Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 4 (1996) : Open Access Under

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Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 4 (1996)

Principles of Maude
M. Clavel , S. Eker
1 3, P. Lincoln
2 3, and J. Meseguer

Computer Science Laboratory

SRI International
Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA

This paper introduces the basic concepts of the rewriting logic language Maude and
discusses its implementation. Maude is a wide-spectrum language supporting for-
mal specication, rapid prototyping, and parallel programming. Maude's rewriting
logic paradigm includes the functional and object-oriented paradigms as sublan-
guages. The fact that rewriting logic is reective leads to novel metaprogramming
capabilities that can greatly increase software reusability and adaptability. Con-
trol of the rewriting computation is achieved through internal strategy languages
dened inside the logic. Maude's rewrite engine is designed with the explicit goal
of being highly extensible and of supporting rapid prototyping and formal methods
applications, but its semi-compilation techniques allow it to meet those goals with
good performance.

1 Introduction
Maude is a logical language based on rewriting logic 17,24,20]. It is therefore
related to other rewriting logic languages such as Cafe 10], ELAN 12], and
DLO 6]. The equational language OBJ 11] can be regarded as a functional
sublanguage of Maude.
This paper gives an introduction to the language and its interpreter im-
plementation. Particular emphasis is placed on its basic principles and on its
semantics. The style is informal, and the ideas are illustrated with simple
examples to facilitate their comprehension.
The key characteristics of Maude can be summarized as follows:
1 Supported by a NATO Fellowship administered through the Royal Society.
2 Supported in part by Oce of Naval Research Contract N00014-95-C-0168, National
Science Foundation Grant CCR-9224858, and AFOSR Contract number F49620-95-C0044.
3 Supported by Oce of Naval Research Contracts N00014-95-C-022, and N00014-96-C-
0114, National Science Foundation Grant CCR-9224005, DARPA through NRAD Contract
N66001-95-C-8620, and by the Information Technology Promotion Agency, Japan, as a
part of the Industrial Science and Technology Frontier Program \New Models for Software
Architecture" sponsored by NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development
c 1996 Elsevier Science B. V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Clavel et al.
Based on rewriting logic . This makes it particularly well suited to express in
a declarative way concurrent and state-changing aspects of systems. Pro-
grams are theories, and rewriting logic deduction exactly corresponds to
concurrent computation.
Wide-spectrum. Rewriting logic is a logical and semantic framework in
which speci cation, rapid prototyping, and e cient parallel and distributed
execution, as well as formal transformations from speci cations to programs
can be naturally supported 14].
Multiparadigm. Since rewriting logic conservatively extends equational logic
15], a equational style of functional programming is naturally supported in a
sublanguage. A declarative style of concurrent object-oriented programming
is also supported with a simple logical semantics. Since rewriting logic also
extends Horn logic with equality in a conservative way 15], Horn logic
programming can also be supported and extended in an implementation
with basic facilities for uni cation.
Reective. Rewriting logic is reective 8,7]. The design of Maude capital-
izes on this fact to support a novel style of metaprogramming with very pow-
erful module-combining and module-transforming operations that surpass
those of traditional parameterized programming and can greatly advance
software reusability and adaptability.
Internal Strategies. The strategies controlling the rewriting process can
be de ned by rewrite rules and can be reasoned about inside the logic.
Therefore, instead of having a \Logic+Control" introduction of extra-logical
features, in Maude \Control Logic."
Maude's implementation has been designed with the explicit goals of sup-
porting executable speci cation and formal methods applications, of being
easily extensible, and of supporting reective computations. Although it is
an interpreter, its advanced semi-compilation techniques support exibility
and traceability without sacri cing performance. It can reach up to 200,000
rewrites per second on some applications running on a 90 MHz Sun Hyper-
Section 2 explains the sublanguage of functional modules. An informal
introduction to rewriting logic and to object-oriented modules in given in
Section 3. System modules, reection, and internal strategies are discussed in
Section 4. Maude's metaprogramming capabilities are the subject of Section 5.
Section 6 summarizes the semantic foundations of the language, and Section 7
describes the interpreter implementation. We conclude with some plans for
the future.

2 Functional Modules
Functional modules de ne data types and functions on them by means of
equational theories whose equations are Church-Rosser and terminating. A
mathematical model of the data and the functions is provided by the initial
algebra de ned by the theory, whose elements consist of equivalence classes
Clavel et al.
of ground terms modulo the equations. Evaluation of any expression to its
reduced form using the equations as rewrite rules assigns to each equivalence
class a unique canonical representative. Therefore, in a more concrete way
we can equivalently think of the initial algebra as consisting of those canoni-
cal representatives that is, of the values to which the functional expressions
As in the OBJ language 11] that Maude extends, functional modules can
be unparameterized, or they can be parameterized with functional theories as
their parameters. Functional theories have a \loose semantics," as opposed
to an initial one, in the sense that any algebra satisfying the equations in
the theory is an acceptable model. For example, a parameterized list module
LIST X :: TRIV] forms lists of models of the trivial parameter theory
fth TRIV is
sort Elt .
with one sort Elt those models as just sets of elements. Similarly, a sorting
module SORTING Y :: POSET] sorts lists whose elements belong to a model
of the POSET functional theory, that is, the elements must have a partial order.
The equational logic on which Maude functional modules are based is an
extension of order-sorted equational logic called membership equational logic
16,3] we discuss this and give more details about the semantics of functional
modules in Section 6.1. For the moment, it su ces to say that, in addition
to supporting sorts, subsorts, and overloading of function symbols, functional
modules also support membership axioms , a generalization of sort constraints
23] in which a term is asserted to have a certain sort if a condition consisting of
a conjunction of equations and of unconditional membership tests is satis ed.
We can illustrate these ideas with a parameterized module PATH G ::
GRAPH] that forms paths over a graph. This module has a path concatenation
operation, has nodes as identities, and source and target functions.
th GRAPH is
sorts Node Edge .
ops s t : Edge -> Node . *** source and target

fmod PATH G :: GRAPH] is

sorts Path Path? .
subsorts Node Edge < Path < Path? .
ops s t : Path -> Node .
op _
_ : Path? Path? -> Path? .
var E : Edge .
var N : Node .
var P : Path .
vars Q R S : Path? .
eq (Q
S = Q
S) .
cmb E
P : Path if t(E) == s(P) .

Clavel et al.
eq s(N) = N .
eq t(N) = N .
ceq s(E
P) = s(E) if t(E) == s(P) .
ceq t(E
P) = t(P) if t(E) == s(P) .
ceq N
P = P if s(P) == N .
ceq P
N = P if t(P) == N .
Note that the concatenation of two paths is a path if and only if the target
of the rst is the source of the second. This follows as an inductive consequence
of the simpler conditional membership axiom
cmb E
P : Path if t(E) == s(P) .
where E is an edge and P a path. We can then instantiate this module
with a concrete graph corresponding to an automaton, and can evaluate path
expressions to check whether they are valid paths in the automaton.

sorts Node Edge .
ops a b c : -> Node .
ops f g h i j : -> Edge .
ops s t : Edge -> Node .
eq s(f) = a . eq t(f) = b .
eq s(g) = c . eq t(g) = a .
eq s(h) = b . eq t(h) = c .
eq s(i) = c . eq t(i) = b .
eq s(j) = b . eq t(j) = b .


3 Rewriting Logic and Object-Oriented Modules

The type of rewriting typical of functional modules terminates with a single
value as its outcome. In such modules, each step of rewriting is a step of
replacement of equals by equals , until we nd the equivalent, fully evaluated
value. In general, however, a set of rewrite rules need not be terminating, and
need not be Church-Rosser. That is, not only can we have in nite chains of
rewriting, but we may also have highly divergent rewriting paths, that could
never cross each by further rewriting.
The essential idea of rewriting logic 19] is that the semantics of rewriting
can be drastically changed in a very fruitful way. We no longer interpret a
term t as a functional expression, but as a state of a system and we no longer
interpret a rewrite rule t ! t as an equality, but as a local state transition ,

stating that if a portion of a system's state exhibits the pattern described by

t, then that portion of the system can change to the corresponding instance
of t . Furthermore, such a local state change can take place independently

Clavel et al.
from, and therefore concurrently with, any other non-overlapping local state
changes. Of course, rewriting will happen modulo whatever structural axioms
the state of the system satis es. For example, the top level of a distributed
system's state does often have the structure of a multiset , so that we can
regard the system as composed together by an associative and commutative
state constructor.
We can represent a rewrite theory as a four-tuple R = ( E L R), where
( ) is a theory in membership equational logic, that speci es states of the

system as an abstract data type, is a set of labels, to label the rules, and

R is the set of labeled rewrite rules axiomatizing the local state transitions of
the system. Some of the rules in may be conditional 19].

Rewriting logic is therefore a logic of concurrent state change. The logic's

four rules of deduction|namely, reexivity, transitivity, congruence, and re-
placement 19]|allow us to infer all the complex concurrent state changes that
a system may exhibit, given a set of rewrite rules that describe its elementary
local changes. It then becomes natural to realize that many reactive systems
so speci ed should never terminate, and that a system may evolve in highly
nondeterministic ways through paths that will never cross each other.
These ideas can be illustrated by explaining how concurrent object-oriented
systems can be speci ed in rewriting logic, and how they can be executed using
Maude's object-oriented modules.
In a concurrent object-oriented system the concurrent state, which is usu-
ally called a conguration, has typically the structure of a multiset made up
of objects and messages. Therefore, we can view con gurations as built up by
a binary multiset union operator which we can represent with empty syntax
subsorts Object Msg < Configuration .
op __ : Configuration Configuration -> Configuration
assoc comm idr: null] .
where the multiset union operator is declared to satisfy the structural laws
of associativity and commutativity and to have identity . The subsort

subsorts Object Msg < Configuration .
states that objects and messages are singleton multiset con gurations, so that
more complex con gurations are generated out of them by multiset union.
As a consequence, we can abstractly represent the con guration of a typ-
ical concurrent object-oriented system as an equivalence class ] modulo the

structural laws of associativity and commutativity obeyed by the multiset

union operator of a term expressing a union of objects and messages, i.e., as
a multiset of objects and messages.
An object in a given state is represented as a term
h : j 1: 1
O C a v ::: : i
an vn

where is the object's name or identi er, is its class, the 's are the names
O C ai

of the object's attribute identiers, and the 's are the corresponding values.

Clavel et al.
The set of all the attribute-value pairs of an object state is formed by repeated
application of the binary union operator which also obeys structural laws
of associativity and commutativity i.e., the order of the attribute-value pairs
of an object is immaterial.
Consider for example a concurrent system made up of sender and receiver
objects that communicate with each other by sending messages in an unreliable
environment in which messages may be received out of order, some messages
can be lost, and other messages can be duplicated. A fault-tolerant connection
between two such objects can be accomplished by numbering the messages and
sending acknowledgments back. A receiver object may have the form
< R : Receiver | from: S, recq: Q, reccnt: M >
where the attribute from is the name of the sending object, recq is the
queue of received messages, and reccnt is the receiver's counter. In Maude,
the class Receiver of such objects is speci ed by the declaration
class Receiver | from: OId, recq: Queue, reccnt: Nat .
that introduces the attribute names and the corresponding value sorts. The
concurrent local state change corresponding to the reception of one message
from the sender by the receiver object can then be described by the following
labeled rewrite rule.
rl receive ] :
< R : Receiver | from: S, recq: Q, reccnt: M >
(to: R (E,N))
=> < R : Receiver | from: S,
recq: (if N == s(M) then push(Q,E) else Q fi),
reccnt: (if N == s(M) then s(M) else M fi) >
(to: S ack N) .
That is, the new value E is appended to the queue and the counter is increased
i the number N in the message is M + 1 otherwise, the message is discarded
and the receiver does not change its state, but in any case an acknowledgment
is always sent to the sender.
The entire fault-tolerant protocol for sender and receiver objects|discussed
in a somewhat dierent way in Chandy and Misra 5], and similar in some
ways to the presentation of the alternating bit protocol by Lam and Shankar
13]|can be de ned in the following parameterized object-oriented module.
Note that Maude's syntax for object-oriented modules leaves implicit some
well-understood assumptions, such as the syntax for objects, the existence of
a multiset union operator to form con gurations, and the conventions for class
inheritance. However, object-oriented modules can be systematically trans-
lated into ordinary rewrite theories by making explicit all these assumptions.
They can therefore be understood as a special case of system modules. A
detailed account of this translation process can be found in 20].
protecting QUEUE ELT] .

Clavel et al.
sort Contents Count .
subsort Elt < Contents .
op z : -> Count .
op s_ : Count -> Count .
op empty : -> Contents .
msg to:_(_,_) : OId Elt Count -> Msg . *** data to receiver
msg to:_ack_ : OId Count -> Msg . *** acknowledgment to sender
class Sender | rec: OId, sendq: Queue, sendbuff: Contents,
sendcnt: Count, repcount: Count .
class Receiver | from: OId, recq: Queue, reccnt: Count .
vars S R : OId .
vars N M X : Count .
var E : Elt .
var Q : Queue .
var C : Contents .

rl produce ] :
< S : Sender | rec: R, sendq: cons(E, Q), sendbuff: empty,
sendcnt: N, repcount: X > =>
< S : Sender | rec: R, sendq: Q, sendbuff: E,
sendcnt: s(N), repcount: s(s(s(z))) > .

rl send ] :
< S : Sender | rec: R, sendq: Q, sendbuff: E,
sendcnt: N, repcount: s(X) > =>
< S : Sender | rec: R, sendq: Q, sendbuff: E,
sendcnt: N, repcount: X >
(to: R (E,N)) .

rl rec-ack ] :
< S : Sender | rec: R, sendq: Q, sendbuff: C,
sendcnt: N, repcount: X >
(to: S ack M) =>
< S : Sender | rec: R, sendq: Q,
sendbuff: (if N == M then empty else C fi),
sendcnt: N, repcount: X > .

rl receive ] :
< R : Receiver | from: S, recq: Q, reccnt: M >
(to: R (E,N))
=> < R : Receiver | from: S,
recq: (if N == s(M) then push(Q,E) else Q fi),
reccnt: (if N == s(M) then s(M) else M fi) >
(to: S ack N) .
These de nitions will generate a reliable, in-order communication mechanism
Clavel et al.
from an unreliable one. The message counts are used to ignore all out-of-order
messages, and the replication count is used to replicate messages that may be
lost if the channel is faulty. The fairness assumptions of Maude will ensure
that the send action and corresponding receive actions will be repeated until
a rec-ack can be performed, or the replication counter goes to zero. One
can directly represent unbounded retransmission by eliminating this check as
well, although the protcol then relies more strongly on fairness assumption.
In 24,20] it is explained how we can also model some fault modes of the
communication channel by additional rewrite rules which duplicate or destroy
messages declared in a module extending the one above.
Formally, letting C denote the initial con guration of objects and C de-

note con guration resulting after rewriting, we have been able to deduce the
sentence C ! C as a logical consequence of the rewrite rules in the module.

Indeed, the rules of deduction of rewriting logic support sound and complete
reasoning about the concurrent transitions that are possible in a concurrent
system whose basic local transitions are axiomatized by given rewrite rules.
That is, the sentence t] ! t ] is provable in the logic using the rewrite rules

that axiomatize the system as axioms if and only if the concurrent transition
t] ! t ] is possible in the system.

In this object-oriented case we make several implicit assumptions, includ-

ing the associativity and commutativity of the multiset union operator. In
general system modules, however, the axioms E can be varied as a very ex-
ible parameter to specify many dierent types of concurrent systems. In this
way, rewriting logic can be regarded as a very general semantic framework for
concurrency that encompasses a very wide range of well-known models 19,22].
Maude's default interpreter can be quite adequate for simulating concur-
rent object-oriented systems. However, for the purposes of studying a system
in depth|for example, by exploring all the possible rewrites from a given state
to another|or of controlling the possibly highly nondeterministic evolution
of a system that need not be object-oriented, we need other means.

4 System Modules, Strategies, and Reection

The most general Maude modules are system modules. They specify the initial
model of a rewrite theory R 19]. This initial model is a transition system
whose states are equivalence classes t] of ground terms modulo the equations
E in R, and whose transitions are proofs  : t] ! t ] in rewriting logic|

that is, concurrent computations in the system so described. Such proofs are
equated modulo a natural notion of proof equivalence that computationally
corresponds to the \true concurrency" of the computations.
Consider for example a system module NIM specifying a version of the
game of Nim. There are two players and two bags of pebbles: a \draw" bag
to remove pebbles from, and a \limit" bag to limit the number of pebbles that
can be removed. The two players take turns making moves in the game. At
each move a player draws a nonempty set of pebbles not exceeding those in
the limit bag. The limit bag is then readjusted to contain the least number
Clavel et al.
of pebbles in either the double of what the player just drew, or what was left
in the draw bag. The game then continues with the two bags in this new
state. The player who empties the draw bag wins. An intermediate move is
axiomatized by the rule mv] the last, winning move is axiomatized by the
rule win.
mod NIM is
protecting BOOL .
sorts Pebble Bag State .
subsorts Pebble < Bag .
op o : -> Pebble .
op nil : -> Bag .
op __ : Bag Bag -> Bag assoc comm] .
op _=<_ : Bag Bag -> Bool .
op least : Bag Bag -> Bag .
op state : Bag Bag -> State .
vars X Y Z : Bag .
eq o nil = o .
eq nil =< X = true .
eq o X =< nil = false .
eq o =< o = true .
eq o =< o X = true .
ceq o X =< o = false if X =/= nil .
eq o X =< o Y = X =< Y .
eq least(X,Y) = if X =< Y then X else Y fi .
crl mv] : state(X Y,Z) => state(Y,least(X X,Y))
if X =< Z and X =/= nil .
crl win] : state(X,Y) => state(nil,nil)
if X =< Y and X =/= nil .
The initial model described by this module is the transition system con-
taining exactly all the possible game moves allowed by the game. But there
are many bad moves that would allow the other player to win. A good player
should avoid such bad moves by having a winning strategy . With such a strat-
egy, each move made by the player inexorably leads to success, no matter what
moves the other player attempts.
What we obviously want, in this and in many other examples, is to have
good ways of controlling the rewriting inference process|which in principle
could go in many undesired directions|by means of adequate strategies . Many
systems, for example theorem provers and declarative languages implementa-
tions, support certain strategies of this nature. However, such strategies are
often external to the languages they control: they may constitute a sepa-
rate programming language external to the logic, or may be part of the lan-
guage's \extralogical features." In Maude, thanks to the reective capabilities
of rewriting logic, strategies can be made internal to rewriting logic. That is,
they can be de ned by rewrite rules, and can be reasoned about as with rules

Clavel et al.
in any other theory. The value of specifying strategies with rewrite rules is
also emphasized in the most recent work on ELAN 2].
In fact, there is great freedom for de ning many dierent strategy lan-
guages inside Maude. This can be done in a completely user-de nable way, so
that users are not limited by a xed and closed strategy language. Also, even
if some users decide to adopt a particular strategy language because of its
good features, such a language remains fully extensible , so that new features
and new strategy concepts can be de ned on top of them. Of course, such
languages should be de ned in a disciplined way that guarantees that they are
correct, that is, that they only produce valid rewrites, as we explain below.
In Maude, a strategy language is a function on theories , that assigns to a
module another module strat ( ), whose terms are called strategy expres-

sions specifying desired, possibly quite complex, set of rewrite deductions in

the original theory . Executing such a strategy expression is simply rewrit-

ing it using the rules in strat ( ). In some cases, such executions may never

terminate. However, as the expression is being rewritten, more and more of

the desired rewrites in the theory that the strategy expression in question

was supposed to describe become directly \visible" in the partially rewritten

strategy expression. In this way, we can tame the wildness of by shifting our

ground to a much more controllable theory strat ( ). For example, strat ( )


may be Church Rosser, and therefore essentially a functional module, so that

computations of strategy expressions become essentially deterministic. This
is of course not a necessary requirement, but it is nevertheless an attractive
possibility in the context of a sequential implementation.
We rst briey discuss reection in rewriting logic and then explain how
it can be used to de ne and give semantics to internal strategy languages.
Rewriting logic is reective 8,7]. That is, there is a rewrite theory U with
a nite number of operations and rules that can simulate any other nitely
presentable rewrite theory R in the following sense: given any two terms t t

in R there are corresponding terms hR i and hR i in U such that we have

t t

R ` !
t t
() U ` hR i ! hR i
t t

Let us denote by FPTh the class of nitely presented rewrite theories. An

internal strategy language is a theory-transforming function strat : F P T h !
F P T h that satis es speci c semantic requirements 8,7]. A sound method-

ology for de ning such languages is to rst de ne a strategy language kernel

as a function, say, meta : F P T h ! F P T h that sends R to a de nitional
extension of U |or a suitable subtheory of U |by rewrite rules de ning how
rewriting in R is accomplished at the metalevel. A typical semantic de nition
that one wants to have in meta (R) is that of metaapply (l t), that simulates at
the metalevel one step of rewriting at the top of a term t using the rule labeled
l in R. Proving the correctness of such a small strategy language kernel is

then quite easy, by using the correctness of U itself as a universal theory. The
next step is to de ne a strategy language of choice, say strat, as a function
sending each theory R to a theory that extends meta (R) by additional strat-
egy expressions and corresponding semantic rules, all of which are recursive
de nitional extensions of those in the kernel in an appropriate sense, so that
Clavel et al.
their correctness can then be reduced to that of the kernel.
The descriptions of meta and strat that we have just given are phrased
in metalevel terms, that is, they are described as metalevel functions. But
in fact they are de nable as functions within rewriting logic. Note that in U
the theory R is represented as a term R. In fact, assuming a sorted version
of the logic, all such terms R are the elements of a sort Module in U . This
means that any eective function F : FPTh ! FPTh mapping a nitely
presentable rewrite theory to another at the metalevel of the logic can now
be represented at the object level as a computable function F : Module !
Module. Therefore, by the metatheorem of Bergstra and Tucker 1], we can
always specify such a function by a nite set of Church-Rosser and terminating
rewrite equations in a suitable conservative extension of U .
More details on the semantic de nition of an internal strategy language
for a logic in general, and for rewriting logic in particular, can be found in 7].
Since the rewrite engine can be naturally regarded as an implementation of key
functionality in the universal theory U , the Maude implementation supports a
strategy kernel META<X : Module> in a built-in fashion for greater e ciency.
The de nition of a concrete strategy language STRAT as a functional module
extending META is given in Appendix 9.
A strategy expression in STRAT initially has the form
rew T => ? with S
where T stands for the representation t in U of a term t in the object
theory R in question|for example, the two pebble bag (o o) in NIM has the
representation ' 'o,'o] in STRAT<NIM>|and S is the rewriting strategy
that we wish to compute. The symbol ? indicates that we are beginning the
computation of such a strategy as the computation proceeds, ? gets rewritten
into a tree of solutions , and S is rewritten into the remaining strategy to be
computed. In case of termination, this is the idle strategy and we are done.
This language can then be used to nd a winning strategy for the NIM
example. Such a strategy can easily be de ned by extending the basic module
STRAT<NIM> with a couple of mutually recursive strategies movetowin and
fmod NIM-WIN is
extending STRAT <NIM> .
ops mv win : -> Label .
ops movetowin findawinner : -> StrategyName .
vars T T' : Term . var SlT : SolTree . var SlTL : SolTreeList .

f g
eq rew T => SlT <- T' with movetowin =
rew T => SlT <- T' withg

orelse (dk-apply(mv)
findawinner)) .

eq rew T => SlT <- mk(SlTL) g with findawinner =
rew T => SlT <- mk(SlTL) g
Clavel et al.
with downleft

orelse (prunerest
up)) .

Intuitively, given a state hX Y i in the game, movetowin will nd a win-
ning move hX Y i for a player A if there is one, in the sense that either
0 0

hX Y i = hnil nili or hX Y i is a move that eventually will lead the player

0 0 0 0

A to success, no matter what moves the player B attempts, assuming that in

the following moves, the player A always plays with the strategy movetowin.
In particular, movetowin de nes the following strategy for a player A
given a state hX Y i in the game: try to win the game with just one move
(apply(win)) if not, create a tree whose leaves hX Y i, 1  i  n, are all
0 0

the allowed moves from the state hX Y i (dk-apply(mv)). Then, try to nd

i i

a leaf hX Y i representing a state from which the player B can not make a
winning move (findawinner) if not, the result of the strategy movetowin for
the player A will be failure.
As expected, findawinner de nes the following strategy for a player A
over a tree T (possibly empty) of allowed moves: try to select the rst leaf
hX1 Y1 i of T (downleft) note that if T is empty, the result of downleft will
0 0

be failure. Then, if the player B can make a winning move from hX1 Y1 i 0 0

(movetowin), prune that leaf (prunesol) and try to nd among the rest of
the leaves a winning move (findawinner) if the player B can not make a
winning move from hX1 Y1 i, prune the rest of the leaves (prunerest) and
0 0

select hX1 Y1 i (up) as a winning move.

0 0

We can then run the following examples to nd a winning move when there
is one, or to fail to do so otherwise.
Maude>red rew 'state ('__ 'o,'o,'o,'o]),('__ 'o,'o,'o])] => ?
with movetowin .
Result in sort StrategyExp:
rew 'state ('__ 'o,'o,'o,'o]),('__ 'o,'o,'o])] =>
^ <- 'state '__ 'o,'o,'o],'__ 'o,'o]] with idle . g
Maude>red rew 'state ('__ 'o,'o,'o,'o,'o]),('__ 'o,'o,'o,'o])]
=> ? with movetowin .
Result in sort StrategyExp: failure .

5 Metaprogramming in Maude
Perhaps one of the most important new contributions of Maude is the metapro-
gramming methodology that it supports in a simple and powerful way. This
methodology is well integrated with the language's semantic foundations, par-
ticularly with its logical foundations for reection.
By \metaprogramming" we of course mean the capacity of de ning pro-
grams that operate on other programs as their data in our case, equational
and rewrite theories that operate on other such theories as their data. By ob-
serving that we can not only reify theories, but also views among them, this
Clavel et al.
includes the more traditional \parameterized programming" capabilities in
the Clear-OBJ tradition 4,11] as a particular instance. The dierence is that
in that tradition theories are metalevel entities not accessible at the object
level of the logic, since this is only possible in an explicitly reective logical
What reection accomplishes is to open up to the user the metalelevel of
the language, so that instead of having a xed repertoire of parameterized
programming operations we can now de ne a much wider range of theory-
transforming and theory-combining operations that could not be de ned using
more traditional means. We have illustrated this power with the meta ( : X

Module) and strat ( : Module) constructions, that are \parameterized mod-


ules" in this much more general sense. Another good example, given in 15],
is the rei cation of the logic map  : LLogic ! RWLogic from linear logic to
rewriting logic as an equationally de ned function  : LLTheory ! Module
inside rewriting logic. This example illustrates a general method by which,
when using rewriting logic as a logical framework, we can always reify an ef-
fectively given map of logics  : L ! RWLogic , sending nitely presentable
theories in L to nitely presentable rewrite theories, as an equationally de ned
function  : TheoryL ! Module inside rewriting logic.
Many more examples could be given. Indeed, we plan to systematically ex-
ploit Maude's metaprogramming capabilities to make the language and its en-
vironment very easily extensible and modi able, and to support many logical
framework and semantic framework applications such as: representation and
interoperation of logics inside rewriting logic, executable de nition of other
logical languages in Maude, and de nition of theorem-proving environments
and tools for Maude and for other languages inside rewriting logic.
In summary, what reection makes possible in Maude is the de nition of an
open, extensible, and user-de nable module algebra supporting a new style of
metaprogramming with very promising advantages for software methodology.

6 The Semantics of Maude

We summarize the semantic foundations of Maude's functional, object-oriented,
and system modules.

6.1 Membership equational logic and functional modules

Maude is a declarative language based on rewriting logic. But rewriting logic
has its underlying equational logic as a parameter. There are for example
unsorted, many-sorted, and order-sorted versions of rewriting logic, each con-
taining the previous version as a special case. The underlying equational logic
chosen for Maude is membership equational logic 16,3], a conservative ex-
tension of both order-sorted equational logic and partial equational logic with
existence equations 16]. It supports partiality, subsorts, operator overloading,
and error speci cation.
A signature in membership equational logic is a triple  = (K S ) with
Clavel et al.
K a set of kinds, (K ) a many-sorted (although it is better to say \many-
kinded") signature, and S = fSk gk2K a K -kinded set of sorts .
An -algebra is then a (K )-algebra A together with the assignment to
each sort s 2 Sk of a subset As Ak . Intuitively, the elements in sorts are
the good, or correct, or nonerror, or de ned, elements, whereas the elements
without a sort are error or unde ned elements.
Atomic formulas are either -equations, or membership assertions of the
form t : s, where the term t has kind k and s 2 Sk . General sentences are
Horn clauses on these atomic formulae, quanti ed by nite sets of K -kinded
variables. That is, they are either conditional equations
^ ^
(8X ) t = t if ( ui = vi) ^ ( wj : sj )
i j
or membership axioms of the form
^ ^
(8X ) t : s if ( ui = vi) ^ ( wj : sj ):
i j
Membership equational logic has all the usual good properties: soundness
and completeness of appropriate rules of deduction, initial and free algebras,
relatively free algebras along theory morphisms, and so on 16].
In Maude, functional modules are equational theories in membership equa-
tional logic satisfying additional requirements. The semantics of an unparam-
eterized functional module is the initial algebra speci ed by its theory the
semantics of a parameterized functional module is the free functor associated
to the inclusion of the parameter theory. Functional theories are also mem-
bership equational logic theories, but they have instead a loose interpretation,
in that all models of the theory are acceptable, although a functional theory
may impose the additional requirement that some of its subtheories should
be interpreted initially. This is entirely similar to the treatment of \objects"
and theories in OBJ 11]. Indeed, since membership equational logic con-
servatively extends order-sorted equational logic, Maude's functional modules
extend OBJ modules.
Maude does automatic kind inference from the sorts declared by the user
and their subsort relations. There is no need to declare kinds explicitly. The
convenience of order-sorted notation is retained as syntactic sugar. Thus, an
operator declaration
op push : Nat Stack -> NeStack .
is understood as the membership axiom
(8x y) push(x y) : NeStack if x : Nat ^ y : Stack:
Similarly, a subsort declaration NeStack < Stack corresponds to the mem-
bership axiom
(8x) x : Stack if x : NeStack:
Computation in a functional module is accomplished by using the equa-
tions as rewrite rules until a canonical form is found. Therefore, the equations
must satisfy the additional requirements of being Church-Rosser, terminat-
ing, and sort-decreasing 3]. This guarantees that all terms in an equivalence
Clavel et al.
class modulo the equations will rewrite to a unique canonical form, and that
this canonical form can be assigned a sort that is smaller than all other sorts
assignable to terms in the class. For a module satisfying such conditions any
reduction strategy will reach a normal form nevertheless, the user can assign
to each operator a functional evaluation strategy in the OBJ style 11] to con-
trol the reduction for e ciency purposes. If no such strategies are declared, a
bottom-up strategy is chosen. Since Maude supports rewriting modulo equa-
tional theories such as associativity or associativity/commutativity, all that
we say has to be understood for equational rewriting modulo such axioms.
In membership equational logic the Church-Rosser property of terminating
and sort-decreasing equations is indeed equivalent to the conuence of their
critical pairs 3]. Furthermore, both equality and membership of a term in a
sort are then decidable properties 3]. That is, the equality and membership
predicates are computable functions . We can then use the metatheorem of
Bergstra and Tucker 1] to conclude that such predicates are themselves speci-
able by Church-Rosser and terminating equations as Boolean-valued func-
tions. This has the pleasant consequence of allowing us to include inequalities
t 6= t and negations of memberships not(t : s) in conditions of equations and

of membership axioms, since such seemingly negative predicates can also be

axiomatized inside the logic in a positive way, provided that we have a sub-
speci cation of (not necessarily free) constructors in which to do it, and that
the speci cation is indeed Curch-Rosser, terminating, and sort decreasing. Of
course, in practice they do not have to be explicitly axiomatized, since they are
built into the implementation of rewriting deduction in a much more e cient
Let us denote membership equational logic by Eqtl and its associated

rewriting logic by RWLogic . Regarding an equational theory as a rewrite


theory whose set of rules is empty de nes a conservative map of logics 15]
Eqtl ! RWLogic
: :

This is the way in which Maude's functional modules are regarded as a special
case of its more general system modules.

6.2 Semantics of object-oriented and system modules

As already pointed out, the logic of Maude is the membership logic variant of
rewriting logic RWLogic . A system module is then a rewrite theory. In the

unparameterized case its semantics is the initial model de ned by the theory
19], which is the algebra of all rewriting computations for ground terms in the
theory. From a systems perspective this model describes all the concurrent
behaviors that the system so axiomatized can exhibit. From that perspective
a term t denotes a state of the system, and a rewrite t ! t denotes a possibly

concurrent computation.
A system module can contain one or more parameter theories. The inclu-
sion from the parameter(s) into the module then gives rise to a free extension
functor 18], which provides the semantics for the module. This of course
means that we can compose systems by putting together the rewrite theories
Clavel et al.
in which they are speci ed.
A rewrite theory has both rules and equations, so that rewriting is per-
formed modulo such equations. However, this does not mean the Maude im-
plementation must have a matching algorithm for each equational theory that
a user might specify, which is impossible, since matching modulo an arbitrary
theory is undecidable. What we instead require for theories in system modules
is that:
The equations are divided into a set A of axioms, for which matching algo-
rithms exist in the Maude implementation 4 , and a set E of equations that
are Church-Rosser, terminating and sort decreasing modulo A that is, the
equational part must be equivalent to a functional module.
The rules R in the module are coherent 26] (or at least what might be
called \weakly coherent" 20], Section 5.2.1) with the equations E modulo A.
This means that appropriate critical pairs exist between rules and equations
allowing us to intermix rewriting with rules and rewriting with equations
in any way without losing rewrite computations by failing to perform a
rewrite that would have been possible before an equational deduction step
was taken. In this way, we get the eect of rewriting modulo E A with
just a matching algorithm for A. In particular, a simple strategy available
in these circumstances is to always reduce to canonical form using E before
applying any rule in R.
Since the state of the system speci ed by a system module is axiomatized as
an abstract data type by the equations E modulo A, and the rules in R are
local rules for changing such a state, in practice the lefthand sides of rules in
R only involve constructor patterns, so that coherence is a natural byproduct
of good speci cation practice. Besides, using the completion methods in 26]
one can check coherence, and one can try to make a set of rules coherent when
they are not so.
The semantics of object-oriented modules is entirely reducible to that of
system modules, in the sense that there is a systematic desugaring process
translating each object-oriented module into its corresponding system mod-
ule 20]. However, the particular ontology supported by object-oriented mod-
ules is something very much worth keeping, and it does not exist for general
system modules. For example, in an object-oriented con guration we have ob-
jects that maintain their identity across their state changes, and the notions
of fairness adequate for them are more specialized than those appropriate for
arbitrary system modules. The approach taken in Maude is to provide a logi-
cal semantics for concurrent object-oriented programming by taking rewriting
logic as its foundation, and then de ning in a rigorous way higher-level object-
oriented concepts above such a foundation. The papers 20,21] provide good
background on such foundations. Talcott's paper 25] gives rewriting logic
4 Maude's rewrite engine has an extensible design, so that matching algorithms for new
theories can be added and can be combined with existing ones 9]. At present, matching
modulo associativity and commutativity, and a preliminary version of matching modulo
associativity are supported.
Clavel et al.
foundations for actors from a somewhat dierent viewpoint.
The basic ideas about the reective semantics of Maude have already been
discussed in Section 4. Much more detail can be found in 7].

7 The Maude Implementation

This section describes the implementation of the Maude interpreter, which
consists of two main components: the front end and the engine.
7.1 Front end and module evaluation
The front end of the Maude interpreter is built on top of the OBJ3 front
end, and is written in Common Lisp. The Maude front end shares with
OBJ3 the convenient mix x syntax for user-de ned symbols and expressive
parameterized programming mechanisms. The Maude front end augments this
with additional syntax for Maude language constructs, tracing and debugging
commands, complete disambiguation of ad-hoc overloaded operators, a com-
plete module-attening operation, a specialized pretty- and unpretty-printer,
a program transformation from object-oriented modules to system modules,
and support for meta-level speci cations. The result is that users can enter
Maude speci cations using powerful parameterized programming constructs
and mix x syntax which are completely eliminated before a Maude speci ca-
tion is passed to the engine. Output from the engine is passed back through
a pretty-printer which reparses the output in pre x form, and then prints the
result in the user-declared mix x style. Timing and rewriting statistics from
the engine are also reported from the engine to the user through the front end.
7.2 Maude's rewrite engine
The design objectives of the Maude rewrite engine are consistent with the ex-
ecutable speci cation and formal method uses that we wish to support. The
system should \look and feel" like an interpreter, should be capable of support-
ing user interrupts and source level tracing, and above all should be extensible
with new equational theories and new built-in operators both of which may
require new term/data representations to be integrated seamlessly with exist-
ing term/data representations. Reective capabilities are also central to our
design, since the system should support arbitrary levels of meta-rewriting.
Although we have sought the most e cient implementation meeting the
above objectives, supporting them all but rules out a number of performance
enhancing techniques such as: compilation to native machine code (or C)
compilation to a xed architecture abstract machine program transforma-
tions and partial evaluation and tight coupling between the matching/ re-
placement/ normalization code for dierent equational theories|i.e., where
code operating on symbols in one equational theory recognizes symbols in
alien theories and makes use of their properties.
The design chosen is essentially a highly modular semi-compiler where the
most time consuming run-time tasks are compiled at parse-time into a sys-
Clavel et al.

Core Facilities Theory Interface

Sort, VariableSymbol, Symbol, DagNode,
Variable, Equation, Term,
Substitution,::: LhsAutomaton, :::

Free Theory AC Theory A Theory

FreeSymbol, AC Symbol, A Symbol,
FreeDagNode, AC DagNode, A DagNode,

FreeTerm,::: AC Term, ::: A Term,:::

EqualitySymbol, META-THEORY
BranchSymbol, MetaRewriteSymbol


Front End Utility Data Types

MaudeModule, Attribute, Vector, Graph, Digraph,
SortWithTests UnionFind, IntSet
(+ bison & ex code) DiophantineSystem, :::

Fig. 1. Overall structure of the Maude Interpreter's Rewrite Engine

tem of lookup tables and automata which are interpreted at run-time. After
some early experiments it was found very useful to have two distinct repre-
sentations for terms. For most uses terms are represented as trees, in which
nodes are decorated with all kinds of information to simplify parse time anal-
ysis. For the subject term being rewritten, however, a directed-acyclic-graph
(DAG) representation is used with very compact nodes. Heavy use is made of
object-oriented structuring techniques and great care has been taken to ensure
extensibility and to make the bulk of the engine application-independent.
The overall structure of the rewrite engine is shown in Figure 1, where
each module is shown as a box and some of the names of the modules classes
are shown in each box.
Solid arrows indicate that some of the classes in the target module are
derived from classes in the source module dotted arrows indicate that classes
in the target module use facilities provided by the source module. The modules
themselves are organized in a layered structure where inner layers have no
knowledge of, or dependency on, outer layers.
Clavel et al.
The innermost layer consists of the modules Core Facilities and Theory
Interface. The Theory Interface consists of abstract classes for basic objects
whose concrete realization will dier for dierent equational theories, such as:
symbols, dag nodes, terms, lefthand side automata (for matching), righthand
side automata (for constructing and normalizing righthand side and condition
instances), matching subproblems and matching extension information. Some
of the classes in the Theory Interface contain some concrete data and function
members to provide useful common functionality to derived classes. The Core
Facilities module consists of concrete classes for basic objects that are indepen-
dent of the dierent equational theories, such as: sorts, connected components
(kinds), variable symbols, variables (as terms), equations, sort constraints,
rules, sequences of matching subproblems and substitutions. Neither the Core
Facilities nor the Theory Interface treat any sort, symbol or equational theory
as special in any way whatsoever all are manipulated through virtual func-
tions in the abstract classes belonging to the Theory Interface. In particular,
this means that the code that handles conditional equations knows nothing
about the Maude built in sort Bool and its built in constants true and false.
Instead conditional equations always have the form
l = if 1 = 2
r c c :

and if a more complex boolean condition is desired, it is encoded as the


equality = true .

The next layer consists of modules for individual equational theories. Each
module in this layer consists of concrete descendents of abstract classes from
the Theory Interface, which provide a theory-speci c implementation of vir-
tual functions such as match (), compileLhs () and rewrite (). In this way each
equational theory has its own representation objects such as symbols, terms,
dag nodes and matching automata. At this level there are no special sorts or
symbols and each module is only aware of the representation of its own classes
everything else is alien and is manipulated through the Theory Interface.
The next layer consists of modules containing classes which provide sym-
bols with non-standard run-time properties. Even here there are no special
sorts or symbols only classes for symbols that have rather generalized non-
standard run-time behavior. The BranchSymbol class for example can be used
to generate all manners of conditional constructs including the `if-then-else- '
needed for Maude. These classes only aect the behaviour of a symbol when
an attempt is made to rewrite at a dag node containing it. All other properties
(such as matching and normalization) and data representations are inherited
from the parent equational theory.
The outermost module Front End contains a rudimentary parser, the class
MaudeModule and a couple of minor classes. Only here do Maude speci c
operators such as `if-then-else- ' and `meta-apply' really exist. The Front
End is dependent on all the other modules but no other module depends on
it. It can be changed or replaced without modifying the rest of the engine.
One nal module is the Utility Data Types. This contains classes and class
templates implementing `components of general utility' such as vectors, graphs
Clavel et al.
and Tarjan's union- nd data structure. These are used freely throughout the
Performance enhancing techniques implemented in the current prototype
(i) Fixed size dag nodes for in-place replacement.
(ii) Full indexing for the topmost free function symbol layer of patterns when
the patterns for some free symbol only contain free symbols this is equiv-
alent to matching a subject against all the patterns simultaneously.
(iii) Use of greedy matching algorithms, which attempt to generate a single
matching substitution as fast as possible for patterns and subpatterns
that are simple enough and whose variables satisfy certain conditions
(such as not appearing in a condition). If a greedy matching algorithm
fails it may be able to report that no match exists but it is also allowed
to report `undecided' in which case the full matching algorithm must be
(iv) Use of binary search during AC matching for fast elimination of ground
terms and previously bound variables.
(v) Use of a specially designed sorting algorithm which uses additional infor-
mation to speed up the renormalization of AC terms.
(vi) Use of a Boyer-Moore style algorithm for matching under associative
function symbols.
(vii) Compile time analysis of sort information to avoid needless searching
during associative and AC matching.
(viii) Compile time analysis of non-linear variables in patterns in order to prop-
agate constraints on those variables in an `optimal' way and reduce the
search space.
(ix) Compile time allocation of xed size data structures needed at run time.
(x) Caching dynamically sized data structures created at run time for later
reuse if they are big enough.
(xi) Bit vector encoding of sort information for fast sort comparisons.
(xii) Compilation of sort information into regularity tables for fast incremental
computation of sorts at run time.
(xiii) E cient handling of matching with extension through a theory indepen-
dent mechanism that avoids the need for extension variables or equations.
In large examples involving the free theory, we have observed speedups in
the order of 35{55 times faster than the OBJ3 implementation, reaching up to
200,000 rewrites per second on a 90 MHz Sun HyperSPARC. For examples of
associative commutative rewriting we have observed typical speeds of 10,000
rewrites per second, and in some cases three or more orders of magnitude
speedup over OBJ3.
The current version of the engine comprises 79 classes implemented by
approximately 19500 lines of C++.
Clavel et al.
8 Future Plans
We have introduced the main ideas and the basic principles of Maude and have
illustrated them with examples. In addition to continued work on theoretical
foundations much more experimentation and implementation work lies ahead
of us. The following areas will receive special attention:
Further development of, and experimentation with, Maude's reective and
metaprogramming capabilities.
Experimentation with dierent strategy languages, development of useful
strategy libraries, and study of parallel strategies.
Extension of the rewrite engine with matching algorithms for new equational
Implementation of uni cation algorithms to support narrowing computa-
tions in addition to rewriting. This will also allow adequate treatment of
rules with extra variables in their righthand sides, that are not supported
by the current implementation.
Development of a theorem-proving environment supporting automated rea-
soning about speci cations in Maude and in other languages.
Implementation of foreign interface modules 24,20], to support frequently
occurring computations in a more e cient, built-in way.
Input-Output. This should be naturally speci ed using Maude's concurrent
object-oriented concepts.
Compilation of Maude, as well as parallel and distributed implementations
of the language.
Applications and case studies. Application areas that seem particularly
promising include: logical framework applications, module algebra and meta-
programming methodology, object-oriented applications, symbolic simula-
tion, real-time system speci cation, parallel programming, and uses of Maude
as a programming language de nition and prototyping tool.
We cordially thank Timothy Winkler and Narciso Mart$%-Oliet for their valu-
able contributions to the development of the Maude ideas. We also thank
Carolyn Talcott for many discussions on Maude and for her valuable sugges-
tions on strategy aspects. We are grateful for very helpful discussions and
exchanges with Kokichi Futatsugi, Claude and H$el&ene Kirchner, Martin Wirs-
ing, Ulrike Lechner, Christian Lengauer, and many other colleagues. Our
previous work with Joseph Goguen and the other members of the OBJ team
has also inuenced the development of our ideas.

1] Jan Bergstra and John Tucker. Characterization of computable data types by
means of a nite equational specication method. In J. W. de Bakker and J. van
Clavel et al.
Leeuwen, editors, Automata, Languages and Programming, Seventh Colloquium,
pages 76{90. Springer-Verlag, 1980. LNCS, Volume 81.
2] P. Borovansky, C. Kirchner, and H. Kirchner. Controlling rewriting by
rewriting. This volume.
3] Adel Bouhoula, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, and Jose Meseguer. Specication and
proof in membership equational logic. Manuscript, SRI International, August
4] Rod Burstall and Joseph Goguen. The semantics of Clear, a specication
language. In Dines Bjorner, editor, Proceedings of the 1979 Copenhagen Winter
School on Abstract Software Specication, pages 292{332. Springer LNCS 86,
5] K. Mani Chandy and Jayadev Misra. Parallel Program Design: A Foundation.
Addison-Wesley, 1988.
6] A. Ciampolini, E. Lamma, P. Mello, and C. Stefanelli. Distributed logic objects:
a fragment of rewriting logic and its implementation. This volume.
7] Manuel G. Clavel and Jose Meseguer. Reection and strategies in rewriting
logic. This volume.
8] Manuel G. Clavel and Jose Meseguer. Axiomatizing reective logics and
languages. In Gregor Kiczales, editor, Proceedings of Re
ection'96, San
Francisco, California, April 1996, pages 263{288. Xerox PARC, 1996.
9] Steven Eker. Fast matching in combination of regular equational theories. This
10] K. Futatsugi and T. Sawada. Cafe as an extensible specication environment.
In Proc. of the Kunming International CASE Symposium, Kunming, China,
November, 1994.
11] J. A. Goguen, T. Winkler, J. Meseguer, K. Futatsugi, and J.-P. Jouannaud.
Introducing OBJ3. Technical Report SRI-CSL-92-03, Computer Science
Laboratory, SRI International, March 1992.
12] C. Kirchner, H. Kirchner, and M. Vittek. Designing constraint logic
programming languages using computational systems. In V. Saraswat and
P. van Hentryck, editors, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming:
The Newport Papers, pages 133{160. MIT Press, 1995.
13] Simon S. Lam and A. Udaya Shankar. A relational notation for state transition
systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-16(7):755{775, July
14] Patrick Lincoln, Narciso Mart-Oliet, and Jose Meseguer. Specication,
transformation, and programming of concurrent systems in rewriting logic.
In G.E. Blelloch, K.M. Chandy, and S. Jagannathan, editors, Specication
of Parallel Algorithms, pages 309{339. DIMACS Series, Vol. 18, American
Mathematical Society, 1994.
Clavel et al.
15] Narciso Mart-Oliet and Jose Meseguer. Rewriting logic as a logical and
semantic framework. Technical Report SRI-CSL-93-05, SRI International,
Computer Science Laboratory, August 1993. To appear in D. Gabbay, ed.,
Handbook of Philosophical Logic , Kluwer Academic Publishers.
16] Jose Meseguer. Membership algebra. Lecture at the Dagstuhl Seminar on
\Specication and Semantics," July 9, 1996. Extended version in preparation.
17] Jose Meseguer. A logical theory of concurrent objects. In ECOOP-OOPSLA'90
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Ottawa, Canada, October 1990,
pages 101{115. ACM, 1990.
18] Jose Meseguer. Rewriting as a unied model of concurrency. Technical Report
SRI-CSL-90-02, SRI International, Computer Science Laboratory, February
1990. Revised June 1990.
19] Jose Meseguer. Conditional rewriting logic as a unied model of concurrency.
Theoretical Computer Science, 96(1):73{155, 1992.
20] Jose Meseguer. A logical theory of concurrent objects and its realization in the
Maude language. In Gul Agha, Peter Wegner, and Akinori Yonezawa, editors,
Research Directions in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming, pages 314{
390. MIT Press, 1993.
21] Jose Meseguer. Solving the inheritance anomaly in concurrent object-oriented
programming. In Oscar M. Nierstrasz, editor, Proc. ECOOP'93, pages 220{246.
Springer LNCS 707, 1993.
22] Jose Meseguer. Rewriting logic as a semantic framework for concurrency: a
progress report. In Proceedings of the CONCUR'96 Conference, Pisa, August
1996. Springer LNCS, 1996.
23] Jose Meseguer and Joseph Goguen. Order-sorted algebra solves the constructor-
selector, multiple representation and coercion problems. Information and
Computation, 103(1):114{158, 1993.
24] Jose Meseguer and Timothy Winkler. Parallel programming in Maude. In
J.-P. Ban^atre and D. Le Metayer, editors, Research Directions in High-level
Parallel Programming Languages, pages 253{293. Springer LNCS 574, 1992.
Also Technical Report SRI-CSL-91-08, SRI International, Computer Science
Laboratory, November 1991.
25] C. L. Talcott. An actor rewrite theory. This volume.
26] P. Viry. Rewriting: An eective model of concurrency. In C. Halatsis
et al., editors, PARLE'94, Proc. Sixth Int. Conf. on Parallel Architectures and
Languages Europe, Athens, Greece, July 1994, volume 817 of LNCS, pages 648{
660. Springer-Verlag, 1994.

9 Appendix
fmod META <M : Mod> is
sorts OpId VarId Term TermList Label Nat .

Clavel et al.
subsort VarId < Term .
subsort OpId < Term .
subsort Term < TermList .

op __] : OpId TermList -> Term .

op _,_ : TermList TermList -> TermList assoc] .
op error* : -> Term .
*** meta-apply is a built in function, that takes the meta-representation
*** of a term, a rule label and a natural number in peano representation.
*** meta-apply(t, l, n) is evaluated as follows:
*** (1) "t" is converted to the term it represents.
*** (2) this term is fully reduced using the equations
*** (3) the resulting term is matched against all rules with label "l"
*** with matches that fail to satisfy the condition of their rule
*** discarded.
*** (4) the first "n" successful matches are discarded
*** (5) if there is an (n+1)th match, its rule is applied using that
*** match otherwise "error*" is returned
*** (6) the new term is fully reduced using the equations
*** (7) the resulting term is converted to a meta-term which is returned
op meta-apply : Term Label Nat -> Term .
op z : -> Nat .
op s : Nat -> Nat .

*** Here we just introduce the specification of STRAT <M : Mod> needed to
*** compute reductions in NIM-WIN
fmod STRAT <M : Mod> is
extending META <M> .
sorts SolTree SolTreeList SolTreeExp StrategyName Strategy StrategyExp .
subsort Term < SolTree .
subsort SolTree < SolTreeList .
subsort SolTree < SolTreeExp .
subsort StrategyName < Strategy .

op ? : -> SolTreeExp .
op ^ : -> SolTree .
op _,_ : SolTree SolTreeList -> SolTreeList .
op mk : SolTreeList -> SolTree .
op _f<-_g : SolTree SolTree -> SolTree .
op sols : Term Label Nat -> SolTreeList .
op failure : -> StrategyExp .
op rew_=>_with_ : Term SolTreeExp Strategy -> StrategyExp .
op _andthen_ : StrategyExp Strategy -> StrategyExp .
op idle : -> Strategy .
op __ : Strategy Strategy -> Strategy .
op __orelse_ : Strategy Strategy Strategy -> Strategy .
op apply : Label -> Strategy .

Clavel et al.
op dk-apply : Label -> Strategy .
op downleft : -> Strategy .
op up : -> Strategy .
op prunesol : -> Strategy .
op prunerest : -> Strategy .

var N : Nat . vars T T' T'' : Term . var L : Label .

var SlT SlT' : SolTree . var SlTL : SolTreeList .
var S S' S'' : Strategy .

eq rew T => ? with S = rew T => ^f<- Tg with S .

eq rew T => SlT with (S  S') = (rew T => SlT with S) andthen S' .

eq rew T => SlT with idle andthen S = rew T => SlT with S .
eq failure andthen S = failure .

eq rew T => SlT with (S  S'' orelse S') =

if rew T => SlT with S == failure then rew T => SlT with S'
else rew T => SlT with S andthen S'' fi .

eq rew T => SlTf<- T'g with apply(L) =

if meta-apply(T',L,z)== error* then failure
else rew T => SlTf<- meta-apply(T',L,z)g with idle fi .

eq rew T => SlTf<- T'g with dk-apply(L) =

rew T => SlTf<- mk(sols(T',L,z))g with idle .

eq rew T => SlTf<- mk(sols(T',L,N))g with downleft =

if meta-apply(T',L,N) == error* then failure
else rew T => SlTf<- mk(^,sols(T',L,s(N)))g
f<- meta-apply(T',L,N)g with idle fi .

eq rew T => SlTf<- mk(^,SlTL)gf<- T'g with prunesol =

rew T => SlTf<- mk(SlTL)g with idle .

eq rew T => SlTf<- mk(^,SlTL)gf<- T'g with prunerest =

rew T => SlTf<- ^gf<- T'g with idle .

eq rew T => SlTf<- ^gf<- T'g with up = rew T => SlTf<- T'g with idle .


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