MI CH 1. The Fundamental of Costing

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Management Information - 100 Marks

Q-1) What is cost accounting?

Q-2) What are the functions of cost accounting?
How cost accounting help?
Cost accounting is concerned with providing information to assist what?
Q-3) Management accounting
Q-4) What are Differences between Financial accounting versus cost accounting?
Q-5) What is Cost object?
Q-6) What is Cost unit? [MJ10]
Q-7) What should be the cost unit for the following organization:
(a) Hospital
(b) College
(c) Power Station
(d) Railway
(e) College
(f) Telephone company
Q-8) Which one of the following items might be a costs unit within the management accounting
system of a university or a college of further education?
 Business studies department
 A student
 A college building
 The university itself.
Q-9) Composite cost unit
Q-10) What are the cost elements?
Q-11) What is direct cost?
Q-12) What is indirect/overhead cost? [MJ10]
Q-13) Classify different overhead costs with example.[MJ10]
Q-14) What is product cost? [ND10]
Q-15) What is Period cost? [ND10]
Q-16) Analyze costs according to their behavior with a graphical presentation. [MJ10]
Q-17) What is fixed cost?
Q-18) What is variable cost?
Q-19) What is Semi variable or semi fixed or mixed cost?
Q-20) What is relevant range?
Q-21) What is responsibility accounting?
Q-22) Responsibility accounting is a technique that help-controlling costs, - state briefly how it done.
Q-23) What is Controllable cost?
Q-24) What is Uncontrollable cost?
Management Information 2
Chapter # 1: The Fundamental of Costing

Q-1) What is cost accounting? Example of cost object:

- A unit of product,
Cost accounting dealt with ways of - A unit of services,
accumulating historical information about cost - A department or functions,
and of charging these costs to unit of output or - A project,
to department, in order to establish inventory - A new product or service.
valuations, profit and losses and balances of Q-6) What is Cost unit?
Balance Sheet items. It has since been A cost unit is a basic measure of a product or
extended to planning, control and decision service for which costs are determined.

Q-7) What should be the cost unit for

Q-2) What are the functions of cost the following organization:
accounting? (a) Hospital
Or (b) College
How cost accounting helps? (c) Power Station
Or (d) Railway
Cost accounting is concerned with (e) College
providing information to assist (f) Telephone company
what? [MJ10]
How cost information helps in Organization Possible cost units
decision making? [MJ10] 1 Hospital Patient/day
Cost accounting is concerned with providing 2 College Cost per student
information to assist the following:- 3 Power station Cost per KW
- establishing inventory valuation, profit 4 Railway Cost per passenger
and losses and balance sheet items, 5 Telephone company Cost per minute call
- planning,
- control,
- decision making. Q-8) Which one of the following items might
be a costs unit within the management
accounting system of a university or a
Q-3) Management accounting college of further education?
i. Business studies department
Management accounting is basically concerned ii. A student
with provision of information to the iii. A college building
management to assist management with iv. The university itself.
planning, control and decision making. [ND10]

Q-9) Composite cost unit

Q-4) What are Differences between
Financial accounting versus cost Some of the cost units are made up of two
accounting? parts, for example patient/day cost unit for
(a) definition, hospital. These two part known as composite
(b) users units and they are used most often in service
(c) law organizations. Composite cost units help to
(d) format improve cost control.
(e) Area
(f) Unit
(g) Time/period Q-10) What are the cost elements?

(a) Material,
Q-5) What is Cost object? (b) Labor,
A cost object is in anything for which we are (c) Other expenses.
trying to ascertain the cost.
Management Information 3
Chapter # 1: The Fundamental of Costing
partly affected by change in the level of
Q-11) What is direct cost? activity.
A direct cost is a cost that can be traced in full
to cost unit. - electricity and gas bill,
- sales representatives’ salary,

Q-12) What is indirect/overhead cost?

[MJ10] Q-20) What is relevant range?

Indirect is a cost that cannot be traced in full The relevant range is the range of activity
to the cost unit. levels within which assumed cost behavior
patterns occur.
Q-13) Classify different overhead costs Q-21) What is responsibility accounting?
with example.[MJ10]
Responsibility accounting is a system of
There are four types overheads: accounting that segregates revenue and costs
(a) Production overhead into areas of personal responsibility to monitor
(b) Administration overhead and assess the performance of each part of an
(c) Selling overhead organization.
(d) Distribution overhead
Responsibility centre:
A responsibility centre is department or
Q-14) What is product cost? [ND10] function whose performance is direct
responsibility of a specific manger.

Q-15) What is Period cost? [ND10]

Q-22) Responsibility accounting is a
technique that help-controlling
Q-16) Analyze costs according to their costs, - state briefly how it done.
behavior with a graphical [ND10]
presentation. [MJ10]

[Answer No. 17 to 19] Q-23) What is Controllable cost? [MJ10]

A controllable cost is a cost that can be

Q-17) What is fixed cost? influenced by the management actions and
A fixed cost is a cost that, within relevant
range of activity levels is not affected by
increase or decreases in the level of activity. Q-24) What is Uncontrollable cost?
- the salary of the managing director
- the rent of single factory building, An uncontrollable cost is a cost that cannot be
- straight line depreciation of a single affected by the management within a given
machine, time span.

Q-18) What is variable cost?

A variable cost is a cost that increases or

decreases as the level of increases or
- the cost of raw materials,
- direct labor cost,
- sales commission,

Q-19) What is Semi variable or semi fixed

or mixed cost?

Semi-fixed or semi-variable or mixed cots are

part-fixed and part-variable and are therefore
Management Information 4
Chapter # 1: The Fundamental of Costing

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