Simultaneous Estimates of The Diversity and The Degradative Capability of Heavy-Metal-Affected Soil Bacterial Communities

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Biol Fertil Soils (1992) 13:181-186

9 Springer-Verlag 1992

Simultaneous estimates of the diversity and the degradative capability

of heavy-metal-affected soil bacterial communities*
H . H . Reber
Institut far Bodenbiologie, Bundesforschungsanstalt ftir Landwirtschaft, BundesaIIee 50, W-3300 Braunschweig, Federal Republic of Germany

Received July 31, 1991

Summary. A method for simultaneous estimation of the pects that demonstrate decreases in soil microbial num-
impact of heavy metal stress on the diversity and the bers or biomass (Bisessar 1982; Brookes and McGrath
degradative capability of soil bacteria was developed and 1984) and on specific or non-specific soil activities such
tested. It is based on the ability of soil bacteria to use aro- as respiration, dehydrogenase, or N2 fixation (Doelman
matic substances as C sources. Though these characters and Haanstra 1979, 1986; Chang and Broadbent 1981;
were selected to indicate specific biochemical potential, Tyler 1981; Brookes et al. 1986; Reber 1989). Much less
they were sufficiently capable of differentiating the iso- is known about the impact of heavy metals on the diversi-
lated strains into biochemical types. Using these charac- ty of bacterial communities. In a methodological review,
ters implied that only organisms capable o f growing at RosswaI1 and Kvillner (1978) cited only one paper (de
the expense of aromatics were tested. However, this made Leval et al. 1976) dealing with the effect of heavy metals
it possible to restrict the number of assays to 20 and to on aquatic bacteria. Atlas (1984), reviewing the impact of
test up to 200 isolates per soil sample. In three out of five environmental stress on microbial diversity, apparently
experiments, we found that heavy metal stress definitely did not find any relevant paper on heavy metal effects on
decreased the diversity of bacteria in a flora. In two other the community structure of soil bacteria. Barkay et al.
experiments, an unchanged or even higher diversity in the (1985) were the first to study the diversity of bacteria in
metal-contaminated soils was observed. These unexpect- metal-contaminated soils. The reason why there have
ed results may have been caused by a high soil pH render- been so few soil microfloristic analyses in heavy metal mi-
ing metals unavailable or by selection of fast-growing crobiology is certainly the time and labor involved in this
strains in the control soil (decrease in evenness). The methodology. However, Mills and Wassel (1980) were able
relative scoring of all characters in a community (also the to demonstrate that the diversity of microorganisms can
average number of substrates used per isolate) was not a satisfactorily be described by as little as 20 differentiating
reliable indicator of changes in the degradative capability characters, making it possible to increase the number of
of bacterial communities. However, the ratio of the 10 microbial isolates that can be tested.
lowest-scoring to the 10 highest-scoring out of the 20 The aim of the present investigation was to develop a
characters tested was capable of indicating these changes. method which, in addition to giving sufficient discrimi-
In all heavy-metal-affected bacterial communities so far nation between isolates, would also provide data on the
tested, this ratio was lower than in the corresponding un- degradative ability of a soil bacterial community. Assess-
affected communities. These data suggest that some of ment of the ability to grow with 20, mostly aromatic, C
the rare biochemical capabilities of bacterial flora were sources was expected to serve both purposes. Aromatics
lost following contamination of soils by heavy metals. are very diverse in structure, their catabolism requiring
specific enzymes and leading to a few central aromatic in-
Key words: Heavy metals - Soil bacterial community - termediates before the ring structure is lost (Dagley and
Diversity - Biochemical capability - Aromatic sub- Nicholsen 1970). Consequently, only bacteria capable o f
strates - Cluster analysis - Rarefaction growing with these substrates were analysed in this study.

Materials and methods

Investigations on the impact of heavy metals on soil
microflora have so far concentrated on quantitative as- Soils
Physical, chemical,and biologicalproperties of the soils used in this in-
* Dedicated to the memory of my son Ulrich vestigation are shown in Tablel. The soil used in experiment 1 was an

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