3GPP TS 25.106
3GPP TS 25.106
3GPP TS 25.106
0 (2004-09)
Technical Specification
The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organisational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification.
Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organisational Partners' Publications Offices.
Release 6 2 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
UMTS, radio, repeater
Postal address
Copyright Notification
© 2004, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC).
All rights reserved.
Release 6 3 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................5
1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................6
2 References ................................................................................................................................................6
3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations ...................................................................................................6
3.1 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Symbols ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.3 Abbreviations..................................................................................................................................................... 7
4 General .....................................................................................................................................................7
4.1 Relationship between Minimum Requirements and Test Requirements ........................................................... 7
4.2 Regional requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 7
5 Frequency bands and channel arrangement..............................................................................................8
5.1 Frequency bands ................................................................................................................................................ 8
5.2 TX - RX frequency separation........................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Channel arrangement ......................................................................................................................................... 9
5.3.1 Channel spacing ........................................................................................................................................... 9
5.3.2 Channel raster............................................................................................................................................... 9
5.3.3 Channel number ........................................................................................................................................... 9
6 Output power............................................................................................................................................9
6.1 Maximum output power................................................................................................................................... 10
6.1.1 Minimum Requirements............................................................................................................................. 10
7 Frequency stability .................................................................................................................................10
7.1 Minimum requirement ..................................................................................................................................... 10
8 Out of band gain.....................................................................................................................................10
8.1 Minimum requirement ..................................................................................................................................... 10
9 Unwanted emission ................................................................................................................................11
9.1 Out of band emission ....................................................................................................................................... 11
9.1.1 Spectrum emission mask............................................................................................................................ 11
9.2 Spurious emissions .......................................................................................................................................... 13
9.2.1 General Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 13 Minimum Requirement (Category A) .................................................................................................. 13 Minimum Requirement (Category B)................................................................................................... 14
9.2.2 Co-existence with UTRA-FDD BS............................................................................................................ 15 Operation in the same geographic area................................................................................................. 15 Minimum Requirement................................................................................................................... 15 Co-location with UTRA-FDD BS ........................................................................................................ 16 Minimum Requirement................................................................................................................... 16
9.2.3 Co-existence with other systems in the same geographical area ................................................................ 16 Minimum Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 16
9.2.4 Co-existence with co-located and co-sited Base Stations .......................................................................... 17 Minimum Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 17
9.2.5 Co-existence with PHS .............................................................................................................................. 17 Minimum Requirement......................................................................................................................... 17
9.2.6 Co-existence with UTRA-TDD ................................................................................................................. 17 Operation in the same geographic area................................................................................................. 17 Minimum Requirement................................................................................................................... 17 Co-located Repeaters and UTRA-TDD base stations........................................................................... 17 Minimum Requirement................................................................................................................... 18
9.2.7 Co-existence with services in adjacent frequency bands............................................................................ 18 Minimum requirement.......................................................................................................................... 18
10 Modulation accuracy ..............................................................................................................................18
10.1 Error Vector Magnitude................................................................................................................................... 18
Release 6 4 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Release 6 5 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
Version x.y.z
y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.
z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document..
Release 6 6 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
1 Scope
The present document establishes the minimum radio frequency performance of UTRA repeaters.
2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
• References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
• For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
[1] ITU-R Recommendation SM.329: "Unwanted emissions in the spurious domain ".
[4] ETSI ETR 273-1-2: "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);
Improvement of radiated methods of measurement (using test sites) and evaluation of the
corresponding measurement uncertainties; Part 1: Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile
radio equipment characteristics; Sub-part 2: Examples and annexes".
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply:
Donor coupling loss: is the coupling loss between the repeater and the donor base station.
Down-link: Signal path where base station transmits and mobile receives.
Pass band: The repeater can have one or several pass bands. The pass band is the frequency range that the repeater
operates in with operational configuration. This frequency range can correspond to one or several consecutive nominal
5 MHz channels. If they are not consecutive each subset of channels shall be considered as an individual pass band.
Repeater: A device that receives, amplifies and transmits the radiated or conducted RF carrier both in the down-link
direction (from the base station to the mobile area) and in the up-link direction (from the mobile to the base station)
Up-link: Signal path where mobile transmits and base station receives.
3.2 Symbols
Release 6 7 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
4 General
This specification applies only to UTRA-FDD repeaters.
Unless otherwise stated, all requirements in this specification apply to both the up-link and down-link directions.
The measurement results returned by the Test System are compared - without any modification - against the Test
Requirements as defined by the shared risk principle.
The Shared Risk principle is defined in ETR 273 Part 1 sub-part 2 section 6.5.[4]
Release 6 8 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Release 6 9 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
b) A UTRA/FDD repeater can support both fixed and variable up-link to down-link frequency separation.
c) The use of other up-link to down-link frequency separations in existing or other frequency bands shall not be
6 Output power
Output power, Pout, of the repeater is the mean power of one carrier at maximum repeater gain delivered to a load with
resistance equal to the nominal load impedance of the transmitter.
Rated output power, PRAT, of the repeater is the mean power level per carrier at maximum repeater gain that the
manufacturer has declared to be available at the antenna connector.
Release 6 10 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
When the power of all signals is increased by 10 dB, compared to the power level that produce the maximum rated
output power, the requirements shall still be met.
In normal conditions, the Repeater maximum output power shall remain within limits specified in Table 6.1 relative to
the manufacturer's rated output power.
In extreme conditions, the Repeater maximum output power shall remain within the limits specified in Table 6.2
relative to the manufacturer's rated output power.
In certain regions, the minimum requirement for normal conditions may apply also for some conditions outside the
ranges of conditions defined as normal.
7 Frequency stability
Frequency stability is the ability to maintain the same frequency on the output signal with respect to the input signal.
Release 6 11 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
The repeater minimum donor coupling loss shall be declared by the manufacturer. This is this the minimum required
attenuation between the donor BS and the repeater for proper repeater operation.
The gain outside the pass band shall not exceed the maximum level specified in table 8.1, where:
- f_offset is the distance from the centre frequency of the first or last 5 MHz channel within the pass band.
For 12,5 MHz ≤ f_offset the out of band gain shall not exceed the maximum gain of table 8.2 or the maximum gain
stated in table 8.1 whichever is lower.
9 Unwanted emission
For regions where this clause applies, the requirement shall be met by a repeater's RF-signal output at maximum gain
with WCDMA signals in the pass band of the repeater, at levels that produce the maximum rated output power per
channel. The requirements shall also apply at maximum gain without WCDMA signals in the pass band.
Emissions shall not exceed the maximum level specified in tables 9.1 to 9.4 for the appropriate repeater maximum
output power, in the frequency range from ∆f = 2,5 MHz to ∆fmax from the 5 MHz channel, where:
- ∆f is the separation between the centre frequency of first or last 5 MHz channel used in the pass band and the
nominal –3 dB point of the measuring filter closest to the carrier frequency.
- f_offset is the separation between the centre frequency of first or last 5 MHz channel in the pass band and the
centre of the measuring filter.
- f_offsetmax is either 12,5 MHz or the offset to the UTRA band edge at both up- and down-link as defined in
section 5.1, whichever is the greater.
- ∆f max is equal to f_offsetmax minus half of the bandwidth of the measurement filter.
Release 6 12 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
-15 0
-20 PP == 43 -5
43 dBm
dBm AM
-25 PP == 39
39 dBm
dBm -10
-30 -15
-35 -20
-40 PP == 31
31 dBm
dBm -25
Table 9.1: Spectrum emission mask values, maximum output power P ≥ 43 dBm
Frequency offset of Frequency offset of Maximum level Measurement
measurement filter – measurement filter centre bandwidth
3dB point, ∆f frequency, f_offset
2,5 MHz ≤ ∆f < 2,7 MHz 2,515MHz ≤ f_offset < -14 dBm 30 kHz
2,7 MHz ≤ ∆f < 3,5 MHz 2,715MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offset 30 kHz
3,515MHz − 14dBm − 15 ⋅ − 2,715 dB
3,515MHz ≤ f_offset < -26 dBm 30 kHz
3,5 MHz ≤ ∆f ≤ f max 4,0MHz ≤ f_offset < -13 dBm 1 MHz
Table 9.2: Spectrum emission mask values, maximum output power 39 ≤ P < 43 dBm
Frequency offset of Frequency offset of Maximum level Measurement
measurement filter – measurement filter centre bandwidth
3dB point, ∆f frequency, f_offset
2,5 MHz ≤ ∆f < 2,7 MHz 2,515MHz ≤ f_offset < -14 dBm 30 kHz
2,7 MHz ≤ ∆f < 3,5 MHz 2,715MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offset 30 kHz
3,515MHz − 14dBm − 15 ⋅ − 2,715 dB
(see note) 3,515MHz ≤ f_offset < -26 dBm 30 kHz
3,5 MHz ≤ ∆f < 7,5 MHz 4,0MHz ≤ f_offset < 8,0MHz -13 dBm 1 MHz
7,5 MHz ≤ ∆f ≤ f max 8,0MHz ≤ f_offset < P - 56 dB 1 MHz
Release 6 13 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Table 9.3: Spectrum emission mask values, maximum output power 31 ≤ P < 39 dBm
Frequency offset of Frequency offset of Maximum level Measurement
measurement filter – measurement filter centre bandwidth
3dB point,∆f frequency, f_offset
2,5 MHz ≤ ∆f < 2,7 MHz 2,515MHz ≤ f_offset < P - 53 dB 30 kHz
2,7 MHz ≤ ∆f < 3,5 MHz 2,715MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offset 30 kHz
3,515MHz P − 53dB − 15 ⋅ − 2,715dB
(see note) 3,515MHz ≤ f_offset < P-65 dB 30 kHz
3,5 MHz ≤ ∆f < 7,5 MHz 4,0MHz ≤ f_offset < 8,0MHz P - 52 dB 1 MHz
7,5 MHz ≤ ∆f ≤ f max 8,0MHz ≤ f_offset < P - 56 dB 1 MHz
f_offset max
Table 9.4: Spectrum emission mask values, maximum output power P < 31 dBm
Frequency offset of Frequency offset of Maximum level Measurement
measurement filter – measurement filter centre bandwidth
3dB point, ∆f frequency, f_offset
2,5 MHz ≤ ∆f < 2,7 MHz 2,515MHz ≤ f_offset < -22 dBm 30 kHz
2,7 MHz ≤ ∆f < 3,5 MHz 2,715MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offset 30 kHz
3,515MHz − 22dBm − 15 ⋅ − 2,715dB
(see note) 3,515MHz ≤ f_offset < -34 dBm 30 kHz
3,5 MHz ≤ ∆f < 7,5 MHz 4,0MHz ≤ f_offset < 8,0MHz -21 dBm 1 MHz
7,5 MHz ≤ ∆f ≤ f max 8,0MHz ≤ f_offset < -25 dBm 1 MHz
NOTE: This frequency range ensures that the range of values of f_offset is continuous.
Either requirement applies at frequencies within the specified frequency ranges that are more than 12,5 MHz below the
centre frequency of the first 5 MHz channel or more than 12,5 MHz above the centre frequency of the last 5 MHz
channel in the pass band.
At maximum repeater gain, with WCDMA signals in the pass band of the repeater, at levels that produce the maximum
rated output power per channel, the power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the limits specified in table 9.5.
The requirements shall also apply at maximum gain without WCDMA signals in the pass band.
Release 6 14 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
When the power in all channels is increased by 10 dB, compared to the input level producing the maximum rated output
power, the requirement shall still be met.
Table 9.5: Up-link and down-link: General spurious emissions limits, Category A
At maximum repeater gain, with WCDMA signals in the pass band of the repeater, at levels that produce the maximum
rated power output per channel, the power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the limits specified in tables 9.6
and 9.7 for the down- and up-link, respectively. The requirements shall also apply at maximum gain without WCDMA
signals in the pass band.
When the power in all channels is increased by 10 dB, compared to the input level producing the maximum rated output
power, the requirement shall still be met.
Release 6 15 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Fc1: Centre frequency of emission of the first 5 MHz channel in an pass band.
Fc2: Centre frequency of emission of the last 5 MHz channel in an pass band.
Table 9.7A: UTRA Repeater Spurious emissions limits in geographic coverage area of UTRA FDD BS
receiver for the down link direction of the Repeater
In the up link direction of the Repeater the power of any spurious emission shall not exceed:
Release 6 16 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Table 9.7B: UTRA Repeater Spurious emissions limits in geographic coverage area of UTRA FDD BS
receiver for the up link direction of the Repeater
NOTE 1: These requirements in Table 9.7B for the up link direction of the Repeater reflect what can be achieved
with present state of the art technology and are based on a coupling loss of 73 dB between a Repeater and
a UTRA FDD BS receiver.
NOTE 2: The requirements shall be reconsidered when the state of the art technology progresses.
Table 9.8: UTRA Repeater spurious emissions limits for protection of co-located UTRA FDD BS
Table 9.9: UTRA Repeater Spurious emissions limits in geographic coverage area of systems
operating in other frequency bands
System type Band for co- Maximum Level Measurement Note
operating in existence Bandwidth
the same requirement
GSM900 876 – 915 MHz -61 dBm 100 kHz
921 - 960 MHz -57 dBm 100 kHz
DCS1800 1710 – 1785 MHz -61 dBm 100 kHz
1805 - 1880 MHz -47 dBm 100 kHz
Release 6 17 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Table 9.10: UTRA Repeater Spurious emissions limits for Repeater co-located with another systems
Type of co- Band for co-location Maximum Level Measurement Note
located requirement Bandwidth
GSM900 876 - 915 MHz -98 dBm 100 kHz
DCS1800 1710 - 1785 MHz -98 dBm 100 kHz
Table 9.13: UTRA Repeater spurious emissions limits for in geographic coverage area of PHS
Table 9.14: UTRA Repeater spurious emissions limits in geographic coverage area of UTRA-TDD
Release 6 18 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Table 9.15: UTRA Repeater Spurious emissions limits for protection of co-located UTRA TDD BS
Table 9.16: UTRA Repeater spurious emissions limits for protection of adjacent band services
Operating Band Maximum Level Measurement Note
Band Bandwidth
I 2100-2105 MHz -30 + 3.4 (f - 2100 MHz) dBm 1 MHz
2175-2180 MHz -30 + 3.4 (2180 MHz - f) dBm 1 MHz
II 1920-1925 MHz -30 + 3.4 (f - 1920 MHz) dBm 1 MHz
1995-2000 MHz -30 + 3.4 (2000 MHz - f) dBm 1 MHz
10 Modulation accuracy
The measurement interval is one power control group (timeslot). The repeater shall operate with an ideal WCDMA
signal in the pass band of the repeater at a level, which produce the maximum rated output power per channel, as
specified by the manufacturer.
Release 6 19 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
11 Input Intermodulation
The input intermodulation is a measure of the capability of the repeater to inhibit the generation of interference in the
pass band, in the presence of interfering signals on frequencies other than the pass band.
The frequency separation between the two interfering signals shall be adjusted so that the 3rd order intermodulation
product is positioned in the centre of the pass band.
Table 11.1 specifies the parameters for two interfering signals, where:
− f_offset is the separation between the centre frequency of first or last 5 MHz channel in the pass band and one
the interfering signals.
The frequency separation between the two interfering signals shall be adjusted so that the lowest order intermodulation
product is positioned in the centre of the pass band.
NOTE 1: The lowest intermodulation products corresponds to the 4th and 3rd order for the GSM 900 and DCS 1800
bands, respectively.
Release 6 20 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Table 11.2: Input intermodulation requirements for interfering signals in the GSM 900 and DCS 1800
Frequency of Interfering Signal Type of signals Measurement
interfering signals Levels bandwidth
921 - 960 MHz +16 dBm 2 CW carriers 1 MHz
1805 - 1880 MHz +16 dBm 2 CW carriers 1 MHz
The frequency separation between the two interfering signals shall be adjusted so that the lowest order intermodulation
product is positioned in the centre of the pass band.
NOTE 1: The lowest intermodulation products corresponds to the 4th and 3rd order for the GSM 900 and DCS 1800
bands, respectively.
Table 11.3: Input intermodulation requirements for interfering signals in the GSM 900 and DCS 1800
Frequency of Interfering Signal Type of signals Measurement
interfering signals Levels bandwidth
876 - 915 MHz –15 dBm 2 CW carriers 1 MHz
1710 - 1785 MHz –15 dBm 2 CW carriers 1 MHz
12 Output intermodulation
The output intermodulation requirement is a measure of the ability of the repeater to inhibit the generation of
intermodulation products signals created by the presence of an interfering signal reaching the repeater via the output
The output intermodulation level is the power of the intermodulation products when a WCDMA modulated interference
signal is injected into the output port at a level of 30 dB lower than that of the wanted signal. The frequency of the
interference signal shall be ±5 MHz, ±10 MHz and ±15 MHz offset from the wanted signal, but within the frequency
band allocated for UTRA FDD downlink as specified in subclause 4.1.
Release 6 21 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
The requirement shall apply to the Uplink and Downlink of Repeater where the donor link is maintained via antennas
(over the air Repeater).
Release 6 22 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Annex A (informative):
Change History
Table A.1: Document history
V0.0.1 2000-05-25 Document R4-000356 with a suggestion to V0.0.1 of this current specification
approved at RAN WG4 #12
V1.0.0 2000-09-13 Inclusion of the text proposals approved by RAN WG4 #13 and submitted to RAN #9
for information.
V1.1.0 2000-11-24 Inclusion of the text proposals approved by RAN WG4 #14
V1.2.0 2001-01-31 Inclusion of the text proposals approved by RAN WG4 #15
V1.3.0 2001-02-26 Inclusion of the text proposals approved by RAN WG4 #16
V2.0.0 2001-03-08 Submitted to TSG_RAN#11 for approval
V4.0.0 2001-03-30 Approved by TSG RAN #11
Release 6 23 3GPP TS 25.106 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Note: v6.0.0 created from v5.7.0, no Rel-6 CRs presented, at TSG RAN #22 to be sent to ITU-R for Rev 4 of