CS1500 Video Calls
CS1500 Video Calls
CS1500 Video Calls
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1. Introduction
The purpose of this feature specification is to outline the requirements and
specifications relate to the support of video communication using the CS 1500
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2. Feature Description
The Video Calls feature shall introduce a new station option that enables subscribers
equipped with SIP based video capable equipment to make and receive video calls.
As part of this feature, the CS 1500 shall mainly acts as a mediator between the
parties involved in the call. It shall provide general services such as call control, call
routing and billing but it shall not interfere in the video call setup parameters and
characteristics in any way. As such, the video related session characteristics (video
codec’s, voice codec’s, etc.) are directly negotiated between the parties involved in the
session without any CS 1500 intervention.
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Endpoint A Endpoint B Call Setup
Video parameters are forwarded via the SIP trunk to the remote
SIP/SIP-T softswitch for further handling.
trunk CS 1500 only follows the call setup, enforces the service policy
and generates billing accordingly.
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ITU-T H.263-1998 (H263-1998)
MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 (MPV)
MPEG-2 Transport Stream (MP2T)
nv (nv)
The CS 1500 shall be able to handle video calls when there are no Firewalls or NATs
between the CS 1500 and the subscribers, and the CS 1500 SBC service is not active
for the involved subscribers. In such cases, no special precautions need to be taken
and the media streams shall flow as described in the following figure:
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2.4.2. Line to Line Calls - External SBC
External SBC: Yes Internal SBC: No
The CS 1500 shall be able to handle video calls when a part or all of the parties
involved in the call are behind a firewall/NAT and a SBC unit in the network is used
to travers it.
The CS 1500 is not required to handle video calls when one or more of the party
involved in the call is provisioned in the CS 1500 as having the integrated SBC service
(SBC: Yes).
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External SBC: No Internal SBC: Partial
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2.4.7. SIP/SIP-T Trunk to SIP/SIP-T Trunk Video Calls
The SBC setting is configurable on a SIP Packet Trunk Group basis. When the video
call goes through a trunk with the SBC option set to YES, the CS 1500 is not required
to handle video calls.
IF the SBC option for the SIP Trunk Group is set to NO, video calls shall be handled.
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Not Affecting
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Not Affected
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3. Billing System (IBSR) Modification
A Media-change CDR shall be generated to indicate whenever the type of media used
during the session has changed. It shall provide information of the new media used.
For example, when video is added to an existing voice call.Media related information
needs to be added to the CDR records.
The structure code 09013 should be used to report the Media-Change record.
The call-type code shall be 092.
The Media-Change record shall contain 007 in Type of Tracer field.
The option to send Media-Change record should be configurable.
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4. Operational Measurements
The following new OMs shall be added:
Number of subscribers configured with the service.
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5. Licensing
A feature bit shall control the availability of the video call service in the CS1500.
If the bit is turned ON all the subscribers can be provided with the video call service.
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6. EMS Modifications
6.1. Service Provisioning
The EMS shall provide the possibility to provision the video call service on a per
gateway basis.
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7. References
[i] RFC3261,“SIPSessionInitiationProtocol”,J.Rosenberg,H.Schulzrinne,G.
Camarillo, A. Johnston, J.Peterson, R. Sparks, M. Handley, E. Schooler, June
[iii] RFC3016,“RTPPayloadFormatforMPEG-4Audio/VideoStreams”,Y.
Kikuchi, T. Nomura, S.S. Fukunaga, Y. Matsui, H. Kimata, November
[v] RFC3984,“RTPPayloadFormatforH.264Video”,S.Wenger,M.M.
Hannuksela, T. Stockhammer, M. Westerlund, D. Singer, February 2005
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