Agriculturally Important Fungi: Plant-Microbe Association For Mutual Benefits
Agriculturally Important Fungi: Plant-Microbe Association For Mutual Benefits
Agriculturally Important Fungi: Plant-Microbe Association For Mutual Benefits
Fatma Ahmed Abo Nouh, Hebatallah H. Abo Nahas,
and Ahmed M. Abdel-Azeem
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Plant-Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation Association 3
1.2.1 Nitrogen Fixing in Legumes 4
1.2.2 Nitrogen Fixing in Actinorhizal Plants 5
1.3 Plant–Mycorrhizas Association 5
1.3.1 Examples of Specific Activities of AMF 6
1.4 Plant–Endophyte Association 7
1.4.1 Fungal Endophyte 7
1.4.2 Bacterial Endophyte 8
1.4.3 Examples of Specific Activities of Endophytes 9
1.5 Conclusion and Future Prospects 12
References 12
1.1 Introduction
Plants represent a very dynamic system, reflecting a great capacity for adaptation in
constantly fluctuating surroundings. This ability is particularly advantageous in the
areas that are prone to intensive agriculture or biotic or abiotic vagaries (Bhandari
and Garg 2017). Plants are exposed to huge numbers of microorganisms that are
present in the top soil and are found on leaves and stems (Sivakumar and
There are two main symbiotic nitrogen-fixation systems: those involving symbioses
between legumes and Proteobacteria (e.g., Bradyrhizobium spp. and Rhizobium spp.),
and those between actinorhizal plants and actinomycetes (e.g., Frankia spp.). Both
systems can convert gaseous nitrogen to ammonia in a process known as nitrogen
fixation. The reaction is catalyzed by the nitrogenize enzyme complex which com-
prises two enzymes, a dinitrogen reductase and a dinitrogenase (Richardson et al.
2000). The bacteria Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium (collectively known as rhizobia)
and the actinomycetes (filamentous bacteria) Frankia form nodules on plant roots and
are major contributors to symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The nitrogen-fixing bacteria
provide the plants with nitrogenous compounds, while in return the plants provide the
nitrogen-fixing bacteria with carbohydrates. This mutualistic association improves
plant growth and health (Selim and Zayed 2017; Kour et al. 2020; Rana et al. 2020).
4 F. A. A. Nouh et al.
Rhizobia are motile, rod-shaped, Gram-negative bacteria with polar or subpolar fla-
gella. They live in the soil and, almost exclusively, form nodules on roots of mem-
bers of one of the three families of legumes. Nodule-forming bacteria (rhizobia)
require inorganic nutrients for metabolic processes to enable their survival and
growth as free-living soil saprophytes and for their role as the nitrogen (N)-fixing
partners in legume symbioses (Rana et al. 2019c; Yadav 2018). Nitrogen-fixing pas-
ture and pulse legumes are important for maintaining productivity in many agricul-
tural systems (Graham and Vance 2000). A key benefit from using symbiotic
legumes in agriculture is the fixation of atmospheric N by the rhizobia located in
nodules formed on legume roots. Nitrogen fixation is strongly inhibited in the pres-
ence of oxygen so part of the function of the nodule is to provide an anaerobic
environment in which nitrogen fixation can take place. Anaerobic conditions are
achieved by excluding oxygen from the central tissue of the nodule (O’Hara 1998).
Nodules are globose to elongate outgrowths of plant tissue which vary in length
from a few millimeters to a few centimeters. They do not develop near the root tips,
but are abundant on older parts of the root system. The morphology of nodules is
determined by the host, not the symbiont, which occurs within host cells in the cen-
tral tissue of the nodule. The symbionts occur singly or in small groups within
membrane-bound vacuoles. They are called bacteroids to distinguish them from
bacteria outside the host cell because they are often much larger and may develop
branches so they are Y’ or ’X shaped (O’Hara 2001). Rhizobia are classically
defined as symbiotic bacteria that invade the roots and stems of leguminous plants
to fix nitrogen (van Rhijn and Vanderleyden 1995). It is a synthesis of NH4+ (a plant
usable form of N) using atmospheric N2 (plant non-usable form of N) by rhizobia in
nodules of leguminous plants. The important nitrogen-fixing rhizobia genera in
legumes are about 30 named species of nodule bacteria among the 6 accepted gen-
era of Allorhizobium, Azorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Rhizobium,
and Sinorhizobium of the family Rhizobiaceae (Young 1996). The majority of sym-
biotic legumes used for agriculture and forestry are nodulated by species of the
genera Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Rhizobium, and Sinorhizobium (O’Hara
2001). In agricultural settings, perhaps 80% of the biologically fixed N comes from
family Rhizobiaceae in association with the leguminous plants. Rhizobium and
Bradyrhizobium establish symbiotic associations with roots in leguminous plants
such as soybean, pea, peanut, and alfalfa, convert N2 into ammonia, and make it
available to the plants as a source of N (Badawi et al. 2011). Among the legumes
(Fabaceae), of which approximately 18,000 species have been described, the occur-
rence of nodulation varies considerably among subfamilies. There are successful
nodulation by the Rhizobium strain TAL 1145 on Acacia farnesiana, Calliandra
calothyrsus, Gliricidia sepium, several species of Leucaena, Mimosa invisa,
M. pudica, and Sesbania grandiflora (Richardson et al. 2000).
1 Agriculturally Important Fungi: Plant–Microbe Association for Mutual Benefits 5
Besides rhizobia, many Frankia species have also been reported to form nodules in
non-leguminous actinorhizal plants for N2 fixation (Zhang et al. 2012). At least 194
plant species in 24 genera are nodulated by actinomycetes in the genus Frankia
(Frankiaceae). These “actinorhizal” plants are woody, dicotyledonous angiosperms
in the Betulaceae, Casuarinaceae, Coriariaceae, Datiscaceae, Elaeagnaceae,
Myricaceae, Rhamnaceae, and Rosaceae (Benson and Silvester 1993). They are
typically early successional plants on nutrient-poor sites. Many species are widely
used in afforestation (including agroforestry) and agriculture (Richardson et al.
2000). At least the following actinorhizal species are important invaders of natural
systems: Casuarina equisetifolia, Elaeagnus angustifolia, E. umbellata, E. pun-
gens, and Myrica faya (Richardson et al. 2000). Frankia strains exhibit various
degrees of host specificity. Actinorhizal are much larger than legume nodules, often
measuring several centimeters across. They are essentially infected lateral roots
which branch profusely and have very restricted apical growth, resulting in long-
lived, coral-like structures (Benson and Silvester 1993). It is clear that, as with
legumes, there are differences between actinorhizal taxa in their ability to form
associations with local microsymbiont. Alders are nodulated wherever they are
transplanted throughout the world, including places where they have no natural
presence (Clawson et al. 1997; Yadav et al. 2018a, b).
Mycorrhizae are highly evolved soil fungi involved in tripartite interaction mutu-
alistic associations amid soil and plant. The associations formed by Glomeromycota
fungi in plants usually colonize in arbuscules and often vesicles, thus known as
arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas (VAM). These
are members of Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, and Basidiomycetes classes of fungi
kingdom (Morton 1988; Morton and Bebtivenga 1994). The common mycorrhizal
associations are vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas (VAM): zygomycetous fungi
produce arbuscules, hyphae, and vesicles within root cortex cells, ectomycorrhizal
(ECM): basidiomycetes and other fungi form a mantle around roots and a Hartig
net between root cells, orchid mycorrhizas: fungi produce coils of hyphae within
roots (or stems) of orchidaceous plants, and ericoid mycorrhizas: fungi have
hyphal coils in outer cells of the narrow “hair roots” of plants in the Ericales
(Prasad 2017).
AM fungi found in rhizosphere and associated with several vascular plants have
tremendous contribution in sustainable agriculture as well as agricultural ecosystems
management (Kour et al. 2019a, b). The beneficial effects of indigenous AM fungi on
the nutrition replenishment for plants depend on both the abundance and type of fungi
present in the soil (Prasad and Gautam 2005; Prasad 2005). AM fungi are the obligate
6 F. A. A. Nouh et al.
biotrophs that have been documented to form symbioses with the roots of more than
80% of terrestrial plant species (except in the plants belonging to families Amaranthaceae,
Brassicaceae, Proteaceae, Commelinaceae, Polygonaceae, Cyperaceae, Juncaceae, and
Chenopodiaceae). They are ubiquitous soilborne fungi, whose origin and divergence
dates back to over 450 million years (Redecker et al. 2000). AM fungi belong to the
phylum Glomeromycota (Bhandari and Garg 2017). In general, it has been estimated
that approximately 20% C of net primary productivity is allocated to AM fungus
(Fellbaum et al. 2014; Bücking and Kafle 2015) which is used to maintain and extend
its hyphal network in the soil and in turn provide a majority of the plant nutrients
(Leake et al. 2004). There are mutualistic association among mycorrhizal fungi and
plant roots, in which plants provide fungus with carbohydrates and offer it protection
(Yadav et al. 2019a, b, c). In turn, the fungus increases the surface area of plant roots
for absorbing water, nitrogenous compounds, phosphorus, and other inorganic nutri-
ents (e.g., phosphate) from the surrounding soil and delivers them to the plant which
improves plant growth and health (Zayed et al. 2013).
AMF increase seed yield than the controlled groups of flax seeds, and it depends on
status of nutrient, management, and type of soil. The other beneficial role of AMF
is to control root pathogens and their hormonal production that has higher potential
to withstand synergistic interaction and water stress (Thompson 1994). Also, mycor-
rhizal fungi shelter plant roots from invasion by soilborne root-infecting pathogens.
Endomycorrhizal symbiosis increases plant performance through improving their
tolerance to different environmental stresses, which may be biotic, e.g., pathogen
attack, or abiotic (e.g., drought, salinity, and heavy metal toxicity) (Garg and
Chandel 2010; Garg and Pandey 2015), or presence of organic pollutants and also
enhancing soil structure through formation of hydro-stable aggregates essential for
good soil structure (Manaf and Zayed 2015). In addition, growing evidence indi-
cates that association with AM fungi can improve overall plant growth and repro-
ducibility by improving root length, leaf area, plant biomass, plant tissue hydration,
and nutrient uptake under water-deficit condition (Bhandari and Garg 2017).
Ruth et al. (2011) estimated that about 20% of root water uptake taken by roots
of mycorrhizal barley plants is caused by the presence of fungal mycelium.
Gholamhoseini et al. (2013) stated that inoculation sunflower plant with G. mosseae
improved availability of P, thus minimizing the impact of stress on seed oil percent-
age and oil yield. Studies have further depicted that AM-mediated alleviation of
drought stress could also be allied with enhancement observed in the activities of
antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and peroxidase
(POX) in plants (Wu and Zou 2010; Baslam and Goicoechea 2012). AM inoculation
can also modulate plant water status by accumulating osmolytes such as free amino
acids (FAA), Pro, GB, SS, and organic acids (Garg and Baher 2013; Evelin and
Kapoor 2014) which not only lower down osmotic potential but also permit cells to
1 Agriculturally Important Fungi: Plant–Microbe Association for Mutual Benefits 7
The interrelationship that exists between host plant and its endophyte is considered
as “balanced antagonism”—a cohabitation in which host plant gains resistance
against pathogenic organisms and phytophagous insects and its overall growth or
biomass quality improves (Rana et al. 2019a). In most cases, various bioactive
metabolites have been involved (Chowdhary et al. 2012; Kumar and Kaushik
2013). Numerous fitness benefitting factors conferred by microbes inhabiting
inside host plants. These benefitting attributes hold a huge promise in sustainable
agriculture and disease management of plants (Kaul et al. 2012; Kumar and
Kaushik 2013).
phores, and other antimicrobial compounds which can suppress the growth of
pathogens and act as a biocontrol agent (Brader et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2014). It has
found to be stimulating an underlying pathogen defense mechanism, called as
induced systemic resistance (ISR) that provides an increased level of protection to a
wide variety of pathogens (Pieterse et al. 2014).
Soil harbors great diversity of microorganisms; this diversity is responsible for bio-
logical equilibrium created by the associations and interactions of all individuals
found in the community. Plants are the main responsible for most of these interactions
due to their root exudates. These interactions perform significant roles on plant growth
and health and the ecological fitness and resistance of plants to different biotic and
abiotic stresses in soils. Plant–microbe interaction in positive relationship is very ben-
eficial to each other. Mutual relationship in plant microbe associations are mycorrhi-
zas, symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and more recently and most interesting
microorganisms endophytes.
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