A New Coordinated Control Strategy For Boiler-Turbine System of Coal-Fired Power Plant
A New Coordinated Control Strategy For Boiler-Turbine System of Coal-Fired Power Plant
A New Coordinated Control Strategy For Boiler-Turbine System of Coal-Fired Power Plant
Abstract—This paper presents the new development of the Differential parameter in PID controller.
boiler-turbine coordinated control strategy using fuzzy rea- Transfer function output to input .
soning and autotuning techniques. The boiler-turbine system is Decoupling compensator output matrix.
a very complex process that is a multivariable, nonlinear, slowly
time-varying plant with large settling time and a lot of uncer- Decoupling compensator matrix.
tainties. As there exist strong couplings between the main steam Error between set-point and current value.
pressure control loop and the power output control loop in the Change value of the .
boiler-turbine unit with large time-delay and uncertainties, auto- First-order lag filter time constant.
matic coordinated control of the two loops is a very challenging System sampling period.
problem. This paper presents a new coordinated control strategy
(CCS) which is organized into two levels: a basic control level and Fuzzy membership of variable .
a high supervision level. Proportional-integral derivative (PID) System static gain.
type controllers are used in the basic level to perform basic control System critical period.
functions while the decoupling between two control loops can be Amplitude margin.
realized in the high level. A special subclass of fuzzy inference Phase margin.
systems, called the Gaussian partition with evenly (GPE) spaced
midpoints systems, is used to self-tune the main steam pressure Boiler firing rate.
PID controller’s parameters online based on the error signal and Governor value position.
its first difference, aimed at overcoming the uncertainties due to Main steam pressure.
changing fuel calorific value, machine wear, contamination of the Power output.
boiler heating surfaces and plant modeling errors. For the large Main steam flow.
variation of operating condition, a supervisory control level has
been developed by autotuning technique. The developed CCS has Main steam temperature.
been implemented in a power plant in China, and satisfactory Abbreviations
industrial operation results demonstrate that the proposed control DCS Distributed control systems.
strategy has enhanced the adaptability and robustness of the CCS Coordinated control system.
process. Indeed, better control performance and economic benefit GPE Gaussian partition with evenly space.
have been achieved.
TPE Triangle partition with evenly space.
Index Terms—Boiler-turbine coordinated control strategy, CARMA Controlled autoregressive moving average.
decoupling control, industrial application, multivariable systems, AGC Automatic generation control.
power plant.
Critical gain in power control loop.
Critical gain in pressure control loop.
T HE majority of coal-fired power plants in China built more
than a decade ago were once expected to operate at near
full capacity but are now operating in a load following mode
Proportional parameter in proportional-integral due to the rapid development of the power industry. Conse-
derivative (PID) controller. quently, AGC of power networks becomes necessary in order
Integral parameter in PID controller. to meet varying load demands at different time periods. As a
key component of power network AGC, the coordinated con-
Manuscript received December 1, 2003. Manuscript received in final form trol of fossil-fueled generating units plays a vital role in safe
June 8, 2005. Recommended by Associate Editor V. Gopal. This work was and economic operation of the system. Since the performance
supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under
Grant 60474051, in part by the Key Technology and Development Program of of the multi-input–multi-output (MIMO) boiler-turbine system
Shanghai Science and Technology Department under Grant 04DZ11008, and in can vary significantly due to the complex nonlinearity in dif-
part by the program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China ferent operating regions, conventional linear control methods
S. Li and H. Liu are with the Institute of Automation, Shanghai Jiaotong Uni- may not be sufficient for the whole operation range [1]–[5].
versity, Shanghai 200030, China (e-mail: syli@ sjtu.edu.cn). For the boiler-turbine control system, the central task is to
W.-J. Cai, Y.-C. Soh, and L.-H. Xie are with the School of Electrical and adjust the output power to meet system demand while min-
Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798,
Singapore (e-mail: [email protected]). imizing unwanted pressure and temperature variations. The
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2005.854319 turbine speed is controlled by the main steam pressure to drive
A characteristic of the boiler system is highly complex and pulverized coal disturbances caused by uncertain coal
nonlinear. The main nonlinearity is related to the property of mill working conditions [3], the strong couplings could
gain and time constant in the boiler process, and the property create severe problems for system stability and control,
variation is dependent on the plant load. In order to control the particularly when the unit is operating at high load.
complex system, the boiler-turbine CCS is usually adopted in 2) Nonlinearity. The system exhibits highly nonlinear char-
the industry which can be regarded as a two-input–two-output acteristics when the power output changes over a wide
(TITO) multivariable control system. The conventional struc- range, as pressure increases/decreases and heat transfer
ture of CCS is shown in Fig. 2, where the two inputs are boiler rates do not vary in proportion to the fuel inputs.
firing rate (coal feeder speed) and turbine governor valve po- 3) Long Settling Time with Time-delay. There is a long
sition ; two outputs are the main steam pressure and the settling time in the change of steam pressure or power
real power output , respectively. output while changing the coal feeder speed due to mas-
The boiler-turbine unit is a time-varying and nonlinear system sive storages of mass and energy. The results of real-time
with strong interactions and uncertainties. Through careful the- dynamic experiments [5] show that the time constant and
oretical analysis [5], a linearized system model for a given op- time-delay from the coal feeder speed to the main steam
erating point can be obtained as pressure or the power output can vary within 6 15 min
with varying load.
4) Uncertainty. In coal-fired units, the fuel is supplied by
coal mills which have uncertain dynamics due to varying
(1) time-delay of the grinding process and the uncertain be-
havior of the mills caused by coal quality variation and
where the and denotes the steady-state values of and machine wear.
, is the transfer function between the main steam flow
and the power output which represents the dynamics of IV. COORDINATED CONTROL
the turbine and reheater.
Although the boiler-turbine unit transfer function can be ap- A hierarchical coordinated control scheme for the main steam
proximated by (1) for a given operating point, the boiler-tur- pressure and the power output consists of two levels: a basic
bine system remains very complex, and conventional control ap- control level and a supervisory control level as shown in Fig. 3.
proaches [1], [5] have encountered great difficulties due to the The supervisory control level is referred to as the autotuner
following factors. of CCS controller/decoupler, its functions include:
1) Strong Coupling. There are strong couplings between • monitoring the control performance online and iden-
the main steam pressure control loop and the power tifying the mathematical model of the boiler-turbine
output control loop. If there exists frequent unmeasured system;
under the Voltage-constant running mode. From Figs. 2 is to use autotuning PID controller to implement real-time
or 3, the equivalent transfer function of the system with control.
an integral filter in the generator is given by
A. Fuzzy Autotuning PID Controller
(6) In order to enhance the robustness and control performance of
the main steam pressure loop, a fuzzy autotuning PID controller
With a feedforward controller to compensate the action of is adopted for better performance [9]. By using fuzzy rules based
to , we have on expert knowledge to adjust PID parameters which are ini-
tially determined by classical tuning rules, high-quality control
(7) performance can be expected than that of the PID controllers
with fixed parameters.
where is the controller in the first control loop, and 1) Fuzzy Rules for Tuning PID Parameters: Based on the
feedforward controller can be obtained as step response analysis, human expertise for the process and ex-
(8) tensive simulation studies, a set of autotuning rules for the PID
parameters of the following form are proposed:
This feedforward controller may not be realizable. In if is and is
practice, a PD controller is usually adopted to satisfy this
then is is is (12)
need with the following form:
where and are the current error and its first differ-
(9) ence of the main steam pressure, , , , and represent
a member of fuzzy sets for , , , and , respec-
where the parameters and can be calculated by tively, .
the Ziegler–Nichols method in [16], as follows: For the given prescribed minimum/maximum
of and of in Step 4) of the
(10) autotuning algorithm, the tuning coefficients , and of
, and , are given, respectively, by
and the filter time constant can be determined from
experiments, the engineering rule of thumb value is two (13)
to three times the process time constant.
3) PID controller The PID controller used in this paper is (14)
given as follows:
(11) (15)
gain. Also, since processes have large time-delay, a small inte- FUZZY AUTO TUNING RULES OF
gral gain is desired to reduce the overshoot. When the output
response is near the set-point, the proportional gain and integral
gain should be changed from large to small and from small to
large, respectively, to make the controlled output converge to
the set-point quickly. The autotuning rules for , and
are given in Tables I–III, respectively.
2) Fuzzification Strategy and Fuzzy Inference: In fuzzifica-
tion, the shape of membership function characterizes the intu-
ition of converting the crisp value into linguistic value to fit the
human thinking process. Gaussian-shaped membership function
is chosen as the membership function of the antecedent part
or in (12) as it better fits human intuition. Similar functions given in (8) and (9). Then the defuzzification yields
to the triangle partition system with evenly space (TPE) [18], the following results:
Gaussian-shaped membership function have the following fea-
tures: 1) the membership function is symmetrical about its cen-
tral value, 2) all membership functions have the same shape, and (20)
3) the space between the central values of two adjacent members
are equal and these constitute the GPE used in our system.
The Gaussian membership function is defined as
where is the center value of the membership function of
. Point is a unique element that has membership value (22)
1 in , this guarantees four rules without zero contribution at
any one time.
According to the fuzzy autotuning rule given in (12), where or is the value of or corresponding to the
and Tables I–III, the crisp sampling value or grade for the th rule . Once , and are obtained,
is first fuzzified into linguistic value based on the previous the PID controller parameters , and can be autotuned
fuzzification strategy by seven reference membership functions online based on (13)–(15).
denoting the linguistic variables: negative big (NB), negative
middle (NM), negative small (NS), zero (Z), positive small B. Gain-Scheduling of the PID Type Controllers and
(PS), positive middle (PM) and positive big (PB), respectively. Decouplers
Then, the crisp value of the th rule given in (12) is If it is known how the dynamics of a process change with the
obtained by the product of the membership function values of operating conditions of the process, it is possible to change the
and controller parameters accordingly, known as gain-scheduling.
(19) A measurable process variable, which is descriptive of the oper-
ating condition and used to adjust the controller parameters, is
where is the membership function value of the refer- known as a scheduling variable. For the boiler-turbine process,
ence fuzzy set given a value of , and is the the actual load is chosen as the scheduling variable.
membership function value of the reference fuzzy set given A set , containing m values of
a value of . Based on , the values of and for the scheduling variable is chosen and arranged according to:
each rule are determined from their corresponding membership for ). For each value of
according to the actual load , where . TABLE V
The simple identification approach is on the basis of a MIMO
process under decentralized control. To simplify our derivation,
we adopted two inputs and two outputs control system (shown
Fig. 10. CCS under automatic control. in Fig. 11).
Where , and controllers, noises and process transfer
in automatic mode, the main steam pressure loop and the power functions, respectively, the notation , , 1, 2, are
output loop have had to be controlled by operators because of used in both and domain. In general, and could
the limitations of the conventional CCS. As it is difficult to be any type of controllers that make the closed-loop system
guarantee safe operation of the plant using a conventional CCS, stable. Without loss of generality, assumed that the controllers
such studies were not conducted, and, hence, no comparative and are proportional type. The fundamental relation-
results are available between the proposed approach and the ship between error signals and transfer function outputs for the
conventional CSS. Hence, the results of the proposed approach system are expressed as
and manual operation of the plant is presented, to demonstrate
the improvement in performance with the proposed CSS. and
VII. CONCLUSION Assumed that the process initially test at a steady state with
initial set point, error, and output variables. Notes that , , ,
A new coordinated control strategy for the boiler-turbine unit , and , respectively, and then , .
in a power plant was proposed in this paper to improve the To identify the process parameters, the test involves the fol-
system performance under the load following mode. The system lowing two steps.
consists of two levels with a fuzzy inference system for auto- 1) When kept fixed, make a step change from to ,
tuning the PID controller. The CCS and fuzzy autotuning PID record the error signals for the two loops, until the new
controllers have been implemented in a 300 MW boiler-turbine
steady state is reached at . is defined
unit in China for more than two years. The system has been per-
as the maximum settling time of all loops (See Fig. 2).
forming very well after three years of fine-tuning. In summary,
The incremental equation from the second steady state to
we have adverted the following:
the new state becomes
1) the CCS had successfully replaced the manual operation
in loop coordinate control and the performance has been
very robust;
(A2b) (A5)
which can be written into the compact form
Combine (A1a), (A1b), (A2a) and (A2b) into matrix form
where where
2) 2, (A5) becomes
Because of ,
thus, the matrix is nonsingular if
. From (A1) and (A2), it can be proved that It is again expressed as
The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers
for their helpful comments and constructive suggestions with
regard to this paper.
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controller connected as a proportional controller, the experiment
is carried out in the following procedures.
1) Connect a controller to the process, set the parameters
so that control action is proportional, i.e., , and
0. Shaoyuan Li (SM’05) was born in 1965. He received
2) Increase the control gain slowly until the process starts to the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Hebei University of
Technology, Tangshan, China, in 1987 and 1992, re-
oscillate. spectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department
3) The gain when this occurs is , and the period of the of Computer and System Science, Nankai University,
oscillation is . Tianjin, Beijing, China in 1997.
He is currently a Professor at the Institute of Au-
4) Determine the PID controller parameters according to the tomation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai,
Ziegler–Nichols method as shown in the figure at the top China. His research interests include fuzzy systems
of the page. and nonlinear system control.
Hongbo Liu was born in 1964. He received Yeng-Chai Soh received the B.Eng. degree in elec-
the Ph.D. degree from the Research Center of trical and electronic engineering from the University
Automation, Northeastern University, China, in of Canterbury, New Zealand, in 1983 and the Ph.D.
2000. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from the University
degree at the Institute of Automation, Shanghai Jiao of Newcastle, Australia, in 1987.
Tong University, Shanghai, China. He is currently a Professor in the School of
His research interests include complex thermal Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang
process modeling and control, fuzzy control, and Technological University, Singapore. Since 1995, he
adaptive control. has been the Head of the Control and Instrumentation
Division. His current research interests are in the
areas of robust system theory and applications.
Wen-Jian Cai was born in 1957. He received the Li-Hua Xie received the B.E. and M.E. degree in
B.S. and M.S. degrees from Harbin Institute of electrical engineering from the Nanjing University
Technology, Harbin, China, in 1980 and 1983, of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, in
respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in systems engi- 1983 and 1986, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree
neering, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, in 1992. in electronic engineering from the University of
He is currently an Associate Professor in the Newcastle, Australia, in 1992.
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, He is currently an Associate Professor in the
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
research interest includes advanced process control, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
fuzzy logic control, robust control, and estimation His current research interests include optimal and
techniques. robust control.