Audit Programme and Checklists For Completion of Audit Audit Programme
Audit Programme and Checklists For Completion of Audit Audit Programme
Audit Programme and Checklists For Completion of Audit Audit Programme
An auditor prepares a plan after the selection of senior and junior staffs allocating the jobs to them,
mentioning when to start, how to do the work etc. This plan is known as audit program. An auditor
should include all the procedures in written form, objectives of each sector and all the directions
which are to be given to the staffs which helps to control their works and helps to implement such
programs into action.
After the introduction of compulsory process of Peer Review into mechanism for categorized
Practicing Unit it is one of the essential parts for clear Peer Review Report.
As the Audit period is in peak now to facilitate audit procedures the following article on Audit
Programme and various checklists with reference to relevant matters will stand handy and useful to
one and all.
In my earlier share on Checklist on Working Papers with reference to Standards on Auditing i.e.
general checklist of audit analysis/documentations/evidence also facilitate easy understanding on
Reference link:
Period of Audit :
Audit Staff :
Review By :
Audit conducted on :
Details of methods of accounting
including cost
accounting, flowcharts, specimens of
accounting documents, code structure
and list of accounting records
EDP-systems security, source code
security, authorization and back up
Leases agreements photocopies/
extracts of the same
Title deeds inspected annually by
Royalty agreements
Minutes of continuing importance such
as Directors' meeting, Members'
Group structure –
subsidiaries, associates
Joint venture
Names of auditors
B) Regular Working Papers to be taken from Management and Audit File shall contain:
Audit Plan
Planning programme
Time and cost summary
Briefing notes
Copy of planning letter to client
Points carried forward from
previous year
2 Bank Book
3 Journal
4 Ledger
5 Purchase Register
6 Sales Register
7 Stock Register
3. Audit Programme
2 Corporate Office
3 Factories
4 Branches
5 Sales Depot
11 Computerization
This Programme is a specimen programme, in the course of audit the programme will have to be
drawn up considering the size and nature of business of each client and based on weakness of
internal control.
Sr. Particulars Checked Time % Extent of Test
No by Taken Checkin Check eg-
. g monthly/qtrly/
Half yrly/every
10th voucher,
1 Opening Balance
2 Cash Book vouching
3 Bank Book Vouching
4 Sales register/Sales Journal vouching
5 Purchase register/purchase Journal
6 Credit note and Debit note register
Any other special register based on the
nature of business and practices followed
by the company
7 Journal vouching
8 Salary and Wages
9 Stock Records/Levels/Physical
10 Checking for outstanding expenses and
prepaid expenses
11 Verification of Fixed Assets and checking
of Depreciation statement
12 Provision for Taxation/Compare with
completed assessment order/s
13 Valuation of Inventories
Shortages Basis
14 Checking of notes and quantification
15 Minutes Books of
a. Board Meetings
b. General Meetings
c. Committee Meetings, if any
16 Statutory Registers Compliance
17 Inspection of files related to law suits,
legal matters, taxation, excise, octroi,
frauds, etc.
18 Loans & Guarantees
19 Transaction with related parties
Prepared By: Reviewed by:
1 Have goods delivered been invoiced?
2 Examine sales booked immediately before the year-
end with dispatch notes/transport receipts/proof of
service rendered?
3 Have you checked that such sales are not reversed of
goods refund immediately at the beginning of the
next year? If so have they been reduced from sales?
4 Have goods invoiced close to the year-end been
actually delivered? Scrutinize dates of dispatch notes
prepared immediately after year-end.
5 Has provision been made for materials still to be
supplied where invoice has been raised for the entire
6 Have sales returns been recorded – credit notes
issued and included in inventory?
7 Have rebates and discounts been adjusted?
8 In case of long term contracts:
a What is the basis of accounting profit/Loss?
b Have provisions for losses been made if
anticipated. If so on what basis.
9 Have you verified that Excise duty and sales tax have
been shown as a deduction from Gross Turnover
wherever the Turnover includes Excise/Sales Tax?
10 Have you seen that goods sent on consignment and
internal dispatches to branches, depots or agencies
are not included in sale?
11 Have you ensured that the value of the Turnover
excluded ancillary and extra charges like packing,
freight commission etc.?
12 Have you ensured that discounts given for prompt
payment and rebates of a special, rather than a
general nature are accounted for separately?
13 Have you ensured that trade discounts and ordinary
rebates are adjusted against the value of the turnover?
Remarks Y/N/NA
1 Have you ensured that the all checklists on audit and
financial statement review have been completed and
initialed by the person entrusted with the work?
2 Have the following fundamental accounting concepts
been followed.
a Going-Concern [continuity of business of the company
in succeeding years]
B Accrual [Income and expenses accruing during the
year under review]
C Consistency [same basis of accounting to be followed
D Prudence [future losses to be ascertained and
accounted for whereas future gains to be deferred]
been adhered to?
3 If not, please give particulars of departures there from
4 Compliance with Mandatory Accounting Standards and
Assurance Standards:
Have you filled up the Control Sheet for the Accounting
Standard and placed on file?
5 Whether all the requirements of the above standard have
been adhered to by the entity? If no, draft reports have to
be suitably qualified?
6 Have other checklists on Statutory Registers Companies
Act, Compliance checklists are completed?
7 Have all the documents as per the documentation
checklist been placed on the working papers file?
8 Have you verified that the Peer Review checklist has been
completed and placed on the file?
9 Have the institute’s Statements and Guidance notes as
applicable been considered and fully complied with?
10 Have you perused and noted important points arising
from reports obtained by the company internally and
external agencies such internal auditors, concurrent audits
11 Has the partner critically examined ratios as per the
6. Audit Finalisation
Accounting Standards
Auditing and Assurance Standards
Guidance Notes
Company Laws Compliance
CARO 2015
Schedule III Compliance
Schedule II Compliances
6 Depreciation Accounting
7 Accounting for construction contracts
8 Accounting for Research & Development
Standard requires disclosure of R &D
9 Revenue Recognition
10 Accounting for Fixed Asses
11 Accounting for the effects of changes in foreign
exchange rates
12 Accounting for Government grants
13 Accounting for investments
14 Accounting for amalgamation
15 Accounting for retirement benefits in the
financial statements of employers
16 Borrowing Costs
17 Segmental Reporting
18 Related Party Transactions
19 Accounting for Leases
20 Earning per share
21 Consolidated Financial Statement
22 Accounting for taxes on income
23 Accounting for investments in associates in
consolidated financial statement
24 Discontinuing operations from 1-4-2004/05
25 Interim Financial Reporting
26 Intangible Assets
27 Financial Reporting of interests in Joint
28 Impairment of assets
29 Provisions, Contingent liabilities and
Contingent assets
Prepared By: Reviewed by:
Note: Need to check on the various forms required to be filed with ROC in respective event and
regular compliances required.