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Senior Lecturer, Mount Kenya University

School of business and Economics


Executive summary

After the Genocide against Tutsi of 1994, following the atrocities, the Government of Rwanda,
focused more on providing urgently needed services to community, while long term
development programme and strategies took backseat. In 2000, however, H.E Paul Kagame, The
President of the Republic of Rwanda, set the country on an agenda of a rapid development that
aimed at transforming lives of citizens, reduce poverty, improve governance and promote
economic growth and development.

Since 2000, Rwanda adopted strategic vision 2020 for poverty reduction and economic
development strategies to reduce the succession of poverty. Necessary policies and strategies
were put in place and tools were designed to fast track the implementation. Among different
policy established by the Government of Rwanda was Imihigo. Imihigo concept was designed
and implemented since 2006 as contract and commitments to achieve particular targets in the
District that impact the well being and economic transformation of the citizens. During the
signing of the Imihigo, the Mayor commits to such activities as construction of health centers and
roads, provision of electricity to local people, safer and clean water and infrastructure
development and quality education. Today Imihigo has become an accountability f orum where
Mayors held accountable to the public in terms of service delivery, economic transf ormation,
social transformation and transformational governance of the citizens. Thus, Imihigo is a
yardstick for good governance. Due to the fact that the Imihigo speeds up development of the
citizens, it is in vain important to assess the impact of signe d Imihigo on the citizen’s
transformation lives of all. The impact assessment so entitled “IMIHIGO IMPACT
ASSESSMENT REPORT” aimed at assessing the whether the Imihigo of the Kicukiro District
in the recent 3 years transformed the lives of the citizens and are sustainable for prosperity. The
impact assessment targeted citizens in Kicukiro District who participated in the planning or not
of the Imihigo and direct and indirect beneficiaries. The findings revealed that Imihigo are
positively and significantly impacting the citizens of Kicukuro District at 87.9 percent. The
extent of the impact was determined by the R-squared coefficient using the model of multiple

Table of contents
Executive summary .................................................................................................................... 2

Table of contents ....................................................................................................................... 3

List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. 5

Background and context ............................................................................................................. 6

Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 7

Objectives of Impact the assessment ............................................................................................ 8

Impact Assessment methodology ................................................................................................. 8

Impact Assessment findings .......................................................................................................12

Knowledge of Imihigo by the citizens in Kicukiro District .................................................................12

3. Categories of Imihigo of Citizens in their Family ........................................................................13

6. The level of citizens in the implementation of Imihigo .............................................................16

7. How citizens new Imihigo of the District................................................................................17

11. Challenges encountered by the citizens in the imihigo implementation ......................................20

2. The most Imihigo of Social transformation that impacted the citizens .......................................41

Imihigo impact assessment ........................................................................................................45

1. Economic Transformation impact assessment ........................................................................45

Impact of Decent and Productive Job created impact assessment ....................................................45

Urbanization and sustainability impact assessment........................................................................46

Industrial promotion .................................................................................................................47

Domestic savings for financial services .........................................................................................47

Productivity of agriculture and livestock impact assessment ...........................................................48

Maintained natural resources and environment impact assessment.................................................49

Social Transformation impact assessment ....................................................................................50

2.1. Enhancing graduation from poverty and extreme poverty ........................................................50

2.2 Enhancing demographic dividend to access quality of education impact ......................................50


1.1. Enhancing demographic dividend though access to quality health for all ................................51

2.4 Infrastructure development .............................................................................................53

2.5. Transformational Governance ..............................................................................................53

CONCLUSION ...........................................................................................................................54


REFERENCE ..............................................................................................................................56

List of Tables
Table 1: Kicukiro Imihigo category by pillar and budget, 2016-2019....................................... 10

Table 2:Imihigo targets achieved 2017-2018 in Kicukiro District ............................................ 21

Table 3: Imihigo targets achieved by the District in 2018-2019 ............................................... 29

Table 4: Economic transformation Imihigo on decent and productive jobs creation that impacted
the citizens ............................................................................................................................ 35

Table 5: The most Imihigo of urbanization and sustainability that impacted the citizens........... 36

Table 6: Most Imihigo of industrial promotion that impacted citizens ...................................... 37

Table 7: Most Imihigo of domestic savings that impacted the citizens ..................................... 38

Table 8: The most Imihigo of productivity of agricultural and livestock that impacted the citizens
............................................................................................................................................. 39

Table 9: The most Imihigo maintenance of natural resources and environment impacted the
citizens.................................................................................................................................. 40

Table 10: Most imihigo to promote resilience and enhancing graduation from poverty and
extreme poverty in kicukiro that impacted the citizens ............................................................ 41

Table 11: Most imihigo of enhancing demographic dividend that impacted the citizens........... 42

Table 12: Most Imihigo on demographic dividend to access quality education that changed lives
of citizens.............................................................................................................................. 43

Table 13: The most imihigo of infrastructure development that impacted the citizens............... 44

Table 14: Most transformational governance imihigo impacted the governance, peace, justice,
and unity for equitable and sustainable development............................................................... 44

Background and context

Rwanda was emerged by poverty of 78% in 1995 and reduced between 2006 and 2011 to 45% .
To speed and improve the lives of citizens for development of Rwandans’ livelihoods across the
community, and reduce the level of poverty that impacted the lives of society, The Government
of Rwanda, introduced Imihigo in 2006, as performance contract management tool whereby most
government ministers, Mayor of the City of Kigali, Governors of Provinces and all the District
Mayors, on behalf of their ministries, and citizens, sign Imihigo with His Excellence, Paul
Kagame, the President of the Republic of Rwanda to commit themselves on set of agreed targets
aimed to accelerate the achievements of government development agenda and priorities therein
national development frameworks toward the economic transformation, social transformation,
and transformational governance that impact the transformational lives of the citizens.

Furthermore, the Government centralization policy that was launched in 2000 required a greater
level of accountability, had the objective of making public local government more effective,
efficient and accountable in the implementation of national programs in accelerating the
socioeconomic development agenda. Thus, Imihigo fast tracks levels of accountability of the
central and local governments. The set of targets ensures that national objectives and economic
growth, poverty reduction as stated in macro development frameworks is achieved. While the
implementation confirms that all planned activities are executed as planned toward the
promotion of equitable local development and enhancing citizen participation and strengthening
the local government system, while maintaining effective functional and mutually accountable
linkages between Central and Local Governments entities (MINALOC, 2012).

The objective of Imihigo is to speed up implementation of the local and national development
agenda, to ensure stakeholder ownership of the development agenda, to promote accountability
and transparency, to promote result-oriented performance, to instill innovation and encourage
competitiveness, to engage stakeholders (citizens, civil society, dono rs, private sector, etc) in
policy formulation and evaluation, to promote zeal and determination to achieve set goals, to
instill the culture of regular performance evaluation. The end results of the imihigo are to impact
the beneficiaries by promoting the economic growth, change in people’s lives and building
blocks for equitable transformational and sustainable national development.

During the signing of Imihigo on 6 th October, 2017, with District Mayors, and Ministers, H.E the
President of the Republic of Rwanda, Paul Kagame said “Imihigo is about evaluating our
performance, learning from our mistakes and moving forward together. What Imihigo shows us
is that we still have areas where we need to improve, that we need to do what it takes to improve
and reach our goals. Imihigo is not just a ceremony: it is about achieving our goal of
transforming the lives of every citizen; the pledges have to translate into action and tangible
results for every citizen.”

Since the establishment of Imihigo in Rwanda in 2006, there is a lot of significant

transformation; Life expectancy has increased from 57.22 in 2006 to 66.6 years in 2017. Poverty
has reduced from 57% in 2006 to 38.2% in 2016/2017. Extreme poverty reduced from 37.2% to
16% in 2016/2017 and by 11.4 in Kicukiro District. The EICV5 indicated that the extreme
poverty rate in Kicukiro District is at 3.5 Percent. The substantial socio-economic development
progress, succession of poverty reduction, high quality and standard live, development of
modern infrastructure, livelihoods of the citizen and transformation for prosperity since 2006,
has been the results of government indicatives programmes, strategies, policies and available
resources which imihigo is among them. Kicukiro District Mayors, like other Mayors in Rwanda,
were signing imihigo with His excellence Paul Kagame, the President of the Republic of
Rwanda, and budget was reallocated to facilitate the implementation and achievements of
Imihigo since 2006 up to day, but as per now, there is no research that have been conducted, to
analyze the impact of the set imihigo on lives transformation of the citizens in Kicukiro District.

The Imihigo impact assessment is very important as it aims at measuring the effectiveness of
Imihigo and judging the significance of changes brought by the signed and achieved Imihigo o n
economic transformation, social transformation and transformational governance toward
economic growth, industrial development, quality healthy population, c apable Rwandan
population, quality education, self-reliant and free poverty Rwanda. Where the impact is not
seen, remedies are taken for further ahead for future planning and prosperity. In the last 3 years,
Kicukiro District Imihigo indicated a positive trend of performance, budgets were allocated, and
there is no doubt that lives of citizens were to be transformed. It is in regard that Imihigo Impact
Assessment Report (IIAR) intended to determine the extent to which the imihigo of Kicukiro
District of 2016 to 2019 impacted transformational lives of citizens.

Objectives of Impact the assessment

The main objective of the assessment is to establish the extent to which Imihigo of Kicukiro
District transformed lives of citizens.

The specific research objectives are:

i) To evaluate the level of citizen’s participation in the Imihigo implementation and

sustainability in Kicukiro District
ii) To determine the extent to which the economic transformation, social transformation and
transformational governance Imihigo transformed citizens’ life.
iii) To identify challenges of Imihigo during planning and implementation that may hinder
the citizen’s transformation lives and sustainability.

Impact Assessment methodology

The nature of the assessment dictated the use of both qualitative and quantitative assessment
approaches. For this assessment, the combined of a number of techniques for data collection namely
desk review of Imihigo, Focus group discussions, interviews with key informants in model village of
Masaka and Gahanga where citizens who were in risk zones were relocated and Spot check visits to
Imihigo sites were organized to assess the planning and sustainability of the Imihigo. The approach
was largely participatory in nature, and to analyse the stakeholder’s involvement in the Imihigo,
planning, implementation in nature citizens were consulted and their views were taken into account
during the impact assessment reporting process for ethical consideration. During the impact
assessment the target population was drawn from the village and in each cell, 20 respondents were
selected based on the role played in the Imihigo process.

During the data collection, a questionnaire of closed ended questions was prepared to collecte
information from imihigo beneficiaries on how Imihigo transformed their social, economic lives and
enhanced unity and reconciliation. The universe population was all the population of Kicukiro
District, but only 20 in each cell were selected to represent others. The total sample size is 774
respondents. The selection of the respondents based on the role played in the Imihigo or direct
beneficiaries of the imihigo during the implementation. The sampled population were member of
civil society, member of JADF, village leader, National commission for people with disability,

member of the national youth council, cell administrative staff, school teacher, upper secondary
students, motorcyclists, opinion leader, Small and medium enterprise owners, cooperative
member, citizens in ubudehe category 1 and 2, model village relocated family, nationa l women
council, intore ku rugerero representative and private sector.
The questions in the questionnaire were programmed in software called SurveyCTO, a software
based on ODK (Open data Kit) installed in the tablets. The data were entered in the system using the
kobo collect Software. The questionnaire was uploaded in the tablet to easy the data entry.
Enumerators were trained on data entry and management for two days. Data collected were cleaned
analyzed and imported in SPSS version 21 for analysis and tables were designed to determine the
extent to which imihigo of Kicukuro District impacted the lives transformation of citizens. The
findings were validated by the assessment process owners and presented for discussions and
approval at District Executive committee, Staff together with respondents. During the presentation,
views of participants were taken into consideration and amended where the researcher found
necessary. The data collection flow chart is presented here below in the

Figure 1: Data collection flow chart


Source: The researcher, June 2019

Table 1: Kicukiro Imihigo category by pillar and budget, 2016-2019

Years Category of imihigo per pillar Number of set

2015/2016 Economic Transformation Pillar 38
Social Transformation Pillar 25
Transformational Governance Pillar 8
2016/2017 Economic Transformation Pillar 25
Social Transformation Pillar 22
Transformational Governance Pillar 10
2017/2018 Economic Transformation Pillar 25
Social Transformation Pillar 22
Transformational Governance Pillar 17
2018/2019 Economic Transformation Pillar 23
Social Transformation Pillar 22
Transformational Governance Pillar 12

Source: Compiled by the researcher, June, 2019


Figure 2: Trend of budget allocated in Imihigo (2016-2019) in Kicukiro District

Source: The researcher, June 2019

The figure above indicates how the budget was allocated in the Imihigo implementation in the
last three years. 2015-2019 of -67 percent. The figure indicates a decline trend of budget of
Imihigo in 2016/2017 and in 2017-2018 of -179 percent, with increase of 37 percent in
2018/2019 imihigo. The
decrease in the Imihigo
The increase in Imihigo indicated that budget allocation in 2016-
2018 was due to the multi
years roads construction
priorities in transformation of citizens’ life projects that were in the
Imihigo from 2015-2017
that were still in
is also increases, the focus in the planning implementation.

process and the commitment level of

local government authority also increase

at the same level and much more

accountability is seen as liability


Impact Assessment findings

Knowledge of Imihigo by the citizens in Kicukiro District

It has come from the assessment findings that the citizens in Kicukuro District know the Imihigo.

This knowledge helps them to set imihgo (targets in their families and be part of the Imihigo
planning, Implementation and evaluation process.

This was confirmed by the respondents at 94.84 % and only 1.550 % said that they don’t know
what imihigo is and its role in the economic, social transformation and transformational

citizens’ Families’ Imihigo

This sub section highlights the level of

citizens that have Imihigo in their families.
Having imihigo for citizens in the family
increases their ownership, hard working,
family responsibilities, and commitment to
growth and prosperity. This spirit will
upgrade the citizens and help them to work
with driven purpose.

The findings of the assessment reveals that citizens in Kicukiro have family imihigo. 97.67%
responded that they have imihigo and this is their culture of every year.

The imihigo are written on paper, some in a note book other in (Ikayi y’Imihigo).

But at the time of the assessment few hard physical imihigo book but confirmed having them and
implement the imihigo in their lives.
If you want to have a happy and
They are not surprised by what they better life, set goals, implement achieve at
and work hard achieve them
the end of the year and this is the reason on
why they celebrate their achievements close of each year. have confirmed that they don’t

have Imihigo in their families. Some of the reasons is that they are extremely poor and have no
available resources to implement the set Imihigo. The imihigo they have to maintain Rwandan
values and culture that which may not have a direct impact on their social and economic
transformation. It is good for us to have Imihigo avoid being in trouble of spending our life
running up and down in the field and never score.

3. Percent Categories of
Lighting and electricity 1.4
Imihigo buy a cow 2.8
of Citizens in their
Family have clean water 4.1
Prevent malnutrition 5.3
When setting Family’s
Hygiene 6.1
imihigo, Construct a house 6.1 citizens consider the
financial any other Umuhigo 6.6 capacity, level of
Family planning 10.6
household’s income,
Pay school fees of my children 14.3
Pay MUSA 41.1 demographic
characteristics of the
family members. The
respondents confirmed to the researcher that the most Umuhigo in their family that is considered
to the priority is buying mutual health to ensure the universal access to quality health of all
family members. While lighting and electricity is not a priority for them. 41.73% buy mutual
health before engaging any family social and economic cost, while 1.44% agreed that they don’t
set Umuhigo on lighting electricity. Another preseason is that lighting and electricity are done
simultaneously when roads and houses are being constructed. Paying school fees to children is
not the Imihigo in most of the families due to the fact that children access free education in
Rwanda and no one is prevented to attend schools because of school fees in public institution.
Therefore, educating the children is not a burden to the citizens.

Figure 3: Category of Imihigo in the


Source: The researcher, June 2019

4. Information of citizen of Imihigo of village, cell, sector and District

Ownership, involvement and implementation become simple when citizen know where there are
needed. The citizens have shown that they are aware that Imihigo is being prepared from the
village, to cell, Sector and District. This Imihigo planning process enables the citizen’s full of
commitments and participation during the implementation and sustaining the Imihigo achieved.

The figure indicates clearly that 92.51 % of citizens have information and know that the village,
cell, Sector and District have Imihigo.

This gives them opportunity to interact with local authorities and see where more participation is
needed by the citizen in the implementation and where challenges are seen, be mitigated and
reduced before the evolution by the third party. The citizen confirmed that the knowledge on the
Imihigo in the village, cell, sector, and district has
promoted their working on excellence, promoting the
accountability, being clear on everything there are
The citizens are involved in the
doing, benchmarking with local government
Imihigo planning process at
priorities, and sustain what were achieved by local
their respective levels. The
entities and working for competition with others organs that represent the
citizen in the District towards free poverty and community in on the high level,
sustainable growth. The above chart indicates that opinion leaders, village leaders,
92.51% know local entities Imihigo in Kicukiro cell administrative staff, NYC,
District, while 3.876% don’t know them. This shows NCPD and JAD are involved in
that citizens can also participate in the setting priorities at the level of
implementation of the Imihigo at all levels in the cell, Sector and District.
District. The Findings indicated that
83.20% of the respondents
agreed that they are much
involved in the Imihingo
planning and 13.31% do not
participate in the planning of
Imihigo in the last two years,
while 3.488% are not sure
whether they participated in
planning of Imihigo in their

5. The level of Imihigo planning citizens’ involvements in the last two year

6. The level of citizens in the

implementation of Imihigo

The citizen participation in Imihigo is a community-based process, where the citizens in

Kicukiro District organize themselves to do an activity at the grassroots level and work together
without government intervention to influence their decision making process. Kicukiro citizens
get most involved in this process when the issue at stake related directly to them. Furthermore
Kicukiro District citizen’s participation occurs when they cooperate to implement changes.
Kicukiro District citizen’s participation in Imihigo is very importance as it is the ingredient in the
recipe for democracy, increases transparency, and help in problem solving at integral part of their
day lives. The figure above indicates that 91.21% participated in the implementation of Imihigo
at their levels in economic transformation, social transformation and transformational
governance. 3.876% have participated nor involved in the Imihigo implementation process by the
local leaders where they live while 2.326 don’t know if they were involved in the Imihigo
implementation process in Kicukiro District.

7. How citizens new Imihigo of the District

Once the Imihigo are prepared, it is the responsibility of local leadership to disseminate them to
citizens for awareness at all levels. The findings shown that 50.1% of the citizens in the survey
indicated that they knew Imihigo during Meetings with their local leaders at village level, cell
levels, sector levels and district levels, 13.57% knew them during the implementation. This is

mostly on road constructions and urbanization Imihigo. 10.87 knew Imihigo in the design stage
at all levels.

There are several ways that

Kicukiro District disseminates
Imihigo (during meetings with
community, during
implementation and official
launch, during imihigo design,
public awareness on banners at
the local administrative offices,
during accountability day, ad
when the District needs partners.
But the most as indicated by the
respondents are meeting, in
implementation, design and
publishing Imihigo on public
notices board

Figure: The most Imihigo implemented by the citizens in Kicukiro District in the recent two

Source: The researcher, June 2019

Data were collected with the purpose of knowing the area of interest and participation in the
implementation of Imihigo by the citizens in Kicukiro District. It was agreed by the majority of
citizens sampled in the research that, they implement imihigo in Bought MUSA for my f amily,
Bought and Distributed MUSA for vulnerable people in the village, construct h ouses for
vulnerable group, I bought and distributed a cow to the vulnerable family, constructed a gutter

and bridges in my village, I planted trees, savings, culture, contributed to buy motorcycles in the
cell, participated in the office administration construction (cell and sectors), road construction in
the village, job creation, I trained adult for literacy, lighting and electricity, clean water at home,
constructed ECD and equipped, construction of classrooms and soft skills training and tool kits
distribution and community mobilization. The findings revealed that most of the citizens buy the
mutual health for the family in implementing the Imihigo in the village at 42.1%, citizens buy
and distribute mutual health for the vulnerable people in their village who are in the category 2 at
10.2%. 8.9 % participated in the construction of administrative offices in different sectors and
cell in Kicukiro District. While 7.6 % of the respondents said to have participated in buying
motorcycles of the cells where they live. The charts indicate the level of citizens of Kicukiro
District in the implementation of Imihigo with a mean of 4.19 which means that role of the
citizens in the Imihigo implementation is still low. The reasons they said is that the citizens
implement Imihogo that they set in their families. The imihigo set by the village and sectors are
implemented by local government leaders.

11. Challenges encountered by the citizens in the imihigo implementation

It is important for the citizens to implement imihigo set by the village, cell, sector, and District.
The level requires participation in the implementation process. It was evidenced that during the
imihigo implementation, citizens have got most challenge of not having sufficient resources at
58.5 percent , 12.3 percent was not much involved in the imihigo implementation in by the
leaders, 10 percent had a challenge of being surprised to implement the imihigo set by the local
leaders at their levels.

4.9% of the respondents agreed that some priorities that were put in the Imihigo during
consultation meeting in villages and cells were not captured in the district Imihigo. 1.9% of the
respondents agreed that there are some Imihigo that are implemented at their levels that are not in
their Imihigo, and were not involved in the prioritization process during the Imihigo planning

Part II. The most Imihigo in Kicukiro District that impacted the citizen’s transformation

Table 2:Imihigo targets achieved 2017-2018 in Kicukiro District


Outcome1: Increased productiviy
Outputs Annual Targets Annual achievement
1.1 Land consolidated/area for crops cultivated

1350Ha of Maize 1,602.4Ha of maize cultivated

3230 Ha of Bush 3,306Ha of Bush beans cultivated
1.2 MT of maize and Bush been produced
5040MT of Maize 4407.8 MT Maize produced
2788 MT of Bush Beans 2758.5 MT Bush beans produced
Outcome2: Agriculture extension is promoted
2.1 Enhancing
Twigire Muhinzi 3484 farmers registered 3976 farmers registered
5Training for FP at sector 5 training for FP in sectors conducted
131 FP receive an incentive parkage 141 FP received incentive parkage
19 FP to be awarded 19 bicycle Supplied
30 new FFS groups
created&Evaluated 30 new groups created and identified
Outcome3: Increased animal resouces productivity
3.1 dairy cows
distributed under
Girinka 172 dairy cows to be distributed 173 dairy distributed
3.2 Cows
inseminated 1272 cows inseminated 1211 cows inseminated
655 calves recorded 743 calves recorded
3.3. Livestocks
vaccinated 6053 livestock to be vaccinatedq 5928 livestock vaccinated
Outcome4:Small scale irrigation technology promoted
4.1. Ha developed
under SSIt 25.5 Ha Irrigated 62.95 Ha developed under SSIT
Outcome5: increased private sector investment and financing for industrial sector development
5.0 Made in Rwanda promoted
1 Made in Rwanda exhibition 1 Made in Rwanda exhibition
organized organizedand conducted

Outcome6: Enhanced urbanization development of cities

and toun
6.1 new houses (8in1) constructed in ayabaraye IDP
Model Village
4 blocks 4in1 (32 units)constructed
12 blocks 4in(48 units) (63%)
1ECD 1ECD Constructed (70%)
1Km internal road to be created 1 Km internal road created(Not yet)
1 poetry (for5000 laying hen
1 poutry (for 1440 laying hens) constructed(100%)
1 underground takn with 100 cubic 1 underground tank of 100cubic tank
meters constructed(100%)
6.2 households in scatted settlements and in risk zones
are relocated
4 households scattered to be relocated
8 households to be relocated in ayabaraya
4 Households in risk zones to be 4 households in high risk zone to be
relocated relocated
6.3. Detailed physical master plan developed of
60ha(karama,Busanza, Murinja site identified
Demarcation done (100%)
Physical plan approved(100)
Beacon fixing(100%)
Road clearance started(98%)
Outcome7:Improved road network and sustainability
7.1Feasibilily and technical study of 700m asphalt road gahanga-criquet
7.2 12 Km of earth roads rehabilitated(masaka, kanombe, nyarugunga, gatenga)
Road platform prepared and excavation
for side ditch ongoing(90%)
7.3 Bridge connecting gahanga, site indentified, expropriation

kagarama and kanombe completed, construction works up to

constructed 86%
Outcome8: Increased access to ICT and Business development services within community
8.1. 41 cells access to internet and
women trained in ICT 41 Cells are connected with 4G
8.2. 500 Women trained in ICT 515 Women trained in ICT
Outcome9:Increased entrepreneurship and business
9.1. 433 start up MSMEs coached to
develop bankable projects 434 MSMEs coached
9.2. 120 start up SMEs supported to 164 SMSEs supported to access finance
easy access finance BDF through BDF
Outcome10: Increased Employment
10.1. 18.724 off farm jobs created
14,930 off farms jobs created
Outcome11: Financial services strengthened
ConsiderinG RCA Report Achievement is
11.1. 95 of SACCO NPLs be recorved 94%
Outcome12: Ecosystems and forest resources increased
12.1 61,286 of trees planted on
124.6ha 106,494 trees planted on 182 ha
Outcome13: Emproved Energy Use
13.1. 841 HHs connected to on grid 841 HHS connected
13.2. 1,500 HHs use cooking gas 1,462 households use gas
Outcome14: Increase access to clean water
14.1. 82,238Km of water pipes 43Km excavated

rehabititated 32,605 laying with pipes completed

43Km excavated
32,605 laying with pipes completed
Outcome 15: City beautification and greening improved
15.1. 5.832km at camp kanomber-busanza-rubilizi asphalt road greed and
Outcome16: Increased access to financial services
16.1. 5,697,654,329 Rfw own
revenue collected 5,952,979,414 Rwf collected
Outcome17: Improved welfare of needy genocide
17.1. 578 HHs under extrem povery
supported with direct suport 578 beneficiaries supported
17.2. 25 beneficiaire provided with 25 Special Ds was provided to
special DS beneficiaries
17.3. 2 blocs (4in1)with 8 units for 2 blocs(4in1)with 8units for grnocide
genocide survivors houses survivors under construction up to
constructed 66.6%
4 Houses under construction and 26
17.4. 30 houses for genocide under rehabilitation (Completion of
survivors houses rehabilitated works 80%
Outcome18:Increased coverage of the extreme poor and
1,147 of labor intensive PW
delivered to extremly poor 887 labor intensive of 887 works
households ongoing
Outcome19: Sustainable graduation out of poverty
19.1 314 HHs beneficiaries 314 domestic animals distributed to HHS

supported with minimum package

19.2. direct support to 892 poor
HHS beneficiaires 892 poor HHs received direct support
2 cooperatives of people with 2 cooperative supported with financial
deabilities supported support
outcome 20:Increase equitable access to 9YBE for all children expanding access to 12 YBE
20.1 school feeding subsidies
provided to 9,475 students in 9YBE School feeding subsidies provided to
and 12YBE 9,475 to students in 9YBE and 12 YBE
20.2. 25 Classrooms and 36 latrines 16 classrooms in in GS Masaka I, and 4 in
constructed GS ayabaraya and 24 latrines
20.3. 157 genocide survivors 157 genocide survivors assisted in school
assisted in secondary schools fees in secondary school

outcome 21:Improved quality and learing outcomes across primary and secondary
21.1 75 primary schools and 41 60 primary school and 39 secondary
secondary schools inspected schools inspected
Outcome 22: Increased access to basic adult education to improve adult literacy and numeracy
782 illiterate adults under training but
21.2 780 iliiterate people trained not yet graduated progress up to
Outcome23: Increased geographical accessibility
23.1. Gahanga Health center fenced
100% fence completed
23.2. Nyanza health post
rehabilated rehabilitation works on progress
Outcome24: Improved quality of the health care
24.1 community is covered under 96.36 coverage under community based
community health insurance 100% health insurance
Outcome25: Reduced maternal mortality
25.1. maintain skilled birth sensitization to maintain skilled birth

attendance above 90% attendance (in 10/10 sectors)

25.2. pregnant woman receiving 4 campaign (in 10/10 sectors) but
anti natal care standard visits achievement is 31%
Outcome26: Fight against malnutrition
26.1. 95% eligible children and
mothers receiving FBF 99% received FBF
26.2. 800HHs from ubudehe cat1
and 2 supported 800HHs in cat1 and 2 received support
Outcome27: improved Hygiene and environment
27.1. 229Hygiene inspection 229 quarterly hygiene inspections
conducted in public infrastructure organized
Outcome28: Unit and reconciliation reinforced and
moral values promoted
28.1. 4 dialogues of ndi 4 ndi umunyarwanda in primary schools,
umunyarwanda held secondary and NYC and NWC done
28.2. 2 meeting on Unity and reconciliation forum operational at district level
1 meeting conducted
Outcome 29: Enhanced citizen participation
29.1. Encreased value of umuganda
at 597,000,000Rfw 589,586,432 Rwf
Outcome 30: Child rights protected
30.1 ECD integrated services scaled 1 model ECD constructed, works
up (1 ECD Model constructed) completed 100%
30.2. umugoroba w'ababyeyi
inspected in 10 sectors 4 inspections done
30.3. 4 anti GBV and child abuve 3 anti-BBV campaings done

campaign organized

30.4. District national woman 5,000,000Rfw supported tbe meeting,

supported with 5000,000Rfw initiatives of women
Outcome31: Improved service delivery in public sector
31. 1. District and 20NBAs audited
audit conducted in 24 NBAs
31.2. Governance month organized Governance month organized in 10
in 10 sectors sectors
31.3. Civil and vital events registered 100% in the CR Web based application
(15,209) 15,795 civil and vital events registered
Outcome32: Citizen satisfaction with public services
32.1. 775 citizens demand and
complaints resolved 724 complaints solved
32.2. 2 LG Governance inspections 1 LG Governance inspections conducted
conducted in all sectors in all sectors
18,000,000Rfw gien to muyange, kabeza,
32.3. 5 cells supported financially nyakabanda, bwerankori, kigarama,
(18,000,000Rfw) karama
Outcome 33: Access to equitable justice ensured
33.1. 100 (375) courts judgements cases without litigationreceived in
100% are supported in CBHI,
33.2. 100% of abunzi provided with *Trainings conducted,
incentives *Public recognition conducted
Outcome 34: Cultural value and norms promoted
34.1 2,637 S6 leavers students to
trained on civic education on 2,637 S6 leavers were trained on civic
ubutore education culture on ubutore

Outcome 35: Youth spot and calture promoted

35.1. 5,000,000 distributed to 5,000,000Rfgiven to NYC to support their
support national youth concil activities and initiative
35.2. Kicukiro youth patriotism cup 10 sectro competition youth patriotiam
organized in 10 sectors cup done

Table 3: Imihigo targets achieved by the District in 2018-2019


Outputs (Under priority area/ Sector/ Annual achievement
Outcome 1: Agricultural production for priority crops increased
1 Agricultural productivity through land Production:
use and input use increased *Maize:4,000 MT, *Bush Beans: 2,805 MT,
*Productivity: Maize 4MT/Ha

DAP:67,400 Kg UREA: 33,700 Kg,

NPK: 7,075 Kg,
KCL + Blends: 185 Kg
Maize: 13,955 Kg

2 Effective and efficient irrigation *25 Ha developed under Small Scale Irrigation
developed under an Integrated Water Technology (SSIT)
Resource Management (IWRM)
Outcome 2:Increased cash crops production
3 Vegetable production increased Cultivation of 200Ha.
Outcome 3:Increased animal productivity
4 Improved genetic for cows 1280 cows inseminated

5 Livestock vaccinated against diseases LSD:7213



Outcome 4: Increased productive Jobs through entrepreneurship and business
6 Productive jobs increased Create 12,323 new Productive jobs
7 Made in Rwanda promoted Organize and conduct 1 Made in Rwanda
8 Saving culture (Akabando program) Akabando operational in 10 Villages
Outcome 5: Improved riding quality and level of service for road network
9 Road quality upgraded 6.95Km Kagarama-Muyange asphalt road
Constructed at 30%
10 Gahanga Center-Cricket play ground 0.650 Km of Gahanga Center-Cricket play
asphalt road constructed ground asphalt road constructed at 50%

11 Earth road rehabilitated in 4 Sectors Rehabilitation of 12 Km earth road in Masaka,

Nyarugunga, Kanombe and Gatenga. at 100%

Outcome 6: Increased economic opportunities and social facilities in urban areas

12 Increased ravine construction 767m Gikundiro ravine constructed 75%

Outcome 7: Increased internet connectivity to productive use areas
13 Internet connection rolled out to Local Internet connection in 10 Health Centers of
Government institutions Kicukiro District
Outcome 8: Forest coverage maintained and increased

14 Increased area under agro-forestry 180Ha of agro forestry created and mapped
with 72,000 agro-forest trees,

15 Forest cover increased and maintained * 75Ha of existing forest rehabilitated with
45,000 forest trees.

16 30Ha planted with 48,000 trees

17 9,900 fruit trees planted

18 Integrated and harmonized land State land parcels identified at 100%

information in a paperless land register
for an optimized land management


Outcome 10: Increased access to improved settlement
19 Shelter constructed for people relocated 50 Shelters constructed for people relocated
from High Risk zone and homeless from High Risk zone and homeless

20 IDP Model village established and *4blocs with 32 Dwelling units, 1bloc ( 8 in 1)
operational zed and Mushroom project completed 100%
*32 vulnerable Households relocated in


Outcome 11: Increased district own revenues generation capacity
21 District Own revenues increased 6,244,342,169 Rw of Own Revenues collected

Outcome 12: Increased transparency and accountability of Public funds in Local

22 Public accountability enhanced and PFM 80% Auditor general's recommendations
strengthened implemented.
23 Public funds management 20NBAs audited

Outcome 13: Increased coverage and delivery of core Social protection programs
24 Direct Support delivered to extremely Provide support to 1,438 eligible beneficiaries
poor households headed by females &
males without labor
25 Labor intensive cPW and e-PW *1,750 HHs males and females beneficiaries
delivered to extremely poor households supported under Classic Public Works(cPW)
*23HHs supported under e-PW

Average working days gained by HHs

beneficiary employed under VUP PWs (72days)

100% Payment made within 15 working days

after the due date
Outcome 14: Extremely poor households have increased access to complementary
livelihood development services for economic empowerment
26 Linkages between core Social Protection 268 HHs beneficiaries supported with
and complementary programs Minimum package program
27 Cows distributed to poor families 138 Dairy Cows distributed.
through Girinka Program
28 3 Income generation activities(IGA)of 3 PWDs Income Generating Activities
PWD supported. supported.
Outcome 15: Increased access to Electricity
29 Households connected to electricity 400 HHs Connected to electricity
Outcome 16: Increased education infrastructure
30 Karembure 9&12 YBE constructed Karembure 9&12 YBE completed at 80%
31 New classrooms and latrines 30 New classrooms and 3 blocs (with 36
constructed. Latrines) constructed.

32 New Pre-primary classrooms 3 New Pre-primary classrooms constructed

33 Classrooms maintained 7 Classrooms Maintained
Outcome 17: Strengthening national administrative data: Civil Registration, vital status
and Education administrative statistics
34 Education administrative statistics Data entry in School Data Management
collected and timely registered through System(SDMS) at 100%
school Data management
35 Illiterate people trained 700 adult illiterate people trained
36 Dropout and repetition reduced Drop out rate:2,1% Repetition rate:5,9%
Outcome 18: Access to health services increased
37 Increased Health Posts construction 1Health Post in Karembure cell constructed
38 Coverage of Community Based Health 100% of people covered under community
Insurance Scheme (CBHI) increased based insurance

Outcome 19: Maternal, Child and Infant mortality reduced

39 Family Planning (FP) services provided FP modern method utilization rate 55%

40 Quality delivery and accessibility at Percentage of births attended by skilled health

health facility and community level professionals 95%
Outcome 20: Family cohesion strengthened
41 Umugoroba w'Ababyeyi promoted Conduct 4 inspection at Sector
42 Ayabaraya ECD Operationalized 1 ECD Operational in Ayabaraya IDPModel
Village at 100%
Outcome 21: Strengthened Social Care Services delivery for the most vulnerable

43 Child labour eliminated and prevented 1)0% of children in child labour

2)All people found engaging children in child
labour sanctioned
3)All identified causes of child labour
addressed and prevented
Outcome 22: Increased access to clean drinking water
44 Households connected to water 2,000 New household connected to water
infrastructure increased
45 Sanitation facilities increased 2 Public toilets constructed 100%
Outcome 23: Improved governance, service delivery and accountability in Local Government
46 Institutional capacity for service delivery 80% Complaints Received , Solved and
and accountability developed reported
47 100 % Complaints Received ,received and
resolved via e-citizens complaint tracking
48 Modernized civil registration and Modernized civil registration and systems
systems integration for online integration for online authentication
authentication strengthened. strengthened:90%

49 Increased transport facilities to Cells 31 motorcycles purchased through Community

Staffs mobilization
50 Improved administrative offices 2 Cells administrative offices(Bwerankoli and
Muyange) completed
51 2 Cells Administrative
offices(Nyarurama/Kigarama and Rusheshe)
Outcome 24: National Values, Ethics and National Service Promoted.
52 Itorero operationalized in all villages Itorero operationalized in 327 villages

53 In-depth sessions on Ndi Conduct 40 Ndi Umunyarwanda sessions at

Umunyarwanda conducted at Sector Sector level

54 Unity and reconciliation assemblies 4 Peace Unity and reconciliation assemblies

established conducted
Outcome 25: Improved access to quality Justice
55 Justice delivery at local level reinforced 75% of judgments executed

56 90% of cases received and settled by mediation

Reduce injustice cases by mediation
committees " Abunzi"
Outcome 26: Enhanced Rule of law , Accountability and business competitiveness
57 Public fund recovered for won cases Government funds recovered up to 30%

Source: Archive, Kicukiro District Imihigo 2018-2019

Assessment of the most Imihigo that impacted the citizens in Kicukiro District

1. The most Imihigo that impacted the economic transformation of the citizens

Table 4: Economic transformation Imihigo on decent and productive jobs creation that
impacted the citizens

Economic transformation on decent and Very High Moderate Low Very Mean
productive job creation high low
1. Support for potential sub-sectors for
24.2% 47.9% 23.3% 3.9% 0.8% 2.09
potential growth and employment
2. Support and empower youth and women
to create business through entrepreneurship and 13.2% 51.9% 29.8% 4.3% 0.8% 2.28
access to finance
3. Training and apprenticeship for work
15.5% 40.2% 37.6% 6.1% 0.6% 2.36
place learning
4. Soft skills training for labor market 13.3% 41.6% 34.9% 8.5% 1.7% 2.44

5. support of one model income and

employment generating project or enterprise in 13.4% 39.3% 38.1% 8.3% 0.9% 2.44
Source: Data compiled by the Researcher, 2019
During Imihigo, targets were signed to transform the economy of the citizens, to str aighten the
job creation and productive decent jobs. It was very important for the researcher to know the
most Imihigo on job creation that impacted the citizens. The findings indicated that supporting
cooperatives, youth and women impacted them to create decent jobs with the mean of 2.09 and
2.28 respectively. In the questionnaire design, the scale was very 1. Very High, 2. High, 3.
Moderate, 4. Low, 5. Very Low. The mean of all the Imihigo in job creation have is between 2.
This means all are the Imihigo have highly impacted the citizens. They have gained jobs and
others were created. in view of the above job creation, in partnership with private sector, NGOs,
Governmental projects and programme, like BDF in the recent three years that covered the study.
The factors that impacted the job creation is mostly Training and apprenticeship for work place
learning, Support and empower youth and women to create business through entrepreneurship
and access to finance and Soft skills training for labor market. In the last three years of Imihigo
52,004 jobs were created in Kicukiro District.
Table 5: The most Imihigo of urbanization and sustainability that impacted the citizens

Imihigo the District implemented Very High Moderate Low Very

that impacted the urbanization high low Mean
and sustainability
1. Construction of scheduled
24.4% 42.9% 24.8% 5.0% 2.8% 2.49
bus routes
2. Upgrading unpaved roads 16.9% 46.8% 28.2% 5.9% 2.2% 2.30
3. Install public lighting on
22.6% 39.9% 31.0% 4.1% 2.3% 2.24
district roads
4. Develop new residential
17.4% 41.6% 34.5% 5.2% 1.3% 2.31
Source: Researcher, 20019
The new residential zones developed of 60ha in Gatenga Sector, Nyarurama cell, Masaka Sector
in Gako cell and in Gahanga sector in Karembure cell impacted mostly the citizens’ urbanization

and sustainability the same with upgrading unpaved roads of 5.8 km of Kanombe-Busanza-
Rubilizi. 6.95Km kagarama-muyange asphalt road network constructed at 30% to reduce the
traffic jam and incease land value and business growth in the area. Earth road of 17 km in
Gatenga, Nyarugunga, Kanombe, Kagarama and Masaka Sector. The impact is presented in part
III of this assessment report.

Table 6: Most Imihigo of industrial promotion that impacted citizens

Imihigo set by the district impacted the Very High Moderate Low Very
promotion of industrialization and high low Mean
attain a structural shift to high value
goods and services
1. Promote the made in Rwanda 26.7% 44.3% 21.7% 6.7% 0.5% 2.10
2. Construction of District asphalt
16.3% 46.9% 29.1% 5.6% 2.2% 2.30
road (access facilities)
3. Construct or rehabilitate and
maintain feeder roads in the business 17.6% 41.3% 32.6% 6.5% 2.1% 2.34
4. Develop industrial park in
16.4% 33.3% 36.7% 11.4% 2.2% 2.50
Gahanga sector
5. Upscale mining 11.9% 27.5% 5.4% 38.1% 17.1% 3.07
6. Increasing value addition for
10.1% 33.6% 13.4 35.7% 5.3% 2.72
mineral products
7. Upgrading value addition on
13.3% 37.0% 34.1% 14.0% 1.7% 2.54
agricultural products
Source: Researcher, 20019
Construction of Agakiliro in Gahanga in partnership with private sector, and the upgrade of
value addition on agricultural products are the most imihigo targets that promoted the
industrialization and attain structural shift to high value goods and services. and feeder roads
impacted mostly the promotion of industrialization to attain structural and helped the shift to
high goods and services in Kicukiro District. The industrial park in Gahanga is still in
development and is moderately impacting the industrialization in Kicukiro District at an average

of 2.5. Made in Rwanda target is the most target that contribute to the industrialization in
kicukiro district feeder road construction to facilitate in the movement of goods and services. In
the implementation of promotion of industrialization and attain a structural shift to high value
goods and services target, the district trained 883 citizens of business development, financial
services and access to finance that enabled them in the business growth. Start up businesses were
given startup capital; 3 cooperatives were given financial support while 383 SMEs were
facilitated to access finances and linked with financial institutions. In promoting the transport
and recreational activities, The Gahanga center-cricket playground asphalt road of 0.650Km was
under construction at 57.3% which improved the business network, created jobs and f acilitated
the access to the cricket playground and easy the accessibility.

Table 7: Most Imihigo of domestic savings that impacted the citizens

increased the domestic savings for your financial Very High Moderate Low Very
services to promote the investment high low Mean
1. Financial services closer to people 23.5% 43.8% 23.1% 7.4% 2.2% 2.21
2. Payment transactions be done
19.5% 47.3% 22.5% 9.6% 1.2% 2.26
3. Long term savings (EJO HEZA,
AKABANDO PROGRAMME) Mobilization and 19.4% 36.2% 32.3% 10.1% 2.1% 2.39
Source: Researcher, 20019

Having SACCOs in all sectors of Kicukiro District, mutual funds (Ibimina), and savings groups
in their villages, financial transactions being done online, savings in AKABANDO Programme
with 1,231 members and mobilized to save in EJOHEZA. These prorgammes increased the
domestic savings for the financial services and promotes private investment in Kicukiro District.
Financial inclusion and access to finance at 97 percent, while Membership in SACCOs in
reported to 4,367 active members.

Table 8: The most Imihigo of productivity of agricultural and livestock that impacted the

Imihigo impacted your Very High Moderate Low Very Mean

productivity of agricultural and high low
1. Consolidate surface land 17.6% 39.5% 33.6% 7.8% 1.6% 2.36
2. Irrigate land 10.9% 33.3% 36.6% 15.2% 4.0% 2.68
3. Agricultural
13.8% 28.4% 36.8% 17.4% 3.5% 2.68
4. Radical terraces 11.5% 28.6% 34.2% 19.0% 6.7% 2.81
5. Access to improved seeds
12.9% 31.0% 35.5% 17.1% 3.5% 2.67
by famers
Source: Researcher, 20019
The most umuhigo that impacted mostly the productivity of agricultural and livestock in
Kicukiro District is land consolidation with a mean of 2.36. This indicate s that most land in
Kicukiro District is not irrigated at large surface, no terrace radical, and the agricultural is not yet
mechanized and seed are highly available to famers and improved the crop production. Only
4,908Ha of land for maize and bush beans were consolidated for crops and cultivated. 100.45 Ha
developed under small scale irrigation technology through mobilization and clo se relationship
with suppliers and farmers. Farmers registered in the SMART Nkunganire are receivning
fertilizers on time at affordable price with subsidies from the government and access improved
seeds of 14,033Kgs in collaboration with agro-dealers, RAB, MINAGRI and mobilized farmers.
But, farmers said that seeds are expensive compared to the price of their selling price after
harvest and has not impacted their quality and quantity of crop production. The

Table 9: The most Imihigo maintenance of natural resources and environment impacted
the citizens

Imihigo impacted the citizens to Very high High Moderate Low Very low
improve the maintained natural Mean
resources and environment
1. Planting trees for forestation
22.5% 42.9% 26.6% 6.8% 1.2% 2.21
and environment protection.
2. Promoting use of cooking gas
19.5% 44.1% 28.4% 5.4% 2.6% 2.28
and access to electricity.
Source: Researcher, 20019
Planting trees and the promotion of use of cooking gas in Kicukiro District were the most
Imihigo that mobilized citizens to maintain natural resources and protect the clean environment
at home and in the village. The mean of 2.21 and 2.28 revealed that all the two Imihigo were
very important and changed their lives positively towards economic change for sustainability. In
the last imihigo fiscal year, a surface of 256.5ha were covered and maintained trees planted of
242,456 for agro forestry trees and fruits, in collaboration with RWAFA, Reserve f orce, UTB ,
JICA Rwanda and citizens. These Trees were planted in Kanombe, Masaka, Kigarama, Gahanga
and Gatenga sector in Kicukiro District. The imihigo on promoting gas usage through citizen’s
mobilization has changed the mindset of citizens and in the recent three years a total of 2,666
households newly are using cooking gas to improve the energy use and environment protection.
1,241 households were connected to the on-grid electricity in collaboration with REG/EUCL. In
upgrading the natural resources and protect land and increase the economic opportu nities and
social facilities in the urban areas, 767m ravine in Niboye sector, Nyakabanda cell, Gikundiro
Village was constructed at 98 percent and has improved citizens safety and environment

2. The most Imihigo of Social transformation that impacted the citizens

Table 10: Most imihigo to promote resilience and enhancing graduation from poverty and
extreme poverty in kicukiro that impacted the citizens

Imihigo that mostly impacted the social Very High Moderate Low Very Mean
transformation to promote resilience and high low
enhancing graduation from poverty and
extreme poverty
1. VUP expanded public works 24.9% 43.4% 25.7% 5.0% 0.9% 2.14
2. One cow per family programme
15.5% 48.2% 27.9% 6.8% 1.6% 2.31
and small livestock
3. Eradicating malnutrition 23.3% 41.2% 27.9% 6.8% 0.8% 2.21
Source: The researcher, 2019
It is revealed by the respondents that all the imihigo set by the District to promote reliance and
enhancing graduation from poverty and extreme poverty by extending V UP public works,
distributing one cow per family and distribution of small livestock to vulnerable citizens have
highly impacted the citizens in Kicukiro District, but mostly the expanded VUP public works.
Programmes in Kicukiro District and elsewhere in the country were initiation to held extreme
poor to graduate from poverty. Among them, are the direct financial support, direct labor and
soft skill training and special support to households. In Kicukiro District, direct support
increased by 38.5 percent and by 87.3 per cent in 2019. Intensive labor reduced at by 43.7
percent in 2018 while increased to 92.6 percent. Minimum package reduced at 109.3 percent in
2018 and increased at 44 percent in 2019. In this recent three years 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and
2018-2019, a total of 477 dairy cows were distributed among poor family in the implementation
of one cow per family for family wealth creation and nutrition improvement. To eradicate
malnutrition, several campaigns were organized by the District and District Social Development
partner and 9,900 fruits trees planted across Sectors within Kicukiro District, while children and
mothers with malnutrition receive fortified blending food (FBF)

Table 11: Most imihigo of enhancing demographic dividend that impacted the citizens

Imihigo do you think impacted your social Very High Moderate Low Very Mean
transformation in enhancing demographic dividend high low
1. Construct health facilities with adequate
21.6% 45.0% 27.0% 5.8% 0.6% 2.19
2. Reduce maternal maternity death ratio 16.1% 44.4% 31.3% 7.5% 0.6% 2.32
3. Maintain vaccination coverage 21.6% 40.3% 31.1% 7.0% 0.0% 2.24
4. Delivery at health facilities 20.8% 41.2% 28.4% 9.2% 0.4% 2.27
5. Reduce communicable and non
communicable disease through community 17.4% 39.4% 33.7% 8.5% 0.9% 2.36
6. Organized drug abuse sensitization
19.1% 37.6% 33.6% 9.3% 0.4% 2.34
campaign among the youth
7. Awareness on reproductive health and
17.8% 39.9% 31.5% 10.3% 0.4% 2.36
family planning
Source: Researcher, 2019
In demographic dividend, Kicukiro District targeted to construct health facilities with adequate
equipment to reduce maternal death and increase quality health. The construction of 7 heath post
in cells of Kicukiro that receive patients at around 120 per day each and 10 health centers in the
District had reduced highly the communicable and non communicable disease thought access to
quality health and community mobilization and health campaign. The statistical findings of the
assessment indicate that all the Imihigo signed in enhancing demographic dividend for social
transformation were very important and significantly changes social lives of the citizens in
Kicukiro District. All the means on how the Imihigo of enhancing demographic dividend were
below 2.5, which indicates their level of importance towards their social transformation and
enhance the demographic dividend of citizens in Kicukiro District. Community is mobilized in
the payment of CBHI , coverage of community based health insurance scheme at 95.81 percent.

Table 12: Most Imihigo on demographic dividend to access quality education that changed
lives of citizens.

Imihigo did improve the your demographic Very High Moderate Low Very Mean
dividend to access quality education high low
1. increase pre-primary net enrollment rates
18.3% 42.1% 31.7% 7.4% 0.5% 2.30
by constructing ECD in villages
2. Construction of modern class-rooms 17.1% 41.9% 31.4% 9.0% 0.6% 2.34
3. Promoting TVT by increasing students
17.4% 36.7% 32.4% 11.6% 1.8% 2.44
4. reducing drop-out by introducing
abajyanama b’uburezi (Education community
17.8% 33.1% 37.7% 11.0% 0.4% 2.43
workers at cell levels and school data
management system and working with parents
Source: Researcher, 2019
The imihigo stated to improve the demographic dividend to access quality of education in
Kicukiro District towards a strong foundation of equality education to the Kicukiro resident’s
child. In Kicukiro District, 5 Early child Centers (ECD) were constructed in Nyarugunga,
Masaka, Gatenga and Kigarama sectors and increase pre-primary net enrollment. 90 class
rooms constructed in the three recent years, 60 latrines in schools and promoted hygiene in
schools. TVTs were promoted by distributing TVT tool kits and sensitizing youth to adhere in
soft skills trainings. Drop out reduced by introducing Education community workers at cell
levels and enforced school data management system at 100 percent and working with parents,
which the respondents found more core in the f oundation of quality and equitable ed ucation in
Kicukuro District in particular and Rwanda in general. These interventions translated the imihigo
on enhancing the demographic dividend to improve access to quality education very important
and improved access to quality while drop out in primary reduced by 0.6 percent and by 0.8
percent in secondary at the same time repetition rate reduced to be 7.6 percent in primary and 5.3
percent in Secondary.

Table 13: The most imihigo of infrastructure development that impacted the citizens

Imihigo impacted your infrastructure development Very High Moderate Low Very Mean
high low
1. Universal access to electricity to be scaled
22.9% 43.3% 26.7% 5.4% 1.7% 2.20
2. Scale-up access to clean water 18.9% 40.8% 30.9% 7.2% 2.2% 2.33
3. Scale up access to sanitation and hygiene 19.3% 39.5% 31.5% 7.9% 1.8% 2.33
4. Proper waste management 18.6% 33.2% 33.3% 12.0% 2.8% 2.47
5. Broadband coverage rolled out with 4 G
12.9% 30.2% 33.7% 15.5% 7.6% 2.75
6. Develop and facilitation of decent
settlement and relocation of those living in high 15.0% 37.6% 36.4% 8.3% 2.7% 2.46
risk zones
7. Promote recreational activities and sports
15.0% 37.9% 31.7% 12.7% 2.8% 2.51
for all to increase economic impact of all citizens
8. Follow-up reintegrated children and
13.7% 35.3% 38.1% 11.1% 1.8% 2.52
building capacity of their family
Source: Researcher, 2019
The infrastructure development Imihigo in Kicukiro district are planned to ensure that citizens
are relocated in the modern areas that help them to access to basic infrastructure. The research
indicated that the Imihigo of ensuring the universal access to electricity scaled up and 1,241 poor
households were connected with the on grid in Kicukiro District. In the recent 3 years, scaled up
access to clean water, scaled up access to sanitation and hygiene impacted and proper waste
management transformed infrastructure access and improved the social lives of the citizens while
access to broadband coverage rolled out with 4 G network has not reached the citizens
significantly and have not highly impacted the citizens in Kicukiro District. The promotion of
recreation activities in Gahanga, Nyarugunga, Konombe and Gikondo Sector.

Table 14: Most transformational governance imihigo impacted the governance, peace,
justice, and unity for equitable and sustainable development

Transformational governance Imihigo mostly Very High Moderate Low Very Mean
impacted the governance, peace, justice, and unity high low
for equitable and sustainable development
1. Enhanced itorero in the village 25.5% 48.7% 19.6% 5.6% 0.6% 2.07
2. Scaled up unity clubs in village 15.8% 47.4% 29.3% 5.9% 1.6% 2.30
3. Institutionalization of ndi umunyarwanda
25.2% 39.5% 26.9% 8.4% 0.0% 2.18
and abarinzi b’ibihango progamme
Source: Researcher, 2019
The values and unity of citizens in Kicukiro District are consolidated to towards citizen’s
commitment, self reliant, straightening partnership, transparency, and accountability in the
institution. Kicukiro District has signed Imihigo to enhance itorero in the village, scaling up unity
clubs in village and enhance ndi Umunyarwanda programme. The responses f rom the citizens
indicates that all the Imihigo to consolidate good governance and justice by building bl ocks for
equitable ad sustainable national development were very importance and enhanced their peace
and accelerated their development and self reliance and promoted voluntary service programme
among the youth and Promotion of the culture of problem- solving in families though abunzi.

Imihigo impact assessment

1. Economic Transformation impact assessment

Impact of Decent and Productive Job created impact assessment

icukiro District in
K partnership with Private
sector and Joint action
development forum,
faith based organization
created decent jobs ion

manufacturing, meat and dairy and knowledge based services jobs.

The financial support that youth and woman in Kicukiro District highly impacted positively
youth and woman mostly. The impact was seen in their growth and employment at 62.30
percent, access to finance at 60.10 percent, fit for the labor market and innovation at 59.2 percent
and businesses were created ad impacted at 58.2 percent. The overall transformation change o f
the citizens on the job created in significantly affecting positively the lives of the citizens.

Urbanization and sustainability impact assessment

The updated and

of master plan of
CoK, the
promotion and
development of
local material in
with private
sector in line
with made in Rwanda, servicing new residential zones, public lighting and the improved urban
transportation services in kicukiro District have impacted positively the citizens. The respondents
have shown that the impact were seen in the increase of the land value when sold, rental income
increases, goods and services easily accessed and moved, cheaper local product, business
promoted, low transportation cost of goods and people, reduced level of theft of goods, jobs were
created, innovation were promoted, increase in competition, students performance increased,
safer residential houses and no more surprised death in the citizens.

Industrial promotion
The industrialization in
Kicukiro District aimed at
attaining structural shift
in the export based high
value goods and services,
the promotion of made in
Rwanda, promote locally
produced material,
attracting right firms to
increase market linkages
for the value chain.
Kicukiro District has in
partnership with private
sector has established an
industrial park in Gahanga
The established industrial park and agakiriro in Kicukiro
sector and Agakiriro were
District impacted the citizen to access cheap construction
materials, reduced cost of transportation of materials,
increased the added value of their product and received high
quality of local product. Taxes increased for the District and
developmental project implemented.

Domestic savings for

financial services
Kicukiro District has put more
effort in promoting domestic
saving using mobilization of
citizens to adhere in the
initiated Akabando
Programme aimed at savings
for future investments decisions and returns and train youth and give them incentives that attract

investors in the financial sector in Kicukiro District to become

the hub of financial services provider and promote investments.
The mentioned programme with Ejo Heza, initiated by the Kicukiro District has planned to
Government of Rwanda, the citizens are economically increase crop production and
commercializing them for value
transformed by accessing bank services near home at 64.8
chain with engagement of the
percent, pension planning for retirement at 50.40 percent and private sector. The promotion
electronic payment of services and product purchased at 499 of market oriented agri
business and added value.
percent to serve time. Citizens have acquired knowledge and
Surface of land use be
opportunities to open bank account and impacted them at 47.7 consolidated and increased and
percent while Ejo Heza and Akabando programme impacted them irrigation of land be effective
and cost reduction.
at 44.1 percent in the recent three years.

Productivity of agriculture and livestock impact assessment

The implemented imihigo on the agricultural productivity, transformed the citizens by increase of crop,
increased income of famers, pay school fees to children and access to health and improved nutrition
and have cheaper and free seeds. The high impact is seen in having cheaper seeds and increased crop
production in Masaka Sector and Gahanga

Maintained natural resources and environment impact assessment

In setting Imihigo on natural resources and environment protection, Kicukiro District, had a
target of increasing the percentage of trees and the promotion of using gas in cooking. Trees
planted towards development of urban, breadth well by citizens and get fruits.

The results of the

indicated clearly
that 41.6 percent
access fruits and
improved the
food security.
39.2 percent were
impacted and are
now using
cooking Gas and
are enjoying
using gas and
39.3 percent have
their kitchen
inside the house.
33.4 saved time
used in cooking
and 32.5 percent
breadth well
while 31 percent
of the urban heat
reduced and

Social Transformation impact assessment

2.1. Enhancing graduation from poverty and extreme poverty

The programme to
graduation from
povery ad extreme
poverty that are in
the District Imihigo,
impact the
beneficiaries. 43.2
percent were
impacted and are
able to pay school
fees for their
children, 40,5
percent were
impacted being able
to buy clothes and
increased their social

40.5 percent can now buy MUSA and 40.1 percent are able to borrow and save money in the
SACCOs, 39.6 percent are able to get food for their family and others are able to have got fertilizer,
have small shops and can sell milks to dairy and family individuals. Since I have a house, I have
enjoyed being a parent and I am free, I am no longer sleeping with my children . I have my privacy
and can do what I wish with no fear of the presence of the children. Said Christine in ayabaraya
Model Village during interview guide

2.2.Enhancing demographic dividend to access quality of education impact

The planning and execution of the Imihigo in the recent three years to improve the demographic
dividend to access quality of education in Kicukiro District increased students enrolment,
worries to complete my studies reduced, children can communicate easily, students congestion
reduced, soft skills acquired, children behavior changed, labor child protected and reduced,
teachers and students motivated to go to class, well and conducive class environment improved.

The smooth class environment has positively impacted the quality education for all and
improved teacher and student’s performance as indicated in the figure above. The End results of
all these imihigo are to reduce drop out and increase the knowledge of students to this may
increase the economy of the country.

1.1. Enhancing demographic dividend though access to quality health for all
The provision of adequate health facilities and infrastructure in Kicukiro District has enabled
citizens to have good health. The construction of health post in some cells, having district
hospital in Masaka and regional hospital in Kanombe sector, has highly increased the citizen’s
ability to access quality health. This access has changes the lives of citizens in Kicukiro District
accessing Doctors near their homes, reduces queue and appointment with doctor at the hospitals
and got cheap medical care and treatment in their cells and sectors. The figure below indicates
how citizens of Kicukiro District were impacted by imihigo related to the construction of health
post, health center and with adequate equipments.

The access to quality

health in Kicukiro District
has changed the life of the
citizens by reducing cost of
transportation to reach the
hospital and the health
centers. The delivery at
home is now a taboo. The
mothers are delivering at
the health centers in the
sectors and some
treatments are simple are
received at the health post
in the cell.

The impact is that mothers deliver at the heath center and this increased by 68.9 percent of the,
cost of health reduced at 51.2 percent, the maternal death reduced at a level of 46.1 percent,
family planning implemented at 40.1 percent easily, pregnant mothers are being consulted 4
times before delivery and changed at 33.6 percent. queue at the health centers and hospital
changed to 32.1 percent while near home treatment increased at 21.3 percent.

2.4 Infrastructure development

The infrastructure
development in Kicukiro
Distict has impacted the
citizens in having modern
classroom, access to water
and electricity.
The findings revealed that
51.1 percent changed their
lives because they can clean
their closes and drink clean

Water is easily accessed and cost per jerican has reduced to 40.2
percent. Children at home are playing and enjoying without fear
because of the light and can study even in the dark. Household
have opened business and the length of time used to fetch water
decreased to 48.2 percent. Children perform well in class and use
more hours to read and can speak and great me in English and
French now

2.5. Transformational Governance

The promotion of unit and reconciliation among citizens in Kicukiro District is institutionalized
and Ndi umunyarwanda programme promoted at all level. Imihigo implemented were to build
the blocks for equitable and sustainable national development towards culture of solidarity and
mainstreaming gender across sectors for striving for dignity of the nation and putting the citizen
at the center of excellence, patriotism and recidivated to service. Citizens agreed that they are all
Rwandans and strive for development, no discrimination and everything is given by the merits.

The itorero and ndi umunyarwanda programme have impacted the citizens and changed their
mind and values, ethics and culture leant in clubs and public talk “Ibiganiro” have changed them
and today there is unity among themselves and the change is at 42.4 percent. The Rwandan value
and culture transformed the citizens and today they are helping each other at 42.6 percent, while
the inter-marriage increased to 50.8 percent. Citizens leave together, share ideas without doubt
and fear.

It is very clear and evidenced by the regression model that, the implementation of Imihigo since
2006 has impacted the citizens of Kicukiro District. There is a lot of economic transformation,
social transformation and transformational governance as discussed earlier. Citizens in Kicukiro
District participate in the planning and implementation of Imihigo at their levels and this
increased their ownership, accountability and sustainable development of Imihigo in the District.

As a conclusion, the research revealed that the imihigo of the District highly impacted the
citizen’s economic transformation, social and transformation governance as stipulated in th e
discussion of results.


i) The District should improve the level of involvement of citizens in the Imihigo planning
to increase the level of ownership in its implementation at all level

ii) The Citizens need to be aware of the Imihigo that they will implement so that they may
not be surprised by the local leaders and be forced to implement them. This will allow
the community to be more involved in the sustainability of the achievement and
prepare the financial plan to assist the local leadership in the implementation of

iii) The list of Imihigo of the family needs to be informed to the community and if possible
be implemented as much as possible and the role of the local government in the
mobilization and awareness campaign be seen and known

iv) The priorities submitted by the community during the imihigo planning stages that were
not included in the approved Imihigo to be implemented at the sector and district
level need be kept and be used in the next fiscal year. This will still encourage the
citizens to be still important in the imihigo planning and implementation process.

v) During the imihigo setting, proposed targets would be the ones that impact more the
social transformation and governance rather than economic transformation that would
have long term impact to citizens.


1. MINALOC, Imihigo concept note, (2006)

2. KICUKIRO DISTRICT, (2018), Kicukiro District Imihigo 2018/2019

3. KICUKIRO DISTRICT, (2017), Kicukiro District Imihigo 2017/2018

4. KICUKIRO DISTRICT, (2018), Kicukiro District Action Plan

5. NISR, (2017), EICV5,

6. NST1, 2017-2024, Rwanda

7. KICUKIRO DISTRICT, 2018, Kicukiro District Development Strategy

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