All New People Monologues
All New People Monologues
All New People Monologues
EMMA: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my GOD! What the fuck is wrong with you?! It’s the middle
of winter at the beach! No one’s s’posed to be here. I’m trying to rent the place for your
parents! I certainly didn’t think anybody was gonna be in here trying to hang themselves! To
Riverdance music! Look, I don’t wanna be insensitive. I have no idea what’s going on with you
or what your current situation is. It does seem a bit like you might be trying to hang yourself
with an extension cord, but I’m fully aware that things aren’t always what they seem to be:
never judge a book by its cover and all that. You may very well have been trying to… wire up
some Christmas lights when you… tripped and got all tangled up in that extension cord. But if I
don’t rent a house for next summer soon, I’m gonna be fired and there aren’t too many jobs I
can get. Pretty soon I’ll be right up there with you, accidentally hanging myself. So, would you
please do a stranger a tiny kindness before you die and allow me to attempt to rent your
parents’ ridiculously expensive beach house to this nice Jewish couple Miriam and Irving
Goldberg. Please, fucker, I’m begging you.
EMMA: You’re too sane. Insane you’d be walking around Manhattan yelling at pigeons and
talking to statues – I once watched a homeless guy in Union Square Park have a thirty-minute
heated discussion with a statue of Gandhi. Just screaming at fucking Gandhi! Telling him to eat
a fucking sandwich. And no one’s doing anything. Not one person in that park had Gandhi’s
back except me. So I walked right up to him and said, ‘Listen you crazy fuck! Leave Gandhi
alone. Have some respect! He is a man of peace. If he wanted to eat, he’d eat.’ He called me a
cunt and rollerbladed off. Anyway, my point is, you’re not that kind of crazy. You’re probably
too sane. You think too much; that’ll drive you crazy.
EMMA: Maybe you’re right, maybe you are the only person in the world who will ever love me.
That would be sad, but maybe that’s just what I’ve been dealt. But I do not love you. And will
not. You need to let it go. So for the last time: move on! Now, I think we should all go around
the room and each say something nice about Charlie on his special day. I’ll go first. Raise your
glasses. To Charlie, what can I say? As long as I’ve known you, you’ve had your ups and downs. I
can tell you that this night has become a hell of a lot more fun than it ever would have been if it
was just another night of me and old Myron drinking down at the firehouse. So I guess what I’m
saying is, I’m so glad you came down here to Long Beach Island to kill yourself so that I could
stop you long enough to tell you that you seem like a very lovely boy. And I can sense that
you’re very kind …even though you may or may not have killed some people …we all have our
faults. I, for instance, am a sucker for chocolate. Anyway, that’s it. Happy birthday.