State COVID Response Plan
State COVID Response Plan
State COVID Response Plan
Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy and Concept of Operations
Updated June 22, 2020
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Table of Contents
I. Purpose 1
I. Purpose
The purpose of the Nevada COVID-19 Outbreak Management Strategy and Concept of
Operations (COP) is to develop an operations surge strategy and sustainment capability to
prevent the spread of COVID-19 and mitigate any outbreak of COVID-19, and develop a
strategy to transition state response to shared public and private partnership utilizing Nevada’s
public and private health care systems. This strategy will be a bridge from the current crisis
response to an enhanced normal disease management process while being prepared for a
significant outbreak.
Community-based testing, testing through the private sector, and disease outbreak management
will be essential to reopening the Nevada economy. Transitioning to a more sustainable hospital-
based supply, in particular for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), while maintaining a surge
capacity is key to ensuring the healthcare infrastructure is not overwhelmed in the case of future
COVID-19 spikes or sustained future waves. As the state transitions from crisis management,
Nevada has established five lines of effort as a bridge to a normal process:
Bridge to a normalized process. While the State is still firmly in the response phase of the
COVID-19 crisis, the State’s goal is to establish processes which may be easily transitioned from
an emergency logistics and response mission to a normalized process which does not require the
SEOC intervention.
The Mission of the Nevada COVID-19 Outbreak Management Concept of Operations is to
enhance Nevada’s capacity to support community based test collection sites, streamline and
increase the capacity to meet statewide COVID-19 virus detection through PCR and antibody
testing needs, and increase the capacity of the state and local jurisdictions to epidemiologically
manage the presence COVID-19 disease in the population.
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
1. Enhance and support the state and local capacity to manage COVID-19 outbreaks and to
rapidly respond to spikes of disease through increasing the outbreak management
2. Establish a Nevada PPE stockpile.
3. Synchronize supply operations for COVID-19 specimen collection to support
community-based testing missions and surge sample collection supplies to meet current
and anticipated needs.
4. Establish a statewide best practice model for community-based testing and establish a
statewide testing support capability.
5. Enhance the statewide capacity to perform COVID-19 virus Polymerase Chain Reaction
(PCR) testing and COVID-19 Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody testing.
6. Prepare the state for mass vaccination operations to be able to inoculate 80% of the state
7. Establish performance measures for each line of effort in order to ensure system
accountability and provide the Governor with decision-level information.
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
The Concept of Operations will be achieved based on the three overarching strategies listed
below and executed with five main lines of efforts to achieve the execution of concept.
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
While maintaining adequate PPE levels at hospitals, nursing care facilities, community first
responders and essential government services, establish a four-month stockpile of PPE at peak
COVID-19 usage for future outbreaks or waves of COVID-19 or other novel diseases.
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
• Resupply the pre-COVID-19 state stockpile.
• Surge purchase 60 days of average peak PPE daily rates for hospitals and communities as
a strategic stockpile.
PPE Planning Criteria
3. Surge stockage level = 120 days @ peak consumption levels from original response.
4. Peak usage levels per day (as reported by Nevada Hospital Association). Additional
20% for “all other” care providers
a. Gloves – 625,000 + 20% = 750,000/day
b.Disposable face shields – 4,613 + 20% = 5535/day
c. N95 masks - 7,100 + 20% = 8,520/day
d.Gowns – 7,500 + 20% = 9,000/day
e. Coveralls – 106 + 20% = 127/day
f. PAPRs – 8 + 20% = 10/day
5. Establish Nevada Public Health System PPE surge stockpile = 120 days of
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
6. State of Nevada public in person service / customer service state employees will require
masks during the phased re-opening of government offices. The State has approximately
18,000 employees. We estimate half will require masks to resume operations before
immunity is achieved. An initial two month’s supply will facilitate re-opening. Re-supply
of masks should be accomplished through normal departmental ordering processes using
the good of the state contracts.
7. Total PPE Cost is $90,200,180+ 10% shipping and handling ($9,020,018) = $99,220,198
A Purchasing Desk at the SEOC was established to enable the transition from State
supported response to local jurisdiction. The State will engage with traditional and
nontraditional vendors to meet immediate needs while establishing long term contracts
leveraging the States buying power. State Purchasing will serve as the resource by which
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
contracts intended for statewide use are executed for PPE, collection materials, and testing
materials and services.
Establish a supply chain using the Nevada Public Health Laboratories as a conduit for sample
collection kits. Surge purchase sample collection supplies enough to test 200,000 samples at any
point of the crisis.
• 150,000 sample collection kits or components purchased within 1 month and 10,000 kits
or components will be purchased every month for the following 5 months.
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
• Jurisdictions will order all collection sampling supplies from the public health
laboratories using the External Supply Order Forms provided in Annex A.
• Normal ordering for routine collection sampling supplies for routine testing must be
faxed to the NPHL every first, third and fifth Mondays of the month. For Northern
NSPHL the fax number is (775) 688-1460. For SNPHL the Number is 702-759-1444.
The forms also must be either sent to the SEOC or placed into WEBEOC with the
comment, “Faxed to State Health Lab of this date.”
• Emergency Managers, County Health Officers, or Hospitals from Clark County, Lincoln
County and Pahrump in Nye County may order their collection sample supplies from
SNPHL in Las Vegas.
• Emergency Managers, County Health Officers, or Hospitals from all the rest of the
Northern Counties may order their collection sample supplies from NSPHL.
• Jurisdictions desiring supplies for mass community-based collection must submit their
request to the NPHL at least 2 weeks prior to the collection date so the Labs can ensure
enough supplies are on hand and available to meet the request for supplies and ensure
timely turnaround of results.
• The State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) will provide a Liaison to the public
health labs to assist with the completion of supply orders and to facilitate delivery
• The laboratories will supply DEM with a daily report on testing supplies ordered and
supplies distributed by facility. The reports will be used to facilitate statewide
procurement, management, and sustainment of COVID-19 testing in Nevada.
The surge collection and testing goal is to perform up to 4,000 diagnostic laboratory tests per day
and have the capability to test 2% of population each month. To achieve this goal, the state will
need 200,000 swabs and viral testing media (VTM) kits available for distribution.
The strategy for the state will involve a surge purchase of six-month supply by procurement
through purchase and donation to meet the needs of the State’s the Recovery Plan. The strategy
for the end user of this program will be to order your supplies for a two-week period or for
establishment of a Community Based Testing/Collection process. The sustained supply chain
will allow Nevada to continue and expand its testing capabilities, for both symptomatic and
asymptomatic testing.
The projected costs for supplying the public health labs with supplies to create collection kits
until December 31, 2020 are: $8,646,597, this includes: swabs, viral medium, and tubes. These
projections were derived through the costs per a unit sent to us by the NSPHL. With input from
The Director of NSPHL, the same amounts were projected for the SNPHL.
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
Monthly Colle ction Kit Construction (200,000 Kits)
Sheep's Blood Agar $25.45 1000 plates (45 packs of 10) $25,450.00
Biohazard transport bags (pack of 1000) $22.00 200 packs of 1000 $4,400.00
Total Monthly Costs: $564,145.47
Months Until End of CY 7
End of CY 20 Proje ction Northe rn Lab: $3,949,018.27
w/Southe rn NV He alth District $7,898,036.53
w/Hologic Panthe r Units and Kits $8,346,596.53
w/Re frige ration Units North and South Labs (O ne -time Costs) $8,646,596.53
Currently there are three systems for the collection COVID-19 specimens:
• Hospital testing of symptomatic patients,
• Private laboratory testing, and
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
• Community-based mass testing or targeted testing among high risk groups.
The goal for community-based testing is to build the capacity to obtain viral sampling materials
to collect up to 200,000 specimens at any time. Community-based testing should be coordinated
by the local or tribal health authority, local or tribal emergency management and the leadership
of the local government or tribe.
The Nevada Division of Emergency Management utilized its expertise to develop a “Best
Practice” COVID-19 Community Based Collection Site (CBCS) Development Handbook which
is Annex C of this Document. The State recommends each jurisdiction develop a similar CBCS
planning document which meets that jurisdiction’s needs.
CBCS Process
There are three (3) phases to developing a Community Based Collection Site Process.
Phase 1 consists of defining the problem, identifying the desired results, and then determining
those agencies that need to be involved as well as identifying what their specific responsibilities
will be.
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
• Problem definition: an inadequate number of community specimen collection and
testing sites are currently located throughout the state.
• Desired results: coordinate and/or develop an increased capacity to perform wide
scale testing throughout the state. This result, which is normally measured in terms of
percentage/quantity of population tested, is dependent upon: (1) properly identifying
populations being tested; (2) the presence of a definitive collection and testing
process; and (3) the establishment and continued maintenance of a proper supply
chain network.
• Agency involvement: the following agencies are typically needed to develop and
manage a community-based specimen collection and testing site process:
Phase 2 consists of developing a prioritization process for determining which segments of the
population need to be tested, the type of testing, identifying current specimen collection sites,
determining the capabilities and results turn-around time for the testing laboratories, and
identifying all applicable funding and resource supply chain sources.
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
• Current Community Based Collection Site (CBCS) locations: helps determine whether or not
maximum community access is being accomplished (NOTE: certain populations are unable
to drive to CBCS so arrangements should be considered to reach these target populations
with static walk-up testing sites and mobile field Strike Teams/Task Forces).
• Lab Processing capabilities and results turn-around time: helps determine maximum CBCS
• Identify all applicable funding and resource sources: helps determine payment for CBCS
personnel, supplies and laboratory fees.
If your jurisdiction decides to test asymptomatic patients, you must decide the method by which
you will test and who do you want to test:
• Community members/residents to include vulnerable populations
• Healthcare workers
• Residents of Long-Term Care or Skilled Nursing Facilities
• First Responders
• Prison Populations
• Others
All the same steps are required when testing asymptomatic people.
Phase 3 consists of determining the quantity and location of all potential CBCS as well as the
logistical resources that will be needed (in both personnel and supplies) to support them. Also
involves identifying the testing laboratory partners that will be associated with each site. In
addition, a primary and secondary resource supply chain systems must be identified along with
any/all reporting requirements.
• Potential CBCS quantity and locations: helps determine population access capabilities and
needed partner agency involvement.
• Site logistical support: helps determine supply chain management needs, burn rates and
reordering schedule, and number of needed CBCS personnel.
• Primary and secondary resource supply chain systems: helps determine supply vendors,
CBTS support vendors (i.e., porta- johns, tents, security, etc.) and administrative needs.
• Reporting requirements: helps maintain proper resource tracking for reimbursement and
public information. This typically includes completion of CBCS Incident Action Plans
(IAPs), CBTS ICS 214 Unit Logs and CBCS Force Account and Equipment Summary
Accounts (FEMA recognized documents that assist with reimbursement claims).
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
Coordinating with the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) for CBTS support
If a jurisdiction requires additional support and supplies from the SEOC to support a CBTS
operations, the SEOC will need the jurisdiction to fill out a testing request form as part of its
resource request 2 weeks prior to the actual testing event so that the state has enough time to put
together the resource package. All information on the form will need to be filled out. The form
can be found in Annex B.
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
COVID-19 testing is performed and coordinated at the direction of the Nevada State Public
Health Laboratory (NSPHL). Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing COVID-19 are also
performed in the laboratories at the University Medical Center (UMC) and at two commercial
medical laboratories – Quest Diagnostics and LabCorps.
• Surge purchase enough Lab PCR test kits or test components for 200,000 tests
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
• Surge purchase enough SAR-CoV-2 serologic antibody test kits to test 20% of the
• Establish or expand capacity to test all symptomatic individuals, and secondarily expand
capacity to achieve community-based surveillance.
• Screen for past infection (e.g., serology) for health care workers, employees of high-risk
facilities, critical infrastructure workforce, and childcare providers.
• Report all COVID-19 – related line level testing data (negatives, positives,
indeterminants, serology) daily to CDC.
Over the past two months Nevada has increased its laboratory PCR testing capacity to meet and
exceed the Governor’s goal of 4,000 tests per day or 28,000 per week. Within four weeks the
NSPHL has plans to continue to expand testing capacity to 7,000 per day or 45,000 tests per
While IgG sero-testing for COVID-19 antibodies has been limited, The NSPHLs have plans to
increase capacity through additional Abbott analyzer investments and point of care testing kits.
In Nevada, two main diagnostic laboratories, Quest Diagnostics and LabCorps, provide most of
the provider referred laboratory testing. The NSPHL is having conversations with those
laboratory providers to:
• The first goal is short term: to build an immediate capacity in the state for testing (kits
and lab space).
• The second goal is longer term: to have a good-of-the-state contract that entities
throughout the state could partner with to assist them in their testing needs.
Case investigations, contact tracing and monitoring are tools public health professionals
use to contain the spread of infectious diseases.
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
A robust public health surveillance system is the key to identifying disease trends,
symptomology and risk factors. For any infectious disease, including COVID-19, test results are
required to be reported by health care providers and laboratories to the local health authority. For
all counties outside of Clark the Nevada's National Electronic Disease Surveillance System
(NEDSS) is utilized. When the department is notified of a positive test result in NEDSS or
TriSano (Clark County), disease investigation staff contact the person and perform a full
investigation, which includes contact tracing.
Contact Tracing
Contact tracing, a core disease control measure employed by public health personnel for decades,
is a key strategy for preventing the further spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19.
Contact tracers adhere to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) core principles
of contact tracing:
• Contact tracing is part of the process of supporting patients with suspected or confirmed
• In contact tracing, public health staff work with a patient to help them recall everyone with
whom they have had close contact during the timeframe while they may have been
infectious. (For Covid-19, this infectious period is 48 hours prior to symptom onset until the
case meets isolation discontinuation criteria).
• Public health staff then notify these exposed individuals (close contacts) of their potential
exposure as rapidly and sensitively as possible.
• To protect patient privacy, close contacts are only informed that they may have been
exposed to a patient with the infection. They are not told the identity of the patient who may
have exposed them.
• Close contacts are provided with education, information and support to understand their risk.
• Close contacts are encouraged to stay home and maintain social distance from others (at
least 6 feet) until 14 days after their last exposure, in case they also become ill.
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
• Every Nevadan that tests positive for COVID-19 will be contacted by a contact tracer within
24- hours of that confirmatory lab report being received by the health authority.
• Within 24 hours of identifying a close contact of a case, those contacts will be contacted by
a contact tracer.
As Nevada moves to loosen social distancing restrictions, the department plans to bolster these
efforts using additional personnel, technology and improved workflows. In order to accomplish
this, the public health authorities in the state have developed this four-part strategy outlined
below for case investigation, contact tracing and monitoring to identify and contain localized
outbreaks of disease. This will allow Nevadans to carefully move into normal routines while
ensuring that the public health system does not become overwhelmed with people suffering from
The resources to assist in contact tracing and case investigation must be fluid to increase as
needed to address a growth in COVID cases, but to also decrease to ensure resources are not
wasted and can be extended if needed. Nevada currently has approximately 100 paid and
volunteer staff dedicated statewide to provide case investigation and contact tracing for the
almost 6,000 cases to date. Understanding that the number of cases may increase almost 5-fold in
the next several months, Nevada’s public health system is also prepared to grow accordingly.
The goal for staffing ranges from 400 to 700 staff and volunteers to support these case
investigation and contact tracing efforts.
Nevada will ensure that through public and private partnership the following benchmarks are
maintained related to case investigation and contact tracing:
• Every Nevadan that tests positive for COVID-19 will be contacted by a contact tracer
within 24-hours of that confirmatory lab report being received by the health authority.
• Within 24 hours of identifying a close contact of a case, those contacts will be contacted
by a contact tracer.
There will likely be an immediate surge in new cases with large community testing events and
the increased daily count of tests for the next two to three months. As such, case investigation
and contact tracing will surge accordingly during this period for as many as 600 staff. Public
health leadership will reassess each month to see what ideal staffing may be needed in the
upcoming months and reduce or grow as indicated. As well, the contact tracing resources will be
able to support other counties as cases surge in some and reduce in another.
Nevada will also utilize immediate and short-term resources, such as the Nevada National Guard
to support community testing and contact tracing/COVID mapping efforts. When this mission
concludes, Nevada will focus efforts on the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE)
Schools of Community Health Sciences/Public Health to provide the needed workforce. Through
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
the partnership to be developed by establishing Academic Public Health Departments between
NSHE and the state and local health departments, this will allow the public health community to
have the staffing needed and allow Nevada’s students to get real-life experience in the field. The
University of Nevada, Las Vegas will develop a Contact Tracing Team (CTT) that will be a
Nevada resource in perpetuity, but also be a strike team that can deploy to other states as needed.
The University of Nevada, Reno will imbed disease investigation into both their undergraduate
and graduate curriculum so there is a steady workforce stationed at health districts and the DPBH
each semester. As well, the Nevada Public Health Training Center will have regular trainings for
volunteers that will be a “crash course” in case investigation and contact tracing to provide a
pool of trained volunteers should Nevada need it.
The following reflects the goal staffing by type of staff over the next year. This table will be able
to grow or lessen as the case investigation and contact tracing needs are realized.
Cost Estimate for Contact Tracing Vendor and staffing: $55,993,575 for 2020
$70,801,196 for 2021
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
IX. Course of Action: Mass Vaccination Operations
Like many infectious diseases, including influenza, vaccination will be the intervention that
changes the trajectory of COVID-19. Though scientists around the world are working at a
record-breaking pace to develop safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, the exact timeline for
delivery of the vaccination to a large population in Nevada is unknown. CDC is communicating
with Immunization Programs nationwide regarding current expectations and plans, which are
fluid. The current expectation, as of May 2020, is that vaccine distribution to the general U.S.
population will occur in early 2021. Earlier phases, which will only include distribution to high-
risk occupation groups followed by those suffering high-risk comorbidities, are expected to
begin as early as October 2020.
Establish a mass vaccination infrastructure to manage an 80% vaccination rate once COVID-19
vaccinations are available.
• Enhance WebIZ, the immunization tracking platform which the state uses.
• Increase immunization management personnel at the state and local level to facilitate
mass immunization operations.
• Double the immunization Points of Dispensing (POD) capability
• Maximize fall influenza inoculations
WebIZ Enhancement
All CDC immunization program awardees are expected to take steps necessary to ensure their
statewide immunization information system (IIS) is prepared to support the distribution and
accountability of COVID-19 vaccine, and to facilitate the capture of all pertinent associated data.
In support of these anticipated but currently undefined needs, Nevada requests $205,000 to
fund anticipated developments and implementation of enhancements to the NV WebIZ.
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
• Batteries
• WebIZ
Cost • Onetime WebIZ Setup/System Configuration: $80,000
• Hardware (Unit = iPad, Scanner, Printer, Labels, Batteries): $2500/unit
• Onetime Hardware Setup: $2500/unit (if shipped to Envision); $1000/unit (if Envision
can walk us through setup)
• Annual WebIZ support: $16,000
• Annual Hardware support: $750/unit
• Estimating based on purchase of 25 units (5 for NSIP; 5 to WCHD; 10 to SNHD; 5 to
• Other: Expanded data collection (fields TBD): $6000/data element
Total Cost • Onetime costs: $207,000 + any data elements
• Annual Cost: $34,750 (could be lower if LHDs can absorb own hardware support costs
Personnel Enhancements
Position Function Costs includes
Salary, Fringe
and operating
DPBH • Coordinate COVID-19 response activities among programs $77,000
CDC Foundation and assist in developing continuity of operations plans for all
COVID-19 Position CFCW programs and their internal units as necessary:
Immunizations, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion, Women, Infants and Children (WIC), and
Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health
• Liaise between CFCW Bureau leadership, CFCW managers,
Public Health Preparedness, Division of Emergency
Management, DBPH leadership, and any other stakeholders
identified; maintain open and regularly scheduled
communications regarding new information/progress
DPBH POD • Coordinate all rural COVID-19 mass vaccination events 77,000
Coordinator • Liaise between Public Health Preparedness and the Nevada
(Health Program State Immunization Program and the rural communities
Specialist 1)
DPBH • Recruit and enroll non-traditional providers into the Nevada $217,663
Three Pandemic State Immunization Program for the duration of the COVID-
Provider Enrollment 19 pandemic response
Specialist • Educate providers and their staff and work with NV WebIZ
(Program Officer 1) staff to coordinate all appropriate trainings necessary to
2 in Las Vegas accept, store, administer and document COVID-19 vaccines
1 in Carson City physically and using the inventory management functions of
• Manage provider orders and provide all technical assistance
necessary to ensure a smooth workflow for immunizing
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
DPBH $132,400
Two (2) NV WebIZ
staff: • Assist the HL7 Interface Manager (HPS I) with enrolling and
One (1) NV WebIZ managing HL7 interfaces between provider sites and NV
HL7 Technician WebIZ
(Program Officer 2, • Help increase the number of providers able to submit data to
contractor) NV WebIZ via an HL7 interface
• Troubleshoot issues and provide technical assistance as
Media Campaign
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
will be designed to be adaptable to new
Reminder postcard to target demographics for
vaccine uptake
• Gather data from various mailing lists
• Design a reminder card to be consistent with
campaign and HIPAA compliant
• Work with print/mail house vendor to mail
The DPBH has 7 POD trailers to help support Urban and Rural immunization points of
dispensing. Each trailer contains enough equipment to manage a 10-lane vaccination POD
operation. Each POD trailer with equipment costs $10,000. The State would like to double this
capability to meet the COVID-19 vaccination goal.
Critical National Guard support to the state, and counties persists after the 502(f) federal
activation expires.
# of Cost to
Mission Personnel Type Daily Cost Support
UMC Data Entry
Support 6 Lab / Admin support $2,100 $63,000
UNR Data Entry 6 Lab / Admin support $2,100 $63,000
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
SNHD Lab 2 Lab / Admin support $700 $21,000
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
Annex A: External Supply Order Form
Supplies Requested
QUANTITY Type of Test/Supply
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
Supplies Requested
QUANTITY Type of Test/Supply
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
Annex B; Community Based Testing Resource Request Form
Nevada COVID19 Disease Outbreak Management
Strategy/Concept of Operations
Annex C: Community Based Collection Site Development Handbook
(To access full handbook, visit