Evolution of The Transportation System in Dubai: Dossier
Evolution of The Transportation System in Dubai: Dossier
Evolution of The Transportation System in Dubai: Dossier
Public transport is vital for sustainable development. Dubai has embraced this challenge successfully
through its 6-pronged approach of development and is becoming a model of excellence for the region.
* Chief Engineer - Strategic Planning, Roads and Transport Authority, Dubai, UAE, Email: <[email protected]>.
was developed to assess the challenges and to prepare an Enhancement of the road network
action plan to address them. An important element of the Enhancement of road network is usually taking place by
Strategic Transport Plan is implementing transport poli- increasing its capacity and reducing delays at junctions.
cies and legislations to optimize the public transport and RTA has been working on both by widening the existing
the existing road network. road corridors, developing roads parallel to the strategic
Being the first city in the Middle East in pioneering a road corridors, creating ring roads around major develop-
paradigm shift from cars to public transport has not been ments, and providing free-flow junction layouts.
easy. A fundamental rethinking of transport policies and RTA has created some major strategic road corridors
legislations was required to remove financial bias towards – such as the Sheikh Zayed road, the Emirates road, the
the use of the automobile, particularly in areas where the Outer bypass road, the Al-Ittihad road and the Al-Khail
government has invested in high quality public transit. road – in the past few years to reduce the traffic congestion
This rethinking includes support for walking, biking and levels and improve journey times for the public. The latter
transit use, particularly in the areas immediately around is a significant socio-economic benefit for the community.
public transit stations. Additionally, more bridge crossings have been added to
RTA has taken a sustainable approach of managing the Dubai Creek to reduce the traffic burden on the exist-
travel demand through policies and legislations which fa- ing bridges and the tunnel. The number of traffic lanes
vour mass transit commute rather than the use of single crossing the Dubai Creek has been increased from 19 to
occupant vehicles. RTA’s strategic transportation plan is 48 between 2005 and 2011.
not limited to infrastructure projects but forms an inte- RTA has further plans to create main road corridors,
grated balanced approach and covers six major areas as ring roads, and interchanges in order to meet future devel-
indicated in Figure 1. opment needs, as well as to provide dedicated bus lanes in
1. Enhancement of the road network order to improve journey time of public buses. The road
2. Development and enhancement of public transporta- network in Dubai has increased from 8,715 lane-km in
tion system 2005 to 11,208 lane-km in 2010.
3. Enhancement of pedestrian and cyclist networks and
facilities Development and enhancement of public
4. Development of policies and legislations to overcome transportation system
congestion and to promote sustainable transportation A main pillar of RTA’s strategic transportation plan is the
5. Development of intelligent transportation technologies development of an integrated public transportation sys-
6. Enhancement of traffic and safety awareness tem. RTA’s ambitious project of Dubai metro and bus net-
Policies & Legislation
developed cities avail the benefits of mobility management • Traffic signal control system SCOOT.
plans such as reducing the time wasted on roads allowing • Central parking control system.
people to use their time productively and to contribute to • Journey planner system
the development of the country’s economy. RTA has planned around 20 multi-modal ITS pack-
RTA has successfully implemented the concept of mo- ages on short, medium and long term basis, which will
bility management plans with leading private companies further optimize the socio-economic returns from the ex-
managing the demand and optimizing the existing capac- isting infrastructure. Some of them are the following:
ity. Also, RTA is presently studying the implementation • Multimodal control and command centre
of other transport policies that will promote the public • Shared CCTV infrastructure
transport system and will bring behavioral change, hence • On-trip information distribution through signs, mo-
will shift people from private vehicles to public transport biles, PDA and terminals
(mode share is 9.4%). • Demand responsive transport service
Some of the successfully implemented policies are the • Vehicle emissions measure and weigh-in-motion
following: road tolling, parking control, dedicated bus-
lanes, car registration schemes, car pooling services (Share- Enhance traffic and safety awareness
kni), company transport schemes (Awselni) and awards RTA’s care for safety can be shown from the fact that safety
for the promotion of sustainable transport initiatives by is embedded into the authority’s vision. The global trend
the private sector (Dubai Award for Sustainable Trans- of rising automobile use puts increasing pressure on urban
port). Car sharing is one of the policies that can make roadways as cities face increasing traffic congestion.
a small but cost-effective contribution in reducing traffic Development patterns that focus exclusively on the
levels and pollution (Bonsall, 2002). movement of automobiles not only have led to serious
More specifically, there are two major Park’n’Ride traffic problems, but also have safety, health and
facilities constructed at major metro peripheral stations, environmental consequences.
around 800 air-conditioned bus shelters constructed, RTA wants to provide Dubai residents with the basic
memoranda of understanding have already been signed right to walk without unnecessary inconvenience or fear
with leading private companies to provide bus services for their personal safety. To achieve this goal, it has
and three annual award ceremonies for Dubai Award for implemented a number of safety campaigns and initiatives
Sustainable Transport have been successfully held. The for the road users in coordination with the Dubai Police,
geographic reach of the latter is being extended to other other government authorities and the private sector. Some
countries in the region. of the implemented safety and awareness campaigns are
RTA carefully monitors the phased implementation the following:
of the above transport policies and amends its plans ac- • Cyclists and pedestrian campaigns
cordingly in lieu of the changing economical and social • Speed reduction awareness campaigns
conditions. • Seat belt campaigns
• Red-signal crossing campaign
Development of intelligent transportation • Truck safety campaigns
technologies? • Safety campaigns (HASEB)
The importance of ITS is clearly identified by RTA, which • Speed management through engineering and
has developed a comprehensive ITS strategy. The strategy enforcement measures
integrates all the available transport and communication • Standardized conceptual designs and layouts for
systems, and identifies the ITS programs and projects that pedestrian footpaths
are needed to optimize Dubai transport system efficiency. • Car-free zones
RTA has made significant progress in utilizing the in- • Pedestrian crossings near public transit
telligent transportation system in order to maximize effi-
ciency and socio-economic returns from Dubai’s transport Conclusion
system. The following list includes some of the systems In conclusion, RTA’s journey of development continues as
implemented: conceptualized in Figure 2. RTA has comprehensive plans
• Unified automatic fare collection system and policies to achieve its vision to make Dubai an acces-
• Dynamic navigation system. sible and environment friendly city.
• Variable message signs. Dubai pioneered the concept of public transport in the