WWB 2020 Program Final PDF

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The document outlines the various activities and events at the Western Pyrotechnic Association's annual convention, including seminars, workshops, fireworks displays and demonstrations.

Attendees can participate in world-class seminars, both lecture style and hands-on workshops, purchase and shoot fireworks, and see different fireworks shows and demonstrations each night.

Safety glasses, long sleeves, long pants made of natural fibers are required to attend seminars involving live explosives. Attendees must follow the safety rules and guidelines.

Fellow members of the WPA,

Thank you for joining us at our 31st annual

Western Winter Blast, Ignite the Night!
The Western Pyrotechnic Association Board
of Directors is grateful to the planners and
volunteer staff for all their efforts. Because of
their hard work, you can participate in world-
class seminars, both lecture style and hands-on
workshops, where you learn to manufacture
your own fireworks. Fireworks are available for
purchase if you don’t build your own to shoot.
We have some of the most incredible fireworks
shows and demonstrations anywhere in the
world. You will see different styles and effects
every night, if not during demos and displays,
then down on the lines as members show off
their skills. This all doesn’t happen without the
perseverance of our staff and your fellow club
members who volunteer their time to keep us
safe and keep things moving. Please take a
minute to thank anyone in a STAFF polo shirt.
Our club is all volunteer and part of your
entrance fee is to give us some of your
time. Please sign up when you pick up your
credentials help us for safety, security and
cleanup. Without our dedicated staff and your
help, this event would cease to exist.

WPA Board of Directors

The Western Winter Blast Convention is a

production of the Western Pyrotechnic Association,

Western Pyrotechnic Association

PO Box 1687, Castle Rock, CO 80104

www.westernpyro.org 844-WPA-PYRO

Table of Contents Area Map
31st Annual
Western Pyrotechnic Association’s
Welcome and general info 1-8
Western Winter Blast
Sponsors 9
Lake Havasu City, Arizona
Daily schedules 10-17
February 2020
Detailed list of seminars 18-37
List of seminar presenters 38-60
Pyros in Training (PIT) 61-65
Member Showcase 66-68
Vendors 69
Procedures, policies and rules 70-79 Enter SARA Park from McCulloch Blvd and come
General Business Meeting 80-83 in the back way. If not, prepare to sit in traffic
Event Staff 84-85 and be forced to turn around.
You’ll see an Ace Hardware at the corner of
McCulloch boulevard.
Safety gear/PPE will be required to attend
all seminars with live product.

What do I need to wear?

• Safety glasses
• Long sleeves and long pants
• All clothing must be natural fibers and
non-synthetic (jackets, shirts, pants, hats, etc)

Please do not force the presenters to be

police. If you’re not dressed for the occasion,
change your clothes or skip the seminar.

Registrant and/or spouse agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Western
Pyrotechnic Association, Inc., each of its members, officers, agents, employees and
successors, from and against all claims, damages or injuries direct or consequential
rising out of any direct and/or indirect or collateral participation in activities
associated with the Western Winter Blast Convention, held in Lake Havasu City,
Arizona, including displays, demonstrations, competitions, vending, and other
convention activities by the registrant, the registrant’s spouse, or the registrant’s
children, if any. Registrant also recognizes that violations and abuses of Western
Pyrotechnic Association, Inc. safety rules and convention conduct guidelines may
result in suspension of convention privileges and possible revocation of Western
Pyrotechnic Association, Inc. membership.

4 5
WPA Event Map WPA Event Map

C Product
Passfire Theater
Food vending

The WPA is an educational association. Some of our activities certain activities. If it is brought to the attention
involve regulated explosives. The WPA does not conduct of the WPA that any member is abusing his or her
background checks or otherwise investigate applicants for WPA membership to engage in any explosives-related
membership or active members. It is every WPA member’s activities that are prohibited by his or her legal status,
individual responsibility, if under any court order or any the WPA will cooperate fully with appropriate authorities
other legal restriction pertaining to explosives, to know what in their conduct of any related investigative or
specific activities he or she is prohibited from engaging in, interdiction actions and WPA may take any appropriate
and to refrain at all times from any such prohibited acts or action against that member authorized in the bylaws.
activities. WPA actively enforces age-related restrictions on

6 7
Monday Cleanup
Cleanup is a simple task at WPA events. Everybody
other than minors pays a cleanup deposit - even board
members, staff and sponsored guests pay the $20. Some
of that money is paid to day labor, cleaning supplies and Many thanks to our generous sponsors
the like. The rest is divided among the people who actively
participate in cleaning. Community Sponsors
Mudshark Brewery
• Cleanup starts at 9:00 on Monday.
Lake Havasu Rodeo Grounds
• Sign in when you arrive.
• Sign out when you leave.
Titanium Level Sponsors
• Cleanup is usually done about 1:00 PM.
Jake’s Fireworks
• Stay till the end, and you get lunch.
Pyro Spectacular
• Get a refund check in March.
Spirit of ‘76 Fireworks
Whatever money is left after expenses, is split by the ARC
people who stay to clean up. Even if you can’t stay for the
entire time, your deposit will be refunded based on an Magnesium Level Sponsor
hourly basis. AM Pyro
In 2019 each member who worked till the end was Big Sky
refunded about $125.
Passfire Theater Sponsor
You signed up to join a volunteer social club. If you
didn’t want to help run things, then you should have
Parking Pass Sponsor
asked “how much more will it cost me to have other
people do my volunteering?” COBRA Firing Systems
Now I do understand that some of you either feel that
you have already put in your fair share of hours in the WWB Lanyard Sponsor
past, or have other reasons that you can’t volunteer ACE Pyro
but the vast majority of you truly have no excuse.
Please keep in mind that if we don’t have enough Do It 2020
volunteers we will shut down the class B or C lines, or
shut down the gate to the grandstands or whatever. It’s never too soon to think about Do It. Come to
We need to run a safe and secure Winter Blast and Hawthorne, Nevada and experience the WPA’s
that means having the people in place to make that manufacturing event.
One hour of your time against the 100’s, or 1000’s of September 17 to September 20, 2020
hours that some or your Board members or Winter
Blast staff puts in. Seems like a good trade to me. 5 days of fun, and usually sun. The host hotel is an
Sign up, you just might enjoy it. inexpensive casino, and just a 5 minute drive from the
site. Manufacturing doesn’t close during shooting - and
- Kief Adler it’s always open shooting, as there’s no public display. B
Rockets is just a short walk from everything else!
8 9
Daily Schedules

10 11
12 13
14 15
16 17
Seminars Seminars
Each Seminar has a number in the schedule. The list get a better understanding of the various pyrotechnics
below is the detailed description for each seminar. devices, vocabulary and safety. This is the class where
you can get your questions answered.
You can find each presenter’s bio, by last name, in
the next section. 4 Precision Timing with Mongoose Firing System
Don Kark, Neil Larson
1 Seminar Prep
Precision timed Electrical firing gives pyrotechnicians
During this session we will use the time to prepare many the ability to combine simple effects into entirely new
of the parts and pieces that will be used over the next effects. Comets can be made into fronts, patterns or
few days in seminars and workshops. Members looking words. Salutes into percussion music or strafing runs.
for something to do or learn can stop by and be put to Wedges into woven fabrics of light. Precision timed
task helping gather materials, weigh out increments of effects are wowing crowds the world over.
powders, cut paper and glue things together. A good Come and learn the tools the Mongoose Firing System
way to learn first hand about all the cool things we will provides to fire millisecond precision during scripted
build in the workshops. shows and for special effects. Presenters Don Kark and
Neil Larson are the founders of SimpliFire, the makers of
2 Burst Workshop the Mongoose Wireless Firing System.
Steve Wilson, Mike Garrett
5 4” Italian Cylinder Shell Workshop
WWB offers seminars and workshops where participants Steve Wilson, Roberto Ramirez, Joe Madziarczyk,
can build various fireworks such as round ball shells and Scott Morton, Kurt Medlin
Italian style cylinder shells. Breaking or bursting these Pre registration and prepaid $12 material fee
shells requires having on hand different types of burst required, must be 18 yrs old, PPE required
ranging from polverone to rice hulls and cotton seed
coated with various kinds of black powder mixes. In In the seminar, participants will walk through all the
this workshop we will get to work making whatever is aspects of assembling a 4” single-break cylinder
needed for subsequent seminars requiring burst. Actual shell using traditional Italio-American techniques. All
burst required varies from year to year. parts of the basic construction will be explained and
demonstrated, from case rolling, through time fuse
preparation, burst charges, filling, stringing, pasting,
3 Pyrotechnics Overview and finishing with a lift charge and leader. Afterwards,
Joseph Madziarczyk participants will have the chance to assemble their own.
Because of the overnight drying time required with this
This class focuses on giving the beginning pyro a better technique, this class will be held in two sessions. The
understanding of the commonly used pyrotechnic first session on Thursday will take participants through
devices and how they are made. Safety, realities, and pasting the shell. The second session on Saturday will
personal protection equipment (PPE) have been added be to complete the shells by preparing the time fuse,
to the presentation as well as new drawings, charts, affixing a quickmatch leader, wrapping in paper and
samples, and photographs. If you have seen a firework adding the right amount of 2Fa lift powder.
and wondered, “what the heck is that?” or “how did they
make that” then this class is for you. Come if you want to

18 19
Seminars Seminars
6 Fire Dancing 9 Safety Training (How to be a Safety Volunteer)
Katie Gromlovits Darrell Fiss, Gregg Dandurand

Fire Dancing involves the manipulation of ignited props This seminar will cover what it takes to wear the
to music by a trained performer. I intend to educate orange vest and herd cats on the B line and C line.
attendees how to find or become a proficient fire dancer, The presenters will cover proper loading and shooting
build fire dance tools, work with materials and fuels, as techniques, ways to keep people and product moving
well as safety guidelines for all things fire dance. If time smoothly, and how to handle any situations that arise.
permits, there may be a demonstration. The theory is that if everyone learns how to be a safety,
everyone will understand why the safeties do what they
7 The Basics of Star Plate & Comet Pump Use do. Safety Staff always needs volunteers to help monitor
Ben Smith the lines, come be one of them.

This seminar will detail the general techniques, hints 10 Multibreak & Exhibition Shell Show and Tell
and tips for working with star plates and comet pumps. “Wiley” & “Unclewitty”
Formula, guidelines and shop safety will all be covered.
Though this class will use the FireSmith line of star plates In recent years there has been a notable improvement in
and multi-comet pumps, the basic techniques and safety intricate shell design and craftsmanship among several
guidelines are applicable to just about any pressed WPA shell builders. We have seen some of their fine
star construction method. After the demonstration has works in the WWB evening sky in the past few years both
concluded, those who wish to stick around to press in exhibition shells and the Members Showcase. This year
stars for their own use are welcome. A hydraulic press there are more examples of this fine work ready to light
and a selection of star plates and comet pumps will be the sky and tingle our ears.
available for use. Ben will also be available to provide
guidance and instruction. You will need to supply your Many of the outstanding shells to be shot this year
own pre-screened and dampened comps. will be on display at this special showing on Thursday
evening. Come by Tent 3 and see the work up close,
8 Care and Feeding of the Club WASP meet the builders and listen to them explain what we are
Cliff Pearson, Jim Widmann hoping to see over the next few nights.

The WPA owns a round shell pasting machine called 11 PGI Shooter Certification Course
the Widmann Automatic Shell Paster (WASP) which Steve and Micki McDanal, John Steinberg
is available for club members to use. This machine Pre registration and prepaid $45 material fee
has revolutionized the way round shells are pasted by required, must be 18 yrs old, PPE required
automatically applying gummed paper tape to a shell.
Production rates are dramatically increased when using This course is an accepted safety course for licensing
the WASP compared to hand pasting. The WASP is fairly in many states. It is a must do course for anyone who
easy to use but does require some knowledge to use wants to increase their knowledge of current NFPA
efficiently and to find and expose the passfire tube after regulations, requirements and safety protocols for
pasting. This seminar will cover the basic operation of commercial fireworks displays. The course includes
the WASP and explain the WPA paper tape policy. Tape classroom lectures, hands on field work and a written
can be purchased from the Registration area. test. Everyone can learn something new from this class.
There are 2 required sessions, classroom and live fire/
20 21
Seminars Seminars
field demonstrations, for those desiring to apply for PGI should look like and what you should keep in it. This is a
certification. must do class for anyone who is around pyro a lot, be it
on the amateur or professional level.
Minimum PPE is required at Friday’s class: Safety glasses,
hard hat, closed toe shoes, long sleeve shirt, long pants 14 5” Maltese Ring Shell Construction
made of 100% cotton or other flame retardant material Kevin Mather
(leather, turnout gear over cotton). Also bring a water
bottle, lunch/snacks if desired, paper (if you don’t like to Maltese color shells are unique in the world of
write in your books) and a pencil, pen and/or highlighter. pyrotechnics. When seen on edge the shells are thin,
You must have your registration ID prior to the hands “pancake” like breaks. When seen facing the viewer we
on portion Friday after lunch. Registrants will receive are treated to one or more concentric rings of color
their required WPA “B” firing line wristbands and stickers filling the sky. The simplest form of Maltese color
at the conclusion of Friday’s practical session. Due to a shells is a single break ring shell. The rings are often a
tight time schedule, no information can be repeated for combination of one row of white or gold glitter paired
late students. with several rows of color stars.

12 New Attendee Orientation This workshop will cover the building of two 5” Maltese
Greg Dandurand, Dennis Miele ring shells. We will cover all steps of construction
from making stars and burst, shell construction and
New to the WPA or first time at Western Winter Blast? star loading, filling with burst, closing the shell and
This seminar is just for you. Attendees will be given a traditional Maltese spiking. This workshop is an excellent
brief history of the WPA, an overview of our policies starting point for those interested in Maltese color shells.
and safety procedures. Time will be given for individual The two shells built in the workshop will be shot during
questions and answers followed by a guided site tour the Members Showcase on Sunday night.
of the WWB site given by some of our current officers
and key staff personnel. Get the lay of the land in the 15 5” Ball Shell Workshop
sunlight! Jim Widmann, Mike Garrett and the WASPbites
Pre registration and prepaid $12 material fee
13 First Aid for Pyros required, must be 18 yrs old, PPE required
Scott Morton
If you have ever wondered how round ball shells are
As builders and display operators there is always a made then this workshop is a good place to start. This
chance for injuries to happen. Are you prepared for an workshop will teach you how to make your own 5” paper
injury? Do you have basic first aid equipment to treat ball shell. Working with experienced shell builders, you
an injury, and more importantly do you know how to will get hands-on knowledge that will guide you in
use your equipment? When is it time to treat yourself building a ball shell that looks and performs just like the
vs going to hospital, or even calling 911? In this class pros. There are two workshop sessions: The first session
Scott will go over some of the basic injuries that can has a short tutorial and discussion followed by the
possibly occur while handling and discharging fireworks, assembly and wrapping of your shell. A fleet of WASP
and show how to treat them. Treating burns, cuts, machines will be used to expedite this procedure. The
heat exhaustion, and the stopping of bleeding will all shell is then dried overnight. On the following day, in the
be covered. He will also show what a small first aid kit second session, you will apply the lift and leader to the

22 23
Seminars Seminars
shell. Your shell can be fired that night in a special area stadium attendants with their 5W walkie talkies, or look
just for us. up at the 50W cell phone base station above the upper
deck, do you ever wonder if you should have heeded the
16 Walking Tour of Manufacturing advice of Bob Souza of Pyrospectaculars fame - “If you
Bill Ryan can use a wire - use a wire”?

Interested in how fireworks are made? Go behind the Because of the growth of wireless devices and services
scenes in WWB onsite manufacturing and actually watch this talk is an attempt to identify and quantify what
various pyrotechnic devices being built! You’ll marvel at happens when large groups of people meet and pollute
the ingenuity of your fellow club members as they show the radio frequency environment. Maybe it’s better not
various solutions to safety and production issues. Given to know. But that’s not the WPA way.
by the Manufacturing Chairman, Bill Ryan, you will hear
how you, too, can join the ranks of Manufacturing! Your 19 Safely Using Chemicals to Make Fireworks
questions are welcome throughout the walk. Must be at LIVE NETCAST
least 18 years old. An introduction to some basic properties of
pyrotechnic compositions.
17 Walking Tour of Shooter Lines Bob Winocur
Greg Dandurand
Many people often approach pyrotechnic chemicals
This walking tour gives participants a look behind the with certain irrational fears and chemophobic attitudes.
scenes not normally afforded to the public. If you plan A clear-headed view of making fireworks safely is a
to do open shooting in the evening but haven’t been primary prerequisite to safe procedures. This seminar
out on the firing lines this orientation is perfect for you will discuss potential hazards including sensitivity to
to attend. During this walk we will go to the various unwanted ignitions. Demonstrations of some of the basic
WWB firing sites at SARA Park. Doing this during the properties of pyrotechnic chemicals, shock sensitivity
daylight will certainly help you navigate the rocks, of selected compositions using drop hammer tests
stones, pebbles, dips and washes of the back area where and the burning properties of various compositions
the shooting lines are located. We will discus how to and fuses, will help to understand important aspects of
be a Safety, and how to make the Safeties happy (and safety. Variables such as particle sizes and shapes, pH,
everyone safer) when you bring your live product in at specific mixtures of oxidizers and fuels, as well as safe
night during open shooting. handling procedures will be discussed. Safety depends
on knowledge and experience - not hearsay.
18 RF in stadiums - Effects on Wireless Firing This seminar will be our first live, interactive netcast,
Systems coming from Bob Winokur’s back porch in Henderson,
Mark Devon Nevada. Some Q & A will be possible toward the end of
As a pyro operator sitting in a stadium ready to shoot the seminar, time and technology allowing
a show with your wireless system packed with people,
have you ever wondered just what is going to happen 20 3” Bag Mines Workshop
when you hit the start button? As you look over at the Gina & Victor Papini
80k people with their cell phones, the coach and his Pre registration and prepaid $5 material fee required,
assistants with their wireless headsets, the Fox Sports must be 18 yrs old, PPE required
people with their wireless audio and video, the army of

24 25
Seminars Seminars
In this workshop participants will learn about several that fire has, and is ever in pursuit of getting better in his
types of mines, a mid-level firework device that sprays craft.
stars into the sky. This workshop will concentrate on the
basic bag mine which is simple, effective, and easy to 23 Handheld Fountains Workshop
build. Since there are very few wrong ways to make a Steve Majdali
mine, we will show you most of the right ways. If there Learn to make a Hand Fountain, using hand-rolled
is enough time, we will even show you the wrong ways. paper tubes and iron from brake drum linings. The effect
Each participant will have the rare opportunity to make is described by Steve Majdali as “...sort of like Senko
a 3” bag mine. These will be available at the B-line for Hanabi on steroids....” This is a great class for novices,
you to light that same evening. Impress your friends with who will appreciate the simplicity of the project, and for
your new-found pyro making abilities. There is no charge ‘old-timers’ who will appreciate the novel approach and
for the advice of the experts (it’s worth every penny). beautiful effect. Steve will also show how adding a small
amount of copper salt will turn the fountain flame into
21 6” Double Petal Peony Shell Workshop a gorgeous blue color in addition to the very pretty iron
Cliff Pearson, Ellen Webb sparks.
Pre registration and prepaid $20 material fee
required, must be 18 yrs old, PPE required 24 Passfire Maximum Load: WWB 30 Episode World
In this hands-on workshop participants will build 6” Jesse Veverka
round double-petal chrysanthemum shells. Using the
traditional Japanese method, the inner petal will be Join us for the World Premiere of “Passfire Maximum
formed with only black powder coated rice hulls and Load: WWB 30 Episode,” the Veverka brothers’ brand-
tissue paper. It is recommended that participants have new episode on the 30th Anniversary of Winter Blast
some shell building experience beforehand. The 5” from their upcoming documentary fireworks series
Ball Shell workshop, for instance, would provide an “Passfire Maximum Load”. Filmed on location last year
excellent background. There will be a special segment and featuring a sound mix by club member and sound
of the Member Showcase on Sunday night in which designer Peter Brown, the 48-minute long episode will
participants wishing to do so may enter their shells. premiere on Friday, 2/14 at 3:30PM with an encore
presentation on Saturday, 2/15 at 2:30 PM. Friday’s
22 Pyrotography premiere will feature a special guest appearance by a
Tom Calderwood well-known club icon and both presentations will include
an update on the production status of Passfire Maximum
Shooting fireworks with a digital camera is a challenge. Load, including its much anticipated release in August
Tom is an accomplished fireworks photographer who 2020. Limited edition t-shirts and other merchandise
will give many tips during this seminar for getting that will be available. Both events will be held at the “Passfire
*perfect* fireworks picture. Daytime class discussion Theater,” featuring upgraded A/V equipment, wifi,
will include camera and related equipment use, camera video conferencing capability and an additional annex,
settings, computer processing, and setup locations. Later sponsored by the Veverka Brothers.
that evening, we will informally meet on the track around
turn 4 (at Tom’s favorite location) to practice with our
cameras what was learned in the tent. Tom has a no-
secret policy and is more than willing to share if you
want to catch him later. He has a passion for the beauty
26 27
Seminars Seminars
25 Building Multiple Rockets with One Set of items that are useful in fireworking. The relative pros and
Tooling cons of different filament materials will be discussed,
Ben Smith including moisture issues, impact resistance, shrinkage
and bed adhesion. The effects of nozzle diameter, print
This seminar will detail the general construction of a speed and quality will be discussed. Richard will also
variety of rockets using one set of tooling. Information talk about his experiences using various software and
detailing making fuels and basic shop safety guidelines 3D printers. Examples of printed items will be available
will also be covered. Nozzled BP, nozzleless BP, whistle including a 2-stage, 12-motor 3D printed girandola
and strobe rocket construction will all be detailed. frame to be shot in one of the displays.
Though this class will use the FireSmith Super BP
Core Burn tools, the basic techniques, fuels and safety 28A Strobe Rockets - Theory, Fuels and their
guidelines are applicable to the construction of just Preparation
about any type of rocket. A batch of benzoate whistle John Steinberg
fuel will be made during this seminar. The making of
strobe fuel will also be covered. In the first part of this seminar/workshop legendary PGI
rocket guru John Steinberg will go over the theory of
26 Permanent Manufacturing (PM) Update strobe rocket function and discuss the chemicals that
Lonny Ross, Tommy Wohlhieter are used to produce this distinct but tricky device. Great
attention will be given to safe ways to process and
There are new developments with regards to permanent handle these chemicals. In the morning session we will
manufacturing facilities which may be available for use go through the lecture and then spend time preparing
by WPA members. The Permanent Manufacturing chairs comps to be used in part II. In the afternoon session
will present and discuss the current state of Permanent Ben Smith will take over demonstrating the press and
Manufacturing as well as the near term future of PM. tooling used to make the motors. Ben will add to the
There should be ample time to ask a few questions at discussion his own findings and methods of strobe
the end of the presentation. This session is being held rocket construction. Whistle rockets and comps will also
at a time when Manufacturing is closed for the day, and be discussed in the morning session.
a light dinner will be provided, so how can you miss?
Donations are requested for the food provided. 28B Strobe Rocket Make & Take
John Steinberg, Ben Smith
27 3D printing for Pyros Pre registration and prepaid $5 material fee required,
Richard Shannon II must be 18 yrs old, PPE required

Advances in 3D printers now allow them to support Join Ben Smith and John Steinberg to construct your
multiple types of filaments which are readily available own 1lb strobe rocket. All tools, machinery, fuels and
and inexpensive. At the same time 3D modeling supplies will be provided. Space in this session is limited
programs have become easier to use. With these to 8 people per available press. Attending seminars 28A
developments, 3D printers are very suitable for use “Strobe Rockets - Theory, Fuels and their Preparation”
by the hobbyist fireworker as well as the commercial and 25 “Building Multiple Types of Rockets with One Set
fireworks industry. In this seminar Richard will show of Tooling” prior to this workshop is mandatory.
designs he has developed for rocket headers, hemi
molds, cylinder case formers, girandolas, and other

28 29
Seminars Seminars
29 California Pyrotechnic Licencing and Issues sensible manner. We promote safety within the industry
Al Adams, Ramiro A. Rodriguez, Vijay Mepani, Bryan and to the consumers that use our products. The NFA
Gougé was established to serve the members no matter whether
a company or individual. The NFA promotes the SAFE Use
For the first time in many years at WWB we have of Fireworks in all sections of the industry.
representatives from CAL FIRE/OSFM who will provide a
presentation on the Fireworks Program. Topics that they 31 Black Powder Rockets
will cover include: Kurt Medlin, Steve Madjali
Fireworks Program Overview Pre registration and prepaid $3 material fee required,
Pyrotechnic Operator must be 18 yrs old, PPE required
Licensing Requirements
Title 19, CCR Proposed Regulations Update This workshop on traditional black powder rockets is
Q & A – Fireworks Program Staff a perennial favorite at both Do-It and Winter Blast.
The Fireworks Program requires the licensing of all Steve and Kurt will demonstrate how to make a “one-
pyrotechnic operators, fireworks manufacturers, pound” black powder rocket. Starting with a few
importer-exporters, wholesalers, retailers, and public simple tools, a tube, some clay, a few ounces of black
display companies. Pyrotechnic operators who discharge powder composition and a stick, they will explain all the
fireworks at public displays or launch high powered elements that go into making a successful rocket as they
and experimental rockets, must also pass a written demonstrate the technique. Attendees will then have a
examination and provide proof of experience. Our goal chance to make their own rocket which they can fire that
is to provide a better understanding of Laws, Regulations night.
for Transportation, Use and Storage of Fireworks in
California. 32 Set Piece Construction Workshop
This 2 hour session (with a 5 minute break) will include Lynden King
time for members to ask a variety of questions from this
very knowledgeable group of CA State Fire Marshal. Set pieces, also known as brightwork, have been made
for hundreds of years to augment various kinds of
30 National Fireworks Association - Who We Are displays. Often shown as large words or flags, many
and what We Do for our Industry approaches to this art can be used, sometimes dictated
Steve Houser, NFA President by materials available and/or how the piece will be
displayed. In this workshop, Lynden will discuss some of
As the largest fireworks trade organization by member those popular methods from artistic layout to commercial
count, the NFA is a strong yet neutral voice for the production. The class will then turn into a slave-labor
fireworks industry. Topics covered will include the NFA’s workshop to help build elements of Sunday night’s
involvement in representing the industry in Washington, expanded Members Showcase. Attendees looking for an
DC with examples and recent activities, what are the activity to do for the next few days will find this class fun
future concerns of the fireworks industry, how the and useful.
industry can help by getting involved, and the desire for
fair and equal competition with a focus on safety and
product deliverability.
The mission of the NFA is to work diligently to ensure
that the Fireworks Industry is regulated in a fair and

30 31
Seminars Seminars
33 Home Made Black Powder, Southern Style northerners simply refer to as “Tultepec”.
Michael Siefker (AKA “Alabama”)
Kut Kutemoc, Creative/Art Director at Feria Internacional
Like the best BBQ in the world which is done low and de la Pirotecnia Tultepec Fans will come to us live in
slow, Alabama BP is hot and fast. the new Passfire Theater via the internet to give us a
This is a seminar on how Mike makes black powder presentation about the upcoming annual March festival.
starting with the selection of primo species of wood to Kut will share some history of the region and of the
make charcoal in his retort process. The seminar will famous event there, and give us some inside details
cover milling of the materials, pressing into pucks, then about the festival.
breaking them up, going through the sizing process,
and even tumbling with graphite for that “store bought” This presentation will be interpreted by WPA friend and
look. Tultepec resident, Luis Urban. If you are a true hardcore
pyro, visiting Tultepec is a must on your bucket list!
34 Flamethrowers! And this unique presentation is your first step in that
Katie Gromlovits direction - a not to be missed opportunity to make
connections with those at one of the premier pyro
Flamethrowers! This intriguing apparatus has evolved events in the world.
so much over the past century from weapon to special
effects. In this seminar we will go over the safe firing 36 Tom DeWille Remembrance
and operation of flamethrowers. This will include history,
safety, materials, various fuels, gases, and maybe even Tom DeWille was a pioneer in the many theatrical and
some napalm. Please bring appropriate PPE. proximate pyrotechnic effects we take for granted today
in rock concerts, stage effects, wrestling extravaganzas
35 Tultepec LIVE! - Netcast from Tultepec Mexico and even rodeo showmanship. He was a genius at
Kut Kutemoc, Luis Urban engineering these effects and turned them into a very
viable and precision industry. Those who knew Tom
The rich culture of Mexico is nourished by the uses, personally knew a very kind and sharing individual with
customs, traditions, beliefs and way of life of its a sometimes colorful reputation. He was tragically taken
inhabitants of the different regions of the Mexican away from us in October. This gathering of friends and
territory. One of those communities with great cultural associates is to pay tribute to Tom by sharing stories,
contribution is Tultepec, State of Mexico. good times and accomplishments. If you knew Tom,
please come join us at 11AM Sunday in the Hospitality
Tultepec is bountiful both in popular and religious Tent to help regale memories of our dear friend. A
celebrations, which enjoy a deep tradition among simple lunch will be provided. Please RSVP Amanda
the inhabitants. Its name is synonymous with in the C Tent or text 256 665-1000 if you are going to
rockets, castillos, pyrotechnic bulls, patron feasts and attend and want to be included in the lunch.
pilgrimages. It is THE Capital of Pyrotechnics in Mexico,
and very probably all of Americas!

For the first time ever we will have a live Netcast from
Tultepec Mexico with one of the major promoters for the
famous festival of Juan de Dios - the event most of us

32 33
Seminars Seminars
37 HazMat Driving You want to make your own fireworks at WPA events but
Kiley Grunstad, Gregg Smith it looks like a scary and expensive big step. Keep in mind
that everyone in Manufacturing was new at some point.
If you intend to work professionally in fireworks, you However, the club’s manufacturers are friendly and
may eventually need a Commercial Driver’s License passionate about their hobby and they want to share
with Hazmat Endorsement. This class will cover the that passion. As pushers of fireworks, we have created a
most common types of Hazmat that Pyrotechnicians safe and fun manufacturing area that welcomes the new
deal with and when you need a Hazmat Endorsement manufacturer. This seminar will discuss what is required
to haul Pyrotechnic devices. We will also cover how to to manufacture at WPA events, including site issues such
get a commercial class C/B license and the different as a pop-up shade structure and tables, strategies for
restrictions/endorsements you can or will have to add success, common tools needed, getting supplies and
to your license depending on the situation. Other topics ideas on saving your hard earned money.
will include advice and guidance on how to successfully
pass the different tests to obtain the license such as the 40 Large Shell Considerations
road test, pre-trip exam, and the written exam. Lastly we Jim Widmann
will talk about best practices and safety when it comes to
using your CDL with Hazmat endorsement. In this seminar Jim Widmann will present various
considerations that should be taken into account when
38 Star Rolling designing and building large caliber shells. In shells
Ellen Webb 12” and bigger many of the forces involved change
significantly. Discussed will be these forces and how they
This star rolling demonstration will explore the truth change as the shell size increases. Construction details
(techniques) and beauty of rolling a perfect spherical and other tips will be offered. In addition, attendees can
star. In its finished form it can bring the joy and expect stories about and photos of the manufacture and
excitement of childhood! But it’s all up to you, no launching of large aerial shells.
refunds on this ...
To start you on the correct path this seminar will cover 41 Chromatrope
many of the basic principles of star rolling from a Tackett Austin
beginner’s level. Discussion will cover how to start stars
from cores, how to grow them, and how to deal with A chromatrope is made from two pinwheels that share
common problems that accompany the star rolling an axle and spin in opposite directions. It’s simple, but
process such as raspberry shapes, trailing metals and creates a beautiful effect - if you do it right. In this hands
other nuisances. The demo will cover hand rolling and on workshop we’ll have a short discussion on theory,
‘cement’ mixer rolling for the actual rolling process along and some things to look out for. Then roll down your
with a ‘spritz and dry comp’ application as well as toro sleeves, follow directions and help assemble a three foot
method for applying the composition to grow the stars. diameter chromatrope that will be lit in the Member
The best star drying methods will also be discussed, as Showcase on Sunday night.
well as priming methods. We’ll focus on what makes a good driver, what makes
a good frame, attaching drivers to the frame, fusing,
39 So you want to Manufacture Fireworks … timing and more fusing. There’s a lot of fusing. Don’t
Bill Ryan & Friends forget your PPE.

34 35
Seminars Seminars
42 Firework Choreography: Styles, Techniques, Hints 44 Tried and True Pyro Chemistry
& Tips Joel Baechle
Aaron & Amber Mayfield / AM Pyrotechnics
The seminar will cover a variety of well-known and
Anything From A Back Yard Display to a World Class useful formulations from published literature, explaining
Pyro Musical Without The Use Of Visual Scripting why they are reliable, and including tips on how to
Software: There are many styles of fireworks adjust them for better handling and performance. The
choreography and all styles have their place. AM requirements for making good all around fireworks
Pyrotechnics designs displays that seem to win the mixtures will be contrasted with specialized techniques.
hearts of firework enthusiasts and the general public Everyone likes to pass recipes around, but some
alike. In this class you will learn several styles of information gets misunderstood over time, and some
choreography with no secrets held back! Including but things found online are best avoided. Much of this was
not limited to where to utilize dark sky, how to introduce covered in Rev. Ron Lancaster’s 4th edition, and that
exotic fireworks into your show, details regarding how to overview will inform the formulations covered in the
design scenes and flights into your displays, tips on how seminar. Force and spark, colors, glitter, illumination,
to design a breathtaking finale, what colors the brain tailed and trailing effects, whistles, flash and sound and
reacts to in the most positive way, how to use particular others will be described. A handout will also be provided
color combinations, and much more. We will bring all for reference.
of these wonderful tips and information together in
such a way as to help you to create a display that is 45 The Making of One Hot Minute
unforgettable, be it in your back yard or professional Rich Bader, Greg Thomas
presentations in front of tens of thousands. They are
simple techniques that anyone can utilize once taught. One Hot Minute: 500 one-shot comets and mines in
60 seconds! We’ll shoot it Sunday night shortly after
43 Introduction to Making Girandolas this seminar. Come peek behind the curtain and learn
Kurt Medlin, Mike Garrett how this European style, 15 front position show was
done. We’ll show you how we reverse engineered the
This seminar will provide an overview of how Dragon Fireworks choreography from the YouTube
girandolas are built and how they function. Topics video, including its implementation in Finale 3D. It’s
include performance aesthetics, basic designs, stability an approach useful for other similar shows as well.
considerations, drivers for lifting and spinning, You’ll also learn about new one-shot racking systems
girandola frames and common construction methods, that simplify show set up and see plans for how to
driver ignition sequencing, fusing techniques, rising build them yourself. as well as the cost effective 1.4G
garnishments, ending effects, and launch considerations. products we used from suppliers like Spirit of ‘76, and
If you’re considering making your first girandola and the procedures we used to set up and shoot the show
want to know what you would be getting into, or you are using Cobra Firing Systems wireless system. Everything
simply curious about what all goes into making the ones you need to know to recreate this amazing show! Bring
you’ve seen, this seminar will provide that insight and your Windows laptop and get a free trial copy of Finale
demystify these fascinating items! 3D! A tour of the set up show on the infield will follow
the seminar.

36 37
Presenter Bios Presenter Bios
Al Adams (29 California Pyrotechnic Licencing) and less mechanical in order to bolster its reputation
in the face of increasing regulatory issues. He remains
Al Adams, Chief, Fire Engineering & Investigations committed to a multi-dimensional, American vision of
Division – Chief Adams has been with CAL FIRE - Office fireworks presentation, rather than a “DJ” approach of
of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) for 36 years and has launching imports to music. He has a B.A. degree in
a diverse background serving in multiple positions Sociology, and maintains a keen interest in the evolution
including Law Enforcement/Investigator, Deputy of the arts in society through this season of rapid
State Fire Marshal III Specialist, and Motion Picture & change, especially through the progress of multimedia
Entertainment Safety Program Coordinator. Chief Adams entertainment. In other words, pyrotechnics should keep
is responsible for the administration and management pace with changes in lighting design and entertainment
of 11 statewide programs whose primary functions are presentation, and not become an artifact of the analog
licensing, product approval, and licensing enforcement. era. His wife Barbara has supported him in this difficult
field for over 30 years, and their three sons are all
Tackett Austin (41 Chromatrope) involved in music and art as well. He resides in Northern
Tackett Austin is old enough to remember going to
California as a kid and getting the good fireworks that Rich Bader (45 The Making of One Hot Minute)
were outlawed in his fire prone state of Oregon. He
moved away to live in some big cities, but recently Rich Bader owes his professional pyro career to the
returned to his roots and is living in the woods again. As WPA and Winter Blast. It was here, almost ten years ago,
an adult pyro, he was shocked and excited to find a club that he found his tribe and began to learn and apply
for hobbyists and has been attending club events for the tools of the trade. He soon discovered his passion
about 12 years. He lived in Oakland most of that time, for show design and has been offering samples of his
which gave him access to the secret Jackalope workshop work, at Winter Blast ever since. Now a licensed pyro, he
and feels privileged to have contributed to Bunny Blasto, shoots primarily in the Great North West. Additionally,
Libtard University vs Trump Tower extravaganza, Burros, Rich has designed product demos for vendors including
Rockets and more. He’s currently focusing on pyro that Red Rhino, Jake’s, and Spirit of 76. His interest in
stays near the ground, like chromatropes. He’s proud to European style shows aligns well with key industry trends
have served on the WPA Board for the last two years as that enable these shows to be more accessible and cost
the VP of Communications. effective.
Joel Baechle (44 Tried and True Pyro Chemistry)
Marion Borst (PIT)
Joel Baechle has been involved in pyrotechnics since
1970 when he did his first fireworks display. He started Marion Borst has been an artist since the age of 5, and
out working at a fireworks stand on the state line and has been an art teacher in both high school and middle
gradually found his way into the proximate pyrotechnics school for 14 years. A member of the Burning Man
and special effects field, where he continues to innovate community for 22 years, Marion has a love of making art,
today. He tries as best as possible to inspire the creative particularly painting with oils and watercolors.
elements of pyrotechnic progress, the cornerstone
of this effort being his 1989 monograph, Pyrocolor
Harmony: A Designer’s Guide. The purpose of this is to
encourage a vision of pyrotechnics that is more artistic

38 39
Presenter Bios Presenter Bios
Tom Calderwood (22 Pyrotography) Mark Devon (18 RF in stadiums - Effects on Wireless
Firing Systems)
Tom Calderwood got hooked on pyro when he was
given a (stolen) pack of Black Cats at age 8. He soon Mark Devon graduated from University of Michigan
discovered Estes and Centuri rockets, and these took BSEE ‘78 and MSEE ‘80. He has worked as a HW/RF
priority over ‘crackers, sparklers and smoke bombs. engineer at many of the Silicon Valley companies during
In the WPA, he found his niche with BP rockets. While this time such as Intel, Apple, Microsoft, Broadcom as
his love is still with BP rockets, his health prevents him well as various startups and consulting jobs. He began
from building – hence he has copious free time to with wired data such as Ethernet and token ring moving
photograph. Tom is retired and recently found a way to on to wireless devices following the popularization of
escape from California to Tennessee. Married for over 40 frequency hoppers in the 90s and then Wifi in the 2000s.
years to the same woman, he has 5 children that can call One start up in particular, Silverspring Networks, shipped
him ‘dad’ - but it’s not their fault. 25 million devices (the dreaded PG&E smartmeter)
with his design in North America and Australia using
Gregg Dandurand (9 “Safety Training (How to be a the 900MHz frequency hopper. He has 10 patents (he
Safety Volunteer)”; 12 “New Attendee Orientation”; thinks).
17 Walking Tour of Shooter Lines) Pyrotechnically, Mr Devon joined the PGI in 1991 and
the WPA in 1992. He began shooting shows with San
Greg Dandurand has been in pyro clubs since 1999. He Diego fireworks in the Bay Area and went on doing
started in the Michigan Pyrotechnic Arts Guild (MPAG) shows with Pyro Spectaculars for the next 25 years
and is a current member of the Pyrotechnics Guild including SF Giants, Oakland A’s, SJ Giants and various
International (PGI). He has been a member of WPA since birthday parties and weddings. Due to some wine tasting
2002. He wears the hats of President, Safety Chair, and episodes gone wrong at some of the early WPA he
BATFE Liaison for this event. He is a Head Pyro for a became the poet laureate of the WPA and threatens to
company that shoots shows in the Phoenix area. publish more if you won’t buy his firing system.

Bob and Margye Damjanovich (41 Chromatrope) Tom DeWille (36 Tom DeWille Remembrance)
Bob and Margye retired from Los Alamos National
Laboratory. Margye worked as a real-time data Tom DeWille was a pioneer in the many theatrical and
acquisition and analysis programmer. Bob worked in proximate pyrotechnic effects we take for granted today
various areas as a research engineer. in rock concerts, stage effects, wrestling extravaganzas
They have been involved in amateur pyrotechnics for and even rodeo showmanship. He was a genius at
about 35 years and are both long-term members of the engineering these effects and turned them into a very
Rocky Mountain Pyrotechnics Guild. Bob has served as viable and precision industry. Those who knew Tom
Safety Officer and Vice President. personally knew a very kind and sharing individual with
They are both licensed Display Operators in the state a sometimes colorful reputation. He was tragically taken
of Colorado, and provide guidance and oversight for away from us in October. This gathering of friends and
their local Independence Day fireworks display. They associates is to pay tribute to Tom by sharing stories,
live on a relatively large lot in a rural development in good times and accomplishments. If you knew Tom,
southeastern Colorado, and have managed to keep please come join us at 11AM Sunday in the Hospitality
both the neighbors and local law enforcement and fire Tent to help regale memories of our dear friend. A
departments happy with their endeavors. simple lunch will be provided. Please RSVP Amanda

40 41
Presenter Bios Presenter Bios
in the C Tent or text 256 665-1000 if you are going to Mike Garrett (1 Burst Workshop ; 15 5” Ball Shell
attend and want to be included in the lunch. Workshop;
43 Introduction to Making Girandolas)
Darrell Fiss (9 How to be a Safety Volunteer)
Mike Garrett is a country boy stuck in Silicon Valley
Darrell Fiss gained most of his Safety knowledge by by circumstances. He recently retired from high tech
accident. At age 6 he experimented with fire in the and relaxes by dabbling in pyrotechnics, fishing,
family garage where the fire turned out good and the woodworking, traveling, kicking a soccer ball, and
Volunteer Fire Department responded quickly. When photography. In 2010 he rediscovered his love
Darrell was about 10 he and a few friends experimented of fireworks and joined the Western Pyrotechnic
with homemade cannons. They used ½” pipe with Association and the PGI. He’s having so much fun with
an end cap for the barrel, a charge came from a Black Powder that he can hardly control himself. Don’t
“Blockbuster” firecracker, and marbles or ball bearings get him started talking about fireworks unless you have
were the projectiles. Their test range was a sandbox in an hour to kill.
the local playground and the target was the wooden
shutters on the local Curling Rink across the 2 lane Mike Gerson (PIT)
street. Imagine the excitement as they tried to extinguish
the lit fuse when a car appeared and came down the Mike Gerson started his fireworks career as a part time
street. A high school science teacher introduced Darrell crew member before obtaining his operators’ license
to black powder but since the statute of limitations is not about 10 years ago. Since then he has shot shows all
quite up we’ll leave that story for later. Luckily he found over California as a licensed operator. At some point
a home in the WPA (Member #207) and has volunteered during that time he met a guy named Tommy who
in a number of areas but feels most comfortable down invited Mike to build shells at a WPA event called Do-It.
on the “B” Line. Mike was immediately hooked on manufacturing and
joined the WPA to build fireworks at every event he
could attend. A few years later Mike caught wind of the
fact Harry Gilliam of Skylighter was closing up shop and
liquidating the inventory. Would all that wonderful free
information about projects and all those handy charts
and tables be lost forever? Since Mike had not had a real
job in about 10 years (and being basically unemployable)
it occurred to him that “Maybe I could be the guy to
carry the Skylighter torch for Harry.” After a flurry of
emails and texts they struck a deal and now it’s Mike’s
problem. Since that time he has updated the Skylighter
website (skylighter.com) and restocked the popular kits
and chemicals. Regarding the fireworking community in
general, Mike is certain that he has found his people and
now owning Skylighter he is “living the dream.”

42 43
Presenter Bios Presenter Bios
Katie Gromlovits (6 Fire Dancing; 34 months and now is pursuing his Theatrical Pyrotechnic
Flamethrowers!) license. Pyrotechnics is Kiley’s second career as he is
a financial advisor in his first career. Before becoming
Katie Gromlovits has been practicing fire dance for a financial advisor Kiley worked in the transportation
the past fifteen years with her company Inferneaux industry and during that time held a Class A CDL with
Entertainment, llc out of Baton Rouge, LA. She has been HAZMAT and Doubles/Triples endorsements. Kiley
featured in multiple media productions in print and is married to his wife Jolinda and they have three
television. She is known throughout the community as daughters. In his off time Kiley enjoys ice fishing and
a respected leader in fire dance and pyrotechnics that international travel.
strives to entertain audiences of all ages with a safe and
engaging performance. Bryan Gougé (29 California Pyrotechnic Licensing)

Bryan Gougé, Senior Arson & Bomb Investigator, Fire

Engineering & Investigations Division – Investigator
Gougé is a 5 year veteran of the OSFM, having served 17
years with a local fire department. Investigator Gougé
currently serves as a Law Enforcement Officer, Certified
Fire Investigator, and Explosives Specialist, conducting
the identification, processing and disposal of explosives,
fireworks, and pyrotechnic materials involving CAL FIRE.
Investigator Gougé provides case review and expert
witness testimony in criminal cases involving fireworks
and pyrotechnics.
Steve Houser, NFA President (30 National Fireworks
Association - Who we are and what we do for our

Steve Houser is the current President of the National

Fireworks Association (NFA) and is also the President of
CDF, LLC a consumer fireworks importer and wholesale
distributor founded in 2007. The company operates
as Red Rhino Fireworks and Texas Outlaw Fireworks
with distribution centers in Missouri and Texas. Before
Kiley Grunstad (37 HazMat Driving) entering the consumer fireworks industry Steve spent
years as a professional display operator and worked as
Kiley Grunstad re-entered pyrotechnics in June of 2017 the EVP and General Manager of a large Class B display
after a 10 year hiatus with one goal in mind, to become company. Steve is committed to the preservation of
a licensed pyrotechnician that could also transport his the fireworks industry and spends much of his time at
own product. As a result Kiley actually obtained his the NFA working with agencies and representatives in
Class B CDL with HAZMAT endorsement before recently Washington, DC to make sure that our industry is treated
obtaining his Basic Commercial Pyrotechnic Operators fairly from a regulatory standpoint.
license. Kiley obtained both licenses in less than 18

44 45
Presenter Bios Presenter Bios
Don Kark (4 Precision Timing with Mongoose Firing participated in many photo exhibitions inside the school
System) and out - most prominently the exhibition Xik ‘Nal in
support of the conservation of an aviary in Mexico.
Don Kark is an Electrical and Computer Engineer who Kut is also initiating a project in conjunction with the
has spent nearly the last 30 years as a professional pyro, Anahuac University and the Tecnológico de Monterrey -
among other things. Having been the guy with the stress a photographic exhibition and works of art of Quetzales,
of having to choreograph shows and “press the button” in support of a foundation that is in charge of the
while excited crowds chanted for the fireworks to conservation of the birds of Quetzales.
start, he eventually wanted to create a system that was In the last 3 years Kut is part of the Civil Association Doc
designed for the display operator by designing a reliable Pirotecnia in Tultepec - their goal is the dissemination
and easy-to-use system - no cables, no guesswork, and of the art and culture of Tultepec, where he is in charge
able to shoot any kind of professional show or event of all the relevant themes of traditions, culture and
wirelessly and securely. Together with his partner Neil, pyrotechnics of Tultepec.
he has accomplished this with the Mongoose Firing
System and SimpliFire. Neil Larson (4 Precision Timing with Mongoose
Firing System)
Lynden King (32 Set Piece Construction Workshop)
Neil Larson began his career as a Software Engineer
Lynden King was first introduced to fireworks displays by and as a Pyro more than 30 years ago. Eventually his 2
John Sullivan of the old California Fireworks Company passions merged in The Mongoose Firing system. Neil
(Red Devil) when he was 16 years old. John helped claims that “Less stress and more time for Barbeque”
Lynden get his license a month after he turned 21 in is a high priority on show day. To accomplish this, he
1973 and Lynden did his first show a few weeks after created a rich, full featured and intuitive User Interface
that. He has been putting together firework shows for Mongoose operators to use. Neil lives in Colorado,
for over 50 years and is involved in about 20 firework and skis, bikes, rafts, plays a bit of ice hockey and fishes
displays a year, all of which are partially or completely when not doing pyrotechnics.
electrically fired. Lynden has been a member of the WPA
since 1997 and several years with PGI. Joseph Madziarczyk (2 Pyrotechnics Overview; 5
“4-inch Italian Cylinder Shell Workshop”)
Kut Kutemoc (35 Tultepec - Fireworks Capital of
Mexico (Live Netcast)) Joe Madziarczyk is an accomplished fireworks maker
concentrating on the Italian style of shell building. He
Kut is actually Ricardo Cuauhtémoc Corrales González, is an award-winning photographer of fireworks, has
born in 1997. He adopted the nickname of “Kutemoc”, served as a national judge for PGI fireworks competitions
given by a friend in high school. Kut has a technical and the San Diego Area VP for WPA. During his career
career in computer-aided design with a Degree in in fireworks he had been both a consumer dealer of
Graphic Design, graduated from the Universidad del fireworks and a display operator. But most of all, he
Valle de México. His daily work is a freelance graphic loves teaching pyrotechnic basics to beginners.
designer and has participated in conferences talking
about the life advantage of 3D printers and graphic
design trends.
Being an accomplished photographer he has

46 47
Presenter Bios Presenter Bios
Steve Majdali (23 Handheld Fountains Workshop; 31 Pyrotechnics and members of the WPA, APA, & PGI.
Black Powder Rockets) Aaron has choreographed more than one thousand
displays over the past twenty years including several
Steve Majdali is a charter member of the WPA, a finale displays for the PGI, WPA, and NFA conventions
member of the PGI since 1984, and is an executive in addition to several firework club events across the
member of the Reaction Research Society (the oldest US as well as being the primary choreographer for AM
amateur rocketry organization in the USA). He has Pyrotechnics. He has worked with companies on show
been published in several pyrotechnic newsletters as choreography in Italy, Spain, China, and all over the
well as Pyrotechnica and American Fireworks News. United States. He has attended as well as worked on
Always willing to share, Steve has given seminars or many displays in Europe, Japan, Italy, and China and
demonstrations at every PGI convention attended so far has toured dozens of European and Chinese firework
(20 to date) and many more at Winter Blast. A licensed factories over the years. Aaron & Amber currently
pyrotechnic operator for over twenty years in CA, manufacture thousands of aerial firework shells yearly
Steve is a fabricator of pyrotechnic tooling, an amateur at AM Pyrotechnic Displays. As such, Aaron is intimately
chemist, and a pyrotechnic consultant and educator. An familiar with multiple display design techniques and the
electrical mechanic by trade and an inventor/tinkerer by various differences regarding firework display designs
nature, He is mostly self-taught in chemistry, fluid power to music, primarily speaking of the choreography
systems and writing. He’s been a fireworks enthusiast differences, specific firework designs, and quality
since youth and learned machining to further his differences in fireworks. Aaron prides himself on aerial
research in pyrotechnics and rocketry. shell designs and the art of mixing elaborate products
in an artistic manner in a pyromusical display, joining
Kevin Mather (14 5” Maltese Ring Shell techniques he has learned around the world.
Steve and Micki McDanal (11 PGI Shooter
Kevin Mather has been mixing chemicals and playing Certification Course)
with fire since he was given a chemistry set at age
8. When asked about how he got started in pyro, he Steve and Micki McDanal have been certified PGI
quickly answers that his mother is primarily to blame. instructors and licensed display operators for decades.
Growing up in Colorado, fireworks were a common part Micki is one of the editors who helps write the PGI
of family celebrations and were actively encouraged by Shooter Certification course textbook. They have
his mother. Kevin has been quoted saying, “Birthdays, opportunities for those who live in the Rocky Mountain
Christmas, Chanukah, the summer solstice and most area and want to gain display experience.
days of the week were all celebrated with fireworks in my
family.” Kevin is fascinated by Italian shell construction Kurt Medlin (5 4-inch Italian Cylinder Shell
and attributes this to his love of “cut and paste” in Workshop”; 31 Black Powder Rockets;
kindergarten. 43 Introduction to Making Girandolas)

Aaron & Amber Mayfield / AM Pyrotechnics (42 Kurt Medlin first began trying to make fireworks around
Firework Choreography: Styles, Techniques, Hints & age 10 (with the patient tolerance of his mother and
Tips) the encouragement of his father!). An avid collector of
fireworks books and publications, Kurt acquired copies
Aaron & Amber Mayfield are the owners of AM of the classic texts by Weingart, Davis, and Lancaster by

48 49
Presenter Bios Presenter Bios
his late teens. A few years later (around age 22 – 1981), Scott Morton ( 5 4-inch Italian Cylinder Shell
Kurt joined the Pyrotechnics Guild International (PGI), Workshop;13 First Aid for Pyros)
and the world of organized pyro.
Scott, a relative newcomer to the organized pyro
He attended his first PGI convention in 1983, and gave community, has enjoyed fireworks for as long as he can
his first seminar at the 1986 PGI convention. Kurt worked remember. His interest in making fireworks eventually
his first public fireworks display in 1984. His articles and led to his finding Ned Gorski and Fireworking.com, and
book reviews have been published in the PGI Bulletin then into the pyro community with membership in WPA
and Pyrotechnica. and PGI. Scott has become an accomplished builder
of ground and aerial fireworks. His current areas of
Dennis Miele (12 “New Attendee Orientation”) special interest include Italian Cylinder shells, the glitter
effect, and all ground fireworks, specifically items that
Dennis Miele got his start in fireworks in 2001 helping spin! When not studying or making fireworks, Scott is a
a study group friend with a hand-fired 4th of July show fireman and paramedic who enjoys spending time with
in Mission Viejo, CA. Two more hand-fired shows that his wife Amy.
season and Dennis was hooked, becoming a licensed
pyrotechnician for Pyro Spectaculars in 2002, shooting Gina & Victor Papini (20 3” Bag Mines Workshop)
many large and small shows ever since. He started
attending WWB (unofficially) in 2001, becoming a Victor & Gina Papini Victor and Gina Papini work
member of WPA in 2002. Dennis is a prolific volunteer on several pyro crews at night and by day are both
often seen on the B line doing volunteer safety. He is retired and run a non-profit day care (babysitting the
currently Secretary of WPA and loves every minute of it! grandkids). Victor has loved fireworks his entire life and
has some stories to tell about his younger days (can’t
Vijay Mepani (29 California Pyrotechnic Licencing print because not sure about the statute of limitations).
and Issues) When Victor joined a pyro crew, Gina also joined so she
wouldn’t have to sit at home alone while Victor had all
Vijay Mepani, Deputy State Fire Marshal III Specialist, the fun. Victor learned about manufacturing when he
Fire Engineering & Investigations Division – Fireworks first attended Do-It. He started taping shells on rockets
Program Deputy Mepani is a 6 year veteran of the OSFM and now puts gasoline in a bottle on rockets. Gina,
and has served in our Fire & Life/Safety Division, and looking for something to do, started with bucket mines,
currently serves as the Fireworks Program Coordinator bag mines, and then progressed to shells. She asked and
within the Fire Engineering & Investigations Division. got a WASP machine for an anniversary present. Victor
This program based on California’s Fireworks Law, also builds shells when he runs out of rockets. Never
passed in 1938, established the OSFM as the only lighting her own products, Gina lets Victor do the honor
fireworks classification authority in California. Deputy while she pretends to take pictures. He thinks she has
Mepani recently returned from the National Center tried to kill him on several occasions and has since let his
for Explosives Training & Research in Huntsville, AL, life insurance lapse hoping to avoid future “accidents.”
where he attended a Basic Explosives Training Course Friends Theresa and Jon will be helping out in the
provided by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & seminar to make sure there are no more “accidents.”

50 51
Presenter Bios Presenter Bios
Cliff Pearson (8 Care and Feeding of the Club currently serves as the Motion Picture & Entertainment
WASP; 21 6” Double Petal Peony Shell Workshop) Safety Program within the Fire Engineering &
Investigations Division. Deputy Rodriguez is the Chair
Cliff Pearson is a Computer Systems Engineer and of the Special Effects Advisory Committee, General
life-long pyro. His adventures began early with raids Fireworks Advisory Committee and functions as a liaison
on his father’s reloading bench, later graduating to between the California fire service and the motion
the canonical works of pyro literature and a more-or- picture and television industry.
less complete chemistry set. He worked professionally
as a pyrotechnic operator in Northern New England Lonny Ross (26 Permanent Manufacturing Update)
for several years before moving to the West Coast
and joining the WPA in 2014. His primary interests are Lonny Ross is a Network Engineer in Silicon Valley. He
pyrotechnic chemistry and manufacturing. started out in pyro at a very early age when his dad
used to bring home bottle rockets and firecrackers from
Roberto Ramirez (5 “4-inch Italian Cylinder Shell work for the kids and his mom used to take him to the
Workshop”) local firework stands. He joined the PGI/WPA 9 years
ago thanks to prodding from his wife Aubrie. He has
Roberto Ramirez grew up in Pico Rivera, CA and fell been shooting professional shows for the last 8 years,
in love with fireworks as a kid. His fascination with is dedicated to manufacturing large shells (6-16”) for
chemistry and fire naturally led him to an interest in the past 8 years, with more than 25 years’ experience
pyrotechnics. Roberto joined the WPA in 2004 and hasn’t in manufacturing. He wears many hats in the WPA,
missed a Winterblast since! His initial interest was to find as Co-Chair of WWB 2020, Volunteer Coordinator,
out how to work on commercial displays which led him BATFE “Responsible Person” (for the club license), and
to shooting shows with Fireworks America and the Flying one of the main driving forces behind the Permanent
Monkeys Pyro Team. In 2006 he took a 4” Italian shell Manufacturing committee.
seminar led by Steve Wilson and decided to focus on
making Italian style shells “the old school way”. Roberto Bill Ryan (16 Walking Tour of Manufacturing; 39 So
has an A.S. degree in Environmental Technology and is you want to Manufacture Fireworks)
currently working at a staging and production company
in southern California. When not shooting firework Bill Ryan started his pyro life in 1982 in San Jose, CA
shows or cooking (another of his interests) he can be by hanging a gerb portrait of “The Duke” (A.K.A John
found out and about in SoCal supporting the local punk Wayne) from the Spartan Stadium scoreboard. Bill was
rock scene. hooked and in 1995 became a licensed operator. Bill
was an early member of the WPA, and like all true pyro
Ramiro A. Rodriguez (29 California Pyrotechnic psychos, got hooked on rockets. He has been quoted
Licencing and Issues) as saying, “Anybody can lift a shell with FFa. It takes
an artist to successfully lift a shell with a rocket.” Many
Ramiro A. Rodriguez, Deputy State Fire Marshal III purists in the WPA feel that only the lunatic fringe
Specialist Fire Engineering & Investigations Division, make rockets, which helped Bill earn the moniker of
Motion Picture & Entertainment Safety Program – “head lunatic.” Several years ago, Bill took over as
Deputy Rodriguez is a 20 year veteran of the OSFM and Manufacturing Chair. He arrived at his first event as
has served in our Fire & Life/Safety Division, State Fire manufacturing chair only to find BATFE there with their
Training Division, Arson Bomb Investigation Unit and orange book and directions for us to follow it. That visit

52 53
Presenter Bios Presenter Bios
forever changed the layout of manufacturing. Feeling Ben Smith (7 The Basics of Star Plate & Comet
strongly that manufacturing is a vital and critical part of Pump Use ; 25 Building Multiple Rockets with One
the club, Bill’s mission is to maintain a safe and enjoyable Set of Tooling; 28B Strobe Rocket Make & Take)
manufacturing environment, and to safely increase
member participation in manufacturing. Ben Smith started his pyro career at an early age. As a
boy, he saved his pennies throughout the year just to
Richard Shannon II (27 3D printing for Pyros) be able to visit the fireworks stands during that one
great week in July. While in elementary school, he was
Richard Shannon II has been designing labeling exposed to the world of rocketry and began constructing
equipment with his father (Richard Shannon) for as long sugar and BP rockets. This led into the experimentation
as he can remember. His father taught him mechanics, and construction of other pyro devices. Ben currently
metallurgy, welding, machining skills, and woodworking owns and operates FireSmith Pyrotechnic Tooling.
skills starting at a young age. His father shot Class B Through this enterprise he has designed and currently
displays for the local community for free and passed manufactures over 150 different tools and machines
down that love of pyro to Richard. This love for fireworks used to construct a wide variety of pyro devices.
was never lost and he received his FEL in 2018. He has
been making fireworks as a hobby for about a year. He Gregg Smith (37 HazMat Driving)
just finished his 16’x40’ process building where the entire
family works together making fireworks as a hobby. Gregg S. Smith is the Safety Program Manager of the
American Pyrotechnics Association, the leading trade
Michael Siefker (AKA “Alabama”) (33 HomeMade association of the Professional Fireworks Industry in the
Black Powder, Southern Style) United States. He works closely with APA’s Executive
Director, Julie L Heckman, APA member companies and
Michael Siefker (AKA Alabama) is an award winning APA standing committees handling a variety of safety
Grand Master Pyrotechnician in manufacturing. He is the compliance projects. Prior to joining APA in 2003, Mr
co-founder of Alabama Pyrotechnics Guild and founder/ Smith worked in the fireworks industry for over 25 years
owner of Alabama Pyrotechnics LLC. Michael has been as a lead Pyrotechnician with one of the largest fireworks
involved in well over 500 Professional pyrotechnic display companies in the U.S. and he also worked as
displays over a 35 year span. He also started his hobby a plant manager overseeing fireworks manufacturing,
fireworks making career at the ripe old age of 11 or 12 safety, logistics and transportation activities.
years old.
Michael has been judging firework competitions foreign During his tenure with the APA, Mr Smith has been
& domestic and holds certificates of completion from instrumental in the development of transportation-
clubs from around the country which include MPG, FPAG, related and display safety training programs. He also
APG, PGI and WPA, along with being a PGI certified worked closely with industry members to develop
trainer. He also holds certificates as certified lead shooter APA’s Display Operator Training Program for outdoor
with six display companies, and let’s not leave out the firework displays as well as the development of the
DOD. As for a formal higher education, there ain’t one. APA Proximate Pyrotechnics Training Program. He has
For the most part we just make it up as we go along. been directly involved with developing and updating
Cussing and offensive language may occur during this numerous fireworks safety training videos.
presentation. Bring appropriate ear protection.

54 55
Presenter Bios Presenter Bios
John Steinberg (11 PGI Shooter Certification Course; Luis Urban (35 Tultepec - Fireworks Capital of
28A Strobe Rockets - Theory, Fuels and their Mexico (Live Netcast))
Preparation; 28B Strobe Rocket Make & Take)
Luis Hernández Urban was born in the early 1990’s
John Steinberg, principal author of the PGI Shooters in Tultepec, so basically he grew up surrounded by
Certification course textbook is a licensed lead operator Catholic traditions - which means so many festivities all
for 25 years. John serves on the NFPA SFX TC and is a around the town that he calls home. As a child he would
principal member of the NFPA Technical Committee on play with rockets for fun and enjoy all the colorful art
Pyrotechnics, which writes NFPA-1123, NFPA-1124, and made by fireworks. Living in Tultepec, he has come to
other documents and he will be happy to answer any know its risks, and see how it’s been growing culturally
code questions you may have. Contrary to a popular throughout his life. Luis is so proud to live in a magical
cultist belief, John is not an anarchist and, in fact, takes town full artisans, music and fireworks.
his MSDS very seriously, and brushes after every meal.
Jesse Veverka (24 Passfire Maximum Load: WWB 30
Bill Stevenson (Pyros In Training) Episode World Premiere)
Bill Stevenson is a software project manager living in the
Silicon Valley. In his free time, Bill enjoys building and Jesse Veverka was trained as an aerospace engineer
fixing things, leading a Cub Scout den, and spending and worked as a financial analyst on Wall Street before
time with his beautiful wife and adoring children. Bill co-founding his own media production company,
uses fireworking to teach himself and his children Veverka Bros. Productions LLC, with his brother Jeremy.
science and “making,” and as a cathartic, ephemeral art He has worked and lived throughout Asia, including
form. Japan, Korea, China and Indonesia. A lifelong fireworks
enthusiast, he has dedicated the last eight years to
Greg Thomas (45 The Making of One Hot Minute) filming the Passfire fireworks series in 25 countries on
six continents, culminating in 2020’s much-anticipated
Greg Thomas is a pyrotechnician with about 17 years release of Passfire Maximum Load!
professional experience, currently employed as a part-
time head pyro with Fireworks Productions of Arizona, Ellen Webb (21 6” Double Petal Peony Shell
the dominant display company in the state. This is his Workshop: 38 Star Rolling)
tenth Winterblast and he has happily shot numerous
demos and crowd warmups over the years. A mis-spent Ellen Webb is a retired Critical Care nurse who, until very
youth was partly occupied with discovering the wonders recently, always admired all things pyrotechnic from
of KNO3, thermite, and other materials, and keeping afar. When her husband successfully battled cancer,
a personal self-developed formulary (now as lost as they decided it was time to start doing things they had
the manuscripts of the ancient library of Alexandria). always wanted to do. So in 2017 they went to their first
High school chemistry proved intensely boring after PGI Convention, and a shell building class was all it took
that. Formerly a senior manager in the tech industry, to firmly set the hook. Ellen returned home from PGI
Greg now works as a humble school bus driver to with a thumb drive full of pyro literature, 150 pounds
earn medical benefits and resides in Gilbert (Phoenix), of chemicals, and had a cement mixer on order. At the
Arizona. Look him up. 2018 Convention Ellen entered 4 shells constructed with

56 57
Presenter Bios Presenter Bios
the same techniques to be taught in the class into Aerial neighborhood displays and cobble them together into
Level 4, and was awarded 2nd Place. Her interests are something new and of his own making. Jim is a 30+
star rolling and Japanese style ball shells. year member of the PGI and has competed and won
in many of the display shell categories. He has a CT
display operator’s license, and is also licensed in CT as
a pyrotechnic manufacturer. Jim is widely known as the
inventor of the WASP automatic shell pasting machine
and has sold hundreds of these machines in over 22
countries. In recent years, Jim has successfully built and
shot world record shells (up to 62”) in North America
and the Middle East.

Steve Wilson (1 “Burst Workshop” ; 5 “4-inch

Italian Cylinder Shell Workshop”

Steve Wilson got his start pyrotechnically as a boy when

he and his brother Bob used to mix and burn whatever
they could get their hands on. This included toy caps,
ammonium nitrate from the local citrus farmers, calcium
hypochlorite tablets for the Doughboy pool, and sulfur
from the Gilbert chemistry set. Steve had a lot to learn
back then…

Eventually he acquired a copy of Weingart’s book,

discovered American Fireworks News and then the PGI.
Steve’s fireworks got a little bit better. In 1988 he had
the crazy idea of starting a pyro club in the western USA
and soon after the WPA was formed.
Jim Widmann (8 Care and Feeding of the Club
WASP; 15 5” Ball Shell Workshop; Formerly a lighting roadie with some 70’s bands like ZZ
40 Large Shell Considerations) Top, Chicago and Styx, he still works in local community
Jim Widmann theater as a lighting designer, technician and equipment
Jim Widmann is a long time fireworks enthusiast
and professional. Jim has shot shows for most of Bob Winokur (19 Safely Using Chemicals to Make
the fireworks companies in the Northeast US and in Fireworks - LIVE NETCAST)
1985 started a fireworks display company based in
Connecticut. He was a founding member and president Dr. Robert (Bob) Winokur has been a biologist and
of the Connecticut Pyrotechnics Association. professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas since
As a kid, July 5th was Jim’s favorite day of the year 1978. He now is Professor Emeritus but continued to
because he would find leftover dud fireworks from the teach part time until spring semester 2019 (41 years).

58 59
Presenter Bios
As a member of the PGI since 1971, Bob served as
their president for two years in the 1980’s and has
been a frequent contributor to and the editor of the
PGI Bulletin. Bob is also president of Las Vegas Display
Fireworks Inc., a display company doing shows in the
Las Vegas area since 1981. He is the author of “The
Pyrotechnic Phenomenon of Glitter” (Pyrotechnica No. 2,
1978), a contributing editor to Pyrotechnica, Occasional
Papers In Pyrotechnics, an occasional reviewer of
articles published in the Journal of Pyrotechnics, a major
contributor and editor of the early PGI Shooter’s Safety
Course and Manual, and recently, one of four primary
authors and editors of the recently revised 1400 page
(2nd edition) Encyclopedic Dictionary of Pyrotechnics
and Related Subjects. Bob is a frequent seminar speaker
at PGI and WPA conventions and is famous for initiating
flashes of light and puffs of white smoke during his

Tommy Wohlhieter (26 Permanent Manufacturing


Tommy Wohlhieter has been a pyro at heart since he

saw his first fireworks show at Disneyland at age two.
Like many teenagers growing up, he loved playing with
fireworks and model rockets. Fireworks were common
on the 4th of July and at parties, until things progressed
a bit and his mother one day demanded he needed to
do them elsewhere or find another hobby. Since then, he
was determined he would find a way to fulfill his passion
for fireworks. He has now been a member of the WPA
manufacturing fireworks since age 18, and has been
a licensed display operator in California since age 21.
Tommy also happens to have an obsession with building
unusually large 16 inch ball shells.


Pyros In Training PIT Sponsors

PIT In addition to the many volunteers helping at
the event, we thank the following groups:
Pyros in Training (PIT) is the WPA’s program for kids. We The Fireworks Foundation donated funds to support
hope to ensure the future of the club by working with our seminar program - www.fireworksfoundation.com
the next generation of people who like pyro, and give
their families more reasons to attend WWB. The Western Pyrotechnic Association donated
additional funds to cover the cost of our seminar
The Board would like to thank Bill Stevenson, the program - www.westernpyro.org
volunteer staff and the companies who stepped it to
help. The Nat Turco Endowment Fund for Avalanche,
Blasting & Pyrotechnics Safety funded the purchase of
helmets and safety goggles - www.ttcf.net

Safety for PIT PyroChemSource donated chemicals for our smoke

bombs - www.pyrochemsource.com
participants Skylighter donated chemicals and supplies for our
volcano demo and mines - www.skylighter.com
The PIT program is all about kids having
fun and learning about pyro in a safe ACME Discount Fireworks for running our safety
environment. Safe is the key word. seminar and donating product for our use - www.

Anybody participating in a PIT activity Spirit of ‘76 donated product for our display -
must be wearing the appropriate safety www.76fireworks.com
equipment. If there’s live product in an
assembly area or tent, everybody must be PyroAM and Next FX donated product for our display -
www.pyroam.com - www.next-fx.com
wearing long sleeves and long pants, made
from natural materials. Safety glasses are Bear River Powder donated black powder and fuse -
required. Hardhats are sometimes required. [email protected]
If it’s cold, and your kid (or you) are wearing
a nylon jacket and hat, you can’t be there.
Please respect the time and effort of the PIT
staff, and don’t force them to ask you to

62 63

64 65
Member Showcase Member Showcase
Deadline to sign up and reserve a spot 1. Maximum of 2 items per person, additional items
Saturday 12:00 pm may be approved at discretion of showcase staff.
Sign ups are in the manufacturing day box
2. Items must be manufactured. No shell-of-shells
Deadline to apply for approval of rockets and non- using pre-purchased shells, no purchased rocket motors,
shell devices etc.
Saturday 12:00 pm
Drop the form in envelope in manufacturing day box 3. Items must be complete and ready to load by the
Deadline to deliver product • All shells must have a securely attached leader that
Sunday 12:00 pm is long enough to be used to drop the shell.
Deliver to manufacturing day box • If the shell is ematched directly to the lift you must
add a drop rope.
Special thanks to Blue, who put in a
4. Items completed early should be stored in the mfg
tremendous amount of work on the event,
day box in boxes clearly labeled "Showcase".
but couldn’t join us. We miss you Blue!
5. This will be an electrically fired show. Do not attach
• You may ematch your own shells if you wish,
otherwise we will ematch them for you.
• Wesley can provide you with an ematch if you do
not have one.
• If you ematch your item, do not remove the shroud
from the match head please.
• Do not submit rockets with visco attached: ask Bill
Ryan if you need help to ematch your rockets.
6. Label your device with your name and the
description of the effect.
• This info should match what you put on the sign up
sheets. Labels will be provided in the mfg day box.
• Use packing tape provided so labels don’t fall off.

7. Items that are not provided by the deadline in the

condition described above may not be included in the
showcase; it is your responsibility to come find your
item after the showcase if it is not fired and dispose of it

8. If you are on the fence about participating, it is best

to sign up and then erase your name later if you change
your mind; unanticipated last minute entries are more
difficult to accommodate than withdrawals.
66 67
Member Showcase Vendors
Cylinder shells: Clearly mark which direction the shell
should be loaded. Visit the C Tent and Trade Show to
support the vendors who support the
Shells: Space for shells requiring steel guns and shells 8” WPA and bring us fun stuff
and over may become limited so please try to sign up by
the end of the day on Saturday.
ACE Pyro
Rockets: Every rocket must be approved by the ACME Discount Fireworks
manufacturing chair. Fill out a request for approval AM Pyro
form and submit to the mfg chair on or before 12:00 American Wholesale Fireworks
pm Saturday. We may not be able to accommodate
requests submitted after this time. You will be given
ARC Pyrotechnics
specific directions about fusing your device upon Bear River Powder
receiving approval. Deliver your labeled device to the Big Boy Fireworks
manufacturing day box on or before 12:00 pm Sunday. Cobra Firing Systems
Finale Fireworks
Other Items: All other devices must be approved by
the safety chair or designate. List your item and info on
FireSmith Pyrotechnic Tooling
the sign up sheet in the mfg day box on or before 12:00 Flying Phoenix
pm Saturday. We may not be able to accommodate Gerald Granger
requests submitted after this time. You will be given Island Fireworks
specific directions about fusing your device upon Jeff Kamla
receiving approval. Deliver your labeled device to the
manufacturing day box on or before 12:00 pm Sunday.
Pyroam, Inc.
Round Eyes Fireworks
Western Frontier Fireworks
This year’s Member Showcase will be
recorded by Ververka Brothers. They will
edit the video, and return the result to the
WPA club and members. Members will be
able to do anything they like (including
posting on social media) with the video.

Make sure to clearly mark your product,

so your name is correct in the voiceover or

68 69
General Conduct
and Safety
Procedures for 1.3g (Class B) product sales, storage 1. No Class A or other High Explosives, or gasoline or other
and disposition flammable liquids can be used for any type of pyrotechnic
Not necessarily in that order effect, without the approval of at least two WPA officers and
the convention Chairman.
2. Absolutely no live material is to be compounded or
1. Member pre-orders and pre-pays, product from discharged outside of SARA park. All such activities are
vendor before the event. confined to the shooting site. No Exceptions!
2. Vendor and member retrieve product from Vendor’s 3. Directives of the safety personnel are to be obeyed
magazine located next to the main magazine. immediately. Please do not argue with the safety personnel
3. Member (and vendor or WWB Staff) accompanies if you are asked to do something. If you disagree with their
product to the main magazine (manned by full-time directive, take it up later with a WPA officer.
WWB Security Staff). 4. Be prudent in your trading and collecting. The best place
4. Member gives vendor paperwork to magazine staff to do this is at the Shooting Site. Brandishing your wares
around the parking lot or through the halls of the hotels is not
for magazine record/logs.
a good idea.
5. PLEASE endeavor to pick up and bring your purchase 5. Class C devices may only be fired in the designated areas.
to the magazine between 10am and 3pm. The Class C areas are well marked and segregated from the
6. All purchasers of class B shall be required to serve other areas.
one shift at the magazine. 6. Please be prompt when attending meetings, seminars and
7. Member must attend mandatory safety meeting and workshops. Those stragglers who saunter in late are disruptive
obtain a shooter’s wristband. and inconsiderate. We will start on time as much as possible.
8. Members that have no experience firing 1.3 7. Remember, many others will be watching our activities,
fireworks must attend a Class B Safety Class* and obtain conduct and actions. You are Professional Pyrotechnicians and
should take full responsibility to see to it that we put forward
approval stamp. (Held at the Safety Tent - see the
our best image.
program schedule for details). 8. Children must be supervised. Any children roaming around
the Class C area unattended will be asked to leave. Children
*A member may be excused from attending the Class B under 18 are not allowed in the Class B areas.
Safety Class and receive the validation sticker by showing 9. Salute restrictions: Maximum size is a 4” round ball shell,
the Safety Chairman a PGI ™ Shooter’s Certification card, or a 4" diameter cylinder shell containing no more comp than
a Commercial Pyrotechnician’s License, or other suitable what would be found in a 4" ball shell salute. For larger salutes,
proof of competency to shoot B product. This can be you will need the approval of at least two WPA officers and
done prior to the Class B Safety Class at the Safety Tent. the convention Chairman. For manufacturing large salutes you
will also need the additional approval of the Manufacturing
Notwithstanding credentials presented by the member,
the Safety Chairman will determine whether or not the 10. Those who disregard the rules or compromise any aspect
member needs to attend the seminar to obtain the of safety will be asked to leave and may also jeopardize their
authorization sticker. All records must be accurate at all membership. Let’s make this a safe and uneventful convention.
times, and maintained in the notebooks. The decision of
the Safety Chairman, Convention Chairmen, and WPA Being under the influence of alcohol or any other
BOD is final on all matters relating to shooting of 1.3g mind-altering substance is strictly prohibited
(Class B) product by members during Winter Blast. anywhere within the controlled area of the shooting
site. Any member found in violation will have their
wristband cut and will be removed from the shoot

70 71
Bunker Policy Safety Policy
1. All pyrotechnic articles must be secured in boxes or General Shooting Guidelines
containers during transit to and from a bunker or firing For the safety of the club, we will follow all NFPA regulations.
Safety Classes: Safety classes will be taught for both adults and youth.
line. These classes will be mandatory for everyone, regardless of whether
2. Ready boxes located on firing lines will not be you intend to purchase or shoot class B or C product or not.
used for overnight storage, and will be emptied into Wrist Band Code: The colors for the wristbands will be decided upon
the primary bunkers at the conclusion of each night of availability and a chart will be posted in the vending areas.
Color 1: General identification for all adult attendees. This wristband is
shooting. temporary, and with your valid name badge, allows for admittance to
3. There are 3 bunkers available for storage. Class C WinterBlast. This wristband does not allow you to purchase or shoot
product will be stored in the shipping container near the product.
rear gate; Class B rockets and other items manufactured Color 2: This wristband will be issued to adult members and attendees
(18 years and older) following the attendance at one of our mandatory
at Winter Blast will be stored in the shipping container safety meetings. This wristband is required to be shown to vendors
near Manufacturing; all B cakes and shells will be to purchase fireworks, and shown to the safety staff before shooting
stored in the shipping container located north of the B fireworks.
shooting areas. These containers will be monitored by Color 3: To be given to all underage (under 18) attendees. This
wristband will not be changed.
security personnel. Class B (1.3g) Shooter’s sticker: This must be obtained from a
4. All product will be checked in at the appropriate Safety Staff person, and affixed to your name badge, in order to shoot
bunker. Class C product that will be shot immediately Class B product. Refer to “Class B Safety Class” information below for
can be kept in ready boxes. Class B product purchased requirements and exemptions.
Self-removal of the wristband by a member: If you remove
under the club’s ATF license must be processed through your wristband for any reason and wish to enter the Winter Blast
the magazine located north of the B shooting areas convention area you will not be permitted to unless you return to
before shooting it. All product stored in the magazines registration, return the cut wristband, and pay a $5.00 replacement
must be logged in. There will be log forms available fee. You will be issued a new temporary wristband (color 1). You will
need to attend another nightly safety meeting to have the wristband
at each magazine. Each time an item is placed in, or changed to one that will allow you to purchase and shoot fireworks
removed from, the magazine, the log form must be (color 2). Proper ID is necessary to obtain a new wristband.
updated. All items must be in a cardboard box or other Cutting a wristband for disciplinary reasons: If for any reason a full
suitable container. Each box of product will have a label time safety staff member or any other member of the full time Winter
Blast staff deems you as unsafe, for yourself or others, they will cut
with the member’s name and membership number your wristband off. This will remove you from the firing lines and you
affixed to the outside. Log instructions can be found at will not be allowed to return until after you have had one reissued.
the beginning of the log book. Security Staff will update Reissuing a wristband: In order to have your wristband reinstated
the logs each time you enter, or remove product after it has been removed you will need to meet with the Safety
Chairman, the individual who removed the wristband, and a member
5. Only persons who are listed on the authorized log of the WPA Board of Directors to plead your case. This meeting will
will be allowed to remove product from their boxes. be held at the convenience of the Safety Chairman and the individual
Persons not authorized on the log will not be allowed who removed the wristband, and may not necessarily be immediately
to pick up product. The membership number and name following the situation.
Class C Shooting: All Class C shooting will be done in the Class C
appearing on your convention name badge will be used areas as marked. There will be safety volunteers at each firing site to
for identification. observe and assist when necessary. In addition to this there will be
6. Only adults will be allowed to pick up product at a full time safety staff person floating around this area if there are
the bunkers. any problems. If anyone under the age of 18 is at the firing line it is
mandatory that they have an adult companion with them to guide
7. All unattended product will be placed into the them. If a child is found without such companionship they will be sent
appropriate bunker, and disposed of at the end of WWB. back to the general area and instructed to return only when they have
an adult with them. No exceptions will be made.

72 73
Safety Policy Safety Policy
Class B Safety Class: This is a mandatory class for all new members, General access. Parking is outside of the park and the main access
Novice pyros, once a year pyros or any pyro who has not had a lot gate is open (unreserved). The public is aware of our convention
of experience shooting Class B product, or would like to refresh and will be coming to SARA Park to watch our shows. The City of
their knowledge for the B-line safety rules. All pyros must obtain a Lake Havasu will be charging the public for parking in the main lot.
sticker for class B shooting. You will receive a sticker when you attend You must have the WWB parking pass (issued to you during the
this class. Only individuals wanting to shoot B product will need to registration process) displayed. Do not access SARA Park from the
participate in this class. main highway entrance. Enter at South McCulloch Blvd. (by the Ace
You are exempt from taking this class if you have any pyro Hardware Store) and follow the road around the back. You will need
operators license, PGI shooter’s certificate, WPA shooter’s certificate or both your name badge, wristband and parking permit in order to enter
have a lot of experience hand-firing shells and a licensed operator can the inner gates to Sara Park.
vouch for you. Underage attendees. All Winter Blast attendees that are under the age
Class B Shooting: In the Class B shooting area you must demonstrate of 18 shall be in the company of an adult at all times. They will not
your ability to fire class B product safely. There will be volunteers at be permitted into the class B firing lines, and will not be allowed to
each firing site who have Class B safety knowledge and will instruct purchase any product unless accompanied by an adult.
and assist you if you are not sure of the procedures. We will also have Access to the firing line and purchase of product. Access to the firing
full time safety staff around the Class B shooting area if there are any lines will only be permitted to those who have attended a safety
problems. meeting and received a wristband upgrade. If you do not have the
Baby B and Experimental Shooting: This area will be set aside for wristband upgrade you will not be allowed to shoot or purchase
the firing of B cakes, Mines, comets, and experimental products. product.
Experimental products must be cleared with the Safety Chair prior to
any discharge.
B Rockets: The B Rockets shooting area will be monitored by full time
Vehicle Access
Parking Permits: If you will be manufacturing product during
Safety Staff and will have a volunteer safety there while the Rocket line
WinterBlast, it will be necessary for you to obtain a special parking
is open. The firing site for B Rockets is a considerable distance from
permit. This permit can be obtained in the Manufacturing area
the firing of B shells as to keep the concerns of shells and rockets pre-
from the Manufacturing Chairman, and will entitle you to drive into
igniting one another. No composite fueled rocket motor in excess of
and park in the manufacturing area only. Permits are only valid for
29mm will be allowed.
1 day, and a new pass must be requested for the following day.
Shooting gear requirements: All people at the shooting lines will be
Prior to opening the park for Open Shooting, all vehicles must be
required to have the following gear on when at the firing ranges: long
removed from the manufacturing area and parked outside the
sleeved shirt, long pants, closed toed shoes, safety glasses. For the B
gates. Manufacturing hours will be posted on site. If we find this
shooting range there will be an additional requirement of a hardhat.
permit being abused we will revoke the permit and your name will
Gloves are optional but recommended. All of the clothing should
be taken down for future parking consideration. Please refer to the
be of a natural fiber, or flameproof fabric, to prevent injuries caused
Manufacturing Policies for additional information.
by the clothing melting into the skin in the result of a burn. Hearing
Towing Service: There will be a towing service on hand to remove
protection is highly recommended in all shooting areas. If you do not
any vehicles that are parked within the gates of Sara Park without the
have the proper type of clothing or gear you will be asked to leave the
proper permits. This is non-negotiable and the vehicle’s owner will pay
firing lines and return only when you do.
the towing expenses.
Ready Boxes: There will be ready boxes available at each of the firing
Transporting of product to bunkers: Transport of Class C product
sites. This is to be used for the product that is intended to be shot off
to the bunkers and firing lines will be the responsibility of the person
in the immediate future. If there is not enough room in the ready box
who purchased the product. Bring a hand-truck or cart to move
for all of the product, then some of it will have to be returned to the
your boxes, as we may not be able to do it for you. Class B product
bunker until room is made. If product is left in the ready box past the
purchased under the Club’s ATFE Permit will be transported and
close of shooting hours it will be returned to the bunker unmarked
accompanied as described in the Class B procedures article appearing
and fired off by whomever claims it.
in this program.
Unfired Product: Any product left unfired by the Monday following
Recreational vehicles: No recreational vehicles are to be allowed
Winter Blast will be destroyed after the cleanup has finished.
inside the gates of Sara Park unless they are for the sole use of the full
Access To Sara Park
time Winter Blast Staff. This includes but is not limited to ATC’s, ATV’s,
dune buggies, bicycles, scooters, etc.

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Safety Policy Gate Policy
Layout Of Sara Park
The gate policy is designed to avoid misunderstandings regarding
what will and won’t be allowed out of SARA Park. This pertains to
The layout of Sara Park will be determined in coordination with the
anything purchased or acquired within the gates of SARA Park.
Safety Chairman, Security Chairman, and Site Chairman. Refer to the
The WPA’s intent is not to stop anyone from legally purchasing
map in this Program.
live product on site and legally transporting it off site. Anyone
The map is for general reference only, and is not a site plan or to scale.
in possession of the proper permits, licenses, and appropriate
transportation papers for the State of Arizona and federal regulations
Safety Crew
for the material in question will be allowed to leave with their live
There will be full time safety staff members to assist Greg Dandurand
(Safety Chair). They are: Lynden King (Safety Co-Chair), Will Pastron,
Barry McClain, Bill Ryan, Victor Papini, Darrell Fiss, John Dicks, Richard
The following items will be allowed out of Sara Park without any
Begg, Scott Morton and Lee Frechette. The purpose of this is to have
one full time staff member in each area. There will be a Safety tent
• Visco fuse (all diameters)
that will be manned by a full time Safety staff person whenever open
• Time fuse
shooting is in operation. All full time safety personnel will be assigned
• All non-mixed chemicals
a radio for the duration of Winter Blast. All full time safety staff will
• Pyrotechnic comps/mixtures available via mail order without a
be required to be on duty, have an orange WPA safety hard hat and
permit or sold over the counter for consumer use in Arizona.
safety vest on at their assigned area nightly from 5:00 p.m. till close of
• All inert materials (i.e., paper and plastic products; all printed
all lines, or until all members are clear and away from all open shoot
materials, etc.)
sites. These staff members are the safety law. If you are asked to do
• Black powder (Quantity of one pound or less per day)
something differently please comply as they are asking you to do so
• Sticky Match (and other 1.4s products)
for a good reason. Please feel free to ask them the reasoning behind
• Novelty Items
the request so you learn and become a safer shooter. Non-compliance
will result in having your wristband removed. • Certain marked 1.4G product, see note below

Volunteer Staff These items are not allowed through the gate without proper
In addition to the full time safety staff there will also be a volunteer
staff. The number of volunteer staff is to be determined by the safety
• Most class C/1.4G and all class B/1.3G firework items. This
chairman once the final layout of the firing sites is decided.
includes live antique fireworks sold as collectibles.
• Black powder (Quantities greater than 1lb per day)
Check in / check out procedures: Sign up to volunteer at
• Quick match
Registration. Volunteer staff members should report to the Safety
• Stars and live pyrotechnic inserts (whistles, serpents, small insert
tent or the Security chairman for assignments, depending upon what
shells, lance etc.)
they are volunteering for. When their volunteer shift is over the next
• Pyrotechnic comps/mixtures not available via mail order without
volunteer who has signed up will replace them in the same manner.
a permit or sold over the counter for consumer use in Arizona.
• Electric match

Pancake Breakfast Any pyrotechnic item that requires paperwork to purchase and
transport outside of WinterBlast will require the same paperwork to
leave WinterBlast. As to the inclusion of live antique fireworks sold as
collectibles, as long as the local, state and federal authorities make no
legal and enforcement distinction between these items and other class
The Sea Scouts will be hosting a pancake B and C items, we cannot make the distinction either.
breakfast in the Hospitality tent on
Certain Class C product is permitted to leave the gate, but if it flies,
Saturday morning from 8:30 to 10:30. goes off in the sky or goes boom it may not be taken out. Vendors will
place a sticker on product pieces that are permitted.

Donations for food are cash only; no cakes You may not discharge any firework in the Lake Havasu area at
for ‘cakes. this time of year.

76 77
Drone Policy WASP Rules
Any person or organization wishing to fly a drone at The WASP belongs to the WPA. You must replace
a sanctioned WPA event must seek approval from the anything you break.
Board of Directors prior to using the drone at the event.
The request for approval must include the following:
Do not make any non-standard (i.e.: welding, cutting,
1. Copies of any and all forms showing the drone is bending, etc.) adjustments or modifications to the
formally registered with the FAA; physical portions of the WASP.
2. Express written permission from the property
owner(s) and lessees if applicable, to fly the drone on Do not make any programming changes to the
subject property;
3. Insurance showing the WPA is a co-insured. computer program of the WASP. If it is acting up, ask the
manufacturing chair or a BOD member for help. You are
Should WPA give approval to fly the drone as the responsible for restoring the programming should you
requested event, the drone operator(s) must: make any unauthorized changes.
1. Follow all FAA regulations, including restrictions for
flying over people/audiences. You are to buy your own tape.
2. No flying over the fireworks display areas with visible
lights. You must stay with your shells as they are being pasted
3. If the use of visible lights is needed, additional to monitor and make adjustments as needed.
approvals from the Board and the Event Chair are
You must clean up after yourself. (Your mom doesn’t
work here).

Gold Members Be Safe. There doesn’t have to be 100 12 inch shells

stacked like Civil War cannon balls waiting around the
Rich Bader
Richard Hirschi Talk to the others who will use the WASP and work out
Charles Holdaway a schedule. Don’t bring over 3 inch when everyone else
Lynn Johnson is pasting 6 inch and vice-versa. You all are over 18 and
paying your own bills. Be nice.
Adam Lapay
Dennis Miele Appropriate staff and BOD reserve the right to shut
Paul Miller down all WASP operations due to safety issues, weather,
Kris Peterson acts of God, etc.
Bill Stevenson
Duane Turos
Joseph Wright

Talk to John Noonan about becoming a

gold member today!
[email protected]

78 79
responsibilities to make the first site happen.

2019 Meeting
i. Q: Is the site going to up and
running year round? A: depends on
what the group establishes.
ii. Setting up a separate entity.
WPA 2019 General Business Meeting iii. Q: Is there some place on line
February 17, 2019 10 AM AT we can ask questions? A: A separate
SARA Park Grandstands – Lake Havasu, AZ mail list is being set up for that.
c. Review Do-It 2018/Do-It 2019 Dates - Weather
1. Call to Order – 10:07 AT was great this year. Only about 85 members
2. Approval of 2018 General Business Meeting Minutes attending - most likely due to the weather. 2019
- Moved 2nd by multiple; motion passed. will have onsite camping this year. September is the
3. Treasurer’s Report event month.
a. Overall Financial Condition – no formal report i. Permanent dates have been established -
due to the transition; from what has been seen the 3rd week of September. September 17-21, 2019.
Club is in good financial condition. d. Trademarks and Copyright – Pyro Shack ® has
b. Taxes - all 4 years of taxes have been filed. 2019 been registered in the state of Arizona. Remaining
will be filed on time. requirements for federal recognition have been
4. Secretary’s Report obtained at this WWB.
a. Membership - 656 active members; e. Clean-up fee refunds - Reminder that this
b. WWB 2019 – 726 paid attendees; 43 kids year formula for refund amount is hours worked
registered of which 37 were PIT. basis instead of an even share of remaining funds
c. Auction - $2805.00 was raised. after LaborReady and other site cleanup costs are
5. Old Business deducted from Clean-up fees.
a. Website updates – website has been used f. Members attending Board Meetings - One of
for about 6 yers now; about 40% of membership the Club’s strategic initiatives is running the Club
renewals and registrations are occuring online. John more like a business. We moved to GSuite. We did
will begin working on WPA.org 2.0. Pace of change a trial run on using new technology from GSuite
is dependent on people working on site - right now with the Permanent Manufacturing, and that worked
just John. If anyone has AWS/Rail experience, please pretty well.
contact John. i. Q: Is there a cost? A: Yes. GSuite is $5
i. Member’s Showcase script for per use per month and we have 7 accounts.
Sunday night is posted online. John will ii. GSuite is a collection of Google office
have a printed copy at Registration that productivity products. This allows us to
people can look at or take a picture. tie the documents, emails, etc, to remain
ii. Veverka Brothers are filming the showcase with the position and not the person. That
with no announcement (Kevin Mather). allows for a much smoother transition.
b. Permanent Manufacturing Status (formerly g. Question on moving the meeting to the
Moapa Manufacturing Committee) – Board wants bleachers - about 10% of the attendees
Club to have a permanent manufacturing site. 6. New Business
Concept is to have PM regardless of location. Get a. New policy for WWB Memorial shows -
the first site up and running successfully, then Beginning in 2020, the memorial show will be held
look at setting up a second site. Kevin, Tackett on Thursday and be 10-12 minutes in length. The
and Dennis set up a working project plan of PD/Demo Chair/Co-Chair will be responsible for
items that need to be completed to get the site organizing and putting on the Memorial show.
up and running. Lonny Ross, Tommy Wohlheiter The WPA will not fund any memorial shows and
and a few others have stepped up to take on the will continue to rely on donations. Putting on the

80 81
memorial, it takes people to set up and shoot the
i. Q: What led to this policy? A: We can ‘t put
a price on any individuals life. In addition, in 2020 Meeting
past events, there have been multiple shows
ii. Q: If the Club is going to do just one
memorial show, can there be a set amount set
to fund the show each year? A: Again, one of
the strategic initiatives is to run the Club more WPA 2020 General Business Meeting
like a business. Give the cleanup of taxes and Draft Agenda
the Club’s finances, we are not in a position yet Sunday, 10:00 - Noon
to determine if we can commit to funding. Racetrack Bleachers
iii. Q: Can we set something on the website
to make donations? A: Yes. It is already there, 1. Call to Order – 10: AT
and John will make it more noticeable. 2. Approval of 2019 General Business Meeting Minutes
iv. Clean-up: Can we get sign up for cleanup 3. Officer Reports:
started earlier? We have started at 8 am a. President -
in the past. We need to ensure the sign-in b. Vice President -
sheets are manned due to the new policy. c. Treasurer -
v. Q& A: i. Overall Financial Condition –
1. The rocks in the parking lot are a hazard. ii. Taxes -
Property improvements are responsibility c. Secretary-
of the City and we will bring this to them. i. Membership -
2. Is there any way we can get limo ii. WWB 2020 –
service for people to get from the parking iii. Auction -
lot to the seats? We can look into that. 4. Old Business
3. Is there anyway bleacher seats a. Website updates -
can be opened earlier? Again, this is b. Veverka Brothers PassFire Video WWB 2019 -
something for the City - Remember that c. Permanent Manufacturing Group -
we use the bleachers and letting public in d. Review Do-It 2019/Do-It 2020 Dates -
earlier can present issues for the Club. i. Permanent dates have been
7. Member Awards – None. established - 3rd week of September.
8. Elections – 3 positions open. b. Trademarks and Copyright –
a. Vice President: Kevin Mather -by Kief Adler 2nd c. Members attending Board Meetings -
by Steve Madjali. Elected by acclamation. d. New host hotel -
b. Secretary: John Dicks nominated Dennis 5. New Business
Miele; 2nd by Cindy Weiland. Dennis is elected by a. Fireworks Foundation (John Steinberg, MD) -
acclamation. 6. Member Awards –
c. Treasurer (1 year remaining term): Jane 7. Elections – 3 positions open.
Anderson resigned. Dorris Hennings nominated by a. President -
Richard Hasse, 2nd by Kenny Hennings. Dorris is b. Treasurer -
elected by acclamation. c. VP of Communications
9. Adjournment - Meeting was adjourned at 10:48 AM

82 83
Staff Staff
Convention Chair Richard Haase Electrical Chair Matthew Riley
Convention Co-Chair Lonny Ross Electrical Co-Chair Steve Humphrey
Site Chair Mike Hill Manufacturing Chair Bill Ryan
Site Co-Chair James White Manufacturing Co-Chair Myrl Wieland
Site Staff Tim King Manufacturing Limo Roberta MacIntyre
Site Staff James Robinson
Site Staff Chris Caley Staff Food Services Maureen Dwinell
Security Chair Charles Eriksen Public Display, Demos Dave X
Security Co-Chair Ronnie Eriksen Event Sponsor Chair Dave X
Security Staff Kenneth Eriksen
Security Staff John Eggett Donation Coordinator Ann Hill
Security Staff Laura Astor Donation Staff Kevin Burns
Security Staff Tyler Phelps Donation Staff Sharon Brentran
Security Staff Jeremy Palmer Donation Staff Bryan Huffman
Security Staff, Bunker Roxanne Crooks Donation Staff Edy Young
Security Staff, Bunker Richard Begg Donation Staff Erik Cohen
Donation Staff Amanda Nixon
Safety Chair Greg Dandurand
Safety Co-Chair Lynden King Vendor Chair Kevin Bollinger
Safety Staff Will Pastron Vendor Co-Chair Barbara Bollinger
Safety Staff Barry McClain
Safety Staff/rockets Bill Ryan Seminar Chair Steve Wilson
Safety Staff Darrell Fiss Seminar Co-Chair Mike Garrett
Safety Staff John Dicks Seminar Staff Brooke Rosel
Safety Staff Gina Papini Seminar Staff Courtney Hutton
Safety Staff Victor Papini
Safety Staff Lee Frechette Communications Chair Bill McGregor
Safety Staff, Paramedic Scott Morton
Equipment Maintenance Chair John Havemann
Registration Chair John Noonan
Registration Co-Chair Don Oesterle Sound and P/A Chair Joe Wright
Registration Co-Chair Aubrie Ross Sound and P/A Staff Dave Orth-Wright
Registration Staff/WPA Secretary Dennis Miele Sound and P/A Staff Danny Dutra Sr
Registration Staff/WPA Treasurer Dorris Hennings Sound and P/A Staff Charles Wright
Registration Staff Lois Kamla
Registration Staff Cyndy Wieland Public Display Announcer Devon Dickenson
Registration Staff Joe Pace
Registration Staff Michelle Joye Camp King Chair John Dicks
Registration Staff Tom Budar
Registration Staff, Volunteer Coord. Lonny Ross Member Showcase Wes Egan
Hotel/afterglow Kief Adler Board Of Directors
Compliance Chair Greg Dandurand President Greg Dandurand
Public Relations Chair Chip Shilosky Vice President Kevin Mather
City liaison Chip Shilosky Treasurer Dorris Hennings
WASP Chair Cliff Pearson Secretary Dennis Miele
VP Communications Tackett Austin
Pyros in Training (PIT) Coordinator Bill Stevenson
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