Delta Leo/Luna
Vylon Disigma Leo/Luna
Vylon Element Leo/Luna
Vylon Epsilon Leo/Luna
Vylon Filament Leo/Luna
Vylon Hept Leo/Luna
Vylon Material Leo/Luna
Vylon Matter Leo/Luna
Vylon Ohm Leo/Luna
Vylon Omega Leo/Luna
Vylon Pentachloro Leo/Luna
Vylon Polytope Leo/Luna
Vylon Prism Leo/Luna
Vylon Segment Leo/Luna
Vylon Sigma Leo/Luna
Vylon Soldier Leo/Luna
Vylon Sphere Leo/Luna
Vylon Stella Leo/Luna
Vylon Stigma Leo/Luna
Vylon Tesseract Leo/Luna
Vylon Tetra Leo/Luna
Vylon Vanguard Leo/Luna
W Nebula Meteorite Jesse Anderson
W-Wing Catapult Seto Kaiba
Waboku Grandpa Muto
Wailing of the Unchained Souls Ai
Waking the Dragon Seto Kaiba
Wall of Disruption Mai Valentine
Wall of Illusion Seto Kaiba
Wall of Ivy Akiza Izinski
Wall of Revealing Light Cathy Katherine
Wall of Thorns Akiza Izinski
Name Location
Wall Shadow Joey Wheeler
Wandering King Wildwind Jack Atlas
Wandering Mummy Bakura
War-Lion Ritual Joey Wheeler
Warlock of the Ice Barrier Tetsu Trudge
Warm Worm Mai Valentine
Warrior Dai Grepher Jesse Anderson
Warrior Elimination Syrus Truesdale
Warrior Lady of the Wasteland Joey Wheeler
Warrior of Atlantis Bakura
Warrior of Tradition Alexis Rhodes
Warrior of Zera Bakura
Wasteland Mai Valentine
Watapon Yugi
Watch Cat Cathy Katherine
Watch Dog Yuya Sakaki
Water Dragon Bastion
Water Dragon Cluster Bastion
Water Element Shark
Water Girl Shark
Water Hazard Shark
Water Leviathan @Ignister Ai
Water Magician Alexis Rhodes
Water of Life Blue Angel
Water Omotics Mai Valentine
Water Spirit Jack Atlas
Waterdragon Fairy Grandpa Muto
Waterfall of Dragon Souls Jack Atlas
Wattaildragon Seto Kaiba
Wattberyx Jack Atlas
Wattbetta Jack Atlas
Wattcancel Jack Atlas
Wattcannon Jack Atlas
Wattcastle Jack Atlas
Wattchimera Jack Atlas
Wattcine Jack Atlas
Wattcobra Jack Atlas
Wattcube Jack Atlas
Wattdragonfly Jack Atlas
Wattfox Jack Atlas
Wattgiraffe Jack Atlas
Watthopper Jack Atlas
Watthydra Jack Atlas
Wattjustment Jack Atlas
Wattkeeper Jack Atlas
Wattkey Jack Atlas
Wattkid Seto Kaiba
Name Location
Wattkinetic Puppeteer Jack Atlas
Wattkiwi Jack Atlas
Wattlemur Jack Atlas
Wattmole Jack Atlas
Wattpheasant Jack Atlas
Wattrain Varis
Wattsquirrel Jack Atlas
Wattsychic Fighter Jack Atlas
Wattwoodpecker Jack Atlas
Wave-Motion Cannon Akiza Izinski
Wave-Motion Inferno Jack Atlas
Wavering Eyes Gong Strong
Weapon Change Syrus Truesdale
Weather Control Grandpa Muto
Weather Report Yugi
Wee Witch's Apprentice Grandpa Muto
Weed Out Jaden Yuki
Weeping Idol Yusei Fudo
Weights & Zenmaisures Quinton
Wetha Grandpa Muto
Wetlands Seto Kaiba
Wheel of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
Where Arf Thou? Cathy Katherine
Whiptail Crow Crow
Whirlwind of Gusto Akiza Izinski
Whirlwind Prodigy Chazz Princeton
Whirlwind Weasel Tetsu Trudge
White Aura Bihamut Blue Angel
White Aura Dolphin Gong Strong
White Aura Monoceros Blue Angel
White Aura Whale Gong Strong
White Dolphin Shark
White Dragon Ninja Shay
White Dragon Ritual Seto Kaiba
White Dragon Wyverburster Yugi
White Duston Cathy Katherine
White Elephant's Gift Cathy Katherine
White Hole Grandpa Muto
White Howling Blue Angel
White Magical Hat Bakura
White Magician Pikeru Mai Valentine
White Moray Gong Strong
White Night Dragon Alexis Rhodes
White Night Queen Alexis Rhodes
White Ninja Shay
White Potan Yuya Sakaki
White Rose Dragon Varis
Name Location
White Stingray Gong Strong
White Tiger Summoner Yuya Sakaki
White Veil Chazz Princeton
White Wing Magician Yuya Sakaki
White-Horned Dragon Jack Atlas
Whitefish Salvage Blue Angel
Wicked Acolyte Chilam Sabak Gong Strong
Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head Grandpa Muto
Wicked Rebirth Akiza Izinski
Wicked-Breaking Flamberge – Baou Mai Valentine
Widespread Dud Jack Atlas
Widespread Ruin Seto Kaiba
Widget Kid Playmaker
Wightmare Yugi
Wightprince Yugi
Wightprincess Yugi
Wild Fire Syrus Truesdale
Wild Nature's Release Bastion
Wild Tornado Yusei Fudo
Will of the Salamangreat Playmaker
Wilmee Chazz Princeton
Wind Effigy Jesse Anderson
Wind Pegasus @Ignister Ai
Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh Quinton
Wind-Up Bat Quinton
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity Quinton
Wind-Up Dog Quinton
Wind-Up Factory Quinton
Wind-Up Honeybee Quinton
Wind-Up Hunter Quinton
Wind-Up Juggler Quinton
Wind-Up Kitten Quinton
Wind-Up Knight Quinton
Wind-Up Magician Quinton
Wind-Up Rabbit Quinton
Wind-Up Rat Quinton
Wind-Up Shark Quinton
Wind-Up Snail Quinton
Wind-Up Soldier Quinton
Wind-Up Warrior Quinton
Wind-Up Zenmaines Quinton
Wind-Up Zenmaintenance Quinton
Wind-Up Zenmaister Quinton
Winda, Priestess of Gusto Akiza Izinski
Windaar, Sage of Gusto Akiza Izinski
Windmill Genex Leo/Luna
Windrose the Elemental Lord Bastion
Name Location
Windstorm of Etaqua Seto Kaiba
Windwitch – Crystal Bell Gong Strong
Windwitch – Glass Bell Gong Strong
Windwitch – Ice Bell Gong Strong
Windwitch – Snow Bell Gong Strong
Windwitch – Winter Bell Gong Strong
Wing Eagle Mai Valentine
Wing Egg Elf Mai Valentine
Winged Cleaver Grandpa Muto
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 Yugi
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #2 Alexis Rhodes
Winged Egg of New Life Kite Tenjo
Winged Kuriboh Jaden Yuki
Winged Kuriboh LV10 Jaden Yuki
Winged Kuriboh LV9 Jaden Yuki
Winged Minion Quinton
Winged Rhynos Jack Atlas
Winged Sage Falcos Bakura
Wings of Wicked Flame Seto Kaiba
Wingtortoise Shark
Wingweaver Syrus Truesdale
Wiretap Tetsu Trudge
Wisdom-Eye Magician Yuya Sakaki
Wiseman's Chalice Jaden Yuki
Witch Doctor of Chaos Yugi
Witch Doctor of Sparta Syrus Truesdale
Witch of the Black Forest Bakura
Witch of the Black Rose Akiza Izinski
Witch's Apprentice Grandpa Muto
Witch's Strike Blue Angel
Witchcrafter Bystreet Ai
Witchcrafter Collaboration Ai
Witchcrafter Creation Ai
Witchcrafter Draping Ai
Witchcrafter Edel Ai
Witchcrafter Genni Ai
Witchcrafter Golem Aruru Ai
Witchcrafter Haine Ai
Witchcrafter Holiday Ai
Witchcrafter Madame Verre Ai
Witchcrafter Masterpiece Ai
Witchcrafter Pittore Ai
Witchcrafter Potterie Ai
Witchcrafter Schmietta Ai
Witchcrafter Scroll Ai
Witty Phantom Syrus Truesdale
Wiz, Sage Fur Hire Gong Strong
Name Location
Wizard Buster Destruction Sword Yugi
Wodan the Resident of the Forest Akiza Izinski
Wolf Joey Wheeler
Wolf Axwielder Bakura
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Yusei Fudo
Wonder Balloons Yuya Sakaki
Wonder Clover Akiza Izinski
Wonder Garage Syrus Truesdale
Wonder Wand Yuma Tsukumo
Wonder Xyz Yuma Tsukumo
Wood Clown Quinton
Wood Remains Grandpa Muto
Woodborg Inpachi Bastion
Woodland Archer Alexis Rhodes
Woodland Sprite Joey Wheeler
World Carrotweight Champion Akiza Izinski
World Chalice Guardagon Almarduke Varis
World Chalice Guardragon Playmaker
World Dino Wrestling Bastion
World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy Varis
World Legacy Awakens Playmaker
World Legacy Bestowal Varis
World Legacy Clash Playmaker
World Legacy Cliffhanger Varis
World Legacy Collapse Varis
World Legacy Discovery Playmaker
World Legacy Guardragon Varis
World Legacy Guardragon Mardark Varis
World Legacy in Shadow Playmaker
World Legacy Key Playmaker
World Legacy Landmark Playmaker
World Legacy Monstrosity Varis
World Legacy Pawns Playmaker
World Legacy Scars Playmaker
World Legacy Struggle Playmaker
World Legacy Succession Playmaker
World Legacy Survivor Playmaker
World Legacy Trap Globe Playmaker
World Legacy Whispers Playmaker
World Legacy – "World Ark" Varis
World Legacy – "World Armor" Playmaker
World Legacy – "World Chalice" Playmaker
World Legacy – "World Crown" Playmaker
World Legacy – "World Key" Varis
World Legacy – "World Lance" Playmaker
World Legacy – "World Shield" Playmaker
World Legacy – "World Wand" Playmaker
Name Location
World Legacy's Corruption Playmaker
World Legacy's Heart Playmaker
World Legacy's Memory Playmaker
World Legacy's Mind Meld Playmaker
World Legacy's Nightmare Playmaker
World Legacy's Secret Playmaker
World Legacy's Sorrow Playmaker
World of Prophecy Yuma Tsukumo
World Reassembly Varis
World Suppression Bakura
Worm Apocalypse Jesse Anderson
Worm Bait Mai Valentine
Worm Barses Jesse Anderson
Worm Call Jesse Anderson
Worm Cartaros Jesse Anderson
Worm Dimikles Jesse Anderson
Worm Drake Alexis Rhodes
Worm Erokin Jesse Anderson
Worm Falco Jesse Anderson
Worm Gulse Jesse Anderson
Worm Hope Jesse Anderson
Worm Illidan Jesse Anderson
Worm Jetelikpse Jesse Anderson
Worm King Jesse Anderson
Worm Linx Jesse Anderson
Worm Millidith Jesse Anderson
Worm Noble Jesse Anderson
Worm Opera Jesse Anderson
Worm Prince Jesse Anderson
Worm Queen Jesse Anderson
Worm Rakuyeh Jesse Anderson
Worm Solid Jesse Anderson
Worm Tentacles Jesse Anderson
Worm Ugly Jesse Anderson
Worm Victory Jesse Anderson
Worm Warlord Jesse Anderson
Worm Xex Jesse Anderson
Worm Yagan Jesse Anderson
Worm Zero Jesse Anderson
Wow Warrior Grandpa Muto
Wrath of Neos Jaden Yuki
Wrecker Panda Quinton
Wretched Ghost of the Attic Alexis Rhodes
Wroughtweiler Jaden Yuki
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast Akiza Izinski
Wynn the Wind Charmer Jesse Anderson
Wynn the Wind Charmer, Verdant Blue Angel
Name Location
X-Head Cannon Seto Kaiba
X-Krawler Neurogos Playmaker
X-Krawler Qualiark Playmaker
X-Krawler Synaphysis Playmaker
X-Saber Airbellum Gong Strong
X-Saber Anu Piranha Gong Strong
X-Saber Axel Gong Strong
X-Saber Galahad Gong Strong
X-Saber Palomuro Gong Strong
X-Saber Pashuul Gong Strong
X-Saber Souza Gong Strong
X-Saber Urbellum Gong Strong
X-Saber Uruz Gong Strong
X-Saber Wayne Gong Strong
Xiangke Magician Yuya Sakaki
Xiangsheng Magician Yuya Sakaki
Xing Zhen Hu Cathy Katherine
Xing Zhen Hu Replica Quinton
Xtra HERO Cross Crusader Soulburner
Xtra HERO Dread Decimator Jaden Yuki
Xtra Hero Infernal Devicer Soulburner
Xtra HERO Wonder Driver Jaden Yuki
XX-Saber Boggart Knight Gong Strong
XX-Saber Darksoul Gong Strong
XX-Saber Emmersblade Gong Strong
XX-Saber Faultroll Gong Strong
XX-Saber Fulhelmknight Gong Strong
XX-Saber Gardestrike Gong Strong
XX-Saber Garsem Gong Strong
XX-Saber Gottoms Gong Strong
XX-Saber Hyunlei Gong Strong
XX-Saber Ragigura Gong Strong
XY-Dragon Cannon Seto Kaiba
Xyz Agent Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Avenger Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Block Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Burst Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Change Tactics Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Dimension Splash Shark
Xyz Double Back Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Effect Quinton
Xyz Encore Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Energy Quinton
Xyz Gift Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Override Quinton
Xyz Reborn Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Reception Yuma Tsukumo
Name Location
Xyz Reflect Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Remora Shark
Xyz Revenge Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Revenge Shuffle Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Reversal Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Shift Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Slidolphin Soulburner
Xyz Soul Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Territory Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Tribalrivals Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Unit Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Universe Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Veil Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Wrath Yuma Tsukumo
Xyz Xtreme !! Yuma Tsukumo
XYZ-Dragon Cannon Seto Kaiba
Xyz-Raypierce Shark
XZ-Tank Cannon Seto Kaiba
Y-Dragon Head Seto Kaiba
Yado Karu Joey Wheeler
Yaiba Robo Grandpa Muto
Yajiro Invader Yuma Tsukumo
Yaksha Chazz Princeton
Yamadron Grandpa Muto
Yamata Dragon Chazz Princeton
Yamatano Dragon Scroll Yuma Tsukumo
Yamato-No-Kami Chazz Princeton
Yami Mai Valentine
Yang Zing Brutality Jack Atlas
Yang Zing Creation Jack Atlas
Yang Zing Path Jack Atlas
Yang Zing Prana Jack Atlas
Yang Zing Unleashed Jack Atlas
Yaranzo Yusei Fudo
Yasha, the Skeletal Mayakashi Jack Atlas
Yashinoki Seto Kaiba
Yata-Garasu Chazz Princeton
Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing Jack Atlas
Yellow Baboon, Archer of the Forest Leo/Luna
Yellow Dragon Ninja Blue Angel
Yellow Duston Cathy Katherine
Yellow Gadget Yugi
Yellow Luster Shield Grandpa Muto
Yellow Ninja Blue Angel
Yellow-Bellied Oni Quinton
Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi Jack Atlas
Yoko-Zuna Sumo Spirit Chazz Princeton
Name Location
Yokotuner Akiza Izinski
Yomi Ship Seto Kaiba
Yormungarde Bakura
Yosen Training Grounds Declan Akaba
Yosen Whirlwind Declan Akaba
Yosenju Izna Soulburner
Yosenju Kama 1 Declan Akaba
Yosenju Kama 2 Declan Akaba
Yosenju Kama 3 Declan Akaba
Yosenju Kodam Declan Akaba
Yosenju Magat Declan Akaba
Yosenju Misak Declan Akaba
Yosenju Oroshi Channeling Soulburner
Yosenju Oyam Declan Akaba
Yosenju Sabu Soulburner
Yosenju Shinchu L Declan Akaba
Yosenju Shinchu R Declan Akaba
Yosenju Tsujik Declan Akaba
Yosenju Wind Worship Soulburner
Yosenju's Sword Sting Soulburner
Yosenjus' Secret Move Declan Akaba
You're In Danger! Ai
Yu-Jo Friendship Yugi
Yubel Jaden Yuki
Yubel – Terror Incarnate Jaden Yuki
Yubel – The Ultimate Nightmare Jaden Yuki
Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi Varis
Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi Varis
Yuki-Onna, the Ice Mayakashi Jack Atlas
YZ-Tank Dragon Seto Kaiba
Z-Metal Tank Seto Kaiba
Z-ONE Akiza Izinski
Zaborg the Mega Monarch Declan Akaba
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch Declan Akaba
Zanki Grandpa Muto
Zany Zebra Gong Strong
Zap Mustung Yuma Tsukumo
Zaphion, the Timelord Akiza Izinski
Zarigun Crow
Zefra Divine Strike Declan Akaba
Zefra Metaltron Declan Akaba
Zefra Path Declan Akaba
Zefra Providence Declan Akaba
Zefra War Declan Akaba
Zefraath Declan Akaba
Zefraniu, Secret of the Yang Zing Declan Akaba
Zefrasaber, Swordmaster of the Nekroz Declan Akaba
Name Location
Zefraxa, Flame Beast of the Nekroz Declan Akaba
Zefraxi, Treasure of the Yang Zing Declan Akaba
Zekt Conversion Kite Tenjo
Zeman the Ape King Leo/Luna
Zenmaiday Quinton
Zenmailfunction Quinton
Zenmailstrom Quinton
Zenmairch Quinton
Zera Ritual Joey Wheeler
Zera the Mant Joey Wheeler
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven Bakura
Zero Extra Link Playmaker
Zero Force Yusei Fudo
Zero Gardna Yusei Fudo
Zero Gravity Alexis Rhodes
Zero-Day Blaster Varis
ZERO-MAX Jack Atlas
Zerozerock Yuma Tsukumo
Zerrziel, Ruler of the Evil Eyed Ai
Zeta Reticulant Seto Kaiba
Zoa Joey Wheeler
Zodiac Sign Shay
Zolga Seto Kaiba
Zoma the Spirit Bakura
Zombie Mammoth Bakura
Zombie Master Bakura
Zombie Necronize Jack Atlas
Zombie Power Struggle Bakura
Zombie Tiger Chazz Princeton
Zombie Warrior Yugi
Zombie World Bakura
Zombina Bakura
Zombino Bakura
Zombowwow Quinton
Zombyra the Dark Bastion
Zoodiac Barrage Shay
Zoodiac Boarbow Shay
Zoodiac Broadbull Shay
Zoodiac Bunnyblast Shay
Zoodiac Chakanine Shay
Zoodiac Combo Shay
Zoodiac Drident Shay
Zoodiac Gathering Shay
Zoodiac Hammerkong Shay
Zoodiac Kataroost Shay
Zoodiac Ramram Shay
Zoodiac Ratpier Shay
Name Location
Zoodiac Thoroughblade Shay
Zoodiac Tigermortar Shay
Zoodiac Whiptail Shay
ZS – Vanish Sage Yuma Tsukumo
Zubaba Buster Yuma Tsukumo
Zubaba General Yuma Tsukumo
Zubaba Knight Yuma Tsukumo
Zubababancho Gagagacoat Soulburner
Zure, Knight of Dark World Bastion
Zushin the Sleeping Giant Crow
ZW – Asura Strike Yuma Tsukumo
ZW – Eagle Claw Yuma Tsukumo
ZW – Leo Arms Yuma Tsukumo
ZW – Lightning Blade Yuma Tsukumo
ZW – Phoenix Bow Yuma Tsukumo
ZW – Sleipnir Mail Yuma Tsukumo
ZW – Tornado Bringer Yuma Tsukumo
ZW – Ultimate Shield Yuma Tsukumo
ZW – Unicorn Spear Yuma Tsukumo