An Approximate Method For Cross Curves of Cargo Vessels: Marine Technology April 2001
An Approximate Method For Cross Curves of Cargo Vessels: Marine Technology April 2001
An Approximate Method For Cross Curves of Cargo Vessels: Marine Technology April 2001
2 373
1 author:
Huseyin Yilmaz
Yildiz Technical University
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In this study, a formula is presented to estimate cross curves of cargo vessels and to predict statical
stability at the preliminary design stage of the vessel. The predictive technique is obtained by regression
analysis of systematically varied cargo vessel series data. In order to achieve this procedure, some cargo
vessel forms are generated using Series-60. The mathematical model in this predictive technique is
constructed as a function of design parameters such as length, beam, depth, draft, and block coefficient.
The prediction method developed in this work can also be used to determine the effect of specific hull form
parameters and the load conditions on stability of cargo vessels. The present method is applied to a cargo
vessel and then the results of the actual ship are compared with those of regression values.
Introduction that at the initial stage of design, stability cross curves (KN-
T), which are a function of ship draft, are proposed to be
THE analytical, statistical, and empirical formulations for estimated by using approximate statistical methods. As can
ships have generally been based on theoretical or experimen- be seen from the geometrical features of an inclined ship
tal information. However, the naval architect needs mostly given in Fig. 1, the righting moment arm (GZ) value is cal-
some practical techniques to obtain appropriate designs and culated as follows in terms of KN value:
some indication of an acceptable level of performance in as-
suring vessel safety at the preliminary design stage. There- GZ = KN − KG sin⌽ (1)
fore, the stability of ships can be considered crucially impor-
tant for the naval architect. Within this context, approximate A number of cargo vessels have been derived from Series-
expressions for the ship stability computations can be ob- 60 for the regression modeling of cross curves. The lengths of
tained by analyzing a large amount of computer calculations. those vessels are kept as a constant and their actual cross
The development of ship stability methods has had a long curves are used in the regression analysis method. A total of
period of evolution. During that period, many studies have 72 different hull forms are generated by incrementing the
been carried out on various aspects of the subject. For ex- L/B ratio by 0.5 where it provides a sufficient number of
ample, the Prohaska method [1] has been used in stability sample stability data for reliable statistical evaluation. For
calculations for a long time. There are some papers concern- each L/B ratio, the B/T value is varied by 0.25 increments,
ing the application of regression analysis for calculating the and then for each B/T ratio the block coefficient (CB) is in-
stability of ships, such as Campanile and Cassella [2], Ku- cremented by 0.01. All calculations are considered up to the
pras [3], and Yılmaz and Kükner [4]. Campanile and Cassella main deck.
have investigated the reduction of form stability for Series-60 The parameter range of generated vessels is set as follows:
ship forms in waves and have established some graphs for 5.0 < L Ⲑ B < 7.5
the practical calculation of the righting moment arm. Kupras 2.25 < B Ⲑ T < 3.0
has modeled KN-⌽ values based on design parameters for 0.60 < CB < 0.80
cargo ships at certain heeling angles. Yılmaz and Kükner 1.3 < D Ⲑ TC < 4.0
used a similar method as shown in this study to develop a
mathematical model for computation of cross curves of fish- where D/TC is the depth-draft ratio.
ing vessels at the preliminary design stage. The actual cross-curve computations of the vessels are per-
The objective of this paper is therefore to derive a math- formed by a well-established stability software. The results
ematical model for estimating cross curves of cargo vessels by obtained from the implementation of the software are used to
use of regression analysis. The mathematical model based on establish approximated stability expression.
hull form parameters is established for cross curves. There- Since the (KN-⌽) values have been modeled in terms of
fore, the systematically varied hull series [5] has been chosen design parameters, it is necessary to use the values of KN in
for the application of regression analysis to obtain an ap- the nondimensional form. Hence, the KN values should be
proximate expression for the stability characteristics of cargo nondimensionalized by the molded beam B, which is one of
vessels. the most effective design parameters in a vessel’s cross-curve
calculations. At the beginning of the regression modeling, the
(KN-⌽) curve has been fitted for the fifth-degree polynomial
Modeling of cross curves (KN-⌽) values by using polynomial regression as follows:
The prediction of ship stability at the preliminary design 5
stage is very difficult since the statical stability of a ship
cannot be easily predicted without knowing the ship’s hull
KN Ⲑ B = 兺a ⌽
geometry and her center of gravity. Therefore it is intended
where ⌽ is the heel angle in radians and ai is the polynomial
coefficient which is determined by the application of the
Assistant professors, Department of Naval Architecture, Yıldız least-squares method. In order to determine ai coefficients as
Technical University, 80750 Beşiktaş, Istanbul, Turkey. a function of design parameters, the following multiple linear
Manuscript received at SNAME headquarters May 24, 2000. regression model can be used:
5 5
ai = 兺兺b
i=1 j=0
ij Xj (3)
X0 = 1
X1 = B Ⲑ T
X2 = CB
X3 = 共B Ⲑ T兲2
X4 = 共CB兲2
X5 = 共B Ⲑ T兲 CB Length (L) : 120 (m)
Breadth (B) : 20 (m)
It is assumed that the draft is changed at different loading Depth molded (D) : 12 (m)
conditions. Therefore, the bij coefficients given in equation (3) Design draft (T) : 8 (m)
have been determined at each loading condition. Computation draft (TC) : 8 (m)
The other design parameter variations with the loading Block coefficient (CB) : 0.70
condition have been considered as constant since it is difficult
to carry out the calculations at the initial design stage. Thus, The computation procedure for the righting arm curve (KN-
the variations of bij coefficients are defined with the free- ⌽) of the proposed cargo vessel should be as follows:
board variation (D/TC) only. For the inclusion of loading
variation, the following third-degree polynomial regression 1. Calculate regression parameters, Xi
with a maximum error of 2% was used: X0 = 1
5 5 3 X1 = B Ⲑ T = 2.5
bij = 兺兺兺c
i=1 j=0 k=1
(4) X2 = CB = 0.70
X3 = 共B Ⲑ T兲2 = 6.25
where ␦ is D/TC. X4 = 共CB兲2 = 0.49
Using the regression coefficients (cijk) given in Table 1, the X5 = 共B Ⲑ T兲 CB = 1.75
righting arm curve can be easily computed for a given set of ␦ = 共D Ⲑ Ti兲 = 1.5
design parameters. 2. Calculate bij coefficients
bij = cij0 + cij1 ␦ + cij2 ␦2 + cij3 ␦3
Application of the method 共i = 1,2,..,5 j = 1,2,..,5兲
The presented regression model has been applied to a cargo b10 = −2.328721 + 4.109446 * 共1.5兲
vessel, whose principal dimensions are: − 1.458433 * 共1.5兲2 + 0.135208 * 共1.5兲3
ai, bij, cijk⳱ regression coefficients of KN-⌽ GM ⳱ metacentric height L ⳱ length of between perpendiculars
B ⳱ molded breadth GZ ⳱ righting moment arm T ⳱ design draft
BM ⳱ transverse metacentric radius KB ⳱ height of center of buoyancy TC ⳱ calculating draft
CB ⳱ block coefficient KG ⳱ vertical center of gravity ␦ ⳱ D/TC ratio
CP ⳱ longitudinal prismatic coefficient KN ⳱ form stability lever in keel ⌽ ⳱ heel angle
D ⳱ depth
1. Prohaska, C. W., “Influence of Ship Form on Transverse Stability,”
TINA, 1951.
2. Campanile, A. and Cassella, P., “Form Stability Reduction Among
Waves for Series-60 Hulls,” Ocean Engineering, Vol. 16, 1989, pp. 431–
3. Kupras, L. K., “Optimization Method and Parametric Study in Pre-
contracted Ship Design,” International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 23,
1976, pp. 138–155.
4. Yılma, H. and Kükner, A., “Evaluation of Cross Curves of Cargo
Vessels in Preliminary Design Stage,” Ocean Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 10,
1999, pp. 979–990.
5. Todd, F. H., “Some Further Experiments on Single-Screw Mer-
chant Ship Form—60 Series,” Transactions, SNAME, Vol. 1, 1953, pp.
6. Yılmaz, H., “The Determination of Practical Stability Criteria De-
pending Upon Ship Design Parameters,” MS thesis (in Turkish), Yıldız
Fig. 2 Comparison of KN-⌽ values Technical University, Istanbul, 1994.