Splay Trees

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Try this Example

Construct an AVL Tree with the following sequence of elements.

25, 7, 5,20,13,11,9,24,50,17,43

Deletion operation in AVL Tree:

 The deletion operation in AVL Tree is similar to deletion operation in BST.
 But after every deletion operation we need to check with the Balance Factor condition.
 If the tree is balanced after deletion go for next operation otherwise perform suitable rotation
to make the tree Balanced.

Search opeartion in AVL Tree:

 We perform search operation on AVL Tree as standard BST search operation.
 Search operation on AVL Tree does not need any rotation.
Tree traversing Tecniques:
 Tree traversing techniques on AVL Tree are same as BST traversing techniques.
 The tree traversing techniques are inorder, preorder and postorder.

---------------------------------------------Splay Tree------------------------------------------

Splay Tree is a self - adjusted Binary Search Tree in which every operation on an element
rearranges the tree so that the element is placed at the root position of the tree.

In a splay tree, every operation is performed at root of the tree. All the operations on a splay tree are
involved with a common operation called "Splaying".

Splaying an element is the process of bringing it to the root position by performing suitable rotation

In a splay tree, splaying an element rearrange all the elements in the tree so that splayed element is
placed at root of the tree.

With the help of splaying an element we can bring most frequently used element closer to the root
of the tree so that any operation on those element performed quickly. That means the splaying
operation automatically brings more frequently used elements closer to the root of the tree.

Every operation on a splay tree performs the splaying operation. For example, the insertion
operation first inserts the new element as it inserted into the binary search tree, after insertion the
newly inserted element is splayed so that it is placed at root of the tree. The search operation in a
splay tree is search the element using binary search process then splay the searched element so that
it placed at the root of the tree.
In a splay tree, to splay any element we use the following rotation operations...

Rotations in Splay Tree

 1. Zig Rotation
 2. Zag Rotation
 3. Zig - Zig Rotation
 4. Zag - Zag Rotation
 5. Zig - Zag Rotation
 6. Zag - Zig Rotation

Zig Rotation
The Zig Rotation in a splay tree is similar to the single right rotation in AVL Tree rotations. In zig
rotation every node moves one position to thr righ from its current position. Consider the following

Zag Rotation

The Zag Rotation in a splay tree is similar to the single left rotation in AVL Tree rotations. In zag
rotation every node moves one position to the left from its current position. Consider the following

Zig-Zig Rotation
The Zig-Zig Rotation in a splay tree is a double zig rotation. In zig-zig rotation every node moves
two position to the right from its current position. Consider the following example...
Zag-Zag Rotation
The Zag-Zag Rotation in a splay tree is a double zag rotation. In zag-zag rotation every node
moves two position to the left from its current position. Consider the following example...

Zig-Zag Rotation
The Zig-Zag Rotation in a splay tree is a sequence of zig rotation followed by zag rotation. In zig-
zag rotation every node moves one position to the right followed by one position to the left from its
current position. Consider the following example...

Zag-Zig Rotation
The Zag-Zig Rotation in a splay tree is a sequence of zag rotation followed by zig rotation. In zag-
zig rotation every node moves one position to the left followed by one position to the right from its
current position. Consider the following example...

Every Splay tree must be a binary search tree but it is need not to be balanced tree.

Try this Example: Construct a splay tree with following elements.

Applications of Splay Trees:
 Splay trees have become the most widely used basic data structure because they’re the
fastest type of balanced search tree for many applications.
 Splay trees are used in Windows NT (in the virtual memory, networking, and file system
 In the gcc compiler and GNU C++ library, the sed string editor.
 In Fore Systems network routers, the most popular implementation of Unix malloc, Linux
loadable kernel modules, and in much other software.

Red-Black Tree is a self-balancing Binary Search Tree in which every node is colored either RED
In Red Black Tree, the color of a node is decided based on the properties of Red Black Tree.

Properties of Red Black Tree

 Property #1: Red - Black Tree must be a Binary Search Tree.

 Property #2: The ROOT node must be colored BLACK.
Type your text
 Property #3: The children of Red colored node must be colored BLACK. (There should not
be two consecutive RED nodes).
 Property #4: In all the paths of the tree, there should be same number of BLACK colored
 Property #5: Every new node must be inserted with RED color.

Why Red-Black Trees?

 Most of the BST operations (e.g., search, max, min, insert, delete.. etc) take O(h) time where
h is the height of the BST.

 The cost of these operations may become O(n) for a skewed Binary tree.

 If we make sure that height of the tree remains O(logn) after every insertion and deletion,
then we can guarantee an upper bound of O(logn) for all these operations.

 The height of a Red-Black tree is always O(logn) where n is the number of nodes in the tree.

 Comparison with AVL Tree

The AVL trees are more balanced compared to Red-Black Trees, but they may cause more
rotations during insertion and deletion.

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