Assignment 5: Costing (100 Marks)

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Faculty : Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering & Science

Programme : Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Chemical Engineering
Course : UEMK4354 Process and Plant Design II
Session : May 2020 Due Date : Refer to “Plant Design II
Submission Info” document
Lecturer : Dr Azlyana Ismail / Expected Duration to : 2 weeks
Dr Katrina Shak / Complete Assignment
Ir Mohd Arif Musa

Assignment 5
(100 marks)

Perform costing for each equipment and prepare a costing summary table for all the equipment in the
plant. The focuses of this assignment is to:
 Understand how the sizes of process equipment can affect engineering cost.
 Estimate the cost of all equipment. This will assist in making budgetary and feasibility
determinations in economics analysis.

Equipment Costing (Group)

 Obtain necessary information of equipment from previous assignments (PFD, P&ID etc.):
material, operating pressure and temperature, design pressure and temperature, flow rate,
density, size etc.
 All equipment in the plant must be covered including storage tanks for feed and product.
 Show only ONE sample calculation for each type of equipment and summarise the costing for
multiple units of the same type of equipment in table format (provide equipment tag number
and type of reactor / separation unit / heat exchanger / pump / compressor etc.).
 State the orientation of vessels or geometry of tanks according to the equation used for costing.
 Present the calculations in the order of major equipment followed by minor equipment.
 Provide references used for calculation approach.
 State all assumptions.

The report will be evaluated based on (but not limited to) the requirements as listed above, the
accuracy of the information, coverage of all the equipment in the plant, calculation steps of each
type of equipment, references of calculation approach and overall presentation.

Process and Plant Design 1

Submission Documents
1) Report on costing.
2) Process Drawings (A4 size) which shall include the following with the correct revision number:
 Process Drawing Index
 Symbols, Legend and Abbreviations
 Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
 Material and Energy Balances (Stream Tables)
 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)

Other Submission Information and Requirements

Refer to “Plant Design II Submission Info” document for other submission information and

Process and Plant Design 2

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