Of British Columbia: Mood Disorders Association

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Mood Disorders Association

of British Columbia


Bipolar disorder is a class of mood disorders that is marked by dramatic

changes in mood, energy and behaviour.

The key characteristic is that people with bipolar disorder alternate be-
tween episodes of mania (extreme elevated mood) and depression (extreme
sadness). These episodes can last from hours to months. The mood distur-
bances are severe enough to cause marked impairment in the person’s func-
tioning. The experience of mania is not pleasant and can be very frightening to The Diagnotistic Statisti-
the person. It can lead to impulsive behaviour that has serious consequences cal Manual (DSM- IV-TR) is a
for the person and their family. A depressive episode makes it difficult or im- manual used by doctors to
possible for a person to function in their daily life. determine the specific type
of bipolar disorder.
People with bipolar disorder vary in how often they experience an episode of
either mania or depression. Mood changes with bipolar disorder typically occur
gradually. For some individuals there may be periods of wellness between the
different mood episodes. Some people may also experience multiple episodes
within a 12 month period, a week, or even a single day (referred to as “rapid
cycling”). The severity of the mood can also range from mild to severe.

Establishing the particular type of bipolar disorder can greatly aid in determin-
ing the best type of treatment to manage the symptoms. The diagnosis is based on the
severity of symptoms and
length of time that the symp-
Types of Bipolar Disorder
toms are evident.

The different types of bipolar disorder are based

Hypomania can on the severity and duration of the altered mood.
make a person feel • Bipolar I disorder is characterized by at least one manic episodes or mixed
so good that they episodes and one or more major depressive episodes. These episodes last for
discontinue their at least one week but may continue for months. Bipolar I disorder is the most
medications. How-
severe form of the illness.
ever, this is very dan-
gerous as symptoms • Bipolar II disorder is characterized by predominantly depressive episodes accom-
that return after panied by occasional hypomanic episodes. Hypomanic episodes are milder than
stopping treatment manic episodes but can still impair functioning. Between episodes, there may be
are often much periods of normal functioning. The risk of suicide is high for this type of bipolar
harder to effectively disorder.
treat. • Cyclothymic disorder is characterized by chronic fluctuating moods involving
periods of hypomania and depression. The periods of both depressive and hypomanic symptoms are
shorter, less severe, and are separated by periods of normal mood. However, these mood swings can
impair a person’s life and create chaos as they can be feeling on top of the world one day and feeling
down and depressed the next day. Some people with cyclothymia develop a more severe form of bipo-
lar illness while for others, it continues as a chronic (ongoing) condition.

• Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Mixed episodes are ones in which a Some people will experience the symptoms of a manic episode
person simultaneously experiences and a major depressive episode, but their symptoms do not
characteristics of both mania and de- fit into the above mentioned types of bipolar disorder. This is

pression. For example, a person may known as Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. For ex-
experience excitability and agitation ample, a person who experiences rapid cycling between manic
of mania coupled with depression and depressive episodes would be diagnosed with this type
and irritability. This combination of
of bipolar disorder. Just like the other types of bipolar disor-
energy, agitation and depression
makes a mixed episode the most
der, Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified is a treatable
dangerous for risk of suicide. disorder.

People with bipolar disorder can lead healthy and fulfilling lives when the illness is effectively treated and

Without treatment, the illness tends to worsen. Over time a person may suffer more frequent and more
intense episodes. Treatment can help to reduce frequency and severity of episodes and help to maintain a
good quality of life.

For more information on mental illness and self-management techniques, please visit

Developed by the Mood Disorders Association of British Columbia.

For information on support for people with mood disorders and their families
please visit our website www.mdabc.ca.
Funding for this fact sheet was made possible by the Provincial Health Services Authority.

Mood Disorders Association

of British Columbia
202 – 2250 Commercial Drive Vancouver, BC V5N 5P9 Tel: 604-873-0103 Fax: 604-873-3095
Email: [email protected] Website: www.mdabc.net BN: 89930 7854 RR0001

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