Getting To Grips With FANS
Getting To Grips With FANS
Getting To Grips With FANS
grips with
Flight Operations Support - Customer Services Directorate
Getting to grips with
A Flight Operations View
Should any deviation appear between the information
provided in this brochure and that published in the
applicable AFM, MMEL and FCOM, the information
set forth in these documents shall prevail at all times.
Future Air Navigation System
• Air Traffic Services Data link based on ACARS
(ARINC 622) network
• Introduction of ATN (Aeronautical Telecommunication Network)
• ICAO approved (CNS/ATM-1 standards)
The purpose of this brochure is to provide Airbus Industrie aircraft operators with the
agreed interpretations of the currently applicable CNS/ATM (i.e. FANS) regulations.
The intent is thus to provide guidance material on CNS/ATM operations, which satisfy
airworthiness requirements in order for an airline to obtain operational approval from its
national operational authorities.
All recommendations conform to the current regulatory requirements and are intended to
assist the operators in maximising the cost effectiveness of their operations.
The content of this first edition is limited to the FANS A system, which is in use at the
date of publication (Step 1, ref. p3). Future editions will include information on further
systems, e.g. ATN (or CNS/ATM-1; Step 2, ref.p3) based systems and ADS-B, once these
are certified and there are definite plans to introduce them in some areas.
Any questions with respect to information contained herein should be directed to:
AI/ST-F 94B.0073/99
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Pre-flight phase
4.3 AFN logon
4.4 CPDLC Communications
4.4.1 CPDLC connection
4.4.2 Failures of CPDLC connection
4.4.3 CPDLC shutdown
4.4.4 Notification of transfer to the next data link ATC
4.4.5 ATC automatic transfer through address forwarding
4.4.6 End of service and CPDLC transfer of connection
4.4.7 Abnormal cases at the time of transfer of connection
4.4.8 Recommendations for exchange of CPDLC messages
a) To be known
b) Use and context of messages
c) Expected delays in responding to CPDLC messages
d) Recommended answers to request and clearances
e) Position report
f) Multi-element messages
g) Duplicate messages
h) Use of free text
i) Message closure
j) Emergency procedures
4.5 ADS Procedures
4.5.1 ADS connection
4.5.2 ADS connections management and closure
4.5.3 Position reporting with ADS
4.5.4 ADS shutdown
4.5.5 Emergency procedures
5.1 General
5.2 A/C Configuration
5.3 Flight crew training / qualification
5.3.1 General recommendations
5.3.2 Proposed qualification means
5.3.3 Academic training
5.3.4 Operational training
a) Operational points
b) Operational responsibilities
c) Operational feed back
5.4 Maintenance training
5.5 Approved Documentation
5.5.1 FANS A Airworthiness Approval Summary
5.5.2 MEL
5.5.3 AFM
Satellites (Satcom)
Ground-based radios
(VHF & HF)
Satcom Transporter
Ground Network for
GNSS station
Figure 1
1.3 Communications
Operationally speaking, the biggest change provided by FANS is the way pilot and
controllers communicate. In addition to the classical VHF and HF voice, and to the more
recent satellite voice, digital CPDLC (Controller Pilot Data Link Communications) will now
become the primary means to communicate.
CPDLC is a powerful means to sustain ATC communications in oceanic or remote areas
first, and it is expected to become, in a near future, an additional tool to overcome VHF
congestion in some busy TMAs.
On board, CPDLC messages are displayed to the crew on the dedicated DCDU (Data
Communication Display Unit) screens. They can also be printed.
Ground-ground communications are also part of the concept. They serve to link and to
co-ordinate in between different ATC service organisations (or services of the same ATC)
and AOC (Airline Operational Centre). AFTN (Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications
Network), voice or AIDC (ATS Interfacility Data Communications) ensure these
Under commercial and financial pressures, the airlines have asked for FANS benefits
without waiting for complete availability of all the appropriate tools (such as a better
Aeronautical Telecommunications Network: the ATN). That is why FANS A operations
have already started using the existing communications networks and protocols (ACARS /
ARINC 622) which are of less performance than the ATN, but were endorsed by the ICAO
as a valuable step towards an early introduction of ATM applications.
1.4 Navigation
Refer to the RNP/RVSM - A flight operations view -document for detailed explanations.
FANS routes or air spaces are associated with a given RNP (Required Navigation
Performance) value. This RNP is a statement on the navigation performance accuracy
necessary for operation in this air space. It is defined by the relevant ATS of the
concerned area. In the South Pacific region, for instance, flying a LAX/SYD FANS route
requires the RNP 10 capability.
1.5 Surveillance
Different types of surveillance may be found. Wherever radar coverage is possible, SSR
modes A and C are still used. Mode S is expected to be used in such areas where traffic
densities are high enough to warrant it.
2.1 The FANS A system
Pending ATN availability, the current FANS A step is based on agreed (ARINC AEEC
622) protocols and utilises already deployed aeronautical data communications networks.
These ACARS networks can be accessed through either satellite or VHF media, and
various ground networks are inter-connected to provide the ATC/ATM services to all
FANS A equipped aircraft. These data communications are supported by the aircraft’s
ATSU (Air Traffic Service Unit), which manages all the communications and automatically
chooses the best available medium (for example VHF or Satcom).
The Air-Ground data link architecture is given in figure 2. It is made of the following
● The airborne part, with the ATSU, which is a modular hosting platform that centralises
all data communications (ATC and AOC) and manages the dedicated Human Machine
Interface (HMI).
● The communications networks, which ensure the connection to the ground part
through either :
. Satellite Ground Earth Stations (GES) whenever VHF coverage is not available
. VHF Remote Ground Stations (RGS) if within the line of sight of the aircraft
. Air-Ground processors, which route and handle the messages
Satellites (Satcom)
Data Service
Processors of the
Service Providers
(e.g. ARINC / SITA)
ground station ground station
Figure 2
2.2 The data link communications networks
Several communications service providers, in addition to the AOC messages, ensure
today the routing of ATC messages between the aircraft and the ATC centre. These are
growing steadily, thus raising some issues for future interoperability. Among the main
ones the following may be listed:
● INMARSAT: covers the space segment through its satellite constellation, which is
accessed by numerous GES operators (most of them being sub-contracted)
● ARINC: through its so-called ADNS network, ensures the SATCOM, VHF and HFDL
(High Frequency Data Link) air-ground processing through numerous GESs and
● SITA: through its so-called AIRCOM system, ensures the SATCOM and VHF air-
ground processing through numerous GESs and RGSs.
● AVICOM: this Japanese provider ensures a VHF air-ground processing within Japan
Both ARINC and SITA networks operate with national service providers and are currently
interconnected to provide a global interoperability of ATS data link applications. This
means for instance, that an aircraft using a VHF data link under a SITA agreement can
nevertheless operate in a FANS ATC area using an ARINC contract (Refer to § 2.3).
Whenever there is a switching for instance from VHF to Satcom (or vice versa), the ATSU
sends a Medium Advisory (MA) message to the DSP indicating the status of the
communications with each medium. Such an automatic function is needed to fulfil the
logic that determines the routing of any uplink message. It is transparent to both the pilot
and the controller and ensures that uplink messages can be sent to the aircraft
irrespective of the medium or communications service providers used.
ARINC network SITA network
Network Network
interoperability interoperability
1 2
CPDLC consists in the exchange of messages, which can be formed by the use of
individual (or combination) elements chosen within a set of internationally agreed
preformatted ATC ones. These elements are in agreement with the existing ICAO
14 phraseology, and serve to exchange nominal clearances, requests, reports, negotiations
or miscellaneous ATCinformation (e.g. emergency notifications, transfer of ATC centre or
frequency). Appendix A lists all the messages (around 180) that are supported by FANS
A airborne and ground systems.
Advantages and drawbacks of CPDLC have been discussed at length for some years.
Among the main ones, CPDLC is a remedy to shortcomings of the existing systems:
● significant reduction of the transmission time
● suppression of the errors or misunderstandings pertaining to poor voice quality, fading,
● Suppression of mistakenly actions on ATC messages intended for another flight
● suppression of the tiring listening watch of the radio traffic
● possibility for an immediate access to previously recorded messages
● automatic loading within the FMS of route or F-PLN clearances, thus avoiding
transcription errors, long and fastidious manual keystrokes.
The following points however must be well understood and will have to be underlined in
● handling of CPDLC messages requires time:
• reading and interpreting a written clearance was found to be less immediate than
hearing the same one.
• preparing and sending a request through the combination of the MCDU and DCDU
is longer than directly using the mike.
● the party line is lost (the pilot can no longer listen to the surrounding transmissions)
2.8 Navigation
Refer to the RNP/RVSM document - A flight operations view - for description of the
navigation chapter. RNP definition and objectives are detailed there together with the
FANS A navigation capabilities of the Airbus Industrie aircraft.
The ATC centres define the RNP criteria to be fulfilled prior to the utilisation of their FANS
routes. RNP 10 is the current requirement for oceanic FANS air spaces. 15
2.9 Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS)
Through the ADS application, the ATSU automatically sends aircraft surveillance data to
the connected ATC centres (up to 4). This is done automatically and remains transparent
to the crew. These are air-ground downlink messages. Different types of ADS “contracts”
● periodic: the data are sent at periodic time intervals
● on demand: the data are sent only when asked for
● on event: the data are sent whenever a specified event occurs (e.g. altitude or heading
change, vertical rate change, waypoint change)
In the FANS A system, the ADS is based on these contracts, which are set by the ATC
centres to satisfy their operational needs for surveillance, as dictated by circumstances
(e.g. traffic density). The crew cannot modify these contracts, but the controller can. And
so can he specify the parameters of the contract. Optional data groups may thus be
added in the contract request. Obviously, at anyone ATC centre, only one contract may
exist at any one time, and whenever a modification is asked by the controller, a new
contract is set, which cancels the previous one.
Another type of contract may be found: the emergency mode. When the crew activates
this mode, the data are automatically sent at a high rate (every 2 minutes), independently
of the previous contract.
Appendix B lists the various elements and groups of data of the ADS messages, and
provides some details on the different contracts.
Based on these contracts, directly addressed between an ATC centre and a given aircraft,
ADS is then usually called ADS-C (where C stands for Contract), or ADS-A (where A
stands for Addressed). Both these designations are equivalent.
In a future step, the aircraft are expected to have the capability to broadcast their
positions and intents not only to the ground, but also to other aircraft in their vicinity. Trials
of this ADS-B (B stands for Broadcast) have already started. Associated with Cockpit
Display of Traffic Information (CDTI), ADS-B is intended to be an enabler to free flight
They all address the functionality and performance of the system for their relevant aspect
and may be defined in terms of availability, accuracy and integrity.
Each of these three performance requirements is independent of the technologies used
to ensure either of the three Navigation, Communications or Surveillance functions.
It is now commonly agreed upon that the prime parameter in assessing the technical
performance of the communications, is the delay experienced by the exchange of data
between the end users (e.g. pilot / controller).
According to the latest work of the RTCA/EUROCAE groups, the following terms have
been defined to characterise the RCP statement:
● Delay: is a measure of the time required for an information element to transit between
two identifiable points.
● Integrity: is expressed as the probability of an undetected system-induced failure of
message transmission (i.e. undetected message error, wrong address, lost message
● Availability: is the ratio of actual operating time to specified operating time.
3.1 General: The need for flexibility
Air spaces greatly vary from one part of the world to another: some are already
congested (e.g. Europe region at some peak hours) whereas others are still relatively
empty (e.g. Pacific Ocean). The requirements to change the way we operate in such
different areas are not the same.
Implementing the latest technologies, which are now available to support these awaited
changes, cannot be done without the involvement of numerous parties. States, ATS
providers, communications service providers are affected in the same way as airlines,
airframers or avionics equipment manufacturers.
That is why the CNS-ATM concept can only be developed regionally or even on a route
by route basis.
The Airbus Industrie forecast for future CNS-ATM implementation envisions three main
● On a short term basis, FANS 1/A routings are being opened (e.g. Europe / Asia
through the Bay of Bengal, Australia / South Africa in complement to the current
operative Pacific area).
● On a mid term basis (2003- 2008), ICAO SARPS-compliant ATN development should
allow FANS B to spread around the world, thus enabling a full-performance data link.
Regions of low traffic density may plan to then leapfrog the FANS 1/A step and go
directly to FANS B. The potential economic benefits however, lie mainly in the high
traffic density areas for which FANS B is designed.
The two following figures summarise these three awaited steps:
Figure 4
Figure 5
It is considered that FANS 1/A, FANS B and non-FANS environments will co-exist for
many years. The aircraft’s ability to go seamlessly from one environment to another is a
fundamental asset, which was one of the prime design objectives of the Airbus Industrie
Further extensions to FANS B, such as free flight concepts (as described either in the
NAS - US National Air Space - program or mentioned in the EATMS - European Air Traffic
Management System - operational concept for instance), are also already considered: the
provisional capacity for data broadcast operations (e.g. ADS-B) have been secured in the
proposed system (mode S extended squitter, VDL mode 4)
Longer term philosophy aiming at defining whether or not and to which extent, the crew
will be responsible for their own separation is beyond the scope of the aircraft
manufacturers alone.
As a conclusion to this brief overview of the implications of CNS-ATM we can say that
the transition to this new way of operating requires both flexibility and growth capability.
For the airplane, flexibility is the essential requirement:
● Flexibility to grow as the CNS-ATM concept evolves
● Flexibility to adapt to inevitable unforeseen developments of the environment
● Flexibility to operate in mixed ATC environments
But flexibility requires computer power. This was tackled right from the beginning with the
AIM-FANS (Airbus Interoperable Modular -FANS) avionics package: indeed, the power
and flexibility of a dedicated communications unit (the ATSU) combined with the power of
a new FMS.
Figure 6
Part of this, is the management of all the messages (up/down link) whatever their types
(ATC clearance, ADS, pilot requests, AOC, flight information). Today’s ACARS functions
are included in the ATSU. There is no longer a need for an ACARS management unit.
In the frame of FANS A and B, only one ATSU is used. But for later steps, two ATSUs can
be installed, dealing with all the expected evolutions, as aircraft operation and safety
become more dependent on data link communications.
The ATSU is a hosting platform, which has been designed so as to take provision of all
foreseen evolutions. This modularity concept for both software and hardware permits to
ease a quick and dependable introduction of all the ATC data link capability during the
transition to the ultimate full FANS.
Figure 7
The FMS is a key element of the AIM-FANS system for which it ensures three main
● it provides data to the ATSU
● it monitors the ATC messages and their subsequent implications
● it handles and processes some of the ATC messages
The FMS can first be seen as a data provider for both ADS and CPDLC messages. As
such, it periodically sends all the ADS parameters, whether for the basic group (position,
altitude, cross track...), the predicted route frame or the intent group. The predicted
position, altitude, speed or sequencing time for up to the next 20 waypoints of the flight
plan are thus sent by the FMS to the ADS application of the ATSU.
Position reports messages whether for manual CPDLC messages or for automatic ADS
are processed by the FMS.
The FMS monitors the ATC conditional or deferred clearances that are linked to the
navigation (e.g. “AT ALCOA CLIMB TO AND MAINTAIN FL 350”). It triggers the signal to
warn the pilot of the completion of the clearance.
Whenever confirmation messages are received (e.g. “CONFIRM ASSIGNED SPEED”) it
automatically proposes the answer to the pilot. This is true for both current data (e.g.
altitude, speed, route…) or target data (e.g. altitude, speed, heading...)
Route requests or route clearances are processed by the FMS. Once prepared in the
secondary F-PLN, a route request is sent by the FMS to the ATSU/DCDU prior to being
sent. Similarly, once a route clearance (or a re-route proposed by the AOC) is received, it
is loaded into the FMS, which acknowledges or rejects this new routing. The reasons for a
rejection (for instance proposed waypoint not in database) are indicated to the pilots so
that they can solve the issue. Co-ordination and exchange of F-PLN between ATC, AOC
and the aircraft is processed with the FMS.
Figure 8
The retained interface, with the two DCDUs in the core part of the cockpit, provides for a
minimum perturbation of the existing procedures. This allows for a simple reversion to
backup voice-based procedures when needed.
Colour coding and/or reverse video on the DCDU have been used to differentiate
between titles, text, main parameters in the text, uplink or downlink messages.
The DCDU provides for full time accessibility and readability for both crew, which requires
only limited head-down time.
3.3.1 Basic operational principles
The flightcrew is alerted to an incoming message by means of a flashing blue «ATC
MSG» light in two pushbuttons on the glareshield (i.e. visual), as well as by a dedicated
audio sound. The alert is stopped by pressing one of these two pushbuttons or by
answering the message, directly on the DCDU. For normal messages the buttons flash,
and the audio signal is repeated about every 15 seconds (with the first signal delayed by
15 seconds, so as not to multiply audio warnings). The message will appear on the
DCDU if the screen is empty. If the screen is not empty, a flashing cue (e.g. «MSG 1/2»)
reminds the crew of the arrival of the message. For urgent messages the buttons flash,
the audio signal is repeated about every 5 seconds, and the message is displayed on the
DCDU regardless of the state of the screen.
Note: The audio sound is similar to a telephone sound. It was elected by a great majority
of the consulted pilots.
To reply to a message, the flightcrew either uses the standard replies on the DCDU or
composes a reply on a menu-page from the MCDU. After composing the message on the
MCDU it is transferred to the DCDU for sending.
● The two DCDUs are the compulsory data link communications focal point for either
type of messages (up or down link).
● It is recommended to keep both DCDUs without anything displayed. This, to allow for
an immediate display of a new message. Consequently, it will be recommended to
clean up the screens whenever a message has been completely treated and does no
longer require to be displayed.
● Both DCDUs are identical, are interconnected and have the same displays. Any
operation on either DCDU is valid for both of them.
● The MCDUs are also part of the ATS data link system. They are used to prepare the
request type of messages or free text messages. They also provide for an access to
the file of the stored messages.
● The “ATC COMM” key of the MCDU gives access to the various pages of the ATS
data link system
c) Alert
● The alert function is triggered each time a new uplink message arrives or whenever a
deferred report or clearance expires.
● Both the “ATC MSG” pushbuttons on the glareshield are lighted and flash until a
positive action of the crew (either by pressing one of the pushbuttons or by answering
the uplinked message on the DCDU) is done to stop the alert.
● The specific ATC audio sound may also be activated (15 sec delay)
d) Messages
● As soon as the alert is triggered, the associated ATC message may be accessed and
viewed on both DCDUs. It is automatically displayed (whether the screens of the
DCDUs are free or not) if it is an “urgent” or “distress” message.
● Request messages can be brought to the DCDU as soon as the crew has activated
the corresponding command (“ATC REQ DISPL”).
● Pending messages can be brought (one at a time) to the DCDU by the crew who can
review them in the order they want.
● The crew can (and is recommended to do so) clean up the DCDU through a specific
function key (“CLOSE”) once the displayed message has been entirely treated.
e) Printer
● A print function is available on the DCDU to print the currently displayed message in
whole. This can be done at any time.
f) FMS/DCDU interface
● An ATC F-PLN can be loaded in the secondary F-PLN of the FMS. This is done
through the “LOAD” key of the DCDU. The crew is kept aware of the result of this
loading by an indication located on the DCDU (e.g. ”LOAD OK”, or “LOAD PARTIAL”).
Whenever this loading cannot be done entirely (for instance waypoint not in data base,
runway/ILS mismatch,..) the pilots can access the MCDU secondary F-PLN pages to
assess the reasons for the rejected parameters, and take appropriate actions.
● ATC messages requiring navigation parameters (e.g. “Confirm speed”) are processed
by the FMS. An answering message is automatically proposed on the DCDU with the
FMS value. The crew can nevertheless modify this message before being sent.
g) ADS
● ADS reports are automatically sent to the ground without any possibility for the crew
to either see or modify them.
● A CPDLC emergency message (e.g. “MAY DAY”) automatically activates the ADS
emergency mode.
h) Colour coding
● Uplink messages are displayed with the text in white and the main parameters are
highlighted in cyan
3.3.3 Examples of use
The following figures give two typical examples of use for up and downlink messages.
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14
b) Request case: Pilot requests climb at a given FL at a given waypoint (FL310 at
Figure 15
Pilot selects VERT REQ to access the ATC VERT REQ page of the MCDU
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
The pilot reads the message (reverse video is used for dowwnlink,
blue colour indicates that the message is not yet sent)
Figure 19
4.1 Introduction
The following chapter depicts some important and general procedures for an operational
use of CNS/ATM systems.
As already explained FANS routes are, and will be, regionally opened, based on the
availability of ground equipment and technologies. As such, operational procedures will
reflect the specifics of the considered areas, which may cause operating differences
between various regions.
FANS 1/A operations have been experienced in the South Pacific region for 1995, and
CPDLC has been used on a daily basis since then.
The ICAO Informal South Pacific ATC Co-ordinating Group (ISPACG) has been tasked to
co-ordinate these regional trials and to define and implement procedures to allow for a
safe and efficient operations of new ATS applications for FANS equipped aircraft.
Under the ISPACG authority, the South Pacific Operating Manual (SPOM) was written to
define procedures and rules to be used by the airlines, their crews, the ATC and their
The CNS/ATM capabilities of the aircraft will be notified when filing in the ICAO flight plan.
A letter code has been defined for this information.
The data link capability is notified by a letter “J” to be entered in the field 10 (Equipment).
The letter “D” is also entered in the surveillance part of that field, if ADS is available. The
other capabilities are given in the field 18 (Other Information) under the DAT/ information.
J / D
In this example, the data link is ensured by both Satellite and VHF, and ADS is available.
The following code is used:
● S...........Satellite data link
● H...........HF data link
● V...........VHF data link
● M...........SSR Mode S data link
If RNP is expected, field 18 will also mention: NAV/RNP. (Refer to RNP/RVSM - A flight
operations view - document)
The aircraft registration is also to be notified in the Field 18. This will be used for
correlation purposes by the ATC through a comparison of it with the one contained in the
AFN logon (see here-after).
• Pre-flight checks
Prior to departing for a FANS flight, the crew will check that the required equipment is
operative. The following items are recommended to be included in those checks:
● GPS availability
● UTC time settings
● RNP capability
● Data link communications availability
If the data link is to be used a short time after the departure, the ATS Facilities
Notification (AFN) function (described here after) will have to be completed prior to take
off. As a general rule, it is worth noting that the AFN logon should be completed 30 to 45
minutes before entering the CPDLC/ADS air space.
The aim of the ATS Facilities Notification is to tell (notify) an ATC centre that your aircraft
is able to sustain digital communications and that you are ready to connect. It is thus
● To inform the appropriate ATC centre of the capabilities and specifics of the aircraft
data link communications (e.g. CPDLC and/or ADS available applications, ACARS
● To give the ATC centre the flight identification and aircraft registration number to allow
for a correlation with the filed flight plan.
The AFN must be successfully completed prior to any connection is being established.
• First AFN logon
When no other CPDLC or ADS connections have been established with a previous ATC
centre, the AFN must be exercised (e.g. prior to departure, prior to entering a data link
airspace, or following a failure to re-initiate a connection)
To this end, the pilot sends a first AFN CONTACT message (FN_CON). This is done
through the NOTIFICATION page of the ATC pages on the MCDU, when the crew enters
the ICAO 4 letter code of the ATC centre and the automatic exchange of messages
between the ground and the aircraft is correctly done. The ATC centre replies to the
This can be monitored on the NOTIFICATION pages where the sequence “NOTIFYING”,
“NOTIFIED” is displayed. (See here below pictures)
This AFN procedure is more or less transparent to the crew, but must be understood.
1- AFN contact
2- AFN Acknowledge
Figure 20
Figure 21
Figure 22
Figure 23
Checks are automatically done by the ATSU to validate or reject the connection:
● Connection is accepted if no previous connection already exists
● Connection is accepted if it is relative to the next data link ATC to control the aircraft
● Connection is rejected in all other cases
Once connection is established and active, the active connected ATC centre is then
displayed on the DCDU, and on the CONNECTION STATUS page of the MCDU. CPDLC
exchange of messages can be done normally.
1- Connection Request
2- Connection Confirm
Figure 24
Figure 25
4.4.2 Failures of the CPDLC connection
As soon as a failure of the CPDLC connection is noticed by either of the flight crew
member or ground controller, voice will be used to inform the other part of the failure and
to co-ordinate further actions.
Once a connection has been lost, a complete LOGON procedure (AFN + Connection)
must re-apply.
● The controller, through a voice system, tells the crew to switch off his data link system,
and to reinitialise it.
● The crew access to the MCDU ATC pages and re-initialises the connection through
the complete AFN from the NOTIFICATION pages.
Planned shutdown:
● The controller, through voice, informs the crews of the shutdown using the following
phraseology: “CPDLC shutdown. Select ATC Com Off. Continue on voice”
● The pilot acknowledges: ”Select ATC com off. Continue on voice”
● The pilot continues on voice until further ATC notification.
● The crew notifies the controller of the shutdown through the voice phraseology:
”CPDLC shutdown. Select ATC com off. Continue on voice”
40 ● The controller acknowledges: “ Roger. Continue on voice”.
In all the three above cases, ATC / AOC co-ordination is recommended.
CPDLC Resumption
Nominal case
To inform the aircraft avionics (i.e. ATSU box) that a transfer of control will be done, the
current active ATC sends a so-called NDA message to the aircraft. This is the only way for
the ATSU to be aware of and to accept the connection with the next ATC centre.
Once a NDA message has been received, the aircraft is waiting for the connection with
the next ATC centre.
2 1
Figure 26 41
Abnormal cases
If the NDA message has not been received by the aircraft at the time when the next ATC
centre tries to connect, this connection attempt is rejected. This is transparent to the crew.
Whenever the controller of the transferring ATC knows the NDA message has not been
delivered, he will ask the crew for a manual AFN logon with the next centre. Either voice
or CPDLC can be used for this. The following phraseology is recommended:
● Controller: ” Contact (ATCXXXX). Frequency YYYYY. Select ATC com off then logon to
● Pilot: “WILCO. Select ATC com off, then logon to ATCXXXX”.
If CPDLC is used, the sentence (Select ATC com off. Logon to ATCXXXX) will be sent
through free text.
The following sequence of message exchange should be initiated by the first ATC around
30 minutes prior to the estimated time at the FIR boundary. The crew is unaware of this
● The first ATC sends an AFN Contact Advisory message to the a/c
● The aircraft acknowledges this message and sends an AFN contact message to the
next ATC
● This second ATC acknowledges the demand through an FN_ ACK message
● The aircraft sends an AFN Complete (FN_COMP) message to the first ATC, to inform
it of the completion of the AFN
2- AFN Response
A-AFN contact
C-AFN complete
B-AFN Acknowledge
2 1
Figure 27
Abnormal cases
If CPDLC is used, the sentence (Select ATC com off. Logon to ATCXXXX) will be sent
through free text.
If the next ATC centre has not been connected to the aircraft at the time the “END
SERVICE” message is received, the aircraft is left without any connection.
● If a message has been left open (not answered) with the first ATC centre at the time
the “END SERVICE” is sent, then a disconnection with both ATCs will occur.
Whenever the controller is aware that the “END SERVICE” message has not been
successful, he will tell (by voice) the crew to manually disconnect.
Voice will be used until the connection with the next ATC has been done.
The recommended voice phraseology is:
- Controller: “Select ATC Com Off then logon to ATCXXXX”
- Pilot: “Select ATC Com Off then logon to ATCXXXX”
Before crossing the boundary of the second data link ATC centre, the crew should have
checked that the connection is well established with this ATC.
Whenever the crew is aware that the connection with the first ATC centre is not
terminated (e.g. at the time when a first position report to the next ATC) he should follow
the recommended procedure:
A list of all the up and down link messages supported by the CPDLC system is given in
appendix A.
a) To be known
Pending for the ATN, as long as the FANS 1/A ACARS based protocols exist, both pilot
and controllers cannot know whether a message has been delivered to their right
Should any doubt or problem occur when dialoguing through CPDLC, voice should be
• Usual answers
Most of the clearances can be directly answered through appropriate answer keys on
the DCDU. According to the recommended international rules, the 5 following closure
responses may be used as appropriate: WILCO, ROGER, AFFIRM, UNABLE,
It is then important the crew is fully aware of the right meaning and implications of
these answers. The following lists the recognised statements for these response
- WILCO: This down link message tells the controller that the pilot will comply fully with
the clearance/instruction contained in the associated up link message
- UNABLE: Through this either up or down link message the pilot or the controller is
informed that the request(s) contained in the associated message cannot be complied
- STANDBY: Through this either up or down link message the pilot or the controller is
informed that the request is being assessed and there will be a short term delay (within
10 minutes). The exchange is not closed and the request will be answered when
conditions allow.
- ROGER: Through this either up or down link message the pilot or the controller is
informed that the content of the associated message has been received and
understood. ROGER is the only correct response to any up link free text
message. ROGER shall not be used instead of AFFIRM.
- AFFIRM: Whether up or down link, AFFIRM means YES and is an appropriate
response to up linked message of negotiation request (e.g. “CAN YOU ACCEPT FL
350 AT ALCOA?”).
- DISREGARD: This up link message means that the previous up link shall be ignored.
DISREGARD should not refer to an instruction or clearance. Another element shall be
added to clarify which message is to be disregarded.
- CONFIRM: The present parameter (e.g. position, altitude, speed…) is awaited by the
controller whenever CONFIRM XXXX is used. The DCDU will automatically propose to
the crew the current FMS target linked to the considered parameter. Sending this
answer is done directly on the DCDU. Should the crew be not satisfied with the
proposed answer, he then could modify before sending.
Delays depend upon numerous varying factors and happen to be more or less random
and unpredictable. Waiting for a better consolidation of the three availability, integrity and
accuracy elements as expected with the ATN, the current FANS 1/A performance
requirements have been given for the South Pacific operations:
- Down link: An end-to-end transit delay of 60 seconds or less for 95% of delivered
messages. Transit being measured as the difference in the timestamp of the ground
controller station and that of the sending action of the pilot.
- Up link: A 120 second round trip delay on 95%. Round trip being obtained by
comparing the time the up link is sent from the controller system against the time the
message assurance (indicating successful delivery) was received back to the ground
controller station. To be noted that a 6 minute round trip delay is also aimed at on 99%.
As an order of magnitude both controller and pilot should consider that it takes up to one
minute for a message to be received, around 30 seconds for the pilot or controller to take
action and respond and up to one other minute for the reply to be received.
STANDBY answers assume that a further response should come within the next 10
minutes. The message thus remains open. If the controller does not respond within this
time the pilot shall send an inquiry. In no case should a duplicate message be sent
46 (this would cause failure of the system).
d) Recommended answers to request and clearances
WILCO is to be used. Pilot will then fully comply with the clearance or instruction
e) Position report
• General recommendations
- Whenever ADS is not used, CPDLC position reporting will be done once the
waypoint is passed over (or abeam when an offset is in progress). Use of the
POSITION REPORT message (as given on the MCDU ATC pages) is expected.
- Updating the estimate for a given waypoint should be done through a free text
message in the form of e.g. “REVISED ETA ALCOA 1034”
- Whenever a position report is not received by the ground, the controller may ask for it
through the CPDLC up link: “REQUEST POSITION REPORT”
The FMS does not sequence the active waypoint when the aircraft is abeam this point
by more than 7 NM. In this case, the waypoint is not sequenced on the CPDLC report
message. It is thus recommended to use the offset function of the FMS so as to send
true position reports. Once again, and specially in RNP or FANS route, updating the
flight plan is highly recommended. 47
• ARINC 424 Waypoints
In some parts of the world, oceanic latitudes and longitudes of some fixes happen to be
encoded in the ARINC 424 format (e.g. 10N40, which stands for 10N/140W). Ground
stations cannot cope with such points, and will reject any down link reports containing
f) Multi-element messages
- It is highly recommended to avoid potential ambiguity, that the crews do not send
multiple clearance requests in a single message.
g) Duplicate messages
• General
- As a general rule, duplicate messages, which can cause potential ambiguity, should
be carefully avoided.
• Re-sending of a message
- After a reasonable period without answer to his request, the crew may elect to re-
send a message. In that case, he should do this in the form of a query, not a duplicate
of the first request. In the case for instance where the initial request was “REQUEST
CLIMB TO FL 350”, the second attempt should be “WHEN CAN WE EXPECT FL 350”.
Free text messages cannot be treated by the automated station of the controller as
standard ATC messages. As such, no correlation between the free text and its answer
can be provided. Automatic pre-formatted answers cannot be provided in response to a
free text. This thus increases the controller workload, the response time and the risk of
input errors.
- Use of free text is to be considered only when the pre-formatted messages do not
allow for a specific message element.
- Standard ATC phraseology should be used in free text and abbreviations should be
“Standardised free text” messages have been developed and agreed upon by the main
FANS actors of the South Pacific area, to cope with the lack of pre-formatted functions.
i) Message closure
Among the basic assumptions and rules which have presided to the design of the CPDLC
system, the closure of a message is one of the most important to be known by the crews.
Open messages are prone to potential ambiguity and system issues. They should be
avoided as far as possible.
Pilots should be prompt to answer the received messages and to clean up their DCDU
with the “CLOSE” prompt. They should be aware of the following definitions, which apply:
Free text message received on board will be closed once ROGER has been answered.
ROGER is the sole response to any up linked free text.
j) Emergency procedures
Pilots should be aware of the CPDLC emergency procedures, which apply in the
considered area. The emergency mode is activated through the EMERGENCY prompt of
the ATC menu page.
In particular, they should know what can be expected from the controller once the
emergency mode is triggered.
The general rules usually apply:
- The controller shall also attempt a voice contact after he has acknowledged an
emergency message through CPDLC
- If CPDLC is the best (or the sole) means for communications, the current controller
will keep the connection active to provide the assistance. In particular, no transfer
(either automatic or manual) of connection will be done.
When both CPDLC and ADS are active, sending an emergency message through
CPDLC automatically switches the ground ADS contract to the “High Periodic Reporting
rate” (ADS Emergency mode). Conversely, sending the CPDLC “CANCEL EMERGENCY”
message deactivates the ADS emergency mode.
4.5.1 ADS connection
As soon as the ATSU is initialised, the ADS application is “armed”, waiting for a possible
connection (ADS “ON” is the default state on the MCDU ATC pages).
As up to four connections may occur, priority rules for management of the connections
have been defined and should be agreed upon by the concerned ATC centres.
At the date of publication, there is no region in the world, where priority issues might be
critical. In addition, ADS concepts of operations are not yet frozen and are expected to
vary in short to medium terms. That is the reason why these rules are not given in a first
ADS is totally transparent to the crew. In particular, contracts can not be modified from
the aircraft. A connection may be stopped from the ground or be manually switched OFF
through the ADS page of the MDCU ATC menu.
Here also, and to a greater extent, whenever ADS is used, only ATC reporting points
will be entered in the FMS F-PLN. This will avoid that reports are triggered immediately
and at unknown fixes. 51
Route offset
The accuracy of the ADS intent and predicted route information is of prime importance
when it is to be used by the ATC centre to allow for reduced lateral and /or longitudinal
If an offset is manually flown, in a Heading Select mode for instance, both the intent and
predictions as sent by the FMS for ADS purpose may be incorrect. A Waypoint will not be
sequenced if the position is beyond 7NM from this point.
It is then recommended that the crew keeps updated his FMS flight plan, and that he
uses the FMS Offset function.
When an Offset is flown with the FMS, the intent and predicted route information will be
provided along the offset route.
The controller in charge of the flight shall acknowledge any ADS emergency message.
This is done through either a voice contact or a free text CPDLC message.
The following phraseology is then expected: “ROGER MAYDAY” or “ROGER PAN”.
5.1 General
Based on the systems global description and operational points, as described in the
previous parts, the aim of this chapter is to provide the airline with recommendations and
guidance material, that will help it to prepare pilots and dispatchers procedures and
training programs, and aircraft engineering programs necessary for obtaining operational
approval to use CPDLC and ADS.
Operational approval rules are not yet fully available and individual operational authority
may choose the “means of compliance” stating what the applicant airline may have to
It is however expected that the following items will have to be complied with, by the
applicant airline:
● Aircraft configuration
● Flight crew training/qualification
● Maintenance training
● Approved operational documentation
To this end, the following points will be emphasised in preparing the flight crew training
● Basic knowledge of the overall CNS/ATM environment for which, the various concepts
and interacting elements, the involved aircraft systems and relevant operating
procedures to be applied should be covered in a dedicated academic training.
● Operational use of data link communications (e.g. handling of up and down link ATC
messages or ATC operating procedures) should be taught so as to develop skills and
practices for the considered FANS environment.
● Initial evaluation and recurrent training have to be part of the approved syllabi.
● Specific Human Factors points pertaining to the data link communications should be
carefully addressed (they are mentioned in the here below “academic training”
● Half a day familiarisation course, to address the academic training, and emphasise the
main operational critical points.
● “Home work” training for each pilot, through the interactive CD-ROM developed by
Airbus Industrie.
As soon as the FANS devices are available in the simulators, the FANS training can be
proposed in various options: initial, transition, recurrent or upgrade training or qualification
Once completed, this programme should not be repeated. Only the new, modified or
specific points will be addressed during further programmes.
C, N and S together with the current trends for ATM should be described. The general
characteristics of the data link communications will be given and the chain links of the
components that exist in between a pilot and a controller will be emphasised.
Flight crews should be made aware of the nominal systems operations and performance
parameters, normal and abnormal use together with the limitations of the systems.
The crews should be taught on the normal handling of the data link. In particular, coping
with the DCDU ATC messages reception and acknowledgement, acceptance or rejection
should be addressed. At this stage, the crews will be made aware of the DCDU / MCDU
relations for handling of Clearances and Requests and of the role of the FMS in such
Basic knowledge of the data link communications language, terms to be used and
information to be exchanged.
Use of CPDLC and ADS for instance, are based on an extensive set of formatted
messages, agreed upon abbreviations, conventions and assumptions the main of which
will have to be known. The crews will be made aware of and familiar with the existing
terminology as used by the considered ATS, as displayed on relevant charts or manuals,
or given by the various service providers (ATC and communications). Familiarisation with
all the available means of communications (e.g. VDR, HF, Satcom both in voice and data
communications) is expected at that stage. In particular Satcom voice procedures, call
addressing, ATC facility phone access, codes, call ID and priority will be covered. Later
on, mode S or VDL 2, 3 or 4 will be included.
Awareness of the ATS communications, co-ordination and credits for use of data
The interaction of the various computers (e.g. ATSU, FMS, FWC) or the relations in
between their interface (e.g. DCDU, MCDU, ECAM, printer, warning lights..) will have to
be described here. Transmission times, failure annunciation, constraints and limitations of
these components should be known of the crews for a safe and efficient operation.
The following recommendations have been developed to cope with the specific issues of
the data communications:
● The pilot responsible for the communications ensures that the situation awareness, as
entailed by the ATC data link messages, is fully shared by the other pilot. To this end,
any message transiting through the DCDU (whether received or to be sent) will be
read in a loud voice so as to ensure a common understanding and allow for a good
cross checking between the two pilots.
● Emphasis will be done on the crew work sharing, so as to avoid simultaneous head
down attention by both pilots, while handling of the messages is done.
a) Operational points
The following lists the items to be tackled in a training course. All but the “Special
Recommendations” § are addressed in the Airbus Industrie CD-ROM:
Message handling
The pilots should be trained on how to receive and interpret ATC messages.
Understanding the CPDLC / ADS phraseology is to be acquired.
Appropriate use of the pre-formatted answers of the DCDU (e.g. WILCO, ROGER,
UNABLE, CANCEL...) together with the knowledge for storing and retrieving messages
from the ATC messages logbook will be addressed.
Will also be practised the operations that require simultaneous work on both the DCDU
and the MCDU. In particular, loading route clearance messages in the FMS, or preparing
requests on the ATC pages of the MCDU should be covered.
The automatism, as provided by the FMS, for monitoring and answering to some specific
messages (e.g. differed clearances) should be known from the flight crews. Handling of
automatically FMS proposed answers should be mastered.
Managing the communications systems
The global use of the communications systems, whether they are traditional voice or new
data link communications will have to be acquired.
Establishing and terminating CPDLC, activating and deactivating ADS, switching from
traditional voice based to digital communications control and coping with failures of these
systems should be practised.
All the available controls and indicators of the AIM-FANS system should be known and
used (e.g. the meaning of the various displays, advisories, available functions).
Knowledge of the ATS procedures for the considered FANS area (e.g. timely, relevant and
appropriate responses to communications and surveillance failures) is of prime
In addition, crews should be able to recognise “usual” failures and be fully aware of the
tricks pertaining to the sensitivity of the end-to-end data link communications (Refer to the
following paragraph).
Special recommendations
Derived from the lessons learned during FANS operations in the South Pacific area, the
following list gives the main points to be underlined in the operational training:
• Flight identification
The correlation of the flight identification, between that expected by an ATC ground
system according to the filed F-PLN, and that of the coded message exercised during
the initial log on attempt (AFN), is very prone to errors.
Pilots should be fully aware that the flight identification of both the filed F-PLN and the
one used for data link communications must be identical. It is the pilot’s responsibility
to ensure that correct flight identification and registration number are used.
In particular, the operator ICAO 3-letter code is to be used (e.g. ICAO ATC filed F-PLN,
FMS, data link). Attempting a connection with a TP 232 ident for instance, whereas
TAP232 has been filed, will cause the ground system to reject the connection.
Space and leading zeros in these identifications have to be carefully handled.
Limit the use of free text message to exceptional cases. Pilots should be made aware
that free text messages cannot be treated by the automated station of the controller as
a standard ATC message. As such, no correlation between the free text and its answer
can be provided.
Avoid abbreviations and acronyms since they may have different meanings to different
“ROGER” is the sole answer for an up linked free text message. Any other answer will
keep the received message open.
- Until the AIDC function in between subsequent ATC centres is fully implemented, the
transfer of control between two FIR will have to be carefully monitored by the crew.
The applicable procedures will have to be strictly followed.
Whenever an automatic transfer is done, it is recommended to monitor it through the
display of the active ATC centre on the DCDU. In case a manual transfer is done,
carefully apply the correct sequence of actions (as described in the “operational
procedures” chapter or by the relevant ATC).
In particular, pilots should verify that the expected ICAO 4 letter code for the region is
displayed on the DCDU, and should not send any message before this check has been
- Disconnection may also occur during FIR transfers due to pending uplink messages
and this, although the recommended procedures specify that the “END SERVICE”
message be not transmitted while there are open messages. Pilots should be aware of
such occurrences.
• Open message
• Delays in responding
Both pilots and ATC answers to messages should be done as soon as possible. In
case a STANDBY response has been received from the ATC, the flight crew should
expect a further answer within 10 minutes. Waiting for it, the message remains open. If
no answer comes on time, and to avoid a duplicate message, it is then recommended
that the next message of the crew is based on an inquiry (e.g. “When can we
• Multi-element messages
• Waypoint sequencing
When an aircraft is laterally displaced by more than a set distance (7NM for Airbus
models) from the track defined by an active flight plan, waypoints cease to be
sequenced. This affects the data transmitted in CPDLC position reports and prevents
ADS waypoint events from triggering reports.
Monitoring the correct sequencing of the waypoints together with the updating of the F-
PLN is thus to be recommended, especially in those areas of flight where ADS (or
CPDLC) position reporting is done.
• Position reporting
Pilots should be aware that there is no ATC response to their CPDLC position report.
As such, they must not re-send their message.
The ATC ground systems are designed so as to address compulsory reporting points
as defined on approved En route charts. Pilots are thus invited to check that their FMS
F-PLN is consistent with these charts, and that only compulsory position reports are
sent through data link (CPDLC or ADS).
• Weather deviation
Weather deviation procedures have been developed and published:
- Priority is given to aircraft which include “Due to weather” in requests or those using
the urgency pro-word “PAN”)
- If ATC is unable to achieve the required deviation and maintain minimum horizontal
separation, a 1000-foot vertical buffer will be provided.
- If ATC is unable to issue a clearance or if communication cannot be established, the
aircraft should climb or descend 500 feet, establish communications, and make the
aircraft visible. This is a simple modification of global contingency procedures.
• Abnormal configurations
b) Operational responsibilities
During their operational training, flight crews should be taught of their responsibilities with
regards to the use of digital communications.
The following lists the expected pilot’s behaviour for an efficient use of the data
communications systems, whether this is used as either a primary or a secondary means:
● Compliance with the voice clearance whenever this contradicts the data link one
Pilots should be encouraged to report on the overall performance of the FANS system.
Specific data link events should be reported to the flight operations department or to the
ATC whenever appropriate.
Data link anomalies (failures, loss of messages, unanswered messages, very long
response time, disconnection...), procedural difficulties, human factors issues should be
reported through any appropriate devices according to the airline policies.
5.4 Maintenance training
To get its operational approval, the airline must demonstrate that an appropriate
maintenance training programme relative to the digital communications, is given to its
maintenance people. This is part of the ICAO Annex 6, paragraph 8.3.
In this programme, the procedures for digital communications maintenance will be
consistent with that recommended in the relevant chapters of the approved maintenance
The aim is to train the maintenance personnel to properly implement, maintain, or replace
the AIM-FANS equipment (e.g. ATSU, DCDU, FMS, printer, VDR...)
Installation, modification and use of testing tools are some of the points to be trained. The
maintenance people should also be aware of the MEL items associated to the relief of
FANS equipment.
Adhering to configuration control lists that may be recommended in some FANS areas, so
as to maintain recognised operating equipment and performance levels, might be part of
the requirements. Data link service providers can provide the airline with information on
poor performance by individual aircraft. It is also recommended that the airline provide
Airbus Industrie with information on their current avionics configuration and operating
performance so as to ensure a good feed back on the FANS systems and documentation
Implementing the adequate Service Bulletins for approved configuration and ensuring
software updates of the FANS systems are correctly incorporated should also be assured.
Based on this document, the operational and technical context may be evaluated and
additional demonstration activities be asked by the authority.
5.5.2 MEL (Minimum Equipment List)
The airline should submit its intended MEL for operation of FANS routes to its
airworthiness authority. In addition to the MEL provisions taken for the navigation
equipment, in the frame of RNP/RVSM context (see AI/ST-F RNP/RVSM - A flight
operations view - document), provisions will have to be taken for the digital
communications equipment.
Reference to the MMEL and to the AFM is recommended to establish the MEL.
The MEL items for data link communications may depend on the considered FANS route
(oceanic, continental, remote areas). The airline should thus take provisions for some
specific operating systems at dispatch, and consider the consequences of their loss on
the data link communications.
For FANS A flights in the South Pacific area, for instance, CPDLC/ADS operations require
to have:
● Printer ( according to some airline policy)
Dispatching in this area will also require to have two operational HF radios.
The availability and the reliability of the SATCOM have proven to be good enough in this
region. That is why, dispatch with one HF only is currently claimed for, but is still not
As soon as HFDL is available and authorised for ATC data link purpose, dispatch
equipment list may be reconsidered.
20 CLIMB TO AND MAINTAIN [altitude] Instruction that a climb to the specified W/U
level is to commence and the level is to
be maintained when reached.
21 AT [time] CLIMB TO AND MAINTAIN Instruction that at the specified time, a W/U
[altitude] climb to the specified level is to
commence and once reached the
specified level is to be maintained.
22 AT [position] CLIMB TO AND MAINTAIN Instruction that at the specified position, a W/U
[altitude] climb to the specified level is to
commence and once reached the
specified level is to be maintained.
23 DESCEND TO AND MAINTAIN [altitude] Instruction that a descent to the specified W/U
level is to commence and the level is
to be maintained when reached.
24 AT [time] DESCEND TO AND MAINTAIN Instruction that at the specified time a W/U
[altitude] decent to the specified level is to
commence and once reached the
specified level is to be maintained.
25 AT [position] DESCEND TO AND Instruction that at the specified position a W/U
MAINTAIN [altitude] descent to the specified level is to
commence and when the specified level is
reached it is to be maintained.
26 CLIMB TO REACH [altitude] BY [time] Instruction that a climb is to commence at W/U
a rate such that the specified level is
reached at or before the specified time.
27 CLIMB TO REACH [altitude] BY Instruction that a climb is to commence at W/U
[position] a rate such that the specified level is
reached at or before the specified position.
28 DESCEND TO REACH [altitude] BY [time] Instruction that a descent is to commence at W/U
rate such that the specified level is
reached at or before the specified time.
29 DESCEND TO REACH [altitude] BY Instruction that a descent is to commence at W/U
[position] a rate such that the specified level is
reached at or before the specified position.
30 MAINTAIN BLOCK [altitude] TO A level within the specified vertical range W/U
[altitude] is to be maintained.
31 CLIMB TO AND MAINTAIN BLOCK Instruction that a climb to a level within W/U
[altitude] TO [altitude] the specified vertical range is to
32 DESCEND TO AND MAINTAIN BLOCK Instruction that a descent to a level within W/U
[altitude] TO [altitude] the specified vertical range is to
33 Reserved
34 CRUISE CLIMB TO [altitude] A cruise climb is to commence and W/U
continue until the specified level is
35 CRUISE CLIMB ABOVE [altitude] A cruise climb can commence once W/U
above the specified level.
36 EXPEDITE CLIMB TO [altitude] The climb to the specified level W/U
should be made at the aircraft’s best rate.
37 EXPEDITE DESCENT TO [altitude] The descent to the specified level should W/U
be made at the aircraft’s best rate. 67
Uplink - Vertical Clearances (Continued)
Uplink - Crossing Constraints (Continued)
Uplink - Lateral Offsets
Uplink - Route Modifications (Continued)
108 MAINTAIN [speed] OR GREATER The specified speed or a greater spee W/U
is to be maintained.
109 MAINTAIN [speed] OR LESS The specified speed or a lesser speed W/U
is to be maintained.
110 MAINTAIN [speed] TO [speed] A speed within the specified range is to W/U
be maintained.
111 INCREASE SPEED TO [speed] The present speed is to be increased to W/U
the specified speed and maintained
until further advised.
112 INCREASE SPEED TO [speed] OR The present speed is to be increased to W/U
GREATER the specified speed or greater, and
maintained at or above the specified
speed until further advised.
113 REDUCE SPEED TO [speed] The present speed is to be reduced to W/U
the specified speed and maintained
until further advised.
114 REDUCE SPEED TO [speed] OR LESS The present speed is to be reduced to W/U
the specified speed or less and maintained
at or below the specified speed until further
Uplink - Speed Changes (Continued)
Uplink - Negotiation Requests
Uplink - Additional Messages
Downlink - Responses
Downlink - Responses
Downlink - Lateral Off-Set Requests
19 REQUEST [speed] TO [speed] Request to fly within the specified speed range. Y
Downlink - Reports
Downlink – Reports (Continued)
48 POSITION REPORT [position report] Reports the current position of the aircraft N
when the pilot presses the button to send
this message.
ATC expects position reports based on
this downlink message.
79 ATIS [atis code] The code of the latest ATIS received is as N
80 DEVIATING [direction] [distance Notification that the aircraft is deviating N
offset] OF ROUTE from the cleared route by the specified
distance in the specified direction.
67b WE CAN ACCEPT [altitude] AT [time] We can accept the specified level at the N
specified time.
67c WE CAN ACCEPT [speed] AT [time] We can accept the specified speed at the N
specified time.
67d WE CAN ACCEPT [direction] We can accept a parallel track offset the N
[distance offset] AT [time] specified distance in the specified direction
at the specified time.
67e WE CANNOT ACCEPT [altitude] We cannot accept the specified level. N
Basic ADS group - Current latitude
(Required) - Current longitude
- Current STD altitude
- UTC Time stamp
- Navigation redundancy bit:
set to 1 if two or more IRS are providing valid position to the FMS,
else, set to 0
- Figure of merit:
level (0-7), which reflects the accuracy of the reported position
- TCAS health:
set to 1 if valid data, else to 0
Earth Reference - True Track
Group (*) - Ground Speed
- Inertial Vertical Rate
Air Reference - Current True Heading
Group(*) - Mach
- Inertial Vertical Rate
Airframe Ident - 24 bit ICAO code
Group(*) (Not provided in FANS A)
Flight Ident - Flight ID
Meteorological - Wind Speed
Group(*) - True Wind Direction
- Static Air Temperature
Predicted Route - Latitude at next waypoint
Group(*) - Longitude at next waypoint
- STD altitude at next waypoint
- Estimated Time to Go (ETG) to next waypoint
- Latitude at Next +1 waypoint
- Longitude at Next+1 waypoint
- STD altitude at Next+1 waypoint
Fixed Intent - Latitude of fixed projected point
Group(*) - Longitude of fixed projected point
- STD altitude of fixed projected point
- Projected time:
Travel time to the fixed intent point along the active route
Intermediate - Distance:
Projected Intent . from current a/c position to the first intermediate projected point
Group(*) . from the previous intermediate projected point, for the subsequent
- Track:
. from current a/c position to the first intermediate projected point
. from the previous intermediate projected point, for the subsequent
- STD altitude of the intermediate projected point
- Projected Time: Estimated Time to Go (ETG) to the intermediate
projected point
(*): On request 83
Output values of the parameters of the ADS messages
Altitude ±131,068 feet -131,072 feet 15 & sign 65,536 feet 4 feet
Time Stamp (Note 8) 0 - 3599.875 sec FOM = 0 (Note 9) 15 2048 sec. 0.125 sec.
Ground Speed 0 - 4095 knots 4095.5 knots 13 2048 knots 0.5 knots
Wind Speed 0 - 255 knots 255.5 knots 9 128 knots 0.5 knots
True Wind Direction -180 - +179.296875∞ Valid bit = 1(Note 6) 8 & sign & valid 90∞ .703125∞
Vertical Rate ±32,752 ft/min -32,768 ft/min 11 & sign 16,384 ft/min 16 ft/min
True Track Angle -180 - +179.912∞ Valid bit = 1 (Note 6) 11 & sign & valid 90∞ 0.08789∞
True Heading -180 - +179.912∞ Valid bit = 1 (Note 6) 11 & sign & valid 90∞ 0.08789∞
1. When no value is available or the value available to the ADS is invalid, a default
value shall be inserted in the field. The values shown here reflect a coding of all
2. The value of the Most Significant Bit (MSB) is accurate by definition. The value of the Least
Significant Bit (LSB) is an approximation.
3. When either the latitude or the longitude for a position are invalid, both shall be
set to -180∞. In the Basic ADS Group, the FOM shall also be set to 0.
4. When the Flight Identification is invalid, all characters shall be encoded as
spaces. When the Flight Identification is less than eight characters, the Flight
Identification shall be encoded left justified and the unused characters shall be
encoded as spaces.
5. The character set for the Flight Identification Group shall be ISO 5, without the
most significant bit. This allows the characters to be encoded using only six bits.
Valid characters are contained in the following sets: (A..Z), (0..9) and ( ).
6. The validation of the direction parameter shall be indicated by the immediately
preceding bit, where 0 = valid and 1 = invalid.
7. Signed numerical values shall be represented in two’s complement notation.
8. The time stamp shall be expressed as the time elapsed since the most recent
hour. Time shall be rounded, not truncated, to accurately yield the value loaded
into the time stamp field.
The dynamic re-routing procedure has been developed by the ISPACG forum to provide FANS
equipped aircraft with the possibility of a complete F-PLN change once airborne.
On the typical Los Angeles/Sydney or Los Angeles/Auckland routes, the wind updates after the
first hours of flight may happen to show that a better F-PLN could be considered.
Procedures, based on an extensive use of the data link capabilities of the three AOC, ATC and
A/C, have thus been developed to allow for the crew to get an in-flight route re-clearance.
The DARP scenario is described in the Airbus Industrie AIM-FANS A training CD-ROM.
The following describes the SPOM procedures, for a single re-route per flight, as currently in use.
1- Prerequisites
● The airline shall have an AOC data link capability to communicate with both the aircraft and
the ATC with data link.
● The airline must be able to sustain CPDLC with the appropriate ATC, and data link AOC with
its operations centre.
● The ATC centres providing the control of the FIR where the re-routing will be done must have
CPDLC capability.
3- Descriptive drawing
AOC / Aircraft/ ATC
● Following the receipt of the new TDM, AOC decides whether or not to re-route
● If re-route decided, the AOC uplinks the new route to the aircraft
● After evaluation of the received P-PLN, the pilot asks for a re-route clearance
● Once cleared, the crew activates the re-route and notifies it to his AOC
● The AOC transmits a Change message to the all concerned ATC (until AIDC exists)
The following drawing gives a general view of all the co-ordinated sequences that occur in a
DARP phase.
6- Re-route
5- Cleared notification
4- Route Clearance
Request 3- Revised
ATC 2 ATC 1 Control
7- Revised F-PLN
Inmarsat communications for Air Traffic Services
Inmarsat aeronautical services
GLOBALink/Satellite Coverage
GLOBALinkSM/HF Service Coverage - 1Q2000
World Coverage
Atlantic Ocean
Altitude: 30 000 feet
On-Line RGS are in Red
Planned RGS are in Blue
Middle East,
South East Asia
Altitude: 30 000 feet
On-Line RGS are in Red
Planned RGS are in Blue
South Pacific
Altitude: 30 000 feet
On-Line RGS are in Red
Planned RGS are in Blue
Latin Americas,
Altitude: 30 000 feet
On-Line RGS are in Red
Planned RGS are in Blue
Brazil - DEPV
Altitude: 30 000 feet
On-Line RGS are in Red
Planned RGS are in Blue
En-Route / Alternate and
Terminal Frequencies
Altitude: 30 000 feet
On-Line RGS are in Red
Planned RGS are in Blue
RGS List
RGS List
RGS List
RGS List
RGS List
RGS List
RGS List
RGS List
RGS List
Who to contact
The statements made herein do not constitute an offer. They are based
on the assumptions shown and are expressed in good faith. Where the
supporting grounds for these statements are not shown the Company
will be pleased to explain the basis thereof.