The Salmon Fly - Kelson

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The document discusses various topics related to salmon fishing including salmon flies, how to dress them, choice of flies, rods and other equipment needed.

The book discusses different chapters including salmon flies, how to dress them, a list of standard flies, choice of flies, rods and other equipment, casting methods and other miscellaneous topics related to salmon fishing.

Based on the contents page, the book discusses materials used to dress salmon flies in chapter 2 including body material, chenilles, feathers and other materials.





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(Bmiiuat (5loriam.












(1) The Rod. (2) The Line.

(3) The Winch.


The various methods of Casting, illustrated, &c., &c.


(1) Silkworm Gut. (4) The Necklace.

(2) Knots. (5) Fly Boxes.
43) Twisting Gut for Loops. (6) The Opening Seasons, &c.


" "
A Salmon's holiday ... ... ... 245 Exaggerations ... 25 and 26fi to 'J7">

Air-pump, The 304 Experiments, Results of ... ... 7

"Abb" Socks 433 Experiments, Personal 6
Angler, his Manner at the riverside ... '2-Ki Flies, Conditions to be studied for the
Advice, Caution against taking ... 233 Invention of... ... ... ... !

Art and Science ... ... ... ... 3 Flies, Guide Books for Dressers ... 12
Atmosphere ... ... ... ... 391 Flies, General and Special Patterns of 14
Bodies, Mr. Field's departure in Body Flies, The pleasure of dressing ... H
Material ... ... ... ... 41 Flies, The test before use of 25
Butts 40 Flies, Classification of ... ... ... 19
Bodies 40,41 Fly-fishing, Benefits derived from ... 10
Boxes 450 Fly -dressing, A
common illustration of 11
" Book on How
Angling," The 13 Flies, to get Life-like motion
Body-belt 407 outof 2H
Cast, The Overhand 316 Flies, Different effects of ... ... 7
Cobblers' Wax 5,31 Flies, Advantage of technical know-
Chenilles 41 ledge of '.

Clarified Oil 305 Flies, Necessary qualities in ... ... 23

Colour, Location and distribution of ... 30 Flies, Strength and Symmetry in 24, 25
Chatterer vermin Kingfisher ... ... 30 Flies,Untutored description of ... 9
Casting, where different methods are Feathers, Groups of 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57
wanted 282 Flip Cast 371 to 374
Costume of H.R.H. the Princess of Flies, Long-hackled ... ... ... 242
Wales and her Daughters 430 Flies in Use, Rotation of 235
Cast, The Underhand 327 Flaked water 23S
Cast, The Spey 334 "Grubbing
Fish, 33
Casting ... ... ... ... ... 2 fiMng (laittte, The 37
Close Seasons, Licences, etc. ... 465 to 510 French Floss-silk 41
Catches, Artificial ... ... ... 405 Facts and Fancies in Fly-fishing 259 to 2<W>

Dyes 44 Flies, How to choose ... ... 227 to 271V

Dyes, Toning down ... ... ... 29 Flies, How to dress 59 to 105
Dressers, Professional 251 Fly, New style of 241
Days, Dark 244 Flies,Old types of >5
Direction to Cast ... ... ... 379 Feathers, Choice and location of ... 51
Delicacy in Casting 394 Ferrules . i'.HV

Flics, The Colours of 251 Hooking Foul 395
How to avoid " "
323 .Jackets
Flies, snicking off 430, 432
" Jock
Fiddling ... ... 325 Scott," The reputation of ... 230
Feathers, How to re-shape and bleach 457 Knife, The Fisherman's 459
" Kelson "
False Casts, Making 322 Rod, Experiences with the 286
Flies, Characteristics of 29 "Kimagas" 428
Flies, Harmony of Colour and of Loops, Gut rerxiM Metal ... ... 36
Contrast 30 Lines, Dressing 302
Feathers that do not fade "
29 Lines, Splicing or marrying'' ... 302
Feathers, Translucent remix Opaque 30 Line, Length of the whole 297
Flies, The effect of Tinsels and Butts 30 Line, Qualities of the 293
Flies, Remarks on colour of ... ... 29 Lines 291
Fly, Presenting the 417 Light, Reflected 244
Flies, One's own invention of ... ... 9 Lines, Plaiting rerun* twisting ... 296
Flies, Kinds, Qualities, and Materials 16 Line, Clearing it from snags" ... 419
26 " Kelson Enamelled "
Flies, Fallacy of using false feathers Lines, .. ... 296
Flies, The choice of ... ... ... 5 Leather preservative 460
Flies, Features of 27 Lines, Cure for stickiness of ... ... 460
Flies, Advice on making Xondescripts 14 Mending a Cast 292
' ' "
Flies, Proportion of shape 25 Modifications 274 to 276
Flies, Nomenclature of Parts ... ... Ifi Midges and Mosqnitos, Antidote for... 460
Flies, Diagnosis of 9 Observation, The field of 3
Flies, Movement in some parts of ... 7
Principles, Confirmation of ... 233, 234
Fly, Analytical diagram of ... ... 17 Pull," The line of, explained ... 34
18 "
Flies, Explanation of parts of Pull," The, illustrated 3*5

Flies, The variation of 8 Pig's wool, Management of 4O

from "
Flies, Advantage derived a Pull," The line of 32,33
proper description of ... ... 10 Patent lever winch ... ... ... 309
Flies, Comparison between Salmon and Patterns, Decided 250
Trout 18 Pig's wool 244
22 " "
Types of Playing ami 418
' ' ' '
Flies, 19, 20, 21, Gaffing
Greenheart 281 Physical conditions 249
Gut-loops 38 Principles, The application of... ... 4
Glen Grant, Opinions of 336 Principles, Singular confirmation of ... 233
Out, Twisting 443 Places to fish 381
Grubs, Opinion on 245 Presentation 385, 400
Gut 434 Quick-sand, How to get clear of ... 42!)

Gut, Knotting and attaching 441 Riverside, Scene at the 313

Gut-loops, Whipping of ... ... 25 Ribbings 41, 42
Governor Cast 358 to 362 Rod, The best style of 279
433 " Traherne "
Glossary Rod, The 285
Hooks, Double 36, 37 Rod, The 277
Hackles, Old and new, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 Rod, The "Kelson" 285
Hook, The 32 Rods, Weights of 28!>
Hints on amount of Tying- silk ... 25 Rods, Woods and other materials for 287
Hearing under- water ... ... ... 7 Rods, Upward and downward curve
Hackles, The play of 7 in 330,332
Hats, Waterproofing ... ... ... 460 Rod, The recovery of a 323
How to discover lost articles in water 460 Rods (Spey), length remit* strength ... 33O
vni INDEX.

Rods, "Straining" 291, 330 Salmon, Education of ... ... 13, 15
" "
291 Salmon, How changes of taste occur... 13
Rods, Racking ..

Rod 5 Spey Cast 337 to 349

Rules of Thumb 2 Switch Cast 362 to 371
Rain ... 389 Stone-grubber, The 403
Silicon, The use of ... 42 Striking 409 to 417
Standard patterns 106 to 223 Tag, The 38, 39
.System, How it is upset ... 237 Tail, The 39
Salmon, The 315 Tag, Varieties followed by the Trade 39
Sulky fish, The possibility of moving Thunder, Effect of 239
235, 401 The " "
Tweed, ; presentation
Silver Monkey 40 "striking" ...' ... ... ... 38
Sun-flies -'.->3
Temperature 24n
Striking Salmon 37 Terms and Expressions, Glossary of ... 433
Snowwater ... .. ... ... 241 " The Little Inky-boy," When to use 231
Standard colours 31 Trees 400
Silks, The best of 31 Unknown agencies at work 246
" Sateen " for waders 427 2
Underlying principles ... ... ...

"Shooting" 324 Vice, The 49

Salmon, Why they take flies ... 253, etc. What is a Salmon-fly ? 254
Systematic Fishermen, Advantages of 2 Weather 238, 247, 387
Systematise*! knowledge 8 Water, Dark 240
Salmon, Peculiarities of disposition of 24 Winch, The 307
Science cef*#M* Chance ... ... ... 3 Wind, Ill-effect of 323
" "
Salmon, "Setting up"... 401 Winch, The Moscrop 312
Science, The road to 3 Winch, Origin of the Patent Lever ... 308
" Sun and Planet " 312
Sun, Effects of 7 Winch,
Salmon, Habits and tastes of 5 Wading 329, 426
Sun-flies 15 Waders, How to keep well in 429
System, The need of ... ... ... 1 Winch, Holbrows 312
Salmon-fishing as a recreation 11 Waxing silk ... ... ... ... 4
5 Wings, Types of 23
System rti'-ittx Chance ... ... ...

Salmon obey fixed laws 6 Wind Cast 349 to 337


Analytical Diagram of a Fly ... 17 Major and Mrs. Grant ... ... 335
Whole feather- winged Fly ... .. 19 The Spey Cast 338, 339, 340
Topping- winged Fly 20 Mr. Henry J. Davis ... 351
Strip- winged Fly 20 The Wind Cast ... 354
Built- winged Fly 20 Action of the wrist ... 355
Mixed-winged Fly ... ... ., 21 The Governor Cast ... 361
A combination of the preceding types 21 Mr. Barclay Field ... 363
A wingless pattern (Grub) ... ... . 22 The Switch Cast :W(i, 367
Improved Limerick hook . 32 Hon. Sir Ford North ... ... 369
The "Pull" . 35 Mr. F. M. MacKenzie ... ... 373
Hackles .
45, 46 The Flip Cast . . . 375
Splitting the Jay 49 Direction of a Cast ... 378
The "Stop" 66 Water Gauge ... 393
The "Catch" 67 The Dancer ... 397
Nipping the loop... ... ... ... 69 Mr. L. J. Graham-Clarke ... 403
Instruction Fly 71 The Gaff ... 421
Instruction Fly 7.5,82,89,91,93 Correct method of Gaffing ... 423
The Stop and the Catch 77 Inconect method of Gaffing . ... 424
Doubling the Hackle "8 Waterproof Jacket . 432
Spinning Seal's fur 80 (Jut Manufactory at Murcia ... 435
Mixed Wings 93 The Silk-worm ... ... 437
New method of fixing mixed wings ... 95 Gut Stores at Redditch... ... 439
Instruction Fly 96 Knotting Gut ... 441

"Humping" 9" Knotting Gut to loop ... ... 442

Double white-winged Fly ... ... 241 Twisting Engine... ... 443
Greenheart logs ... ... ... ... 281 Splicing Machine . . ... 444
The Line Drier 298 The Frail ... 446
Mr. W. Wells-Ridley, J.P 300 Tying up Salmon ... 447
Splicing Lines 302 The " Quicksure " Net ... ... 448
The Air-pump 306 The Necklace ... 449
The Winch 309, 311 Mr. J. C. Haslam, of Carlogie . ... 451
The Overhand Cast 317 Mr. R. W. Cooke-Taylor ... 453
Major Traherne 321 Miss Kelson and her gillie ... 455
On " shooting
line 324 Fly Boxes 458, 459
Mr. Henry Kclsall 326 Fisherman's knife ... 459
The Underhand Cast 328 Specimen Fish ... ... 461
Colonel Rocke ... . 331 Limerick Hooks ... 464

I'.U'IM; PAliB
l-.M'IMi I'.UiK

1'I.ATE V. 224
Rocke's Fancy.
The Black Ranger. The Silver Grey.
Britannia. The Popham.
Tlie Champion. The Butcher.
The Infallible. Stevenson.
Jock Scott. John Campbell.
The Black Dose.
Pl,ATK VI. 27-2

80 The Gordon.
Traherne's Wonder.
Thunder and Lightning. The Silver Ardea.
The Lion. Childers.
The Baron. The Cockatoo.
The Harlequin. Nankeen.
John Ferguson.
The Silver Doctor.
The Wasp Grub.
PLATE III. 1-28 The Hop Dog.
The Blue Boyne.
The Dirty Orange. Lome.
The Dawson. Louise.
The Durham Ranger. The Ghost.
Benchill. Bo-peep.
Taite's Fancy. The Inver Green.
The Wilson.

Rocke's Grub.
The Mystery.
Bluebell. St. Bernard.
The Chatterer. Beauly Snow Fly.
The Dandy. The Fairy King.
The Captain. The Little Kelly.
(ireenwell. Skirrow's Fan<y.
The Bronze Pirate.

THIS book is published by request." It aims at filling up a gap in

angling literature, and is designed to stamp out the common fallacy that
no one can learn how to make a fly from written instructions." In

truth, I know of no volume on the subject at all sufficiently clear,

instructive or exhaustive.

In illustration of the leading statement I may perhaps be allowed to

quote the following from amongst many similar requests made to me :

" I
envy your being able to tie such flies," says a well-known Angler, in
a letter dated 1888, Tell me how you get the silk body so even. . . .

You certainly turn out the best fly I ever saw and
hope some day to I

see you at work. Why do you not write a plain, concise, little book on
the subject? Think over this." So I thought over it.

Onerous editorial duties stood in the way of my accepting many such

written and oral promptings, but finally a friend's offer of assistance
induced me to assume the task. I acknowledge my great obligations to
the late Mr. A. H. Gribble for the part he was able to take in the
mechanical details of fly-" tying," for, as his Mentor, I have, I believe,
been able to achieve a success in fly-dressing with novices in a way that
has not hitherto been compassed. During the progress of instruction in

the art of "dressing," for which other than personal lessons have seemed

inadequate, the opportunity was carefully taken to make notes in detail

of the measurements, manipulation and methods employed to avoid or
lessen the obstructions in the novice's road to excellence. The notes
were all new to my friend ;
for me they had an unexpected value ; and
whoever, from practice through long years, has eyes to observe, and
fingers to make short work of the minutiae of fly-" tying," will readily

understand that without them I must have failed to appreciate and

make due provision for many little ensnaring but exasperating difficulties

that lie in wait for the learner.

An adept's familiarity with an art may lead him to contemn, if not

overlook, many little matters that make it impossible to the uninitiated.
And as this factwas gradually brought to my mind, it opened a wide view
of the task before me and laid bare a long vista of minor particulars need-
ful to explain, if I would guide others of less experience than myself.

I have, however, not been deterred by that view-, nor ceased to keep

to my first intention to produce an original manual, useful to refer to on

practical matters, which have not suitably, certainly not similarly, been
dealt with by previous writers. I may seem now and then over didactic,
but any veteran who may honour my text by reading it, will easily forgive

me, when remembering that I write also for the novice in Salmon-capture.
If, in wading through deep and undefined problems, I seem to be tediously

slow and unentertaining, it will be without any profession to avoid dry-

ness. I foreswear, for the purpose of these pages, all that may be
" "
hurriedly gathered from the Catalogues of our leading fishing-tackle
makers. My programme embraces so much that is technical and
mechanical that I should rather endeavour to please by instructing,
than to instruct by pleasing. A Vade mecum as light in weight and writing
" "
as may be, a handbook full of information, direct, reliable, condensed,
and strictly intent on business, is what I wish to offer to the public.

Although it may not be considered satisfactory that such a course

should have been deemed necessary, I have ventured, with all due
deference, quietly to where our technical expressions and
point out

piinciples have been misunderstood and misapplied. The gravity of the

position is thoroughly realised. But in such an undertaking there may
be very considerable advantages, and that seems to render the

responsibility unavoidable. In any case I am animated by one feeling,

and one feeling only ; and that is by a real and natural desire to explain

the true sense of my own special terms, which, unfortunately, have been

sadly diverted in recent literature from their original meaning. So wide

and opposite have been the ideas conveyed, that Anglers above the
average have been hindered from doing justice to themselves by inability
to understand them. This being the case, be gently hinted that
it may
the drawing of false conclusionsfrom just principles has been no less
injurious to the unenlightened than the untold evil of drawing just
conclusions from false principles.
Not the least important measure in connection with my own
improvements in tackle," is that which refers to the Patent Lever
Winch. This article, I can promise, will make a vast difference in

anyone's annual fishing record. But I should wish to state that I derive

no pecuniary gain from praising it, or, in fact, from the sale of any tackle
associated with my name.
As many of our standard flies are not generally known, and as the
dresser frequently goes wrong, both as to their colour and material, a long
list of them is given in Chapter IV., and each pattern is precisely described
for the dresser's guidance. In order that the collection may be readily

consulted, the flies are alphabetically arranged. With a few exceptions,

the name of the inventor is published, together with the rivers wherein I
have known each fly to kill the most fish. And it is presumed that this

list, including, as it does, not only "general," but "special," standards,

will prove useful to the whole body of Salmon-fishermen.

Being naturally desirous of enlisting on behalf of my views and

methods every circumstance that can lend them weight, I freely own to

the confidence inspired by the honour done me in making me a Juror at

the Fisheries Exhibition of 1883, and by the unstinted appreciation

accorded to a small case of Salmon-flies exhibited by me there. The
same case of flies won me the first prize both at Berlin and Norwich, at
which places I was not disqualified by office from exhibiting as a com-
petitor. Nor can I leave unrecorded the appreciation of Fishermen

generally, which I have enjoyed during the whole time of my connection

with the press hoth as contributor and as Editor.
How far my success as a Fisherman has been due to inheritance from
generations of Salmon-anglers, is a question outside the scope of such a

book as this ;
but I should like its pages to record some words in memory
of my late Father and Grandfather, to whom I owe my earliest and much
subsequent information on matters pertaining to the sport.
As a conclusion to these prefatory observations I have convincing
evidence that the diligent application of nay methods and directions
suffices for the education of an accomplished fly-dresser." The case of

my friend Mr. Gribble is sufficient example ;

and it emboldens me
greatly in submitting this book to the supreme judgment and test of

brother Salmon-anglers.
It would be unbecoming to anticipate criticism. We all perceive
how nearly impossible it is that persons should feel and think alike upon
the subject of fish and fish-capture ; and although fixed as are my own
views, I should indeed be sorry to decry the opinions of those who differ
from me. A similar moderation is all I claim of them. Good Anglers
are notably good fellows, and will judge fairly of what I give them
practical lessons in a high art, the result of accurate observations during
the varied and full life of an enthusiastic Salmon-angler.
That my work may be helpful to my brothers in the pursuit of our

fascinating sport is my deeply founded hope. Hope ! the mother of

Success, when the companion in Practice. Her rays enable one to

penetrate the mysteries of either the darkest pool, or water beaten

into the whitest foam. She conjures up to the imagination of her
charge the vision of future triumph, gladdens the heart of all, and
forces many a seeming impossibility to give way to ultimate victory.

G. M. K.

" The ....
prinoiples which art involves, science evolves Art in its entire stages
ii anterior to science it may afterwards borrow aid from it."

IN the present practice of Salmon-fishing there is great need of " system."

It may be said, "We don't want system.' We are quite content with

things as we find them, as long as we get our pleasure out of them."

But such a speech will carry at least one fallacy. People get a certain
pleasure out of whist, who know very little more about it than not to
revoke, and perhaps not to trump their partner's trick but that is no ;

reason why the game should not be a serious study to others, books
written on its laws and problems, and a high mental exercise enjoyed in
its practice.

Speaking for myself and I know I represent the opinion of many

as one who has all his life been an ardent devotee of Salmon-fishing and
a close observer of everything relating to it, I cannot subscribe to the
creed which proclaims that when " system comes in at the door, " fun "
flies out of the window. On the contrary, I have long been convinced,
" "
and have said so in the London Press, that lack of system means
proportionate loss of sport and pleasure.
The man, for example, who owes his success in fishing to " the
straight tip in flies imparted by some expert, would incontestably have
gained for himself vastly higher gratification, not to speak of any claim
to praise, had he been his own
tipster," i.e., had he possessed certain
systematic knowledge.

With reference general statement, it may be said that,

to this

principles engendered in truth are indestructible things, and, like hardy

" "
plants, grow wherever you take them whereas mere rules-of- thumb

have but the lowest vitality and will not survive transplantation.
Possessed of the former, the Fisherman is equipped with knowledge
applicable for new ground and for new conditions.
untried, indeed, The
just stimulates his skill and enhances his pleasure. But " rules-of-
thurnb," whatever returns they may yield within the limits of familiar
waters and ordinary conditions, generally prove, elsewhere and otherwise,
a source of perplexity, delusion, or helpless dependence on others.
To the remark that a good deal of this book might appear to some
to wear the garb of "rule-of- thumb," the reply is, that it must be so with
regard to much that is technical and mechanical. Yet even here the dry
bones may become clothed with living texture, when their reason and

purpose are given with them when, in other words, we fall back on the

underlying principles.
In advocating " system," I must guard against the supposition that
I am about to offer a complete scheme of Salmon-fishing. All I can do
is to point to the need of some further light, and offer my modest
contribution at whatever its worth may be. Dare I hope that it may be
the nucleus for the valuable experience of other Anglers and the seedling
" "
of a great consistent system ?
A complete " system is probably beyond any man's power, and is
certainly beyond my own. I must, therefore, warn those who would put

my doctrines to the proof, that they must adopt my practice in its

entirety. This caution applies emphatically to the style of rod I recom-

mend. As I make clear hereafter, " casting" is not performed by the rod
alone, but by the rod and line taken together. So that to use such a rod
with any other "tackle" than that described as best suited to it (I am not
referring to the back-line), can only end in failure to display its good
qualities and its utmost powers.
" " " "
To plead for science in Salmon-angling system is to plead for
in as well as in action), for science is but
(system knowledge system
another name for systematised knowledge. In vain will some, even of our
" "
older hands, ejaculate Blow '
in fishing ! The concentrated

blast of all theFishermen that have ever flogged water could not blow
science out of Salmon-catching for it is absolutely there, involved it

may be, but there, and the very essence of the sport itself. Let such
objectors remember the story of the gentleman in one of Moliere's plays
who suddenly discovers that he has been talking prose all his life without
knowing it. The real matter for decision is, Shall your knowledge be
confused, undigested, vague, or badly stowed '?
or, shall it be methodical,
organised, precise, and always ready to hand ? Behind each art lies a
corresponding science, and the art of Salmon-angling clearly has its
science though, for the most part, it still waits to be evolved.
; Let
the science be elaborated by all means, and full}' compacted. How much
of it he will have, each man can settle for himself. You may plunge
into it up to the neck out of pure love of the thing, or you may have no
more than that sprinkling, which even mediocrity needs. But for their
own sakes, I pray Salmon-fishers to look upon " science as their friend,
and not as a bugbear.
How we
going to get at this science ? By the orthodox route.
"Where all seriousness it is hard to find, and the guide-posts
is it ? In
are few and often misleading. Facts obtained or obtainable, observation,
if we exercise our brains to collect, com-
experiment, will serve us; and
pare, classify, and generalise, we shall soon tread on the heels of those
advanced laws and principles which we wish to apply in adapting our
means to the ends we have in view.
In the wide field of observation there is much
Every to be gathered.
Fisherman can contribute help here without entering upon the more
austere operations of science." The more facts, the safer the induction.
It should, however, be noted that observation value in proportion as
is of

it is accurate ;
and that really accurate observations are not so common
asmight be thought. Eminent scientists have testified how difficult it is
even for a man of superior intelligence, to keep distinct what he actually
sees from what he thinks he
sees. (A man in a fog appears bigger than
he is ;
a fish in the water not in the place in which he seems to be.)

It is so very easy to see what agrees with one's own preconceived

Even where verification is easy and the matter of observation within


the grasp of one's hand, observation may be wanting in care a statement

which I will illustrate, not from the spacious field of nature, but from the
smaller sphere of an Editor's experience.
A few years ago, a Fisherman came into my office on some angling
business. Not knowing me by sight, he got into a discussion on Salmon-
flies, and
presently declared: "I don't believe in Kelson's flies"
(meaning those figured in "Land and Water"). He added: "The
wings are a deal too heavy and have too much stuff in them." In con-
firmation he produced from his pocket-book a fly, shewing what he
considered a fair amount of "wing" for the Usk v a river which then

wanted a "heavy" wing. On comparing this fly with the original

pattern, which the critic had pronounced to be over bulky in the wing,
he was soon compelled to confess himself mistaken. It was seen that,
after all, my flies were constructed with less wing-material than his, and
that the difference in appearance was due to the way in which the
materialwas disposed. In my patterns each component strip of fibre in
the wing was displayed to view in fan-like expansion, whilst in his fly
one half at least of its constituents were hidden by the other half, the

strips being compressed into an untidy bunch. It was also evident that

this local authority was unacquainted with the principle, that the bulk of

wing in a given pattern is variable according to the river, or even according

to different parts of the same river, as well as in relation to weather and
the condition of the water.Unfortunately this case is a typical one.
needed in applying our principles, i.e., in adapting our
Exactitude is

means to the ends in view. Having clearly and definitely before our eye
what those ends are and what they demand, we should not relax our
efforts until we have mastered means that best satisfy those demands.
In this connection let me show what I mean, by reference to the most
simple of all operations (fully explained in Chapter III.) in making
" "
floss-silk bodied flies, viz. : the waxing of the silk. What is the
object here? Evidently to manage the waxing (1) without soiling the
fingers without
; (2) breaking the silk, or weakening it by letting it
untwist, or by rubbing it too hard (3) without getting too much wax on

so as to quite spoil the floss-silk which covers it. Now, in spite of the
fact that there is for doing this a method so simple that the dullest

novice could follow it

successfully, cobblers' wax is often condemned
because of the trouble caused in using it.
There are pre-eminently three matters in which I believe Salmon-
anglers would reap much benefit from " system." (1) The style of rod.
(2) The modes of casting." (3) The construction and choice of flies.

In the and third of these especially the principles we have mastered


by observation and experiment have yet to be applied far more fully than
is ordinarily the case, and with far stricter
regard to the precise objects
in view. In the following Chapters I have sought not only to point out
the road to success, but also to move some little way along that road.
The Chapter on the " Kod " does not call for preliminary comment here ;

and as to the modes of " casting," illustrated and described in Chapter

VII., I would only remark that, as their efficiency depends on obedience
to certain primary laws of mechanics, the directions for making each
"cast" should be minutely followed. Failure to accomplish them will
" "
ensue, not because some peculiar "knack" or dodge has remained
undisclosed, but because some rational condition remains unfulfilled. To
see precisely, and at first sight, what has to be done, greatly helps a man
towards the right way of doing it. In such a thing as learning by book-
instruction how to "cast," it is necessary that not only the "WHY"
and the "WHEREFORE" should be explained, but also the "How."
And this I have striven to do in the following pages.
much yet remains to be done in
It is in the choice of flies that so

the way and

of observationexperiment. Here for the most part we have
to make our own science, before we can apply it. The facts we must
build on are the habits and tastes of the Salmon, as affected by the
variety of his natural surroundings, the predisposition he evinces for
certain shades of colour and certain types of flies, the variations of water
and weather, and above all by the mischief brought about by the
preceding efforts of Fishermen destitute of all practical knowledge.
Men call Salmon " capricious " but is not the term a cover for their

own ignorance about the habits of the fish and the flies they show them,
rather than the truthful representation of facts? No one has proved
wanton inconsistency on the part of the fish. We may depend on it.

that Salmon instinctively and undeviatingly act according to certain


predispositions, obey fixed natural laws, and are never troubled with
" "
intellectual originality, even of a rudimentary type. If he is as

immovable as the rock and then gives himself

of the river-bed to-day,

away to the artless lure of the rawest novice on the morrow, depend
upon it, there is an underlying cause, which it were more profitable to
seek for, than to cover up with the convenient term caprice."
In the choice of flies and the method of making and using them, the
improvements of recent times have been patent and far-reaching.
When we come to analyze fly really is, we must associate
what a
ourselves with that reform in fishing which opposes much received
opinion and
our attitude is justified by unmistakable and undeniable

evidence. As a sample of the experiences on which I found some of my

views against " received opinion," here is a narrative which may not be
altogether uninteresting. It dates from 1849, when I commenced my

earliest investigations on the river Darenth.

The late Sir P. D , my father, and Mr. J. G. C . had been
discussing at Halstead Place the question of rod-material, and of trying
a new kind of wood purchased by the latter of these gentlemen for

making ram-rods. In a few days, by the valuable help of Mr. C ,

himself a first-class workman, I turned out an 11 ft. 6 in. green-heart

Trout-rod. On testing it, we soon found that we could cover with it more
water than with the rods of hickory which we had been accustomed to
use. Presently below the saw-mill our attention was drawn to a Pike
of about 5 Ibs. weight, lying close to a barrier of wood- work forming the
upright side of a sheep-wash.
As some one about that time Mr. Jewhurst, I believe, the inventor
of one of our best standard flies had created a stir in the district by
killing one of these fish with a "Butcher," having no other means at

hand to secure it, dressed a similar pattern and caught the Pike with it.
What on
earth," said my father, "did the fish take that fly for?
Get under the water and see what it is like."
Little indeed did I dream of the benefits which this inspection
would lead to. But it was not until after some half-dozen trials that I
succeeded in getting a good view of the fly. The bed of the river at
the sheep-wash was muddy, and I could not stay under water long

enough for it to clear ;

I was
also unaccustomed to the business and
could not manage nor
to lie
still, avoid stirring up the mud. " All I
can tell you is," I said, at last, "that it looks just like a living fly
working its legs and wings."
Our curiosity being greatly excited, the experiment was rehearsed
Of all the places I have tried thus, the best and the worst was the
one particular pond at Bradbourne Vale (then the property of Mr.
Hughes). It was best, because its bed was not muddy, whilst the water
itself was brighter than the proverbial It was worst, because the
water was icy cold. There, nevertheless, I practised year after year, and
notes of my observations were taken by some of the interested parties
who generally attended the entertainment. The penalty I paid for my
under-water investigations was a slight deafness, which affects me still.

Wecame to the conclusion, that the stiller the surface of the water,
the more favourable it is for inspection that the brighter the day, so

long as the sun is not in the background, the more clearly can the details
and the conduct of the fly-materials be scrutinised that, however :

seemingly still the water always a movement in some

may be, there is

part of the fly also that,

: to the human eye, a dark fly shows best on a
dark day, whilst in bright weather the fly of many colours is more easily
and more minutely distinguishable. But this was not all. I benefited
" "
further, for it
taught me
the grand lesson not to play long-hackled
patterns which, of themselves, unassisted by rod-action, assume a life-
like motion even in the quietest water possible. I also learnt that a

person talking on the bank can be heard by another under water.

Whether a fish can so hear, is a question.
There is information here, without doubt, that can be turned to
practicalgood in Salmon-fishing. I hope the few deductions that I was
enabled to draw from these experiments will be found useful, as being
sound, so far as they go. To them I owe many a success, and this
especially induces me to submit them to my readers with confidence.
The system I wish to exemplify is, to all intents and purposes, based on
some practice that is at once consistent and intelligible. The trial has
" "
been in many a struggle for the day's top score on Association waters

which I no longer fish, sometimes for any score at all when low, vapid
water and bright sun have given full scope for testing every kind of theory.
Punch has depicted some theorist baffled to the verge of desperation,
book and "
finally throwing his collection of flies, all, into the Catch."
Then there is the numerous school of sportsmen, whose guiding doctrine
is, Some days, you know, you can't keep fish off the hook, and some
days they won't look at the best fly in your book or anybody else's."
A dummy clock-face with painted hands is periodically right twice in
twenty-four hours and such people have the solace of occasional success,

though its recurrence is generally at long intervals. It is true that, at

times, nothing avails to tempt fish, but then these barren times are very
much fewer for the systematic Fisherman than for the novice were it ;

otherwise, there would be no raison d'etre for this book. In short, I hold
" "
that the advantages of the systematic Angler are surprisingly pro-
nounced. Even a few good working principles are needful to justify any
assurance of success.
" "
The ability to dress a fly, even fairly well, enhances the pleasure
of Salmon fishing to a degree truly inconceivable to the uninitiated.
Fly-dressing," in itself a pleasant art, is an accomplishment that must
very often contribute to sport otherwise unattainable and there are ;

many occasions when it proves to be the actual determining condition of

any sport at all, for it is no uncommon experience that a fish which has
" "
refused a boxful of likelies has, in the 'end been lured to his doom
by a fly hastily dressed at the river's side to meet the exigencies of the
moment. Somewhere or other, I forget where, I have read an ill-
founded but unimportant sneer at the possibility of doing such a thing ;

but I have myself succeeded in this way many and many a time. It is
no exaggeration of w ords to say that I have dressed hundreds of flies

al frcico and with admirable results in their use as an immediate

There is no necessity to burden one-self with any great bulk of
materials, in order to command a far larger scope in size and in pattern
of fly than thatafforded by the most corpulent of fly-books. Not
unfrequently, be it remembered, a small deduction from, or addition

to, a wing turns the scale (and scales) in the Angler's favour.

For the less ambitious, even a theoretical

knowledge of the methods
adopted by our best artists, such as I trust may be gathered from this book,
is, I can assure them, no mean
advantage. It endows a man with critical
which means, that the critic is enabled to tell a good
ability fly from a,
bad one when he sees it and supplies the power not to detect and
reject bad materials and faulty construction, but to know precisely what
is wanted, as well as to convey accurate instructions to the " fly-dresser."
When a friend inquires what description of fly it was the critic lost
in the big below, identification can scarcely be easy when he
replies :
Well, don't you know, it was a darkish kind of thing with
blue at one end and legs of a sort of speckle, and then there was some
metal stuff round the woolly part, and a feather like a spray of gold for a,
top-knot ;
and such a description is not a caricature of common river-
side speech. But without going so low down in the scale of ignorance,
there is a large class of Fishermen who can only just distinguish what is
meant to be a " Jock Scott from what is meant to be a " Durham
" " "
Ranger," or a putative Butcher from a putative " Blue Doctor for ;

certain flies bear unmistakably distinctive marks. But there the know-
ledge stops. The particular specimens may yet exhibit such a departure
from the original composition, yes, even in important features, as to
seriously impair their efficiency. A little more technical knowledge would
avoid this.
" "
For those, however, who dress their own flies, the pleasure of

banking an extra sulky Salmon, from whose jaw they proceed with all
tenderness to extract the product of their own skill in fur and feathers,
attains its full height, when the pattern of the fly is also their own in-

vention. All the conditions of the occasion have been studied light, wind,
" " "
weather, water, and nature of the catch the size, the amount of show,"

and degree of mobility that should answer have been determined. And
then comes success to crown the patient and deft manipulation, which
clothed the hook from one's own original idea, and which awakens a-
new and gratifying faith in one's calculation
and judgment.
that this delicate and fascinating
Surely it is worth considering by
the pleasures of fishing are extended over a longer period of the year.
but weeks
They begin, not at the opening of the season on the river-bank,

before, at the best lighted window of the " den or library, saving
many a man from the task of killing time." No wise man reads
directly after lunch, for reading then sends the blood to the head, when
it is required below. But "dressing" a fly will generally be found
no enemy to digestion and goes well with a chat, and perhaps even
with a pipe.
And " fly-dressing
employs faculties besides those used in fishing.
In addition to the keen eye and ready hand, the persistent observation,
the care, endurance, courage, and patience required by open-air practice,
those other qualities are called into play, the training^of which establishes
for Salmon-fishing a true kinship with the Fine Arts, and supplies as
much of mental and moral discipline as may fairly be looked for in what
we accustomed to designate "rational amusement."
are The "fly-
dresser" finds room for the utmost nicety of calculation in arrangement
and adaptation, as well as a field for the exercise of the imagination in
realizing symmetry, proportion, mobility, and colour-harmony. In short,
we have here a well-bred hobby not unworthy the attention of the
greatest amongst us who are fishers, whether Divines or Statesmen,
Doctors or Lawyers, Poets, Painters, or Philosophers.
Having thus adduced some reasons why the piscator ad unguem (I
use the term advisedly) should " dress," or at least know how to " dress,"
hisown flies, I may well introduce an observation once made by a keen
man of the world. It embodies, I believe, the experience of most people
who are qualified to judge of the specific mental influence of fly-fishing
for Salmon and Trout. Fly-fishing has the power to bring sure and
unbroken relief to the jaded mind, with thorough oblivion to all else but
the sport itself. Its very nature seems to compel the entire attention.
As a consequence, therefore, the more we lay ourselves out for this
pastime, the greater will be the benefit derived from it, in the original
and best sense, a recreative agent. This consideration obviously gives
" " "
fresh life to my praise of fly-dressing as a complement to fly-fishing."

Anyone can imagine himself under the following circumstances :

Breakfast despatched and the fishing news carefully digested, you

have seated yourself at that little table in the window, looking
river-wards, in a capital light. Your box of materials is on a chair

beside you, and two or three of its trays out before you on tbe table.
Water a
higher bit than you thought, eh ? Haven't
exactly the thing you want? (puff! puff! capital smoking mixture
this !) No, these "Jocks" are just two sizes too small. And that one?
Don't like the yellow of Turkey strips not pure
it too orangey,
white-pointed, "Jungle" not bright enough. Ah! twist butt floss
oval-tinsel Toucan topping and Crow! Now then. And so you
get to happy, hopeful work, looking up at intervals to relieve the eye by
a moment's change of focus and to get an inspiring glance at the noble
stream below !

Where are your "notices of motion," your Committees and Division-

bills now? Where the mortgages, the conveyances, the briefs ? Where
script and share-lists, bills and notes of hand ? And what has become of
your prescriptions and mighty harassings, the daily rounds of fever and
mental worries? And where are those "editorials," that daily pile of
letters, that waste-basket, and so forth ? Faded away all of them out
of sight and mind too, thank goodness ! Smoke and din and dull routine,
head-ache and heart-ache, are clean gone, and in their place have come
the calm and charm of meadow and purple moor, of ruffled catch,"
deep gliding pool and foaming rapid ;
of birds and of humming insects

buzzing among the wild flowers and fresh undergrowth. Your mind has
just enough spontaneous energy to keep pace with the bodily forces in
healthful pleasure, and to enjoy the anxious labour of dressing or

choosing the fly that shall presently stir up a full fifteen minutes' glorious
excitement and yield material for oft-told tales and life-long reminiscences.
What do not those men lose who do not fish ? And as to fly-making
well, by that engaging occupation, apart from all practical considerations,

many men have been imbued with a fascination which has since
brightened too many dull days of their life.

Any apology for the possibly tedious fulness of detail inseparable

from really genuine instruction on such a technical subject as " fly-
dressing it would be too illogical to offer. Clearness in this case is

impossible without amplitude of detail an orderly system in progress;

from stage to stage, as indispensable as in Euclid's " Elements." But

let the learner take courage. When first he learns the method and has

mastered the preliminaries in detail, it will not be long before he will

boldly attack the most elaborate patterns and venture with enthusiasm
upon the artistic expression of his own fancies in all the kaleidoscopic
possibilities of furand feather, floss and pigs-wool.
As a conclusion to the disappointing instructions of many guide books
" "
for fly-dressers the student is advised that, as the art, after all, cannot
really be learnt from books, he should resort to some professional " tier
to teach him. This suggests the probability that the writer of the guide,
however expert he otherwise may be, has felt himself 011 thin ice in the
practical knowledge of this department, or at least in the ability to
communicate it to others. It may be added that the better class Salmon-
fly of to-day is an altogether different product from that of forty years

ago, and, as a work of art, an incomparably superior one. No high

technical knowledge is needed, for example, to discern the contrast in
artistic excellence and working adaptation to purpose between the few-
standard flies Land and Water (under my departmental
as illustrated in

Editorship) and the flies depicted in 'certain older works on angling. The
contrast is most striking in the symmetrical proportions, the arrangement
of the wings, the distribution of material generally, and in strength and
neatness of finish particularly.
Blacker was, in his day, a champion "dresser," but it would have
been a case of almost incredible stagnation if the art he helped so much
topromote had made no progress since his time. It would be very unlike
what has in many a river happened to the fish. They have changed, or
been made to change, their tastes. As for Blacker's book on Fly-
tying," it is, as regards Salmon-flies, practically useless for present day
instruction in the modus operandi, and is only valuable as a literary

In his " Book on Angling it is clear that my valued friend and

colleague, the late Mr. Francis Francis, scarcely makes a serious

attempt at any complete instruction in this matter. Certain it is that
from the directions there given alone, no novice could learn to dress a fly
that any tackle-maker of repute would care to place in his shop window.
And it is simple truth to declare that in a work unequalled to this day as
a complete synopsis of angling, and as such reaping the reward of

unabated popularity, the chapter on Salmon-fly dressing is, by far, the

least valuable in his book,
No pupil was more apt, none more attentive. But the enthusiasm
which led him to accomplish with mathematical precision the neatest
victories over Mayflies and Quilled-gnats, scarcely extended itself into
the regions of high art in Salmon-fly dressing. Yours," he would say
to me, "is the result of imagination and judgment: mine a hobby
to indulge in without much effort and it gratifies my taste, if it tries

my eyes."
To pass to a kindred topic, Mr. Francis has undoubtedly rendered
immense service to Salmon-fishermen, by gathering from the various
rivers, at evident cost of time and labour, the large collection of patterns
that fill so many pages of his treatise. Here is a record of facts, a
trustworthy account of the local patterns, district, and personal
favourites reigning when the collection was made, and a certain number
of them still retain their sway. Any Angler, with the "Book on Angling"

in his hand, may be sure of selecting for a given river patterns, that
had. once upon a time, and in some cases still have, the sanction of
local tradition Whether the same authority enables
and past favour.
him to provide adequately for a change of taste on the part of the fish
is quite another matter. Such changes do occur, sometimes (but not
often), in Nature's own mysterious way, sometimes (indeed very
frequently) in consequence of too much familiarity with baits, or even
with foreign flies introduced by new-comers men who are not content
with local faiths and "rules of thumb." Such rules are too rigid to meet
the change. There is your list of flies your only variety in them lies

in the matter of size. If large and medium, and small flies of those

patterns fail, you must either resort to the enterprising men for their

patterns, or invent better ones yourself. That is to say, you must forsake
tradition for invention, and "rule of thumb for principles of some sort,

because your list teaches that the highest preference of your fish has not
been hit on, and that it fails to provide for a palate that has become
dainty through untoward water or weather, or has been educated up to
a different bill of fare.
Let me not be misapprehended. I wish especially to attribute its

fullvalue to this great collection of fly patterns. But what I advocate

most earnestly, is the logical step forward from all such data, if only
from the simple fact that so many of the feathers we employ now are far
more suited to the object in view. The Angler who takes this step will
soon train and use his own powers of observation and judgment.
Practice and experiment on his part wjll then breed confidence, and
confidence will bring for him marked improvement in capacity and
all round proficiency.
Now it is manifest that in all collections of patterns yet offered in

print and Mr. Francis's is,perhaps, the most complete of any we

have little else than the bare patterns to guide us. There is not
sufficient induction from them no comparison, analysis, classification,

made of them, either in themselves, or with direct regard to the natural

characters of the rivers to which groups of flies are severally assigned.
Whilst the features of many of the flies described as used on certain
rivers in times gone by are strongly marked enough to base a classification

on, and perhaps to enable some advance towards general principles, yet
it seems to me, that the local use has so frequently been governed by
mere accident, whim, and fashion, and so entirely without attempt at
rational process or systematic observation, that I would prefer, and I

recommend, original experiment based on general principles, with a

deferential side-glance at the traditions of the elders.
It is evident that any practice relying solely on such lists of flies,

however time-honoured, must, as unscientific, sooner or later be found

valueless to some extent, and hopelessly so in the face of any such

enlightened competition as must be met on the more open fisheries.

In certain flies, leading conditions common to several localities have
been happily filled, and so we have such standard general patterns as
" " "
Jock Scott," Silver Grey," and Blue Doctor." But it is clear that
the demands of the unusual and complicated conditions in hard-fished
waters could not be thus uncerimoniously chanced on, and to meet these,
we need, not the standard general patterns, but the standard specials, e.g.,
the "Variegated Sun-fly," "Blue Boyne," "Bed Pirate," "Bo-Peep,"
" Silver &c., &c.
Complicated conditions, and the discovery of the best means and

methods of mastering them will cost many observations, careful record,

and much thought, but the measure of success already known to follow
such investigation lifts the Angler far above any blind or groping reliance

on the best traditions of the past. Is it not notorious that in several of

our rivers the fish have been educated to persistently snub old patterns
in favour of new ? And is it not indeed an achievement to present to the
fish a fly that he then and there prefers to your rival's to have yourself
made the attraction so strong, as to establish, more or less permanently,
a decided taste in the fish, so that he refuses other flies, to wait for

yours !

In mentioning, just now, the names of a few standard patterns, I

might have added, with regard to the results brought about by the special
use of Sun-flies, that I have evidence, nay, the strongest proof, of what
may be accomplished from systeniatised knowledge.
What, in the name of sport, would our forefathers think Salmon
angling had come to, could we tell them of the great results that have
been achieved altogether without periods of much trouble, while fishing
in the brightest sunshine They first taught us, it is true, to use bright

flies in bright weather and so on ;

but they themselves never failed to
reelup in the daytime under a cloudlesscanopy of blue, nor ever
dreamed of sport with such a pattern as the Variegated Sun-fly,"
which, by the way, has more than filled the promise of its youth.
" "
It is happy for us latter-day Anglers that the specials came into
existence, that they still live, and that they afford so many proofs of their
own masterful vitality in those very times when all other flies fail. Our
knowledge in the matter of these, at any rate, is methodical, organised,
precise, and always ready to hand ; and I put forward my own portion
of the work with great confidence.



" and most where most

Oft expectation fails, oft there it promises."


AN orderly and uniform method of description being essential to progress

in all technical matters, there can be no need to vindicate my attempt
to supply this, with regard to Salmon-flies and
their dressings. Happily,
in this case, the reformer has only to contend against a certain amount of
disorder and confusion.
The advantage of always describing a fly in the successive order
of its parts, and of always using the same names for the same things,
is obvious. We
often encounter in print, and elsewhere, a departure
from this wholesome principle, and this can only be attributed to the
absence hitherto of any general practice, based on the requirements of
convenience and consistency. I hope that the diagram given opposite, in
which a typical fly is explained in regular succession of detail, will be found
of service in satisfying these requirements. The names adopted by me
are those now in general use amongst Anglers and tackle-makers, and
the order followed is (practically) that of the actual process of
The benefit derived from following this order is, that with a
minimum of strain on the memory, even without practice in dressing, an

orderly formula can be impressed on the mind a formula applicable

to any fly, and in such a way that its composition can easily be retained
in the mind's eye and reproduced at pleasure. Further, this formula
is a valuable aid to the memory the successive operations of fly-

dressing ;
the value being in direct ratio to the elaboration of the pattern
in hand.
Those who fix this simple scheme in their minds, will not find, on
fly, that they have left out the body hackle or one of the
finishing a
"butts" nor that, in sending to a friend the description of some

murderous favourite, they will have written it in such complicated

detail as to defy every attempt at reproducing it either in imagination
or in material. Order is nature's first law, and it is certainly that of

every good Salmon-angler.

ANALYTICAL DIAGRAM, illustrating parts and proportions of








A. Gut loop. the eye in the initial operation of

" "
B. Ta;i here in two sections
: silver twist, tying on the tag material.
succeeded by floss silk.
3. Indicates the place on
hook- the
CC. Tail. Of a topping and an Indian xhank (relatively hook-
to the
crow feather.
point), at which the ends of the
D1, D2, D3. "Butts." Between D1 gut loop should terminate, leaving
(tail-lmtt) and D3 (head-butt) lies the gap, for adjustment (particular-
the Body, divided in this type of fly ised in Chap. III.).
into two sections by D2 (section- This figure is intended also to
give the
butt), each section having 5 Ribs of ttudent a general idea of the due
tinsel ; Q2
is here preceded (in
proportions and symmetry of a good
order of
construction) by Toucan
fly, as a whole, and in its parts
feathers above and below.
E. Hackle. Here distinguished as the
" In dressing, the terms "head wards" and
L'pper section hackle." When wound
"tail wards" mean towards right
over nearly the whole length of the
and left respectively, as seen in the
body it is termed the "Body hackle."
E2. Throat - hackle, usually written
"Throat." The terms "bend of the hook," "point of
the hook," " of the
Hereof "white-tipped" point barb,"
p. Under-tring. "
barb-junction," &c., explain them-
Oner Wing, in most w th
selves on inspection. By a mane
Q. flies capped a common term in Ireland is
a " topping."
understood a tuft of mohair in-
HH. Horn*. J. Side*. K. Cheek. |_. troduced at some place on the body
Htid. after the manner of the upper group
"| .
Is a line showing a proper length of of Toucan feathers seen in the plate
tail and wing beyond the hook-bend. in rear of section-butt D2. But as
2. Indicates the place of the first coil of this means of ornamentation is not
the tag relatively to the hook-barb, considered favourable, I shall leave
the barb supplying the best guide to the subject alone for a while.

In classifying his flies the Salmon-angler stands at a disadvantage as

compared with the Trout-fisher. The latter has a basis of classification
ready made for him by Nature. His path is already trodden smooth for
him by the entomologist, so that in following his principle of imitation,
he has but to study the habits and habitats, the times and seasons, that
" "
distinguish the several natural classes represented by his duns and
" " " " " " " "
spinners," his midges and gnats," his sedges and palmers ;

ephemeridas, Phryganeidae, and so forth. The Salmon-angler, on the

contrary, has, as a rule (exceptions are duly recorded in this book), to

fall back on an artificial classification. He betakes himself to nature

only on rare, but notable, occasions. So in truth his principle is a

matter of less consequence to him generally, though it is undeniably both
of use and interest.
Of the possible principles of classification only two will commend
themselves to our consideration, a division according to bodies," or a
division according to wings." I choose the latter for the following
reasons :
firstly, because there is as much
variety of construction in
that part as in any other secondly, that there is also a variety in this

part dictated by local taste in man, or fish, or both and finally, that
" "
the wings are a leading article in the matter of fly dressing.
There is, however, a considerable variety in bodies, not only as
regards quantity and kind of material, but also as regards the disposition
of the latter with reference to proportion and colour ; witness the plain
" "
fur or silk body, the " Jock Scott
body, the Butcher body, and that
" "
of the Popham all distinct types. The wing, however, seems on
the whole to afford the simplest and best fundamental division. 1 am
unaware of any previous attempt at such a classification, and therefore,
unaided by the light of earlier exploration, I offer with all due
diffidence the following simple scheme, as the best I have been able to
devise :








I Hunt rated in Chapter III., Xo. 3.





There in no need to explain in detailmeant by " WJiole

what is
feather wings. Each wing is composed of one or more whole feathers
of some such bird as the Macaw. Their stiffness makes them invaluable
for crooked going, or for swirly catches, where the ordinary mobile
" "
mixed wings become a shapeless mass of huddled fibres, and have no
chance whatever of playing alluringly.
" " "
Topping wings are made entirely of Golden Pheasant toppings,"
from four to eight being used according to circumstances and size of hook.
They are very effective in bright weather and clear water, and especially
so in sunshine, but four on one river may be equal to six on another.
In the " Strip-winged fly each entire wing consists of a single strip
of feather generally taken from the tail-feather of some large bird.

Wings of this kind may be set on to lie close to each other, or to lie apart
at a considerable angle, as seen in The Dunt." On the Aberdeenshire
Dee and elsewhere in Scotland these wings are still in vogue, but on

other rivers the Usk, for instance they are rapidly yielding ground
" "
to the vastly superior
built and " mixed wings.

" "
Built Wings" built up of strips of feather
married," are, perhaps,
the most difficult to construct and set on satisfactorily, but they are very
telling in their proper place and time as telling on the fish as they

appear, when skilfully arranged, to the artistic eye. The Angler who aims
at enduring success cannot do without them. The most successful of
this type of fly are those knownas decided patterns i.e., flies containing
two or three or more distinct colours in the body and corresponding
colours in the wings and even in the tail. They are specially useful at
the beginning and end of the season, or, at other times in high water,
when a striking pattern is temporarily wanted. As a rule, they are
more successful in flowing streams than in quiet pools.
Mixed wings," composed of single fibres, are easily set on by an
improved method, and are very effective in the water. It stands to
reason that they must be the most mobile of all wings. They are
specially suited to sluggish pools and unruffled waters, and may be varied and
beautified indefinitely according to the judgment and taste of the dresser.
For personal use I tie a large majority of wings in this fashion, and can
give them unreserved commendation.
" " " "
Grubs or apterous patterns in many places are found to be o
great service, particularly when pools have been over thrashed with
" "
winged flies.are supposed to represent caterpillars and other
crawling insects which frequent the river bank or bed. Every Salmon-fly
should have its grub, and every Fisherman should use them. On some
" "
rivers the Usk, for instance, where (long before the Glow-worm I
" "
introduced the T,rois-temps they have become the favourite patterns
of most men. On the Spey they remained unknown until recent years.
" "
Cheeked with a point of Jungle at each hackle, after the style of the
"Jungle Hornet (whether fur, silk, or chenille be used for the body),
Grubs, as soon as winter ceases to chill the lap of May," do great
execution amongst shy fish.

Symmetry, Colour, For the highest standard of sport, Salmon-

flies should possess certain qualities and characteristics. Season,

locality, &c., fix the limits of their relative bearing and importance.

At times Salmon will take anything, at times nothing. In a fever of

excitement the King of Fish will exercise his royal jaw upon a thing it
were an outrage to call a Salmon fly. A one-sided, wobbling,
hydrocephalic bunch of incongruous feathers. Nay, this same whimsical
despot has been known upon himself and discomfiture
to bring destruction
on all theory and calculation by fixing his momentary affections upon a
single Jay or Jungle feather tied anyhow on a big bare hook Only a few !

years since, I believe in '83, a well-known Fisherman, passing from pool

to pool at Eingwood, and dangling his crude fly in the stream as he
hurried along, hooked, in eighteen inches of water, and successfully
landed, a forty-two pound fresh-run fish. "Hi Regan " tells me of
another, caught in the upper Moy with a field daisy, impaled on a small
hook. And there are many living witnesses to these crowning instances
of a Salmon's fastidiousness. Fishing the Earn one sulky day in '87, I
saw within six feet of me a Salmon working up a gravelled shallow.
Several had previously been tried in vain. The last, made by a

novice, having just lost its Mandarin-drake wings, was lying on the
bed of the river, for the purpose of keeping the gut in order, whilst I
whipped up another like it. On nearing the rude hook it was but little
else the Salmon came about a yard out of his way, picked it up and
made off down stream at a flying pace. I soon got in command of him,
and went home carrying 11 Ibs. more than I started with.
But fishing is no more the mere " catching " of fish, than is cricket
mere smashing down wickets by chance, or billiards mere " knocking
three balls about on a table covered with green baize.".
Strength and symmetry are necessary qualities in every Salmon-fly,
especially for waters harbouring shy fish, where bait-fishing* does not
defeat the whole thing. As for strength, first, we must obviously be
prepared for the worst. The battle may last for hours and its issue must
depend in a great measure on the strength of the fly. So then first, let
the hook be of the best make and well tested beforehand. There is a
vast difference in barbs, which fact anyone may easily study with profit
to himself, by submitting to scrutiny, under an ordinary magnifying lens,

People exist who fancy that this way of ruining a river for fly-fishing involves a
question And yet we are rapidly approaching the end of the nineteenth century !

the first dozen hooks he comes across. The test is, of course, best
performed on hooks all of one size. Many are rendered worthless by
too deep an incision of the barbing knife into the hook- wire. In others
the barb and the hook point are needlessly long. Again, the second bend
of the hook, i.e., the part of the bend nearest the point of the hook, is
where a long experience has shown more hooks fail than in any
other part. Correct temper, more than amount of metal there, is the
best security against weakness. Sometimes, however, the bend of the
hook itself is altogether too narrow, in which case the hook may neither
catch hold, nor hold when it catches.
That the whipping of gut-loop to hook should be efficient and the
whole fly strongly put together is evident but neatness and symmetry ;

are often somewhat lost in trying to secure strength.

Too much used in the item of tying-silk
or too thick material is

especially, and too little attention is paid to tapering the ends of the loop
and placing the tying-silk closely and evenly upon them. Put in a spiral
form, or with some coils over others, and the fly falls to pieces in no time.
must remember that the strain of the fish is borne by the hook
and gut. The measure of the strength required in the other parts of the
fly is the wear and tear of casting, of playing it in the water, and of the
fish's jaws. In actual experience the student will be astonished to find with
what little tying-silk, skilfully used and of the right sort, a fly will wear
to the very end of the life of its constituent materials. And this is the
never failing reward of dressing after a proper method and with proper
How often can one take a purchased fly and twist the wings, almost
without effort, right round to the body Yet this test may be pressed too

far ;
for whilst it is possible to so tightly and firmly compact a fly that the
very fibres of the wing shall first give way, such a degree of compacted
strength is by no means requisite in a well-tied fly. It is enough if, after

an ordinary amount of pressure, you find that the wings set on by

the method described in this book still hold their position.
By symmetry," I mean proportion of shape, and to some extent of
material. This quality is essential in a good fly. Even in " Exaggera-
tions," though in them, as the name implies, we seem to set aside

some our usual notions of symmetry, we must retain that general


proportion of shape, without which the fly would not fish properly. This
consideration supplies the key to what
meant by "symmetry" as a

general quality. Symmetry is sought, not for mere beauty of appearance,

but for its value as an element of allurement. We want balance of part
in a fly, so that it shall pose in the water and not loll about so that it shall
advance and retire when required to do so steadily and gracefully, like a
finished dancer, and not pitch like a vessel in a head wind, plunge like a

rocking-horse, or hang on one side (it should not, in fact, hang at all)
from increasing weakness at the juncture with the line. We do not want
it to wobble or, as in the case of extra long gut-loops and all sorts of

metal loops,* to take upon itself the performance of any movement which
" "
we cannot provide for or control at our pleasure. A skirting fly, too

i.e., one that from an overgrown head sheds in its train a stream of
" "
subaqueous bubbles of light is an abomination, for skirting means
All these things, good and bad, depend on "symmetry." For the

greatest success, every element of attraction that has been selected should be
displayed to the fish. This can only be ensured in a fly that fishes
properly when in the water, and a fly fishes properly only when dressed

properly and properly. Each feather, each strip, and each fibre
must keep place and show itself there, as the wings, in all alluring

naturalness of manner, expand and close in regular order. What is the

use of my putting red and blue Swan, Teal, and Canadian Duck in my
wings if the fly " rides so badly or wobbles so much, that a sombre

strip of Turkey or Bustard covers these brightening constituents, and

" bit of blue "
hides them from the ever watchful eye that so dotes on a
or speckly black and white ?
No if your fly is not symmetrical it will not obey you, and if all

your tackle does not obey your brain, art and science are banished from
your sport. Away goes skill in comes chance ! You may put your
wings, for example, in the constraining embrace of two strips of feather
with a "topping" above, and two good sides of Jungle-fowl below, but
all this will not avail to keep the rebels in order under water. The tail,
N.B. " Metal "
loops signifies eyed hookg.

bunchy and crookedly set on, acts like a helm put hard a-port, one wing
has twice as much stuff in it as the other, and so " wobble," " wobble
goes your fly. The body, moreover, has just twice as much fur in it as
itought to have, and so the fly will not fish deep. The head is enormous,
and whenever the current is strong enough, produces the fatal string of
beads or bubbles of light. The gut loop
too long and a
is defective, it is

hinge is formed at the point of junction with the hook, to help the fly
to plunge and rock. The attachment of the single gut to the loop is
incorrectly managed, and the wings turn towards one side against

stream, and towards the other side down stream. But I shall have
occasion to treat fully with these matters hereafter.
A gradual tapering of the body finds its prototype in nature and is

subservient to the good working qualities just discussed.

A graceful arching of the entire wing is not only an element of
symmetry, but also helpful to mobility the quality which follows
symmetry in order of importance. It is evident that this arching not only
assiststowards the general animation of the wing, but by its form helps,
to a certain extent, in keeping the play within bounds and especially
within the same plane of action. For not only do feathers, set on to
curve rightly, resist tendency to side-play and maintain the play in one
direction, or, as is said, in one plane, and so all get a fair chance of

display in the order of the intended harmony of colour, but they also resist
tendency to play too far aloft and away from each other. The wing
maintains its character in all respects in full unbroken integrity. To this

ruling many may take exception. I well remember giving a highly- finished
only fit for a glass case instantly rubbed the
' '

fly to a friend who, declaring it

feathers the wrong way. I then inquired if he thought that sort of
finishing touch would make much difference." All in the world," he
confidently replied, as he firmly believed in the roughest looking
" mount
patterns." Then you had better not that one," said I, but I
followed this up with :
Directly the stream catches it all the feathers will
be washed back into their original position." (He used it.)
The mobility of a fly is mainly determined by the roughness of the
water, the method of working the rod, and the construction of the fly
itself. It is obvious that in turbulent, rough-and-tumble waters, a wing

must, if it is to preserve
any consistency at all, be made of stiffer and
stouter feathers or fibres than those which would hold their own well

enough in quieter reaches. But apart from this, a certain degree of

movement is absolutely essential to liveliness in a
fly, and this movement
is the result of the current coming in contact with it. The movement
will vary with the strength of the stream or with the amount of " play "
put into the rod-top by the Fisherman. Obviously also, the more mobile
the wings, hackle and tail for it is these parts which are concerned in
the question the greater the effect produced on them by either of the

ministering agencies mentioned. Therefore, to get the same amount of

life-like motion out of our flies under we must
differing conditions,
consider, (1) the state of the water ; whether, on the whole, the place

to be fished is rough or quiet, and (3) whether our business is to work the
rod-top much or little. The motion given to the fly by a steady and
regular movement of the rod, is far more effectual, when practicable, than
" " " "
the hops and skips resulting either from the effect of swirly waters,
or from the rod being worked in a clumsy, harum-scarum manner.
I have said enough, I think, on this point, to enable the student to
work out for himself every rider to the problem. It need only be further
remarked that, generally speaking, the smaller the fly, the more mobile in
proportion should be the hackles and wing-materials. Of these, should
the flies be very small, the best hackles are the most transparent ones
without any " list at all and the best feathers for the wings are the

finest in texture, always "Horns," "Sides" and golden

toppings. For the sake of clearness and order in these remarks we must
confine our discussion to colour, simply as a
quality of the fly considered
by itself and without reference to the actual circumstances which will
ultimately govern the Anglers' choice in using it. A simple principle
guides us here. Uniformity of means is essential to obtaining uniformity of
results under invariable conditions. If we have found success under
certain given conditions, our aim must be to restore those conditions, as
far as they are within our control. We
cannot command rain, or sunshine,
or cloud but in this or that combination of nature's varying moods, we

can resort to the employment of those means which have already proved
trustworthy. Ah there's the rub, for one day last year I
headed the

list by aid of a certain fly, and to-day by reference to my diary, I
recognise an absolute repetition of the conditions which prevailed on the
"red letter day." The state of things at bankside seems to have gone
back just twelve months. And the fish? they are there too; and yet
our fly, of the same size exactly, displays his harmonious contrasts in
vain. Up with him! Take him in hand "What's the matter, eh?"
Looking our box, there buried at the very bottom actually lies the

hero tooth ragged, but not by tooth of time the very conqueror of that
memorial day. Laid beside the undefaced imposter he reveals just one
" "
point of discrepancy. Can it be that ? the body of the hero
bedecked with blue characteristics, the body of the failure with red !

Three minutes will confirm the truth of our suspicion . . . the scarred
veteran once more buries his barb deep in the jaws of a sixteen pounder.
put on the right colour, and colour has done it. And where is
the surprise ?
As a matter of course the dye-pot is often employed to bring Nature
up to the requirements of certain pools.
In dressing his patterns, then, it is manifestly most important that
the student should secure by some means, precision in colour, let alone
combination of colour. That colour in a fly should be good and true is a
statement few will be likely to challenge. The student can best secure
this in daylight by means of contrast. Those, however, whose sense
of colour is weak must rely on the eye of a friend or on the opinion of a
responsible dealer.
That all dyed colours should be fast, and otherwise free from fault, is

evidently needful ; but a certain slow and limited fading " toning
down," we might call it at its best comes inevitably with the lapse of
time. Nor is it altogether unwelcome, for, when there is no sun to

spoil our complexions, fish frequently reject

a new fly for a somewhat
faded specimen of the identical pattern.
Natural feathers, besides those dipped in dye, are subject to this
toning down. Some suffer more than others, whilst the Golden Bird of
Paradise and the leading tail-feathers of an old, healthy Macaw enjoy
immunity from the ravages of time and dirty water.
At the prominent parts of the ordinary (general standard) fly where

light can freely pass through, viz. : the tail, hackles, and upper outline
of the wing, translucent feathers are better at times than those which
are opaque the superiority of the former consisting in colour radiated

all round, and this we see in greater extension when looking through
them. They are, therefore, far preferable for places where the sun
can shine through the fly-material. (Of course, it not necessary

always to use special flies when the sun "shines.) Opaque feathers can
be seen by reflected light only semi-transparent feathers often by both

reflected and refracted light.

The location and distribution of colour give scope for study as a
matter of taste on the part of the fish. The usual fly-'dressing traditions
of colour demand that when the body of a fly is parti-coloured, the

lightest colour shall be at the tail-section. One prominent exception

is found in " Benchill the first and best invention of Malloch. The
head section of this " successful creation," to quote early criticism,
of light sky blue, tradition is reversed."
Then as to distribution, the general character of the fly has to be
consulted, and the laws of colour enter to warn us that an equal division
of any two colours in a fly by no means leads to a necessarily harmonious

result. For instance, a smaller portion of blue or of yellow, in opposition

to a larger one of yellow or blue, may establish a harmonious combination
much more apparent than two exactly equal portions of these colours.
We must decide, in view of general effect, what colours shall go side by
side, and how much of each, in proportion to the whole. There is a
harmony of balance and a harmony of contrast. The alteration of the
" "
colour of the silk of the tag will often strongly effect the appearance

of the whole fly, especially when viewed from the fish's usual point of
view from the rear.
The kind and amount of tinsel, gold or silver, put on a fly materially
modifies the effect of its as a rule, enriching and stimulating
that effect. Black Ostrich herl as a butt, aids definition and enhances
colour, especially yellow, vide Jock Scott."
Despite the advance made in dyes and dyeing, and in the substitution
of certain naturals, to wit, Chatterer for Kingfisher, it must by no means

escape the memory that a fly thoroughly wet exhibits to both man and

fish far different colouring from that of its dry state ;

and that, in this

regard, certain dyed silks suffer very much in comparison with others.
Bad results in the silks themselves can only be detected and avoided
by the test of experiment. However, Pearsall & Co. (who, through
personal influence and direction, brought out our matchless Gossamer

tying-silk) have, at length, effectually overcome all difficulty; not only

are their body-silks perfect in quality, but the dyes are perfect also.
In forming the body of a fly one defect is commonly due, not to the
silk itself, but to an undue economy of the material. A. certain thick-
ness of silken layer in such work absolutely requisite, to prevent

extra discolouration of surface by the effect of cobblers' wax, however


sparingly the latter has been applied to the tying-silk beneath. This
wax, if used in its pure state, though productive of some slight trouble
to the novice, has special virtues. It must on no account be messed
about with any mixture whatever, and, except at the head of the fly,

must not be varnished.

As my name has been publicly connected with a table of Standard
Colours, it may be expected that I shall have something to say
here on purity of colour and nomenclature as well. It has been

suggested, and with much reason, that a practical code of colours

might be constructed on a natural basis instead of an artificial one.

Amongst other advantages, a natural code would easily win favour
" "
and would not be subject to change : for red plum,"
"yellow," "apple-green," "violet,""primrose," "orange," and the
like (supplied by common and unvarying natural objects) need only
such supplementary epithets for skilled hands as "medium," "light,"
and "very light," " dark," and "very dark." But to meet a fly-dresser's
want for some accurate and fixed expressions of colour, indeed, to
secure absolute precision all over the world, our best means seem to
consist in a correct arrangement of lettering on a copy of a solar
To this idea I have not given enough study to be able to attempt any
system at present ; besides, the expense is too much for me. But to
give it an airing here may help to do a real service to the Salmon-angling
world generally.

Having discussed at some length the chief qualities which should be

looked for in a good fly, we come next to the subject of the materials.
The Hook. Enough has already been said about the need of strength
in this item. The simplest method of testing strength and temper is, to
stick the point of the hook into a piece of soft deal and give two or three
short tugs in a direction at right angles with the shank, so as to make
the hook-curve gape, noting closely whether or not the hook, on release,

springs at once back to its original shape without bend or break of any
part. If the hook is over-tempered, it will break if too soft, remain

bent. No hook should be used for fly-tying until it has been tested and
itsbarb and point carefully examined. In the case* of blunt points let
not the file be used, but the waste basket instead. Economy here is a
mistake and is invariably attended with disappointment.
With regard to its shape, our purpose being to hook and hold fish, I
have ground for preferring, for general purposes, the modern " Limerick
to all other kinds. I had the original shape improved, because, in
practice, an alteration seemed to me to be urgently needed. A slight,
very outward (not lateral) tendency of the point gives increase of

penetration and grip, and makes the hook work into the flesh deeper and
deeper during an engagement." These particulars are put mildly, but
the reader may place implicit reliance on the fact that the hook in our
picture excels all others, as the moon outshines the minor stars, the truth
of which dictum, however, would be completely upset by the erroneous
theories which have crept, goodness knows on what grounds, into this
subject at one time or another.


When the point of the Improved Limerick," which deviates verti-
a fish's mouth, the
cally from the shank, comes in contact with
line of
Plate 1.






pull and the angle of impact are certainly not parallel that is to say, ;

the line of pull does not coincide at the time of striking with the direction
of the force applied. Hence the remarkable popularity and unlimited
success of this particular design.
In striking fish, the hook, being in a vertical position, the point thus
shaped obviously takes a slight downward course, and this provides us
with ample proof that the chances of hooking and holding are augmented,
if not
actually redoubled. Herein lies the secret a secret not infrequently
unfolded to us in every-day working experience.
As to the questions concerning " angles" of impact, " coincidence of
line of pull," and "directions of force applied," they involve considerations

too tedious perhaps too deep for these pages, and I shall pass them by
without further words but knowledge derived from experiment and

careful daily observation in my own practice will justify an endeavour to

clear up several doubtful questions.
Now the maximum of metal consistent with the living powers of the
not only an element of its strength, but also helps us to fish deep,
fly is
and admits of a more plentiful dressing in proportion to the size of the
hook a by no means " despicable advantage," where the local tastes of

the fish have to be consulted. A real gain arising from this extra strength
" "*
promptly reveals itself in a contest with a grubbing fish. I certainly

prefer stout hooks where flies are heavily dressed on the Tweed or Usk
for instance ;
but where fish are as shy as Thames Trout, and quite as
well educated as the Salmon in the Lee, I often find myself using fine

hooks. Of North, the best, in my opinion, are the long-

these, for the
shanked, hammered hooks i.e., those with flattened sides, as sold at
Winchester by Holland. Their chief merits consist in the increased
depth of bend, and superior manufacture.
The shank end of our hook tapers fairly well to a point, chiefly in
order to get a small head to a fly, whilst the increase of flexibility gained

by this taper obviously establishes a more harmonious, and, therefore, a

more lasting, connection between the supple gut-loop and the rigid rnetal
When hooked through or near a bone, a fish grubs "tries to disengage itself by
knocking the hook against boulders.

Perhaps, however, I should just remark that some years ago there
appeared a statement in a well-known work on angling, which has been
read far and wide, to the effect that, in striking a the " line of pull fish,

ought to coincide with the direction of the force applied ! So plainly did
the writer state his ideas, and so convincingly did he express himself
about the matter that the worst* hook of all was introduced by somebody
or other, and strongly recommended by him.
Hardly any statement could have been more injurious to Fishermen
than this. The " line of pull " has no such meaning, as I intend now to
" "
fastening the moistened cast to the gut-loop, which we know
is best placed under the shank of the hook, the Angler takes about a foot
of the attached gut in his right hand, and, whilst holding the bend of the
hook in his gives a few firm tugs so as to fasten the knot in the

position whereby the trace (or cast) shall work as straight as possible in a,
true line with the shank. This is what is meant by the " pull," which,
an expression as well as a scheme of my own. The Angler
in reality, is
next proceeds to test his work in the water to play the fly in front of
him, in order to see that it swims properly ; for it may yet fail to fish

straight, and so require his further attention. The reader may well under-
stand that some little time would elapse before the hook, improperly
mounted that is, crookedly mounted could work itself, by the strain
put on it in casting, into the position which would give it the best chance
" "
to penetrate properly. If the pull were in a direct line of the point of
the hook, in striking the fish the point would be apt only to scrape the
skin ;
at any rate, it would be more liable to do so than to work into the

But I have not quite done with the matter yet.

In the foregoing engraving we see, so far as my experience extends, the
perfection of a hook. In our mind's eye we easily observe what happens
when the fly is well mounted and the tackle arranged and attached as
allude to the hook having a turned-up metal eye, with its point turning towards the
" "
shank turning inwards, in other words. It is "worst" because (1) it see-saws when played
in the water, instead of advancing and retreating in a perfectly straight line. (2) Because
if it should hook a fish, the subsequent strain of the rod tends to bring the point out instead of

sending it in deeper.

described elsewhere that to say, we realise not only the extreme


likelihood of the hook catching hold, but also the ease with which the
point of it works deeper and deeper during a fight with a fish, for the
barb works as a wedge to imbed it. Such evidence is, to the unbiassed
mind, irresistible.
Of course, writers take their own views and inculcate their own ideas
of the hooks they themselves fancy. But men, now-a-days, want facts
not fancies, and we must all stand shoulder to shoulder in defence of the
former, otherwise this branch of my subject might just as well have been
left unwritten.
I I seldom find fault without just cause
hope that but when the

mania hooks broke out afresh I pointed out their faults, and
for eyed

persistently maintained that they never could and never would become
popular. I predicted and published my opinion as to what would happen


" "
in regard to the pull with those hooks having turned-up eyes. I need
not make quotations, for the student who has followed the foregoing
arguments will clearly perceive the awkward results of attaching the cast

to a hook of that sort.


In the accompanying diagram No. 1 the reader will see an exact copy
of one of my hooks with a piece of string attached for the purpose of
" "
demonstrating the true effect of the pull i.e., the string made fast in

a line with the shank.

No. 2 indicates the false effect when the string (or the gut-line, it is

immaterial which be used) is attached to a hook with an eye turned up.

" "
Gut-loops administer to the result of the pull metal loops (or ;

eyes), besides having other faults, oppose it. Of course, much depends
on the material as well as the make of gut-loops, a subject which I shall
fully discuss later on.
I am
not in favour of "eyed" hooks. The plain truth is that metal
eyes are infinitely worse to fish with than gut-loops. Fix the line to a
metal eye of any shape in whatever way you will, and the proverbial
"hinge" soon comes in the gut close to the metal and this causes the ;

shank to hang in the water instead of keeping in a horizontal position.

The one solitary advantage in eyed hooks, which, curiously enough,
their most ardent champions have overlooked, is that upon them flies can

be dressed with extremely slender bodies. (It is quite a relief to find

some redeeming quality.) In Ireland this is a decided advantage.
"Ah! yer honour, give me that!" the shrewd Irish gillie would
exclaim; it's a foine, sleek-bodied divil entoirely."

But as a set-off against this, the feather work requires careful and
very unusual treatment, or the fly will quickly fall to pieces.
Perhaps I should not quit the subject of the hook's point without
just mentioning that a man may with a hook whose point is
start to fish
bent absolutely sideways if
likes, he
but the chances of his coming home

quite satisfied are not enhanced one atom at least, I always found it so.

go so far as to say that double hooks are undoubtedly to

I shall not

be preferred to single. I think so myself but I would rather disclose


my reasons for so thinking than make a needlessly strong, imperative

statement. First, they give a double chance of hooking a fish and ;

secondly, a double chance of holding it.

But, here again a great deal has been written (I must speak plainly)
by men ready to pre-judge these hooks from their own unfortunate
experience. Of these true Britons one has tried them by his own peculiar

mode one by that of not striking at all, few by the right

of striking;

means, while some find fault without condescending to argument, and

condemn them off-hand.
Ithas been said, and in places the statement has been generally
" "
doubles tear the flesh more than " singles
believed, that also, that ;

during a fight one hook helps the other out." Doubtless these ideas
originate, as I will show, from the old-fashioned principle of striking
followed in using them.
In that admirable and instructive work, the Badminton Library,
" "
a gentleman of high angling ability a Napoleon of the Overhand
" from
observes :
Long before the question as to the advantage of striking
the winch when using double hooks was
discussed in the Sporting Press,
I had given the double hook plan an extensive trial, but I lost so many
fish with them that I gave them up." And in a letter to the " Fishing
Gazette" the same authority goes on to remark: "All I said about
double hooks (he was referring to a former letter) was that I had not been
successful with them, and that, perhaps, this was in consequence of my
not having adopted Mr. Kelson's plan of striking from the winch." I
" "
call attention to the word perhaps italicised here, as showing the care
and judgment of the original writer on the subject.
But, on the other hand, Colonel Richardson throws an interesting
side-light on the situation by a rather significant statement made in a
letter to me to the effect "that the success of double hooks is in propor-

tion as the means applied are adequate or inadequate. I never liked

double hookstill I bought your winch at Farlow's, but I get a lot of fish

with them now, and hardly ever miss one when I limit myself to size.
A 2-0 hook is my largest."
Whilst endeavouring to remove the general stigma which these
hooks have long borne, I shall hope not to offend the susceptibilities of
any gentleman who does not concur in my opinion.
Now I am perfectly ready to admit that the value of certain fishing
inventions call them " novelties if you will can be very easily
estimated but anyone can see with half an eye that the questions

touching on double hooks are not to be decided in a dining-room. Not

even at the river-side can they be judged effectually without much

" "
experience in the matter of presentation as well as in the right and

proper method of striking Salmon. Experience in the use of these hooks

gained in a district where they are invariably used with perfection due to
long habit, as on tho Tweed, is more likely to prove valuable than merely
a few temporary trials of an ordinary description.
After everything is said and done the fact seems to me indisputable,
that in striking from the winch these hooks penetrate and remain fixed
immovably in their place. And I maintain that the efficiency of the
Lever Winch, which is fully explained in another chapter, has been
abundantly proved by its successes. I have only to add here that double
hooks are of great value to Anglers. They are generally used until fine
tackle is indispensable and on the Tweed there is an absolute unanimity

of opinion in their favour, for not only amateurs these the foremost
amateurs but people of ranks use them up to a certain size, even in

the lowest and brightest waters possible. It should, however, be borne

in mind that people can be easily mistaken in regard to striking Salmon.
Some think and say they never strike at all, though I must incidentally
remark that I have never yet seen any Fisherman fail to put the hook into
the fish by an uplifting of the rod. If that is not striking, I really do not
know what is.
Gut-loops should always be made of the best gut twisted tightly, as

explained in Chapter VIII., and provided always that they are stout
enough and small enough, gut-loops, sufficiently twisted, will last longer
than the flies themselves. In renewing a fly, I use mine again and again,
doubling the gut at a different part.
The Tag is a valuable component in a fly. It plays a prominent

part in the tout ensemble of mobility. The fly is usually seen by the fish
" "
from the rear, so that the tag is the point of the body nearest to him,
and dominates the perspective of the whole. Kemove the "tag," and the
character of the fly, when viewed from that position, is often entirely

" "
Again, the tag is of importance in assisting the taper of the body,
and in covering the part of the hook that must otherwise remain bare ;

for, as a rule, the body could not be extended to greater length to fill the

place without disturbing the safe and proper proportions of the fly.

Furthermore, the tag is more or less a tribute to nature. Many flies,

moths, and butterflies show marked alteration in colour at the extremity
of the body. And so nature confirms what experience suggests.
It is interesting to trace the history of the "tag." Flies of a century
ago were rarely, if ever, adorned with it. I can well remember that, in

my earlier days, tags were invariably made with orange silk. Suddenly,
however, Anglers on the Usk discovered that scarlet floss was an im-
provement, and in other places the fact was speedily confirmed. Indeed,
I myself found that on other rivers Salmon decidedly prefer scarlet to

orange. This lucky discovery led to my introducing into use several

" "
well-known standard flies Lady d'Eresby," with a blue tag Strath-

" "
spey," with a violet one ; Nightshade," with pink ; Captain Walton,"
with cream and many others.

new field of speculation I was soon followed by Wright, of

In this
" "
Sprouston, who invented a blue-tagged fly that won for itself local
honours and many admirers. Farlow, whose best is the "Baron," with a
dark red-claret tag, and Bernard, of Church Passage, chimed in. The
hint was soon taken by amateurs and the trade generally, and the tag has
now won a distinguished place in the estimation of Anglers of varied
Tags are usually made in two parts first, gold or silver twist next, ;

floss silk. Directions for using these materials will be given in the next
Discussing the subject of tags one day by the river-side, a brother
Angler asked me the following question: "Did you or any other man ever
see a black and white dog having any white at all in its tail that didn't
have it at the tip '?
" "
The Tail of a fly comes next, and is of great service. It used to be
the fashion to employ here nothing but golden "toppings but as the ;

reader has heard enough of old fashions, his attention had better be drawn
" "
to forms new and approved. Besides " toppings," we use for tails
tippet fibres and other parts of the Golden Pheasant Toucan breast and

under-tail ;
and Canadian Duck, Macaw, Jungle-
strips or sprigs of Teal
fowl, and feathers from the Chatterer, Indian Crow, Tanager, Blue
Creeper, and others that are supple and showy, coloured and speckled.

In the more elaborate "tails" choice may be made of every thin-fibred

wing-feather in our collection, so long as they are used in moderation.

Spreading tails, sometimes flat, sometimes in set-sail fashion,

resembling closed butterflies' wings, are telling. Tails effective and

may be built" like wings, but- with the fibres pointing upward. As a
formal example, portions of yellow Macaw, Canadian Duck, Peacock
wing, and powdered blue Macaw, curving in one direction, with a

similar set to back them, taken, of course, from the other side of feathers,
make a grand mixture. But when thismixture is brought into requisi-
tion, the flies should be butted for, hold the scissors in cutting off the
stumps in whatever manner you choose, a taper is formed which points
" "
the wrong way. The butt of Ostrich (the herl itself tapering well to
a point) comes to the rescue, and brings matters right by covering the
stumps remaining. If the fly is to be of the type known as shovel-
tailed," a similar mischievous tapering arises, and should be treated in
the same way by the Ostrich herl. These matters will be better under-
stood after perusal of the next chapter.
Body." Of the three materials, Pig's wool, mohair, and Seal's fur,
the last named (being the last introduced into use) is superior to either of
the others for general purposes, as it is more tractable than Pig's wool,
and more brilliant and alluring than niohair. It is to be observed,

however, that where bulk of colour is a desideratum, as in the "Beacons-

field," mohair is still occasionally employed. On the other hand, the
more sombre Berlin wool is sometimes preferred, as on Speyside.
In selecting Seal's fur, see that it is even in texture, rather hairy than

woolly in character, and even in colour. Inferior samples are dull, lumpy,
short, and downy.
Owing to its comparative coarseness and length, Pig's wool, now-a-
days, is
rarely employed except in large flies, for which use it has
manifest advantages. Being the most brilliant of all dyed materials,
except, perhaps, Goat's beard, it is unrivalled. To secure with it an
evenly-tapered body careful treatment is required. The "wool" (for that
is the usual name given to it) should first be rolled between the fingers,

so that it forms a tapered length to spin on to the tying silk. Other

furs are sometimes used for special patterns. The Silver Monkey is

particularly valuable. Berlin wools are occasionally called for, but rarely

by myself, as I prefer Seal's fur. When coils are wanted, as in Sun-flies,

Berlin wool conies in handy for the purpose.
Mohair can be passed over, as I have said all that is needful.
As body-material, silks are of less equal value than furs if the stock
of flies is to be a catholic one. The main care in procuring silk should
be to get really fast colours, and, therefore, in purchasing, a first-class
tackle shop is to be preferred to a Berlin depot. These floss silks are
best stored in glazed paper, and laid straight in the length in which they
are usually sold. The best silk in the market. I repeat, is " Pearsalls
French Floss," dyed with his special unfading Eastern dyes.
Bodies are also made in part or wholly of chenille, in various colours.
The "Black Creeper," well known on the Earn and Usk, is a most useful
variety of Grub. It kills on some Scotch rivers in bright weather, and

throughout Wales in dull.

" "
Tinselled chenilles are also popular the Glowworm (copper)
to wit ;
and there are also bodies of silver and of gold tinsel, as everyone
The materials named are those in commonest use, but, of course,
there is a wider field for the adaptive inventiveness of the artist. Mr.
Basil Field, for example, has successfully used a change on the silver
" "
body a fly known as the Kendle is made by him of white floss silk,
covered with gold beater's skin. Again, a body may be covered with
small feathers, as in the " Chatterer."
Ribbings are chiefly of silver or gold tinsel (flat or oval), or lace,
used singly or in combination with each other, and sometimes with floss
silk, as in Black Dog." There
a great difference of quality in these

materials. Only the best should be used. Especially does this caution
apply to oval tinsel, which is now-a-days so much in request. It has the

merit over flat tinsel not liable to become wholly severed by one
that it is

rake of the Salmon's tooth, and so unwinding to the utter disablement of

the fly.
To prevent confusion, the names of the several kinds are here given

according to the system in general use among amateur fly-dressers. The

manufacturers have unfortunately lately started a new series of names ;

these are given in brackets as employed by Kenning, the wholesale maker

of all the varieties here mentioned.
Thread. Solid round gold or silver wire.
Twist (thread) Is a white floss silk entirely covered with windings of

fine silver wire it ;
is round, and used principally for tags."
Lace (Twist). Is compound "twist" i.e., three lengths twisted

Tinsel (Plate) is either flat or oval. "Flat tinsel" is a ribbon of
made by flattening solid metal wire. " Oval tinsel
gold or silver (Flat-
worm) is made on the same principle as "twist," but is much stouter,
and, in section, oval instead of round. The encircling silver or gold
thread may be severed, but the silk core, with which this sort is pro-
vided, holds on, and, by its tightness, prevents the thread from unwind-
ing. It is altogether better than flat tinsel and easier handled in work,
but is not as yet made sufficiently broad for very large patterns.
Embossed Tinsel is also made in silver and gold, and lends the pretty
effect of subdued brilliance to a body, as seen in the " Dusty Miller and
in the Dunkeld," but it must be handled gently, as being of a very
brittle nature.

With regard to the colour of twists and tinsels, silver is generally

preferred for the Spring fishing, gold for the Autumn. Where, however,
there is a preponderance of yellow tones on the body, I prefer silver early
in the day, the rays of the gold being signally eclipsed by the materials it
embraces and gold in the afternoon.

For brightening tinsels of all sorts other than tinselled chenilles,

" "
Steven's Silicon tablet should be used. It is sold by Mr. Thomas,
Chemist, Talbot Road, W. The little cardboard box contains a brush
and a piece of wash-leather. The former is useful for polishing old silver
bodies ;
the latter for twists and tinsels before being employed in fly-
work. Silicon is used sparingly for gold. In polishing with the leather
the tweezers are applied to those tinsels having a silk core, a small

portion of which is exposed by nipping off the metal covering. The

length for use is pulled with them through the wash-leather, not to the
end, but near thereto then the length is reversed and pulled through in

the contrary direction.


Hackles. For a body-hackle, shape

a quality of importance, as,

when wound on, the fibres ought to increase in length from the tail end
of the body up to the throat. In some flies of mine, the " Penpergwm
Pet for instance, the fibres reach from the throat to the hook-point, or
even beyond. In the case of the throat-hackle, this taper .
is not so
Experience will soon bring choosing the right size of hackle
skill in

for any definite pattern. The number of usual coils of a body-hackle is

one less which are formed of gold or silver tinsel. The
than the ribs,
ribs number five generally, and overlap the point of the hackle at the

beginning of the second coil. About three coils of the butt end of the
hackle should, however, be reserved to form, or help to form, the throat.
But much latitude is allowed as to the total amount of hackle to be
displayed at the throat. A separate hackle is often put on in addition.
In all hackles, save and except those of the Eagle and Spey-cock
tribe, get rid of all fluff at the root. In ordinary Cock's hackles, undyed,
select those which are transparent, shiny, deepest in colour, and pro-
portionately good in that respect underneath. A red "furnace," for
instance, should not be of a very light appearance on the wrong side.
These ordinary fowl's hackles must never carry a "cheesy list i.e., a

dull, opaque centre list tapering towards the point of the feather. The
best Irish hackles are free from this blemish, which, however, must not
be mistaken for the useful black list, as in " coch-a-bonddus." True
"Eagle's" hackles are, so to speak, all fluff. They are wanted for certain

purposes in fishing, but are expensive, and will probably increase in price.
When pure white, perhaps no feathers dye so well. For my own use,
especially as regards smallish flies, I have long since put up with samples
after the form and character of the original and no doubt dressers will

be glad to know of them. They are taken from the thigh of a light-
coloured hen Pheasant, are of a dirty white appearance, and have a broad
mouse-coloured list from the middle part to the butt. These hackles are
and are not so fluffy as Eagle's. But for the Spey and other
less in sizs
rivers there are any), where it is the practice to work the hackles on

the hook from the butt of the feather, I prefer to use the breast of the
common Bittern. These require to be dyed, otherwise nearly all of them

are useless. They, moreover, need careful handling, but are strong
enough when made up, and, by being longer at the point than at the
butt, want no reversing to meet the object in view.
Comparing natural (ordinary) hackles with the dyed, we claim for
the former that they fade but little, do not change their tone in water,
and do not tarnish tinsel by contact, as some dyed feathers are liable to
do. Good ones are difficult to get.
For dyed hackles we must claim, on the other hand, that they can
be fairly well shifted from a "hospital fly to a new one. (N.B. Always
keep a hospital for broken down flies, they frequently serve as materials
ifnot wanted as specimens.) This shifting is chiefly owing to the fact
that less material is used to produce a desired effect. Dyed hackles are
easily obtained at any tackle shop.
Doubtless the art of dyeing is much improved, and will continue to-
improve but hitherto it is far from perfect, particularly with regard to

the blues. The best blue I know of, No. 3099, and the best yellow, called
Best Yellow," are easily obtained with Woolley's dye (Market Street,
However well hackles may be dyed, with the exception of fiery
browns, they never look so well, even when fresh, or are so effective in
the water as natural ones. Take, for instance, the hackles of a Golden
Bird of Paradise, the best dyed orange hackle in creation would be simply
nowhere in competition with it. Where, again, is there a dyed blue
hackle to compete favourably with the Jay, or, when no great amount of
colour is needed, with the Vulturine Guinea fowl? This condition of

depth of tone being conceded, mention also must be made of both the

orange and red hackles of the Golden Pheasant.

I know of no dye or method of dyeing that will hit off to our liking
that metallic lustrous sheen, which is a conspicuous feature on some of

our best natural feathers, such as those on the back of the wild
Turkey. The apparent resemblance produced by chemical combinations
is a complete failure for practical purposes. When Seal's fur became
more fashionable than Pig's wool, I accidentally produced this lambent
sheen, and made a large stock of flies with various wing materials but I ;

soon found them to be utterly useless, except in discoloured waters.


As to black hacklesit is well generally to use natural, and not dyed

feathers. In discoloured water, however, the dyed shows surprisingly

more ;
in fact, under such condition one never thinks of using a

"natural," except on an emergency. They are not necessarily black

before being dyed, and when originally white, they are even more con-

spicuous to the fish in the state of water just mentioned. This is not
because white dyes a better black than anything else, but because the
white hackles we dye are of a different consistency. Natural blacks, as a
rule, are out and out the best
in clear water not only that, they are more

mobile and twice as long.

last Further observations as to their special
use are made in another chapter. The chief feature to avoid in selecting
natural blacks is the " cheesy list," previously mentioned and our ;

special object should be to seek a really deep black with a shiny surface.
The hackles most commonly used are the following :


Cocks' hackles. The best, both in shape and degree of firmness,

corne from the neck ; but feathers from the back are used on pressing
necessity, or for Grubs.
The special varieties of these are :

1. Furnace hackles. A red Cock's hackle with a tapered black list

running up the centre ;

White furnace are white with a black list;Blue,
with a blue list.
" " "
The distinction between " furnace and coch-a-bonddu
is of very

old date. have specimens of each collected in Wales by my Father in

1836, and carefully labelled by him with their different names. Coch-
a-bonddu," a Welsh word, signifies "red, with a black band." The
" furnace " and " coch-a-bonddu," is
advantage of giving the two names,
so obvious, and the benefit derived from extending the signification to
other feathers of their nature so apparent, that I make no apology for the
nomenclature which I have given above.
2. Cocli-a-bonddu hackles. A furnace hackle with black points.
" "
But the colour between the list and points of blue coch-a-bonddus
varies. It may be of a reddish tinge, grizzly-grey, honey, or golden.

Dipped in Bismarck-brown aniline dye (Woolley & Co., Manchester),


is one of the best of hackles for general use in dead low water. White
" "
coch-a-bonddus may be dyed any colour. These are great favourites,

" "
and I always "disgrace" Childers by dressing him with one dyed
yellow the black points being far more effective than those of the
3. Knee-cap hackles (a cross between Malay and Polish fowls). A
red Cock's hackle with a slightly irregular black streak tapering, and
running through the centre of red fibres on each side of the quill. The
colours are the same as in the " coch-a-bonddu," only that they are
placed differently, as shown in the picture. They are very scarce.
4. Irish-grey hackles. A transparent, silver hackle, spotted and
scored with dark pencillings. For Standard flies, Nondescripts and
Grubs, the value of these feathers can scarcely be over estimated. They
look well, and pay well, when put along the body of any sort or colour,
and I have invariably found them useful in bright water, let the river be
what it may. With the " Purple Emperor," dressed without the hen
Pheasant at throat, I killed fourteen fish at Knockando in May, 1892,
before changing the fly.

5. Monkey A transparent grey hackle having a series of


curiously-shaped dark blotches on each side of the quill resembling a cat

in a sitting posture. For Grubs these the " Ringlet,"
are invaluable. With
at thetime it was introduced at Usk, I killed, in one week, thirteen
Salmon (averaging nearly 1(5 Ibs.), when the water was low and winged
flies played out.

Of Heron's hackles, I have a few words to say. Most of us know

the ordinary grey Heron hackle is effective on many rivers. But on
other rivers it is underrated, for I often use the feather with success
where Herons are unfashionable. Anglers are apt to fancy that because
the hackle istwice as long as the hook the fly is thereby made twice as
large. This is a mistake. The size of a fly is estimated by the length of
its body rather than by the length of the hackle it carries. For some
flies, as, Rough Grouse," the grey Heron is altogether
for instance, the
" "
surpassed by the Crown Pigeon hackle. The cinnamon Herons, of
which there are several species, are not all of equal value. Of these, the
Nankeen Night Heron (Nycticorax calidonicus), of New South Wales,
provides a large number of exquisite hackles and wing feathers, and so
does the one known as Nijcticorax Manillensis. The Demigretta gulansia
the best of the black species.

Among other natural hackles we have Bustard ; the Lineated Bittern

(Tigrisoitialineatum) from South America, which is superior to that
from British Guiana, and of great value for its numerous cinnamon-brown
mottled hackles of all sizes Grouse, Partridge, Guinea fowl, Teal, Pintail,

Widgeon, &c.
Yellow hackles are the easiest to get dyed and the most difficult to
get undyed. Toucan's, however, are very useful, and scarcely fade in
work. They are small and very fine in texture, so three times the
ubual amount is required for a fly. Yellow Macaics, on the contrary, are
coarse and more opaque. These are used sparingly. But by far the best
orange hackle, as yet discovered, comes from the neck of the Golden Bird
of Paradise (Xanthomelus aureus), a native of New Guinea. This bird is
about the size and shape of our missel thrush, and carries hundreds of
magnificent hackles around its neck (see illustrated hackles). For
"throats" or for Grubs, even for wings, these deadly feathers are perfect.
They play exquisitely in the water, never fade, and, though fine in fibre,
do not break or wear at the points.

Speckled Yellow is got from dyed Gallina (a feather we prize highly

and dye many colours), Teal, and Widgeon.
Blue hackles. The best natural blues are taken from Jays, Vulturine,
Guinea fowls, and from the Pitta (bertse) from Borneo.
Jay's are scored with black bars the two latter birds are of a pale

blue, though the "Tocate" is of superlative brilliance. In mobility,

Vulturine's are best, and as long in fibre as a medium Guinea-fowl hackle.
Blue Macaw hackles, deep in tone, are no favourites of mine. A good
blue in fact, the best I have ever obtained is easily secured by using
as much of the powder as would thinly cover a threepenny piece of the
blue dye just mentioned, No. 3099 (sold by Woolley & Co., of Manchester)
in one pint of water. The plan is to first boil the dye in a saucepan, and,
when removed from the fire, to immerse the hackles for a few minutes.
They should be tied in dozens to the end of a stick, and well worked about
in the dye. Choose the whitest looking feathers. On taking them out
rub them on both sides, from roots to points, with a piece of transparent
glycerine soap; wash, and dry. Turnbull of Edinburgh, Holland of
Winchester, and Malloch of Perth have supplied me with some useful

specimens. The Jay, however, for all-round work is the general favourite ;

but the feather must be split, as one side is useless. For dressing, choose
feathers coloured on the right side of the quill, or they will have to be
wound on the hook the reverse way, much to the annoyance of young
The easiest method of splitting the Jay is that of Major Traherne.


The butt end of the feather is fastened in a fly-maker's vice, as

shown, the best side uppermost. Seize the right and left fibres at the
very point of the feather with the fore-finger and thumb of both hands,
their backs facing outwards and slightly towards the ground. Keep the

feather taut and pull gently yet towards you, when the quill will begin to

split. Continue pulling steadily in this way till the feat is accomplished.
Take care not to pull harder on one side than on the other, especially at
starting. Next place the side to be used on a smooth, hard surface, the
point end towards you, the butt away from you. Press the fore-finger on
the point, the second finger on the butt, and, with a fine, sharp-pointed
penknife, scrape away any remaining pith until not a particle remains,
This delicate operation must be done with a light hand, or the quill will
be severed. If the feather does not split as you wish, cut off with quite
the point of the knife, say, half the quill by one stroke of the blade from
end to end, and the feather is ready for use.
For myself, however, I never use a vice for any purpose. I find it

easy enough in this case to seize the fibres in the way described above,
and then place the butt of the feather between the teeth, and pull the
coloured side away. Perhaps the vice may be used in making the
bodies of all such patterns as
The Chatterer " for when numberless ;

small feathers constitute the body of a fly, the dresser holds the hook, not
by the bend, as usual, but by the shank. Unless his fingers are in good
fettle, the vice, under the circumstances, might be of some little service
to him, especially in putting on Strip wings.
The old books on fly-dressing used to give directions for stripping off
one side of a Cock's hackle, but this plan is a mistake. All hackles,
equally coloured right and left of the quill, should be "doubled" before
use. One hackle thus serves to take the place of two which were

formerly used ;
the fly fishes better, and money is saved. Directions for
" "
doubling are given in Chapter III., in company with an Illustration
of the process. But to meet the purpose needed, in some parts of Wales
it is commonly supposed that these feathers can be "licked into shape,"
and that by doubling," the fibres are bent and spoilt at their roots.
This idea is an illusion, seeing that the minute portion of each fibre bent
by the necessary pressure given is restored in the process of winding.
" "
The ha,ckle being wound on its side, the stem bites the very portion
" " " "
supposed to be injured, with the result that the spring and spread
of the lower fibres are, in all respects, equal to that of theupper ones.
Wings. Before detailing the kinds of feathers most commonly in

use, it may be well to offer some remarks of a general nature upon them.
To become an adept in tbe selection and manipulation of these materials,
and for securing in the fly a permanent obedience to pattern, the student
should make himself familiar with the characteristic qualities of the
feathers, not only those which distinguish one bird from another, but
those from different parts of the same bird. For example, he should
learn that certain kinds of feathers are more easily induced to " marry

than others, and that those of a stiffer nature are best placed lowest in the
wing in order to ensure the necessary quality of mobility thus, in work-

ing with Mallard, Teal, and Golden Pheasant tail, the Mallard poses
above, and the Teal in the centre. Also, that a leading tail feather of
the Golden Pheasant, in point of tractability and ease of manipulation,
is out of all comparison to be preferred to other tail feathers from the

same bird.

hardly necessary to insist that feathers should be gathered at
the right season of the year. The best season for almost all English bred
birds is Christmas, at which time the new livery has neither been
tarnished by wear, nor by the rays of a burning sun. But there are
exceptions. Early in the autumn, for instance, the Golden Pheasant,
reared in this country, struts about in its new outfit before other birds

begin to cast off their seedy summer coats. Again, a good speckled Teal
met with till the end of the month
is rarely, if ever, of January. During
summer and autumn the feathers of birds, as a rule, are faded and limp
a condition the fly-dresser always avoids. No necks change more in
colour, or quality between winter and summer, than the well-known
Writers have very properly objected to the prevailing practice of
stripping birds of their winter covering. The scissors should always be
used the operation then is painless, and with a little extra protection in

the fowl-house at night, the birds never suffer. "Pulling necks" is

team with lighter and weaker feathers,

injurious, for the next crop will
whereas the scissors tend to produce an opposite effect. Free feeding
with hernpseed in the moulting season, once every other day, makes a
vast difference to feathers in fineness, transparency, sheen, pencillings,
and depth of tone. The feathers of mature birds are better than those

of young ones. This is very noticeable with Turkeys the best white ;

" " "

tips for Jock Scott are sometimes found under the tail of old male
birds, and at the bottom of the back. Feathers should be obtained as
" "
fresh as possible. Peacocks tails, especially, soon become brittle and
lose their virtue. I preserve my collection in tin boxes, and sprinkle

among them crystals of naphthaline, which is the best means of prevent-

ing insect intrusion. This crystal, extracted by distillation from coal
tar, has a strong aromatic smell, but the sprinking must be renewed
about three times in one year. A Ibo carbon is cheaper and also answers
the purpose.
The best to keep large " toppings" is to. cap one exactly over
the other in bundles of four. Held at both ends by one person, they
should then be well whipped at the butt with unwaxed tying silk, by
another, and put on their sides some bundles on their right, and as many
on their left in a partition of the fly box just wide enough to hold
them without interrupting their natural bend.
The process of " marrying " strips of feathers for wings will be
explained in the next chapter.
All the commonly-used feathers of the Duck tribe are pre-eminently
" "
philogamists may (if I Canadian Duck, Teal, Pintail,
coin a word)
and more especially Widgeon. Turkey, Peacock wing, and Bustard are
not difficult to marry either. All the Pheasant tails are somewhat coy ;

" "
whilst red Macaw is simply exasperating to a match-making fly-
dresser. A patient practice will reveal the cases in which lasting

unions are easiest effected, and give point to our doctrines on the qualities
in feathers, some to be secured by careful choice, others to be dealt with
by skilful management.
Before grouping feathers and making further comments upon them,
it is as well to remind the reader that wing-feathers, such as dyed Swan,

are liable to curl up and get out of shape. Into this, an occasional
examination is prudent and advisable. Many of these feathers can be
smoothed into shape with clean, cool fingers, and repacked carefully as
before ;
but other special directions will be given in Chapter VIII.
Jungle-fowl (Gallus sonnerati), as a wing decoration, is not included it ;

stands by itself there is nothing to group with it. Hackles are best

tied up in bundles. Full descriptions of feather boxes will also be found

in Chapter VIII.
Thefollowing are the kinds of feathers in general use. They are
grouped according to their affinities and to the relative place in the wing
they are best qualified to occupy, from the top downwards.
Group I. Mallard, Canadian (or Summer) Duck, Teal, Widgeon,
Pintail, Grey Mallard, Gallina.
From Canadian Duck onwards, not including Gallina, these are
given in the order of their value in markings. Teal is strongly
defined, and lends great character, whether as wing-element or as hackle.
Canadian Duck is more telling in its way it is especially showy as

" "
sides or in tails. Pintail not quite such a favourite of mine as

Widgeon is an advance on Grey Mallard in distinctness of pencilling.

By Mallard," we always understand the rich, brown-mottled
feathers, few in number, found on each side of the back of the wild
Mallard or the tame species, just in a line with the shoulder, but as far
back as the flank. In some districts the west of England particularly
the brown tinge extends deeper down the fibres, thus taking the place of
the objectionable ash-coloured blurr, which is a terrible eyesore in wings
for other rivers than the Spey. These feathers vary considerably in
pencilling and depth of tone. The decoy Mallard often gives us a useful

reddish, un-mottled, white-tipped feather one less valuable than that of

the two Mandarin Drake gems, which are taken from the back, whence
they protrude. The latter kind are highly prized on the Earn. (A few
years ago when shooting I got a singular specimen of the leading tail
feather of an ordinary cock Pheasant. It is of a clear cinnamon-brown
colour throughout, and without the sign of a mark in the fibres. For
single strip-winged flies none of its kith and kin equal it, either in colour or
character. There would be an insatiable demand for them if Nature
displayed her freaks in this direction more frequently. The cross
between the Gold, or the Painted, and the Common Pheasant often
results in a feather somewhat similar, but inferior in quality.)

Grey Mallard requires a little explanation. It is easily obtained,

owing to the great stock which most Ducks produce. But, although the
term " grey mallard is commonly given in fly-description, the feather

itself is hardly ever used infly. making! It is too flimsy and too little

marked. Our best "grey mallard" I would rather not change the
term is taken from the Widgeon and Pintail. The feathers are found
on the flank of the bird, and can always be recognised by their irregular
darkish lines, running crossways, and increasing in depth of tone towards
the end of the feather, which is far less pointed than in any of their
kindred. In short, numerous Drakes supply us with " grey mallard," but
the term practically extends no further than to Pintail and Widgeon.
Tealthus written in description.
is Its value is often under-
estimated. Any amount of it can be obtained at the Game shops in the
month of February. Canadian Duck is to be had only of tackle makers.
Some tiers call this Summer Duck, others Wood Duck. Owing to its

increasing scarceness, it is necessarily expensive to purchase.

My favourite feather of the Gallina (or guinea fowl) is the double-
speckled sort from the back. The "eyed" feathers from under the wings
are reserved for dyeing. But, to my mind, the best black and white

specified hackle is taken from a Rail (hypotoenidia torquata), which is a

native of the Philippine Islands and the best black and white barred

hackle from the Banded Cymnogene (polyboroides typicus), found in

Africa and Madagascar.

Group II. Turkey, Bustard, Fiorican, Peacock-wing, Golden and

Amherst Pheasant tails.
The domesticated Turkey affords greater variety in colour marking,

size, and texture than any other single class of birds, wild or tame. It
is most useful to the Fly-dresser. The feathers which are most difficult
to get are of a rich cinnamon tone, and should be taken from the tail.

Turkeys ought to attain their third year before the scissors are used. On
no account should these feathers be " pulled," as the crop coming after
not only falls short in richness of colour, but also in the element of
mobility, of which quality the Turkey has none too much. The "double-
white a white feather having a black bar near the point is also rare.
I have only once seen a double-white having a good ginger bar ; but I
made good use of it while it lasted.
" " " Jock
When white-tips are employed, as in Scott," the

points should be white, not creamy. The latter are used mostly in

"modifications." But the Great American Cock a wild Turkey

(Meleagris gallopavo) a great favourite. It has a superb cinnamon-

brown mottled tail, and its thighs are covered with magnificent scarlet
hackles having a black bar.
In Bustard, those of the Indian and African species are the best.
Bustard, both light and dark, is an effective decoration. The various
degrees of clearness of marking give considerable scope of choice for
effect. The hackles neither dye so well, nor wear so well, as those of the
Gallina. The saw was shot by Mr. Mobray M. Farquhar,
best bird I ever
in Matabeleland, early in the season of '95. Being brittle, fibres of
Golden Pheasant tail should be mingled with those of all Bustards when
employed, for mixed wings. The male bird is the more valuable. He has
about twenty tail feathers he is larger than his mate, and differs from her

in one interesting feature, to which I may be permitted to allude. The

male Bustard has a kind of bag or pouch situated in the forepart of the
neck, and capable of containing two quarts. The entrance to it is
immediately under the tongue. They are generally supposed only to
run like an Ostrich aided by the wings, but when once in the
air they can fly several miles without resting. The South African
(OtisLudwigi) is the largest and best of the dark species. The
European species (Otis tarda) is sometimes used, but the bird is less

valued. It is commonly known as the Great Bustard, and, instead of

mottled feathers, this sort has dark bars across the ferruginous groundwork.
The feathers from the little Bustard are sometimes used in small
The Asiatic Florican provides us with much brighter feathers and
hackles darker in the bars, and lighter in the fermginous ground of the
feather. It is scarcely so brittle as Bustard, and, although a strip for
" "
extended cheeks is often telling, we generally use it for small strip-
winged patterns, such as are fashionable on the Ness and Locky.
The Peacock, as they say, has " a plumage of an angel, the voice of
a devil, and the stomach of a thief but for all that, he is a useful

friend to the dresser. The from the

tail and sword feathers are
sometimes used for "butts" and "bodies," but more frequently for
" No feathers deteriorate more unless at once in
wings." rapidly, placed

an air-tightcompartment. The hackles are occasionally wanted, as for

instance, on the Towy. The creamy, transversely-speckled feathers
found in the wings brighten up a fly, and heighten the effect of Mixed
wings. Some years ago I had a quantity of them sent me from India.
These contained brilliant shades of blue, yellow, red, and green but ;

alas !
they were soon swallowed up in fly-making, and I have never been
able to replenish my store.
The Golden Pheasant is subordinate to none. It has attained the
highest pitch of popularity among Fly-makers, mainly by virtue of its
crest. Not only has it enjoyed a rare continuance of public favour, in
" "
this, as in other repects for all the bird is valued, but it will always

be in fashion, if only for the tippet feathers, which are wanted in number-
less Standard patterns. It is needless to remind the reader that the

leading feather in the tail is incomparably the best of the bunch.

The Amherst Pheasant is also invaluable. Some years since, Mr.
George Home, of Hereford (a well-known Salmon Angler) seeing the

merits of the tail feathers, devoted his attention to breeding and crossing
these birds with others of their species. The tail of the three-quarter-
bred Amherst with the Golden Pheasant is particularly fine. By this

means, the black bars in the former feathers become numerous black
spots, which are most effective on the whitish ground. A dash of
Amherst blood improves the tail of the Gold, and richly enhances the
colour of the toppings. Mr. Home keeps a fine stock of all the best birds,
and sometimes disposes of their feathers. I have one, the fibres of which
measure nearly five inches in length but a little in a fly goes a very long

Group III. Scarlet Ibis (though I much prefer the wing of the
Tourocou for tails) ; dyed Swan and dyed Turkey tail feathers ; of the
Macaw ; Golden Pheasant tippet ;
Peacock herl and sword feather.
This group comprises chiefly colour and ornament. Ibis should be
used almost exclusively for tails and wings. As a hackle it is poor and
lifeless in the water, and has acquired a wholly justifiable measure of

dislike. Swan is exquisitely suitable for our work, and far better than
dyed Turkey. Tippets vary much in size, shape, and purity of colour.
On each side of the neck the feathers of a good bird assume a natural

curve these are paired off and reserved for use in winging such flies as

" "
the Eanger tribe. It will not bear much manipulation in the strip,"
and obstinately refuses all marriage." As a hackle for
overtures for
winged flies, the tippet is not popular but for grubs the; Tippet
Grub," for instance (the feathers are used as hackles) it is grand and, ;

in point of contrast, when so used, few feathers equal it. Herls and
sicord-feathers have already been mentioned. For making a whole wing
of the former, strands should be selected from each side of the feather,
and packed together on their backs, in separate bundles for each wing, the
top part of the wing taking the longest fibres. The sword feather is also
used in wings, as in " Jock Scott."
If the beautiful and useful be incompatible, the beautiful must give
way even the old Cock o' the Hock," the celebrity I have known as

being endowed with some malady, is altogether neglected on account of

constitutional debility. It is here, as Shakespeare would have it, that

expectation failed most. The colour which led us to expect great results
was more than counterbalanced by the weakness and limpness of the
fibres. There is, however one species Eupicola sanguinolenta from
Andes Ecuador, that is exceedingly useful.
of The bird is similar in
shape, but in colour, character of fibre, and style of feather, it differs
materially. The feathers are not orange, but almost scarlet they are ;

not but sufficiently firm, and make good hackles, which almost shine
either in the water or out. The Kingfisher changes colour, and has
yielded to the Blue Chatterer from Vera Paz. This latter is now well
known; but the Banded Chatterer is uncommon. The former (Cotinza
amabilis) is light blue ; the Banded (Gotingacincta) from Cayenne is

The common accompaniment, by the bye, of all good feathers in all
good boxes is consumption. Believe me, I speak it deliberately and
with full conviction, the only method of preserving our bulk of material
is to keep
adding to it. Amongst that portion of our present stock, for
which I am held responsible, we have the Banded Chatterer, the Great
American Cock (wild turkey), the Nankeen Night Heron, the South
American Bittern, and the Cock o' the Eock from Ecuador. But the
greatest find that has fallen to my lot is the Golden Bird of Paradise.

May this luck be your luck, brother Fishermen, as it has been mine ! It
will only cost you 10 !

For enumerating these feathersfor wings, I have mentioned those in

general use ;
but so far from seeking to limit the area of choice, I would
rather urge and stimulate the student to seize on, and trim up and try
those unproclaimed materials that may fall to his hand, and by their
appearance, promise to be of service to him. In this respect, the amateur
fly-tier is apt to ignore the fact that he does not do as much as he ought
to do for the advancement of experimental research. He surely has the
power and means to push further and further onward into that ocean of

knowledge, of which we have, as yet, but gathered a few shells upon the
margin. The principles to guide him in exploration and selection are
readily furnished by a thorough acquaintance with those materials which
have already won their way into public appreciation and minister to that
pride in honest fly-work, which, at the present period, is certainly one
characteristic of the British Craftsman.



" Bad workmen but no workman can finish for use a good fly
find fault with their tools,
with bad materials."


THE working appliances which I consider necessary are the following :

1. A
which may be obtained at Fisher's in the Strand. These are specially
adapted by their shape to reach and cut close off at the hook certain
waste ends of silk and feather, as also to cut fibre stumps at an angle so
as to get a taper, as in forming the head of a fly ; both operations are
only awkwardly and inefficiently managed with straight-pointed scissors.
I use the smallest kind which have plenty of finger room in their rings.
2. SPRING PLIERS ("tweezers"), preferably of brass, and procurable,
for a trifle, at any tackle-shop. These should be pliant. Care should be
taken that, whilst the inward edges of the points are not sharp enough to
sever a herl or the shaft of a delicate hackle, the points themselves meet

accurately, not only at the extremities, but also along the whole length
of the jaws. In other words, the jaws must neither overlap, nor bite at
the extremities only. Those pliers are to be preferred, which, at the
handle end, are formed into a ring for the finger.

3. THE
STILETTO, which has uses unsuggested by its simplicity,
should be of the best-tempered steel, and without any sort of handle
fitted to it. Besides being a treasure alike to the fly-dresser and the
Fisherman, it can be used to pick up small feathers, etc., by placing its
point under the object, on which the tip of the fore-finger is then pressed
in conjunction. Some persons, however, use for this and similar pur-
poses a pair of spring forceps, such as are commonly supplied with
microscopes. A stiletto of admirable quality and shape may be bought
for fourpence at Messrs. Wilcox & Gibbs, Sewing Machinists. The one
I use in fishing is punctured at the end to hold a thin piece of elastic, and
fits in an outside socket-pocket in my jacket.
4. A BOX
together with COBBLEES' WAX will complete the list.
I never use varnish made of shellac and spirits of wine (which,
however, can be improved by the addition of a small piece of Venice
turpentine," about half the size of a nut to a 2-oz. phial), seeing that Turn-
bull, ofEdinburgh, has introduced a far better sort that dries as quickly,
does not change its black tone in the water, and lasts considerably

longer. For flies, not intended for immediate use, copal varnish should
be used with the shellac. The two will not mix in any ordinary way.
Dip the and put the small drop adhering to it on
stiletto point into copal,

the back of a saucer then take a similar dip into the other, and mix the

two drops quickly with the instrument, and apply to the fly-head
immediately. A head thus treated never requires varnish again but it ;

takes about a week to get dry enough for use.

5. COBBLERS' WAX must be fresh made. I form mine into small

pills, and keep them in a stoppered bottle filled with water.

It should be specially noted by those who dress flies at night that
the misleading influence of the yellow rays from an ordinary artificial
flame may be counteracted, and, what is much more important, a full
upon the work, by the use of what is known as the
light concentrated
"Engraver's Glass." Since writing this sentence, my friend, Detached
Badger," has contributed an article to the Field on dressing flies by
artificial light. So full and explicit are the instructions given that I
make the following quotations from them, with that gratitude which is

due to an author to whom Anglers are indebted for much useful and

trustworthy information.
" In the earliest
attempts I used a gas lamp, but this was soon discarded in
favour of a paraffin lamp, and this in turn gave way to a colza lamp, as giving a
much softer light and far less heat. With either of these illuminants I used an
ordinary engraver's bottle or globe, to direct the light on to the fly in the jaws of
the vice. The engraver's globe was filled with a solution of sulphate of copper,
with a small quantity of liquid ammonia, and the blue fluid, acting as an absorbent
of some of the coloured rays, tempered the light so as to render it less trying than
when taken through a colourless medium. Since then, as the outcome of numerous
microscopial experiments directed to producing at moderate cost and without
complicated apparatus, a light which is practically monochromatic, it was dis-
covered that this result could be obtained by filtering the light of an ordinary
lamp through a solution consisting of 160 grammes pure dry nitrate of copper, 14
grammes of chromic acid, and water added to make up to 250 c.c. This liquid is
held in aflat bottle, of which the parallel sides are half-inch apart. This solution,
reduced by the addition of water in proportion to the increased thickness of the
medium in the engraver's globe, will be found preferable to the old solution of
sulphate of copper and liquid ammonia. With this form of apparatus the illumi-
nation with diffused light directed on to the object was fairly well attained, and
there was nothing in the way of the fingers. The system, however, had the grave
fault of subjecting the eyes to too much glare. After trying various forms of
shades worn over the eyes, all of which were more or less uncomfortable
and inconvenient, I eventually made a large opaque brown pasteboard screen,
with a round hole through it to admit only sufficient light to illuminate the
object. This arrangement was moderately successful, but it had the great dis-
advantage of leaving the greater part of the working table in darkness, so that it
was not easy to find the wax, feathers, scissors, pliers, itc., when required for use,
and after a time the idea of dressing flies at night was temporarily abandoned.
Later, however, when removing to another house, I fitted up a room in
accordance with my own design, providing amongst other things, a convenient
working-table, fixed in a bay window, facing nearly due west, so that, as far as
daylight was concerned, there was practically all that could be desired. Having
adopted electric lighting throughout the house, I had the wires carried to an
ordinary concentric wall plug just above the level of the table, and resolved at
leisure to tryand work out the problem under these conditions.
"After exhaustive consultations on the subject, a good friend, an engineer by
profession, with a first-rate knowledge of optics, designed a lamp, which having
successfully stood the test of nearly a year's use, may, I think, be deemed fairly
perfect for the purpose. It is entirely of bronze and consists of a heavy foot, on
which is raised a hexagonal pillar, 18 inches in height. The fitting to hold the

lamp and reflector slides up and down on the pillar, and is secured at the desired

height by a thumbscrew. The carrier of the lamp and reflector is attached to this
fitting by a knuckle joint, so that it can be inclined to the angle required for
directing the light on the object. Another thumbscrew tightens and fixes this
joint when the angle is once adjusted. The wire from the fitting of the wall plug
is carried to the lamp in the ordinary way, and is of sufficient
length to enable the
stand to be moved on the table as required. The source of light is an ordinary
eight-candle incandescent ground glass lamp, and for convenience of lighting or
extinguishing without connecting to or disconnecting from the wall plug, has an
independent switch fixed to the carrier. The reflector, also of bronze, with the
interior or reflecting surface heavily plated and polished, has a true parabolic

figure. The eight-candle lamp is placed in the carrier, so that as near as possible
the source of light is at the focal point of the paraboloid. . Scientifically, a light
thus placed is reflected in parallel rays of equal intensity in the direction of the
axis of the paraboloid, but this would only be possible if the source of light was a

geometrical point, and any increase of the area of the light produces bundles of
rays originating at various angles, and hence diverging and converging. This is
mentioned to prevent confusion, as it is impossible for an apparatus of this
description to be made so that all the rays are parallel, and the disc of light of
equal intensity throughout.
" This down
arrangement carries out all the requirements laid in the earlier

portions of this article. The light is sufficient to illuminate, and yet modified by
the ground glass of the bulb so as to be pleasant. By raising or lowering and
inclining to the requisite angle, the light can be directed on to the object with the
reflector at such a distance from the vice as to be quite out of the way. If all is

properly adjusted, the light itself is invisible to the worker, and none of the rays
are reflected into his eyes. The area of the table illuminated is also sufficient to
enable him to find any materials or implements he may require for his work. The
heat given off by electric light is much less than by any other illuminant known,
and certainly not enough to cause any serious inconvenience to the operator.

Some readers may pertinently inquire what substitute can be suggested where
the modern improvement of electric light is not available. The answer is that a
paraffin or colza lamp, or an ordinary candle, can be fitted in a very similar
manner, but the distance of the lamp from the vice must be accurately determined,
and the angle at which the axis of the paraboloid should be inclined from the

perpendicular calculated, and the reflector fixed accordingly. It would not do to

fit the reflector on a knuckle joint, as when the inclination was varied the lamp or
candle would not be perpendicular, and hence would not burn satisfactorily. If
the light from the lamp or candle should be too intense, it could be modified by
the interposition of ground or coloured glass, or a bottle containing the mono-
chromatic fluid described above between the reflector and the object."

To resume our subject, the first essential preliminaries to the

operations of fly-dressing are (1) Hands as clean and free from natural
grease as possible, for the sake of the more delicate materials, and of the
wax on the tying-silk, which any grease is apt to spoil or remove. (2)
The thumb-nails and finger-nails fairly long and even, a hint the learner
will soon appreciate. (3) The requirement by practice of the proper
manner of holding the hook, and an expert familiarity with the four
frequently-used operations that form the A B C of all manipulations in
fly-dressing, namely
In entering upon an explanation of these, it cannot be too strongly
impressed upon the learner, that a correct manipulation is of the first
importance and that he should practise so thoroughly and precisely the

minute directions here given as to the exact position of the fingers, etc.,'
and the several ways of grasping and holding, that the modes may
become habitual to him. That training over, he will find awkwardness
and failure in dressing Salmon-flies to be virtually for him among the
things of the past.
In taking the small amount of pains needed for the mastery of this
system, it is encouraging to remind ourselves that we start not from
the point where our fathers started, but where they left off. We may
pluck the an accumulated experience, learning to adapt the best
fruit of

method known, in each particular detail. These details are, it is true,

insisted upon with somewhat tedious particularity ; but then let it not be
forgotten that each detail is a dearly bought link in the chain of in-
struction. All these little improvements have probably cost, in the

aggregate, months of thought, endless bird skins, and furs enough to

stuff and cover Chancellors' Woolsacks for a century, to say nothing of

friendly discussions and of controversies heated up to the full blaze of

the odium piscatorium.
To the non -military eye the soldiers' little red drill-book does
not disclose the generations of thought expended on its mechanical

instructions, all so accurately calculated to answer the rigid (one might say
mathematically rigid) demand of orderly movement. Nor in our present
instruction on fly-dressing is the amount of previously expended ingenuity
any more manifest at first sight. Experience, however, will show that
here, too, in each mechanical direction a distinct purpose is kept in view ;

and the learner may set to work with the assurance that the chief ex-
cellences in a Salmon fly strength, neatness, proportion, and working
symmetry can be combined only by a correct manipulation, an exact
adjustment of parts, and a carefully calculated-distribution of material.
To WAX TYING-SILK. Cut from an old glove an oval piece of kid,
say two inches in diameter. Hold a pointed piece of cobblers' wax for a
moment near the fire, and, when soft, "dab" it (not daub it) on the inner
side of the kid, not quite in the middle. Now double the kid over
quickly, and, with warm fingers, press the
equal halves together.
Partially open them again, and, if not laid on too quickly, the wax will
be seen to cover a considerable part of the kid with a thin layer. The
kid is to protect the fingers from mess, and the tying-silk from getting
too much wax. In the operation itself only the edge of the layer of wax
is exposed for use the less, in reason, the better. To avoid breaking the
silk, observe that union is strength," so do not try to wax only one
length at a time.
Take in your left hand the reel of Pearsall's Gossamer Silk," which
is much the best for your purpose. Break off any loose end, as the
portion will have become weakened by the twist having in part gone out
of it. Place the reel, that it may revolve, between the left forefinger and
thumb, and hold it loosely. With the right hand take hold of the end
close up to the reel, keep the right hand stationary, and draw from the
reel, by moving away the left hand, about twenty-eight inches of the
silk. Pass the withdrawn portion once round a small hook (or your
stiletto stuck upright in your fly-table, if you please) and back over your,

left little finger, which now holds taut from the hook or stiletto, a pair of

reins, as it were, each fourteen inches in length. You now want just as
much more silk withdrawn so with the right hand pulling and receding

from the hook, the left hand barely sustaining between its fingers the reel,
and advancing the while towards the hook, continue gently to withdraw

the amount required by pulling the hands thus, alternately working

them backwards and forwards. (The hook or stiletto must be smooth for
the silk to have free play, as the looped end has round the little finger.
No mischief follows this sawing motion of the hands when the silk is
allowed to work loosely behind the hook.) Place, as before, the second
portion round the hook, thus giving another pair of reins into the grasp
of the left hand. Break off the silk close to the reel, but do not relax
your left grip, As the lengths lie close, side by
or the ends will untwist.
side, first wax
the part nearest to your fingers to prevent any further
danger from untwisting, then wax the rest from the other end, and snip
the lengths across at each end with the scissors.
Simple as the operation of waxing is, the pressure put on the pad,
together with a light, quick, lifting motion to prevent adhesion fore and
aft, cannot be assured until the novice has had a little practice. This is
worth learning, if only to secure the strength of the silk. Besides, you
will have four lengths ready for use.
How TO HOLD THE HOOK PROPERLY. Take in the left thumb and
" "
forefinger a hook, No. 1J Eedditch scale, which, as a convenient size,
we may adopt for a standard throughout the course of instruction. The
illustration of "THE STOP" will convey a fair idea of the general position
of the fore-finger and thumb (The middle finger
in grasping the hook.
need only be advanced in making THE STOP in merely grasping the

hook, it will fall back naturally in reserve.) Attention, however, is called

to the particular parts of the fore-finger and thumb, in immediate con-
tact with which the hook is held fixed viz., the top of the ball of the
thumb against the edge of the ball of the forefinger.
This position secures a firm grip of the hook, and, at the same time,
gives ready access to that intervention of the middle finger-tip (or, rather,
the edge of that tip), which is called putting on THE STOP."



Maintaining with the left hand the grasp of the hook, as shown in the
picture of STOP," lay one end of the silk between the ball of the
fore-finger and thumb of the same hand. With the right forefinger and
thumb take the tying-silk four inches from the shank, and proceed to make

two or three open coils round the shank headwards. Now bind the
open coils tailwards with two turns ;
when the first-named end of the
silk will have been and may be set free to be cut cff.
If the setting-in has to be done at the " head end of the hook, it

will be seen that a slight difference must be made in the method for
convenience sake the end of the silk, in that case, must be held between

the left third and little fingers, which" are to be extended towards the
head end of the hook for the purpose.
Proficiency in this being attained, we may pass on to THE STOP."
Set in a length of tying-silk, waxed, and take a few turns round the
shank headwards. Still keeping the original grasp of the hook, and

holding the tying-silk gently taut with right fore-finger and thumb, place
the right, or near, edge of the ball of the left middle finger firmly against


the hook and silk at the place whence the latter, as held taut, issues forth
from behind the shank. Let the silk go free from the right grasp, and
you have THE STOP." This is a most useful expedient to prevent,
temporarily, turns of silk, coils of tinsel, etc., from unwinding or loosening
from the hook-shank, or even to set the right hand at liberty.

" "
THE CATCH is another plan adopted at any time during the
operation of fly-dressing, to set the right hand free for any purpose. It
" "
is made thus we have on THE STOP resume the
just put ;

tying-silk in right fore-finger and thumb, keep it taut, and remove THE


STOP finger of the left hand. Now pass the silk in between the ball of
the left third and finger nail of the little finger and grip it with them,
keeping taut all the time, so as not to allow the last-made coils to slacken,
and you have " THE CATCH."
MAKING OFF the tying-silk (as shown in Operation II.) is a plan by
which knots are dispensed with, and so any clumsiness is avoided. It

is accomplished any at stage in the work by simply running a few

temporary, hasty turns headward round the shank (more thickly together
at the head), and then fixing the tying-silk (held taut) in the cleft

between the end of the shank and the gut-loop.

To TIE ON THE GUT-LOOP. After the " SETTING IN," the close turns
of silk are begun at a sufficient distance from the extremity of the shank
to leave room for the foundation of the wings. That is how this convenient
little cleft comes into existence.


These four operations are the foundation of facility and certainty in

manipulation, and a constant and patient practice of them wall soon bring
its own reward.
* * * *
With a piece of white card-board, say twelve inches by six inches,

lying immediately in front of you on the table, to serve as a back-ground

in aid of the eyesight, proceed to practise the following chief operations of

fly-dressing noting, in passing, that the back of your card-board may be


utilised as a medium on which to record for ready reference, scales of

hooks, lengths of gut for loops, and other measures of proportion. (These
remarks, I need hardly say, are intended solely for beginners.)


For instruction in general, and also specially to illustrate the making

of a silk and fur body, and a " Built" wing.


TYING ON THE GUT-LOOP. The length of the proposed body being

li inch, a suitable length of twisted gut, extra stout, for the loop will be
1-J inches. Soak this length thoroughly in soft water (or for making a
single fly,you ma}' put the gut in your mouth for eight or ten minutes),
and bend it so that one side shall be a little longer than the other. The
single ends, also of the twisted gut, should vary in length, and their points

pared. Cut the inside strands when binding down, in order that the
foundation for the body may taper evenly and truly towards the tail.
Take waxed (doubled to about 16 inches), and make four or five

open turns headwards, tight enough to cause the waxed silk to adhere to
the hook-shank. Begin three parts of the way down the shank, and
leave off at just ^ inch from its extremity. In doing this it is best to hold
the hook barb upwards.
These foundation-turns not only afford a hold to the gut, but also-
help to keep it from drawing when the fly is in use. After putting the
tying-silk into "catch," take the gut-loop by its loop, and, holding it
horizontally, flatten with the front teeth a considerable portion of the
gut-ends. Apply these ends in their full length to the underside (now
uppermost) of the shank, with a due allowance for the eye of the loop

projecting clear of the shank end (the amount may be judged from the
illustrations, but the smaller it is, in reason, the better), and holding hook
and gut firmly (gripping the sides, not top and bottom), whip the gut on
with regular, close turns of the silk tailwards, holding and working the
silk at the distance just now mentioned. In " whipping," employ all the
" "
power you can without breaking the silk, and make use of the CATCH
two or three times, in order, as the work proceeds, to be able with the
right nails to press both sides of the gut into straightness with the hook
shank. Be careful in starting the turns to leave a full ~ inch of the shank
end for the purpose explained. When the gut is covered with these
turns, tie off with one half hitch, and cut off the silk. Thepoint upon the
shank to which the silk binding should come will be seen from the

Analytical Diagram Chapter II. The arrangement of the ends of the


gut "twist" should always be made so as to secure this relative propor-

tion in all sizes of hooks. In the size of hook we have selected for
instruction, this point on the shank is about I inch short of a straight
line drawn through the hook-point, and cutting the shank at right angles.

Without delay, whilst the gut is still soft, nip the loop. Holding the
hook now barb downwards, push the stiletto through the loop from under-
neath, far enough to form an eye of the required size then with the nails of


the left hand "STOP"

finger and thumb, nip the loop together at the neck.
If thegut does not readily yield to the correct shape, the pressure should be
maintained whilst the loop is moved to and fro by the stiletto within it.

The object here is that the loop sides shall lie parallel to each other
in their entire lengths quite up to the point where, in the completed fly,

they leave the shank, and expand immediately into the eye of the loop.
Of course, the -J-
inch next the eye isnot fixed in place until the turns
of tying-silk for the foundation of the wings cover and bind it a later
process. When the fly is in use, the " nipping " has the effect of helping
to maintain the correct direction of strain upon the gut at the head, and
so of preventing that general loosening and consequent loss of feather,
caused by the part usually forked, working itself straight. This defect
ispresent at the heads of un-nipped flies, and so the part of the gut-loop
under the wings is left V


TYING ON THE TAG, TAIL, AND BUTT. It may be well to recall to

mind here that the fly we now propose to tie one intended solely as a

convenient starting point for instruction, and the several operations

involved in it will be described consecutively, up to its final completion.
Afterwards, the modifications requisite for tying various types of flies will

be sufficiently explained in their order.

Section I. Select the following materials : two inches of silver

twist, three inches of floss silk, a Golden Pheasant topping an inch in

length, and an Ostrich herl.

Section II. Prepare the silver twist by stripping off from one end
enough ol the silver wire to leave bare about of an inch of the silk core.
This is done by pressing the silver twist at the proper point with the
sharp edge of the left thumb nail down on the ball of the left fore-finger,

and simultaneously uncoiling the wire with a tug of the right hand and
snapping it off quickly. Cut off half the thickness of the core with the
scissors, and then strip the other end of the silver twist, and manage it in
the same way. The coils of the twist are now driven closer together, and
brightened up by the aid of a small piece of chamois leather, on which a.
little Steven's silicon has been rubbed.
Either end of the core is held between the left fore-finger and thumb,
whilst the chamois leather is gently drawn in a direction away from the
point held and down over the silver twist, but not so far as to loosen the

coils at the other end. These in their turn are tightened and brightened
up by a like operation from their own end of the core.
Now take the hook, point downwards, and " set in tying-silk at the
place on the shank shown by the diagram, and cut off the waste end.
Apply the twist with the right fingers to the hook-shank by laying
the trimmed core end along its upper side, and then hold it there in the
left hand the last coil of the silver coating (i.e., the point where this core

end issues from its silver casing) being located just a little to the left of
the last turn of the newly "set in" tying-silk, so that after binding it

down the first coil of the twist, when wound on, rests exactly above the
middle of the barb (see diagram). The first coil of the twist lies on the
bare hook, and the next on the few turns of the tying-silk
last of the

which, having bound the core to the shank, form the foundation for the

tag, as shown.
The last turn of silk, made close to the silver, will have pressed or
were, thus helping
carried the twist over to the far side, out of sight, as it

us "to keep the best side to town."

Pass the tying-silk round the former work in wide open turns head-
wards, and make off." Cut off the waste core at right.
The silver twist-is now wound on from you, the first coil being laid
on the naked hook. (No material should be tied down upon the bare

shank, or rest upon it, except in this one instance.) It is desirable, how-

ever, before beginning this, to tug the twist gently upwards and against
the last made turn of the tying-silk, in order to dispose the first coil of
twist to start in a direct line. Proceed to place it upon the silk

foundation in four close, neat coils headwards. (I use the "STOP" on the
coils to prevent them unwinding, but recommend the beginner to use the
tweezers throughout the process.) Eelease the tying-silk, bring it to the
twist close to the last coil, give one turn over the twist, and put it in
" "
CATCH pull twist so as to tighten the coils and, after releasing from the
; ;

"CATCH," give another turn, or perhaps two, over the twist and "make
off," but do not allow the silk on its way to bind the waste of twist.

Compress the coils of silver twist together, evenly all round, with the
nails of the thumb and middle finger of each hand, working each pair of
nails against the other pair. Cut the twist, leaving about a quarter of an
inch, from which the silver wire is now removed, and bind it down with
say ten close turns of tying silk.
Section III. Prepare the floss next, thus :
(Here I would remark
that, insmoothing floss silk
by stroking it between the right fore-finger
and thumb, care should have been previously taken to make sure of the
way to smooth it, whether to hold it at this end or that. That way is the
right way, which, on trial cut a small piece off to try puts up in the
stroking fewer loose ends of fibre than the other.) Take, then, to begin
with, one end of it in the left fore-finger and thumb, stroke it with the
right forefingerand thumb " the and
right it down as
way," for put ready

(The student will now understand that, in constructing both tags and
the " stroking business
bodies with floss
silk, carried on during eachis

and every turn made with it, so that, in putting it down as ready for use,
he must remember which end is for tying on. I find it handy to take it
from the hand, with the right catching hold at the end which is held

by the left, and with a sweeping motion towards the right, I drop the
floss on to the piece of card-board. In taking it up to tie on the shank, I
catch hold of it at the same place as before, and, with a yet quicker
sweep to the left, bring steadily back again, and let it drop into its

place, the hook being held in readiness, of course, by the other hand.)
Lay the length of floss upon the left hand, which is now holding the

hook, and draw it gently along to its position for tying on i.e.,
~ of an
inch from the compressed coils of silver twist. Open the left fore-finger
and thumb just enough to grip the part of the floss nearest them.
Release the tying-silk, and bind the floss with three even, close turns
headwards to form some more of the foundation for the silk part of the
tag. Put tying-silk in "CATCH," and cut off wastes of floss and twist core.
Make off.
Put the floss in " CATCH between the left middle and third fingers,
which are to be extended as far as possible, to secure a good length of
floss between them and the hook. Untwist the length, catching hold of
the extreme end while you momentarily release " CATCH," and with the

fore-finger over it and thumb under it, stroke the length from the point of
tie between the finger and thumb, passing each stroke through the
" CATCH " to the
very end of the floss until it is rendered straight and
is meant opening the "CATCH"
glossy. (By passing through the "CATCH
fingers and allowing the stroking fingers to pass through, and closing
them again whilst the right hand fingers have hold of the end of the

On the last stroke given, whilst the fingers hold the end, pass the
floss under the hook-shank, and put it in " CATCH there. Now with the
fore-finger, placed this time under the floss and the thumb over it, stroke
and smooth once and wind the floss tailwards, reaching the twist in two

turns. In completing the tag headwards over the former work use
" "
CATCH fingers at each turn in the manner just described. The reader
should bear in mind that this is the way silk-bodied flies are con-

structed, so far as the actual winding of the floss is concerned ;

and that,

virtually speaking, the taper of the whole body work begins from the
twist in the tag.
Four, or perhaps five, coils of floss are enough, and, rightly laid on
in increasing closeness, should form an even taper. Put "STOP" on floss,
and fix with the tying-silk much in the same way as with the silver twist,
save that after setting free the tying-silk, which has been made off, the
" "
floss end should be passed into CATCH," the "CATCH fingers being brought

well under the shank, and the floss held taut by them. It is best that the
first turn of tying-silk be firmly made, not at the very edge of the last

floss coil, but a little in upon it. Continue binding with two more turns
tail-wards, and so form a level foundation for the tail. Make off, and cut
off waste floss.

Section IV.Prepare the topping by stripping off the dull, short,

downy filaments at its root.Fix it in place by the following method,
which will obviate all difficulty. (Of course, a topping which has been
carefully kept and has retained its proper shape is more manageable than
one which has been allowed to get warped or twisted.) Holding the hook
as before i.e., by the bend take the topping, curve upwards, by its bare
quill between the right fore-finger and thumb, so that with them it may
be laid in its place upon the top of the shank, and then held in the same
left grasp. The feather will be in its place when the lowest point from
which its fibres spring is laid coincident with the upper (or headward) end
of the completed tag, so that when the topping has been bound on no
fibres will be bound down, and no quill left uncovered tailwards. Now,
the right hand grasping the root firmly together with the hook-shank,
pass the left fore-finger and thumb with a coaxing, smoothing action
down over the topping tailwards, gently pressing it down upon and con-

forming it to the bend of the hook; and, finally, hold it fixed in that
down-curved position. Let go the right fingers from the quill, which
will then spring up alittle, but which, as the main part of the topping
is held firm in the grasp, will not refuse to be easily and correctly
bound down upon the foundation prepared for it. Bind it down. To
do so, begin with a long diagonal turn of the tying-silk tailwards,'
then give an encircling turn close to the tag headwards, and also
another. Put the silk in "CATCH" and
the topping go free to see

whether it sits correctly. This scrutiny is only for the tyro practice
will soon bring instinctive certainty. Bind on two more turns headward.
Make off.

Section V. Proceed now to form the butt. Take the Ostrich herl,
root to the downwards, and lay its point diagonally on the near
left, flock
side of the shank at the place where the tail is tied on release tying-silk ;

and unwind carefully two turns of the former work.

These turns were made to strengthen the work temporarily in its
progress and we remove them to lessen the bulk and obtain neatness

a practice that should be observed wherever possible, consistently with

proper strength.
Take, as was done in tying on the tail, a diagonal turn of the silk
tailwards, and bind' the herl on with five close turns head wards. Make

The stage now arrived at is illustrated in the diagram. The bare

interval of hook shown between the binding of the gut-loop and that of
the herl is purposely left in order to give room for exactness in adjustment
of the various constituents at this point, and is filled
up partly by tying
insuch position of the waste ends of tail and butt as may be required,
and partly with the ends of the floss, tinsel, or other materials set in
subsequently to form the body.
Wind on the herl, giving the first coil such a bias that its flock is
turned tailward. The herl being easily damaged, it is best not to use
the tweezers to begin with. Rather use the " STOP at the first turn in
the way specified inwinding on the floss. Now adjust tweezers for
making the final The tweezers are kept from twirling round at the
" "
far side by steadying them with the CATCH fingers.
When the tying-silk is released up to last coil of the herl, bind the
herl down with three turns headwards, and make off.
The waste ends have a further use, and are not to be cut off yet.


FORMING THE BODY. Section I. For a silk and fur body in equal
proportions (see diagram p. 82), head half hackled, select these
materials :

Three inches narrow tinsel, oval ; three inches broader tinsel, flat ;
seven inches floss ;
some black Seal's fur ;
a natural black hackle and a
Gailina hackle.
Section II. Prepare the oval tinsel in the same way as the twist for
the tag, using the silicon, which preserves lustre besides producing it.
Lay the tinsel in between the left fore-finger and thumb (which are now
holding the hook) so that while the core-end lies along the far side of the

shank, the termination of the silver coincides with the finishing roll of the
herl of the butt. Release the tying-silk, unwind it so carefully as to
leave only one turn fixing the herl, and bind this core-end with two or
three turns headwards ; then put the silk in " CATCH." mere suspicion A
of the core should now be visible between the first turn of tying-silk and
the silver as a sort of flexible hinge in starting to lay down the ribs.
Now, with the stiletto-point evenly distribute round about the shank
the waste ends of the tail, butt, and core of tinsel cut them to such a ;

length, and so bind them that they may exactly fill up the before-
mentioned interval of bare hook left for adjustment. Make off.
Section III. Prepare the floss as for the tag. Release tying-silk,
unwind two turns " the proper end of
of it, and put it in CATCH." Lay
the floss in the place of the unwound turns. Release tying-silk and, in
making the two turns again, bind over floss. Make off. Now, with the
right fore-finger and thumb take hold of the floss beyond the shank, and
smoothing all twist out of it as before, pass it into left "CATCH." Put the
right fingers under the shank, take hold of the floss, and begin winding
diagonally tailwards; pass floss after each diagonal coil into left "CATCH,"
and stroke and wind alternately in increasingly wider coils up to the
butt then continue headwards, as already described for the tag, taking

yet more care to stroke and smooth whilst winding on coils in decreasing
closeness. These are not diagonal coils the silk is to be worked as ;

nearly as possible straight over the shank.

In thus proceeding headwards, allow the coils to so decrease in

closeness that a gradual taper is maintained by them. On covering the

" "
whole of the former layer of floss, put STOP on the last coil. Eelease
unwind the two turns given to the floss at first, and tie
tying-silk, gently
down with two same manner as with the floss of the
firm turns in the
" "
tag put tying-silk
in CATCH while you cut off waste floss give one ;

more turn with tying-silk, and make off.

To obtain a perfectly level, glossy taper, arrange with the right
thumb nail any unevenesses, pressing headwards or tailwards, as may
" "
be requisite; and afterwards iron the floss i.e., press the whole of
the section lightly between the fleshy balls of the fore-finger and thumb
of the right hand, whilst you turn the hook round and round by the bend
with those of the left.
Section IV. To form the "ribs for this, the lower section of the
body, take the oval tinsel in the right fore-finger and thumb and wind it
over the floss in three open coils (see illustration) at regular distances
" "
apart, using the STOP at each coil. Arriving at the end of the section
and having attached tweezers to the end of tinsel, release the tying-silk
and bind down the last coil of tinsel at the far side of the shank. Do this
with two turns, and not tight, as, on now putting the silk into " catch,"

the tinsel coils are to be tightened by pulling the waste end towards you
with right fore-finger and thumb, using the nail of the right middle finger

against the hook as a fulcrum. Make off. See diagram given simply to
" " "
show position of fingers CATCH and " STOP being used simultaneously.

Now cut off waste end of tinsel, not too close, unwind or pull away the
silver covering up to last turn of tying-silk, and bind down the core with
three turns headward. Make off.
Section V. The hackle is next prepared by being " doubled in the
following manner :

Take the hackle by its point between the left fore-finger and thumb ;

remove all fluffy fibres from the root of the quill, and then cut the bare
quill so as to leave about half an inch of it.

Put the end of the quill between the jaws of the tweezers (in a straight
line, and not an angle with them), and let the pliers thus attached hang

loosely in the palm of the right hand, so that the quill of the feather lies
just within the edge of the ball of the right fore-finger, the bright side of
the fibres being downwards. Now
bend the quill of the hackle over the
edge of the right fore-finger ball by sinking and turning from you the left


hand, in which the point of the hackle is being held, to a slightly lower
level than the right hand. Moisten the outer edge of the point of the
right thumb, and, pressing this part of the thumb over the bent part of
the quill of the hackle, and against the fore-finger underneath, urge, with

one movement, the far side fibres towards and over to their near side
companions, first, by a decided rub of the thumb along the quill towards

you, and then by stroking both sides of fibres between the thumb and
finger to their points slightly from you.
Repeat the rubbing and stroking in the manner described until the
far side fibres are brought over towards the others and remain "doubled."
Continue this over the whole of the feather, taking half an inch at
a time, thus finally bringing the fingers of the right hand close to those of
the left. The tweezers are allowed to drop lower and lower in the right
hand as the work proceeds. All the fibres will then be found to retain
their position on the correct side of the quill. Great care must be taken,
during the rubbing, not to twist or warp the quill in any degree. Moisten
and coax to a peak the end of the hackle from the point of tying on, and

pull the doubled fibres with the others from that point well back out of
the way of future work.
Prepare also the flat tinsel, brightening it with silicon, and cutting it

diagonally at one end to a long point.

Section VI. First set in the point of the hackle (its root to the

left and downwards) on the far side of the shank, close up to the

end of the section. For this, undo two turns of tying-silk, make a
turn over the hackle-point to steady it, and hold all the work in position,
putting the tying-silk taut in "CATCH." Now set in the pointed end of the
tinsel close to the hackle (letting the main part rest over the lefthand) also
on the far side of the shank, in continuation of the former ribbing, with
its After unwinding tying-silk, put two or three turns
cut edge tailwards.
of silk over headwards, and make off.

Section VII. Take a pinch of Seal's fur large enough when rolled
on to well cover the lower half of the shank. Judgment in the exact
amount of material will soon come with experience. Rub this pinch to
and between the right fingers and thumb so as to form a cone. Let it

drop on the table, choose the best tapered end, and proceed thus :

Taking the hook firmly in the left hand, close up to the latest work,
holding the hackle-fibres and tinsel well away, release the silk and put it
in CATCH." Lay the chosen end of the Seal's fur cone against the far
" "
side of the shank immediately on the tying-silk, and put STOP on both

fur-end and tying-silk. Then, transferring tying-silk to the right fore-

finger and thumb, but keeping it in the same line of direction in front of
the fur, pass the left third and fourth fingers behind the fur and
it into such a position that, whilst the fur is on the
being spun tying-silk,
they shall serve for the combined fur and tying-silk, as the bridge of a
violin does for its strings, and prevent the spin
given from untwisting.
Spin the fur on tl: e silk lightly down

tying-silk by lay- with the right fore-

ing it in its entire and thumb,
length along the in order to pass
latter, and holding the twist in it on
both together fairly throughout its
taut between the whole length be-
right fore -
finger yond the "CATCH,"
and thumb ; and and away other- ;

then, with that wise the spun part

finger and thumb, will liberate itself
twirl the fur upon from the twist im-
the silk. Twirl posed on it, and silk
from right to left, and fur will part
and at each com- company again.
pletion of a full The failure to do
passage of the this accounts for
thumb across the much imperfect
fore -
finger place amateur "dub-
the fur and silk in bing in all kinds
the left " CATCH," of flies. Eemember
and thereupon SPINNING THE SEAL'S FUR. to maintain the
stroke the tying- left "STOP "all the

while and observe that the violin bridge arrangement gives facility for

a proper distribution of the fur.

The fur being well spun on the silk, wind it round the shank in close
coils headward, but not so far as to encroach upon the space intended for
the wings. On arriving at that point put silk in " CATCH," strip all super-
fluous fur off the end of it; and with the right fore-finger and thumb-
Plate 2




press tailward, and away from the head-end of the fly, all the bristling ends of
Seal's fur ; move up the left fore-finger and thumb to hold these ends
neatly down, and tie two turns of silk, tailwards, over the extreme end
of the fur. Make off.
lumps in the fur are now dispersed, and the taper-shape of
All the
the body assisted by inserting the stiletto-point lightly into the fur at the
head-end, and teasing the fur, by a kind of combing action, tailwards and
outwards. In doing this, hold the stiletto almost but not quite parallel
to the hook-shank.
Section VIII. Make three open equi-distant ribs with the flat tinsel,
" "
use STOP on last coil, as before, and tie down with two turns head-
wards. Tighten the tinsel by pulling, as in the case of oval tinsel,
give another turn of silk, and make off.
Cut off the waste tinsel at an angle, and turn the tiny point back over
the tie, for security, under the hook.
Section IX. Next, keeping the hackle on its side edge and the fibres
downwards, wind it tightly as close as possible to the tinsel ribbing on the
" "
tail side, at each coil letting go with the right and using STOP with
the left. Use the tweezers only after the first coil of hackle. After
sufficient coils aremade, use STOP," let tweezers hang, insert the point
of the stiletto, and strip the superfluous hackle fibres off. Then, with
tweezers on, tie the shaft under the shank with, say, two turns pull the ;

stump and give two more turns to fix the hackle firmly. Make
of it, off.

Press all the fibres so as to compel them to incline towards the tail.

It is safer not to cut off the hackle waste yet.

" "
Double the Gallina hackle for the throat.
Section X. At this stage we shall probably have exhausted our
" "
length of tying-silk, and must set in a new one, doing so with two
turns, close up to the hackle, before putting it in CATCH." After cutting
off the waste end of new silk, tie in the point of the Gallina, or throat

hackle, on the near side of the hook, with three turns of silk, holding the
doubled fibres neatly in left grip (which also holds the hook), and then
put the silk in CATCH." Eelease from make q^the end of old tying-silk
and cut it off, together with the waste of both hackles (but not too short) .

Make off.


Section XI. Now attach tweezers, and make two or three close coils
of the Gallina hackle. Let tweezers hang. Press with the finger-nails
the coils close up together, release silk and fasten root with two turns of
it. Catch silk again pull hackle tight, cautiously, and bind the stump

end of hackle-quill alongside the other under the shank with six even,
close turns, thus fixing it out of the way of the wings, and making a little
more than half of the foundation for them. Make off. At this particular

part of the fly the very utmost neatness is essential to the final correct
set of the wings, and the smallest unevenness in the foundation work for
them will defeat all
subsequent attempts to compact and fix a wing which
and proper shape.
shall preserve its natural
I say "preserve," because it is possible, by a certain amount of
dexterous manipulation to get the feathers of the wing to sit temporarily
in position ; but on the wing being handled, or put to the test of use, it

soon drops its company manners and betrays its real character. Its
strands or strips refuse to curve together, part company, and stick out
in all directions, like a
badly-used birchbroom. With such a fly, there is
no guarantee that the wing is not top-sided, or otherwise so wanting in
balance of material or balance of action, that in the water it is productive of
wobbling, or some other irregularity of conduct not conducive to good sport.
(Built wings, with under-wing.)
adopt a type of wing here, not as being
the easiest to learn to tie like the mixed wings but as most instructive
to the learner.

Section I. Take right and left strips of, say white-tipped Turkey
(as used in "Jock Scott") about eight strands broad of the feather, as
described for that fly. Lay these together, dull sides inwards, that is to
say, back to back."
The turns of silk which tie the throat hackle should have occupied
about half the space intended as foundation for the wings the other

half, for the time being, is bare.

With the right fore-finger and thumb take the strips (which should
lie close alongside each other, and accurately coincide along their edges
and at their points) and coax them with the left fore-finger and thumb
into proper curve. Hold their stumps in the right hand during the
process, so as to allow the upper strands to be increased in length if

necessary. (By this means only can these wing-feathers be so shaped as

to form a fairly regular line at their extremities, as shown in the

Analytical Diagram, Chapter II.) Then, holding the hook in the left
fore-finger and thumb by'
bend, place the arranged strips in their

proper position upon the foundation intended for them, with their lower
points measured to extend just beyond the extremity of the tag." The
right fore-finger and thumb (which are then to grasp the strips from
above) will seize, in the same grasp with them, the head-end of the hook-
shank also, and hold them upon it. The left fore-finger and thumb grasp
loosely (also from above and right up to the hackle tie) both the strips and
the body of the fly. Then, working from the tcrist, draw the left fore-

fingerand thumb, with a curving movement over the wing, so as to

conform it to the bend of the hook. Having done this, hold the strips
close down upon the top of the body-work in the left grip.

If these strips of feather in hand are at all intractable, I guide them

(after they are grasped and the left fore-finger and thumb are well ex-
tended for tying down, the left hand being so level as to permit a tumbler
resting on it) down to envelope the hook bend, each on its own side of the
shank. This should not crumple them ; and when liberated they should
easily their proper position before being finally fixed.
Release the right hand from its grip, and proceed to tie down the

wing thus : A turn of silk is passed lightly over the wing, close to the
hackle, and put into CATCH. In this case, the CATCH fingers are brought

up somewhat near to the shank beforehand so as to allow room for them

to pull.

Then, with these CATCH fingers draw the silk gently taut downwards,
while the right fore-finger and thumb grasp the strips at the point of tie,
so that the wings shall not be bent over to one side or the other, but sit

regularly on edge when completed. This regularity is secured 011 the one
hand by the grasping, and on the other, by keeping the other end of the
strips strictly in position by a well-sustained pressure of the left fore-
finger and thumb, while the tying-silk is pulled taut. CATCH silk.
Maintain the left pressure, and before putting further turns of silk

headwards, up the waste ends on to the top of thejiook. This lifting


serves a double purpose. In the first place, it so affects the strips that
" "
they sit down close along the body- work, leaving little space between
them and the butt and secondly, it helps to keep them in the desired

position when the fly is finished. The waste ends are taken in one grasp,
and somewhat forcibly made to rest on the shank, instead of posing by the
side of it. Give further turnsmake off, and inspect work.

The under-wings should now be easily stroked with the right fingers
into their correct position (as shown in the Analytical fly), unbroken in

fibre, and each presenting a similar appearance, especially at the point of

tying on. Were it not for the lifting, the strips would "sit up much
above the body work, and so be almost obscured by the materials worked
on afterwards. But it is not expected that the student will be pleased or
satisfied with his effort at the onset. Success in this detail cannot be
reached without practice, and the endeavour to attain it. If, however, he
chooses, he can resort to the far more simple method of fixing mixed
wings, which I will explain presently. By such method he can master
Turkey strips in an hour ;
and Mallard strips, or even those of Teal, in
a day.
It will assist the learner at this point to remind him that the single

strands of wing-feathers are not round, but more or less knife shaped, and
that all strips or strands must be so tied to the hook, when tied on either
side, that the knife edges shall incline upivards.
To recognize this fact means getting at the root of the problem of correct

winging. By taking a good big strand of feather, one, for example, from

the tail of the blue Macaw, the knife shape is distinctly visible. Observe
narrowly the edge of the strand, and then, for practice, tie it on to the
side of a hook shank with a
couple of turns of silk. If tied sharp edge
doivn, the strand will not curve properly in the water, however well it
may appear to do so out of it. Tied sharp edge up, and the curve can be
made at the desired angle by stroking with the right hand, not too late,
in fixing, and remain unalterably so. I would add, that in taking off

strips of feather from the quill itself, the point of the stiletto can be used
for dividing the portionwanted, which is afterwards grasped by the right
fore-finger and thumb, and stripped off rapidly by those fingers, whilst
the left hand holds the upper part of the feather. This, in my opinion,
is the best plan for a beginner and, with such elaborate directions,

practice should ensure expertness in the operation of fixing under-wings,

provided always that the grip of the left be correctly made and firmly
sustained, until the strips have been regulated as aforesaid, and tied
down. By "correct" is meant that the tips of the fore-finger and thumb
first make
their grip of the under-wings from above, at that part of the

body from which the fibres of the throat-hackle spring the fingers, still

gripping, then proceed to draw all the fibres a little back out of the way
of the work, and do not become relaxed in their hold.
Section II.The inspection being over, and foregoing hints digested,
pass the silk from Make off into " CATCH and with point of scissors

laid level with the direction of the shank (the point of the scissors turn

up, remember, at an angle of about 30). If straight-pointed scissors be

used, they must be laid at an angle of about 30 as best they can cut ;

away the waste fibres, so forming a taper headward, and make off again.
Section III. Next take from, say, a Bustard feather, right and left
strips, each of about five strands in breadth, and similar strips from right
and left Mallard feathers. Marry these two sorts, right with right, and
left with and lay them on the table.

By "marrying," is meant, so joining two or more strips of feather

to each other by their adjacent edges as to form one strip, equivalent in
size to the several breadths added together. In the present instance,
take the right strip of Bustard and of Mallard (strongly inclined to

marriage are these), and place them alongside each other (the Bustard

below) that the points of the upper strip extend a little. Hold them, so
applied together, at the points by the left fore-finger and thumb and, ,

with the right fore-finger and thumb, gently press and hold the roots
together (which may not be the same in length), and let the points free.
To form the union, stroke and coax with the left fore-finger and thumb
the two strips, so held, from the roots along their whole length, when it
will be soon found that their edges cohere naturally and firmly by the

interlocking of the tiny, fluffy filaments at those edges.

Put silk in CATCH. Take in the right fore-finger and thumb the
married strips intended for the far side wing, and lay them, bright side
out, with their root ends against the shank at the tyirig point, and at such
an angle to the shank that, not only the lower edges of the married strips
may conform themselves to the upper curve of the under-wing, but also
that the tips shall extend in gradation beyond its extreme point.
The shape of wing desired is illustrated in the Analytical-fly,
Chapter II.

Section IV. At this stage we arrive at what is undeniably the crux

of fly dressing the above-described operation, however, being mastered,

the student will easily tackle any kind of wing. He will give the wing
that compactness, that graceful curve, and will exhibit in its destined

place each constituent fibre or strip of feather that is so pleasing to the

veteran Fisher's eye and so fatal to the fish.
The correct curve is obtained by laying, or offering, the wing-strips
at their destined angle, at first only temporarily, for the purpose of
ensuring their proper length by measurement. Then, without disturbing
their natural coherence in the least degree, the married strips are gently

brought up into a nearly erect position i.e., at nearly right angles to the
shank. Hold them so to the shank with the right fore-finger and thumb,
which grip both strips and hook-shank seize with left fore-finger and

thumb the main part of the strips, and, by a curving stroke, press them
down taihvards, and hold them, with the underwing, well down nearly
upon the hook. This position is such that a slight hump, like a cat's
arched back, is created in the strips, close to the grip of the right fore-

finger and thumb. Gradually relax the right grip, and at the same time
apply the left STOP, to preserve the hump." Release the silk, and tie

on these strips. Easily said, no doubt, but not quite so easily done,
unless one knows how. Thus then :

Using the STOP to keep the fibres in their regular, natural order, and
not lapping over each other, pass the silk round them, but not as if you
were running cord round a parcel. The silk must be passed round loosely,
the STOP finger must then press down from above against it, and be kept
firm whilst the silk is drawn fairly taut. Partially remove the STOP
finger while you place silk again over to far side, give another turn,
tighter still, whilst the STOP finger presses as before. Make off. Be very
careful to keep all fibres in position.
Section V. This done, move left fore-finger and thumb up close to
the tying point, and hold that part together with the work behind it in a
firm grip release silk and put it in CATCH, and with right fore-finger and

thumb lift up the waste ends of the strips of wing upon the top of the
shank. they are too short to
If catch hold, push the waste ends up with
which should be held in a vertical position.
point of stiletto,
The wing-strips should, hereupon, present an orderly appearance,
both in their "marrying" and in their springing neatly and well together
from the same point, like a half-shut fan.
They however, sit down close upon the under- wing; that
will not yet,
union will be effected by subsequent work.
Section VI. The near wing-strips are similarly laid on and treated.
In their case, however, a different principle is adopted. The very binding
and pressure of STOP finger of the far side strips compels the sharp edges
to assume their correct position, whilst on the near side of the wing, the

tying-silk has an opposite effect. It is, therefore, necessary after placing

the strips in position (the silk being in CATCH) to make the left thumb
serve the same purpose as the STOP finger in the former instance that is
to say, the thumb presses the part of the strips that is to be tied down
from above. Without relaxing the pressure so given, the thumb is then
slightly drawn back out of the way temporarily, in order that the tying-
silk may be placed over, and the work continued. Some dressers prefer
to tie down
the near wing by hitching the silk under the point of the
hook-shank, and then winding it towards them but the plan is not one

to be recommended in this book. Before making off, do not forget to lift


up the waste ends, as in the former instance and do not be discouraged


ifthe wings are not yet accurately in their final position. To put the

finishing touches on, much is done by further manipulation. After lifting

up the ends, transfer silk to CATCH, give another turn of it, then cut roots
taperingly, and make off.

Section VII. Select further materials for each wing say, strips,
three strands broad, of Swan dyed red, of ditto blue, of ditto yellow ;
two broader strips of Teal. Marry them all together, Teal lowest, for the

separate wings, as before. the grips of right and left fore-fingers and
thumbs (already described) reproduce the "hump, "lay into place the new
instalments of wing, previously measured as to length, and tie down as
previously directed, catching, lifting up, and making off. Select head herl.
Section VIII. Prepare a topping of suitable length by stripping it as
before of any dull, short, downy fibres at the base, and making a furrow

transversely in its shaft to receive the tying-silk. To make the furrow,

lay the shaft along over the ball of the right thumb, the main curve of
the feather projecting out beyond and in a perpendicular plane, the point

turning downwards and neither to right nor to left. With nail of right
middle finger indent gently at the required spot, keeping your eye all the
while fixed on the feather to see that it does not turn sideways out of the

straight plane, which, however, the direction of the pressure might regulate.
Now touch thinly with varnish the top of the head of the fly where
the topping is to lie.
Release silk and put it in CATCH.
Section IX. Take the topping in right fore-finger and thumb, by its
root, and lay it in position. Then with the left fore-finger and thumb
seize the main part of the feather together with the whole wing close
down to the work. Pass the silk once over it, and into CATCH. If not
already in a straight line with the shank, and quite on. the top of it, the
root of the topping should now be put into that position. Bind on with
six tight turns loopwards. Put silk in CATCH. Cut off all wastes. Then,
with the stiletto point, work a little varnish thoroughly in among the
stump ends and round them tie loopwards, almost to the end of the

shank, and then about three more turns, backwards towards the tail, and
put silk in CATCH.

Section X. Next, with its root end to right, tie in on near side the
point of the head-herl, with its flock y edge downwards. To do this, hold
the point of the herl by the left thumb, which raise slightly from its grip
of the hook to receive it and, allowing half an inch of herl for waste,
closely wind the silk tailwards up to the wings. CATCH the silk once
more. Ascertain, by gentle pull over and turn over, if necessary, whether
the herl will lie rightly, that is, flock loopwards attach tweezers and

wind four coils of herl tailwards, Let

reaching close up to the wing.
tweezers hang. Transferring silk from CATCH into right fore-finger and
thumb, extend the three unengaged left fingers straight out from you and
pass the silk taut under the hook (as if unwinding) into CATCH of left
middle and third fingers so extended. Varnish the taut silk for about
half an inch, beginning from the fly, outwards loop the unvarnished part

immediately beyond the part varnished, and pass the loop, when made to
form a half-hitch, over the whole head, so that it may come to rest
between the wings and the herl head. Hold it there with STOP finger,
and pull taut with right fore-finger and thumb. This will form a single
varnished knot, and will be perfectly secure (as well as neat) when the
varnish is quite dry.
Section XI. In extended CATCH-grip seize tweezers and waste of
silk, now both hanging down turn the left hand over towards you, and,

ixsruucnoN FLY NO. i

with the point of the scissors, cut the waste of herl and tying-silk'neatly
off, and then the waste point of herl.

Finally, trim the fur and hackles with the stiletto-point, laying the
fly against the balls of the STOP and the adjacent fingers whilst combing
the various hackle-fibres and inclining them tailwards. The different

portion of the wing will readily conform themselves to their respective

positions by a little coaxing and stroking between the right finger and

(Silver Doctor variation.)

THE MIXED WING. Materials hook, twist, and floss (dark yellow) as

in Fly No. 1. A
topping: 1J inches scarlet Berlin wool; 8 inches
broadish silver tinsel 3J inches oval silver tinsel 8 inches white floss
; ; ;

Blue hackle, and Gallina hackle. Strips (~ inch broad) from right and
left of Peacock-wing, Bustard, Golden Pheasant tail, light mottled

Turkey, black Turkey white tipped. Amherst Pheasant tail, Gallina,

three strands of right and of left Swan dyed red, yellow, and blue. A
topping for the wings.
Proceed with loop, tag, and tail as in No. 1 Fly. Next prepare
scarlet wool for butt. Take a small length of Berlin wool and shred it.
This is easily done. Hold at one end the piece in the left hand ; and,
with the thumb-nail of the right hand, press the point of the other end
on the ball of the right fore-finger and snip away shreds. Continue this,
and when sufficient stock is collected, together, lengthwise, and
put it all

gently roll it fingers, so as to form a cone. Spin the cone on to

between the
the tying-silk after the fashion of spinning on Seal's fur, but ensure more
smoothness by giving extra spins. The cone for butt or head is one inch
and a quarter in length, and
tapered at each end to a very fine point.

Form the butt with close consecutive coils headwards. Make off.
The butt will assume at once a level, even form, more oval in section
than round, but a little manipulation is yet required. Press it towards
tag with nails of right thumb and middle finger, giving support with the
corresponding nails of the left hand in front of the coils.
Bevel one end of the flat broad tinsel by cutting it with the scissors
at an angle, a good J of an inch in length. Do not forget the silicon.
Prepare oval tinsel as before.

Now bind down stump of topping, so that the whole space left bare
between the butt and binding of gut-loop is nearly levelled up. Put
tying-silk in CATCH. Lay the oval tinsel on the far side of shank, take
tying-silk, and bind the core of tinsel with two turns.

(Note that the third or next turn of tying-silk constitutes the first
turn which binds the broad tinsel.) Eemember that a mere suspicion
of the core should now be visible between the turns
of tying-silk and the
silver. Put silk in CATCH.
Lay on broad tinsel next the oval, with the
bevel facing tailwards. With two turns tie it, but not tightly, at about
one-quarter way up the bevel raise the tinsel into an upright position

and pull the turns taut. The subsequent turns bind down waste and
core upon former foundation. Tie them down. With the final two
turns of this binding, tie in on the near side the white floss, which is
employed only in first-class work to secure absolute neatness of body
tinsel. It is tied at that part of the floss so as to leave two-thirds of the

length tailwards, one-third headwards. Make off. Wind headwards the

right portion of floss towards you, placing the coils gradually closer

together to form the taper. On arriving at the head pass two turns of
tying-silk round the floss just upon the end of the gut binding. Put silk
in CATCH cut off floss waste make off.
; ;

the point of a needle gently tease the floss coils, and then by
the process of "ironing" them (as explained) the foundation, so far,
should be smooth and fairly tapered.
Wind on left portion of floss from you, tailwards and back over all,

headwards. At each
put coil floss in CATCH and smooth it. As you pro-
ceed with the coils watch the progress of the taper. In finishing at the
head, place the floss in CATCH, undo the former two turns of tying-silk,
and tiethe completed foundation down in their place. Make off.
(Some Amateurs fasten the floss at the head end of the hook and
coil it, in one length, first tailwards and then headwards a method I

recommend only for silk-bodied flies after weeks of practice.)

Wind on flat tinsel in close coils ;
these are not diagonal coils, the
tinsel is worked as nearly as possible straight over the shank. In coiling
it you will observe that the point of tie on the bevel was so cut or bevelled
that the edge of the first coil shall lie close alongside the butt. On com-
pleting this first coilpat CATCH, and flatten with right middle
tinsel in
nail the where it first bends over, the left thumb
finger part being placed
under shank in support. Continue these coils, which must not overlap,
but lie close alongside each other, so that in the end they resemble the

desired appearance of a piece of piping.

Put STOP on last coil while you apply tweezers, and pass two turns
of tying-silk over it, not too tightly. Examine latest coils :
press them
together tailwards with the finger nails, pull last coil taut ; tighten tying-
silk and put it in CATCH.
The tinsel is now partially secured under the shank.
Bend last coil of tinsel back, and press it close down upon the two
turns of tying-silk which hold it fixed. Flatten the bend with the finger
nail by turning the back of left hand towards you to facilitate matters.
" "
It is obvious that this bending back gives extra holding power and
makes the work secure. When the first few of the next turns of tying-
silk (tailwards) have passed half way over the part bent back, put silk in
CATCH, cut off the waste tinsel close there, and after binding down with

two more turns tailwards, the foundation for the head-hackles will have
been thus formed. Make off.

Now proceed with the ribs, and do not fail to give this tinsel a final

pull before completely fixing it.

Next prepare and put on the two hackles, by the method as laid
down in No 1, Sections 4, 5, 10, and 11. Mark here that, in this instance,
these two hackles are intended for the throat, and that, in consequence, a
trifle more room must be allowed as bedding for their coils, than in those

cases where one of them is used for a body-hackle. When these are fixed
on by the directions previously explained, put the fly down and prepare
the wings.
At this stage Iwould remark that the wings selected for this type of
fly I call Mixed Wings." As the pioneer of this system, perhaps I may

say without egotism that, amidst the many changes which have occurred
of late years, not only in the formation, but in the method of makins
certain flies, " mixed wings," with the exception of
Grubs," have met
with the greatest share of approval and success. I personally worked out
this original style of winging, and made it generally known among my
immediate friends on finding how well it answered in actual use. Many
years afterwards, in 1883 or 1884, I described the method of forming these
wings in the Fishing Gazette, and it is gratifying to note that mixed
wings are advocated by the authors of recent treatises on the subject.
But the way of formation was considerably improved by me in 1888, and

the method of fixing has since

been entirely converted. Not only
the dresser formerly limited to the size of the hook, but, in the absence
of long practical experience, was heavily handicapped by the method of

mounting as then practised. am, however, glad to say that I have


satisfactorily overcome these disadvantages, and have, in fact, reduced

the whole business well within the management of a beginner at fly work.
Nor is this all have had a few -years to give the latter system a
for I

right and proper test, and have no hesitation in endeavouring now to

explain it.

Mixed wings are now formed by mixing together fibres of different

lengths of feathers.
Select first, say, four fibres from the shorter and finer feathers, such
as Teal, Ibis, Gallina, tippet, powdered blue Macaw, and Summer Duck
(all of them if part of one wing, and corresponding
you please) for
feathers for part of the other wing. Place them in consecutive working
order on the right and left side of your table, and proceed to make up
three bundles of single strands from one of these two sets at a time.
These bundles will eventually form what is now termed the " skin " of
the wings on their respective sides fibres taken from the left side of
the quill or shaft for the far wing, and from the right side of the quill for
the near one. It is not necessary for these fibres to be of equal length in
the made up bundles.
Take, for example, a single fibre from each of the three feathers in
rotation (using, say, the left set first), and place them one by one upon
the ball of the left fore-finger alongside each other, holding them all

curving down, and gently pressing them with the thumb, the point of
which is partially raised each time, for the purpose of putting others there.
Having taken, say, your half dozen strands (two of each feather),
and having put them in this way, carefully place the thumb and fore-
finger of the right hand across the roots to hold them while the left

finger and thumb, pressing on the fibres, are drawn thence out, towards,
and beyond the points. This will induce the sides of the fibres to adhere
" "
to one another, and so form a skin in one apparent strip. Two more
of these strips or slips, so made up, and of the same materials, will con-
stitute the whole of one skin.

In placing and joining the three side by side extend the middle strip
beyond the lower and the upper strip beyond the middle one. When they
are all together, a little manipulation of the hands and fingers will regulate
the " step-like outline of their points. Make up the right set in a
similar fashion.
Select next, feathrsrs, say, from Peacock wing, Golden Pheasant tail,

Turkey, Bustard and Swan dyed red, yellow, and blue. Arrange their
order and continue the and tied on the hook by
work as before. After the following method,

manipulating their which, in theory, is

points so that they shall just as commendable,

gradually in crease in as in practice the result

length towards the top is, or should be, in-

part of the wing, put evitable, and in fishing

each of these two new effectual.

made-up sets on the Having touched

inner side of the two with varnish the coils

skins, taking care that, of tying-silk forming

in so doing, their points the foundation, seize
extend beyond the the whole wing by the
others to the length of roots with the right

wing desired. hand, and measure the

right and left proper length of the

wing, so composed, that wings by offering them

is to say, enveloping to the hook. Now hold
the "two new made-up the wings and the hook
sets," now put
are NEW METHOD OF in the left hand, the
together (back to back) fingers being straight
with the shank. The fingers and hook-shank being now in a horizontal
position (see diagram), release tying-silk and pass it first round the left
little finger point towards you to X, then up, under the
from left

thumb, over the wings and under fore-finger grip. Now pull X X
wings are gently and symmetrically brought straight
together until the
down upon the hook and into place, maintaining the grip of the left hand
upon them throughout. Remove little finger from its engagement, but

not the left grip, and pull the slack over and taut, catching hold of the
end of the tying-silk for the purpose. Bind with three more turns in
the usual way, headwards, using STOP. Make off.
In binding down such wings as these by the ordinary method, the
unpractised artist sees a strong tendency, throughout the early process, for
them to tilt over the far side. This always creates difficulties for him ;

whereas, by pulling X and X together, with due care, all tilting is

obviated, and the wings are drawn evenly down into their permanent
position on to the top of the shank. The first turn of the tying-silk
should rest close against the throat-hackle and go straight up, over the
wings. It must not pass beyond that turn (tailwards) in subsequent
fixing. In making the " three more turns," put silk in CATCH after every
one, in order to press back the roots of the fibres over towards you with
the nail of the right middle finger, that they shall finally rest exactly
upon the top of the shank. Make off.


At this stage, the wings, although fairly firm, will not decline to
" "
in our next procedure.
yield to the pressure given humping
" "
Humping is a scheme by which a superb shape of wing is secured

a good curve given to the upper fibres, whilst the lower ones run almost
the shank of the hook and close to it. The " hump is
parallel with
with a good grip of the fore-fingers and
produced by holding the wings

thumbs those of the left hand gripping just on the head side of the

middle part of the feathers those of the right close to their tying point.

The wrists, at first elevated to the top of the dotted curve in the
diagram, are now slowly depressed, and the fore-fingers and thumbs of
the respective hands, at first touching each other at the side edges of
their nails, draw wider and wider from each other, as if hinged at their
extreme points.
- I-.. .


peculiar pressure necessary is given harder at the top of the
wings with the right hand than below them, whilst the lower part of the

wings in the left hand is held firmer than the upper part. Accordingly
the roots covered by the tying-silk slightly yield to the pressure, with the
result that the fibres now poise from the head in a more upright line of
direction. See if it is necessary to repeat the process but if all has ;

gone well, permanently tie the wings down in the following manner :

Kelease from " Make off" hold silk taut, carefully unwind the three

last turns, and bind down in the ordinary way with four fresh turns,
headwards ;
each turn use STOP against both the tying-silk and the

fibres to prevent them shifting as you pull. Put silk in CATCH. Cut off
roots of fibres, pointing scissors tailwards, as before explained, to form

taper touch with varnish, release silk

finish by binding on in close

turns headwards, and then back. Put silk in CATCH on reaching the last

turn but one tailwards, varnish silk as usual, and tie with a half-hitch (see

Instruction Fly No. 2, Chapter II.). The practical advantages of this

modern plan have been mentioned, and no one reading the particulars in
their entirety, be he amateur or professional, will fail to mentally realise
the result of the method a method which will at least materially simplify
matters for untrained hands.
We have now completed a first-class metal-bodied, mixed-winged

fly, and the head, when dry, should receive another coat of varnish.
(For ordinary fishing purposes, the floss silk omitted by
foundation is

expert dressers.)But sometimes it is desired to crown the wings with a

on each side. Such a " cap." steadies them in the water.
strip of Mallard
Sometimes a topping is used to finish whilst a narrow strip of Teal

added to each side gives great effect and life. And " horns " and
" " "
cheeks," sides," and a " head may be fancied and wanted. In any
of these. cases, the additional material is tied upon the former work, after
the waste ends have been cut off, and before varnishing.
Such are the secrets of fly making to be generally followed; but let us
look now to certain other particulars.
1. Silk-bodied flies.

1. Oval tinsel-bodied flies.

3. Sides.
4. Cheeks.
5. Whole Feather winged flies.

Strip winged flies, and Spey type.
7. Topping winged flies.
8. Chenille bodies, etc.
In forming a silk body (No. 1 of these particulars), the point I would
make clear brings to light a distinction which is rarely observed. Thus,
instead of fixing floss at the tailward end of the gut loop, as before ex-

plained, it is tied in at the head-end of the fly, and the whole length
coiled first tailwards and then headwards.
During the process it is
"stroked," "smoothed," and "ironed," as explained in Operation 2,
Instruction Fly No. 1. On reaching the butt, it is held taut in CATCH,
whilst the foundation coils made are so regulated as to form an even
surface to finish off upon. Any little lump in them is pressed level with
the thumb nails, whilst any little dip is frayed up with the point of a

needle before the final ironing takes place. It is only necessary to add
that the final layer of floss itself binds the point of the hackle at the place

(As most floss silks change colour in use, the dresser can acquaint
himself with their appearance by applying paraffin with a camel's hair
brush to any of them. But I much prefer dyed quill to the best of floss
silk, and I get it from Courtney, at Killarney. It is easily cut into narrow
strips, and far easier than silk to put on the hook. Quill is doubly useful.
It lasts longerthan silk, and you knoiv where you are in "keeping accounts
of, and making deductions from, the circumstances and conditions attend-
ing the rises and captures of fish. Consequently, you are less likely in
future to fall into error, and be mistaken in choosing a particular coloured
fly for similar occasions and conditions. Once you make a " Jock Scott
with good yellow quill, and you will not hurriedly return to floss silk.)
No. 2. Oval tinsel bodies may be briefly dismissed.
Prepare the oval tinsel by exposing the core to tie on, and by
brightening with silicon. In coiling it headward, press each coil with
right thumb and middle finger nails, tailwards, whilst the length of tinsel
is held taut in CATCH. This tinsel ties in the body-hackle.
No. 3. Sides Generally of one Jungle feather put on each side of

the wing in the centre, and extending from the head to the middle of the

wing. Strip stump of Jungle, and partially fix with two turns of tying-
silk, tailwards ;
work by raising left thumb on near side, and
fore-finger on Provided
far side. the feather lies close all along the wing,
carefully replace thumb and finger, and tie down headward. But if, on
inspection, either feather turns outwards or upwards, twist it by catching
hold of root to the position desired before tying down.
No. 4. Cheeks are one third the length of sides, and are generally of
Follow directions given for Sides.
No. 5. Whole feather winged flies.
Measure length ; strip end ;
indent for tying-silk.
No. G. Strip winged flies. Here I would first recommend for

beginners the method of fixing given in the illustrated instructions for

mixed wings." By following it the fibres are made to sit on their side

edges, back to back, like the underwing-stiips as formerly explained.

The majority of strip wings, as many Anglers know, lie flat and spread
out from the head of the fly. These are the most popular and, in places,
seem to be ever present. Proof of proof that in the Spring months

they have comparatively no rest in the North, is furnished by familiar

experience on several rivers, notably the Dee, where, in truth, there are
two occasions on which they are used when fish are taking and when
they are not. However, the key to practical success lies in adjusting the

strips so as to keep them intact. The fibres should not split, and this
can only be prevented by drawing them together tightly and regularly
just at the point of tie. Of the two best methods for the business some
details are necessary. One method is by the aid of the vice, the other
without Peter Milne, at Garden's establishment, Aberdeen, is an

adept with the vice. After fixing the bend of the hook in it, he selects
both strips of such length that the point of tie comes close to the quill.
Having prepared them, so that no more than a mere suspicion of quill
remains to keep the fibres from separating, he holds the far side strip
alongside the hook, by placing the left thumb above and the forefinger
below, and then throws the tying silk over it close to the part so held.
With the right hand put under the fly, he catches hold of the silk and

brings it up gently to the near side of the work and before pulling it

towards him, looks to see that the coil is in its proper place, i.e., close to
the left fingers, and in a straight line over the work. The silk is now
pulled steadily, during which operation any shifting of the fibres is easily
detected. If the fibres are not coming one upon the
other, evenly
towards each other, so that finally they shall represent a closed fan, the
beginner should stop pulling at once and try again. Two subsequent
turns of silk are now given and the waste of the strip cut off. The near
side strip put on by a similar process, but the left finger in this instance

is above it and the thumb below, in an exactly reversed position.

George Blacklaws (Kincardine O'Neil) works by a method of my
own. It is recommended here because I have given up using the vice,
and believe the student will earlier succeed in getting strength and neat-
ness. However this may be, working without the vice calls for far more
skill in manipulation. Select, as in the former method, a feather suitable

for the size of hook. The fibres must be of such a length that when the
strip severed
is from the feather (by means of cutting it along the centre
of the quill) the part tied shall be, as I 'have said, close to the quill. The
quill is trimmed in like manner as before, particularly the portion under-
neath. The silk is necessary, and when the foundation is
then set in, if
made binding first loopwards and back to the throat hackle take the
far side strip, the longest fibres being outwards, in the left hand and

squeeze the fibres together at their roots by pinching the strip crossways
with the right hand thumb and finger nails at the quill end. The strip is
then taken at the pinched root, placed and held at the desired angle

against the upper part of the side of the hook, and with the left hand one
turn of tying silk is given from you and drawn tight, in order that the
fibres shall come as close to each other as possible. This is simple
enough to do, but when done, the chief thing is to keep the silk
taut while seizing with the right hand. Now place the left thumb

above and fore-finger below the strip, close to the tie, give two more
turns with the right hand in the usual way and cut off waste. Make
off. By same process prepare the near strip.
the Apply it to the
hook, noting that on this occasion the strip is placed somewhat flatter to

the side of the shank than the former one (the outer side of which was

slightly elevated) as the tying silk will draw up the lower fibres into their
proper position. With the left hand give one turn from you, holding the
silk taut as before, and then seize it with the right hand. Now grip the
wings sideways with the left hand, allowing the fingers to point a little
downwards, and give three turns with the right hand. Cut off waste and

But the Spey style of fly calls for more minute details. Take the
"Gold Eiach" for an example. One side of the Spey-cock hackle (which
is wound from its root along the body) is stripped of its fibres, leaving the

better side for use. If the tinsels are wound from you (a matter decided

according to which side the hackle is stripped), the hackle is brought over
them towards you, and vice versa. Along with the tinsels is fixed a
length of tying-silk for binding the hackle at intervals of, say, ^ of an
inch. This is done simply to protect the hackle from uncoiling if cut by
the tooth of a fish. Of necessity, the silk is worked in between the fibres

which are separated with the stiletto. But it is in respect of the wings
that some knowledge and much practice is needed. Take two strips,
say, of Mallard, both from the same side of the feather ; place one over
and upon the other, so as to form one strip. Hold the fly in the left

fingers by its loop. Place the strips so arranged on their backs, that
their roots reach the throat hackle, with their points extending beyond
the loop. Bind them down, headwards, from the throat hackle to half

way along the space the wings. Now turn the fly round, and
left for

holding it in the usual

way, bend the strips back over the work and body,

pass the silk to the end of the shank, and with it make close coils, tail-
wards, up to and just on upon the bent part of the wings. The object is
to make the wings sit up" in use. Put silk in CATCH divide the strips

into two equal parts, and work the silk first between them, and then

round, in and out, in a figure of eight fashion, and finish off with a double
half-hitch on the body side of them. Varnish.
No. 7. Topping winged flies (six toppings). Put on these feathers
in the following way.
Take two of equal length, indent,and tie them down together on the
far side with two turns of silk. Take two more of similar length, and
after unwinding one of the former turns, fix them in like manner on the
near side. Put on the final two feathers singly, one at the top of the
work on the far side, the other likewise on the near side. Give four
turns put silk in CATCH, now pull and coax with the left fingers into

order all the toppings together, while gently holding them close to the
head between the right thumb and fore-finger release silk shift left
; ;

thumb and fore-finger towards head, so as to hold the feathers close to

it. Unwind one or two turns of silk, and finally tie down and varnish.
No. 8 brings me to the final items in the count namely, chenille, etc.
But before entering into details, I would remind novices at this work
that it is easier for an entirely uninstructed man to acquire a correct

method, than a misinstructed one, who has to shed bad habits and un-
learn. Perseverance is required, too, in order to quite master the
" "
subordinate branches of makingfly doubling hackles," getting the
fingers under control," "marrying strips of feathers," etc. The student
" "
should not over-burden his mind with too much at once he should ;

learn to think, not what others think, but to think for himself. For
whilst the memory loaded, the understanding remains unexercised, or

exercised in such trammels as constrain its motions and direct its pace.
The in fly making is not to dawdle in premature
icisest course

attempts with silk bodies, bodies of Seal's fur, or of silver tinsel or even ;

with built," "mixed," or other forms of wings. The business is far more
comprehensible and memorable when the entire attention is devoted to
" "
Grubs, until the student at least perfects himself in hackling, in tags
and " tails," and in the manipulation of chenilles, together with their
accompaniments as, for instance,Jungle for cheeks of Grubs.
My object in not mentioning this matter before is obvious, and is

vindicated by the fact of not having to travel twice over the same ground
of instruction. The student is, for example, familiar with the working of
hackles, tags, and tails but of chenille, I have a few words to say.

" "
Suppose, then, we have lying before us a Jungle Hornet fly (in
course of preparation), showing the tying-silk made off after the butt
hackle has been so tied down that the " interval " on the shank of the
hook is partially filled in ;
how is the fly to be completed ?
" "
Select first, three pair of Jungle. Choose for cheeking the butt
hackle the two smallest, and prepare them by stripping the fibres on each
side of the stem up to the black and white spots. Fix them. This is
best done by holding the hook in the right hand, whilst the left fingers

encompass and draw the fibres of the hackle over and beyond the tag,
where they are held with the hook, out of the way of the work.
Take the Jungle feather by the root, place it in the desired position
on the near side rai ;e the left thumb so as to grasp the feather whilst

one turn of the tying-silk is given, which is now put in CATCH. Fix the
far side cheek in a similar manner, and cut off the waste ends at a point
" "
that they fit the interval on the shank of the hook. Release silk, give
two more temporary turns of it, and make off.
Having cut off two six-inch lengths of yellow and black chenille for
the body, remove the fluff at one end of each for, say, one quarter of an
inch to expose the core, by snipping off small portions with the right

finger nails. Release silk, and put it in CATCH after carefully unwinding
the two temporary turns. Put the exposed core of the yellow chenille on

the far side, and give two turns of tying-silk over it. The next turn of
the tying-silk binds down the black length alongside the yellow. CATCH
silk again, cut off the waste ends of chenille, so as to fit interval, and tie

alldown permanently in close turns. Make off. The levelling of the

" "
interval is now complete. Coil chenilles alternately, and give two
turns of each one at a time. To do this, take first the yellow piece in the
right hand, whilst the left fore-finger -and thumb grasp, as before, the
fibres (and cheeks) out of the way put it once over the shank, and into

CATCH. Eepeat this. Put STOP on second coil, but pass CATCH fingers
behind black chenille, and urge it with the little finger into the back-
ground, tailwards. Maintain STOP ;
seize black chemlle on the left side

of the yellow, and pass over the shank (binding down yellow with this

first coil), and into CATCH. Make second coil. Holding black in CATCH,
work yellow again, using CATCH and STOP, as before.

By this process, continueforming the body until the place on the

shank is reached for the second or centre hackle of the Grub.
Eelease tying-silk from Make off, and while using STOP on both
them down with two turns, and put silk in CATCH. Tie in
chenilles, tie
centre hackle, binding ends of chenilles as you proceed coil it, fix it, ;

and add cheeks as before. The number of coils from first to last depend

upon the amount of hackle wanted, either for a light or a heavy Grub ;

but one coil more is given to the second hackle, and two or three more
to the one at the head, which is longest in fibre.
In preparing the hackles, do not take off too many fibres at the butt

end, for these are easily removed after sufficient coils are For the
purpose of removal, fix tweezers to the butt end of the hackle, and put
them into CATCH. With the point of the stiletto pushed in between the
fibres from the far side, urge a small number of them down with it on to
the ball of the right thumb, and while squeezing them there with the
stiletto, a gentle but sudden down-stroke of the hand will snip off

superfluous material.
In binding down cheeks and head hackle loopwards, cut off all waste
ends when four turns have been given and, on reaching end of shank

work the tying silk back over the former turns firmly and closely, and
finally tie with a half-hitch. To make a half-hitch extend the left third

and form the required loop by putting the tying-silk under and
round it the loop itself is then taken, passed over head and pulled

towards you into position. When there, the half-hitch is made by

using STOP while the silk is
tightened. Varnish head. I have only
to add that in fly making, as in any art, we frequently see that a

novelty in system or in practice is too much for the student, and

cannot be duly appreciated till time has sobered the enthusiasm of
its advocates. But is not success sooner reached, in any undertaking,
by practising that system which, intelligently followed, never brings
for the student the necessity to unlearn ? Increasing practice will
assuredly result, not only in increasing respect for our system, but
also that measure of excellence, which, at least, will suffice for all

practical purposes. Obedience, then a virtue to be caressed in

acquiring skill in fly making is good and indispensable here. The

student will soon engage himself upon Instruction Fly No. 1, and make
it again and again, until, being disciplined by experience, as in the case

of Grubs, he becomes so familiar with every detail that, without reference

to these particulars, he proceeds precisely in the manner described.





SILK. Is intended for floss silk unless otherwise stated.

HEEL. For Ostrich herl unless otherwise stated.
WOOL. For Berlin wool.
MALLARD. For the brown mottled feather unless otherwise stated and ;

when mentioned at the end of the list in company with, or in the

absence of, a topping, a right and left strip form the cap of the
wing. As a general rule, materials for the wing come upon the
hook in the same order as set forth in these descriptions. But
married strips of dyed feathers as, for instance, yellow, red, and
blue Swan, are sometimes built in the wing and sometimes on
the wing ; whilst similar strips of natural feathers as, say, Ibis,
Teal, and powdered blue Macaw, invariably serve as sides," in
which case they are put on the wing immediately before
cheeks," toppings, and horns.
TIPPET. Is from the neck of the Golden Pheasant unless otherwise
TOPPING. Is the crest feather of the Golden Pheasant.
PARROT. Is green unless otherwise stated.

TINSEL. Is flat silver or gold tinsel unless otherwise stated.

G. S. General Standard.
S. S. Special Standard.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk;

TAIL. A topping and Teal.

BODY. Yellow, light claret, blue and black Seal's fur respectively, in
equal parts.
KIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Natural black hackle, from claret fur.
WINGS. Tippet and Gallina in strands, Teal, Mallard, and a topping.
HORNS. Amherst Pheasant.

This old " standard was the late Lord Abinger's favourite pattern on
the Lochy.


TAG. Gold twist.
TAIL. A topping and tippet strands.
BODY. The first half of yellow Seal's fur, having a yellow hackle along
it followed by black Seal's fur, and a black hackle along

EIBS. Gold tinsel.

THROAT. Black Heron.
WINGS. Two strips of cinnamon Turkey showing light points.
SIDES. Jungle (short and drooping).

An excellent Dee pattern. For early fishing in snow water this fly
is often dressed with double white wings the first pair (strips) at centre

of body, the others at head. This variation has proved of much service

on many rivers, and was introduced some years since by Garden, of



TAG. Gold twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Three turns dark yellow silk, followed by majenta silk (short).
EIBS. Gold tinsel (double, oval).
HACKLE. A natural red Cock's hackle from majenta silk.
WINGS. Tippet strands, light mottled Turkey, Golden Pheasant tail,

Mallard, and a topping.

HEAD. Black herl.


(Grub.) (KELSON.)

TAG. Gold tinsel and yellow silk.

BUTT. (Or No. 1 Hackle) Bed Macaw hackle, cheeked on each side with
BODY. Black chenille.
CENTRE HACKLE. Yellow Macaw, cheeked with Chatterer.
HEAD HACKLE. Vulturine Guineafowl (a natural blue) and black Heron,
cheeked as before.

A successful Grub in September and October.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping and tippet strands.

BODY. Crimson Seal's fur.

BIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

THROAT. A natural silver furnace hackle.

WINGS. Two strips of light, mottled Turkey.

This summer pattern, used on the Dee, is dressed on very small double


TAG. Gold twist and light blue silk.
TAIL. A topping and Gallina.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Yellow silk, light orange, blue and dark claret Seal's fur, equally
BIBS. Gold tinsel.

HACKLE. Dark claret from second turn.

THROAT. Gallina and light blue hackle.
WINGS. Two tippets (back to back) veiled with Golden Pheasant tail,

Grey Mallard, Peacock wing, Swan dyed

light Bustard, light
blue, yellow, and dark claret and Mallard above.

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

One of the oldest standards, and a favourite on most rivers.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping and tippet strands.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Green and dark blue Seal's fur, equally divided.

KIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.
HACKLE. Black Heron from green fur.

THROAT. Widgeon.
WINGS. Two strips of plain cinnamon Turkey.
SIDES. Jungle (short and drooping).

A favourite Dee fly.


TAG. Gold twist and dark orange silk.
TAIL. A topping. Summer Duck, and Toucan from under-tail.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two equal sections: No. 1, straw-coloured silk, ribbed with
gold tinsel (oval, fine) ;
butted with Toucan (orange) above and
below, and black her! : No. 2, dark orange silk, having a dark
orange hackle along it, and ribbed with gold tinsel.

THROAT. Gallina, dyed blue. (Jay for small patterns.)

WINGS. Two dyed dark
tippets (back to back) light mottled Turkey,
orange, two strips of blue Macaw, Swan dyed straw-colour,
Golden Pheasant tail and two toppings.
SIDES. Jungle.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HEAD. Black herl.

" "
Use this fly in dark coloured water," writes a friend of mine, and
you will not regret it. The inventor himself succeeds with it on the
Wye when the water is positively muddy."


TAG. Silver twist and dark red-claret silk.

TAIL. Topping.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two sections. The first half with silver tinsel (flat) ribbed

with silver tinsel (oval) and butted with Indian Crow (extending
to tag) and black herl. The second half with black silk, ribs of
silver tinsel (oval), having a dark red-claret hackle along it.

WINGS. Tippet Swan, dyed yellow, Summer Duck, blue and red
Macaw, Golden Pheasant tail, Peacock wing, Mallard above and
a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

An excellent fly in Norway as well as on the Shannon, Blackwater,

Earn, Test, and Usk. is a fly I am very fond of and, with
The Baron it,

Sir Hyde Parker killed his memorable 60 Ibs. Salmon.


TAG. and yellow silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping, Teal, and Ibis.
BUTT. Black herl, followed by two turns silver tinsel.
BODY. In three equal sections the ;
first two, doubly butted thus No. 1 ;

of yellow silk with a yellow mane (mohair), black herl, and two
turns of silver tinsel. No.
red-orange silk
'2, a red-orange ;

mane (mohair), black herl and two turns of silver tinsel. No. 3,
claret silk.
THROAT. Light blue hackle.
WINGS. Two tippets (back to back) veiled with Golden Pheasant tail,
light and dark mottled Turkey, Bustard, Teal, Swan dyed
yellow, red, and light blue Mallard and a topping.

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

HEAD. Black herl.

A very useful, showy fly, well known on the Test ;

but it seems to have
been forgotten on the Dee.


TAG. Silver tinsel and red-claret silk.

TAIL. A topping and scarlet Ibis.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Dark yellow, light orange, red-claret, and light blue Seal's fur in
equal portions.
EIBS. Silver tinsel.
HACKLE. Light blue, from red-claret fur.
WINGS. Two tippets (back to back) extending only to end of dark yellow

fur, veiled with light mottled Turkey, Swan dyed yellow and red,
Bustard, Golden Pheasant tail, Teal, Mallard and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

This a special favourite of mine

is and I consider it as the best

pattern on the Earn. I have also used it with much success on the Tweed,
Spey, Lochy and Blackwater, Co. Cork. When dressed thin in body and
wings, Benchill used in Summer is an excellent Dee pattern.


TAG. Silver twist and claret-majenta silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Blue and orange silks, in equal divisions.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval, fine).
HACKLE. A natural black hackle from second turn.
THKOAT. Claret-majenta hackle and Jay.
WINGS. Tippet (strands) Bustard, Swan dyed claret-majenta, blue and
orange ;
and Mallard.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

According to an account given by the inventor, this is one of the

best spring flies on the Leuarn it is known also by the name of "The

half blue-and-orange."


TAG. Silver twist and scarlet silk.
TAIL. Ibis, and point of Jungle.
BODY. Two turns of scarlet Seal's fur, followed by dark orange Seal's fur.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
THROAT. A dark coch-a-bonddu.
WINGS. Two strips of dark mottled Turkey over an underwing of light
mottled Turkey.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

A general favourite on the Usk.


TAG. Gold floss.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two equal sections No. 1, Gold
tinsel, ribbed with silver tinsel
(oval)having Indian Crow above and below and butted with
black herl. No. 2, Black silk, ribbed with silver tinsel, and a
gold hackle from second turn.
THROAT. A claret hackle and Jay.
WlNGS. Dark Turkey having white points, Bustard, Eed Macaw, light
mottled Turkey, Mallard, Swan dyed red and blue, and two
SIDES. Jungle.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HEAD. Black wool.


TAG. and violet silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. Toucan and Indian Crow.

BODY. Orange and black silk, in equal divisions.

EIBS. Silver tinsel.
HACKLE. Jay, from centre.
WINGS. Light and dark Bustard, Gallina, yellow and blue Macaw, Ibis,
Parrot, and a topping.
CHEEKS'. Indian Crow.
HEAD. Black herl.


(Grub.) (KELSON.)
TAG. Silver twist and
light blue silk.
TAIL. Ibis, and powdered blue Macaw mixed in strands.
BUTT. No. 1 hackle natural black ;
cheeked with Chatterer.
BODY. Black chenille,
No. 2 hackle, in centre of body and cheeked as before,
No. 3 hackle, a still larger natural black, and cheeked as before.

Earn and Usk, and upper waters of the Beauly.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping and Chatterer.
BUTT. Scarlet Berlin wool.
BODY. Black silk.

EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Blue hackle from second turn.
WINGS. Tippet in strands Pintail, dark mottled Turkey, Swan dyed blue

and yellow, Eed Macaw, Gallina, Golden Pheasant tail, Mallard

and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HEAD. Scarlet Berlin wool.
An old and general favourite.


TAG. Silver twist and canary silk.

TAIL. A topping and Ibis.

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Black silk.

Ems. Yellow silk, and silver tinsel (oval) running on each side of it.

HACKLE. Black Heron from third yellow rib.

WINGS. Two red-orange hackles (back to back) enveloped by two Jungle ;

unbarred Summer Duck, light Bustard, Amherst Pheasant, Swan

dyed scarlet and yellow and two toppings.
An old standard of my Father's, and a useful high water fly very good
on the Spey, Wye, etc.


TAG. Silver twist and light orange silk.

TAIL. A topping, Teal and Ibis.

BODY. Three turns light blue Seal's fur, followed by black Seal's fur.
BIBS. Silver tinsel.
HACKLE. Natural black, from blue Seal's fur.

THROAT. Light plum-claret hackle.

WINGS. Two tippets (back to back) veiled with Teal, light mottled Turkey,
Golden Pheasant tail, unbarred Summer D.uck, Peacock hcrl,
Ibis, green Parrot, and Mallard.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.
One of the original standards invented and introduced into use by
Bernard for my Father.


TAG. Silver twistand red-orange silk.

TAIL. Toucan and Indian Crow.

BODY. Black silk.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Jay, from centre.
WINGS. Two Indian Crow (back to back) and three toppings.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HEAD. Black herl.

A well-known Irish pattern.


TAG. Silver twist and dark yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Two turns black silk, followed by black Seal's fur.
EIBS. Silver tinsel, and silver lace (large sizes).

HACKLE. Natural black, from silk.

WINGS. Tippet, Ibis and Gallina in strands ;Bustard, Golden Pheasant
tail, Teal, black Cockatoo's tail, Swan dyed green and dark
yellow ;
and Mallard.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

Introduced for me by Farlow many years since.


BODY. Orange Berlin wool (three turns) followed by black wool (short).

BIBS. From far side gold tinsel (narrow), from near side silver tinsel
(same size) both wound the reverse way, an equal distance
HACKLE. From end of body, a black Spey-cock hackle, but wound from
the root instead of from the point, in the usual direction, thus

crossing over the ribs at each turn given.

THROAT. Teal, one turn only.
WINGS. Two strips of light brown mottled Mallard.

SPECIAL NOTE. This is one of the old standard flies on the Spey. For
full particulars see the Green King."


TAG. Silver twist and dark yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Three equal sections of silver tinsel (flat) butted above and below,
with two black feathers (back to back)' from the nape of the
Indian Crow, and black herl.
WINGS. Five or six toppings.
HOENS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

This is generally used as an Exaggeration."


TAG. Silver twistand yellow silk.
TAIL. Topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Black silk.

BIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).


HACKLE. Natural black, from second turn of tinsel.

THROAT. Light blue hackle.
WINGS. Four tippets, partly overlapping and enveloping two projecting
Jungle (back to back) and a topping.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black wool.

This fly is well known throughout the United Kingdom.


TAG. Silver twistand claret silk.
TAIL. A topping and Chatterer.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY In two sections (1) Oval Tinsel, butted with Toucan above and
beiow, and black herl ( 2) blue silk having a blue hackle along


WINGS Golden Pheasant tippet and tail in strands, Swan dyed blue and
claret, Mallard and a topping.
SIDES Jungle.


TAG. Silver twist and dark orange silk.

TAIL. Topping.
BUTT. Black herl
BODY. Blue silk.

EIBS. Silver tinsel and silver lace.

HACKLE. Powdered blue Macaw (one side stripped).

THROAT. Yellow Macaw.
WINGS. Red Macaw in strands and two toppings.
SIDES. Jungle.

HOBNS. Blue Macaw.

HEAD. Black herl.

Fishing in 1886 at Stanley-on-Tweed, the author of Bluebell wrote :

For thelast three days the fish would look at nothing, but I tried a

Bluebell last night and have had rare fun with it to-day, killing three fish
in one pool, the largest 28 Ibs. ." . .


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. Two Indian Crow (back to back).
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Silver tinsel the finest), intersected by four sets of Chatterer


above and below at equal distances apart. 1st set at one-fourth

of space between butt and head 3rd set forming throat.

WINGS. Two strips of yellow Macaw and two toppings.

HEAD. Black herl.

One of the best low water flies in summer. The hook should be no more
than f inch in length ;
smaller patterns are also very effective.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Claret silk.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
THROAT. Blue hackle.
WINGS. Broad strips of Mallard, two narrow strips of Teal above and a
HEAD. Black wool.

A good summer fly used chiefly on the Dee, and dressed on small double


TAG. Silver twistand yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping and Chatterer.
BUTT. Scarlet Berlin wool.
BODY. Light blue silk.

RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Light blue hackle from second turn.
WINGS. Tippet in strands, Gallina, Golden Pheasant tail, light mottled
Turkey, Pintail, Swan dyed yellow and light blue, Ibis, Mallard,
and a topping.
HOENS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HEAD. Scarlet Berlin wool.

One of the early fancy patterns on the Tweed and well known on all



TAG. and red-orange
Silver twist silk.

TAIL. Toucan and Indian Crow.

BODY. Light blue silk.

KIBS. Silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Jay from centre.
WINGS. Two Indian Crow (back to back, long) and four toppings.
HOENS. Powdered blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Indian Crow.
HEAD. Black herl.


(Colonel KELSON.)
TAG. Silver twist and pink silk.

TAIL. Red Toucan (from undertail), yellow Macaw, powdered blue

Macaw, and Gallina, in strands.

BODY. Two turns scarlet silk and black Seal's fur.

EIBS. Silver tinsel and silver lace.
HACKLE. A white coch-a-bonddu dyed dark blue, from second turn.
WINGS. Two strips Turkey showing white tips, Golden Pheasant tail

and Peacock herl mixed together in strands, and Mallard.

SIDES. Teal.

This fly, now known by the above name, was invented in the
" forties
for the Usk. It is a capital fly in dirty water, and was
originally called "William Bass" after a bass singer and chimney sweeper
residing then at Sevenoaks.


TAG. Silver twist and dark blue silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Dark blue silk.

EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Light red-claret from second turn.
WINGS. Tippet strands, dark Turkey, Bustard, Golden Pheasant tail ;

married strips of Swan dyed yellow, red, and blue ; and two
strips of Mallard above.
HEAD. Black herl.

An excellent Irish pattern ; and, when lightly dressed and used in

summer, kills well on the Dee.


TAIL. A topping, Summer Duck, and Ibis.

BODY. Equal divisions of yellow and blue Seal's fur.

KIBS. Silver tinsel (oval, fine) over yellow, and silver tinsel (flat and
larger) over blue.
HACKLE. A blue hackle along blue fur.
WINGS. Two strips of cinnamon Turkey having white points, and a
SIDES. Summer Duck.
HEAD. Black wool.

One of the most popular patterns on the Earn.


TAG. Silver twist (plenty).
TAIL. Toucan (three) and two small Chatterer (back to back).
BUTT. -Black herl.
BODY. In three equal sections of silver tinsel (oval, the finest) No. 1, :

butted with Toucan above and below, followed by black herl.

No. 2, butted with Indian Crow above and below, followed by
black herl.
THROAT (or No. 3 section) Double Chatterer feathers (back to back) on
off and on near side.
WINGS. Ibis and red Macaw in fibres, and three toppings.
HORNS. Amherst Pheasant.
HEAD. Black herl.

A very good fly in hot weather when the fish are sulky and settled down
in small streamy Catches. It should be dressed thinly and very small.


TAG. Gold twist and yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping and Gallina.

BUTT. Ked wool.

BODY. One third yellow Seal's fur then claret Seal's fur.
RIBS. Gold tinsel and silver lace.
HACKLE. Claret hackle from yellow fur.
THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Tippet, Teal, and Peacock wing for underwing Amherst

Pheasant, Golden Pheasant tail, Bustard, Swan dyed yellow and

claret and Mallard.

SIDES. Married strips of Teal and Ibis.

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

HEAD. Eed wood.

A good fly on the Earn, Usk, and many Irish waters ;

also from the
middle of May, on the Spey.


TAG. Gold twist (plenty).
TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Eed-orange Seal's fur.

EIBS. Gold tinsel.

WINGS. Shovel duck and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Dark blue hackle.

Excellent Wye pattern and an old standard on the Thurso.


TAG. Gold twist and gold silk.
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Dirty orange and brown Seal's fur, in equal divisions.

KIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
THROAT. Grouse.
WINGS. Golden Pheasant tippet in strands ; Teal, Swan dyed yellow,
red, and light blue and a topping.

SIDES. Jungle.
HEAD. Black wool.

One of the best flies on the Ness. To be had of the inventor, 19, Inglis

Street, Inverness.


(Colonel BRUCE.)
TAG. Silver twist (plenty).
TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Silver tinsel.

BIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Claret hackle, from second turn.
THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Silver mottled Turkey, and Golden Pheasant Tail.

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

HEAD. Black wool.

The Bruce kills well on the Test.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A tuft of orange wool (short).
BODY. One-third orange wool, followed by black Seal's fur.

EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

THROAT. A coch-a-bonddu hackle.
WINGS. Mallard.

A good fly in summer on the Dee ;

it is usually dressed on small double


TAG. Silver twistand yellow silk.
TAIL. Topping, Teal, and powdered blue Macaw.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In four equal divisions of Seal's fur, viz. light red-claret and

light blue, dark red-claret and dark blue respectively.

RIBS. Silver tinsel (preceded on large hooks by silver lace).

HACKLE. A natural black, from light red-claret Seal's fur.

THROAT. A yellow hackle and Gallina.
WINGS. A tippet, and breast feather of the Golden Pheasant (back to-

back) veiled with Teal, Golden Pheasant tail, Gallina, Bustard,

and Peacock wing ; strands of Parrot and Swan dyed yellow ;:

and Mallard.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HEAD. Black herl.

This old standard is used everywhere. For my own work I always add a
topping to the wing.


TAG. Silver twist and violet silk.

(Gold twist and gold ribs in Autumn).

TAIL. A topping.

BUTT. Scarlet wool.

BODY. Black silk.

EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Black hackle from second turn.
WINGS. Two strips of plain cinnamon Turkey.

A useful bright-water pattern for rivers that are fished with dark flies in

bright weather.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping, Ibis, and powdered blue Macaw.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Silver tinsel.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Light blue hackle from second turn.
THROAT. Light orange hackle and Widgeon.
WINGS. Two extended Jungle (back to back) veiled with Widgeon,
Gallina, Bustard, Peacock herl (fine, small quantity), Ibis, Parrot,
Mallard, and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.

In many places this fly has a better reputation than either the Silver
Doctor" or the "Lion."


(D.vviD MURRAY.)
TAG. and yellow silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and Chatterer.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. In two equal sections : No. 1, Silver tinsel, ribbed with silver
tinsel (oval, fine) and butted with black herl. No. 2, light claret
Seal's fur, ribbed with silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. A yellow hackle from centre.
WINGS. Two strips of cinnamon Turkey (plain), narrow strips of Swan
dyed red, yellow, and light blue, married ; Bustard, Golden
Pheasant tail, Teal, and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.

One of the best patterns on the South Esk.


TAG. Silver tinsel (oval, fine).
TAIL. Ibis and Summer duck.
BODY. Three turns of black silk followed by black Seal's fur.
KIBS. Silver tinsel.
HACKLE. A dark fiery-brown, from Seal's fur.
WINGS. Double Jungle and two toppings.
HEAD. Black wool.


TAG. Silver twist and light blue silk.
TAIL. A topping and Chatterer.
BODY. The first two turns of light orange silk.
half formed of Two
turns of dark orange Seal's fur, two turns of dark red-claret
Seal's fur followed by dark blue Seal's fur.

Ems. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. A white coch-a-bonddu, dyed light red-claret, from orange

THROAT. A blue hackle and Gallina.


WINGS. Teal, Pintail, Gallina, Peacock wing, Anaherst and Golden

Pheasant tail, in strands ;
Swan dyed light and dark orange,
claret, and dark blue. Mallard and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
HOKNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

Originally introduced into Scotland by Bernard, where it is erroneously

called the Poynder.


TAG. Silver twist, cream and crimson silk.

TAIL. Ibis, powdered blue Macaw, tippet, and Peacock wing, in strands ;

with two (shorter) narrow strips of Summer Duck.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Claret silk (two turns), dark blue Seal's fur, and black Seal's fur,
in equal divisions.
HACKLE. Black Heron from blue Seal's fur.

THROAT. Gallina.
EIBS. Silver tinsel and silver twist.

WINGS. Peacock wing dyed claret, powdered blue Macaw, red Macaw,.
and Teal, in strands Golden Pheasant Tail, Gallina, Mallard,

and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
CHEEKS. Indian Crow.
HEAD. Black herl.

Used with success on the Dee, Spey, Lochy, Garry, Blackwater, and


TAG. Silver twist and scarlet silk.

TAIL. A topping and Summer Duck.

Plate 3.





>**. *.', /

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. In two equal sections No. 1, yellow silk, ribbed with silver

tinsel, butted with Indian Crow above and below, and black
herl. No. 2, light blue silk, ribbed with silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. A yellow hackle from centre.
WINGS. Tippet fibres, Swan dyed yellow and red, Golden Pheasant tail,

powdered blue Macaw, Summer Duck, and a topping.

SIDES. Jungle.
HEAD. Scarlet wool.

A popular fly on South Esk. For personal use I make the butt with
scarlet wool.


BODY. Orange Berlin wool (short).

RIBS. Silver tinsel (ordinary method).
HACKLE. Black Heron from end of body (ordinary method).
WINGS. Mallard showing brown points and light roots.

An old standard Spey fly.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Majenta silk.

RIBS. Silver tinsel, sufficient turns to ensure an equal width of silver

and body silk alternately.

THROAT. Majenta hackle.

WINGS. Two strips of dark mottled Turkey showing white tips, and a

SIDES. Jungle.
HEAD. Two turns of majenta hackle.

A favourite pattern on North Esk.


TAG. Silver twist and light yellow silk.
TAIL. Topping, unbarred Summer Duck ; Swan dyed light crimson and
light blue.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Two turns of light blue silk, and equal quantities of dark yellow,
crimson, dark blue, and black Seal's fur.
KIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Natural black from Seal's fur.

WINGS.- Two Summer Duck strips (back to back) partially veiled at bottom
with married strips of Amherst Pheasant and Golden Pheasant
tail blue Macaw, Swan dyed crimson, Teal, unbarred Summer

Duck, Swan dyed dark yellow, Peacock wing, Mallard, and a.

SIDES. Jungle.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HEAD. Black herl:

NOTE. Use Pig's wool for large Spring patterns.


(Captain DUNDAS.)
TAG. Silver twist and light blue silk.

TAIL. A topping.

BODY. Yellow and black Seal's fur equally divided.

EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Black hackle from yellow fur
THROAT. Jay but for larger patterns Gallina dyed blue.

WINGS. Tippet fibres, Golden Pheasant tail, and Teal for underwing ;

dark mottled Turkey, Bustard, Widgeon, Peacock wing, Swan

dyed yellow, red, and light blue and Mallard. ;

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

CHEEKS. Chatterer (formerly Kingfisher).



TAG. Silver twist and light orange silk.

TAIL. Two toppings.

BUTT. Black herl.

*BoDY. Two turns of light violet silk making headway for numberless
small Chatterer feathers, closely packed round the rest of
the body.
THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Four Indian Crow (back to back), first pair
feathers, in pairs

longer than the second, having the point of a Jay feather on each
side two-thirds of the length of the Crow feathers with five or

six toppings above.

CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

These feathers are best put on by working head wards, holding the hook
not by the bend in the usual way, but by the shank.

EIVERS. All Blue rivers." An excellent fly on the Tweed when dressed
with built or mixed wings.


(Colonel GUILDERS.)
TAG. Silver twist and light blue silk.
TAIL. A topping ; strands of red, and powdered blue Macaw, and Pintail.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Two turns of light yellow silk, followed by light yellow Seal's
fur, and three turns red Seal's fur at throat.
RIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. White furnace hackle, dyed light yellow.
THROAT. A red hackle and Widgeon.
WINGS. Strands of tippet, and tail of the Golden Pheasant; brown
mottled Turkey, Amherst Pheasant, Pintail, Bustard, Summer
Duck, Parrot, powdered blue and red Macaw, Gallina ; Mallard
and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HEAD. Black herl.

One of the best old standard patterns.


TAIL. A few fibres of yellow Macaw.
BODY. Three turns of orange Pig's wool, followed by claret-brown Pig's
RIBS. Silver tinsel.
HACKLE. Crown Pigeon from centre.
THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Two strips of Glen Tana Gled and a topping.
HORNS. Red Macaw.


TAG. Silver twist and light yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping, Ibis and Gallina.

BODY. Two turns of light red-claret silk, followed by claret Seal's fur.

BUTT. Black herl.

KIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Claret hackle, from second turn.
WINGS. Strands of Teal, Tippet and Toucan Parrot, light mottled ;

Turkey, Golden Pheasant tail, Gallina, dark Bustard, Swan dyed

yellow, light blue, and claret and Mallard.;

SIDES. Ibis and yellow Macaw (married).

HOBNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

Introduced for me by Farlow many years since.


TAG. Silver twist and dark blue silk.

TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Light red-claret silk.

KIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Blue, from second turn.
WINGS. Same as " Blue Palmer."
HEAD. Black herl.

" Blue Palmer."

This fly is as popular in Ireland as the


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping, Widgeon and Ibis.

BODY. Equal parts of yellow and claret Seal's fur.

EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval, fine) over yellow half, and silver tinsel.

HACKLE.- A claret hackle along claret Seal's fur.

THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Two strips of cinnamon Turkey.

A real favourite on the Earn and popular on many other Scotch rivers.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Dark blue silk.

RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

THROAT. Gallina and Teal.
WINGS. Tippet fibres Mallard and two narrow
; strips of Summer Duck-

A summerpattern on the Dee. This fly is well known in many parts

of Ireland, and also kills well on the Lochy and Ness. It is well dressed
at Aberdeen by the inventor.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping and Scarlet Ibis.

BODY. Black silk.

EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Teal.

This favourite summer pattern on the Dee is dressed on very small

double hooks.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping and Ibis.

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Black silk, with two turns at throat of red-orange Seal's fur.

RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Black hackle, from second turn.
THROAT. Ked-orange hackle.
WINGS. Two tippets (back to back) veiled with Gallina, light mottled
Turkey, Golden Pheasant tail, dark mottled Turkey, Swan dyed
light yellow and red-orange and Mallard. ;

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

HEAD. Black herl.

A well known old standard pattern of my Father's.


(Modern.) (F.\RLO\v.)
TAG. Gold twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Two turns of yellow silk, followed by yellow Seal's fur.
RIBS. Black purse silk, gold lace, and silver tinsel (together).
HACKLE. A yellow hackle, from yellow silk.

THROAT. Light Bustard.

WINGS. Strips of dark mottled Turkey, Golden Pheasant tail, and
Bustard ;
Swan dyed yellow, red, and blue and a topping.

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

HEAD. Black wool.
Thurso, Don, and very good on the Wye.


TAG. Silver twist arid yellow silk.
TAIL. Toucan ;
and tippet fibres varying in length.

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY.- Copper tinselled chenille.

HACKLE. Light fiery brown (two thirds of body).
WINGS. Two strips of tippet, veiled with Golden Pheasant tail, Teal,
and Gallina ;
Mallard and a topping.
SIDES. A married strip of yellow and powdered blue Macaw, and Ibis.

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

An excellent fly on the Usk.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. Toucan.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Black silk.

RIBS. Silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Black from second turn.
THROAT. Gallina dyed blue.
WINGS. Two tippets (back to back) veiled, L with light Bustard, Mallard,
and a topping.
SIDES. Swan dyed yellow and blue.
HEAD. Black wool.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Gold embossed tinsel, first half, followed by black silk.

BIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).


HACKLE. Orange hackle, from centre.

WINGS. Two strips of tippet, Golden Pheasant tail, Pintail, and a
SIDES. Jungle.
A good killer on North Esk.


(Jonx DALLA.S.)
BODY. Three turns of yellow Berlin wool, followed by black wool.
RIBS. Silver tinsel, gold tinsel (oval, narrow), red thread and blue
thread, running an equal distance apart.

HACKLE. A black Spey Cock's hackle from end of body, but wound the
reverse way, and so crossing over the ribs.
THROAT. A red hackle from the Golden Pheasant.
WINGS. Two strips of plain cinnamon Turkey.
HEAD. Orange wool, picked out.

This capital fly on the Spey was christened by Mr. Little Gilmore.
Like other local patterns, the body is short and begins a full ;- of an inch
in front of the point of the hook. The description given is from a pattern
forwarded by Mr. C. M. Burn's Fisherman at Pitcroy ;
and proved to be
correct by one being sent to me by Dallas himself.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. Topping, strands of Summer Duck and Chatterer.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Silver tinsel, nearly \ ,
and finish with light blue silk.

RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

THROAT. A light blue hackle and Gallina.
WINGS. Two tippets (back to back) enveloping two projecting Jungle
(back to back).

SIDES. Summer Duck, covering lower part of tippet.

CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black Berlin Wool.

Tweed, etc.

(NOTE. This fly occasionally -kills under general conditions of

weather and water, but is frequently found useful as a special standard for
moving sulky fish.)



(Pattern and particulars given to me by Mr. Davidson himself when fishing

together on the Tay at Aberfeldy.)
TAG. Gold twist and yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping and Peacock wing.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two sections 1st half of gold
tinsel, ribbed with gold tinsel
(oval) and butted with a Jay hackle : 2nd half, blue silk ribbed
with gold tinsel (oval).
THROAT. A tippet (hackle- wise).
WINGS. Three toppings, the one in the centre is put on its back ;
other two at the sides, projecting outwards.
HEAD. Black herl.

The inventor, who introduced Frank Buckland to his first fish,

used this pattern on all occasions when he found Salmon in a sulky



TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping and Chatterer.

BUTT. Black bed.

BODY. In two equal sections of silver tinsel, butted at centre with Indian
Crow and black herl.
UIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
THROAT. Indian Crow, repeated as above, and light blue hackle.
WINGS. Light mottled Turkey, yellow Macaw, Golden Pheasant tail,
Teal, powdered blue Macaw, Ibis, dark mottled Turkey, grey
Mallard Mallard and a topping.

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

HEAD. Black herl.

This is a splendid pattern. I always take it with me. On some rivers

it is known as Baron Dawson."


TAG. and yellow silk.
Silver twist, claret
TAIL. A topping and Summer Duck.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Silver tinsel (oval, fine, to centre) followed by light blue silk.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. A light blue hackle, from centre.
AViNGS. Two tippets (back to back) enveloping two extended Jungle,
veiled with yellow rump of Golden Pheasant on each side, Teal,
and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.
An old standard on the Ness.


TAG. Gold twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping and Jungle (point).


BUTT. Black herl, followed by six turns of the gold twist used
for tag.
BODY. In two sections ;
No. 1, yellow silk to centre, ribbed with gold
oval tinsel put on each side of a rib of black silk butted
(fine) ;

with Toucan above and below, and black herl No. 2, Black silk, ;

ribbed with gold oval tinsel (fine) put on each side of a rib of

yellow silk.

THKOAT. Light blue hackle and Jay.

WINGS. One tippet, backed with red breast feather of Golden Pheasant ;

veiled with Teal, light and dark Bustard, Peacock wing, Gallina ;

Mallard and a topping. ;

SIDES. Jungle.
CHEEKS. Indian Crow and Chatterer.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

A successful fly on most rivers.


TAG. Gold twist and light blue silk.

TAIL. A topping and strands of tippet.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Two turns of light orange silk, followed by light dirty-orange
Seal's fur.
EIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Light dirty-orange from silk.
WINGS. Ginger Turkey (strips) Gallina, red breast ;
Golden Pheasant,
in strands Bustard, Peacock herl,
; Golden Pheasant tail, strands
of black Turkey white tipped, red Macaw, Swan dyed dirty-orange
and dark blue ;
and Mallard.

SIDES. Summer Duck.

HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

Introduced for me by Farlow many years since.


TAG. and yellow silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and blue mohair.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Four close turns of silver twist. Two equal sections of black
silk butted with four close turns (as before) of silver twist, each
having a top mane of claret mohair (short).
THROAT. Golden olive hackle and Jay.
WINGS. Two strips of tippet Golden Pheasant,
trail Mallard and a
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

A favourite fly on the Moy (chiefly used above Ballina) and on the


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Donkey's fur (now, Silver Monkey's fur).

BIBS. Silver tinsel.
HACKLE. A transparent natural blue-dun hackle, from second turn.
WINGS. Tippet, Teal, and Golden Pheasant tail, grey Mallard, dark
mottled Turkey, Swan dyed yellow and red and Mallard. ;

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

HEAD. Black herl.

This old standard of my Father's is a useful fly on the Lee and other
Irish waters.


TAG. and yellow silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping, a few strands of tippet and points of Toucan.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. (After Jock Scott type) First section, blue silk, ribbed with
silver tinsel (fine, oval) butted with blue Chatterer fibres above
and below, and black herl Second section, dark claret silk,

ribbed with silver lace and silver tinsel, and a claret hackle
THROAT. Orange hackle and Widgeon.
WINGS. Two extended Jungle slightly tinged in Bismarck brown Golden ;

Pheasant tail, light and dark Bustard, Swan dyed red, and yellow ;

and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle (not dyed).
HORNS. Blue Macaw.


TAG. Silver twist and light yellow silk.
TAIL. Two toppings, Indian Crow and blue Chatterer.
BUTT. Peacock herl.

BODY. Black silk.

RIHS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Black, from second turn.
WINGS. Six toppings.

SIDES. Summer Duck.

CHEEKS. Indian Crow and Chatterer.
HORNS. Eed, and blue Macaw; and light green Parrot.
HEAD. Black herl.

The Master of the Dumfriesshire Otter hounds, using this fly on the
Annan, recently caught ten Salmon varying from 17 to 26 Ibs. in weight.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Light red fiery brown Seal's fur.
RIBS. Silver tinsel.
THROAT. Widgeon and Jay.
WINGS. Strands of tippet; grey Mallard, a little Summer Duck, Mallard,
and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
HEAD. Black herl.

A modern Spey pattern.


TAG. Gold twist and orange silk.

TAIL. A topping, and point of Jungle.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Gold tinsel.
RIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Orange hackle, from second turn.
WINGS. Two strips of Peacock wing, Mallard, and a topping.

HORNS. Blue and red Macaw.

CHEEKS. Chatterer.

This old standard pattern has undergone considerable change of

"toilette," and is now universally dressed as above. Formerly the body
was made with gold embossed tinsel, which I prefer. I believe it was
invented by W. J. Davidson.


TAG. Silver twist and light blue silk.
TAIL. A topping and Teal.
BODY. Yellow, orange, red-claret Seal's fur, in equal sections.
RIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.
HACKLE. Black Heron, from claret fur.
WINGS. Two strips of plain brown Turkey with black bars and white
SIDES. Jungle, short and drooping over Throat hackle.

In the spring of 1893 this pattern accounted for seven Salmon out of
the nine caught in the Birnam water on the Tay.

Mr. Murdoch writes : There is not a better all-round fly of the

plain sort than the Dunt put upon the Dee in Spring or Autumn."


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.
TAIL. Topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Two turns of orange silk, two turns of dark orange Seal's fur ;

the rest, which is about half, of black Seal's fur.


RIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.

HACKLE. A white coch-a-bonddu dyed orange, running along the furs.
THROAT. Light blue hackle.
AViNGS. Four tippets overlapping (two on each side) and enveloping two
projecting Jungle (back to back), and a topping.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black Berlin wool.

Tweed, Spey, Lochy, Tay, Don, Earn, etc., etc.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Silver tinsel embossed, two thirds ;
followed by orange silk.

RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Two strips of black Turkey white tipped, Golden Pheasant tail,
Bustard, Pintail, Gallina, Mallard, and one topping put inside
out on each side of wings.
SIDES. Jungle.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

One of the oldest standard patterns.


TAG. Silver twist (plenty).
TAIL. A topping and Summer Duck.
BUTT. Black herl.

B ODY . One third light blue silk, ribbed with silver twist and butted with
fibres of Grande Breve Tocate above and below, and black herl ;

followed by claret silk having a dark claret hackle along it, and
ribbed with silver tinsel (oval).
WINGS. Tippet fibres (plenty) veiled with Mallard ;
and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle (extra size) and a short strip of large Summer Duck.
CHEEKS. Grande Breve Tocate (extra size).

A special pattern for fish lying behind upright rocks and large boulders.


TAG. Gold twist and light yellow silk.
TAIL. Summer Duck.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two sections No. 1, light yellow silk, ribbed with fine silver

tinsel, and butted with Toucan (above and below), and black
herl ;
No. 2, red silk, ribbed with gold tinsel.
THROAT. Black Heron.
WINGS. Two Snipe (back to back) for underwing, veiled with Peacock

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

HEAD. Black herl.

An excellent fly on the Usk.


TAG. Silver twist and red silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. In two sections: No. Parrot green silk, ribbed with silver

tinsel (oval, fine), butted with Indian Crow above and below, and
black herl. No. 2, Black Seal's fur ribbed with silver tinsel

(oval), and a natural black hackle along it.

WINGS. Golden Pheasant tippet and tail, and Gallina in strands ;
Mallard, Summer Duck Mallard, and;
a topping.
SIDES. Ibis and yellow Macaw (married).
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
An old standard useful on most rivers.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping.
BODY. One third yellow Seal's fur, followed by black Seal's fur.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Black hackle, from yellow fur.

WINGS. Mallard.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
For Canadian waters and a useful low water fly.


TAG. Gold twist and scarlet silk.
TAIL. Toucan and Jungle (point) dyed scarlet.

BODY. Black Seal's fur.

KIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
THROAT. Light blue hackle (long), and Gallina dyed orange.
WINGS. Peacock's herl Swan dyed yellow and scarlet Summer Duck,
; ;

capped with two strips of black Turkey, white tipped.

SIDES. Jungle dyed scarlet.
HEAD. Black herl.
An old standard on the Usk, and a great favourite of personal friends.



TAG. Gold twist and scarlet silk.
TAIL. Toucan, one small Jungle dyed scarlet, with two extending
strands of Peacock wing.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Two turns of black silk, followed by black Seal's fur.
EIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
THROAT. Medium blue hackle and Gallina dyed light orange (the same
in colour as the Toucan).
WINGS. Gallina and tippet strands in different lengths for underwing,
Peacock herl, Swan dyed Jight orange, scarlet, and blue two ;

thin strips of Summer Duck, capped

with two strips of the black
sheeny Turkey, white tipped, taken from the undertail of an old
bird, and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle fowl dyed scarlet.

HORNS. Eed Macaw.

HEAD. Black herl.

" "
A useful fly on the Usk and other Eed rivers, when a thorough change
is desirable.


TAG. Silver twist and gold twist, respectively.
TAIL. A topping, powdered blue Macaw, and Teal.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Orange Seal's fur, violet silk and black silk, in equal divisions.
EIBS. and gold lace.
Silver tinsel
HACKLE. From violet silk ;
one side of a red-claret and one side of a
light blue hackle, forming one.
WINGS. Golden Pheasant tail and tippet strands ; Teal, Mallard, and a

SIDES. Ibis and powdered blue Macaw (married).

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

A good fly on most rivers used in sizes up to 2/0.


TAG. Gold twist and light orange silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Fiery brown Seal's fur.

EIBS. Gold tinsel.

HACKLE. Fiery brown backle, from second turn.

WINGS. Tippet strands, and broad strips of Mallard.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

I would strongly recommend dressers to apply to Michael Rogan, Bally-

shannon, for all shades of fiery brown.


TAG. Silver tinsel (fine, oval) and crimson silk.

TAIL. A topping and Summer Duck.

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Canary, yellow, dark orange, and crimson Seal's fur.

RIBS. Silver tinsel and silver lace.

HACKLE. Yellow Eagle, from dark orange.
THROAT. Gallina (two turns) dyed crimson.
WINGS. Two Golden Pheasant sword (back to back) enveloping two
extended Jungle (back to back) Bustard, Amherst Pheasant

tail, Swan dyed yellow and crimson and a topping. ;

SIDES. Jungle.
CHEEKS. Jungle (points).

One of the best standards for use on the top of a flood."For Spring
fishing I dress the body of Pig's wool ; and for clear water and small sizes,
a hen Pheasant dyed yellow instead of Eagle.


TAG. Silver twist and light yellow silk.
TAIL. Topping.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. One third red-orange silk, ribbed with fine silver tinsel (oval)

having two Indian Crow feathers above and below, and butted
as before followed by light blue silk, ribbed with broad silver

lace,having a light blue hackle along it.

THROAT. Yellow Macaw.

WINGS. Two strips black Turkey having white points, Amherst Pheasant
tail, Macaw, Swan dyed green Macaw, and two
red toppings.
SIDES. Summer Duck and Jungle above.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS Chatterer.

Tay, etc.

(With this pattern the inventor himself once caught thirteen fresh-run fish

at Stanley in fifteen days.)


(Grub.) (KELSON.)
TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. Two starling dyed light red-claret (back to back).

BUTT. (Or No. 1 hackle) A white furnace dyed light red-claret.
BODY. Claret chenille. No. 2 (or centre) hackle, a white furnace dyed
dark claret.

HEAD. (Or No. 3 hackle) A large black hackle, and two turns of Gallina
dyed dark blue.
CHEEKS. Chatterer (small, taken from head).

An excellent standard Grub on the Usk. At the latter end of

August, 1882, the water being very low, I killed fifteen Salmon in one

week, varying from 13 Ibs. to 22^ Ibs. in weight with this fly dressed
on a No. 1 hook.


TAG. Silver twist and scarlet silk.
TAIL. Toucan (half orange, half red from undertail) Amherst Pheasant
tail strands, and point of Jungle.
BUTT. Orange herl.

BODY. Dirty orange, Mouse, and black Seal's fur equally divided.
KIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
THROAT. Scarlet hackle and a natural blue-dun.
WINGS. Two strips of Peacock wing, and Golden Pheasant tail in
SIDES. Teal and Ibis (married).
CHEEKS. Indian Crow.
HORNS. Bed Macaw.

An old standard on the Usk, and a useful fly in Scotland.


TAG. Gold twist and crimson silk.
TAIL. A topping, and tippet strands.
BODY. Yellow, green, and dark blue Seal's fur in equal divisions.
EIBS. Silver tinsel.
HACKLE. A topping (as hackle) from yellow fur.

THROAT. Black Heron.

WINGS. Two cinnamon Turkey.
strips, plain
SIDES. Jungle (short and drooping).

One of Garden's best Dee patterns.


TAG. Gold twist and gold silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Claret Seal's fur.
KIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Claret, from second turn.
WINGS. Mallard.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

Invariably used on the Erne and most other Irish rivers. Also a good fly
on the Usk.


TAG. Silver twist.

TAIL. Jay (points, back to back).
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two equal sections No. 1, Black silk (thin) butted with two

turns of silver tinsel and two golden toppings above and below.
No. 2, Black Ostrich herl.

HACKLE. Natural black hackle, from centre.

WINGS. Two strips of Shovel Duck.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

This is an old standard and bears the reputation of killing fish on those
occasions when pools have been over-thrashed with ordinary patterns.


(Major GRANT.)
TAIL. Golden Pheasant yellow rump (point).
BODY. Yellow wool three turns, and black wool.
EIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel (usual way).
HACKLE. A black Spey Cock hackle from end of body, but wound from
root the reverse way crossing over ribs.
WINGS. Two long Jungle (back to back) two reaching half way, and two
still shorter, and Teal.
HEAD. Yellow wool.

An old standard on the Spey.


(Major GRANT.)
TAG. Silver twist and red-claret silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Light olive-green Seal's fur.

RIBS. Silver tinsel.
THROAT.- Jay and Teal.
WINGS. Tippet strands, Gallina, light mottled Turkey, Golden Pheasant
tail, Mallard, and a topping.

HEAD. Black herl.

A modern standard on the Spey.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. Eed breast feather of Golden Pheasant.
BODY. One-third light orange Seal's fur ; and light claret Seal's fur.

KIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Black Heron, from orange fur.
THROAT. Widgeon.
WINGS. Two strips of plain cinnamon Turkey showing light points.

An old Dee fly.


(Grub.) (KELSON.)

TAG. Silver twist, and yellow Seal's fur well picked" out.
TAIL. Ibis.

BODY. Copper tinselled chenille having three coch-a-bonddu hackles

(1) at Butt (2) at centre of Body
(3) at Head. :

An old standard on the Usk, and a general favourite on other hard fished


TAG. Silver twist and light blue silk.
TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Light yellow silk. The body is divided into five sections,
butted at each with two tippet feathers (back to back) above
and below, slightly increasing in size, as well as with black herl.

KIBS. Three in each section of fine silver twist.

WINGS. Six toppings.
HOENS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.
(NoTE. Our best Exaggeration," for special use in bright weather and

EIVEBS : Where it has actually killed the Tweed, Wye, barling on

the Tay, and in Norway.


TAG. Gold twist and dark yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping and light (barred) Bustard.
BODY. Golden-yellow Seal's fur.

KIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).

THROAT. A light Bustard hackle.
WINGS. Light and dark Bustard (strips), and two toppings.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

A successful old standard in Norway, used in discoloured (glacier) water.


TAG. Gold and cream silk.

TAIL. A topping and Jungle point.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two sections ;
No. 1, gold tinsel and silver ribs, butted with
Toucan and black herl ; No. 2, black silk and gold ribs.
HACKLE. Orange, from centre.
WINGS. Light mottled Turkey, Golden Pheasant tail, Swan dyed
orange, light green, and Scarlet ; Gallina, Mallard and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

A general favourite.


TAG. Gold twist and gold silk.

TAIL. Tippet in strands.

* " London.
Golden Perch," Oxford Street,

BODY. Gold and fiery brown Pig's wool, equally divided.

RIBS. Gold tinsel.
HACKLE. Eagle hackle dyed gold over one-third of hody.
WINGS. Two strips of silver mottled Turkey.
An old standard at Eingwood.


TAG. Gold twist and gold silk. :

TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Gold silk.
RIBS. Gold tinsel.
HACKLE. A yellow hackle from second turn.
WINGS. Six toppings.
HORNS. Eed Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.
A very old standard.


TAG. Gold twist and yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping and blue Chatterer.
BUTT. Peacock herl.
BODY. Gold tinsel.
EIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Olive green, from second turn.
THROAT. Fiery brown and Jay.
WINGS. Cinnamon Turkey, Pintail, Swan dyed yellow and red; Summer
Duck, and two toppings.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.


BODY. Orange Berlin wool three turns, followed by black wool.
BIBS. From different starting points, of gold tinsel (narrow), gold twist,
and silver twist, not wound as usual, but in the reverse way
(towards head) and placed an equal distance apart.
HACKLE. A red Spey Cock, from end of body, wound from the root of
feather instead of from the point of it, and crossing over the
ribs the whole way.
THROAT. Teal, two turns.
WINGS. Two short strips of Mallard with brown mottled points and grey
mottled roots.

(See page 101, for particulars of dressing.)

Most of our flies are better at one time of year than at another, and
some are used only on special occasions. The " Golden Biach," like
"Jock Scott," etc., kills best in Spring and Autumn. The "Purple
King," unlike the Green King," kills well 011 the Spey throughout the
season. The records kept at Wester Elchies of fish caught in the
district during five years from 1st August to 15th October give the
following results :

1. Gold Biach 51 Salmon.

2. Purple King 47
3. Jock Scott 36
4. Miss Jackson 35 ,,

5. Lady Caroline 35
6. The Carron Fly 34 ,,

7. Glentana 19
8. Thunder and Lightning 11 Salmon.
9. Blue Doctor 11
10. Green King 10
11. Black King 8
12. Dunkeld 8

This list is considerably curtailed; many other patterns met wiih


some success. The "Green King" sinks into insignificance from the fact
that it is rarely used except in its own short season when the natural
insect is flying about.


The taste for varying this pattern has doubtless arisen from the fact
that there are Fishermen who, like myself, are not always satisfied with

any of the standards. We tone them down or brighten them up as

circumstances in fishing direct.
But," writes a friend who knew the inventor, " the swift impress

that a truthfully dressed

Gordon makes on the mind of a Dee Fisher-
man isone it needs no special studio training to enjoy."
As most people know, this fly is simply " lionised " on the Dee not ;

even " Jock Scott can boast so many friends and supporters in any one
district. But what the " Gordon " was and what it is are two widely
different things. No two dressers of to-day make the fly alike.
Mr. Cosmo Gordon, the inventor, used to be particular about the
colour and amount of hackle, frequently using two feathers together.
He also had Jay at the throat instead of the dyed hackle as used now.

He, moreover, had the tippet in strands, and objected to the whole
feather in the wings.
At one time," says William Brown, "Jay was employed as a throat
Mr. Gordon was not only a good Salmon-angler, but also a good
judge of flies, an experience not picked up at home, by any means, for the
Dee was, and is still, early in the season, little more than a four-fly river
in his day. he fished with other people's flies but I,
It is reported that ;

who knew he bought them, stoutly maintain that they were his own. Of
the many doubtful but conscientious representations of the "Gordon"
I have decided to give the two following dressings as practised at present

in Aberdeen.


(Cosmo GORDON.)
(By WILLIAM BROWN, George Street, Aberdeen.)

TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. One third yellow silk, and claret silk.
KIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel (flat).

HACKLE. Claret hackle, from yellow silk.

THROAT. Blue hackle.
WINGS. One tippet backed with a sword feather of Golden Pheasant ;

Peacock herl, Bustard, Swan dyed light blue, light green, and
red-claret ;
Amherst Pheasant tail and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
HEAD. Black wool.


(By WILLIAM GARDEN, Union Street, Aberdeen.)

TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. Atopping and tippet strands.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. One-third dark yellow silk, and claret silk.
RIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel (flat).
HACKLE. Claret hackle, from dark yellow silk.
THROAT. Blue hackle.
WINGS. Two light red-claret hackles (back to back) veiled with Peacock
herl, light (grey) mottled Turkey, dark mottled Turkey, Golden
Pheasant tail, Bustard, Swan dyed yellow and blue ; light
mottled Turkey dyed claret, and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black wool.


TAG. Silver twist and red silk.

TAIL. Two toppings.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Yellow silk.

RIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. A light blue hackle, from second turn.
WINGS. A tippet backed with red breast of Golden Pheasant, veiled with
Teal, light mottled Turkey Mallard and two toppings.

SIDES. Swan dyed, yellow, red, and blue (married).

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

Sir Alexander was one of the best if not the finest amateur dresser
in his day. He had, besides this one, several other patterns of his

own, all of which were in constant demand on the Findhorn five-and-

twenty years ago. One of them had a butt of red herl, a second one
in the centre of the body, and a third at the head ;
but I am unable
to give the correct dressing of the fly. I have described the above from
a faded pattern which was given to me by the inventor himself and ;

in order to get at the true colours as near as one could, I pulled the

fly to The inventor hardly ever used the standard

pieces for the purpose.
patterns without varying them more or less. " Jock Scott for instance,
he made with a blue silk head section, instead of the usual black one ;

and perhaps this was the origin of the blue- Jock- Scott."


TAG. and canary silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and Teal.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Two turns of yellow silk and green Seal's fur.
RIBS. Silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Green from yellow silk.

THROAT. A yellow hackle.
WINGS. Two tippets (back to back) and dark Bustard,
veiled with light
Golden Pheasant tail, dark mottled Turkey, Swan dyed green,
Mallard and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.


BODY. A dullshade of green, composed of a mixture of light and dark

green, brown, and a little yellow Berlin wools.
KIBS. From separate starting points of gold tinsel (narrow), silver tinsel
(narrow) and light olive-green sewing thread. These are all
wound the reverse way an equal distance apart, but the sewing
thread is left put on. The two metal ribs run
until the hackle is

under the hackle, the sewing thread is put over it, between the

HACKLE. From end of body, a red Spey-Cock hackle, but wound from
the root instead of from the point, in the usual direction, thus
crossing over the metal ribs.
THROAT. Teal, two turns only.
WINGS. Two strips of Mallard, having brown mottled points and grey
mottled roots.

The old standard Spey flies, like this one, are dressed
upon long
shanked hooks. The bodies from a point as much before the direct

line of the point of the hook as the work in ordinary standard flies starts
behind it ;
that equal to saying the bodies are comparatively very

short. The wings are also very short, in fact, no longer than the
bodies, if so long.
In preparing a Spey-Cock's hackle, do not remove all the fluffy fibres
The Green "
at the root, but leave about three on each side of the quill.
King is dressed after the local fly of that name. It appears in enormous
numbers about the end of April, and is an exceedingly large insect, twice

the size of a hornet or even larger. I have seen them emerge from the

chrysalis and float down-stream before the wings expand. When left
alone by the Salmon they soon rise from the surface and fly at a great
pace up and down the river. On these occasions the counterfeit fly,

like the March-brown on the Dee, is very deadly. There are several of
these curious old standards on the Spey. Amongst others, the
"Secretary" and the "Green Kiach find some supporters; but they
resemble other flies so closely that I have thought it unnecessary to add
them to the present list.

N.B. These old Spey standards were specially dressed for this work
by Charles Stuart, Fisherman, Aberlour, under the supervision of John
Cruikshank. Better authorities do not exist.


TAG. Gold twist and dark orange silk.

TAIL. Toucan and Indian Crow.

BODY. Light pea-green silk.

KIBS. Silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Jay, from centre.
WINGS. Golden Pheasant yellow rump, Gallina, powdered blue and red
Macaw, Indian Crow, Bustard, Mallard and a topping.
HEAD. Black herl.
A useful Irish pattern.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping and tippet strands.
BODY. Violet silk.

KIBS. Silver tinsel.

THROAT. Parrot hackle (light green).

WINGS. Golden Pheasant tippet and yellow rump feather (point), Parrot,
Gallina, Ibis, yellowMacaw, and Mallard.
CHEEKS. Indian Crow.
HEAD. Black herl.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Light blue silk.

BIBS. Oval tinsel.

THROAT. Light blue hackle.

WINGS. Peacock herl, sword feather.

Writing from Aberdeen, Mr. Murdoch states : On blazing, bright,
hot days, during June and July, there is no fly so on the Dee, taking

the river all over, as the Green Peacock dressed on Nos. 7, 8, and 9
double hooks. Brown of George Street and Garden of Union Street
always dress it true to pattern."


TAG. Gold tinsel (narrow).
TAIL. Yellow rump, Golden Pheasant (point).
BODY. Same mixture of Berlin wools as for the " Green King."
Ems. Gold tinsel.
HACKLE. Crown Pigeon or Grey Heron one side of a feather stripped
from second turn.
THROAT. Bittern dyed yellow the white speckled feather.
WINGS. Dark cinnamon Turkey with lightish points; or, better still, the

As a general pattern in bright weather and water I prefer this to the

Green King," which, however, is one of the best on the Spey when the
M 2

fly itself is up," say, from the third week in May to the second week in
July. The " Queen is also a capital fly on many other rivers.


TAG. and light orange
Silver twist silk.

TAIL. Topping and Jungle.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Light blue silk.

RIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel (flat).

HACKLE. Light blue, from second turn.

THROAT. Widgeon.
WINGS. Two strips of black Golden Pheasant
Turkey, white tipped ;

tail, light and dark Bustard, Gallina, Swan dyed green and

scarlet grey Mallard, Mallard, and a topping.


SIDES. Jungle.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black wool.

Tweed, Shannon, Erne, Tay, etc.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. Bed breast feather of the Golden Pheasant.
BODY. Yellow, light blue, and scarlet Seal's fur.

BIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Grey Eagle, from blue fur.

THROAT. Widgeon (Teal for large patterns).
WINGS. Two strips of brown mottled Turkey, with black bars and white

A well-known dark water fly on the Dee.



TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Two turns of canary silk and black silk.

EIBS. Silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Black hackle, from canary silk.
WINGS. Peacock's herl (sword feather) veiled with two broad strips of
Summer Duck.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.


TAG. Gold twist and olive-green silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black her!.

BODY. In three equal divisions of orange, light blue, and pink silk.
EIBS. Gold embossed tinsel (ordinary method) and silver tinsel (reversed)

passing over the gold.

THROAT. Orange and light blue hackles respectively.
WINGS. Two tippets capped with light and dark Bustard ;
Pheasant tail, and a topping.
HORNS. Blue and red Macaw.
SIDES. Jungle.
HEAD. Gold twist.


TAG. Silver twist and orange silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Two turns of light yellow silk and yellow Seal's fur.

RIBS. Silver tinsel, and fine oval tinsel.

HACKLE. Yellow hackle along fur.
THROAT. Light blue hackle.
WINGS. Brown mottled Turkey slightly white tipped.

A very old favourite on the Helnisdale.


(Grub.) (KELSON.)
TAG. Silver twist (plenty).
TAIL. Yellow Macaw.
BUTT. Small furnace hackle dyed red (coiled), and cheeked with points
of Jungle on each side.
BODY. Alternate coils of red and black chenille.
CENTRE HACKLE. Eed undertail of Toucan, cheeked, as before, with

HEAD -HACKLE. Twoturns of Teal dyed yellow, and a black Heron
hackle, cheeked with Jungle.

Salmon feed voraciously on a caterpillar (found on the hills in the

North) when brought down by heavy rains. On those occasions, and for
some days after, general standards fail, while this pattern, which some-
what represents the living red and black striped insect itself is often


TAG. and yellow silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping. Parrot and Jungle (point).

BUTT. Black lierl.

BODY. Four turns of yellow Seal's fur, four turns claret ditto (halfway),
and light blue Seal's fur.
EIBS. Silver lace and gold tinsel.

HACKLE. An Irish-grey hackle, from yellow fur.

THROAT. A claret hackle and Widgeon.
WINGS. Two extended Jungle (back to back) Teal, Amherst Pheasant,
and Golden Pheasant tail, Mallard and a topping.
SIDES. Swan dyed yellow, claret, and light blue (married).
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.

An old Tweed pattern.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. Ibis and yellow Macaw (mixed).
BUTT. No. 1 hackle a natural red Irish-grey, cheeked with Jungle
BODY. Yellow and claret Seal's fur (half-way) ribbed with silver
tinsel (fine, oval). No. 2 hackle, a similar one and cheeked as
before, followed by blue Seal's fur and ribs.
HEAD. No. 3 hackle as before, and Widgeon, cheeked again with


TAG. and yellow silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping, Ibis, and Summer Duck.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two equal sections No. 1, of yellow silk, ribbed with narrow

(oval) silver tinsel, and butted with Golden bird of Paradise or

Toucan above and below, and black herl No. 2, blue silk :

ribbed as before alongside broad silver tinsel (flat).

HACKLE. Black Heron, from centre of blue silk.

THROAT. Gallina.

WINGS. Amherst Pheasant strips and three toppings.

HORNS. Black Cockatoo (tail).

An excellent spring pattern on the Spey and Shannon.


TAG. Gold twist and gold silk.

TAIL. Ibis, yellow Macaw, and unbarred Summer Duck, in strands.

BUTT. Blue Chatterer, used as a hackle.
BODY. In two equal sections of gold silk, butted. with blue Chatterer
hackle and violet silk.

KIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).

THROAT. Black Heron and unbarred Summer Duck.
WINGS. Swan dyed gold and violet, single married strips of each.
Amherst Pheasant and two toppings.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.


(Grub.) (KELSON.)
TAG. Silver twist (plenty).
TAIL. Indian Crow.
BUTT. Toucan (as hackle), cheeked on each side with Chatterer.
BODY. Alternate coils (wasp-like, not spiral) black, and red-orange
chenilles ;
in centre, Toucan and Chatterer as before.
HEAD. Toucan, and Gallina dyed red-orange forming third hackle, and
Chatterer repeated.
This Grub comes into use earlier than all others except the Spring


TAG. Silver twist and pink silk.

TiiL. A topping.

BUTT. Blue Chatterer, as hackle.

BODY. In two equal sections (1) Silver
: tinsel (oval), butted with Golden
bird of Paradise :
(2) Black silk, ribbed with silver lace.
HACKLE. Black Heron, from centre of black silk.
WINGS. Grey Mallard, Golden Pheasant tail, Swan dyed blue and yellow,
with two strips of cinnamon Turkey, and a topping.

Ich Dien," the original name of this excellent pattern, was introduced
on the Lochy by my Father. It was one of the first of the fancy flies
and became very popular a few years before the advent of the " Butcher."
The singular success attained on the upper pools of this river by ou:
servant named Ike Dean, led to the general use of the pattern on other
rivers in Scotland, where the fly is known only by the name given with
the description.


(NICOL McNicoL.)
TAG. and yellow silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Silver tinsel.
RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Light green hackle (half-way).
WINGS. Golden Pheasant strands, Peacock herl, Swan dyed red and

yellow, and a topping.

SIDES. Indian Crow (large).
CHEEKS. Indian Crow (small).
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black wool.

One of the best Helmsdale patterns and a great favourite in the North.

To be hadof Nicol McNicol, Reay, Thurso.



TAG. Silver twist and light bine silk.
TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Four turns of claret silk, followed by dark yellow silk.

RIBS. Silver tinsel (broad).

HACKLE. Claret hackle, from claret silk.
WINGS. Two tippets (back to back) capped with Golden Pheasant tail,
Bustard, Peacock wing red, and blue Macaw, and a topping.

SIDES.- A narrow strip of Summer Duck.

HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

A well-known old standard. Kills well on the Bundrowes and Black-

water ;
an excellent low-water fly on the Shannon and a general favourite
throughout Scotland and Wales.


TAG. Gold twist.
TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Light olive-green silk.

RIBS. Gold embossed tinsel.
HACKLE. Light olive-green, from second turn.
WINGS. Two strips of tippet Bustard, Pintail, Swan dyed crimson,

Golden Pheasant tail, and Mallard.

HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

An excellent fly on the Inver.



TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping.
BODY. One-third yellow silk, followed by black silk.

KIBS. Silver tinsel.

THROAT. A natural black hackle.
WINGS. Mallard.
SIDES. Jungle.

A great favourite in summer on the Dee. It is dressed on small double



TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping.
BODY. One-third yellow silk, followed by dark claret silk.

BIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

THROAT. A coch-a-bonddu hackle.
WINGS. Mallard.
SIDES. Jungle.

A useful fly in summer on the Dee. It is dressed on small double



(Jons SCOTT.)
TAG. and yellow silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two equal sections No. 1, of yellow silk (butter-cup colour)

ribbed with narrow silver tinsel, and butted with Toucan above
and below, and black herl : No. 2, black silk, ribbed with broad
silver tinsel.

HACKLE. A natural black hackle, from centre.

THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Two strips of black Turkey with white tips, Golden Pheasant
tail,Bustard, grey Mallard, Peacock (sword feather) Swan dyed
blue and yellow, red Macaw, Mallard, and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.
" "
Jock renowned fly was hardly known
for the inventor of this
as John Scott was born at Branxholme early in February 1817. When
thirteen years of age he began his Salmon-angling career under the
directions of Robert Kerss, head keeper to the (then) Marquis of Lothian.
In two or three years, on leaving his situation, he entered the service of
that Prince of sportsmen, the late Lord John Scott, with whom he
remained, as Fisherman, for full five-and-twenty years of his life. After-
wards " Jock spent a year or two at the fly-table, and lived honourably
by the constant practice of that art which he was born to enrich. He
then became keeper to the present Earl of Haddington M.F.H. in whose
service the poor old fellow died, 24th January, 1893. "Jock" was no
giant, but had a big heart and a constitution of iron. Second to none at
other sports and pastimes in the North, his soul was chiefly in fishing
and most of his time was spent in the water without waders.
Admired by many, respected by trustworthy to a degree, good

at fishing, excellent at fly-making, he distinguished himself for his

inventive genius in connection with this particular pattern. Not long
before his death (he had been my attendant when young) he gave me a

specimen of his own make, and said that he set about the original in
When you are too he added, " send to Kelso for them
old, Sir,"
Neither Forrest nor Redpath* ever have that nasty dark coloured silk in
front (meaning in the order of construction) and know how to keep

yellow silk a good colour when put there by themselves."

Reilpath and Co. are wholesale people well known in the trade for their beautiful flies,

etc., etc.

utmost triumph of two essential

It is hardly necessary to say that the

qualities, namely, harmony and proportion, is admirably illustrated in

this one of the most popular fancy patterns ever designed by man.
only just possible to find a river or a catch, be it in pools,
It is

streams, rapids, or flats, shaded or exposed to the light of day, in which a

Jock Scott," when dressed properly, has not made for itself a splendid
reputation. Eemembering what has been urged in these pages with

regard to judging at the riverside which kind of fly is best for the time
being, we shall find that no pattern illustrates my theories so perfectly
and so satisfactorily as this one.
But it should be borne in mind that orange silk (too often used
instead of yellow) even closely coiled on the hook, once saturated, always
turns a dirty brown shade, intensified in many cases by the roughly
waxed tying-silk underneath. That colour is not only objectionable, but
undesirable, the material features of the fly in this instance being

altogether robbed of both beauty and effect while doing duty in clear
water and bright weather.
The only correct account of the life and exploits of the inventor
appeared in the Field 18th February, 1893, over the signature of "Punt
" "
Gun," a gentleman who knew Jock intimately as a Fisherman on the
Tweed. " Every word," says the writer of it in a recent letter to me, " was
taken from his own life, or the writings of his son and family. I was

very fond of him and it was a labour of love to me to write all I knew

of the poor old fellow."

The interesting biography concluded with these words: "With
Jock's death has passed away another link with old days, when to be a
sportsman was, at any rate, to be a man. . .
May he rest in peace."


TAG. Silver twist and orange silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Black silk.

BIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Natural black, from centre.

THBOAT. An orange hackle.
WINGS. Tippet strands Pintail, Florican,
; light and dark Bustard,
Golden Pheasant tail, Swan dyed yellow, Mallard, and a
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HEAD. Black herl.

A good fly on the Usk, Tweed, and Dee, and said to be an old standard
on many other rivers.


TAG. Silver twist and dark yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Blue silk and salmon coloured silk, equally divided.

BIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Orange hackle, from blue silk.

THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Pintail, Golden Pheasant tail, Bustard, Parrot, red Macaw,
black Cockatoo's tail, Gallina, Mallard, and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

An old standard on most Scotch rivers.

* Named after an Edinburgh gentleman who, in former days, was one of

the best Anglers on the Tweed.


TAG. Silver twist and golden-yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping and Chatterer.

BUTT. Scarlet wool.
BODY. Silver tinsel (flat).

EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

THROAT. Light blue hackle and Gallina.
WINGS. Fine Peacock's herl (plenty), from extremity of eyed feather,
and two narrow strips of Ibis above.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Scarlet wool.

A -favourite Autumn fly.


(Grub.) (KELSON.)
TAG. Gold twist (plenty).
TAIL. Ibis (two strips).
BUTT. No. 1 hackle, a coch-a-bonddu, slightly tinged in Bismarck
brown, cheeked with Jungle.
BODY. Twelve alternate coils of yellow and black chenille. No. 2, hackle
in centre, and No. 3, at head, as before, cheeked.
This Grub (illustrated), a vast improvement on " Ajax," is far more
successful for general purposes than any of its kind. It is easily varied
for all rivers. The tail may be composed of yellow Macaw, with or
without Summer Duck. The body, instead of yellow, may have either
Taking the last five seasons, this fly has killed for
blue or red chenille.
me twenty-seven Salmon. One day in the year 1882 while fishing the
Bryn stream above the town of Usk, I caught two Salmon with it
averaging 28 Ibs. in weight. The fly may be dressed either large or
small and is very useful when the water is slightly coloured.


TAG. Silver twist and light yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Two turns of crimson silk, and crimson Seal's fur.

RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Crimson, from second turn.
THROAT. Light yellow hackle.
WINGS. (Thin) Grey Mallard, and tippet strands, Bustard, Golden
Pheasant tail, Swan dyed light yellow, crimson, and light blue ;

Mallard and a topping.

SIDES. Jungle.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
One of the best flies on the Tyne.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. Two toppings and Chatterer.
BODY. White silk, bound closely with a thin strip of gold-beater skin
about the width of the broadest each join being covered
with fine gold tinsel (about eight turns in one inch).
THROAT. Yellow hackle (or yellow Macaw for large hooks) and a blue
hackle over it (orGallina dyed blue for large hooks).
WINGS. Swan dyed blue and yellow, Bustard, Golden Pheasant tail, with
an upper and lower strip of Teal.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

One Mr. Field's best patterns. It is an old favourite on the Test,

and is often useful on many other rivers. On the upper part of the Wye
I once had five Salmon with this fly, fishing between the hours of five
and seven in the evening.
Plate 4-.





TAG. Gold twist and crimson silk.

TAIL. A topping, Summer Duck, and tippet strands.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Light yellow silk, and light orange silk, equally divided.
KIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Jay, from second turn.
THROAT. Light orange hackle.
WINGS. Tippet (strands), Golden Pheasant tail, Bustard, Summer
Duck, Swan dyed crimson, yellow, blue and orange red Macaw, ;

and Mallard.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

One of the best patterns for the Suir.


TAG. Silver twist and blue silk.

TAIL. Toucan, tippet strands, and Teal.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Two turns of silver tinsel, three turns of red-claret silk, four
turns of gold tinsel, five turns of dark blue silk (or in such
proportions) .

KIBS. Silver tinsel (fine, oval).

HACKLE. Blue, from gold tinsel.
WINGS. Underwing (long) Amherst Pheasant tail, and Golden Pheasant
tippet strands two long Jungle, and two shorter (understood as

double Jungle ") and three toppings.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

The special use of this pattern is referred to on page 244.



TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. Toucan and Teal.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Two turns of red silk, followed by red Seal's fur.
RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Eed hackle, from centre.
THROAT. Two turns of Gallina.
WINGS. Teal and Peacock wing in strands Mallard, and ; a topping.
HORNS. Amherst Pheasant, and red Macaw.
Lochy, Spean, and Ness.


TAG. Gold twist and gold silk.
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. In two sections : No. gold embossed tinsel, ribbed with silver

tinsel (oval, fine), butted with two small toppings above and
below, and black herl ; No. 2, gold silk, ribbed with black purse
and gold tinsel (oval) alongside
silk (fine) it.

THROAT. Eed and yellow Macaw.

WINGS. Two strips of Swan dyed gold, and three toppings.
CHEEKS. Indian Crow.
HORNS. Blue and red Macaw.
On those rivers where dark flies are used on bright days and fail, I have

many times witnessed the success of this pattern.


TAG. Gold twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.

BODY. Blue silk.

BIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Jay, from third turn.
WINGS. Tippet strands, Teal, Summer Duck, Mallard, and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

A very old standard pattern.


TAIL. Golden Pheasant red-breast, a few strands only.

BODY. Brown and olive-green Berlin wool mixed together in proportion
of one part olive-green, two parts brown.
RIBS. From separate starting points, of gold tinsel (narrow), gold twist,
and silver twist,wound the usual way, an equal distance apart.
HACKLE. Grey Heron, from tail (tied in at the point as usual) wound
alongside gold tinsel.
THROAT. Golden Pheasant red-breast, two turns.
WINGS. Two strips of Mallard showing brown points and light roots.

An old standard Spey fly. See the Green King."


TAG. Silver twist and light blue silk.

TAIL. Toucan and Amherst Pheasant.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Yellow silk, red-orange, and black Seal's fur all in equal parts.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Light blue, from black Seal's fur.

N 2

WINGS. Golden Pheasant tippet and tail in strands, Auiherst Pheasant,

Bustard, grey Mallard, Widgeon, two strips of brown Mallard

above and a topping.
HOENS. Blue Macaw.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. Bed-breast feather of Golden Pheasant (point).
BODY. Light orange, red-orange, claret and blue Seal's furs.

RIBS. Silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Gallina dyed yellow, from claret fur.

THROAT. Light orange hackle.

WINGS. Two strips of Swan dyed yellow.

A famous low water fly on the Dee.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow wool.
TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Blue Seal's fur.

RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval, fine).

HACKLE. A blue hackle, from second turn.
THROAT. A yellow hackle.
WINGS. Tippet (strands), Golden Pheasant tail, dark mottled Turkey,
Swan dyed yellow and blue and Mallard above.

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

HEAD. Black herl.

A very old standard on the Lee.



TAG. and yellow wool.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two equal divisions of blue Seal's fur with a blue hackle
it, and silver Monkey with an Irish-grey hackle.

KIBS. Silver tinsel.

THROAT. A yellow hackle.
WINGS. Tippet (strands), Bustard, Golden Pheasant tail, Summer Duck,
Swan dyed yellow, red, and blue Mallard, and two toppings.

CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HORNS. Amherst Pheasant.
HEAD. Black herl.

One of the oldest standards on the Lee.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Silver Monkey (modern), Kabbit fur (ancient).

BIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. An Irish-grey hackle (modern), a natural blue-dun (ancient),
from second turn.
THROAT. A yellow hackle (modern), a lemon hackle (ancient).
WINGS. Tippet in strands, Teal, Gallina, Mallard, and a topping.

According to my Father's notes dated 1833, this fly was dressed in

Ireland with a claret hackle under the lemon throat, and \vith horns of
blue Macaw. It is one of the best flies on the Shannon and Lee and
a great favourite on most rivers, especially in Ireland.


TAG. Silver twist and pink silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Evenly divided coils (wasp fashion) of yellow, majenta, light blue,

plum-claret and dark blue Berlin wools.

BIBS. Silver lace.
THROAT. Light blue hackle and Jay.
WINGS. Four toppings.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

An excellent fly in very bright weather on the Inver, Usk, Tweed, Spey,
Blackwater, Boyne, Test, and Wye, etc.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL Topping.

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Silver tinsel (flat), one fifth part at the throat being reserved
for scarlet Seal's fur.

KIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Natural black, from second turn.
THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Tippet, sword feather of Golden Pheasant, and Peacock herl, in
strands. Yellow Macaw, red Macaw, Bustard, Golden Pheasant

tail, Teal, Gallina, Mallard, and a topping.

SIDES. Jungle.
HOENS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black wool.

Tay, Tweed, Lyon, Spey, Lochy, with bright Jungle ; Usk,
Findhorn, and Erne with dull Jungle.


TAG. Gold twist.
TAIL. A topping and Ibis.

BODY. Dirty yellow Seal's fur.

RIBS. Silver tinsel (the original pattern which I introduced
myself on
the Usk, years since, in company with " Harry Giles," was made
with gold ribs) .

THROAT. A coch-a-bonddu hackle.

WINGS. Peacock herl.
HORNS. Blue Macaw (originally red Macaw).

This fly holds a high reputation on the Tweed for Summer use, and is an
old standard on the Usk.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Green, yellow, violet, and crimson Seal's fur, equally divided.
KIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Blue hackle, from yellow fur.
WINGS. Tippet strands Gallina, Swan dyed ; light blue, yellow, and
crimson, Mallard, and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

A good bright water fly in Summer on the Dee. It is also a great

favourite on the Lochy when dressed on small double hooks.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping.


BODY. Dark claret silk.

BIBS.- Silver tinsel (oval).
THROAT. Light blue hackle.
WINGS. Two strips of Swan dyed yellow, veiled with broad strips of
SIDES. Jungle.

An excellent Summer pattern in dull weather on the Dee. It is dressed

on small double hooks.


TAG. Silver twist and light red-claret Seal's fur.
TAIL. Topping and Ibis.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. The first half, equal proportions of canary, orange, and fiery
brown Seal's fur respectively the rest, blue
Seal's fur with a
blue hackle along it.

THROAT. Jay. ,

RIBS. -Silver tinsel.

WINGS. Two tippets (back to back) strips of silver speckled Turkey,

married strips of Teal and Swan dyed orange and red-claret ;
a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

Earn, Lee (Macroom district), Spey, and, when dressed small,
a useful fly in summer on the Usk.


TAG. Gold twist and orange silk.

TAIL. A topping.

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. In three equal sections of " Green Macaw silk, ribbed with

fine gold tinsel each section butted above and below with fibres

of Parrot, followed by black herl.

THROAT. Parrot hackle.

WINGS. Golden Pheasant tail, Gallina, Summer Duck, and a topping.
HORNS. Red as well as blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

It is remarkable that the only Salmon ever known to have been

taken in the river Trent fell victim to a green body. In a letter I received,
from Gainsborough a few years since the Eev. H. Caferata says The :

evidence you gave at the House of Lords the other day (re the Trent
Navigation Bill) in regard to our Salmon exactly coincided with my own
opinions. There is no doubt whatever that several reaches of our river
could be rendered suitable to meet the exigencies of fly-fishing. The
Trent being void of many natural catches is the very reason why artificial
ones should be established ;
and then, after a year or two, we should soon
teach the fish to rise to and take flies. I have made every enquiry in
connection with the opinion you ventured to offer, and I find that a
Salmon has been taken not far from this town with a fly. But is . .

itnot curious that, considering there are so few rivers where green flies
pay, that the only Trent Salmon known to have been caught with a fly,
should have been taken with one of them ?


TAG. Silver twist and pink silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In three sections butted with black herl: No. 1, light lilac silk;
No. 2, dark lilac or slate coloured silk ;
No. 3, pink silk.

RIBS. Silver tinsel (fine).

HACKLE. From third butt, a natural straw coloured coch-a-bonddu.

WINGS. Gallina, Summer Duck, Swan dyed red-claret and yellow, Golden
Pheasant tail and tippet, and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.
A favourite in Ireland and a general fly on the Hampshire Avon.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. Point of the red-breast of Golden Pheasant.
BODY. Two turns of yellow Berlin wool, followed by blue Berlin wool.
RIBS. Silver tinsel (broad).
HACKLE. Black hackle, from yellow fur.

WINGS. Bronze Peacock's herl.

HEAD. Yellow mohair, picked out.
One of the best spring patterns on the Beauly.


TAG. Gold twist and scarlet silk.
TAIL. A topping, Teal, and Ibis.
BODY. Light blue, yellow, claret, and dark blue Seal's fur, equally
RIBS. Silver tinsel and gold lace.
HACKLE. Claret hackle, from claret

THROAT. Scarlet hackle and Gallina.

WINGS. One tippet, backed with a claret hackle veiled with a Snipe
feather on each side, Bustard, Ibis, Swan dyed yellow, and a
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

The first fancy fly used on the Usk and a universal favourite of to-day.


TAG. Gold twist and yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping and tippet strands.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two equal sections No. 1, yellow Seal's fur, ribbed with gold

tinsel, and with a small yellow hackle from second turn having ;

two strips of Mandarin Drake (white tipped) to form one set of

body wings No. 2, dark blue Seal's fur, ribbed with broad gold

tinsel, and with a light blue hackle from second turn.

WINGS. Two strips (a trifle longer than -the others) of Mandarin Drake
(white tipped).

This double strip-winged fly is a superb pattern on the Earn. It takes

after the style introduced on the Dee by Garden of Aberdeen.


TAG. Gold twist.

TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Silver Monkey's fur and a little dirty-orange Seal's fur, mixed
Kins. Gold tinsel (oval).
THROAT. Partridge hackle.
WINGS. Hen Pheasant tail.

An old standard fly on the Dee, Usk, etc. It is dressed on small

double hooks.


TAG. Silver tinsel.
TAIL. A topping, and points of two small Jungle above, back to back.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. In three equal sections : No. 1 and No. 3 of silver tinsel ; centre
of black silk.
THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Underwing of married strips of Swan dyed yellow, red, and blue ;

Peacock wing, Summer Duck, grey Mallard, dark mottled

strips of
Turkey, Golden Pheasant tail, and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black wool.

A favourite Dee pattern. 1893, Her Eoyal
The inventor writes :

Highness the Duchess of Fife has been most successful with the Mar '


Lodge fly. Apply to Garden, Aberdeen."


(NicoL McNicOL.)
TAG. and yellow silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two equal sections No. 1, Silver tinsel, butted with Parrot

above and below and black herl No. 2, gold tinsel with a gold

hackle from centre butt.

THROAT. A green hackle (matching Parrot in tone).
RIBS. Gold tinsel (oval) from centre.

RIVERS : Thurso, Forss, Halladale, Helmsdale and Naver.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Chocolate silk.

RIBS. Silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Light orange hackle (one-fourth of body).
WINGS. Tippet, Golden Pheasant tail, Pintail and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
HEAD. Two turns of hackle same as before.

A useful North Esk pattern.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. Teal, in strands.
BODY. Two turns of orange silk followed by olive green Berlin wool.

RIBS Silver tinsel.


HACKLE. Grey Heron, from second turn.

WINGS. Two strips of Golden Pheasant tail.

A modern Spey pattern.


TAG. and pink silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping, Peacock wing and Summer Duck.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Quill dyed yellow, with four turns of red-orange Seal's fur at
RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval, narrow) and silver tinsel (flat, broad).
HACKLE. A silver coch-a-bonddu from second turn ;
hen Pheasant hackle
dyed yellow from Seal's fur.

THROAT. Widgeon.
WINGS. Two two extending Jungle (one on each
tippets (back to back),
side), Swan dyed yellow and red-orange, and two toppings.
SIDES. Jungle.

HORNS. Blue Macaw.

HEAD. Black herl.

A good early fly on the Dee, Spey, etc.


(Major GRANT.)
TAG. and yellow silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl. *

BODY. Copper tinselled chenille.

HACKLE. A red Spey-cock hackle, from centre.
WINGS. Tippet strands, Bustard, Golden Pheasant tail, light mottled
Turkey, grey Mallard, and a topping.
HORNS. Red Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

A modern standard on the Spey.


TAG. Gold twist and light blue silk.
TAIL. A topping and Chatterer.
BUTT. Eed Pig's wool, well picked out.
BODY. Gold embossed tinsel.

RIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. A natural black hackle, from second turn.

WINGS. Six toppings.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Red Pig's wool, well picked out.

A useful pattern on bright days for still deep sheltered pools.



TAG. Silver twist and gold silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Gold silk.

KIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Natm'al blue-dun, from second turn.
THROAT. A claret hackle.
WINGS. Two strips Swan dyed yellow and a topping.
HORNS. Eed Macaw.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.

With this pattern the inventor killed his memorable Salmon weigh-
ing 57 Ibs. in the Suir. The fly is very popular in the neighbourhood of


TAG. and yellow Seal's fur.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Ked-orange, dark blue, and claret Seal's fur, equally divided.
RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Dark blue on dark blue Seal's fur, and dark claret on the

THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. An extended red breast Golden Pheasant (best side down) ;

Golden Pheasant tail (in strands principally) ; light Bustard and

HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black wool.

An old standard high water fly on the Sundal dressed from No. 3/0 to 7/0

(Courtney, Killarney) .


TAG. and red wool.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two sections: No. 1, of blue silk, forming one-third, ribbed
with fine silver tinsel and butted with a claret hackle. No. 2,
silver Monkey, ribbed with gold tinsel.
HACKLE. An Irish-grey hackle, from blue silk.
THROAT. A yellow, a claret, and a light blue hackle.
WINGS. Tippet (strands) Golden Pheasant tail Swan dyed ; blue, yellow,
and claret, Bustard, Mallard, and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Indian Crow.
HEAD. Black herl.
One of the old Lee patterns, and in general use in the Spring of 1893.
The " Blue-grey-and-brown is a variation of this fly.


TAG. Gold twist and black silk.
TAIL. Two strands of Amherst Pheasant (long).
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In four equal sections of silk No. 1, yellow, butted with yellow

hackle No. 2, pea-green, butted with pea-green hackle

; No. ;

3, red, butted with red hackle No. 4, dark blue.


RIBS. First three sections gold tinsel (oval, fine) ;

silver tinsel (oval,

fine) over dark blue.

THROAT. Dark orange hackle and black Heron.
WINGS. Two natural black, shin}', saddle hackles (back to back) veiled
with Teal, Bustard, tail of Golden Turkey (North America),
Mallard, and two toppings.
SIDES. Summer Duck.
HORNS. Eed Macaw.
HEAD. Eed wool (small).


(Nicm Me NICOL.)
TAG. and yellow silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and blue Chatterer.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Silver tinsel.
KIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Yellow, from mid-way.
THROAT. Unbarred Summer Duck.
WINGS. Yellow mohair and a topping.
SIDES. Large Chatterer and Jungle over.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

A killing fly in peat or porter coloured water in all rivers North of the



TAG. Silver twist and pink silk.
TAIL. Orange Toucan and red Toucan.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Light red-orange and dark red-orange Pig's wool.
RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. From dark red-orange wool (half-way) a Vulture hackle (or a
small Eagle or hen Pheasant hackle), dyed dark red-orange.
THROAT. Black Partridge (grey speckled).
WINGS. Two strips of black and white mottled Turkey.

A good late evening pattern.


TAG. Silver twist and dark blue silk.

TAIL. Toucan and Indian Crow.


BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Orange silk.

BIBS. Silver tinsel.

THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Tippet strands, Gallina, Ibis, powdered blue and yellow Macaw,
and Mallard.
HEAD. Black herl.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Yellow and black silk in equal divisions.
KIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Natural black, from centre.
WINGS. Tippet; Peacock, sword feather; Gallina, Teal, and Summer
An old standard on the Lochy and Spean.


TAG. Gold twist.
TAIL. Toucan, Teal, and Chatterer (small).
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two sections : No. 1, silver embossed tinsel, butted with Indian
Crow above and below, and black herl ;
No. 2, black silk, ribbed
with gold oval tinsel, and a natural black hackle along it.

WINGS. Tippet, Teal, and Peacock wing in strands Golden Pheasant ;

tail, Amherst Pheasant, dark Bustard, Swan dyed blue, yellow,

and red Mallard and a topping.


CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow Seal's fur.
TAIL. Summer Duck, strands, varying in length, of Ibis; and Indian
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Yellow, crimson-rnajenta, Mouse, and plum-claret Seal's fur, in

equal divisions.
RIBS. Silver twist.
HACKLE. A coch-a-bonddu slightly tinged in Bismarck brown, from
second turn.
WINGS. Double white Turkey, ginger speckled Turkey, Bustard, Mallard,
black Cockatoo's
tail, red Macaw, powdered blue Macaw, Parrot,

and Teal, all in double strands. Two strips of rich brown

Turkey above, having black bars and white points.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HEAD. Black herl.

This is one of the most successful flies on the Usk.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping and strands of tippet.
BUTT. Scarlet wool.
BODY. Silver tinsel.
RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Grey Heron, from centre.
THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Tippet (large strips), light mottled Turkey, Pintail, Mallard,
and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
HEAD. Scarlet wool.

A modern Spey standard.



TAG. Gold twist (plenty).
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. In three equal sections No. 1, dark red-orange silk, ribbed with

gold tinsel (fine) butted with Indian Crow above and below, and

black herl ;
No. 2; yellow silk, ribbed and butted as before ;

No. 3, silk, ribbed with silver tinsel (oval), and Indian

light blue
Crow above and below.
THROAT. Jay. ;

WINGS. Golden Pheasant tippet and tail, Gallina, Parrot, light brown
mottled Turkey, red Macaw, Bustard, Mallard, and a topping.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HOENS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

A very useful old Standard pattern.


TAG. Gold twist and dark blue silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Red-orange Seal's fur.

BJBS. Gold tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Red-orange, from second turn.
WINGS. Tippet strands, Swan dyed yellow, red-orange and dark blue
Peacock wing, Bustard dark mottled Turkey, Gallina and

HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black wool.


TAG. Silver twistand yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping, two strands blue Macaw, and a small blue Chatterer.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Silver tinsel (flat) in two equal sections, the first butted with
Toucan under Indian Crow, followed by black herl at the throat

repeat Toucan and Indian Crow, and add a Jay hackle.

WINGS. Amherst Pheasant, Golden Pheasant tail, and black Cockatoo
tail in strands. Swan dyed blue and scarlet, Teal, Bustard, two
strips of Mallard and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. Tourocou, strands of Summer Duck and powdered blue Macaw.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Silver tinsel (oval, fine) with four turns of violet Seal's fur at
EIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. A silver coch-a-bonddu from butt.
THROAT. A hen Pheasant dyed yellow.
WINGS. Two Jungle (back to back), Widgeon, Swan dyed yellow, Golden
Pheasant tail, Tourocou, grey Mallard and a topping.

This is a capital fly on the Spey early in the year. At Wester

" "
Elchies, in May, 1891, I was fortunate in getting the fish of the river
with it and, on the water above, at Knockando in 1892,
for the season ;

followed up this success with a Salmon of 33 Ibs. in weight. In bright

weather and water the throat is better of Teal.


BODY. Blue and red Berlin wool mixed together proportion, one part
blue, two parts red.
RIBS. From far side, gold from near side silver tinsel (narrow) wound

way an equal distance apart.

the reverse
HACKLE. A red Spey-cock hackle, from end of body, but wound in
the usual way from the root of the feather instead of from the
point, thus crossing over the ribs at each turn given.
THROAT. Teal, one turn only.
WINGS. Two strips of Mallard showing brown points and light roots.

SPECIAL NOTE. An old standard Spey which, for general work

fly is the
best of the Kings." . . . See the " Green King."


TAG. Silver twist and canary silk.
TAIL. A topping and Summer Duck.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY.- Silver tinsel and black silk equally divided.
RIBS. Gold lace and silver tinsel.
HACKLE. Black, from silver tinsel.
WINGS. Amherst Pheasant and Golden Pheasant tail, grey
Mallard, Swan dyed canary, red and light blue Mallard and ;

two toppings.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
SIDES. Jungle.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.

In the Autumn this fly is 'dressed with gold twist and gold tinsel
(body) and is known as the Queen of Autumn." It is a favourite of mine
on most rivers, and a very old pattern.


TAG. and quill dyed yellow.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping, and two strands of Peacock herl (sword feather) of
Bustard and Ibis.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Quill dyed yellow, leaving space for four turns of orange Seal's
fur at the throat.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. A grey Eagle hackle, from centre.
THROAT. Gallina (spotted feather).
WINGS. Two tippets (back to back) veiled with extending Jungle, a strip
of Ibis and Bustard, and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle (to centre of former pair).

" "
I rarely use any other Eagle but this, though I sometimes dress it

with a yellow instead of a grey hackle.


TAG. Silver twist and light blue silk.
TAIL. A topping, Ibis and Summer Duck.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. One-fourth of yellow silk, followed by silver tinsel (oval).
EIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Large Irish-grey from oval tinsel.
THROAT. Teal, three turns.
WINGS. Alternate narrow strips of Swan dyed yellow and black, married';
Summer Duck and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

One of my oldest and most successful patterns at the present time.



TAG. Gold twist and light blue silk.
TAIL. Toucan, Ibis, and Amherst Pheasant.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. One third of buttercup silk and black silk, having a red-orange
hackle down it.

EIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
WINGS. Two spreading strips of the Mandarin Drake, white tipped (a
fair imitation is occasionally found on the domestic Mallard) and
a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.
Used on the Earn, Aberdeenshire Dee, Teviot, Blackwater (Mallow
district), Usk and Wye.


BODY. Eed Berlin wool (brick colour).

RIBS. Gold from far side, silver tinsel (narrow) from near side, wound
the reverseway an equal distance apart.
HACKLE. Ared Spey-cock hackle from end of body, but wound in the
usual direction from the root instead of from the point, thus

crossing over the ribs at each turn given.

THROAT. Teal, one turn only.
WINGS. Two strips of Mallard, showing brown points and light roots.

An old standard Spey fly. See the " Green King."


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Majenta Berlin wool.

EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Yellow hackle, from second turn.
THROAT. A red hackle.
WINGS. Tippet, Peacock wing, Bustard, Swan dyed red, Golden Pheasant
tail, and a topping.

SIDES. Jungle.

An old standard on the North-east coast of Scotland.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Scarlet wool.
BODY. In two sections of silver tinsel (oval), No. 1 butted with Indian
'Crow and scarlet wool.
HACKLE. Scarlet, along No. 2 section.
WINGS. Indian Crow four double feathers overlapping each other and
enveloping extended Jungle (back to back), and two toppings.
HORNS. Eed Macaw.
HEAD. Scarlet wool.

A good fly on the Halladale ;

and highly prized in Iceland.


(Grub.) (KELSON.)
TAG. Gold twist (eight turns).
BODY. Amber coloured chenille.
HACKLES. Five monkey hackles in equal divisions increasing in size an
bulk. No. 1 forms the butt, and No. 5 the Head.

EIVERS : Wherever Grubs are fashionable (best size 1/0 hook).



TAG. and light blue
Silver twist silk.

TAIL. Topping, and two strands of unbarred Summer Duck.

BUTT. Blue herl.
BODY. Silver tinsel.
BIBS.- Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Natural black along body.
WIXGS. Tippet, Pea.cock wing, and Gallina strands Mallard ; strips and
a topping.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Blue herl.

A useful pattern on all rivers in reflected light. It is dressed on small

double hooks.


(Colonel ROCKE.)
TAG. Silver twistand blue silk.
TAIL. Golden Pheasant sword (point).
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Yellow silk.

BIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Yellow hackle, from third turn.
THROAT. Bed Macaw.
WINGS. Two broad strips of yellow Macaw, and a topping.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.

An old standard on the Usk and kills well in the Wye.



TAIL. A few fibres of yellow Macaw's hackle.
BODY. Black Berlin wool (short).
EIBS. Silver tinsel.
HACKLE. Grey Heron from third turn.
THBOAT. Black and white speckled Turkey.
WINGS. Black and white speckled Turkey (strips).

A splendid fly on the Spey in dull wet weather. The pattern can be
" "
varied for other rivers, when it may have either " mixed or built

wings," and an ordinary Cock's hackle where Heron's do not serve

faithfully; but the speckly characteristics in both parts of the fly must be
maintained. have done better with
I this fly when using the Crown
Pigeon instead of Grey Heron.


TAG. Gold twist and mouse-coloured Seal's fur.
TAIL. Tippet, Ibis and Summer Duck in strands, and two points of Jungle
(back to back).
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Gold tinsel (oval) three parts, followed by red Seal's fur.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. A natural blue-dun, from second turn; and a hen Pheasant
dyed red, from Seal's fur.
WINGS. Two long Jungle (back to back), Swan dyed red and yellow,
Bustard, Golden Pheasant tail, and two toppings.
SIDES. Summer Duck.

This is one of the best patterns in dirty water. I invariably use it on the
Earn, Tweed, Usk, Spey and in very high water on the Lochy.
204 .


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Yellow Seal's fur and blue Seal's fur, equally divided.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Blue, from yellow fur.
WINGS. Two strips of Teal and a topping.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HEAD. Blue wool.

An excellent fly on the Dee in summer. It is cfressed on small double



TAG. Silver twist and dark yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. One-third dark yellow silk, followed by light blue silk.

EIBS. Silver tinsel fine (oval), and silver tinsel (flat).

HACKLE. Light blue hackle, from yellow silk.
THROAT. Widgeon.
WINGS. Bustard, dark mottled Turkey, Golden Pheasant tail, and a
HORNS. Scarlet Ibis.

A general standard in summer on the Dee, and a great favourite at



(Rev. G. H. NALL.)
TAG. Silver twist and crimson silk.
TAIL. A topping and Chatterer.

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. In two equal sections of dark blue and crimson silk respectively.
The blue silk is butted with a small dark blue hackle.
THROAT. A coch-a-bonddu tinged in Bismarck brown.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
WINGS. Strands of scarlet Ibis, red Macaw and powdered blue Macaw,
veiled and capped with brown Mallard, and a topping.
SIDES. Small Jungle.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

Ogne and Birkrem.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. Golden Bird of Paradise (3).

BODY. Silver tinsel.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Bright red-claret (awhite coch-a-bonddu dyed in " *Cardinal,"
2288, Woolley & Co., Manchester).
THROAT. White Heron, dyed light blue.
WINGS. (Mixed) Peacock wing, Bustard, Golden Pheasant tail, Amherst
Pheasant tail, black and white mottled Turkey, Eed Macaw, Swan
dyed yellow and blue and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
HEAD. Black herl.

This is the only standard fly having extra long hackles over a silver
" "
The Black Ardea is simply a variation, the only difference being that
the body is made of black silk instead of silver tinsel.

If there is any difficulty in using the dye with water, add a little

methylated spirits of wine.



TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Silver tinsel.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
THROAT. Blue hackle.
WINGS. Two broad (double strips) of Teal.
HEAD. Blue wool.

A capital summer fly in bright sunshine on the Dee. It is dressed on
small double hooks.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. A topping (the inventor sometimes adds Chatterer).

BUTT. Scarlet wool.
BODY. Silver tinsel.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
THROAT. A blue hackle and Gallina.
WINGS. Strands of tippet, Summer Duck, Pintail, Gold Pheasant tail,

Swan dyed light yellow and light blue, Bustard, Mallard and a

HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Scarlet Wool.

A great fly throughout the United Kingdom, to say nothing of its

popularity on Norwegian and Canadian rivers.


TAG. Silver twistand yellow silk.
TAIL. Topping, two strands blue Macaw, and unbarred Summer Duck.

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Silver tinsel (flat).

KIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. A silver coch-a-bonddu hackle along the body.
THROAT. Widgeon.
WINGS. Golden Pheasant tippet and tail in strands, Bustard, Swan
dyed yellow, Amherst Pheasant, Gallina, powdered blue Macaw,
Mallard, grey Mallard, and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
SIDES. Jungle.
HEAD. Black Berlin wool.
This fly is used with success on all rivers.


TAG. Silver tinsel (oval, fine).
TAIL. Ked Macaw (hackle strips) enveloped in two strips of Summer
BODY. Silver tinsel (flat).

RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLES. Three in number, at the butt ; (No. 1) Jay and black herl
at the centre ; (No. 2) red Macaw butted with black herl at
black (dyed).
throat; (No. 3)

WINGS. Copper coloured Peacock's herl.

CHEEKS. Blue Chatterer.
HORNS. Black Cockatoo's tail.

HEAD. Black herl.

My favourite fly for flaked water.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping, and a dark topping from the Impeyan Pheasant.

BUTT. Black berl.

BODY. Silver tinsel.

KIBS. Gold lace (fine).
THROAT. Bed Toucan (undertail)and Gallina dyed blue.
WINGS. Two strips of Tippet, two strips of Golden Pheasant tail, Teal,
Mallard, and a topping.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HEAD. Black herl.

One of the best flies on the Test, and well-known in the north.


TAG. Silver twistand yellow silk.
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Green Peacock herl.
BODY. Gold tinsel (flat) to near the throat, having ribs of gold tinsel
(oval), and a dark yellow hackle along it; then two or three turns
of scarlet Seal's fur.
THROAT. Crimson hackle.
WINGS. Two tippets (closed) at top, spreading slightly over the body at
bottom ; Bustard, Swan dyed light blue and rose, Turkey strands
(white tipped), Peacock's herl, and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle or Summer Duck.
HORNS. Bed Macaw.
HEAD. Peacock herl.

Tweed, Usk, Bkckwater.



TAG. Gold twist and gold silk.
TAIL. A topping and Chatterer.

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Two turns of claret silk, two turns of claret Seal's fur, followed

by black Seal's fur.

EIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Natural black, from claret fur.
"\YIXGS. Tippet strands, two strips of Mallard, and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
HEAD. Black herl.

An old standard fly on the Deveron.


TAG. and orange silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Black silk.
RIBS. Silver tinsel, and oval tinsel (fine).
THROAT. Gallina and Jay.
WINGS. Dark mottled Turkey, Golden Pheasant tail, Peacock wing,
Parrot, Ibis, Mallard, and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HEAD. Black wool.

A useful standard on any river.


TAG. Silver twist and light yellow silk.
TAIL. Toucan, with two strips of Ibis.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Two turns of light dirty-orange silk, followed by dirty-orange

Seal's fur, well picked out.
EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
THROAT. Coch-a-bonddu hackle tinged in Bismarck brown.
WINGS. Golden Pheasant tail and Peacock herl mixed in strands.
SIDES. Teal and Ibis (married).
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

Tweed, Usk, Earn, and Don.


(Rev. W. SKIRROW.)
TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Two turns of red Seal's fur, followed by blue Seal's fur.

EIBS. Silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Blue hackle, from second turn.
WINGS. Doubled strips of Teal.

An old Tweed pattern much sought after on the Dee when dressed small.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow 'silk.

TAIL. A topping and Indian Crow.

BUTT. A yellow hackle.
BODY. In three equal sections of silver tinsel (oval) No. 1, butted with

a red hackle No. 2, with a light blue hackle No. 3 (or throat),
; ;

Gallina. (Some dressers put silver tinsel and rib it with silver
tinsel, oval.)

WINGS. Two sword feathers of Golden Pheasant (back to back), grey

mottled Turkey, Bustard, Golden Pheasant tail, Swan dyed

blue, yellow, and red and a topping.


SIDES. Jungle.*

One of the oldest patterns on the Tay, the original dressing is unknown.

Turnbull's dressing.


TAG. Silver twist and light blue silk.

TAIL. Ibis and blue Macaw (married).

BUTT (or No. 1 hackle). A
furnace hackle dyed orange.
BODY. First half of yellow silk, ribbed with black chenille, No. 2 hackle
a Vulturine Guinea fowl (natural blue) second half, black silk,

ribbed with silver tinsel (oval) No. 3, or head hackles, a coch-


a-bonddu and Gallina dyed dark orange.

A very old standard on all rivers where Grubs are known. I have used
it successfully as early as the first week in May.


TAG. Silver twist and
light blue silk.
TAIL. Topping, and strands of tippet.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Two turns of orange silk, followed by orange Seal's fur.

EIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Orange hackle, from orange silk.
THROAT. Light blue hackle.
WINGS. Four double tippets (back to back) enveloping two extended
Jungle and a topping.

SIDES. Jungle.
HOHNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black wool.

Tweed, Tay, Spey, Don, Wye, Blackwater, and Lochy.

NOTE. Veil wings with Teal for Wye" and Lochy, and use in tail strands
of Summer Duck instead of tippet.


TAG. Silver twist and violet silk.
TAIL. Toucan (four feathers) and Teal.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Three turns of yellow Seal's fur, followed
by violet Seal's fur.
EIBS. Silver tinsel ;
and between
fine silver lace
running each turn.
HACKLE. A natural blue coch-a-bonddu (long), tinged in a Bismarck
WINGS. Plain cinnamon Gled (strips) and the point of a small Teal
feather tied (flat) in between them.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.

For smooth water.


TAG. Silver twist and yellow Seal's fur.

TAIL. Two red-breasts of Golden Pheasant (back to back).

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Light and dark orange (half way) followed by dark claret Seal's

EIBS. Silver and gold tinsels (oval).


HACKLE. A dark claret hackle, from centre.

THROAT. Blue hackle.
WINGS. Two red-breasts of Golden Pheasant (back to back) reaching tag,
Peacock herl (principally), Golden Pheasant tail, red Macaw,
and a topping :
veiled, to centre of body, with a Summer Duck
feather on each side.
HEAD. Black wool.

Tied in sizes varying from No. 4/0 to 7/0, this is a favourite high water

fly on the Sundal. (Courtney, Killarney).


TAG. Gold twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. Tippet (strands) ; Ibis, and Gallina.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Black Seal's fur.

EIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. A natural black hackle, from second turn.
THROAT. A dark blue hackle.
WINGS. Two strips of dark mottled Turkey, veiled with two strips of
the Great Bustard.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.


TAG. Silver twist and pink silk.

TAIL. Ibis, yellow Macaw and Teal.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Two turns of red chenille, followed by yellow chenille.
KIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. From red chenille, a white coch-a-bonddu dyed light Bismarck

THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Two tippets, enveloping two extended red hackles veiled with ;

grey Mallard, black Cockatoo's tail, and Teal Mallard and a


CHEEKS. Indian Crow and Tanager, xespectively.
HORNS. Bed Macaw.

One of the original fancy flies on the Usk and a useful pattern at the

present time on most rivers.


TAG. Silver twist and blue silk.

TAIL. Topping and Toucan.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Silver tinsel (flat).

RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Claret, from second turn of ribs.
THROAT. Blue hackle.
WINGS. Hen Pheasant tail, Peacock wing, Swan dyed red-orange, Golden
Pheasant tail, and two strips of Mallard above.
HOENS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.
Tweed, Usk.
NOTE. One of our best silver bodied modifications," often varied in
tail, hackle, throat and wing.


TAG. Silver twist and one turn of crimson Berlin wool.
TAIL. A topping.

BODY. Fine Trout gut dyed black, closely coiled.

THROAT. Three turns of silver coch-a-bonddu dyed yellow.
WINGS. A few tippet strands, two narrow strips of unbarred Summer
Duck and a topping.

Long experience decides this to be one of the best Summer flies for
general use. Several nondescripts of mine take the character of The
Little Inky-boy, the gut being dyed in different colours. These patterns
are best made with thin bodies and light wings.


TAG. Gold twist and light yellow silk.
TAIL. Two toppings, with Indian Crow above and below.
BODY. Light fiery-brown and black pigs wool in equal divisions.
KIBS. Gold tinsel (flat).

HACKLE. Black, from second turn.

WINGS. Teal,dark Bustard, fibres of Golden Pheasant breast, and of
Amherst Pheasant Mallard and a topping.

SIDES. Jungle.
HORNS. Red, and blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.


TAG. Gold twist and yellow silk.

TAIL. Topping.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Black silk.

KIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Orange hackle, from second turn of tinsel.

WINGS. Mallard and a topping.

SIDES. Jungle.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black wool.

This exceedingly popular and has a well earned reputation for

fly is
its destructive qualities at a time when rivers begin to rise after rain.

General B - has introduced an excellent variation of this old standard ;

he puts an underwing of tippet, and brown mottled Turkey strips. His

dressers are Mitchie & Co., of Stirling, N.B.


TAG. Silver twist and scarlet Seal's fur. No. 1, hackle (or butt) three
turns of Tippet.
BODY. Light green-olive chenille. No. 2, hackle (in centre) four turns
of tippet one size larger.
No. 3, hackle (or head) five turns of tippet, still larger.
An old favourite for a thorough change."


TAG. and yellow
Silver twist silk.

TAIL. A topping and Ibis.

BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two equal sections of oval tinsel ; the first butted with Indian
Crow above and below, and black herl.
THROAT. A red-orange hackle, in colour similar to the Crow.
WINGS. Two strips of black Turkey white tipped, Bustard, Peacock
wing, Gallina, Golden Pheasant tail and two strands of Swan ;

dyed red (white) and blue married Mallard and a topping.


CHEEKS. Indian Crow.

HEAD. Black herl.

A great favourite on the Helmsdale.



TAG. Silver twist.

TAIL. Bed breast feather of the Golden Pheasant.
BODY. Yellow, light blue, and scarlet Seal's fur.

KIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Natural grey Heron, from blue fur.
THROAT. Widgeon (Teal, large patterns).
WINGS. Two strips of plain, cinnamon Turkey.

A standard fly on the Dee, which, when dressed with a red breast
hackle of the Golden Pheasant and with white (strips) wings, is known by
the name of " The Killer."


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. Toucan and Ibis.

BUTT. Claret herl.

BODY. Three turns of red-claret silk, butted with a red-claret huckle ;

followed by black Seal's fur.

KIBS. Silver tinsel.
HACKLE. Black hackle, from claret butt.
WINGS. Two strips of black Turkey white tipped, in single strips.

A general Usk pattern.


TAG. and golden-yellow silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping, and Indian Crow above and below.
BUTT. Peacock herl.
BODY. Black silk.

RIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel (narrow).


HACKLE. Gallina, one-third of body.

THROAT. Jay, and one turn Gallina over it.
WINGS. Two broad strips of Swan dyed scarlet, veiled with Bustard,
Mallard, grey Mallard, Parrot, and a topping.
SIDES. Summer Duck.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.

This is the best of Turnbull's, and has long since become a general


TAG. Silver twist and gold twist.
TAIL. A two strands of powdered blue Macaw, four strands
topping, of
Summer Duck, and Chatterer.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. In two equal sections No. 1, of silver embossed tinsel, ribbed

with gold tinsel (oval) and butted with black herl No. '2, of gold

embossed tinsel, and ribbed with silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. One side of a blue, and one side of a claret hackle, from
THROAT. Two turns and Gallina.
of orange hackle
WINGS. Two strips of Peacock wing, veiled with Teal and Gallina,
(underwing) ; Golden Pheasant tail, Parrot, red Macaw, Summer
Duck, Powdered blue Macaw, Mallard, and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Indian Crow and Chatterer.
HEAD. Black herl.

A bright water fly and often of service in sizes up to No. 2/0.

is A minute
description is given as Una is usually overdressed.


TAG. Gold twist.
TAIL. A topping.
BODY. Yellow and black Seal's fur in equal divisions, with a topping
above yellow fur.
BIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Black hackle, from yellow fur.
WINGS. Tippet strands Gallina, Swan dyed yellow and
; red, Golden
Pheasant tail, Bustard and Mallard.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Orange herl.

Well known on the Grimmersta and on small rivers in Argyllshire.


This pattern is fully described, as well as its variations, in Chapter V.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. Point of red undertail of Toucan.
BODY. Yellow and black chenille in close coils, not spirally but
HACKLE. A natural blue coch-a-bonddu slightly tinged in Bismarck-
brown, beginning at centre of body and ending with four or five

coils at head.

HEAD. Black herl.

simple but effective low water pattern in certain localities during
the wasp season. On the Usk, for instance, I have been singularly
successful with it. The fly is useful on the Dee.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping, and tippet strands.
BODY. The first half of yellow, and orange and claret Seal's fur, equally

divided, followed by black Seal's fur.

RIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.
HACKLE. A natural black hackle, from second turn.
THROAT. A blue hackle.
WINGS. Two strips of white Swan.

An old Tweed pattern.


TAG. and orange silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. Toucan and Indian Crow.
BODY. Mauve silk.

RIBS. Silver tinsel.

THROAT. Widgeon.
WINGS. Tippet strands, Swan dyed yellow, Parrot, Ibis, Gallina, and
CHEEKS. Indian Crow.
HEAD. Orange herl.

A successful Irish pattern dressed on small double hooks.


TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. Two toppings, tippet, and Indian Crow.
BUTT. Scarlet wool.
BODY. Silver tinsel.

BIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

THROAT. Majenta and light blue hackle.
WINGS. Tippet, Teal, Peacock wing, Golden Pheasant tail, Swan dyed
red, yellow, and blue ;
Mallard and a topping.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
SIDES. Jungle.
HEAD. Black herl.

This is one of my Father's earliest patterns and is patronised on most



TAG. Silver twist and cream silk.

TAIL. Two strips of Summer Duck.

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Silver tinsel.

RIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
THROAT. Vulturine Guinea fowl and black Heron.
WINGS. Egyptian Goose, little Bustard, silver speckled Turkey, grey
Mallard and a topping.
CHEEKS. Indian Crow and Chatterer.

A superb killer on most rivers. The fly was named after Mr. "Wilson of


TAG. Silver twist and red silk.

TAIL. Yellow Macaw, and a few strands of Ibis.

BUTT. No. 1, a white coch-a-bonddu dyed yellow, cheeked, after the
Jungle Hornet," with Jungle on each side.
BODY. Yellow Seal's fur.

RIBS. Silver tinsel, fine (oval). No. 2, or centre hackle, as before,

cheeked. No. 3, or head, a larger hackle (same sort) and
two turns of Gallina dyed orange, cheeked as before.
An old standard on the Wye and a great favourite at the present time.


TAG. and yellow silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. Tippet, Summer Duck, and Gallina.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Rose silk two turns, followed by claret, blue, and black Seal's
fur equally divided.
RIBS. Silver tinsel.
HACKLE. White coch-a-bonddu dyed light Bismarck brown.
WINGS. Tippet, Teal, Gallina, Golden Pheasant tail, Bustard, Swan
dyed yellow and green ; Ibis, Mallard, and a topping.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
An excellent general fly.


TAG. Silver twist.

TAIL. Red breast feather of the Golden Pheasant.
BODY. Yellow, scarlet, and light blue Seal's fur.

RIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.

HACKLE. Eagle dyed yellow, from scarlet fur.

THROAT. Widgeon (Teal, large patterns).
WINGS. Two strips of grey mottled Turkey having black bars and white

A well-known dark water fly on the Dee.



TAG. Silver twist and dark orange silk.

TAIL. Toucan.
BODY. Black silk.

RIBS. Silver tinsel.

THROAT. Yellow Macaw, and powdered blue Macaw.
WINGS. Golden Pheasant yellow rump, Parrot, Gallina, Bustard, red
and powdered blue Macaw.
SIDES. Jungle.


TAG. Silver twist and violet silk.

TAIL. A topping and tippet strands.

BODY. Two turns of yellow silk, followed by yellow Seal's fur.

EIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

HACKLE. Yellow hackle from silk.
THROAT. Scarlet hackle, veiled with two small toppings.
WINGS. Two tippets (back to back), a strip of Summer Duck on each
side, and two toppings.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.

An old Usk fly, used also on the Thurso, Wye, and Don.

Though the absence of a few old flies is to be regretted, I have, after

investigating the matter to the best of my power and ability, determined

to adopt the foregoing list. No end of old time standards have sunk into
desuetude, disappeared from the scene, and vanished altogether. In some
cases this is a pity in many others a relief.
; Veterans, for instance, may
deplore the loss of the "Rainbow," the "Quaker," or the "Assassin;" but
few would look twice at "Mentor," Queen Mab," or even " Rob Roy,"

and the Kay Mead." The loss is due, in my opinion, to a kind
and to a prevalent desire on the part of certain dressers
of trade rivalry,
to produce some sensational effect by inconsistently varying any fly they
make while still using the old name. Let me not be misunder-
stood. To cleverly vary aunder certain principles, in order to
meet some particular case or condition, is a feat often practised by first-
class men but there really is no such thing as
; producing sensational
" " "
effect by the mere process of haphazard variation. A bit of novelty
in most standards, though accidentally effective, soon wears off in general

use, and is pretty sure to spoil the pattern for good and all.
On the other hand, some flies, as for instance " Bonnie
it is true that
Dundee," "Daily News," and the "Blue Charm of old, are suscep-
tible of vast improvement but, as I say, some of the best have entirely

lost their value by passing through phases of irresponsible treatment, and

might well receive their conge from some reliable judicative source.
good example of this sort of importunate treatment is manifest in
a collection of old standards, which have been on my table for weeks and
months. Most of them were sent to me for the purposes of this work,
and have come from all parts of the United Kingdom. So inconsistent
has been the changes made in bodies and wings generally, even in the
" "
different specimens of three such favourites as the Assassin," Ray
" and fulness
Mead," and the Quaker," the first last of which, in the of

their celebrity, riveted themselves on my recollection, that it is almost

impossible to identify them. For this reason they, like others, cannot
be truly described. Among these patterns, nevertheless, I see a rather
good looking variation of "Ray Mead." The wings take after a fly
invented by my Father, and the body assumes the character of a silver
and blue " Jock Scott." I have, however, seen patterns on the Bann,
Owenmore, Waterville river, the Bush, Bundrowes, Shannon, and
Blackwater, differing so much from their original dressing, that I am
driven to overlook them in this collection. As an example take, say,
Tim's Moke," which, however, is eminently deserving of some sort of
notice. This fairly useful fly is known on the West coast as the
Monkey Grey," whilst on the other side of Ireland it enjoys the
" "
appellation of Red Tag." It takes somewhat after the Lemon
Plate 5.





Grey," but has red silk at the tag, and a red hackle under Jay at the
throat. What an endless and perhaps impossible work it would be to
explain all these patterns in detail !

The Clarets on the Erne, and other Irish flies whipped up with a
black hackle and plain Mallard wing still hold their own, like the Blues
on the Lee, but the majority are hardly worth describing, as the local
manufacturers dress them in a variety of ways merely to please the fancy
of customers in their own particular district.

Scotland, like Ireland, but not to such an extent, has necessitated

considerable enquiry. The " Gordon," one of the champions of the
North, has cost more for postage stamps than the fly is worth in the
South. But this, the best of all the Dee flies, is hardly ever dressed by
two rnsn alike. The fish willand Autumn, and I am
have it, in Spring

quite at a loss to decide which

two foregoing descriptions is to be
of the
recommended. However, I use the sword feather of the Golden Pheasant
only for the largest patterns. The Blue Charm," among others to
which prominence is given, has never been heard of in out of the way
places. Even in England this fly is hardly known by sight or name ;

indeed, in districts not far south of Aberdeen many would like to class
it with those of the Irish division for having changed its costume. But
in its own neighbourhood, as made now, during the months of April,
May and June the pattern has no rival nearer than " Jeannie," or
Logic," which little companion flies are still turned out in their original
Among the Scotch
not included in this list, is the
flies, Gledwing,"
(otherwise remembered as the Glentana Gled,") from the fact that the
hawk of the same name formerly supplied materials for the wing. But
when the hawk died on Deeside the fly died too or, in more staid;

language, the kite is now extinct in that neighbourhood, and, as far as

regards any special distinction, so is the fly, for no imitation of its

attractive wing-feather has proved of equal avail.

But what a number of instances I could bring forward as proof
positive of the singular value and special effect of certain of the Standard

patterns !
Alas, for the class of Fishermen who fondly imagine they
can hold their own anywhere at the present time with no more than

three or four flies in their book ! Their ideas must be accepted as

affording remarkable evidence of the want of varied experience, particu-

larly that experience which led me to my variations in fly-work, now with

this object, now with that, and which brought to light so many practical
advantages of the system. Perhaps I should say that, in the progress of

my experiments, every failure was a step to success every detection of


what was bad and fruitless helped me to iind what was really wanted.
In concluding these observations, it is a great privilege to be able to
state that the descriptive particulars of all the above flies, save and

except those referring to the "Butcher," "Gordon," "Gold Eiach," a

few introduced by Miss Daly (now Mrs. Courtney) and those of my own,
have been read and approved by that one living authority, Colonel
Bichardson, on whom Salmon Anglers and dressers alike may place the
utmost reliance for his wide experience and accurate knowledge of the
whole subject.
Anglers can inspect all the Standard patterns at Farlows. The
trade can be supplied wholesale by Eedpath and Co., and they can rely
on getting all shades of the dyed materials with scarcely a fault.



" Xa/nre ever indicates the her bent secrets without leading us thither by her oicn
way to

STUDENTS of angling history will probably agree with me that in days

" "
gone by all men roughed it. There were no sporting newspapers to
encourage discussion on the choice of flies, nor other means of com-

municating experiences and as for the publication of a work on the


sport, that was a matter of serious cost, whilst the popularity of the
author depended on his literary style, rather than on the skill with which
he handled the subject. Consequently there was little intercourse among
Fishermen of different rivers. All this is now changed. Modern facilities
for travel, and the dispensation of knowledge, have ensured that the
angling world will ever possess new lights and copious records. Art and
science lend their aid to furnish the Angler with improved appointments
that serve to instruct him in the habits of his prey and, at a relatively ;

small expense, he can avail himself of the experience of those men who,
with larger opportunities for acquiring it, now command some fifteen
yards in excess of the cast which our ancestors made with an old
" " "
hickory and a line of " silk and hair !

But notwithstanding these modern advantages, it seems to me that,

apart from a certain happy class who want no instruction, much ill-
digested information exists among Salmon-anglers on the great question

of flies. To the class of Fishermen who, victimised by some haphazard

success, profess to believe that the selection of a fly is immaterial, I do
not address myself. To those who believe that in fishing, as in other
arts, there is a right and a wrong method, and that the right method
the method best calculated to secure success can only be acquired by a
careful observation and comparison of facts, I venture to offer some
assistance in reconciling apparently conflicting conclusions of late years.
A considerable advance has been made towards the ideal in fly-manu-
facture. And
not only does the expert fly-tier possess more varied
dressing materials, and study with greater care their arrangement upon
the hook with a view to harmony, but the expert fly-fisher proceeds with
more system, and consequently with greater confidence in the choice of
his lures for ordinary use as well as for "refreshing" contingencies. The

progress of the Salmon-angler in these respects has been slow, but sure
and satisfactory.
I have no wish to review the progress made with respect to rods and
lines in this chapter. The old patterns had to be abolished, and have
long since been replaced by new
But as soon as railways afforded
facilities of access to rivers,
Anglers increased enormously in number, with
" "
the result that methods and principles forced themselves upon fly-
dressers in proportion as fish became more shy or more educated.
A man must have faith in his fly as well as in himself.

"Confidence in oneself," a great writer tells us, "is the chief nurse of
magnanimity." But I shall never forget wandering home one evening in
company with others intent on fly-lore, when suddenly a member of the

party exclaimed, with the unaffected sincerity of one who is concerned to

tell the truth, For goodness' sake don't derange my mental equilibrium.
I have killed more fish than any of you, and the evidence on the simple-
ness of Salmon-fishing is quite enough for me. I tell you they came

so no sermons
like bulldogs at Jock Scott the first fly I picked out ;

on flies for me !

The touch of human nature which these impulsive remarks evinced

will inno way diminish our satisfaction with knowing that sometimes
Salmon seem bound any amount of sport for the novice but
to provide ;

although early success may engender overweening confidence, the tyro


should by no means presume upon his good fortune, as I shall endeavour

to show forthwith.
It was my young friend's first effort, and he fished like a Trojan from

morning till
night. nothingHe knew nothing he
; he would listen to ;

was told nothing and, though in the intoxication of a temporary success,


he made earnest and repeated attempts to follow it up, the Salmon had
settled down the first fly in the book, and many a successor selected

without discrimination, failed him not another fin did he move. Little

did he dream that the sport admits of endless diversity, affording an

agreeable and useful exercise of one's judgment in the choice of flies, as
well as in the use of them.
The explanation in this particular case is not far to seek.
Having entered upon the scene of action, keen and self-possessed,
this young Angler had much in his favour e.g., the Spring of the year,
when the fish are often as keen as the Fisherman the best of rivers ; ;

prawns, worms, and other such injurious baits being prohibited the ;

water and weather in perfect condition after a spate sky cloudy, wind
westerly and agreeably, to the best wishes of us all, he remained in

" "
possession of the Field casts, which held, by the way, two of our best
pools, easily covered by an ordinary Trout rod.
Under such circumstances as these, a run of luck often attends the
novice; but when it comes to a question of "presentation" and choice
of flies, Fortune forsakes all but the initiated. Formerly, the Angler
might rely upon three weeks of easy fishing after a flood with " the first
flypicked out but in these days of drainage he cannot count upon

such indulgence for one-fourth of the time and then the waters fall and ;

get vapid, fish settle down and

get sulky, and the issue depends, not on
merely walking over the course with "Jock Scott," but on a system
founded throughout all its parts on certain well-ascertained principles,
which have proved themselves by the results achieved. Then only is it
that the novice realises the true position, and the necessity for him to

learn, or, perhaps, even to unlearn.

How often have I seen the inexperienced man positively woo failure !

For instance, in his over-eagerness and slap-dash style of approach and

of using the tackle, he puts fish down prematurely, and then spoils his

chance altogether by infringing the rule best calculated to bring him

success i.e., not to persevere too long with the " very fly that really

ought to kill." This is a fatal practice. But apart from all such trans-
gression the fact still remains that, the best fly in one season falls into
desuetude in another, the perfect pattern in the morning sometimes fails
at noon,and destroys all chance of success in the evening.
In this I have more than once known the
relation, man " lower right
his waders ;
walk home to dress a certain set of patterns for a special

purpose and use but one variation after all.

And why ? Because the
surroundings at the Catch remained as they were.
Another matter not devoid of interest which I would deal with here
alludes to the prevailing partiality shewn for certain standards.
Scott furnishes a grand example for consideration.
It is commonly said that fish see this fly oftener than others, that it

reigns supreme because Anglers persist in using it wherever they go.

But to ascribe the reputation of any fly to this bald fact is just one of
those cock-and-bull stories which derive their origin partly from imagina-
tion and partly from hearsay. A man has no ghost of a chance if he is
constantly led away by such a statement. No the key to " Jock's " ;

repute may be traced to the dexterous hand of the inventor. His con-
" "
struction is of a decided nature. He is exact in the observance of
laws relating to harmony of colour, proportion, and symmetry the ;

possession of which qualities must, in the long run, secure for any pattern
a vastly superior chance over its rivals. It may be taken for granted
that the persistent employment of any one fly is absolutely certain to
bring it bad
into repute temporarily, as the fish are sure to get sick at the
very sight of it. In Jock Scott," perhaps, we find the nearest excep-
tion. It is the acknowledged King of built-wing flies, fit to reign over

his own large circle of admirers. It is not an ordinary fly. Analyse this
Scotch pattern under any reasonable and the
usually found to
test, fly is
" "
possess a singular excellence, though, on the authority of Silver Grey

(Sept. 16th, 1893), Land and Water says :

" I
know one stream in Ireland and another in Scotland, in which,

though often tried,

Jock Scott has never done the trick yet."
Only those who rise superior to prejudice, and who pin their faith on

the proper pattern for each particular occasion, can realise how absurd is
the remark that " one fly is as good as any other at any time." Yet, even
men of " light and leading" sometimes fall into the trap, and mount a
favourite pattern, regardless whether it is, or is not, suited to the sur-

rounding conditions. When difficulty arises, out comes the fly book, and
Hang those doctrines that tell of miracles worked in this or that light,
so on goes the one that has rarely failed me, Hamish." Knowing the
exact lie of the fish, the spot to an inch where to stand and how to cast
half the battle, all this they occasionally succeed with it, because the
very conditions that called for the use of the particular fly happened to
exist. Not unfrequently they would experience dismal failure but the ;

keen observer never slow in detecting the true reason.


A most important point to be considered in choosing a fly is the

nature and condition of the pool in which it is to be used. Each pool has
its own distinguishing features. Some are shallow, others deep some ;

are in the shade, others in the full sunshine; some have a pebbly bottom,
affording little shelter to the fish, others abound with rocks and boulders.
In some the current runs smooth and straight, in others the waters boil
and twist themselves into eddies all being more or less affected by the
It hardly requires to be stated that one identical
rise or fall of the river.

fly cannot be equally attractive in all pools, or in every condition of the

same pool and that it is of the utmost importance to pay attention to

the size of the hook, which the existing local conditions may demand.
Almost any pattern of suitable size in straight running waters early in
the season, would, at least, show that it was made of the right stuff, pro-
vided always that it be one of those specimens warranted never to
" " "
skirt or wobble." But the Spring of the year is soon over, and as
the mild weather sets take to streams, and get more or less
in, fish

difficult to and the days hot. Then is the

please as the water gets low
time for observation and reflection and for the use of " The Little Inky-

boy" (p. 214). My Father used to say, "To fish without reflecting is like

eating without digesting." I followed this aphorism of his, and with

what advantages But alas reflect how I may, it is not within my
! !

power to bear in memory all the actual details of past adventures in

such a manner that they can be brought vividly before the mind of

the reader. Memory recalls most of them, at all events ;

and yet it

would seem wiser for the Angler to take notes for himself (as I did at a
later period) thanto trust to after-thought. It was, for instance, only

by comparing notes that I learned to understand the advantage of using

natural coloured feathers in fly- work as the season wears on. By the
same process I also arrived at the fact that marked effects can be
produced by certain distinctions in flites, especially as regards sulky
fish. But perhaps the most singular, if not, indeed, the most fortunate,
discovery I thus made, and upon which the utmost reliance may be
reposed, shows how the rule relating to proportion in a fly may be broken.
Although the reader's attention is elsewhere drawn to it, I here take
as an every day example, a rough stream in June, when, from lying
close behind a boulder, or better still, an upright ledge of rock, a fish,

game cannot get a glimpse of your fly till it goes well over him.
for rising,
At such a juncture observe the constant effect of using small patterns
adorned with extra large Jungle," or an unusually large strip of
Summer Duck for sides ! I am afraid to say how
frequently I used to be
called upon to demonstrate these principles, and how seldom success of
some sort, even under the fevered stress of jostling competition, did not
attend the trials.Oh, the happier dreams of restfulness and amuse-
ment and peace on private waters !

But, of course, it needs some little experience, as well as the power

of reasoning by analogy, to determine which fly to mount, even at the best
of times.

Pools, as I have said, are ever changing. They by the

are affected

height, and consequent strength, of the water ; by objects washed into

them and by the constantly varying amount of
; light and shade thrown

directly or indirectly over them. For these reasons alone no definite

instructions can be offered for general acceptance. In fact, it would be
as foolish for a young Fisherman to place faith in any given set of rules
which exact undeviating adherence, as to anticipate constant results with
a fly that may have carried all before it on a former occasion.
However, as far as I can do so, I intend giving examples of certain
measures and methods which are approved by my own experience.
Whether the information will be fruitful of result for the student must

depend largely on himself. He must use judgment, and especially be on

his guard against those well-meaning counsellors at the river-side, who,
with evident sincerity, " know all about it," and who honestly believe
" " "
themselves, like Hamlet, born to set right a world out of joint."
Who, with but trifling experience, will not agree that the governing
(uncharitable folks call it meddling) faculty is extremely strong in some
natures? Your fly is a mile too big," "Try so and so; that's your
only chance," etc., etc. That's the badge to know them by.
It also only too true that a vast amount of mischief goes on

outside the field of operations. One representative of a wider public

protests in this wise :

Light and shade the ways of the Salmon the condition of the
' '

; ;

river how can they have anything to do with the choice of flies What '?

learned nonsense, what scientific humbug !

Much allowance must be made for opinions emanating from

experience acquired in an easy-chair in a library. But it is to be

regretted for the sake of novices that some writers wage bitter and
unrelenting war against men who, in seeking the solution of fly problems,
apply the same methods as have conduced to the establishment of
principles in physical research.
Passing over vexatious criticism we must all freely acknowledge the
liberal spiritwith which our subject is occasionally treated. One amiable
critic (Mr. E. T. S., now of the Field) says :

When we come problem of flies and grasp the mean-
to study the

ing of one particular theory, we begin to wonder how it is possible to

catch fish under any other system (meaning my own). Seeing is believing,
and all those who have seen have believed."
Only meeting of Salmon-anglers engaged in dis-
at a recent casual

cussing flies, etc., I was myself astonished to see the interest taken in the
subject. Twenty years ago, not a man would go a yard out of his way
to discuss them. When I was asked to give my experience, I began by
reading aloud portions of this book from the manuscript. Afterwards, I
asked those present how far they agreed with the principles set forth.
" "
I in
don't believe any principle but the sombre
at all," said one ;

fly business you recommend for dull days pays well enough on the Usk."

" "
Not so with us on the Lochy," another remarked. We think it
best there to use a good showy pattern in dull weather, like the Silver
" "
Exactly so," I observed to the latter. And by your universal
practice you have unfortunately brought the fish found to your way of
Then in Highland tones I was asked
" "
What system would be advantageous on the Dee ?
" "
None," I replied, beyond that in connection with contrast.
legislator forms an estimate from the multitude of rivers, not from the
select few. But do not forget the March brown' in* its season."

know nothing about system," a well-known Spey-angler said
I ;

at any rate, we use thin wings on cold days."
At Macroom, we study colour and character.' One day they
' ' '

come at blue bodies, another at grey ones but we don't know till we;

Elsewhere I was complimented by the observation that Wye men
had but little faith in any system until I introduced the " Wye Grub"
and the " Sun fly," which, by their frequent success under certain con-
ditions, created quite a stir in some of the districts.
And so I went on until I obtained a fair amount of confirmation,
which I fully expected, from one source or another.
Now I look upon it that the diversity of these opinions, and the very
opinions themselves, go to support my view of the value of system, to
illustrate which this book is chiefly written.
The question seems Should the inquiring Angler fall a
to be this :

victim to men whose ingenuity and skill extend no further than, say, from
Loch Tay to Perth, where, for even twenty years, they have diligently
trailed their half-dozen flies at the stern of a boat whose ;
or to others,
means are neither more nor better than experience picked up on two,
three, or may be four rivers ? I must answer boldly. No ; for I am fully
of the opinion that the man who has fished as many as a dozen rivers,
unless they had been specially selected for the purpose, cannot possibly have
derived sufficient knowledge to deal in a satisfactory manner with a mean

proportion of cases constantly cropping up. Put him at Macroom, for


instance, and how would he tell whether to mount the blue or the grey
" "
So far as the foregoing examples of the meddling faculty are

concerned, the student will, of course, arrive at some conclusion for

himself, but I cannot help thinking that they take away some of the credit
which the English race possess for common sense and intelligence.
Meanwhile, we may do well to consider the two following common-place
examples of practising the four-fly system when one fly fails, another is

tried. On what principle, then, should the Angler make his choice from
the long list of Standards described in another chapter ?
The reader must distinctly understand beforehand that obstinate
fish, or, as some put it, fish off the feed," can be induced to rise and

take a fly of some sort. That very fly in most instances is to be found
among the numerous standards given, though the absence of a few non-

descripts or obscurities, sometimes useful on ordinary occasions, is,

perhaps, to be regretted.
He should also understand that I am merely laying down the method
of procedure which a good Angler would generally pursue and that I am ;

not here alluding to any special difficulty arising from a sudden change of
temperature, a sudden fall of water, or even intervals of nausea, produced
by pollution.
Now the tactics of Fishermen are governed by the circumstances
that present themselves. Take, as the first of these examples, bright
times, fish properly trained to the bright and dull fly system, and an
ordinary Catch, in which a mixed wing fails to attract their notice. I
should use a fly on, for Spey or Dee, of a particular class
instance, the
" "
(say the "Gold Eiach"on the former, the Akroyd on the latter).
This selection would be equal, in respect of colouring, to that, say, of a
" "
Jock Scott another class of fly which might be used on other rivers,
on all, in fact, with perhaps half a dozen exceptions.

Then, a silver body and be guided by the character of the river as


to what sort on the Wye, a " Silver Grey "; on the Usk, a " Wilkin-
son on the Lochy, a " Silver Doctor." In the fourth trial a " Grub,"

also suited to the river as regards colour of tail, body, and hackle.
For the second example, when a bright or a conspicuously-dressed fly

fails (though, in the four-fly system, it would be considered as bad form

to start operations with such showy feathers as Summer Duck in any
pattern), I should give extra rest and try Charlie," or some other black-
looking fly then; a nondescript of this, that, or the other class, having
still some marked characteristics prominently distributed; e.g., extra
long hackles, or tufts of short ones, plenty of the most favoured colour in
the tail as well as in the body and wings and finally mount a very large

do not see any very " learned nonsense or " scientific humbug
" "
in all this, though possibly a few of the old school may feel slightly un-
comfortable at the thought that the grand traditions of their uncere-
monious practice, imbued with no principle whatever, should be rudely
interrupted by an outburst of formularities.
But Salmon-fishing,like anything else in the universe, must be

governed by *laws, and can only best be followed by observing them at

all points. I claim no complete knowledge of them, they are not im-

mutable, but that is no reason why what I know of the subject should
be valueless.
Judicious contrasts are as essential to Fishermen as to the well-

appointed stage, and years of experiment suggest that one chief principle
in Salmon-fishing is ever to usethem.
Perhaps at this part of our inquiry it would not come amiss were I
to relate a few of my earlier exploits, which resulted in finding the key to
many intricate problems.
With twenty years or more of fishing experience, and with only

misleading custom as a guide, I had a strong desire to investigate matters

for myself. I therefore determined to devote attention at the riverside to
the workings of Nature. As I began to decipher the more obscure
passages in this great book, I became familiar step by step with numerous
phenomena, in past days thought to be unconnected with angling, yet

* Our laws what we may safely assert is, that the propriety of a
are not infallible, but
them depends upon the practice of fishing on each river. Care
rigid or elastic application of
must be taken to estimate the effect of any practice. But if one finds that a district of thirty
miles forms the boundary of a run of Salmon, and it takes one hundred men to "put thi'in
down " by improper Hies or improper presentation, the Angler may decide for himself in what
way, and to what extent, he is to apply our laws to do them justice.

now the subject of all our best Anglers' consideration. AVhat I mean is,
that I have frequently looked on effect," and subsequently discovered
" "
the agent by which it was produced. This led me to study my work
more diligently, and, with renewed was not only occasionally
effort, I

rewarded with that which I

sought but also
after, with something even more
valuable. I learnt directly that useful knowledge must be superior to

chance, though often indebted to it that knowing the why and the

wherefore are stalworth aids as to how to proceed and that facts based on

observation may (however good) mostly be best turned to use when

helped by intuition. Once I rejoiced at being successful in a difficult

situation for a second, or even for a third time, but at another time, on

returning to the same pool, unconscious of its altered condition, I failed,

owing my having forgotten peculiar requirements. I still persevered,

to its

and finally became convinced beyond all doubt that to the influence of
local surroundings may be traced many important facts on which, to this
day, I ponder before deciding what fly to use, and in what way to use it.
I am fully assured, too, that every conspicuous object by, or in, the
water is eloquent with hints from which inferences may be drawn. Yet
I am not one of those who believe that a little knowledge, which Pope
pronounced a dangerous thing (though it did not, by the way, prevent him
from translating Homer on a very slender proficiency of Greek) even
that little, in my estimation, is better for the Angler than total ignorance.

Compare, too, the pleasant issue attending one's labour under such
tuition as I am now attempting under training of the mind, eye, and
hand with that ofmen whose knowledge extends no farther than just to
" "
put up
Jock Scott and " go a-fishing !

Of course, circumstances crop up to upset one's most cherished con-

victions. The faith one has in the " bright fly " doctrine, for instance,
that is to use gaudy patterns in clear waters on bright days, and to
reverse the process under contrary conditions see how easily this system
can be upset. Supposing bright flies have previously failed in the hands
of one who has been acquainted with the various Catches, say, for half a
century, and upon whom you place the utmost reliance for his judgment
in regard to size, and for his skill in regard to presentation," you, fish-
ing after him, would always adopt exactly the opposite practice. Nor would

you follow system on hard-fished rivers, though you had a district to


yourself, unlessit were respected and generally followed

by others fishing
below you. The bright fly will always be found to pay best on rivers
where both fish and Fishermen have been properly educated. And this is
not only because it ismore natural, but because at such times fish see it
farther from them. Salmon are always more determined to take a fly
when rushing at it from a distance. The veteran did not happen to
know that the Catch in question had been temporarily spoilt by a pro-
longed and injudicious employment of, perhaps, a dozen of the brightest
flies in creation ;
but your knowledge of his failure is enough, and you
proceed accordingly.
The only rule from which as yet I have never deviated refers to fish-
" "
ing in flaked water, and I shall now mention it.
For years I never had much heart in thrashing away under these trying
conditions, which are of no uncommon occurrence on certain rivers.
" "
Flaked water arises from thunderstorms pelting down after a
spell of hot weather. When the hills with a Southerly aspect have for a
time been exposed to the rays of a scorching sun, the higher precipices
will be found covered with a more or less curly coat of thin, dry draff."
A heavy rainstorm racks off this skin in particles, which, by a gradual
process of disintegration, afterwards rapidly thicken the water, till
eventually the whole neighbouring pools become not exactly muddy, but
" The discharge has only to be seen once to be remembered.
"Were it not for the flakes the water would be clear," I have heard
it remarked. Yet the water may be clear though flaked.
Upon such occasions, I make ita standing rule to mount a Silver

Spectre," and to use it, not in confined stretches darkened by trees or

overhanging rocks, but in open pools and places, where the whole light
has free play.
In hazy weather I should use small dark flies.
In fishing a Catch over again from the other side, it is the usual

practice to present a fly altogether differing in colour and character from

what the fish have seen just before. It may also be smaller and brighter.
The body, at any rate, should have extra attraction in the shape of
colour, even amounting to gaudiness and with "sides" and "cheeks,"

say, of Jungle and Chatterer respectively. Should the water be ex-

ceptionally bright, all these distinctions may prove advantageous.
On the first rise of water after rain a time when Salmon take well
shewn the right thing my favourite is "
if the Thunder and Lightning."
But this fly is at its best when the body dressing measures no more than
one inch and a quarter. (I have never killed a Salmon with a very large
one.) It is, therefore, prudent sometimes to keep to the fly of which the
fish have previously taken most notice but it should be one size larger

for pools, and two or three sizes for fast-running streams, when fished
from the bank. As the waters rise, the fish in shelving pools fortunately
shift across stream, or unfortunately work their way up river. The
question of size on these occasions can be answered only by the local
gillie. I have often gone in one bound from a No. 1 hook to a No. 3-0,
and even to 4-0. On the Lochy, for instance, the water may rise as
much as four feet without an atom of mud
appearing to stay proceedings ;

but one has to be more careful there in the matter of size. The last time
I the lower Beat, my friend J. C. H. captured five of these
wanderers with a nondescript fly in one spot. It was dressed on a No. 3-0
hook, and had a body of crimson Seal's fur, with a natural furnace
hackle along it, and Teal wings. Perhaps the river was five, or even six,
feethigher than usual. I dressed the fly afterwards in different sizes,
but never touched a fish with a single one of them, until the waters rose
as before, when the same pattern again killed excellently. Local fly-
dressers would do well to make a note of this. The
fairly open, pool was
the current not swirly, but straight running.
Close observation has proved that previous to a thunderstorm Salmon
take badly indeed, generally not at all. When the day is still and
" "
oppressive, denoting electricity in the air," fish are down," and refuse
to rise at any fly. But when the grand crash comes the fun is sometimes
fast and furious, no matter what fly is used. A few good peals of
thunder, with its accompanying downpour of rain, speedily clear the

atmosphere, and Salmon, 'in common with animals, and even human
beings, are quickly influenced by the change.
On the top of a flood, before the water clears, an orange body, having
a blue hackle over a black one at the throat, and a wing after the fashion

of that of the Black Dog," seems to prove best in the vast majority of
" "
cases. The Jungle Hornet is also a great favourite with me on small
rivers. It is, however, varied according to circumstances, but on the top
of a flood chiefly so in the materials used for the tail. For instance, on
the Usk I should put a tail of scarlet Ibis, on the
one of yellow Wye
Macaw, and so on. Grubs with orange bodies, having cheeks of Jungle
at each hackle, are also required when the water remains discoloured from
mud or road washings.
In peat water (porter coloured) a blue-over-black or a grey Heron
hackle also come into favour, as well as clarets and browns for the body ;

" "
but the " Silver Doctor," Silver Grey," and "Wilkinson are sometimes
preferred. These latter patterns kill best on many rivers in bright water
and weather ; but when used on dark, cloudy
silver bodies are constantly

days, as, for instance, on the Lochy they should never be left at home.
When the bottom of the river is dirty, and a green slimy growth on
the stones sways to and fro, fish fast-running waters. Always reduce the
size of your fly when a Salmon rises after your pattern has passed him.
In streams with plenty of uneven rocks temporarily or permanently
located on the bed of the river, I do not often find a rival for "Elsie."
Here again the dressing is varied ;
light colours being reserved for open
situations, darker ones for those that are screened. This remark refers
both to the body of the fly and the wings.
In the afternoon I usually dress flies with gold tinsel ribbing instead
of silver, which answers best earlier in the day.
It be taken as a general rule that one ought to mount com-
paratively large flies in cold weather, both for deep pools and level-
bottomed streams. But if a sudden change of temperature takes place,
the size must be immediately increased or decreased very considerably.
Suppose the wind veers suddenly round to the east, and the thermometer
falls much whilst the barometer rises, it is useless to persevere with any
fly for more than an hour or so after the change sets in. But during that
short period, although the fish will cease to show themselves, the Angler
who works hard and mounts any of the more suitable patterns as large as
those used in the early Spring may yet be rewarded for his pains. I have
worked on this principle myself for many years, and recently succeeded

in getting fly as long as
the fish of the river" for the season with a
" "
one's while only a few minutes previously an inch
little finger, dress
seemed ample for the occasion in fact, my friend J. C. H. had been

previously successful with even a still smaller pattern. On the occasion

to which I allude, as on five out of six former instances recorded in my
notes, the fish was taken in the tail of the Catch. I may say that I have
heard of a somewhat similar experience, and that now I never waste time
on these occasions at the head of any sort of pool.
For positive snow water that is, when the snow itself is not
dissolved and cornes along thick enough to be felt striking the waders
flies, like the Lovat Fly," composed entirely of Peacock's herl, but
veiling a silver or gold tinsel body, and whose hackles at the throat are
red, yellow, or blue, according to the favourite colour used on the river,
should be selected ; and, inopinion, the Angler will find nothing to
beat them. I have, however, met with unusual success on one occasion
that presented itself, with a fly introduced to Dee-anglers by William
Garden, of Aberdeen. It may be described as a double white-winged fly.
Where white wings are fashionable the times to use them are (1) on dark
days (2)
in dark water ; (3) when the sun has nearly set, or when it

has quite disappeared.


" "
Dress the Akroyd in a similar fashion, and you have the pattern
which you see in the engraving. Spey-anglers would do well to give it a

varying the wings with Mallard for ordinary occasions. Usk men

would probably put black Turkey, having white points, for the sectional
wings whilst on the Earn four strips of Mandarin Drake* have already

secured more than one tight line."
But that sort of snow water which presents to the eye a milky
appearance extremely detrimental to sport. As soon as the milkiness

passes away the rise of water caused by the melted snow is not so in-
jurious as many people imagine still it is nearly useless fishing with any

fly until the water has fallen one inch outright, and become clearer.
In snowwater, bright as gin, use transparent hackles, as, for example,
the silver furnace, or silver coch-y-bonddu.
These observations apply rather to the northern than to the southern
rivers. In fact, I have never done any good at all in the Test or Usk
when snow water hangs about, but have had grand sport on the Spey
when the milkiness disappears. But in all countries sport depends much
upon the state of the river when the fish enter it. Eunning up in mild
weather, and soon afterwards meeting with snow water, Salmon go off"
directly and will look at nothing in the shape of flies ;
but under reversed
conditions they " come on just as quickly. The presence of snow in
fresh water does not always deter Salmon from leaving the sea and ;

when they run in it, the Angler may depend they will take in it.
However, this subject is more fully dealt with in Chapter VII.. for, like
several other topics, for instance, rain, side reflection, etc., it cannot be
condensed into paragraph form with only one or two specimen flies
recommended for use.
Whatever state the water may be in, and at whatever station the
Angler may be engaged, no matter whether the pattern selected is bright
or sombre, the longer the hackle the less the fly should be played.
In choosing a long-hackled fly, select, from the sort you want, one
with the feather having the most life in it. This holds good on all rivers,
exclusive of the Spey, and I fancy the cheesy, inanimate Spey-cock
hackle," though worshipped locally, will soon be superseded by others
" " "
which are more mobile and never drone or droop." There is, for
" " " "
example, more life in a Grey Heron or a Night Heron (red) than in
Vide the "Mandarin Drake" fly, Chapter IV.

" " " "

a Black Heron ; more life, in fact, in any hackle those of the Eagle
" But the
class excepted than in the fluffy butt of a Spey-hackle."
question of colour, whether natural or artificial, must not be overlooked
in any case.
On no
account should the student select a gaudy fly to begin fishing
with for, without considerable interval, it hardly ever pays to present a

sombre one afterwards.

should always mount a fly one size less than recommended rather
than one size larger, unless exceptional circumstances occur. For
instance, the very principle of attack may necessitate either a small or a

large pattern that is to say, when wading you may use a one-inch

" " "

dress fishing the same water from the shore, a two-inch dress." In
the former case the fly dwells over the catches, whilst the large fly
"fishes" quickly. Again, as a general rule, he should fix upon a fly

having ribs of silver early in the year. In Summer, and particularly in

Autumn, all patterns, even silver bodies, are more effectual when dressed
with ribs of gold tinsel.

I would the reader's special attention to the next paragraph.


When flies Dee patterns) by thin wings and long

characterised (like
hackles fail, and the pool or other fishing-place is long enough, rough
enough, and spacious enough to bear the work of four or five such flies,
one should first select patterns of dull decoration, and in choosing brighter
sorts, should hasten the pace of the fly as it comes across the water,
either by bringing the rod round faster, or standing farther out from the
fish. (Jungle, for instance, unless good, has a brownish tint over the
white spots Turkey may have creamy points instead of pure white ones.)
Afterwards you choose from patterns dressed with short hackles and
heavy wings. But although badly-marked feathers of this description are
not generally considered to decorate the dresser's cabinet, they minister
to his wants by helping to tone down any pattern for the preliminary pro-

ceedings in this and similar instances.

Supposing the bed of the river to be of a slaty nature (recognised by
the Trent term skerry ") and the day dull, dark blue, dark claret, or
even dark orange, with black Seal's fur or silk at the throat, will form the
best body materials. And where the fish will stand it, a few or more

strands of Peacock's herl should be added to any built wing. Spey fish

object to herl Usk fish adore it.


But the bed of the river be light in character, say, owing to bright

gravel, or even chalk, crimson-majenta coming on the body before any

kind of claret bright yellow before any blue often produce good results
; ;

whilst heavy wings, short hackles, and Ibis "sides" give way to strip
" "
wings, long hackles, and cheeks of red Crow.
For a fish lying in a deep dip in a pool behind an upright rock
mount a very bright-bodied fly (especially if the weather happens to clear)
having two or three toppings over wings of double Jungle should the ;

sun shine, the pattern may carry four, or even five, toppings King
Alfred favourite at such a place under such conditions.
is my
Wherelight is reflected from white or shiny cliffs, use bright colours
throughout the combination with plenty of tinsel ribbing, and let the fly
be rather small. Coming upon this condition in deep, somewhat dis-
coloured water having a comparatively rough surface, a silver-bodied fly
perhaps twice as large is necessary the wing should be composed of herl.

The " Silver Spectre " would meet the case.

For large flies in the Spring of the year Pig's-wool bodies are often
more deadly than those of Seal's fur.
"Sides" and " cheeks invariably adorn the pattern for very deep
water and for rapids select cheeks of the enamelled Thrush, Indian

Crow, or Jungle, and not Summer Duck.

For dark, wet days, as a rule, nothing beats black and white speckled
wings over a dark body having a long hackle, with a short one at the
throat of a similar black and white speckle. This characteristic can be
maintained in making up any type of fly, but is best shown when the
" "
wings are in strips. Take, for instance, the Hough Grouse on the
Spey. It has a black body, grey Heron hackle, and a speckled Turkey
throat and strip-wings from the same bird. Again, on a bright day,
cinnamon wings over black are hard to beat. And when the water is very
clear in Spring though it be snow water I like a long Irish grey hackle
on almost any kind of fly.
" "
To those who are unable to dress or cobble up their own flies, it

may be urged with confidence that when a fish rises and refuses, one

must lessen the effect of the pattern in use by taking from the wing part
of the more conspicuous materials before allowing the fish to make a
second inspection. Thus " Jock Scott having risen a fish, the Angler
cuts, not pulls, from the wing the "Jungle sides, as well as the under,
not the upper, half of the white-tipped Turkey underwing. He will
resort to this practice only in the event of his being without a sombre-
" " "
winged fly (such as Charlie or Fairy ") having a yellow and black
body. The Angler, however, who is familiar with the practice is always
" "
prepared with various modifications of the general standard flies of the
river he is fishing.

All modifications belong to the list of "nondescripts," but a few have

become standards. intimately acquainted the Angler makes
The more
himself with the specific purpose of each one of these, the better for his
season's record. The real purpose of any " nondescript I allude to

those not as yet classed or described, but which are found in the book of an
adept simply illustrated in the above case of the "yellow and black
body in other words, some sort of companion fly has to be presented

to the fish which rises and refuses. As another illustration, the " Lee
Blue would be followed by the " Lee Blue and Grey."
The really formidable consideration which will confront the learner
" "
is that connected with the Salmon's play hours and half-holiday?
These intervals come as suddenly as they end. What I mean is, that
fish, up and down the river, suddenly cease to take good hold of a fly, and
rise only to tug at it. Yet even here Time is a reasoner too powerful to
be overcome. Success, if attainable at all, is not denied in such a crisis
to those who come at once sombre patterns, to " Elsie
down to small,
and her class, which carry extra large and extra showy " sides and
cheeks." But if these intervals arise from thunder or pollution, the

Angler may rest for awhile. Grilse, however, do not so much mind a
" "
In my opinion, all flies should have their Grub ;
by this, I mean
a wingless nondescript having three, four, or five sectional hackles on the
body. But with all the foregoing examples, I have touched scarcely more
as yet than the fringe of the subject Perhaps I ought to come now to

discuss the effects upon fish of a certain secret force latent in Nature, and

then describe the flies which I have found to produce remarkable effects
under certain collateral circumstances and conditions.
It is under circumstances, about to be mentioned, that experience
teaches us clearly how much we have yet to learn before we can confidently
rely upon any pattern as yet invented. Every Fisherman who knows his
business is, however, aware of the facility with which we can both choose
and use a fly for ordinary occasions. But the invention of flies, indeed,
presents an almost inexhaustible field for the solution of doubts and ;

there are certain occasions when an Angler of the greatest skill as a

wader and caster will scarcely secure a fish by aid of the best pattern.
cause of these things lie in obscurity, the v fact remains. Ac-
If the

cordingly, a note of warning is here sounded to this effect, that

the mere knowledge of any secret trick does not always enable the person
initiated to kill fish. Success largely depends, not only on covering
every inch of the water with a special fly, but also on the position and
manner the Fisherman assumes. In vain may he fish with an ordinary
" "
pattern from the wrong spot. But of his rn<mner I have a word to
say by way of preface to this deep subject.
How much cerebral power Salmon possess no one can determine ;

but we know for a fact that fish hear as well as see, or, at all events, are
capable of receiving impressions of sound. We also know that the
presence of an Angler need not necessarily alarm the fish which see him.
It would seem, too, that the
hearing power of a Salmon is of small
portent so long as the conduct of the Fisherman does not excite si;s-
picion. The Angler must disarm all apprehension. His gait and mien
must be as unconcerned among Salmon as that of the plough boy
" "
trolling his song of the soil among rooks. His unconscious presence
in (or out of) the water, on the occasions about to be mentioned, must be
where he can bring the fly over the catches, not sideways, but so that it
fishes straight on reaching the area of the hold itself.
UNKNOWN AGENCIES AT WORK. As soon as the waters settle down,
success in Angling nowadays is mainly due to (1) the correct reading of
Nature (2) the understanding of certain technical matters. Sir John

Lubbock, in The Pleasures of Life, tells us that technical works bear the
same relation to science as dictionaries do to literature. And "
says, that

without a knowledge of botany we may admire flowers and trees, yet

only as strangers only as one may admire a great man or a beautiful
woman in a crowd."
These remarks might easily apply to Salmon-angling, for only the
adept gets a full measure of enjoyment from it. With Anglers, as with
other people, there is no accounting for the idiosyncrasy which leads one
to simply observe with interest the development of phenomena, and
another to analyse their causes. Sometimes the tastes of a Fisherman
lead him only in the direction of getting at the action of an ideal rod, so
as to make himself master of the various methods of casting. The taste
of another inclines him to study temperature, light, and shade, or
geological formation as affecting the choice of flies ;
or even to try ex-

periments in fly composition on occasions when the fish seem positively

spellbound and refuse to be inveigled and so on.

But with regard to
this particular mood of the fish, it would be wise for the Angler to dispel
from his mind the old-fashioned belief that Salmon have their own
especial feeding times. When a pool, nay, the whole district, is blank,
not a movementseen, not a "rug" had anywhere by anyone, surely some

mysterious influence must be at work. As a matter of fact, we know

that under certain conditions, those, for instance, when a whole reach is

literally alive with fish, and within a few moments not a splash, not a
ring seen for hours, it is absolutely useless to persevere with ordinary
flies. We believe the fish have to some secret agency,
become amenable
the effect of which has been made only too evident to the observer as the
waters have become more and more contaminated by the ever growing
and disgraceful pollutions. Nevertheless, by the inductive process of
reasoning from accurate observation and comparison of notes, we have
managed to formulate certain rules in fly composition, and constant per-
severance under the above circumstances with special patterns has led to
a solution of, at any rate, one of our most intricate problems. May I
repeat, the
if cause of these things lies in some obscurity, the fact of our

occasionally mastering these fish remains.

Now we may safely lay it down as a sound principle from which to start
this interesting subject that the lingering doubt evinced by Salmon on
certain days is not due to caprice, but rather to agencies, which, though

busily at work, are not open to vulgar gaze. It will be long, perhaps,
before we become thoroughly acquainted with all their peculiarities ; yet
we have to deal with them as best we may. One thing we do know, and
it is this the influences at work last longer over some fish than over
others ;
and equally certain is it that fresh-run fish are the least affected,

they being the first to show themselves when the " depression" is passing
When limited to the form of disturbance, which I have termed
lingering doubt," the influence is invariably of a local character. But
in respect of more serious obstinacy, Nature sometimes decrees that the
area of the mischief is not local, but general and th'en every fish in the

river seems restrained from stirring to acknowledge any fly presented in

any way. On these occasions our hopes of success are so thwarted as to
induce us to throw up the "
game in despair and wait for the next deal."
would remind the novice that failure to attract the
(At this point I
fish at any time may arise from the fault of the Fisherman a failure of
no uncommon occurrence to those who do not care to study the subject of
presentation. On the other hand, even if the rod is used to perfection,
the Angler may yet fail from want of knowledge in connection with flies.
He presents, well, just the very one he should keep dry in his book. He
istrying a tiny or a thin fly a big [or a bulky one
a blue, or a poor ;

thing without much colour or marked characteristics whether the water

is deep, shallow, ruffled or smooth. When once he gets over these pre-
liminaries he will be better able to cope with the more common con-

tingencies in fishing. How, then, should he proceed to do so ? This is

not a question to be easily answered. The young Angler, like the young
fly-dresser, is oftsn driven to find out everything for t himself no wonder ;

he as often falls short of the achievements of experienced men of the day.

Very plausible is the argument that many of the errors and indiscretions
that we all commit in choosing and using flies might have been avoided
by a timely reference to some authoritative treatise, written in such a way
as to somewhat clear the ground for the uninitiated. And yet no man
who overcomes one trouble escapes walking into another but he walks ;

with his eyes open, and with a knowledge of many of the conveniences
and inconveniences likely to be entailed upon him thereby.)

Brushing aside these considerations and coming direct to the

questions at issue, I say plainly, that while the laws which govern the
Salmon in his choice of the composition and presentation of the flies he
sees are enveloped in mystery, the recurrence ana operation of the

respective conditions which have induced us to adapt certain principles

are so easily perceived and detected that, to a great extent, we have
become familiarised to their ever-varying mature. This of itself is enough
to show that the true pleasures of angling consist first, in grasping
natural facts secondly, in so encountering these facts as to render them

remunerative to the very utmost extent. The truth is that Science is

only just now beginning to unfold her wonders. At some far off period,
perhaps, all the present lines of inquiry will have been followed to their
conclusion, and new ones, as yet undreamt of, opened up.
Be that as may, it I am we possess ample
fully of opinion that
evidence to justify us in reconciling ourselves to the statement that some
secret force is apt to affect the fish's physical organisation yet it would ;

puzzle a world of scientists to say where this sympathy lies, and what is
the connecting link between the fish's psychical inertia and its physical
It is not my intention to discuss the subject which I have associated
with these inert fish at any great length still, I am bound to direct the

angling student to the best means for their capture. He will doubtless be
interested to hear that certain flies have been tested for many years
with highly satisfactory results. Two of the most remarkable patterns
have to be more or less varied, and I will now take them in review-

When the fish suddenly cease to show themselves, and that condition
" "
is noticed in bright weather, we use
of lingering doubt
I pause here to explain the system to follow in constituting these

lures, for they best serve our purpose when so varied as to accord with
the characteristics of the river on which we happen to be engaged. My
reason is this : It is obvious to all interested in this advanced treatment

that, to describe every pool, every stream, rapid and

an individual fly for

flat, in any one district, considerable space would be occupied and that the ;

volume itself would be insufficient to hold descriptions for the whole river.
The only practical course me
provides a general observance
open to
of the laws framed to meet the exigencies of colour and character in-

dividually, and this, with a few general principles affecting the variations
as a whole, should, I take it, be enough for dressers of experience, or of

sufficient experience to understand the meaning and construction of

" "
decided patterns. (Perhaps a knowledge of that matter is purchasable
without much
practical experience. An unenlightened man might forth-
with avail himself of the wisdom and experience of any of his superiors
who would kindly inform him that all " decided " patterns are established
and recognised by the proper distribution of any one colour through their
constituent parts. Any one colour added to the tag, tail, body, hackle and

wings results in forming a very decided pattern.)

How, it may be asked, are these results accomplished '? The answer,
both as to theory and practice, is extremely simple.
To begin with, a blue or any other coloured fly, deadly on one river,
is repulsive to the fish on another. For that reason in a technical
angling sense we may say there are "Blue rivers," Ked rivers,"
" " "
Yellow rivers," and Grey rivers each one of which is pretty sure to
differ in respect of character. For instance, long bodies, long hackles, and

light wings may do well on one river, and be out of character on another.
The Spey, for predisposed to long hackles and light
one example, is

wings whilst Tweed fish prefer short hackles and a liberal amount of

" "
built wing. Again, the Usk and several Scotch rivers require fairly-
thick bodies and heavy wings though on the Inver, Lochy, Ness,

Helmsdale, Earn, Erne, and most Irish waters, thin bodies, short hackles,
and light wings predominate.
. From these premises a dresser would suppose that he has to vary
these two flies in four different directions but I shall deal with them

separately in a few moments. I have chosen this way of entering into

details as the interests of the average Angler are at stake character, for ;

denotable in all ordinary flies dressed on up-to-date principles, is

a stylish hall-mark of infinite importance in everyday fishing.

Tn illustration of the quality of colour, the Tweed and Earn fish love

blue; the Dee (N.B.) and Usk fish prefer red; the Spey and Don, yellow ;

the Lochy and Wye, grey. It need not be inferred that the combination
of any of these flies (or of other decided patterns) is not to include some
blue, or some red, yellow, or grey, or even two or more of these or of other
colours. The dresser completes his fly en regie, so as to make a decided
blue-river pattern, a decided red-river pattern, etc., as the order from the
Fisherman necessitates rather than directs. The silk tag, in all cases,
tallieswith the colour of the river, except in the case of grey rivers, when
instead of grey silk, the dresser uses silk of any colour which, in common,
also pleases the fish. The Lochy and Wye, as I have said, are grey rivers,
but I use a yellow tag for both.
In order to obviate misconception about grey rivers, I would explain
that, in making up everyday patterns for them, we depend more upon
the effect of grey feathers than upon silks, furs, and wools. A " dash of

mouse-grey Seal's fur in some part of the body of an ordinary fly is

admissable and helpful ;
but here we look more to a judicious employ-
ment Widgeon, grey Mallard, Summer Duck, Gallina, etc. and
of Teal, ;

to Irish-grey or Plymouth Rock body-hackles, whilst we use Amherst

Pheasant for horns.
The dresser may now wish to know how to enlarge his method of
dressing. For this purpose, I will deal first with the Variegated Sun Fly
by itself.

The chief point of all to bear in mind is size. I have tried

large specimens years, for and with one.

never once succeeded
They are not to be dressed larger than No. 1 Eedditch scale No. 4 ;

being considered as the most useful all-round size even smaller, if

the surface of the water happens to be smooth, would pay better.
This condition cannot be too strongly put;
from it there is no
The results of my experiments have also led me to the conclusion
that a thick body is desirable. So thick have I made these flies that the
bulky lump at the throat would, without the greatest care, cause them to
" " "
skirt and wobble." To overcome this defect, I decided to make the
bodies spindle-shaped. They answer uncommonly well so much so,

that, in the brightest sun, these little gems retain, and will for long retain,
their deadly significance.
In nearly all cases, a short black hackle is employed at the throat ;
but two, or even three, turns in excess of what is usual are to be allowed.
Sometimes, however, I use only a Gallina throat, as, for instance, on the
Wye and Spey.
The best natural black hackles for the purpose are termed " bastard
hackles." These are often found on the back or in the neck of a
common grey-speckled cock, and on an imperfect Plymouth Eock. They
are best on account of their sheen and depth of tone. But as regards
black hackles, should warm weather set in early, that is to say, earlier
than in the middle of May, a hackle dyed black is recommended. On the
other hand, after June a natural black hackle is nearly indispensable, and

especially so when the current is somewhat fast.

Now suppose the dresser has an order for this fly from the Usk, he
will adopt red characteristics accordingly he works up scarlet silk and

scarlet Ibis for the tag and tail. He puts only red, yellow, and black
coils in the body ;
and uses red Macaw for horns.
After all that has been said, I think this one example is quite
sufficient for the dresser to be almost sure of achievement with any of
these variations. I can vouch enumerated being of service
for the hints
to Anglers on the Lochy, Spey, Tweed, Wye, Usk, Earn, Shannon,

Towy, Cothi, Findhorn, Don, Test, Lee, and Blackwater (Cork), South
Esk, Helmsdale, Brora, Beauly, Erne, Conway, Torridge, Annan, and
Blackwater (N.B.). Thick bodies fail on the Dee. How far it is advisable
to be so particular in varying the fly for other rivers I cannot decide
from actual experience but I doubt if many exceptions will be found.

A certain amount of sport may be had with any one variety, but the best
of sport can only be obtained by a rigid adherence to the principles in
varying the dressing which I have now laid down.
What now of the " Black Fancy ? "
As a rule, it is well to try this fly over a fish before the other, but,
on that point, the expert had better be left to his own resources. The
body of it is of ordinary shape, and is made thick or thin as occasions
demand. It is always of black silk and, excepting " blue rivers," when

the throat hackle is blue, the hackle for the body and throat is black,

taken from one's collection of the natural or the dyed sort, according to
the time of year as previously specified.
The tag, tail, and wings carry their share of the different coloured
materials in order to produce the effect desired. And so far as regards
the size of the Black Fancy, there is no limit.
Particulars relating to minor details, such as size of tinsel, fineness
of hook, etc., I leave to the judgment of the Angler, who should, at all

events, clearly express himself thereon in his letter to the dresser.

Taking the majority of rivers as a guide, I give the blue characteristics
to the two dressings appended :


TAG. and medium blue silk.
Silver twist
TAIL. A topping and powdered blue Macaw.
BODY. In coils (wasp fashion and spindle-shaped) of red, black,

yellow, and blue Berlin wool.

THROAT. Black hackle (plenty).
WINGS. Six toppings.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
TAG. Silver twist and medium blue silk.

TAIL. A topping and Chatterer.

BUTT. Black herl.

BODY. Black silk.

BIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).

THROAT. Black hackle and Jay.
WINGS. Two short tippets (back to back) veiled on each side with
projecting Mallard and two toppings.
CHEEKS. In this variety only, Chatterer.
At this stage I desire to point out not only what Salmon mistake
flies for, but why they take them at all and also to offer what evidence

I can as to why they sometimes prefer one pattern more than another.

Now, I just want those who entertain various opinions, perhaps

more or less injurious to their own interests, to concentrate their
attention for a brief while upon certain established particulars of the

Salmon's habit of feeding, all of which happen to be within my own

knowledge, for there is really nothing so much talked of in our pastime,
and so little understood, as either the artificial or the natural Salmon-fly.
The natural fly which a Salmon will take has received, as yet, far less
than its due meed of consideration, and so a little scepticism, if not a
great deal, is
pardonable. The modest which local Anglers
silence in
continue their investigations and experiments has most probably caused
the matter to be kept from the knowledge of all, except those immedi-

ately concerned. I, for one, however, have long since known from actual

observation that the natural Salmon-fly varies with a vengeance in size,

in character, and in general appearance. That it confines itself to its own

particular river, etc., etc., as we shall see a little later on.

For the present, I content myself with treating of the artificial
specimen, and shall bring to light some of the scientific (and unscientific)
explanations which have been hazarded about it.
I wish to treat the questions at issue, not from an aggressive stand-

point, and yet, whilst exposing what, to my thinking, are the erroneous
ideas of others, to state fairly my own, and give ample proof of the benefit
to be derived from them.
I would first remark that, in these utilitarian days and practical

results, all classes occasionally unite to express their opinion on these

questions in the columns of contemporary journals. In order to obtain

new ideas, the best of all possible reasons, Editorial encouragement is
frequently held out by such invitations as, perhaps some of our cor-
respondents can enlighten us," so that any novice may write, as if
invested with the fullest authority. The results of this practice are
peculiar, but, as an old hand, what odds, I would ask, is it whether the
truthis brought out by hook or by crook or by book? They occasionally
answer some purpose in fishing. But when these Editorial measures,
though full of purpose, happen to be concerned with a question so
" "
pregnant as What is a Salmon-fly ? Fishermen naturally think twice
before trusting to haphazard opinion.
What is a Salmon-fly ? " is the
very point for us to consider just now, and though the solution may
appear difficult, it certainly is not impossible; yet truth lies at the bottom,
of a well.

the supposition that all the elements of the problem lie before us,
nothing can be more preposterous than to imagine that the exact truth
can be found out in a hurry. We
have no direct communication with the
fish. Still, must be acknowledged that certain points
admitting this, it
are already thoroughly well known, although confined to individual

I invite the reader to look closely into the following facts, and to
bear in mind, while so doing, that speculation must invariably occupy the
ground where proof is wanting.

attempt, moreover, to analyse rightly the points at issue without

discussing analogous matters freely would be to engage in a task at once

unprofitable, if not impossible. And this means that, in my case at least,

very close compression is impossible.

" ' '

Many will say, I refuse to believe that your Jock Scotts repre-
sent flies, as I fail to fix upon Nature's equivalent to them. I can

comprehend what one member of this royal family the Trout, to wit
" " "
says for himself in taking the Alder for an alder, the fly "for a
may can also understand that Trout distinguish between one fly
fly ;

and another, no matter whether the pattern be less, or very much more,
picturesque than Nature dictates so I don't go to anybody to explain to

me why it is that a Trout is sometimes taken in by a showy leg or an

unnatural bit of wing colouring, or body ornamentation. One thing seems
certain, in my estimation, Trout mistake our flies for natural flies, but I
am all at sea with his majestic relative, the Salmon, and there ends the
The answer is, that instinct directs the choice of food in all fish and
in every animal. Those of the lowest order possess this instinct by which
they are enabled to distinguish the appearance and taste of edibles

generally. Even the sea anemone contributes entertaining evidence in

showing a sense by which recognises its proper food.

it When a small
piece of fish is brought carefully to the tentacles of one of these animals,
whose mouth is widely open, the food is seized and surrounded by them,

and the morsel disappears I mean, that we actually see it swallowed.


If we present the anemone with a film of wool or cotton, it is refused.

I would also remark that, in maiden rivers, Salmon are not first

taught to take flies of iridescent loveliness blazing forth in dazzling

colours of radiant beauty, such as, a century ago, would have frightened
all of them back to sea. Enterprising men, imbued with
Far from it.

the "spirit of modernity," have gradually educated Salmon up to taking

patterns which have been imposed upon us by Necessity the nursing

mother of fishing in its higher forms ;
and though, in choosing flies,

"Fashion is a living law, whose sway

Men, more than all the written laws, obey,"
this supreme dictatress of taste often decides for us that the inartistic
finish of a plain March Brown" (Salmon size) or a coch-a-bonddu hackle
with a plain Turkey wing, once considered by MX. Salmon a tasteful
rig, is undeniably uninteresting to him in these days of fashion and
competition. But put two fibres of red Toucan in the tail of a March-
Brown, and see how it answers !

As a link in the chain of evidence that takes us from the caprice of

these affectedly modest patterns, I perfectly remember the initial effect of
certaingaudy feathers upon, not one, but several rivers. In their progress
towards general use, the greatest care and judgment of the fly-tier pre-
vailed, and the mere suspicion of their presence was enough to begin with.
Early in the fifties," for instance, Spey fish firstsaw " Jungle." For a
time brief, I the feathers there were simply branded with the
stigma of public opprobrium. But the fiat had gone forth. Nature knew
full well that Salmon, like herself, show a decided preference for finery.

She knew that under certain pressure, fashions may, without

full well, too,

exaggeration of words, be said to change from day to day. The sombre

" " " "
trimmings and cut which was de rigeur on a fly forty-eight hours

ago may be placed under the ban of Forrests or Wrights, Farlows or

Turnbulls, Mallochs or Redpaths, and so on. The Spey does not stand
alone in this respect, for, although the best Spey fly among the old hands
" "
is a plain, flimsy, ragged-tailed Riach yet, among the students of the

" "
progressive School, some have at length discovered with languid
surprise that not a few good Spey fish are often led to destruction by a
liberal use of Jungle and Summer Duck, Golden and Amherst Pheasant
Thus far, however, the reader is only reminded in my arguments (to

which I shall return) that the Salmon's motive in taking flies is a problem
which has frequently been misunderstood and that, in the case of Trout,

all doubts have long since been set at rest.

Naturally enough, in fishing either for Salmon or Trout, one judges

by what comes under one's own immediate notice. On the Wandle, for
instance, as a humble spectator myself, I have seen Trout prefer the
artificial to the natural insect an " Olive Dun," by
that is to say,
Holland or by Hardy, floating down stream in company with several living
flies of the same kind has been so singularly attractive and effectual as to

force the fish to leave the others alone, and " go " for it. Then on several
rivers, Salmon always, and for the most obvious reasons, hold in abey-
ance habits of existence, which, however, invariably assert themselves at
the first opportune occasion and then a fly, equally true to nature as

regards colour of body, or exact in some other peculiarity, is just as

necessary to ensure good sport.
Now, if I may venture to say so, no further evidence is wanted to
satisfy me that, in the matter of like and dislike, and discrimination as to
what they conceive good Salmon are exceedingly nice.
to eat, In fact, I
attribute my greatest angling successes to the conclusion that, not long
after a flood, the impetuosity of the Salmon's nature is held in check by a
" "
downright business faculty of a highly efficient kind, and that his
" "
enthusiasm rarely impels him to lavish even as much as curiosity upon
a fly unless it be the right sort i.e., a tasty bit put before him in the right

way. And yet we encounter narrow worshippers who simply burn for the
heat of the fray,, and publicly declare they can hold their own in com-

petition with only three or four patterns ! Their doctrine is contrary to

reason, it has no meaning, except on the Dee in Spring, and it is
But to the world at large to see for certain what a Salmon does is a
rare accomplishment. People for the most part are not gifted with the
power of sight, or the power toemploy their sight, to detect its habits
when feeding in fresh water ; and have never seen the explanation given
in books, because the writers could not explain some, even officials, going;

" "
so far as to say, They don't feed at all !

Even if we had the necessary power of vision and the inclination of


mind to make inspections, one has to travel far and wide and there wait
for an opportunity. At first, with the unaided eye, I saw little or nothing,

and not half as much as I wanted to until after years and years of
practice, and then only by the aid of powerful field glasses. At last I had
distinct ocular proof that Salmon feed on flies, moths, wasps, and cater-

pillars, as well as on their own species. But this is not all, for, after

baiting clear places for the purpose, I have seen them pick up prawns and
pass by worms indeed, it would appear unnatural for them to come
across worms except in discoloured water.
There is no necessity to dilate on individual gifts, on incomparable
or on the magic power of the human eye.
skill, WKat one man can see
and record with precision, even only after years of practice, is a feat not

hopelessly impossible to others.

(The peculiarities of Salmon amongst fish suggest to me a likeness to
the pigeon, and this prompts me sometimes to call the Salmon " the
pigeon of the river." The bird's and the fish's homing propensity is per-
sistent and followed with a
like miraculous accuracy. As regards the
Salmon, here a case in point.
is The late Frank Buckland managed to
secure several fish from the west coast of Ireland, all of which he marked
and succeeded in transporting to the east coast, where they were set at

liberty. In the Autumn of the same year, if I remember rightly, many

of these fish were captured in the very same rivers from which they had
been taken in the early Spring.)
once ventured upon writing to the Press on the subject before us.

Laymen, cum multis aliis, had aired their views in sporting books and
angling newspapers. With the latter gentlemen I have little present
concern save to tell them of a fishing companion's remark when he and I
discussed certain (as I thought impracticable) speculations.
" " "
Oh, I know said he,!
somebody is going to bring out a fly

having scales, and fins, and gills, and eyes stuck on this is paving
fish's ;

the way for a new bait that will do honour to the inhabitants of

My letter led to further discussion. One eminent authority in Trout
' "
fishing stated that the Alexandra fly is taken for a Minnow. Another

" "
wverred that Jock Scott is to the Salmon a mere variegated wrasse ;

that some of our standards are simply representations of the mackerel

tribe, prawns, and so on. Into any other curious theories than these I
hesitate to pursue this delicate subject. Who, however, can possibly
believe what we are told in another place, that Salmon take our flies for
sea weed ! Who can dream of supposing but no. The inquiry, as I

have said, is too delicate, and I will not bring other opinions forward.
But where is the evidence in support of these statements'? How can

they be substantiated? I am bound to say that all such ideas are

entirely upset by my own experience in Salmon-fly fishing. Were it not

so, the whole of this book, the materials for which have taken a lifetime to

collect, falls to pieces. No particle of evidence is forthcoming to show

that those who are interested in fly problems need accept such
I need not dwell on the subject, though it forcibly recalls a Scotch
Gillie's definition of metaphysics :

It's joost this twa men arguing togither. He that's list'ning dis
na ken what he that's speaking means, and he that's speaking dis na ken
what he means his ain sel' that's metapheesics."
But perhaps I should add that I applied to the Editor of the sporting
journal in question for permission to ventilate those opinions in these
pages. The prompt and sympathetic reception my proposal met with,
attested the interest my opinions had excited, and I recur to it now with
a pleasure which is enhanced by my more recent observations.
I have a add and nothing to alter in the letter published in
little to
the Field in 1892 under the title of Facts and Fancies in Fly Fishing.
My signature was appended, as I never write to the Press expressing
opinions on these matters under a nom de plume, nor without volunteering
explanations when it seems necessary.
The letter runs on these lines :

" In
fishing, matters of fact are to the Angler's judgment the same thing as
food to the body. On the due digestion of facts depends the wisdom and success
of the one, just as vigour and health depend on the other. By common consent it
is agreed that in Trout fishing we have long since arrived at the plain truth about

nies, from which, at all events, we derive much practical benefit. That is to say,
we have satisfied ourselves that Trout take, or rather mistake, artificial fliesfor

living insects, and we work on certain principles accordingly. We have determined

8 2

this from evidence set before our very eyes, and it is little use disputing the fact.
Strange as it must appear, however, to the uninitiated (for people think differently
and set up all kind of theories), we have, in the opinion of some judges, reasons
for coming to the same conclusion as regards Salmon. In fact, had we worked on
any other principle it would have involved signal defeat in a vast number of
instances extending over a period of many years. We
shall presently also see
whether it is better to follow mere speculative fancies, hopelessly ineffectual, or a
well-authenticated summary of interesting facts. Let me remark at the onset .that
I have never yet heard or seen in print any one single statement from a first-class
Salmon-angler one recognised as an authority by the experienced calculated to
support the prevailing idea that Salmon fancy our flies represent living things on
which they feed and fatten in the sea. This mistaken notion emanates from men
conscientious enough to doubt, but who jump at conclusions without ever having
had an opportunity by the riverside to enlighten them on the subject.My object
in writing is to endeavour, for the sake of beginners, to upset these speculative

fancies, and to show how I myself have profited by a system which sooner or later
will be respected by all.
" Of Salmon and Trout has become a subject of
late years the education of
more general care and attention. Assuming that we tried for Trout with a
straw-bodied May fly where the natural insect is unknown to the fish, say on the
Anton which runs in that famous river for May fly-fishing, the Test, what sport
could we expect ? Simply none. Dame Nature, for some lieneficent reason of her
own, fails to furnish a supply of these ephemera on the tributary, yet within a
stone's throw the yield on the main stream is very heavy. No wonder the sport
in the May-fly season is good in one place and worthless in another. The fact is,
Trout, in the selection of food, follow predilections implanted by Nature. The
flies which, as a rule, best allure them must therefore as as possible
copy closely
the natural flies which are their most appreciated food. In the case of Salmon
this is not quite so evident, and so Fishermen have come to the conclusion that

man, for better or worse, educates Salmon, whilst Nature, for the most part,
educates Trout. At any rate, this is especially evidenced on Salmon rivers, both
in the combination of the actual materials employed in flies, and in the good or
bad all-round system of fishing I mean not only as regards the character, style,
and size of the flies used, but also in the method of attack that prevails. As an
average example of this training by Fishermen I killed fish thirty years ago with
a No. 4/0 hook body and wings of the most showy materials, whilst on the self-
same waters to-day men devote themselves to flies that betray no resemblance to
old favourites, either in colour, character, or size. Their patterns now are no
larger than natural March-browns, and many of them almost as sombre in appear-
ance. But the Trout-fisher often has to depart from the rule touching actual
imitation. He often uses, and uses successfully, flies dressed from imagination, as
for instance, the 'Governor' and '
Holland's Fancy.'

" We will direct our attention for a moment towards our favourite '
boncldu.' The 'Marlow
Buzz,' as it is termed, is far from being a truthful likeness
of the lady-bird, for which it is said to serve as deputy. The question arises, is it
the Peacock herl body or the hackle of this Welsh pattern that captivates the
fish? We may leave the body entirely out of the question, and as to the hackle,
it no more resembles the legs of a lady-bird than the legs of the cockroach. To
say, however, that Trout take the fly for a minnow is just what I find by my
experience they do not take it for. On the other hand, sometimes Trout take
every precaution, and in one particular respect so do Salmon, and unless the fly
for both is extremely well copied- -say, on the VVandle for Trout, and on various
rivers spoken of presently for Salmon suspicion is aroused at once, and a general
.stampede takes place. This teaching of Nature and training of man applies
equally to the size of the fly as regards both Trout and Salmon. On one river
say, the Darenth we use a small Iron Blue, because the living insect in Kent is
small and on another river say, the Usk the pattern is put up twice as

big, because there the living insect is twice as large. But on such a river, say, as
the Lochy, the Salmon have learnt to take the most diminutive flies, because
the Fishermen have for years been gradually decreasing the size of their
" At this point I would ask the reader to turn a ready and confiding ear to
what I am about to whisper. Have not our acknowledged unmistakeable fancy
fliesa far greater attraction at times for all rising Trout than those dressed so

delicately and so truthfully as to be the fac-simile of Nature herself? Does not the
Alexandra,' for example, kill any where and everywhere when our perfectly-dressed

Duns, Midges, and Gnats fail ignominiou.c ly ? And has not this notorious pattern
of mine occasioned such havoc in places as to be positively prohibited 1 Often
and often will Trout take the most fancy pattern ever introduced, whilst in
certain seasons (the May-fly season, for instance) they decline to notice our
book flies unless they are dressed true to Nature, ft is the very same thing with
"Before entering into details, I would remark (1) That it is not uncommon
to kill Trout with all sorts of flies when March-browns and Alders are at their
best. With Salmon this is not so, for when their fly is in season they never deign
to notice anything else. (2) That all rising Trout are what all Salmon are not
persistently partial to natural flies throughout life. As regards this partiality, it
necessary to remember the respective habits of Trout and of Salmon the one
species closely packed, struggling for existence in shallows and stickles ; the other
disbanded, in screened lay-byes and deep pools, peacefully blessed with the fulness
of satiety, and not amenable to the pangs of hunger. (3) That all the young of
Salmon show a decided preference for any fly, either natural or artificial. They
come more greedily at them than Trout, whether the fly in use is naturally or ever
-so fancifully dressed and though in after years some come much more kindly to

Salmon flies than others, there is not one single breed not even that peculiarly
stubborn sort bred in the Trent that entirely refuses them. I cannot say so much
as this of Trout, for there are some that never take flies at all.
" Trout of other breeds make flies their
special food, but to see the gratifica-
tion of a similar propensity amongst Salmon I do not mean samlets we have to
travel far and wide. Seen it I have often, though once a year only do these
fortunate occasions present themselves. They are chiefly familiar to the eye of the
observer, not by reason of a show of myriads of little insects, but of untold numbers
of large insects, winged and otherwise, which the average Angler never notices as

affecting his interests with regard to the Salmon. Were he fishing in the High-
lands he would be quite blind to this fact, even in the presence of the extraordinary
so called Green Kings," which are remarkable for their effect upon the fish, and

for their uncommon appearance and enormous size.

particularly remember the year 1848. It was the year in which my Father

sought consolation under distressing circumstances in a Milo Cutty and in


the '
Alexandra which I introduced at that time just four years after I had
killed my first Salmon. To
omit all trivial details as regards this fly, I may say that
I used to dangle it before the noses of timid Trout, which one clay fed on flies and
another on gudgeon and minnows. Could they not tell the difference ? The very
idea must be blotted out of our minds.
Anyone determined to see for himself what a fly looks like by inspecting it
from the bed of the river (which I have frequently done myself) would soon dis-

tinguish, not only the natural play of the legs and wings, but also the great

attractions of the hairy filaments with which the body is covered. Put a fly whose

body is made of Peacock's herl into a tumbler of water and you may see much the
same sort of thing. It looks no more like a gudgeon or a minnow than a cabbage,
if I may so boldly give an opinion.
" I remember
imitating black beetles' legs with single herls fixed to a cork
body, which had been varnished black for a particularly sheltered spot on the
upper part of the Darenth, and getting the largest Trout with this make-believe.
The fish would not look at the monster before the season for black beetles com-

menced, when, of course, they took it for the natural insect, as all Trout-anglers
must surely large fish had no doubt fed on these beetles for years.
believe. The
" Can
any individual imagine that the firmly-rooted, passionate fondness,
which, in infancy, Salmon show for living flies, does not remain liable on some
provocation (peculiar to the district) in after life again to spring up as strong as
ever ? I venture to submit evidence of this recurrence in a number of cases, not
as regards the once-favoured Alders, ]\! arch-browns, Midges, and Gnats, but more
in direction of insects which are as showy and as conspicuous to the fish as 'Jock

Space prohibits me from giving many instances, but it is within the


Scott itself.

domain of possibility to be mistaken on the river Spey. See the care, see the pre-
cision of even the most famous of the local Fishermen in copying the exact colour

of the Green-king, deadly as any fly on Speyside dressed in such able hands. Could
it be
possible after fifty years of close research and experiment with all sorts of
ways and means of hitting off the features of this extraordinary Highland fly, and
making its picture consistently faithful, that a celebrated judge yet remains in
utter ignorance of a pursuit from which he annually derives practical benefit 1 In

watching him one day, I remarked how very careful he was with his trimmings.
Ah, sir,' he answered, but it pays, and I find they won't have it overdone.
' '

Please to look at those long red prongs in the tail of that grub."
Ipointed out that the pattern was a combination of the grub and fly
together, and that he had matched the prongs with the red sword feather of the
Golden Pheasant.
" But a little of it

goes a long way whatiffer,' he replied.

"And with his Berlin wools would Cruiky select and mix two or three
' '

shades so as to get the exact colour of the body before he would rest and be
satisfied. The reader will draw his own conclusions from the constant practice of
one who is bent on supplying his employers with the most effectual patterns of the
" Let me next refer to an instance connected with the Grub mentioned in the
Badminton Library. Well do I remember the invention and introduction of this
favourite apterous pattern on the Usk. At the top of the Withe Bed,' two miles

above the town of Usk, there was one hold that required a very long cast. The
Spey was the only method by which it could be covered, and often enough in
' '

those days the catch was undisturbed. William Acteson, the bailiff, being under
orders to inform my family when the water was in ply, we were advised accord-
ingly. On arriving, we found the river lower than we expected, and until we
came to the spot, had seen no Salmon breaking the water. After my Father had
neatly commanded the catch, he said the fish had, for some cause or other, struck

work.' Then I took my turn, with the result that neither of us got the least
recognition. We then left the fish (we had seen it rise) like a parcel, "to be called
for later on." I would incidently remark that these fish strikes should be settled
by competent arbitration. They do not occur by chance, but each is the result of
some definite cause, which, if ever repeated under the same conditions, would pro-
duce the same results. It is the interesting business of the Angler to trace the
conditions and proceed accordingly. Well, we tried other resorts along the Withe
Bed and found them all untenanted. Making for shadier places below, pater-
familias, in advance of me, spotted several fish in "Garcoid" rising and sucking

in caterpillars falling from overhanging trees. Acteson was sent for the Trout
tackle. My Father never liked to go home without sport of some kind, and said,
with one of those rapid changes of manner, from grave to gay, which was one of
his peculiar charms :

" Take the field

glasses and just tell me what size these fish are."
"Once on the high ground over the pool, peeping through the trees, I saw, as

everybody who anybody on a Salmon river, and several who are not, would have

seen, that the fish were not Trout.

" '
seven oE them close to the slab.'
Salmon,' I shouted ;

" A few minutes latsr and I was

by my Father's side with two or three of the
green, hairy creatures in my hand.
" a big imitation, and we'll
Well,' said he, we have a chance now
Whip up
have some of these fine fellows on the bank.'
" The work proceeded, and we discussed the mode of attack (for we
could not cast) should we bob or fish the fly by paying out the line ? Our wing-

less lure was soon dressed on a No. 2 hook the body of green chenille, veiled in

four sections with real Irish-grey hackles, that would have made the mouth of a
Manning water, with a silver tag and tail of Ibis. I shall never forget the com-
motion in the water which the sight of the Grub caused. Directly it reached its
destination all the fish seemed to go for it after the fashion of Chub for cheese.
We knew what was up in a moment, and in a comparatively short time five of
these unwary Salmon lay lifeless by our side. This sounds well to the uninitiated,

perhaps, but no note of admiration is put to make it appear remarkable, for success

of this description does not strike me in any way as being remarkable.

" '
our old friend above mean the parcel ') gorged himself with

Perhaps (I
cross the ford below the Whebbs
these caterpillars. If you'll try for him, I'll

and watch how the fish behaves when he sees our imitation of one.' This sugges-
tion from me was enough for my Father, and on getting to the spot and settling

myself under an old wall I soon observed Let the Grub come further round, you

recover the line too soon.'

" On the second trial the line was allowed to
dwell, and the fly worked in

sight. But I saw nothing, even by the aid of the binoculars, until I heard the
whirr of the winch the dash of the fish being so sudden and so quick. In due
course the gaff was used, and the Salmon, fresh-run, was literally chock-full of
mashed caterpillars Here, then, was the sixth killed in one day with the selfsame

hook, dressed after the living things themselves.

Though I tried that fly again and again to within the last year or two, I
never had another rise to it, or even a pull. And this, in my idea, is because I
have never since met with the same conditions.
" Another '

example is afforded by the Red Underwing on the Earn ?


fly is tied after the gaudy Cinnabar moth (Euchelia jacobese),

and is a superb killer
at the end of the month of September, when the moth itself is seen up down
the river flying about in thousands. I am aware that this fly has been described
as representing the Calocula nnpta ; but this is immaterial, as the fish do not stop
to classify. Salmon, unlike Trout, spend only a portion of their time in fresh
water, during which period they travel from district to district. How, then, can
we expect their knowledge of the insects upon which they are accustomed to feed
to be so precise as that of Trout, which keep to one place, if not to one spot, from

year's end to year's end ? Be this, however, as it may, I will relate my first ex-

periences with the Red Underwing.'


" I was
staying with some friends at the same hotel in Crieff. Overnight we
had arranged plans for the next day. Mr. F. M. Mackenzie, whose identity I am
at liberty to mention, decided to come with me. After a couple of hours, neither
of us being in luck, my companion made oft' in another direction and left me alone
for a time. All of a sudden a voice from behind enquired :

" Halloa
Out of the water. What are you up to ?

" ' I have

just completed a couple of flies, one for each of us ; the day ought
not to turn out blank with this opportunity. Take a glance in what direction you
look at the hundreds of those lovely red wings flying about, and you'll
like ;

guess what I am up to,' I answered.

" You don't
mean to say,' he replied, that you have taken all that trouble

for me !

" I told
him that I had often killed fish in trying this principle when other
means The Dolly Varden,' a pool which had been fished twice down

by me and several times by others, was given up to my friend. He was soon en-
gaged in a fair up and down fight, and, as the day was drawing to a close, I made
for a little catch below, which I knew held one good tenant.' To my friend's '

delight, he weighed in no fewer than three good fish that evening. But this is not
all. The duplicate fly was seized directly in the catch below, a struggle ensued,
and we were the only two successful Anglers of the day on the whole beat, five
miles in length.
" No one
intimately acquainted with the river Lee, and the way in which fly
fishing has been ruined by bait fishing, would be likely to accept the remark just
made about Salmon waiting to classify.' On settling down, the water in this river

becomes so bright that with the unaided eye a pin can be easily detected lying at
six feet depth. After an interval of many long years I spent three months in the

vicinity of Macroom (early in 1889), and was sorry to find how extremely shy and
particular the fish had grown. In former days a body of Rabbit's fur, veiled with a
grey speckled hackle, and having a light wing was enough to ensure good sport,
ifou would never stir a fin now with a body of this description, which changes
colour soon after use. The insect that haunts these Irish waters, seen in magical
numbers, almost double the size of a bluebottle, but grey in colour, and with
speckled body, wings, and legs, is in these days imitated with the finest Irish-grey
hackles taken from fowls bred on purpose, and with fur from a silver Monkey,
which together produce the very image of the natural fly itself.
" I could multiply instances in support of the conclusion which has been
forced upon me by experience, but it is needless. Winged flies, as well as cater-
pillars, can be imitated and used in Salmon fishing with success. Believing this,
let alone the other arguments, I cannot insist too emphatically that Salmon take
artificial flies from
precisely the same motive as Trout indeed, by reason of a long;

and varied experience, wherein I have over and over again noticed the movements
of Salmon when they patronise natural insects, I hold the foregoing theories not

only as being indisputable and indispensable, but also as being of sufficient weight
to justify the conclusion that Salmon mistake artificial flies for natural insects
rather than for anything else."

In sport, as in science, it sometimes takes a lifetime's devotion to

master even the rudiments of a single branch. The expert in Salmon-
fishing, should be as carefully trained as a diplomatist.
Had not been for binoculars, which, after fishing for years in

ignorance of these matters, I -tool: with me on all occasions, I might

never have discovered that the art of Salmon-angling might be placed
upon a new and sounder footing.
not intended to imply by these observations that at all times
It is

and on all rivers, fly-work is quite so easy as has just been mentioned.
Sometimes it is convenient, nay imperative, to resort to the most
fantastic specimens of artificial entomology extant. On those occasions
we are driven to master fish by force of contrast, and mount flies which
have not unwisely been termed exaggerations."
And now a few words about these.
Exaggerations are employed only in extreme cases, when in summer
and early autumn, long after a flood, fish take to and remain in one
particular haunt for days and days, and, as though having nothing else
" "
to do, play follow-my-leader round and round their pool of water
whether it be beside streams or sheltered flats.

Someyears ago, I ventilated this matter in the columns of a weekly

paper, and was flattered to learn that it had obtained the favourable
notice of some of the most expert and best instructed Salmon-anglers
of the day. I revive it now for one or two reasons. To begin with, on
every Salmon river in the United Kingdom there are local Anglers whose
dicta in flies are taken and always adopted with little suspicion by those
who have On
every river, too, as I have
seen or heard of their success.
before said, certain special schemes of colour, size, &c., are found to

prevail to the practical exclusion of others, which, sometimes, would

assuredly do better. Yet despite colour schemes, schemes in presenta-
tion, accomplished local Anglers, and all common devices, days ccme
everywhere when futility prevails.

To triumph on such days, one must provide a practical novelty that

" "
may rouse the tiresome Salmon from that too volatile or too inert
mood which prevents him paying the least attention to the politest Sir
Oracle or his ordinarily quite attractive flies. According to my opinion, a
special work of art in respect of flies is, so to speak, an image, not
necessarily of any living thing represented, but of the impressions or,
" "
shall I say, phantasy pictures forced by an independent reality on the
mind of the experienced hand. And yet due thought must in all cases
be given to the idiosyncrasies of Salmon. These distinguish the fish
of one river from the fish of another. What are improperly called " fish
humours commonly but not invariably, depend on light, shade, the
nature of surroundings, and
so on. A fine Angler gives all these
things justifiable weight, and whilst never supposing that all the fish in
this river have an exclusive natural love of blue and hatred of red, and

that, contrariwise, all the fish in that river are disinclined to blue and
enamoured of red, sets himself to devise
something really ticklesome for
their acceptance rather than follow common practices and submit to
barren statements founded on fish humours."

These statements violate all rational probabilities, and to embrace

them would simply compel us to accept the ridiculous proposition that all
the fish which prefer blue go to one river, those affecting red to another
river, and so on through the colours of the rainbow.
The humour the fish is to recognise that which excites his

curiosity, appetite, a singular sort of cupidity, or whatever it may

be and different combinations and tactics are often required to stir him.

Writing on the subject of Exaggerations," Land and Water says :

" For sometime

past, Mr. George M. Kelson has been explaining the
minutifE of this higher branch of fly-fishing in the Press. In his articles,
the reader has not only the experience of one who has from boyhood fished
in every quarter of the kingdom, but who has also the transmitted

knowledge of a Father equally skilled as the son, both in tying the fly and

handling the rod. Put

. . into a few words what Mr. Kelson

advocates in the case of lazy fish, is to first rouse them by an exaggeration.'
When a fish is roused into a condition of expectancy, it is as good as half

then wanted

caught ;
all that is is a modification deftly manipulated.

The nature of this combination will be determined by the colour of the

water, light and shade thrown upon it, natural aspects of the river bed,
banks, and other surroundings, as well as by the particular character of
flies generally used in the district."

To this Editorial statement a pressing request for me to treat it

fullybeing appended I recorded several instances of the success of ex-

aggerations which had occurred to myself and others, who, commencing as

thorough sceptics, had become the most faithful of converts. From these
I select first the following case.
A few years ago I was fishing some private water, immediately above
which there were a couple of miles of the best holding-pools on the river.
Owing to the long continued drought, the water fell lower than
it had been

for years. become that my own pools were worthless

So low did it

for Salmon in fact, in was impossible for the fish to stay in them.
Above and below it was rumoured that Anglers were giving up fishing
altogether, owing to sheer absence of sport. A party consisting of
three rods on the water below, had been fishing all they knew for
three whole weeks unsuccessfully, during which time they had special

permission to fish the best waters. At the end of their visit they
returned to Town.

Overnight I obtained permission myself to try the same water on the

morning of their departure the pools still getting lower and lower.
" "
Knowing that a strong exaggeration would be required, I was up betimes
and tied a few flies dressed in the following manner Tag silver twist, : :

but three times the usual amount. Tail :

Ibis,- two extended strips of
Summer Duck, and the point of a Jungle. Butt scarlet herl. The first :

half of the body was divided into two equal sections, butted as before, as
well as having two bunches of Goat's beard above and below arching
after the fashion of the golden toppings the first set, dyed crimsoii-

majenta the;second, or those merging from the middle of the body, dyed

light blue and extending over the former to the butt of the fly. The first
section of the body was made of yellow silk, ribbed with gold lace and
silver tinsel. The second section, of crimson-majenta silk, ribbed in the
same way, but with larger materials. The
other half of the body had
dark blue silk, ribbed with very large gold tinsel, leaving space at the

throat for a couple of turns of crimson-rnajenta Seal's fur, which was well

picked out. Throat Goat's beard dyed dark blue, and spotted Gallina

over it dyed likewise, only of a lighter shade. Wings underwing, two


strips of dark brown mottled Turkey with black bars and white tips,
partly veiled on each side with strips of Summer Duck, above which came
two small tippets (back to back) dyed crimson-majenta, extending only to
the middle of the body, enveloping two full sized natural Jungle, projecting
over the tail of the fly, and two toppings above all. Sides Cock-of-the- :

rock to the lower bar of the tippet, and two bright blue feathers (one on
each side) from the back of the Pitta (bertae) from Borneo, covering half
of the Cock-of-the-rock. Cheeks Scarlet Tanager. Horns, blue Macaw,

red Macaw, and Amherst Pheasant. Head, a small fiery brown hackle,

During the day's fishing, so far as could be seen with the opera-glass,
I rose nine fish with one or another of these extravagant flies, with the
result that six took hold of the changed flies afterwards and were all

brought to bank.
The changed fly, which took the fish, was in each case a decidedly
" "
sombre modification of the former fly, i.e., the exaggeration by which
I had roused the Salmon's attention.
When different part of the world, I was watching a
visiting a
gentleman casting over a heavy fish which had already risen to his fly.
It came twice in my presence. The fly which rose it three times was an
extraordinary specimen of an exaggeration," having four Jungles in the
wing (two dyed red) and other showy feathers such as Ibis, Chatterer and
red Macaw all plentifully distributed.
On the Fisherman leaving the pool and speaking to me I discovered
that we were old friends, and that I had myself made the very fly he had
been using. Forgetting how
further to proceed, he consulted my opinion.
He had already fallen into error. Here, however, was a fish that had
risen three times, what was to be done ?

(I should state that I never before saw, nor have I ever seen since, a
Salmon rise three times to an exaggeration." He must have wanted
it badly!)
With materials provided by my friend I made up on the spot the

following simple fly which caught the fish the moment it was presented.
Tag Silver twist and yellow silk. Tail Toucan Butt, black herl.

Body, dirty-orange Seal's fur ribbed with silver lace. Throat, Grouse
hackle. Wings Golden Pheasant tail and a few fibres of fine Peacock's
herl mixed together, dressed on a No. 3 hook which was half the size of
the exaggeration. (Of this particular nondescript let Annan Anglers take
special note.)
Colonel Kichardson, the gentleman to whom I have just referred, had
at the time no belief in my system, but remembering what I had vaguely
said some few years previously, tried the experiment out of mere bravado.
But he was not satisfied after all, and failure on a subsequent occasion
caused him to invite me to meet him. Just at the time I received his
letter, I was on the Usk and we discovered that we were fishing within a
few miles of each other. Ultimately we determined to try a pool in the
Duke water (Monkswood fishery) running under a well-known
of Beaufort's
beech tree at the head of the " Binding." The river ran dead low and
the fish were sailing round and round in the shade.

Kesuming the usual tactics we put the extravagant fly in sight of the
fish. They ceased to roam at once a fact which we easily detected from
the wooded bank. In due course the " modification was presented and
the Colonel killed two fish with it, one of 15 Ibs., the other 18 Ibs., in my

presence. The " school " itself mustered eight in number.

I am also permitted to state that Colonel Eichardson has since been
practising the method with unusual success, and that at one time he
averaged about one fish for every six daily trials. He, however, is of
opinion that the exaggeration practice will never be very popular. First,
itrequires immense experience in fishing to carry it through, and unless
a man is his own fly-tier his chance is very poor. Secondly, and mainly,
because the fish are apt to detect the business and it makes them more
shy than ever."
But I look back with the greatest pride and exultation of all to the
" "
time when I landed my old friend and, on this question, opponent,
the late Frank Buckland, for no one more ridiculed the idea of stirring
sulky fish when it first became known than the original Editor of Land
and Water. He with his friend Mr. Clifford were fishing their private

Beat at Llangattoc, and although the famous Bryn stream held fish
nothing seemed to excite them. Day in, day out passed and nothing
could be done. Walking up the river one evening, I found Mr. Clifford
seated in his bower-bush, as usual, watching the water with his rod in
readiness. As soon as I made my appearance the chaff that I was subjected
to by both gentlemen is utterly beyond description in these pages. But
next day I tried my scheme in their presence. I begged them to try the

reach down beforehand with what flies they liked, merely stipulating that
" "
the catches were not to be overthrashed. After the stream had been
fished from end to end three times, and fished well, too, I, choosing the
part that held most fish, made two casts, no more, with an exaggeration."
A swirl in the water told me what to expect. In due course I put on
a similar fly to that which Mr. had been using in vain for

days and with it

caught two Salmon, one of which had another fish in its
Of other friends' successes triumph Mr. Basil Field
I desire to notice a
achieved on the Tay. The water had been well tried with large local
flies of the most gaudy description. On Mr. Field making his appearance
he was consulted as to further proceedings. Hearing that a fish had
risen he determined to try quite a foreign fly and selected for his
modification a " Glow-worm." Itwas remarked that " he might as well
throw his rod in." But the fish took the Grub directly it reached
the catch.
There is really no matter for surprise in this system of rousing sulky
fish. The very fact of their " settling down " has puzzled many a thousand
Fishermen. The reason most probably is due to the combined lowness
and staleness of the water, which condition acts upon the fish much in
the same way as the smoky and vitiated atmosphere of a manufacturing
town acts upon the hearty constitution of a countryman. His appetite
becomes jaded, and he requires the stimulus of some dainty dish to tempt
him. It is precisely the same with a Salmon.
There is generally an exception to every rule, but in Salmon fishing
there are more exceptions than our grandfathers would have deemed
credible. I have known several instances of fish taking the exaggeration
when the dressing is not too much overdone. Take an example.

" "
have many a time roused a Salmon with the Blue-bell
I but some ;

years since, fishing at Stanley on the Tay, Major Traherne wrote to me:
" For the last three the fish would look at but I tried a
days nothing,
Blue-bell and have had rare fun with it to-day, getting three
last night
' '

fish in one pool, the largest 28 Ibs. Blue-bell is not satisfied with

anything under 20 Ibs. I don't think it should be

regarded as an

exaggeration any longer."

Many years ago I visited some noted water on the Test. Doctor

Lewin accompanied me purposely to inspect the principle of " exaggera-

tions." Upon arriving at the river-side we were escorted by the water-
bailiff and a despondent Angler who remarked The best advice I can

give you is to go home there is not the

; ghost of a chance. No one has
risen a fish here for a fortnight. They are there, but the water is

low and foul to a degree positively offensive to the olfactory nerves."

The excellent disciple of ^Esculapius drew a long face.
" Now is the very time," said I.
However, on reaching the pool for which I had set out my friend
said : I should like to see you fish the water down with the usual flies
before trying any of your pet theories."
Certainly," I replied, but after a time, having done no good, I urged
that it was mere waste of time to use such flies."
" " "
it's Ah, luckjustobserved the Doctor.
my ! Give it and come up
to Sonning with me, for you might just as well try for a Salmon in
the Thames."
At that moment a voice from behind a hedge exclaimed, There's a
fish about 14 Ibs. in front of you and it has seen every fly in my book this
But there was nothing for it, I sat down beside the hedge and, after
making friends and a little explanation, in an hour^or so had two or three
hundred small Chatterer feathers, forming the body, on a 6/0 hook whilst :

the wing, composed of Jungle and toppings, was further decorated

with double Amherst horns. I splashed the lure (I should not do so

now) just once about two yards above the spot indicated and gently
drew it away.
Nothing was seen not a stir.
Plate 6.





I'mgood bye and good luck to you," the Doctor said.
No, not yet come here and do what I ask. Do you see that tall

foxglove ? Go out into the field and make your way to it inch by inch
without shaking the ground, peep through the foliage and tell me exactly
where this fly goes."
had mounted a tiny " Blue Boyne " dressed with the more sombre
Blue Rock.
" "
Shall I you from there or come back ?
From there. You needn't shout, and don't move."
Oh, I can see it as plainly as possible, and the Salmon, too what
a lovely fish ! The three yards in front of him."
fly is
" now
Capital ;
look out, but don't move a muscle."
I then made a short but rather sharp snatch of the rod, and a
tremendous splash and the winch " busy told its own tale. Twenty
minutes later the weeds causing a slight delay the Doctor on all fours
had his chance, but "missed," for truth to tell, he drew the gaff as gently
as a Germanwaiter a fork under a tender sardine. But on the second
venture, a dose
after of eloquence for the specific complaint," the
eminent authority on pulses gaffed the fish through and through, and in
one motion flung the lot on the bank some feet from the water.
"Ah," observed Doctor L "it may be said of flies as of ladies
and gentlemen '
contrasts make more intimate unions.' But why have
I not seen these things before?
Because you look at Salmon-fishing with the trained eye of a
medical man, we with the trained eyes of Fishermen."
Only the other day, having an exceptional opportunity of seeing the
movements of a fish under treatment, I reduced to demonstration the
effect of one of these overdressed flies in the Wester Elchies wa'ter. My
friend J. C. H. I wish I dared tell of our many enjoyable outings
together wishing to see the experiment tried, asked me to put an
exaggeration" before a fish in sight. The Salmon darted towards the fly
at ouce. So far the plan succeeded, but the current went so slowly that,
as I predicted, to catch the fish would be an impossibility in fact, fly ;

No. 2 scarcely supporting itself in the water did not reach the place.
I could fill pages with incidents relating to this the most novel and


the most difficult of systems in the use of

all flies, but pretty well enough
has been said on this part of our subject.
" "
Exaggeration in fly dressing proceeds from a true insight into
Salmon-angling affairs. It is known under several headings.In one sense
" "
exaggeration means the largest and most showy feathers shortened
in their quills or roots of fibres to fit hooks which some people would set
forth as absurdly large for any purpose whatever. In another it means
the longest of the less marked feathers to extend far beyond the bend of
hooks of the size in use. But the truest definition really is that there
must be some excess or repetition of our most gaudy feathers and other
materials tied separately upon the hook as, for instance, in the case of

" "
the Black Prince and " Golden Butterfly."
When we are unable to see the effect these flies have over fish we
take it granted that the work is done. The assumption is sometimes

justified by the result which the puny productions bring immediately

afterwards. These were called " condensations," but as this utterance of
olden times lends itself most inconveniently to misrepresentation, we now
call them modifications."
The term, however,is often misapplied. To ordinary flies of sombre
appearance, or to patterns simply lacking lustre, the word has no legiti-
mate bearing at all. To "modify" a wing composed of very showy
strips is a practice in fly-dressing which would not trouble the patience
of the veriest novice. Only a small portion of each strip is taken for
mixing in fibres, by which means the effect is distributed and consequently
" "
The exaggeration consists in the quality of startling
excellence of
attractiveness, and is not governed by any known law. One of the most
" "
important items to consider in modifications is size. It should

always be remembered that, in ordinary pools where the bed of the river
is rocky, the smallest patterns in reason should be used, and that such

decided feathers as Jungle and Summer Duck of the duller shades must
be employed with unerring regard to the size of the hook. The smaller
the hook the smaller should be the markings. If the weather as well as the
water be very bright, a little lustre, by the means of a couple of strands
of Bustard, or even of Peacock wing, may be added with advantage.

But if the fishing be under trees, on dull days, the fly should be toned
down with such feathers as dark mottled Turkey without the white
tips. On cold, windy days the size of all "modifications" must be
increased. In hot weather, without wind, the bed of the river being
fairly level we use large tinsel for ribs and put the coils closer allowing
sixupon a No. 1 hook. In coloured water we make the whole fly dark in
tone and increase the length of hackle.
Although size is so important, other matters must be observed.
Never do we use floss silk to form the whole body of a " modification,"
but Berlin wool for dull days, Seal's fur for bright, and Pig's wool if the
water be exceptionally deep. But in the event of the " exaggeration "
that roused the fish having been dressed after the fashion of the
" Chatterer" we make the
body of the fly, which is to finish the business,
with the same kind of feathers taken from the Blue Rock (a darker
Chatterer) ;
choose very much smaller feathers, and instead of putting
them in uninterrupted sequence, arrange them in three small sections,
filling up the spaces between, in this case, with floss silk of exactly the
same colotir.

In treating of silver bodies which were made with flat tinsel, we soften
the conversion by the adoption of oval or round tinsel, or perhaps by gold
beaters skin (Mr. Field's plan) over a white floss silk body. For that
purpose the skin is cut in an even strip the thickness of our broadest flat


The art of using these patterns is easy to describe. Carefully get

No. 1 fly in front of the catch by paying out line, and in one minute
remove it as carefully. Then cast in the ordinary way after five minutes
interval with Fly No. 2.
I feel compelled to state that I have not yet quite worked out to my
own satisfaction the systems of "exaggerations." I have only once or
twice succeeded in rapids, and never in still pools. Streams and Flats are
the only places in which a beginner expect to find it answer.
may One
thing, however, it is absolutely necessary for the Angler to be stationed
" "
in front of the catch, so as to be able to let the exaggeration go down
straight to the fish. Drawn across the water, these preliminary agents
are more frequently productive of harm than good.

If after all these particulars the key to some difficulty in the technique
of fly-selection be missing, the inquiring mind may yet find satisfaction
" " " "
among the instances and examples put forward in other chapters.
Young Fishermen should, at allevents, be sufficiently enlightened in this
branch of the subject by now to foresee as, indeed, all reformers do
the genuine forms of advantage derived from the study of light, shade,
and other natural surroundings. But as I began by saying although
"Nature ever indicates the way to her best secrets," I have long since
convinced myself that they be the best choosers which, being learned,
habitually incline to the traditions of experience, or, being students,
resolutely incline to the methods of learning.
THE ROD. 277



(U THE EOD. (-2) LINE. (3) WINCH.

"TESTIMONY IK like an arroic shot from a long-bow ; the/am of" it depends on the strength
of thf. haml that ilrami it. ARGUMENT in tike an arrow from a crow-bou; which ha* equal
force thotii/h *hot by a child."

WITH striking brevity the above extract sets forth the two methods I
wish to adopt in support of my case, together with the peculiar value
inherent in each of them. The case itself, occupying the chapter's first
half, be stated as an attempt to turn the cooling stream of reason
and upon one of the burning questions of the day for in the whole
fact ;

range of Salmon-angling topics, there is, perhaps, no one single subject

so liable to produce a heated discussion as the simple question, What
style of rod is the best ?

These discussions usually derive their warmth from sweeping

generalisations that have no more solid basis than individual taste
acquired by mere tradition or pure chance. Fifty generations and more
have confessed that argument about matters of taste is argument thrown
away ; how much is the waste of time and energy to argue
greater, then,
from taste on what not really a matter of taste at all, but a matter of

fact, in which, moreover, the facts are simple enough for a final, because
a thoroughly practical, decision.

Fishermen not only may but actually do acquire a taste for an

inferior style of rod that is to say, they accustom themselves to a style

of rod built on the lines of those used with supposed infallibility by their
ancestors, and their confidence in it has not been shaken even by the
periodically frequent fractures of tops, and the yet more frequent loss

favourite flies. They will continue stoutly to affirm the style is best, but
fail to make good the affirmation by sound logic, or acceptable facts.
But it do roughly to over-ride prejudices of this description
will not ;

for if we put
ourselves in the owner's place it is easy to imagine with
what outraged feelings the curt contempt of some superior critic for the
" "
sacred heirloom style of rod would be received. This same heirloom
is of good hickory, light in hand, costly, and well finished. Enough line
may be got out with it to kill some fish, and the owner is accustomed, nay
attached, to it. Though beaten in his efforts to reach distant lay-byes,
the sentiment of years hangs about this companion of his in so
many happy scenes and successful days. In the consciousness of all
these, its virtues and deeds, is it reasonable to expect him to stand quietly
in the shoes of stoic indifference, and while remembering its pleasant

associations, to hear his favourite rod abused and damned off-hand ?

There is much to be said for the inborn respect of the Britisher for

antiquity. But in Salmon-fishing ours is an age of reason, and we must

be prepared for a quick march towards the absolutely, the ideally best
style of rod. In short, sound reasoning on the facts, and not taste,
however legitimately and respectably begotten, should be our guiding
light. We must fall back on open facts.

The question is first, "What is the best all-round style of rod?"

and then, What modification or adaptation of this is best in each
individual Fisherman's circumstance ?
In discussing this question in a preliminary way, I seek not only to
take up unassailable ground in giving expression to the convictions born
of my own experience, but also, whether I personally am right or wrong
as to the style of rod I advocate, to arouse some of the rest-and-be-
thankful school to the necessity either for progress towards a better
weapon than the old-fashioned one, or for a justification on grounds
other and better than those at present commonly held for the continued

use of the very inadequate, cumbrous implement handed down from

the fathers.
Manufacturers move on, and such vast strides have been made in the
last few years in almost every part of the Angler's outfit that it was by
no means unreasonable to expect some improvements in our rods. Our
expectations have been realised. Very considerable improvements have
been made, although -there are rods still in stock that might be called
fossil rods and go very well in use with the proverbial fly in amber.

But putting aside, for practical argument's sake, any predilection to

taste and opening our minds to impartial conviction we had better ask,
What is the best style of rod for Salmon-fishing ? The obvious answer is
that style of rod which is all-round best, which executes best all the
several kinds of casting practised by skilled Anglers the style that, on
the whole, best meets, most powerfully, easily, and pleasantly, all

possible exigencies of place, time, and circumstance.

Surely this style of rod is equal in trained hands to make the Overhand,"
' '

" " " "

the Spey," the Underhand," the Flip," or even the Wind" Cast-
each as required. This certainly is the beau ideal of a rod for a skilful
Angler whose fishing lies in a great variety of water.
But on the other hand, there is a legion of Fishermen, keen on the
sport and fully alive to all improvement, who, naturally enough, contend
that the waters they fish do not call for such a variety of skill on their

part, and, therefore, such a many-sided action in the rod. They rather
look for certain special qualities in the rod, because their practice is
limited to one or perhaps two varieties of casts. One may possibly often
have to adopt the Spey cast, and fishing only that river, content himself
with a local model which carries a lightish line whilst another, in an

exposed run of catches, has as often to contend against a head-wind and

otherwise must use the Wind Cast, which demands a maximum of lifting

power in the rod and plenty of butt action, or leave the water unfished.
Such and similar considerations must modify the ideal rod by giving
prominence in its style to the particular needs of each individual case.
But this opens no door for the exercise of haphazard taste. If the

Fisherman allows that intruder in, he will defeat his search for the best
rod. He must determine what modification of the ideally best rod will

suit him, and educate his taste to that then, taste is good, it is founded

on reason and fact, and the result in practice must be sound.

Eods of this calibre are built of well-seasoned materials, and are, how-
ever, not merely ideal, but are to-day realities in actual existence and use
in several well-known hands.
In proceeding to adduce facts and to reason from them, I wish to

emphasize what I have already implied, that, our aim should be sport,
not mere prowess. There is, I think, a material difference between the
two. Sport includes comfort and a more or less continuous and pervading
sense of direct pleasure elements that are often wanting in the display
of mere prowess. In the best style of rod, therefore^ its capability to
promote sport should be thought of before all else.

In determining the absolutely best type of rod, to be deviated from

only in the particular feature and to the particular degree ascertained to
be needed in each case, we must repeat a first great general principle. It
is this : that muscles, rod-butt, middle, top and line right down to the
form one instrument "
fly itself shall compound organ," so to speak
harmonious and unbroken in action, and imbued with ready obedience to
the Angler's eye and brain an organ adapted right through for one

purpose. Practice, and that alone can give a man the power of so
exerting his brain and strength. The rod and line are to be, as it were,
part of the man, though distinct from the man, and they are to be in such
unity, so well adapted to each other, that, such a rod and line in this or
that man's trained hands on his particular water shall give for him better
returns than any of the others.
" "
Now let us see how and why
our old acquaintance the trouty
Salmon rod with its light line has been of late years left in the
lurch, just as the breech-loader has displaced the old-fashioned muzzle-
general requirements of Trout-fly fishing have necessitated that
the rod for that branch of spott should be adapted for throwing a com-
paratively light line and that mainly by action from its top. Here is the
fundamental and generic difference between your true Trout rod and your
true Salmon rod. For the latter, to achieve its specific purposes, should
be worked with a line that is out of proportion heavier than the Trout line,

The accompanying illustration of a corner in the extensive premises

at the Standard Works, Eedditch, will give the reader an idea of the care


taken by Messrs. Allcock it- Co. in securing and seasoning, for loholesale
use, the logs of Greenheart in this department alone.

and it must develop its wave of casting-force less from the rod-top than
from the butt. The two actions are totally different, therefore the rods
and the lines most suitable are different.
In laying down this doctrine I refer for support of it to the records
existing in the public prints of recent casting tournaments, a testimony
" "
open to all and of irrefragable character. In the Overhand method of
casting, in which mode alone the " trouty-rod " is of any use at all, the
slight top and the stiff butt have caused it to be hopelessly left behind.
And apart from these competitions, this style of rod has been conclusively
proved to be wrong in every-day angling experience.
As to the " Overhand " cast, beloved by all, and well suited as it is

for places with plenty of room in the rear of the Angler, it is supposed by
many to be the easiest cast of all with plenty of wood in the butt. This
is also a misconception which may be often traced to the misleading influence
of the earlier acquired habits of Trout fishing. It is not that the Fisherman
is unable to make the cast, but is unable to make it perfectly and, as I ;

have said, this rod is almost, not quite, useless in other modes of casting

and especially so on all occasions when length of line is required in windy

As an instance here 1 will quote words which I wrote some years
ago : Too much importance is usually attributed to the Overhand
cast and consequently some of the most favourable pools are passed by
because the Angler is inexperienced with other casts. Take for example,
a pool where you wade, with three '

in it. No. 1 would be an

easy station but for a high tree immediately behind you. Here the
' '

Switch would be necessary. No. 2, some yards further on with a

large bough overhanging the water low down, and no stream to carry the
fly beneath owing to an eddy beyond the bough, would demand the use

of the Flip Cast and No. 3, which you reach after turning a sharp

corner, has the wind in your face, and this brings the Wind Cast into
operation. In these situations, the old fashioned, stiff-butted rod with a
fine top, noted for throwing a light line from the point, would be as useless
as it would be for holding a fish from rocks, dead trees, weirs and similar
dangers. Where Salmon can be captured without the display of
. . .

skill or much perseverance, and without


having to resort to the Spey,'

THE EOD. 283

the '
Wind '

or the Flip Cast, any ordinary rod might be used, and with
a certain amount of success. These places are few and often far between
and are as often bordering upon many awful places,' in which the

veteran will present his fly as if by magic. To do so he must be well

appointed. A rod for general purposes may be ever so perfect, and yet
prove almost useless with a line either too light or too heavy. The action
of it is made manifest by comparison with a Trout rod. In direct contrast,
it will propel a heavy line from the butt without perceptible effort of the
The reasonableness of what is now being urged with, I fear, too much
repetition, is clear. To be able to cast far, to cast against wind successfully,
" " "
to Switch or " Flip properly in short, to be able to hold your own
in Salmon fishing, you must not use a line too light, but one that demands
plenty of lifting power in a rod having plenty of stuff in the upper part
even to top-heaviness.
To objectors it may be also replied that a light line is no desideratum
in fly fishing for Salmon. On the contrary, it is well to fish fairly deep ;

and, moreover, line and gut trace should taper as explained elsewhere.
To the more plausible objection
as to increased weight in rod and line,
this must be emphatically said First, that owing to modern improve-

ments, especially in all fittings, rods are made much lighter in proportion
to length and strength than they used to be but, apart from that (and;

here the emphasis lies) the great question is not so much whether a rod is

actually heavy or not, but whether or not

it fishes heavy. When once its
proper use and available powers have been acquired by a few days'
training, the modern rod, of the style described, fishes infinitely lighter
than the old style.
The rod casts of itself " is an opinion often declared
of it. The question is one for the muscles, What is it that tires ? Not
weight absolutely, for it is manifestly true that, even with two old-
fashioned " Trouty rods, the heavier, if the better in balance, is far
less tiring than the one of lighter weight reckoned by Ibs. and ounces.
should not be misled by the adjective " light," as applied to rod
or to line. The term must be regarded as relative and determined ;

practically in meaning not merely by weights and scales, but also and
chiefly by the final verdict of nerves and muscles. Weariness comes far

sooner from the active exertion of doing all the work oneself with a light
rod, than from the semi-passive labour of carrying and controlling a
heavier rod that does for the Angler most, if not all the work within certain
limits. This principle is of intensified application where the more special
modes of casting are involved. In a moderately strong head wind the old-
fashioned rod must give up altogether and look enviously on its modern
rival rejoicing in the battle and the breeze." In short, it may fearlessly
be affirmed that, under any conditions of wind and weather the man who
has once found himself able to cast his fly upon the desired spot with the

scrupulous accuracy and reasonable delicacy and lightness, easily acquired

with the modified Castle Connell rod I advocate," will never again
return to the old combination of tackle. Nor will he regard as draw-
backs or defects the superior strength added in the new type of rod,
which secures the virtually sky-high immunity from banks, bushes and
other traps behind him.
This particular modified Castle Connell is perfectly made in green-
heart, and is called the Kelson Bod." I do not know of any defects to
set off against its merits. power of steady endurance in
Its merits are

holding a big fish in a strong stream power of lifting and propelling a


long line by every method of casting in any kind of weather or place in

" "
which one fishes and what is even more useful where the
; Spey is

imperative power of making the thrashdown by throwing, when, in

awkward winds, casting is impracticable. (Spey rods cannot do that.)
By its action alone one is capable of commanding with this rod thirty

yards of water and, when necessary, it can be made to command


" "
without much force over forty by employing the Overhand and of
course much more by the " Governor."
The superb rod on the Shannon, known as the Castle Connell, is the

parent of this rod, and varied experience in rod using and

which, after a long
rod making, I have found the most pleasantly powerful and generally
serviceable. In all-round competition, and this includes the .making of
all the known casts, except the Overhand," the Irish rod is indisputably
the most successful of all the ordinary types.
The distinguishing improvements in our rod have been introduced
with the intention of curing as far as possible any tendency to repeat the
" "

faults in character of the original. They are said to be instantly

recognised by the Angler who adopts only the Overhand."
That the failures of certain Anglers to secure with the Shannon rod
all they want argues nothing against its several virtues, but only

emphasises the need and the inducement that struck me for making an
" "
efforttowards the prospective amelioration of their lot. The Kelson
rod was not introduced into use hurriedly, for in doing my utmost to
discover what kind of rod would best execute all the casts with the
minimum of exertion and the maximum results, I made various ex-

periments with many other types differing in circumference as much as

1716th of an inch. In those experiments lines of different degrees of
weight were used. The outcome is that the ordinary Castle Council
famed chiefly for Side casting, Spey and
heavy fish
casting, for holding
without fear has been modified in a marked degree by being built some-
what stouter in the butt on such a scale as to considerably improve the
action for all-round fishing with ease and comfort. The holding qualities
are not perceptibly interfered with. The taper, be it noted, falls off not
nearly so rapidly as in the old Trouty rod, and only slightly quicker than
in the parent.

Any further stiffness in the butt, produced by a yet increased

allowance of material than that given in the modification would defeat the
whole object in view. On the whole, the Shannon rods may be summed
up in the familiar formula of"As you were," for they always fulfil the
expectations of their most sanguine supporters.
As to particular deviations from what I judge to be the best all-round
" "
rod, I may instance, as instructive, the Traherne pattern. This
particular style of rod is decidedly stouter in the butt, and is more widely
known at present than my own. The " Traherne," in the hands of
Major Traherne, no praise whatever here. It is sufficiently
calls for
recommended in the Badminton Library, which tells us that the author
of the Habits of the Salmon himself made an Overhand cast with it of no
less than 45 yards 1 inch. But were I asked to pronounce an opinion on
its merits, all the praise the rod would get from me would be conveyed
in a very few words, viz. That all Anglers who invariably adopt the
"Overhand" should not be without it, for the simple reason that on

stormy days, when they usually have to knock under, this rod enables
them to continue fishing in their
ordinary way. It is, in short, just the

very opposite of a Spey rod, which in windy weather is useless.

It my own rod is found the most pleasantly
has just been said that
powerful and generally serviceable. Lest there should be suspicions
arising of a possibly mischievous severity upon the fish's mouth due to
the increase of material in the modification, it may safely be promised
that there is no ground whatever for fear. A crucial instance may be
adduced here in support of this statement, apart from what is urged
elsewhere on striking and playing fish. It occurred early in the ex-

perience of a friend when using a rod selected for him by myself. This
is his account of its conduct in his hands, with one of my own lines lent

upon the occasion :

At first I was quite disappointed in the rod, and though you
described to me intelligently enough how to use it, especially in casting
Overhand,' it was not until the third day call me duffer, if you will-

that it ceased to be tiring and I began to acquire the knack of it. Now I
would never wish to go back to the old style. I really think I should lose
all pleasure in fishing if I did. The sense of power and of scope for skill
are vastly greater with your pattern. I astonished myself when I came
back to the old Spey cast, and popped out a good line in gusty weather.
The however, was this.
latest triumph, Certain friends here who use
light rods and lines have looked rather askance at the rod's action, and
suggested that it would be sure to tear fishes' mouths badly. If yours did
so, what about Major Traherne's ? But facts, happily, are surprising
things, sometimes the right way, too. What mouth among the Salmonidce
is tenderer than a Grilse's an hour or two fresh from the
open sea ? It is
like a grayling's almost. Well, on the 15th August I hooked and ran
within 200 yards of the open North Sea thirteen Grilse, and saved eleven
of them without assistance. I struck them off your pattern reel from
Farlow's. It seems to me
that even without other experience this pro-

portion of eleven out of thirteen played should for ever put an end to any
charge of severity against your system of red and line. . . No more
broken tops this season either. Bravo modified C. C."
" "
The saving of tops referred to a little hint previously given not

to hold the rod too upright in playing either Salmon or Grilse. Passing
now to other particulars, and first to materials, I do not care to mention
more than four Greenheart, Cane, Blue Mahoe, and Washaba.
Mixtures Composites," as they are called, of which the worst is
a combination of ash and cane are not to be commended, except in Spey
rods. Cane is very quick in return ;
ash very slow, and not powerful in

Experiments extending over a long period have satisfied me that

honours are divided between the cane rod I possess and those of my pattern
in Greenheart. Everyone knows, however, that it is no easy matter for
a maker to bring out the desired action in cane. The surface will bear no

planing, so when the pieces are glued together the joints themselves cannot
be reduced or interfered with. Mine never required it, for Hardy soon
succeeded in securing all the harmonies of action, balance, and good

workmanship. The action for my work that is to say, the action

wanted for successfully making any of the known casts is exactly as it
should be I do not wish for any alteration. Good action in cane means

nothing less than durability, and no better proof can be given of this than
the fact of my having taken with the rod considerably over one thousand
Salmon, kelts included. Perhaps I need hardly remark that it is without
" "
the steel centre. A realin cane will not break, and though
costly, cannot be said to be dear. To begin with, it is infinitely the best
kind of rod for the Wind cast and in casting Overhand, the Angler is

less fatigued than with any of the others. These advantages arise from
the fact that he has not to dwell so long in the motion a feature of no
inconsiderable moment as old age creeps on one, or even as regards one's
comfort and pleasure during the first few days of fishing before the
muscles get fit for work.
favourite greenheart if, indeed, any one of them is better than
another is a Farlow, more than thirty years of age and looking as young
as ever. On this subject it is difficult to write of this firm in words of
becoming praise, and without giving the impression of some conscious
exaggeration of language and sentiment in one's endeavour to do justice
all round. It is, however, the literal truth that the correct action in

greenheart may be implicitly relied upon by the purchaser. For when


these rods are put together the surface can be worked do\vu until

the desired balance is secured and in this important detail the maker

has never failed to give me satisfaction. What is equally pleasant to

record and equally appreciated by his customers, one and all, is his

punctuality in executing orders within the time of promised delivery.

Apart from all other advantages of this style of rod, be it of cane or

greenheart, the usual weakness caused by the continual use of any one
cast may be quickly counteracted by the adoption of another cast. The
" an
Spey," for instance, produces upward bend, and this defect is soon
rectified in working by the Overhand."
Blue Mahoe is here and there the acknowledged .king. But sound
as his title is said to be, his crown would be much firmer if he had not
" "
an ugly trick of unaccountably and unexpectedly striking work on
very little provocation. In spite of all care in the selection of matured,

straight-grained wood from butt to point, the upper joints will sometimes

snap asunder like glass. I had one of Ogden's in use for a few years, and

prized immensely. It had shown no signs of wear and tear until one

fine day young friend, casting only a short distance with it, broke the

top joint clean in two by lifting the line before it was thoroughly ex-
tended. Any rod is liable to fracture under this condition of treatment,

though as yet I have never seen cane surprise anyone by such sudden
misbehaviour. Blue Mahoe is nevertheless a remarkably light, if not the
lightest of all rod woods, and in skilled hands fully justifies the claim
Ogden makes for it.

Washaba differs in this respect, for it is the heaviest of rod woods.

Washaba rods are very " steely," and never seem to wear out. I have
seen one at Usk as old as the hills and as straight as an arrow despite
the severe trials it has looked full in the face.
There are many other rods besides those to which reference has been
made. Manufacturers in Ireland and Scotland finish their work well,
and find plenty of local support for their wares. As a rule, these are
built purposely for the Overhand cast only.
The rod liked on one river is detested on another. The Spey rod,
for instance, in the hands of a purely local performer on the Tweed
would meet .with the utmost condemnation ;
whilst a Castle Connell

pattern for the Overhand" would be equally disliked by any of Forrest's
customers at Kelso, or Malloch's at Perth.
In making his purchase the Angler must determine for himself the
sort of rod required to meet and suit his own purpose or purposes and ;

here one difficulty arises over which no living mortal has control. It is

this. Thereno occupation of ours in which a man has greater need to


have his wits about him than that which has for its object the choice of a
rod. Even expert Fishermen are frequently mistaken on these occasions.
I have, however, endeavoured to cope with the difficulty by giving those
who wish for the modified Castle Connell the information required for its
(In use the ferruled greenheart is tied at the joints with purse silk
Pearsall's Typhast." The joints of the spliced greenheart are often
glued together and bound with fine hemp. In binding mine, I varnish
the hemp, say, two yards at a time, before I proceed and give the splice ;

so made a final coat when dry. But Farlow has recently introduced a
band for the purpose. Each lap adheres to the wood, and, in finishing
off, the upper lap rigidly sticks to the one placed beneath it, and remains
so. By the employment of this band the rod can be "put up" in three
minutes, and keep firm for the whole season. It is the neatest form
" "
of whipping as yet introduced.)
The cane, rod being furnished with lock-fast joints is simply put
together when the stoppers are removed. How would behave
on greenheart do not know, but
I I find them convenient and deserving
of much praise on cane.
With regard to weights, the 4| aluminium winch holding 150
yards of line weighs 18i ounces.
Length. Weight.
Ferruled greenheart - 17 ft. 4 inch. 2 Ibs. 11 ozs.

Spliced greenheart-
- 17 ft. 4 inch. 2 Ibs. 10 ozs.
and a little less when the new band is used instead of the hemp.
Built cane - 17 ft. 8 inch. 2 Ibs. 11 ozs.

As regards length of rod, the build of the Fishermen, the breadth of

the river, and the average size of the fish are items to be taken into
account yet it is very easy to so exaggerate these conditions as to err in


favour of prejudices, either for undue length or undue shortness. For

myself, I am inclined to think tha, for general purposes, having in view,
on the one hand, the length of line, it is possible to cast by any of the
methods with advantage, and on the other, the time occupied in killing
a fish, that 17 feet 4 inches in greenheart, and 17 feet 8 inches in built
cane is the most serviceable length for Salmon in river fishing. For
Salmon a much shorter rod is an indispensable condition.
lake fishing for
The bottom joint should carry three rings, the lower one being 2 feet
from the upper end of the winch fitting. The old-fashioned drop-ring
should be discarded for the upright revolving ring, having phosphor-
bronze centres, with brass wire to prevent rust. . Perhaps for this
improvement a small extra expense is incurred at first, but the
diminished wear of the linea perfectly natural consequence assuredly
makes revolving rings the cheaper article in the long run. The chief
object of the Angler in this connection is to secure a free run through the
" "
rings so as to be able to shoot a good length of line. By shooting
line (fully described elsewhere) is meant the
useful practice of holding

lightly between the thumb and forefinger of the upper hand, several coils
of the line either drawn in from the water, or direct from the winch,
and letting them go free to be taken out by the momentum given
to the cast in the thrashdown.
On the question of ferrules, little need be said.
Serrated ferrules, graduating as they do the strain that arises at the
junction of the pliant wood and rigid ferrule joint, have been highly
spoken and
of strongly recommended. Good sheet brass, hammered
until it becomes almost as hard as steel, is the best material, and, in my
judgment, no ferrules equal those made on steel triblets, but they should
only slightly taper and have bell-mouths.
The chief point for the Angler's consideration is that, as ferrules
wear loose with lapse of apt to meet with serious
time, the rod is

injury if used in that condition. To detect loose ferrules put the rod

together and test each joint in the following way The rod is " played "

by one hand, whilst the forefinger and thumb of the other hand hold it
at the union of wood and ferrule. In this way any shakiness is easily
detected. Put on with Le Page's glue, they seldom require attention.

Under bad usuage a rod may become either racked or strained.

"Backing means disablement for the part affected. A "rack " is a kind of
strain concentrated in one spot and
so bad an injury in itself that
is it

can best be defined as "

incipient fracture."
A "strain," distinguished from a "rack," is rather a warp inducing a
temporary curve in one direction.
" "
Backing comes from lifting a line too suddenly from making the ;

thrashdown too soon, or too late from catching the hook in boughs, &c.,

in the rear of the Angler or from using a line too light in weight.

Straining" results from continually fishing upon one side of the water ;

from standing the rod against a wall in a damp place from working ;

with loose ferrules and sometimes from using a line too heavy for the
rod. The defect is one that can be cured by a skilled rodrnaker but ;

racking is incurable.


" He only tee* mdl mJn .*e.t the whole in the parts, and the parti in the whole."


MANY and various instances in mercantile and industrial enterprise

does not depend so much
give rise to the current belief that, real progress
on the perfect knowledge of the abstract sciences, as on the extent and
perfection of those simple arts which minister to the daily wants and
comforts of life. However this may be in the ordinary course of things,
we are perhaps not concerned at the present moment to inquire but no ;

doubt whatever exists in angling minds that the progress of a Salmon-

fisherman does not depend so much on the perfection of fly-work, as on
the way the fly is put before the fish. That being so, it may not be
altogether out of place here, first, to draw attention to a certain art in
fishing the fly,the achievement of which considerably depends on the
make and quality of the line in use.
Who, for instance, ever heard of the scheme, or even recognised the
necessity for mending a cast five and twenty years ago ?
U /o

Now this is just one of those important measures that may come to
us in actual fishing by mere chance.
Accident, say perhaps a stumble in
wading, might cause one's .well-balanced rod and properly weighted line
to do something or other, which does not fail to be noticed, and then,

feeling an immediate tug of a fish, one makes a special note of the un-
expected effect so produced.
In point of fact this is exactly how the " mending business
originated with me. But the chance for discovering any such new
method of treatment as this seldom occurs now as the opportunity hardly
ever comes. Comparatively unwary, vigilantly on the watch, fish used
to follow the fly bustling across the river anyhow, and leave it alone until
the water, not the Fisherman, compelled the lure to, sooner or later,
assume that natural position, which, in these days, is absolutely required
from start to finish.
Eagerness on the part of the fish in that direction is the exception at
the present time, not the rule, so in the matter of presentation has fishing

long since undergone a fundamental change.

object of this practice in presenting the fly, clearly, is to incite
immediate action on the part of the fish rather than encourage indolent
inspection. It happens to be a delightfully simple performance, if the
Angler provided with a line so constituted as to instantly respond to

the turn of the wrist. We do not propel the fly, as of yore, and leave it
to fateand fortune on the contrary, we take care to promptly counteract

the instant effect of water which occasions the line to take a snake like
course, by mending the cast ; that is, by lifting the rod with telling effect,
and by a simultaneous turn of the wrist, to the right or left as the case

may be, switching over the belied portion of the line (caused by the lift ing)

by which means the fly is compelled to fish straight throughout the area of
the cast made.
This latest art-achievement in fishing it is new to many may
strike the inexperienced as being an extremely insignificant matter, but
" "
in reality, it is the essence of presentation and on most rivers the. very
foundation of success.
No ; fish do not follow the fly as they did when the novice hooked
them at the first bungling throw" not one in fifty. Those halcyon

days the true time when it was never too late to mend" have gone like
the May pole and the dancing on the village green. Long since that
innocent era Salmon have been taught to better use their eyes and other
organs. Their constantly declining to follow flies across the water, as they
did, is a fact that has forced itself upon our recognition and driven us to ;

prepare for this and other propensities which originate in that thinking
apparatus of theirs.
The question therefore arises: Can we properly "mend" our cast
with the line of the period ? No, but out of this evil, good has come, for
our amicable conflict with these difficulties has obliged us to consider the
matter of lines in all their varied uses and relations, and our investigations
have turned out fruitful in precious results. We were not long in finding
out that a line should be possessed of certain qualities, and, that those
lines commonly used failed us in respect of pliability as well as in

weight unless possessing an outrageous amount of bulk.

The essential qualities which stamp a good line are four in number
Compactness, Suppleness, Evenness, and Durability.
Our list of demands may appear somewhat formidable, but it is

impossible to charge a single item with superfluity. No practical Angler

will question the signal merit of a line possessing these valuable

characteristics. Strength, though generally regarded as being of material

importance, is not included in our
list. Personally I have always looked
upon with
this quality indifference, from the fact that even the thin end
of the taper of a line, fit for use, stands a far heavier strain than the gut

attached to it.

In as one of the Judges of the Fisheries Exhibition of 1883

my report,
(see Field, 27th October, 1883), I made the following observations :

" In
judging, the lines were tied to a steelyard. The highest " pull " was
59 Ibs., the lowest 21 Ibs. After many years practical experience, and, having for
the sake of experiment made various lines myself, I am convinced that a tightly
plaited lineis by far the best for fishing purposes. Yet a tight plait under the
weight test would pull considerably less than one loosely plaited made of exactly
the same quantity and of the same length. There is greater weight
. . .

in it for the same circumference of loose plait I am fortified

in this opinion by the entire concurrence of the leading manufacturers in the

Now, weight, brought about by the quality of compactness, is very

desirable, but any undue increase of bulk is most detestable. Burdened
by loose, over-gorged plaits, culminating in a distended corporation, the
line offers too much resistance to the air, splashes too much, is lifeless and

ungovernable in the water, necessitates an extra large winch or a dangerous

shortening of back-line, and above all requires a stout, unwieldly rod of a
kind I would call " an unmitigated enormity," which, for taxing the
powers of endurance, robbing anticipation, and dispelling keenness, it
would indeed be hard to surpass.
On the other hand, a line too light in weight, and too small in
circumference, is equally bad and sometimes worse. 'In contrary winds,
for instance, it is almost useless, whilst in long casting, the rod, suited

in every way to fulfil its proper functions', is completely spoilt by the extra
force required.
In proceeding now to deal with the qualities enumerated above, it
should be clearly understood that the most essential characteristic in a
line is compactness. In plain language, this means the maximum of
weight combined with the minimum of bulk, the significance of
which only those well acquainted with high-class Salmon-fishing can
fully appreciate. Compactness ensures a fairly smooth surface, else the
ordinary way of riverside dressing is ineffective from the very first.
With this quality as a substratum the line should never become too
stiff or too supple. A hard stiff line neither casts well, fishes well, nor
wears well. If made stiff by improper dressing when new, the line soon
knuckles," and no sooner are the early defects made good than the com-
plaint breaks out in I know not how many places. They shall, however,
receive attention presently.

Suppleness may be carried to an extreme. In some waters in those,

for instance, that break and chop about in all directions it is impossible

to have any contol over the fly with a line as supple, say, as one that has
not been waterproofed. A loosely plaited line very soon becomes too
supple for second or even third rate fishing, dress it how you will. A
tightly plaited line, unless thoroughly saturated at first with the right
material, to grief as quickly by knuckling, whilst both the one and
the other are apt to get water-logged and then go permanently to the bad.

Such a degree of suppleness is to be sought in a line as not to interfere

with the other good qualities. This can be secured and every evil defied
provided the line is plaited closely, dressed under a system detailed in this
chapter, and properly cared for after use.
Evenness is an important factor in commanding distant catches. A
waterproofed line having a perfectly level surface, of proper size and
weight, and a flexibleness combined with a certain amount of stiffness,
" "
passes so readily through the rod rings and air that to shoot eight or
ten yards of it is a profitable achievement soon mastered. At all events
from over-fatigue, and his rod from
the. Angler profits in saving himself
severe treatment. In "mending a cast" an uneven line forms a
wavy, cramped curve in the air and spoils the business but this irregu- ;

larity is with a good line. When evenness prevails the

never seen at all

ease with which the line can be lifted, or the cast effectually mended is
noticeable at once. Another advantage is derived from this quality, in
that the smoother the dressing the longer it lasts. The American
machine, working American, ingredients, produces a
smooth, bright
appearance for a comparatively limited period, no matter how even the
line may be. In respect of polishing nothing beats handwork.
Durability needs no justification and very little explanation. It
should not, however, be forgotten that silk lines as a rule do not last long
unless made of the best material, dried thoroughly after use and dressed

properly when new.

As for using undressed silk lines, I should never think of such a thing.
I ampuzzled to find any reasonable and sensible conclusion for the
strenuous recognition they receive, though a deeply-rooted mistrust of
them in some places is established. But still, lines of this description are
recommended by authorities to whose testimony we cannot fail to listen
with respect, whether we agree with them or not. According to my
experience and conviction the pleasing theory of these amicable mentors
has been rebutted scores of times in actual working practice. The broad
charge I would record against lines undressed is that they are far too
supple and too light in weight for even by the aid of upright revolving

" shoot " at all.

rod-rings, a serious effort is needed to get them to They
are moreover liable to get into a confused mess, and, besides being

prejudicial to success, owing to their obvious conspicuousness in the water,

are far more troublesome to use and to dry. If there is any good in them

I cannot detect it.

Other materials have been tried. Hair lines, and those of silk and
hair together, are too rough, too loose in plait and too light in weight.
Besides, it is useless to attempt to dress them.
Plaiting is better than twisting. A plaited line is less liable to kink,
takes dressing better, and, what is still more important, is easier controlled
in the water. I often meet with twisted lines, but never once have I seen
any "tricks of the trade performed with them at work. The plait may
be either round or square. The former results in a more even surface at
whilst the tiny hollow centre running through their entire length

can be filled up by a certain process of dressing a solid continuous core

being thus permanently formed. Managed in the old fashioned way with
any sort of dressing, this small channel soon holds water and then the
silk begins to rot. When this fact became known, lines plaited over a
manufactured core were introduced into use, but in our branch of the sport
they afford no practical benefit.
The lines I use myself have often been submitted for trade inspection,
and it is gratifying to announce that Mr. Carswell, 90, Mitchell Street,
Glasgow, a wholesale maker, has so far succeeded as to be able to supply
retail dealers with something that will assuredly find favour and please

critical eyes with a line, at all events, that considerably reduces every

difficulty in high class presentation. As may be supposed, I have given

several of these a good trial and find they differ in a great degree from the

ordinary stock in trade. They, moreover, possess exceptional qualities

which are at once serviceable for the Salmon-fisherman. They happen to
be christened the Kelson Enamelled." Their salient features are :

A fairly tight plait, a smooth surface, more weight for bulk than usual,
whilst the quality of evenness and of material cannot be surpassed. They
are made in several sizes, the choice of which is necessarily left to the

judgment of the purchaser from the fact that rods differ so much in
" "
action. The Kelson rod best carries a No. 3.

From this we begin to see the advantage derived from having a

standard line in the market fit for a rod so balanced as to admit of the

various casts being made without the chance of disappointment

It may be useful to note that these lines can be bought at the
tackle shops dressed or undressed, but I shall deal with that matter
At this point I would mention from time to time, I have put
both round and square lines under severe critical test and after full con-
sideration finally decide in favour of the former.But the latter sort are
not without their merits. For instance, they are solid from end to end
and so do not require quite the same amount of care in the out-door
principle of dressing. On the other hand, the second process in that
system, viz., that of polishing when applied to their less regular surface
quickly loses its effect, and this will be found to be so until the line has
had considerable wear and tear.
" "
Tapered making all casts except the
lines are better for Flip and
the "Governor," and perhaps the "Spey" with the Spey rod. The
tapered ends measure ten feet, six inches, and the whole line itself measures
forty-two yards. These measurements were fixed for particular reasons
and by no means in a haphazard or arbitrary manner the size of

the winch, distance and cleanness in casting by all the methods, having

been studiously consulted.

The entire length of my own tackle runs into one hundred and fifty
yards. But seeing the whole in the parts is not seeing the parts in the
whole. Many would
object to using a line so thin at the back end but ;

when this part brought into use, Trout tackle would be equally effective.
Seen in the parts " idling at home, my tackle would not please one in
" "
ten, seen in the whole, busy at work, every member of the fraternity
would " see well," and instinctively feel not only the necessity for the
qualities which have been assigned to the casting line, but also the
trimming the winch under the following system, by which
desirability of
arrangement I have saved more than one Salmon in my time.
The casting line is
married to about seventy yards of A'o. 3 or E
" "
of the Standard Waterproof Braided silk line (Allcock & Co.), the
remaining portion consists of the same standard article No. 1 or F, which
is, one degree less in size. By the same process (marriage) two and a

quarter yards of plaited gut, tapered, having a small loop for the single
trace, is attached in front. In its complete form, as explained, the
combination "packs" a 4J inch aluminium winch.
I have never yet experienced a fish running out the whole of this

length nor has it ever been my lot to fear the strength of the line from

end to end, though it has been well tested on numerous rivers. The
whole of the back line should be packed on the winch tightly, not wound
loosely in disorder, but firmly, in even close coils, after the fashion of the
tinsel upon a silver-bodied fly. Thus packed, all "jamming" in running
a fish is entirely obviated.
Not many years ago I explained my ideas Farlaw of a contrivance
for drying lines, with the result that the "Skeleton Line Drier" was
made and patented. Constructed so that the air passes through to every
portion of the line, this machine is fixed to a mantle piece by a screw
clamp grooved to steady the winch in winding off, as shown in the


One amongst other advantages gained in using this Winder is that

" "
all kinking is prevented.
It is quite as needful to dry the line in safe custody after use as to
saturate the gut trace before use, and perhaps more so. If left on the

winch, even in a damp state, the line soon becomes worthless.

In the matter of "knuckles" (which invariably come with bad
dressing), so far as remedial measures are concerned, the sooner they
are doctored the better. But when once these sores break out, the
seat of disturbance is of a magnitude that makes the prospect of cure

exceedingly remote. The wounds may be healed, but sooner or later will
renew their assaults with redoubled energy ; besides, the disease carries
perpetual contagion with it. Every day the infection brings fresh
trouble. However, for the purpose of a local application, prepare No. 1
Dressing mixture (mentioned presently) by heating it in a saucepan or by
immersing a jar containing the liquid in boiling water. When rather hot,

paint with a camel's hair brush each plague spot, and coax the stuff well
into the silk by bending the knuckles to and fro until they present to the

eye a white, frothy appearance. Kub off the froth and allow the line to
dry. But the best plan is to steep the line in methylated chloroform for
a day, and with soap and warm water wash off the whole of the old
dressing (which never penetrated the silk at all well) and re-dress it in
the manner described hereinafter.
has been reserved for the ingenuity of Mr. W. Wells Eidley to

bring out for himself and friends the best line, to my thinking, ever
wetted in a Salmon river. In every detail can be traced the result of
extended experience and exhaustive inquiry. The way they are plaited
is simply perfect.
Compactness is obtained by using the best silk, freed
from all natural gum, and by employing unusually heavy weights on the
plaiting machine. The strands are packed as closely as they can be
without incurring the risk of a " curl," which is worse than a
Mr. Eidley once informed me that his lines contain one-third
more silk than any others of the same length and circumference,
and that this is entirely due to some special process adopted by
him. There certainly is here an art of preparation and a measure
of success which I think no manufacturer possesses except Carswell.
The very look of them is enough, and they are no less surprising
for their appearance than for the facility which they afford in
casting and in presentation." So far as durability is concerned,
I have had a line in use since 1878, and in
spite of hard wear, it
is as sound and, if
possible, more serviceable than ever. A small
case of these treasures was on view at the Fisheries Exhibition
(1883), and attracted general admiration. If only from a feeling of

personal obligation, I would add that the Salmon-angling world at large




is deeply indebted to Mr. Ridley for proving that the ideal line is a
practical possibility, and for giving me sufficient information to enable me
to get it on the market.
I have only a few more observations to offer to students before we
consider the question of dressing lines.
Salmon lines are imperilled and injured by many causes now by ;

Spey casting in close quarters, where it is impossible to keep the line

from skirting rocks and other traps in the way now by the wrong ;

dressing; again, perhaps, by not polishing when necessary, and

frequently by being left wet on the winch.
I use the word " perhaps," as line-dressing is a subject I hold an

open mind upon. It all depends upon what a man wants and how much
time he has to get it. If he wants an ideal dressing it is to be had, but
not in a hurry. The time is not far distant when everybody will learn to
waterproof lines with a lasting preparation that improves them from the

very first, one that will permeate the whole texture and provide a smooth,
elastic, and protecting surface that will not deteriorate. Only after years
of attention and personal experiment did I hit on certain reliable methods
and ingredients which I employ when fishing. The evidence of others,
however, had been carefully considered, and their various materials tried
and exhaustively tested.
The plan I recommend for river-side dressing has a first and a second
process. In the preliminary work the oil penetrates round lines, makes
them somewhat solid and, with subsequent care, permanently waterproof.
The final touches result in such a smooth surface with a new " Ridley,"
or an old ordinary, that no sign of roughness can be seen or felt. An
" "
equally happy result can be relied on with the Kelson Enamelled line.
" "
This fact of itself goes to prove the similarity between the Ridley and
the "Enamelled."
As Mr. Ridley's lines are distributed throughout the country

(gratuitously, let me add), the best method of dressing them and my

own, when wanted in a hurry, is as follows :

Soak the new line for forty-eight hours in the
Dressing for Fishing
Lines," sold at Apothecaries' Hall, Blackfriars, London. Then tie it up
at each end out of doors, full length, and allow it to remain untouched

warm "
for about sixteen fine, days or at all events, until the dress" is

set and sticky.

In fixing the line, do not wipe off much of the material. The plan
is to marry on spare string at each end to tie with, and so prevent a

certain waste of taper. Kunning and back lines are married to each
other by first fraying out nearly half an inch of the two ends with the

point of the stiletto. After the strands- are thus well separated, divide
the part frayed out into three portions, so as to form three legs."
These portions are twisted to a point, see Fig. 1 and 2.

FIG. 1.

FIG. 2.

FIG. 3.

They are then interlaced. The forks are fitted together until the
original thicknesses meet at A A. The six legs are spread out so as to
surround the 3.
line, Then, with double tying-silk (waxed),
see Fig
the whole splice is bound down in the ordinary way with close coils,

tapped with the back of an ivory-handled knife on a table, and then

On taking down the line for use, be careful with the married
points, as they will marry again and again in making up the running
The best season for this dressing is in summer.
The liquid in which the line is soaked previously made rather hot.

When it sets, take more of the warmed dressing in the fingers, and with
them give the line another good coating. It will have already absorbed

the previous coat, and present a bare appearance. In a few days from
this (locality and weather upset all calculation as to Ihe exact time) the
second application will be ready, and the rubbing process begins.

Irub the dressing when obliged to adopt this method with my

fingers, as my hands soon harden in fishing but a piece of thick felt

answers the purpose equally well. The line must be rubbed backwards
and forwards over and over again, day by day, until the dressing is almost
The first process having thus been completed in its entirety, the
second one is at once started. This consists simply in hand polishing.
Take a piece of linen about six inches square, make it into a pad, and
dip it in spirits of wine, squeeze the pad, and on the damp face of put it

three drops of old linseed oil (from Apothecaries' Hall) that has thrown
off many sediments, and smear them over the pad. Now rub to and fro
two yards, little by little, lightly and quickly, imbedding the line in the

pad. Continue the rubbing for about three minutes. Dip the pad, as
before, into the spirits, and, with three more drops of oil, proceed in the
same way, two yards at a time, along the whole length of the line.
The hand, or the felt, rubbing will have deadened the appearance of
the body dressing and made the surface smoother, but after a few days'
work with the pad which should be used only once in twenty-four
hours streaks of polish will appear visible, and increase daily in number
and size. In seven or eight days the line will be finished and it is ;

gratifying to know then that, whatever trouble the systejn may have
involved, the line can be used after it has remained in the sun for two
more days. Do
not underestimate this advantage.
After the line has received its second coat of polish, which it will

require in six weeks time, it will maintain a fair face upon it for the whole
season. In use the secret allow the polish to get too dull.
is never to In
order to prevent knuckles the line must be watched and polished when

necessary, the necessity being increasingly apparent to the observer as

dulness sets in. On the second occasion, the linen pad will effect its
purpose in about half the time. When due attention has been paid to this,
the body dressing, so far my own experience extends, is never wanted
Ordinary lines necessitate a somewhat different treatment. As a rule
their surface cannot be made sufficiently smooth by the first process, so
as to effectually secure, at an early date, the best results of process No. 2.

To attempt to secure this by daubs of dressing is to fly in the face

of that enemy best known by the term dandruff." Too much body
dressing is just as harmful as too little. An extra coat for rough lines

is, however, advisable, and when quite dry the surface is best worn down

by using them.
In all cases, Anglers will decide for themselves when the surface is

ready but, after fishing with the line, another thin coat is needed in

order to start the polish before the liquid sets hard. cannot, however, We
escape from the cold fact that, with all our dipping and rubbing
and subsequent care and attention, this treatment involves us in clouds
of doubt and apprehension. But let me turn for a, moment to some
brighter prospect something else which has escaped most line dressers

What Salmon-fishermen want, and what I understand can now be
found in the Alnwick market, is a waterproofing that will, at all events,
stand the test of time without cracking and knuckling. We know to our
cost that knuckles always constitute a standing menance to all endeavour
to reach a high branch of efficiency, and, in consequence, to attain good
angling records.
What the uninitiated line dresser wants is a means by which he can
ensure Salmon-anglers the full enjoyment of their privileges, by not
allowing those dark clouds to overhang perpetually their paths of progress.
If he obtains this, he will, without doubt, find ample support to back him
up in his own neighbourhood ;
if not ?

A happy opportunity for welcoming a widely proclaimed creed

presents itself. It is a maxim of law that there is no wrong without a,

remedy, and unless line dressing is to confess a humiliating inferiority to

jurisprudence there must be some curative agency by which the removal,

or rather the prevention of all previous drawbacks can be triumphantly
overcome. In point of fact, I have long since satisfied myself that the
AIR-PUMP is our only guarantee a statement confirmed in the best
school of Trout-fishers and verified in Salmon-angling by prolonged and
unfailing tests.
Good and satisfactory as the out-door dressing is comparison with
other make-shifts, a line is not, and never can be, impregnated with nearly

as much oil as the air-pump drives into it. The material, be what it may,
never enters those numberless interstices in which air settles and remains.
As I have pointed out, our security is of a temporary nature, dependent
on care taken in polishing and repolishing and perhaps not one

Fisherman in a hundred is gifted with that imperturbable temperament

for the undertaking.

Seeing, however, that a thoroughly saturated line keeps nearer the

surface of the water, it would appear that, to a certain extent, some com-

pensation exists for those tiresome knuckles. Air-pumps are, moreover,

luxurious articles, expensive to purchase,* and troublesome to take from

place to place. But to those who like to take the hint and snap their
must say the air-pump is simplicity
fingers at all such trifling difficulties, I
itself and a luxury indeed.
A few plain directions for its employment will suffice.
To begin with, "the dressing for fishing lines " is not suitable in this
case. Better
it is by far to use the Clarified Oil specially prepared by

Naylor Brothers & Quick, 12, James Street, Oxford Street, London.
This firm of merchants have devoted ample attention to our wants. By
a process of their own they have succeeded in removing all flocculent matter
which can always be traced in the finest sample oils. In order to clarify
the oil completely and make it stable they keep it in cisterns, on hot water
beds until the liquid is ready for our purpose.
Secondly, the lines can be dried artificially ;
this is an advantage in
the South, though in the North-east of Scotland they dry in the open air.
With regard to my more recent experiments with various dressing
ingredients under the air-pump, it has been my privilege to consult
gentlemen who have had the wisdom to work out the problem by the
excellent method of practical common sense. I allude to my friends
Mr. Halford and Mr. Hawkesley both well known for their skill in dry-fly
fishing and for possessing Trout lines that never knuckle. To these lovers
of art and science we are entirely indebted for the pains taken in

finding that infinitely more suitable waterproofing for this particular

Since writing these remarks, Messrs. Baker & Co. have brought out an inexpensive
air-pump that answers the purpose admirably (nee engraving).

Mr. Halford, in his admirable book

on Dry-fly Fishing (Sampson, Low and
Marston), directs us to immerse the
line in a flat, vessel containing pure
boiled oil,* place the vessel under the
receiver of an air-pump exhaust until ;

all air-bubbles are drawn to the surface ;

do not remove the line until after all

THE AIR-PUMP. the air-bubbles have broken and vanished.

Take the draw it through your fingers or a piece of
line out of the oil ;

remove all superfluous oil.

flannel or felt lightly, so as to Then wind the
line on a frame which is about 18 inches long, made of two side-pieces of

wood, with two pieces of iron wire across the ends. There are saw-gates
cut obliquely on one of the wooden sides of the frame. One end of the
line when covered with the first coat of oil is fastened in the saw-gates
marked No. 1, and the line wound on. The frame and the line is then
placed in an oven,t heated to the temperature of a 150 Fahrenheit and
baked for about ten hours. The line is then taken out of the oven, and,
when rubbed off carefully with very fine
cold, all the irregularities are

glass-paper, taking care not to abrade any of the silky fibres. After all
irregularities are rubbed off and the line made as equal in size as possible,
it is again put into the oil, under the air-pump and the air again exhausted.
The line, when all the air-bubbles have broken, is taken out, and again
wound on the frame being fastened at the saw-gate No. 2, and so on so ;

that the line should have a different point of contact with the iron wire
after each coat."
Mr. Halford tenders further advice, and presents us with a number
of reliable details, which are of solid value in the completion of the system
for Trout lines. He happy knack of showering many
has, moreover, a
other blessings on the heads of his followers and (to adopt the appropriate

expression of Mr. Dagonet) though the book is going like wild fire," the
next generation will have nothing to fear on that account from the simple
fact of its being stationary. Mr. Hawkesley being versed in practical

The Author meant the Clarified Oil.

t A tin box over gas.


mechanics, has attained the mastery of this system. He is of the opinion,

and wisely so, that to make a Salmon line absolutely solid it should be
immersed three times and baked in a temperature of 130, allowing on each
occasion a little longer time for drying.
This is pretty much what I have found in my own experience ;
but I
rub the with powdered pumice stone, dry it in the sun, or, better

still, on the plate-rack over a kitchen fire, and polish it before use. By
this process a line holds double the amount of oil and therefore it takes
much longer to dry.
itself to me many years ago while repairing
The air-pump suggested
knuckles. In so doing, the froth or air-bubbles that quickly appeared
made room for the drop of dressing to disappear as quickly, and this spoke
volumes. Although not wanted as a safeguard against knuckles when the
air-pump is used, the second process of mine is still beneficial insomuch
" "
that it favours those who pride themselves on
shooting line.
Eton and Deller, I understand, have brought out a salmon line for
Mr. Halford, whose name alone is quite enough to recommend it.
I have pointed out the little debt to the air-pump which ought to be

paid in fact, I may say, liquidated in full by subsequent patience and ;

with that condition fulfilled, the machine may have an ideal career for the
Fisherman, who, by its aid, should escape that acute unpleasantness of
being under a cloud."


" Witul
up your watch a* you please, but, in bringing a fish to bank, wind quickly
n-hen yon yet the. chance."

AT a period well within the memory Fisherman the
of the middle-aged

winch was an ugly, heavy, barrel-shaped article, without any check and
having sharp shoulders to the cross-bars, square edges to the plates and
a,crank handle attached to the spindle. In dimension it was large enough

to hold over onehundred yards of silk and hair line of one size through-
out a clumsy, cumbrous thing, well in keeping with other primitive

appointments of the time.

How different is the winch
of to-day The weight has been re-

duced by more than one the shape perfected sharp shoulders and
half ; ;

square edges have disappeared, whilst the old crank handle (always
unsightly and liable to work loose) has made way for the revolving disc
with the handle attached to it.

Passing over the period when multiplying winches were in favour,

and saying nothing of the difficulty in winding in a fish with them (they
were from their complicated mechanism hardly ever in order), we arrive
at the time when a decided advance in winch mechanism took place.
Over thirty years have elapsed since a prominent London firm engaged a
noted workman to devote his time entirely to this special branch of the
trade. Other firms followed its lead, and many and varied are the

winches to be seen in the fishing tackle houses of to-day, the Moscrop

among others, for instance, all displaying vast improvements upon the
original invention.
Some few years later I devoted considerable attention to further
practical improvements. I had often observed, especially among average

Anglers, that fish were lost either in striking or in the final struggle
undsr the gaff. But was not all, for ths great majority of fish which

were landed by good men had their flesh badly torn by the hook. After
much thought I came to the conclusion that this flesh tearing must
originate in the striking," and that, therefore, there was something
radically wrang with the systsm of holding the line as practised at that

There are Fishermen and Fishermen, but how many are there who
would fairly be classed far above mediocrity How many with even

twenty years' experience can conscientiously tell you that, under the old
method of holding the line, they knew exactly what force to use in

striking without ever meeting with an accident '? Under the new method
as described elsewhere, accidents are almost impossibilities.

Accordingly, in my experiments, I set to work with screw-driver and

pincers, and made the break in some of my winches reasonably stiff and

in others reasonably loose. In " striking I gave up holding the line

altogether. After a little practice in adjusting the strength of the break

to suit particular waters I lost so few fish, and found the flesh so little
torn, if torn at all, that now I adopt no other plan. Convincing myself
at thetime that the general principle was the right one, I commenced to
design a winch with an adjustable check constructed so that the power of
resistance in striking, as well as in the line running, could be graduated at

Having given up my country residence and come to reside in

London, workshop experiment being doomed, I put myself in communi-

cation with the firm spoken of above. A lengthy correspondence took
place, relating principally to details in the construction of the lever, with
the result that a Winch was patented, and to this day is sold at 191,

Strand, under the name of THE PATENT LEVER WINCH. The neat and
skilful way in which the work has been executed at this establishment is

in every way a source of satisfaction to me, and a transport of delight to

all my friends.

THE WINCH (Fig. 1).

This winch, the special object of which is sufficiently indicated by its

title, has sometime since entered upon the first decade of its existence,
and one is able to point to highly interesting results attained with byit

good, bad and indifferent Fishermen. As soon as it became widely


known several hundred were sold, and the sale has been steadily
increasing ever since.
The lever, responding instantly to the turn given by the fingers to
the external screw, renders the spindle capable of revolving at a

high rate of speed to the very last of the packed line. All danger is thus
obviated when a fish, having a range of, say, one hundred yards, yet
makes a determined run. Upon such occasions we had formerly to use
considerable force in pulling the last fifty yards of line from the winch so
as to allow the end coils to run at all, whilst it was impossible to wind
them back quickly.
To sum up its other merits the course of instruction necessary to
master this winch
easily understood.

The handle is fitted into a counter-sunk bearing and so the line

cannot get beneath it nuts are dispensed with, one end of the pillar

being screwed into the outer plate, the other drilled to receive the screw.
Properly set never over-runs, and, therefore, cannot become choked.

It is easily adapted to different catches set lightly for rapids, and


sufficiently stiff for sluggish pools. The lever instead of weakening the
winch actually keeps the plates and framework so firm that they never
become loose or shaky.
There is really nothing to be said in disparagement of its qualifications
or of the system of striking, provided single gut casts are in use and the
flies are in sizes under 2/0.

Fig. 1 represents the winch and the relieving screw which passes
through the handle plate. By turning the screw from you the break power is
reduced, by turning it backwards the power is increased. Thus, while
playing a fish, the winch can in a moment be made to run as easily as the

Angler pleases. The head of this screw is flat-sided, resembling half a

sixpence, and is easily regulated by the fingers.

The handle side of the winch consists of three discs the outer,
centre, Of these, the outer and inner revolve with the axis to
and inner.
which they are attached. The centre forms part of the fixed frame and
does not revolve.
Fig. 2 represents the inside face of the handle plate. The
break, or fraction lever, is a piece of suitably tempered steel fixed at

one end by a screw to the handle plate through the centre of it a hole

is drilled for the axis of the winch. To the other end of the break a
screw is also Fig. 1), which passes through the handle
attached (see

plate. The middle, or broadest part of the break, presses upon a raised

"jboss," formed in the middle of the fixed centre disc, and thus retards
the rotation of the handle plate and the axis to which it is attached.
There is a hole in the outer disc for oiling purposes.


The one I use is silent and without the usual rachet or " noisy corn-
crake," which, in spite of its poetical associations, is alike useless and
injurious. In winding up line, for instance, it rouses fish by " telephoning
to them in a series of maddening jars, and this serves as an inducement to
them to drop down rapids and even weirs. Without this rachet, the
mechanism is simplicity itself. I have reeled in many and many a fish
close to my side in the water without noticing a kick or a struggle, thus

saving much time when time is precious.

" "
The Kelson Patent Lever met with farther improvement in 1889.

By the substitution of aluminium for hammered brass the weight was

considerably reduced. The one

have in use, packed with 150 yards of

line, weighs less than twenty ounces Time has disproved the old axiom

that a heavy winch is wanted to balance a Salmon rod. This, in days


gone by, was nothing but a deeply-rooted prejudice. In 1890 I used the
lighter winch much to my comfort, and found no difference whatever in
the action of my rod. Nor
did I expect to. In fact, I demonstrated by

subsequent experiment on grass that the line can be cast just as far and
just as easily without any winch at all. Naturally enough, the centre of
gravity in the rod will be slightly shifted by changing the weight of the
winch but
this is met by placing the upper hand a trifle higher on the
rod than usual a measure which is rather a relief than otherwise.
Itneed hardly be said that a good winch deserves careful treatment.
In use it should be regularly oiled with refined oil, and cleaned inside and
out from time to time. Upon every Salmon river we meet with banks of

sand, particles of which are apt to be blown in between the outer and
inner discs of the winch. When this mishap occurs, a grating sound will
notify the coming mischief. Then is the time for the inside to be

thoroughly cleaned with paraffin and oiled with the best oil. This winch
is specially recommended to Salmon-anglers in the Badminton
The Sun and Planet" winch introduced by Malloch has its admirers,
but I do not know of it from my own experience.
" "
The Moscrop is a ventilated winch having a lever made under a
different principle. The inventor claims for it that the Line Drier is

unnecessary. At all events, a line which I once left on after use was
perfectly dry the following morning.
There is another, brought out by Holbrow, which is a vast improve-
ment on the old sort, if only because it is made of aluminium.



"Age has experience behind it, Youth hay promise before it ; and this promise is soonest

realised by men who refrain from the employment of n'hat, if old in fly-u-ork, is not altogether
ijood, and who remember that most of what is good in the carious ti-ays of fixhiny is not altogether

NOTHING more capable

is of filling the mind with noble thoughts than the
scene viewed from some airy point beside a Highland stream. Would
that my pen could describe those charms of Nature in her grandest
plenitude, those enchanting panoramas which are the delight of all fishers
and other sons of man.
Picture the majesty of a distant Ben standing out against the deep

orange of the western sky, its crowned head a gleaming mass of snow,
and the broad with sunlight, spreading like a golden
plain, irradiated
carpet at his feet. Imagine the outlook on the southern side, partially
broken up by the rich fulness of waving woodland bordered with trees of
various species and appearance, each differing in glory like the stars.
There one glory of the birch, so elegant in the midst of its silvern

tresses another glory of the yew, whose eager arms are driven round and

tortured by the many scolding winds it faced when young another glory ;

of the rowan-tree, whose orderly array of berries are

supposed to possess
the magical power of charming away the wizards and the witches and ;

another glory of the sycamore that spreads in gentle pomp its honeyed

shade o'er cooing cushats and mossy banks, where Sabbath couples love
to roam and linger.
The attentive eye is moved by
the pale blue of the heavens
visibly melting into a paler gold that
stilldies away in the orange towards
the horizon, over which hangs a thin veil of flame-tipped purple cloud,

letting a little bit of warm ground show through with variegated effects
of light. As a centre to the composition, a virtuoso is busily engaged on
the knoll in the foreground with his precious samples of potstones and

pseudomorphs. At uncertain intervals are groves of lofty pines, whose

weird gloom fittingly adorns the grandeur and mystery of the hills. Cleft
out from them is a half-choked ravine bedecked with budding green and
little streaks of water that sparkle among the sedges of the bracken-
covered banks. 'Drip, drip it comes in icy crystal drops from wreaths
of tangled moss
and, here in baby
jets and there in tiny trident falls,
forms a burn that gathers way and cuts through parish tiends and
stubbled land dotted with beehive huts, in which the Crofter, with happy
" "
abandonment, wakes to the voice of the wasteful cascade below.
Suddenly the peaceful scene is invaded by the pinions of a hungry
and hateful cormorant. Warily advancing inland, watchful over the
watercourse, he is, after all, only the acknowledged portent of bad luck ;

and, caring for nothing short of four drams of powder and an ounce and a
" "
half of No. 5," steals away with the international blessing, Tubaist air
an eun mohr dhubh sid !

Meanwhile, hope springs eternal the fine splashes of a fish are

heard and the rings seen. In the lowland the flowers rise in clustering
beauty towards the towering rocks that cast an awful look below. From
the clefts in their sides a few straggling geans blossom out into rampant
trees, and if so be a wandering branch bears down, split and torn, it still
holds fast to the parent stem, and shelters beneath it the tesselated

pavement of Anglers' diverse beliefs.

A little further round riverward on the bosom of the brown moorland
extend the Butts, now and again emitting little puffs of white smoke and
sharp tongues of fire that tell of fellow sportsmen's doings not far away.

Bother that big black bird there.

Midway, seated under a rock, an old shepherd and his dog are resting, yet
both alert that none of the flock stray beyond bounds. Hard by, with its ivy
and its daws, the ruins of an abbey (scored by the terrible mandate of
Cromwell) moulder away. Over the water Mr. and Mrs. Venerable Goat
peer at us wonderingly, while their two fair "children of peril" gambol
in frolicsome mood and munch the grey-green herbage on rugged heights
inaccessible to feet bebrogued. Below, in the river that we love, a solitary
stag, alarmed by the grouse shooters, pursues a tranquil course through
the tail of our own pet pool, nodding his royally plenished head the while.
And as yon level sun sinks lower and lower and the silver sheen of
twilight fades from the darkening current, all these, save for the music of

rumbling waters and rustling trees,

In sweetest silence seek the shade of night,
And fill the pause the Salmon's leap made bright.

Then the moon glides, queen-like, into her great throne-room of the
How vivid and how full of pleasure is the memory of such scenes !

And yet how temperate is the emotion compared to that which the
Fisherman experiences when he stands prepared for the fray on the marge
of faultless pools stocked with fresh Salmon on their way from the sea !

And the Salmon, the monarch of the river, what of him For '?

though there are several species of Salmo, from our standpoint there is

only one Lord and King the rest are offshoots

of a noble family.
He is a picture once studied never to be forgotten. His proportions
cannot be taken in at a glance. He is courageous in the dead calm, and
bold as a lion in the very tornado itself. He shows no fear of men who
show no designs upon him. Like his captor, he varies in temperament
he is shy, volatile, determined, impressive, and forgiving, yet sometimes
very sulky. He has his own innumerable havens of rest, sometimes
shaded and shut in by feathering trees where sunbeams glimmer fitfully
the very place for a water nymph discreetly shut out from the gaze of
man. And in rivers that know no impurity he reigns in all his glory.
But our object is to catch him not with a prawn, not with a worm,
not with a colley," nor with a spinning-bait. Not to any of these

second-rate subtleties should he succumb. He should be caught only with

a fly.

Occasionally he allows no fly to pass him. Occasionally he refuses

all flies ; and in this respect he passes all understanding. Only the
expert himself, familiar with the peculiarities of every river from varied
experience and persistent observation, who knows and practices all the
casts, sits and dresses his own flies, and with them makes experiments
wherever he goes only such a man can be assured of anything like
general success ; and, even for him, an endless variety of patterns is an
indispensable condition.
Now fly, men's ways are wonderfully diverse
in using a but if the ;

student aims at taking high rank in the art, the first step is to learn to
propel the fly by every recognised method so as never to miss, never to
pass by, but to cover and command each and every one of those "in-
numerable havens "
of rest," either by the Overhand," or the less tiring
" " " "
Underhand by the ; Switch with the " Peter" or (among other ;

methods special) by the scientific "

Having frequently instructed friends mycelf, I learnt in teaching to
observe carefully the motions necessary for the successful accomplishment
of the casts most commonly used, to what faults the
inexperienced are
prone when attempting them, and in what manner such faults may be


I may here refer to an incident which will illustrate my point. It
took place on the greensward, and with a pretty "toy " made by Farlow
after my own pattern. By my directions my pupil proceeded to make a
plain Overhand cast, and in doing so was not long in betraying his ante-
" "
Trout throw," I ejaculated, watching this his first effort. You
are throwing from the point instead of casting from the butt."
Kindly show me the practical difference," he replied, handing me
the rod.
" "
Toy though I called it, I complied with his request, and sent out
" "
thirty yards of line with it. My trouty friend then reeled up to about
four and twenty yards, and yet he was not happy in his method.


" "
Stay," I said, don't jerk the rod in lifting the line at starting, but
with the point of it held down towards the fly (not over your head), get
the rod well bent by rapidly increasing the upward pressure and look at ;

your line as it goes in the air behind you. . . There it flies, not away
to your right rear, as it should do, in a direct
up towards that cloud line

there, but sweeps round, mowing the grass actually behind you. Do not
let the point of the rod decline from you in lifting the line bring the rod ;

straight up past your right shoulder, and instead of swinging it round

behind you, check it sooner when, to make sure you have done right,

you can let the line drop on the grass to see if you had given it the
tendency to turn from a straight course."
Thanks; fault No. 1," my pupil said, with a look on his face as if
he expected other corrections to follow. And I suppose you don't
" '

approve of the way I make the thrash-down ?

he added inquiringly.
I was coming to that. You don't
at all, but give a
sort of side cut with the rod, and at the same time commit what, though
proper to Trout fishing, is a radical error in Salmon-angling, viz., trying
to make the top joint do the work."
Then you wish me, as were, not only to work from the butt, but

also to thrash downward, if I understand rightly, in the destined direction

of the cast."
" and no other way
Exactly so, in you be able to get the
will full

length of line straight out in front of you by this method."

I then proceeded to correct his attitude, getting him to advance his
left leg sufficiently forward to secure firmness of balance, and to warn
him to avoid labouring and swaying backwards and forwards, instead of
preserving a soldierly, erect position a position which, grown into habit,
becomes to the Angler a source of ease in action and economy in force.
Then." I continued, " in the details of the cast, I notice two other
points to which you must pay special attention. First, the action of the
two hands, as you attempted to make the cast just now, was suggestive
rather of whipping than of casting. Maintain the hands throughout the
cast in their proper relative positions, so that in the back motion the
lower hand does not become unduly raised towards the front, or the point
of the rod will descend too far behind you. As I said just now, ...

you must check the rod-top sooner. Secondly, you fail to grasp the idea
that in order to achieve my method you must turn your head to watch
the line behind, not only for the purpose of seeing that it is sent straight
back at the right height and angle, but for seizing the exact instant for
making the thrash-down."
" "
But how shall I know that ?
You soon know, if you never fail to look and see for yourself.

When you observe the fly end of the line extended in the air a little
higher than the top of your rod you will know but bear in mind the

operations of gravitation, so, in extending it, take your aim high enough
at the outset."
"I am determined to learn the right way, if I can, but I confess I
find it difficult to follow the line with my eyes, for I cannot turn my
You will not find any difficulty if you send the line upwards in
the right direction. When
you cannot follow the line with your eyes by
a slight turn of the head you may be sure you have sent it too little to
the right and too much to the rear, and that you have not brought up

your rod sufficiently straight."

Now let me understand how to make the thrash-down
explain to me what you meant by the exact instant.' ' '

When you have checked the rod in the upstroke, dwell until the
the line nearly extended in the air but if you allow the fly to travel
is ;

further than within three or four yards of its full distance by dwelling
too long, the middle part of the line will be falling to the ground, when

you will not only fail to cast it, but very likely break the rod n trying to
do so."
"From the fact that the 'tug' of the line on the point of the rod
has died away. In setting up the tug, if you snatch at the line the rod
will probably break and this applies to the upstroke as well as the down-

stroke. Whatever you do, don't forget to check your rod early enough
in the thrash-down. should not be allowed to reach beyond an angle

of 55 degrees, and then you can lay the line down rather than let' it fall
on the water as in Trout fishing."

" understand you from beginning to end, but practice is the

I think I

thing I want. Imean to master the lifting first it won't take me long

up towards that cloud,' and then

to send the line I'll try and perfect
myself in the thrash-down. The method must be learnt by degrees, or
else I'm mistaken."
"That is an excellent conclusion to arrive at; but remember here
is the chief point remember the necessity for looking behind; you
understand the object of it, and believe me, your progress towards
and your complete success entirely depend upon it. Practice it
even when you become proficient, or you will soon fall into bad habits."
# * * *

Now, I lesson not only because it illustrates the

refer to this
difficulties which the novice encounters in attempting the cast, but

becauseit also explains details which are not given, so far as I am aware,

inany book hitherto published on the subject. Modern authors, as we

know, abound with information on playing, striking and gaffing, all of
which might be learnt and written by a punt Fisherman with merely
Thames experience.
The first point for beginners to study, is the position both of the legs
and body. This varies according to circumstances. On land, or in easy
flowing streams, the Angler should stand fairly upright, his body being
sideways to the run of the stream and facing the spot on which he
desires his fly to alight that is to say, alighting across the current at an

angle of 45 degrees or thereabouts. The left foot in right-hand casting

should be in advance of the other and point in the desired direction of
the cast, while in left-hand casting the right foot is similarly advanced.
This position ensures the proper balance of the body during the effort
required to make the cast. But in rapids safety has to be considered
before convenience. It is frequently dangerous and at times impossible to

fish in rapidsunless the Fisherman stands altogether sideways and leans

against the current, the up-stream leg bent,

the foot pointing somewhat
that way, the down-stream leg extended and the foot pointing almost in
the direction of the current. In moving onwards the up-stream leg
should always take the first short step, and when it is firmly planted, the
other should feel its way to a secure position. If the down-stream foot is


advanced, a concealed boulder may give the Angler a sore shin or an


untimely bath before the up-stream foot can obtain a firm hold. The
body should be held fairly erect throughout the cast. The novice who
imagines that he can propel his line to a greater distance by throwing
forward his body in making the thrash-down, must never think of doing
so in rapids. A mere glance at the man who understands the work
would soon satisfy him of this.
The whole of the work must be done by the arms and the rod from
the butt upwards. It need hardly be said that, if the current flows from
the right to the left of the Fisherman as he stands facing the stream, the
rod grasped with the right hand eight to twelve inches above the winch
" a
so as to effect what is called right-hand cast." "When the current
flows in the opposite direction a left-hand cast is required and the

position of the hands reversed. The exact distance of the upper hand

from the winch determined by the balance of the rod and the

convenience of the Fisherman. The novice will speedily discover for

himself at what point he should place the upper hand so as to obtain the
best result with the least expenditure of force. (Fishermen should
accustom themselves to use either the right or the left hand as the upper
one with equal facility.)
Having placed himself in appropriate position the Angler

proceeds to get out his line by taking a yard or two from the winch and
making what is termed a few " false casts each time. As soon as
sufficient line is thus extended down stream, in lifting the rod back into
the the Angler gradually gets the point well bent before the smart

backward turn of the wrist of the upper hand is given. The lower hand,
holding the rod just above the indiarubber button, is at the same time
brought across the chest, swinging, as it were, with the right. If the
lower hand is not brought back in that way, the rod will be slanting too
much at the time it is checked. Any undue raising of the lower hand in
front of the Angler, and the low in the air behind him
line falls too

perhaps strikes the ground, in which case the hook is invariably broken
or blunted at the point.
The back sweep of the rod describes in its track the outline of a narrow
oval. It is not semi-circular, as we are often given to understand. The

rod barely declines to the right in ascent, nor inclines to left in descent.
Indeed the nearer the course of the rod's point to its course taken in the
thrash-down the better will the line be sent back in the air, and the
straighter and farther will it be laid on the water.
" "
(The recovery of a rod in the back part of the cast depends for
the most part upon its material and make in other words, one rod

straightens quicker than another. The action would, of course, be

delayed were the line in use too heavy for the rod ; but, apart from that,
" Kelson " is
a cane is quicker than a greenheart, and, in my opinion, a

quicker with a long line than one having a steel centre, therefore the
delay spoken of is of less duration. The consequence that the Angler

fatigued because he has not to hold up

is less the rod so long in the air.)
Ihave referred to the mishaps to which the unwary Fisherman is
exposed who may attempt the thrash-down before the line is sufficiently
extended ;
but sometimes the series of troubles is increased, and
especially so when the wind blows down stream. More flies are lost on
those occasions than on any other. This occasioned by the resistance

of the wind against the line in its backward course whereby the " tug"
is lost. It is just here that a semi-circular sweep of the rod is advisable
before the thrash-down made, in order to prevent the fly and perhaps
" "
some of the gut being snicked off. The radius of the necessary semi-
circledepends on the velocity of the wind. There is, however, another
expedient by which all mischief is obviated, and it is far better for the
novice to adopt. He may put on a second fly (or "dropper") three
feet above the other, and find it act as a perfect safeguard and then he ;

will find that far less making the sweep of the rod is needed.
care in

Personally, I never work with two flies, as I support the view that the
practice separates one from the proprieties of usage conducted on the
lines of true sportsmanship. an expert were Spey-casting left-handed,

and a high down-stream wind sprung up, he would renew the cast right-
handed. After shifting the rod, he would drag the line towards him on
the near side and switch it out immediately dead across water. But in
the event of a long line being requisite he would make a similar switch
and then pick up the line and cast it across by the " Overhand," leaving
the wind to carry the fly to its proper quarters.

It remains for me to describe how

the length of a cast may be
increased by "shooting" line; and I have a word or two to say on a
different matter. The subject of shooting line has been referred to in
another chapter ;
and but little practice is needed to master the
The drawing from the winch the
feat consists first in the Angler

length of line required, and, while so doing, making and placing coils of
it, one by one, between the point of the forefinger and thumb of the

upper hand. These coils, of about a yard in length from end to end,
hang down in front of the winch and are lightly held there until the
point of tension in the thrash-down is reached. If at that instant they are
dropped they will be dragged out by the rest of the line ;
but if dropped


too soon, the middle part of the running line will belly down towards the
" slack " will not be taken out at all. In
water, and the making, say, a
should be shot a
thirty-yard cast, a four-yard length thirty-four yard

cast a six-yard length,and so on in proportion. To shoot ten yards with

the line is smooth,
upright revolving rings is no great feat provided
properly dressed and of the right size and weight.
But in wading, when the coils fall from the hand, the current takes
them out of position as shown in the accompanying diagram, thus forming

an acute angle in the line at the point A as well as at point B. The

force of the water at the lower part B prevents the feat of shooting being

accomplished. This is easily remedied by the Angler seizing the winch

end of the dropped coils at the point C, and giving with his lower hand
so placed a good snatch so as to bring the whole of the slack part back
under the bottom ring of the rod, when it will all shoot out as readily as
on land. Thus it will be understood how much the action of the rod can
be preserved, and, by this cast, how much more water can be
This extra length of line, however, often results in a good deal of it
" "
getting drowned sucked to too great a depth below the surface.
When this occurs, the excessive resistance offered by the water impedes
the recovery of the line, which refuses to be lifted ; but this opposition of
the water is counteracted by what is known as " fiddling the line.

Fiddling is accomplished by beating the point of the rod up and down,

just before the fly gets to its final station in neutral water. The process
may be best described in the following way :

The short, sharp beats are continuous and are strong enough to

kill a small bird perched on a post at a convenient distance from the

Angler. They cause a sort of coil in the line, which seems to run along
the surface of the water, and so raise or keep the fly-end near the surface.
This explanation may be taken as the practical interpretation of " fiddling"
" "
the line, and unless the Angler is using such a rod as the Traherne
pattern, which is noted for its power of lifting, he should hardly ever make
a long Overhand cast without as much of the performance as the nature
of the stream suggests.
In quitting our remarks on the " Overhand," I would remind the
student that, apart from questions relating to stature whether the man
be very or even very short the line should be made to whistle

through the air and that the least amount of strength should be applied
for the accomplishment. Whatever the line may be, the action of the
rod is an all-important consideration, as I have already endeavoured to
show. The Angler must be properly appointed. No decent Overhand
cast can be made, for instance, with such tackle as that commonly used
on the Spey. The Spey rod is exceedingly whippy and useful, and as



" " "

unsuited for the Overhand," as the all-powerful Traherne is for the

Spey cast, or for killing fish in low, bright water with fine gut.


seems but yesterday that I w as reading, I forget where, of the folly


of using more than five and twenty yards of line. But I believe the writer
was no approved authority ;
at least, his reasoning appeared to me as

remarkably suggestive of the fellow who would attempt to describe

the habits and customs of mankind with only a knowledge of those of
one nation.
Five and twenty yards by the Underhand," is, without doubt, a
pretty little length to get out fair and square but I have been, I am and

always shall be, of the opinion that a long line in Salmon-fishing is often
as necessary as a short one. The question seems to be disputed only by
those who, from some fault in method or tackle, are unable to cover or
control a fish in the distance. To propel a really long line by the
" "
Underhand however, impossible, yet the cast is as popular

in places as the "Overhand" is worshipped. This may be accounted

for by the fact that it frequently satisfies the requirements of men
getting on in years who seek entertainment with the smallest degree of
The " Underhand is far less tiring than other methods, and will
exact from the novice a minimum of intellectual effort for its com-
leading features will be brought before the eye and mind of the.
student, by a mere casual study of the accompanying illustration. With
the picture before him he will comprehend, without verbal instruction,
the simple method that dominates the cast. Perhaps a little explanation
in regard to certain details may be of service, but I fail to see the
written description that would answer the purpose so well as the picture.
Let us first take the way in which the Angler should stand to fish ;

" "
for whilst the Underha.nd demands from its devotees a good attitude,
they are, at any rate, released from the duty of "fiddling" the line as
they proceed.

: I'
. '/


It is important for beginners to possess the most accurate ideas of

the position of the feet and legs. This varies more or less in accordance
with circumstances. For instance, on land, as in easy flowing streams,
the Angler stands fairly upright and less sideways than in Overhand

casting, as shown by the sketches. He, moreover, places his feet to suit
his own comfort and convenience,
though, as a rule, the right foot in left-

hand casting is a little in advance of the other, and generally faces the
ultimate direction of the line. But in rapids this is not so, because, as I
have said, safety must be studied before convenience. It is simply

dangerous, if not utterly impossible, to fish in rapids unless the Fisherman

stands altogether sideways and leans well against the current up-stream,
leg bent, and facing rather that way the down-stream leg extended, and

the foot pointing somewhat with the run of the water.

It may be said that, on land, the sole object of the Angler's attitude
is absolute freedom an easy working, unattended by any intermediate
tax on the workman as in the case of the " Overhand," e.g., the looking
In the present instance, i.e., in rapids, the position is decidedly
cramped. The Angler is, so to speak, limited to the use only of his arms ;

the firmer and the more rigidly he holds himself the better. And here, I
would repeat, that in moving onwards the up-stream leg always takes
the first short step ;
the other then feels its way before the foot is

Now Angler makes the back sweep of the
in propelling the fly, the
rod with unwavering confidence of success. He/eeZs rather than sees that
the line is dragged from the water, that it travels round in the air far

enough behind him so as to tug the point of the rod, the action of which
alone propels the fly. This is equal to saying that the line is steadily
drawn from the water rather than hurriedly lifted, and that the thrash-
down is made without vigourous muscular exertion.
In lifting the line, the rod may appear to the eye of a spectator to
bend considerably, but provided all jerking is foresworn and a steady
swing of the arms pursued, its action is, nevertheless, so even and regular
that failure is almost impossible. So far, however, as regards the force
to be applied, we must bear in mind that the line is only partially

extended behind the Fisherman. It follows that much less strength is

needed than in the " Overhand," in which case the line is fully extended.
Observe the shape and position of the rod in the picture, wherein the
fly issupposed to be just leaving the water. If the Angler does not

permit the rod to take a lower or more slanting course, and if sufficient
yet not too much force be employed, the fly can scarcely help taking the
track depicted.
Weare told, I need not say where, that long casts can be made by
" "
the Underhand To my thinking, the mind of the writer in question

" "
could not have been directed to the Underhand proper. He may have
been speculating upon the results attained on the "Spey, for in his
arguments set forth if my memory does not strangely deceive me he
suggests that the rod there in general use is originally made in a curve to
strengthen its lifting power. Really the statement involves questions for
solution, which must be traced to their source and accounted for here, as
it has ended in the loss of much money, time, and energy. Hods have
thus been made, tried, and thrown aside. Even rod-racks, constructed on
a principle to preserve the curve in the hope of strengthening the rod,
have been established. But what a mistake
In the ordinary Spey cast,

length is a more important factor in a rod than strength. You cannot

lift a long line with a short rod and what a Spey rod lifts it casts.

Besides, you want no special strength for lifting the line ;
in the Under-
hand you do and, ;
in the Overhand the remarks bear repetition you
want still more.
Perhaps I need not enlarge upon what has been urged in this chapter
with regard to the distance the fly can be propelled by the " Underhand ;

but I especially wish to observe that the Underhand cast is separate and
widely different from the Spey." The two methods differ; the results
attained differ the local conditions compelling the adoption of the one

absolutely prohibit the adoption of the other the one is mere child's

play to master, whilst the other is known to master men.

As to the origin of the curve in rods, we may think as we will, but
we cannot get away from the solid fact that the most common cause of a
rod bending up or down is use. I am convinced that this curve, come
how it may, is a downright defect, a positive weakness. Just for instance,



as theupward curve proceeds from Spey casting, so does the downward

curve from Overhand casting, and the explanation of it is simply this :

In both methods there is the up and the doicn stroke. The principal
strain on the rod in Spey casting is generated in the down stroke, and, as
a perfectly natural sequence the top joint, in due course, bends upwards ;
on the other hand, the principal strain on the rod in Overhand casting is
generated in the up stroke, and so, just as naturally the top joint bends
downwards. But from a comparative standpoint, the difference between
the up and down strain is greater in the Spey," and so it takes
less time for the "Spey" rod to get bent than for the "Overhand"
It is quite immaterial what the rod may be in every case, Salmon

rods are affected in this way when persistently used for the one or the
other method only. The remedy for such weakness is very simple Spey :

casting cures the Overhand weakness, and Overhand casting cures the
Spey weakness but this treatment is, of course, recommended to Anglers

who use the tackle advocated in these pages, rather than to others whose
rods are not built for making both casts.
As, however, the novice may entertain some doubt in regard to the
final position of the rod engaged in the Underhand," I would now submit
a few further details for his guidance.
The Angler completes the forward movement, or "thrash-down" as
we call it, without that sudden checking which is imperative in the
Overhand." The rod is thrashed through and reaches quite a horizontal
position. In making this cast even experienced men sometimes beat the
surface of the water with the rod at the finish but is not the practice

one that shows a want of order and neatness ? I think so.

It is a proviso, which perhaps may be attached with advantage to
these details, that in whatever way the line is propelled, playing
the fly" in the water as subsequently explained should be generally
Suffice it, however, for the present purpose to state that, in working
the fly round over the area of the cast made, the rod pointing to where
the fly fell, maintains a somewhat horizontal position; at any rate the

rod should be only slightly elevated. This is for two reasons :

first, the

deep and the Angler has a better chance of striking and hooking
fly fishes

properly and secondly, the lifting the line for another cast can be better

Now the only element of uncertainty in connection with the
" Underhand " turns
upon the question of one's appointments. The cast,
for example, with a line too light for the action of the rod, cannot be
made to the satisfaction of critical eyes. The principle of the method is

a safe and sure tell-tale of a light line. Unless the line is heavy enough
the tug dies away, in which case, obviously, considerable force for the
thrash-down must be employed or the whole thing fails.
The general principle under which the Angler can best judge of this
matter for himself, is simply to watch for a certain symmetrical form of
the rod, just before the line leaves the water. The picture, however, here
comes to the rescue. It should convey to the observer a
thorough idea
both of the form of the rod at that moment, as well as the effect of its
action consequent therefrom. If the rod were less bent at that moment,

the line would in probability be too thin or too light

all if more bent, too

bulky or too heavy. As regards the action of the rod itself, here, likewise,
I am conscious of the somewhat indefinite nature of verbal instruction.
It is too well known
that in selecting a rod from the maker even with
that other eye," like Sam Slick's artist's, which takes the view before
the a2t of vision is completed many questions will arise which are
extremely difficult of solution. What an unnamed rod will be like in use,
we cannot tell with exactitude in a tackle shop, for there is absolutely no
criterion to go by. In short, no human ingenuity can devise a plan by
which we can make sure even of a greenheart rod, unless it were one of
the few that are christened by men whose names are, in themselves, a
guarantee the very few of which, in the hands of experts, the one is
equal to this cast, this to that, and the other to them all. And there it
must end.
To sum up my remarks, if the patient pursuit of excellence in Under-

hand casting is not uniformly rewarded in rapids or under falls, it meets

with its full share of recompense in pools, and particularly in ruffled but
steady and straight flowing waters. With that observation we will pass
on to the method adopted in the Highlands.


It is remarkable how great is the difference between ideal impressions
and the truth established by practical experience. I am reminded of this
by reference to a communication which I received from a Scottish
gentleman of great authority who says that An ounce of demonstration
is worth a pound of theory." "But the glory and reputation of the
. .

" " -

Spey,' he continues, is positively demolished by Mr. who flings ,

at the unwary, not one apple of discord, but a whole orchard full.
Fancy an author of an Angling book estimating our method as the best to
adopt in boisterous weather Not for the sake cf twenty books or for the

fame twenty authors must such a false impression of this beautiful cast
be allowed to remain an enduring reality, seeing that practical Anglers
are still to the fore who can and will refute his delusive assertions." No
doubt there are many who could do so at all events the ; rising generation
of Anglers may safely understand that the time mentioned in the book
" when
alluded to for the adoption of the Spey," is precisely the very time
Spey men desist from its use.

Although the intricacies of this cast, as commonly made, may be set

down on paper with considerable probability that the explanation will be
sufficient for bright intelligences, it is scarcely to be hoped that verbal
instructions will have much fruit without considerable practice at the
riverside. Butin explaining any of these casts, I feel greatly assisted by
illustration obtained by processes not disclosed to writers up to this
" "
The Spey admits of many variations and, without exception,
produces signal results. It is, therefore, just one of all other casts to
master and apply in 'places for which the system is adapted, as, for
example, where the line cannot be fully extended behind the Angler. But
although more or less complicated, the cast does not seem at all bewilder-

ing, even in verbal description.

To better follow me throughout the details, which I may say are
authenticated, it is necessary to agree very carefully as to some precise
situation in which I am supposed to be fishing. The reader may take it

that I am at work on the bank of a river which flows from north to

south, and casting right-handed.



Some of the particulars to follow will derive much of their interest

from the circumstance that they emanate from an accomplished executant
of the Spey," whose name will at once occur to brothers of the rod.
For I am
fortunate enough to possess a plain and effective argument from

Major Grant, and am also at liberty to give the reader the text of his
communication. Indeed, the information must be infinitely more
acceptable than anything I could write rnyself in my own conventional
Glen Grant," " that the cast can be written
I hardly think," says

of so as to unveil the mystery from end to end. Comparatively speaking,

the riddle of the Sphinx is a contemptibly easy conundrum. Do not
attempt to enter into countless matters incidental to the method. Simply
state that at times every cast varies now from the run of the water, out
of which you take your fly now from the length of line you want again
; ;

from making your fly alight on a particular place and still more, perhaps,

from the strength of the wind and the way it blows. The beginner soon
masters all this if left to himself, I know that of old from personal
observation. Doubtless there are difficulties to overcome in mastering a
new cast and making it familiar ; but merely explain the essential

principles, that is all that's wanted. In the natural order of things, the
minds of your young pupils will, I feel sure, take a wider range and soon
learn for themselves that nothing is denied to well-directed effort and very
little obtained without it."

Here we have a definite, accurate, separate, and entirely practical

" "
testimony which the student of the Spey would do well to consider.
Before proceeding further, I cannot but express the hope that all the
complications, which to the merest child on the Spey are not complications
at all, be eventually estimated by the student in their true relative
proportions, and that the arguments submitted are easy of compre-
Now the great thing in this cast, the pure essential part upon which
it entirely depends, is to compel the line to strike the water after lifting
it out instead of sending it back in the air. Bearing this in mind, let
us fix our attention on the special features of the procedure from beginning
to end.
Plate 7






The tackle being extended down stream, you first get a downward
curve in the portion of line out of water, by raising the rod somewhat
gently towards the position seen in Illustration No. 1 then, without any

intermission, you get the curve in the contrary direction (upward) on the
eve of lifting the fly-end out, by slightly dropping the rod-point when
near the perpendicular, outwards and, still carrying the rod easily and

regularly back and round inwards, so that the point of it forms the
outline (see Illustration 1) of a reversed letter S, you finally complete the
cast, just as the fly-end of the line is lightly striking the water near
" "
your outer side, by a hearty thrash-down aimed at the destined
direction of the fly, as depicted in Illustrations Nos. 2 and 3.
The student should get these few words fixed in his mind and be
able to follow their meaning before perusing further explanations. When
he has succeeded so far, having, I take it, become intimate with the
Underhand," if only by the association of ideas, he can mentally draw
comparisons between the early part of the two casts, and form a clear
notion of the design and purpose for which each is done He will realise
that in the Spey cast instead of the fly being drawn out of water higher
and higher from its surface until it turns up and round in the air behind
the Angler, it has (with one brilliant exception) to be drawn no further

up-stream than beside him. And he will understand that by the law of
mechanics as the fly has to strike the water beside him, the point of the
rod must descend for that purpose before it finally rises to make the
thrash-down. The very fact of descent and ascent compels the

fly to take an up-and-down course in the air before it strikes the

What would be the result of making the first part of the " Spey "
without dropping the point of the rod outwards as the first part of the
" "
Underhand is made

Simply defeat, from the fact (1) that the line would not leave the
water, and (2) that it would be dragged in the water towards the Angler
only a limited portion of the desired distance. But, in spite of this, I am
inclined to the opinion that the easiest way of learning to make the line
strike the water as stated, is to fancy you are making a sort of " Under-

hand," not failing to slightly raise the point of the rod at starting, and to

bring it round in an O.G." fashion before making the thrash-down in
continuation of the sweep of the double curve.
However, the young aspirant who, with an intense desire to obtain
the key to Angling knowledge, has cast a longing eye upon the " Spey,"
and secretly wonders at the result incident to the method, should clearly
understand that the principle owes its success to that one bold, urging,
persistent movement of the rod which refuses to be hindered in making
progress by quasi-jerks, or, in fact, by anything that shall check, bias, or
alter its even undulating, progress, and finally vigorous action.
The cast is made in one motion, without intermission, and not in
two. The point of the rod keeps steady. If the rod does not maintain
its bend, the point quivers and shakes, the very symptom of which
forbodes defeat. Neither can it be impressed upon the beginner too
strongly that the rod, not stiff in action, must be sensitive to the tug of
the line, the loss of which influence absolutely destroys the intended
" "
effect of the whole proceeding. Although the Kelson covers 40 yards
and more, the rod I like best for this business is built by Farlow on the
lines of one altered again and again at the riverside and fashioned by
myself. I like it, not only because a long line is easily worked, but also
because the rod possesses a certain power that comes to the rescue at
those times when the wind renders Spey-casting almost impracticable.
(Sometimes we are obliged to change the position of hands. As an
instance of this, when the wind crossing the water blows the line much
towards the bank, we put the left hand above the right, lift the line as
before towards the right shoulder, and, after bringing the rod well round
overhead to the near side, make the downcast left-handed. It is

eminently desirable to exercise this extra care and judgment, inasmuch as

some people exhibit on these occasions a curiously elaborate capacity for

hooking themselves in the cheek whereas if they shorten the line, put on

less steam, and proceed in the manner described, gradually increasing the

length of the line, the operation of cutting off every atom of material from
their imbedded fly before the bare hook is removed from its hold point

first, would never be required. Sometimes one or two, or maybe three,

" These
false casts are necessary in order to pick up" the line properly.

are made as far as possible away from the fish, inside or outside their lay-

byes. And, it may be incidentally said that, in fishing from, or very near,
the bank, visible signs of wear and tear of the line soon become apparent.
The mischief proceeds from hitching up in bushes, or coming in contact
with other more serious obstructions pebbles, rocks and the like. But
as soon as the general principle of the cast is understood, the method

might be practised in one's room with a stick and a piece of string, or on

one's lawn with a rod and a short line.)

By our ordinary way of bringing the rod round, the delaying influence
of the water upon the portion of the line that strikes it helps to make the

tug perpetual, the immense importance of which is instantly realised at

the critical moment of making the thrash -down. The veriest tyro will

understand what I mean by attending closely to the following minute

particulars. He will understand (1) That the mere fact of bringing the

rod back must cause the line to tug the point of it. (2) That the strength

of the tug, though moderated in slightly lowering the point of the rod

outwards, is yet compensated for by the reduced speed of the line caused
by coming in contact with the water.
Froma nearly perpendicular position the rod slightly ascends before

descending, and is brought round so that at no time it reaches more than

the angle of about 45 degrees. Brought round at a lower angle the rod
causes an unnecessarily large backward bow in the line. If, however, a

cast has to be made actually across the water, the fly must strike the
surface much further out than usual, in which case the line forms a very

large bow almost opposite the Angler rather than behind him.
Speaking generally and familiarly, if you don't pick the line up clean
ancl don't place the fly sufficiently up-stream, the line splashes the water
in reaching its final destination. In fact, when the cast is made perfectly
the fly beats the rapid current a little higher up than the Angler, and then
he is able to propel the line, not along, but altogether above the surface,
if he wishes to do so. The faster the current the less time must the line
rest on the water, if, indeed, it should be allowed to rest at all, even in
the steadiest stream. And it stands to reason that an accelerated current
demands a proportionately quick effort to make a suitable cast over it ;

but this quicker cast will not be found as difficult as that suited to the
slower stream.

Let us now consider the question of force usually required.

The Angler makes no violent effort, he uses little force, and yet
brings the rod round quick enough to reanimate and keep in swing, say,
35 yards of line, so that it tugs the point of the rod as uniformly as
possible up and during the time of the thrash-down.
to It need not be

said that the extra force employed in actually propelling the line just
while it strikes the water makes the tug considerably greater everybody
understands that.
There is, perhaps, a little speculation as to how much force is applied
in bringing the rod back and round. In this one detail (so much depend-
ing on the wind as well as on the water) I fail to see the value of written
instruction from which the student could take his cue with any degree of
confidence and suddenly reach an immediate satisfactory result. The
very nature of the thing prohibits it.
In such a contingency, having no instrument to measure the degrees
how am I to estimate it ? The true
of force applied in lifting the line,
force is ascertainable by comparing various facts, and this is the only way
out of it. It is perfectly obvious that, in lifting the line, the proportion
" " "
of strain on the muscles used in the Overhand and the Underhand"
respectively differs in ratio, neither more nor less than do the respective
" " "
proportions of strain used in the Underhand and Spey." For instance,
in the
Underhand" the force is less than in the " Overhand," and yet
sufficient to compel the about one half the distance in the air
fly to travel
at the rear of the Angler whereas ;
in the " Spey" that force is so reduced
as to bring the fly no further than beside the Angler, or even a little in
front of him. Hence the proportionate decrease of force needed, and the
necessity for much more lifting power in the Overhand rod than in the
Spey rod.
But taking any one particular condition of wind and water, is the
force definable ?
This question is, I think, to be answered in the negative. It seems
to me to be purely an affair of judgment. But if by the comparisons
just made and conclusions just drawn from
the three distinct methods of

casting the student has succeeded in gaining a clue to the amount -"of
force wanted, his study of the Illustrations will surely lead to further

knowledge at least, I hope so, for while arranging and

adapting them
to our purpose, I had this one important particular in my mind's eye.
Let him examine closely Illustration No. 1, for it clearly suggests that in
thus lifting the rod and bringing it back and round in such limited space
the force cannot be very great. I am, in short, clearly of the opinion
that ifthe Spey rod were over-powerful, the action of it alone would

compel the fly-end of the line to travel moch too far up-strearn after the
line is lifted from the water.

In making the cast, the impetus is given to the rod almost entirely
by the right hand. The pear-shaped figure which the point of the rod
describes is depicted in Illustration No. 1 just as it appears in the

original photograph. But in point of shape this figure varies, sometimes

for one reason sometimes for another.

wading, or we will say, working on ground free from all

First, in
obstructions, the rod descends not much outward, but nearer the right
shoulder, backwards at any rate, in a far more continuous line with the

casting Here, then, to get the necessary sweep of the rod in


bringing it round afterwards, the point must come more over the bank
actually behind the Angler, consequently the part of the figure in No. 1
Illustration ,
where the line seems to cross or intersect itself, leans out over
the water, whilst, of course, the base of the dotted line Is more round
towards the bank. By keeping the above considerations before us we
shall best attain our object to fish often with as little fatigue as possible.
For a second example, we will take for illustration the cast made
across the water. Here, as intimated, the rod, in descending, reaches
an angle of 35 degrees in order to place the fly well out upon the water,
therefore the figure differs in shape. But this variation in the "Spey"
isoften adopted in order to keep the part of the line which curves round
astern of the Angler, from boughs hanging over the water (up river)
almost within reach of the rod so, in forming the first part of the figure,

it is imperative to give considerable outward impetus to the rod in its

descent by icrist action. The natural sequence from this detrusion is

that the fly strikes the water, not close in, but far out upon it, and that
is the rod can be brought round for the thrash-down nearer the
perpendicular, instead of deviating in a greater degree than usual from the

Angler's right side. The point of the rod has described, we will suppose,
the outline of an ovoid athwart the river, just on the right side of the

Angler. If the point of the rod had left some mark to indicate the track

pursued, the figure would appear to a spectator stationed in the water

above or below to range between east and west.
The due formation of such figure and the effect it produces on the
line probably involve the student in complicated embarrassments
more surmount than any that he will experience. The whole
difficult to

cast, in this instance, must be made quickly and, although difficult, it;

still appeals irresistibly to the Fisherman because no other means of

commanding a fish in such awkward situations are forthcoming.

To introduce that one " brilliant exception " to which I formerly
alluded, I would first remark that, in passing from quiet to rapid waters,
we find it necessary to make the fly strike the surface in a different place

The instant the fly-end of the line is placed on the surface in a rapid
it is swept away out of the position by the torrent, and to meet the case
the fly must strike the water, not beside us, but at a spot five to seven

yards above us. It is in rapids only that, during the thrash-down, the rod
almost hits the fly as it rides past the Angler in the air up-stream, heed-

lessly, yetunder perfect control. This is practically equivalent to saying

that the thrash-down takes place sooner than usual certainly somewhat
" "
before the fly alights. It is so, and consequently this variety of the Spey
is also made quickly ;
and in obedience to the quickened movement of
the rod in its backward course, the fly travels furtherup the water before
reaching the surface. But this is not detrimental to the proceeding. On
the contrary for in working its
; way round the rod keeps pace with the line
with mathematical precision, and so the whole business is materially
simplified. We also find that in making the thrash-down there seems to
be less need for the delaying influence of the water, yet we know that it

has occurred, not necessarily by an instantaneous act of the mind, but by

the constant co-operation of the rod and line, detected by the sense of
touch at the time being. From these facts the student probably com-
prehends how much easier it will be for him to learn the Spey cast in
rapids than in quiet waters.

There are many debatable points, but perhaps the reader has formed
a fair estimate of the system already still the subject has not been yet

by any means exhausted.

At this stage I should like to call for special attention.
We have said that the Spey cast is not a method of fishing to be
adopted with a Spey rod in boisterous weather we have had the nature ;

of the cast revealed, and have read a series of comments relating to

certain observances in the system ;
but we have yet to follow it from the
In proceeding in that direction it will be
endeavour to analyse the
cast by a separate process, in the hope that the understanding may be
enabled distinctly to follow up the method through its different stages.
Looking now at these Illustrations, the point of the rod in No. 1
first describes an outline of a contorted and reversed letter S.
I say contorted," and I am well advised, as the shape is not that of
a reversed letter S on a flat surface ;
for the upper part soon twists out-
wards, while the lower and very much longer curve turns inwards.
At the very beginning of the cast, I would repeat that the rod is
raised. This makes the line belly downwards, as shown, and brings the
" "
tug Without pause the rod still ascends, and then
into existence.

slightly descends outwards, circles round, as it comes inwardly towards

the Angler's right rear, and pursues its course for the thrash-down to
a point where, if the line is to be propelled above the water, as in
No. 3 Illustration* a better plan than allowing it to run its course
along the surface of the water in the customary way the rod is to be
checked as set forth in the details of the " Overhand."
The explanation here simple and will not detain us long.

Casting the line above the water is a justifiable measure where fish
are shy for the very splash of the line disturbs them to such an extent

that I have seen it result in driving both Salmon and Grilse from pools

For this reason the departure from the old custom, at times and. in

This improvement in the system is not one to be recommended to the novice. Let him
become familiar with the ordinary way of propelling the line and he will have far less trouble
in learning the cast and mastering its various features.

places, cannot be insisted upon too strongly. But in more than one
direction the improved and creditable method affords great pleasure to
the artist engaged. For, if while fishing a shy pool over again, he reaps
no benefit by reason of his former care and dexterity, he certainly retires
with the satisfactory knowledge that his successor on it will fish in water
comparatively undisturbed. We ought all to hold the opinion that this is
no trifling satisfaction to veterans ever mindful of the interests of others.
There is yet another practical advantage derived, for when propelled
above the water, the line carries out coils drawn from the winch for the
purpose of shooting." Perhaps the chances for the novice using a Spey
rod of coming to grief in this respect are somewhat numerous, for as it
happens the most diligent enthusiast would not pledge himself to manage
more than half the length accomplished with ease and success by the
Overhand method with our style of rod. Still a yard is a yard, and must
help to preserve the rod's action.
But to continue. The "S" motion maybe said to terminate and
the down-cast to commence at the same point as in theOverhand Cast.
And, to be very explicit, the course of the point of the rod almost from
start to finish is distinguished by the dotted line.

The reader under efficient control

will observe, that to bring the line
it has been first from the stream as much as possible by lifting
the rod high in the air. But it should be borne in mind that the Angler
then proceeds without delay, and uses just sufficient power to bring the line
from the water (by the motion of the rod as described) so that it strikes
the surface momentarily at the mark X in No. 2 illustration.
The benefit generally derived from so lifting the rod in the pre-

liminary process is manifest the less line in the water, the less force in

withdrawing it, and the

less chance of failure in propelling it, because the

fly-end strikes the water at the proper place. The long Spey rod,
therefore, claims a slight advantage over ours when any great length of
line is in use. But in actually propelling the line, our style of rod has far
greater power against a breeze (in fact, a Spey rod has little or none), and
you can either cast or throw with an advantage that can hardly be

over-estimated in certain cramped places on unfavourable days. Throwing

a Salmon fly is, however, a practice passionately denounced on Spey side

as being not precisely sportsmanlike. I referred to this matter before,

but sometimes it is not possible to get out the line by any other method.
undercurrent should happen to bury the line so as to
If a swirl or

suggest undue force when first lifting the rod, an inner false cast or two
must be given, and as soon as the line by that means has been fully
extended, the cast is made before the mischief again sets in.
The centre course of rod and line simply shows the effect produced on
them in rapids where the current holds the line and sets up an increased
action of the rod. If the cast is commenced too hurriedly, or, in other
words, if too much force is used to start with, the fly-end is sent too far
up-stream, in which case the tug of the line is often lo~st, and this means
defeat. The Angler would be more likely to be spared this dispiriting
occurrence if he rather under-rates than over-rates the force needed.
The action of the rod should do wanted without using force.
all that is

The rod and line with the mark X in No. 2, show the usual position
of the tackle at the beginning of the thrash-down. But sometimes the

fly has to strike the water further up-stream than the spot thus marked ;

still, in either case, the practised hand can instantly tell whether or no

the fly has taken a right and proper course.

In describing the down-cast or thrash-down, any increased power
needed is dictated to the Angler by the length of line about to be used.
He necessary, gradually augment the pressure at the butt of the
will, if

rod, mostly with the upper hand. The force generated in and emanating
from the centre at the butt where the strength is applied, serves either to

drive the line along the water or propel it in the air, and exhausts itself
while the fly is alighting at its ultimate destination (see 'Illustration,
No. 3). Thus may we discover some few points of similarity between the

Highland and the ordinary " Overhand."

Strictly speaking, no method of casting takes so long to acquire in
the general way as this one but things laboriously learnt at first soon

come to be done without the feeling of effort. It is true that once in my

experience I have seen the cast learnt in thirty-five minutes half an ;

hour of which was occupied in listening to verbal instructions and in

putting questions and pondering over answers. The fact is, a man must
think for himself. He must put two and two together, and with our

Illustrations before him, let him reason. Let him in his independent

spirit of
inquiry penetrate deeply into ultimate causes and find out

mentally why This or That is so. Then let him come with his rod and
put into practice the theories he has set up for himself by correctly
following this book and not hastily tire in the undertaking. It would
indeed be useless for a man to go to work with a feeble, irregular,

vacillating idea of the system and expect the attainment of excellence

The reader isby now sufficiently at home with various systems of
casting to have formed for himself one particular conclusion, as most
Fishermen would. What is this one particular conclusion?
That the achievement of any individual cast is an art, and from the
very nature of it, the achievement of the much-coveted Spey," the
highest art of all -is an art endowed with an irresistible fascination
peculiar to itself and so enjoyable that I may leave it without further
comment. But in truth, the " Spey is to fishing what words are to
thoughts, for without it certain waters cannot be commanded, and with-
out words certain thoughts cannot be expressed. To sum up. What is
the chief end of the system ?
The " Spey " system's chief end may be briefly put thus That men :

who are practically conversant with all the circumstances which render
the cast necessary, and with all the various ways of making it, are so far
removed from the struggling rank and file, as to frequently meet with the
highest success on pools which, to others, are positively unfishable.


In all sport the great secret is to know beforehand what one really
wants to accomplish, and then look sharp in making the most of one's
time, place, and opportunity. Time and tide wait for no man. Neither
will a nice porter-coloured water, when the bailiff draws a long face and
says :

Oh, lud, lud, this wind ! or she'd no fush that bad the morn, sir."
And here it is indispensable for the man who has the laudable
intention of distancing friendly (or unfriendly) competitors, to bear in
mind that certain ideas plausible fallacies, I call them which have

become rooted in the popular mind, may yet be pregnant with disastrous
consequences in practice.
I say, to know beforehand," for the simple reason that, after much
" "
experience of shy waters, I find that changing front in face of the
enemy is a most difficult operation to carry out, whilst there is some

little chagrin in the mere fact of altering one's plan of campaign.

Naturally this of itself would be inimical to all pleasure for the time

being, for no Angler likes to feel that he has not been prepared to
immediately make the most of his opportunities.
Old-time practices, once of daily occurrence, come vividly crowding
back on one's memory. Take, as an example, the way of fishing in a gale
of wind in by-gone days when there was a total absence of all principle,
and compare with the present style of making a cast against the wind.
" "
To fancy Overhand
the the right and proper method, is a fallacy
indeed, and yet it was once the fashion. I remember following it myself

through the years of my calidajuventtts. I used to pursue the work with

vigour and enjoyed it to my heart's content in spite of defeat again and

again. The mere gratification of having a rod in my hand and trying all
I knew, was enough. No matter how the fly fished or whether it received
an " acknowledgment," so long as I covered a Salmon, say within fifteen
or sixteen yards, I was satisfied. Naturally in those days, if the fish
refused, I fancied the game was up and my chance gone ! It is true I had
scarcely begun to inquire into the subject of "presentation," its motives
and effects,and remained for long uncertain of its advantages. And my
want of success deluded me into the mistaken notion that fishing in strong
wind was impracticable.
But at length the Overhand practice became too dull and dreary, and
as I grew too keen to sacrifice fishing for fun, and acquired the conviction
" "
that, in a hurricane, the Overhand was alike a restriction and a fallacy,
I weaned myself from delusion and set about devising a better and surer
means of commanding the water. I investigated these matters some five
and twenty years ago, and finally grasped the principle which, without
more ado, we may well proceed to examine and analyse.
In my
opinion the
Wind Cast " (as I determined to call it) is of
rnmense value on its day. No doubt the practical demonstration of the



method is a bold undertaking, and demands a ready

on the part of ability
those who would become proficient in
Capricious incidents
it.render the

work always difficult and sometimes impossible, as no one will be found

to deny. And yet, considering all things, perhaps it calls for more close
attention than for extraordinary skill. I noticed this particularly a few

years since on the Upper Wye, where I was much struck by the skill

displayed by quite a young Angler.

The great and indeed the only objection that I have seen brought
forward against the Wind Cast may be summed up in one brief
statement : The experiment is costly. It is said to favour the tradesman
more than the Fisherman. Rods will break but. may not this be
attributed to the fault of the wood, to personal inexperience, or more
probably to the sudden vacillations of the wind,which, by-the-bye,
beginners are apt to forget. There are rods and rods. '-Some crooked
grained ones break at little provocation others cleaved from' the plank

" "
like my own stand the roughest usage. It certainly is rough on a rod
to hurriedly lift a buried line, as examination of the method will soon
show. It certainly is still more rough on a rod to undergo excessive
pressure in the .thrash-down, particularly when its action is not steadied

by the counter influence of the tug of the line. And this, unfortunately,
is of no uncommon experience. But where should we be unless the line
were lifted quick as thought (if I may adopt the expression) or again, in ;

the absence of that indispensable pressure needed to procure sufficient action

of the butt.
I have seen novices, irritated to a degree, break rod after rod simply
because they forget these facts. But I always notice that close attention
and a constant repetition of melancholy failures is, at any rate, a means
of fixing them indelibly in their memories. Old Fuller says, that to try
and remember a forgotten condition, a man should scratch his head.
Another literary authority writes :

" No wonder that our memories are bad,

We neither bite our rails nor scratch our head."

But would not these morbid expedients be waste of an Angler's time ?

All we can do is, to keep our wits about us, for, whatever may happen,

the cast has to be made ; and that too, in the midst of latent dangers and
probable interruptions. We know full well how the rod smarts under
the loss of the tug. We feel the tug's restraining influence ; we feel that

it creates, that it constitutes an instrumental, nay, an essential element

and we thoroughly understand that, even with the utmost practice and
attention, the chance of sustaining that needful counter influence, is wrapt
up in doubt and uncertainty. That's just it just the very detail too, in
which our memory must not fail us.
For the intensity of the wind the expert cares nothing, so long as it
does not play tricks by fits and starts when it does this, thoroughly

reliable work is impossible.

But now let us consider how to excel in an undertaking frequently
deemed impossible, even when the wind is not specially unrestful. In
spite of all drawbacks, we find six points for success against half a dozen
for failure. The chances therefore are equal, and this is somewhat
The next encouraging fact is, that although the wind blows so strongly
as to try one's strength to stand steadily, a fish lying from five and twenty
to thirty yards away may be covered. Nay, more, the fly can be
presented so straight and well, as to yet further astound the uninitiated.
Hence the superlative value of this cast.
To way to a methodical illustration of the principle of it, let
clear the
us touch on one or two specific conditions, which must be neither over-
looked nor under-estimated.
First, the direction of the wind. It is only when the wind comes

pretty much fromthe destined direction of the fly that the cast can be
made in any degree of perfection. Secondly, it is impossible to excel in
the undertaking with a light line, or a rod with a stiff butt. A heavy line
" "
is indispensable not only for making the rod
; bend double in raising
it into position, but also for cutting through the wind in obedience to the

thrash-down. This point cannot be too strongly emphasised.

In this particular method our object, to begin with, is to lift the line
no further than overhead, in such a manner that it represents to a man
located on the opposite bank, a regular letter S in the air. To baffle an
opposing wind of considerable force and speed, requires the employment

of considerable power, both of rod and Angler, in lifting the line properly.
A peep at the dotted line in the Illustration reveals the action of the rod
while forcing the line into that one position from which alone it can
possibly be controlled and propelled.
Provided the student refrains from working in swirly waters, and
provided he uses suitable tackle and is not baulked by the sudden changes
of wind when the line is in the air, this first part of the operation depends
for its success upon strong arm power combined with a certain action of
the wrist. The arm power, though inevitably considerable (far exceeding
that needed in ordinary casts) is not suddenly exercised, for the line must
not be snatched from the water. The rod is brought " straight up," as
we say, the point neither leaning outwards nor inwards and perhaps an

idea of the necessary wrist action may be best conveyed to the mind of the
novice by inspection of the accompanying Figure. The method of lifting


the line very soon commends itself, and then the impulse to diligently

obey the rod is too strong to be resisted. The motion of the rod is
continuous, and is not checked until the finish.
bringing the upper
hand in the track represented, the student can well imagine that the
wisdom of using excessive pressure is justified and more than justified by
the result attained.
I would, however, remind him that, when unimpeded in its ai rial

A A 2

course by the sudden fall or blast of wind, the line is easily propelled by
butt action.
It is not easy for the untrained eye to actually see what is being done

or what has taken place, though the educated eye and touch of the
seasoned veteran enable him to immediately form a definite opinion for
himself. If in lifting the line, the student is uncertain, what then ? If
" "
a wise man, he will cease, let the whole thing slide and begin again ;

for he should be alive to the fact that, having lost the "tug" the
thrash-down would ruin the rod for good and all. And so the decrees
of Fate are accepted with a resignation becoming an instructed

How often on these occasions have I witnessed a sympathy little

shown in a few encouraging words uttered in the presence of beginners,

and observed the immediate effect In fact, nothing is more odious to

me than meeting with that indifferent individual, so wrapped up in himself

and his own affairs, as to prevent his being moved with either the failure
or the success of others. hardly within the power of novices to
It is

quickly discover or dodge these difficulties by the aid of the eye, or by

the sense of touch, the very force and fickleness of the wind tend so much
to deception.
Now we come to the thrash-down.
This terrible " stroke," easier to demonstrate than describe in a cold
written page, differs considerably from that in other casts; yet it has
intrinsic merits and is entirely orthodox in principle. In point of fact,

the line is made to cut through the air, not by merely checking the rod
in the usual way, but indeed by absolutely nipping it at the butt, so as
to arrest its course instanter. Now this "nipping" is a rather difficult
and precarious experiment for the novice. I have heard old people say :

" It is so "
easy," and tantalise one by winding up with, but you've got to
know it first."

In all up to an effort or they do not.

cases our nerves brace themselves
The Wind not beset with grievous complications to the nervous
Cast is
" "
system, yet nipping the rod properly, is in a great measure dependent
on good nerves and nipping in this cast is a feature of the first

importance, The enormous upward strain of the rod in raising the line

results in a corresponding downward strain set up voluntarily or, in ;

other words, the rod bends back so far that, in propelling the line, its
action reduces the strain on the muscles of the Angler.
And what is the meaning of " nipping " ? It means checking with a
vengeance. Nipping expresses that almost indescribable action of checking
the rod violently, which is often but very inadequately expressed by the
unbearable word " jerking."
For the behoof of novices I feel obliged to travel over old paths once
" "
again and let it be understood at the onset that the words
tug and
"counter-influence are synonymous terms.
Now it is a fact that the full power of the tug's real influence can be,
and is, engendered in the lifting of the line. It, of course, varies according

to the degree of strength used. The tug is less felt in the " Overhand "
than in the " Underhand," because the strength used is greater. In any
ordinary cast the Angler feels the tug, and delights in it when making the
" "
thrash-down at the right moment, though, if too late, he feels nothing
of it at all. Lose any of this influence and the loss, in most cases, is
detected at once ;
but not in the Wind Cast at any time, or, at all events
until too late.
So entirely does the issue in the Wind Cast depend upon this counter
influence that, were it dissevered or dispelled, the most dexterous man
alive could not possibly get the line out. But above all it must be repeated
that any such disseveratioii brings in its wake a far more serious trouble ;

for that nip without that identical tug, and the rod is doomed to all intents
and purposes.
For all its difficulties the judicious beginner will not hurriedly
condemn Wind Cast, nor
the hesitate to try to master the method.
For me, many fond memories surround it, and I believe it destined
to the honour of circumventing fish, when all other known methods are

The cast is, in short, a triumph of ingenuity and skill and high-spirited
endeavour following the dictates of much thought and consideration.
And, judging from what I have myself seen hastily done by novices, I
would say, " search slowly into it for, as experience teaches, those who

are quick in searching, seldom search to the quick.



Once upon a time not so many years ago either on returning

home after a hard day's fishing in the rain with an old attendant named
Ewan, who at different times in his chequered career had served me as

valet,groom, gillie, and factotum generally, we came suddenly upon the

whole posse comitatus attached to the hotel, which happened to be, for
the time being, headquarters in the North. There was long Sandy,"
than whom no Scotchman e'er cast a much longer line, or tied a more
" "
killing and Eobin, who seemed by instinct to know the " lie " of
flee ;

" "
every running fush and Jamie the untiring, who'se muscles were

of steel, and for whom no day was too long or "bag too heavy besides ;

a few others, whom to name were needless. The sudden appearance on

the scene of my trusty henchman with a frail on his back that evidently
contained something weighty, instantly took these worthies by surprise.
Knowing themselves the hopeless state of the water, it roused their
curiosity to the highest pitch. Eobin first opened the ball with :

An' hoo mony heads hae ye gotten the day, my braw laddie, for I
see twa tails whatiffer '?

The rougher element had already thrown out some noisy misgivings
amongst themselves and were now shouting impromptu verses on the
" "
common or garden fly.
" "
Order cried ! Ewan.
Order anything you like in the way of whisky or baccy, no worm-
ing for us," rang through the air.
If Ewan is to tell you he must have silence," I remarked ; when
Eobin, with a knowing wink at the others, repeated his query as to how
many heads, etc.
" '
Hoo mony heads ?

Hoot awa ! De'il tak ye, there's as mony

heads as and, ye daft creeture, it wad hae been a lesson to ye had

ye bin there wi' us the day," answered Ewan, as I thought rather

'Deed then, an' that's no altegither improbable," drawled out
Eobin in a tone of more than usual solemnity.
" "
Weel, but," continued Ewan, I tell ye it is sae ;
it's nae man in

these parts but the Maister that kens how to fush siccan pool as

dour ava."
And with a few more disparaging remarks of a similar character,
Ewan took himself off indoors to get rid of his burden of course, at the
Pol-o-dour," I may here state is the local name of a certain deep
pool on a river, the name of which I withhold for various reasons. It has
the peculiarity about it that the catches are fishable only when the river
is at its very lowest. As a matter of fact, the place never comes into
" "
ply until the rest of the Casts look as ludicrously small from want of
water as the local men look from want of sport. All the fish in the
immediate neighbourhood make for the pool and congregate there by the
dozen, but the Fishermen never could command it. The pool itself is
long, still, and broad perhaps seventy yards in width and very dour."
It is fished from one bank only, high, over-hanging rocks fringing the
opposite side. However, in the course of a few minutes Ewan returned
to the front of the house where the others were sitting, and the conversa-
" "
tion was resumed. In the meantime he had tossed off a caulker of

whisky at my request, for he was wet to the very bone, and was now
disposed to be still more communicative.
Hech, he began, addressing his audience generally, while I
sat finishing a cigar after getting rid of my waders and the wee
drappie" left in the flask, it wad hae done ye hearts gude to hae
daunered alang the banks wi' me the day and seen the maister bang oot
the flee, rnair by token that ye wad then ha' been able to joodge o' his
and what maun that be
' '

Seestum that's a deectionary word, like,"

asked Sandy, jumping on tip toe.
" '

Whist, mon, he joost has a plan o' his ain, and covers '
frae the top to the bottom o't."
" Ye'll
no mak me believe that Ewan, it's na' in the power o' no
f usher whatiffer,"
Deed ay, but I will, Sandy, an' if ye'll come wi' me in the morn,

I'll be bound the maister will be right pleased to show ye the seestem
his ain sel."

" "
Then I ordered more caulkers upon the festive scene. The con-
versation shortly glided into other channels, and, among other songs which
were most entertaining, " The lass o' Gowrie

was befittingly rendered


by one of these honest souls.

The " Governor " is a singular cast, sound in principle, though quaint
in its inception. In practice it works admirably. Without it I, at least,
know no otherto reach fish lying fifty yards or more across stream,
and for no other purpose did I originally intend it. The cast is withal
simplicity itself. A mop
handle, five feet in length (shod) is pushed into
the ground and remains fixed at its back merely by string attached to two
tent pegs. A small staple has been previously hammered in at the top,
through which an elastic band is adjusted. The fly must not penetrate
the elastic itself the hook should merely hang through the ring. All

the Angler has to do then is to walk right away to the riverside in the
line of the cast, letting the winch "run" as he goes, until he has
sufficient casting line out to cover the distance required. Of course
he will have previously made himself acquainted with the particular
catch he desires to command, and have taken precautions as to measure-
ment and by shifting the apparatus beforehand.
direction, By this
simple yet judicious method, any novice lady or gentleman can get
out a tremendous line, without any previous knowledge, in half a dozen

When an extra long cast is wanted I invariably use a line which

has been spiced for the purpose, for it is a drawback to have any length of
thin back-line at the point of the rod.
The nextstep is to make the thrash-down." This breaks the elastic
baud, releases the fly, and away it goes. But it is necessary to bear in
mind that the rod must always be dropped back, as shown in the drawing,
so that the line almost touches the ground when the operation is about
to be performed. The more the rod is checked at the finish, the greater
is the line under command.
If the first cast does not raise the fish, all you have to do is to wind
up, walk back to the mopstick with the fly in your hand, put on another
band the band is partly pushed through the staple and looped through
itself and muttering to yourself "better luck next time," at it
you go

again. It is really astonishing how many fish in the course of a season

can be picked up in this way on certain stretches hitherto deemed quite
inaccessible to rod-fishers.I know this by my own personal experience ;

and therefore in future it will be the sportman's own fault if with the
" Governor " cast he does not cover fish
aid of the absolutely out of
reach by any other method as often as the necessity and the opportunity
may arise.

The little party of quidnuncs soon afterwards broke up. Old Robin
led the way apparently engaged in
prayer. He had been the most
attentive listener of them all whilst I was expounding the above precepts,
and now he was "snooving" off, "his lyart haffetS wearing thin and
bare," muttering to himself something about "the principle o' the thing
having been in his head for years, and was quite the idol of his adoration,"
whatever that may happen to mean.
Of course, found available only in a clear space and
this cast will be
not in one bordered by trees or bushes. The fly placed inside the band
when freed flies through the air like a stone from a sling, and alights at
the farthest point the line can take it. The only element of uncertainty
to be found at all, is the strength of the bands in use. Bands breaking
on a steel yard at a pull of nearly 5 Ibs. are required for very long casts.
But so recently as the commencement of the Angling season of 1893, in a
experiments carried out on the river Beauly, I made two casts,
series of

measuring fifty-two and fifty-three yards respectively, with bands pulling

from 3| to 4 Ibs. apiece ;
and was present at some other trials on the
Tay when I saw fifty-seven yards covered again and again by Mr. Barclay

Singularly enough the method has not proved attractive to the

angling public in any marked degree, though it was personally introduced
to public notice first in the year of the great Exhibition of 1851, and
afterwards illustrated and described in the Fishing Gazette of 1884.


I shall not attempt any laboured enconiums on an authority I
might almost say the one authority of his day nor endeavour to
summarise his time-honoured principle of switching ; for, just as the

future obliterates the past, many of these so-called settled rules of action
die out or vary in course of time. He himself, poor fellow, has long
since ceased to fish and to live But a letter in his handwriting, now

lying before me, would have us believe that the theory of a cast is a
science, the practice of it an art."
My informant, whose name and rank I am compelled to withhold,
laid down the grand principle, that the method of the Switch being too
rigidly inelastic for general purposes, remained for years undeveloped on
its strongest side.
These judicious opinions call up ideas more enlarged than the mere
sound of words at first convey, for on attentive examination of the Switch

Cast, one will easily see how incomplete it is without the "Peter,"
which, though young, was not discovered yesterday.
Modern Anglers would hardly credit the countless improvements in

ways and means of casting which have only recently been more or less
adopted ;
but it would be interesting indeed were we able to trace the
progress of each art through its stages from the classic days of Walton
rightup to the commanding position it occupies at the present time.
In the case of the "Overhand," what do we find? As practised
from a time (which may be called immemorial since no one can fix a date
to the contrary ") thesystem of throwing with a light line and fine-
pointed rod -scarcely lingers in the Angling mind now indeed, the ;

old-fashioned method is almost forgotten. With other appliances the

" "
Overhand still holds its ground.
But doubtful as the policy of the " Switch was, save on an emer-
gency, no one can say that the scientific founder of it did not trust

reason, nor that the wise reformers of the method trusted only to
imagination. No discovery of a system of casting is made without some
previous conjectural effort of the mind, nor is any amendment
in principle

inculcated without some exertion of the reasoning faculties. Practical

experiment should do the rest. No doubt that in the case of the

" Switch " the one chief
object was the discovery of truth, and this has,
in opinion, been undoubtedly attained.
Say what we can of the Switch," the cast will never hold its own
" " " " "
in a race with the Spey." The Spey would give the Switch a
" " "

beating ;
that isto say, as far as the matter of distance is concerned, the
former would cut out the latter in competition by at least twenty-four
feet without being extended.
The great advantage which this old-fashioned cast has over the
" "
and all others is particularly its own, and counterbalances all its
where the " Switch only is suitable when trees,
failings in those places
shrubs, or other immediate obstructions handicap the different, and more
water-covering modes of propelling a fly.
The "Peter" is an intermediate and auxiliary movement of the rod
in aid of the final effort to get out the line.
To " Peter" and " Switch " com-
properly explain the method of the
bined, the student should understand that the former is a dodge or scheme
resorted to only in connection with the latter, with which alone it is

associated. The Peter was simply born for the cast and united to it long
ago. It is, moreover, a commanding feature of the cast, which, in its
absence, is at times absolutely unpracticable.
" " " "
The Peter has developed the Switch to such a degree that the
cast be fairly
may ranked among the favourite formulas of the day. And
although the performance is said to be somewhat difficult to master, the
merest tyro will, if he persevere, soon be gratified by the progress made
and quite convinced of the value of it.

How then is the cast to be made by the Angler (fishing right-handed)

whose line is extended down-stream ?

The brief instructions for making the Switch, with the Peter in one
continuous action, are :

(1) Elevate the rod steadily but with a rather increasing movement :

(2) now twitch the point of the rod forward (Fig. 1) by a smart, short

action of the upper wrist, from right, overhead, to left, to form a narrow
oval and (3) finish with the thrash-down."

By No. 1, the line will be drawn to the surface and belly towards you.
No. 2 (the " Peter ") causes the line to bow. in an opposite direction. (See
dotted line Plate 1.) The "narrow oval is completed by a bold sweep
of the rod taken round to the right. (3) Is effected vigorously and

additional impetus is given to the line by forcing the arms forward during
the thrash-down to their full extent. On reaching an angle of 45 degrees
' ~

THE SWITCH CAST (Illustration 1).


the rod is checked by a firm grasp (Illustration 2), when the line is left to
work its own success or failure.

With these instructions before himthe reader will probably recognize

that the object of the "Peter" is to clear the near portion of the
line from the destructive influence of eddying waters, and to compel the
line to tug the point of the rod in order to regulate its action, keep

its point within bounds, and render -the thrash-down practicable and
(The situations in which the " Switch
is necessary are few. They
are when neither the rod nor the line can be extended for more than eight
or ten feet in the rear of the Angler.)
In proportion to the effect of the "Peter," the calculation is made of
the force wanted for the thrash-down.
and then, for instance, the current, by flowing in all manner of
ways, causes the line to lie on the surface in a zig-zag form, whereby it is
rendered uncontrollable. In such a case the "Peter" is simple and
immediately successful, and the thrash-down is effected in the usual
manner of the cast. But where we encounter a sharp eddy, swirling
under the rod, outwards, a satisfactory result is not so readily attained,
or, at all events, without a much more forceful "Peter" than in the
former case. Even
then, unless effected in time,
only a portion of
the disarranged line, which the eddy has seized, may be cleared from
the mischief, and in that case the force needed for the thrash-down
must be increased accordingly. If the greater mischief should

arise from a swirl that dashes the line inwards, the modus operandi
Take by way of illustration, a man fishing right-handed. The line

having been thus hustled towards the bank, the Angler shifts the rod
like lightning into the left hand, hurries the "Peter," and, without

further change or perceptive cause, completes the whole business, then

and there.
What much want to point out in Petering is the one risk the
I very

inexperienced run. In all cases, the greatest care must be taken lest
too much of the back portion of the running line be removed from the

.surface, or the second state will be worse than the first. The line has to



be cleared from swirling eddies, that is certain ;

but it is on -these very
occasions that the rod is liable to act upon it in a most prejudicial way ;
for the instant the line gets clear, the deplorable mischief of undue power,
so frequently used in the experiment, reveals itself and absolutely arrests
all further progress. To who
thoroughly understand switching, the
force of this argument is
obviously manifest.
But as against this argument the more one makes the line bow from
him in Petering the greater will be the tug on the rod, which fact
is sufficient of itself to ensure the thrash-down always proving effective.
The secret is not to allow the butt to assist in the Peter at all. The work
must be executed by the point of the rod, the action of which is
out not so much by the strength of the arms as by a free use of
trained and flexible wrists. Indeed, it must be distinctly understood
that any muscular exertion would mar the experiment and defeat the

object in view.
have a few words to say in hope of removing a slight prejudice with

respect to the cast, and making it more available for free use than in
times gone by.
Common opinion declares the "Switch" to be good only for false
" "
casting, but with the Peter it presents, in my estimation, much ground
for thoughtful consideration. I would add, for the instruction of the

uninitiated, that the "Peter" is unnecessary in streams or other straight

running waters, and that the measure of its success largely depends on
the varying circumstances under which it is employed. And it would
appear to me that the student should view at all times, with perfect
coolness and accuracy, the various circumstances of the situation, so that
each of them may produce its due impression on him without any
exaggeration arising from nervousness or lack of experience. The
influences surrounding this cast are self-registering, and unconsciously
write their story in all its fulness on the mind of the student who, watching
a clever performer, sees the combination of all its elements at once.
Clear vision however, a sine qua non.

Some slight inconvenience may possibly arise from a too rigid

obedience to our preliminary instruction. If in elevating the rod steadily

at first the line does not "come freely" the process of "fiddling," as

previously described, must be consistently adopted. You may, however,

rest assured that the remedy will not be required often, provided the
interval between each cast be not unduly prolonged.
Coming now to explain the thrash-down, as shown in Illustration
2, the method differs but slightly from that employed under ordinary
circumstances. The process from gradual becomes rapid, and looks like
developing what the meteorologists are accustomed to describe as "dan-

gerous energy." would be perhaps safer for the novice if he made a


sharp thrash-through, and not attempt to check the rod at the usual
angle of 45 degrees. But all fear of the rod is soon reduced to a
minimum, save perhaps in the case of too much force being used on
those occasions when the wind counteracts the effect of the Peter by

blowing the line out of gear.

One of the commonest errors frequently be traced to the inherent

desire to bring the rod, in the back sweep," further than at an angle of
45 degrees any such propensity should be strenuously avoided. And,
moreover, would
I strongly caution the Angler in accepting all hurried
instruction that would induce him to bring the rod round by his side too
low. The tug of the line might lead him to do so but, in my
loss of the ;

opinion, following such advice as that is wrong in any case, though it

requires no little courage to say so.

The thrash of the rod, when executed as described, forms a sort of

loop in the line (see Fig. 2) ,

which seems to rush along the surface of the
water until at last the fly drops over and alights at its proper destination.


The Flip proper is a sort of side cast side flip, in fact which the
practised Angler can learn in a day.
though it in no way resembles the Side Cast
I say a sort of side cast,
as practised on the Shannon and elsewhere. The Irish claim to be masters
of that method, and there is no doubt that their tackle is eminently

adapted to the purpose. For making the Side Cast no rod quite equals
the Castle Connell, but I am inclined to the belief that, apart from the
clever waywhich our neighbours are accustomed to use it, their system,
when adopted by us, is more for the sake of a change than for a necessity.
u H 2

To extend and propel the line in the air as they do by moving the rod in
a horizontal position from first to last is less tiring than the Overhand,
which, with this Irish rod, is more difficult and less effectual. I have not
deemed necessary to illustrate and describe the Side Cast, but I wish to

record the fact that by employing it a very long line can be controlled
even with our own style of rod. Also that the cast is by no means to be
despised under boughs and such places where space will admit of it.
The " Flip " has two variations which assume the names of the
overhand and underhand flip respectively. The overhand flip requires a
certain of room overhead in front of the Angler, and often comes
into usewhere willows weep over the water with sufficient height between
the water and the branch from which the weepers hang, and sufficient
room between the weepers themselves. The underhand flip is adopted
when the space just mentioned is limited. Although some men fish for
years and think nothing of either of these variations, yet they will in
many instances be found his only salvation. Indeed, by no other method
than the Flip can certain catches be commanded.
The Flip Cast is generally said to be the easiest of all to master. I

have heard it extolled to the skies and condemned to the lower regions in

language strong, if original. I have also heard it said that the easiest
methods women, have no history at
of Salmon-fishing, like the happiest ;

all events, to the Flip I owe some of my greatest summer successes.

Surely it is just as necessary to master one system as another, else we are

comparatively helpless when some unusual condition for action arises.
Shakespeare tells us that there is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken
at the flood, leads on to fortune. We must, however, take the current
when it serves, or lose our ventures" and an Angler will look very foolish

if, by neglecting to learn the Flip, he has to pass by a shaded spot holding

plenty of fish which cannot be covered by any other means. The usual
place for flipping is under trees whose lower branches have been levelled

off and cleared away by flood water. The rushing torrent, together with
the debris it carries, so levels overhanging branches and twigs as to
make them appear like the under parts of trees which, in parks, have been
reduced to an equal condition by cattle.

Though easy to learn, the Flip is not so easily described. Affairs in



general, simple enough in themselves, are often the least capable of

definition in terms simple or abstruse. But I am content to leave the
student with the few following details.
When flipping left-handed the rod is to be held in the right hand.
The Angler gets into the water with his fly hitched as usual to the bar of
the winch. As soon as he has taken up his position he proceeds to draw
forth a few yards of line, which he coils and holds between the finger and
thumb of the hand working the Pointing the rod a little down-
stream and holding the butt firmly against his hip, with the winch facing
sometimes one way and sometimes another for the sake of the action of
the rod, he unhitches the fly, shortens the line a trffle by pulling it in,
makes the rod bend all he can by fully extending the left arm and hand
in which the fly is held, and suddenly lets go, allowing the coils to depart
in the manoeuvre.
The instant the flyfreed additional propelling power is given to the

line by sharply swinging the rod to the point B and bringing it back into
position. This helps the action of the rod considerably.
As the reader may suppose, the line is previously shotted. About 14
or 15 inches from the fly three or four swan shot are fixed to the line,
above which, say, about 4 feet, another shot a little smaller in size is

To renew a cast in close quarters, wind in line, turn the rod up-
stream quite behind you, and the line can be easily reached and picked

I have now completed, to the best of my power, these illustrations.
To say that I am absolutely satisfied of the exactness of every detail
would be admit what I scarcely feel. The exact picture of the tackle
from the beginning to the end of any cast cannot possibly be obtained
until Mr. Edison has perfected his Kinetoscope for the continuous

photography of objects in motion. Then, and most likely not before, will
a series of pictures become in effect but one picture. I would neverthe-

less strongly urge the student of these seven different casts to note down

with accuracy all the circumstances of each particular case, for just as by
far the most valuable of the two educations man has is not that which is

given to him, but that which he give's to himself ; so, indeed, must the

young Angler work out and resolve all these knotty points for himself.
The secret is, not to fall into wrong habits at the beginning, but to make
sure of every step taken, bearing in mind that most things to be learnt are

very simple, and that some books do their best to render them obscure.
We have had to travel over a lot of ground in our preliminary combat,
to smooth the way for safely manoeuvring in every nook and corner at the
riverside ; but our tussle with the " tug of the line is over now, and

gives way for that other

tug the veritable tug o' ivar. The foregoing
illustrations and descriptions will soon show the student how to cast, but
I now propose to show him how to fish and I shall endeavour to give

him some valuable hints connected with this branch of the subject.
In Salmon-fishing there are two principals the Salmon and the
Salmon-fisher. Their interests run counter to each other. The one is
fullyequipped with deadly weapons in his hand the other with only a

good broad tail which is his sole resource to fight with, in defence of life
and liberty. The conflict sometimes is very hot, and, after all, the match
isnot so particularly unequal. But in order to pilot the tyro to victory
he must be possessed of certain further information. He must first know
the Catches," and then how to fish them. Let me explain that Salmon
are caught in Pools, Streams, Flats, and Eapids. The places they haunt
" "
in these are called catches "or lay-byes." The catches vary in size
and consequently vary in regard to the number of Salmon they hold. On
one day twenty to thirty tenants may be found at home, on another day
none at all and this difference largely depends upon the time of year and

height of water. It comes to this then the stranger must ask, he must
court local opinion and advice, or he will most likely find himself at work,
as I myself have been, in barren waters.
Some pools in certain rivers are fishable at any height of water ;

whilst in others a slight rise or fall might spoil one's chance altogether.
I have, for instance, had good sport on the Lochy in twenty feet or more
of flood water, but only in the pools situated at the various bends of the
river. And even then upon the nature of the shallow
a good deal depends
or fishing side. Slanting ground from there, covered with gravel or
boulders, generally turns out well in high water. As the waters rise so do
all the fish remaining in them come across from the deeps and take up

new stations on the shallow side. The catches are known to the ordinary

gillie in attendance. Where the river runs fairly straight, pools get out
of order, and, as I say, an inch, or even less, makes all the difference so
far as sport is concerned.
With regard to streams, it may be taken as a rule that rain soon puts
them out of order. Salmon rarely stay in them when the waters rise to a
certain height unless boulders large enough to form an eddy are imbedded
in the river.

Flats, on the other hand, call for closer inquiry. Although, in rising
water, fish invariably like togo ahead, they will occasionally drop back and
stay in the lower part of such reaches as these, till at length they are forced

by the torrent to make for shelter elsewhere. This propensity is especially

noticeable in a long straight piece of water, in the lower part of which, at
normal height, the current scarcely moves.
As to rapids, the Angler must bide his time. If the top part of a

rapid is in ply, even so little as half an inch rise will ruin every lay-bye in
it. But when fishable, rapids are by far the freest taking places, though
by no means the freest rising places ;
at all events, they are the surest and
the easiest for the novice not wanting in nerve. I have seen men at first
almost frightened to death at the mere sight of a rough-and-tumble rapid.
The feeling soon passes away at least, if one may judge by the show of
daring that often follows a fit of nervousness, and confidence restored by
greater familiarity with purely imaginary dangers.
I have given a somewhat curtailed description of the above resorts by

way of preface to the more elaborate details which are to follow. The
student finds out exactly where the casts are, and should devote his
attention to those which happen to be best in order and best suited to his
capacity. It would be labour lost to persevere in any Catch where more
line is required than can be controlled where, in short, the fly can be
presented to the fish in a proper and alluring manner ;
and this part of
the subject shall be dealt with presently.
Fishing is not what it was by any means and when you come to

look into the circumstances under which it is now conducted you would
not be surprised at the extreme care taken by our best men in casting
" "
straight, in mending casts when necessary, in playing the fly, and in

the easy, apparently indifferent and undesigning attitude which they

assume towards the fish.

Great as the divergence of principle and method adopted in fishing


the various places just mentioned there is a

singular resemblance in respect
of casting straight. The thing is this always endeavour to let the cast
be made so that the fly may be " fished " at once. When this can be
attained without " mending," you may be sure that
your cast has been
made by a suitable method. The fly cannot fish at once by, say, the Spey
cast, when the line is propelled along the surface of the water, because,
by the time the fly alights, the current has carried down river the
middle part of the running line, and instead of the fly- fishing, it will be
drifting ruthlessly across stream headforemost. I strongly recommend
the employment of the " Overhand " wherever it can be made.
The word " stratowa, means not merely that the line itself shall be
pretty straight when laid down on the water, but also that the Angler
aims straightight 'rds such a point that the line shall reach the water at

a certain angle from him. As regards the scope of that angle people
differ. Some cast across the water, but I never do so if it can be avoided,
for the best of all reasons that, as a rule, I kill far more fish when, for

example, the fly falls S E from N W

as shown in the diagram. (For
Salmon, it is sometimes necessary to break the rule, but never for Grilse.*
If, for instance, a fish is lying in the bottom part of a stream in summer-

time, or even beside the more rapid water on the far side nearer the neck,
at any time of year ; or, briefly, if you cannot work the fly sufficiently

fast, the rule does not apply.)

Speaking generally, as soon as the fly reaches the water at such an
angle, it will sink and fish immediately, by bringing the rod (horizon-
tally) a more up-stream, and working it there. The stream instantly

tightens the line, if, by accident, there is any to tighten. Do not alter
the position of the rod but, keeping time with the pendulum of an

imaginary church clock, move the point of the rod (as with one beat of
it) some 18 inches towards S, and a little faster than the pace of the

stream, returning (as with the next beat) by a similar but slower move-
ment. Continue these backward and forward movements steadily and
regularly till the fly has crossed S, when the point of the rod should be
brought round with each beat towards S and past it, in order that the fly
on and reach the point midway between S and W.
shall fish
If the water flows so slowly that the fly dwells too long in front of
the catch as it
passes, assist the pace of it by bringing the point of the rod
round earlier with each movement. But on the other hand, if the water
runs so quickly that the fly is swept hurriedly across the catch, the rod held
still maybe, that a very little playing of the fly will
(facing eastward) or,
suffice to put matters right. Bear in mind that the " Eagles," and other
flies with such long hackles as the Hen Pheasants and Herons (black,
grey, and cinnamon), are more alluring to the fish when not played at all.

The diagram
should, I think, be sufficient guide for the student to
determine at what angle down-stream he should cast his fly. As regards
"mending" the cast, it may be unnecessary to enlarge upon what has
been said. Nor will I detain the reader by making further allusions to
the choice of flies than occasions demand as we proceed.

Grilse fishing is not what it was. I remember Craven (Keeper to Lord Arbothnut)
holding a croft beside the Bridge of Feuch some thirty years since.
little It was lie who
killed no fewer than fifty Grilse at the foot of the Falls ill one day. Dceside men know this
favourite spot of old.

In fishing, the underlying principle for the Angler is to convince

himself what flies others have used unsuccessfully, and in what
way they
have been fishing, i.e. where they stood, what method of casting they
adopted, how long they persevered under the conditions which, presum-
ably,remain unaltered, and, above all, whether by their untutored
demeanour in the water or out of it they were likely to scare the fish, and,
time bsing, put them "
for the off altogether.
In these respects the Angler should choose the opposite tactics as

much as he can. If, for instance, small, light flies have been used with

short hackles, he should select a pattern larger, darker, and longer in the
hackle. But whatever may have been done in other respects, a pool that
has been long thrashed with gaudy patterns requires considerable rest, and
even then, a couple of casts over a fish is sufficient before passing on. In
passing on, or rather fishing on, see everything but look at nothing for ;

you will give yourself away if by your manner, you arouse the suspicions
of the fish.
Whatever be the general opinion it is certain to my mind that Salmon
have an instinctive dread of an inquisitive Fisherman. If he
himself" a man may catch a Salmon under the very point of his rod; I
have often done so, bsing fully alive to the fact that, as to " behaviour,"
the susceptibility of the Salmon does not materially differ from other
creatures. Books and we know, will pick up warms out of the very

footsteps of the smock-frocked yeoman who trolls a song of the soil

between the handles of his plough. Shy mountain sheep take no notice
of the shepherd who
warbles an old-world ditty along the hill-side nor ;

will the most

spiteful thorough-bred be affrighted by the smith, who,
while singing at the forge lifts its leg on his leathered lap as a matter of
Almost all that is necessary on the subject of a man's manner can be
said in a few words.
Stand easily and erect, do noi peep about, do not assume a defiant
demeanour, and move as naturally as though there were no fish in the
Now let us first see how to fish "that pool there," whose shallow
waters at the neck, this early spring morning, ripple less and less as they

change their course ;

now making towards that large deep eddy on the
far side, now increasing in velocity and forming certain little curls below
until the Angler is forced to wade or retire a veritable low water
catch, this !

First, the question forces itself upon us, Where are the fish ? Well,
the gillie will decide this for you, as, sometimes they take up their places
at the neck of the ripple, sometimes at the near edge of the large eddy, and
at other times at the lower part of the pool altogether. But let us
consider how best we can proceed from the eddy downwards ; for the

streamy part at the neck will hold not one single fish until quite the
middle of the month of May, unless the weather has been abnormally
The chief object here is which must be cast well
not to allow the fly,
into the eddy, to be dragged too quickly past the long narrow catch by the
force of the water upon the bellying line. (These catches are generally
long and always narrow, for the fish lie in the small space between the
stream and the eddy, which may be even twenty yards in length.) If the
fly comes too quickly, the rule of presentation is broken from the fact that
the fly travels head first past the fish. And yet, in this case, it is im-
possible to rigidly obey the rule, unless the length of line in use is so
limited that the Angler can work the fly at almost any pace he likes, by

holding the rod high in the air. Still, there is usually a way out of these

difficulties, and, maybe, the remedy is simply to

mend " the cast
immediately it is made.

would be a very strange place if that remedy did not have the

desired effect all down the eddy and cause the fly to work before the fish
in true orthodox form.
When the first cast is completed and previous to making another, as

your gillie will tell you, walk one yard on, or, if the water is coloured much,
" "
half a yard will do, and continue casting and mending as before. But
should you raise a Salmon and he should happen to come short, walk away,
change the fly for one a trifle smaller, or, if you like, cut out such feathers
as Jungle fowl or Summer Duck, and use the same one again. In about
four minutes make a couple of casts over the fish from where you stood
before, but not lower. Should this fail, select a fly a trifle smaller still

and very colour and type.

different in Two casts with each fly are
sufficient, provided the water is not discoloured. In giving the fourth trial

having rested the catch for ten minutes, put on a Grub, one or two sizes
larger, or the fly that
first raised the fish. And before finally giving in,
try a fly in character with the river both in colour and make, three or four
sizes larger than any one previously presented.
" "
If, however, you have an interview with a Salmon i.e., prick him,
it is not worth while trying again. Only once in my career have
I succeeded after an interview," and then the fish had shifted its quarters.
A Salmon at the bottom of a pool on the Wester Elchies water had run
me foul, broken the line, and taken away fly and gut length. On resuming
operations at the head of the pool, I found to my
astonishment after

gaffing a fish, the very fly in

his mouth I had just lost below. Shortly
after this capture, on working my way down the pool again, I lost, for the
second time, the self-same fly in the same place and way as before.
How well I remember the joyous chaff of that eventful evening !

But is there not very often a reason for merely pricking fish ? I
think so, and have many a time traced it to some fault of the fly. The
pattern, for instance, may be overdressed as regards the actual amount of
materials your conspicuous feathers, Jungle, Summer Duck and the like,

too large your long hackled fly too much played

or your pattern too

lar^e, too gaudy, or altogether too fanciful. Under any such circum-
stances, it should be changed for something quieter in tone, smaller in

size, different perhaps in type, and not played at all. Eeverse the whole

process in fact.
After fishing the eddy you pass on to the catches below it the first ;

of which we will suppose is created by a boulder causing the current to

" "
flow from it on both its exposed sides, and making the water sail back

in its immediate wake. This wake perhaps increases in width until the
waters join again. Salmon will not lie behind an obstruction of this sort,
but take up their quarters on either side just on the verge of the down-
ward current.
"Ah ! there he says the gillie, betraying no emotion moving
is, sir,"
" '

See that heads and tails no splash,


not a muscle of his wiry frame.

no noise, a sure taker he is. But I say, sir, look at this nasty, drowsy

haze corning on ; now we do know what Here's the very

to pick out !

thing a little
Black Doctor.' Look time now, three minutes
alive, it's
isalways enough. Cast over the middle of the rock, bring your rod sharp
round this side of it and lower the point for the stream to catch a bit of

line, so that the fly comes in front of the fish at once. He'll have
bless me, you are hitched up this time ! Don't pull, don't pull, stop a
second, you'll never get it clear, give me the rod, and just observe how
I do it."
It is to be feared that, in these cases, the novice, unaccompanied by
an experienced hand, had better choose the lesser of two evils by pulling
the line with his hands for the fly to give way or be broken off. I never
like losing a fly, but would much rather lose two than my chance of a
"heads and tails." But still it need not be supposed, when the fly is

merely hitched up in a rock by the influence of the current alone, that it

cannot be cast adrift for the process of clearing to adopt, though decidedly

of a nature calculated to disturb fish, can scarcely fail, provided the line be
not pulled beforehand.
The plan is to get the line well over to the farther side of the
mischief ;
so walk back, letting out as much line as you think you can
switch, and, by the usual down-cast, send it out beyond the rock, when it
will be taken below by the stream while you make towards the rock. As
soon as it has been carried ten to twelve yards, hold on. If the strength
of the current itself has not the effect desired, lay aside the rod, and,

catching the line in your hands, say three or four feet from the point of
the rod, give a sharp, long pull. Should this fail, allow the line to be
carried down again while you walk ten or twelve yards below the rock ;

wind in spare line and pull as before.

But for the purpose of our programme, let us suppose that the gillie
in question cleared the line from the snag, and that in two minutes
" "
afterwards the little Black Doctor had met with a downright refusal
on the part of the fish.
Thegillie, let us imagine, was new to the neighbourhood had only
recently been engaged owing to his remarkable success in the South.
We have," says he, " not done much to boast of in this pool as yet,
and the dreams of a good day which we cherished remain dreams still.

Look here, sir, if you won't wade, let me. There are plenty of fish about,
but somehow I don't like the way they show themselves. I wonder what's

I scarce know

up with 'em ;
I'll find out before I've been here long.
the way of the river yet. How rivers do vary Fish such a pool as this,

and no sport Extraordinary

! Is the water falling quickly?
! No then ;

what is it ? Fly wrong ? Can't have a better than a little black one in a
haze. Pool out of Can't be, according to the run of the water.
fettle ?

Glass rising what can it be ? Fishing wrong side ? No I always ;

prefer casting from the shallow towards the deep. The fish might not
have seen the fly the weather is boisterous
; enough to make him settle in

the very neck of the eddy, so we are safe there. Then there are no big

any muck
white clouds rolling about. I don't notice in the water.
Pollution makes Salmon and those which are not that way inclined

rise, but won't take. Nor do I see any trace of Otters. Dismiss the
question as unanswerable is an easy way of escape, but that don't suit me.
Here comes the superintendent, he'll tell us, no doubt."
Good morning, captain, good morning. Jim, take my dog in the
slip and tie him to yonder gate, for in fishing dogs are as bad as Otters.
What luck, sir? Goodish day this, and plenty of fish 'going.' Sorry I
couldn't be with you before."
Luck isn't in it my way, MacGregor."
And the captain relates all that has transpired.
" "
Well," continues the superintendent, that chap Jim ought to

know, else he shan't stop long with me. He seems to have told you
right so far. We
don't know everything, and never shall. Yes, yes, all
that seems right, but common sense doesn't look to these matters alone.
Jim, just take the cup out of the frail and bring us a sample of the water

(tasting). Ah !
thought so, by the greyish look of it this bitter taste is ;

enough for me. Never mind the waders yet come back with me, I know

what's the matter it's heather icater ! There ! There ! Look at that

caterpillar going down. You must '

try the Heather Dog.' I got this

tip from Land and Water, and it finds 'eni out sometimes, I give you my

word. But I say, captain, as the eddy has had such a doing, you'd better
have lunch first ; besides, the haze seems to be lifting, and that'll help you

considerably with this style of fly."


Let the angling reader clearly understand that this picture is drawn
from everyday work, so to speak, and may be accepted as a fair specimen
of Salmon-angling and the system of procedure. The success of a
particular fly on some special occasions is of no uncommon occurrence.
As to how
the captain hooked, played, and finally secured his fish we will
not inquire, for the reason that these matters will be practically treated
presently in accordance with my original plan of arrangement. Of course,
he waded, or left the bottom part of the pool " maiden but this also is ;

a subject I defer.
In reference to streams there is a general disagreement of authorities
as to the size of the
fly. The theory is, in places, much maligned,
little fly

whilst the most plausible reasons are advanced in support of the large one.
Veritable champions, few though they be, come and catch sulky fish
with large sized patterns on those particular occasions when other men
have failed and even then their success is invariably attributed to the

-humour of the fish. This old exculpatory plea will not do at all. Their
victory is entirely due to the principle adopted in presenting the large fly.
Let us take a case in point.
The man fishing a small pattern in a stream, takes up a position in
close quarters with the fish, and I shall explain why very soon. If he be

inexperienced in approaching Salmon, his manner alone, as I have before

observed, may spoil his chance. It is certain that the untrained novice
had better stand back and use a large fly, than wade in and fish

with a small one.

Success in either case necessitates a due obedience to the laws of
presentation. For instance, a small fly must dwell longer over the fish
than a large one. In order to ensure this, wading is imperative. On the
other hand, a large fly can often be played properly from the bank, the
expert being fully alive to the fact that such a lure in most streams must
be worked quickly and not allowed to dwell at all.
would be manifestly unfair towards brother Anglers who fish after

one, towade in and thrash a stream with a large fly. The mere fact of
punishing a stream in this way prohibits the use of a small fly on it, put
by the hand of a novice. Fortunately, however, this practice, and
" "
others that for instance of skimming pools is quite the exception

and rarely if ever witnessed on other than Association waters, whose list
of members, forsooth, sometimes includes the names of persons ever more
on the alert for jealous competition than for the enjoyment of true sport.
events, before closely examining stream fishing, it must be said
At all
" " "
that some of these rippling runs abound with " tub catches and may
be bordered with one or two eddies. This chiefly determines the choice
of flies, and the characteristics of their dressing. The essential
their size,
" "
difference between a tub and an ordinary clip in the bed of a river is
this :A tub catch is always protected at the head by a boulder,
immediately behind which, yet in the hollow itself, a fish will lie whereas ;

in the ordinary dip, arisingfrom some peculiarity in the flow of the water,
the unprotected fish will take up its quarters at the tail of the dip rather
than on the rising ground. (Salmon will lie on the rising ground when
the so-called " dips are out of
all proportion larger than the places which
I am alluding to, and lead into very deep channels.) It is an invariable
" "
rule with me in fishing tubs to mount a small fly, dressed with over-
sized Jungle "sides," or well-marked Summer Duck serving the same
purpose, and fish foot by foot rather than yard by yard. In the case of
fish coming up from deep water, and lying at the very head of a long dip,
the size of the fly not so important as the way it is presented,

whilst the question relating to Jungle and Summer Duck does not
enter. One wants to fish close, in other words, to take short steps, with
a view to getting the fish to come sharp at the fly when he sees it at a
I have always noticed in stream fishing, when the bed is formed of

gravel, that the more the district is overstocked with Eods, the more
readily well matured fish fight shy of gaudiness, and exhibit a special
preference for common looking, plainly dressed flies and this is, in my ;

opinion, the very reason for so many of our Standards being blessed with
so many variations here, there,
everywhere. and
In unfrequented
districts, the very opposite ruling applies to streams of this sort and, if ;

" "
I mistake not, it was for one of them that Jock Scott was first dressed
with a blue silk section, and its reputation made at once.
There are circumstances connected with the temperature of the
water, its height and colour, atmospherical changes, and the influence

of local surroundings all of which puzzle us now and again, and I desire
to urge that these matters must be separately considered in stream and
other fishing, else the flies chosen will serve only to catch the eye and
not the fish.
It will be apparent that, in the economy of nature, heat and cold
play parts of the utmost importance to the Angler, for the disposition of
the Salmon is amenable to all climatic vicissitudes. Certainly a rapid
change taken in time, is not so productive of mischief as in the
to cold, if

case of the weather turning suddenly hot. The fish will cease to show,
but not to take ; and it will be found that, for sport, the morning is better
than the afternoon. Sudden heat, as I will explain, has a different effect
upon them.
Now, the safest principle for the Angler to adopt, according to my

experience, is to increase the size of the fly, and decrease the gaudy
materials in proportion as the air gets suddenly colder. This is my rule,
and it appears to hold good at nearly all seasons of the year. But when
the day turns suddenly hot, in which case with a rising barometer
Catches, hitherto barren of splashes and rings, show signs of life and
animation, the occupants, as a rule, are restless and seem indisposed
to look at any fly for the time being. They will leap high out of the
water to back tail first, flounder sideways to come down with a smack

often heard two or three 'hundred yards away. Still, however much

some fish may be thus inclined to revive themselves, it would be quite an

error to consider that the difficulty is very much increased in catching
others, which, though located in the same pool
or stream, are not quite so
restless. It may be taken that any sensible degree of rise, as measured

by the thermometer, should lead you to adopt widely different plans.

You reduce or enlarge the size according to circumstances. For instance,
up to the end of March, not once in twenty years will you have occasion
from the exigencies of increased temperature alone, to come down more
than two sizes. But the change coming in the month of May, when fish

generally begin to "sport" is a signal pointing in two directions; (1) to

reduce the size of the fly on most rivers by more than one half ; (2) to
increase (as much as you can in reason) the comparative gaudiness. Once
on the Dee, when fishing under such conditions in May, 1895, I came
CC 2

down at one bound from a five-inch hook to a "dress" measuring only

three quarters of an inch.
As regards the height and colour of the water the one standard
principle applies everywhere In high water you use a larger fly than in

low, but in the event of discolouration my

tactics are these (1) flaked;

water, silver bodies; (2) road washings (of any colour), Seal's fur bodies

well picked out ; (3) porter colour, blue hackle over black body ;
or a
Heron hackle and cinnamon Turkey wings for choice.
claret body, grey

(These remarks apply more especially to those rivers on which fancy flies
are in general use. Nevertheless, on the Spey, where a peculiar variety
of the strip winged fly is and has for long been pepular, the bright fly

system holds good on bright days, though perhaps not to any particular
extent in point of gaudiness. The claret (or fiery-brown) body and
cinnamon wings is, however, a typical pattern on the Spey for porter-
coloured water and until the summer season, when Cock's hackles take

the place of Herons, an almost universal system in the selection of flies

prevails for various conditions of weather and water. That is to say, the
" "
Bough Grouse is invariably reserved for a dark, drizzly day the ;

" " "

Brown Dog" for a bright day in dark water whilst the Purple King is

estimated as being the best general pattern on the river.) In any place,
I would impress upon the student the necessity for studying the effect of

long hackles. Responsive as they are to the slightest movement of the

rod, in the water long hackles are, under proper management, far more
telling in still pools and lagoon-like reaches than short ones more or less
stiff in fibre. The never to encourage them by movement of the
secret is

rod to make grotesque and irregular gambols, be the water what it may.
" "
Perhaps they are less valuable in maiden streams than in other
Catches, yet may be the only sort the fish will notice. Many a time
have I seen men dwell beside a favourite stream and from want of know-
ledge put fish down with the short hackled flies to such an extent that
nothing but long hackles would stir them afterwards.
This being so, we arrive at the reason of that success which attends
the man who comeswith a large fly and picks up sulky Salmon to the
astonishment of those who have gone before him fishing small. It may

be assumed that his whole system differs from that of his innocent

predecessors. He had
understood the failure of the small, short-

hackled fly, how, amongst other faults, it was played, not with clock-work

precision, but by shaking the rod about as though a wasp had settled on
the top ring ;
he stands well away from the fish, aims more across the
water than usual, in order that his fly should not unduly dwell over the
Catch, and "mends his cast immediately it is made. Should his fly be
of an ordinary type, he uses an extra length of line, and never plays the
lure till it readies the middle part of the stream. He uses the ordinary
type, and trusts to other principles in his method for those streams which
are very open, not a tree or a bank to shelter them, upon every occasion
when the have plenty of tinsel
day has grown brighter, not forgetting to
round the body silver in the morning, gold in the afternoon and plenty
of Grey Mallard, or Teal, or even Summer Duck in the wings.
Of course, there is a limit in all things, and when we say " Use the
flywhich shows best under certain conditions," the exact signification of
the word " best " can only be realised by correct calculations and
observations. Flies which look well under a clear sky with the sun
behind them look wretched in rain, and yet, as it may now be understood,
circumstances sometimes compel us to use them.
In connection with rain, the worst of it is, and the truth of it is, we
know very little about the effects of it on fish ;
but having had my mind
directed to the subject, I have obtained a certain advantageous knowledge.
I shall, however, make no endeavour to satisfy the exacting demands of
the serious student of the problem for a complete exposition of the details
that would be a feat of no mean order for any Salmon-angler. Yet it
is certain that rain may either make our fortunes or leave us worse off

than before. A good flood in an uninhabited and uncultivated district is

invariably favourable to sport in certain parls of the river ; but a heavy

thunderstorm often thickens the water without raising it much, and keeps
it altogether out of ply, particularly on slow-running rivers, for many
I have known a man
heavy rain under a wood, at that
fishing in
season of the year when the sap rises, plod on and on and never stir a
fin whilst in the open waters above excellent sport was being obtained.

My note book told me of this, though I failed to discover any explanation


of the fact until after making an exhaustive analysis. From that time
I have never missed an opportunity of trying further experiments, and
have met with quite sufficient evidence to convince me that this was no
mere chance occurrence.
My own theory is that, from the dripping of pine, or juniper, or
something else not precisely known to us, an effect of some kind is quickly
produced on the fish, and puts them down. We may rest assured that

any impure matter which a fall of rain disperses in a river is more harmful

than the composition of rain itself. How far a fair artificial sprinkling of
chloride of sodium would induce Salmon to rise and take our flies I am
not concerned to inquire into but when Nature herself supplies sea salt

by means of rain from the westward ocean, our success in certain neigh-
" "
bourhoods is invariably increased.
I say certain neighbourhoods from
the fact that organic matter exists in the air and rain. In the same way
and measure impurities due to budding, as well as to decaying, foliage

may do much to cripple or destroy our sport for the time being.
The chief difficulty which I have hitherto met with is my inability to
form a fairly approximate idea as to howlong may be before any im-

purity becomes neutralised. This doubtless could be discovered by

chemical auxiliaries, just as it has been ascertained that more sulphates
are found inland than by the sea, and that ammoniacal salts are detected
in the samples of rain water collected, for instance, in closely inhabited
coal districts. In fact, it has been conclusively proved in the North that
vegetation ceases when about four grains of acid are found in one gallon
of rain water ; and, therefore, it is as well for Fishermen not always to
pin their faith on a good down-fall.
There is much less variation needed in selecting proper flies just after
rain than before it.

Fishermen of experience are well aware that we often encounter a

rise of water when least expected. One
sunny day in the North

(especially in the months of April and May), and down comes a foot of
water, upsetting all one's overnight deliberations and plans. The river
has been affected by the melting of snow.
Doctors differ considerably as to the effect of a good dose of snow
broth. On one occasion I was requested to arbitrate in the matter, and

upon a close examination of the facts and the arguments set forth in

writing by the two parties themselves, had to find a verdict in favour of

both. The one had formed his opinions from his own experiences of the
Dee, the other his of the sister river, the Don. My own knowledge of the
peculiarities of these rivers is intimate and of prolonged duration.
I have often met with success on the Dee during a flow of snow
broth, but never on the Don, and yet these two rivers empty themselves
close to each other.
I may which once happened while
refer here to a curious coincidence

fishing the Don. There was no snow time of any importance.

at the
With me sport was at a standstill, whilst the accounts from the Dee were
excellent. One day it rained for six or seven hours, but the storm was
local and did not extend to the Dee. For several days I watched the state
of the weather, and kept up a correspondence with friends in the other

district, with the result that I found

it varied considerably. Cloudy
weather and fogs prevailed with us, while the sun shone brightly on the
others. Either of the two former conditions usually tends to quickly lower
the temperature of the atmosphere. Even the deposit of dew makes a
difference of a few degrees. In my observations I found out that the
nature of the soil and the degree to which it is covered by vegetation
affects the temperature of the climate, changes it, and spoils sport.
If we carried our thoughts to the sandy deserts of Arabia, we could
well imagine that the atmosphere attains a very high temperature owing
to the exposed state of the dry ground but a country overrun with

forests, as on Dee-side, is kept comparatively cool, partly by the sun's rays

being prevented from reaching the earth, and partly by the abundant
evaporation which takes place from living vegetables.
With regard to the statement that temperature is lowered by clouds,
Fishermen are generally instructed enough to know that the effect is

widely different in certain seasons. By intercepting and throwing back

the heat which in winter is so abundantly radiated from the earth's
surface, clouds tend to preserve a warm temperature.
In summer, the earth receives more heat from the sun that the soil
radiates, whilst in cloudy weather the access of the caloric rays to the
earth is somewhat obstructed, and our planet is protected from a heat too

violent for her needs. The watery areas of the earth are effected under
special and highly beneficial conditions, for water heing a poor conductor,
takes in and gives out heat very slowly very slowly storing much of it
in summer, and very slowly releasing it in winter with the effect of
moderating the cold of the one season and the heat of the other.
Thus, too, rivers preserve a much more equable temperature than their
As to the comparatively bad sport on the Don, I am almost convinced
that I had hit a clue. In my opinion, the sun was at the bottom of it
all, for with me the air was bitterly cold, the water warm. Under those
conditions, the sport is never good. But in cold seasons the soil along the
valley of the Dee brings more fortunate conditions. It is from 20 to 25

degrees warmer than the surface of the snow above it ; so, of course, the

icy chilliness of the water during a thaw is not nearly so perceptible in the
one river as in the other.
To resolve the questions which
arise from a sudden push of water
lessees can erect at a
trifling cost, an automatic Water Gauge that registers
the exact height of the river they fish. Not once but many times have I
made arrangements over night to send friends to that " sure cast," little
knowing that in the morning it would be the worst on the whole beat.
The unlucky ones would go and thrash away until at length they learnt
to the disappointment of all concerned, that the reach had been trans-
formed into barren water, and put altogether out of ply. And, moreover,
it has occurred in
my own experience to have got up early to make a
fly or two for a friend, and afterwards to have directed him to stand
on a certain stone beside a stream, cast and bring his rod round and
hold it there the fly fishes on the inner side of the jutting current

below one inch the river or even less, and our joint efforts are
rise in
vain, for all the " holding in the world would not cause the fly to cover
a Catch of that sort.
and other disadvantages are obviated by bringing into use a
All these

simple and inexpensive apparatus, which can be made at home and fixed
by an angling gillie of ordinary intelligence.
The water gauge is simply a long hollow square box, in which rises

and falls the connected corks according to variations in the height of


the water. The line, which is of strong gimp, is attached to the corks
and runs along on the top of a number of posts, 25 to 35 yards apart,

through pulleys. It is also attached to the index plate which rises and
falls on the dial in response to the rise and fall of the corks in the box
at the riverside. The dial is placed within sight of the windows of your



The box is about 12 feet in length, the inside measurement of which

is 12 inches square. It can be put in the water and fixed to the bank or ;

a hole can be made in the bank for it, and a gully containing a pipe made
tor the connection. In either case, a hole should be made, so that the box
is a little lower than " dead low water when fixed. The pieces of cork
are four in number, 9 inches square and 3 inches thick. These fit on the
op of one another, and are fixed together, and weighted at the bottom

with layers of lead, the whole to weigh 15 Ibs. The gimp is tied to a ring
fixed in the middle of the top cork. The box is shown with the front
board taken off ; the dial, in its natural state. This is merely a fixed
upright 7 inch deal, the face of which is painted white the inches being :

marked in black figures. Upon each side of this board is fixed a strip
of wood, flush with the back and projecting in front, say, f of an inch.
Upon the front edge of these two strips- is nailed another lath, flush
with the extreme right and left side of each strip of wood, yet slightly
projecting over the face of the dial, and so forming a groove to keep in
position the indicating piece of flat lead, which is 5 Ibs. in weight. A
straight course for the line to play in the pulleys is best, if not indeed
necessary. If the pulleys are kept in good working order, the least

variation in the height of the water can be detected by glancing at the dial
which may be almost any distance in reason from the box in the water.
We will now turn our attention to Flats.
Besides other features of these surgeless reaches to which I will
refer presently, Flats always make opportunities for the display of great
casting and in killing foul-hooked fish.
skill in This is due not only to
the smoothness but also to the deepness of the water. Of course, these
places vary, but in most cases, unless caused by the wind, the surface
isnot much ruffled, and unless the fishing is at the head or at the very
tail, the water is often too deep to wade, and so in wooded districts

a hooked fish cannot be followed up. The general evenness of the

bed of the river is the distinct feature from which Flats derive their
I have constantly noticed in the objectionable change
of beat system,
which prevails among parties numbering four or five or six, that the
" "
small fish get fried. The pitiful spectacle presented of a young Angler
put down a Flat because it is his turn," conclusively proves the weakness
of the system. Even if he can wade, he cannot command the water
with that degree of delicacy about which I would have a word or two
to say.

Delicacy, as here used, means not what shopkeepers mean when

recommending their fine hooks and lightly dressed flies, but something
very different. It has nothing to do with the fly dropping like thistle-

down," which in Salmon-fishing is a fad, for the fly should "pop" in,

acorn upon oily waters.

like a falling The word really denotes the
scrupulously light way the line should fall, when, in fishing all
smooth reaches on calm days, delicacy is an indispensable condition of
The most effectual means of casting lightly, is to raise the point of
the rod by a spring of the wrist just as the line is descending. The very
instant the rod is thus handled the point ascends. But this is a knack
which requires an immense amount of practice to master.
In writing of Flats, a very much thrashed out controversy crops up
and calls to mind many hard struggles with foul-hooked fish. In foul-
hooking I have a particularly settled conviction, such a thing
for there is
" "
as settled conviction the closest observation
in piscatory affairs,
opens up a long vista of possibilities, and a deal of the non-proven matter
must for ever remain mysterious.
Crucial experiments have led me to accept a very good reason for
hooking fish foul, and I am not afraid to say that my settled conviction of
" "
the subject would take all the King's men
the King's horses and
to all

remove. Depend upon this, it

happens not from the fly shifting by a
sudden sharp curl of water, nor from the method of striking, but from
some fault in the fly itself ;
it is either too large or is improperly put
before the fish, in most cases.
If he means it, a Salmon will catch a fly in any current easier than a
fly iscaught by a swallow in a gale of wind and strike how one will in;

these reaches, or for that matter, not strike at all, fish are often hooked
foul. No, in all smooth waters, a fly cast accidentally over fish when the
bed of the river is level, or a fly too large or too gaudy, and the chances
are they try to kill it which case they often strike the
with their tail, in
line and get hooked somewhere not in the mouth. There is indeed, no
incident in Salmon-fishing that will more readily convince a man of the

importance of studying presentation, light, shade, geological formation,

and other local surroundings, than this.
Whatever may be the cause of the dilemma, when his line is run out
and the pull-devil pull-baker business (consequent on foul-hooking) sets in,
the Angler should resort to certain immediate tactics. Let the reach be

what it may, the question of following fish should hardly ever be at all

in doubt.'*
What is method to adopt in a case of foul-hooking ?
the precise
one golden rule worth noting, and if the fish, hooked in the

back or in the belly, can be followed in the water or on the bank it will
seldom be lost, provided the Fisherman has a companion. A fairly firm
hold should be kept on it till it rises to the surface and lies across the
water to be carried down stream by the force of the current. This
always occurs when exhaustion sets in. Then, with the rod upright,
stand perfectly still and allow the winch to uncoil sufficient line a
hundred yards necessary to ensure your being so far above the
if fish,
that in walking on you do not alter its course.
Advance step by step afterwards, never losing the bend of the
rod. On arriving at the head of a shallow (frequently found in Salmon
rivers) suddenly loosen line, by dropping the point of the rod, when the
fish will soon disappear, .and as usual face up stream. Should your
assistant be without waders, give him the rod and walk into the water
well below the fish. Carefully and quietly station yourself, avoiding all
dangerous stumbling blocks in the way of big stones coated with muck
and moss. As soon as the fish is shown the butt again, its course will
direct you to the or right, and you will be able to use the gaff

effectually upon your prize in its floating descent.

If you are alone, in getting in below the fish, you must of course
take the rod but put no pressure on until you are ready
with the gaff in hand then show him the butt in good earnest.

The misfortune of hooking fish in this way is quickly detected by the

strange antics they pursue. The fight is usually short, sharp, and severe,
the airy somersaults,which would make Blondin sick with envy, are soon ex-

changed In any case, always drop the point of the rod

for feeble plunges.
when the Salmon leaps from the water, and bring it back in one movement.

Among other "awkward customers" to deal with in Flats, though

less frequently met with, is the
N.B. Everybody, including proprietors, feels the pinch of hard times, but considering
the exorbitant rents, and the small outlay for making a pathway along a wood, or a platform
past a deep corner, it is astonishing how tenants bear with easily removed obstructions.
Knough is not always done in the interest of Anglers in clearing and making riverside
paths, &c.

The engraving depicts a memorable fish of about 16 Ibs. It is a-

splendid sight to see these fine fellows get the line taut and fight it out on
their tails. This one gave me the hardest tussle I ever had. Sometimes,
and, indeed, more often than not, they commence operations by taking
across the river, and then sweeping up gently from the water, rest on
their tails, and shake their heads in the most violent manner. On these
occasions you have once more to break the rule which says, never let a
Salmon have a slack line," for if you fail to do so in good time by dropping
the point of the rod, he will break you, as sure as fate.
But do what you may, the odds are very much against success if an
abominable snag in the shape of a dead tree is allowed- to rest from the
shore over the original haunt of the fish half in, half out of water, or if

you are debarred from taking him up or down, as I was. You may get
" "
the better of him in the open, for in
dancing he cannot break the
tackle when the line is loose, though he will soon make to his corner and
claim foul," and often run foul of the snag. They nearly all do this.
" "
After beating mine in the first round or two, he did it; and yet he
was not happy, for I pulled off a lot of line, switched as much as I could
over the water, at least ten yards above the snag, put the point of the rod
down on the bed of the river, waited till'the sinking slack part had been
washed a little below, and then wound] up, finding myself in command
once again. Not once, but twice did the same remedy bring him up to
time. There he would and spin round and round on the surface when
lie ;

all of a sudden, feeling the butt, down-stream he went, ducks and
drakes," over the bough he leapt, back he came to dance in front of me,

and bid me adieu as full of life as ever !

But what about those natural surroundings I was talking of light

and shade and so on ?
I have, by the way, really begun to ask myself, with increasing fre-

quency of late, how these things will look in print, disconnected as they
are, though as I intended them to be. The arrangement is bad. But the
fact remains that, in getting through various topics by the convenient
process of division, I have been enabled to bring out the strong points
suitable and fitting places. Had these matters been heaped together
many of them might have been easily overlooked. I have written of them

as they struck me, and taken care to arrange them in such a way as might
give me the prospect of making the whole business clear, intelligible, and
easily remembered.
Now Side reflection differs materially from that kind
of reflection.
of light occasionally produced by white receding rocks high enough to
brighten up both sides of the river. If the particular reflector,* whatever
its nature be, leans towards the river, a direct glare is cast down close to

the mirror, as an elementary study of angles will show. The light, or

reflection, is confined to its own side of the river, and is very intense.
Thisis what we choose to term side reflection."

Presenting the by any

fly methods of casting is a
of the preceding

hopeless procedure, mere waste of time, and injurious to sport. The

Angler must take up a position from which he can pay out the line
gradually in a direct line of the fish, and always avoiding sudden effort. As
sgon as the fly reaches, say, within two yards of the spot, it should be
held still for a minute, and then played for no more than another
A degree of uncertainty usually exists with regard to the change fly,
for, although fish are extremely sensitive in these resorts and easily
frightened away, a second fly should be tried, if not a third. If, however,
we are informed by the gillie put to watch the movements of the fish that
an " inspection has been made, our state of uncertainty is considerably
reduced. It is not the question of size that should bother us, for all

patterns must be very small (No. 6 being considered as the full size), but
rather the question of character, colour, and very likely the way the fly
should be worked. At all events, we come down immediately in tone,
even to using a black body, and we make a thorough change in the style
of wing, say, from a built wing to one composed entirely of toppings.
The disposition of the fish to start or move again towards the fly
induces us to mounta pattern having two or three colours in the body, to
fish it deeper by the use of shot, and play it in a different manner
to that previously adopted.

Of course, in speaking of the reflection of an overhanging rock, I have two
before me, e.y., the water and the rock.
refltrtors For clearneits I shall call the water
"mirror" and the object imaged on it the " reflector."

Who, for instance, has not seen a fish seize a fly just as it is being
drawn into a strong current from a a great secret this in
side eddy
"presentation." The fly cast, say, beyond fish resting on the far side of
the current, cannot remain there for long. Do what one may, the inter-
vening stream catches the line, gracefully turns the head of the fly, and
gradually increases the pace of it across the catch.
This is a useful lesson to those who are not well versed in
Where nature fails, art often succeeds. The desirable current is not
always there, but the student can, as I have before said, secure the natural
and effective movement of the fly, by working the rod-graduaUy round in
front of him.
However, the Angler fishing alone had better begin operations with a
dark silk or Berlin wool body and chance his luck afterwards with the

"variegated" body (see Sun fly) made with silks, furs, or chenilles
according to the custom prevailing on the river. Silver bodies, black

hackles, and plain Mallard wings are very telling when the sun is con-
stantly popping in and out.
The mere brightening up of the water by the sun shining over a bank
or a wood upon wet or white rocks which do not throw back rays of light

actually into the water, is the signal for decreasing size and increasing

Should the trees overhang and shade the catches on the inner side, a
dirty yellow, or a dirty orange body, with a plain hackle at the throat, and
with wings composed of Peacock's herl mixed with strands of Golden
Pheasant tail, is the kind of fly I invariably use myself.
While directing my attention to Flats, I have learnt that the sun

speaks a language of his own, though no voice breaks the air." To

interpret it, we should evoke the whispers of common sense.
Of course, we may strive in vain in our endeavour to collocate all the
technical laws which govern the sport, but were a little of the time and
thought usually spent in learning the commoner accomplishments of
Salmon-fishing bestowed, say, upon the more complex and interesting
subjects (for instance, the reflection of light), how many of the so-called
" "
mysteries would meet with easy explanation, and how much the
Plate 8






pleasure and prosperity of the Angler's life would be heightened and

Besides being very shy, the fish in these places are very sulky when
the water is deep and to render a conflict inevitable, the frequent use

of split shot can well be recommended. On these occasions they are,

indeed, the greatest labour-saving adjuncts we possess the amount of

sport derived from their employment being far more than commensurate
with the labour generally expended without them. And this brings to
mind another peculiarity in Salmon that uniformly accompanies the
Fisherman on Flats, and is characteristic of them. It may be described
as a fit of and nothing more strikingly brings home the
the sulks,"

utility of patient perseverance and self command than the dexterous

delusion and conspicuous conquest of a sulking fish.
I have no record of having killed a 30 pounder in a Flat without first

being called upon to cure this tiresome complaint, but of the last thirteen
"fits" treated, not one single patient survived to recompense by his

presence the pains-taking efforts of another man.

I am still of the opinion that the method adopted resulted in the best
" "
cure after all. Nor does it require a trained and familiar acquaintance
with the handling of our tackle to bring about the desired result.
When all other schemes to release himself have failed, a heavy Salmon
seems instinctively prompted to take up his quarters on the bed of the
river and there lie, sometimes for hours, still as a mouse. This is called
sulking." There is a belief existing, not only in certain parts of Ireland
and Scotland, but also in Wales, that the best means of dealing with this
deep-seated policy is to use a "night-cap." I would rather not educate
the untutored mind by defining this article, and describing the mode of its
application. Suffice it to say that this funnel-shaped scarecrow, though

accelerating the battle, maddens the fishby depriving it of the use of the

organs of sight, and aggravates it to such an extent that off it will

go, at
a pace peculiar to the species, against any obstruction in the road often
the opposite bank when the tackle breaks and the fish retires from sight
more dead than It is equally futile to attempt to haul the fish from

its haunt ; Jumbo

himself could not to all seeming have tried the tackle
more. But I have moved them by getting below and pulling by the line.

This is known as "hand-lining" a fish. The experiment, however, is not

one to recommend the novice to try at any time (except in the
absence of the gaff) for it often ends in failure or loss, even with

the best of us. Stones and other missiles deserve wholesale con-
The and surest remedy is not to disturb the fish in any

way whatever, but to put on a good steady strain and bide your time.
Get towards him, take up a position that the point of the rod is
opposite the tail of the fish and pull sideways, carefully watching the
instant he moves for relaxing your efforts.
In this serene situation you patiently sit, and for aught one knows
hold your lighted pipe, and a firm grip of the fish simultaneously, till at

length it becomes weary and eventually yours.

Beyond the common advantages of other Catches, Flats offer the
running do wn travellers
' '

privilege of successfully .
Any observant Angler
soon learns for himself that travelling fish almost invariably rest and rise
at the very tail of a Flat. Whether the increased aeration of the rapid
immediately below works upon them as one would expect, I leave to others
to decide for themselves. But we know for a fact that artificial means
have been devised, and are used to pump air into bait-cans, such as that
exhibited at the Fisheries," by Mr. Basil Field and to acquire an idea ;

of the effect of fresh oxygen ascending through the water, as in this

instance, during a long day's journey, you may carry baits for coarse

fishing, and keep them as fresh and full of life as ever they were.
mere fact of a Salmon resting and rising in these places
It is not the
to which I would alone call attention, but rather to the ready way a fish
will take a fly on reaching them, and to the singular opportunity they
afford a recruit to flesh his maiden sword."

On the tail ofa Flat you really may shake up your flies in a hat and
choose the first that comes to hand.
Of course, I allude only to ordinary
" "
standard patterns, and not to specials or "exaggerations." And, as
to size, here again I should consider that no man would mount a Tay fly,

say, on the Lochy or Ness.

Now we come to Rapids ; and perhaps the most difficult thing to
" In any other
detect and the easiest to deal with is the stone-grubber."

Catches, stone grubbing can be immediately recognised the sensation ;

reminds one of a terrier shaking a rat but in rapids the action of the

water upon the tackle often misleads a man by producing a similar im-
pression. The object of this manoeuvre of the fish is to break the hook,

by knocking it backwards and forwards against a boulder. Experience


To show the posit ion for playing a heavy Jink in a rapid.

has confirmed the conviction that disaster will follow the application of
strain ;
the line therefore should be, at once, considerably slackened,
when the fish will quickly move away. Should you succeed in
D D 2

banking a "grubber you will find the hook inserted in a bone or very
close to one.
It is chiefly owing to this circumstance that I recommended double
" "
hooks for these situations. Never once has a stone-grubber beaten me
when thus appointed. In saying this, I am fully alive to the fact that
other authorities will disagree with me. Only yesterday (12th August,
1893), I read an article in a London paper, wherein the writer seemed
satisfied of their superiority, but condemned them altogether for use in

" "
In myopinion, any hook improperly managed will skirt or make
an objectionable fuss in rapid water. Holland's hooks,- made by William
Bartleet and Sons, are the least likely to do so, whilst in untutored hands
" "
double hooks are certain to skirt and, in rapids, this defect would be

noticed directly. But let the reader understand that, the places where
the expert himself would be puzzled to use a double-hooked fly correctly,
are the very places in which the fish never rest.
Times out of number have I been driven to cast beyond a Salmon
lying in the wake of a boulder, and 011 seeing the fly "skirt" have
"mended the cast," lowered the point of the rod, letting it go forward
instead of holding it still, and so succeeded in presenting the fly to
the fish, in a way, which, at any rate, gave me satisfaction. But
I take this as a very insignificant detail in comparison with others
bearing on the question of Rapids, as, for instance, garreting." I will

briefly explain and deal more fully with the subject in the next chapter.
" "
Kivers are garreted (as it is called) for the purpose of forming
artificial catches. (The term catch," so written, differsfrom a Catch or
" " "
Cast which may contain several catches," lay-byes," or holds." It

denotes a certain spot, or place, in which, according to its dimensions,

one or more Salmon will rest for a time as they ascend the river.)
These "garrets" are often constructed with piles shod with iron,
boarded in front, and backed up with large stones by way of extra support.
The angle at which the piles are driven entirely depends upon the force of
water For example, if put too slanting, the object desired,
in flood time.

which, obviously, wash out a portion of the bed of the river below
is to
and create a holding place, would be defeated, let the bed of the river be

what it may, unless the current is sufficiently strong for the purpose.
Much, however, depends upon the bed of the river. If formed of gravel,
an angle of 40 degrees might suffice if of boulders silted up, 50 degrees

may be necessary. Again, the length of the garret has to be determined.

With a straight flow of water, in the absence of any small bank eddies,
five yards, measuring from the outward pile straight across to the bank,

isthe average distance. But I have hardly ever seen garreting rapids
done by any process that led to good results. And although I have seen
the experiment tried, it has usually ended in failure, sometimes in disaster.
Artificial Catches, when properly constructed, are quite as useful for
angling purposes as those formed by Nature. When improperly made,
they not only involve a waste of time and money, but are apt to completely
spoil other Casts below them.
There are other means than garreting to make artificial catches. For
instance, in gravelly streams, the Salmon, though present, will not rise
to flies when the water falls below a certain height. A boulder weighing
about 3 cwt. dropped from the stern of a punt into the middle of the
current will soon make a sure " rise." Much larger ones are not nearly
so efficient. Half a dozen such places could be formed in this way in
streams 50 yards in length, but it is desirable to put the boulders in a
zig-zag line. Behind each one, for a distance of two and a half to three
and a half yards, the gravel will be washed out, and so, of necessity,
deepen the water and, in one or two days, or as soon as each stone gets

silted up a little, the fish will take to them.

I have a particular object in view in referring just now to various

changes in the beds of rivers, for they sometimes lead to the most fantastic

The ancient sites of many towns and villages inYorkshire, for

instance, are now
occupied by sandbanks in the sea. Among these the
Ravenspur perhaps, the most conspicuous example.
is, This seaport
town, formerly of such importance that it was a rival to Hull, has been
altogether swept away, and nothing is now to be seen of the site it
occupied, save extensive sandbanks, which are daily covered by the waves,
though still visible when the tide recedes. The coast of Elgin also affords
a striking example of the " sand-flood," as it is not improperly termed.

Great alteration is traceable upon some rivers inland, as witness the Spey.

Along the valley of this glorious river, once famed for its purity, the
geologist meets with many tracts formerly occupied by its waters.
Iwonder whether there was any garreting in those days Be that

as it may, whatever may have been the cause in ancient times for any
such changes as these, whether by subterranean disturbances or by sub-
sidence, I have with my own eyes seen two of the best pools a man could
wish for, silted up and absolutely ruined by an attempt to garret a rapid,
and I wish to emphasise this story.
Once while watching some boulders as they thundered down stream
in a growing flood, I witnessed a sight never to be forgotten. In less time
than it takes to write about it an increasing pile of boulders hitched up in
a garret at the head of a rapid and backed up the waters until they struck
off at a sharp angle, cutting through the banked up stones alongside, and
forming through them a new, navigable channel.
Suddenly, as the river rose, the mass washed away. Two or three
days afterwards, the flood having receded, the new watercourse could not
be traced, for the bank of stones had assumed its normal condition,
and not a vestige of the threatened mischief remained.
If left to themselves, in theabsence of obstruction by artificial agency,
rapids rarely spoil fishing, or create any mischief in other respects. But
it is not too much to say that, in his endeavour to improve the
fishing by
means of garrets, the inexperienced workman should never be trusted.
The safest places for these constructions are unquestionably those
broad reaches frequently met with which have remained for years in an
unaltered condition reaches invariably shallow and barren of fish. And
the best spots in them are those in which a huge boulder, raising its head
well out of the water, renders the undertaking not only easy, but safe.
One of the most noteworthy schemes for fishing rapids is by that
known to me as the " hinged platform." No one will deny that this little
stage is simplicity itself and a great convenience. It can either rest upon

iron feet, or upon an outstanding rock or boulder, and let down for use
and raised afterwards by means of a rope running through a pulley fixed
on a tree or on a post at a suitable angle.
In the absence of this contrivance, and in places which, perhaps, are

" "
not more than 18 inches in depth, the Body-belt provides the only
means of fishing wild waters dancing between the rocks in downhill rapids.
The sense of safety that always comes in using it inspires one with a

feeling of the utmost confidence.

Upon my word,"writes a well-known Fisherman who is now just
trying mine, I feel safer than I ever did in wading before ;
but I ought
to tell you that the first time I tried I was washed off my legs. This was
entirely my own fault, as I forgot to follow
your directions."
The belt is best made of similar material to that used for saddle

girths. It buckles round the waist and fastens A ring is fixed

in front.

in the centre at the back, through which a

strong rope passes, form-

ing a pair of reins. The Angler puts the rope round a tree or a post and
lets out rope as he moves down-stream. It is a sure means of support,

provided the Fisherman leans forward but if he allows his legs to

; get in
him in other words, if he leans back, the force of the current
front of
may wash him off his legs," as in the instance of my correspondent.
Open rapids can be covered without casting a very long line, as
this kind of water generally pursues a course through narrow channels of
the river. In fishing the fly, the great secret is to locate oneself as much
as possible in front of the catches," so that the fly may be brought
across them at any pace the Angler thinks best. But when, by force of
circumstances, he is driven to let the fly travel fast, the size of it should
be considerably increased.
Sometimes we encounter narrow fast-running waters shut in between
rocks. As a rule, the Catch is situated in the tail of the rapid where the
water is usually very deep and " oily on the surface. Upon such
occasions as these, when it is well-known that the fish rise in a perpen-
dicular manner at the fly, the method of presenting it differs from the
orthodox fashion. The cast is made in the usual way, but, in playing the
fly, instead of the motion of the rod being of a steady backward and
forward character, it is a quick up and down movement. The point of
the rod vibrates with a rapidity of beat equal to about double that of a
man's pulse. It is not held pointing to where the fly fell, but is brought
round at a pace corresponding with that of the fly in its course, the up
and down movement being continued throughout. This compels the fly

to describe an arc of a circle and

the Angler takes very short
; if

steps no more than twelve inches at a time the fish lying immediately
behind an upright rock are more apt to rise in twenty feet of water
as soon as they see the lure thus played than
by adopting any other
Of course, a very long line is necessary, the system fails to have

any effectupon the fly at all and to meet the case, the line is seized just

in front of the winch and pulled rapidly backwards and forwards while the

fly is crossing the water.

We have yet another important matter to bear in mind in connection
with fishing places of this latter description. As soon as the fish has taken
the fly he does not turn, but rather drops his head and goes down as he
came up perpendicularly. Unless the Angler strikes at once, the fish
disappears like a bubble in the palm of one's hand, leaving behind only
the damp of disappointment.
remember accompanying the late Lord L
I -
to a pool on the

Beauly, which I was myself fishing in 1893.

"Well, have you got 'em?" he shouted inquiringly from the top of
the rocks to a friend engaged in the " Mare's " Catch.
"No, had five rises though, but missed every one."
Wind up and wait till I come down," was urged in reply, and that,
too, by one of the best Salmon-anglers it has ever been my privilege to

On "
reaching the bottom and learning how matters stood from Auld
.Allan" a servant with then 40 years or more experience, and who yet
lives to relate the story himself directions were given to strike directly
after the rise.
I never strike my fish, but
Then you'll never catch 'em here, that's certain," Lord L
remarked in a friendly tone.
But a promise to try the experiment was given, with the result that
three Salmon soon lay on the bank before us. Others, I forget how many,
were secured afterwards.
For the rest, there is very little that calls for particular notice in
rapids. Our attention will now be directed towards matters relating to

and of these I purpose dealing first with the question of

fishing generally,
striking Salmon. Let us then ask ourselves once more the object we
have in view at the time when a Salmon rises and takes the fly. Our
object, surely, is to hook the fish with as little risk as possible.
This branch of our subject is so important that I shall venture to
intrude on the reader with various opinions and experiences my own and
those of others. In judging which system to follow, let him examine

closely into the principle of it, and let him be guided by the one that best
answers the scientific conditions of a rigid test.

The operation of striking is conducted somewhat blindfold. What

chance, then, would a man have of tearing the flesh of a fish who con-
ducts the operation when holding his line and applying just the same

power for a Salmon coming towards him as for one turning down-stream,
against the man whose very principle secures for him absolute immunity
from all such danger, no matter whether he uses very much power or only
just enough?
The reader will form his own
estimate of these things. At the same
time, I feel bound recommend the system I adopt myself
in these pages to
from the simple fact that, after years of practice, it has proved by far the
most remunerative and economical both in time and tackle.
Much has been said and written of striking Salmon. We have had
ardent votaries of no striking, of strong striking, and of modified methods.
Of the no strikers I say nothing, considering them out of court, beyond
conversion, outside argument, and of that honest perversity of the twelfth
juror who damned the other eleven obstinate asses" who would not

agree with him. Of the strong strikers and the moderates, it is, perhaps,
best to think that ambiguous language is accountable for most of the
differences which separated them during the wordy contests that have
filled so many newspaper columns.

In point of fact, I have not observed in practice much difference in

the striking manners of my friends, amongst whom are open advocates of
the strong and moderate fashion of embedding the hook. What the
strong striker practised and advocated as "strong," the moderate striker
" "
practised and advocated as moderate and the very mildest-mannered

" "
Angler seemed, when he felt the fish, to put the iron in with as much

vigour and bitter purpose as the good fellow who blustered for strength in
half a dozen sporting papers.
Unless one sees what takes place impossible to be certain what a
it is

Salmon has done in taking your fly. At least, it is generally impossible

to form an exact conclusion, and so act on it as to send your message

through rod and line to the hook in his mouth before you have felt him.
Then is the time to put the barb home. Human nature instructs us to
do so, just as instinct tells us to pull up a stumbling horse than leave it

to take its chance of falling.

Frankly, I never came across that sweet, gentle creature that hesitated
" "
to raise his rod at the golden moment when he felt the fish.
Five and forty years ago that fine Irish Angler, Ephemera," wrote:
" not to strike at a Salmon until I feel him."
My general rule is

And with these further conditions, namely, when a

this is mine, too,
fish makes a long rush at a fly and remains stationary when he takes me ;

on the edge of a sharp-running stream and just wriggles sideways into an

eddy and when he seizes the fly and I know that he comes on with

towards me. On these occasions I never wait for him to turn. No. 1

happens in the Spring of the year in bright water

still, No. 2 occurs in

very hot weather and we ; meet with No. 3 at any time with a very large
fish. In each case it comes to downright skill in striking at the proper
moment, for in the next the fish will be gone not because he breaks the
tackle, for if he is not hit," he will not have had the opportunity of

testing it.
" "
In continuing the paragraph, Ephemera suggests that every man
is nervous at the beginning of the year, and asks the oldest among us
whether they do not lose many a fish by their precipitation in striking."
question, be it said, was put in those days when the old-fashioned
winches were in use, and the dismal practice of holding the line prevailed.
In these days such an idea would never enter a man's head. If Anglers,

either young or old, are worried with weak nerves, I rather fancy they
would err, not so much in proceeding with blind haste, but in using un-

necessary strength. And

yet any such error as that would, as I say, make
no difference whatever under the principle of striking which I uphold, for
I have never seen the tackle broken yet or the hooks make much of a

tear. Of course, if a man strikes too soon, be the principle what it may,
his chance would be low premium indeed.
at a very
Next comes a very pretty idea which " Ephemera modestly declines
to account for.
I frequently strike," says he, " and hook fish without, as far as I can

conceive, any premeditation or calculation, but almost by instinct.

Something I cannot tell what tells me that a fish is at me, and
' '

consequently I am promptly at him in the sly way he has come at me."

I make a low bow to Ephemera who, indeed, would not ? but as to
" "
cannot tell what," I am strongly of the opinion, he had in mind that

boil," which, breaking the surface yards from one's fly rarely escaped his
notice and gave him the hint.
Some authors seem to consider that the most dangerous moment is in
striking. This is all very well but they go on to say that
it requires

much patience to use just force enough to bury the barb without tearing
the flesh or breaking the gut trace." What better evidence could
be offered of the incompleteness of the method originally in vogue ? The
old form of winch demanded far more caution in the Angler than those at

the hand of modern men. I also take exception to the statement,

"sometimes I am lucky sometimes very unlucky." In connection with
striking, there is very little room for luck and not as much for argument
as people have contrived to make out. Nor do I think it quite fair by
the fish for an Angler to fancy himself out of luck when his fly is only

partially taken ; there is a reason for the failure of its attempt to take
hold. A
Salmon does not miss his aim. The fly from some cause
or other has probably made him shy his inclination has, however,

already been tested and, had the fly been of a different sort, or size,

or put in a different way, the fish might have taken it into his head,
" " " "
figuratively speaking, to gobble it up, instead of nibbling at it.

How often, under favourable conditions of water, have we not felt that
" " "
nip," and merely rugged the fish in consequence Is this, then, !

bad luck or bad judgment ? I hesitate to enumerate those days when
fish are shy," or to blame them for want of boldness, for when the
water has settled, I have often but not always found by subsequent
trial that the fly was too large or wrongly put. I do not overlook the

fact that when Catches are either very high or have fallen below a certain
size, fish often rise and touch the fly, yet cannot be made to take it, use
what pattern you may.
I have often landed a fish so slightly hooked," says one gentleman,
that, had I struck, the hold must have given way." Just so, if the
writer means " struck with violence," but, for all that, by my method of
striking, the flesh is never torn, and so" the chances in one's favour are in-

evitably increased.*
Another remarks : A fish very often rises at a fly with his mouth
wide open, and if he is struck at, the chances are that the fly will be
snatched away before he has time to close his mouth/ on it, which he might
have done if the hand had been held steady."

the aid of binoculars I myself watched the habits of Salmon in
this respect for many years. Sometimes they came with a rush, at other
times quite gently. In the former case, what I saw would be of no
practical value here, for as a matter of fact I saw next to nothing but I ;

have never once seen a fish come slowly with his mouth shut, or fail to close
his mouth on taking the fly.

Precipitation in striking has already been discussed.

In placing upon record some unusual success on the Tweed, another
writer observes For two hours I never saw so many fish hooked and

lost. But the Angler was somewhat successful, as he caught four, loi Ibs.,

16^ Ibs., 19 J Ibs., and 21 J Ibs. in weight. It is the system I am anxious

to write in praise of."
The " system " evidently meant the system of striking and I fail ;

to see where the praise comes in, with such an acknowledgment of

fish lost.
Next I read :
Many a time have I seen my fly drop out of the fish's
mouth, the moment he was gaffed."
How, I would ask, can a fly drop out, after the usual battle, unless the
flesh is torn, or, the barb broken ?
I hope I am not wearying the reader by these quotations and opinions,
my object is purely to instruct, or rather to convince the novice as to the
X.B. A Frenchman wrote " There are clowns who kiss their sweethearts with
a gallant gentleman will kiss his foe with delicacy."

value of the method which and I think the explanations

I adopt myself ;

given of these cases, emanating from men of whom one or two have fished
almost as long as I have, will tend to further that end. One gentleman
considers it to be "a very bad habit to strike a Salmon at any time. It

is a curious fact, but his is not the only individual case in which I have
had the opportunity of directly judging for myself. "Halloa! I once said
to my friend whom I had been closely watching unperceived. You hit
him pretty hard that time ;
whatever you think you do, if you do not strike
I never yet saw the man who does."
Bless me," said he, " who thought
of seeing you Ah, ah ! ! come down here and I'll show you something as
soon as I have this fellow on shore." I went, to see my greatest opponent
fishing with my winch and a double hooked fly. How mellow that whisky
of his tasted !

Let us pass to the next opinion which runs When striking from :

the winch especially when fishing with large flies, if the winch is not a

very stiff one (which to me is an abomination) a sufficient strain on the

line cannot, inmy opinion, be available to fix the point of the hook over
the barb and when striking with the line tightly grasped between the

hand and the reel, the sudden jerk and strain on the line is apt
to leave the fly in the fish's mouth, or smash the top of the rod also ;

the fly will be often snatched away before the fish has had time to
take hold of it, which may scare him to such a degree that he will not
rise again."

can scarcely keep from my mind the idea that the writer, in this

instance, was joking. Still, here is the judgment of a successful Angler,

and I shall say no more than sufficient to place my experience of these

matters along with his and others for the reader's consideration. I need
not institute a comparison between a stiff and a free running winch just
now, for this, together with the crucial and exhaustive test of the
particular strain available to fix the point of the hook over the barb,"
must obviously form part of the material to work upon, in presently ex-

plaining my own ideas of the best methods of striking. But with regard
to the fly being left in the fish's mouth well, this is just one reason that
induced me to work out that method. Of a different order is the following

address, which strikes the key note of the new method and raises a point

in the argument utmost importance. " By attending to Mr. Kelson's

of the

instructions," says one who knows the advantage of the method, by

long practice, I find it absolutely impossible to break the gut or line, or
strike too hard. The strike should be a long, firm, steady pull, but not a

jerk. Trout, grilse, sewin, and other species of the salmonidoe, will in-
stantly reject an artificial fly unless struck, and my impression is, Salmon
will do the same."
Then the Editor, himself an enthusiastic Fisherman, takes up the
cudgels, and amongst other matters of my method gratuitously re-
marked : an infinitely better plan than striking with the line
It is

held fast a number of Anglers have thanked us for suggesting the

Now, in this contradictory business there must be a right and a wrong.
In the opinion of a few, the practice of striking is a mistake altogether.
Others insist they lose more fish when the practice is ignored, and are
satisfied that it is an imperative necessity. And, whilst many complain
bitterly of the losses sustained by the old methods of holding the line, they

yet sing praises in favour of the new, by which they meet with neither
failure nor loss of tackle.
In the light of these facts, it would appear there are two sets of

Anglers, whose opinions upon this vital question are widely divergent ; and
although I have in the past pages frankly expressed my own views, it is well,
in such a volume as this, to ventilate the views of opponents. It is evident
that one side wishes you to believe that it is unnecessary to strike at all,
and that if you do, you will lose tackle but it does not say how many fish

get away by leaving them to hook themselves. The other side tell you the
fish must be struck, that manyif drop the fly after taking it, and
not, will
that if you adopt the new method you never break the tackle or tear the
flesh of the fish, and so get many more to the gaff.

The former school I know get some fish the latter, three times as

many. But in the very constitutions of these two sides there is an infinite
variety. What iswholesome in fishing and what is the reverse, are two
different things, and must be estimated accordingly. The " pull," for
instance, and the subject of presentation, which, as foreign ingredients
were poison to one side, is food to the other. Not a tittle of evidence

have we from that man who can say : I have tried Kelson's plan, it's

all humbug and I'll prove it." Anglers must not suffer from off-hand
decisions, any more than from belief in the old fetish, which, despite
the losses and failures of the vast majority, a few of the surviving ancients

keep alive. It is a pity that all the facts concerning the failures and suc-
cesses of each side are not honestly tabled ;
and that it isnot satisfactorily
settledwhat constitutes a strike and what does not. Obviously in such a
matter asthis, sound practical knowledge is worth propagation.

Truth, be it said, is established not so much by what men say as by

what they prove but still, I should like to call attention to an early ex-

perience of my own in view of briefly pointing out to novices the mistaken

system and showing the real value of the new.
zeal of devotees to the old
In the autumn 1882, when my Patent Lever Winch was first tried, I
managed to get with it no fewer than ninety-one Salmon without a single
one having its flesh torn at the hold.
Do not such results as these serve to prove that with this winch the
tear does not take place at the moment of striking, and, provided subse-

quent operations are decently performed, that it never occurs at all ?

However, by adopting the method made easy by this winch, I have
reduced in a remarkable degree the proportion of fish that used to escape
" iron "
my gripe.
At this point I should like to ask one question Has it not happened :

to you and to your friend, in point of fact to all who traipse up and down
a Salmon river, to be startled by that well-known tug" when least ex-
pected, when
all hope, as it were, had been dead within you? In
one flash, while the thoughts are wandering, you saw, or rather felt,

that it was too late to strike and likewise knew that you had missed
a chance ! What do you say to that ! But never mind, let it pass. We
all know that what is
past help is
past grieving for.

By this time the reader will have formed a pretty true estimate of my
ideas, all of which, I need hardly say, are based on similar experiences to
those just recorded. They shall be carefully explained after bringing
forward one matter which, being the worst enemy to our cause, must not
be overlooked.
I admit to the full that, where there is no principle of personal

benefit opposing it, the voice of the people interested in Angling questions
ought to prevail. But the difficulty that faced and still faces us in the
solution of this great problem is to clear the atmosphere of certain
influences arising from the filmy foundation of guesswork or business
interests.If we can do this it is all I intend to say on the point we
may be very sure that the opinions of authorised men will meet with
warmer fervour in Angling circles than has yet been accorded to
Now, as a general rule, the safest and surest way of securing a fish and,
at the same time, of avoiding the infliction of such a wound as will render
the hold of the hook uncertain, is, in my judgment, to strike from the
Lever Winch in all cases in which the hook used does not exceed 2/0 in
size. That is my opinion. But as individual opinion may or may not
count for much, let us take an illustration with which many old hands are

familiar from prolonged practice themselves.

We have, for instance, two noted rivers the Lochy and the Ness
on which the very smallest double-hook flies are used. On both these
rivers it is the practice to strike. Then we have other waters, on which
the custom prevails of first using these tiny flies, not on Salmon, but on
Trout tackle. What is the result in each case? With the Salmon
tackle, Anglers strikeand get their fair average of fish, while, 011 the other
hand, striking with fine drawn gut is altogether impracticable. If a man
" "
strikes with it, the fish breaks everything instantly. The Angler has,
of necessity, to run his chance of the fish getting hooked, and his chance
is a very poor one five times in six.

Striking from the winch isto let the line have free play between the
winch and the hook. In other words, the line is not held by the fingers
as was the original practice during the operation. This method of striking
can only be achieved by the use of a proper winch, the lever of which the
Angler can regulate at his For rapid waters, the lever should be so

adjusted that the line will not overrun itself when drawn out swiftly by
the hand. For quieter currents it should be set somewhat tighter so
arranged that, in the hands of the most severe critic, the winch could not
be said to be stiff." It requires very little practice to secure the desired
degree of the pressure of the lever, and that is the only precaution needed.

As already mentioned, no importance should the Fisherman strike

it is of
a little hard, for the reel-plate will revolve when the hook or hooks have
taken hold, and so prevent any breakage of tackle. He would do best,
perhaps, not to be misled by the term strike to jerk the rod, but, in
elevating it, to give a short, upward spring of the wrist.
When the Angler is compelled to use a hook in excess of size 2/0
he must hold the slow-running waters, and strike from his fingers,
line in
in order to drive in the hook over the barb.
The reason why I recommend striking from the winch where it is
practicable to do so, is that the force exerted is far better regulated by the
it can be even
resistance of the properly-adjusted lever than by an expert's
muscles. Upon numberless occasions have I noticed that, bar accidents
in playing, the hooks remain intact. In playing, sometimes a fish is too
severely handled ; the line be hitched up in a " snag
may the fish may ;

run down a weir ; but the flesh is never torn, provided no inordinate
pressure is put on at dangerous intervals. The reader will better under-
stand this presently.
By the method I have recommended, a Salmon, when fairly hooked,
is hardly ever lost ; it which shows it has been
either gets off at once,
merely pricked," or is brought to bank barring other accidents over
which the Angler has no control. No man, for instance, can help heavy
fish running up-stream, and sometimes it is impossible to keep pace with
them. Only the other day I had one quite a hundred yards above me ;

but I took good care to give him his head. Had he turned and come full-

swing down the river and passed me here is the point the chances
are the line would have caught up among the boulders. In such circum-
stances the hooks would hardly remain intact.
I have now only to remind the novice of one other fact. He will

remember that, in presenting the fly to the fish, the rod is to be at a

certain angle down-stream during the process, for if the rod is held up in
the he cannot make that " long, firm, steady strike, which would

assuredly imbed the hook without tearing the flesh of the Salmon, or even
that of the tender-mouthed grilse.
But it is one thing to hook a Salmon, and quite another to get it.

How, then, should we proceed in that direction ?


Playing a fish one of the delights of an Angler's experience. It


calls for patience, coolness, activity, and keen perception.

Gaffing a fish when it is exhausted is exceedingly simple, and no part

of our business requires less practice. We will take these subjects
The thing to be done on hooking either a Salmon or grilse which

keeps below the surface of the water is to hold the rod in its raised
position, and while so doing, to slightly loosen the lever of the winch.
This the work of a moment, and so easy in
is itself that all instruction is

dispensed with in this book.

The next thingto be done is to get on shore (if wading) as quickly as

possible and to keep in command as much as possible. By this I mean,

never to allow the fish to get away far up-stream* above you ; always to
follow him down-stream ; and in the event of his taking across the
water, to station yourself a little above him, holding the rod high in the air
in order to avoid the line from bellying too much in the strong current.
It is not always on hooking a Salmon that one can immediately form
an idea of its weight. A large fish, for instance, will reserve its strength
for a time and even for the space of several minutes will appear little

better than an inanimate substance. But the strain of the rod, though
moderate in degree at first, soon tells, and the fish will give vent to its
fury in grand impetuous runs and bursts. On the other hand, a small
Salmon will often make off hurriedly down-stream, and lead you to
" "
suppose he is that monster which you have been so anxious to catch.
But it would be idle to speculate as to the precise treatment that
may be required in either case the Angler; is towed along by events and
deals with facts as they present themselves. Best assured there will be
plenty of matter for consideration, and probably I
not far wrong in am
that the cause from "
asserting first for anxiety will proceed the leap for
life." In this instance, however, the Angler already understands the
absolute necessity of slackening line by dropping the rod point as quickly
as possible, and instantly recovering it when the plunge or somersault is

N.B. Although turning a fish's head down-stream that he may be choked quickly is
an advantage to be got best when he is above the Angler, dangers resulting from that position
are so grave and numerous that I cannot recommend it being sought for.

over. He is also prepared for a fit of the sulks," as I have termed it
" " "
elsewhere, as well as for a
stone-grubber and a dancer."
Perhaps the chances of success are more remote in the case of a
Salmon which, having run up or down stream, makes directly towards
the Angler. In these circumstances the object is to recover slack line.

Every available precaution should be taken in this, especially at those

Catches where the bed of the river is rendered foul by rocks or boulders.
Sometimes I hasten towards the "slack," so as to wind in line as fast as
possible. If, however, the ground on land or in water is shallow and

free from obstruction, it is better to walk back into the field, straight away
from the fish, and reel up with all possible speed. The next dangerous
moment in one's endeavour to prevent the flesh being torn comes when
the fish starts off again, puts his head down and his tail up, making good
use of it by " smacking the line as he goes. Held' lightly, and he will
soon give up this kicking."
Let me deal with another source of danger. It so happens, and not
unfrequently either, that, manage a wild fish how one may, the line will
catch in something or other quite on the bed of the river. I am talking
now of a running down-stream. The plan is to get above the

unlucky spot, letting out line, and the moment the run terminates, with
the upper hand holding the rod and line, pull quickly from the winch a
few yards, raise the rod, and switch the line out
beyond the mischief,
when the chances are that you will very soon find yourself in command

again. It is only too well known that some people will stand and pull

at the part caught up, and the best advice I can think of to 'give is that
classical hint vouchsafed to persons on the brink of matrimony
The one great thing to bear inmind is " to be easy with him in his
frantic movements," and to show him the butt, putting on pressure
gradually, when the usual signals of distress exhibit themselves. And
should circumstances prohibit you at any time from following your fish
while the line on the winch is running short, to fearlessly and suddenly
drop the point of the rod; for remember the more you pull at "a runaway
" "
horse the more he gallops."
The student will not fail to remember this expedient in the case of a

EE 2

fish showing signs of taking down a fall or a weir, or making for a

Although gaffing an exhausted an extremely simple business,
fish is

in this, as in all other matters, there are many ways, of which one is

undeniably the best.

The motto Iadopt is that of the poacher, for, short and simple as it
is, it contains the whole philosophy of the matter Gaff him and get
him." From that man of metal and determination I learnt nearly all

that can be learnt. He

makes opportunity rather than takes it, and not
without immediate advantage to himself. As a gillie he is slow to act
when haste is not imperative, but swift and prompt en emergency.
Of the many ways advocated, the usual one you to wait and

put the gaff in the shoulder of the fish," but exception must be taken to
this notion, if only by reason of the frequent disappointments it inflicts

upon Anglers. No good purpose can be served by invariably waiting for

such a favourable opportunity. Such advice seems to me to be an
elaborate practical joke. As soon as the hook has lost its hold and the
fish wriggles away from sight and danger, there shall you behold the man

who waits, and a pretty object he is truly when he has had his chance and
lost it, and stands contemplating vacancy with a philosophic gaze !

Nevertheless, Prudence must be the watch-word of the gaffer in

attendance. For instance, he must be most careful to avoid too close

acquaintanceship between the gaff and the fishing line. He must keep out
of sight of the fighting fish. He must finally plant himself on a favourable

spot where the deed may be most safely accomplished, and, without
delay stoop or sit down, holding the gaff deep down in the water, for
it matters not one jot whether the gaff be used from below or above

the fish.
Thepreliminaries over, the duty of the Angler is not to haul the tired
fish directly towards the gillie, but to bring it broadside on, and to gently
lower the point of the rod at the very moment that bold stroke, which
should never fail," is given.
At that very moment, the expert gillie will reveal to spectators the

one great secret of ultimate success, which is this. The instant the gaff
is inserted, the wrist must be turned to prevent the fish taking undue

liberties. heading towards the bank the back of the gaffer's hand
If it is

is sharply turned towards the head of the fish if heading from the bank,

the back of the hand is as sharply turned towards its tail and then the gaff
holds hard and fast. And, inches long, 4i broad at the
with the remark that the head, the two sides of which
fish should be immediately are closely and firmly sewn

dragged in the water and not together. The face is a hollow

lifted out of it, but little tube (for the point of the
more need be said on the gaff) about the size of a two-
subject. shilling piece, into which is

We have, however, yet to fitted a champagne cork en-

consider the modus operandi larged in bulk, by previous
of the unattended Angler. soaking in water. A tack is
To this particular class, I fixed through the leather and
myself belong, when lumbago into the cork on each side of
(which offers considerable the tube, out of the line of
impediment to free action) the gaff-point, to keep the
does not trouble ine. cork firmly in place. There is
My two-foot-two gaff is the gaff and the 6i in. leather
all I require, though some- socket through which the
times, but not often, I find handle passes. At bottom is
occasion for the other joints a button with a slot across

belonging to it. The ring its head. This button is

(seen in the illustration) is made of steel or brass to fit

hooked on to a swivel, which into steel or brass sockets

is sewn on to the top of the which are fixed at each end
waders under the left elbow. of the thin malacca handle.
In my
opinion, this is by Steel is decidedly the most
far the best contrivance for reliable and the most durable.
carrying the gaff. Here we For the sake of balance it is

have a double piece of thick necessary to attach the little

THK GAFF. " dee "
leather,forming a sheath 6J (a sort of half hoop,
as used in dog collars, and in shape like the letter D), so as to measure
2$ inches from the top of its round head to the bottom of the leather
sheath. A piece of leather is passed through the white metal "dee,"

folded, and sewn to the sheath in a way that allows it to have free

play in the fold. The straight side of the metal "dee" which I use
measures f inch. The leather sheath
stitched not at the back part of

the socket but infront, facing the cork, and in continuation of the stitching
between the socket and cork. The gaff and sheath may be obtained at
Winchester, by applying to G. Holland. But after a long bout of fishing,
in summer when every ounce weighs- a pound, when days are long and
rivers low, it is a treat to carry a gaff that weighs no more than your
watch perhaps, even your purse. And so I use the
or, Summer Gaff,"
which is made on the same principle and is also supplied to Anglers by
Hancock & Co. ; and by Farlow & Co.
For convenience from high banks, I have two short
in gaffing
extra joints which, when screwed together, measure in all 5 feet.
But in wading, these are quite unnecessary and once only, in several ;

years of office, has the third joint been put into requisition.
I really fail to understand why so much practice," to quote from
many well-known authorities" is essential to the making of a good
gaffer." I found
as easy to gaff
it first Salmon when a boy as I did
my last towards the close of the past year.

I do not deny that a little skill is needed, first to bring the Salmon to
the. gaff, and then for the Fisherman himself to fix him and take him
ashore in dignified fashion. He should be careful not to wind in too
much line. The rod should not be bending down over the fish, but held
well up above it, point can be lowered with effect if the struggle
so that the
be resumed. After such experience with two or perhaps three fish, what
is there to learn ? I really do not know.
The Angler soon find the advantage of not standing in very
shallow Water to secure his fish,* and of dropping the point of the rod
when the gaff takes hold. He will, moreover, soon learn to feel as much
athome with the fish in gaffing it as in playing it.
It would be ridiculous to assert than a man can gaff his own fish in

as short a time^as his gillie for him ;

but being stationed well in the
N.B. So short a length of line is obviously needed to hold the fish under the rod, and
so often will the fish make from there a little detour before it is all over with him, that unless
the "treble' is married to", the line (as described elsewhere), so that the jointure runs freely
through the rod rings, the fish will often reap the benefit.

water, it is sometimes curious how quickly he is enabled to perform

the operation for himself, especially when he can raise the head of


the fish doing nothing a little out of water, and so prevent it from

seeing him. From the bank the operation takes longer single-handed.

As most of us know, the gaff is prohibited at certain seasons, and the

net takes its place. The one I have is made of silk, and came from Garden's
establishment in Aberdeen. But I will describe and illustrate a more
recent invention in the next chapter.
There is no good excuse why the Angler should be bothered with a

net in Springtime, and there isstilllessjustificationfordeprivinghimof the

gaff. Undoubtedly the gaff is "too much" for an old kelt which can
" "
hardly put one leg before the other too much for nine in ten of
them. So is the net. Kelts fight hard, and rarely rally after a good
set-to, even when "tailed." So much the better for all the good they
may do, as distinct from all the harm they will do. I never gaff them
" 425

when but I always take the gaff when the law permits, for,
I can avoid it,

in my
opinion, notwithstanding the prejudices of many precious re-
formers, we have nothing to supersede it and I am not afraid to add ;

that there is no one thing in Salmon-fishing whereof the uses to human

lifeare yet thoroughly understood. Facts, however, clearly point to the
" "
inference that the instrument of satisfaction is not productive of the
cruelty people would have us believe ; for, on breaking away in his final
" Even
struggle for life, a fresh-run fish never keeps the wound green."
in the very next pool, on the very next day, he will rise as readily as ever
and take the fly he wants. (See exceptional case mentioned on p. 382.)
I hate cruelty to animals, so do all true sportsmen and, deeply as ;

all humane hearts would deplore the infliction of unnecessary pain to the
fish,the present method of "getting and securing by means of the gaff,
leaves in my mind little to be desired in the matter alike of humanity,

suitability, and economy of time. If the fish suffer much, which is

questionable, for they are cold blooded creatures, is it not rather in de-
priving them of their native element ? But against that same, a very
big contra account is to be framed, and the student of angling can quite
depend on my vote for both catching and gaffing when he can.
However, another weapon has recently been introduced, and of this
Land and Water says :

" We commend to the notice of our readers Crawshay's

improved patent fish
lander, of which the manufacturers are Messrs. Holbrow & Co., 40, Duke
Street, St. James's. Some of the special advantages the inventor claims, are the
following: (1) The fish is not damaged as with a gaff, so that no mistake can
possibly be made with a kelt. (2) It is much easier
to use than a gaff, which
latter instrument inevitably requires a certain amount of practice. (3) The fish

once snared can be carried anywhere by the tail over sand or high rocks, and has
no power to kick. (4) This lander is far superior to any net, for the man who is
fishing can use it himself as easily as a gaff, and there is nothing for the tackle to
get entangled in, This is an especial desideratum as regards prawn
as with a net.
and minnow and would save much vexation where pike have to be got rid
(5) It can be carried like a gaff, and is also made to
of in all cases. screw into
any landing net handle. These are a few of the advantages of Crawshay's patent
improved fish lander.
"Slip the noose over the fish's tail, behind the dorsal fin, not in front of it, and
a sharp jerk upwards to the full length of the wire secures the fish."

How to wade is a subject upon which I desire to say a few words.

Wadingrequires practice much
courage ; is to be desired ;
but a good
dealmay be done by rule. Some Anglers stick at nothing ;
others look
askance at the most simple waters. The bravest, however, may run into

danger unforeseen.
In my youth, if may say so, I was a strong wader and never con-
sulted the interests of Number one." But now I am prepared with an
Alpenstock, for, like other seniors, I am compelled to reduce these matters
to the humble level of personal safety. It was only a few years since,
that I had a very narrow escape one which comes back in my dreams.
To the question, " Well, what have you done ? " " Done ? " I replied to
my friend on returning home that evening, " I've had a ducking, smashed
my rod, lost a fish, and nearly lost my life as well !

It happened in this way.

I had left my friend to perambulate open pools, and made tracks

down river for a cast over a favoured spot, which invariably held a fish.
Oak trees spreading their boughs, compelling one to wade out upon a
huge flat rock, some three yards from shore, fringed the water. A
previous experience reminded me of the difficulty in reaching the rock,
owing to the strength of the water. On arriving at the Catch, fancying
the water too high, I " threw out a feeler," by trying my luck in waders
only. Although the water came no higher than my knees, it splashed
above my but still I went to the rock and back without being
shoulders ;

taken in." So I dressed, and, with rod in hand this time, soon set foot
on terra-firma and began operations with a rather gaudy Grub. After the
third cast, up went the rod and down went the fish with about thirty yards
of line, no more. It meant an hour's work to remain where I was, for,

though the fish was not large, the force of the water put all chance of
bringing it to the gaff out of the question ; therefore, I waited for a
favourable opportunity and made for the shore. Just at the critical
moment, splash, dash that spirit-stirring sight and sound the Salmon
shot up river, and checked me to such a extent that my foot missed its
aim and in I went. In the twinkling of an eye, I saw the perilous position
facing me. The waters dashed under a huge rock and took me with them.

My rod hitting the head of it snapped in two as though it were only a


lucifer match, and me

engulfed beneath.
left Fortunately, I went legs
first and was able to take breath now and
again as the waters receded.
At last by a supreme effort I kicked myself out, and coming breast first
across the head of the rock, scrambled up to the top of it, and, breathless
and beaten, stepped over the dry boulders below, and reached land more
dead than alive. Two gentlemen fishing a little lower down came to my
assistance, and, disarrangingmy battle array, I, looking like our parents
before the Fall, ran in amongst the heather and into a perfect glow.

Deep draughts of Highland air and whisky soon put me on my legs again ;

and after a merry laughing and chaffing time, I went more soberly
to work, and felt none the worse for a good ducking and a good
Our learning is just one of those
pleasures we can never exhaust the ;

very practice of our vocation gives us strength to dare and to endure and ;

occasionally the greatest craftiness can be traced back to the poorest

beginnings in wading over the roughest track to the seat of war."
Some profit, perhaps, may be drawn from the incident recorded. It

is, however, manifestly impossible for any novice to follow in safety the
footprints of others.
Take, for instance, your big, black-browed, lusty Fisher-fellow, up to
every wrinkle, and what chance have you in competition with him ? Not
that he is really web-footed, you know, but this sturdy don, this amphi-
bious professor, spends the best part of hislife breast high in water. Of
course, you have no chance at all, whatever be your height and strength ',

yet even a giant could not support himself as easily, nor make such head-
way as a weak-knee'd but practised dwarf he (the giant) being ignorant
of the business, and relying solely upon his strength.
Much may depend upon the material and make of your waders and
brogues. I find "
Sateen" the best material for the former, and get mine
made by the North British Eubber Co. For years I have used the
largest hob-nails, and I carry an "iron foot" for convenience in knocking
the nails in or out. This useful adjunct was bought at Moody's, Queen
Street, Eamsgate. But there are better nails than these for very slippery
though they soon wear down.
districts, They are made of steel, square
headed, filed on the face crossways the four corners being somewhat

pointed, after the fashion of an ice nail. They screw into the sole with
nearly half-inch projecting. I used to make these myself, and found I
could stand firmly on almost any rock.

Many prefer boots to shoes. I much prefer the latter, and get them
made with soles three-quarters of an inch thick by Cording, of Piccadilly.
The Norwegian " Kimagas " he makes are fashionable at the present
time. The
forepart of these wading boots is constructed of one piece of
material, built so high that all pressure on the feet is avoided.
To this must be added the farther consideration that from ill-health,

accident, or advance of years,

many Anglers are incapacitated from

wading. A really
comfortable leather boot, watertight, is such an indis-
pensable article that I never lose an opportunity of recommending the
Wye Boot," which is made by Hatton Brothers, of Hereford. Mine
have been in wear since July, 1885 (nine seasons), and are still soft and
sound. I dress them with Griffin's Preservative (Beading) and use them
only when fishing from the bank. In dry, hot weather I wear the High-
land brogues, made at Aberdeen by Lorimer and Son. Nothing, in my

opinion, could be more comfortable.

Not the least important item among other matters in wading is "to
keep ourselves dry," and so long as we do not trip or stoop, there is little
to fear on this score. Nor need the student be alarmed by the common
report which current in regard to swimming in waders.
is I have been
out ofmy depth many a time, and, except that the pace was naturally
impeded, I have been fortunate enough never once to be troubled by the
my head going down and my legs coming up.
sensation of
In crossing a ford, the impetus of the water generally varies in one ;

moment it may be pressing us hard, while in the next, yet in the same
spot, comparatively easy to stand against.
it is The directions here are
very simple to follow. You cannot take too short steps if the current
runs fast, and before each one, firmly plant the Alpenstock in front,
down-stream, somewhat in advance. A little presence of mind is worth
any amount of muscle.
The next rule to be studied dig one foot in before moving the
is to

other. Press the foot firmly down and force it as it were while so doing
" "
to the right and then to the left to dig the nails in, when you will

finally ascertain that they will not give way ; then, and not until then,
you raise the hind foot.

Always keep the legs fairly wide apart this will give you a ;

firmer balance and never on any consideration face or turn your


back directly up-stream, unless you are certain you can do so with
In getting back up-stream from deep water, take short steps side-
ways. Step over, or on one side of boulders, do not tread on them if
you can possibly avoid it.

Constantly look up river in order to be prepared for any floating

debris. And rememberthe one great secret in the case of quick-sand or

gravel, namely, always to clear away the material with the gaff behindyou
and take your foot out heel first.
It is generally believed that wading is injurious to health, but I am
convinced this depends upon circumstances. In my opinion, the early
spring is not detrimental to health, provided the Angler so dresses as not
to feel the cold water in the least degree.
He may require, besides flannel drawers, long stockings reaching to
the thigh, and having straps at top and bottom. The upper straps button
to the trousers under the waistcoat the lower ones fixed on each side of

the stockings fit under the feet and so prevent any working up the leg.
No ; it is in the height of summer that a wader suffers, unless he con-
stantly takes the precaution of airing his waders. Too strict a regimen
would undoubtedly be wearisome but, in this case, if the damp, which

escapes freely from our bodies in warm weather, is forced back upon the
pores of the skin, it is far from pleasant, anything but wholesome, and
man be very injurious to health.
^Vhile upon this subject, I may be allowed to add my experience
in regard to the Anglers fishing dress. I need not enter into

particulars for a complete outfit, but lightness for summer, and

warmth for spring and autumn, are the chief characteristics to be
The proper get-up for fishing, very different from what
nowadays, is

it was in times gone by, when any old

morning was brought out forcoat
the purpose. We were satisfied then by tucking the tails inside the

waders and wearing the braces outside. But this plan prevented ven-
tilation, and had the effect of almost doubling the work.

Twenty years ago, I introduced into use a short jacket to wear outside
both waders and braces was not perfected until Eice Brothers, of
but it

Bond Street, took the matter in hand. The original coat was a comfort
in many ways, but it still hampered us in casting, which the new one
does not. Perhaps any coat would show creases when the arms are
raised, but the pleats put in front and behind the improved garment are
so well arranged, that they open and shut, like a concertina, with each
motion of the wearer, who is perfectly free and easy in any position taken
up. The results are decidedly satisfactory.

Perhaps my favourite fishing jacket is of homsepun a material to be

had in various patterns by applying to Miles, of Hanover Street, Bond
A perfect forest of hands will, at any rate, be held up in favour of
wearing the wading braces underneath, thereby rendering the Angler more
at liberty for all arm and muscular action. The Angler will please
himself as to length, I have mine reaching over the waders about
1 inches. He would scarcely credi't the difference between the restriction
of the old plan and freedom of the new. I use the musculine pronoun,
" "
but he very often of the gentler sex.
is Ladies delight in Salmon-
fishing after the fatigue of London gaieties, and hardly ever give it up
when once the taste is acquired. But it would be no easy task for me to
write a description of ladies' costume, which would make the heart of
woman glad.
The Princess of Wales and her daughters," says the Daily
Telegraph, are enthusiastic and skilful wielders of the Salmon rod."
" Their
Eoyal Highnesses believe in wearing light, warm, tweed
dresses for fishing, made of the natural homespun, which retains its
natural capacity for resisting rain, the oil not being extracted from
the wool before it is woven. Gowns made with skirts to the ankle,
and blouses, are the kind of garments which these
loosely fitting coats
Eoyal wear for fishing, with stout Balmoral boots made
ladies usually
with low broad heels, and soft felt or tweed hats to match their

A more elaborate get-up for fishing consists of a short skirt of tweed

bound deeply round the hem with porpoise hide, and worn over
knickerbockers. This is made so that can be buttoned right up,

forming a sort of fishwife skirt, and furnished with a big pocket for fly-
book and tackle. The coat is of tweed, with lapels and cuffs of porpoise
hide, and it is bound with this leather-like substance and furnished with

many pockets ; for the ardent Fisherwoman likes to have everything she
may require at hand, and yet cannot be hampered with much impedi-
menta, while the attendant gillie's many duties necessitate his being left
fairly free handed. If it is necessary to wade, so as to cast over a

favourite hole, waterproof over-all fishing boots can be put on ; but, as a

rule, this is not and few ladies use them.
found needful ;
A high-legged
pair of porpoise-hide boots and thick woollen stockings are usually
deemed sufficient, as, if a Fisherwoman must get wet, she will soon walk
herself dry again. When a Salmon is hooked, the excitement of playing
the fish, humouring him, and gradually exhausting him, until he can
be brought near his fate, in the shape of the murderous gaff, wielded
by the skilful gillie,is an experience of the most absorbing description,

and many a fair Fisherwoman has been known to cry from dis-
appointment when her finny prey has jerked away the cast and flies and
been lost to her for ever. In thinking out a suitable dress for fishing, it
isalways well to remember that a few very hot hours may be experienced,
though these can seldom be propitious for the sport. It is, therefore, well
to wear a thin blouse under the warm tweed coat, so that the latter can
be handed over to the when
gillie extra exertion or the sun's rays induce
too great warmth. If the skirt is not of a nature to loop up and form a

large pouch, a belt with a satchelis found useful for a long day. The
luncheon easily portable, and is usually confided to the attendant,
but most women, knowing the strain that such continued exertion
imposes, carry nourishment in a compressed form, furnishing their
pouches or satchels with frame-food tablets, or meat lozenges, or such

things as they most approve for the purpose, besides a small flask of
sherry or claret in their own possession, as it would be awkward to want
food or drink on one side of a stream with the attendant carrying it on
the other. For loch fishing, a waterproof skirt and cape are often most

useful, as there the exertion is confined to casting, and showers must be

defied. It would be bad, have to wait to dry without keeping
too, to

up the heat of the body by exercise. The danger of an unporous

waterproof is in putting it on over slightly moist clothes, and so driving
the damp and also in wearing
in, it, while walking, and preventing
necessary exhalation from the body. Many people have the tweeds which


they wear for fishing slightly waterproofed without interfering with

the ventilating quality of the material but there is no doubt that the

natural wet-resisting element in the wool of the sheep is the best, and

homespuns undyed, and, as far as possible, in their oily condition, are

the safest wear when exercise has to be taken. It should be remembered

that, for this pursuit, nothing is so safe to put on as wool, and that
even the cool blouse, which is pleasant for hot hours, should be of thin

My own waterproof over-jacket is made by Field, of Piccadilly,

London. It is about two inches longer than the under-jacket. The cloth
consists of a light-brown Scotch tweed, thoroughly waterproof. The
jacket is ventilated across the back by means of a cape which gives
freedom to the arms for casting. False cuffs are provided to prevent
rain-water running up the wrists, and there are two large inside pockets.
In weight, it is very light, yet the coat lasts for several seasons.
I have often heard complaints made, and not without just cause, of
men's wading socks. I ask for nothing better than a sock made of the
wool called " abb." It is sold at the Marine Stores, 34, York Street,

Ramsgate, and is very thick and durable. I generally get 2 Ibs. at a time,
and send it to the Steward, Grangegorman Prison, Dublin, together with
a pattern this amount of material is sufficient for three pairs of socks,

the cost of which in the aggregate is about 1/3 per pair. They last for


Maiden pools are Catches not previously fished on the day in question.
Fresh days are mild days.
Inspection is a term used when a fish has followed, or been stirred by
a fly.

Presentation, presenting the fly to the fish.

Hand-lining, playing a fish by holding the line.
Catch. A Catch
a pool, stream, flat, or rapid
is but a catch (with a

small c) is one of the number of actual lay-byes in the Catch.

Oily waters. The surface of the water smooth.
The Pull. See illustration and explanation, page 35.





ALTHOUGH to-day forgotten, one, William Hay, who represented the

ancient town of Seaford in the House of Commons in the year 1734,
deserves our remembrance for introducing Silkworm Gut into this
country. What it cost then I do not know, but the question of price in
these days need not be seriously considered. The investment of a little

extra money in the best sample invariably brings its own reward. I get

mine at Kamsbottom's establishment, Market Street, Manchester.

But although Fishermen are grievously conscious of the present
depression in the trade and entertain fears, not altogether unfounded, of
the supply in future,* yet very few understand the several processes by
which the silkworm is developed, or by what methods the gut is produced.
This of itself a few particulars, which may be of
offers occasion for

interest, before pronouncing upon the respective qualities of gut, its

choice and management.
When we come to consider that the luscious leaf of the mulberry is
the staple food of the silkworm, it is not surprising that the insects
thrive most in localities where the trees grow best. In the province of

I think this depression would pass away if young mulberry trees were forced under
glass to bring forth their leaves earlier in theseason than those out of doors. The season for
them is later in the South than it used to be.
CUT. 435

Murcia mulberry trees are innumerable. So thoroughly does the

Spanish climate and soil suit them, that for richness and abundance of
tender and succulent foliage they cannot be surpassed.


Looking from the Cathedral tower in the town of Murcia (the capital
of the province) the eye surveys miles of country closely dotted with a
countless number of little houses surrounded by plantations ofmulberry
F F 2

trees. The inhabitants, for the most part, devote their time to the
rearing of silkworms, and, comparatively speaking, angling interests are
of minor importance to the farmers." Murcia, however, more than
holds her own in the production of Salmon
gut, nor is the interest of the
Fisherman entirely confined to this "garden" of Spain, which, in round
numbers, sixteen miles in length by eight in breadth.

Sericulture is pursued in many -foreign countries. China, Japan,

Sicily, and the United States alike boast their silkworm manufactories,
the product of which, however, so far as silkworm gut is concerned, fails
to reach the standard of excellence usually needed for a good fight with a
fifteen pound fresh-run fish unless the rod is extremely lissom.

Of the various silk producing moths the Bombyx mori best serves
Anglers. But, by a somewhat strange coincidence, the best results
obtained in Murcia are not from home-bred hatchings, but from eggs,
first imported into the South of France, and, after development, sent
back to Spain.
The selection of eggs is almost a business of
itself, though great

consideration is extended to every item of detail during incubation,

is made the eggs are placed at the end of the month of
After the selection
February, but are immersed beforehand for three or four hours in water
at about the temperature of 50 degrees Fahr. They are spread on a
cloth separately, there to remain for about a week in a dry, well-ventilated
apartment. The temperature of this room during
day is 60the first

degrees, during the second 62, the third 66, the fourth 68, and from the
fifth never higher than 70 degrees. With this attention the eggs
" "
gradually darken in appearance, and the little black-a-rnoors come to
life in seven or eight days. To keep the rooms specially sweet and clean,
and the floors sprinkled with water to lay the dust before sweeping, are
the indispensable conditions of the success of the undertaking.
The various stages of the silkworm from the eggs to the silk sack
may be best understood by the accompanying illustrations.
1. Female moth, which lays about 200 eggs.
2. Grub three days old.
3. Worm seven days old.
4. Worm fourteen days old.

5. Worm twenty-one days old.

6. Worm Thirty days old.
7. Worm Forty-two days old, and ripe for drawing or spinning.
8. Gut sack, there being two in each worm.



The grub is fedfresh unfermented mulberry leaves, gathered

and conveyed daily in clean baskets. The leaves are cut up with a sharp
knife and well scattered over the insects. In three days, these grubs,
which are protected from any great change in temperature, become
dormant, and awake after four days' rest, when they are fed more
abundantly. Having now cast their first coat, they are from that time
called worms ; but they again become dormant. In fourteen days they
eat whole leaves voraciously, and sleep again. When three weeks old,

the worm takes its fourth and final sleep. It eats enormously, and, after
casting its fourth skin, becomes restless, and soon seeks shelter for the

purpose of spinning.
When quite ready to spin (not an hour before or after), the worms
are picked up and thrown into a tub containing a strong mixture of
vinegar and water. They die instantly, and are allowed to remain in
" "
this pickle for about twelve hours, so as to give a consistency to the
silk bags.
Ontaking them out of the pickle," the worms are broken in half,
and the gut sacks carefully removed. The strength of the " pickle
regulates the thickness of gut. Strong mixtures "render the gut short
and thick with weak mixtures, the gut is longer and thinner. If too

strong, the gut "pulls out into crooked and lumpy strands.
When the gut is pulled out a process simply managed by taking
hold of each end and stretching it as far as it will go it is thrown down
upon the floor,the extreme ends begin to curl up. Each strand
when is

covered with a thin coat called " carne." In a few days the gut is

collected, washed in pure water, and hung up to dry in rooms where a

current of air passes through freely. When thoroughly dry, the strands
are tied in bundles from 5,000 to 10,000, sold by weight to the merchants
who then remove the " carne " by a certain process discovered and made
known by Morris Carswell, the wholesale manufacturer of the Salmon
lines bearing my name.
The bundles, each of which contain one-third estriada (spurious
pieces), are undone, and carefully examined before the polishing process
takes place. The spurious pieces are or ought to be separated from the
superior quality, which is easily detected by the practised observer. It is

finally assorted, with due regard to both roundness and thickness, and
" " "
tied up in hundreds or hanks."
The proportion of the different grades of the thicknesses varies from
year to year. For enumerating them, to begin with the thinnest, there
isBefina, Fina, Regular, Padron second, Padron first, Marana, Double-
thick Marana, Imperial, and Hebra.

Many and many a man has been deceived by his own estimate of the
quality and value of his packages. Only by a very accurate knowledge of

what the low grades will realise, together with the faculty of close,
general averaging of each season's products, can the purchaser feel at all
confident of making a profit over the transaction.

Having been frequently asked for particulars, I have entered upon


these brief details in view of meeting a long felt want

but, perhaps, the

few following simple rules,which may be safely observed by the Angler,

who buys for himself, will not be the least interesting to the general

Gut depends for its value market on length and quality.

in the
Twelve-inch gut is worth quite 15 per cent, more than that measuring
eleven inches eight inch strands realise about half the price.
But in

Salmon fishing, give me quality, be the length what it may.

The is determined chiefly by its freshness, colour,
quality of the gut
and roundness. Fresh samples are detected by the general appearance
of the rough, frizzled ends. That is" to say the gut may be said to be
new so long as the ends are not parched and so long as they maintain a
clean, clear, white look about them.
With regard to the colour of new gut, we seek for a pure, pearly white,
and of very lustrous appearance, without the faintest sign of yellow thrown in.
Eoundness is, of course, determined by the eye and touch. By passing
the thumb and middle finger up and down a strand, any roughness or
unevenness will instantly be felt.

The best gut, however, isno more the best of gut than the best
cream is the best of cream. That is to say, an ordinary hank of fairly
good gut contains 15 per cent, rough strands of unequal thickness
of ;

" "
whilst the best selected is not only free from all rubbish, but made up
of silky strands without a flaw, picked from the choicest parcels. The
test best calculated to toll the novice good gut, though somewhat severe,

is to tie a single knot in a strand, which, if old and dry, will split or
break asunder.
I have tried various stains, and find none surpass that commonly
known as a smoky-blue.This can be obtained by first soaking the gut in
cold, soft water, and afterwards immersing it for an hour or so in a
tumbler of water, having one teaspoonful of Stevens's blue-black ink
stirred with it. But the sooner it is put away the better, for light and
air cripple gut considerably. The sun will soon bring out "flecks" or
light spots and spoil it altogether.
It is indelibly impressed on my mind that the best way to preserve

gut, before use, is to roll it up tightly in fresh wash-leather, tied round

and round with strong string. By this means of protection it will last
good and remain serviceable for many long years.
Before knotting Salmon gut for use, the strands should remain in
soft water for eight or ten hours.

In use it is not desirable to up the length of single gut and put

away for the night. Detach it from the treble, give the whole length
a good coating of mutton fat, rubbed on first from one end and then from
the other, and hang it to a pin its loop. With this attention, a
by yard
of single will last good for three months hard wear, provided it is not
frayed by rocks or other obstacles.


Of the various methods of making up "casts" or "traces," I find
the following principle of knotting the best :

Lay the ends together (pointing right and left) between the left

forefinger and thumb.

It may be described thus Bend left
: strand back as a loop, and

place under left forefinger and thumb behind the strands therein held, and

bringing the extreme end out below the left thumb and finger. Pass end
over the strands and through the loop. Eepeat this, and, then holding
this end of the left strand and the right strand in the right forefinger
and thumb, draw the left strand with the left forefinger and thumb, but
not tight.
Turn the work round, left to right, and go through the same process
with the other strand.
Finally pull the strands moderately tight to bring the knots together,
by one short, sharp tug but do not pull the short ends. Cut off waste.


This is easily learnt, and practised with two bits of string, say 3-in.

and 8-in. long respectively.


Makethe short bit into a loop, and take it between left forefinger
and the thumb, holding the loop to the right. Then, with one end of the
8-io. bit in right forefinger and thumb, follow this diagram.


The end of the white cord having been passed through the dark cord
loop in the course and succession marked by the arrows, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
represents the first stage completed.
In the second stage, the object is to get (see diagram 2) A over and
round B, and then in between the white loop and dark loop at A.
This is best done by keeping the point of the left forefinger under
the white loop at the arrow 2, and by taking hold of B end at the arrow
1. Now put B end under and round, and bring it up towards you, while
pushing the end A with the right forefinger into its position as specified,
so thatit lies on the fork of the dark loop, as shown in 2.

DIAGRAM 2. (Showing work upside down.)

The knot is seen here as turned over and now ready to be drawn
taut.Hold the end A with the dark loop by the left forefinger and
thumb (do not turn the fly over), and pull tight the end B; but while
doing so push the end A towards the knot as it tightens so as to have
none of it to cut off.

This knot is based on rational principles ; amongst other advantages,

observe :

(1) The part at a acts as a pad and saves wear on gut loop.
(2) The knot is easily undone. Hold end B close up to loop and

push it to loosen the

tie. If any difficulty arises, which is not likely with
good gut, draw out end A, and the whole falls loose.
(3) By facing tailwards the end A gathers no substance floating on
the water, such as leaves, &c. It is manifest that this knot is absolutely
secure from slipping or self -cutting ;
and that a little practice will soon
teach ready adjustment.


In twisting gut for loops, use an ordinary twisting machine with the
metal pendants about one inch apart. Cut a piece of soft wood into a
pear shape one inch in length, three quarters of an inch in diameter, and
well pointed. Make three grooves along its side, equidistant, one for
each strand of gut to ride in as the work proceeds. Screw the machine
to a mantel-piece, and knot on the three lengths of gut, which should
have been soaking in soft, cold water for six hours. Hook on the conical
lead weight sold with the machine to the loosest of the three strands of

gut (which have been knotted together) at the bottom. Now place the
"pear" point upwards about one inch from the bottom in between the
strands. Hold the " pear in one hand, and with the other hand turn


the handle of the machine eight times; then steadily guide the "pear"
to the top, turning away all the time. If the "pear" is moved up too

soon or too quickly the twist will be loose. If it is not

quickly moved
enough the gut will break. On
reaching the top, quickly take out the
pear," catch hold of the weight to prevent untwisting, and with the
fingers give it a few extra spins the effect of which has to be regulated

along the whole length by holding the twisted gut between the finger and

thumb, and passing them somewhat firmly up and down the gut at the
time. Catch hold of each end of the twisted gut, stretch it and double
it. If not wanted for immediate use, it should be packed away in new

wash-leather. The tighter the gut can be twisted the better.

I know of no method of cutting the two ends of the joints of a rod,
so that they shall exactly overlap each other, equal to that afforded by a


1 and Parallel side pieces

2. made of oak. (Fig. 1 and end piece.)
3. Ledge to guide plane.
4. Eectangular movable arm, made of oak with vertical lever
motion on the axis numbered 5.
5. Iron bolt forming the axis to arm, numbered 4.

6. Screw through the side pieces and oak blocks, 19, 20.
7. Iron plates each side. Guides forming extra fixtures for rod.
8. Finish to end of oak arm. Not essential.
9. Small fixed block of wood forming adjustment.
10. Movable strip for same purpose.
11. Top and side pieces of iron clamp, with vertical motion.
12. Iron guide for vertical motion, fixed to side pieces. Fig. 4.
13. Iron cheeks carrying the clamping arrangement, and sliding in
the groove, 21.
14. Thumb-screw passing through cross piece with its extremity

working against the under-surface of the rectangular arm, 4. This screw

fixes the clamp in any required position. Figs. 3 and 4.
15. Screw for raising and depressing the movable rectangular
arm, 4.

16. Booking nut to give the necessary play to the screw. Figs. 1
and 4.

17. Iron plate and axis of rocking nut. Figs. 1 and 4.

18. Nut with circular motion, fixed under movable arm and holding

the end of the screw, 15.

19 and 20. Oak blocks holding the side pieces (see end view) an

equal distance apart.

21. Eecess or ledge in which the cheeks of the clamp slide.
22. Eecess to admit of the clamp sliding on the rectangular arm.
Fig. 2.

23. Eod in position.

24. Portion to be planed off. When the movable arm (4) has been

adjusted to the required angle, it is evident that corresponding surfaces

may be obtained with perfect accuracy for two, or as many more splice-

joints that may be wanted. I find a "Jack" plane best suited to start
" "
with, and a plane for the finishing strokes. Their cutting
edges must be width of the movable arm (4) and they must
of the exact

be centred so as to travel just clear of the side pieces (1) and (2).

In this part of one's outfit the needs of the Salmon-fisher differ from
those of the Trout fisher. The latter can without inconvenience carry a
small basket slung over the shoulder ;
the former requires the free
use of his arms, and so deposits his kit upon th"e bank. Anything in
the shape of bag, basket or gaff, slung over the shoulders, hampers the
movement of the arms, and at times may be a source of danger.
The best basket for Salmon fishing is the frail. In this everything,
fish included, can be carried with ease and comfort. The leather pad,


on the shoulder and is effectual in preventing

stuffed with horsehair, rests
soreness or even pain.
In such a basket I once carried no fewer than six Salmon over a
mile, and without it I must have lost my train or left the fish behind.
The frail is usually made
without lining, and can be
of rushes,
kept clean and sweet by a free use of the sponge. I prefer to use it

with a lining and have a very large pocket made at the back to carry
fly books, flask and mid-day meal. The fish are wrapt in thin waterproof

In packing it, the soft articles

cloth, or in ferns, long grass, or rushes.
such as socks and waders should be put on the side next the back of the
carrier ;
brogues, gaff, etc., on the far side.
The frail is not durable, but it is
cheap. The leather straps and pad
last for years, and can
easily be removed from an old to a new basket.
It will be found that heavy weights can be carried in a frail with less

inconvenience than in any bag slung over the shoulders.

An excellent method of carrying a fish is to string it. The process is

simple and effective, and one I usually adopt when fishing near home.

The string together to form a loop.

is first tied One end is passed
under the gill-cover, then out of mouth at the lower corner, over the nose,
in at the mouth at the opposite corner and under the far side gill. The
other end is then passed up through this end, under gills, and after a

loop is formed quite at the other end it is passed over, around tail and
pulled taut.


At about the time the Summer Gaff" was introduced for me by
Hancock & Co., a convenient net, highly patronised by ladies, was put on
the market by the same firm. It is especially useful during the Grilse
season. Land and Water says :

" We have frequently noticed that many landing nets now in the market seem
rather got up for sale than to be of practical and lasting service to Anglers. A
very common fault is that the net
attached to the landing ring by cord

of insufficient strength, and imperfectly waterproofed consequently the net


is liable to ravel up on the ring, and frequent repairs undertaken in the hurry of


business by the riverside do not improve the appearance or serviceable qualities
of the implement. We
could multiply faults common to many landing nets.
Sometimes the ring weak and constantly losing shape, or screws drop out and

are lost, hinges get out of gear, and the whole affair is a constant source of worry
to its owner.

THE NECKLACE. (See next page.)


" Messrs. Hancock & Mall Place, St. James', have patented a new
Co., of 4, Pall
automatic lock-fast which we need give no lengthened description, the
fitting, of
construction being sufficiently apparent from the accompanying illustrations. The
workmanship of the whole implement is of high class, and there is little
risk that it will get out of order if subjected to ordinary fair treatment. The
net itself is made of durable material, and has the further advantage of being of
a good size. For Salmon and Grilse the handle is made Malacca or other cane."


This contrivance is the only one known to me for the use of those
Anglers who have unfortunately been deprived of one arm. The neck-
lace with its socket is admirably adapted for casting right or left handed,
and gives the Angler supreme control over a fish. It demands but the
least acquaintance for complete appreciation.
In examining the sling and its appurtenances, which are represented
in Figs. 1 and 2, it will be observed that the necklace is provided with a
socket wherein the butt of the rod rests. By a slight downward pressure
in casting, the line is sent out almost as far and as easily as in the

ordinary way with two hands. The strap fastened over the shoulder is
buckled to suit the desired length. The article shown in Fig. 2 points to
the convenience afforded for holding Salmon. It fits on to the stump of
the amputated arm. The rod rests in the lower arm-hook while "playing"
a fish; in "butting" him the rod is placed in the upper hook, which
enables the Angler, by means of extra leverage, to put on sufficient

pressure for the purpose.


following letter of mine, written at Carlogie House, on the Dee,
appeared in the Field on July 27th, 1895, and will, I think, explain all
that is wanted :

" who
Although one often comes across worthy owners of Salmon rivers, are
not aware of the advantages offered in the improvements of their beats, the da}'
must come when they will exercise their wits and make the endeavour to deal with
barren stretches beyond tails of pools. Better luck, however, has fallen to our
lot here. In dealing with such places, there are two ways of procedure the one
is by Boxing, the other by Garreting. In my opinion (and I speak from constant


(I (3 2

observation and not a experience), by far the Ijetter and safer of

little practical

these two schemes is The Box is preferable, because the Garret, built
the Box.
at almost any angle from the bank itself, is not unfrequently injurious, if not
altogether ruinous, to pools on the opposite side, as well as to ethers below on the
near side. Some Garrets and many Boxes, which I have in mind, have done and
are doing an incalculable amount of good to landlords and tenants alike.
Those which I have recently made here are put in singularly suitable quarters, and
require no more than one snow-water flood to ensure a couple of high-water
catches, perhaps second to none for sport on the whole estate.
"The way I usually make a Box is easily described. In shape it is a sort of
triangle, and, as I suppose the whole world knows, the Box faces upstream. The
two sides are constructed of 12 ft. planks, 2 in. thick, measuring 11 in. at the
broad and 9 in. at the narrow end, so that the height -of the Box in front is
2 ft. 3 in., and at the back 2 ft. 9 in. The back boards are of similar material,
but not tapered. There is a post at front, and one at each corner at back.
These posts, 7 in. in diameter, and pointed, are 5 ft. 6 in. in length, so that when
the top part of them damaged in driving is sawn off, they will be at the height
desired. Good, strong old larch is a serviceable wood. The one in front is the
first to fix. It is driven into the gravel pretty much as far as it will go say. a
little over 2 ft. When this is done, it is advisable first to place the other t\vi>
into position, and take a close inspection from a point well above or well below,
in order to decide that the Box shall ultimately face straight with the stream.

Perhaps it should here be said that the whole of the materials ought to be at hand
before operations begin. The river, for instance, may rise too soon for one's
liking, and level unprotected work to the ground. Apart from the materials
quoted above, all that is required is comprised in the following list, viz., five 4 in.
posts, a plank, 8 in. wide, 2 in. thick ; a 2 ft. 4 in. strip of iron sheeting, 8 in.
wide, having holes drilled on both sides at every 3 in. three other iron strips.

2 ft. 6 in. long, 3 in. broad, drilled in the and about fifteen tons of
same way ;

boulders, together with some smaller stones to pack them all firmly in the Box

le\el with the top. Some Boxes are required to be higher.

" Before
fixing the side planks to the strong front and back posts, the gravel
should be somewhat levelled for the edge of the bottom board to rest fairly
flush on the river bed, and the planks themselves bevelled off at their inner end

edges so as to leave them when nailed together in front with a head-end or nose,
not more than a, thickness of 4 in. Of course, these are fixed as closely
as they will go at the front of the head post. The other end of the planks
may temporarily extend a trifle beyond the back posts, and be sawn off flush
.at a later stage. The side boards, resting upon each other, are nailed with
5i in. nails. When they are fixed, the tail boarding commences. But thesr
latter planks are nailed to the front of the back posts, so as to provide extra

support they are also bevelled at the two ends, so as to fit in tight.
: Tin-



next thing to do is The one used here

to place a head-stone inside the Box.
is a tapering stone (with which this neighbourhood abounds), 5 ft. 3 in. in
length. Its point is about 2 in. through, its foot about 15 in. in diameter both

ways. A slot to receive the point is cut into the top of the post which has already
been reduced. By the use of a chisel the stone can be made to bed into the slot.
But before placing it, a firm foundation for its foot should be made in the gravel,
and a slanting flat stone put to back up with. If this sort of head-stone is not to be
procured, a good, strong larch post might serve the purpose, but, in this
district, where thousands of tons of ice wend their way seawards in winter,
strength is of infinite importance.
"After getting in the stone, the space underneath it is packed closely with
well-fitting boulders, and the small open part between the post and the point or
nose of the boards jammed with little stones. The fiv& smaller posts are now
driven into the ground three inside the Box at the middle part of the sides and
back, and the two others outside the Box at back, midway between the inside
centre one and the two corners. These are all likewise firmly nailed, and then the
6 in. plank is let into the top side planks, so as to butt against the two middle

posts. A platform is now made, upon which ths boulders are wheeled, and tipped
into the box. As each barrow load comes, a little cautious packing of the stones
is desirable. When the box is thus filled, the work is completed by fixing the
2 ft. 4 in. piece of sheeting upright round the nose of the box and nailing to the
planks on each side. The 2 ft. 6 in. strips of iron are iiailed thus, one over a
thick piece of well-fitting plank, previously put flush with the top of the sides

against the headpost (this strip is bent over and down the sides before the hammer
at that part is used), and the two others round the two outer back posts are put
at the middle of the top board. The cost of this construction, provided the land-
lord supplies the wood from his saw mill and allows the boulders in the neighbour-
hood to be gathered, should not exceed 30s.
" There is a little fresh to add
concerning the situation of these Boxes but it ;

is not easy to describe with exactness the safe and sure place that can be depended

upon. It may, however, be taken that the tail end of a pool or catch, which

gradually gets shallower and has a gravelly bed, over which the water, at any
height, flows fairly straight with the bank, is as good a spot as one might wish
for. But the Box must be within thirty yards of the catch itself, or the fish will
not linger long in its wake. Mine here is twenty-four feet from the front post to
the bank. To make the job yet more enticing, a boulder, weighing about four
hundredweight, should be bedded into the gravel below. If this is put at a spot
about the place where the two streams meet, it will remain. These out-flowing
streams (it may be said for the uninitiated) are formed by the current striking the
box, and they will probably join each other not farther distant than from thirty
to thirty-five yards down-stream. Properly set, this boulder which, like the
suspicion of onion in a salad, animates the whole, and gives the merest angling



novice a sight at ones relishing, causes a wash, deepens the gravel behind it (as in
the case of the Box), into which hole the stone will eventually bed itself, and
never move again. Should the Box fail to meet one's expectations, it can be
removed but this could hardly bs the result in such places with even the most

moderate luck. If it should prove effective, several other Boxes might be put
below it at intervals of fifty yards, or thereabouts. A constant and watchful
oversight of these Boxes is needed in flood time for, the encroachment of trees

and whatnot th very presence of which will tear the whole thing away must
be cleared.
Garreting, as I have hinted, is a dangerous experiment, and has been known
to do immense damage to the river and its banks. It is to be hoped that no
delusions may be entertained on that head. Nature, nevertheless, occasionally
furnishes a corner as suitable for Garrets as a reach for Boxes. Still, these places
should be studied diligently by thoroughly practical men, and all the work deter-
mined upon executed under their control. The great thing to look out for is an
immense boulder weighing about two tons, to which an outer post can be fixed if
necessary. If, however, this boulder is of suitable shape, or even made suitable,
itcan be bored for bolts, in which case the post is not wanted. The next item of
importance at places where the current flows rapidly consists of a few other well-
bedded boulders of long standing lying within a few yards up-stream. They
protect the garret, and, it should be added, are imperative agents where the river
has a very sharp descent. For boring such a boulder, which makes the Garret
unique of its kind, a quarryman's boring-mall and a couple of jumpers serve the
purpose well. The mall, by which name it is commonly known, is merely an iron
hammer of about 7 Ib. in weight, having a handle 7 in. long. A
jumper is a sort
of cold chisel ;
one should be 18 in. in length, the other 9 in., and both at least
l^in. in diameter. In boring, the jumper is slightly turned about by the hand
holding it with every stroke of the hammer. Only by this means can the hole be
cut round. In ten minutes a hole an inch deep can thus be made even into a
mongrel stone, and then it is best for the jumper to carry a shangie. This is made
of straw, or, say, a dozen stalks of long, coarse grass, first twisted into rope fashion,
and then coiled twice round the juniper, carefully taken off, and itself tied in and
out with string. When pruned, this shangie serves as a sort of collar. Put at
the mouth of the hole, for the jumper to pass through when working, it answers a
double purpose. In the first place, it can be dipped into water to keep the stone wet
and the tool cool, in which case the operation of boring is facilitated and in the second

place, the powdered stone, instead of nearly blinding you, sticks to the jumper,
and is withdrawn as the work progresses. It is a mongrel (six yards from the
bank) to which the two horizontal supports put here for the front paling are
bolted. The water running fast, the angle is made extra sharp. The two larch
poles fixed to carry the paling are 8 yards long and 1 2 in. in diameter at the centre
portion of them. They are made fast to a tree, or may be a strong post in the

bank, and bolted to the stone, one placed a short distance below the other. A
strong, upright post is fixed behind them at the middle part, that is to say. inside
the Garret. From about midway up the post another larch log, knotched in, slants
a little downward and butts against the bank some twelve yards below. The
paling selected here is also of larch. These planks are 5 ft. 6 in. long and 2 in.
thick. They are nailed upright to the poles close to each other in front, so as to
make a smooth face.
" The
large boulder is 4 ft. 3 in. high at the outer corner, and the paling is
sawn evenly off 1 ft. higher than it. One large log bolted to the boulder about 2 ft.
from the bed of the river butts the bank sixteen yards down-stream. It suffices
to protect the stones inside the Garret. As an extra support, another log butts
against the middle part of the boulder with its other end against the bank.
When so much of the work is done, the Garret is packed with boulders and stones
from the top of the paling to the level of the log in the rear and then cartloads

of gravel put on the surface and washed in. So it will be seen that in this instance
the highest part of the construction is in front."


Into a basin of boiling water immerse the bent feather and let it
remain for ten minutes. Then, taking it by the root, put it on a fine
linen towel, and with a soft rough towel twisted round the forefinger
smooth the fibres, which will readily yield and resume their original
form. Allow time to dry.

Immerse the feather in Hydrogen Peroxide, and to quicken
operations, add one teaspoonful of Liquid Ammonia to one pint.

I use three. One, the size of an ordinary little japanned cash box,
has room in the lid for a hackle book, and seals' furs. There is only one
tray and it
carries hooks, tinsels, scissors and other implements.
Beneath this tray, which rests on projecting pieces of tin at the four
corners, and measures one inch in depth, I keep a temporary stock of
feathers, in about a two-inch space but I only use this box on occasions

when paying a short visit from one river to another.

A second case of mine, made by Bambridge (Eton), is of oak, covered

with leather. This one holds a much larger stock of materials, and is

quite enough for a spring, a summer, or an autumn outing.

A third one, made by Kollason (Hatton Garden, London), has seven
trays and is of japanned tin, covered also in leather. The lower tray has
no partitions, and is three and a half inches deep. It is stocked with
parchment parcels of all kinds of feathers, such as Turkey, Bustard, etc.,
also a set of tinsels in a tin air-tight box, fitting along the back. Above
these rests a hackle book, that just fits the tray. The second tray, three
inches deep, has one partition in the centre lengthways. On one side I
keep Pheasants' and Peacocks' wings while the opposite compart-
tails ;

ment holds dyed Swan. The third tray, two and a half inches deep, has
one partition lengthways and one cross ways. The fourth is two inches
deep. The fifth and sixth, one and a half inches deep and still more
divided whilst the top tray, with a right and left lid, is partitioned for

every sized hook on right side, and with one narrow partition on the left
to hold tinsels and fly-making materials. The lid of the box is two
inches in depth, and holds a cardboard box divided into separate com-
partments for Seals' furs, as well as a parchment-book for special feathers.
These are held in by two revolving buttons at each end fixed to the box.
With this kind of box, properly stocked, the Angler should be able to
dress every sort of standard or nondescript pattern of the day.


Forrest's (Kelso) round japanned tin box is what I use for the

double-hook flies. It has cork circles mounted on round cards, each

circle holding from ten to twenty flies according to size.

This firm also supply Anglers with a fly-box (devised by Malloch),

made of steel, covered with tin, to carry single-hook flies. The flies hook
in springs made of German silver, each one having a spring for itself.


A good knife is often useful and sometimes indispensable. The one

engraved was made for me by Fisher, in the Strand. The needle has a
slit at the end for
threading prawns. The scissors represent those I use
and have recommended in former chapters.


Paint the inside of a pail black, remove the wooden bottom, and tack
a "petticoat round the end. Put the mouth of the pail just under the
surface of the water, and, with his head hidden by the petticoat, the man,
looking through this appurtenance, can see the smallest article in the
deepest water.


wear anything else, but the so-called " bowler." To
I hardly ever

me they are the most comfortable. Apply two coats of size and when
dry two coats of Acme Black.


Two ounces pine tar, two of castor oil, one ounce pennyroyal. Heat
and mix. Apply several times to the face and hands until a sort of
varnish is formed. It is a sure preventive, easily washes off, leaves the
skin sweet and clean, and is quite harmless.


This compound makes leather of all kinds soft, pliable and water-
proof. It penetrates the material and prevents it from cracking. Brown
leather brogues, boots or covers of fly boxes should be rubbed briskly
with a cloth, after the application, till they are polished. Blacking can
be used afterwards on black leather. This preservative is free from the
objections which can be taken to several other compositions. (251,
Oxford Koad, Beading.)


Tie up the line in one length to two posts, and with a piece of
leather rub yard by yard. During that, process spin the line backwards

and forwards. Now rub the line with a linen pad damped in spirits of
wine. Then put into a one-ounce bottle one teaspoonful of copal varnish
and fill
nearly to the top with spirits of wine. Shake the bottle well
against the ball of the right forefinger, and, still spinning, apply the
polish, using the thumb and forefinger, to about four inches. Eepeatthis
quickly, and when, say, sixteen inches have been thus treated, continue
the spinning and rub (with the same fingers) the length wetted, up and
down, three or four times, leaving off as soon as any decided stickiness is
felt. The line will be fit to use on the following day. The mixture must
be freshly made ;
it will not keep.


have often been asked to give an opinion on the question of

" "
setting up Salmon. Some people like them " stuffed," others have a
"cast" taken, but this entails the necessity of parting with the fish.

My plan now, is to place the Salmon on a sheet of paper and with a lead

pencil carefully draw the correct outline, make notes of any details for the
and send them to Farlow,
artist, who will return you a copy of the fish
carved and painted in wood.


Recollecting the many friendships made, it has often seemed to me

in writing these pages that life has a value beyond the wholesome
acquirement of business knowledge and habits of official work. It has
many times struck me, as well as others, that this value is found in
those nobler pursuits which teach us to become masters of ourselves, and

qualify us for promoting the welfare and happiness of our fellow-

creatures. One authority after another has pronounced the most

competent judgment in favour of this view. Their verdict has never

been challenged and if " there
is no vocation that claims for its

contingent a finer race of men than Angling level-headed Britons whose

lives are superior to those of lower fortune more by the graceful exercise

of generous qualities than for their immediate possessions," it is quite

certain that no sport has gained favour with fashionable folk so fast as
Salmon fishing. Surely business and- sport are not incompatible. Surely
there is more wisdom and more combining them than some
benefit in

people like to believe. Life has time enough for both, and its enjoyment
is increased by the union. That being so, the sentiments with which the
author of this book hopes to be regarded by aJl who pursue Salmon
fishing enthusiastically, and by those who swim only with the stream, are
such, perhaps, as it would take a real enthusiast to understand and
appreciate. To others, even to that vast multitude in the outer world
who, with special delight, estimate our pursuit merely as a light and
infectious recreation, the enthusiasm itself can scarcely be intelligible.
But the view by our recruits, taken as they find their brain ceases to
perform its work efficiently when the heart's work is imperfectly done, is

a different one altogether. They study the subject and soon declare that
difficulties at the riverside may often be surmounted by indomitable
energy, unfailing punctuality, and intelligent reasoning. Afterwards,
with the exercise of other attributes not always combined in one
individuality, such as absolute self-confidence (" for they can conquer who
believe they can"), tenacity of purpose, equability of temper, and a
generous and elegant hospitality to colleagues with whom they come into
contact, these recruits concentrate their ideas and, thinking of it all as an

art, inwhich the degrees of attainable excellence are practically infinite,

and the attainment of supreme excellence extremely rare, eagerly contest
every inch of ground for promotion in our ranks. Finally, they acquire
a train of thoughts that engender thought thoughts that shed a gleam
of light on the more obscure problems, and without a shadow of doubt

give permanence to the enchantment of every day life. The question

whether experts are born or made is, like any such query, hardly
necessary to discuss. Prevailing opinion has it that skilled performers
are always made. How else could it be ? Skill at the riverside, or at

the fly-table, never came, nor ever will come to us by any road than that
of practice. And yet the result of devotion is to produce, for one and all
alike, a well-marked type of character entirely different from that

developed by the love of any other sport or pastime. As to the element

of luck well, there is some luck in every branch of sport and though

absence of skill and want of method are too often fitting substitutes for
bad luck," it is not good for our too enslaved votaries to persevere
wholly apart from it. Bad luck invariably precedes good luck, and it is
betterit should go first than last. A word may be said of chance.
Salmon fishing abounds with chances, as none have known better cr
avowed more freely than its greatest masters. The mere accidental tug
of a Salmon, for instance, symbolises the recognition of the fact. Then
with regard to blunders not uncommonly set down as accidents "-

brought about by want of judgment, by any and every conceivable way

inclusive of that modest contempt for apparently sound advice one is
naturally inclined to the belief that men who are invariably unlucky are
wanting in those very qualities that command success.
But while recalling to mind those many friendships made and
thinking of all these things, it was not likely that, having the interests

of our juniors at heart, I should pass over unnoticed the many friendships
broken by the busybodies." The trouble occasionally brought about by
a deal of unsolicited advice, usually given with intense emphasis to

beginners, by people hardly qualified to express an opinion at all, led me,

" "
against my will, to point out in these pages the badge to know them
by. And I should like to wind up by saying, with equal honesty of

intention, that men have done more harm to the rising generation of
Anglers than those who are commonly thought to do the least. If,
however, one final suggestion may be made, it would probably flow best
in the following words of Seneca LET NO MAN PRESUME TO GIVE






Name of District.
In order of Coast

The Eden below Kirkby Stephen and its estuary and tributaries
(except the Caldew above Hawksdale Bridge, the Petterill above
Wreay Bridge, the Eainont and Lowther above their junction,
the Irthing above the boundary of Northumberland, and the
Croglin) the English half of the Solway and sea between lines

drawn true S. from Sark Foot to Rockcliff Marsh and true

W.N.W. from the northern boundary of Seaton the coast ;

between such lines and all rivers flowing into such part of the

sea and Solway (except the Esk and Sark above Sark Foot).


(All dates inclusive.)
Except in the cases marked below, the Annual Close Season in
England and Wales is :

*NETS, fec. From 1st September to 1st February.

RODS From 2nd November to 1st February.

NETS, &c. In the Solway Firth, from Old Sandsfield downwards, 10th
September to 10th February.
RODS 16th November to 15th February.



1st July to 15th November.

Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, whole district, 1 Is. above Armathwaite Bay, 10s.
; ;

Irthing, Wampool, and Waver, 5s. ; week, 5s. Single-handed ; rod,

used in Duke of Devonshire's socage water, season, 5s.

* from
The Annual Close Season for puts and putchers is 1st September to
1st May.

Name ol District.
In order of Coast


Chairman F. PAKKER, Fremington, Penrith.
Clerk J. B. SLATER, Court Square, Carlisle.

Derwent. The Derwent and its estuary and tributaries (except the St. John's
Beck above a point 100 yards below the junction of Mill Gill, and
N addle Beck above Roughow Bridge) all rivers flowing into the ;

sea between North Head Lighthouse and .the northern boundary

of Seaton ;
the coast between these points ;
and the sea for three
miles seaward.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, ike. 15th September to 10th March.
RODS 15th November to 10th March.
The GAFF (see River Eden) 1st July to 14th November.
Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Whole district season, 1 ; ditto, to 5th September, 10s. ; ditto,

month, 10s. ; week, 5s. ; any part except river Derwent below
Ouse Bridge, season, 10s. ; ditto, month, 5s. ; ditto, week, 2s. 6d.

Chairman W. FLETCHER, Brigham Hill, Carlisle.

Clerk T. C. BURN, Rosemont, Papcastle, Cockennouth.

West The Mite, Esk, and Calder and the Ehen below the Weir at the
Irt, ;

Cumber- foot of Ennerdale their estuaries and tributaries

the coast, and ;

land. all rivers flowing into the sea, between Haverigg Point and

North Head Lighthouse, and the sea for three miles seaward.


(All dates inclusive.)
NET?, 15th September to 31st March.

RODS 14th November to 10th March.

The GAFF (see River Eden) 1st July to 1st November.

Name of District.
In order of Coast
from N.W. to N.E.

Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Cumber- Season, 15s. ; week, 5s. ; day, 2s.
land Chairman ROBERT JEFFERSON, Rothersyke, Egremont, Cumberland.
continued. Clerk J. WEBSTER, 102, Scotch Street, Whitehaven.

The coast and between lines drawn (1) true W.S.W.
territorial sea
from Haverigg Point, and (2) S.W. from N. boundary of
Wharton till it bisects a line from the S.W. point of Walney
Island to Rossall Point ; all rivers (with their tributaries and
estuaries) flowing thereinto.
(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, ike. 15th September to 31st March.
RODS 15th November to 31st March.
The GAFF (see River Eden) 2nd June to 31st October.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 10s. ; week, 5s.

Chairman JOHN FELL, Flanhow, Ulverston.

Clerk S. H. JACKSON, Heaning Wood, Ulverston.

The Lune, Wyre, Keer, and Cocker, and their tributaries so much of ;

Lune. Morecambe Bay as lies south of the S. limit of Kent District the ;

coast as far as Blackpool.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. Tidal, 8th September to 1st March ; upper, 15th September
to 1st March.
RODS 15th November to 1st March.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole Angling season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Whole District, 1;
in Wyre, Keer, Cocker, Conder, Wenning, Greta
and tributaries, 5s.
Chairman T. F. FENWICK, Burrow Hall, Kirkby Lonsdale.
Clerk W. T. SHARP, 30, Cable Street, Lancaster.

H H 2
Name of District.
In order of Coast
from N.W. to N.E.

The coast and territorial sea between lines drawn due west from (1)
Blackpool, and (2) Formby New Church Tower all rivers (with ;

their tributaries and estuaries) flowing thereinto.


(All date? inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 2nd November to 1st February.
The GAFF (see River Eden) 1st May to 1st November.
Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1.

Chairman R. J. ASPINALL, Standen Hall, Clitheroe.

Clerk T. J. BACKHOUSE, 27, Victoria Street, Blackburn.

The coast and between lines drawn (1) from New
territorial sea
Brighton to the Rock Lighthouse and thence through the Bar
Lightship, and (2) from Meliden Parish Church though the West
Hoyle Spit Buoy ;
all rivers (with their tributaries and estuaries)
flowing thereinto.
(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, <fec.
September to 31st March,

RODS 2nd November to 31st March.

The GAFF is used throughout the whole season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1 ; week, 10s. ; day, 5s.
Chairman THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, K.G., Eaton Hall, Chester.
Clerk HENRY JOLLIFFE, 13, St. John Street, Chester.

a The drawn from (1) the tower
coast and territorial sea between lines
Elwy and ofMeliden Parish Church through the West Hoyle Spit Buoy,
Clwyd. and (2) true N. from the Colwyn Bay Railway Station at Rhos
Bay all rivers (with their tributaries and estuaries) flowing


Name of District.
In order of Coast


Elwy and (All dates inclusive.)
Clwyd NETS, <fec. 15th September to 15th May.
continued. RODS 15th November to 15th May.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1.

Chairman Colonel C. S. MAINWARING, Galltfaenan, Tretnant.

Clerk H. F. BIRLEY, The Mount, St. Asaph.

Conway. The coast and between lines drawn (1) true N. from
territorial sea

Colwyn Bay Railway Station at Rh6s Bay, and (2) true N. by E.

from the E. bank of the River Aber at the Lavan Sands all ;

rivers (with their tributaries and estuaries) flowing thereinto.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, Ac. 15th September to 30th April.
RODS 15th November to 30th April.
The GAFF (see River Eden) 1st May to 31st October.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1 ; month, 10s. ; week, 3s. ; day, Is.

Chairman J.BLACKWALL, Hendre, Llanrwst.

Clerk C. T. ALLARD, Bodgwynedd, Llanrwst.


Seiont. The Seiont, Gwrfai, and Llyfni, and their tributaries all rivers in :

Carnarvonshire flowing into the sea between the Ferry Causeway

at Garth Point and Llanaelhaiarn Point all rivers in Aziglesea ;

flowing into the sea between the Ferry Causeway at Garth and
Twyn-y-Parc Point the coast between those points respectively

and the Menai Straits south and west of the Ferry Causeway.

Name of District.
In order of Coast
from N.W.toN.E.


Seiont (All dates inclusive.)
NETS, ifec. 15th September to 1st March.
RODS -15th November to 1st March.
The GAFF (see River Eden) 2nd March to 1st November.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Whole district season, 1 Is. ; month, 10s. 6d. ; week, 5s.

2s. 6d. Rivers Cefni, Braint, and LJyfni, season, 10s. 6d.

Chairman Captain N. P. STEWART, Bryntirion, Bangor.

Clerk .T. T. ROBERTS, Marino, Carnarvon.


The Dwyfach and estuary and tributaries ; the coast, and all

rivers flowing into the sea between Llanaelhaiarn Point and

Criccieth and the sea for three miles round.


(All dates "inclusive.)
NETS, <fcc. 15th September to 1st March.
RODS 15th November to 1st March.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1 Is.

Chairman H. J. ELLIS NAXNEY, Gwynfryn, Criccieth.

Clerk T. ROBERTS, Portmarlo<-.


Dovev- The Dovey, Mawddach, and Glaslyn, and their tributaries ; all rivers
flowing into the sea between Criccieth and the south side of the
stream at Cynvelin ; and the coast between those points.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, <fcc. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 15th November to 14th February.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole season.

Name of District,
In order of Coast

Salmon (including Trout and Char).
continued. Season, 10s. month, 5s. week, 2s. 6d.
; day, Is.
; ;

Chairman C. R. WILLIAMS, Dolmelynllyn, near Dolgelly.

Clerk W. R. DAVIES, Dolgelly.

All rivers with their estuaries and tributaries, and the coast between
Carreg Tipog and New Quay Head ; and the sea for three miles
(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 15th November to 14th February.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole season.
Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1 ; four weeks, 10s. ; fortnight, 5s.

Chairman JOHN EVANS, 1, Alban Square, Aberayron, R.S.O., Car-

Clerk E. LIMA JONES, 5, Bridge Street, Aberayron, R.S.O., South

All rivers, with their estuaries and tributaries, and the coast, between
Teify. New Quay Head and Dinas Head, and the sea for three miles
(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 20th October to 1st February.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole season.
Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1 ; month, for non-residents in districts, 10s. 6d. ; fortnight,
ditto, 5s.
Chairman H. W. T. HOWELL, Glaspant, Newcastle Emlyn.
Clerk H. W. Howell, 13, Alban Square, Aberayron, R.S.O., South
Nome of District.
In order of Coast

Cloddy. The East and West Cleddy and their estuaries and tributaries all ;

rivers between Dinas Head and St. Govin's Head and the coast ;

between these points.


(All dates inclusive.)
*NETS, ifcc. 15th September to 15th March.
RODS 1st November to 1st February.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole seaso'n.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 10s. 6d.

Chairman R. CARROW, Johnston Hall, Haverfordwest.

Clerk R. T. P. WILLIAMS, Haverfordwest.


Towy, The Towy, Loughor, and Taff, and their estuaries and tributaries the ;

Loughor, coast, and all rivers flowing into the sea, between St. Govin's
and Taff. Head and Worm's Head and the sea for three miles seaward.


(All dates inclusive.)
* NETS, &c. In the sea between Carmarthen Bar and St. Govin's
Head, 1st September to 30th April rest of district, 1st September

to 15th March.
RODS 2nd November to 15th March.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1 Is.

Chairman T. JENKINS, The Friary, Carmarthen.

Clerk W. M. GRIFFITHS, St. Mary Street, Carmarthen.

* The Annual Close Season for puts and putchers is from 1st September
to 1st May.

Name of District.
In order of Coast


Ogmore The Ogmore and Ewenny and their estuaries and tributaries the ;

and coast, and all rivers flowing into the sea, between the breakwater
at Porthcawl and Cold Knap and the sea for three miles


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 15th September to 30th April.
RODS 15th November to 30th April.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole Season.
Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1 Is. ; month, 10s. 6d.

Chairman C. P. DAVIES, Cae Court, Bridgend.

Clerk S. H. STOCKWOOD, Bridgend, Glamorganshire.

Taff and The Taff and Ely with their estuaries and tributaries ;
the coast, and
flowing into the sea, between Cold Knap and the cast
all rivers
end of Bute Dock ; and the sea for three miles seaward.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 31st August to 30th April.
RODS 15th November to 30th April.
The GAFF (see River Eden) 1st June to 1st November.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 10s. 6d.

Chairman HEVRY LEWIS, Greenmeadow, near Cardiff.

Clerk GEO. E. HALLIDAY, 19, Duke Street, Cardiff.


Rhymney. The Rhymney and its estuary and tributaries ;
the coast and the northern
half of the Bristol Channel between the east end of Bate Dock
and Ty-ton-y-Pill ;
and all rivers flowing into the same.
Name of District.
In order of Coast

(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 1st September to 1st April.
RODS 2nd November to 1st April.
The GAFF (see River Eden) 1st May to 1st November.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 10s. 6d.

Chairman R. W. KEXNARD, Llwyndu, Abergavenny.

Clerk Colonel LYNE, Westgate Chambers, Newport, Monmouth.

Usk and The Usk and Ebbw and their tributaries;
and the northern half of
the estuary of the Severn between Ty-ton-y-Pill and Collister


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, <fec. 1st September to 1st April.
RODS 2nd November to 1st April.
The GAFF is used below a line drawn from the north boundary of the
district along the eastern watershed of the Honddu to Llanvaes

Bridge at Brecon, and thence along the eastern watershed of the

Tarell to the south boundary of the district, 1st May to 1st
November ;
other parts of district, 1st May to 1st September.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1.

Chairman Colonel CHAS. LYNE, Brynhyfryd, Newport, Monmouth.

Clerk HORACE S. LYNE, Westgate Chambers, Newport, Monmouth.

The Wye andestuary and tributaries and the northern half of the
its ;
estuary of the Severn between Collister Pill and Lydney Pill.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS. <tc. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 2nd November to 1 st February.
The GAFF (see River Eden)- -15th March to 1st November.

Name of District.
In order of Coast
fromN.W. toN.E.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Wye In Wye below Llanwrthwl Bridge and other parts of district below
Builth Bridge, 1 ; elsewhere, 10s.
Chairman The DUKE OP BEAUFOKD, K.G., Badminton, Wilts.
Clerk E. OWEN, Builth, B.S.O., Brecon.

The estuary of the Severn above Lydney Pill ;
the Somersetshire half
of the estuary between Clapton Pill and Avon Battery ;
Severn and tributaries (except the Avon so far as it lies in
Warwickshire) all streams with their estuaries and tributaries,

flowing into the portion of the estuary above denned.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. In Borough of Shrewsbury, 1st September to 15th June.
RODS 2nd November to 1st February.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole angling season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 10s.
Chairman J. W. WILLIS, Bund, 15, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Clerk J. STALLARD, Junior, Pierpoint Street, Worcester.

The Avon, Brue, and Parret ;
their estuaries and tributaries ;
Avon, streams flowing into the sea between Avon Battery and the
Brue, and
boundary of Devon and Somerset ; and the coast Ijetween those
(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS. 2nd November to 1st February.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole angling season.
Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 7s. 6d.

Chairman H. D. SKRINE, Claverton Manor, near Bath.

Clerk T. FOSTER-BARHAM, Castle Street, Bridgwater, Somerset.

Name of Distric:.
In order of Coa*t


Taw and The Taw and Torridge and their estuaries and tributaries in Devonshire ;

the north coast of Devonshire and ;

all rivers in Devonshire
flowing into the sea adjoining.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 21st September to 30ih April.
RODS 16th November to 31st March.
The GAFF (see River Eden) 1st June to"15th November.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1 Is.

Chairman Sir W. R. WILLIAMS, Bart., Upcott House, Barnstaple.

Clerk W. H. TOLLER, Barnstaple.

The coast and territorial sea between lines drawn due west from
(1) the W. boundary of Devon, (2) Peel Point; all rivers (with
their tributaries and estuaries) flowing thereinto.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 1st November to 4th April.
RODS 1st December to 30th April.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole Angling Season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 10s.

Chairman J. J. E. YENNING, Ker Street, Devonport.

Clerk J. R. COLLINS, Fore Street, Bodtnin.


The coast and territorial sea between lines drawn (1) due west from
Peel Point, and (2) due south from Rame Head ;
all rivers (with
their tributaries and estuaries) flowing thereinto.

Name of District.
In order of Coast
fromN.W. toN.E.


(All dates inclusive.)
Fowey NETS, Below Lostwithiel Bridge, 1st November to 4th April.
RODS Between Lostwithiel Bridge and a line drawn from north end
of Penquite Wood to St. Winnow Point, 1st December to
30th April other parts of district, 1st December to 4th

Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 10s.
Chairman R. FOSTER, Lanwithan, Lostwithiel.
Clerk W. PEASE, Jun., Lostwithiel.

The coast and territorial sea between lines drawn true south from (l)Ramc
Head, and (2) Stoke Point all rivers (with their tributaries and

and Plym.
estuaries) flowing thereinto.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 2nd November to 1st February.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 7s. 6d.
Chairman Captain R. C. COODE, Polapit, Tamar, Launceston.
Clerk W. W. MATHF.WS, Tavistock.

The coast and territorial seabetween lines drawn (1) true S. from
Stoke Point, and (2) true E. from Start Point all rivers
(Devon.) their tributaries and thereinto.
estuaries) flowing


(All dates inclusive.)
* NETS, &c. In the Erme, 30th September to 4th April ; rest of district
30th September to 1st May.
RODS In the Erme, 30th November to 4th April rest of district, ;

30th November to 1st May.

The GAFF (see River Eden) 1st April to 30th September.
The Annual Close Season for puts and putchers is from 1st September to 1st May.

Name of District
In order of Coast


Avon. Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1.
continued. Chairman F. J. CoENisn-BowDEN, Black Hall, Ivybridge.
Clerk W. .BEER, Kingsbridge.

The coast and territorial sea between lines drawn true E. from (
Start Point, and (2) Hope's Nose ;
all rivers (with their tributaries
and estuaries) flowing therinto.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, <fec. 1st September to 1st March.
RODS 2nd November to 1st March.
The GAFF (see River Eden) 2nd April to 31st October.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1 ; week, 7s. 6d.

Chairman Hon. R. DAWSON, Holne Park, Ashburton.

Clerk A. PIKE, Clifton Villa. Bridgetown, Totnes.

The coast and territorial sea between lines drawn (1) true E. from
Hope's Nose, and (2) true S.E. from the shore near Dawlish,
through the Clerk Rock ; all rivers (with their tributaries and
estuaries) flowing thereinto.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. September to 2nd March.
RODS 1st November to 2nd March.
The GAFF (see River Eden) 1st May to 1st September.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1 ; month, 5s. ; week, 2s. 6d. ; day, 2s.
Chairman LORD CLIFFORD, Ugbrook Park, Chudleigh.
Clerk SID. HACKER, Newton Abbot.

Name of District.
In order of Coast

The Esk and its estuary and tributaries, all rivers flowing into the sea
between Clerk Rock and first headland west of Ottermouth and ;

the coast between those points.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 1st September to 1st March.
RODS 2nd November to 1st March.
The GAFF (see River Eden) 1st May to 30th September.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1.

Chairman J. E. C. WALKEY, Ide, near Exeter.

Clerk B. J. FOUD, 25, Southernhay, Exeter.

The Otter and its estuary and tributaries ;
all rivers flowing into the
sea between first headland west of Ottermouth and Beer Head ;

and the coast between those points.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, <fec. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 2nd November to 1st February.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole Angling Season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1.

The Axe and it estuary and tributaries ; all rivers flowing into the
sea between Beer Head and Portland Bill ; and the coast between
those points.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, Ac. 20th September to 30th April.
RODS 20th November to 30th April.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole Angling Season.

Name of District.
In order of Coast

Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 10s.
Chairman W. H. B. KNIGHT, Cloakham House, Axminster.
Clerk W. FORWARD, Axminster.

Frome ^ e Frome an d estuary and tributaries all rivers flowing into the
i ts

sea between Portland Bill and the west boundary of Hants and ;

the coast between those points.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, ifec. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 2nd November to 1st February.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole Angling Season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, \.

Chairman W. M. CALCRAFT, Rernpstone Hall, Corfe Castle.

Clerk P. E. L. BUDGE, Wareham.

The Avon and Stour and and Wilts ;
their tributaries in Hants, Dorset,
Avon and their estuaries between the west boundary of Hants
all rivers

Stour. and Hurst Castle Lighthouse and the 'coast between those

(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, <fec. 31st July to 1st February.
RODS 2nd October to 1st February.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole Angling Season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1.

Chairman Hon. E. B. PORTMAN, 46, Cadogan Place, London, S.\V.

Clerk R. D. SHARP, Christchurch.
* The Annual Close Season and putchers from
for puts is 1st September to
1st May.

Name of District.
lu order of Coast
from N.W. toN.E.


Ouse. The Ouse and estuary and tributaries ; the coast, and all rivers

flowing into the sea, between Portobello Coastguard Station
and Seaford Head Signal House ; and the sea for 3 miles


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, <tc. 1st
September to 1st April.
RODS 1st November to 1st April.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole Angling Season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 5s.

Chairman JAMES H. SCLATEH, Newick Park, Newick, Lewes.

Clerk F. HOLMAX, 86, High Street, Lewes.

The Stour and estuary and tributaries all rivers flowing into the
its ;
sea l>etween the north and south Forelands and the coast between

(Canter- those points.

(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 1st September to 1st Ma}'.
RODS 2nd November to 1st May.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole Angling Season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1.

Clerk M. KINGSFORD, Canterbury.

Trent. (All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 2nd Noveml>er to 1st February.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole Angling Season.


Name of District
In order of CoaBt


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 10s.
Chairman Sir CHARLES WOLSELEY, Bart., Wolseley Hall, Stafford.
Clerk C. K. EDDOWES, 13, St. Mary's Gate, Derby.

The Yorks half of the Humber all rivers in
; Yorks, with their
tributaries flowing the coast, and the sea for
into the Seine ;

3 miles seaward, between Spurn Head, and the north side of

Thorney Beck ; all rivers in Yorks flowing into the sea between
those points.
(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, ifcc. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 16th November to last day of February.
The GAFF (see River Eden) 1st May to 1st November.
Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1.

Chairman Capt. the Hon. CECIL BUNCOMBE, The Grange, Nawton,

Clerk J. H. PHILLIPS, 22, Albemarle Crescent, Scarborough.

The Esk and its
estuary and tributaries ;
the coast, and all rivers
flowing into the sea, between the north side of Thorney Beck
(Yorks.) and the south side of Skinningrove Beck ; and the sea for 3 miles
(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, &c. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 2nd November to 1st February.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole Angling Season.
Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 10s. ; month, 5s. ; day, 2s. 6d. (Monthly and day licences are
not to extend beyond 30th June.)
Chairman Lieut.-Col. J. W. RICHARDSON, The Hall, Sneaton, Whitby.
Clerk W. BIIOWN, The Sawmills, Whitby.

Name of District,
in order of Const
fromN.W. toN.E.

The coast and territorial sea between lines drawn seawards from (1)
the south side of Skinningrove Beck, and (2) the north side of
the stream near Hardwick Hall ; and all rivers (with their tribu-
taries and estuaries) flowing thereinto.


(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, ike. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 2nd November to 1st February.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole Angling Season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 1.

Chairman Rt
Hon. J. LOWTHER, M.P., 59, Grosvenor Street,
London, S.W.
Clerk M. B. DODDS, Stockton-on-Tees.

The Wear and its estuary and tributaries the coast, and all rivers
Wear. ;

flowing into the sea, between the north side of the stream near
Hardwick Hall and Souter Point and the sea for three miles



(All dates inclusive.)
NETS, fec. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 2nd November to 1st February.
The GAFF is used throughout the Season.
Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 5s.

Chairman Colonel T. C. McKENZiE, The Cedars, Sunderland.

Clerk WM. HALCRO, 52, John Street, Sunderland.

The Tyne and estuary and tributaries
its all rivers flowing into the

sea between Souter Point and Crag Point and the coast, and the

sea for three miles seaward, between Souter Point and Newbiggin
II 2

Name of District
In order of Coast.

(All dates inclusive.)
rontinual. NETS, &c. 1st September to 1st February.
RODS 2nd November to 1st February.
The GAFF is used throughout the whole season.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Whole district, 1 in South Tyne, above Warden Dam, as.
in :

Reedwater and North Tyne, above junction of Reed and Tyne,

10s. ;
in Reed above Old Bridge, 5s.

Chairman J. M. RIDLEY, Walwick Hall, Humshaugh, Northumlx-r-


Clerk R GIHSON, Hexham.

The Coquet and its tributaries ; and all rivers Mowing into the st-a
between a point of two miles north of Coquet mouth and a point
seven miles south of Coquet mouth and the coast, and the sea

for three miles seaward, between Newbiggin Point and Hawick

Burn mouth.
(All dates inclusive.)

NETS, &c. 15th September to 25th March.

RODS 1st November to 31st January.
The GAFF (see River Eden) 1st February to 30th September.


Salmon (including Trout and Char).
Season, 5s.

Chairman Rev. R. BURDON, Heddon-on-the-Wall, North uml>erland.

Clerk C. PERCY, Alnwick.





The Statutory Annual Close Season for fishing for Salmon, otherwise than by
Rod and Line, in England and Wales, is from SEPTEMBER 1st to FEBRUARY 1st,
except in those oases where this Close Season has been altered as follows :

Name of District. Close Season for Nets.

(All clays inclusive. )

Avon and Stour (Hants) ... ... ... July 31st to February 1st.

Avon and Erme (Devon) (River Erme

only) ... ... ... ... ... September 30th to April 4th.
Avon (rest of district) ... ... ... September 30th to May 1st.
Axe September 20th to April 30th.
Camel ... ... ... ... ... November 1st to April 4th.

Cleddy ...
September 15th to March 15th.
Clwyd and Elwy ... ... ... ...
September 15th to May 15th.
Conway ... ... ... ... ...
September 15th to April 30th.
Coquet ... ... ... ... ... September 15th to March 25th.
Cumberland, West (Elien, Calcler, Irt, Esk,
Mite) . . . ... ... ... ... September 1 5th to March 3 1 st.
Dart... ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to March 1st.
Dee ... ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to March 31st.
Derwent (Cumberland) ... ... ...
September 15th to March 10th.
Dovey, Mawddach, and Grlaslyn ... ...
September 14th to April 30th.
Dwyfach ... ... ... ... ... September 15th to March 1st.
Helen, in the Solway, from Old Sandsfield
downwards only ... ... ... September 10th to February 10th.
Exe ... ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to March 1st.
Fowey (below Lostwithiel Bridge only) ... November 1st to April 4th.

Kent, Leven, Duddon, Bela, Winster ...

September 15th to March 31st.
Lune (in tidal waters) ... ... ...
September 8th to March 1st.
Lune (in upper waters) .. ... ...
September 15th to March 1st.


Name of District. Close Season for Nets.
(All Jays inclusive. )

Ogmore and Ewenny ... ... ... September 15th to April 30th.
Ouse (Sussex) ... ... ... ... September 1st to April 1st.
Rhymney ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to April 1st.
Seiont, Gwrfai, and Llyfni... ... ...
September 15th to March 1st.
Severn (in the Borough of Shrewsbury
only)... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to June 15th.
Stour (Canterbury) ... ... ... ...
September 1st to May 1st.

TaffandEly August 31st to April 30th.

Taw and Torridge September 21st to April 30th.
Teign ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to March 2nd.
Towy, Loughor and Taf (in the sea
between Carmarthen Bar and St.
Govin's Head) September 1st to April 30th.

Towy, Loughor, and Taf (in other parts of

the district) ... ... ... ...
September 1st to March 15th.
Usk and Ebbw ... ... ... ...
September 1st to April 1st.

Name of District. Close Season for Tidal Nets.
(All days inclusive.)
Achill Island ... ... ... ..
September 1st to February 15th.
Annagassan . . . ... ... ... ... August 20th to February llth.
Ballisodare ... ... ... ... ... September 14th to March 3rd.
Ballycastle (County Mayo) ... ... ...
August 13th to March 15th.

Ballycroy Rivers ... ... ... ... September 1st to February 15th.
Ballynahinch ... ... ... ... August 16th to January 31st.
Bandon ... ... ... ... ...
August 16th to last day in February.
Bann... ... ... ... ... ...
August 20th to February 3rd.
Bantry Bay Rivers ... ... ... ... October 1st to April 30th.
Barrow ... ... ... ... ... August 16th to January 31st.
Blackwater ... ... ... ... ...
August 1st to January 31st.
Boyne ... ... ... ... ...
August 5th to February llth.
Buncrana ... ... ... ... ...
September 15th to April 14th.
Bundrowes ... ... ... ... ...
August 20th to last day in February.
Burrishoole ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to February 15th.
Bush... ... ... ... ... ...
August 20th to March 16th.
Carragh ... ... ... ... ... August 1st to January 16th.
In a few instances in Ireland, the season for fresh water netting differs from the tidal netting.

I REL AN D continued.
Name of District. Close Season for Tidal Nets.
(All days inclusive.)

Carrownisky... ... ... ... ...

September 16th to June 30th.
Cashla or Costello ... ... ... ...
August 16th to January 31st.
Cashen ... ... ... ...
September 1st to May 31st.
Clifden ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to February 15th.
Clohane ... ... ... ... ...
September 16th to March 31st.
Crumlin ... ... ... ... ...
August 16th to January 31st.
Dawros or Kyleinore ... ... ...
September 1st to February 15th.
Dee August 20th to February llth.
Deel or Askeaton ... ... ... . . Prohibited.
Delphi ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to February loth.
Doohulla ... ... ... ... ...
August 16th to January 31st.

Doonbeg ...
September 16th to April 30th.
Drumcliffe ... ... ... ... ...
August 20th to February 3rd.
Easkey ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to May 31st.
Ennistymon or Lahinch ... ... ...
September 16th to April 30th.
Erriff ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to February 15th.
Erne ... ... ... ... ... ...
August 20th to last day in February.

Eske September 18th to March 31st.

Fane... October 1st to April 30th.
Fergus ... ... ... ...
August 1st to February llth.
Foyle ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to April 14th.
Gal way ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to February 15th.
Gien of Teelin ... ... ... ...
August 20th to last day in February.
Glenamoy ... ... ... ... ...
September 16th to April 30th.
Gienarm ... ... ... ... ...
August 20th to March 16th.
Glendun August 20th to March 16th.
Glyde ...
August 20th to February 1 1 th.
Grange ... ... ... ... ...
August 20th to February 3rd.
Gweebarra ... ... ... ... ... October 1st to March 31st,
Gweedore ... ... ... ... ...
August 20th to February 3rd.
Hen October 1st to April 30th.
limy... ... ... ... ... ... October 1st to April 30th.
Inver (County Galway) ... ... ...
August 16th to January 31st.
Kenmare Bay Rivers ... ... ...
September 16th to March 31st.
Kilcolgan ... ... ... ... ...
August 1 6th to January 3 1 st.
Laune (County Kerry) ... ... ...
August 1st to January 16th.
Leanane ... ... ... ... ...
August 20th to February 3rd.
Lee ... ... ... ... ... ...
August 16th to January 31st.
* water netting from the tidal netting.
In a few instances in Ireland, the season for fresh differs

IRELAND continued.
Name of District. Close Season for Tidal Nets.
(All days inclusive.)

Liffey ... ... ... ... ...

August 16th to January 31st.
Lough Neagh ... ... ... ...
August 20th to last day in February.
Louisburgli ... ... ... ... ...
September 16th to June 30th.
Maigue ... ... ... ... ...
July 17th to January 31st.
Maine (County Kerry) ... ... .._ September 16th to April 30th.
May... ... ... ... ... ...
August 13th to March 15th.
Moyour ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to February 15th.
Mulcaire ... ... ... ... ...
August 1st to February llth.
Munhim ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to February 15th.
Newport ... ... ... ... ...
September IsA to March 19th.
Nore... ... ... ... ... ...
August 16th to January 31st.
Owenea (Glenties) ... ... ... ...
September 1st to May 31st.
Owengarve ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to February 15th.
Owenmore (County Mayo) ... ... ...
September 1st to February 15th.
Palmerston ... ... ... ... ...
September 1st to May 31st.
Roe ... ... ... ... ... ... September 1st to April 14th.
Screeb ... ... ... ... . .
August 16th to January 31st.
Shannon ... ... ... ... ...
August 1st to February llth.
Slaney ...
September 30th to March 31st.
Sligo ...
July 16th to December 31st.
Spiddal ... ... ... ... ...
August 16th to January 31st.
Suir ... ... ... ... ... ... August 16th to January 31st.
Waterville ... ...
July 16th to December 31st.

The Annual Close Season for fishing for Salmon, otherwise than by Rod and
Line, in Scotland, is from AUGUST 27TH to FEBRUARY 10TH, except in the
following Districts :

Name of District. Close Season for Nets.

(All days inclusive. )

Add '

Drummachloy or Glenmore (Isle of Bute)...

Esk, North ...
September 1st to February 15th.
Esk, South . . .

Fyne, Shira, and Aray (Lock Fyne)


In a few instances in Ireland, the season for fresh water netting differs from the tidal netting.

SCOTL AN D continued.

Name of District. Close Season for Xets.

(All clays inclusive.)

Bervie ... ... ....
Carradale (Cantyre)
Claybuni, Finnis Bay, Avennan-Gesen,
Strathgravat, North Lacastile,
Scalladale, and Mawrig (East
September 10th to February 24th.

Fincastle, Meaveg, South

Lacastile, Borve, and Obh (West
Fleet (Kirkcudbright)
Fleet (Sutherland) ...
Inner (Jura)...
lorsa (Arran)
Irvine and Garnock
Laggan and Sorn (Islay) ...

Luce ... ... ... ... ... ...

Mullanageren, Horasary, and Loch-na-Ciste

(North Uist) September 10th to February 24th.
Orkney Islands (River from Loch of

Stenness, &c.)
Shetland Islands (River of Sandwater, &c.)
U rr ...

Tweed September 15th to February 14th.


No. and Name
of District.

Skerries to Wicklow.
Between Howth and Dalkey Island, between 15th August and 1st
February between Dalkey Island and Wicklow Head, between

30th September and 1st April; for remainder of District, between

15th September and 4th March.

Same as Tidal, save between Dalkey Island and Wicklow Head (ex-
clusive of Bray River), which is between 15th August and 1st

April; and, save also in Bray River, which is between 30th

September and 1st April.


Same as Nets in Fresh Water.


Between 31st October and 1st February, save Broadmeadow Water
and Ward Rivers, between 14th October and 1st February.


15th October, 1874; 21st July, 1882; 27th January, 1883; 4th
September, 1893.
Liffey, Bray, Vartry.

Wicklow to Kiln Bay, east of Bannow Bay.
Between 15th September to 20th April, save in River Slaney, vhich
is between 29th September and 1st April.

No. and Name

of District.

Wexford- Between 15th September and 20th April.
Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


Between 30th September and 15th March, save River Slaney and
tributaries, between 14th September and 16th February.


26th December, 1873; 2nd October, 1882; 24th December, 1888.


Slaney, Courtown, Inch, Urrin, Boro.

Water- Kiln Bay to Helvick Head.
ford. TIDAL.
Between 15th August and 1st February.

Same as Tidal.


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


Between 30th Sept-ember and 1st February, save River Suir and
tributaries, between 15th October and 1st February.


12th November, 1874; 17th February, 1883.


Suir, Nore, and Barrow.

Lismore. Helvick Head to Ballycotton.

Between 31st July and 1st February.
No. and Name
of District.

Lismore Same as Tidal.

Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


Between 30th September and 1st February.


8th September, 1893.



Cork. Ballycotton Head to Galley Head.

From Ballycotton Barry's Head, between 15th August and 1st

February and from Barry's Head to Galley Head (save in


Bandon and Argideen Rivers) lietween 1 5th August and 15th

February; for Bandon, between 15th August and 1st March;
and for Argideen, between 31st August and 1st March.

Same as Tidal.


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


From Ballycotton to Barry's Head, between 12th Octol>er and 1st
February; and from Barry's Head to Galley Head, between 12th
October and 15th February, save in the Argideen River, which is
between the 31st October and 15th February.


20th September, 1875 Hth December, 1881 6th
; ; April, 1889.


Lee, Bandon, Argideen.

No. and Xaine

of District.

6 1
Skibber- |

Galley Head to Mizen Head,

Between 30th September and 1st May.

Same as Tidal.


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


Between 31st October and 1st February.


17th June, 1891.




Mizen Head to Crow Head.
Bantry. !

Between 30th September and 1st May.

Same as Tidal.


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


Between 31st October and 17th March.


29th January, 1873.


Glengariffe, Snave, ifcc.

N'o. ami Name

<>f District.

Kenmare. Crow Head to Lamb Head.
Between 15th September and 1st April.

Same as Tidal.


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


Between 31st October and 1st April.


7th February, 1856 ;
14th November, 1882.


Blackwater, Roughty, Cloonee, Sneem.

Lamb Head to Dunmore Head, including Blaskets.
Between Dunmore Head and Canglass Point, embracing the Blasket
Island, the sea and sea coast between these points, and all lakes
and rivers and their tributaries running into the sea between
said points, save the rivers Maine, Laune, Carragh, and Rosbehy
or Behy, and their lakes and tributaries between 31st August and
1st May.
In River Maine and its tributaries, between 15th September and
1st May. In Rivers Laune, Carragh, and Rosbehy or Behy,
and their lakes and tributaries, between 31st July and 17th
Between Canglass Point and Bolus Head, embracing the islands and
sea and coast between these points, and all lakes and rivers and
their tributaries running into the sea between said points, between
15th September and 1st June.

Between Bolus Head and Lamb Head, embracing the islands and sea
and coasts between these points, and all lakes and rivers and their

No. and Name

of District.

tributaries running into the sea between these two points, save
the River Inny and the Waterville or Currane River and their
continued. tributaries, between 31st July and 1st May,

In the River Inny and its tributaries, between 30th September and
1st May.

In "Waterville or Currane River and its tributaries, and all lakes

running into said river, between 15th July and 1st January.

Same as Tidal.


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.



Between Dunmore Head and Inch Point, and embracing all lakes and
all rivers and their tributaries running into the sea between those

points, between 31st October and 1st April.

Between Inch Point and Canglass Point, and including all lakes and
all rivers and their tributaries flowing into the sea between those

points, save the River Maine and its tributaries, between 15th
October and 1st February.

In River Maine and its tributaries between 31st October and 1st


Between Canglass and Bolus Head, and embracing all

lakes and riversand their tributaries flowing into the sea between
those points, between 15th September and 1st June.

Between Bolus Head and Lamb Head, and embracing all lakes and
rivers and their tributaries flowing into the sea between those

points, between 15th October and 1st February.


27th September, 1889.


Inny, Rosl:ehy, Currane, Baleneia, Maine, Laune, Caragh.

No. anil
of District.

Limerick. Dunmore to Hags Head.
Bet ween 3 1st July and 2th February, save Rivers Cashen and Maiguc

and tributaries, and save between Kerry Head and Dunmore Head,
and between Loop Head and Hag's Head, and all rivers running
into the sea between those points.

For River Cashen (down to its mouth) and tributaries, between 31st
August and 1st June.
For Maigue River, between 16th July and 1st February.

Between Dunmore Head and Kerry Head, and all rivers flowing
into the sea between those points, between 15th September and
1st April.

Between Loop Head and Hag's Head, and all rivers running into the
sea between those points, between 15th September and 1st May.

Same as Tidal.


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


Between 30th September and 1st February, save in that part situated
in the County Westmeath, the waters of which flow into Lough
Ree and the River Shannon, and save in Lough Sheelin save ;

Shannon, Feale, Geale, and Cashen, save in Mulcair River, and

save in all rivers running into the sea, between Loop Head and
Hag's Head, and between Dunmore Head and Kerry Head, and
save also in Rivers Owenmore and Feohanagh, in the County
of Kerry, which are situated between Dunmore Head and Kerry

For Rivers Shannon and Mulcair between 31st October and 1st February

For Feale, Geale, and Cashen and tributaries, between 31st October
and 1st May ; between Loop Head and Hag's Head, between 30th
September and 1st March and between Dunmore Head and Kerry

No. and Name

of District.

Head (save in the Rivers Owenmore and Feohanagh), between

30th September and 1st April.
Limerick -
For Owenmore and Feohanagh, situated between Dunmore Head and
Kerry Head, between 31st October and 1st May.
For that part of the Limerick district, situated in the County of West-
meath, the waters of which flow into Lough Ree and River
Shannon, and for Lough Sheelin, between 30th September and
1st March.
13th October, 1874 17th September, 1878 ; 27th August, 1879 19th
; ;

August, 1882; 8th September, 1885; 27th August, 1889; 14th

September, 1889 18th January, 1893.


Shannon, Deel, Fergus, Doonbeg, Cashen, Maigue, &c.

91 .
Gal way. Hag's Head boundary between Townlands of Keeraun-
to Sea Point of

nagark South and Banraghbaun South S.E. of Cashla Coastguard

Between 15th August and 1st February, save in Corrib or Galway,
which is between 31st August and 16th February.

Same as Tidal.
Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


Between 15th October and 1st February, save Spiddal and Crumlin,
which is between. 31st October and 1st February; and save
Oughterard and tributaries, which is between 30th September
and 1st February.


26th December, 1871; 23rd October, 1876; 20th August, 1878;
10th July, 1879 27th January, 1887.


Corrib, Spiddle, Crumlin, Oughterard, &c.

No. and Name

of District.

92 .
Sea point of boundary between Townlands of Keeraunnagark South
and Banraghbaun South, S.E. of Cashla Coastguard Station to
Slyne Head.
Between 15th August and 1st February.

Same as Tidal.


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.
Between 15th October and 1st February, save Doohulla, Cashla,
Ballinahinch, Screeb, and Inver, which is between 31st October
and 1st February.
26th December, 1871 ;
17th September, 1877 ;
20th August, 1878.
Cashla, Doohulla, Inver, Screeb, Ballinahinch, Gowla, &c.

Slyne Head to Pigeon Point.
Between 31st August and 16th February, save in Louisburgh and
Carrownisky Rivers and estuaries.
For Louisburgh and Carrownisky Rivers and estuaries, between 15th
September and 1st July.
Same as Tidal.
Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.
Between 31st October and 1st February, save in Carrownisky River
between 31st October and 1st July; and save Louisburgh Rivor
and tributaries, between 31st October and 1st June.
1st June, 1872 ;
20th December, 1880.
Erriff, Dauross, Louisburgh, Carrownisky.

No. and Name

of District.

Bangor. Pigeon Point to Benwee Head.

Between 31st August and 16th February, save in Newport and Glen-
amoy, Burrishoole and Owengarve Rivers and estuaries for

Newport River and estuary 31st August and 20th March Glen-

amoy River and estuary, 15th September and 1st May; Burris-
hoole and Owengarve River and estuaries, 31st August and 16th

Same as Tidal.


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


Between September and 1st May, save in Owenmore and
Munhim, which is between 30th September and 1st February ;

and save in Burrishoole, between 31st October and 1st February;

and save Owengarve and Glenamoy, between 31st October and
1st May and save Owenduff or Ballycroy, and Ballyveeny and

Owenduff, and all rivers in Achill Island, between 31st October

and 1st February.


1st June, 1872; 7th October, 1875; 5th December, 1876.


Newport, Owenmore, Burrishoole, Owengarve, Glenamoy, Ballycroy.

Benwee to Coonamore.
Between 12th August and Ifith March, save Palmerston and Easkey
Rivers, which is batween 31st August and 1st June.

Between 31st July and 1st February, save Palmerston and Kaskey
Rivers, which is between 31st August and 1st June.
K K 2

No. and Name

of District.


Ballina Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.
Between 15th Septemlier and 1st February, save Clounaghmore or
Palmerston River and tributaries which is (in Tidal) between
31st October and 1st February (upper) between 31st October and
1st June and save Easkey River and tributaries, which is

between 31st October and 1st February.


19th December, 1870; 10th July, 1877 ;
25th January, 1881.


Moy, Easkey, Cloonaghmore.


Cooiiamore to Mullaghmore.

Between 19th August and 4th February, save in Sligo River and its
estuary, whicli is between 15th July and 1st January; and save
also in Ballisodare River and its estuary, which is between 13th

September and 4th March.

Between 19th August and 4th February, save Sligo River, which is
between 31st July and 16th January; and savealsoin Ballisodare
River and its estuary, which is between 13th September and 4th


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


13th September and 1st February, save in Brumcliffe River and
Glencar Lake, between 19th October and 1st February; and in
Grange River between 31st October and 1st February; and save
also in the Tidal parts of the Sligo or Garvogue River, which is
between 15th July and 1st January.

No. and Name

of District.


i-o n tinned.
24th April, 1871 27th September, 1877
; ;
30th January, 1886 ;

llth October, 1886; 9th June, 1893.


Sligo, Ballisodare, Brumcliffe.

Ballyshan- to Rossan.
non. Mullaghmore

Between 19th August and 1st March, save River Eske and tributaries,
which is between 17th September and 1st April.

Between 19th August and 4th February for Tidal and for one mile
above tideway, save Crana or Buncrana and Gweebarra Rivers,
Trawbreaga Bay, and Owenea and Owentocker Rivers.

Same as Tidal, save Bundrowes, which is between 31st July and 1st


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


Between 9th October and 1st March, save Bunduff, Bundrowes, and
Erne Rivers and tributaries Bunduff River, 30th September

and 1st February Bundrowes, 30th September and

1st February ;

and Erne River. 30th September and 1st March.


24th November, 1871 ;
26th June, 1875; 3rd December, 1884; 31st
October, 1891.


Glen, Inver, Eske, Bunduff, Dundrowes, Erne.

No. and Name

of District.


Letter- Rossan to Malin Head.
kenny. TIDAL.
For Crana or Buncrana River, between 14th September and 15th April ;

for Gweebarra, between 30th September and 1st April.

For Trawbreaga Bay, between 30th September and 1st July.

For Owenea and Owentocker Rivers, between 31st August and 1st

Between 19th August and 1st March; Crana or Buncrana River,
Lennon and Gweebarra Rivers, same as Tidal for these rivers
Owenea and Owentocker Rivers, between 19th August and 1st


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


Between 1st November and 1st February, save in Crana or Buncrana,
between 31st October and 1st March; and Owenea and Owen-
tocker rivers between 30th September and 1st April.


2nd September, 1857 28th February, 1874 25th November, 1874
; ; ;

21st March, 1876 3rd August, 1885; 26th August, 1885.



Lennon, Gweedore, Gweebarra, Buncrana.

London- Malin to Downhill boundary.
derry. TIDAL.
Between 31st August and 15th April.

Same as Tidal.


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.

No. and Name

of District.

London- Between 10th October and 1st April, save in the Culduff, which is

derry between 15th October and 1st March.

27th January, 1862; 19th July, 1877; 30th December, 1880;
18th April, 1890.


Foyle, Roe.


Coleraime. Downhill Boundary to Portrush.

Between 19th August and 4th February.

Between 19th August and 1st March.


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


Between 19th October and 16th March, save Rivers Bann, Maine,
Sixmile-water, Moyola, and Ballinderry, between 3 1st October and
1st March.


15th December, 1856; 31st March, 1871; 23rd August, 1875; 15th
January, 1876.

,, Portrush to Donaghadee.
castle. TIDAL.
Between 19th August and 17th March.

Same as Tidal.

No. and Name

of District.

Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.
Between 31st October and 1st February, save in the Bush River, which
is between 30th September, and 1st February.


23rd July, 1890.


Ballycastle, Glenarm, Bush, Glendun.

Dundalk. Donaghadee to Clogher Head.

Between Ballaghan Point in Co. Louth, and Donaghadee in Co. Down,

embracing all lakes and rivers and their tributaries flowing

into the sea between said points, between 15th September and
1st April.

Between Clogher Head and the northern boundary of the mouth of the
River Annagassan, Co. Louth, embracing all lakes and rivers, and
their tributaries flowing into the sea between said points, between
19th August and 12th February.
From the northern boundary of the mouth of the River Annagassan to
Ballaghan Point, and embracing all lakes and rivers and their
tributaries flowing into the sea between said points between 30th

September and 1st May following.

Between Ballaghan Point in Co. Louth, and Donaghadee in Co. Down,
embracing all lakes and rivers, and their tributaries flowing
into the sea between said points, between 15th September and 1st
Between Clogher Head and the southern boundary of the mouth of the
River Annagassan, Co. Louth, embracing all lakes and rivers and
their tributaries flowing into the sea between said points, between
19th August and 1st April.
From the northern boundary of the mouth of the River Annagassan
to Ballaghan Point, Co. Louth, embracing all lakes and rivers, and

So. and Name

of District.

their tributaries flowing into the sea between said points, between
30th September and 1st May.
Dundalk -

continued. In the Annagassan, Glyde, and Dee Rivers and their tributaries, 19th
August and 12th February.
Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


In the Upper or Fresh Waters between Clogher Head and the northern
boundary of the Mouth of the River Annagassan, and embracing
all lakes and all rivers and their tributaries flowing into the
sea between said points, 30th September and 1st February.
In the Upper or Fresh Waters between the northern boundary of the
mouth of the River Annagassan and Ballaghan Point, and em-
bracing all lakes and all rivers and their tributaries flowing
into the sea between said pointu, between 30th September and
1st May.
In the Upper or Fresh Waters between Ballaghan Point and Donag-
haclee, between 31st October and 1st March.
In any Tidal Waters between Clogher Head and the northern boundary
of the mouth of the Annagassan River between 19th August and
12th February.
In any Tidal Waters between the northern boundary of the mouth of
the Annagassan and Ballaghan Point, between 30th September
and 1st May.
In any Tidal Waters between Bullaghan Point and Donagh;idee,
between 31st October and 1st March.


30th October, 1880; 13th December, 1888; 18th November, 1892.


Fane, Annagassan, Glyde, Dee.

Drogheda. Clogher Head to Skerries.

Between 4th August and 1 2th February.

No. and Name

of District.


Drogheda- Same as Tidal.


Same as for Nets in Fresh Water.


Between 1 5th September and 1 2th February.


1st October, 1888 ;
6th December, 1892.



NOTE. Pollen Fishing by Trammel Nets in Lough Neagh between 1st Nov-
ember and 31st January, both days inclusive.
NOTE. The 21st Section of the 26th and 27th Vic. C. 114, requires there
shall not be fewer than 168 days Close Season in each Fishery.
SEASON. By the 20th Section of the 26th and 27th Vic. C.
1 no Salmon or Trout shall be fished for or taken in any way, except by Single
Rod ami Line, between six of the clock on Saturday morning, and six of the clock
on the succeeding Monday morning.

t Close Season for the capture of Kels by means of any Coghill, Eel, or other
Net or Basket work in the eye, gap, or sluice of any Eel or other weir, between
the 10th January and 1st July, save in the River Shannon, which is between 31st
.January and 1st July, and in all other rivers in the Limerick District between
31st December and 1st July in year following, and save in Drogheda District,
which is between 30th November and 1st July, and save in the Coleraine
District, which is between 10th January and 1st June in each year, and
save also in Corrib or (ialway River, which is between the 10th February and 1st
July in each year.



N.B. Observe that, in the following List, the days fixing the commencement
and termination of the Annual Close Time and of the extension of Time for Rod-
fishing are, in all cases, inclusive.

Name of River.

Name of River.

Xame of River.

Name of River.


London, W.C.,

Special Patterns of Qreenheart Salmon Hods

Of which we have exact models in Stock, as supplied and made by us lor the following
well-known gentlemen.
MAJOR TRAHERNE . . 17 ft. 4 in., 3 pieces, spliced or ferrule fittings
1** *t.
(These Bods are strongly recommended in the volume on SALMON AND TROUT," of the
Badminton Library.)
G. M. KELSON, ESQ. . . Celebrated " 108," 3 pieces, 18 ft. long.
(Itwas with this particular Rod that Mr. KELSON won First Honours when competing for the six
different methods of Salmon Fly Casting, at the International Tournament of 1885. The Rod isspecially
recommended by the Author in this book.)
W WELLS RIDLEY, ESQ. 3 pieces, 18 ft. (much liked).
H. CHOLMONDELEY PENNELL, ESQ. A well-known pattern.
These Rods are made of the choicest logs and bext cammed w<nl obtainable., none being used vnless it has been in
stock four t/earx.
All Rod* are balanced ami constructed at our own factory by the m<tnt experienced and reliable workmen.



* *

,41'lics a





Catalogue containing upwards of ISO Illustrations Gratis.





CALF GOLOSH, Blacking Calf,
Leather Lined,
Kxtra Stout Soles,
Stout Sole,
18/8, 28/e


Leather Lined,
Hand Sewn,

Hand Sewn, 10/e

WATERPBOOFINO-. Customers' own Boots (either new or old) can be rendered thoroughly
wate rproof in twelve hours by our new patented process, at a cost of 2s. per pair.

Term* Cash icith nnler. Carriage j'alil nn British Irttri- o, ,;,,. Write for I'ric; List containing SU> illustration*.

City Warehouse & 239, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, B.C.

Branch Warehouse 116 & 117, NEW BOND STREET, W.



Highly approved by COWHIDE,
Black or Brown
Cow Hide,


Hand Made, Best Hand Made,
The best boot SO/-
possible to make,

City Warehouse-228 & 229, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.G.

Branch Warehouse-116 & 117, NEW BOND STREET, W.

Fishing, Shooting, or Golfing Coat.
Pronounced by every Sportsman who has seen it to
be the most practical and perfect invention of its
kind. (lirg. Xo. 13.S89.)
From "Horse ami Honrd"
It makes a wonderful difference to one* comfort and
shootine if you can get a coat that reallv suits you, and I must
say with a (fowl deal of oxporiano* in field sjxtrts, I have
never worn so good a shooting coat as the Westlmrr,' invented

ly Rice ISrothers, of Bond Street. It is a kind of Norfolk

jacket, with pleats that expand or not, uoocdtO| to th- move-
ments of the arms and body, and tho e<>nsequfin-t? is there i
absolute frvadqm eromrben, ami am sure ;m\vn;- ifiviiw one of

thesu coats a trial will swcv.r hy them in the same way that 1 do."




For Touring, Shooting, Riding, Fishing Suits, and




First-Class Fishing Hods and Tackle.


8' oz. Ci'eertKcort Fly Rods. TERFECT i.v BALANCE.
Holbrow's double-tapered Trout Lines 30 and 40 yards, for
Dry Fly Fishing.
OO- 3






(tome an3




Ditto SALMON RODS, from 660

of Salmon and Trout Lines, tapered and straight, dressed

with pure boiled linseed oil under air pump, as recom-
mended by Mr. Halford, &c., &c.

Salmon and Trout Flies, Casts, etc., of every description.

+ ^



See the Field,

April 3rd, 1886.

Improved BUCKLAND" Waterproof

Fishing & Shooting

Practical in has
every detail,
our improved wind and rain
cuffs in the sleeves, storm-fly,
cau be shortened quickly for
deep wading, etc. , etc. with the

addition of our noted

makes an excellent Riding
With or double
single made
feet, in our No. 3 Gold Medal quality. Intended for
Light Summer Wear, and be found a boon to the Angler who has to walk
some distance to his fishing, and to all those that
cannot stand heavy and cumbersome waders.

FISHING Ent. Sta. Hall.

Can be
confidently recommended for the very
hardest wear, quite a new cut, design, unit fas-
tening, so that they are very easily and quickly put
on or off, have sandproof tongues and patant fas-
tenings instead of the usual strapping which so often
comes to grief with the water.


The New Solid Built " Buckland " Waders.
These Waders are most practical in every wy,
mnnuiactnred only of the very best nmteriiOs, and
will wear splendidly, weight about 6} Ibs.

The " Hampshire

Speciality Lightness. Weighing about 3 Ibs.
Comfori^ule and, considering their lightness, are durable.
The " Devonshire "
Speciality Price, combined with durability. Weighing
aboat 5 Ibs., specially strong and durable for the
extremely low price.



Knee Waders with exten-
sions to pull over the
knees at pleasure. WILL NOT SUP.
Mountain Burns, All Pike Anglers should wear
Shallow Kivers, them.
Lake Shore Fishing, etc.











Improvements from suggestions of practical Fishermen, and the exprricnce of

many years.

THE "FIELD" aa long ago as 1870 remarked of our goods: "As regards quality,
they have been too long before the public to fail in that respect."

Only Address: 19, PICCADILLY, corner of AIR STREET, W.



Billiard Tables

Sale appointment to $tr $tnjsstti. ^Bn appointment to ij.U.H). (The |)rinci of (KSnlcs.

VHHE Parent House of the Traile and Patentees or introducers of all the chief improvements
^- in connection with Billiard Tables* from the Slate Bed and the India Rubber Cushions
" Adamant " " Perfect "
early in the present century, to the Patent Block, Low, Cold,
Resisting Cushions, and Improved Double Ring Bottomless Pockets, now in general use.


" Renders the Cushions fast and noiseless." W. J. PEALL.

" Your Cushions are
simply perfect."
JOHN ROBERTS (March, 1885).
" Your '
Perfect' Low Cushions are unequalled." W. .1. PEALL (November, 1890).

The above, with our Bottomless Pockets, can be fitted to any

Billiard Table.


W, gtthirbte $fpet, J/W/, If-S

Gun and Rifle Manufacturers.

Barrels of Steel made to our own These Guns are made in
specification; also best Damascus our Workshops in London,
Whitworth Steel and are of the highest
if desired. class of workmanship.

This Gun will be found to contain

all the latest improvements in the ejector
anil lock mechanism. In addition to the ordinary double bite on the lumps it has
our Patent Top Connection with Vertical Bolt, adding greatly to its strength for nitro

Single and Double rel in all bores for all kinds of game.

577 BORE. 3O3 BORE.

Using large charge of powder, with nickel-
A Grea,t Speciality.
After numerous and costly experiments we have
covered or soft lead solid bullets, gives
designed a new Kitting which stands over 10,000 shots
enormous shock. per barrel, and gives the greatest accuracy. It is
also very easily cleaned.
The nickel-covered bullets are perfect where
great penetration is required.
are perfect for all kinds of game.
H. H. \V- -, just returned from Africa, writes :

" With KCjce'.-coctrtd bullets I killed
Bit/aloes ont
of l-'i hit, losing only one, u-ounded. And in nearly
every case with a single bullet."
" A'OB.
TltURO, 18th, UKI.'i"


For years past these weapons of our make
have proved most successful.
Sportsmen requiring this combination will IIEI> I>Ki;lt. WILD BOAR.
find that with ball at 100 yards and shot at The originals we shall have much pleasure in showing
40 yards the shooting cannot be surpassed.

With :i specially designed


are able to guarantee, after a visit to our

shooting ground, a perpeet fit.

72, St. James' Street, London, S.W., and 24, Suffolk Street, Dublin.


of the Opinion of the

Press. Press.

" We have
lately liad on "Of all those which
l']'l il! tUmU Of cviminillk' have been invented up t"
tlieSafety Habit made l>y the present time, the
Mr. Shingleton, of 60, New 'Twin Zenith/ jU-nted
Bond Street, ami must by Mr. ShinKlfU.u, of 80,
my that it seem* exceed- New Bond Street, Is the
ingly well calculated to most ingenious- It is. In
answer Iend and aim
In- fact,aCombinati"n Habit,
of the Inventor. While the skirt and trouw-rs,
it differs entirely from all or knee breeches, being
other Habits that we hare firmly attached to each
it will be noticed,
f-ft'ii, other, and in the event of
that as the Habit is fast- an accident, the rider is
ened tightly to the inside clean thrown out of the
of each leg, there are no saddle without the most
openings in which the remote possibility of her
crutch can become en- being dragged." yuwn.
tangled ; so far, therefore,
as any Habit can be a "
safety one, thin peenu us It is with genuine
much deserving of the satinfaction that we again
title as any other that hug bring before our readers'
come to our notice. Then notice ttu> 'Twin Zenith*
again, the Habit is not Habit, whirh we first re
an unsightly affair when oomnundad a year ago.
a lady is dismounted . Time and trial. Oil Miivot
Ladies who in- tetitsof worth, have proved
vesting in new Habits -Mr. Shingh'tcn's inven-
shoulu certainly look at tion to be what we antici-
this one before deciding." pated the best patent
The Ficltt, Oct. ac, 18W- Safety Habit that ran be
made. We would >u^i -t
a visit to 60, Nt-u- Ibnul
"Not only is the 'Twin Street, where Habit and
Zenith ' both safe and TttttinionialN t-an ln-st'cn."
comfortable for the rider Lundand
when she is in the saddle,
but neat and pretty when " The
Safety Skirt of the
she is on foot. The Latly. ago." Black unit White.

ombination Hiding IfaMts




Tlie "SCOT" Golf Clubs.

Manufactured from the Finest Materials only.




Aiul to be had of ail the leadimj London ffonset, including
GAMAGE & Co., 126, Holborn, London.
JAMES WISBEY & Co., 77, Honndsditch, E.C.
DERBY & TOM, High Street, Kensington, W.
JOHN BARKKK & Co., LIMITED, High Street, Kensington, W.
HABBOD'S STORES, LIMITED, Brompton Street, Park Gate.


^Hardy's "GOLD MEDAL" Brand
Steel Centre Cane Built Kods
as made for H.K.H. the late

X \
an d most leading

Only Makers of


Post Free 3 Stamps.




Tested Dublin, Limerick, Kendal, Round, Sneck and Kirby
Hooks for Fly Dressing.

Patent Serpentanic Bait. " Archer " Solid
Square Plait Taper
"Archer" Spinner (Haynes' and Double Taper Lines.
Patent). ., Extra Selected Gut Casting
Archer " Reel.
" Lines.
"Archer" Hooks to Gut. Flies of every Dressing.
Solid Square Plait Water- Eyed Hooks (TESTED).
proof Silk Lines. Perm ell's Eyed Hooks.


W. BARTLEET & SONS' Goods can be obtained from any Dealer in Fishing Tackle.

" Bait ever yet invented."

The very best artificial



Can be had direct from the Inventor and Maker, or from the best class of Tackle Shops
" W.B." on the
throughout the Kingdom. The "Phantoms" are stamped Spinners, and all
others are inferior imitations
Send stamp for Catalogue of Bods, Lines, Heels, Flies, Baits, and all kinds of
Sundries, to

64, George Street, ABERDEEN.

Messrs. RED PATH & Co.


F ishing Rods, Reels, Lines,

Flies, Baits,
Gaff Hooks, jEX


S / ' J S S


/are artem.


Exhibited for the first time at the International Fisheries Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1882.

Edinburgh, 1882.
SPECIAL PRIZE for Materials used in dressing SALMON and TROUT FLIES do. 1882.
and TACKLE ... ... Tynemouth, 1882.


Messrs. Redpath & Co. have NOT Exhibited at any Foreign or Colcnial Exhibition.

The only Gold Medal at the London International Fisheries Exhibition for'Gut


Send for Annual G-ut Report and Price List, and secure the benefit of the
first choice from more than half of the total crop.


GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The line gradually acquires the maximum thickness at about 15 yards from
the beginning, and continues at this size for 10 yards, when it rapidly diminishes to the size at which it
began, and so continues to abont 25 yards from the end, at which point it increases, runs parallel, and
diminishes in facsimile of the other end.


1st, QUALITY OF SI1.K; breaking strain of thinnest end, 45 Ibs. dead weight.
2nd. SPECIAL TAPER, ensuring a much longer cast with less effort.
3rd. A SMALLER REEL accommodates a longer line.
4th. WATERPROOFING, effected during process of plaiting ensuring its being permanently
impervious to water, even after all surface is worn off.

5th. THE PERFECT SATISFACTION given wherever used.



Without Drag. With Drag. Weight. Without Drag. With Drag. Weight.
at ... ice 12/6 ... SOZ.
3 ... 12 14 6 ... 7 as/-
3* 17/6 ... 10 35/- 32
Sent on approval on receipt of P.O.

J. B. MOSCROP, 25, Market Place, Manchester.

Advantages of the Reel. Disadvantages of Ordinary Reel.
Framework, without Screws, being in one casting can be ;

taken to pieces and put together again in ten seconds by the Screws becoming loose ; nick In head of screw getting
fineers alone. worn ;
tedious work of taking to pieces. Reel Plate
Only one Plate on handle side instead of three, consequently getting shaky.
no liability to a host of mishaps Rod plate Axed to solid
castin? no possibility of any shake.
Plates becoming bent sand getting In rivet of handle-
Holds line to the full diameter (nearly) a 3 In. reel holds

as much as an ordinary 3; in. pin rubbing against Inner plate, causing unequal drag.
Is ventilated has an adjustable drag to the 3{ In. and

upwards with or without to the small sizes. Holds line only to the cross bars.
Strength, simplicity. In case of accident, can get at
by the The complicated and delicate work make it liable to get
Every reel thoroughly examined and tested
out of order.
patentee, J.B. Moscrop, before sending out.

DEAR SIB, I have worked your reel thro the Mason
" 1
DEAR SIR." So far from finding faults In your reel, my
that It Is as near perfection as human skill can
without a hitch. I look on it as most reliable reel I ever opinion is

hail."- Yours faithfully, U. * BRENAN. attain. 'Yours faithfully, T. 8. TURMBULL.

I have pleasure in expressing my satisfaction
DEAR "The trial reel you sent me in the spring has
SIB, with the reel you supplied to me last spring. There is no
done its work splendidly, and given me uninterrupted suggestion I can make as to its improvement. The reel la
satisfaction the simplicity of its construction, and its In perfect order after having had a good cleaning and
other reel I
ventilating powers, place it far beyond any the end of the season (a very easy matter with your oiling
have ever used, while the advantage of being able to take at patent). Yours truly, JOHN Bt'SHBY.
it to pieces in a few secon is, without the
aid of any
mechanical appliances, is untold.
Ki v
-Yonr^trul^, ^ DEAR SIR," Your
After real hard wear,
has given
it is
me the greatest satis-
as good as It was on the
OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE CLUB, PALL MALL. day you sent it." Yours truly, L. W. 8COTFORD.
DEAR SIR," I have found the Moscrop Heel satisfactory DEAR MOSCROP, *
By the way. anent the winch I.
In every way. The check on my particular reel IB a trifle until', were trolling in the pass (Brander) deep down 10 to
easy for the large trout in Hampshire, but the adjustable 12 feet chance for a ferox 60 yards of line out, there was
drug obviates this."-Yours faithfull a stiff westerly, and when we neared the open the boat
began to pitch and the winches to click at each lurch, a
turn at the adjustable drag set mine right but P. had to
RUTHERFORD LODGE. ROXBURGHSHIRE. haul in to lessen the pull. You ought to impress on every-
DEAR SIR, reel has stood exceptionally well, and
shows no sign of weakness. The adjustable drag works body to clean and oil two or three times a season, it does
have not take a minute and the winch is very grateful. It won't
admirably. Should you like a testimonial I would
pleasure in bending one. as I consider
Yours truly,
?" do for spinning, it is not in it with Mullock *, but for fly, I
like it better than any I nave, and I could set up a shop."
the market.

" '


Double -Tapered Facsimile of the celebrated RIDLEY line. Finished under the Air Pump on tho Kelson principle.
'' '

t These Lines are perfectly Solid, Flexible, and Hmooth, and are made in four sizes, of the Purest Silk, 4i yards in length.

Sole Manufacturers M. CARSWELL & CO.,

To be obtained retail through any Fulling Tackle Dealer.




" "
[We perfectly remember the UIDLK v line which was, however, never in such general use as its sterling qualities
deserved. Wiui Mr. IUDLF.Y it was a labour of tove, and he was never so happy as when presenting his own intimate friends
with specimens of his favourite hobby. Having carefully examined the line submitted for our inspection, we can confidently
endorse the opinions of our correspondent, Mr. GRANT. No such line has ever been on the market before, and, although we
know how hard it is to reach finality in this age of rapid improvement, we are not afraid to hazard the prediction that no
better line than this will be seen out in our time at least. It can be procured in forty-two yard lengths, double tapered, so that
after splicing it to the back line, it can be turned. Anglers who have from time to time in our columns made complaints of
the quality of the material used In the manufacture of Casting Lines, may now rest assured that in future they can become
possessed of a salmon line at once suited to their purpose, and also to be had at a moderate figure. ED. Lund and Water.}


JHCTHE chief object achieved by the PHANTOM-DEVON is the uniting in one all the special advantages of the two well-known
-,-* and deservedly popular Baits which &o to compose its name.
The PHANTOM-DEVON* has all the appearance and flexibility of the ordinary Phantom, but as the Hooks lie much closer
into the body of the Bait, the spinning power is largely increased. It resembles the Devon as regards the Bait freeing itself
from the mounting and running up the Line, this feature of the New Bait is sure to add to its durability, and will render the
work of unhooking a fish much easier
The sizes are the exact same ae the ordinary Phantom.
Cart be obtained through any Fishing Tackl- Dfahr.

Manufactured by M. CARSWELL & CO.,





. :.i - sliimii open. It IK InRtaiit.y aillu<*lul>le

to any HlKlit or IOCUM.

Glass closed. Only one inch in thick most handy for the waistcoat pocket.
Among kuudredt of Testimonial! received from iliitimjiiinhed peoj/le all over the world, there
ii room here for only a reryfeic

LORD NELSON writes as follows " I :

" Binocular is all I
expected, it brings out
am much pleased with your Binocular. objects solid and clear, and it is light and
It is light, compact, easy of adjustment, clear portable." C. G. WATSON, Esq., Poonah
and extensive in its field of vision." Lodge, Cadman.
THE EARL OF LONSDALE writes. " The Patent Pocket Binocular is a most
" Mr. Aitchison's Patent
Pocket Binoculars ingenious article. The lenses arc excellent,
are satisfactory in every way, and answer the whole instrument in fact is a combination
their purpose well." of excellency, lightness, and cheapness. It
THE RIGHT HON. W. E. GLADSTONE, is much admired, and \vill soon become
" I am pleased to turn to
M.P., writes :
popular in S. Africa I am sure," writes
account a work of such beautiful construction NOURSE VARTY, Esq., Stag Stones Estates,
as your Patent Pocket Binocular Field Natal, S. Africa.
" Works Compliments to Messrs. Aitchison, and
admirably, and very satisfied beg to say that the Binoculars arrived safely,
with it," writes S. HANSEX, Esq., Stavanger, and give satisfaction," writes Miss MULI.INS,
Denmark. Bungalore, India.
Pxice 3 3 : :
O, in soft leather case; bard leather case with sling, 5s. extra.

Post Free to any part of the World.



Billiard Table Manufacturers,
158 to 164, West End Show Booms
and Billiard Hall
7, Argyll Street,
Bridge Road Regent Street, W.

Hi/ Special Appointment tc

SHOW ROOMS, Maters to H.R.H. The Duke of York,
H.M. Government, II. The Prince of Wale*, and the War Office, and Aimiiilty.
* Leaditig Cvtirts of Europe. o And Stock of




Guaranteed soft in any temperature and fast.


(Geo. Wright & Co.'s Patent.) The must perfect and the best Combination Table ever invented.

Handsomely <'iitiilgnr '.'"" ptme> Torwanleil l'o*t I i. . on nupllrnllmi lo iin.v

of flic World.


Price (for 2^ inch) 10s. 6d. per Ball; other sizes in proportion.

JOSEPH BENNETT^ Retired Champion,
(20 Years at 283, Oxford Street, W.)

In case of Removal, for Address

see " Sportsman" daily.

Read " Bennett on Billiards."


He always studies the convenience of Pupils as regards the hours for giving Lessons.
He attends at Gentlemen'* Ilrnitex to give LeHttons or to play at Private Entertainment*.


Tables by Messrs. G. WRIGHT & Co., London, fitted with their famous Low Excelsior Cushions.

Private Address: 27, SOUTH 1VIOLTON STREET, TUT.

A "
Telegram received from the Author of THE SALMON FLY
in KM i here appended by comtriit.
"I won the Match. Col. R scored 82 twice. My best break 111; and I attribute my success
entirely to your patient instruction." KELSON."


[umiKichircr? of finest J^o&s anb

In Greenheart, Hickory, or other Material.


1KUU 1 O/-V1-VO
rfvJlJo t
Tin- <>i ii i M i:oi> Tin- i <ii:i:i - i KOl>.
. ih< < t-iii <<M 11 i:i> The KKKSS KOI>.


i Special Patterns to Order on Shortest

Gut Loops, Metal Eyed, or on Single Gnt.

Strongest Salmon Casts.

Strongest Salmon Casts specially selected.
Grilse, Sea-Trout, Lake Trout, and River Trout
ren9 th and f
TROUT CASTS Casts in al1 '

* ' degrt es of
II degrees f St
streng .

rcry best quality.





f\r( of
An Illustrated treatise on "THE ART OF SHOOTING," with
extracts from the best authorities, combining full-page
explanatory illustrations from instantaneous and
other photographs.

Th- Field. " Supplies what has long been a 1 rli- hi IT Font. "A useful and well illustrated
desideratum." treatise.
The Tlnieti. Really one of the most practical
Dully <'lironlele. "Mr. Lancaster goes patiently
books on the subject we remember to have met." over the minutest points."
Sporting Lift. "Well illustrated and highly in- Illustrated London \r> "Experts would be
structive." first to praise for the pains taken to explain
Si-olninn. "Is likely to prove of practical simple principles and to illustrate details."
service." The 4'rltle " Should be perused by all sportsmen
Shooting Time*. "Is brimful of practical hints." desirous to become good shots."
"This treatise is likely to prove "
Horning Post. Blai-k wood's A very useful book .which
. .

acceptable to many." will be serviceable to many."

4ir;i|tli jr. "Contains a deal of good advice." Bazaar. "The instructions are the most valuable
" Passes in review
St. James's ;azette. every that have ever been placed before the public."
kiml of shot that can present itself." "
Army nnd -Vavy Gazette. " A generally useful British Truili- Journal Ought to be read by
book." every sportsman."
Roil and linn. " Always entertaining as well as Forre's Sporting Soles "A work that will supply
instructive." pleasure and profit even to the most skilful
Dally Telegraph." It isji well written and reliable gunner, but to the tyro it will be found in-
handy guide, and is worthy of careful study." valuable."

Price 7s. Gel. Postage, 6d. extra..

Published by CHARLES LANCASTER, 151, New Bond Street, W.



Fishing Rod & Tackle Manufacturers,


19 doors from HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C.

4d., 6cL, 8d., I/-, 1/3, 1/6.

Best GREENHEART SALMON HODS, 16, 17, and 18 feet, 2 Tops, Double Brazed,
Bronze Fittings, Brazed under Winch Slide, Universal Winch Fittings, Rubl>er Button
and Division Bag, 30s.
Best BRONZED GUN METAL or EBONITE, Revolving Plate, Hardened STEEL
CHECK SALMON KEELS, 4 inch 18s., 4J inch 20s.
Best WATERPROOF Plait SILK SALMON LINE, 12s. 6d. 100 yards.
Best SINGLE SALMON CASTS, 3 yards 3s., 4s., 6s.
Best TWISTED SALMON CASTS, 3 yards Is. 6d.
Best TWISTED SALMON TRACES, 2 Swivels, 9d.
TELESCOPIC METAL GAFF, 3 Joints, 11s. 6d.






THE "KsLsotf" COAT





Gun. Fishing Rod, Reel & Tackle Maker,
RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of Sportsmen to his Stock of

The quality of the material and the excellence

workmanship have gained them


For Inverness, Ross and Sutherlandshire, Ireland, and Norway.


i) fejo ^i<53W> Sf 533^^Sgg5^Va>Ti
W. G. being a practical Workman as well as Angler of many years'
experience, takes
particular interest in this department. All Rods are hand-made on the

Cartridges \ Of the
Loaded most
by Modern
Machinery Description,
Insuring uniform charges and regularity of compression, so very essential to satisfactory Shooting.



High-class Fishing Tackle Manufacturer,


Standard Salmon Flies dressed true to pattern.

Private patterns for Salmon and Trout made and sent by return of post.

A lifelong experience of all rivers and lakes, including a practical knowledge of flies best suited
to Norwegian fisheries.

The well-known patterns invented by Mrs. COURTNEY (nee


dressed in all sizes and forwarded on application.


Highly patronised by the Author of THE SALMON FLY and other leading
Salmon and Trout Fishermen.



Only Addrenit itecetatart/ fnnn an;/ part o/ the \\'<n-l<l.



l-'ln Material and Cabinet* ax xnpjilied the leading Amateur tycrx. Send fur Lijtt.

Within five minutes of Windsor Castle anil both Hallway .Stations.




By a special process of our own the leather is tanned and dressed with materials
absolutely free from all staining matter.


These splendid Shooting and Fishing Boots are made upon new and approved
lasts and forms of a specific character unknown in the Trade.

GEO. M. KELSON, ESQ., writes : that his Boots supplied in 1885
" are still soft and watertight."

The "Wye" Boot i^ldbb

. ,

,. A cash price 28 '

_, R
Z> *>/"
The Ladies' " Wye " Boot 25/-
The Special Shooting Boot 42 -

" "
Hatton's Wye Waterproof Composition, per box I/-


And all kinds of Sporting Boots for Home or Colonial wear.



Sportsman s Bootmakers,



Best Quality Only,
The Sole Makers and Patentees of the





Complete with Automatic Fitting, J31 : 5 : 0.


The Largest Illustrated Catalogue of Fishing Tackle published, including Valuable
Hints and Information to Anglers, post free, 3d.



The Field says: "It should never be forgotten that it is to
HARDY BKOS. we owe
Messrs. the supremacy we have
achieved as Rod Makers."

Highest flwaids in me World,


As manufactured by us for the Author of this Book, is the
finest type of a 17J to 18 ft. Salmon Rod made. All cane built,
all improvements.

Price 11 16s. Si., if with Steel Centre, 12 16s. 6d.


As made by vis for Capt. DUNNE, Author of How and Where to Fish in
Ireland," acknowledged a magnificently powerful
is Bod. It is 16
feet, cane built, steel centre. Price J31 0.


EDINBURGH BRANCH 5, South St. David Street.
MANCHESTER BRANCH :-14, Moult Street, Cross Street.

The Biltor
PipeMlie_Sportsman's Companion!
Brlur DIM
- li 3s. 6cl
Chicago Exhibition.
.n h. u IMIX of
i: -I ,
liiclnilliiK :.
rnrtrlilgrs, r<>in|>i>sr<l
ot a xprrlrs of tiller IIMIHT mill an- [In <>srnlliil in in r 'Ilir Klllor'* snrrrx.


^^^^BBfc^^U ^^
12 Y


13 K i i

a f
O 31

The Biltor Co., 93, Oxford Street, London, W.



Enclosed, lighted by electricity, and padded to stop all vibration,


New Target# S Flying Jtirdtt,and adjustable Try Gun, can be altered to
any shape and fired.
-"Vv Use of Try Guns, Targets, and experienced
fitter (no charge to customers ordering new guns),
obtaining correct fit, with view of alteration to old
gun, IDs. 6d. Cartridges and pigeons according to
>:"."* number used.
H. H. BAHNES, Esq., Pinner: " Excellent com-
bination for testing fit. More than satisfied with
The "AV ANT-TOUT" and The "VICTOR" Self-ejecting- Guns.
Cash Prices, 17 Guineas to 50 Guineas London made throughout.

142, New Bond Street ; 226, Strand ;

and Factory, 29a, Gillingham Street. London.


H- Manufacture all kinds of Boots and Shoes for Sporting fc-
Within a reasonable time and at reasonable prices, and they also keep in
stock, of their own make, a large assortment in the most approved
styles for immediate selection.

Shooting Boots, Riding Boots, Livery Boots,

Fishing Boots, Field Boots, Outfits for India,
Dress& Walking Brogues, Polo Boots. Outfits for Africa.

Telegrams Lorimer, Bootmaker, Aberdeen." Telephone 724.


FislpgTackle for Salnjon&Trout.


Greenheart Rods of various well-known types.











Kincardine ffffeUf Aberdimshire,



Greenheart and Washaha Rods and Salmon Flies,


The best wood and good workmanship guaranteed.


A Large Stock of New Salmon Gut on hand. Highly recommended.



Wading Trousers, Stockings and Brogues.



DEAR SIRS, I am delighted with the Rod, which I have Riven a good trial. If any of your visiting
customers should care to have my opinion of your wood and workmanship you may cer'tainlV refer them
to me. Yours faithfully, GEO. M. KELSON.

Works: Castle Mills, Fountainbridge, Edinburgh.


A Manchester 69 & 71, DEANSGATE.

Liverpool 9, LORD STREET.
Leeds 65 & 66, BRIGGATE.
Newcastle-on-Tyne 39, GRAINGER STREET.
Edinburgh 106, PRINCES STKEET.
These Goods IKMMJJ thoroughly vulcanized, arc
warranted to remain xnft and pliable although rolled
up and laid aside in hot or cold weather in any
climate. Unlike the partially vulcanized articles,
which require to he warmed before they can be even
safely unfolded by the dealer, or safely and comfort-
ably put on by the wearer, these Patented Goods can
be kept folded for months, then unfolded and im-
mediately put on without any risk of injuring the
proofing of the cloth, and without any discomfort to
the wearer from lumps and ridges at the seams. The
seams of these goods are smoother from the first, and
there is no chance of ridges being formed in them, as
in those with the seams unvulcani/.ed. These advan-
tages, combined with the employment of only the
very best materials in the manufacture of these
articles, give the Company confidence in offering
them as unequalled for
Measurements Required

If ordered thereby.
Durability, Comfort & Convenience,
Length, A B to Inches.


Girth at A
Girth at T> 1)


il-Hrt-rh.tnr-.l^l-'-l-"!- tl infftgTIP- 9



,-,.,_.! }

J rout & Salmon

g_O Oil TBOTJT BODS, with Two Tops, Bound Cane Handle, Three or Four
Joints, price 21s. up to 12 feet.
SALMON BODS, 16 feet, with Two Tops, price 31s. ;
18 feet, ditto, price 37s.

English and American Built Cane Trout Rods, 10, 10J, 11, 11 J, and 12 ft., Two Tops, 21s. each.
Split-Cane Spinning Rods, Two Tops, Cork Grip, 21s. each.


2s. each, with Strap, Is. extra.


In one, two, and three yards, 8d. per yard.

Money promptly returned if Goods (not approved of) are returned at once.

THE OLD "IZAAK" KNIFEContains large blade, small blade, disgorger,

button-hook, scissors, tweezers, pliers, cork-
screw, leather borer, stiletto (to untie loops),
broken-eyed needle to thread prawns, &c.


Any Knife made to Order in a few days.

Fishermen's Flasks
In Silver, Electro-plate and Aluminium.

THE OLD CUTLER'S (Established 1838).

188, Strand,
S. FISHER, London.



sh Counting,
28, Radnor Street, St. Luke's,





& SON,


Salmon, Lake, Trout, & American Fly Dressers,



OUR SPECIAL " DOUBLE TAPER LINES are the very Best Lines made.
Our stock of SALMON FLIES is the most complete and varied in the Trade, and
includes all the leading patterns for
Fly Books, Fly Boxes and Cases.
Printed Salmon and Trout Fly Books in Best Binding*. Tackle Catct.

The same address for upwards of Seventy years,



Garter's Pneumatic Button.

in. Is. 6d. 2 in. 2s.


Gazette says :_ Best
Button we have ever seen." H||K W I le . t invention of its kind I have
ever aeen ."


Rod, and Gun :" Should prove a Fishers would find it a great
boon to the Salmon Fisher." comlort."


[HCi^ Best in the World, a:
Double-built, Unbreakable, Splint-end Ferrules, Universal Winch Fittings, Snake Rings,
Double Cork Handle, Revolving Loops, Spiral Lock Joints, Division Case, 5 5 0.
Steel Centre, 1 extra.

Greenheart Salmon Rods, 16 to 18 feet,

Bronze Fittings, Universal Winch Fittings, Double Brazed in G. Silver, Snake Rings, Rubber
Button, Division Case, 30s.

Hardened Gun Metal or Ebonite SALMON REEL, 4 inch, Best Quality, all latest

improvements, 20s. Bronze ditto, 12s. 6d.

SALMON FLIES WITH SPINNING HEADS (Patent), very Killing, from Is.
Best Silk Salmon Line Waterproof, l|d. yard.
Finking Gazette says :" Undoubtedly do one of the Largest Trades in the world."

$ $ J C-A-T.A.XjOC3-"CTES G-IR,.A.TIS, 5 *S* *$*

A^i A T5 rn T^
V^X\.XXl J. JIXl
JP^ /"^
O6 VH/V/**


Near the Angel, Islington,

Factory-1, 2, & 3, MYDDELTON PLACE.

Timber and Cane Stores MERLIN'S PLACE.





^ Prize Medalists
8 International Awards for

* *
" -A.


The "Multum in Parvo " Trout Rod ... 1 Is.

The J.B." Box (Protected). The most compact Fly and Cast Box
' '

for Salmon or Trout Anglers, with place in lid for spare gut,
scissors and pliers ... ...
10s., 12s. Gel., 15s. 6d.
The "Scotford" Box (Protected). The most complete for
carrying Baits, Casts, Flies, Tackle, etc., forSalmon and Trout
Fishing 12s. 6d., 16s., 17s. 6d.

THE NEW "IDEAL" MAY FLY (Protected). The most

perfect imitation of Nature, highly commended by the most
experienced Anglers ... ... ... 6s. per dozen.
The "Gresham" Sea Rig (Patent). Highly recommended to
all Sea Anglers. Can be carried in the pocket ... 2s. 6d. each.


N.B. Prices 25 per cent, less than other West-End Houses.




JOHN BICKERSDYKE (the talented author of flea Fixhiny, Badminton Library series
of British Sports), says in Sea Finking, page 212 :

"The Best Rod for boat work I have yet seen is one which has ben gradually worked out by
members of the Cresham Angling Society, with the assistance of Mr. HEMENS, of the New North Road
With it leads up to 2 Ibs. can be easily worked. I have even used a 3i Ibs. le<wl with its assistance without
much difficulty. It is made in two pieces, and is by no means so stiff as tackle makers generally think it
necessary to make Sea Rods. It measures only about seven feet, and I may say here that eleven feet is
the outside length of a rod for boat work when ground tackle is used, owing to the great strain which it
his to bear it is fitted at the end and next the reel with a roller apparatus over which the line passes.

There are two good arrangements for the rod. One is simply a little block fixed on with wire, anil in place
of the ring next the reel there is a metal sheave and two Tittle metal supports into which it is carefully
countersunk. Here the friction is considerable, and a roller of some kind is very necessary. The sheave
and its supports are shown in the illustration."

Two joint, or 7 feet long, brazed tongue, flat brass stopper, snake rings,
universal winch fitting, countersunk boxwood block, countersunk butt line
guide, rubber button, universal winch fittings and leather capped partition
bag ...0 16
Metal-lined under winch locking ferrule 3/- extra.
The special test dry fly rod, Greenheart, 10 feet, in 3 joints, and 2 tops, brazed
tongues, Hat stoppers, metal lined, universal winch fittings, snake rings,
revolving end rings, lock-fast fittings and leather-capped partition bag ...1 5
Fly Rods, 10, 10J, 11 or 12 feet, from, each ... ... ... ...0 10 6
Best 18 feet, 3 joint Greenheart Salmon Rod, with 2 tops, brazed tongues, flat
brass stoppers, metal lined, universal winch fittings, snake rings, revolving end
rings, in leather-capped partition bag and rubber button ... ...116
Not to be equalled anywhere under 2 10 0.
BEING THE ACTUAL MAKERS we can guarantee these goods as being the
very best possible make, and the wood the very best quality, and well seasoned.
Rods, Lines and Winches of every description kept in stock.

^ A. BULMER & Co., *-



Corner of Nine Elms Lane.

P.O.O. payable 157, Wandsworth Road. All Orders must be prepaid, postage extra.

Three minutes' walk from Nine Elms Boat Pier and Vauxhall Station, S.W.R.
A Gossamer Gut Line and 1 dozen hooks to match, Crystal, Roach, Sneck bend or
assorted, post-free 1/5. Twisted Gut Traces, with or without lead, I/- each. Japanned
Treble Box, for holding casts, traces, hooks, flies, &c., 1/9, post-free 2/-.

Catalogues Post Free. Baits of every description kept in stock.


ISsgSS'g, >E

T. P.
LEE & CO., Ltd.,

GENTLEMEN'S REAL BUCK GLOVES, Brown, 2 Buttons ...... 5/6, 6*6, Q

Do. do. Tilbury's Gold Tan Cape, 2 Buttons 5/6, fl/6
LADIES' REAL BUCK GLOVES, Brown, 4 Buttons, 7/6
6 Buttons ... ; 8/6
OFFICERS' REAL BUCK GLOVES, Regulation Pattern, in White, ,,, Qia
'' ,-,
'/' M
Brown, or Black. (The Brown and Black are perfectly Fast Dyed.) f
BREECHES PASTE, 2/6 per Jar. BLEACHING POWDER, 2/6 per Tin and COLOR ;

BALLS, I/- each, for Cleaning all kinds of Leather and Cord Hunting Accoutrements, &c.
for Plate Carriages, Per dozen 16/- 18/- 21/-

%" In ordering, kindly state size of Gloves, and if required for Hunting, Walking, or Driving.



& , Litd.,
atv3 Saw Stations t,


63, 65 & 67, Carter Lane, Doctors' Commons,

Telephone No. 1838. ^^= T-jOlSTTDOKT., E.G.



Ry Special Appointment to
His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, K.G.


VERY BEST FINISH, 7 70, 88 0, 9 9 0.




30 yards 10s., 40 yards 13s. 4d.


Trout Casts of specially Long and Fine Natural Gut,






ABBOTTS' Gold Medal for Waders, Fisheries' Exhibition, 1883.

High-Class Goods of Guaranteed Quality.
Kre>-y attention given to Special Orders.

stout ss/e

BOOTS, &c. SKIRTS. &c.

'Baxter" Brogue
Kane in fmtting on, owing^ to
fin- 1' a 'finof litinitli. llnmttff
tonym * makes them

an CHEAp siDE,

This book is due on the
date stamped below, or
on the date to which renewed.
Renewed books are subject to immediate recall.

YE 01 131



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