Annexure 3 SGSN Acceptance Test Procedure: Technical &development Circle SGSN A/T Procedure Jabalpur GSM Phase V.1
Annexure 3 SGSN Acceptance Test Procedure: Technical &development Circle SGSN A/T Procedure Jabalpur GSM Phase V.1
Annexure 3 SGSN Acceptance Test Procedure: Technical &development Circle SGSN A/T Procedure Jabalpur GSM Phase V.1
Annexure 3
The Test case is considered to be successful if the status of the m3ua association for the Gr
interface is active
The Gr interface is configured to use SIGTRAN
Action:Check the status of an m3ua associations using SIGTRAN over Gr interface.
Command:gsh action_ss7_m3ua_association_status –net <networkname> -nid <nodeid>
-said <said>
Result: The Status of the m3ua association is active.
The Test case is considered successful if the SGSN receives a response from the GGSN for a
ping or GTP Echo Request sent by it.
The SGSN and GGSN are connected and fully configured
Action: Send a ping request or GTP Echo request to the GGSN GTP IP.
Result: the response of the ping (or GTP Echo) is received from GGSN.
The Test case is considered successful if the SGSN is accessible by EMM
EMM is configured to pull the CDRs from SGSN and OSS integration to SGSN is complete
Action:Verify that FTP from EMM to SGSN is successful
Result: The EMM can FTP the CDRs from the SGSN using the Gom Network.
The test case is considered successful if the status of the SSN 146 for the remote DPC using Ge
interface is allowed
The remote node (SCP/CCN) is connected to SGSN on the Ge Interface.
Action:check the SSN Status for the CCN connected to the SGSN
Command:gsh action_ss7_sccp_remote_sap_statssnspc –net <networkname> -nid
<nodeid> -dpc <dpc> -ssn 146
Result: The status of the SSN 146 is allowed
5 Functional Test
To perform a successful GPRS Attach.
The MS is switched off. SGSN address in HLR unknown.
The Mobile subscriber will perform a detach from the network when powering off.
Mobile Subscriber is GPRS attached.
The Mobile subscriber will perform a cell update successfully.
The MS is attached to the GPRS network and is in ready state
Action: Move the MS to another Cell and check the Value of the CGI
Result: The MS has moved another Cell successfully.the CGI value is different now.
To demonstrate that SGSN supports routing area update
Pass/Fail Criteria
This demo case is considered to be successful when the routing area information is updated
when the subscriber moves from one BSC to another belonging to the same SGSN.
The MS is attached to the network.
1 Action
Check the routing area for the subscriber
Command: gsh get_subscriber -msisdn <msisdn>
Routing Area (RAI) is noted.
2 Action
Move to another Routing Area connected to the same SGSN.Check the subscriber routing area in
the SGSN
Command: gsh get_subscriber -msisdn <msisdn>
The Routing Area is updated.
The purpose of the test case is to verify, IP provisioning by GGSN.The testing is done for HPLMN
as well as in-roamer subscribers.
The MS is GPRS Attached and has a subscription to the APN. (Check in HLR if of Ericsson with
2 Action: Use CLI to check the PDP Context status in the SGSN
Command: gsh get_subscriber -msisdn <msisdn> -a
Result: PDP context is active for the concerned user and the MS is allocated an IP address.
The objective of the test case is to verify PDP context deactivation by the MS.
1 Action: Check the PDP Context status in the SGSN
Command: gsh get_subscriber -a -msisdn <msisdn>
Result: PDP context is active for the concerned user.
The objective of the test case is to verify PDP context deletion by the SGSN
1 Action: Check the PDP Context status in the SGSN
Command: gsh get_subscriber -a -msisdn <msisdn>
Result: PDP context is active for the concerned user.
2 Action: Delete the PDP context from the SGSN
Command: gsh delete_subscriber -msisdn <msisdn>
Result: PDP context is deleted by the SGSN
The objective of the test case is to verify PDP context deactivation by the HLR
1 Action: Check the PDP Context status in the SGSN
Command: gsh get_subscriber -a -msisdn <msisdn>
Result: PDP context is active for the concerned user.
2 Action: Delete the PDP context from the HLR
Command: hgpde:msisdn=<msisdn>,pdpid=<pdpid>;
Result: PDP context is deleted by the HLR
3 Action : Use CLI to check the PDP Context status in SGSN
Command: gsh get_subscriber -a -msisdn <msisdn>
The objective of the test case is to verify that SGSN supports a subscriber with multiple PDP
context each using different IP addresses on an MS
An MS supporting Multiple PDP contexts must be attached in the SGSN
3 Action: Start an FTP download from an ISP server to a laptop connected to the MS.
Result: File Transfer Ongoing
4 Action: Start a WAP session from the MS. Open a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to a WAP
page and browse using WAP.
Result: Downloaded WAP pages are displayed on the screen of the MS.
5 Action Verify that two active PDP contexts exist for the subscriber
Command: gsh get_subscriber -a -imsi <imsi>
Result: Printout showing two active PDP contexts for the subscriber
The objective of the test case is to verify the status of the GPRS subscriber in the SGSN with
active PDP context
1 Action: Check the subscriber status in SGSN when the MS is GPRS attach
Command: gsh get_subscriber -a -msisdn <msisdn>
Result: The subscriber is attached to the GPRS network
2 Action: Activate the PDP context from the MS and start payload session
Result: PDP context is activated
3 Action : Check the status of the subscriber in SGSN
Command: gsh get_subscriber -a -imsi <imsi>
Result: The subscriber has an active PDP context and mobility management state is
The objective of the test case is to verify the redundancy of the SGSN on the Gn interface.
1 Action: Take out the cable from the first Gn board.Verify that the PDP-context activation has
been performed successfully.
Command: user@host> gsh get_subscriber –msisdn < msisdn > -a
Result: Subscriber data should be printed for the subscriber.
2. Repeat the same steps after taking out the cable from the second Gn board.
The Objective of the test is case is to verify the redundancy of the Gr interface
1 Action: Take out the one of the cables connected for Gr interface.
Result: One of the Gr interface cable is taken out.
The objective of the test case is to verify the redundancy of the SGSN on the Gom interface.
1 Action: Take out the cable from first Gom board and verify that the O&M network
(EMM/OSS/NTP) can access the SGSN.
Result : The O&M network is accessible.
2.Repeat the same steps after taking out the 2nd Gom cable
The SGSN and GGSN have no active alarms.
Demo Execution
Action 1 Generate an alarm in the SGSN by taking out one interface cable
Result One of the interface cable (Gn/Gom/Gr) is taken out
Action 2 Check that an alarm is generated in the node for the down interface
Command:gsh list_alarms
Result Alarm is generated in the node.
Action 3 Generate an alarm by blocking a PIU and check the status of the PIU
Command: gsh block_eq –eq { EqID }
gsh get_eq_info –eq { EqID }
Result The Hardware is blocked.
Action 4 Check that an alarm is generated in the node for the blocked hardware
Command:gsh list_alarms
Result Alarm is generated in the node.
The purpose of this document is to describe a procedure for a quick health check of a Serving
GPRS Support Node (SGSN). The health check can be performed partly or entirely on a daily
basis or when a malfunction is suspected
The general health check procedures described in the following sections can be carried out on a
daily basis or whenever deemed necessary.
Follow the instructions in this section to check for unknown active alarms or unknown events. Act
on all alarms and events according to the corresponding alarm or event descriptions. It is
important to act on all alarms even those with low severity such as minor, warning, and
2 Action Check the alarm history in the fm_alarm logs located in the /tmp/OMS_LOGS/fm_alarm/
Result The Alarm history are seen
The SGSN is healthy if counters that show numbers of currently attached users vary, and
counters that show successful or unsuccessful actions behave naturally. The counters are
described in Counter Description in the ALEX.
Follow the instructions below to check for hardware and software failures.
1 Action Check the In-Service Performance (ISP) as follows:
Command:less /tmp/DPE_COMMONLOG/isp.log
Result The log file displays hardware or software failures and restarts.
The following procedures describe how to perform a manual health check of the interfaces.
Follow the instructions below to perform a health check of the interfaces for GSM.
1 Action If the SGSN is configured to use Gb over IP, run the following command for each
Network Service Entity (NSE):
Command:gsh get_nse <nsei>
Result The status of the remote IP endpoints is set to OK.
2 Action Run the following command for each Network Service Virtual Connection (NS-VC) for
Gb over FR
Command:gsh get_nsvc Nsvci
Result The Blocking State is set to deblocked and the Operational State is set to alive.
3 Action Run the following command to list the Point-To-Point BSSGP Virtual Connections (PTP
BVC) attributes belonging to a Base Station Controller (BSC):
Command:gsh list_bvcs -bsc BscName
Result The Operational State is set to available and the Blocking State is set to deblocked.
4 Action Run the following command to request the status of all configured MTP-L3 links for
narrowband/Broadband SS7 links
Command:gsh action_ss7_sys_statlinks
Result The State is set to In Service.
6 Action Run the following command to check if the remote Signaling Point Code (SPC) of a
remote Service Access Point (SAP) is available:
gsh action_ss7_sccp_remote_sap_statspc -dpc DPC –ssn SSN
Result The Status is set to Allowed.
Follow the instructions below to perform a health check of the interfaces for WCDMA Systems.
1 Action Run the following command for each Radio Network Controller (RNC):
Command:gsh get_rnc RncName
Result Check that the Status is set to IN SERVICE.
2 Action Run the following command to check if the remote Signaling Point Code (SPC) of a
remote Service Access Point (SAP) is available:
gsh action_ss7_sccp_remote_sap_statspc -dpc DPC –ssn SSN
Result Check that the Status is set to Allowed.
5 Support
If errors detected during the health check cannot be resolved, refer to Troubleshooting or contact
your local Ericsson support.
This demo case verifies that the SGSN is synchronized to NTP server which is an external clock.
The NTP server is integrated to SGSN
This is the Test Description for SGSN system Test as required.
Node Properties
All node properties will be set to the default values. Some node properties may be changed
during the execution of the test cases.
The Node should be up and running
4 Action Check the equipment information for the FSB PIUs.It is only valid for MkV and MkVI
Command:gsh get_fsb_info
Result The equipment information of FSB PIU is displayed
Objective This demo case verifies that the current attached subscribers in the node are listed
down in the SGSN.
The Node is up and running
1 Action List down the attached subscribers in the SGSN
Comamnd: ./ci list –attached
Result The currently attached subscribers in the node are displayed.
Objective This demo case verifies that the subscribers with active PDP contexts in the node are
listed down in the SGSN.
The Node is up and running
1 Action List down the active subscribers in the SGSN
Comamnd: ./ci list -active
Result The currently active subscribers in the node are displayed
2 Action List down the stats of the number of subscribers which are attached ,idle and active
Command: ./ci stats
Result The statistics showing the number of subscribers which are attached,idle and active are
displayed for GSM and WCDMA network.
12 QoS Negotiations
Objective This demo case verifies the QoS negotiation between MS ,SGSN and HLR.
QoS parameter for a subscriber in the HLR is set to minimum (e.g. Background traffic class and
MBRU and MBRD to 64 kbits/sec)
1 Action Turn ON the MS & request a pdp-context with QoS parameters higher than the
subscribed QoS (e.g. Background traffic class with MBRD/MBRU to 384 Kbits/s).
Result: Pdp-context is successful
2 Action: Check the negotiated QoS parameters in the SGSN
Command:gsh get_subscriber –imsi Imsi –a
Result: The negotiated QoS is the subscribed QoS as defined in HLR.
3 Action: Send some payload
Result: Payload is successful. SGSN participate in the successful QoS negotiation.
This demo case verifies the number of subscribers with GPRS attach and active PDP context in
SGSN and throughput (uplink and downlink traffic)
The node is up and running.
2 Action: Check the throughput in the SGSN for the last one hour.
Result: The Value of the counters downlinkSndcpNpduSent downlinkSndcpOctetSent
uplinkSndcpNpduReceived uplinkSndcpOctetReceivedMode are noted down for the outgoing
and incoming network packet data units.
This demo case verifies the number of subscribers active PDP context in GGSN and throughput
(uplink and downlink traffic)
The node is up and running.
13 Charging Functions
13.1 Activation and Deactivation of PDP Context
The demo case demonstrates that an S-CDR is properly created and stored
on the redundant disk system when the MS performs a data transfer session.
The MS must be defined in the HLR with a GPRS subscription
(NAM=0). A corresponding APN must be defined and connected to the
GGSN. In the packet data network (PDN) of this APN a server must be
accessible for user traffic (for example FTP, telnet, or HTTP).
2 Action: Determine the most recently produced CDR (from the root
directory on the Node Controller Board (NCB)).
Command: ls -ltr /export/charging/chsLog/tmp/
Result: The contents of the temporary CDR directory are listed.
Comment: Note the running number of the file.
8 Action: When the data transfer is complete, detach the MS by powering it off.
Result: The PDP context is deactivated. Fields (Duration, Cause for
record closing [0] or [16] or [17], List of traffic volume and Record Sequence Number)
are assigned to the S-CDR for the corresponding context before the
records S-CDR is closed and stored on the redundant disk system.
9 Action: Determine the most recently produced CDR (from the root
directory on the NCB).
Command: ls -ltr /charging/chsLog/tmp/
Result: The contents of the temporary CDR directory are listed.
Comment: Note the running number of the file. If this is different from the one printed
in the beginning of this demo case, proceed to step 12 below.
10 Action: Set the open duration of the charging logfiles to 2 minutes in order to close the current
Command: set_chs_config chsLog -od 2
Result: Wait two minutes before continuing.
11 Action: Check that the logfile has been closed and a that a new
logfile has been opened.
Command: ls -ltr /charging/chsLog/tmp/
Result: The contents of the temporary CDR directory are listed.
Comment: Note the running number of the file. Do not proceed until this has been
12 Action: Set the open duration of the charging logfiles back to 15 minutes.
Command: set_chs_config chsLog -od 15 (or original value)
15 Action: Verify that the there is field for PLMN present in S-CDR to differentiate the HPLMN
and VPLMN subscriber.
Result: The S-CDR has the field pLMNIdentifier
16 Action: Verify that the there is field in the S-CDR for volume of data sent in the uplink and
received in the downlink.
Result: The S-CDR has the field listOfTrafficVolumes
17 Action: Verify that the there is field in the S-CDR for routing area of the subscriber
Result: The S-CDR has the field routingArea and locationAreaCode
17 Action: Verify that the there is field in the S-CDR for cell id of the subscriber
Result: The S-CDR has the field cellIdentifier
The demo case demonstrates that a pre-paid subscriber is charged in real time for the access of
GPRS network.
CCN is connected to the SGSN and Ge interface is up and running.A pre-paid subscriber is
attached to the network
This demo case verifies the behavior of the purge function, which allows the
SGSN to inform the HLR that it has deleted the Mobility Management (MM)
and PDP contexts of a detached subscriber.
The test subscriber is attached in the SGSN with an active PDP context.
This demo case verifies the HLR-initiated detach when the location is reset
from the HLR.
Subscriber is attached in the SGSN and the HLR location data points to the
correct SGSN. Get the subscriber data for that IMSI being used:
SGSN: gsh get_subscriber -imsi <imsi>
Note : HLR related commands are applicable to Ericsson AXE HLR only
5 Action: Make the MS attach once again by powering it off and on.
Command: gsh get_subscriber -a -imsi <imsi>
Result: Printout indicates that the subscriber is attached in the
To demonstrate that the BSC is connected to the same SGSN to which at least an RNC is
connected and the Gb interface is up and running.
Pass/Fail Criteria
This demo case is considered to be successful when the NSVC state in case of Gb over FR is
de blocked and alive or remote IP end point status is OK in case of Gb over IP.
16.0 Test for access aware test for radio access technology
This document describes activation and configuration of the feature Access Aware Core Edge on
SGSN and GGSN nodes.
AACE feature description
Access Aware Core Edge allows the SGSN to forward access-related information about a
subscriber to the Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN), in order to allow differentiation of
services and charging schemes.
The following information will be sent to the GGSN:
• The Mobile Country Code (MCC)/Mobile Network Code (MNC) of the network to which
the subscriber is currently attached
• Radio Access Technology (RAT), that is, whether the subscriber is attached to GSM or
WCDMA Systems
• The IMEISV of the MS
The SGSN uses the GTP-C Create PDP Context Request and Update PDP Context Request
messages to forward the following information to GGSN:
The GGSN may in turn forward the information to the charging system in the CDRs or via the
SRAP interface when using Dynamic Rating or Service Authorization features.
The GGSN also supports forwarding of the information to the Service Network by including the
information in the RADIUS messages.
AACE activation in SGSN
IMEI enabled
Action For enabling IMEISV fetching from the MS for WCDMA Systems, Iu_IdentityImeiEnabled
node property has to be set to true value. Connect on active NCB and run following commands as
Command:gsh get_nodeprop Iu_IdentityImeiEnabled
If property is set to false change configuration using command:
Command: gsh set_nodeprop Iu_IdentityImeiEnabled –val true
Result The value of the nodeproperty is set to true.
Action For enabling IMEISV fetching from the MS for GSM Systems, Gb_IdentityImeiEnabled
node property has to be set to true value. Connect on active NCB and run following command:
Command:gsh get_nodeprop Gb_IdentityImeiEnabled
If property is set to false change configuration using command:
Command: gsh set_nodeprop Gb_IdentityImeiEnabled –val true
Result The value of the nodeproperty is set to true.
Checkpoint SGSN configuration
Action Save previous settings executing a checkpoint of the current software configuration:
Command: gsh checkpoint {[-rel ReleaseName] -cpn CheckpointName }
Information sent by SGSNs can be included in the G-CDRs generated or GGSN can be
configured to mask these fields in the G-CDR generation (eventually activating this configuration).
If yes, it means that fields will not be included in G-CDRs. If not, it means that fields will be
included in G-CDRs.
Result The above fields are not present in the configuration.
Command: edit
edit services ggsn charging
delete cdr-attribute no-imei-sv
delete cdr-attribute no-rat-type
delete cdr-attribute no-sgsn-plmn-id
Result AACE parameters are included in the G-CDRs
Save GGSN configuration
Action Apply previous settings on GGSN running command:
stp@GGSNJ20re1# commit
This is the Original Test Object List (TOL) for SGSN as required.
Node Properties
All node properties will be set to the default values. Some node properties may be changed
during the execution of the test cases.
The neighbouring BSCs are configured for the handover
The Node should be up and running.
This demo case verifies SGSN handover when GPRS attach subscriber moves from the BSC
connected to one SGSN (SGSN1) to the BSC connected to another SGSN (SGSN2).
The node is up and running and subscriber is attached to one of the SGSNs ex.SGSN1.
2 Action: Check that the subscriber is not attached to the the SGSN2.
Command: gsh get_subscriber –msisdn <msisdn>
Result: Printout indicates subscriber is not registered in the SGSN2.
4 Action: Check that the subscriber is now attached to the the SGSN2.
Command: gsh get_subscriber –msisdn <msisdn>
Result: Printout indicates that the subscriber is attached to the SGSN2.
5 Action: Check that the subscriber is no longer attached to the the SGSN1.
Command: gsh get_subscriber –msisdn <msisdn>
Result: Printout indicates subscriber is not registered in the SGSN1.
This demo case verifies SGSN handover when subscriber with active PDP context moves from
the BSC connected to one SGSN (SGSN1) to the BSC connected to another SGSN (SGSN2).
The node is up and running and subscriber has an active context in one of the SGSNs
1 Action: Check that the subscriber has an active PDP context in the SGSN1.
Command: gsh get_subscriber –msisdn <msisdn> -a
Result: Printout indicates that the subscriber has an active context in the SGSN1.
2 Action: Check that the subscriber is not attached to the the SGSN2.
Command: gsh get_subscriber –msisdn <msisdn>
Result: Printout indicates subscriber is not registered in the SGSN2.
3 Action: Move to the BSC connected to the SGSN2 while PDP context is active
Result: Done
4 Action: Check that the subscriber has now active Context in the SGSN2.
Command: gsh get_subscriber –msisdn <msisdn> -a
Result: Printout indicates that the subscriber has an active PDP Context in the SGSN2.
5 Action: Check that the subscriber is no longer attached to the the SGSN1.
Command: gsh get_subscriber –msisdn <msisdn>
Result: Printout indicates subscriber is not registered in the SGSN1.
This demo case verifies that whenever a user tries to access the SGSN he has to type correct
username and password
The node is up and running and username and password to the node is known.
1 Action: Telnet the SGSN and try to login using invalid user name and password.
Result: Login attempt failed.
2 Action: Try to Login using valid user name and wrong password.
Result: Login attempt failed.
3 Action: Try to Login using valid user name and correct password
Result: Login successful.
This demo case verifies that the system is restored when powered ON after powering it off
The node is up and running and there are no serious alarms in the node.
1 Action: Power OFF the SGSN by putting all the toggle switches in the SGSN PDU to OFF
Result: The SGSN is powered OFF and all the LED in the all the magazines are off.
2 Action: Power ON the SGSN by putting all the toggle switches in the SGSN PDU to ON
Result: The node is powered on.
20 Test equal priority to voice and GPRS data call & voice and data calls simultaneously
This demo case verifies that there is equal priority to voice and data call and a subscriber can
make and receive a CS call while the PDP context (data call) is active.
The node is up and running and there are no serious alarms in the node.
The DTM feature is enabled and supported in the SGSN,MSC and BSC.
2 Action: Check in the SGSN that the subscriber has an active PDP context.
Command: gsh get_subscriber –msisdn <msisdn> -a
Result: The subscriber has an active context
4 Action: Check in the SGSN that the subscriber still has an active PDP context.
Command: gsh get_subscriber –msisdn <msisdn> -a
Result: The subscriber has an active context
6 Action: Make an MO CS call when the subscriber has an active PDP context.
Result: The CS call is setup.
4 Action: Check in the SGSN that the subscriber still has an active PDP context.
Command: gsh get_subscriber –msisdn <msisdn> -a
Result: The subscriber has an active context
The purpose of the authentication procedure is to protect the operator from unauthorized use. The
authentication procedure performs identification and authentication of the service requester, and
validation of the service request type, to ensure that the user is authorized to use the particular
network service.
Ciphering is done for data confidentiality. The MS and the SGSN must be coordinated before the
authentication procedure can start ciphering. Whether or not ciphering is used is indicated by the
SGSN in the authentication and ciphering request message.
Node Properties
All node properties will be set to the default values. Some node properties may be changed
during the execution of the test cases.
The Node should be up and running.
Demo Case for Authentication and Ciphering
Authentication and ciphering feature of the SGSN can be switched on and off by command as per
following table, give following command at active NCB:
# Authenticati Cipheri
on ng
1 Off Off
2 On Off
3 On On
Pass/Fail Criteria
This demo case is considered to be successful when the RNC connected to the SGSN is in service.
To demonstrate that the RNC and BSC is connected to the same SGSN and are up and running.
Pass/Fail Criteria
This demo case is considered to be successful when the RNC connected to the SGSN is in service and
BSC (either on Frame Relay or IP) are working.
The purpose of this demo case is to demonstrate that GGSN can forward
up to 1.6 Mbps to the subscriber required for HSDPA Support.
Pass/Fail Criteria
The negotiated Maximum Bit Rate (MBR) Downlink is 1.6 Mbps in the GGSN. The downlink rate of a file
transfer is 1.6 Mbps.
Parameter Setting
When the maximum bandwidth for downlink traffic is configured to a value greater than 2048 kbps, the
optional service High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) is considered to be in operation.
Subscriber QoS settings in the HLR allow Maximum Bit Rate Downlink of 2 Mbps or more.
To support HSDPA for WCDMA Systems, the value range for the Maximum Bit Rate (MBR) and
Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR) has been increased in the GGSN R4 and onwards. The MBR for the APN
should be atleast 4 Mbps in the downlink direction.
This feature requires support in the SGSN and UTRAN. Terminal support for HSDPA is also required.
Demo Execution
Result: The printout shows the subscriber has an active PDP context for the HSDPA.
Result: The printout shows the subscriber has an active PDP context for the HSDPA and the routing area
belongs to WCDMA network
Action 4 Perform an FTP session to download a file from the local FTP server.
Action 5 Optionally, measure the downlink speed with a tool (ex netperSec).
To demonstrate that mobile stations is capable of providing service in 3G and 2G environment.
Pass/Fail Criteria
This demo case is considered to be successful when a subscriber is able to do PDP in UMTS as well as
GSM GPRS environment.
The MS is in 3G environment and is switched off.
3 Action: Do a PDP context activation using a valid internet APN and start browsing
Result: PDP is activated and browsing is successful.
6 Action
Check the subscriber in the SGSN by CLI
Command: gsh get_subscriber -msisdn <msisdn> -a
Result: The MS has no active PDP context
9 Action: Do a PDP context activation using a valid internet APN and start browsing
Result: PDP is activated and browsing is successful.
The purpose of this demo case is to demonstrate that GGSN can forward
up to 1.6 Mbps to the subscriber required for HSDPA Support.
Pass/Fail Criteria
The negotiated Maximum Bit Rate (MBR) Downlink is 1.6 Mbps in the GGSN. The downlink rate of a file
transfer is 1.6 Mbps.
Parameter Setting
When the maximum bandwidth for downlink traffic is configured to a value greater than 2048 kbps, the
optional service High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) is considered to be in operation.
Subscriber QoS settings in the HLR allow Maximum Bit Rate Downlink of 2 Mbps or more.
To support HSDPA for WCDMA Systems, the value range for the Maximum Bit Rate (MBR) and
Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR) has been increased in the GGSN R4 and onwards. The MBR for the APN
should be atleast 4 Mbps in the downlink direction.
This feature requires support in the SGSN and UTRAN. Terminal support for HSDPA is also required.
Demo Execution
Result: The printout shows the subscriber has an active PDP context for the HSDPA.
Result: The printout shows the subscriber has an active PDP context for the HSDPA and the routing area
belongs to WCDMA network
Action 4 Perform an FTP session to download a file from the local FTP server.
Action 5 Optionally, measure the downlink speed with a tool (ex netperSec).