Journal of Power Sources: Seunghun Jung
Journal of Power Sources: Seunghun Jung
Journal of Power Sources: Seunghun Jung
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Many lithium-ion batteries have electrodes made of multiple types of active materials in order to take
Received 12 March 2014 advantage of each active material. According to the types and blending ratios of constituting active
Received in revised form materials, there can be numerous combinations of blended-electrodes, resulting in different performance
14 April 2014
characteristics. This paper introduces how to numerically model lithium-ion batteries with blended-
Accepted 15 April 2014
Available online 26 April 2014
electrodes, and predict their performance. Further, this paper demonstrates how to apply the devel-
oped model to designing new batteries. First, we propose an equilibrium model which can predict
equilibrium characteristics of a blended-electrode. Second, a physics-based lithium-ion cell model with
blended-electrodes is proposed. Developed model is validated with experimental data and shows good
Battery agreements.
Blended electrode Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mixed electrode
0378-7753/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Jung / Journal of Power Sources 264 (2014) 184e194 185
conductivity and very low lithium diffusion rate of LiFePO4 (briefly This paper introduces how to predict performance of lithium-
‘LFP’) particle have been conducted [1e4]. As briefly listed above, ion batteries with blended-electrodes by mathematical method.
most of active material have both merits and demerits together. First, we introduce the blended-electrode model in equilibrium
Therefore, it is important to select proper active materials for state, which is useful to predict open-circuit voltage of a blended-
specified purposes. Since large battery capacity is the most electrode with arbitrary combinations of multiple active mate-
important factor for full electric vehicles (EV), Li(Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3)O2 rials. Second, the physics-based dynamic model is explained, which
(briefly ‘NMC’) can be selected as positive active material and can simulate battery performance in dynamic operating conditions
graphite can be used for negative electrode. In contrast, high power and explain physico-chemical phenomena inside blended-
is the most required quality for hybrid electric cars (HEV). In this electrodes.
case, spinel materials such as LiMn2O4 (briefly ‘LMO’) and amor-
phous materials such as carbon can be adopted for positive elec- 2. Equilibrium model
trode and negative electrode, respectively. When both capacity and
power are important, multiple active materials can be blended A pure active material has a distinct equilibrium voltage profile
together, so called ‘blended-electrode’. according to lithium intercalation level or lithium stoichiometry,
Several papers about experimental work on blended-electrodes which can be used for us to predict charging/discharging charac-
have been published. Mitigating Manganese dissolution and teristics of a cell made of the active material. By combining such
improving capacity retention by blending different active mate- equilibrium voltage data of several active materials, it is possible to
rials together were considered important by several researchers predict basic characteristics such as discharging profile of a
[5e7]. Fergus [8] extensively reviewed cathode materials including blended-electrode as follows.
composite electrodes. He categorized electrode with different Fig. 1 represents equilibrium voltage profiles of basic active
mixed particles and electrodes with coated particles layered as materials for this study. The basic concept of the present equilib-
composite electrode. Whitacre et al. [9] constructed fully mixed rium model of a blended-electrode is that the blended-electrode is
(blended) electrodes, fully segregated electrodes and layered in thermodynamically equilibrium state. In other words, the surface
electrodes by using LiFePO4 and Li(Li0.17Mn0.58Ni0.25)O2. They tried energy level (or the potential) of the constituting active particles
to take advantages of composite electrode from each active ma- should remain same level by minimizing potential difference be-
terial (high rate capability of LiFePO4 and large capacity of Li(L- tween active particles. This causes each different active particle
i0.17Mn0.58Ni0.25)O2 and they found that segregated active material may have different state of charge (lithium stoichiometry) under
configuration is the most promising solution with those two active equilibrium condition of the blended-electrode. Therefore, we can
materials. find out state of charge (lithium stoichiometry) of each constituting
As briefly reviewed above, it is worthwhile to consider blending active material. Theoretical capacity of LiMn2O4 is about
several active materials together to improve cell performance. 150 mAh g1 while usable capacity is about 107 mAh g1 (150e
However, blending different active materials may cause some 107 ¼ 43 mAh g1 is reserved to protect the crystal structure).
problems in a complex slurry mixing process or electrode coating Therefore, minimum lithium stoichiometry (soc 100%) of LiMn2O4
process, which may result in increased manufacturing cost. In is stoich100 ¼ 1.0 e 107/150 ¼ 0.287 and maximum lithium stoi-
addition, much time and cost would be required to find optimum chiometry (soc 0%) is stoich0 ¼ 1.0 when irreversible loss is ignored.
blending ratio for target performance of a cell. Actually, it takes So, we can setup following functions using Fig. 1 with above
much time and cost to finalize cell chemistry because cell makers relation.
go through several screening tests for candidate materials. Further,
numerous new active materials are being introduced by material 8 capai
8 >
makers. Although, it is good for cell makers to have many options to < ¼ f1 ðcapai Þ > stoichi ¼ capa
< max;i
choose, required time and cost for a new cell development may Ui ¼ f2 ðstoichi Þ where
increase as the combination number of materials grows larger. If : >
> stoichi stoich0;i
¼ f3 ðsoci Þ >
: soci ¼
the performance of a new cell with blended-electrodes can be stoich100;i stoich0;i
mathematically predicted before the actual cell is constructed, cell (1)
development cost will be significantly saved.
Few publications about modeling work on blended electrodes Inversely, lithium stoichiometry or SOC can be found for the
can be found up to now. Darling and Newman [10] started a given equilibrium potential also by transforming the above func-
modeling work on the electrode with two distinct particle sizes. tions as follows:
Gomadam et al. [11] developed a mathematical model simulating a
composite electrode made of carbon monofluoride (CFx) and silver 8
> f11 ðUi Þ ¼ capai
vanadium oxide (SVO) for medical applications. Although their >
> 1
model is relatively simplified with many assumptions, their < f 1 ðU Þ ¼ stoich ¼ capai ¼ f1 ðUi Þ
modeling result showed good agreement with the experimental 2 i i
capamax;i capamax;i
result from a small half cell test within moderate C-rate discharging >
condition. Albertus et al. [15e17] conducted more extensive >
> stoichi stoich0;i f 1 ðUi Þ stoich0;i
> 1 ¼ 2
: f3 ðUi Þ ¼ soci ¼ stoich
modeling work on blended electrodes. They modified their math- 100;i stoich0;i stoich100;i stoich0;i
ematical cell model to treat electrodes made of multiple types of
active particles, and simulated several composition of two types of
active materials (LiNi0.80Co0.15Al0.05O2 and LiMn2O4). They pre- Note that the maximum capacity(capamax), the minimum
sented that their blended electrode showed combined character- lithium-stoichiometry (stoich0), and the maximum lithium-stoi-
istics (such as power and energy) of each pure active material. Jung chiometry(stoich100) of the active material i are known values. In
and Kang [18] introduced a multi-dimensional model of lithium- order to get a full voltage profile of a blended-electrode with n-
ion cells with blended-electrodes. But, their model was an empir- constituting active materials, we calculate accumulated capacity,
ical model which could not be used to predict characteristics of a lithium stoichiometry, and SOC of each material while sweeping
lithium-ion cell without actual experiment data. equilibrium potential from Umax to Umin as follows:
186 S. Jung / Journal of Power Sources 264 (2014) 184e194
Fig. 1. Equilibrium voltage profile of pure active materials used for the present study.
n information of each material member from the model. Fig. 3(a)
capablend ¼ capai
shows the contribution of each material member to the whole ca-
pacity production by the blended-electrode made of NMC (70%)
capai ¼ xi capai ðUÞ where xi ¼ and LMO (30%). Total capacity of the blended-electrode is about
capablend (3) 143 mAh g1. NMC and LMO produces capacity together until the
stoichi ¼ stoichi ðUÞ net capacity reaches 65 mAh g1. However, after the net capacity
stoichi stoich0;i reaches 65 mAh g1, LMO does not make any capacity longer while
soci ¼ NMC continues to produce more capacity until the net capacity
stoich100;i stoich0;i
reaches 143 mAh g1. Fig. 3(b) shows different view of capacity
By applying the scheme explained above, equilibrium potentials production of this blended-electrode. While the blended-electrode
of blended-electrodes can be generated as shown in Fig. 2. Positive discharges from SOC 100%e0%, SOC of LMO component already
blended-electrode made of LiMn2O4 (briefly ‘LMO’ from now) and reaches 0% when SOC of the blended-electrode is around 45%.
Li(Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3)O2 (briefly ‘NMC’ from now) gets more capacity Instead, NMC supports capacity production to the last of the dis-
with lowered overall potential when the fraction of NMC increases. charging process. Note the SOC slope of NMC becomes stiffer after
Negative blended-electrodes made of graphite and soft carbon is SOC of LMO reaches 0% in Fig. 3(b) since NMC solely covers the
simulated as shown in Fig. 2(b). Soft carbon has smoothly whole capacity production from this point on. Lithium stoichiom-
decreasing profile whereas graphite has step-decreasing profile etry status of each active material member can be analyzed as
due to lithium staging inside crystal layers (see Fig. 1). Therefore, shown in Fig. 3(c). Starting from 0.3 at SOC 100%, lithium stoichi-
when they are blended together, mixed potential profile is gener- ometry of LMO becomes almost 1.0 when SOC of the blended-
ated. As the present blended-electrode model has information of electrode reaches 45%. In the case of NMC, lithium stoichiometry
each constituting material, it is possible to extract several useful changes from 0.45 to 1.0 when SOC of the blended-electrode moves
S. Jung / Journal of Power Sources 264 (2014) 184e194 187
3.1. Formulation
vð3 ce Þ v vce 1 tþ s
¼ Deff
e þ jLi where Deff
e ¼ 3 De (4)
vt vx vx F
The left hand side term is the transient term, and the right hand
side term consists of the diffusion term and the source term. Here,
e represents the effective lithium ion diffusivity of the
The electrolyte-phase potential equation is solved in the entire
domain. Eq. (5) consists of the ohmic term and the ion-diffusion
term with a source term representing the reaction current den-
sity jLi. As the time scale of the potential is much smaller than that
of Li-ion species equation, the transient term is neglected in Eq. (5).
v vf v v
keff e þ keff ln c e ¼ jLi (5)
vx vx vx D vx
It is known that the ionic conductivity keff is a strong function of
the salt concentration, temperature, and material composition.
Following relationship is used for finding the ionic conductivity of
electrolyte composed of EC and EMC [19].
from 100% to 0%. dQ/dV profile is widely used for analyzing capacity þ 0:000111233mT 2 þ 0:0000495286m2 T 2
production of an electrode according to voltage window. With the þ 0:000952777T 2 x þ 0:00117334mT 2 x
present blended-electrode model, one can separate dQ/dV of each
material member from the total dQ/dV profile as shown in Fig. 3(d). 0:000619157T 2 x2 3:46897 1027T 3 2:75041
It is easily identified that LMO produces capacity in the voltage 1026mT 3 5:57653 1026T 3 x
range of 3.8e4.2 V whereas NMC covers the whole voltage window.
Fig. 3. Simulated result of a blended-electrode made of NMC (70%) and LMO (30%).
Fig. 4. Schematics of the present dynamic blended-electrode model: (a) Mathematical domain of the quasi-2D blended-electrode model, (b) Inter-particular relationship among
three distinctly different active particles located in a single mathematical mesh domain.
Loading fraction ji of each active material in a blended- aa;i F ac;i F
electrode is expressed as
rxn;i ¼ as;i io;i exp h i exp hi
RT RT (17)
ua;i X where hi ¼ fs fe Ui
ji ¼ where ua ¼ ua;i (13)
ua i¼1 Exchange current density io,i which is a function of lithium
concentration in electrolyte phase and solid phase is expressed as
Average density of active materials is
follows [14]:
!1 h a i
j io;i ¼ kðce Þaa cs;max cs a ðcs Þac (18)
ra ¼ i
(14) i
i¼1 i
When a blended-electrode consists of two different active par-
Therefore, porosity of an electrode which has active material, ticles (binary system), two different active particles will face each
binder, and conductive agent can be calculated as follows: other and interactive reaction will occur to build equilibrium be-
tween them. The driving force of this interactive reaction is voltage
ua ub uc difference between two active particles. If active particle 1 (i ¼ 1)
3 ¼ 1 (15)
ra L rb L rc L and active particle 2 (i ¼ 2) constitute a blended-electrode, the
interactive reaction current density can be defined as follows:
Specific interfacial area (as) which reflects the effective reaction
area of each active material is defined as follows: ( !)
E 1 1
12 ¼ k12 as;12 io;12 DU12 $exp act
8 A ¼ 4pr 2 R Tref T
i i
Ai < 4 3 where DU12 ¼ U1 U2 (19)
as;i ¼ Ni where Vi ¼ pri (16)
L > 3
> In Eq. (19), as,12 is specific surface area between active particles 1
: N ¼ ui
and 2, which is assumed to be the smaller value between two
r i Vi
particles. In the same way, exchange current density between two
Reaction kinetics at the interface between each active particle particles (io,12) is determined. k12 is reaction coefficient between
surface and electrolyte is assumed to follow the ButlereVolmer two particles, which is an assumed value in the present study since
equation as follows: it is difficult to measure this value. For each active particle,
190 S. Jung / Journal of Power Sources 264 (2014) 184e194
jLi Li Li In the same way, the present model can be extended to any
1 ¼ jrxn;1 þ j12
(20) blended electrode system with N-different active particles.
jLi Li Li
2 ¼ jrxn;2 þ j21 As the physical behavior of a cell is strongly affected by tem-
In each electrode, total reaction current is the sum of reaction perature, it is necessary to find the cell temperature, especially
current from each active material member. Therefore, the following under high C-rate case where it is difficult to maintain constant
description can be made. temperature. It is assumed that temperature in the cell is same
everywhere due to the small scale of the present model. Therefore,
jLi ¼ jLi Li Li the following lumped heat equation is coupled with the present
i ¼ j1 þ j2 (21)
i¼1 model.
nE 1 1
12 ¼ k12 as;12 io;12 DU12 $exp
Tref T
where DU12 ¼ U1 U2
nE 1 1
23 ¼ k23 as;23 io;23 DU23 $exp where DU23 ¼ U2 U3 (22)
R Tref T
nE 1 1
31 ¼ k31 as;31 io;31 DU31 $exp where DU31 ¼ U3 U1
R Tref T
Current density of the blended-electrode becomes Note each electrode has reaction heat, electronic ohmic heat,
8 ionic ohmic heat whereas separator has only ionic ohmic heat in
> Li Li Li Li
X < j1 ¼ jrxn;1 þ j12 þ j13
> the above expression.
jLi ¼ jLi Li Li Li
i ¼ j1 þ j2 þ j3 where j2 ¼ jrxn;2 þ j21 þ jLi
Li Li Li
Governing equations with boundary conditions for the present
i¼1 : jLi ¼ jLi Li Li model are summarized in Table 1. The model is incorporated into
3 rxn;3 þ j31 þ j32
FORTRAN and solved by finite volume method.
Table 1
Governing equations and boundary conditions of the Li-ion cell model.
Table 4
Baseline model parameters.
appropriate for PHEV or EV, whereas cell #3 will be a good choice up lately (see Fig. 8(a)). On the other hand, the positive voltage
for HEV which require high power than large amount of energy. plateau of LPF shows up early and the discharging ends up with
It is possible to analyze physical behavior of each active material positive-limiting condition when the cell operates at low temper-
member in a cell with the present model. Fig. 7 show lithium ature (see Fig. 8(b)). In this simulation case, it was assumed that the
stoichiometry of each active material in cell #1 under discharging temperature dependency of lithium-ion diffusivity in NMC particle
condition. It is observed that lithium stoichiometry window of is stronger than that of graphite particle. Therefore, solid-phase
graphite is wider than that of carbon in the anode while lithium mass-transport in NMC particle is getting slower than that of
stoichiometry window of LMO is wider than that of NMC in the graphite particle at low temperature. As the lithium concentration
cathode. on the surface of NMC particle is quickly saturated due to slow
When a blended-electrode has several constituting active ma- lithium intercalation, operation of LPF starts up earlier under the
terials with quite different physical properties such as temperature low temperature condition than the mild operating condition. In
dependency of lithium-ion diffusivity, the voltage profile may other words, the length of span A and B strongly depends on the
significantly change according to the operating condition. Fig. 8 material properties of the constituting active particles, which can
presents simulated discharging profiles of a lithium-ion cell with be easily predicted with the present dynamic model.
a blended-positive electrode (NMC 85% and LPF 15%) and a negative Another simulation examples of lithium-ion cells with blended-
electrode (graphite 100%). Under the mild operating condition electrodes are shown in Fig. 9. According to the blending ratio and
(room temperature, 298 K), discharging ends up with negative- negative/positive ratio, numerous combinations of cells can be
limiting condition and the positive voltage plateau of LPF shows constructed. When material properties of each active material are
prepared, characteristics and physical behavior of those cells can be
predicted with the present model. This will eventually expedite cell f potential (V)
development process which usually takes much time and effort. h surface overpotential of an electrode reaction (V)
k ionic conductivity (S cm1)
4. Conclusion kD diffusive conductivity of a species (A cm1)
r density
Two mathematical models of lithium-ion cells with blended- s electronic conductivity (S cm1)
electrodes are developed. First, the equilibrium model can simu- s Bruggeman tortuosity exponent
late any combination of active materials in a blended-electrode by a j loading fraction
quick and easy method. The equilibrium model enables us to u loading amount (g cm2)
decompose a blended-electrode into each active material, x capacity fraction
analyzing steady-state characteristics of each constituting member
such as voltage window, and lithium stoichiometry. Second, the
physics-based dynamic model can conduct simulation under Superscripts and subscripts
various operating conditions such as C-rate and temperature by a active material
solving physico-chemical governing equations. Simulation results b binder
show good agreement with the experiment data, confirming that amb ambient
the present model is useful for checking candidate active material c conductive agent
compositions at the early stage of battery development. diff diffusion
e electrolyte phase
Nomenclature eff effective
eq equilibrium
i ith member
Acronyms and abbreviations Li lithium
as active surface area per electrode unit volume (cm1) ref reference
A area (cm2) rxn reaction
c concentration of lithium (mol cm3) s solid phase
cp specific heat (J K1) surf surface
capa capacity
D diffusivity of lithium (cm2 s1)
Eact activation energy References
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