Survivor To Thriver
Survivor To Thriver
Survivor To Thriver
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for healing from child abuse
10/95, 7/96, 7/99
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There are good reasons for encouraging you to use this manual in
conjunction with attending meetings or participating in our online meeting at One of the benefits of attending ASCA meetings is
experiencing the sense of community that develops between survivors who are
discovering that they are not alone in their abuse experiences and recovery efforts.
The carefully structured ASCA meeting formats make it easier to share
experiences and to start to trust others both key parts of breaking out of the
isolation that characterizes most survivors' lives. The skills that you practice and
observe in ASCA meetings often, if not always, will prove valuable in your
interactions in the larger world. While there is much to be gained from using the
manual individually, your recovery will be more balanced and, we believe, more
rewarding if you also take advantage of the group experience afforded by ASCA
meetings. For these reasons we encourage you to use this manual as an adjunct to
attending ASCA meetings and individual or group psychotherapy (if you have
What is ASCA?
Some survivors also have problems with some 12-Step programs' recurring
themes of forgiveness, blame and misplaced responsibility. 12-Step programs start
with the belief that the individual has committed wrongs, is responsible for those
wrongs and must make amends to others for those wrongs. These beliefs are not
particularly applicable to survivors of child abuse. Adult survivors were abused as
However, this does not mean that ASCA is opposed to 12-Step programs.
One of ASCA's principles is a policy of "addition, not competition," with respect
to 12-Step programs, and we do not compete with 12-Step programs for your
participation. We believe that 12-Step groups are extremely useful and
appropriate for persons facing addictions and attempting to live clean and sober
lives. ASCA is deeply grateful to Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-Step
programs as the godparents of the recovery movement. Without them, there would
be no ASCA but we view ourselves as a separate program for a separate
ASCA's 21 Steps are a statement of the tasks and issues that most adult
survivors face during their recovery from child abuse. Think of them as signposts
or landmarks along the road of recovery. Unlike some self-help programs, ASCA
does not require that participants work the steps although you may choose to do
so or that the steps be worked in a linear order. Survivors often spiral through
several steps simultaneously and may return to earlier steps after they have
reached closure on later ones, or as new material surfaces in their recovery
process. Your concept of StepWork may be to emphasize a particular step in your
shares in ASCA meetings, or in your individual or group therapy sessions.
The steps of Stage One are concerned with the memories of your childhood
abuse. You must acknowledge what happened in the past before you can move
forward in recovery. This becomes the foundation upon which you build your
recovery. Stage Two focuses on examining your adult behavior, connecting your
present strengths and weaknesses to the abuse you suffered and the coping
Remember that not all of the 21 Steps are going to have equal relevance to
your life and your abuse history. Depending on your personal experience, some
steps will have a more profound significance for you, and these are the steps
where you might want to concentrate your focus. You might work on one issue at
a particular time because it is the issue that is most relevant to your life at this
time. You might work on several steps simultaneously, and you might even feel
that some steps have no relevance to your particular experience. You are the
ultimate judge of which steps to work and when to work them.
However, abuse survivors usually remember at the very least that their
abuse occurred, even if they do not remember exact details of their abuse or
confuse the details with other material. In fact, most studies estimate that at least
THE MORRIS CENTER believes that the vast majority of survivors who come
forth to deal with their abuse histories were in fact abused to some extent and may
well have repressed some or all of their memories of the abuse, only to have them
surface later due to some kind of external trigger or their own readiness to deal
with the issues. However, this does not mean that there are not valid cases in
which memories have been fabricated, suggested or even "implanted" and are
therefore not legitimate. Actions of unethical therapists can cause this, but so can
exaggerated media reports, sensational "talk show" banter, and individual
imagination. We believe that some, if not all, of the persons who have recovered
memories and then recanted their stories are telling the truth. We also believe that
the number of these "false memory" cases is minuscule and statisticallly irrelevant
when compared to the actual incidence of child abuse and the number of persons
who enter therapy with at least some of their memories intact. Nevertheless, we
encourage you to be careful with this aspect of your recovery. Only you can be
the true judge as to whether you were abused as a child. There may be
corroborating evidence a doctor's report, a friend or neighbor who "knew" but
didn't say anything but in the end, you must be truthful with yourself about
what happened to you.
Choosing a Therapist
The current debate about child abuse, memories and recovery often
mentions "repressed memory therapy." As a point of clarification, there is no such
identified discipline. There are various therapeutic techniques some more
reputable than others that therapists may use in working with clients.
Therapists may use these same techniques with clients who have no abuse issues
as with clients who either know or suspect that they may have been abused. The
real key to competent therapy lies not in techniques but in the expertise and ethical
stance of the therapist.
This isn't to say that therapy won't, at times, be painful and difficult,
especially when working on deep-seated issues around child abuse. But there is a
difference between your natural resistance to looking at and dealing with painful
memories, and the discomfort that arises when you feel that something is being
suggested to you that is instinctively wrong or uncomfortable. If this happens, and
if you and your therapist cannot come to a mutually agreeable solution, then
perhaps it's time to consider changing therapists.
This is a very difficult question, and one that only you can answer for
yourself. Step 18 of ASCA reads: "I have resolved the abuse with my offenders to
the extent that is acceptable to me." For some survivors, this means an internal
coming to terms with the abuse and the abuser(s) but does not involve direct
confrontation. For others, it means direct confrontation, either face-to-face or by
letter or phone. For still others it may mean writing articles, stories, newspaper
op-ed pieces or by speaking out in public gatherings. And for still others it may
mean pursuing legal action to gain restitution for the abuse suffered. Every
survivor is different in his/her need to confront the abuser(s). Neither ASCA nor
THE MORRIS CENTER has a policy or position on confrontation. Instead, we
believe that each survivor must make this choice individually. We do, however,
encourage survivors to think carefully about their options and the consequences of
their choices.
Safety is something that you want to incorporate seamlessly into your daily
life, something you approach with the same dedication as you would a spiritual or
moral practice. Safety is something that you must consider no matter where you
are at home, with friends and lovers, at work or play and especially at ASCA
meetings. Recovery entails facing horrible memories, painful feelings, powerful
bodily sensations and potentially self-destructive impulses and behaviors. To
withstand these reactions, you need to feel safe and strong as much of the time as
There are several steps involved in evaluating your current level of safety
before you proceed with creating a plan for your recovery. The remainder of this
section will focus on helping you assess your strengths and weaker points so that
you can move through the ASCA program from as strong a place as possible.
Think of safety as an inverted U curve, with the left end of the inverted U
representing total safety but no risk and the right end of the U representing no
safety and total risk.
The optimum growth point is to the right of the middle of the curve
where high safety is combined with low risk. You always want to be conservative
in balancing safety and risk because you want to avoid setbacks that may occur
when the level of risk outweighs the level of safety you feel you need.
Considering that many survivors have histories of self-sabotage or of being re-
victimized as adults, SAFETY FIRST! means learning to take fewer risks while
you create more safety for yourself.
Timing is Everything
Recovery occurs in small, steady steps taken one after another. Each step
you take needs to be reviewed, evaluated and experienced so that you can derive
maximum benefit from your hard work. Try not to get ahead of yourself. Many
survivors feel impatient with the pace of their recovery, especially if they have
spent years feeling stuck. You may want to jump ahead and go for the "big
success" out of a sense of wanting to finally put the past to rest. But remember,
when you jump ahead before you are really ready, you sacrifice safety and risk a
setback that can leave you feeling dispirited and hopeless. Try to reassure yourself
that your abuse occurred over a long period of time important formative years
and so full recovery is also likely to take time.
Before you move on to the next section of this chapter Creating Your
Plan for SAFETY FIRST! we suggest that you take some time with the
following two self-assessment scales: the Safety Checklist and the
Suicide/Harmful Behavior Checklist. These will help you determine your current
level of safety. After each checklist and the scoring information, there are some
recommendations which are designed to help you determine whether you are ready
to progress with a recovery program.
Safety Checklist
6. Have you ever "lost time" or lost sense of being yourself? Y:___ N:___
You should know that your therapist has certain legal and ethical
obligations to warn potential victims and, in some cases, to notify the police if s/he
reasonably believes that you are suicidal or homicidal, or likely to harm another
person. Although this may mean breaking the confidential relationship between
the two of you, your therapist is mandated by law to do this and cannot be
sanctioned for doing so. This is discussed in greater detail in Chapter Five, in
connection with Step Fourteen.
Having this structure in mind and readily accessible as you live your daily
life is essential to understanding and interrupting the destructive patterns of the
past and replacing them with more healthy patterns. Remember that breaking the
old habits based on unconscious scripts linked to your abuse means overcoming
the tendency to do the same old (familiar) thing. At first it takes more energy to
change, but it gets easier with practice and success.
Write down as many physical, emotional or intuitive signs as you can that
tell you that your safety might be in question. (For example, your heart beats
faster or you sense a clutching sensation in the throat.)
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
Write down what you think might typically trigger these reactions to certain
situations. For example, triggers can be either internal (for example, unconscious
memories, dreams or fears) or external (for example, interactions with certain
people or particular types of activities or experiences). Remember that
EVERYONE has difficulty with certain kinds of situations, though the nature of
the situations varies with each individual. If you can, you should try to focus on
the types of situations that you perceive to be related to your abuse or abusers.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
If you need more space, use additional sheets of paper and keep them with
your manual.
Write down all of the actions you can think of to help you restabilize
yourself after feeling unsafe. Some of these actions will be obvious and practical,
such as simply leaving the environment that is causing the danger. Other actions
must be tailored to your unique needs, based on the type of abuse you suffered.
Try to develop a range of options that will serve you in a variety of situations.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
Many survivors feel that they have few people they can talk to or get
support from regarding their recovery. It is important not to try to recover in a
vacuum. You do need help from like-minded and empathetic survivors and trained
professionals. The ASCA program encourages combined use of professional
therapy and self-help for optimum recovery; we do not share the anti-professional
stance of some self-help programs. Learning to trust others and to turn to them for
support is a crucial step in recovery. Doing so challenges one of the basic notions
that arises from a history of abuse: namely, that people are dangerous.
In the space below, list everyone you can think of whom you can call for
support during times of need.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________________________
ASCA Colleagues
Use the space below to write down the names and telephone numbers of
ASCA participants whom you would feel comfortable calling for support.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
Whatever the case, your interactions with others need to support your
overall recovery goals, not to destroy your current efforts or reinforce past
childhood abuse patterns. Remember that the whole idea behind SAFETY FIRST!
is to be able to work on your recovery from a position of strength that results from
having eliminated the fears associated with the abuse. Since recovery is a most
challenging task, you need all the help and support you can get, and this includes
making sure that your personal relationships do not replicate old abuse patterns.
4. Does your partner try to restrict whom you spend time with
or limit other choices in your life? Y:___ N:___
Trying to initiate and proceed with recovery when your daily life is so
unstable is a setup for failure. Recovery really is possible, but unlikely to occur
until the various crises raging in your life have been settled. So, a key component
of your SAFETY FIRST! plan will be to identify and start to stabilize the problem
areas in your life before embarking on your recovery. It is not necessary to fully
resolve these problems that will come as you work through recovery but
successful recovery depends on your taking steps to bring some order to your life.
In so doing, you will reduce the frequency of crises and thereby increase the
amount of time and energy you can devote to your recovery. The following
checklist will help you identify and rank the issues that may be diverting energy
from your recovery efforts.
Check "Yes" or "No" for each area of your life and then rate the level of the
problem on a scale from one (not a problem) to ten (very much a problem) for any
YES answers:
1. Relationships Y:___ N:___ _____
SCORING: Count the number of YES answers and then rank them from
highest (most problematic) to lowest (least problematic) score.
If you find that you have high scores in more than three problem areas, try
to identify the "top three" and focus your efforts on these areas first. If you try to
tackle them all at once, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the volume and scope of
the problem areas. If you can isolate three key areas and focus on how to go about
resolving them, you will gain a sense of accomplishment and mastery that will
help you to identify the next group of "hot spots," and so on until you have been
able to address all of the issues that are of concern to you.
If you can't do these exercises or find that you can't implement them in your
life, then you need some help to focus your efforts. Think about seeing a therapist
or talking to someone who you believe has resolved the issue(s) in her/his own
life. Try to grasp what it is that holds you back from making the necessary
changes to stabilize your life.
One of the most important skills for survivors to learn is how to soothe
themselves emotionally. Most survivors never learn to self-soothe in childhood
because parents who abuse are also often poor at soothing themselves and,
consequently, at teaching their children to self-soothe. However, it is essential to
your recovery that you develop some capacity for self-soothing early on in your
recovery journey. You will need this skill as you proceed through the various
stages of recovery.
Soothing is what good parents do when their children are upset. It often
involves soothing touch that is warm and comforting. It can involve words that are
reassuring, empathic and hopeful. It may involve activities that are physically,
intellectually or sensorially nourishing, such as taking a walk, reading a favorite
book or sharing a special meal. It can also involve daily practices that are
spiritually uplifting and inspiring, such as meditation. When you can perform this
type of caring for yourself whatever your chosen activities may be then you
have learned to self-soothe.
You probably have you own list of self-soothing strategies. Some may be
healthier than others. You will need to evaluate how you soothe yourself, so you
can retain the healthy practices and try to eliminate or control the less healthy
ones. Then you will need to add some new strategies that can provide extra
comfort during your most emotionally challenging times in recovery.
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________
1. Exercise
2. Practice meditation, guided imagery or deep relaxation
3. Write in my journal
4. Do a spiritual practice
5. Take a warm bath
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________
11. _____________________________________________________________
12. _____________________________________________________________
13. _____________________________________________________________
14. _____________________________________________________________
15. _____________________________________________________________
You can also carry elements of your SAFETY FIRST! plan into your
involvement with ASCA. Should you ever feel overwhelmed or triggered by what
you hear in a meeting, you will have a range of options at your disposal. Instead
of listening to what is being said, you can direct your focus to your personal
reaction and determine why you are having that particular reaction. If your
feelings are overwhelming, you can always leave the meeting. You can raise your
hand and ask the Co-Secretaries to ask for volunteers to go outside and sit or talk
with you. You can decide not to attend meetings on days you feel especially
vulnerable. You can discuss your reactions to meetings or shares with other ASCA
participants or even the Co-Secretaries. And, of course, you can discuss your
reactions with members of your support network to determine if it is still helpful
for you to attend ASCA meetings. Any or all of these strategies might be part of
your SAFETY FIRST! plan, along with many other options you have identified for
The next step in your recovery journey is learning some general definitions
and statistics about the three types of child abuse. It is important to know this in
order to compare your own experience with what is generally known about child
abuse. A critical part of recovering from child abuse is learning to distinguish
what really happened to you and whether it constituted child abuse. In this next
section, we will be facing the reality of child abuse frankly. The purpose of this
review is not to deny the past but to illuminate it; not to indict your
parents/abusers, but to hold them responsible; and finally, not to blame yourself,
but to develop a new understanding of your experience. Your ability to
understand the complexity of factors involved in your abuse will serve you well in
making the past less overwhelming and threatening.
Reading this may be painful for you, and you may not want to proceed until
you feel prepared to experience whatever feelings may surface. You may want to
read this chapter in sections, allowing yourself plenty of time to digest each one
before moving on. You can read it with a friend and discuss your reactions with
members of your support network ASCA or therapist. Remember that you are an
adult now, but the feelings that come up may be those of a child.
Physical Abuse
Bodily signs that may indicate physical abuse include bruises, burns, bites,
marks, welts, skin punctures, cuts, abrasions, bleeding, broken bones, spiral
fractures, tearing of the skin, internal hemorrhaging, and loss of hair. Most, if not
all, of these physical signs may also be the result of other natural causes not
related to child abuse. It is extremely important that you keep this in mind, both
while assessing what happened to you and in any instance in which you observe
such bodily signs on another person child or adult.
Between the ages of 2 and 12, boys are more frequently physically abused
than girls because boys are more likely at this age to present behavior or discipline
problems. At this age boys generally have higher activity levels than girls. This
can irritate parents or caretakers and lead to abusive corporal punishment. In
adolescence, girls become more of a target for physical violence than boys because
they are physically more vulnerable. Social roles encourage girls to adopt a more
passive approach to the world; as a result, they often find themselves in jeopardy
of being dominated by others.
Physical abuse often begins under the guise of punishment and ends as
punishment gone awry. What starts out as corporal punishment intended to be
purposeful and restrained can often become excessive. It is often an expression of
the parents'/abusers' own personal conflicts. In some cases, physical abuse takes
the form of extreme punishing behavior that the parent imposes on the child for
seemingly arbitrary reasons. Corporal punishment that is sudden, arbitrary or not
explained as a consequence of some particular behavior on the part of the child is
generally considered abuse. Hitting a child in sensitive areas of the body such as
the face, stomach or genitals is severe punishment and is reportable as child abuse.
Journal Questions
1. Did your parents punish you by hitting you with a hand or some implement
until you were bruised or injured?
2. Were you slapped in the face and left with a black eye, bloody nose or
bruised cheek?
Physical signs that may suggest sexual abuse of children include sexually
transmitted diseases; genital discharge or infection; physical injury or irritation of
the oral, anal or genital areas; pain when urinating or defecating; difficulty walking
or sitting due to genital or anal pain; and stomachaches, headaches or other
psychosomatic symptoms. Again, most, if not all, of these symptoms can result
from other, non-abuse related causes or conditions. Please keep this in mind as
you evaluate your own history.
Behavioral signs that may result from sexual abuse include age-
inappropriate sexual behavior with peers or toys; excessive curiosity about sexual
matters; overly advanced understanding of sexual behavior (especially in younger
children); compulsive masturbation, prostitution or promiscuity; and incontinence
(in the case of anal intercourse). Once again, these symptoms may be the result of
other occurrences, and you should be wary of jumping to any conclusions.
Sometimes abused children think that if they couldn't stop the abuse, then
they were at least partially responsible for it. Trends in state laws challenge this
kind of thinking. For example, in California, if the child victim is under the age of
14, any sexual contact with an adult is presumed to be sexual abuse, even if the
child has purportedly consented. In the case of child victims over the age of 14
who may have consented to the sexual contact, the issue is determined by looking
There are many factors that place children at risk for sexual abuse,
especially in an era of high divorce rates and blended families. Children are most
likely to be sexually abused between the ages of 8-12. Girls are more at risk for
sexual abuse than boys (statistics show one out of every three girls compared to
one out of every seven boys). Girls who are abused are more likely to live in a
blended family or with a single mother who is employed outside the home. When
a natural father is the abuser, the girl's mother is often absent or uninvolved for
some reason. She may be disabled, ill, working outside of the home or alcoholic.
Factors such as these may result in less than adequate care-giving and a lack of
parental authority. The parents' marital relationship may be in discord, and the
parents may be avoiding dealing with each other. Ever so gradually, the father
may begin to place the girl in the role of wife.
Sexual abuse also happens to boys, although not to the extent reported for
girls. Boys are more likely to be abused by adult males, teenage siblings and other
older boys known to the victim. Some male victims might later point to this sexual
abuse as the cause of confusion about their sexual identity. When the molester is
female, boys are confused about how to interpret the experience. Is it sexual abuse
or sexual opportunity? Because boys are socialized to want sex, cultural norms
often cloud their perceptions of the experience. Because boys are supposed to be
"tough" and able to defend themselves, they may be disinclined to speak up about
having been taken advantage of. In many cases, it may be a more convenient
psychologically for them to interpret their abuse as a "conquest" rather than a
victimization. But the conflicts do not go away just because the abuse is cast in a
positive light.
In cases where the sexual abuse occurs outside of the home, the reaction of
the family is paramount in shaping the degree of impact on the child. When the
family is supportive, gets immediate help for the child and avoids any blaming or
stigmatization, the long-term effects can be lessened. However, when the family
does not understand, blames the child for the sexual abuse or is unable to accept
that the child was victimized, the impact can be truly devastating because the
family's reaction confirms the child's worst fears: that s/he did something wrong or
did not do enough to prevent the sexual abuse. In these cases, the family members
become co-conspirators in the abuse because, in failing to give the child what s/he
needs during a time of tragedy, they may do far more damage to the child than did
the abuser. It is no surprise that children will feel stigmatized by the sexual abuse
if their families treat them with disdain and disgust.
Sexual abuse outside the family may have actually increased during the last
twenty years because more children are being cared for in daycare centers, after-
school programs and juvenile institutions. There has been a rash of stories of
sexual molestation in daycare centers across the country, although proving guilt in
these cases has often been unsuccessful. There are even three "pro-pedophilia"
organizations operating in North America, all dedicated to finding and maintaining
sexual relationships with young girls and boys.
With the explosion of the adult film industry, there is evidence that child
pornography rings are proliferating. It is estimated that upwards of half a million
Journal Questions
6. Did your parent or another adult purposely expose his/her body to you?
7. Did anyone have sexual contact with you when you were a child that left
you confused or feeling ashamed?
8. Were you ever shown sexual pictures or films or were you ever
photographed undressed or provocatively posed?
10. Did your parents say sexual things about you; make lewd comments about
your body; or call you a slut, whore, or hustler?
Emotional Abuse
Because much emotional abuse consists of words, and because the use and
meaning of words are highly subjective, it is harder to quantify and clarify
examples of emotional abuse. What is heard as abusive language by one child
may be the norm for another, although it still may be abusive, even if it is not so
classified by the community. Similarly, much emotional abuse consists of acts of
omission, rather than commission, and so there may not be a sign or symptom to
point to as evidence. For these and other reasons it is difficult to generate accurate
statistics on the occurrence of emotional abuse.
Isolating: Isolating involves the adults' cutting the child off from normal
social experiences, thereby preventing the child from forming friendships and
reinforcing the child's belief that s/he is alone in the world. Isolating the child
from normal opportunities for social relations is another form of emotional abuse
because it impedes the social development of the child. Included here are efforts
by the parents to put the child at odds with friends, presenting "outsiders" as the
object of suspicion, reinforcing the child's concerns about peer acceptance and
thwarting the child's attempts to be industrious and self-sufficient. Specific
behaviors that tend to result in isolation are preventing children from seeing family
or friends, preventing receipt of appropriate medical care, punishing the child's
social overtures, rewarding the child for avoiding social situations, prohibiting the
Journal Questions
11. Did your parents frequently rant and rave about what a horrible, stupid or
ugly child you were?
14. Did they refuse to take you to the doctor when you were sick (absent
religious constraints)?
15. Would they frequently ignore you by refusing to speak or listen to you?
16. Were you left alone for extended periods of time before the age of ten?
17. Did your parents make you stay home from school to take care of brother(s)
or sister(s)?
18. Would they threaten to leave you or kill you if you did not do what they
19. Did they often make disparaging comments about men or women and
predict that you would grow up to be just as bad?
After reading this section, you have some guidelines as to what constitutes
physical, sexual and emotional abuse. Now you can use this knowledge as a
standard to determine what actually happened to you. If you have some memories
that you determine were abusive, write them down in your journal. See if you can
add the fine details to give a more complete rendering of the experience. Jot down
all thoughts, feelings, associations and images that are evoked by this memory. If
you have no or few memories from the past, you may still need more time to
remember. Or, you may not have been abused. If you weren't in fact abused, you
don't want to get caught up in the feeling that you must have been. If this is the
case, consider yourself fortunate!
Relationship Problems
After years of not feeling their feelings or expressing them to others, many
survivors feel limited in their daily dialogue with a loved one. Making changes in
your relationships begins with developing awareness about which modes of
communication work and which don't. Discuss with your partner when and how
best to talk to each other.
Journal Questions
28. Do you get anxious or scared when someone gets too close?
Low Self-Esteem
Journal Questions
38. Do you believe that others are more right than you?
Where low self-esteem is the primary feeling of the adult survivor, self-
sabotage is the corresponding behavior pattern in the external world. Self-
sabotage is any kind of conscious or unconscious behavior that undermines your
successful functioning in the world. Self-sabotage may range from buying a
"lemon" of a used car to losing one's checkbook to becoming involved with an
alcoholic partner to engaging in life-threatening activities. You may allow
yourself to be exploited by a boss or engage in physically harmful or potentially
dangerous activities such as cutting yourself or engaging in unsafe sex. Typically,
one's pattern of self-sabotage is closely related to one's personal issues and family
history. Survivors who grew up in addictive families may self-sabotage by driving
while drunk or getting caught with illegal drugs. Survivors from violent families
may tend to get themselves beaten or injured. Survivors from wealthy families
often find themselves losing money, getting swindled or making bad investments.
Studies have shown that survivors of child sexual abuse are more likely to be
assaulted as adults.
Journal Questions
45. Do you ever feel that you are your own worst enemy?
49. Do you often lose things such as money, credit cards and other valuables?
Sexual Problems
How can you deal with sexual problems? You can start by confiding in a
trusted friend or lover about your sexual feelings, reactions and associations.
Sharing your personal reactions with a loved one can provide understanding and
Journal Questions
51. Do you ever have flashbacks of your abuse while having sex?
56. Is your sexual arousal dependent on violent or abusive fantasies left over
from the past?
58. Have you ever been sexually abusive toward another person?
Symptoms of Trauma
Many adult survivors don't show signs of psychic trauma until years after
the abuse ends. When they do show signs, survivors often report feelings of
extreme anxiety, panic, general fearfulness and disorientation. In the most
extreme cases, survivors may evidence dissociation (splitting of mind and body),
numbing of the body and intrusive, repetitive thoughts and flashbacks to the abuse
episode(s). The appearance of these symptoms lets you know that your psyche is
still trying to resolve conflicts associated with your past abuse. There is growing
evidence that survivors of extreme and prolonged child abuse are susceptible to
developing multiple personalities as a means of self-protection and that child abuse
may be the major cause of multiple personality disorders.
When any signs of trauma are noticed, the best suggestion is to get
immediate help. Turn to members of your support network, trusted family and
friends and your therapist, if you have one. If you experience any of the more
severe trauma symptoms such as dissociation, we strongly encourage you to seek
professional help. If you feel totally unable to function, you may need medication
or hospitalization to control the anxiety. The goal during this time is to make sure
you are safe and protected and to minimize the possibility of your hurting yourself.
63. Do you have sudden flashbacks of images or thoughts that are connected to
the abuse?
Journal Questions
73. Do you have any loss of bodily functioning that cannot be accounted for by
medical reasons?
74. Do you have any psychosomatic ailments such as skin disorders, asthma or
lower back pain that are not due to physical or systemic causes?
Social Alienation
Many survivors end up living in isolation because it feels safer and less
threatening to them. The role of the recluse, employed during childhood to avoid
the abuse, becomes in adult life a means of protecting oneself against hurt.
Sometimes the threat is real; other times it is imagined. When survivors do
venture out into the world and attempt to establish contact with others, they may
be tremendously sensitive about how they are treated. Survivors may experience
joking or teasing intended as lighthearted banter appropriate to the social
situation as critical or hostile and at their expense.
Journal Questions
85. Do you feel different than, in the sense of "worse than," other people?
88. Do you assume a typical role that is not really you in social situations?
90. Do you feel that your experience of life is somehow not right or not as good
as others?
Handling Feelings
All adults carry feelings that are rooted in their childhood developmental
experiences. Adult survivors, however, may have particularly powerful feelings
that are left over from their abuse. These feelings can be triggered by
circumstances that are somehow reminiscent of the abuse and, in the context of
being a survivor, may have particular importance. Anxiety is the result of not
having known what to expect or how to act in social or family situations. Fear
and anger are both natural responses to the threat or act of assault. Sadness
results from recognizing that your parents or another trusted adult could abuse
you. Shame and guilt tell you that you still hold yourself responsible for what
Rage is the built-up reservoir of the anger that could never be safely
expressed within your family. Frustration is the feeling you are left with when
nothing seems to go your way. Confusion is a sign that you don't know why
Journal Questions
91. Do you have strong feelings of anxiety, fear, depression and anger that
threaten to overwhelm you?
92. Do you need to withdraw periodically from the world in order to regain
control of yourself?
95. Do powerful feelings trigger the desire to eat, drink, take drugs or engage in
other compulsive activities?
97. Have you learned to disconnect yourself from your feelings by refusing to
pay attention to them?
98. Have you ever lost control of your anger and abused someone else?
100. Are you inclined to feel a certain feeling more often than others,
particularly anger or depression?
Reading the information in this chapter may have stirred up many feelings
in you. Recognizing that child abuse may continue to impact you past your
childhood is a necessary step in your recovery. The tendency to sabotage yourself
in various aspects of your life does not mean that you are a bad person; it means
that you are a wounded person. Identifying the wounds and acknowledging the
difficulties that grow out of them is an essential part of healing. Facing the anger
that you have turned against yourself (and possibly against others) represents a
cleansing of these wounds. As with the treatment of any wound physical or
psychic the process will cause some pain. This may lead you to question
whether the process of recovery is really good for you. Because you have become
so used to pain in all of its myriad forms for so many years, you may wonder
whether recovery can have positive effects.
When these doubts begin to surface, remember that you have survived the
torment as a child, and that this is the worst part of the abuse. As an adult, you
have new capabilities, new choices and a great deal more control over your life.
Be open to new understandings of what you experienced. Allow yourself to draw
inspiration from the positive elements in your life: your friends who support your
recovery, empathetic family members, your children (if you have them), your
spouse or lover who accepts you as a special person or your therapist, who is
committed to helping you find your true self. There are many people like you who
came back from total despair and confusion about their lives and recovered from
their abuse. Others, such as your ASCA co-participants, are on the journey with
you as well. We all can find our inner strengths and use them to turn our lives
As you begin to reclaim your childhood, you will also need to identify and
then moderate the self-destructive behaviors and maladaptive patterns that may
currently plague your adult life. If your life consists of one calamity after
another, as is often the case with adult survivors, it will be very hard to work the
steps. Therefore you must establish some level of calm before you begin to face
your abuse.
Stage One, like Stages Two and Three, can take anywhere from one to three
years to complete, depending on how severely you were abused as a child, how
much of your abuse history you remember and the extent of the emotional
wounding incurred. Sometimes the first stage takes the longest and the remaining
two stages take less time because you can use the skills and insight developed
while resolving the challenging early steps to work through the later steps.
Remember that recovery is an individual process, the pace of which only you can
determine. It is essential that you not race through the steps. Find a rhythm that
feels right to you. You want your healing and the changes that grow out of it to
last a lifetime and to provide a stable foundation for your new sense of self.
How do you know when you are finished with one step and ready to move
on to the next? Listen to the voice of your newly developing self that fair,
honest and objective sense inside you that is growing stronger day by day.
Listen to this voice and cultivate its developing wisdom. This voice will signal
I am in a breakthrough crisis,
having gained some sense of my abuse.
For many survivors, this first step represents the first sign that their past has
caught up with them. Survivors at this point often experience a "breakthrough
crisis": something happens to release a flood of old memories, feelings and even
physical sensations of the abuse. Although this crisis does not necessarily
destabilize all survivors, for many it can be the most harrowing time in recovery,
and it often provides the impetus to finally face the past.
For those of you who experienced less severe abuse, the breakthrough crisis
may manifest itself not as a new crisis, but rather as a low-grade, perpetual state of
disorganization in which everything that can go wrong does go wrong. This
reinforces your anxiety, depression and shame all your worst feelings about
yourself. Survivors of extreme and prolonged physical and/or sexual abuse in
which terror or violence typically occurred often experience a more dramatic
breakthrough crisis. This is usually triggered by some event: seeing a movie,
engaging in a relationship that unexpectedly turns abusive or having a sexual
experience that somehow parallels the childhood sexual abuse. This leaves you
feeling like the scared little child again, lacking any sort of adult control over your
life. You may even think you are going crazy and may come up with all sorts of
possible explanations for what is going on.
1. Give yourself permission to get whatever help you need to face this crisis.
Reaching out to a therapist, support group and family and friends means that you
do not have to be alone anymore. Your ASCA support network and ASCA
meetings can be invaluable at this time.
2. Write some positive affirmations about the breakthrough crisis in your journal.
For example, "I survived the abuse, I can survive this also," or "Out of crisis, there
can be opportunity." Even if you don't feel that positive right now, try to write
down whatever sentiments come to you about managing this crisis in a positive
manner. Do whatever is necessary to give yourself the hope and strength you
desperately need.
4. During the time you work this step, relieve yourself of unnecessary pressures
on yourself. If the disruption to your life is extreme, and if you can afford to do
so, you may want to give yourself a sabbatical from work, school or normal
domestic duties while you struggle with the breakthrough memories. Of course,
you may actually prefer to work during this crisis as a way of coping. Judge for
yourself how much time you will need for taking care of yourself during this
period and adjust your schedule to the extent possible.
5. Don't make any big decisions during this time. It may be hard to think clearly
right now, and you don't want to complicate your predicament by acting
impulsively. If you are suicidal or fear you might harm yourself or another, reach
out to friends and empathetic family for help. If you are in therapy, call your
therapist and schedule an emergency appointment. If your therapist is not
available, call a suicide or crisis hotline. One day in the future when your life is
better, you will be glad you did.
Professional Help
2. During this time it may help to see your therapist more frequently than once a
week, if this is possible. Discuss with your therapist whether this would be
advisable. The advent of managed care and diminishing third party reimbursement
(insurance) for therapy has made this more difficult, but many therapists are
willing to make arrangements with their clients. Also, check to see that you have
your therapist's emergency phone number so you can reach him/her during evening
and weekend hours. You and your therapist may want to develop a crisis
3. If you feel that you cannot cope with what is surfacing, tell your therapist and
explore ways to slow this powerful process down. Remember that you have a
right to move at your own pace, so be sure to let your therapist know if it feels too
overwhelming to continue focusing on the memories. If you need to, refer to the
section on "Responsible Recovery, Responsible Therapy" in Chapter One. You
may need to put some distance between yourself and the memories until you can
regain sufficient control to feel safe again. In some cases, taking medication or
entering the hospital for a brief stay may be helpful. Not everyone will need this,
but some survivors who are recovering traumatic memories may benefit from this
kind of support.
I have determined that I was physically,
sexually or emotionally abused as a child.
Step Two asks you to determine and then acknowledge to yourself that you
were abused as a child and that the effects of the abuse may be causing some of
your difficulties as an adult. Many of you who are in the process of recalling
memories of your past may not yet have objective evidence of the abuse, and you
may never find outside validation or corroboration of what happened. Instead,
your evidence may be more intuitive. Even in the absence of "hard evidence,"
these intuitive feelings are significant and should not be dismissed. Many abuse
survivors were either too traumatized or psychologically incapable of organizing
memories into words and images that can be recollected years later. If this is
where you are in your recovery now, continue to work this step to clarify the kind
of abuse you suffered. If you need to, refer to the section on "False Memories,
Real Memories," in Chapter One.
At this point, the connection between your abuse and your current problems
as an adult may be very tenuous. It will take more work on the subsequent steps in
Stage One before you can firmly establish this link. In the meantime, keep an
open mind as you explore the reality of your abuse and let the meanings emerge
with the new information and understanding that you develop.
1. Write down the date that you first acknowledged the abuse to yourself. This
date will signify the beginning of your recovery. Remember it well, as you will
want to honor this date in subsequent years when you are enjoying the fruits of
your labor.
2. Over the course of a week or two, look over any old family albums and
photographs or home movies you may have. Just leave them around the house so
that you can look at them and think about them at your leisure. If you have no
photographic records of the past, try some visualization exercises, such as
imagining taking a walk though your childhood home, your relatives' houses or
your old school.
3. If you enjoy art, draw a picture of your parents and family members. Draw a
picture of yourself as a child. Include as much detail as you can recall. If the
words to describe the abuse episodes are still escaping you, try drawing pictures of
whatever memory fragments you have of the abuse. More details of the visual
images will probably come to you as you continue to sketch out what happened,
and eventually the descriptive words will follow.
4. You might consider writing your autobiography, starting with your earliest
memory and working forward to the present. If you can, make a trip back to your
hometown to research your autobiography. Interview the people who knew you as
a child and ask them about their memories and perceptions of you back then. Just
Professional Help
1. Talk with your therapist about the fears and apprehensions connected to
remembering the abuse. What are you afraid might happen if you remember it all?
What reason might there be for wanting to keep some or all of these memories at
2. Talk to your therapist about what, if anything, you need in order to fully
reclaim these memories: more time, specific assurances or information from your
therapist, or modifications to the structure of your sessions that might help you
feel safer and more in control. Whatever it might be, you have the right to tailor
your therapy to your individual needs.
3. If you have not been able to remember the specific episodes of abuse after a
year or so of therapy, ask your therapist about other techniques to help you reclaim
the memories fully. There are a number of techniques that can be used to aid
memory retrieval. Some are more effective than others, and some are more
effective with certain people and at certain times. All require that your therapist
be trained in their use and competent in practicing them. Remember, there may be
good reasons for your still not remembering all of your abuse clearly, and both you
and your therapist will want to respect this.
All survivors who have recovered from child abuse can point to a moment
in time when the desire to change and the hope of a better life overcame the wall
of denial and resistance. After acknowledging that you were abused and that the
effects of the abuse may be undermining your life as an adult, you next need to do
something about it. This is a critical step for many survivors because moving from
thinking about the abuse to actually doing something about it for example,
committing to a recovery program is a large leap indeed. It is a point at which
many survivors flounder.
Because this "step" is more like a "leap," it may mean more to you than
many of the other steps once you finally achieve it. Taking this giant step signifies
that you are no longer a passive victim of the past. You are now truly a survivor in
the sense that you are motivated to overcome the effects of your abuse and are
initiating change in the present in the hope of creating a better future for yourself,
becoming a thriver. You are building on your acknowledgement of the abuse and
recognizing that, while you have been deeply hurt by it, you have not been
defeated or destroyed.
1. Write in your journal about the circumstances or insights that caused you to
make a commitment to recovery at this time.
3. Describe the part of you that is motivated to get help and to make changes.
4. How do the voices of your internal "naysayers" those parts of you opposed
to making such a commitment justify not going forward with recovery? What
are the reasons and how do you counter them?
6. If you have not already done so, make a commitment to attend ASCA meetings,
or participate in the ASCA online meeting at and any other
self-help meetings you feel you may need. Use some of your share time in ASCA
meetings to talk about your commitment to your recovery process. You might
address what strengthens your commitment, as well as what periodically erodes
your commitment to recovery.
Professional Help
1. If you have not already done so, and provided that this is an option for you,
make a commitment to find a competent and caring therapist, someone who will
support you as you go through the ups and downs of recovery. Refer to the
section on "Choosing a Therapist," in Chapter One, if you need help in going
about this task.
2. Once you are in therapy, share with your therapist your thoughts on what you
want to accomplish and what you have accomplished to date. Remember that your
therapist will likely be intuitive but not a mind reader. If you share your
recollections of the abuse as soon as you feel comfortable, you and your therapist
can devise a plan for healing that both acknowledges your past work and focuses
on your present needs.
This step represents the major task of the first stage of recovery and may
require the most time to accomplish. Often, survivors of extreme and prolonged
abuse will need to return to this step again and again as new recollections of the
same or additional episodes of abuse surface. This step essentially involves going
through the memories of your abuse and expressing them at ASCA meetings, to
trusted friends, supporters or your therapist in as much detail as you can remember
and to the extent appropriate for your listener(s). If at all possible, we encourage
you to find a therapist before beginning work on this step. If this is not possible,
this is the time to strengthen your support network and continue your participation
in ASCA meetings.
"Re-experiencing the abuse" comprises many things. First, you will need to
allow yourself to re-experience the various feelings, express them as they arise and
eventually be able to label them so they do not confuse and overwhelm you.
Second, you need to try to describe any sensory impressions connected to the
abuse: visual images, sounds, smells, tastes and tactile sensations. Third, you will
need to recall your thoughts about the abuse, both during and after each episode.
Try to notice if you have any body memories of the abuse while you are re-
experiencing it. Body memories include aches, pains, numbing or other physical
sensations that appear suddenly in key locations of your body such as your arms
(suggesting you were hurt while trying to ward off blows), genital areas (which
may have been physically injured during episodes of sexual abuse) and face and
mouth (which may have been injured when you were slapped, gagged or forced to
orally copulate your abuser). These body sensations mean something. By
allowing yourself to re-experience them, you will help to discharge them and thus
allow them to gradually fade away.
Finally, try to remember what behaviors you engaged in during and after
the abuse. Did you try to run away and hide, roll up into a ball to protect yourself
or fight back and scream? Or were you immobilized and unable to move while the
abuse occurred? What about later? Did you run out of the house, crawl under the
bed, hide in a closet or wash off in the bathroom?
This step likely will be very difficult to achieve because it means returning
in your mind to the scene of the crime. But this time you can have all of the
control you need. The experience will not be as painful or scary as when you
1. Record in your journal each episode of abuse that you recount in ASCA
meetings or in your therapy. Describe your story in your own words or in the way
you have heard other survivors share their stories. Just be sure that the
experiences you recount are yours and not someone else's. Draw pictures to
accompany the words and to create a fuller image of the surroundings. Include as
much detail and emotional expression as you feel comfortable with. Writing and
drawing in story form is helpful in organizing and integrating the past experience
for you in a different manner, one that takes into account your adult perspective
and knowledge. Try to sort out exactly what happened and your reactions then as
well as now. Your goal is to develop a more complete understanding of the abuse
episodes, one that incorporates the roles played by your parents, your abusers,
your family and the forces over which you had no control.
2. You really need to take good care of yourself while working this step because
re-experiencing your memories can be very exhausting. Try to incorporate
exercise, plenty of sleep, stress management techniques, meditation, maybe even
some high-dose vitamin therapy in your daily routine. All of these things can help
your body and spirit stay healthy and vigorous while you work through your
3. If you tire of writing, try tape recording your memories and listening to them a
few weeks later. You may choose or not to add new segments at the end of the
tape. Listening again to these tapes several months later may be especially eye-
opening because it may both confirm your progress in remembering and trigger
new memories.
4. What about that group you were going to join? By Step Four, a support group
may prove to be an invaluable source of support and encouragement for your
efforts. Recovery is usually faster and safer if you don't do it alone. You need
people more than you might think.
1. In your work with your therapist, explore your reactions to talking about the
abuse. How do you find yourself expecting your therapist to react? How do you
feel after disclosing especially personal segments of your story? Do you feel less
ashamed of what happened now that you have shared it with someone else? Are
you able to talk more easily with other people about your abuse and your work in
2. Remember again that you have the right to control the pace of your therapy. At
times, you and your therapist may disagree on the best pace for your particular
stage of recovery. At times, you may want to go faster, while s/he thinks you
should slow down. Other times, s/he may want to push you to deal with something
if s/he thinks it would benefit you. Ultimately, you must take an active role in
setting the pace of your recovery, settling on one that is comfortable but not
I accept that I was powerless over my abusers' actions
which holds THEM responsible.
By now you know that survivors grow up believing the classic myth of
child abuse: that they, not their parents or abusers, were somehow responsible for
the abuse. The "justifications" for this myth are as varied as your imagination is
fertile. "I let him do it to me." "I should have been able to protect myself." "I
liked certain aspects of the abuse the attention, the gifts, the pleasurable
sensations, the sense of being special." The child's often distorted perceptions of
who was responsible are enhanced by the parents'/abusers' indictments. "I'm
beating you because you are a bad boy." "I am showing you how much I love
you." "I wouldn't be calling you stupid if you showed me you have more than half
a brain in that head of yours." "You have the devil inside you and I'm going to
beat it out of you." These words are truly toxic because they do more than simply
(and unjustly) place the blame for the abuse on your shoulders. They eat away at
Besides recognizing the reality of who was responsible for the abuse, think
about the following realities as well. As a child, you were not psychologically
equipped to believe that what your parents/abusers were doing was wrong, much
less speak out about it. Because you were dependent on them for so much, you
couldn't risk alienating them by speaking the truth even if your child mind was
precocious enough to make sense of the complex web of issues that comprises
child abuse. Few, if any, children can do this effectively because their intellectual
capacities are not sufficiently developed to do so. You desperately wanted to love
them and be loved by them. It would have been foolish for you to incur their
wrath and dash whatever hope of love, caring and nurturing you harbored inside.
Think back to what it would have meant for you, the child, to accept that the
people who were supposed to love you were actually hurting you. It's not
surprising that few children can face this horrible reality, because to do so would
cause them to become emotional orphans in the process, and little could be worse
than that.
1. Write in your journal the words you recall your parents/abusers using to place
the burden of responsibility for the abuse on you. What was the tone in their
voices, the look in their eyes when they said those words? What reasons did you
adopt to hold yourself responsible for the abuse?
3. Sharing your story in ASCA meetings can work to expose myths about child
abuse and can bring you much-needed validation for eventually seeing things the
way they really were. ASCA meetings are particularly effective in challenging
these myths because most of the participants share the oppression born of this
misplaced sense of responsibility.
Professional Help
1. What is your therapist's response to the question of responsibility for the abuse?
How do you feel about this response? Is it helpful or not? Tell him/her what you
feel and discuss what you need from him/her in this regard.
2. Some therapists encourage their clients to use the "empty chair" technique to
talk back to their parents/abusers. After years of keeping your feelings and
thoughts to yourself, this can be extremely empowering. However, this technique
can also stir up old feelings of being disobedient and fears of being abused again.
If the latter is your experience, explore what your resistance is to addressing your
parents/abusers in this safe, controlled way.
I can respect my shame and anger as a consequence of my abuse,
but shall try not to turn it against myself or others.
Anger is a natural reaction to child abuse. Yet survivors have a hard time
managing anger. They veer between lashing out or over-controlling it, not
knowing when it is appropriate and when it isn't, not knowing how to express
themselves forcefully without overdoing it. You were no doubt angry as a child,
but probably were not able to express the anger safely in your family. You may
still be afraid of your anger because it may have been intricately connected to
many of the bad things that hurt you. But bottling up your anger will also block
Where did that anger from the past go? Most survivors turn the anger
against themselves. This pattern could possibly be a major reason for your
difficulties as an adult. Fighting, criticizing or withdrawing from your friends,
lover, spouse or child(ren) are also likely patterns for you, especially if your
family was ever violent. If you are a parent, you need to recognize how your
anger may be triggered by your child(ren)'s inadvertently pushing the wrong
buttons at the wrong time. As was true with your parents, it is your responsibility
to control your behavior and your anger with respect to your child(ren).
If you have to express your anger to better manage it, the best strategy is to
externalize it that is, to get rid of it by discharging it outward. But do it safely,
with maximum control, and direct it where it belongs: at your abusers. Of course,
it is not always possible to do this, nor is it always advisable. Refer to the
discussion in Chapter One about whether to confront your abusers, and talk to the
members of your support network about any plans. These people can help you
with ways to access this pent-up anger and turn it away from yourself and towards
the proper target in a safe manner. Practicing how to express your anger and
learning how to turn it on and turn it off will not only be therapeutic, but will also
give you the skills to use your anger in appropriate ways in the real world.
1. If you have not already done so, make a list of techniques you can use to help
you identify and manage your anger. For example, become aware of the body
signals that tell you that you are starting to feel angry. Try to figure out what is
making you feel this way. Is it something in the present or is it a replay of an old
tape from your childhood? If you find yourself getting angry, take a "time out"
and give yourself a chance to calm down. Call a friend or a hotline for help in
figuring out what is triggering your anger.
3. Write drafts of letters to your abusers expressing your anger with them. You
can get a lot of the anger sorted out by writing long letters that detail every
imaginable angle of your anger. Whether you send the letters or not is up to you.
Sending these types of letters is considered a confrontation, so you will want to
give this issue serious consideration.
Professional Help
1. Use your therapy sessions to explore using some techniques for expressing
anger at your parents/abusers. Besides the "empty chair," psychodrama and other
Gestalt therapy techniques that use role-playing and reenactment of family
situations are especially powerful for survivors who want to practice expressing
their anger toward their parents/abusers.
2. The major work of therapy during this stage is to develop a flexible control
over your anger. Anger in itself isn't bad, but the expression of it can be harmful
to you and to others around you, and so you need to learn to differentiate
situations and responses to those situations. Identify situations where you lose
control of your anger as well as situations where you need to use your anger more
constructively to stand up for yourself. Work out new routines to handle your
anger and then practice these routines in your therapy sessions before trying them
out in your everyday life.
This step involves turning inward, away from the violence and pain of your
abuse, to reach inside to your inner child and begin learning how to nurture and
develop this vulnerable part of yourself. This is both a grieving and healing step,
because what you give now to this child will be restorative and fulfilling and will
form the foundation upon which you can build other changes as you work the later
steps. This is also a step that will help you recognize and acknowledge your
childhood efforts to survive the abuse.
By now, you know pretty much what happened to you, who did what and
how you felt about it. It is now time to continue the work you began in Step Five
by forgiving yourself for any of the millions of reasons that you may have used to
blame yourself for the abuse. Working this step means further identifying and
challenging these inaccurate and outdated notions and modifying your perceptions,
based on your new understanding of your childhood experience. Along the way
you need to appreciate and validate yourself for having survived the abuse. As
you accept what happened to you and who really was responsible, you will
inevitably become more and more accepting of yourself and the child within you.
1. Pick one photograph of yourself as a child that you especially like, frame it and
put it where you can see it often. If you don't have a picture and cannot get one
from family or relatives, try drawing a picture of yourself as a child. Don't worry
about its being a "good picture." It may be better to let your inner child draw a
child's drawing. If it fits, put it on your refrigerator.
3. At ASCA meetings, share how you are trying to nurture your inner child.
Professional Help
Stage Two also requires you to delve deeper into your psyche to face your
shame, a core feeling experienced by many adults from dysfunctional families.
Ultimately, you must challenge the shame and turn it around into self-acceptance,
which will then become the source that nourishes your new self. This will enable
you to accept and express your grief over the disappointments in your childhood
and mourn the loss of your dream of an ideal family. By letting go of childhood
hopes for the parents who failed you and feeding your budding self-acceptance,
you give birth to a new sense of entitlement. You will be free to be your own
person and to choose how to live your new life. By altering distorted perceptions
and beliefs and learning how to control your aggressive behavior, you will foster
changes in your personality that will end forever the possibility of your continuing
the cycle of abuse with the next generation.
The initial step of Stage Two recovery involves taking a full and honest
inventory of the problem areas in your life, because you first have to identify what
you want to change before you can begin to change it. By now, you should be
fairly clear as to how the abuse has affected your adult life. If you are still unclear
about this, review the checklists and exercises in Chapter Two. You may also
have identified additional problems that you did not recognize earlier. If so, add
them to your inventory. This inventory is more than just an accounting of your
problems. It will serve as the blueprint for the changes that you need to make to
create the "new you."
1. Go back and review the journal entries that you have made to date and make a
list of the concerns and problems you have identified. Which of these problem
areas are the most disruptive to your life? Which need to be resolved or eased
before you will be able to resolve the other ones? Are there any that need to be
dealt with so you will not lose something important, such as a personal
relationship, a job or even your life? For example, if you can't afford the cost of
therapy and have lost your health insurance benefits because of unemployment or
underemployment, the lack of a job may be the biggest barrier to your moving
forward in recovery. If you are depressed and immobilized in your life and are
contemplating suicide, then getting help to manage your feelings is a high priority
for you. If you feel that you might strike out at your child, thereby risking legal
charges of abuse as well as renewed feelings of self-hatred, then you should focus
on parenting issues. If you did not already do so in Chapter Two, rank each of
these problem areas in descending order of priority and use this ranking to help
you select those areas in which you need to focus your energies.
1. Review your inventory of problem areas with your therapist and discuss how to
best address these life issues as you continue to heal your inner wounds. This will
give you a sense of control over your recovery and will help you learn to speak up
for what you want and negotiate an agreement about the direction of your therapy.
While your therapist may have reasons for wanting you to address certain things
first, it is your decision that counts the most.
2. Some of the problems you will likely identify, such as physical ailments, sexual
problems, severe mood disorders, parenting problems and work-related concerns,
are common among survivors and may require the services of specialists. In
general, this is the time for you to develop a more detailed treatment strategy for
the various symptoms of the abuse that do not readily remit through your weekly
therapy sessions. This is in keeping with a holistic approach to recovery, one that
seeks to take the best of each therapeutic modality and apply it strategically as part
of a comprehensive treatment plan.
3. For example, if you have body memories that manifest themselves as muscular
aches and pains, soreness in certain areas of your body or decreased joint
flexibility, consider seeing an acupuncturist, who may be able to provide either
topical or systemic relief for these symptoms. Acupuncture treatments can also
trigger the release of specific feelings, especially fear and anxiety, that may then
become localized in the specific areas of the body that were directly affected by
the abuse. However, unless your acupuncturist is also a trained psychotherapist,
you will need to continue to work with your therapist to identify and resolve the
underlying feelings.
This step involves identifying and sorting out all the various aspects of
yourself so that you can understand which parts are helpful and which are
responsible for self-sabotaging acts in your life. Self-sabotage is probably a
source of some of the problems you identified in your inventory in Step Eight. By
now, you probably know where the self-sabotage comes from and how it affected
you as a child. Now, as an adult, you need to look at the part of you that controls
this behavior and how it expresses itself in your everyday life.
As you identify the parts of you responsible for the self-sabotage, you will
probably discover adult versions of the childhood roles you played. Many of the
most common roles that adult survivors used as children are still employed but
bear different labels: "co-dependent" for "caretaker," "masochist" for "scapegoat,"
"offender" for "bully," "leader" for "hero," and "eccentric" for "recluse." Although
certain aspects of these roles may help you in your daily functioning, they will
create problems for you if you let them dominate your interactions. For example,
caretaking is an essential part of parenting, but dominating or overcontrolling your
child is a common characteristic of co-dependent mothers. Try to identify what
roles you adopt as an adult the positive ones as well as the problematic ones.
Learning to strengthen the healthy aspects of yourself while controlling the less
helpful ones will be a major task in Stage Two and Stage Three recovery.
1. Write about your various adult roles or parts in your journal and explore how
they operate in your life. Describe in as much detail as you can when these roles
emerge, what behaviors are connected to them and what feelings about yourself
and others they engender. Who seems to trigger the emergence of the roles in you:
spouse or lover, child(ren), peers, superiors at work, family, members of the
opposite sex or people of the same sex as your abuser? Do you "own" these parts
for yourself or project them onto others?
2. Ask the trusted people in your life how they see you. Don't react to anything
they say immediately. Instead, reflect on their comments for a day or two and see
how others' observations compare to the various roles you have identified for
4. If you haven't done so already, try to record your dreams in your journal so that
you can see how the different parts of you interact on an unconscious level.
Record each dream in story form, with a beginning, a middle and an end. Tell the
story in the first person, and develop the details and imagery as you write. Many
people think that, because they don't remember their dreams, they don't dream.
This is inaccurate. Everyone dreams, although denial and repression may make
your dreams unavailable to your conscious awareness. Practicing remembering
your dreams will help you actually remember them. Develop a routine of leaving
your journal next to your bed and, when you first wake up, ask yourself what
dreams you had and record them.
Professional Help
1. Working with your therapist, try to give expression to all of the different roles
you play. You cannot learn how to strengthen or reduce the parts without first
giving each of them a voice and perhaps even a name. As you experience and
express each part or role, try to relate it to specific memories, images and
dialogues from your past. What were the conflicts in these situations? What
about each part made you feel good? Which of your roles comes out most
frequently with your therapist? Does it help you to get what you want from your
therapist? If not, talk with your therapist about what role(s) might be more
effective in getting you what you want and need.
2. This is a crucial time in your therapy because it can be tricky to enhance the
healthy parts of your personality and at the same time increase your control of the
maladaptive parts. Your therapist is well qualified to help you strengthen those
parts that promise change and hope.
3. In this section we have been talking about parts or roles that are similar to
character traits or tendencies. While distinct, they form part of the coherent and
unified personality that is you. If you are aware of having antagonistic or
aggressive sub-personalities or multiple personalities that are more autonomous
than this, you will need strong guidance from your therapist to decide how best to
reduce their impact on and intrusion into your life. A discussion of true multiple
personalities and ways of working with persons who exhibit them is beyond the
scope of this manual. Briefly stated, however, the predominant therapeutic
approach today is to ask you to speak to the various sub-personalities within
I can control my anger and find healthy outlets for my aggression.
Step Ten is similar to Step Six in that anger and aggressive or abusive
behavior are intricately connected. This step focuses on mastering control over
your abusive behavior and establishing safe and acceptable methods for
discharging your aggression. Anger may be a natural emotional response to your
childhood abuse, but aggression and abusive behavior directed at others repeats
old patterns. You need to manage these emotions carefully to avoid hurting
yourself or someone else. Becoming an abuser would obviously set back your
recovery because, in so doing, you would undermine the compassion you are
developing for the child victim you were and the adult survivor you are.
Remember that feelings of anger don't have to be expressed as aggressive or
abusive behavior.
1. Regardless of what happened to you as a child, you are always responsible for
your actions as an adult, just as your parents/abusers were responsible for what
they did to you years ago. Some survivors harbor fantasies about getting revenge
or punishing their abuser(s) for what occurred. It is one thing to have these
thoughts, and quite another to think about acting on them. If you entertain
fantasies such as these, you are entering dangerous territory, and we suggest that
you seek professional help immediately. Actions taken on such thoughts could
constitute criminal acts and subject you to severe penalties, including jail.
2. You have good reason to be so angry, but you need to be able to separate your
right to have these feelings from your right to act on them. As is stated in the
ASCA meeting guidelines, "We draw a line between thinking or feeling angry and
actually doing something abusive through words or actions." If you can learn to
express your feelings with people you trust, as opposed to acting out feelings
against them, you can dissipate this built-up aggression without becoming another
abuser. For men who are inclined to aggression and violence, this may be one of
the most important steps of recovery and the most difficult to achieve.
3. Make a list of the situations where you lose control of your behavior and
become aggressive. Can you identify the determining factor in losing control?
What feelings tend most to trigger the abusiveness? What do you hope to
accomplish by reacting aggressively? Does it work? How do you think the person
at whom you are directing your aggression feels? Do you feel optimistic about
being able to control this part of you or do you feel hopeless? Are there any
external factors such as alcohol or drug use that might be related to losing control?
What are your healthiest options for controlling your frustrations and coping with
stress? Once you have identified them, see if you can't find ways to apply them in
the typical situations where you lose control.
4. If you are having a very difficult time learning how to control abusive and
aggressive behavior, think about joining a focus group or taking a class in parent
effectiveness training or non-violent behavior alternatives. You might be able to
find an anger management or other similar educational course that emphasizes
expressing anger constructively rather than destructively. Local community mental
health services and community colleges may have programs. Check with your
Employee Assistance Program at work and your HMO/health insurance carrier for
possible community listings.
5. Learning how to short-circuit your aggression will mean hard work and
tailoring behavioral strategies to fit your individual needs. Once you have
Professional Help
2. One last word: Your therapist is legally required to warn potential victims and,
in some cases, to notify law enforcement officials if s/he reasonably believes that
you are likely to harm yourself or another person. In such a case, your therapist is
permitted to break the confidential relationship between the two of you in the
interests of protecting both you and your intended victim. For this reason, as well
as his/her interest in your continued growth and well-being, your therapist is not
able to support or condone violent actions under any circumstances.
I can identify faulty beliefs and distorted perceptions in myself and others.
This step is focused on changing the faulty thinking, attitudes and beliefs
about yourself and your past that continue to shape your view of the world. Given
that the thoughts and attitudes born of your abuse will never really favor you, it is
essential that you learn to challenge the internal tapes that are likely still playing in
your head.
Because their childhood experience has often been extreme, many survivors
become victims of their own misconceptions. A few examples of this tendency are
1) splitting everything into good and bad, or "thinking in black and white;" 2)
discrediting the positive aspects of yourself or your efforts: "If it isn't perfect, then
it's nothing;" 3) magical thinking, or attributing some outcomes to factors that are
not relevant: "I was born under the wrong stars, so nothing will ever change," or
First, familiarize yourself with the patterns that you use and practice
identifying them when they occur. Then, using your newly-developed self-
awareness, stop yourself so that you can short-circuit the patterns before they can
do damage to you. Lastly, devise techniques to help you internalize corrected
attitudes about yourself.
1. Read back over your journal and see what distortions in thinking, perceptions
and attitudes you have had about yourself. Notice the obvious patterns. Are there
any common themes in these distortions as regards behaviors and feelings?
2. The most basic skill for you to learn is the ability to stand back and view events
and situations from a broader perspective, so as to become more objective in your
perceptions, beliefs and judgments. This skill is essential because this analytical
ability is called into play in virtually all aspects of your life. It can make the
difference between repeating old habits and choosing new ways of looking at
3. Whenever you uncover some distortion in your thinking, attitudes or beliefs, try
to determine the reality of the situation and then use this as a standard against
which to evaluate your thought processes. Don't assume you know something
when you really don't. You may have to make a particular effort or engage in some
specific activity in order to access the information you need. By learning to
identify what is objectively true, you can determine the validity of your previously
held beliefs and then substitute a less distorted version.
1. What kind of distortions has your therapist pointed out to you in the past?
Share your ideas about this and discuss with your therapist which ones still present
problems for you.
2. Use your therapy sessions to help you refine your thinking and decision-making
style. You can do this by discussing specific situations that are currently giving
you problems. With the help of your therapist, delve into these situations and see
what kind of perceptions, attitudes and beliefs they may reveal. Considering that
feelings may significantly disrupt this process, you may need to work very slowly
and deliberately and to practice regularly if you are to identify and minimize your
patterns of distortion.
I am facing my shame and developing self-compassion.
Adult survivors begin to internalize shame when they identify with parents
who abuse them, abandon them and fail to validate them as people. The shame
becomes part of a package of self-blame, bad feelings, self-destructive thoughts
and self-sabotaging behaviors. During the childhood years this bundle of negative
feelings evolves into a major part of the survivor's sense of self. As you go
through life, this negative part gets reinforced by other people, external events and
The second part of this step involves developing acceptance and self-
compassion for who you are, what you have overcome and the efforts you are now
making to live a healthier life. It is important that you remember that you
developed this self-blaming behavior as the result of being told directly or
indirectly that you were somehow bad. In a very real sense, you are not
responsible for the initial seeds of self-blame, although you may have aggravated
your situation by internalizing your abusers' blame and turning it against yourself.
In addition to accepting these self-defeating tendencies, you need to develop
compassion for yourself. You certainly weren't responsible for the abuse that
occurred to you. You probably couldn't help but turn the blame inwards. You are
now making earnest efforts to recover and heal. For all these reasons you need to
be kind to yourself, to recognize that you are a valuable person and to start to turn
some of your self-loathing into compassion and acceptance.
1. Read any of several available books and articles on shame and its debilitating
2. Learn to identify the feeling of shame as it occurs in your daily life and write in
your journal about situations that trigger shame.
3. Reach out to others for help in learning to act differently in situations that
trigger shame. By assertively affirming your strengths and admitting your
weaknesses, you will counteract internal shame and arrest the shaming process in
your everyday life. You will also begin to accept yourself, good parts and not-so-
good ones, as a valuable person.
5. Those of you who are religious or spiritual can turn to your Higher Power to
cleanse yourself of the shame and unworthiness that you feel so deeply. Religion
and spiritual practice can be tremendous sources of inner sustenance and can
provide an ideal vision to replace the negative role models and scenarios of the
Professional Help
2. With your therapist's help, identify the ways in which you keep yourself from
feeling your shame by adopting a role or "false self" that you portray to others.
Share this "false self" with your therapist and try to understand what the role gives
you that you feel you lack inside.
Survivor to Thriver, Page 96
1995 THE MORRIS CENTER, Revised 7/99,
I accept that I have the right to be who I want to be
and live the way I want to live.
This step marks the separation of your new self from your parents and
family and permits you to make conscious choices about your life, free of guilt and
the lack of entitlement that characterized your past. Ultimately, survivors must
accept and protect their right to self-determination: to be the persons they want to
be, to live the life they want to live and to be treated the way they want to be
treated. Working through the abuse and coming to feel entitled to define your own
life means that your true identity as a person is beginning to emerge. When you
complete this step, you will have acknowledged and affirmed your right to make
choices that reflect your personal preferences: your values, how you spend your
time and money, and with whom you share your life and your body.
Once you have made the voice of the "new you" heard, you will need to
protect it, as a parent should protect a vulnerable child. This is an apt analogy
because the wounded child that you reclaimed in Step Seven is now growing up
and feeling strong enough to venture out into the real world. If someone tries to
invalidate you or expects you to behave in old passive, aggressive or maladaptive
ways, you can protect that newly-emerging self by asserting your new identity.
2. Have a friend take a photograph of you to document the emerging "new you."
Arrange the pose so that the camera is shooting slightly up to you, from an angle
that captures your best features. As the picture is being taken, try to communicate
your new sense of yourself to the camera. Take several shots and experiment with
the feelings you want to convey. Choose the picture that best expresses your
newfound strength and frame it. Put it on your desk or on a wall in your bedroom.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this picture will capture the changes
you have made during the first twelve steps of recovery.
Professional Help
1. Take some time in your sessions to discuss the progress you have made to date
in therapy. In what ways do you feel different than when you first started? What
have you accomplished and what remains to be addressed? How is your life better
now than before? What does your therapist say about your efforts to date? Are
there any areas in your therapy or in your relationship with your therapist that
make you uncomfortable or pose problems? Can you discuss them with your
2. At this point you may want to consider changing your name. Names have
important and interesting meanings to people. If your name has a negative
significance for you, it can become psychologically burdensome and hamper your
efforts to recover from your abuse. However, not everyone will want or need to
I am able to grieve my childhood and mourn
the loss of those who failed me.
This is a step that asks you to recognize your losses and helps you resolve
them once and for all. Grieving your childhood losses and mourning the loss of
the "ideal" parents will require a great deal of patience and self-compassion. Be
prepared for this step to take time. You can't be rushed into healing these deepest
wounds from childhood, and the healing won't happen all at once. More likely you
will heal the wounds in layers throughout your recovery, coming back to this step
several times. You may always have a scar, but the scab covering your painful
losses eventually will disappear.
Many survivors tend to avoid this stage after one pass or so, preferring to
avoid its dreadful pain ever again. After working through some of the pain in Stage
One, you may feel much better than before but still have not fully resolved the
grief. You may find that your life has improved but now feel that your growth has
stalled. You can get past this block by sharing the most vulnerable parts of
yourself with others, thereby turning your fear of being hurt into the building of
trust. Ask yourself if you can allow yourself to be comforted by your spouse, lover
or friends. Healthy dependency means letting other people take care of you at
times like this. You need caring, and you need to be able to accept it from others.
1. This step requires a lot of outside support. ASCA meetings can provide you
with generous support, validation and encouragement for your efforts. You need
to be around people who have gone through what you are going through and who
Professional Help
1. Your therapist's job is to help you ventilate your feelings of loss and let go of
the fantasy of getting something that is not available. Expect to receive support,
understanding and compassion during this difficult and painful step. If you cannot
resolve these wounds or give up the hope for the ideal parents, consider doing
some guided visualization exercises with your therapist. In this method, your
therapist uses some type of trance induction technique to fully and deeply relax
you and then creates an imaginary experience that metaphorically captures your
dilemma as a child.
In this stage you will revisit the issue of resolving your abuse by deciding
whether to confront your parents/abusers. From this decision and subsequent
contact with your family, if any, you will gain a revised and deeper understanding
of why you were abused. Having this new understanding and making it part of
your life will allow you to let go of the abuse once and for all and proceed with
developing new expressions of your individuality. Mere survival will not be
enough for you you aspire to thrive. Move through this stage with optimism and
anticipation. You are seven steps away from your new beginning.
In this step you will address the old feeling that you are not deserving of the
good things in life: success, financial rewards, achievement, even luck. A feeling
of lack of entitlement makes it difficult for survivors to make prosperity part of
their lives or to accept it and acknowledge it when it appears. By prosperity we do
not mean simply financial rewards or material possessions. Prosperity is a state of
mind that encompasses your need, desire and dreams for a life that bestows
emotional and spiritual riches as well as material well-being.
1. How could you take initiative in a way that would benefit your life? Seeking a
job promotion, buying a house, going back to school, joining an organization or a
church or opening a retirement account are a few of the myriad ways that you can
take a step that could benefit you. Remember, the basis for taking such initiative is
feeling entitled to share in success and prosperity. This feeling grows from within,
2. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Does your appearance reflect the
entitlement and confidence you feel? In our society, image and appearance are
important, although some people overdo it. And looking good on the outside can
go along with feeling good on the inside. Your self-esteem, long suppressed by the
burden of shame, may also be clamoring to be part of the image you present to the
world. In this last stage of recovery, many survivors begin making cosmetic
changes to their appearance to reflect their new, more positive feelings about
themselves. Altering your wardrobe, getting a more stylish haircut or working
yourself back into shape are all ways to take initiative in altering the way you
present yourself to the world.
Professional Help
1. With your therapist, explore how you can take initiative to make your material
or personal life better. If problems remain in realizing your goals, try to clarify
what is holding you back. You may still be struggling with an inner sense of not
feeling entitled to success. Go back to Steps Nine, Eleven and Twelve and see if
you can't identify the source of your resistance to success.
I am strengthening the healthy parts of myself, adding to my self-esteem.
In Step Sixteen you will continue the process of strengthening the healthy,
adaptive parts of you that you first developed during childhood and later fortified
in the early steps of your recovery. Your task now is to begin to organize and
consolidate these healthy parts into an integrated, positive sense of self. As you
refine this sense of self, you will find that you are more flexible, balanced and
adaptive with respect to your thinking, your emotions and your actions. These are
personal strengths that you can live with on a permanent basis!
1. In your journal, describe both the healthy parts of yourself that you want to
acknowledge and strengthen over time and the less positive tendencies and
behaviors that still plague your life today. Continue to focus your awareness on
how these parts play themselves out in your life and what you can do to emphasize
the positive ones while diminishing the negative ones.
3. Gradually start to take on roles in your life that will allow you to use these
newly developing healthy parts. Consider becoming a Co-Secretary at ASCA
meetings or signing on for a special committee project at work. If you are a parent,
become involved in your child(ren)'s school or extracurricular activities. These
new roles will let you display your developing strengths and start to consolidate all
of your recovery-related changes into an integrated whole the "new you" you
present to the world.
Professional Help
2. If sexual problems persist, you may want to consider seeing a specialist in sex
therapy to resolve old associations and fears that may have become habitual and
that may be affecting your sexual relationship(s). You may also want to read any
of a number of books to give you more information about the methods and goals of
sex therapy. Some survivors give up on their sexuality when they reach this last
stage because there are so many other positives to fill their lives now. However,
you need not limit yourself and your partner in this area. You can reclaim your
sexuality for yourself and your partner just as you reclaimed your childhood.
If you need additional information or referrals, speak with your therapist.
3. With your therapist, review thoroughly your behavior in the kinds of situations
that challenge you to draw on the changes you have made. Use the discussion of
these situations to pinpoint where you were successful and where you may have
faltered. Look for new situations in which you can continue to practice those new
behaviors that may not yet have become instinctive or comfortable to you.
I can make necessary changes in my behavior
and relationships at home and work.
This step challenges you to learn new interpersonal skills to replace old,
maladaptive ways of relating. Like many survivors, you may never have learned
these basic skills that are normally taught in a well-functioning, healthy family.
As a result, your relationships may be suffering. In order to create more fulfilling
relationships at home, you may need to develop some additional skills in the more
personal realms of parenting, sexuality and intimacy. In addition, you may still be
2. There are many books on the market that provide an introduction to the kinds
of skill-building that you may need. Read some of these books to gain background
information on what the next step in educating yourself might be.
3. Check with your local community college or university extension division for
workshops and courses on the topics that you have targeted for yourself.
4. Many work-oriented skills are transferable to your personal life. Make a list of
the professional skills that you feel will also help you in your personal and family
Professional Help
1. If you are still unclear about your career interests or goals, consider meeting
with a career counselor, who may use vocational interest and personality tests to
2. You can always discuss career options and ideas with your therapist. S/he will
be able to help you identify and prioritize your interests and learn how to realize
your objectives. Since values, interests and job preferences are intricately
connected to your identity and personality (and these have been in flux up to now),
it may have taken this long even to recognize your professional interests and
3. Use your therapist to help you identify and refine those professional skills that
can transfer to your personal life and relationships.
I have resolved the abuse with my offenders
to the extent that is acceptable to me.
This step involves making a decision about resolving the issues left over
from your childhood abuse with those who abused you and/or failed to protect
you: your parents/abusers. The important task in this step is to resolve the abuse
with your family in a way that is acceptable to you. You have the right to choose
how to do this. It is not mandatory to confront your parents, family or abusers,
although many survivors find confrontation valuable. However, you want to
maintain a relationship with your parents/abusers without hiding your recovery
efforts or denying your new identity as a recovered survivor, you probably will
need to do something. And, if there is to be a continuing relationship, your
parents/abusers will need to accept you as you now desire to be accepted: with
respect, consideration and acknowledgement of the burdens you have overcome.
You must remember that, because you are dealing with people who may
never have faced or changed their own abusive behavior, the degree of resolution
will depend on the extent to which they can acknowledge the abuse. For this
reason, there is a wide range of possible resolutions which, ultimately, will
This step presents the big issue of whether to forgive your parents/abusers.
In a sense, resolving the abuse means coming to terms with what was done to you
and accepting the feelings you have toward the people that did it. For some people
this means forgiveness, but not necessarily for you. Those who were very
sadistically and severely abused may never be able to forgive their parents/abusers.
Accepting that the abuse occurred and putting it all behind you once and for all
may be the only resolution that makes sense and feels right. Deciding whether to
forgive or accept is your choice and no one else's.
2. Write some letters to your parents/abusers in your journal and then reread them
a few weeks later. This will help you to develop your sense of what you may
someday want to say to them. These letters are a "working statement" of your
message to your parents/abusers and may evolve over time until such time as you
decide whether to confront them.
3. If you are having difficulty deciding whether to confront, try to answer some of
the following questions in your journal. What past attempts, if any, have you made
to address the abuse, and how did they turn out? What are your reasons and
motivations for confronting your parents/abusers? What do you hope to get out of
it? How do you want your parents/abusers to react to you? How do you imagine
they will react to you? Is there a specific outcome that would make you regret your
decision to confront your parents/abusers?
Professional Help
2. If you wrote answers to the questions posed in Self-Help item 3 (above) in your
journal, discuss them with your therapist. Together you may be able to reach a
conclusion, based on your writings, doubts, feelings, hopes and expectations.
If family therapy is your goal, then you will need to do a lot of preliminary
planning as to what you want to say, what your goals are, and how you will deal
with challenges to your point of view. If more extensive family work is indicated
and/or acceptable, you probably would want to find a separate family therapist
who could be more neutral than your individual therapist. In general, therapy of
this sort is most likely to be successful when your parents/abusers have done some
work on themselves or at least have admitted that they made a mistake.
4. Discuss with your therapist what you think and feel about the issue of forgive-
ness. Explore what feels right to you and your reasons for feeling that way. Be
aware that feelings about forgiveness, like any other symbol of resolution, may
shift over time.
This is the last step that focuses directly on your abuse, but it is
nevertheless critical in this long process of putting the abuse behind you once and
for all. After all your hard work on the previous eighteen steps, your last task is to
arrive at your own philosophical understanding of why the abuse happened to you
and what it means for you today. After growing up thinking that the abuse
occurred because of who you were as a person, you must now replace this with an
explanation that accords with what you now know and who you now are.
In a sense, this step asks you to reflect on how and why things happen the
way they do and what this means for the person who is caught up in events beyond
her/his control. You may ask yourself about the nature of good and evil. Why do
bad things happen to good people in this case, innocent children? You may call
into question your notions about God or reaffirm your faith in a Higher Power.
Your answers to these questions will be highly individual, as has been the
development of your new self.
You need to organize the thoughts, feelings and information you have
gathered during your recovery into a consistent and unified concept that will stay
with you for the rest of your life, so that, when old doubts arise, you can return to
it to explain to yourself what the abuse really meant. As such, your explanation
will serve to anchor you when you are buffeted by the challenges and opinions that
will inevitably be voiced by some around you.
1. Your understanding of the abuse and its meaning has probably evolved over the
course of your recovery. Still, it is important to crystallize this understanding and
to acknowledge to yourself that you have resolved this difficult issue. Write about
it in your journal to develop your ideas further.
2. Share your understanding and meaning about your abuse at ASCA meetings
and listen to others' explanations and thoughts. You may hear conceptualizations
that capture a feeling you had but were unable to put into words. Continue to
refine your thinking on this topic.
Professional Help
I see myself as a thriver in all aspects of life
love, work, parenting and play.
Your journey on the road to recovery is almost over. You have progressed
from being a survivor of the abuse to becoming a thriver: someone who finds joy
and satisfaction in many aspects of life. By now, you probably have created a new
family or support system for yourself that banishes the isolation and shame you
felt in the past. You can readily give of yourself to others and accept nurturance
and consideration in return. This is the step in which your new self comes together
into a personality that expresses your full essence in the world.
Intimate relationships are now infused with trust, sexual sharing and mutual
self-reliance. You can communicate your needs, allow healthy mutual dependency
and resolve conflicts, free of the concerns and self-doubt of the past. Your new
self-acceptance allows you to be less critical of others, while your new self-
awareness helps you to identify hurtful situations before they cause damage. You
can gauge situations accurately and share your feelings, as appropriate, without
losing control of them.
If you have children, your new sense of self has brought you a new identity
as a loving, caring parent. You accept your children as people and raise them to
respect themselves and others. You foster their self-esteem by giving them
appropriate amounts of power and control and protect them from harm by setting
clear and consistent limits. You are able to discipline them by using the positive
elements of your relationship with them to hold them accountable when they fall
short of the values you have set for your family. This is the time to acknowledge
that your family's intergenerational chain of abuse has ended with you. You and
your children are living testimony to this formidable accomplishment. You can
continue to grow together, allowing your relationship to mature into a seasoned,
adult-to-adult friendship that can provide joy and affiliation for the rest of your
Finally, your new self begins to express itself in one area that may have
always been difficult: play. You probably have neglected this area of expression,
but the newly-confident you may now be ready to explore this exciting domain.
Hobbies, sports, creative arts, traveling and music are just some of the many ways
you can play as an adult. Playing keeps you in touch with your own inner child
and affords you an opportunity to share another experience with your children.
Playing revives us and recharges our emotional batteries. It improves our outlook
on life and rewards us for our hard work. Don't deprive yourself of this important
element of life. Find new ways of playing that fill you up and charge your active
participation in life.
Many survivors wonder how they will know that they have completed their
recovery. That moment is very personal and may or may not be related to an
external event in your life. It occurs at the moment when healing on the inside and
change on the outside merge into a unified sense of self. This moment may be a
"mystical experience," one in which you feel at one with the world. It may be the
moment in which you realize you have attained an achievement that symbolizes
success to you. It will be different things to different people, and you are the best
judge of the moment for yourself.
2. How long has it been since you marked the start of your recovery? Go back and
reread your journal entry marking this long-ago date. What feelings surface as you
reread the words that accompanied your start on the road to recovery? How many
years ago was this? Was the journey worth it? Do you like where you are today,
relative to yesterday? Make note of today's date and acknowledge your reactions to
coming to the end of recovery. What future directions would the "new you" like to
explore now?
3. At this point you may want to reach out into the community to share your new
strengths. If you are attending ASCA meetings, you may want to share your
recovery experiences and encourage others who are still on their journeys. One
way to deepen your sense of resolution and support others in their efforts to heal is
to become a "mentor" or contact for someone just entering recovery. You might
become more involved with ASCA in an organizational capacity. You can
volunteer with a community hotline that reaches out to parents at risk for abusing
their children. You might try your hand at social change by running for the local
school board, thereby exercising a healthy expression of power and authority.
Any of these activities will affirm the changes you have made in recovery and will
give you the chance to share with others what you have accomplished.
4. This is the last self-help step you will need in this recovery program. By Step
Twenty, helping yourself will be almost second nature!
Professional Help
1. By now you are probably thinking about terminating your therapy. You have
gained the perspective to understand your feelings and reactions to life events and
have the capacity to make additional changes as needed. You feel strong, stable
and ready to meet life's challenges. You may well feel that you can be your own
2. Discuss these feelings and thoughts with your therapist. Be aware that you may
have conflicting feelings during this time. Give yourself time to be sure that the
decision to terminate is the right one. Many survivors prefer a gradual reduction in
sessions over an extended period of time, with periodic "check-in" sessions to
reinforce all the positive changes they have introduced into their lives. Old feelings
and reactions often resurface during the major milestones of life, and many
survivors want to return to therapy at these times to further resolve or solidify their
changes. In most cases, this will be possible check with your therapist.
Step Twenty one is the last step of this recovery model, but not everyone
necessarily reaches it. It is the step that we all strive for as we continue through
our lives. If you keep working on your recovery beyond simple survival, you can
reach a state of self-acceptance and satisfaction that represents a unique synchrony
between your soul your spiritual essence and the new self born of your hard
work in recovery. Bringing the "new you" into congruence with your soul's
aspirations is the ultimate step because it represents the combined expression of
your conscious, unconscious and spiritual essences.