CS1500 Video Calls

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CS 1500 Feature Specification

Video Calls Support


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CS 1500 Feature Specification
Version Date Reason(s) For Reissue Author
0.0.1 Jan 17, 2009 Initial Draft D. Davidson
1.0.1 Jan 24, 2009 First Published for review D. Davidson
1.1.0 March 08, 2010 Document updated following review D. Davidson
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................1
2. FEATURE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................2
2.1. Supported Endpoints .............................................................................................2
2.2. Video Communication Setup .................................................................................2
2.2.1. Service Policy Enforcement ..................................................................................................... 2
2.2.2. Call Scenarios.......................................................................................................................... 2
2.2.3. Video Communication Discontinuation .................................................................................... 3
2.3. Supported Video Codecs .......................................................................................3
2.4. Coping with Firewalls and NATs ............................................................................4
2.4.1. Line to Line Calls - No Firewalls, NATs or SBCs .................................................................... 4
2.4.2. Line to Line Calls - External SBC ............................................................................................ 5
2.4.3. Line to Line Calls - Internal SBC ............................................................................................. 5
2.4.4. Line to SIP Trunk - No Firewalls, NATs or SBCs .................................................................... 6
2.4.5. Line to SIP Trunk - External SBC ............................................................................................ 6
2.4.6. Line to SIP Trunk – Internal SBC ............................................................................................ 6
2.4.7. SIP/SIP-T Trunk to SIP/SIP-T Trunk Video Calls .................................................................... 7
2.5. Interaction with other Services...............................................................................7
2.5.1. Lawful Interception .................................................................................................................. 7
2.5.2. Voice Mail ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.5.3. Call Logging ............................................................................................................................. 7
2.5.4. Subscriber Line Features ........................................................................................................ 7
3. BILLING SYSTEM (IBSR) MODIFICATION ...............................................................10
4. OPERATIONAL MEASUREMENTS ...........................................................................11
5. LICENSING .................................................................................................................12
6. EMS MODIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................13
6.1. Service Provisioning ............................................................................................13
7. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................14

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1. Introduction
The purpose of this feature specification is to outline the requirements and
specifications relate to the support of video communication using the CS 1500

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2. Feature Description
The Video Calls feature shall introduce a new station option that enables subscribers
equipped with SIP based video capable equipment to make and receive video calls.
As part of this feature, the CS 1500 shall mainly acts as a mediator between the
parties involved in the call. It shall provide general services such as call control, call
routing and billing but it shall not interfere in the video call setup parameters and
characteristics in any way. As such, the video related session characteristics (video
codec’s, voice codec’s, etc.) are directly negotiated between the parties involved in the
session without any CS 1500 intervention.

2.1. Supported Endpoints

This feature shall be available only to SIP subscribers equipped with SIP enabled end
user equipment; example: SIP phone, SIP based softphones, etc.

2.2. Video Communication Setup

Video enabled sessions shall be established in accordance with the procedures
described in the IETF RFC 3261(i) with the CS 1500 acting as a SIP proxy server.

2.2.1. Service Policy Enforcement

Note that for a subscriber to initiate a video communication (or to add a video stream
to an existing voice conversation) all sides of the conversation shall be provisioned
with the video call service.
If one of the parties is not provisioned with this service or the service cannot be
provided to it for any reason, the session shall still be setup but as a voice only call.
If no voice parameters exist in the call initiation message, the call shall be dropped.
It is the role of the CS 1500 to enforce the above policy.

2.2.2. Call Scenarios Video Calls Initiation
As previously indicated call setup procedure shall be performed in accordance with
the SIP standards. Nevertheless, the following scenarios shall be handled as follows:
Table 1: Handling of Video Calls Setup

Endpoint A Endpoint B Call Setup

Direct negotiation between the two endpoints and call setup
CS 1500 only follows the call setup enforce the service policy
and generates billing accordingly.
SIP H.248 Video parameters are discarded; call is setup as a voice only call.
SIP Analog Line Video parameters are discarded; call is setup as a voice only call.
SIP TDM trunk Video parameters are discarded; call is setup as a voice only call.

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Endpoint A Endpoint B Call Setup
Video parameters are forwarded via the SIP trunk to the remote
SIP/SIP-T softswitch for further handling.
trunk CS 1500 only follows the call setup, enforces the service policy
and generates billing accordingly. Video Initiation During Call

It may happen that two user agents initiate a voice only call and then ask to move to a
video call. The CS 1500 shall be able to handle this scenario too. The handling shall
be done as follows:
Table 2: Handling of Video Calls Setup

Endpoint A Endpoint B Call Setup

Success of video stream setup shall depend on endpoints only.
SIP SIP CS 1500 only monitors the exchange (the negotiation is done
directly between the endpoints), enforces the service policy and
generates billing accordingly.
SIP H.248 Video stream initiation shall be rejected by the CS1500.
SIP Analog Line Video stream initiation shall be rejected by the CS1500.
SIP TDM trunk Video stream initiation shall be rejected by the CS1500.
Success of video stream setup shall depend on endpoints only.
SIP/SIP-T CS 1500 only monitors the exchange (the negotiation is done
trunk directly between the endpoints), enforces the service policy and
generates billing accordingly.

2.2.3. Video Communication Discontinuation

The CS 1500 shall support the disconnection of the video stream both in the middle
of the call (the call remains a voice only call then) and at the end of the call as part of
the call disconnection.

2.3. Supported Video Codecs

The CS 1500 shall be able to handle SDP descriptors containing video related
parameters, supporting all the video encoding modes currently listed in the IETF
RFC 3551(ii), MPEG-4 encoding as specified in RFC 3016(iii) and RFC 3640(iv) and
H.264 encoding as specified in RFC 3984(v).
As such, the following codecs and sub-variation shall be supported (in parenthesis,
the SDP descriptor):
 Cell-B (CelB)
 ITU-T H.261 (H261)
 ITU-T H.263 (H263)

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 ITU-T H.263-1998 (H263-1998)
 MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 (MPV)
 MPEG-2 Transport Stream (MP2T)
 nv (nv)
 MPEG-4
 H.264

2.4. Coping with Firewalls and NATs

As for voice only VoIP calls, the CS 1500 has to perform in an environment full with
Firewalls and NATs. Unless special precautions are taken these elements may prevent
the setup of V2oIP calls (voice and video over IP calls).
The following sections provide an overview of the call scenarios involving firewalls,
NATs and SBCs that are to be supported and the ones that are not.
If a case is not supported the call initiation or the video stream initiation shall be
rejected by the CS1500.

2.4.1. Line to Line Calls - No Firewalls, NATs or SBCs

External SBC: No Internal SBC: No

The CS 1500 shall be able to handle video calls when there are no Firewalls or NATs
between the CS 1500 and the subscribers, and the CS 1500 SBC service is not active
for the involved subscribers. In such cases, no special precautions need to be taken
and the media streams shall flow as described in the following figure:

Figure 1: Call streams when no Firewall/NATs

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2.4.2. Line to Line Calls - External SBC
External SBC: Yes Internal SBC: No

The CS 1500 shall be able to handle video calls when a part or all of the parties
involved in the call are behind a firewall/NAT and a SBC unit in the network is used
to travers it.

Figure 2: Call streams with an external SBC

2.4.3. Line to Line Calls - Internal SBC Internal SBC: Yes
External SBC: No Internal SBC: Yes

The CS 1500 is not required to handle video calls when one or more of the party
involved in the call is provisioned in the CS 1500 as having the integrated SBC service
(SBC: Yes).

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External SBC: No Internal SBC: Partial

To provide video call services for business/Centrex subscribers, the CS 1500 is

required to be able to handle video calls when all the parties involved are configured
in the CS 1500 with SBC Partial and all the parties are part of the same group.

Figure 3: Call stream with Partial SBC service

2.4.4. Line to SIP Trunk - No Firewalls, NATs or SBCs

External SBC: No Internal SBC: No

Shall be handled as Line-to-Line Calls – No Firewalls, NATs or SBCs (section ‎2.4.1


2.4.5. Line to SIP Trunk - External SBC

External SBC: Yes Internal SBC: No

Shall be handled as Line-to-Line Calls – Extrnal SBC (section ‎2.4.2 above).

2.4.6. Line to SIP Trunk – Internal SBC

External SBC: No Internal SBC: Yes/Part.

Shall be handled as Line-to-Line Calls – Internal SBC (section ‎2.4.3 above)

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2.4.7. SIP/SIP-T Trunk to SIP/SIP-T Trunk Video Calls
The SBC setting is configurable on a SIP Packet Trunk Group basis. When the video
call goes through a trunk with the SBC option set to YES, the CS 1500 is not required
to handle video calls.
IF the SBC option for the SIP Trunk Group is set to NO, video calls shall be handled.

2.5. Interaction with other Services

2.5.1. Lawful Interception
The CS 1500 is required to provide lawful interception services for all the call
scenarios listed as supported above.
However, when lawful interception is activated for a subscriber, the SBC definition is
automatically changed to YES in order to allow packets duplication; for this
subscriber, video calls can not be supported. RTP stream is generally encapsulated in
the video stream, therefore video call should be rejected and voice call should be

2.5.2. Voice Mail

Video calls shall be routed to the voice mail system following the same criteria by
which the voice only calls are routed to the voice mail system.
However, the video session will not be initiated and the calling party will have the
possibility to leave a voice message only.

2.5.3. Call Logging

Video calls shall be logged by the call logging feature as do the voice only calls.
In a future stage, the APMax application shall be updated so as in the web portal, a
graphical icon shall differentiate it from the voice only calls.

2.5.4. Subscriber Line Features Wake-up Service
Not Affecting Speed Calling

Not Affecting Call Waiting

To be handled by subscriber’s equipment. Cancel Call Waiting

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Not Affecting Call Forwarding

The CS 1500 shall be updated to handle the call forwarding of video calls in the
following cases:
 Call Forward – Don’t Answer
 Call Forward – Busy
 Call Forward – Unconditional
The rest of ‘call forwarding’ cases are to be handled by the subscriber’s equipment. Three-way Calling

To be handled by the subscriber’s equipment. Outgoing Call Barring

Not Affecting Call Hold

To be handled by the subscriber’s equipment. Automatic Callback

The automatic callback service shall remain unchanged. The callback shall always be
a voice only call even for a video call. Automatic recall

The automatic recall service shall remain unchanged. The recall shall always be a
voice only call even for a video call. Calling Number Delivery

Not Affected Calling Number Delivery Blocking

Not Affected Suspend Service

Not Affected Hot Line

Shall be adapted to provide the possibility that the initiated call will be a video call.
The default is a voice only call. Warm line

Shall be adapted to provide the possibility that the initiated call will be a video call.
The default is a voice only call.

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Not Affected Hunt Group

Not Affected Malicious Call Trace

Not Affected Message Waiting Indication

Not Affected Group Dialing Plan

Not Affected Call Pickup Group

Shall be updated to support video calls.
Behavior identical to ‘call forward don’t answer’. Speed Calling

Not Affected Call Hold & Pickup

Shall be adapted to support video calls. Call Transfer

The CS 1500 shall be updated to handle the call transfer of video calls in the relevant
cases. The rest of cases are to be handled by the subscriber’s equipment. Distinctive Ringing

Not Affected

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3. Billing System (IBSR) Modification
A Media-change CDR shall be generated to indicate whenever the type of media used
during the session has changed. It shall provide information of the new media used.
For example, when video is added to an existing voice call.Media related information
needs to be added to the CDR records.
The structure code 09013 should be used to report the Media-Change record.
The call-type code shall be 092.
The Media-Change record shall contain 007 in Type of Tracer field.
The option to send Media-Change record should be configurable.

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4. Operational Measurements
The following new OMs shall be added:
 Number of subscribers configured with the service.

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5. Licensing
A feature bit shall control the availability of the video call service in the CS1500.
If the bit is turned ON all the subscribers can be provided with the video call service.

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6. EMS Modifications
6.1. Service Provisioning
The EMS shall provide the possibility to provision the video call service on a per
gateway basis.

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7. References
[i] RFC‎3261,‎“SIP‎Session‎Initiation‎Protocol”,‎J.‎Rosenberg,‎H.‎Schulzrinne,‎G.‎
Camarillo, A. Johnston, J.Peterson, R. Sparks, M. Handley, E. Schooler, June

[ii] RFC 3551,‎“RTP‎Profile‎for‎Audio‎and Video Conference with Minimal


[iii] RFC‎3016,‎“RTP‎Payload‎Format‎for‎MPEG-4‎Audio/Video‎Streams”,‎Y.‎
Kikuchi, T. Nomura, S.S. Fukunaga, Y. Matsui, H. Kimata, November

[iv] RFC‎3640,‎“RTP‎Payload‎Format‎for Transport of MPEG-4‎Elementary”.‎

J. van der Meer, D. Mackie, V. Swaminathan, D. Singer, P. Gentric,
November 2003

[v] RFC‎3984,‎“RTP‎Payload‎Format‎for‎H.264‎Video”,‎S.‎Wenger,‎M.M.‎
Hannuksela, T. Stockhammer, M. Westerlund, D. Singer, February 2005

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