Flood Management in India
Flood Management in India
Flood Management in India
Recently, floods in Assam and other north-eastern states have caused devastation of life
and property, which is an annual problem in the region. However, floods are not restricted
to North-eastern India, rather it affects many other areas in the country.
Apart from natural factors like incessant and heavy rainfall during the monsoon, there are
man-made factors that contribute to floods in India.
India is highly vulnerable, as most of its geographical area is prone to annual flooding. The
high losses and damages due to floods show the poor adaptation and mitigation status of
India and inadequacy in disaster management and preparedness.
Trans-National Rivers: The fact that some of the rivers (like Brahmaputra, many
tributaries of Ganga) causing damage in India originate in neighboring countries,
adds another complex dimension to the problem.
Also, sudden change in topography from high mountains to plain areas, is also a
reason for floods in northern India.
Earthquakes: An Earthquake Disaster Risk Index (EDRI), prepared by the
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), showed that about 56%
area of India is vulnerable to moderate to major earthquakes.
As many of the river basins in India lie in earthquake-prone areas, the course of
the river is not stable and amounts to flooding.
Human Causes
Way Forward
Disaster Preparedness Plan: A comprehensive flood management plan is needed
to include Disaster preparedness.This may require strengthening of the following:
Flood Hotspot Mapping at local and regional scale.
Management and regulation of riparian zones to prevent spilling and erosion.
River flood modelling to prepare for incidences like reservoir breach and
emergency water release from dams.
Advanced techniques such as mapping based on satellite imagery and
Geographic Information Systems will help in development of flood early
warning systems.
Integrated Approach: Steps need to be taken for watershed management through
an integrated approach. Often these approaches involve both hard engineering
solutions and ecologically sustainable soft solutions.
Hard Solutions: It involves civil engineering construction such as dams,
culverts and dykes, widening and deepening of river channels and diversion
channels to store and divert water to increase the lag time of water reaching
Ecological Soft Solutions: The solutions such as restoration and
management of riparian zones, afforestation along the river channels which led
to retention of rainwater and reduces the river discharge.
An integrated approach to managing floods requires a sound understanding of
the patterns that rivers such as the Ganga and its tributaries display during the
Prioritising Buffers, Flexibility and Adaptability: This includes reviewing
safety criteria of dams and canals, re-building these with higher safety factors,
creating new intermediate storages, and introducing dynamic reservoir management.
Reducing Disaster Risk Reduction: There is a need for efficient implementation
of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, this will reduce the
vulnerability of any disaster.
Focusing on Urban Flood Management: Keeping in view the fact that the
problem of Urban Flooding is becoming more severe and losses are mounting every
The subject of urban flooding needs exclusive attention and the proper
implementation of NDMA guidelines on Urban Flooding 2016, is the
need of the hour.
As floods cause major damage to life and property every year, it is time the central and the
state governments prepare a long-term plan that goes beyond piecemeal measures like
building embankments and dredging to control floods. Also, there is a need for an
integrated basin management plan that brings all the river-basin sharing countries as well
Indian states on board.
Drishti Mains Question
“The process of flood management in India is very complex due to the influence of
several socio-hydroclimatological factors”. In light of this statement analyse the need for
an integrated flood management framework in India.
Watch Video At:
This editorial is based on “End of a dream” which was published in The Indian Express
on July 7th, 2020. Now watch this on our Youtube channel.