Features of Islamic & Western Culture: Law and Society (Multimedia University)
Features of Islamic & Western Culture: Law and Society (Multimedia University)
Features of Islamic & Western Culture: Law and Society (Multimedia University)
There are several characteristics of Islamic culture. First, Islamic culture is God-
centered which emphasizes on the Oneness of Almighty Allah. According to Surah Al-
Baqarah (2:163), Allah says: “And your God is one God: there is no god but He,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful”. Islam also emphasizes the Halal, the worship and
devotion, such as prayers, fasting, Zakat and Hajj. In fact, Islam makes Friday Prayer a
must. According to S.14 of Syariah Criminal Offences Act (SCOA), Muslims who fail
to perform the prayers on Friday will be punished.
Fourth, Islamic culture is dynamic, progressive, world affirming and not world
denying. Islam emphasizes struggle, change, social justice, removal of oppression and
evil; encourages the act of learning, education, seeking for knowledge as well. According
to Al-Zumar (39:9), Allah says: “Are those equal, those who know and those who not
know?” This culture is applied in education of Malaysia, where Education Act 1966
makes 6 years of primary education compulsory for all children of Malaysian citizens
who are of ages 6-12 years.
Sixth, Islamic culture is Hifz-i furuj, which implied that the Muslims would not be
allowed to practice sexual promiscuity. Men and women could not illicitly live together,
could not reveal their bodies and could not openly enter into sexual relations. According
to Al-Muminum (23:5-7), Allah says: “And who guard their private parts except
from their wives. But, those who want something beyond this are indeed
transgressors. In Malaysia, those who are convicted of rape can be sentenced to not less
than 10 years to a maximum of 30 years and also whipping as stipulated under S.376 of
Penal Code.
Seventh, Islamic culture is Hifz-i maratib, means that all human beings are
originally equal in the eyes of God. The application of this culture can be observed in
Equality Act 2010, which aimed to protect individuals from unfair treatment and
promotes a fair and more equal society. However, human beings are not equal in their
family and social relations. For instance, the younger have to show respect to the older,
the children to their parents, and the students to their teachers. According to Al-Isra
(17:23), Allah says: “Your Lord has commanded that you worship non but Him, and
that you be kind to your parents, address them in term of honour.”
Third, Western culture encourages the essence of pleasure in life and emphasizes
that “Depriving oneself of pleasures leads to complexes and other psychological
abnormalities!” Although these passionate lovers admit that leaving pleasures cause
mental activities to weaken, they did not expand the concept of the pleasure to
knowledge, justice and helping other.