Formal Observation 10 2019

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7/21/2020 Formal

Formal Observation Report

for Jamie Miller
Observation Type: Formal
Evaluator: Daniel DeRicco
District: Allentown SD PAETEP Portal
Building: Central Elementary

Key Dates:
Pre-Observation Conference: 10/18/2019
Classroom Observation: Not Scheduled
Post-Observation Conference: Not Scheduled
Authenticated (Teacher): 11/26/2019
Authenticated (Supervisor): 11/27/2019

Observation Summary

Strengths of the Teacher's Practice

Content Knowledge(1a)

No comments reported.

Areas for Growth in the Teacher's Practice

Classroom Procedures (2c)
Engaging Students (3c)

No comments reported.

Next Steps
No comments reported.

Detailed Observation Evidence 1/12
7/21/2020 Formal

Domain 1  Planning and Preparation

1a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy

Distinguished (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

Daniel DeRicco, 11/15/2019 , Comments:


Plans were very detailed and thought through to anticipate student needs and possible misconceptions.
Pre-observation Questionnaire Evidence

Jamie Miller, 10/22/2019 , Comments:


The students will be learning what direct objects are. In order to learn about direct objects they need to know
what a verb and noun are.

The students will be introduced to vocabulary words that they will come across in this weeks shared reading. 

We will be reviewing what cause and effect are. 

Daniel DeRicco, 10/24/2019 , Comments:


Vocabulary planned will support future lessons/readings. 

1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students

Proficient (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Pre-observation Questionnaire Evidence
Jamie Miller, 10/21/2019 , Comments:

The class is a heterogeneous mixed group. There are LS and ESOL students in the class. They will be given
time to discuss with their classmates the vocabulary word. Then we will be discussing the topics more in their
guided reading groups. 

Daniel DeRicco, 10/24/2019 , Comments: 2/12
7/21/2020 Formal

Teacher identified possible complications with vocabulary based on student level and needs. Important to
consider which students are expected to know some/most of vocab vs which will know hardly any and mark
down in advance.

1c. Selecting Instructional Outcomes

Proficient (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Pre-observation Questionnaire Evidence
Jamie Miller, 10/21/2019 , Comments:

Students will learn what a direct object is and be able to identify it in a sentence. They will become familiar
with the vocabulary words. 

Daniel DeRicco, 10/24/2019 , Comments:


Clear objective set forth and planned for.

1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources

Proficient (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Pre-observation Questionnaire Evidence
Jamie Miller, 10/22/2019 , Comments:

I will be using the Journey's vocabulary cards and projectable. They student's will be using their Journey's
textbooks and Reader's Notebooks. The student's will be completing cause and effect task cards during
guided reading found online. 

Daniel DeRicco, 10/24/2019 , Comments:


Online source is supportive to the objective.

1e. Designing Coherent Instruction 3/12
7/21/2020 Formal

Proficient (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Pre-observation Questionnaire Evidence

Jamie Miller, 10/22/2019 , Comments:


1.  We will start with our daily proofreading. I will show the students a brainpop video on direct objects and
explain what it is. 
2. We will complete a journey's projectable on direct objects together as a class. Students will go up to the
board to underline the direct objects. 
3. Students will complete a page in their workbook on direct objects.
4. I will introduce the spelling sound of the week and ways to spell the sound.
5. We will review cause and effect from last week because students will be finishing cause and effect task cards
during guided reading,
6. We will review compare and contrast because we will be comparing and contrasting two characters from the
story later in the week.
7. Students will be introduced to the vocabulary words from this week's story. I will use the vocab cards from
Journey's. I will say the word and they will repeat after me. Then we will read the sentence. They will use the
context clues to talk with their group what they think the words means. I will tell them the meaning. Then we
will use the discussion questions on the vocab card. They will discuss with their group and then share with
the class. 
8. I will read a teacher read aloud. When the students hear the vocab word they will raise their hand. 
9. We will look and read about the target strategy (Understand characters) and skill (Visualize) for the week. 

Daniel DeRicco, 10/24/2019 , Comments:


Clear plan is in place to take class through the lesson and meet objective.

1f. Designing Student Assessments

Proficient (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Pre-observation Questionnaire Evidence

Daniel DeRicco, 10/24/2019 , Comments:


Quick assessment of vocab word identification during reading is planned. 4/12
7/21/2020 Formal

Jamie Miller, 10/22/2019 , Comments:


The students will complete a page in their Reader's Notebook. I will go around and check the page. We will
continue going over the vocabulary words. I will be asking them everyday what each word means. 

Domain 2  The Classroom Environment

2a. Creating a Climate of Respect and Rapport

Proficient (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Classroom Observation Evidence

Daniel DeRicco, 10/21/2019 , Comments:


10:13:17 AM - Vocab word read by T within a context of a given sentence. ST talk in small group about what it
might mean. Then ST relate the word to something in their life

10:18:29 AM - Students talking over another ST sharing answer

4:39:58 PM - Teacher used gold fish as reward. Teacher used bell to regain student attention.

2b. Creating a Culture for Learning

Proficient (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Classroom Observation Evidence

No comments reported.

2c. Managing Classroom Procedures

Needs Improvement (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence 5/12
7/21/2020 Formal

Daniel DeRicco, 11/15/2019 , Comments:


Usage of redirection bells and phrases were partially effective for the students as a whole. Video used in
transition was not connected to instructional goals and was partially effective in settling/engaging students as
a whole.
Classroom Observation Evidence

Daniel DeRicco, 10/21/2019 , Comments:


10:03:24 AM - After video T requests ST to go back to their seats and open text book. T uses verbal praise
and Dojo points to reward ST in this transition

10:10:25 AM - Paraprofessional is checking in with group discussions while T does the same.

10:27:38 AM - T reads story to class, para helps refocus student, while teacher moves across the room. As
she reads students raise hand when they hear one of the vocab words

10:35:33 AM - GR groups are posted on wall, students log into Lexia, some ST grab cause and effect cards.
and could explain what to do, writing group gets together and begins. Transition takes about 3 minutes

2d. Managing Student Behavior

Proficient (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Classroom Observation Evidence

Daniel DeRicco, 10/21/2019 , Comments:


9:58:14 AM - 4 ST off task, one in desk, one eyes closed, one drawing on paper, one talking to neighbor

10:02:14 AM - Transitional time with ESL students being pulled and para coming in during video. Most
students focused on video.

10:03:24 AM - After video T requests ST to go back to their seats and open text book. T uses verbal praise
and Dojo points to reward ST in this transition

10:07:11 AM - During group discussion one group was paging through the text book, one had two ST talking
about topic with two others not involved

10:08:08 AM - T uses Dojo points to reward ST for responses and being on task. T uses bells to bring the ST
attention together again, it worked

4:39:58 PM - Teacher used gold fish as reward. Teacher used bell to regain student attention.

2e. Organizing the Physical Space 6/12
7/21/2020 Formal

Proficient (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Classroom Observation Evidence

Daniel DeRicco, 10/21/2019 , Comments:


9:55:56 AM - 21 ST seated in groups, two seated on their own. Close to half ST raise hand to discuss parts of
the Diagram

10:30:40 AM - Writing Process posted on walls, plural forms and examples are posted, students get ipad on
their own for groups

Domain 3  Instruction
3a. Communicating with Students

Proficient (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Classroom Observation Evidence
Daniel DeRicco, 10/21/2019 , Comments:

9:54:50 AM - T states objective and connects Venn Diagram to what was done previously

9:57:03 AM - Topic cause and effect definitions were posted on the front board above Venn Diagram

9:58:27 AM - T reviewed 4 square set up and parts

10:35:33 AM - GR groups are posted on wall, students log into Lexia, some ST grab cause and effect cards.
and could explain what to do, writing group gets together and begins. Transition takes about 3 minutes

3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques

Proficient (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence 7/12
7/21/2020 Formal

Daniel DeRicco, 11/15/2019 , Comments:


Questions connected to vocabulary words were student centered and elicited a thoughtful group and class
Classroom Observation Evidence
Daniel DeRicco, 10/21/2019 , Comments:

10:01:11 AM - T askes if students know what a ghost looks like, ST begin talking to each other and aloud. T
pulls up google images of ghosts on projector. T pulls up GO Noodle video of Hum De Dum.

10:05:28 AM - T gives a word from text and asks ST to discuss in their group what romp might mean, giving
them context clues. T gives about 45 seconds to discuss. ST then give ideas, T responds after each
connecting the ST ideas and answers.

10:09:53 AM - T asks ST to relate vocab word to their own experiences and discuss in their group

10:13:17 AM - Vocab word read by T within a context of a given sentence. ST talk in small group about what it
might mean. Then ST relate the word to something in their life

10:21:41 AM - T connects new word frantic to ST lives and asked them to think of a time they felt frantic

10:24:54 AM - T connects the vocab word checking to who is in charge of checking student discipline,
students talk in groups and share aloud

3c.Engaging Students in Learning

Needs Improvement (Evaluator)

Needs Improvement (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

Daniel DeRicco, 11/15/2019 , Comments:

While vocabulary introduction questions were detailed and elicited student engagement, many students did
not maintain a higher level of engagement throughout the entire portion. The structure was not fully
Classroom Observation Evidence
Daniel DeRicco, 10/21/2019 , Comments:

9:55:56 AM - 21 ST seated in groups, two seated on their own. Close to half ST raise hand to discuss parts of
the Diagram

10:01:11 AM - T askes if students know what a ghost looks like, ST begin talking to each other and aloud. T
pulls up google images of ghosts on projector. T pulls up GO Noodle video of Hum De Dum. 8/12
7/21/2020 Formal

10:05:28 AM - T gives a word from text and asks ST to discuss in their group what romp might mean, giving
them context clues. T gives about 45 seconds to discuss. ST then give ideas, T responds after each
connecting the ST ideas and answers.

10:13:17 AM - Vocab word read by T within a context of a given sentence. ST talk in small group about what it
might mean. Then ST relate the word to something in their life

3d. Assessing Student Learning

Proficient (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Classroom Observation Evidence
Daniel DeRicco, 10/21/2019 , Comments:

10:27:38 AM - T reads story to class, para helps refocus student, while teacher moves across the room. As
she reads students raise hand when they hear one of the vocab words

3e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness

Distinguished (Evaluator)

Distinguished (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

Daniel DeRicco, 11/15/2019 , Comments:

You were very responsive to student interactions, questions and comments as they came up about the words
and topic.
Classroom Observation Evidence

Daniel DeRicco, 10/21/2019 , Comments:


10:02:14 AM - Transitional time with ESL students being pulled and para coming in during video. Most
students focused on video.

Domain 4  Professional Responsibilities

4a.Reflecting on Teaching 9/12
7/21/2020 Formal

No Rating (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Post-Observation Questionnaire Evidence
Jamie Miller, 11/14/2019 , Comments:

I designed the lesson based on the standards that needed to be covered and the Journey's material. The
majority of the class met the objectives of the lesson. They were introduced to the vocabulary words and
participated in the discussion with their groups. I know this because I walked around the joined in their
discussions. I also have volunteers share with the class what their group discussed. 

4b. Maintaining Accurate Records

No Rating (Evaluator)

Needs Improvement (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Post-Observation Questionnaire Evidence
Jamie Miller, 11/14/2019 , Comments:

I use exit tickets where the students write down answers on a post it note. I also walk around and check work
as the students are completing it. I make notes when necessary. 

4c. Communicating with Families

No Rating (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Post-Observation Questionnaire Evidence

Jamie Miller, 11/14/2019 , Comments:


I have learned about students who may be struggling. Knowing students who are struggling helps me to know
that I need to check in with them more often. 10/12
7/21/2020 Formal

4d.Participating in a Professional Community

No Rating (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Post-Observation Questionnaire Evidence
Jamie Miller, 11/14/2019 , Comments:

I was given activities used in the past from other teachers. I was also given a good idea to show pictures of
my dogs to the students to get them engaged since we were reading Old Yeller. 

4e.Growing and Developing Professionally

No Rating (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Post-Observation Questionnaire Evidence
Jamie Miller, 11/14/2019 , Comments:

I recently learned that we don't need to reread the anchor text in full multiple times a week. This helps create
more time for other activities that are relevant to the target strategy or skill we are learning that week. 

4f.Showing Professionalism

No Rating (Evaluator)

Proficient (Teacher)

Rubric Rating Evidence

No comments reported.
Post-Observation Questionnaire Evidence

Jamie Miller, 11/14/2019 , Comments:


I advocate for students by giving them time to discuss with their classmates. It's much more engaging when
the students have time where they are allowed to be talking during learning time. I help students who are more
shy by giving them a voice in their group. 11/12
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