Commercial Law Assignment 02
Commercial Law Assignment 02
Commercial Law Assignment 02
• Your assignment must have a cover page with your name, student number, course
name and lecturer name
• Marks awarded will be indicated both as actual and percentage
• The assignment must be the work of the student and not shared or completed by any
other student and must be typed.
• Students will be penalised for plagiarising or simply copying passages from the study
notes or web sites, other texts and from another student’s assignment/project/rough
work, etc., without any referencing attached thereto.
• Students may work together but must not submit similar or identical assignments. You
must be able to show that you worked independently.
• Retain a copy of each assignment before submitting it, in case the original does not
reach the lecturer.
• Students who are mailing their assignments must ensure that the assignment
reaches the lecturer before or on the due date.
• Assignments may NOT be submitted via fax
• Your assignment MUST have references (APA method) written in alphabetical order.
• Use ARIAL -12 to type your work. Your work must be justified.
• Consult the lecturer if you do not understand assignment questions by calling 061-
End of assignment.