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Of the many lessons polio eradication has taught HOW TO QUALIFY

us, one of the most important is also one of the PRESIDENTIAL THEME
simplest: that if we want to bring all of Rotary To qualify for the Presidential Citation, clubs
forward, we’ve all got to be moving in the same must complete two mandatory activities and
direction. Continuity of leadership, at the club, additional activities in several categories. Most
district, and RI level, is the only way we will activities will be verified automatically through
flourish, and achieve our full potential. It is not RI’s data. But some will be verified only by the
enough simply to bring in new members and information you enter in Rotary Club Central.
form new clubs: our goal is not more Rotarians,
To more accurately capture your club’s
but more Rotarians who can achieve more good
achievements, for the first time ever, clubs will
Rotary work, and will become the Rotary leaders
ROTARY SERVING HUMANITY of tomorrow. have the entire Rotary year — from 1 July 2016
to 30 June 2017 — to achieve the Presidential
Rotary has been many things, to many people, Near the end of his life, reflecting on the path Citation goals.
in the last 111 years. Through Rotary, our that brought him to Rotary, Paul Harris wrote:
members have found friends, community, and “Individual effort may be turned to individual District governors will be able to track the
a sense of purpose; we’ve forged connections, needs, but combined effort should be dedicated progress of all of their clubs online, and I’m
advanced our careers, and had incredible to the service of mankind. The power of combined asking them to follow up with you regularly
experiences we couldn’t have had anywhere else. effort knows no limitation.” He could hardly have and support you in achieving these goals
Every week, in more than 34,000 clubs around imagined then that one day, more than 1.2 million
the world, Rotarians come together to talk, laugh, Rotarians would be combining their efforts, DISTRICT CITATION
and share ideas. But above all, we come together and, through our Rotary Foundation, their I will also offer a special citation to districts that:
for one, overriding goal: service. resources, to serve humanity together. And we
can only imagine what great deeds Paul Harris ll Have at least 51 percent of clubs earn the
Service to humanity has been the cornerstone
would have expected of such a Rotary! It is our Presidential Citation
of Rotary since its earliest days, and has been its
responsibility to achieve those deeds; as it is ll Contribute at least 20 percent of their District
main purpose ever since. I believe that there is
our privilege to carry forth the tradition of Designated Fund to PolioPlus
no better path to meaningful service today than
Rotary Serving Humanity. ll Increase Annual Fund giving by 5 percent
Rotary membership; and no organization better over last year’s total
placed to make a real and positive difference in
our world. No other organization so effectively
ll Achieve a 3 percent increase in membership
brings together committed, capable professionals Sincerely, Thank you in advance for your efforts this year
in a wide variety of fields, and enables them to to show Rotary Serving Humanity.
achieve ambitious goals. Through Rotary, we have
the capacity, the network, and the knowledge to
change the world: the only limits are the ones
we place on ourselves.

Today, our organization is at a critical point:

John Germ
President, Rotary International, 2016-17
a historic juncture that will determine, in so
many ways, what comes next. Together, we have 2016-17 President
provided extraordinary service to our world; Rotary International
tomorrow, our world will depend on us to do even
more. Now is the time to capitalize on our success:
as we complete the eradication of polio, and
One Rotary Center
catapult Rotary forward, with determination and
1560 Sherman Avenue
enthusiasm, to be an even greater force for good
Evanston, IL 60201-3698 USA
in the world.
www.rotary.org 900-16EN—(915)
Clubs must achieve both of the following goals: Giving and recognition data for your club and Clubs must achieve 3 of the following goals: Your club’s Rotaract or Interact club must be
club members will be recorded in the contribution ll Sponsor at least one Rotary Community Corps certified with Rotary International. To ensure
ll Set at least 10 goals in Rotary Club Central. and recognition reports available to club officers that your status as a sponsor or co-sponsor is
to enhance community engagement and ensure
ll Pay semiannual dues to RI on time in July and in My Rotary. In celebration of our Foundation’s project sustainability. Note: Your club’s RCC must recorded, club presidents may confirm RI’s
January. Note: Verify your payment options on centennial, several of these goals refer to the be certified with Rotary International. To ensure records in Rotary Club Central Reports. Contact
your club’s invoice or by contacting your financial original donation of $26.50 that started your status as an RCC sponsor or co-sponsor [email protected] or [email protected] to
representative. The Rotary Foundation in 1917. Additionally, is recorded, your club president can check RI’s report any discrepancies.
$536 is the approximate equivalent of $26.50 today. records in Rotary Club Central Reports, and can Clubs must achieve 3 of the following goals:
MEMBERSHIP ATTRACTION Clubs must achieve 3 of the following goals: contact [email protected] to report
any errors. ll Currently sponsor or co-sponsor a Rotaract club.
AND ENGAGEMENT ll Support our Foundation with a contribution
ll Ensure that at least one club member belongs ll Currently sponsor or co-sponsor a community-
of at least $536. based Rotaract club.
Verify that all membership data reported through to a Board-recognized Rotarian Action Group
My Rotary or your data integration service provider ll Support our Foundation with a contribution (www.rotary.org/actiongroups). Report in Rotary ll Currently sponsor or co-sponsor an Interact club.
is accurate by checking Club & Member Data under of at least $26.50 from each member. Club Central.
Club Administration in My Rotary. You can start ll Have at least one club member mentor a
ll Attain at least $2,650 in total giving to PolioPlus ll Partner with the Foundation by sponsoring at least Rotaractor or Interactor. Report in Rotary Club
tracking progress toward your retention goals in in honor of The Rotary Foundation centennial. one project funded by a global grant or a district Central.
ll Attain a minimum Annual Fund contribution grant. Note: Your club can contact your district
ll Involve Rotaractors or Interactors in club projects
Clubs must achieve 2 of the following goals: of $100 per capita. to verify whether it is registered as a global grant
and events. Report in Rotary Club Central.
sponsor or is listed as a district grant sponsor in
ll Achieve a net gain in membership. Small clubs ll Attain a five-year high in total club giving to the Sponsor or host at least one Rotary Youth
the original spending plan submitted with your ll
(up to 50 members) must achieve a net gain of Foundation (combined giving by all members Exchange student. Report in Rotary Club Central.
district’s 2016-17 district grant application.
at least one member; large clubs (51 or more under any designation, with a minimum
members) must achieve a net gain of at least contribution of $26.50 per member) in honor ll Have at least one club member attend a grant ll Sponsor a participant in a RYLA event. Report in
two members. of the Foundation’s centennial. management seminar. Report in Rotary Rotary Club Central.
Club Central.
ll Improve the member retention rate by at least ll Increase the total number of Benefactors and
1 percent from last year, or maintain 100 percent Bequest Society members in the club by at least one. ll Implement a project with one of Rotary’s service PUBLIC IMAGE
retention. partners. Note: Rotary has several partners
that work directly with clubs on projects. See a Clubs must report in Rotary Club Central.
ll Induct new members under the age of 40. Clubs ONLINE TOOL ADOPTION current list of service partners at www.rotary.org/
with up to 50 members must induct a minimum Clubs must achieve 1 of the following goals:
partners. Report in Rotary Club Central.
of two new members under age 40; clubs with All data for these goals will be automatically
ll Host an event to inform the community about
51 or more members must induct four. The new recorded when the actions are taken. ll Establish a partnership and conduct a project
Rotary and its Foundation’s centennial. Report
members must create profiles on My Rotary. with one or more corporations, government
Clubs must achieve 2 of the following goals: in Rotary Club Central.
entities, or nongovernmental organizations.
ll Have at least 50 percent of members identify Report in Rotary Club Central. ll Get local media to cover an outstanding club
their skills and interests in their My Rotary project. Report in Rotary Club Central.
ll Enhance a project’s scope and visibility by
profiles, and unlock that section to make it visible partnering with at least five other Rotary clubs in ll Involve local media with at least one club event,
on their public profiles. your region. Report in Rotary Club Central. project, or fundraiser. Report in Rotary Club
ll Post at least one initiative in Rotary Showcase. Central.
ll Post a project in need of assistance in Rotary
Ideas or contribute to a project in Rotary Ideas.
ll Have at least two members participate in
discussion groups in My Rotary.

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