Methods of Sampling and Test For Quicklime and Hydrated Lime
Methods of Sampling and Test For Quicklime and Hydrated Lime
Methods of Sampling and Test For Quicklime and Hydrated Lime
(Reaffirmed 1996)
Edition 2.1
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
(Incorporating Amendment No. 1)
© BIS 2002
Price Group 6
Acids, Alkalis and Halides Sectional Committee, CHD 02
This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on 25 May 1990, after the
draft finalized by the Acids, Alkalis and Halides Sectional Committee had been approved by the
Chemical Division Council.
Quicklime and hydrated lime are among the most widely used raw materials in the chemical
industry. Owing to the diversity of sources and variations in the practice of manufacture and
storage, there exists a considerable variation in the quality of lime.
Lime in large quantities is used for softening of water. Besides, lime is used in calcium carbide,
pulp and paper, tanneries, glass and sugar industries and in the manufacture of bleaching powder
and greases. Since the consumption of lime has increased enormously, the industries require a
standardized raw material to produce quality products.
This standard was first published in 1959. In this revision, methods for the determination of free
calcium oxide and moisture have been incorporated.
This edition 2.1 incorporates Amendment No. 1 (January 1998). Side bar indicates modification of
the text as the result of incorporation of the amendment.
In reporting the result of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard, if the final
value, observed or calculated, is to be rounded off, it shall be done in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’.
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
1 SCOPE 3.2 Total Calcium Oxide
1.1 This standard prescribes the methods of Denotes such of those constituents of quicklime
sampling and test for quicklime and hydrated and hydrated lime as enter into reaction under
lime used for softening water and in various the conditions of the method prescribed
chemical industries for the manufacture of under 12.
calcium carbide, paper, glass, sugar, greases,
bleaching powder and in the tanning of leather. 3.3 Dead Burnt Lime
It covers the methods of determining carbonate,
volatile matter at 105°C, loss on ignition, Denotes such of those constituents of quicklime
available lime, acid insoluble matter, (as SiO2) and hydrated lime as are calculated by the
iron oxide, alumina, total calcium oxide, method prescribed under 15.
magnesium oxide, sulphates, dead burnt lime,
moisture and free calcium oxide. Screen 3.4 Free Calcium Oxide
analysis of the material is also prescribed. Denotes such constituents of hydrated lime
1.2 This standard does not deal with materials which are capable of being hydrated by steam
1.3 Should any inconsistency exist between the
requirements of this standard and those of the 4.1 General Precautions
standard for an individual material, the latter 4.1.1 In drawing, preparing, storing and
shall prevail. handling test samples, the following
precautions and directions shall be observed.
2.1 The following Indian standards are 4.1.2 Samples shall not be taken at a place
necessary adjuncts to this standard: exposed to weather or from damaged or broken
IS No. Title
4.1.3 The sampling instrument shall be clean
265 : 1987 Specification for hydrochloric and dry when used.
acid ( third revision )
296 : 1986 Specification for sodium 4.1.4 Precautions shall be taken to protect the
carbonate, anhydrous ( third samples, the material being sampled, the
revision ) sampling instrument and the containers for
samples from adventitious contamination.
323 : 1959 Specification for rectified spirit
( revised ) 4.1.5 To draw a representative sample, the
contents of each container selected for sampling
1070 : 1977 Specification for water for shall be mixed as thoroughly as possible by
general laboratory use ( second suitable means.
revision )
4.1.6 The samples shall be placed in clean, dry
3 TERMINOLOGY and air-tight glass or other suitable containers
on which the material has no action.
3.0 For the purpose of this standard, the
following definitions shall apply. 4.1.7 The sample containers shall be of such a
size that they are almost completely filled by
3.1 Available Lime the sample.
D enotes such of those constituen ts of quicklim e 4.1.8 Each sample container shall be sealed
and h ydrated lim e as enter in to reaction u nder air-tight after filling and marked with full
th e condition s of th e m ethod prescribed u nder 9. details of sampling, the date of sampling,
IS 1514 : 1990
month of manufacture, and other important These containers shall be chosen at
particulars of the consignment. random from the lot and in order to ensure the
4.2 Sam pling from B ulk in H eaps or W agons randomness of selection, some random number
table, as agreed to between the purchaser and
4.2.1 Samples shall be taken from each heap or the supplier, shall be used. In case such a table
wagon. is not available, the procedure given in
4.2.2 Procedure shall be adopted.
U n less otherw ise agreed to betw een the Arrange all the containers in the lot in a
p urchaser and the vendor, draw several systematic manner and starting from any
sam ples from each heap or w agon by m eans of a container, count them as 1, 2..........etc, up to r,
scoop of about 0.5 kg capacity from different and so on. Every rth container thus counted
p arts, nam ely, the fron t, m iddle an d back and at shall be withdrawn from the lot to give a
d ifferen t depths so that the sam ple taken is sample for test, where
fully represen tative of th e bu lk. P lace the
separate sam ples thus collected together in a r = ----
covered cask to obtain an average sam ple. n
E m pty out the con tents of the cask on a level, NOTE — In case r comes out to be fractional number, its
clean and h ard surface, spread them out flat value shall be taken to be equal to the integral part of it.
and scoop th e m ass togeth er into a con e. F latter 4.4 Test Samples
th e cone an d divid e the m ass obtained into fou r
equ al p arts. R em ove the tw o diagon ally opp osite 4.4.1 Test Samples from Heaps or Wagons
p arts. M ix the tw o rem ainin g parts together A small but equal amount of material shall be
and form a cone ou t of it again . R epeat the collected from each average sample. The
operation of coning and qu artering until finally material so collected from every 10 average
abou t one kilogram of the average sam ple samples or parts thereof, shall be mixed
representative of the h eap or w agon is left.
NTPC-Ramagundam Lot third for the referee. The remaining portions of
All the containers in a single consignment of each average sample form individual test
the material drawn from a single batch of samples and, like the composite sample, they
manufacture shall constitute the lot. If a too shall be divided into three equal parts.
consignment is declared or known to consist of 4.4.2 Test Samples from Packages
different batches of manufacture, the batches
shall be marked separately and the containers To prepare a set of test samples, draw with an
belonging to the same batch shall be grouped appropriate sampling instrument, small
together and each such group shall constitute a portions of the material from different parts of
separate lot. In the case of a consignment each container selected under and
drawn from a continuous process, 1 000 freshly opened. The total quantity of the
containers (or 100 metric tonnes) of the material drawn from each container shall be
material shall constitute the lot. sufficient to conduct the tests for all the
NOTE — Samples shall be tested from each lot for
requirements of individual specification and
ascertaining the conformity of the material to the shall not exceed one kilogram.
requirements of the specification. Thoroughly mix all portions of the The number n of containers to be chosen material drawn from the same container. Out
from lots of different sizes ( N ) shall be as off these portions, a small but equal quantity
indicated in Table 1. shall be taken from each selected container and
Table 1 Number of Containers to be shall be well mixed so as to form a composite
Selected for Sampling from Different sample weighing not less than 600 g. This
Sizes of Lots composite sample shall be divided into three
Lot Size No. of Containers
equal parts, one for the purchaser, another for
(N) to be Chosen the supplier and the third for the referee.
(1) (2) The remaining portions of the material
2 to 15 2 from each selected container (after a small
16 to 40 3 quantity needed for formation of the composite
41 to 65 4 sample has been taken out) shall be divided
66 to 110 7 into three equal parts, each part weighing not
111 and above 10 less than 50 g.
IS 1514 : 1990
T h ese parts shall be im m ediately transferred in 5 QUALITY OF REAGENTS
thorough ly d ried bottles w hich shall then be
sealed air-tight w ith stoppers an d labelled w ith 5.1 Unless specified otherwise, pure chemicals
all the p articulars of sam p lin g given un der 4.1.7. and distilled water ( see IS 1070 : 1977 ) shall
T h e m aterial in each such sealed bottle shall be employed in tests.
constitute a test sam p le. T hese in dividu al NOTE — ‘Pure chemicals’ shall mean chemicals that do
sam p les shall be separated into th ree identical not contain impurities which affect the results of
sets of test sam ples in su ch a w ay that each set analysis.
h as a test sam ple representin g each con tainer
selected un der O ne of these three sets 6 PREPARED SAMPLE
shall be m arked for the purchaser, an oth er for 6.1 Samples collected under 4.4.1 and 4.4.2
the su pplier and th e third for th e referee. shall be individually ground well by a suitable
4.5 Referee Sample mechanical device or by hand in an agate
Referee sample shall consist of the composite mortar and placed in an air-tight container for
sample ( see 4.4.1 and ) and a set of test use for the chemical analysis.
samples ( see 4.4.1 and ) marked for this
purpose and shall bear the seals of the 7 DETERMINATION OF CARBONATE
purchaser and the supplier. These shall be kept
7.1 Apparatus
at a place agreed to between the purchaser and
the supplier and shall be used in case of a The apparatus shall consist of the following
dispute between the two. components assembled as given in Fig. 1:
4.6 Number of Tests a) Funnel ( A );
4.6.1 Tests for the determination of available b) Two-way cock ( B );
lime and/or total calcium oxide content shall be
conducted individually on each of the samples c) 50-ml flask ( C );
constituting a set of test samples ( see 4.4.1 d) Levelling bottle ( D );
and ).
under 4.4.1 and h) Gas burette ( H );
4.7 Criteria for Conformity j) Manometer ( J );
k) Sodium hydroxide bubbler ( K );
4.7.1 In the case of heaps or wagons, if the
individual test samples ( see 4.4.1 ) satisfy the m) Valve ( L ); and
specification requirements for available lime n) Three-way cocks ( M, N, P, Q ).
and/or total calcium oxide content, the heap or
wagon from which the test sample was made 7.2 The compensator tube is used to correct
shall be deemed as conforming to the automatically for the changes in barometric
requirement(s) of the characteristic(s). pressure and temperature by balancing the
pressure in the burette against that in the
4.7.2 In th e case of sam pling from packages, for compensator tube. The manometer is used
available lim e an d/or total calcium oxide content,
when balancing the pressure in the burette
m ean ( X ) and range ( R ) sh all be com pu ted .
(R an ge is d efin ed as th e difference betw een th e against that in the compensator tube.
m axim um and m in im um of test results). 7.3 Procedure If the value of the expression
( X — 0.6 R ) is greater than or equal to the 7.3.1 Weigh accurately about 3 to 4 g of finely
minimum value for the characteristic specified powdered lime and place the sample in flask C.
in the individual standard, then the lot shall be Also add a piece of iron wire about the size of a
considered as conforming to the requirements pin head and a drop of methyl orange indicator.
of the particular characteristic. Add water until the flask is about
three-quarters full.
4.7.3 As far as the remaining characteristic(s),
is (are) concerned, the test result(s) on the 7.3.2 Open cock M for a moment so as to
composite sample ( see 4.6.2 ) shall meet the connect the compensator tube G to the
corresponding requirement(s) as specified in atmosphere and turn it half anti-clockwise so
the individual standard. as to connect the compensator tube with the If the requirements for any of the manometer J. Open cocks P and Q to the
characteristics are not met, the lot/group of atmosphere and level the mercury columns.
wagons or heaps shall be declared to have not Turn cocks P and Q anti-clockwise so as to
satisfied the requirements of the specification. connect them with the capillary tube leading to
IS 1514 : 1990
IS 1514 : 1990
the flask C. Fill the burette H completely with S = factor as determined in 7.4; and
acidulated water by connecting the cock N with
M = mass in g of the material taken for
the capillary tube leading to the flask and the test ( see 7.3.1 ).
raising D. Connect C and close cock B. Pour
excess of concentrated hydrochloric acid into A. b) Calcium carbonate,
percent by mass = percentage of carbon
7.3.3 Now open cock B fully and lower D so as dioxide × 2.274 3
to let the acid drop slowly into C until very
slightly in excess. Close B and fill D nearly full 7.5.2 For small number of determinations to be
with water and lower D to the full extent. Heat carried out over a long period, the separate
the contents of C to boiling and continue boiling calculation of factor ( S ) may not be necessary
very gently for at least 3 minutes. Remove the and for such determinations, calculate the
burner and open B immediately until the water percentage of carbon dioxide as follows:
from C fills the capillary up to N by lowering D Carbon dioxide,
0.000 705 8 VP
if necessary. Close B and connect N with percent by mass = -----------------------------------------
manometer and adjust the mercury columns ( 273 + t ) × M
and read burette H.
7.3.4 Next turn cock P clockwise so as to V = observed volume, in ml, of carbon
connect with sodium hydroxide bubbler K and dioxide;
raise and lower D for three to four times P = atmospheric pressure in mm;
repeatedly until all carbon dioxide is absorbed.
Close Q when sodium hydroxide solution t = temperature, in degree Centrigrade,
reaches the original mark. Connect P with H to of water in the jacket F; and
adjust mercury levels and take the burette M = mass, in g, of the material taken for
reading in the same manner as before. Note the the test ( see 7.3.1 ).
temperature of water in the water jacket F and
The factor may be determined theoretically, but 8.1 Procedure for Determination of
more conveniently by a series of actual tests on Volatile Matter at 105°C
a sample of known carbon dioxide content. It is
recommended that the analytical reagent Take one gram ( see Note ) of the powdered
sodium carbonate ( see IS 296 : 1986 ) be used. lime, accurately weighed, in a platinum
crucible. Place it in an oven maintained
7.4.1 Procedure at 105 ± 2°C until, on cooling and weighing,
Weigh 2.00 g of the sodium carbonate, dissolve constant mass is obtained. Preserve the dried
it in 25 ml of carbon dioxide free water, make material for test under 8.2.
up to 100 ml in a volumetric flask. Use 10 ml N O TE — In the case of low m agnesium lim es, starting
w ith one gram of the m aterial m ay not give an accurately
aliquot portions of this, measured by means of a w eighable am ount of m agnesium pyrophosphate
standard pipette, for determining the amount ( see 13.1.2 ). In such a case proportionately larger m ass
of carbon dioxide it contains by the method of the m aterial m ay be taken.
given in 7.3. Calculate the factor as follows:
8.2 Procedure for Determination of Loss
Percentage purity of sodium carbonate × M
S = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on Ignition
ml of carbon dioxide × 240.86
Heat the crucible containing the dried material
where ( see 8.1 ), first gently and then ignite in a
M = mass of sodium carbonate present in the muffle furnace at 1 000°C. Cool the crucible in a
aliquot of sample taken for Factor Test. desiccator and weigh to the constant mass.
Preserve the ignited material for subsequent
7.5 Calculation determinations.
7.5.1 For large number of determinations to be 8.3 Calculation
carried out over a short period, calculate as
follows: a) Volatile matter at 105°C, 100 ( M – M )
1 2
100 VS percent by mass = ---------------------------------------
a) Carbon dioxide, percent by mass = -------------------
- M1
where where
V = observed volume in ml of carbon M1 = mass, in g, of the material taken for
dioxide; the test ( see 8.1 ); and
IS 1514 : 1990
Triturate 5 g of starch and 0.01 g of mercuric 9.2.2 Procedure
iodide with 30 ml of cold water and slowly pour
it, with stirring, into 1 litre of boiling water. Weigh accurately about 1 g of the finely
Boil for three minutes. Allow the solution to powdered material into a 500-ml volumetric
cool and decant off the supernatant clear liquid. flask and wet it with the minimum amount of
rectified spirit. Shake with about 400 ml of
9.1.2 Procedure
sugar solution for three hours and dilute to the
Take 1 g of the material, accurately weighed, in mark. Filter through a coarse dry filter paper
a glass-stoppered conical flask and add (Whatman No. 40 or its equivalent) into a dry
about 30 ml of boiling water. Shake for 5 to 10 flask. Discard the first 25 ml of the filtrate.
minutes. Cool the solution and add an amount Pipette out 50 ml from the filtrate into another
of iodine solution sufficient to provide an excess flask, add 50 ml of standard hydrochloric acid
of about 5 ml and stir occasionally until the and titrate with standard sodium hydroxide
lime has gone in solution. Any insoluble silica solution using phenolphthalein as indicator.
present is easily distinguished from the
milky-appearing lime. When the solution of Run a blank using 50 ml of sugar
lime is complete (about 10 minutes are solution and 50 ml of standard hydrochloric
required), dilute the solution in a volumetric acid.
flask to 500 ml. Pipette out 25 ml of the 9.2.3 Calculation
solution and titrate the excess iodine with
Available lime (as CaO),
standard sodium thiosulphate solution, adding 28.04 ( A – B ) N
starch indicator towards the end of the percent by mass = ------------------------------------------
titration. Carry out a blank determination where
using the same amount of iodine solution as
with the sample. A = volume, in ml, of standard sodium
9.1.3 Calculation hydroxide solution used in blank;
Available lime (as CaO), 56.08 ( V – V ) N B = volume, in ml, of standard sodium
1 2 hydroxide solution used with the
percent by mass = ------------------------------------------------
M material;
IS 1514 : 1990
N = normality of standard sodium hydrochloric acid. Add few drops of nitric acid
hydroxide solution; and and boil. Dilute to 200-250 ml. Add slight
excess of ammonium hydroxide and keep just
M = mass, in g, of the material taken for below the boiling point until the odour of
the test. ammonia is barely perceptible. Filter off the
iron and aluminium hydroxide while hot,
10 DETERMINATION OF ACID collecting the filterate in a 250-ml volumetric
INSOLUBLE MATTER flask. Wash with hot water. Ignite the residue
10.1 Reagent in a platinum crucible, blast, cool in a
desiccator and weigh as aluminium oxide and
10.1.1 Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid ( see ferric oxide. Make up the filtrate to 250 ml and
IS 265 : 1987 ). preserve the filtrate for test under 12.
10.2 Procedure 11.2.1 Iron Oxide
Transfer the ignited lime, preserved under 8.2 Fuse the combined ferric and aluminium oxides
to a beaker, add 50 ml of water and mix well, in a platinum crucible with 3 to 4 g of
add 10 to 15 ml of concentrated hydrochloric potassium bisulphate at a low temperature.
acid, and boil for 15 minutes. Filter, wash with Dissolve in water, add sufficient sulphuric acid
hot water, ignite and weigh to constant mass. to make a 5 percent solution and pass through
NOTE — The result thus obtained contains most of the the Jones reductor. Cool and titrate with
silica and any acid insoluble silicates. It is the figure standard potassium permanganate solution.
usually taken in routine work. If an actual
determination of the silica is desired evaporate the Calculation
solution to dryness in a suitable dish, as for as possible
on the steam bath, then cover and transfer to a hot high Iron oxide (as Fe2 O3),
7.984 V N
plate or oven and heat for one hour, at 200°C in case of a percent by mass = ---------------------------
high-calcium lime, or at 120°C for high magnesium M
lime. Cool, moisten thoroughly with concentrated where
with hot water. Evaporate the filtrate to dryness, take
up with hydrochloric acid as before and filter through a N = normality of standard potassium
small paper. Transfer both filters to a weighed platinum
crucible, smoke off the paper without flaming and ignite
permanganate solution; and
the silica over a blast to constant mass. M = mass, in g, of the material taken for
10.2.1 Preserve the filtrate for test prescribed the test ( see 8.1 ).
under 11.
11.2.2 Aluminium Oxide
10.3 Calculation
Subtract the ferric oxide value from the
Express the mass of silica, obtained as combined oxides value ( see 11.2 ).
described in 10.2 or in the Note under it, as
percentage of the mass of the material taken 12 DETERMINATION OF TOTAL
for test in 8.1. CALCIUM OXIDE
IS 1514 : 1990
e) Dilute potassium permanganate solution, one can judge whether the lime contains
approximately 0.01 N. sufficient magnesium oxide to require a double
f) Standard potassium permanganate precipitation or not. For accurate work, if there
solution, 0.1 N. is more than a slight amount of magnesium
oxide, a double precipitation should be carried
g) Diammonium hydrogen phosphate out, using a fresh 50 ml aliquot.
solution, approximately 25 percent ( m/v ).
h) Ammonium hydroxide, relative density 12.1.3 Calculation
0.90. Total calcium oxide (as 14.02 ( V 1 – V 2 ) N
CaO), percent by mass = ------------------------------------------------
12.1.2 Procedure M
Pipette out 50 ml of the filtrate preserved
under 11.2 in a beaker and dilute to 100 ml. V1 = volume, in ml, of standard
Heat to boiling and add slowly about 35 ml of potassium permanganate solution
boiling ammonium oxalate solution. Continue used for the test;
boiling for 2 or 3 minutes and allow the V2 = volume, in ml, of standard
precipitated calcium oxalate to settle for half an potassium permanganate solution
hour. Filter the precipitated calcium oxalate used for the blank;
through filter paper. Wash thoroughly with N = normality of standard potassium
small portions of dilute ammonium hydroxide permanganate solution; and
(1 N) and then with hot water until the
washings do not decolourize a hot dilute M = mass, in g, of the material taken for
potassium permanganate solution in the the test ( see 8.1 ).
presence of dilute sulphuric acid. Preserve the 12.2 Method B
filtrate and washings for test in 13.1. Puncture
the filter paper and transfer the precipitate to 12.2.1 Reagent
the beaker already used for precipitation with a a) Concentrated hydrochloric acid ( see
with constant stirring. Towards the end of the Weigh 7.44 g of disodium ethylene
titration, introduce the filter paper which was diamine tetra-acetate dihydrate and
used for filtration into the titration vessel and dissolve in water. Make up the volume to
carry out the titration till the end point is two litres. Standardize the solution
reached. against standard calcium chloride solution
Carry out a blank with all reagents following according to the procedure given in 12.2.2.
the procedure as outlined for this method. c) Standard calcium chloride solution In the case of magnesium limes, Dry about 2 g of calcium carbonate at
decant through a filter paper, redissolve the 120° C to constant mass. Dissolve 1.00 g of
calcium oxalate in the beaker and in the filter the dried calcium carbonate in minimum
paper with dilute hydrochloric acid and wash quantity of concentrated hydrochloric acid
the filter paper four times with hot water and and then make up the volume to one litre.
finally with dilute ammonium hydroxide (5 N) One millilitre of this solution is equivalent
in a slight excess and proceed as in 12.1.2. For to 0.000 56 g of calcium oxide.
the second filtration, use the same filter paper
d) Eriochrome black ‘T’ indicator ( for
as was used before.
calcium and magnesium ) If it is desired to complete the analysis Dissolve 0.1 g of the dye in 20 ml of
in as short a time as possible, a portion of 50 ml methanol. This solution shall be prepared
of the filtrate from the ferric and aluminium freshly every week.
oxide determination should be precipitated in
the usual way with excess of ammonium e) Murexide indicator ( for calcium alone )
oxalate. Boil for about 5 minutes and let the Grind 0.2 g of murexide with 10 g of
calcium oxalate settle clear. Decant through a sodium chloride until the mixture is
qualitative filter paper and cool the filtrate homogeneous.
(with ice water if possible). Add diammonium or
hydrogen phosphate solution in large excess
Calcein indicator ( for calcium alone )
and 5 to 10 ml of ammonium hydroxide
solution. Stir rapidly with rubber ‘policeman’. Mix 0.01 g of calcein thoroughly with one
From the amount of precipitate thus formed gram of potassium chloride.
IS 1514 : 1990
Note 2 ) and titrate the solution against
standard EDTA solution until the colour M = mass, in g, of the material taken as
changes from pink to purple. in 12.2.3.
b) With eriochrome black ‘T’ indicator
Pipette out 50 ml of standard calcium OXIDE (as MgO)
chloride solution ( see Note 1 ) in a 250-ml
conical flask and add 5 ml of buffer 13.0 General
solution to adjust the pH of the solution to Two methods have been prescribed, namely
approximately 10. Add 5 drops of Method A and Method B. Method A is the
eriochrome black ‘T’ indicator and titrate classical method and Method B is the
against standard EDTA solution until the complexometric method. In case of dispute,
wine red colour changes to pure blue. (The Method A shall be followed.
volume of the solution to be titrated
against standard EDTA solution should be 13.1 Method A
approximately 50 ml and the strength of
13.1.1 Reagents
the standard EDTA solution should be
adjusted in such a way that almost 50 ml a) Dilute hydrochloric acid, approximately
of it is required for the titration.) 4 N.
NOTES b) Dilute ammonium hydroxide,
1 The aliquot for titration shall be neutral so that by approximately 1 : 2.
adding standard sodium hydroxide solution or buffer
solution the desired pH could be adjusted in the c) Diammonium hydrogen phosphate
solution. solution, see 12.1.1 (g).
2 If calcein indicator is to be used in place of murexide d) Rectified spirit, see 323 : 1969.
indicator, add 0.07 g of calcein. The colour change in
this case will be from greenish yellow fluorescence to 13.1.2 Procedure
12.2.3 Prepared Sample Solution A cidify the filtrate set apart under 12.1.2 (or the
com bined filtrate, in case of a m agnesium lim e)
Dissolve about 2.5 g of the material, accurately w ith dilute hydrochloric acid and evaporate
weighed, in a limited quantity of concentrated until the salts begin to crystallize. D ilute until
IS 1514 : 1990
the salts are again in solution. A dd a volum e of V1 = volume, in ml, of standard EDTA
dilute am m onium hydroxide equal to a third of solution used in 12.2.4;
the volum e of the solution. C hill the solution and
A1 = mass, in g, of calcium oxide
add slow ly w ith constant stirring 10 m l of
equivalent to one millilitre of
diam m onium hydrogen phosphate solution. L et
standard EDTA solution as obtained
stand until precipitation is com plete. Four hours in 12.2.2 (a); and
are usually sufficient, but if possible, it is better
to let the solution stand overnight. If the M = mass, in g, of the material in 12.2.3.
analysis is urgent, stir for half an hour and the
precipitation w ill be com plete. F ilter through a 14 DETERMINATION OF SULPHATES
w eighed G ooch crucible (previously w eighed)
and w ash w ith a m ixture of one part dilute 14.1 Reagents
am m onium hydroxide, one part rectified spirit
and three parts w ater. D ry at 105°C in an 14.1.1 Dilute Hydrocloric Acid, approximately
air-oven, char the filter paper by gently heating 1 : 2 by volume.
over a low flam e and then slow ly increase the 14.1.2 Barium Chloride Solution,
flam e and finish by heating at 900 to 950°C till approximately 10 percent ( m/v ).
the precipitate is alm ost w hite, indicating that
the salt has been converted to m agnesium 14.2 Procedure
pyrophosphate. Cool in a desiccator and w eigh.
Weigh accurately about 2 g of the material and
13.1.3 Calculation transfer it to a small beaker. Stir with 10 ml of
Magnesium oxide (as MgO), cold water until all lumps are broken up and
181.2 m
percent by mass = ---------------------
- the lighter particles are in suspension. Add
M 15 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and heat until
where reaction ceases. Filter and wash thoroughly
stand for four hours. Filter through a tared
13.2 Method B Gooch or tared sintered glass crucible
13.2.1 Reagents (G. No. 4). Wash the precipitate thoroughly
with hot water till free from chlorides and dry
a) Buffer solution, see 12.2.1 (f), to constant mass at 105 to 110°C.
b) Eriochrome black ‘T’ indicator, see
12.2.1(d), and 14.3 Calculation
c) Standard disodium ethylene diamine Sulphates (as So4),
tetra-acetate dihydrate ( EDTA ) 41.15 A
percent by mass = --------------------
solution — see 12.2.1 (b). M
13.2.2 Procedure
P ipette ou t 10 m l of the p rep a red sa m p le so lu tio n A = mass, in g, of the barium sulphate
( see 12.2.3 ) in a 250-m l con ical flask and dilute precipitate; and
w ith 35 m l w ater. A dd 5 m l of buffer solu tion an d M = mass, in g, of the material taken for
5 d rops of erioch rom e black ‘T ’ indicator. T itrate the test.
against stand ard E D T A solution till th e w ine red
colou r of the solu tion changes to blu e. 15 DETERMINATION OF DEAD BURNT
13.2.3 Calculation LIME
Magnesium oxide (as 7 190 ( V 2 A2 – V 1 A 1 ) 15.1 Procedure
MgO), percent by mass = ------------------------------------------------------------
M Determine the carbonates, available lime, total
calcium oxide and sulphates as prescribed
V2 = volume, in ml, of standard EDTA in 7, 9, 12 and 14 respectively.
solution used in 13.2.2;
A2 = mass, in g, of calcium oxide 15.2 Calculation of Result
equivalent to one millilitre of 15.2.1 Convert the percentage of carbonates
standard EDTA solution as obtained present to its equivalent percentage of CaO by
in 12.2.2 (b); multiplying with the factor 0.560 3.
IS 1514 : 1990
15.2.2 Convert the percentage of sulphates Calcium oxide present as calcium hydroxide
present to its equivalent percentage of CaO by 56
multiplying with the factor 0.583 7. ( C ), percent by mass, = [ L – ( A + B ) ] × ------
15.2.3 To obtain dead burnt lime (as CaO)
Free Calcium oxide (as
subtract the sum total of available lime (as
CaO), percent by mass = D – C
CaO) and the values obtained in 15.2.1
and 15.2.2 from the percentage of total calcium where
oxide (as CaO) obtained in 12.1.3 or 12.2.5.
A = carbon dioxide (percent by mass)
16 DETERMINATION OF FINENESS equivalent of calcium carbonate
16.1 Procedure percent in the sample ( see 7.5.1
or 7.5.2 );
Place 50 g of the sample on the appropriate
sieve and wash by means of a stream of water B = moisture content (percent by mass)
from faucet until the water coming through the of the sample ( see 18.2 );
sieve is clear. Dry the residue to constant mass C = calcium oxide (percent by mass)
in an atmosphere free from carbon dioxide in a present as calcium hydroxide;
drying oven at 100 to 120°C. Calculate the
percentage of sample passing through the sieve D = Available calcium oxide in the
from the difference obtained by subtracting the sample ( see 9.1.3 or 9.2.3 ); and
mass of the residue from the original mass of L = Loss on ignition [ see 8.3 (c) ].
the material.
OXIDE (as CaO) 18.1 Procedure
17.0 Principle Weigh about 5 g of the material in a weighing
dehydrating agent. Connect the vacuum pump
17.1 Apparatus
and evacuate to a pressure of 760 mm of Hg.
17.1.1 Platinum Crucible Then disconnect the vacuum pump and allow
17.1.2 Muffle Furnace the sample to remain in the desiccator for four
hours. Then release the vacuum, take out the
17.2 Procedure dish and weigh accurately.
Weigh about 1 g of the sample in a platinum
18.2 Calculation
crucible. Place the crucible in a muffle furnace. M1 – M2
Ignite the sample in the muffle furnace Moisture, percent by mass = ----------------------- × 100
at 1 000°C for one hour. Cool the crucible in a M1
desiccator and weigh. Repeat the process of where
heating, cooling, and weighing till constant M1 = mass, in g, of the material before
mass is obtained. drying; and
17.3 Calculation
M2 = mass, in g, of the material after
Water of hydration, drying.
percent by mass = L – ( A + B )
Date: 30-12-2009 Time 15:37:44
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