Probiotics in Respiratory Virus Infections: Review

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Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2014) 33:1289–1302

DOI 10.1007/s10096-014-2086-y


Probiotics in respiratory virus infections

L. Lehtoranta & A. Pitkäranta & R. Korpela

Received: 4 February 2014 / Accepted: 28 February 2014 / Published online: 18 March 2014
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract Viral respiratory infections are the most common specific viruses has not been investigated sufficiently. Due to
diseases in humans. A large range of etiologic agents chal- the lack of confirmatory studies and varied data available,
lenge the development of efficient therapies. Research sug- more randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trials
gests that probiotics are able to decrease the risk or duration of in different age populations investigating probiotic dose re-
respiratory infection symptoms. However, the antiviral mech- sponse, comparing probiotic strains/genera, and elucidating
anisms of probiotics are unclear. The purpose of this paper is the antiviral effect mechanisms are necessary.
to review the current knowledge on the effects of probiotics on
respiratory virus infections and to provide insights on the
possible antiviral mechanisms of probiotics. A PubMed and Introduction
Scopus database search was performed up to January 2014
using appropriate search terms on probiotic and respiratory Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are a major cause of mor-
virus infections in cell models, in animal models, and in bidity and mortality worldwide. Viral pathogens are the most
humans, and reviewed for their relevance. Altogether, thirty-three common etiological agents of acute respiratory disease. The
clinical trials were reviewed. The studies varied highly in social and economic impact of viral respiratory disease is
study design, outcome measures, probiotics, dose, and matri- substantial, due to hospitalizations, medical costs, missed
ces used. Twenty-eight trials reported that probiotics had work, and school and day care absences. For instance, esti-
beneficial effects in the outcome of respiratory tract infections mates show that viral respiratory tract illnesses (mostly com-
(RTIs) and five showed no clear benefit. Only eight studies mon colds) cost US$40 billion annually in the United States
reported investigating viral etiology from the respiratory tract, alone [1].
and one of these reported a significant decrease in viral load. There are over 200 different types of viruses which cause
Based on experimental studies, probiotics may exert antiviral RTIs in humans. Human rhinoviruses (HRV) are the largest
effects directly in probiotic–virus interaction or via stimula- group of respiratory viruses, comprising over 150 serotypes
tion of the immune system. Although probiotics seem to be [2]. In humans, the predominant illness caused by HRV is the
beneficial in respiratory illnesses, the role of probiotics on acute upper RTI, also known as the common cold. The second
most common viruses infecting humans are the human en-
teroviruses (HEV), which are associated with clinical mani-
L. Lehtoranta (*) : R. Korpela festations ranging from mild respiratory symptoms to serious
Institute of Biomedicine, Pharmacology, University of Helsinki, conditions [2]. Influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus
Helsinki, Finland (RSV), and adenoviruses are also major causative agents of
e-mail: [email protected]
both upper and lower RTIs [3–5]. In addition, many other
A. Pitkäranta viruses or virus groups cause RTIs, e.g., parainfluenza viruses
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Otorhinolaryngology, University of and coronaviruses can cause a broad spectrum of respiratory
Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland diseases, ranging from mild upper RTIs to pneumonia [6]. In
recent years, with the rapid development of high-throughput
A. Pitkäranta
Department of Otorhinolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, molecular techniques, several new viruses associated with
Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland respiratory diseases, such as human bocavirus, human
1290 Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2014) 33:1289–1302

metapneumovirus, and the new coronaviruses HKU1 and antiviral mechanisms of probiotics are discussed in context
NL63, have been identified as well [7]. with studies conducted in vitro and in animal models.
The prevention of viral respiratory infections is an impor-
tant challenge to public health. Currently, the only effective
antivirals and vaccines for the prevention and treatment of Methods
respiratory virus infections are available against influenza
viruses and adenoviruses. For the viruses causing common A PubMed and Scopus database search was performed up to
cold (HRV, HEV), no effective therapies are available. Large January 2014 to review the relevant literature investigating the
varieties of etiologic agents and increasing antibiotic and effects of probiotics on respiratory virus infections in cell
antiviral resistance challenge the development of efficient culture, animal models, and clinical trials. The following
therapies. Consequently, it is of importance to find alternative search terms were used individually and in combination:
and safe ways to reduce the risk of these infections. Even ‘probiotic’, ‘Lactobacillus’, ‘Bifidobacterium’,
partially effective therapy in the treatment and prevention of ‘Lactococcus’, ‘respiratory infection’, ‘respiratory virus’,
viral RTIs such as the common cold could have an impact on and ‘influenza virus’.
reducing morbidity and economic losses due to this illness.
Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms that confer a
health benefit on the host [8]. The most common types of Health effects of probiotics in respiratory virus infections
microbes used as probiotics are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria,
which are generally consumed as part of fermented foods, Animal experiments
such as yoghurts or dietary supplements. Criteria for probiotic
bacteria include that the bacterial strain: (1) must be able to Animal experiments provide insight on the clinical effects of
survive in the gastrointestinal tract and to proliferate in the gut; probiotics against respiratory virus infections (Table 1). In
(2) should exert benefits to the host through growth and/or influenza virus infection in mice, the oral or intranasal admin-
activity in the human body; (3) should be non-pathogenic and istration of Lactobacillus pentosus strains [28–30], L. casei
non-toxic; (4) provide protection against pathogenic microor- Shirota [16, 17], L. plantarum strains [18–20, 38],
ganisms by means of multiple mechanisms; and (5) should be L. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus OLL1073R1 [39],
lacking transferable antibiotic resistance [9]. Different bacte- L. rhamnosus GG [21, 23], L. gasseri TMC0356 [21, 22,
rial strains of the same genus and species, verified also by 24], Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris FC [40], L. brevis KB
genomic information, may exert completely different effects [32], or B. breve YIT4064 [41] have reduced signs of
on the host. infection, virus titer in the lungs or nasal washings, or
The most promising health effects of probiotics in human increased body weight during infection and mice survival. In
intervention studies include the amelioration of acute diarrhea pneumovirus infection in mice, the virus-induced inflamma-
in children, relief of children’s milk allergy/atopic dermatitis, tion was suppressed and the mice were protected against lethal
and relief of irritable bowel syndrome [10, 11]. Probiotics are disease by L. plantarum NCIMB 8826 and L. reuteri F275
likely to have an impact through gut mucosa by balancing the [35]. In addition, L. rhamnosus CRL1505 and L. rhamnosus
local microbiota by inhibiting the growth of pathogenic mi- CRL1506 protected mice against RSV infection [37].
croorganisms [12], and by enhancing local and systemic im-
mune responses [13]. They may also influence the composi- Clinical trials
tion and activity of microbiota in the intestinal contents.
Considering the beneficial effects of probiotics in virus infec- Children
tions, specific probiotics have been suggested to be effective
in alleviating the duration and severity of acute rotavirus Altogether, five clinical trials have been conducted in children
gastroenteritis [14]. In addition, increasing evidence shows using L. rhamnosus GG as a probiotic [42–46]. In healthy
that probiotics are beneficial in RTIs [15], which, in most children attending day care, L. rhamnosus GG reduced the
cases, are of viral origin. However, the mechanisms behind number of children experiencing RTIs [42, 43], the number of
these effects are largely unknown. upper and lower RTIs [43], and the number of antibiotic
treatments or absences from day care [42]. In another study,
no differences were reported between the L. rhamnosus GG
Aim and the control groups in the number of antibiotic treatments
or respiratory symptom episodes [47]. However, in a sub-
The aim of this review is to present the current knowledge of group with L. rhamnosus GG identification in feces,
the health effects of probiotics on RTIs in humans, with a L. rhamnosus GG usage reduced the duration of RTIs. In
focus on viral respiratory infections. In addition, possible hospitalized children, L. rhamnosus GG reduced the risk of
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2014) 33:1289–1302 1291

Table 1 Immunomodulatory effects of probiotic bacteria in respiratory virus infections in animal experiments

Probiotic strain/reference Virus Study design Main findings

L. casei Shirota IFV A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) BALB/c mice, intranasal Mice survival rate ↑
[16] administration 3× daily for 3 days IL-12, IFN-γ, TNF-α in MLN cells ↑
before infection Virus titers in nasal wash ↓
[17] BALB/c mice, oral administration 5×/ Mice survival rate ↑
week for 3 weeks before infection Pulmonary NK cell activity ↑
IL-12 production by MLN cells ↑
Viral titers in nasal wash ↓
L. plantarum L-137 IFV A/FM1/47 (H1N1) C57BL/6 mice, intragastric Viral titers in the lung ↓
[18] administration daily 7 days before IFN-β in sera ↑
and 6 days after infection
L. plantarum 05AM2 IFV A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) BALB/c mice, oral administration Effects only with L. plantarum 06CC2:
L. plantarum 06TCa8 2× daily for 10 days starting Body weight loss ↓
L. paracasei ssp. paracasei 06TCa19 2 days before infection Virus yields in lungs ↓
L. paracasei ssp. paracasei 06TCa22 Mice survival ↑
L. paracasei ssp. tolerans 06TCa39 No. of macrophages and neutrophils in BALF ↓
L. plantarum 06TCa40 TNF-α in BALF ↓
L. paracasei ssp. paracasei 06TCa43 INF-α, IL-12, IFN-γ, NK cell activity ↑
L. plantarum 06CC2 mRNA IL-12 receptor, IFN-γ in Peyer’s patches ↑
L. delbrueckii ssp. lactis 06TC3
L. plantarum 06CC9
L. plantarum DK119 BALB/c mice, oral administration daily Both administration routes:
[20] for 10 days before infection and 14 Mice survival ↑
days after infection + experiments Lung viral loads ↓
with nasal administration BALF IL-12, IFN-γ ↑
BALF IL-4, IL-6, TNF-α ↓
L. gasseri TMC0356 BALB/c mice, oral administration daily Effects with both bacteria:
L. rhamnosus GG for 1 day, infection on day 14 Clinical symptom scores ↓
[21] Pulmonary virus titers ↓
[22] Effects with L. gasseri:
Peyer’s patches: mRNA IL-12, IL-15, IL-21 ↑
Lungs: mRNA IFN-γ, TNF, IL-12, perforin-1 ↑
[23] BALB/c mice, intranasal L. gasseri TMC0356:
administration 3× daily for 3 days Morbidity ↓
before infection Mice survival ↑
mRNA IL-1β, TNF, IL-10, MCP-1 ↑
[24] L. rhamnosus GG:
Accumulated symptoms ↓
Mice survival ↑
mRNA IL-1β, TNF, IL-10 + MCP-1↑
L. rhamnosus (strain not provided) IFVA/NWS/33 (H1N1) BALB/c mice, sublingual Mice mortality ↓
[25] administration for 10 days before Lung lesion scores↓
infection Lung anti-IFV IgA ↑
Lung IL-12 ↑, IL-6+ TNF-α ↔
Lung CD4+, CD8+, CD25 expression ↑
Splenocyte NK cell activities ↑
L. fermentum-1 BALB/c mice, intranasal or oral Mice survival ↑
L. brevis-2 administration for 21 days before Virus titer ↓
[26] infection Lung IgA + IL-12 ↑
Lung TNF-α and IL-6 ↓
Lung IFN-γ ↔
L. fermentum CJL-112 BALB/c mice, intranasal Effect in lungs:
[27] administration for 21 days before IL-2, IFN-γ, IL-1β ↑
infection IL-4, IL-5 ↔
IL-10 ↓
Anti-influenza IgA ↑
L. brevis KB290 IFV A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) BALB/c mice, oral administration Body weight loss ↓
[28] IFV A/PR8/34 H1N1 1× daily for 14 days before infection Clinical symptom scores ↓
BALF IFV specific IgA ↑
Serum IFN-α ↑
1292 Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2014) 33:1289–1302

Table 1 (continued)

Probiotic strain/reference Virus Study design Main findings

L. pentosus S-PT84 BALB/c mice, intranasal Mice survival ↑

[29] administration 1× daily for 3 days Virus titer in BALF ↓
before infection IL-12, IFN-γ in MLN cells ↑
BALF IL-12, IFN-α ↑
NK cell activity ↑
L. pentosus b240 BALB/c mice, oral administration for Mice survival ↑
[30] 3 weeks by gavage before infection Virus titers 7 days after infection ↓
Anti-IFV IgA, IgG BALF + plasma on day 7 ↑
[31] IFV A/California/04/ BALB/c mice, oral administration daily Mice survival ↑
2009 (H1N1) for 5 weeks, IFV infection on day 21 Virus proliferation ↔
Lung histopathology ↔
Cytokines/chemokines ↔
Differential regulation of antiviral gene
L. acidophilus L-92 IFV A/PR/8/34 BALB/c mice, oral administration daily Both bacteria:
[32] (H1N1) for 21 days, infection on day 16 - Body weight ↔
- Fatality ↔
Viable probiotic:
- Symptom score ↔
- Lung virus titers ↓
- Lung NK cell activity ↑
- Lung eotaxin, M-CSF, IL-1β, RANTES,
IFN-α ↑
- Lung IgG ↓, IgA ↔
Nonviable probiotic:
- Symptom score ↓
- Lung virus titers ↓
- Lung NK cell activity ↑
B. longum BB536 BALB/c mice, oral administration daily Symptom score ↓
[33] for 2 weeks before infection Loss of body weight ↓
Lung virus titers ↓
Lung IL-10, IL-12 ↔
Lung IL-6, IFN-γ (↓)
Bifidobacterium IFV A FM1 (H1N1) BALB/c mice were subjected to 8 days Lung IFN-γ, IL-17 ↑, IL-4, IL-10 ↓
Lactobacillus of oral neomycin administration, Probiotic treatment significantly restored initial
Enterococcus then infected intranasally with virus. levels of upregulation of TLR7, MyD88,
(Bifico probiotic product) Probiotic administration by gavage IRAK4, TRAF6, and NF-kB mRNA
[34] for 4 days after infection expression
L. plantarum NCIMB 8826 Pneumonia virus of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice, intranasal Protection against virus infection ↑
L. reuteri F275 mice J3666 inoculation of 2 weekly doses Granulocyte recruitment ↓
[35] 2 weeks before infection CXCL10, CXCL1, CCL2,TNF↓
Virus recovery ↓
[36] Live L. reuteri:
Neutrophil recruitment ↑
17A ↑
IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-γ ↔
L. rhamnosus CRL1505 Viral pathogen BALB/c mice, nasal administration for BALF + serum IL-6, IFN-α,IFN-β, TNF-α, IL-
L. rhamnosus CRL1506 molecular pattern 2 days before infection 10 ↑
[37] poly(I:C) + RSV A2 Lung viral loads↓
Strains differentially modulated TLR3/RIG-I-
triggered antiviral respiratory immune

Abbreviations for columns:

Probiotic strain: L = Lactobacillus; B. = Bifidobacterium
Virus: IFV = influenza virus; RSV = respiratory syncytial virus
Main findings: IL = interleukin; IFN = interferon; TNF = tumor necrosis factor; MLN = mediastinal lymph node; NK = natural killer cell; BALF =
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
↑ = significant increase; ↓ = significant decrease; ↔ = no significant effect
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2014) 33:1289–1302 1293

RTIs and duration of RTI episodes [42]. In preterm infants, children receiving L. casei rhamnosus had significantly lower
L. rhamnosus GG reduced the incidence of RTIs [46]. In odds of viral infection diagnosed by a doctor and a significant
addition, a meta-analysis of four randomized controlled trials difference in doctor-diagnosed RTI. However, specific viruses
investigating the role of L. rhamnosus GG in the prevention of were not reported in that study [49].
respiratory infections in children showed that L. rhamnosus
GG has the potential to reduce the risk of upper RTIs, inci- Adults
dence of acute otitis media, and antibiotic use. There were no
significant differences between the L. rhamnosus GG and the Probiotics’ effectiveness in RTIs has been addressed in 13
control groups in the incidence of lower RTIs [48]. studies in healthy adults, in athletes, and in individuals under
There are seven studies conducted with probiotic bacteria stressful conditions. In healthy adults, L. fermentum
other than L. rhamnosus GG. L. casei rhamnosus in children CETC5716 reduced the number of RTIs and increased
reduced the number of RTIs [49]. Also, L. casei DN114001 antigen-specific IgA formation after influenza virus vaccina-
reduced the incidence rate for upper RTIs43 and decreased the tion [61]. In addition, a combination of L. gasseri PA16/8,
duration (days) and incidence of only lower RTIs, but not B. longum SP07/3, and B. bifidum MF20/5 reduced the dura-
upper RTIs [50]. L. fermentum CECT5716 with prebiotics in tion of RTI symptoms [62], duration of RTI episodes [63, 64],
infants, however, reduced the incidence of both upper and but not the severity of RTI symptoms [63, 64]. None of these
lower RTIs [51]. The use of B. animalis ssp. lactis Bb12 in trials reported the effects of combinations on respiratory virus
healthy newborns was able to reduce the number of RTIs as load, although their viral etiology was studied. B. animalis
well, but was ineffective in reducing the occurrence of acute ssp. lactis Bl-04 reduced the risk of an upper RTI episode [65].
otitis media (AOM) or symptoms of otitis media [52]. In A combination of L. rhamnosus GG and B. animalis ssp.
healthy infants, treatment with L. reuteri SD112, but not with lactis Bb12 reduced both the duration of upper RTI and the
B. animalis ssp. lactis Bb12, resulted in fewer days of absence severity of RTI symptoms [66].
from day care due to illness, lower number of days with fever, Altogether, seven trials have been conducted among ath-
and clinical visits. Both strains were ineffective in reducing letes or stressed individuals, but they did not report studying
the incidence or duration of RTIs [53, 54]. In healthy children, the viral etiology. In male elite distance runners, L. fermentum
L. casei CRL431 or L. reuteri DSM17938 did not reduce the VRI003 reduced the duration of RTI symptoms, but not the
incidence, number, or duration of acute RTIs or RTI episodes incidence of RTIs or the severity of symptoms [67]. In com-
[55]. petitive cyclists, L. fermentum (PCC) had some decreasing
The effectiveness of several combinations of probiotics on effects on the symptoms of upper RTI in males, but not in
RTIs has been investigated in four clinical trials. A combina- females [68]. In rugby union players [69], a combination of
tion of L. rhamnosus GG, L. rhamnosus Lc705, B. breve L. gasseri, B. bifidum, and B. longum reduced the incidence of
Bb99, and P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS in otitis-prone upper RTIs, but not the severity of symptoms. However, in
children [56] or a combination of L. rhamnosus GG and marathon runners, L. rhamnosus GG did not decrease the
B. animalis ssp. lactis Bb12 in healthy newborns [57] both number of RTI episodes or the severity or the duration of
reduced the occurrence of recurrent RTIs, but not the inci- RTI symptoms [70]. In addition, in commando trainers,
dence of AOM. A combination of L. acidophilus and L. casei DN114001 was ineffective in reducing the incidence
B. bifidum in healthy children reduced the duration of acute of RTIs or RTI symptoms [62–64, 71]. Similarly, L. salivarius
RTI symptoms, school absence, and the risk of upper RTI did not lower the number of RTI episodes or reduce the
symptoms as well [58]. However, a combination of 12 bacte- severity or the duration of RTI symptoms in trainers [72].
ria including species of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, However, in shift workers, L. casei DN114001 reduced the
Streptococcus, and Enterococcus was not able to reduce the number of RTIs and increased the function of immune cell
number of RTIs [49]. activity [73].
The viral etiologies of RTIs were investigated in only five
studies. In preterm infants, L. rhamnosus GG decreased the The elderly
incidence of rhinovirus-induced episodes, but not rhinovirus
load [46]. In otitis-prone children, a combination of Only five studies have investigated the effects of probiotics
L. rhamnosus GG, L. rhamnosus Lc705, B. breve Bb99, and on RTIs, but not on the occurrence of specific viruses, in the
P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS reduced human bocavirus elderly. L. casei DN114001 decreased the duration of RTIs
load in the nasopharynx [59], but not picornaviruses [60]. In [74, 75], but had no effect on the incidence of RTIs [74].
healthy children attending day care, L. rhamnosus GG was not L. casei Shirota did not have an effect on the number of
able to decrease significantly respiratory viruses (HRV, HEV, upper RTIs or the severity of upper RTI symptoms, but
influenza viruses, parainfluenza viruses, RSV, adenovirus, and probiotics decreased the duration of upper RTIs [76].
human bocavirus) in the upper respiratory tract [47]. Healthy However, in another study, L. casei Shirota had no effect
1294 Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2014) 33:1289–1302

on the duration of RTI symptoms [77]. A combination of and serve as primary ports of entry for respiratory viruses.
L. rhamnosus GG, L. rhamnosus Lc705, B. breve Bb99, and Virus attachment to a host cell is the first essential step in
P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS was ineffective in lower- the disease process, and, therefore, interruption of this at-
ing the number of RTIs and reducing the duration of RTI tachment could be beneficial to the host. Probiotic bacteria
symptoms. However, the combination reduced the duration may bind directly to the virus and inhibit virus attachment to
of RTI episodes [60]. the host cell receptor. For instance, there is evidence that
The clinical trials in children, adults, and the elderly pre- specific strains of lactobacilli are able to bind and inactivate
sented in this review are summarized in Table 2. A variety of vesicular stomatitis virus (flu-like virus) in vitro [81].
probiotic strains have been used in these clinical trials, most of Probiotics may also show direct antimicrobial activity
them belonging to the genus Lactobacillus. In addition, vari- against pathogens by producing antimicrobial substances
ous combinations of probiotics have been used. Of 33 studies, such as organic acids, hydrogen peroxide, biosurfactants,
altogether, 28 studies reported that probiotics had beneficial and bacteriocins [12]. In experimental studies in epithelial
effects in the outcome of RTIs and five showed no clear cells and macrophages, metabolic products of specific
benefit. Only eight studies, however, reported investigating lactobacilli and bifidobacteria prevented vesicular stomatitis
the viral etiology. Of these, only one study showed a statisti- virus infection in a strain-specific manner [81]. In addition,
cally significant reduction in the virus load in the probiotic metabolites of bacteria in yoghurts showed antiviral activity,
group. A Cochrane systematic review by Hao et al. concluded inhibiting influenza virus replication [82]. The induction of
that probiotics were better than placebo in terms of reducing the low-level synthesis of nitric oxide may also be involved in
number of upper RTI episodes, the incidence of acute upper RTI the protective actions of probiotics against viruses in the
episodes, and antibiotics used [15]. Although clinical trials respiratory cells, as shown in alveolar macrophages in vitro
show that the use of specific probiotics and probiotic combi- [27, 83, 84]. However, it should be noted that respiratory
nations are beneficial in RTIs, there are also studies that report viruses infect cells with different mechanisms by using
no clear advantage. In addition, several viruses can cause various receptors and, also, the antiviral effects of probiotics
respiratory illnesses, but only a few studies have investigated are strain-specific.
probiotics’ effectiveness on viral agents. The lack of consis-
tent evidence between probiotic strains/genera and even with- Immunomodulation
in strains may be due to variation in study designs and report-
ed outcome measures, the length of intervention, study popu- Cell-mediated immunity
lations used (children vs. adults) or bacterial doses (106–
1010 cfu), and matrices (milk, yoghurt, capsule) used. In The induction of antiviral cytokines such as interferons
addition, in the elderly, decreased immunity due to aging (IFNs), as well as proinflammatory cytokines and
may partly explain the conflicting results [79]. chemokines, upon antigen recognition in epithelial cells or
underlying effector cells [macrophages, dendritic cells (DCs),
neutrophils] play a key role in virus infections by initiating
Possible mechanisms of actions of probiotics in respiratory cell-mediated viral elimination and adaptive immune re-
virus infections sponses. Probiotics may mediate their antiviral effects against
respiratory viruses possibly by eliciting systemic immune
Clinical and animal studies have demonstrated that specific responses via gut or enhancing cellular immunity in the air-
probiotics have antiviral effects, but the underlying mecha- ways with increased activity of natural killer cells and macro-
nisms are unclear. Additionally, the strain-to-strain variation phages. In the gut epithelial cells and/or antigen-presenting
may be relatively large concerning strain properties and effi- cells, probiotics are recognized by toll-like receptors (TLRs)
cacy. Possible antiviral mechanisms of probiotics include: (1) [85–88]. Probiotics may, therefore, modulate cytokine expres-
hindering the adsorption and (2) cell internalization of the sion patterns through epithelial cells [89] and through under-
virus; (3) production of metabolites and substances with a lying professional antigen-presenting cells, such as macro-
direct antiviral effect; and 4) crosstalk (immunomodulation) phages and dendritic cells [90–95].
with the cells in establishing the antiviral protection. The Many experimental studies in vitro and in animals show
possible mechanisms of probiotics against respiratory viruses that specific strains of probiotics are capable of providing
are presented in Fig. 1. protection against virus infections by stimulating antiviral,
cytokine, and chemokine responses in the respiratory and
Antagonism to respiratory viruses gastrointestinal epithelial cells or immune cells. In murine
DCs, L. acidophilus NCFM and L. acidophilus X37 induced
The respiratory tract is covered by mucosal epithelial surfaces, the expression of viral defense genes (IFN-β, IL-12, IL-10)
which are constantly exposed to numerous microorganisms [96]. In human macrophages, L. rhamnosus Lc705 induced
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2014) 33:1289–1302 1295

Table 2 Reported effects of probiotics in respiratory tract infections (RTIs) in clinical settings in children, healthy adults, and the elderly

Study design Subjects Probiotics used Main findings: probiotic vs. placebo

R DB PC 7 months 571 healthy children at day L. rhamnosus GG in milk - Days with respiratory symptoms ↔
[42] care centers (1–6 years) (on average, 108 cfu) 3× daily - No. of children with RTIs ↓
- Antibiotic treatments ↓
- Days of absence from day care ↓
- Age-adjusted results ↔
R DB PC 7 months 523 healthy children at day L. rhamnosus GG in milk - Days with respiratory symptoms/month ↔
[45] care centers (2–6 years) (on average, 108 cfu) 3× daily (subgroup of completed cases:↓)
- Respiratory symptom episodes/month ↔
- Antibiotic treatments ↔
[47] Subgroup of children visiting study physician:
- Days with respiratory symptoms/month ↓
- Occurrence of respiratory viruses in the
nasopharynx ↔
- RTI symptoms associated with viral findings ↔
R DB PC 3 months 281 healthy children at day L. rhamnosus GG (109 cfu) in milk - No. of children with RTIs ↓
[43] care centers (2–6 years) daily - No. of URTIs ↓
- No. of lower RTIs ↔
- No. of RTIs lasting >3 days ↓
R DB PC during hospital stay 742 hospitalized children L. rhamnosus GG (109 cfu) in milk - Risk for RTIs ↓
[44] (≥12 months) administered daily for duration of - Risk for duration of RTI episodes lasting >3 days ↓
hospitalization - Duration of hospitalization ↔
R DB PC 57 days (3 days 94 preterm infants Prebiotic GOS and polydextrose Prebiotic and L. rhamnosus group:
from birth) (gestational age >32+0 mixture or L. rhamnosus GG - Incidence of RTIs ↓
[46] and <36+6 weeks) 1×109 cfu/day for 1–30 days and - Incidence of HRV-induced episodes ↓
2×109 cfu/day for 31 to 60 days - HRV RNA load during infections ↔
stirred in 10 ml of liquid - Duration of HRV RNA shedding ↔
- Duration/severity of HRV infections ↔
R DB PC 6 months 309 otitis-prone children Combination of L. rhamnosus GG, - Occurrence of AOM ↔
[56] (10 months to 6 years) L. rhamnosus LC705, B. breve 99, - Occurrence of recurrent (≥4) RTIs ↓
P. freudenreichii JS in capsules - Moraxella catarrhalis in the nasopharynx ↑
[59] 8–9×109 cfu/capsule of each - HBoV DNA in the nasopharynx after 3–6 months
strain on 1 capsule daily (studied in 152 children) ↓
R DB PC 10–12 months 72 healthy newborns Combination of L. rhamnosus GG, During first 7 months of life:
[57] (<2 months) B. animalis ssp. lactis Bb12 - Incidence of AOM ↓
1010 cfu in capsules supplemented - Antibiotic treatments ↓
to infant formula once a day - No. of RTIs ↔
During first 12 months of life:
- Incidence of AOM ↔
- No. of recurrent RTIs ↓
R DB PC 3 months 80 healthy children Combination of L. acidophilus (min. - Median duration of cold symptoms + school
[58] (8–13 years) 109/capsule) and B. bifidum (min. absence ↓
109/capsule) (strain information - Risk of fever, cough, rhinorrhea, school absence,
not provided) in capsules 2× daily and school absence related to common cold ↓
R DB PC 6–7 months 109 healthy newborns B. animalis ssp. lactis Bb12 (109 cfu/ - No. of RTIs ↓
[52] (1 month old) day) in tablet, 2×daily - Occurrence of AOM ↔
- Symptoms of otitis media ↔
R DB PC 3 months 201 healthy infants L. reuteri SD 112 (107 cfu/g) or L. reuteri vs. B. Bb12/control:
[53] (4–10 months) B. animalis ssp. lactis Bb12 - No. of days with fever, clinic visits, child care
(107 cfu/g) in milk formula daily absences, and antibiotic prescriptions ↓
Both bacteria:
- Rate and duration of RTIs ↔
R DB PC 5 months 251 healthy school L. casei DN 114001 2× daily in - Incidence and duration (days) of RTI ↔
[50] children (3–12 years) fermented yoghurt - Duration of lower RTIs ↓
- Incidence of lower RTI and fatigue ↓
CR DB PC 3 months 638 healthy children L. casei DN 114001 (1 × 108 cfu/g ) - Incidence rate for CIDs ↓
[78] (3–6 years) in fermented dairy yoghurt drink: - Incidence rate for URTIs ↓
1× bottle daily - Missed day care/school or parental missed work ↔
R DB C 6 months - Incidence of acute RTIs ↔
1296 Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2014) 33:1289–1302

Table 2 (continued)

Study design Subjects Probiotics used Main findings: probiotic vs. placebo

[55] 494 healthy children L. casei CRL431(5 × 108 cfu/day) or - No. of RTI episodes ↔
(1–6 years) L. reuteri DSM17938 (5×108 cfu/ - Duration of acute RTIs↔
day) in milk (low or regular
R DB PC 6 months 215 healthy infants L. fermentum CECT5716 - Incidence ratio of URTIs ↓
[51] (6 months) (2×108 cfu/day)+GOS in - Incidence ratio of upper and lower RTIs↓
formula daily
DBRC 3–7 months 986 children (<5 years) L. casei rhamnosus: 2 sachets L. casei rhamnosus:
[49] (2×108 cfu) daily or - Incidence of bacterial infections ↓
L. rhamnosus T cell-1: 3 tablets - Doctor-diagnosed viral infection in 3 months ↓
(1×1010 cfu) daily or - Doctor-diagnosed RTI in 3 and 7 months ↓
combination of 12 bacteria (7× L. rhamnosus T cell-1:
Lactobacilli, 3× Bifidobacteria, 1× - Incidence of bacterial infections in 7 months ↓
Streptococcus, 1× Enterococcus 5 Combination:
capsules daily (109 cfu/strain) - No. of RTIs ↔
5 days a week
R DB PC 1 month + 5 50 healthy adults L. fermentum CECT5716 in capsule - No. of RTIs ↓
months follow-up (22–56 years) (1010 cfu/day): 2 weeks before and - Antigen-specific IgA ↑
(intramuscular anti- 2 weeks after vaccination
influenza vaccine)
R DB PC C-O 1 month 20 healthy elite male L. fermentum VR1003 (1.3× - Incidence of RTIs ↔
[67] distance runners 1010 cfu/day), 3× capsules 2× - No. of days with respiratory symptoms ↓
daily - Severity of symptoms ↔
R DB PC 11 weeks 99 competitive cyclists L. fermentum PCC® (minimum - URTI illness load ↔
[68] (26–45 years) 109 cfu/day) in capsules: 1× daily - Self-reported symptoms of lower RTI ↔ (↓ in
R DB PC 4 months 1,000 shift workers L. casei DN 114001 (1010 cfu/g) in - Cumulated number of CIDs ↓
[73] (18–65 years) yoghurt drink, 2×100-g bottle - Proportion of volunteers experiencing at least 1
daily CID ↓
-No. of CIDs in the subgroup of smokers ↓
- Leukocyte, neutrophil, and natural killer cell
counts and activity ↑
R DB PC 1 month 47 healthy men in French L. casei DN 114001 in milk, 3× - Incidence of RTIs ↔
[71] commando training 100 ml/day during training - Proportion of rhinopharyngitis ↑
- Symptoms of infection ↔
R DB PC 3 months 141 marathon runners L. rhamnosus GG in milk 2× bottles - No. of RTI episodes (during training or 2 weeks
[70] (22–69 years) daily (4×1010 cfu) or capsules 2× after marathon) ↔
daily (1010 cfu) - No. of healthy days ↔
R DB PC 4 months 66 healthy training adults L. salivarius(2×1010 cfu) powder in - No. of RTI episodes ↔
[72] (18–35 years) water daily for 16 weeks - Severity and duration of URTI symptoms ↔
R DB PC 3 months 479 healthy adults Combination of L. gasseri PA16/8 - Duration of RTI episode ↓
[63] (18–67 years) (4×107 cfu/tablet), B. longum - Severity of RTI symptoms ↔
SP07/3 (5×106 cfu/tablet), - Duration of fever ↓
R DB PC 3–5 months B. bifidum MF20/5 (5×106 cfu/ - Number of RTI episodes ↔
[64] tablet), vitamins, minerals, 1 tablet - Duration of RTI episodes ↓
daily - Severity of RTI symptoms ↔
R DB PC 3–5.5 months 477 healthy adults - Viral-induced incidence and duration of RTI ↔
[62] (23–49 years) - Days with fever ↓
- Duration of RTIs ↔
R DB PC over 150 days 460 physically active B. animalis ssp. lactis Bl-04 Both bacteria groups:
[65] adults (18 to 60 years) 2×109 cfu in sachet per day or - 0.7+0.9 month delay in the median time to an
L. acidophilus NCFM + illness episode
B. animalis ssp. lactis Bi-07 - Duration of RTIs ↔
5×109 cfu in sachet per day Only B. animalis:
- Risk of URTI episode ↓
R DB PC 1 month 30 rugby union players Combination of L. gasseri - Incidence of URTI ↔
[69] (2.6×109 cfu), B. bifidum - Incidence of any symptoms ↓
- Severity of symptoms ↔
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2014) 33:1289–1302 1297

Table 2 (continued)

Study design Subjects Probiotics used Main findings: probiotic vs. placebo

(0.2×109 cfu), and B. longum

(0.2×109 cfu) 1× capsule daily
R DB PC 3 months 198 healthy college Combination of L. rhamnosus GG+ - Median duration of URTI ↓
[66] students (18–25 years) B. animalis ssp. lactis Bb12, 1× - Severity of URTI ↓
powder/stick (2×109 cfu) daily - No. of missed work days ↔
- Missed school days ↓
R C (pilot) 3 weeks 260 healthy elderly L. casei DN 114001 in fermented - Incidence of RTI ↔
[74] (>60 years) yoghurt drink - Duration of RTI ↓
R DB PC 3 months 1,072 elderly (≤70 years) L. casei DN 114001 (≤1010 cfu/g) - Cumulative number or severity of CID ↔
[75] in yoghurt drink, 2×100 g daily - Average duration per episode of CID ↓
- Cumulative duration of CID ↓
- Average duration per episode of URTI ↓
- Cumulative duration of URTI ↓
R DB PC 5 months 154 elderly (74–92 years) L. casei Shirota (4×1010 cfu) in milk - No. of persons diagnosed with acute URTIs ↔
[76] 1×80 ml daily - No. of acute URTI events ↔
- Severity of URTIs ↔
- No. of acute URTI events/total days of observation ↔
- Mean duration of URTI per infection event ↓
R DB PC 176 days 737 healthy people aged L. casei Shirota (>6.5 × 109 live - Duration of RTIs ↔
[77] >65 years in nursing bacteria/bottle) in milk, 2× daily - No. of participants with RTI symptoms ↔
homes - Influenza vaccination immune response ↔
R DB PC 5 months 265 institutionalized Combination of L. rhamnosus GG, - No. of RTIs ↔
[60] elderly (>65 years) L. rhamnosus LC705, B. breve 99, - Duration of RTI episodes ↓
P. freudenreichii JS (8-9 × 109 cfu/ - Duration of RTI symptoms ↔
capsule of each strain), 2× daily

Abbreviations for columns:

Study design and duration: R DB PC = randomized double-blind placebo-controlled; CR = cluster-randomized; C-O = cross-over
Probiotics used: L = Lactobacillus; B = Bifidobacterium; P = Propionibacterium; cfu = colony-forming units; GOS = galactooligosaccharides
Main findings: probiotic vs. placebo: RTI = respiratory tract infection; URTI = upper respiratory tract infection, AOM = acute otitis media; CID =
common infectious disease; Ig = immunoglobulin; HBoV = human bocavirus; HRV = human rhinovirus
↑ = significant increase; ↓ = significant decrease; ↔ = no significant effect

type I interferon-dependent gene activation, which correlated Humoral immunity

with the prevention of influenza A virus replication and the
production of viral proteins [97]. In influenza infection in Data from animal studies indicate that strains of lactobacilli
mice, orally administered probiotic product containing and bifidobacteria provide protection against respiratory virus
Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Enterococcus regulated infections also by inducing the synthesis of virus-specific
the TRL7 signaling pathway [34] and L. pentosus b240 reg- immunoglobulins in the respiratory secretions and in serum
ulated antiviral gene expression against the infection [31]. In [25, 30, 39, 41]. In addition, studies in healthy human subjects
addition, orally ingested probiotics strains of Lactobacillus suggest that specific probiotics may enhance the immunoge-
[17, 19, 20, 22, 26, 28, 32] and Bifidobacterium [33] have nicity of viral vaccines. L. rhamnosus GG was effective in
enhanced cytokine production in the lungs or serum against inducing protective immune response against the H3N2 strain
viruses. There is also evidence that intranasally administrated in influenza virus vaccine [99]. Moreover, L. fermentum
probiotics protect against respiratory virus infection in mice CECT5716 ingestion in adults resulted in lower influenza-
by stimulating innate immune responses directly in the respi- like illness, increased proportion of NK cells in blood, signif-
ratory epithelium [20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 35–37, 98]. icantly higher TNF-α, and increased anti-influenza-specific
Additionally, sublingual administration of L. rhamnosus IgA and IgM after influenza vaccination [61]. The consump-
protected against influenza virus infection by enhancing mu- tion of B. animalis ssp. lactis Bb12 or L. paracasei ssp.
cosal secretory IgA production, T and NK cell activity, and paracasei L. casei 431431 also showed significantly greater
lung IL-12 levels [25]. Table 1 summarizes the effects of increase in influenza virus vaccine-specific IgG antibodies in
probiotic bacteria on cell-mediated immunity upon respiratory plasma and secretory IgA in saliva [100]. In the elderly, the
virus challenge in animal models. consumption of fermented yoghurt with L. casei DN-114 001
1298 Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2014) 33:1289–1302

Fig. 1 Schematic presentation of possible antiviral effect mechanisms of dehydrogenase production may have antiviral activities. 6 Modulation
probiotics in respiratory virus infections (adapted from Lehtoranta [80]). of immune response through epithelial cells. 7 Modulation and activation
1 Probiotic bacteria may bind directly to the virus and inhibit virus of immune responses through macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs). 8
attachment to the host cell receptor. 2 Adhesion of probiotics on the Upon activation, CD8+ T lymphocytes differentiate into cytotoxic T
epithelial surface may block viral attachment by steric hindrance, cover lymphocytes (CTLs), which destroy virus-infected cells. 9 CD4+ T
receptor sites in a non-specific manner, or by competing for specific lymphocytes differentiate into Th1 and Th2 cells. 10 T-helper cells type
carbohydrate receptors. 3 Probiotics may induce mucosal regeneration: 1 (Th1) activates phagocytes, promoting virus killing. 11 Th2-cells induce
intestinal mucins may bind to viruses, and inhibit their adherence to proliferation of B-cells, which travel to secondary lymphatic organs in
epithelial cells and inhibit virus replication. 4 Probiotics also show direct mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) and differentiate into immu-
antimicrobial activity against pathogens by producing antimicrobial sub- noglobulin (Ig)-producing plasma cells, which may migrate back to the
stances. 5 Induction of low-grade nitric oxide (NO) production and infection site. 12 Secretory antibodies neutralize the virus

increased significantly influenza-specific antibody titers after safety concerns regarding Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, or
influenza vaccination, especially against influenza B virus Propionibacterium strains, as they have a long history of safe
[101]. These studies suggest that orally ingested lactobacilli use in food [107]. In addition, for instance in Finland, in-
and bifidobacteria have an adjuvant-like effect on the humoral creased consumption of probiotic products containing
responses. L. rhamnosus GG has not resulted in a significant increase
in Lactobacillus bacteremia [108] and L. rhamnosus GG
consumption is regarded as safe in immunocompromised
Safety human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients
[108]. It should be taken into consideration that the safety of
Probiotics are frequently part of the normal gastrointestinal probiotics has not been as systematically investigated as in
microbiota, and, therefore, probiotic therapy is generally con- drugs, and the safety evaluation is partly based on long-term
sidered as safe [102]. However, probiotic therapy has raised experience.
potential safety concerns, including systemic infections, toxic
or metabolic effects on the gastrointestinal tract, and the
transfer of antibiotic resistance in the gastrointestinal micro- Summary and conclusions
biota [103]. In rare cases, some studies have reported
Lactobacillus septicemia in children [104], in immunocom- The aim of this review was to summarize the current literature
promised subjects [105], and detrimental effects in subjects investigating the effects of probiotics in respiratory virus
with hepatitis [106]. However, the European Food Safety infections in cell models, in animal models, and in humans.
Authority (EFSA) has concluded that there are no specific In addition, possible antiviral mechanisms of probiotics in
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2014) 33:1289–1302 1299

respiratory virus infections were discussed. Probiotic therapy 4. Langley GF, Anderson LJ (2011) Epidemiology and prevention of
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