The document summarizes the different seasons and weather patterns throughout the year. In spring, nature awakens from winter sleep as trees and bushes break into leaves. Summer is the hottest season with balmy weather and occasional rains. Autumn arrives with falling leaves and ripening fruit before winter sets in with snowfall and freezing temperatures.
The document summarizes the different seasons and weather patterns throughout the year. In spring, nature awakens from winter sleep as trees and bushes break into leaves. Summer is the hottest season with balmy weather and occasional rains. Autumn arrives with falling leaves and ripening fruit before winter sets in with snowfall and freezing temperatures.
The document summarizes the different seasons and weather patterns throughout the year. In spring, nature awakens from winter sleep as trees and bushes break into leaves. Summer is the hottest season with balmy weather and occasional rains. Autumn arrives with falling leaves and ripening fruit before winter sets in with snowfall and freezing temperatures.
The document summarizes the different seasons and weather patterns throughout the year. In spring, nature awakens from winter sleep as trees and bushes break into leaves. Summer is the hottest season with balmy weather and occasional rains. Autumn arrives with falling leaves and ripening fruit before winter sets in with snowfall and freezing temperatures.
There is noth ing as beautiful as nature. In every gent ce of the moo n surr oun ded by flight of a bird in the endless azure sky or usual silen g, sum mer , win ter and autu mn a misty rim, natu re remains mysterious. In sprin people wonder at the secrets of its beauty. wint er sleep. Little strea ms flow When spring sets in, nature awakens from its long war m days and sunn y wea ther . merrily dow n hillsides. Bird s twitter of approaching e like small islands in a sea of The last melting snow can be seen here and ther . Tree s and bush es brea k into greenery and blossoms. The sun shines brightly beco mes clou dy and the first leaves and shoo t you ng buds. One day the wea ther appears in the sky afte r it. It spring shower com es down. A magnificent rainbow cted in num erou s pudd les. clears up and the bright sun rays are merrily refle Everything arou nd looks fresh and lovely. on of the year. Sum mer is the Spring smoothly turns into summer, the hottest seas al heav y rains. Earl y in the time of balmy weather, gentle winds and occasion the sun is usua lly blaz ing hot. morning it is a bit cool, but in the middle of the day le can 't stan d such unbearable Summers are always burning hot and man y peop sky is a glassy, brilliant azur e heat. They go swim min g or lie lazily in the sun. The ht that it hurts to keep you r and the sun burn s dow n brightly. The glare is so brig s peop le from dust y air and eyes open. The n cool rainy weather comes and save a cold wet sky indicate the oppressive heat. Dazzling flashes of lightning in rain. Tho se who are caug ht in approach of a thunderstorm, and it starts to pou r with the bone. the rain take shelter; otherwise, they can get wet to est of early fruit whi ch gets Hundreds of people do gardening to gather the harv ripe by the middle of summer. they don 't wan t it to end. As if Summer is the favourite season of many people, so d wea ther in autumn, kno wn considering this, nature gives us one more spell of goo soft carp et of dyin g leaves and as Indian summer. Whe n the earth is covered with a ht sun rays say good-bye to nature is slowly falling asleep, a soft breeze and brig the sky seems sad. Eve ryth ing still green grass and trees. But gardens are silent and begins to fall asleep. foggy. The melo dy of birds Once the wind has changed, days become drizzly and y to warm er climates. It gets is not heard any mor e because they have flown awa arou nd chan ges 279 colour, muddy, wet and slippery in the streets. Everything is harvest time, and trees in the leaves become yellow and gradually fall. Autu mn gardens are laden with ripen fruit. keep s falling and gradually the It gets cooler day by day and winter sets in. Sno w erature falls belo w freezing, so ground is covered with deep white snow. The temp rivers and lakes freeze over with crust. People like to skate on the glassy surface. Occasionally the weather becomes nasty and a snowstorm begins. A blizzard accompanied by piercing sleet proves that winter doesn't like to joke around. She is the real queen of her kingdom. Hills are covered with deep snow, and icicles hang from the roofs of houses. The silvery grey sky with low dull clouds seems to hang over the earth as if trying to hide the sun. Roads become slippery, and it's easy to slip and fall and break a leg. But how happy the children are who merrily slide down hills on sledges! They are not afraid of the cold because in friendly company even a bitter frost is not frightful.