Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Department of Electrical Engineering

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Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

EE653 Digital Control
Mid Sem Exam MM 60 Duration Two hours 21 Sept 2017

Q1. Answer following questions:

a) Derive z-transforms:
i. k a k [2 marks]
ii.  (k )   (k  1) where  (k ) is unit step. [2 marks]
 1; for k even
iii. r (k )   [3 marks]
 1; for k odd
b) f * (t ) represents sampled data of the signal f (t ) using an impulse sampler. Please
find Z { f (t )} from the expression of Laplace Transform of f * (t ) . [4 marks]
c) The continuous time PID law is given as u (t )  K P e  K I  e dt  K D . Derive the
U ( z)
digital PID law from its continuous time expression. [5 marks]
E( z)
d) Solve the following difference equation using z-transforms:
1; for k even
y (k )  1.7 y (k  1)  0.72 y (k  2)  r (k ) ; where r (k )   and
0 ; for k odd
y (2)  y (1)  r (1)  0 . [8 marks]

e) Using Jury stability test, check if all the roots of the following characteristic equation
lie within the unit circle: z  z 4  1.368z 3  0.4 z 2  0.08 z  0.002  0 [6 marks]

f) Roots in s-plane are given in figure 1 with shaded region. Draw the equivalent z-
plane by mapping s-plane to z-plane: z  e sh . [7 marks]

Figure 1: S-plane with roots in shaded region

Q2. For the sampled system shown in figure 2, find the output y (k ) for r (t )  unit step . [12

Figure 2: A Sampled system

Q3. The sampled data system as given in Figure 3 has G p ( s)  with sampling time T
s 1

= 0.2 sec. It is required that the settling time t s  2.0 sec. The required damping ratio is
  0.5 . Design a PID compensator using the root locus approach – in particular, find the
gain and two zeros of the compensator. Draw the rough sketch of the root locus for the
compensated system. [16 marks]

Figure 3: A discrete time control system

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