Embankment Raincut Repair

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S. No.

Steps of Embankment Restoration

1 Inspect and identify the rain cuts after removal of membrane.

2 Clean the muck/slush deposited by removing the surfacial layer.

3 Fill the raincuts in thin layers of thickness not exceeding 250mm using suitable soil type with appropriate moisture content

Depending upon the width of rain cuts (narrow or wide), the equipment like excavator bucket, dozer chaining or roller, suitable for
that width shall be used for compaction of loose fill.

5 First, the layer of fill shall be compacted by 5-6 blows of excavator bucket, then after leveling, it should be chained using dozer and
finally minimum four number of passes of roller shall be allowed over the fill to ensure proper compaction.

6 After compacting it using roller (minimum four passes), in-situ density shall be measured.

7 Minimum density of 95% of MDD shall be ensured.

After raincut restorations, remove the top 300mm layer thickness all throughout the length of embankment and level it using dozer, in
order to avoid any soft/loose deposite during monsoon.

9 Compact the top of embankment using roller with minimum four (4) number of passes.

10 Perform the insitu density test at random locations at an approximate interval of 100m for shell and core layers.

11 Ensure through roller compaction that minimum density of 95% of MDD is ensured in all the insitu density checks.

12 After ensuring these steps, proceed for next layers as per the previous approved methodology.

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