Microstrip Applications (1) - Depends Geometrical Practical Adjust Input Patch Function
Microstrip Applications (1) - Depends Geometrical Practical Adjust Input Patch Function
Microstrip Applications (1) - Depends Geometrical Practical Adjust Input Patch Function
Ww coaox al
feed probe
Probe-Fed C-patch
The C-patch investigation studied the behavior of the resonant input resistance of
the probe-fed C-patch shown in Fig. 1(b) with changing notch depth and width.
The resonant frequency is defined by the frequency that corresponds to a
maximum input resistance. A special case of the probe-fed C-patch is the probe-
fed rectangular patch, where S approaches zero. A cos2 function characterizes the
resonant resistance of a probe-fed C-patch versus notch depth in this limiting
Figure 2 plots the simulation results for input resistance Rin versus normalized
distance xnOn for C-patches with different notch widths S. In contrast to the
prediction from the pure cos2 function, Figure 2 indicates that Ri, touches zero
before xn.n approaches one. To fit these curves, a shifted sin2 function, as shown
in formula (1), was introduced, where the parameters A and x(°O,, are dependent
on notch width S. As S goes to zero, x(°) approaches 1.0 and formula (1) becomes
the pure cos2 function that governs the probe-fed rectangular patch.
R Asin2[-(xn-x(o))] (1)
Figure 3 illustrates the curve-fit results using formula (1) with A = 162.93 and
x-()= 0.90 for the S/Wf = I case. Very good agreement can be observed from
the plot. Further investigations showed that formula (1) also worked well for the
S/Wf= 2, 3 and 4 cases by using different combinations of A and xn(_) values.
-*- S = 2Wf
E 100 -*- S = 3Wf
0 E+S = 4Wf
.' 50
0 0.5 1
Figure 2. Resonant input resistance Ri, vs normalized feed
position xn,, for probe-fed C-patch with S / Wf = 1, 2, 3, and 4.
The next investigation kept the notch depth xo fixed at 1.01 cm and varied the
notch width S. As indicated by Fig. 4, the resonant resistance Ri, decreases as the
notch becomes wider. This indicates that for wider notches, the feed point needs
to be inset less into the patch in order to match to a particular impedance level.
0 0.5 1 0 2 S/V, 6 8
Figure 3. Comparision between Figure 4. R,, vs. S/Wf for the probe-
simulated Rin vs. x,,r and a shifted sin2 fed C-patch with xo = 1.01 cm.
curve for the probe-fed C-patch with
S/Wf = 1.
calculated using the closest edge of the corresponding rectangular patch as a
reference plane, is also shown in the table. Once again, the simulation package
HFSS was used for the calculation. The inset patch with a length of feeding
microstrip line was simulated, and the input impedance was de-embedded to the
edge of the patch assuming an ideal 50 Q line. The optimum inset depth decreases
as the notch width increases, as expected from the C-patch results.
Table 1. Design table showing the inset depth x0 to give minimum IS,II.
| x0 SI I arg(Si 1) Rin Xin f
S/ Wf [cm] dB] [Deg] [Ohms] [Ohms] [GHz
2.00 1.12 -33.49 150.68 48.59 1.02 2.26
3.00 0.94 -34.72 116.58 49.65 1.65 2.25
5.00 0.72 -34.68 -140.82 49.12 -1.13 2.31
For the probe-fed C-patch, the dependence of the resonant input resistance on the
notch depth can be characterized by a shifted sine-squared function. For a fixed
the notch depth, the resonant input resistance decreases as the notch becomes
wider. For the inset-fed patch, a design table was given for an inset-fed
rectangular patch with one particular aspect ratio of 1.5, which shows the
optimum notch depth to obtain the best possible match (minimum ISIII) to a
feeding 50 Q microstrip line.
This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation through
Grants EEC-0240889 and ECS-0218629 and by the State of Texas Advanced
Technology Program.
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