Past History. - The Physical Examination - Physical: Harry J - Cohen, and Paul J - Caivieron, New York, N. Y
Past History. - The Physical Examination - Physical: Harry J - Cohen, and Paul J - Caivieron, New York, N. Y
Past History. - The Physical Examination - Physical: Harry J - Cohen, and Paul J - Caivieron, New York, N. Y
splanchnic bed; (3) dehydration; (4) moderate fatty change of liver; (5)
marked mesenteric lymphadenopathy. In the posterior mediastinum the esoph-
agus at its midpoint is seen to balloon out suddenly to 2.75 era. in diameter
from the usual 1.25 era. Palpation reveals it to be slightly boggy and firm. The
dilatation continues to the stomach. The esophageal hiatus is free of defects and
is bound in its usual tight manner to the wall of the esophagus. The stomach is
invaginated by its central portion which apparently has traversed the stomach
F i g . 2 . - - A n t e r i o r v i e w a f t e r o p e n i n g of e s o p h a g u s , a, L i v e r . b, E s o p h a g u s . c, I n t u s s u s c e p -
t u m . d, G r e a t e r c u r v a t u r e of s t o m ' a c h .
and now rests in the esophagus in an extensive intussusception. The first portion
of the duodenum is slightly redundant, the remaining portions normal. The
remaining bowel does not a p p e a r unusual.
The stomach presents the picture of m a r k e d intussusception of the a n t r u m
into and as f a r as the midesophagus. There is as a result a knuckle of stomach
which extends about the intussusception f r o m anterior to posterior aspects of
the body of the stomach. The cardia, fundus, and greater curvature of the
stomach are not involved in the intussusception. The lesser c u r v a t u r e and
adjacent stomach and the lower half of the esophagus act as the intussusceptions.
The py]orus is drawn up somewhat by the intussusception f r o m its usual level
at the first l u m b a r segment. There is no d i a p h r a g m a t i c herniation o t h e r than
the intussusception. The duodenum is in its normal anatomical position except
for slight u p w a r d movement of t h e first portion with the pylorus. The gastro-
colic, gastrohepatic, a n d ' g a s t r o s p l e n i c ligaments are all without defect.
F i g . 3 . - - A f t e r d i s s e c t i o n of e s o p h a g u s , s t o m a c h , a n d p y l o r u s , a, E s o p h a g u s . b, A n t r u m
of s t o m a c h , c, P y l o r u s . d, A r e a i n t u s s u s c e p t e d ( h e m o r r h a g i c ) . e, E s o p h a g u s w i t h r e d a r e a
(where intussusccptum rested).
The normal difference in diameters between the small and large bowel
and the course of peristaltic waves f r o m above downward f a v o r isoperistaltic
intussusception. Occasionally, however, some local condition such as a t u m o r
mass, Meckel's diverticulum, edema at the site of a gastrojejunostomy, a gas-
tric diverticulum, chemical irritation, or even great abdominal distention m a y
so alter conditions as to cause reverse peristalsis and make lumen of the small
intestine relatively larger t h a n t h a t of the large bowel, thus producing a
r e t r o g r a d e type of intussusception.
The case reported is unusual inasmuch as the stomach was the site of the
intussusception and no visible pathogenetic factors were found to account for
the development of a retrograde t y p e of intussusception. The stomach is in-
volved in an intussusception rarely, as a review of the literature indicates
1, 2, 4-9. The stomach is invaginated less often than the intestine because (a)
it is well fixed at both curvatures, (b) its lumen decreases in the direction of
the peristaltic movement, and (e) there are no wandering rings of con-
traction as in the intestines. The reported eases of intussusception of the
stomach revealed predisposing etiologic factors in the majority of instances.
Desternes and Baudon ~ f o u n d marked gaseous distention of the abdomen to
have produced invagination of the stomach in their case. A t operation a per-
foration of the stomach with adhesions to the ]iver was found. Cure followed
surgical intervention. A polyp of the stomach was found by x-ray to be the
cause of invagination in some of the reported eases, ~, G, s and found on post
mortem in another instance. 2 A diverticulum of the greater curvature was
the point of origin of a gastroesophageal invagination as reported by IAaras
and Rieard. ~ The stoma of a gastrojejunostomy was the site at which an
inversion of the stomach occurred in another ease report." Experimentally i t
has been shown that the application of a mixture of .01 per cent silver nitrate
plus 15 per cent sodium nitrate to the a n t r m n of a dog's stomach caused edema
of the area irritated and a retrograde gastrogastrie intussusception resulted.
L a n n o n and Culiner ~ reported the case of a 3- to 4-year-old child with a history of
hematemesis and one that simulates our own ease in almost every respect. On
post mortem they found a retrograde intussusception of the lesser curvature,
pylgrus, and first p a r t of the duodenum into the esophagus.
This is a report of a case of retrograde intussusception ill a 16-month-o]d
male infant in whom the pylorie end of the stomach was invaginated into the
esophagus. The outstanding symptom was hematemesis. Despite the decrease
in vomiting and the use of parenteral fluids, there was a continuous downhill
course associated with an unrelieved high intestinal obstruction. At post
mortem no etiologic factors were found which could have induced the develop-
ment of this type of intussusception. The literature on cases of retrograde
intussusception involving the stomach is reviewed and this ease is an' addition
to the few eases reported.
1. Desternes and Bandon: Inversion totale de ]'estoraae par distension gazeuse de l'intestin,
Arch. d'61eetrie, m6d. 20: 291, 1912.
2. Fabrieius-3loller, J.: Invaginatio Ventrieule, tIosp.-Tid. 11: 1592, 1918.
3. Oselladore, G.: ExperlmentM Production of t~etrograde Gastro-gastrie Inva.gin~tion, Arch.
ital. d. raM. d. app. diger. 6: 401, 1937.
4. Lannon, J., and Culiner, A.: l~etrograde Intussusception of Lesser Curvature of Stomach,
Pylorus and P i r s t P a r t of Duodenum Into Esophagus, Brit. J. Surg. 33: 392, 1946.
5. Dohn, K., and Faber, B. : Invag'inatio~ of Stomach; Case Diagnosed by Means of Roentgen
Examination, Aeta radiol. 26: 56~ 1965.
6. Zdansky, E.: Invagination of Stomach; Report on One Case of Gastro-duodenal stud Two
Cases of Retrograde Gastrogastrie rnvagi~ation, Rbntgenpraxis 11: 537, 1939.
7. Liaras and Rieard~ E.: Circumferential D i l a t a t i o n of M e d i a s t i n a l Esophagus Due to
P a r t i a I Gastro-esophageM I n v a g i n a t i o n ; Case, Ann. d ' a n a t , path. 11: 868, 1934.
8. Lbnnerblad, L.: Stomach Invagination; Two Cases, Aeta radiol. 1r 82, 1933.
9. Poliquin~ P. A.: Stomach J e j u n o g a s t r i e I n v a g i n a t i o n , Union m6d. du Canada 73: 18, 1944.